#urgh I had forgotten how perfect this show is
shiroselia · 1 year
This is mostly for my personal reference now that I’m like. I think a quarter-ish into the story and have yet to play half the protag’s stories so that I can look back when I’ve progressed more to see how fucking wrong I was lmfao
25-ish% Remembrance Manda’s 13 sentinels character opinions so far (There are spoilers here)
Juro (Locked at 55%): Who allowed you to have so many waifus king you are literally no better than an isekai protag smh smh, Intriguing what is your deal bro have you killed anyone at all?
Shu (Prologue done): Hilarious guy so far, think he’s mega clueless but I have also eh. literally only played his prologue, one of many reasons why I think one of The greatest things the explanation in this story hinges on is “Can multiple people exist at the same time or are people who are also other people separate?”
Iori (Locked at 85%): I fucking love her but also like, dude, why are you being shipped with Lithurally everyone except like Shu I GUESS, think her Miwa and Usami are an absolute delight of a trio, good times
Megumi (One of two softblocked 28% I’m saving you for later urgh): Had I not thought that her character makes Perfect fucking sense I’d def be very Ohno over her character, but I think she’s cool, NEED to know Fluffy’s deal tho WHO ARE YOU (No way she isn’t being mega strung along lmao)
Yuki (28% softblock numero 2, wtf do you want from me girls’ bathroom lock I am so lost): She’s fun! She’s so fucking good! Think she’s pretty interesting but I’m mostly agonizing over how little I get her gameplay, everytime she interacts with Shu I go “Oh, you’re such a lesbian” and I think that says about all u need to know about how I read her
Ryoko (Locked at 75%): Oooooooooooh sweetheart no oh nonono (Read: I love her but oh god you are being so fucking groomed Usami was so right fucking Run)
Ei (37% I think): I think he’s stupid fucking interesting and I Do appreciate the game for ONCE taking a bit of a break in the “the romance chart in this game is a circle where no arrows point at each other” and deciding that he and Ryoko are not together but mostly he intrigues the hell out of me what IS your deal (Predicting a “He was the good guy all along actually” twist cause I think it’s p obvious that’s what’s going on here knowing what I know from Ryoko and Iori’s routes)
Miura (Also at like 37% I think?): Funny guy, I think he’s a lad, I really like the 40s guys they intrigue me, mostly I am confused with all the timeline year shit tho but that’s not Miura’s fault his route just shows it very front and center very early, not a flaw just a feature
Hajiyama (Still fucking locked post-prologue cause this genius has somehow managed to make Ogata my last protag): This man has something very LGBT gong on, think he’s very funny and cannot wait to find out more about him, But ngl I’m mostly very gungho about his route because I Need to figure out Okino’s deal, he and Okino are fucking Stupid funny together tho, I have seen them interact like thrice and it’s already a top 3 dynamic in the game
Natsu (I’ve forgotten her percentage but it’s the lock righ after she yeets back and meets Miura): I love her!!! She’s so fun!!! BJ alone makes her route so worth it but I think she’s a delight
Usami (Finished Prologue): She’s fucking hilarious, really want to see her interact with Megumi more tho cause just based on how my stuff sways I’ve seen her almost exclusively with her 85 friends and I Really want to know more about her and Megumi, I generally have very little to say about her tho cause y’know my percentages are Not equal
Gouto (Have literally not even started him lmao): I don’t trust this mfer but I’m incredibly interested in finding out what his deal is, not sure if he’s in a similar position to Ryoko and is just coping less or if he’s a guy to watch out for but I think he’s cool so far
Ogata (Haven’t even unlocked him!): I have seen him Very little, I haven’t even gotten his fucking protag route yet, But, so far I think he’s kinda neat, I can’t say much cause I’ve also managed to sway protag stories where he’s clearly not very featured yet, but he’s fun
0 notes
Ion TV has been airing season 1 of White Collar. I had forgotten how absolutely *perfect* it is. The cinematography is gorgeous (and definitely deserved an Emmy!), the writing and directing excellent, and the chemistry between the actors palpable (Matt Bomer is a national treasure, and Tim DeKay and Willie Garson are the cherries on top of a truly all-star cast).
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amymel86 · 3 years
Bitches keep starting new Jonsa fics!
I’m bitches.
Shit. It happened again. Sansa really doesn’t need to be thinking about this on the day before her wedding but it happened AGAIN. The Red Keep Hotel’s 400 thread count, Braavosi cotton sheets are still balled up in her clenched fists. Sweat still dampens her brow.
A quick look over at the heavy blackout curtains shows no hint of daylight peeking from around the drapes. And stretching over to unplug her charging phone confirms that it is not yet dawn on this – her ‘Wedding Day Eve’ as Beth had coined it.
Should she make a call to her therapist once the world starts to wake up? She won’t go into great detail this time of course – but Sansa had thought that these dreams had stopped. It’s been ages since he’s featured in them and tonight-
Tonight he’d fucked her in her wedding dress.
Oh, Gods! How awful is that? Sansa is due to get married in under 48 hours and she’s dreaming of having sex with her groom’s brother?!
Deep breath.
Sansa closes her eyes.
What was it that Brienne had suggested during their last session when she’d brought up the dreams?
“You may be manifesting these kinds of dreams because Jon is one of – if not the only – person that, outwardly, doesn’t show that he likes you. You’ve admitted yourself that you are a people-pleaser, Sansa, and I can imagine having someone in your life that you can’t seem to please would frustrate you very much.”
She was right, of course. It did frustrate her. Sansa was good at getting on with people – with everybody.
Except for Jon.
Even when they were younger, back in the north. That was before his dad had made contact with him – back when all he was was Miss Snow’s boy – the boy next door – the boy who was Robb’s best friend. He was always at their house but Sansa had little to no interest in him at the time and she was sure he had felt the same.
They were just too different.
The only time she really remembers having any kind of connection with him was when she’d hugged him for beating Joff’s ass when he’d hit her. But even that – she’s sure he’d only stepped in out of a sense of loyalty to Robb. The rest of the time he hardly acknowledged her beyond a bored looking grunt.
He’d gone away to college and Sansa had heard through Robb and Arya that he’d later dropped out, tried his luck down in King’s Landing at one of his father’s many, many investment businesses.
That hadn’t worked out either.
Sansa had just about forgotten all about Jon Snow – the boy next door – when, just three years ago, he’d contacted her via her old email of all things – couldn’t he have slid into her DMs on one of her socials like a normal person?
After short chats back and forth for a while – honestly, Sansa hadn’t been aware that Jon even knew how to hold a conversation until then - she’d found out that he had stayed down in King’s Landing and owned his own tattoo parlour now – a far cry from the respectable suit and tie gig that his father had envisioned for him.
He knew she was desperate to visit the capital and invited her to do just that.
That had been the first time she’d met his brother, her now fiancé, Aegon.
... and now she can’t seem to stop having sex dreams about a man who is decidedly not her husband-to-be. Honestly, he’s not even nice to her half the time and she doesn’t even know why – what has she ever done to him that was so bad? Aegon says Jon’s just too used to living and working in Fleabottom now – that the rough side of the city has rubbed off on him and caused him to forget his manners.
Sansa wonders if he ever had any in the first place?
Then she remembers how his lack of manners had made her react in one of those dreams and she can feel her whole body flush from her head to her toes.
“Mmm, fuck! You all wet for me, Princess?” Jon rumbles, his strong hands pinning her wrists back into the bed as he fills her. She whines before cutting off the noise with a bite to her lip. “Oh no, none of that,” he nips, teasing out her plump bottom lip with his own teeth, “I wanna hear aaall the noises Little Miss Perfect makes when she comes.”
Her heart is hammering in her chest as she stares up at him above her, a devious smirk on his face while he fucks her slow and measured.
“You’ve got a dirty mouth, Jon Snow,” she hisses.
His smile doesn’t falter, his hands tighten around her wrists above her head. “I think you like my dirty mouth.” His hips halt their torturously drawn-out movements and he stills, his cock completely buried inside her. He kisses Sansa with more force and desperation than she’s ever experienced, all while his body lay heavy and still above her. She squirms and whimpers – she wants more. Jon lets a self-satisfied chuckle escape their kiss.
“I hate you!” she pants when he finally releases her from his lips. His tattooed arms skim down her frame and then faster than is possible, he flips them so that she now straddles his hips. Sansa braces herself on his chest as he grins up at her.
“That’s right, baby,” he coos, voice rough, hands smoothing up and down her thighs, “show me how much you hate me, sweetheart.”
“Christ,” Sansa curses, falling back against the sheets at the memory. She stares up at the ceiling for two, maybe three seconds before rolling to her side. Huffing, Sansa shoves a pillow between her legs and prays for more sleep – preferably dreamless.
Fuck! Jon wants to throw something – his phone, a pillow – something. He can’t because Ygritte is asleep beside him, here in this swanky hotel bed in the middle of the night. But Jon can’t sleep. He doesn’t know why he can’t sleep – well, that’s a barefaced fucking lie but Jon refuses to look too closely at it because if he does, he’ll get mad all over again and even further from drifting off.
The night is dead still and heavy as he sits up, letting the fancy, soft sheets fall away from around his waist. Briefly, Jon considers waking Ygritte up and offering to go down on her – that always led to sex and if he got some, maybe he could sleep? Urgh – no. That was pretty fucking selfish. Plus, his girlfriend has been in a mood with him since she’s not keen on weddings, nor his family and Jon is kind of forcing her to go to this thing anyway.
