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scogito · 3 months ago
La vecchia generazione credeva fosse soltanto un film. La nuova generazione se ne sbatte se lo è oppure no.
La prima era tenuta in gabbia perché non cercava risposte, la seconda é tenuta in gabbia perché se ne frega della verità.
Con un preciso intento, sono riusciti a creare dalla prima massa di insicuri una seconda massa di disillusi. Ovviamente tutto attecchisce su ogni piano di realtà, per cui non è che non gli interessa soltanto la trama di un film, non provano niente anche per tutto il resto (con le dovute eccezioni).
In questo Sistema non cambia mai la struttura, cambiano solo i mezzi per arrivare al fine.
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scogito · 1 year ago
Corso ideato da quella fetta di adulti che, per la maggioranza, li ha educati a fare quello che fanno.
È sempre un cerchio. Un serpente che si morde la coda. Sempre lo stesso gioco delle vittime e dei carnefici.
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Corso tenuto dalla supplente di educazione civica.
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Ya know, having a villain f/o can be tricky sometimes! They do things you may not agree with, and that’s ok! You are under no obligation to agree with them 100%!
They do. It love you less for not always going with their plans and ideas, they may welcome criticism and different points of views, adjusting their plans accordingly!
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micharedmc · 2 months ago
Mmmm RE oc scenario Ideas
Trans!Wesker horny after getting T-shots administered by his loving partner in their lab. An absolute menace when trying to work after: "Ivory, dearheart, you know what this does to me..." "I'm working, Albert. the f-virus does not develop itself as beautifully as I can make it develop..." "It can wait in the face of a God who requires seeing to." "...fine." I have came up with the f-virus= fídi virus (fídi= greek word for snake or serpent) (the amount of lore i'm bout to conjure for my oc and the virus i'm making to develop her character ohhhh lord) (Not)Google search: Can mans make Uruboros (man how tf is it spelt) give him a cock instead of needing a strap for his wife? Trans!Wesker giving his trans partner her Estrogen. "Put the damn needle in, Albert. I injected myself with fídi faster than this" "Then perhaps do not move so much." "Needles and injections are as pleasing and exciting as experiments to me, you know that!" I think Ivory will look hot infected by the fídi virus. Slit mouth woman that looks like a snakes maw mmmmm THE SLIT EYES MMMMM THE SPLIT TONGUE MMMMMHAAAAAAA (also yall have seen snakes eat, right? she don't gotta worry about chokin' on NOTHIN anymore.... just goes down on wesker and unhinges her jaw, takes that whole weenus like it aint no problem...) She's gorgeous, I can already SEE her in my head.. Ivory always wears turtleneck sweaters, even in hot weather. Why? Bitch infected herself with a virus she found and experimented with/developed further and is now cold-blooded (ectothermic) so she always cold. Also once the slit eyes come into play, either wears contacts to blend into society or is a fellow sunglasses wearer like her hubby The lines on her cheeks from her snake-like mouth is either waved off as scars by her or she wears a mask to cover them. Her house has so many heating sources in it that if anyone comes over they'll die of heat stroke. "Ivory, please, the heating is too much." "It is not hot enough actually, Birkin. Quit whining and start working."
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raimundo-lido · 3 months ago
Simbolos Satanicos
El Uruboro, la serpiente que se come la cola El uróboro (también ouroboro o uroboro) (del griego οὐροβóρος [ὄφις], ‘serpiente que se come la cola’, es un símbolo que muestra a una serpiente o dragón engullendo su propia cola y formando un círculo con su cuerpo La simbología iconográfica del uróboro aparece, representada en multitud de culturas, la serpiente al alimentarse de si misma, da…
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scogito · 2 years ago
Se ai primi lanci degli autoveicoli a ricarica nessuno se li filava, crollava tutto in due giorni.
L'addormentamento della massa dimostra e provoca il malessere di tutta la società, perché chi si nutre delle illusioni del Sistema non potrà mai creare vero benessere.
Le false credenze inoltre hanno la meglio su qualsiasi senso logico e generano persone che distruggono se stesse, portando con sé gli altri (intenzionalmente o no).
