#usa communist party
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comrade-onion · 9 months ago
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dioptasesystem · 6 months ago
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sprites4ever · 5 months ago
Extremely hard to swallow pills for the Western far Left:
The only reason Latin and Southern American countries can act like they're the victims of oh-so-evil US imperialism is because the native owners of those countries are all dead. The US American people are descendants of British colonists. Latin and Southern American peoples are descendants of Spanish colonists. The Spanish were far more thorough in their eradication of Natives, hence none of them protesting this misuse of a victim role.
The idea that imperialism and racism are bad was not invented by Brits, but it was popularized in the Western world by Brits.
Socialism was invented by Germans and Brits.
The French revolution may have been a bloody act of democracy, but didn't work. Napoleon and his Grande Armee used the chaos to declare themselves Emperor.
The Soviet Union was not a victim of capitalism, but collapsed because Communism does not work. It was also corrupt beyond belief, and its collapse has led to ex-Soviet countries, especially russia, becoming even more capitalist than before the establishment of the Soviet Union.
The People's Republic of China is less Chinese than the Republic of China aka Taiwan. The PRC was established in 1949 by Mao Zedong and his Chinese Communist Party, and Chinese nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan, establishing an exile government. They are the same people with the same culture, but mainland China is arguably less Chinese, because the CCP constantly revise historical records to suit their propaganda.
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commiepinkofag · 4 months ago
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For United Action Against Fascism New York: Communist Party of USA [1933]
An early anti-fascist pamphlet from the CPUSA originally published as an editorial in the April 1933 issue of The Communist, and reprinted as a pamphlet for the Madison Square meeting against Fascism, April 5, 1933. The Party traces fascism’s emergence in Germany and the conditions by which it grew, including the inability of German Communists to unite with the social-democrats in opposing Hitler. The pamphlet concludes by detailing the work of the CPUSA in organizing a united front against fascism.
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scienceoftheidiot · 4 months ago
Me *likes a post about how USA was very close with nazis prior to WW2 and wouldn't have made a single move without Pearl Harbor, wanting to potentially correct a little and add what I know about this which is kinda true and very interesting
Tumblr : oh you are a communist. You love Stalin. You want more posts about how Europe is so bad for saying the USSR was bad to its people when it was in fact heaven on earth and we should all strive to bring back the glorious days of the USSR
I have a deep feeling the algorithm's name is Emmanuel Macron 😒
PS : I still hate the USA !!!! I hate my own colonialist country !!! That's not a good reason to glorify the USSR and lie about it !!!
PS 2 : I also hate the Nazis. I mean. Do I really have to specify this part.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year ago
The United States can only give lies in all diplomatic context,they lie about the genocide in Gaza, they lie about nato expansion and they even lie about the protests inside the US,such country cannot be trusted
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Il Compagno Wang Yi - Direttore dell'Ufficio Generale della Commissione Centrale per gli Affari Esteri del Partito Comunista e Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, si è recato a Washington, negli USA, per incontrare Antony Blinken - Segretario di Stato degli USA 🇺🇸
🤢 Blinken è una figurata disprezzata in Cina. Il Popolo Cinese conosce molto bene le opinioni anti-Cinesi di Blinken, ma Cina e USA necessitano di portare avanti un Dialogo, in quanto le tensioni tra i due Paesi sono in ebollizione 💬
🇨🇳 A Washington, Wang Yi ha ricordato che Cina e USA sono Paesi che presentano molteplici differenze di natura politica ed economica, ma che le sfide nelle Relazioni Sino-Statunitensi dovrebbero essere affrontare congiuntamente tramite il Dialogo e la Consultazione, per evitare errori di valutazione 🕊
🐲 La Cina ha sempre proposto, e continuerà a proporre, i Tre Principi per le Relazioni tra Cina e USA:
一 Rispetto Reciproco (相互尊重) 🤝
二 Coesistenza Pacifica (和平共处) 🕊
三 Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢) 🤝
🇨🇳 In Cina si dice «事实胜于雄辩», ovvero: «I fatti contano più delle parole», le azioni concrete battono l'eloquenza. Nell'ultimo anno, diversi funzionari statunitensi hanno affermato di non volere contenere l'Ascesa della Cina o di non voler bloccare il suo Sviluppo, ma le azioni sono sempre andate in quella direzione 😡
🤡 Imporre sanzioni a quasi 700 Aziende Cinesi significa «non voler bloccare lo sviluppo della Cina?» Gli USA hanno una visione peculiare sul sostegno allo sviluppo 😡
🤡 Promuovere politiche anti-Cinesi come il "controllo sugli export" ultra-politicizzato significa «non avere l'intenzione di contenere lo sviluppo della Cina»?
