#China (People’s Republic of)
degeneratedworker · 8 months
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"Victory will surely belong to the Palestinian people" People's Republic of China c. 1970s
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that-butch-archivist · 2 months
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"Lesbian Rights March, September 1995, People's Republic of China" (Photographed by Ann Meredith)
source: The Wild Good: Lesbian Photographs and Writings on Love, edited by Beatrix Gates
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brother-emperors · 8 months
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cassius: bhe, you are so so lucky that your mom is sleeping with caesar. never gamble. you've used up all your luck here.
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Brutus: The Noble Conspirator, Kathryn Tempest
anyway, the Vettius affair sure was something. also! Cassius here is echoing what Confucius has to say about revenge! unfortunately, neither of them got the memo on the other part of that
Zi-xia asked Confucius, saying, 'How should (a son) conduct himself with reference to the man who has killed his father or mother?' The Master said, 'He should sleep on straw, with his shield for a pillow; he should not take office; he must be determined not to live with the slayer under the same heaven. If he meet with him in the market-place or the court, he should not have to go back for his weapon, but (instantly) fight with him.'
Liji [Book of Rites], Tan Gong Part I, trans. James Legge
to be clear, this is a very unserious comic, I do not think that Brutus immediately throwing down with Pompey after making eye contact in the streets would have fixed anything, HOWEVER. it WOULD be extremely funny. to me.
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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antiwaradvocates · 1 year
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Soviet poster (1950): "The front of peace is invincible!"
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gregor-samsung · 4 months
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少年的你 [Better Days] (Derek Tsang, 2019)
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velvetvexations · 1 month
The Red Scare wasn't bad because the Soviet Union was good, it was bad because quite a lot of communists in America were not associated with the Soviet Union or even hated the Soviet Union, and many of the people targeted in the Red Scare weren't even communists at all.
I saw a post smugly announcing China's report on human rights in the US and I wanted to break my fucking legs. And I want to talk about how the Soviet Union used to gleefully report on the oppression of Black-Americans, and how Soviet citizens made a grim joke out of how it was obvious hypocritical whataboutism, but holy shit China is not even fucking communist anymore and hasn't been for longer than I've been alive.
I think if Trump didn't win the primary he could have ran for the Communist Party instead and tankies would have voted for him in droves just because the word makes their brains tingle. How can you go from "East Germany was great because they were a little less aggressively awful to people specifically because of them being queer" to stanning the country that just a couple years ago banned men who appear or act too feminine from television? How stupid can you possibly be?
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resistancepartisan · 2 months
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Communist Red Guards in Tiananmen Square in Peking (Beijing), 1967
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safije · 5 months
whats your take on PRC ? the surveillance is mad there + the uyghur situation
The Uyghur situation is a lot more complicated than westerners think.
I'll give you a bit of a backstory starting 10 years ago, Uyghur seperatism was on the rise and some Uyghurs were joining ISIS or Syrian Rebel groups and committing terrorist attacks in China.
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The Communist Party has always had restrictions on religion but because of this, they reacted with even harsher anti-Islam policies and propaganda. I have a friend living in China who told me her friend in Xinjiang hasn't been allowed to fast for Ramadan in 6 years. As a result, many religious Uyghur families moved abroad mainly to Türkiye and Kazakhstan. According to my friend in İstanbul, the Uyghur family she knows hasn't been able to get contact with a relative still in Xinjiang.
However I will say I disagree with people saying that this is a race war and that China just wants everyone in their country to be culturally Han. There are still millions of Uyghurs living in Xinjiang and most of them are not in concentration camps, most of them are fluent in their language and are not banned from speaking or writing in it. Contrary to popular belief, the PRC does give some autonomy to ethnic minorities. They even have government ID cards written in their own language.
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If anyone here is Uyghur and wants to add their two cents, my inbox is open (for now)!
İnşa Allah I pray things get better for you all soon. 🤲🏻
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degeneratedworker · 3 months
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"Destroy the old world; Forge the new world." The People's Republic of China 1968
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fletxerandoliver · 1 year
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Taipei by night
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vyorei · 8 months
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Biden's looking to get Iran in trouble
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antiwaradvocates · 2 years
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Working people must categorically reject and condemn all US warmongering, provocation, and posturing towards the People’s Republic of China in the Taiwan Strait. The US feeds on chaos and war—and further, it requires it.
Hands off! Solidarity with the People’s Republic of China!
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chicago-geniza · 6 months
Mila and Tain won't stop flirting outrageously and ostentatiously in public at a big Space Soviet People's Festival and Tolan is like "for fuck's sake I cannot take you two ANYWHERE" lmfao
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beta-lactam-allergic · 5 months
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celticcatgirl2 · 1 day
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“That’s enough adolescent hijinks for me Akane…I’m off to join the People’s Liberation Army and free East Asia form the chains of Capitalist Colonial Oppression….”
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