+++Serbatoio auto elettriche+++
Come è noto, la tecnologia BEV – Battery Electric Vehicles, le auto a pile insomma! - prevede l’utilizzo di batterie a ioni di litio per accumulare l’energia necessaria per conferire all’auto la sua autonomia in termini di km percorribili.
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Il pacco batterie è quindi il vero e proprio “serbatoio” dell’auto a pile ma, a differenza di quello delle auto a motore endotermico, è tutt’altro che un semplice contenitore di idrocarburi ma il complesso frutto di tecnologie sofisticate che portano al prodotto finito. ⤵️
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Vediamo quindi l’impatto ambientale ed energetico per la sua costruzione e, per semplicità, supponiamo che esso sia pari a 50 kWh.
Al netto del suo insopportabile bias woke, interrogando chatGPT sui dati salienti relativi al processo di estrazione/raffinazione del litio e alla costruzione delle batterie, l’algoritmo AI mi ha fornito i seguenti dati:
1. Per un pacco batterie da 50 kWh occorrono circa 15 kg di litio.
2. Per estrarre 1 kg di litio occorre scavare fino a 5 tonnellate di roccia spendendo fino a 15.000 MJ di energia, più ulteriori 5.000 MJ per raffinare il metallo estraendolo dalla salamoia risultante. Un totale di 20.000 MJ/kg, equivalenti a 5,6 MWh/kg.
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3. Sicché, per estrarre il litio necessario per fabbricare il nostro bravo pacco batterie dovremo scavare 75 tonnellate di roccia e utilizzare tanta tanta acqua, nell’ordine di 1.800 litri/kg, cioè 27.000 litri (che dicono quelli dell’acqua delle bistecche?). Inoltre, dovremo spendere un’energia di 84 MWh circa. A questa va poi sommata l’energia necessaria per costruire il pacco batterie vero e proprio che, a detta di chatGPT, si aggira il intorno ai 250 kWh per ogni kWh di capacità, sicché ulteriori 12,5 MWh.
4. Ricapitolando, il “serbatoio” di un’auto a pile implica la necessità di scavare 75 tonnellate di roccia, utilizzare (“consumare”? “sprecare”?) 27.000 litri d’acqua e spendere 96,5 MWh di energia.
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In altre parole, l’auto a pile parte con un handicap di devastazione ambientale e un consumo di energia per la costruzione del solo "serbatoio" che non hanno eguali con un’auto a motore endotermico.
Dulcis in fundo, sapete a quanti litri di gasolio corrisponde l'energia meccanica di 96,5 MWh spesa per produrre il solo pacco batterie? 27.600 litri di gasolio, con i quali un’auto degna di questo nome potrebbe percorrere fino a 500.000 km!
(Vincent Vega)
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scogito · 1 year ago
Il noto simbolo dell'Infinito ∞ se lo guardi bene è in realtà un circuito chiuso.
A livello concettuale è stato introdotto dal matematico Wallis che lo definì come una "linea senza fine"... ovvero una retta.
Tuttavia venne disegnato con questa contorsione.
Nel moderno misticismo tale simbolo ∞ viene identificato come una variante dell'Uruboro: il noto serpente che si morde la coda. Un altro circuito chiuso.
Si aggiunge che lo stesso simbolo viene definito come un "8 rovesciato"... e qui si mostra il collegamento numerologico.
L'8 non è un numero che parla di infinito, parla di potere.
L'8 è infatti collegato all'Archetipo del Sovrano.
Per finire, se si accosta tutto agli Arcani: la lama della Forza quando è correttamente numerata e disegnata, si trova in ottava posizione e ha per cappello la forma simile all'infinito.
La Forza di base indica chi controlla il potere.
Chi gestisce la materia, non l'energia...
che non può avere numero, perché è infinita.
Viviamo dentro una simbologia distorta, che mostra in realtà un circuito autobloccante in un Sistema chiuso e fermo al chakra del potere.
Ogni associazione rivolta a una simbologia distorta genera convinzioni distorte nate da proiezioni inconscie distorte.
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rabidgeneralgrevious · 2 years ago
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So I’ve been seeing a lot of roleswap/uruboros!chris on my dash lately,,,,
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dojoerch · 7 years ago
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"At the mountains of madness" Lovecraft inspired concept art from 2017 #lovecraft #greatoldones #hplovecraft #monsters #conceptart #uruboros
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scogito · 1 year ago
Ecco il vero agito di coloro che si convincono di andare "contro" il Sistema.