There was no fucking way that he was gonna show up alone to watch his brother marry Little Miss Perfect. The only way he managed to sway her was by revealing that his father had already paid for their suite for three nights and that there would be a free bar at the wedding.
Sighing, Jon scrubs his hands down his face and reaches for his glasses. His phone tells him that it’s 2am.
The en suite bathroom light flickers on and the extractor fan kicks in instantly. Jon cuts the noise as fast as he can by flipping the exterior switch. Ygritte turns over in bed but doesn’t wake.
Closing the door with a soft click, Jon lets out a breath. The light overhead hums quietly and the reflection in the over-sink mirror is a sorry and accusing one. Bracing his weight on the porcelain sink, Jon glares at himself. His eyes catch on one of the first tattoos he’d ever gotten; a dragonfly in flight over his heart.
“Fucking hell, you’re pathetic,” he whispers to himself.
Maybe he just needs to jerk off and then he’ll be able to sleep?
Jon snorts snidely at himself. Yeah, ‘cause that’s not pathetic at all. Christ.
He almost walks out the bathroom but then stops, coming back to the basin and opening his phone. It’s not pathetic. He is a man – he has needs, dammit! As long as he’s just looking at generic porn and doesn’t open up that hidden file he has that contains images and videos from a certain person’s social media, then it’s fine – it’s all fine!
His traitorous thumb hovers over that file none-the-less.
Oh, so we’re just gonna jerk off to pictures of the bride on the day before her wedding, are we?
“I can’t handle this,” he grumbles - grinds the heels of his palms into his eyes until he sees sparkles.
Standing in the doorway, the light from the bathroom behind him floods in and lands upon one of the little amenity tables backed up against the adjacent wall. On top had been an expensive looking vase of fresh roses and a professional brochure listing all the important information about the hotel and their stay. It had boasted a long list of facilities – including a 24hr gym.
If Jon’s feeling too guilty to see to his frustrations one way – perhaps he should try another.
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Sesskag Week: Day One ‘Green’
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Title: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before
Summary: Kagome witnesses Inuyasha and Kikyo in another loving embrace and runs away, stumbling straight into Sesshoumaru that moonlit night. (My attempt at an old fandom trope.)
Rated T
Words: 4,000
You can read this on Ao3, Dokuga and Fanfiction.net 
AN: I just wanted to try my hand at an old sesskag fandom trope that I reckon was in the height of popularity from the early 2000s- 2010s. Other tropes from that time included Abusive Inuyasha, no one knowing what the canon end or final battle was like, and mokomoko being sentient. Ah...old memories. If this fic feels like it's from a bygone era, well...that was the intention lol. For Sesskag Week Day One - Green.
Standing frozen stiff, Kagome stared ahead. A gasp remained locked behind her teeth. Slim fingers dug into the bark of a tree she'd hidden behind, gazing around the trunk towards a couple cradling each other tightly.
This was the second time. The first had hit harder inside her chest, the slam of heartbreak cracking the fragile shell of first love that had closed around her heart.
But she'd made a promise to Inuyasha; to remain by his side. She needed to get over this haze of green misting her eyes, the jealousy roaring through her veins. Inuyasha and Kikyo used to be lovers, it was perfectly natural and humane to want to hold his lost love.
That didn't make it any easier to see.
In fact, the emotion welling up in her throat threatened to burst louder than before. Fearing the strength of her own reaction, Kagome stepped back. She took another, then another, whirling around to flee into pitch-black darkness.
I wanted to be more mature about this, she thought. The tears stinging her eyes bespoke of her anger, worry, and heartache- like an old wound had been freshly ripped open anew.
Kagome couldn't be understanding or mature, not like poised Lady Kikyo likely could. Kagome was 15, emotive and sparking. She was fire, passion, a roaring flame of anger that could climb so high nothing would stifle it.
Stumbling over tree roots in the dark, quiet woods, Kagome ran blind. When she felt that she'd covered enough ground, far away from the lover's embrace, she stopped abruptly in the middle of a meadow. Sweat beading her temple and throat burning, she threw back her head.
And yelled.
She threw all turbulent emotions into it, crying so loud her windpipe protested. The noise became horse and broken before she stopped.
Standing within that moonlit clearing, Kagome caught her breath, tears threatening to spill over.
"Must you make such noise in the dead of night?" a steady voice drawled.
Her chest constricted, breath halting. Shadows peeled off from the trees, a figure revealing itself under the moonlight.
Kagome blinked hard, trying to fight tears as Sesshoumaru stepped closer. She moved back to keep distance, vaguely wary. Shit, she'd forgotten her weapons.
He wasn't an enemy per se anymore but they weren't exactly allies either. Since he'd adopted that human girl, they seemed to be in more of a stalemate. Nonetheless, the caprice of the Killing Perfection's moods were unpredictable.
"M-my bad, I didn't think anyone was around."
"You cried like a wounded animal," his lips curved, as though enjoying the thought. "Take heed, girl; such wailing will disturb demons with keen hearing- and not all are as forgiving as I tonight."
"Right, duly noted," she mumbled, rubbing her arm. Damn it. She'd just wanted a place to cry. Sesshoumaru was the last person she wanted to feel vulnerable around.
Golden eyes slid up to observe something beyond the trees. Turning to follow his line of sight, her chest constricted- glimpsing a trailing soul collector in the sky.
"Inuyasha's dead priestess uses those creatures, does she not?"
"Y-yeah, they're Kikyo's soul collectors."
His attention returned to her face, resting heavily there. It disquieted her until at length, he finally made a noise. "...Hn."
The Daiyouki smoothly pivoted, walking out of her available vision to meld within thick darkness again, but she sensed him linger beneath the trees, perhaps taking a seat.
"Keep the snivelling to a minimum."
Kagome startled, blue eyes widening. The first tear fell- closely followed by the second. Soon a stream of them flooded down her face, and she crumpled to her knees, palm clasped tight over her mouth as she tried not to sob.
She wasn't sure how or why. How she could suddenly fall apart in front of him when Kagome prided herself on not crying in front of anyone if it were possible. The why also remained a mystery- why did he invite her to stay? Sesshoumaru was not a charitable sort. Perhaps his sadistic streak enjoyed the salt of endless tears.
Kagome stayed there, quivering in the moonlit clearing for a good while, grass cushioning her bare legs, arms wrapped around herself protectively. When at last the sobs abated, she shakily stood.
Without a word to the demon who had watched her like a voyer of her pain, Kagome headed towards the village after piecing herself back together.
She couldn't see Sesshoumaru's expression, nor the way in which citrine eyes followed her figure until she stepped out of sight.
It wasn't like Kagome cried after every damn encounter with Kikyo, though they did leave her worn and exhausted. She felt mighty proud of not bursting into sobs the second Inuyasha's eyes lingered on her a little too long. But Kagome could bear that. She could bear many things.
It was fine, totally fine. She was fine!
Until she wasn't.
It had been two months since that emotional night and thankfully Sesshoumaru hadn't acknowledged her fine display of despair and teenage hormones. In fact, he seemed a little quieter during their encounters while hunting for Naraku, pinpointing her amidst her friends and eyeing her carefully sometimes.
So it was with mild surprise that Kagome stumbled into him again on one such occasion where she needed a good cry. And then again a few weeks after- followed by another encounter near a waterfall a month later. Every time, Sesshoumaru said nothing. He merely waited a respectable distance away, not particularly looking at, nor acknowledging her sorrow as she let out pent up frustrations.
What should be an immensely private thing had changed. Kagome wasn't sure what to feel about it, especially when he began erecting barriers around the area.
Almost like he was ensuring her privacy while continuing to invade it himself.
"W-why…?" she choked out one evening, sitting upon a log with only the Daiyoukai for company. Inuyasha and the others were none the wiser, sitting back at camp further within the forest. "Why are you here, hanging around? Is it fun for you to watch this?" her anger simmered, misdirected.
Sesshoumaru's lazy gaze slid over to her, reclining at the base of a tree. He huffed, drawing a knee up to gracefully drape an arm over it. "Your wailing is an assault on my hearing, I derive no pleasure from this."
"Then what's the deal? I find it hard to believe you're doing it for me."
"Hn, you are correct, I am not," he freely admitted. "This act of concealment is out of acknowledgement. Warriors must not show weakness in battle, nor to anyone but a select few. I am merely ensuring your wish to hide your pain is successful since you are so terrible at doing it yourself," inhuman eyes pinned her in place. Her breath stalled at their intensity. "Your desire to conceal tears and weakness is unexpected for one as emotional as you."
Kagome picked at her fingers. "It's not out of a sense of duty or warrior pride as you seem to think. I just don't like burdening people with my problems. Only...all this energy piles up and explodes out as anger at Inuyasha anyway, I'm not suppressing or hiding anything at the end of the day," she gave a self-deprecating smile. Letting out a long whoosh of air from her lungs, Kagome turned to him.
"For what it's worth, thanks. For uh- concealing me. I still think it's odd that you're going to all this trouble but I'm grateful."
He arched a brow, unruffled and outwardly placid.
Wiping the remaining tears away, she gave a weak smirk. "Urgh, I blubber so loudly over a guy I really shouldn't be in love with. Kinda stupid."
"Indeed," he drawled without sympathy, glancing away.