🇨🇳 这些令人作呕的美帝国主义的清算之��终将到来 🔥
🤔 Per poter ricostruire le basi di un Rapporto tra Cina e USA, gli Stati Uniti d'America dovranno tornare a seguire e rispettare i Principi dei Tre Comunicati Congiunti Sino-Statunitensi, in cui è inscritto anche il Principio dell'Unica Cina, rispettare il Diritto Internazionale e conformarsi allo Spirito dei Tempi 🕊
✍️ Dal Comunicato Congiunto Sino-Statunitense del 1979: «後和條合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分», la cui traduzione è: «Il Governo degli USA riconosce la Posizione della Cina, c'è solo una Cina e Taiwan è parte della Cina» 🇨🇳
🐲 Taiwan è parte integrante del territorio Cinese - Storia di Taiwan, dall'Impero Celeste fino ad oggi 🀄️
🔍 Approfondimenti:
😡 Il discorso anti-Cinese e suprematista di Blinken viene duramente criticato dal Compagno Wang Wenbin ⭐️
🇨🇳 Xi Jinping a Blinken: «Rispetto Reciproco e Sincerità sono le basi per le interazioni tra stati» 😘
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 Comrade Wang Yi - Director of the General Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, went to Washington, USA, to meet Antony Blinken - Secretary of State of the USA 🇺🇸
🤢 Blinken is figuratively despised in China. The Chinese People are very aware of Blinken's anti-China views, but China and the USA need to carry out a Dialogue, as tensions between the two countries are boiling 💬
🇨🇳 In Washington, Wang Yi reminded that China and the USA are countries with multiple political and economic differences, but that the challenges in Sino-US relations should be addressed jointly through Dialogue and Consultation, to avoid errors of assessment 🕊
🐲 China has always proposed, and will continue to propose, the Three Principles for China-US Relations:
一 Mutual Respect (相互尊重) 🤝
二 Peaceful Coexistence (和平共处) 🕊
三 Cooperation for Mutual Benefit (合作共赢) 🤝
🇨🇳 In China they say «事实胜于雄辩», that is: «Deeds count more than words», concrete actions beat eloquence. In the last year, several US officials have said that they do not want to contain the rise of China or that they do not want to block its development, but actions have always gone in that direction 😡
🤡 Does imposing sanctions on almost 700 Chinese companies mean "not wanting to block China's development?" The USA has a peculiar vision of supporting development 😡
🤡 Does promoting anti-Chinese policies such as ultra-politicized "export controls" mean "having no intention of containing China's development"?
🇨🇳 这些令人作呕的美帝国主义的清算之日终将到来 🔥
🤔 In order to rebuild the foundations of a relationship between China and the USA, the United States of America will have to return to following and respecting the Principles of the Three Sino-US Joint Communiqués, which also include the One China Principle, respecting the International Law and conforming to the Spirit of the Times 🕊
✍️ From the 1979 Sino-US Joint Communiqué: «後和條合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分», whose translation is: «The US Government recognizes China's Position, c 'it's just one China and Taiwan is part of China» 🇨🇳
🐲 Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory - History of Taiwan, from the Celestial Empire to today 🀄️
🔍 Further information:
😡 Blinken's anti-China and supremacist speech is harshly criticized by Comrade Wang Wenbin ⭐️
🇨🇳 Xi Jinping to Blinken: «Mutual respect and sincerity are the basis for interactions between states» 😘
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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falseandrealultravival · 2 years ago
The Domino Theory and The USA
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Won the decisive battle with Japan, The USA, which took control of mainland China, Taken over by the Communist Party He was paranoid.
He fears the Communist Party more than necessary, He also did a "red scare". The domino theory is also a product of such psychology. Fight Vietnam, which shouldn't be fought,
He bled in vain and lost.