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closetchild · 3 years ago
tyyy @rattorandagio ♡ in my era where i actually do the tag games ^w^
favorite piece of clothing you own: antique beast night rain rose op for sure,,, i’m really happy to have it finally :’^) but i need to get it altered a bit. the prev owner had cm added to the waist and taken from the bust which is literally the opposite of what i was going to ask the actual shop to do so it fits really, really oddly BUT its no big deal to fix
favorite comfort food: rice, crunchy crackers, etc
favorite time of year: not this one!
favorite song: currently... joumyaku salad. of all time it’s probably uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ehhhhhhhhh amber
do you collect anything?: antique beast, endless dismal moan. the usual... uruboros got a north american release so i see it at used record stores a lot and buy it EVERY TIME so i guess you could say uroboros
favorite fanfiction: i don't actually have one but i'll hand it over to @denyjesuschrist she's a big fan ^_^
tagging: ^^^^^, @minuutti, @obitchuary... whoever else usually does these. @relentlesslyexisting @netego you get the point
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deathbyfluteconcerto · 8 years ago
~let's play a game of is my anxiety making me feel sicker or is my illness making me feel more anxious~
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I want to be hugged by Uruboros! Wesker so badly
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scogito · 2 years ago
Rappresentazione duale del circuito infinito vittima-carnefice.
Tutte le persone che "pregano per lui", si prendono i suoi peccati.
Ai vari precettini vaticani preferisco di gran lunga i detti popolari della nonna:
Uomini avvisati mezzi salvati.
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Tranquilli, non se ne è reso conto nessuno @Pontifex_it @ucscei
Andrea Cionci
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wheremytwinwatches · 5 years ago
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 14
Fighty fighty fight time!
For the record, I chat with a coworker about shows every now and then, I’ve gotten him watching RWBY and update him on my Brotherhood progress. He was quite happy to hear that I’d gotten to Greed, and the implications thereof. I had been under the assumption that all the Goths were working together, but Greed is clearly working on his own plans independent of the main group. That accounts for the main Goths (Lust, Gluttony, Envy) and our immortality-seeker (Greed), which leaves Sloth, Wrath, and Pride unaccounted for. Looking forward to how they’re represented! Episode 14 - “Those Who Lurk Underground” Huh, same intro. We’re definitely past the midpoint (14/26), does Brotherhood not change? Hey, it’s Central! Overhead shot like when Mr. Freeze was casting a city-wide TC. Roy’s walking through a hallway as a bunch of Shadowy Officers gossip. Roy finds their skepticism amusing. Time to talk with the boss… only Fuhrer Bradley’s away? “Inspecting the South”? But that’s where the Elrics went. Maybe I’m being suspicious, but that’s an awfully big coincidence right after Bradley pushed to keep the Philosopher’s Stone experiments suppressed. In the sewers now, Dolcetto’s leading the Chimeras with Al in tow. Sudden sniffing (man that place has to stink even worse for Dog-Man), and they tense up, Roa just says it feels like old times. Ayup, there’s the eyepatch. Bradley’s outside the Devil’s Nest, not looking too happy. “What an interesting discovery for such a routine inspection.” Oh, oh my. Looks like Bradley’s in fighting mode, and he brought Armstrong and some mooks with him. I knew Greed was gonna get stomped by Izumi, this is overkill. [Bradley]: “Move in!” Ed and Izumi are facing off against Armored-Greed now. Who starts laughing at “a housewife and a hotheaded brat.” Yeah, let’s see how funny you find it after oh come ON! Don’t you run away you coward, we’re just getting to the good part. Bleh, what a time for Izumi’s internal injuries to act up.