"And you're still a jerk," she hummed, smiling slightly. But a weird, considerate one. Was it possible to be both considerate and a jerk?
Sesshoumaru did not look at her, tilting his head back to gaze at the branches overhead.
"You 'blubber' so loud a 'barrier' is necessary in order to keep your privacy. Inuyasha would catch your scent otherwise."
"Can Naraku see us like this?"
"The barrier does not mask us from sight, it merely hides scent. It is effective on Inuyasha and other demons but the spider could easily survey us from a distance."
Kagome sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Gotcha," she murmured, falling into a strangely companionable silence with him, before asking; "have you ever been in love?"
His reply was immediate and crisp; "no. Such things are for fanciful beings."
Biting her lip to keep from mentioning his 'Great and Powerful Father' had fallen victim to such fanciful things too, she hummed.
Sesshoumaru frowned in her direction. "Speak."
"I just think- when you do experience love, it's gonna knock you off your feet."
He sneered, "you think yourself an expert on the subject?"
"Gods no! Do I look like one?" Kagome grinned, gesturing to her tear-stained cheeks.
Sesshoumaru searched her face, visibly relaxing slightly. He tilted his head, surveying his sharp nails. "For what it is worth, if I had an opinion on the matter- which I do not," he assured. "I should think your fanciful 'love' emotion is not supposed to cause such pain. I question your dedication to it."
"My feelings for Inuyasha aren't something I can turn off. Believe me, I would if I could," shifting she gazed up at the stars, smiling gently. "Wow, Ursa Major looks so clear and close tonight."
Youki brushed her senses, her only warning. Soft grass crunched beneath boots as Sesshoumaru joined her on the log, sitting beside her. Mokomoko brushed the exposed skin of her knee. His eyes narrowed. "You are referring to the stars?"
Kagome blinked with surprise at his sudden piqued interest, raising a hand to point them out. "Yeah, a constellation. Ursa Major starts there and ends there," her finger drifted.
Sesshoumaru's blank features became lofty, huffing. "That is the incorrect name for it. Those stars are called Satoko."
"Who told you that?"
"My instructor when I was young. And this collection," he reached out, plucking her hand out of the air and redirecting her point to another constellation, "is Mineko, a volcano spirit."
Her skin burned at the contact, feeling his calloused palm, rough from years of training- clasping the back of her hand. Kagome blinked, feeling strange. Her stomach jumped, and she felt grateful and confused when he released her.
"I-I see! Tell me more about them, are they linked to your demonic heritage?" Kagome asked, flexing burning fingers in her lap.
Even hours afterwards, the sensation of warmth and strong youki flitting over her flesh continued to itch at her skin.
"I don't want to talk to you! JUST BACK OFF!"
Inuyasha's expression flickered, open hurt briefly appearing before white ears pinned flat to his skull. "FINE! Go running home again, see if I care!"
Kagome stormed away, hands balled into fists. She didn't call for Kirara to fly her to the well, she couldn't be bothered to haul herself back to the future and continue their long and tired trend of long-distance pining followed by disgruntled reconciliation.
She was tired.
Miroku, Sango and Shippo were tired too, judging from the multiple sighs sounding out behind her.
Before she could step out of earshot, she heard the monk murmuring to Inuyasha, encouraging him to follow her and make up. Likely to save everyone the hassle of another drawn-out spat.
Oh no.
Hadn't anyone listened to what she'd said? She didn't want to be chased in some coy 'let's have a fake argument' way. Real hurt and bone-weary annoyance soured her mood.
Hurrying away, Kagome began to run alongside a stream, jogging through a sparse forest and hoping to put distance between them. So lost in her thoughts of avoiding the Hanyou was she that Kagome burst through a youki barrier without noticing, glancing over her shoulder with paranoia.
By the time she detected wafts of steam brushing her skin, it was too late to stop. She gaped upon facing forward, almost crashing headfirst into a well-sculpted chest.
Long strands of silver against bare skin caught Kagome's dazed attention, gaze travelling up to find golden eyes staring down at her. Sesshoumaru paused half-naked before a hot-spring he'd likely intended on bathing in, tipping his head to one side in a silent demand for explanation.
"Kagome!" a distant voice resounded through the trees.
Panic erupted inside Kagome's heart and she turned to the demon. Her hands latched onto his remaining arm, blue eyes stinging.
She couldn't articulate what she wanted, even though it was so simple. Something thick clogged her throat.
The Daiyoukai lifted his attention to the trees. He then moved swiftly.
Sesshoumaru tossed his red and white hankimono over her, enclosing it tight around her body. It shielded Kagome from sight as her vision became swallowed by white silks.
Kagome jolted as a hard force shoved her down into dewy grass that perspired from heady steam saturating the air. Before she could react to the plains of a lean body pressing against hers, his weight pinning her to the ground, she heard branches shaking. Twigs snapping.
Her loafers were ripped off her feet, tossed somewhere further away. Likely out of sight. She heard them clatter over the sound of her drumming heartbeat, unable to see what was going on.
"What the- Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha snarled, sounding slightly out of breath. "The fuck are you doing, hanging around here?"
A clawed hand minded the folds of the hankimono apart just enough to expose the side of Kagome's cheek- firm lips pressing against it. She stiffened. Sesshoumaru kissed her skin heatedly, his sigh billowing hot breath over her sensitive skin.
"Clearly I am enjoying myself with a woman. Do not interrupt, whelp."
Kagome could barely breathe, face turning steadily red. She lay frozen, reeling.
"Keh, whatever. Just tell me if you've seen Kagome pass through here."
He must not be able to smell me...
"Can you not keep tabs on a simple miko, brother?" Sesshoumaru purred, his hand gliding over her covered thigh, stroking back and forth. "Did she flee from you? I cannot say I blame her."
A snarl ripped through the hot springs. "Piss off! I'll find her myself!"
Furious sounds of bushes being slashed aside rang out, Inuyasha's swears becoming fainter as he drew further and further away.
Left with a demon straddling her and enclosed in luxurious silks, Kagome exhaled. She blinked, briefly dazed as the cover was lifted from her face, eyes adjusting. Dappled sunlight stretched across Sesshoumaru's face as he lingered close with an unreadable expression.
Kagome swallowed. "Thanks," she managed to say.
She's never been this close to a guy before, well not like this, anyway. Inuyasha carried her on his back or occasionally in his arms if the situation got dire, and they'd hugged. But this felt different.
Sesshoumaru braced himself over her using his one available arm, corded muscles leading down to a tapered waist. He was handsome in an aristocratic, cold sort of way – all hard angles and sharp edges. Her polar opposite. The heat of his bare skin bled through her school uniform, their hips melded together, and Kagome was struck by something painfully obvious that had eluded her until now.
There were...other options besides just Inuyasha.
Clearly, the Hanyou knew this little nugget too, since he flitted between herself and Kikyo.
But really, Kagome hadn't given it much thought. Hojo liked her but was easily dismissed. Kouga liked her but she'd always been too busy to really give him a chance.
And Sesshoumaru?
Her attention was helplessly fixed on him while the demon craned his neck down, scenting her hair.
Sesshoumaru had never been on the table before. Did he even look at her like that?
Golden eyes slanted to meet her, half-lidded. Her stomach did a flip, thighs twitching. Soft pink lips parted, and his attention flew to her mouth, lingering.
Before she could say anything, Inuyasha's voice sounded out somewhere close by again. "Damn it, Kagome! Just come out! Quit hiding!"
Kagome found herself sighing- stilling when she caught Sesshoumaru's dark rumble. His lips peeled back with displeasure, body leaning up and away from hers, climbing off.
Remaining sprawled on the ground for a moment, she calmed her racing heart. Picking herself up unsteadily, Kagome unwrapped the hankimono from around herself, awkwardly folding it as best she could and handing it back.
"I better go."
He inclined his head. "Until next time."
Next time.
Her gut wrenched. The next time she became upset with Inuyasha chasing after Kikyo. Oh wow. It really had become something so commonplace it felt inevitable.
That wasn't right or normal. That wasn't how she wanted to live, was it? Anticipating one crying session after another?
"Actually, let's meet up," she said, setting her shoulders back.
Surprise brightened his gaze. Sesshoumaru's lips twitched, "meet up, hm? You make it sound like an illicit affair."
Her expression darkened, "no. I'm not into that," she snipped, pushing her vindictive mood down. This was not an offer out of petty revenge. She just wanted to see him out of choice for once. "I brought a telescope. Let's use it tomorrow when it gets dark."
He agreed to it, watching her leave in that quiet, interested way he usually did. Kagome glanced back in time to see him partially turned away- hankimono clenched in his grip and lifted to his nose in a careful inhale.
Kagome actually felt quite happy about the meeting. Anticipation had raced through her veins during the entire day, though she didn't breathe a word about it to her friends.
After finishing up her food, she'd hung around camp late into the evening, before inching away with a weak excuse.
She didn't notice Inuyasha's keen eyes trailing after her, too preoccupied with hurrying around a nearby waterfall and retrieving her telescope that she'd hidden behind some rocks earlier.
Carrying the heavy thing up to the crest of a decently sized hill, she staggered upon finding the Daiyoukai already awaiting her at the top.
Kagome stopped and stared. She then felt a genuine smile curve her lips. How strange, that he could invoke such a reaction.
"Did I keep you waiting?"
Sesshoumaru lifted his chin haughtily, grunting. "I am not some lost puppy following you around, miko. I sensed your approach from my camp and generously decided not to stand you up."