Rei Morishita
ドミノ理論とThe USA
日本との決戦を制し、 中国大陸を手中にしたUSAは、 共産党に横取りされて、 彼は疑心暗鬼に陥った。
必要以上に共産党を恐れ、 「赤狩り」も行った。 ドミノ理論も、そのような心理の産物だ。 戦うべきではないベトナムと戦い、
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maotherich · 2 years ago
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Lol get wrecked
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brick-van-dyke · 5 months ago
While, yes, there is evidence of this being some of the case, I think it's important to also consider two important things: where the company who produced this source sit and how much of what's out there was propaganda for Russia or by others (and how this may somewhat overlap considering anti US government sentiment is something shared by both the Russian government AND US communists who are legit leftists).
So who owns WIRED? How reliable is it and how much weight should this article be given? The simple answer is, yes, it's all true, but also we have to be aware of the framing of this article and, most importantly, what is being omitted and what is being highlighted. There was absolutely interference in the 2016 election, this has also been proven in courts and in other sources beyond just the one given, so WIRED absolutely checks out with its facts as being true. However, not everyone who had this opinion was a Russian spy and certainly people who hated and still hate Hillary are Russian spies at all. However, many are leftists who are radical communists or anarchists who hold an agenda similar to that of Russia; the growth of communist ideologies and anti us government sentiment.
That reflects today and it's not only true for the US, but for Palestine as well. For those unfamiliar, Russia has been pushing (along with China) for a single state solution for Palestine and have been very aggressively anti Israel. This isn't because what Israel is doing is wrong though, this is because Israel is aligned with the USA and NATO, which is exactly what Russia's target was during election interference in the USA before and would be once again today. It's entirely to undermine the capitalist/ liberal USA government and always has been since even the Vietnam War and the Cold War.
What needs to be considered in this case is this then; is it an enemy of the capitalist system only or the existence of the USA at all? Would a new purely leftist government taken through revolution be Russia's goal, or the destruction of the government in order to win in a war? I actually don't know, but I do know that I can agree that democrats have committed horrific acts to keep NATO existing and that NATO itself is an imperialist power.
This is where a lot of nuance comes in here, do we accept that there is Russian propaganda that happens to align with leftist ideals or do we reject our own ideals because we don't want to confirm to Russian interference? It's hard to know what way is the "right" way since there is a lot of geopolitical factors at play here. It's hard to know what would be the overall best. Ultimately, I think it depends what type of future we, as individuals, want for the USA. If you're a Trotskyist, for example, you may align with Russia's perspective already since you already happen to believe in the same ideologies. Likewise, you may be against the fall of the government overall and want internal change through peaceful means and no use of force, which means voting blue anyway regardless of who it is even without this interference or knowledge of it. I think, in this way, as much as it is important to know all of this, it isn't as earth shattering as one might think at first glance. There's nuance and context behind it that, when you think about it, isn't all that surprising.
Essentially, it really depends on your beliefs and how ""susceptible"" to said propaganda you are. Especially since this propaganda isn't just "Russian propaganda" but specifically communist propaganda, which will push people into being radicalised into far left circles, which...isn't really a bad thing depending on where you sit. Of course, this isn't for everyone and those who are more centrist/ moderates would see it as a very bad thing for so much far left propaganda to exist and push for revolution. And overall, of course, both sides would have at least some concern that it's from a foreign country, no matter how inevitable it is due to the geopolitical context that said country would do this in any situation that could radicalise people into communism.