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Ok good the troops are here. Medic for the lady! Back to Al, who’s struggling against Martel. Worm your way to freedom, buddy! Aw, but Greed just showed up. Still love his smarmy attitude and how he nonchalantly says things have gotten “a little out of hand”, but you’re still holding my boy Alphonse. [Bradley]: “I can’t let you do that.” Ooooh! Was disappointed when Greed split and Izumi keeled over, but maybe we’ll get a good fight scene this episode after all! The Fuhrer is here, swords already drawn. Bradley starts monologuing about how it sucks getting old. Body stops moving the way you want it to, so he’d rather get this over quickly and go home. Greed just laughs and says he should retire- goodbye armor hand! Fight fight fight! Looks like Greed’s hand is regenerating, but nowhere near fast enough to take on Bradley who’s beating him like a pinata. Elsewhere Roa is going hand-to-hand with The Mighty Armstrong (who shed his shirt offscreen, of course). Or rather, hammer-to-hand. Actually, make that majestic statue-to-hand since Armstrong morphed the hammer into something far more fetching. [The Mighty Armstrong]: “Behold! *sparkle sparkle* You have just had the rare pleasure of witnessing the famous Armstrong statuary technique!” Gasp! Roa, how dare you simply throw away such a piece of art! The uncultured barbarian Hulks out to the point that even a direct Armstrong punch to the face doesn’t stop him. This one might take two. The Gun Mooks are dealing with the rest of the Chimeras as Ed and Izumi are taken to safety, per the direct orders of Bradley. So confirmation that Bradley knew there were at least Human-Chimeras there, if they’re carrying out prior orders. But how did he know? Oh dear, Armstrong is still facing Ogre-Roa, slammed into the wall. And may Leto smite you for the damage to Armstrong’s temple by scraping his face against the wall! Trading punches, The Mighty Armstrong commends his adversary, and in his mercy offers Roa a chance to surrender. But Roa oh come on you Mooks! I know you’re following Bradley’s orders but just wait a second and you might get a prisoner to question! Or just shoot the guy whatever. Until sudden rescue from Dolcetto, he cuts a pipe and the Chimera’s make their escape in the steam. Back to Greed, who’s pulled a Deadpool and regrown his hand. Punching, he knocks Bradley’s eyepatch off? But immediately gets sworded through the neck. [Bradley, with a scarred white eye]: “I understand why you’d think you have an advantage over a man like me since I possess neither your impenetrable Ultimate Shield, nor an Ultimate Spear that can pierce any substance. But I’ll tell you a secret. Do you know how I managed to distinguish myself amongst the storms of bullets on the battlefield time after time, to rise to my current position?” [Greed, who’s been better]: “Y-You’re…” Wait Wait wait wait His eye, his scarred eye, the one the eyepatch was covering Uruboros, his pupil is the uruboros symbol WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Bradley’s a Goth?! One of the Homunculi? Ok ok hold up, let’s recount. We’ve got the Main Goths (Lust, Gluttony, Envy) and Greed on his lonesome. Greed knew of the others in that they “didn’t talk anymore” but not that they had access to Soul Armors like Al. And he didn’t recognize Bradley, so no connection there. But Bradley knew enough to come hunting Greed when the Elric Brothers got close, so the jury’s still out on him working with the Main Goths ala the Lab and coverup. Which implies that he’s connected to Hughes’ death but that’s a whole ‘nother thing, we’ll come back to that. So Bradley’s a Goth/Homunculi, possibly connected to the Main Goths pending confirmation, separate from Greed and seeking to kill him for unspecified reasons. So if we’re sticking to the Seven Deadly Sins naming theme, which is he? Sloth? Maybe a play on his super-speed power, but all the others have powers connected to their ability rather than in spite of it. Wrath? Again, generally calm attitude but maybe it’s a mask and he certainly gets angry when our characters haven’t been around to see it like here and against Mr. Freeze. And oh my Leto if he actually is Wrath I am going to scream, I was calling this asshole Fuhrer Fury just based on the eyepatch. If “Fuhrer Fury” was Wrath all along I’m done, I’m just done. That leaves Pride, which I can see as being the top dog of the Military, ties into his speech just then about distinguishing himself. So minor ironic support for Sloth, combat ability supports Wrath (uuuuuugh!), and status supports Pride. [Bradley]: “I may not have the protection of your Ultimate Shield, but I clearly see your weakness with my Ultimate Eye.”