Kagome grinned. What a big response. Almost like he was lying.
Giggling softly to herself, she arranged the telescope set, angling it up to face the distant cosmos. "Okay, you're gonna love this. I'm going to bore you with astrology and point out zodiac signs."
"These fancy foreign words do not sound boring," he uttered, leaning in close to view the stars with faint amazement, perhaps not anticipating the clarity of their view. Kagome felt his hip brush her side, her cheeks immediately blazing red. She tried to temper her reaction but failed miserably, looking at him briefly.
His placid features were much too close, familiar dark youki humming in the space between them. Comforting. Golden eyes met hers, ever watchful. Waiting.
They immediately flew apart as though they'd been doing something scandalous, Kagome's heart leaping into her throat.
Inuyasha stood a little ways away, teeth on display, hand resting on his sword. "Get the hell away from her!"
"Inuyasha- wait," she tried to cut in, but Sesshoumaru was quicker. Lifting his remaining hand, he fed youki into it, allowing deadly fingers to elongate into murderous talons. However, much to her surprise, he faced Kagome while flexing them.
"I will kill her if I please, Inuyasha," he rumbled. "She is a mere fanciful human."
Blue eyes widened, but Kagome clocked onto what he was doing immediately. It lingered there under his calm features that he tried to harden into contempt.
He was playing the villain. For her.
Likely out of some misguided desire to keep everything at the status quo, because he believed it would be easier on them both if they weren't seen as friends. Everything halted inside Kagome. She felt like she'd been coasting through her days without really questioning it.
"Bastard!" Inuyasha snarled, ripping his sword from its sheath.
With a strange sense of calm, Kagome raised her head. She then stepped in between them both, placing her fingers atop Sesshoumaru's sharp, transformed ones.
"That's enough," she said quietly, lowering his large hand.
"K-Kagome? What're you doing? Get back!"
"I said; that's enough, Inuyasha!" Kagome grit her teeth, tension gripping her fiercely- until it abruptly left all at once, rendering her exhausted.
"We need to talk," she said softly, gazing at him meaningfully.
Inuyasha blinked, lowering his sword as his ears pricked and lowered.
Turning to Sesshoumaru, she smiled weakly. "We're going to have to cut this meeting short, sorry."
"We can always reschedule."
Kagome gentled, a warmth pooling inside her that she hoped to revisit soon. However, the Daiyoukai hadn't made it three steps away before familiar laughter spread over the vast countryside beyond their hill.
Miasma leaked out of the sky, waning flowers on their stalks and killing the grass, rendering it dulled brown.
Naraku appeared in all his true, villainous glory- at exactly the wrong time nobody wanted to deal with him. However, absolutely no one could ignore this fight, as a completed Shikon jewel rested in the palm of his hand.
Kagome's stomach dropped. She automatically accepted her bow and arrows from Sango and Miroku when they arrived, looking grim-faced and out of breath. Inuyasha lifted his sword again with determination blazing in his eyes.
The Final Battle had begun.
They say 'time heals all wounds.'
Kagome would like to have a word with whoever 'they' were because this sentiment proved false. Time muted pain. It concealed it under layers of civilian life, responsibilities, family dinners and get togethers with friends, but her deep wound never really healed. The pervasive desire to return back to a life that had been stolen from her.
She couldn't say it had been perfect in the Feudal Era but she still missed it terribly. Missed her friends, travelling, exploring, strengthening her burgeoning powers.
She also missed someone she hadn't anticipated longing to speak to.
After killing Naraku and getting her hands on the jewel, Kagome had made her wish;
'I wish Kikyo would come back to life.'
It had resulted in trapping Kagome in the future, the Bone Eater's Well closing, barring entrance. She'd figured the look on Inuyasha's face had almost been worth it, his gob-smacked expression kind of hilarious.
Perhaps the wish had been an out of nowhere impulse. Who knew. All Kagome knew was that a part of her had died that day on the hill with the telescope- the candle of first love snuffing out. She still cared for Inuyasha of course, she wouldn't have wished Kikyo alive otherwise, but the act said something. They'd never be anything more than friends.
After trying her hand at dating a few boys in class, Kagome had broken up with them and remained single for the better part of a year. There wasn't anything wrong with them, per se, but it had felt disingenuous.
It wasn't them she wanted to speak to.
At the age of 18, the miko got her chance. Inexplicably, and without warning or provocation, the well reopened again one night.
Kagome stirred awake, lured downstairs by the promise of magic. It pulsed strongly like before, so she slid her legs over the rim of the well without fear that it would be a oneway trip.
Leaping down while still clad in her patchwork style pyjamas, dark hair whipped upwards as blue light swallowed her whole.
Immediately the smell of city smoke was replaced with distinct smells of petrichor. Fresh scents guided her feet to land gently on the bottom of the well, looking up at dark, cloudy skies.
Climbing out and feeling moisture lingering in the air dampening her hair, Kagome looked up, breath hitching.
The clearing looked exactly the same. Achingly nostalgic.
It sprawled empty and lonesome, awaiting her in complete silence. Kagome noticed the dirt disturbed around the well from how often she and Inuyasha had travelled through it.
Breath catching, hot tears stung her eyes.
Laughing weakly to herself, Kagome tried to rub them away in vain, more rolling down her cheeks. Unlike the usual times though, these were happy tears. Relief threatened to buckle her knees.
"I'm home," she shuddered.
"...Welcome back."
Snapping her head up, Kagome swallowed an embarrassing noise, warmth melting into her expression. She took a step, and then another, walking over to Sesshoumaru as he stood a little ways away, moonlight highlighting his hair.
"Y-you're here?"
Golden eyes flitted over her face, gentling a touch. He reached out and brushed pale knuckles against her jaw, catching tears upon it. "I sensed you. As usual, you blubber too loud, miko."
Choking on a sob, Kagome laughed, catching his hand and pressing her lips to the inside of his wrist.
Sesshoumaru stiffened, attention zeroing in on her. Kagome held his gaze as best she could with watery eyes, smiling.
"Date me," she stated plainly.
No second-guessing, no 'will they, won't they?' no more pining or questioning. Kagome refused to do it again.
He seemed somewhat taken aback by her forwardness for a moment, before a strange kind of intensity livened his expression. He wound his single arm around her waist, pulling her in close.
"What boldness, Kagome," he purred, lips ghosting the side of her ear. "But you can do better than that. Are you certain that is all you want from me?"
Kagome blushed hotly, shifting to catch his eye and smirk. "I just made it back here after three years. Let me catch my breath," she teased, hooking a hand under his yellow obi. "But...yeah, I might want more soon, you jerk."
Sesshoumaru rumbled with approval, swiftly ending the charade of teasing and swooping in. His lips claimed hers firmly, and it was not a kind, sweet kiss but she didn't mind, pressing herself against him. His tongue delved into her mouth, brushing against hers as a clawed hand snaked up into dark hair, gripping tight.
Smiling against his mouth, Kagome trying her best to keep up with his rough kiss as he bit and sucked her lips, inhaling her scent. He almost seemed elated, kissing her so quick and eagerly, like he'd been starving for it.
Out of curiosity, Kagome slid her palm over his chest, finding his heart racing.
Sesshoumaru broke away to plant heated kisses against her neck. He panted, the hand in her hair shaking with want of her.
Kagome stared, slowly looping her arms around his shoulders. "You...want me?" she said quietly like an obvious revelation. It felt so strange and surreal.
He huffed with amusement against her lips. "Hn, it appears you have made me fanciful, miko."
Brightening and smiling widely, Kagome pushed up on tip-toe. Guiding his mouth down with palms cradling his striped cheeks, she kissed him again, pouring every powerful emotion left unsaid into it.
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youareinlovees · 3 years
Rep Tour Metlife Night 3 (submission)
The roar of the stadium fills the atmosphere like a thunderstorm as the expectators anticipate the start of the show. Though this isn't the first time he attends one of her concerts, the massiveness of the crowd and of the performance itself is still quite astonishing to him. It just wasn't the type of thing you got used to after a few times. Not to mention that this is the third consecutive night she fills out this stadium, which was impressive and a rather unheard of situation. 
"Are you ready for it?"
The crowd screams even louder as Taylor appears on stage with a black hood. For him, it's genuinely entertaining to see just how much the fans in the crowd love her, shouting out every single word to the songs. The impact she has on these people is really intense, some of them even crying at certain parts of the show. There's others that you can tell came as a group of friends for a good time and they hug, jump, and laugh together throughout the show. There's people of all ages, from couples in love to families that came together with little kids and grandparents, and every single person looks happy and excited. Truly a phenomenon.
But the most powerful phenomenon is the woman on stage on whom everyone's attention is focused. She is so beautiful and wonderful it almost feels like she's some sort of mythical creature. The passion she puts in her singing and dancing is endearing and at the same time very attractive to him. How did he even manage to have her love him? She's fucking gorgeous and perfect in every way. Her legs are just unbelievably hot and he knows he isn't the only one in the crowd having that thought. When she dances to Gorgeous, it makes his brain feel numb because all he can think of is the things he wants to do with her as soon as he gets her to himself after the show. But it's only the beginning and he knows the wait will be painfully long, so he tries to divert his thoughts elsewhere. As if reading his mind, she winks in his direction as the song ends, licking her lips and smiling cheekily. Warmth floods his insides in response to the gesture. Man, he'd really really missed her. They'd been apart from each other for some days because he had work things to do away in London. Though it was only a few days, he had ached for her company every single instant.