For people who don't remember the 2016 Tumblr was full of Russian trolls who posed as progressive social justice blogs and urged young liberals to throw their vote away on a third party. You can read more about it here :https://www.wired.com/story/tumblr-russia-trolls-propaganda/ This camapign was extraiordinary succesful and third party voters were a key reason why Trump one( if you look at the electoral results you will see that the race was so close that if the third party votes had gone to Hillary she would have easily buried Trump) Sadly we didn't know that this was a orchestred camapign until Tumblr released the data itself and told us who the blogs were. Those were not simple spam blogs. They were pros. They knew how to talk to people, they made real posts and interacted. They tried this in 2020 but we were wary because the memories were still fresh But now thy are trying again. I just found this guy who is running the EXACT same play book as in 2016. Pretending to be a person of color , poting progresive posts while at the same time urigng everyoe to vote third party. As soon as I called him out he immedately blocked me beause he knew I outed him. So now i's up to you guys. Don't let Trump supporting Russian trolls run their psy ops here. Report en masse and get them now instead of waiting for months for tumblr to tell us they worked for Trump REPORT THIS RUSSIAN TROLL NOW. DON'T LET THEM PULL THEIR GAMES AGAIN: https://www.tumblr.com/decolonize-the-left
#sorry for the long ramble but context is important and I think this gives people extra information to decide where they want to sit#I personally agree with this specific thing so I may be somewhat biased#That being said I am against Russia's push to aquire power and (unlike the Trotskys I know) I se Russia as an imperialist power as well#I don't trust Russia but I can at least agree that we share some ideologies and anri US gov sentiment is one of them#I would personally still push to have a revolution and for further radicalisation because capitalism is a cancer that's killing our world..#but also implementing preventions against Russia and a strategy to stop them from becoming too confident when one imperialist competator is-#- eliminated.#I think preparing for interventions to prevent Russia's imperalism is important but that shouldn't mean compromising on a revolution#since we do legitimately need one since yeah the USA is just as bad if not worse when it comes to imperalism and corruption.#The optimistic result would be a strong communist party in the USA that is so anti imperialist that they can remain strong and independent#Even more preferable would be a revolution that returned sovereignty to the rightful Indigenous people of the land.#It would be great if the revolution was by and for them but idk if there'd be enough numbers for a successful revolution in that case.#I at least hope that they'd be the ones to lead since there's no anti imperalism until the country is decolonised and the land is returned.#but yeah I think I made my point anyway
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jovialbasementbouquetblr · 16 days ago
2024: Xmas Charm Offensive from China -- Essay Contest Call for Entries: "Stories of Sino-U.S. Friendship and Cooperation"
Reminds 物极必反 old Chinese saying — when things have gone to one extreme, things have to turn around. US – China relations have been good for some years so … Maybe a reset for the next president? Send your entry to [email protected] 把鼓岭故事和鼓岭情缘传承下去、发扬光大 ——2024鼓岭论坛发言摘编(二) People’s Daily December 25, 2024 Call for Entries: “Stories of Sino-U.S. Friendship and…
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esinofsardis · 1 month ago
Organizing together is the way to hope
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minnesotafollower · 7 months ago
U.S. Again Ranks Cuba in Worst Category for Human Trafficking
On June 24, the U.S. State Department released its 2023 Trafficking in Persons Report on human trafficking, whose “severe forms” are defined in the U.S. Trafficking Victims Proetection Act (TVPA) as: “sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age” or “the recruitment,…
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downwiththebad · 11 months ago
Dont like either either democrat or the republican parties?
Welcome to the world of Third Party Voting!
There's a shit ton of candidates running through a third party!
Voting for Democrats is the "leaving the house, getting some exercise, and drinking more water is good for your mental health" of societal change. Everyone keeps telling you to do it, worst of all your mom keeps telling you to do it, and it's not a magical cure-all, but it actually works and rotting in your room shitposting does not help in either scenario.
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year ago
Jnuss Bau: The Hollywood Blacklist: 1947-1960
. The late 1940s and all the way up to at least the mid-1950s or so was one of the most fascist illiberal and anti-liberal democratic periods of our time. I think elements of today’s Tea Party and the Ann Coulter’s of the world would’ve loved to be alive back then. Because it was a time when an American could be perceived as being a bad person simply because of who they may have associated with…
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molsno · 5 months ago
also while I'm complaining about marvel movies, fuck black panther. the black panther party was the closest thing the usa has ever had to a genuine communist vanguard party and it was violently dismantled by the us government murdering its leaders and locking its members in prison. it pisses me off that now whenever people hear "black panther" they think of the pro-monarchy movie where the token white ally is an agent of the us state department and the villain is a caricature of the actual black panthers rooted in red scare propaganda, a movie where the solution they propose for a bloody history of slavery and antiblackness is liberal reforms. it's just as much of a usamerican propaganda piece as any other marvel movie
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lynnsyrup · 2 years ago
China shouldn’t be buying anything from The United States if it especially poses a threat to our national security they are a Communist country just like Russia and probably wouldn’t hesitate to destroy my home we can’t let that happen and I’m happy that actually some Republicans and The White House is working to ban Chinese ownership from American farm lands and keep it in Americans hands
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