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The Goth of Undetermined Name withdraws his swords, and Greed collapses to the ground. [Bradley]: “Now then, Greed. How many times am I going to have to kill you before you stay dead?” Ok, creepy shot of Bradley’s Uroborus eye glowing in a shadowed face. Far away from the Reveal, Martel’s keeping Al put, wondering where Greed is. Footsteps? Hey, Greed’s coming back looking a bit worse for wear. Bradley let him go? Nope, just led him along with a sword through the neck. Jeez, just finish him off already, don’t drag it out. Oh, Al’s keeping Martel from getting out, saying that Bradley will kill her. Trying to protect your captor? Bradley says he’s killed Greed 15 times now, wonders how many more it’ll take. But don’t fret Greed, help has arrived! In the form of severely wounded Dolcetto and Roa. Huh. Despite them being kidnappers and failing to appreciate fine art, I can respect their loyalty to their boss. Misplaced and bound to get them killed, but still. Respect. And even before they go to die against Bradley, they tell Al to protect her. Cue heartwrenching screaming as she pleads for Al to let her out to help her friends. And Bradley cuts them down. [Greed]: “Whoa, that was a little excessive. Killing me is one thing, but they’re not coming back.” [Bradley]: “Pitying the lost lives of your pawns? Pathetic.” [Greed]: “Excuse me? Are you senile? Did you forget who I am, old man? I’m the living incarnation of greed. Those weren’t my friends, Bradley, they were my possessions! Money! Women! Henchmen! They’re all possessions! So killing my henchmen is the same as stealing from me! And I don’t let people take what’s mine!” Ok, you’re still overall a bad guy and I want you to lose, but damn if that wasn’t one of the most Slytherin things I’ve ever heard. It’d be better if you saw your henchmen as, you know, actual people. But still, that is an excellent way to phrase the Slytherin ideal of self-interest.
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[Bradley]: “Greed… you grow more pathetic by the second!” The Fuhrer unleashes on Greed now, a lovely fluid fightscene until Bradley stabs Greed again and tells him to stay put, he’ll be right back. Guuuuh, I’m getting shivers of seeing this man who just slaughtered the Chimeras walking towards Al with sword drawn, even as he calmly asks if Al’s been hurt and if he can help him at all. And then Martel uses her control of the armor to grab Bradley by the throat. Oh. Oh jeez. Al was pleading for Martel to stop, Martel was screaming for Bradley to die… and Bradley just put a sword right down through the armor. There was *shunk* noise… and then blood started gushing out of Al’s armor. That’s… that’s a thing. Guh blood’s splashed onto the sigil in the armor, that if anything is Al’s physical form that is him wait what? Blood-triggered flashback? Al’s getting his memory back! He did meet Truth like Ed, went through the gate and saw things as his body was torn apart, right at the end he saw Mama Elric? But Truth is smiling that creepy smile and Ed’s grabbing onto his own body what is… Oh god. The viewpoint is looking at young Ed from inside a Transmutation Circle. The Transmutation Circle. And a blackened limb is reaching out. … Al snaps out of it to the sound of Ed’s voice. He asks if Al’s ok, Al asks if Ed’s ok. He’s covered in blood- Ed’s been opened up. The body’s been removed, but the blood is still there. [Al sobbing]: “I couldn’t save her.” Ed tries to tell Al it wasn’t his fault. But this isn’t something you can just brush off with a “Let’s go home, ‘kay?” Bradley’s walking up, saying that he needs to ask them both some questions before they can leave. He asks if they’d known Greed before. And if they traded any information with him. Ed says no, and the military was never mentioned. But I thought when Greed talked about Human Chimeras- [Bradley]: “That isn’t my concern. Let me be more specific.” The Fuhrer has an awful lot scowling armed guys behind him. [Bradley]: “If you arranged a deal or shared any knowledge with him… Then I’ll execute both of you right now.” Ed still insists nothing was said. Now Bradley’s pressing about his metal limbs and any connection to Al’s armored body… before he chuckles about Ed being an honest kid and leaves, telling Ed to take care of his younger brother. ...what’s your game, Bradley? Why are you doing all of this? At the butcher shop, Izumi’s in bed while Bradley visits her in his dress blues. Offering protection? Wait a minute, he’s seriously trying to recruit Izumi as a State Alchemist while she’s bedridden from internal injuries. Ah, so it’s “protection” he’s offering. When Izumi doesn’t