Apparently, she has similar feelings because she can't stop looking in his direction throughout King of my Heart. He remembers very vividly the first time she played him that song, some days after they'd made their relationship official. At the time, he couldn't believe she'd actually written that about him. He couldn't believe he inspired those feelings in her because she sure as hell inspired that and so much more in him. She fixes her gaze on him hungrily as she sings "we rule the kingdom inside my room." Oh shit. Her bum looks so good in that outfit. How is he gonna survive what's left of the show? Luckily, he's good at keeping it cool on the outside. He has no choice anyways because his mum and Patrick are right there beside him. He knows his face probably looks all giddy and lovestruck regardless, but he doesn't mind. She points at him in circles suggestively as she says "never took me quite where you do." Urgh she knows what she's doing and he can't help chuckling at her teasing. It's torture though. The fact that she's doing this in front of thousands of people is extra sexy. It's interesting because a part of him feels possessive and wants to snatch her from the stage and not have anyone look at her in a "she's MINE" sort of way, but at the same time it's satisfying to know that she's doing all this sexy shit and making everybody desire her, yet he is the only one who gets to have her. He's the only one who gets to love her and enjoy her, and a lot of what she's doing up there is directed specifically at him even though the whole stadium's watching it. Besides, he just knows that she loves having those secret moments with him, as she sings in Dress. So cruel of her to put literal moans on that song and blast them on stadiums. Her antics as she performs it are driving him crazy. Tonight, he feels particularly deprived of her and desperate for her touch because he's been away for what has felt like an eternity.
The crowd bursts into loud screaming one last time as the show ends. Everyone looks giddy and happy, as if they'd just gotten off a spiritual experience, which isn't that far from the truth, he thinks to himself. His mum and Patrick stay chatting with some people and he makes his way towards the dressing room. He says hi to Tree and the staff briefly and walks further down the hall until he reaches it. The door is open and there's no one else but her inside, with her back facing him as she looks in the mirror wiping herself with a towel. She's still sweaty and flustered from the show, and her hair is a bit messy, but she's the most beautiful creature he's ever laid eyes upon. If she looked stunning on stage, she was even more drop dead gorgeous up close.
"You look breathtakingly beautiful this evening, Miss Swift. I heard your boyfriend is out of town, may I take you out for a drink?," he says in a flirtatious tone.
She hadn't realized he was standing there at the door. She immediately looks up at him when she hears his voice and smiles at him through the mirror, her whole face lightening up as she turns around.
"Is that what they told you?", she says playfully as she makes her way towards him. She kisses his lips excitedly. He smiles against her mouth at her enthusiasm.
"Hello, love," he greets her softly when she pulls back for air. They embrace each other tightly for a few seconds, his hands caressing her hair. 
"How did it go in London? How was work?," she asks, resting her head on his chest.
"Work was alright. The rest was awfully dull because you weren't there," he answers.
She chuckles softly and looks up into his eyes. "I missed you so much."
"I did, too," he says, staring back. She puts her mouth onto his again, this time more passionate and hungry, her tongue going inside him desperately trying to saviour as much of him as possible. He welcomes it eagerly, her sudden aggressive desire catching him a bit off guard. He responds to her kiss with the same energy, biting her lower lip a little and devouring her delicious taste. His hands rub down her back, pulling her waist towards him. Meanwhile, her fingers snake into his hair as she pulls herself deeper into his mouth. He feels his crotch tighten as he becomes inevitably aroused with her body rubbing against his. His mouth finds her neck and she moans as he pulls her head back gently to get a better angle. 
"Shut the door," she pants in between kisses. They'd forgotten that there's people walking by in the hallway.
"Wait, don't you have to meet your fans in the other room?", he remembers, pausing for a moment, which results in a complaining grunt from her.
"I'll have them cancel it," she says decidedly, impatiently pulling him in again, "Most of them came the other two nights anyways."
He pushes her back. "Are you really sure about that?", he questions, raising an eyebrow.
"Do you really want me to answer?", she ponders back desperately, still insisting fiercely on kissing him.
"Fair enough," he chuckles as he gives in to her needs. What Taylor Swift wants, Taylor Swift gets.
She grabs her phone and sends a quick text to Tree telling her that Rep Room isn't happening tonight while Joe shuts and locks the door. He sneaks up behind her and wraps his arms smoothly around her waist, kissing her shoulder as she hits send. "Done?", he asks. She puts the phone on the table and closes her eyes. 
"Mmhmm", she moans as he runs kisses up and down her neck. Her skin is so soft and healthy. He grunts a little when her ass grinds against his crotch as she leans back into him. 
"You pulled some interesting bits up there tonight."
"Mmhmmm, did you enjoy them?", she says with a small smile, her eyes still closed. 
"I certainly did." He starts to unzip her glittery dress to bare her back. Her body is still warm from the physical exertion caused by the almost two hour long show. A shiver runs down her spine when his cold fingers brush against her skin, peeling away the dress as his mouth runs soft kisses behind her neck and shoulders. A loud moan escapes her, the sound making his erection feel even harder in his trousers. She finishes taking off the dress and turns around to face him, her naked breasts against his chest. He grabs one of them as his mouth finds hers once again, his tongue pushing inside in rhythmic movements. Then, he makes his way from her jawline to her neck, shoulders, chest, until he finally puts her other breast in his mouth, sucking and licking her nipple while massaging the other one with his thumb and index finger. She gasps in response. "That feels so good, baby," she whimpers in between moans.  Her breasts are a work of art in his eyes, everything about them is perfection: their size, their softness, the hardness of her nipples when she’s aroused, as it was the case right now. 
She pulls at the hem of his shirt, aching to feel more of his skin against her. He briefly releases her to quickly take off his shirt and disregard it on the floor. Immediately she pulls herself against him, her hands around his neck as their bare torsos collide heatedly and their tongues dance together. She runs her warm hands over his chest and his abs, sending electricity waves through his body with each touch. The sensation of her hardened nipples against his naked chest was too much to handle and so he dives down to put her breasts in his mouth once again. She moans loudly. "Joe, I...I want you so much," she says, almost in anguish. He licks and bites her nipples hungrily and then, he starts to make his way slowly downward, kissing below her breasts as his hands slide down her sides until he reaches her tummy. She inhales deeply. "Tell me, baby, what do you need?", he says against her skin as his mouth moves further down to her lower stomach. Her body trembles involuntarily in response and he can see her wetness through her panties. She’s very wet, he realizes with a grin. "You," she groans in response, holding onto the table for balance as his hands go up and down the insides of her thighs, "I need you, Joe." He teasingly pulls down the edges of her panties and kisses directly on top of her pubic bone. Her hips thrust forward. "Fuck, I need you now," she blurts out.
"Let’s take care of that, shall we?", he whispers in her ear as he picks her up and carries her towards the comfy couch in the dressing room, her legs wrapping themselves around his back. He throws the cushions to the floor with one hand and places her gently on the couch, kneeling in front of her on one of the cushions. He slides her panties down her legs and onto the floor, so that she was now lying completely naked on the couch. Such a gorgeous sight. "You are so beautiful, my love," he says looking up into her eyes. Her belly moves up and down with her quick breathing, her cheeks flushed slightly. He takes off her shoes and massages her ankles and her toes, releasing the tension on them from wearing tight heels for hours. Then, he starts to kiss his way up her left leg, gently pushing her knees apart to open her legs as he approaches her inner thigh. Finally, his mouth reaches her most sensitive organ and he licks and sucks on her clit, enjoying her delicious taste that he’d missed so much. She arches her back as the waves of pleasure penetrate her. His tongue continues to move around expertly as he digs into the corners of her walls and sucks and bites her clit. "Fuck," she moans, her fingers aggresively digging into the edges of the couch. He slides two fingers deep into her core, his mouth still working on her clit, and starts to thrust in and out. She tangles one of her hands in his hair and pushes him deeper inside her, his tongue joining his fingers inside of her. He gradually quickens the pace of his fingers as her walls contract around his hand and her hips push into him, until eventually she can’t contain her orgasm and comes loudly, screaming his name.
He licks his lips in satisfaction, savoring the fluids from her insides as he moves towards her face to kiss her gently, his fingers still inside her. "Did you like that?", he mumbles against her face. "It was so good, baby," she barely pants in response, "so fucking good". Hovering over her as she recovers, he takes his fingers out and licks them. He could never get enough of her wonderful taste. "I’m glad you liked it, because I’m not finished yet," he informs her.
However, her hands are reaching towards his trousers, where his erection is bulking out, attempting to unbutton them. "No teasing," she pleads. 
"What’s that?", he asks instead, deciding to mess with her a little regardless. He’d had to survive her teasing on stage for two hours, it was only fair that she endured something similar after all. He licks the outline of her areolas with the tip of his tongue as slowly and scarcely as he could master, forcing her to lay back, his fingers brushing lightly against her sides. "Joe," she complains, shifting and trying to pull his body closer to her. But Joe holds himself up firmly in a hovering position over her, his skin brushing only ever so slightly against hers every now and then, while his mouth was busy planting the softest of kisses all around her face, occasionally brushing her neck and behind her ears. "Please," she begs, still trying to pull him down.
"Please what? Say it to me, baby. I can’t guess what you want unless you ask for it," he responds calmly while continuing his slow torture on her sensitive spots. He wanted to hear her say it out loud. He wanted to hear her scream how much she wanted him.