bite he just says he’ll be back (quick zoom to his eyepatch), “perhaps you’ll have had a change of heart.” Outside, Ed’s cleaning Al’s breastplate and chatting with Armstrong, saying that Greed had a Uroboros tattoo. Like the Goths at the lab, that he told Armstrong and Hughes- Oh come on! This episode has been brutal enough, do not add “tell the Elrics about Hughes’ murder” to the mix! No, I think Armstrong understands that’d be too much for now. He just tells Ed to not do anything rash, and leaves. Now that they’re alone, Al tells Ed that his memories of Truth are back. A brief lighthearted moment when he imitates their “weird” teasing, but nothing about how to get their bodies back. Ed says that it wasn’t a bust, reminds Al about how there was unrest in the military about the Stone and that Bradley said he was looking into it. [Ed]: “Well Greed was obviously connected to them somehow. But if so… why’d the Fuhrer slaughter everyone? If he was trying to figure out what they’re up to, why didn’t he catch them and make them talk?” There’s only one answer to that: he didn’t want them to talk. He wanted what they knew to die with them. The Elrics don’t seem to have caught onto this yet, I guess not knowing that Bradley is a Goth like we know leaves it murkier. They don’t know, so they’re going to get closer. We return to Central, travel through some pipes, and hear a familiar voice. [Lust]: “Welcome back, Fuhrer. How was your inspection of the South?” Oh crap. Fuhrer’s saying that both “Fullmetal’s younger brother” and “their teacher” are candidates for human sacrifice. The leader of the Military is working for the Goths? At best I was hoping he was another independent Homunculi like Greed was, but this? This is bad. Not to mention that Izumi has a target painted on her back now, since apparently Bradley can see those who have met Truth with his Ultimate Eye. Oh, and he’s brought a present, a wayward Goth. Greed wakes up to see that “the gang’s all here”. Are all the Goths present at this little meeting? Confirmation that it’s Lust who has the Ultimate Spear technique in the form of her Fingers of Doom. Gluttony (still trying out diets) and Envy (“Please! For the last time, get a new outfit!”) are there too. Sloth is namedropped, Lust says he’s being kept working. Which brings Greed to the “new addition”, Bradley. [Bradley]: “I am Wrath the Furious.” Leto DAMN IT, he really was Fuhrer Fury. Come on! To the humans, he’s the leader of Amestris (holy crap did we finally get the name of this country?), but in truth he was created by Father for the plan. Greed is shocked at the idea of a Homunculus that can grow older. “Can”? Bit of teasing between Greed and Envy who does NOT like being called ugly- [Father]: “Stop your nonsense. Both of you.” Oho, the aforementioned Father, maker of the Goths! Methinks we finally get to meet the Big Bad of the show! Father chides the kids to act better- beard beard beard beard beard WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!?!?!!? I know that facial hair! Is that- Are you- Father is Papa Elric?! [FATHER]: “You are both my son and you are a piece of my soul. So why would you betray your loving father?” Greed just says he was being true to his nature, he didn’t want to spend his life working for Father. And when asked to come back, he refuses. Father takes this… not well. As in, he sloooowly dips Greed into molten metal. Greed goes out yelling that he’ll see his siblings in Hell and he’ll give Pops a stomachache. Lots of pipes later, Father downs a toast to The Promised Day… and their undying loyalty. “Talk about cheesy” indeed. After this little family reunion, Bradley/Wrath is taking a walk when a voice called [Selim] calls out “Father!”. Right, Bradley did say in the first episode that he’d have a story for “his boy”. But how does this work, being a Homunculus and all? Tied into how it’s unusual that he can age? We end with charming little family chatter, [Bradley’s Wife] (yes, that is her official subtitle name) worrying about his age, and Selim getting all excited to hear about The Fullmetal Alchemist and saying that he wants to become a State Alchemist to help out his father one day. [Bradley]: “You never know, Selim. Maybe you will help me out someday.” Credits. ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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seniorerre · 8 years ago
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La complejidad y sencillez de la vida #Skull #Uruboro #StreetArt #graffiti #Graff #paisajeurbano #paisajecdmx #notimexfoto #mexigers #PresumeTuCDMX #CDMX (en Zócalo, Centro Histórico)
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