"I want you inside of me, Joe. I want all of you inside of me now," she nearly cries out in desperation.
He nibbles on her neck one last time before unbuttoning his trousers. "Is that so?", he says mischievously as he finishes taking off his underpants and shoes. She breathes deeply in anticipation when she sees him completely naked in front of her, her insides feeling overwhelmingly empty without him. He leans towards her mouth once again and she kisses him with hunger, a small gasp escaping her lips when his dick rubs against her clit. "What do you want me to do inside you?", he whispers hoarsely into her ear. "I want you to fuck me, baby," she pants.
"As you wish," he says, staring deep into her blue eyes as he enters her wet insides slowly, groaning from the pleasure of feeling her warm core around him. She gasps and moans, her small fingers digging into his back as she hugs his chest towards hers. He thrusts in and out with slow movements, going inside deeper and deeper each time until he pushes against her cervix. She arches her back and responds moving her hips upwards, moaning and closing her eyes. He goes forward with a bit more strength, pushing her against the couch and touching on her G spot. "Yes, baby, fuck me," she whimpers, her breaths small and quick. Still deep inside of her, he sways his hips rhythmically, rocking their unified bodies back and forth. 
"I love you so much, Taylor," he says with adoration. Every inch of skin on his chest was in contact with hers, her soft breasts deliciously cushioned below him. "I love you more, baby," she says back breathlessly, running her lips across his neck and shoulders. He starts thrusting again, gradually picking up the pace. He holds onto the back of the couch and thrusts faster and faster, feeling her walls contracting against his cock. She moans as he goes even faster until she finally comes, another orgasm running through her body as she cries out.
The sight of her body squirming in pleasure almost makes him cum as well. But then, she unexpectedly pushes him to the side, switching their positions so that she was now on top of him. She kisses him and starts riding him energetically, her hands resting on his shoulders and her knees on the couch on either side of him. He grunts and caresses her breasts as she bounces on top of him, eventually placing both hands on her hips to hold her down, until the sensation and the sight of her with her eyes closed and her boobs bouncing as she fucks him become too much and he cums inside of her.
She collapses on top of him and the two of them lay in silence for a few minutes as they recover and stabilize their breathing, their bodies warm and sweaty. When he’s back to his senses, he notices her bathrobe is on the side of the couch and he reaches for it with one hand. He spreads it across her back to keep her warm. Covered with the bathrobe, she cuddles into his lap with her legs on one side and her head resting on his chest as she breathes in and out slowly. He caresses her head with one hand and rubs circles with the other on top of the robe on her back.
"That was a nice surprise there at the end," he says, kissing her forehead.
She smiles smugly. "I thought you’d like it," she mumbles against his chest.
"Did you kick out all the staff before I came in here?", he asks curiously. Usually there were stylists and make-up people inside the dressing rooms with her.
"Maybe," she answers with a smirk, looking up at him playfully. He chuckles in amusement, but secretly he’s glad that she did because he doesn’t know if he would’ve actually been able to wait until they got back to her apartment.  
It was hard to believe that this was the same person that had a whole stadium submitted to her performance less than an hour ago. This beautiful creature bundled in his arms was the same powerful force that gave around orders to executives, dominated enormous stages, and attracted followers from all over the world with her songwriting. Yet at this very moment, she’s just another vulnerable human, her blue eyes glowing like a curious child’s as she stares into his lovingly. She reaches up to caress his cheek softly with her hand, scanning his face with wonder. "You’re so gorgeous," she admires quietly. "That was amazing, babe. Thank you."
He leans down to kiss her gently. "You are the most stunningly beautiful creature inside and out that I’ve ever laid eyes upon. I am just fortunate enough to get to be yours," he says sincerely. He touches his nose to hers. "I love you, baby." And he truly loves her so much to the point where it feels like an unexplainable supernatural phenomenon, larger than life itself.
"I love you, too," she says warmly, her face shining like sunlight.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 8]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, dom!seungcheol, blowjob, cumplay, overstimulation, minor degradation/dirty talk, big dick seungcheol is in the house ladies ‘n gents, what we’ve all been waiting for!!! 😩💕 this was actually meant to be a shorter chapter which I guess depending on how you look at 5k words I guess that can be seen as short!!, anyway thank you so much for your patience 🥺 I know a ton of you were waiting for this and it’s finally here!! hehe~ enjoy! have a great weekend!! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - ? 
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“Well… It’s not much but welcome home for the next few days.”
Seungcheol helps you into his studio apartment; setting your things by the bed before turning to you.
“So, I take it the cat isn’t real then, huh?” You joke, plopping down onto the sofa. He shoots you a sheepish smile when he sits on the other end, cheeks blooming crimson.
“Uh… no, sorry... If there’s anything I lied about, it was definitely only the cat.”
The two of you share a laugh as you look around the apartment, noting the cookbooks on the kitchen countertop and the extensive PC setup on his desk. “Oh, I should show you around. I mean, it’s not much, but I figure I should let you know where everything is.”
You nod, getting up as Seungcheol starts showing you around the place. He shows you to the bathroom, lets you know where he keeps all of his snacks and even pauses to give you the wi-fi password. You follow him around the place, remarking that it seemed more homey and lived-in than your space did.
“I mean, it’s not much, but it’s comfy. I even tried to be a plant dad but I forgot to water them so that didn’t really work out.”
“Maybe just buy the fake ones for aesthetic purposes, y’know? Give it a greenhouse vibe.”
Seungcheol nods; chuckling as he brings you back to the living space. “Okay, I should go get the things from ‘Guk before it gets any later. And you have a show to do tomorrow too so we should definitely setup once I get back.” He makes sure he has all of his things, keys jingling in his hold as he makes his way to the door.
“Do you need anything else while I’m out? I’ll probably be about 45 minutes, give or take an hour if I catch traffic.”
You shake your head ‘no’ in response, walking up to him. “Just drive safe~” Waving, you wait until the door lock falls into place before you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
In truth, you’d never stopped thinking about the video you had uploaded hours earlier. It had lingered at the back of your head the entire day despite Seungcheol’s valiant efforts to keep your mind off of the entire thing. 
It was the first time you were alone all day and you were finally ready to face the repercussions of your actions, should they have gone sour.
Sitting on the sofa, you unlock your phone before hesitantly opening a web browser and typing in the URL for the camming website. Taking a deep breath, you login, already nervous when the browser lags due to the amount of notifications.
Your eyes quickly flit across the multitude of comments; cheeks hot as your fingers go numb.
“Oh my god…”
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Seungcheol gets an earful once he gets the equipment from Jeongguk’s place; the younger male’s smug face ingrained in Seungcheol’s head even when he gets back to the apartment in record speed.
It takes him a bit of trapezing to get everything in one go, cables spilling out of the box that Jeongguk haphazardly put together, but Seungcheol manages to get the door open.
“Oh my god, ‘Cheol, there you are! Please hurry, come look at this!”
He quickly drags in the box, kicking the door shut before hurriedly jogging over to the sofa where you sat with your laptop. “I--I… I don’t know what to say, I’m just…” You quickly turn the screen to let him read the comments, a wide and giddy smile on your face.
‘Whoa… this is amazing…’
‘Wait who’s the guy???’
‘Please please more content like this’
‘Fuck you sound so good begging for daddy like this…’
‘In public? Such a naughty girl… but daddy will give it to you since you asked so nicely…’
‘Shit you really do look good getting fucked like this… better than your toys tbh’
“Whoa…” Seungcheol breathes out, scrolling through the rest as he sits next to you. “It seems like it did pretty damn well, huh?” You nod feverishly, leaning over him as you click on the video’s revenue page.
“‘Cheol look at this… The donations and revenue from this video alone... I--It’s… it’s more than I get in some of my live shows…” You trail off, wide eyes meeting Seungcheol’s equally shocked face.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment; various thoughts running through your head at the possibilities.
Seungcheol fares no different, already feeling the atmosphere change when you place the laptop on the coffee table.
“Seungcheol…” He can only chuckle in response, already knowing the next words that would spill from your lips.
“Let me take a wild guess… You want to film more like this?”
Nodding, you lean in close to him, wrapping your own arms around his as you rest your head on his shoulder. “I know we kinda… agreed to not get intimate so fast and--and I think we have a lot we need to talk about but ‘Cheol… I--I don’t want to beg but… Would you? Film some videos with me, I mean? They don’t have to be, like, both of us, they can just be from your POV and we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with doing on camera!”
He bites the inside of his cheek as he stares off into the living room. “How about this… Let’s set up, since you have a show to do tomorrow. And then Tuesday morning before I head to work, we can talk about it. I’m not saying no, I’m just… there’s some ground rules I think we need to put down first. Hard limits, things we’re okay with filming… Y’know, just, what we’re comfortable with.”
“Okay, yeah! That makes total and complete sense~” You open your mouth to speak again, only a small squeak coming out instead. “Hmm? Something the matter?”
“Just… Thank you. For everything. I really didn’t expect this to do as well as it did and--and just, I guess I’m in shock?” You laugh, pulling away from Seungcheol as he stares down at you. “And to be honest… I mean, it’s not like we haven’t thought about each other, right?”
Seungcheol feels his body getting warmer by the passing second; gulping when he understands what you mean. “Y-yeah, it’s just.. Hah, I guess I thought I’d have more time to woo you over.”
Letting out an airy laugh, you stand from the sofa and make your way towards the momentarily forgotten box of equipment; dragging it towards the bed before you sit on the floor next to it. “You have plenty of time to do that~ And anyway, who says I’m not already woo’d over?” You place a ring light down by your side just as Seungcheol sits on the bed, watching as you go through the items.
“Wow, Jeongguk sure has a lot of really nice equipment in here! Are you sure it’s okay we borrowed it?”
“Yeah, he’s a bit of a nerd for video equipment and I’m pretty sure as long as we don’t break anything we’re good.”
It only takes about 35 minutes and Seungcheol stepping on an outlet plug to finish setting up all the lighting equipment and camera as you and Seungcheol finally plop down onto the bed.
“Jeez, I never realized how convoluted it was to set up a few ring lights and one camera. I don’t want to see another cable for at least 50 years.” Seungcheol jokes; wiping a bead of sweat that trickles down his temple. “Is this how it’s set up at your place?”
“Mmhmm~ All the time. It’s like I’m never really ‘offline’.”
He stands from the bed a second later, walking to the fridge to get some water for the two of you. “Really? You don’t ever put the equipment away?”
You sigh softly, flopping onto your back onto the cold sheets. “In a perfect world I would, but it gets really annoying to always take down and put everything back up so I usually kind of just leave them in their places. But it’s fine ‘cause it’s only me anyway and I’m lazy~”
Seungcheol laughs as he places a glass of water next to the bed. “I guess that’s fair. I’d probably do the same.” You get comfy on his bed; eyes already threatening to slide shut.
“We should probably get some sleep, huh? I have work in the morning…” He mumbles, watching as you already seem to drift off into sleep.
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Seungcheol’s bed is comfy.
So comfy that you barely register him leaning down to let you know that he’d be leaving for work. And so comfy that you spend most of your day in it until he gets back.
“Honey, I’m home~” He singsongs; kicking his shoes off at the door before making his way into the kitchen. “I grabbed some takeout on the way back, hope you don’t mind. My cookbooks came in a while ago, but to be honest, I’ve barely even looked at ‘em, much less even opened them up.”
“I don’t mind~ And thank you!”
The two of you set up in the living space, placing the food on the coffee table and easing onto the rug. “So how was work, darling~?”
Seungcheol chokes on a bite of food in an instant, hand on his chest as he tries to swallow it down. “Urgh, f-fine!” He pauses as he clears his airway. “Jeongguk really won’t let me live it down but it’s okay. He asked what you saw in me and that killed my ego a bit.” He snorts.
“Pfft, there’s a lot to like about you! He just doesn’t see ‘that’ side of you, y’know?” Seungcheol blushes, clearing his throat before trying to change the subject. “How was your day? Hope it wasn’t too boring?”
“Mmm~ Not really... Your bed is really comfy though! I didn’t wanna leave it~ Oh! And I spent some time brainstorming some ideas ‘n stuff for tomorrow!”
“Yeah? Anything good?”
Your cheeks flush crimson; a shy smile on your lips. “Maybe~ But we’ll save it for our talk!!”
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dom.cheol: aren’t you a pretty lil thing?
angelhan has donated $70
dom.cheol has donated $300
artist8hao: oh? A new location again? It looks nice
alphagyu97: are we all forgetting the most important thing??
alphagyu97: whos the dude???
universe_WZ: you sound pressed over there, u ok?
hoshi_tiger_xx: honestly idrc that video was HOT
“Oh my gosh~ You guys!!” Your eyes flit to the side where Seungcheol sits with his phone in hand; a sly smirk on his face when your eyes meet. “Actually, I didn’t know you’d all like it so much… I kinda just thought to do it on the fly and my---my friend, um, agreed to help me…” Mumbling, you shyly readjust on Seungcheol’s sheets.
gc__koo: a friend? interesting tell me more
sleepy_wonu: who tf
kitty_junjun: i see our babygirl is getting more regulars~ so popular~
You giggle cutely as you tuck a stray hair behind your ear. “Did my video do that well?” You already know the answer but you read off a few more responses, biting your lip when you glance Seungcheol’s way again.
“Actually… my friend is here with me. He’s making sure I behave~”
Seungcheol pauses, head tilted questioningly at you. He mouths a simple ‘what are you doing?’ to which you wink back, readjusting yourself against the headboard.
“He’s really shy though… So he won’t be on camera~ But… But thinking about his fingers so deep in me… Fuck I’m--I’m already…” You trail off; hand reaching for the small bullet vibrator next to you on the bed.
gc__koo: guess he really gave it to you good huh?
xcaliburDK: fuck we kno he did… god that was so hot
tangerine_kwan: ur cute lil pussy was so wet and tight around those fingers, fuck
chwenon has donated $45
chwenon: it was so diff from seeing your own fingers or toys but in a good way
You trail the small vibrator across your body; mewling when you press it against the growing wet patch on your panties. “S-so you guys wouldn’t mind seeing more?”
gentleman_josh95: fuck yea i wanna see more
therealchan99: yes god plz, wanna see that cute lil cunt stretching around a fat cock
Seungcheol blushes as he clenches his jaw, suddenly a little embarrassed.
“Yeah? Mmh, I--I want that too…” You whimper. Using your free hand, you hook your thumb into the waistband of your panties as you shimmy them down before you continue. “Do you think my friend would be so kind as to give it to me~?” You tease; spreading your legs wide in front of the camera.
dom.cheol: if you behave, maybe he will.
artist8hao: mmm he’s right, only good girls get their pussies filled with cock
“Heeeey, but I’m good, right?” You pout, brows furrowing cutely at the camera. “I’ve been so good lately… Think I deserve a reward~”
dom.cheol: do you though? Have you been good, baby?
therealchan99: uh oh trouble in paradise?
gc__koo: maybe hes jealous
Jealous!? Seungcheol exclaims in his head; reminding himself to keep quiet as he stares at you incredulously.
You can only laugh loudly in response, shaking your head as you bring the wet toy up to your lips. You lick the wetness off of the silicone, lips settling into a sly smirk when you set the vibrator to it’s strongest setting.
“Let me show you how good I can be.”
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“So, restraints?”
“For me or for you?” You blink up at Seungcheol from a mouthful of cereal, hair messy as you lounge in one of his shirts you happened to find on the floor. “Uh, well, mostly for you. I’m--I’m not opposed to it but… Yeah.”
You get comfy in his makeshift sofa bed, giggling as he sits across from you. “I’m totally cool with it! Oh! Um… you… you’re clean, right? Before we continue.” He nods in response, clearing his throat. “Yeah, I got tested a few weeks ago… Just in case.”
“Okay cool, so… Hmm… ‘Cheol is there anything you don’t want to do?”
“I should be asking you that, baby. ‘Cause I’m okay with anything you want to do… I think.”
“Okay so no piss kinks and no weird diaper baby stuff then.”
Seungcheol snorts, running a hand through his hair. “Sounds good to me. Is there anything you’re… really opposed to? Like choking or spitplay or degradation... I mean, you talking about it on your camshows is different from us doing it in real life so I--I just want to make sure you’re really okay with it.” You nod slowly, taking in his words.
“Yeah… I mean, I wanna try it with you. I trust you.” Pausing, you bite your lip as you try to hide the giddy smile on your face to no avail. “If we’re being honest, the thought of you being rough with me and spitting in my mouth is kinda really hot.”
He grits his teeth, already feeling his cock throb when you say that. “Ooookay, baby, I gotta go to work after this so let’s… not go there right now, okay? I don’t need ‘Guk having any more ammo against me.”
“Sorry, ‘Cheol~ I’ll be good! And--oh, by the way… Um, what about your v-voice? What are we gonna do about that…”
Oh, right.
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating. In truth, he’d been thinking about it since you asked him to help the first time and he knew eventually he’d have to revisit the topic. It seemed like a minuscule thing, but a part of him was a little worried that he’d be recognizable. “I--I’ll think about it. I’m more okay on the idea of it but I’ll let you know before we do anything.” Nodding, you get up from the sofa the same time Seungcheol does, walking with him towards the front door.
“Oh and one last thing, ‘Cheol!”
“Safe word?”
He takes a second to think, brows furrowing as he stares up at the ceiling.
You raise a brow, blinking up at Seungcheol. “Really? Cranberry?”
“Yeah, why not, it’s easy to remember and it’s not Cherry but it’s kinda similar?”
“That’s fair, I guess.”
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“Hey hyung, cool apartment! Didn’t think I’d see it like that, if you know what I mean.”
“Don’t you have popcorn to burn?”
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Seungcheol sighs a breath of relief when he turns the lock to his apartment door; already excited to see you when he gets home from work.
“I’m back!” He yells, toeing his shoes off at the entrance as he sees you quietly shuffle to the entrance.
“I… I was bad today…”
Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features as his eyes dance over your form still dressed in one of his t-shirts.
Ohhhh. Okay.
“You were bad, huh? Wanna tell me what you did, baby?”
You nod in response, linking your hands with his as you guide him back towards the bed. You hand him your phone, already having it in video mode and recording by the time he adjusts it in his palm
“You don’t have to… say anything if you don’t want to.” Seungcheol nods.
Gulping, you peer up at him once you sit on the bed. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you after you left for work… I--I couldn’t stop touching myself thinking about you…” You rub your thighs together; already feeling the wetness pooling between them again.
“I made myself cum and I--I used your pillow to make myself cum and got them dirty… ‘m sorry…”
Seungcheol feels himself slip into character, bringing his free hand up to your hair before he slightly tugs on it.
“So your greedy ‘lil pussy couldn’t wait ‘til I got home from work? And you got my favorite pillows dirty? Naughty ‘lil thing. I can’t even leave you alone for a few hours, can I?”
You feel your body heat up incredibly fast, head tilted up towards the camera as he brings it in closer. You were fully expecting him to keep quiet, but you were incredibly elated to hear him interacting with you. “I k-know, I’m sorry! I couldn’t s-stop thinking about your cock…” He scoffs, grinning down at you when he sees the lust already pooling in your eyes.
“How are you going to make it up to me, baby?”
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“Fuck, you’re so pretty choking on my cock.”
The tears blur your vision as you swallow around him; pussy throbbing around your fingers at the feeling of him already being too big for your mouth. His hand guides you down until your lips almost reach the base of his cock, a strained moan on his lips when you gag around him. “Ngh, god, your mouth is so fuckin’ small. Bet you can’t wait ‘til my cock is in that pussy of yours, huh?”
You moan around him in response; head getting fuzzy when the lightheadedness starts to bite. You continue to thrust your own fingers into your pussy, prepping yourself for Seungcheol as you scissor and curl the digits.
Seungcheol holds you onto his cock a second more before he tugs on your hair, pulling you off of his cock as you sputter and catch your breath. “You look good like this, baby.” He smirks, letting the camera catch your messy hair, teary eyes and swollen lips before he lets go of your hair.
“Now get on the bed. Legs spread for me.”
You nod; getting up from the floor on shaky legs as Seungcheol lets the camera follow.
You strip off all your clothes and get onto the bed before resting against the pillows and spreading your legs for Seungcheol to situate himself between them.
“You need to be punished for misbehaving, sweetheart. You know you’re not allowed to cum without my permission. And you got my sheets dirty.”
“I know…” You whimper, “I couldn’t help it…”
Scoffing, he rolls his eyes. “I know you can’t. All you ever think about is my cock inside that pussy of yours. What would you do without me, baby? Do you think anyone could satisfy you like I do?”
Seungcheol slots himself between your legs, making sure to keep most of himself out of frame. He wraps his free hand around his cock, running it up and down before bringing his cock to your wet folds. He runs the head through your folds, letting it tap against your clit as you jolt.  “Do you want me?” He whispers; his eyes meeting yours.
He knew this was the second everything would change for the two of you, and he wanted to make sure you truly wanted it before he took the leap.
“Yes, please… I want you so bad…” You whimper, legs wrapping around Seungcheol’s waist. He nods shakily, making sure your phone is angled down as he slowly sinks his cock into your pussy.
The two of you share a broken moan as Seungcheol’s grip on your phone tightens and your own hands find purchase in the pillow tucked underneath your head.
Seungcheol was big.
And the stretch had you whining; a small sting biting into you as he slowly eased his cock into you. “Relax for me, sweetheart. You’re already so fuckin’ tight around me. You need to relax a little more.”
You try your best to even your breathing as you also attempt to relax; pupils blown wide when you look straight into the camera. “G-god, you’re so b-big, oh, I--I’m--a-ah!” Tiny cries spill from your lips as you cum unexpectedly, nails digging into the pillow as your walls flutter around him.
“Hmm~ Only got half my cock into your tight pussy and you’re already cumming? So easy.” He laughs, letting you ride out your high as he waits.
Internally, Seungcheol was dying. There were so many things he wanted to say but couldn’t; knowing he, too, at this moment, was playing a character with you.
“Fuck, your pussy is so warm and wet and I’m not even all the way in yet. Think you can still take the rest of me, baby?”
“I, hah, y-yes, please! Wanna fuh--feel all of y-you…” Mumbling, you don’t even wait to come down from your high before you’re already wanting more; squirming underneath him.
“If you say so~”
Seungcheol inches in the rest of his cock, exhaling harshly when he bottoms out completely. “Holy fuck, you’re so goddamn tight!” His free hand grips your thigh, nails digging into the flesh as he gives you a second to adjust to his size. You can feel your entire body trembling, pussy clenching around him as the sting from the stretch starts to subside and bleed into unadulterated pleasure. “God, please--please m-move!”
He starts slow at first, only shallowly thrusting into you as the two of you get used to each other’s body. And despite your first time together being on camera, Seungcheol doesn’t seem to mind all too much, although he does remember to keep himself out as much as possible.
Your breathy moans and clipped breaths are music to his ears when he starts going a little faster; the sweat starting to trickle down his temple when he keeps at a moderate pace. “O-oh, fuck!” A string of incoherent curses follow as you wince when the head of Seungcheol’s cock taps your cervix.
“Oh, go----d, right there, please, it feels so g-good!”
“Right here? Does it feel good when you’re full of my cock?” Seungcheol clenches his jaw when you tighten around him, small curses falling from his own lips.
“Yes, yes, god, fuck… I--ngh!” Your eyes clamp shut as you fully get lost in pleasure; your head tossed back into the pillow when Seungcheol thrusts into you particularly hard.
You hear him laugh lightly, followed by a buzzing noise that has your eyes peeling open. “H-huh?”
Seungcheol smiles down at you, eyes filled with mischief when he plays with the settings on the vibrator in his hand.
“Well, you wanted to cum so bad that you did it without my permission, right? Since you wanna cum so bad, let’s see it, sweetheart.” He brings the toy to your clit; letting the vibrations throw your body into overdrive as your back arches off of the sheets.
“A-ah, Seu--Mmh! Fuck ‘m g-gonna cum a-again!” You cry, thighs quivering around his waist as he keeps the silicone toy pressed up against your swollen clit.
He doesn’t let up as he starts to thrust into you quicker, fucking you through your orgasm as he chases his. “God, your fuckin’ cunt was made for me. Bet you want me to cum inside too, huh? Fill you up nice and good until it’s spilling out of you?”
“Please, please, please!”
“You gotta cum for me one more time, baby. Get my cock wet.” You let out a choked cry, lashes wet with tears when he sets the toy to its strongest setting.
“Mmh, ‘m so s-sensitive… I--- I don’t know if--if I can, ah, cum a-again…” Seungcheol licks his lips watching your fucked out expression, cock throbbing between your walls. “I know you can, baby. I can feel you already getting tight around me again.”
And Seungcheol’s right; only a few more thrusts from him before you’re cumming one last time, heels digging into the small of his back as he finally shuts the toy off and grinds against you. And this time, your lips part in a silent scream, back arching off of the bed as your entire body goes rigid underneath him.
He makes sure to do a full sweep of your body through the camera in the midst of your high, halting his movements as he lets you ride it out before he continues.
“Oh my g-god, I--fu--fuck…”
Your body finally untenses after a few minutes; chest heaving in deep breaths as Seungcheol resumes his pace.
“Ready for me to cum inside that cute ‘lil cunt of yours?”
“Mmh, yes, give it to me~”
Seungcheol snickers, thrusting into you hard one last time before he pulls out completely. “That’s too bad~” He taunts, wrapping his free hand around the shaft of his cock. “Only good girls get creampies~” He lets out a cocky laugh, running his hand up and down his cock as he positions it over your abdomen.
You clench around emptiness, a weak moan floating through the air when Seungcheol finally cums, painting your chest in warm wet streaks of the salty substance. “Fuck, but you look so pretty covered in my cum too…” He grits out, cock throbbing in his palm as he works himself through his orgasm.
You watch him through foggy eyes; licking your chapped lips as you watch his brows furrow in concentration and his eyes slide shut as he, too, gets overwhelmed with bliss.
It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, palm sweaty around the phone as his thumb hovers over the ‘stop’ button. “W-wait…”
“Hmm? What’s wrong, baby?”
You run your fingers through the rivulets of cum coating your skin, gathering the viscous liquid on your fingertips before you bring them up to your mouth to lick them clean. “We can’t let it go to waste, can we?” Popping the digits into your mouth, you moan around your fingers as you clean Seungcheol’s cum off of them.
“You’re right, baby. We shouldn’t.”
You smile up at him, eyes dancing towards the camera for what feels like the first time in a long time before popping the digits out of your mouth.
Seungcheol’s eyes follow your movements, throat dry when you run your fingertips through the settling cum again. Except this time, you drag your fingers down until they’re teasing your clit, coating it in his cum. “Ngh, w-wanted you to cum inside but…”
His shaky eyes follow the way your fingers dip lower and lower until your cum coated fingers sink into your swollen pussy. He mentally screams, half tempted to shut off the camera.
“That’s right, baby. You want my cum so bad that you have to do it yourself, huh? Maybe next time you’ll remember to behave, won’t you?”
Nodding, you repeat the same steps a few more times; fingering Seungcheol’s cum into your pussy until most of it is cleaned off of your chest.
“I promise I won’t misbehave again~” You coo.
You wait a few seconds before you lean up, hand circling Seungcheol’s wrist as you bring the phone down and press the ‘stop’ button yourself.
“And scene!” You blurt out, laying back down in a tired mess as Seungcheol chuckles above you.
“Well, can’t say I expected that, if I’m being honest.” He moves back, eyes fixated on his cum that dries on your skin and the little bit that trickles from your pussy. “I’ve gotta ask, did you really… before I got home…”
“Honestly? Yeah… I mean the--the pillows were a lie ‘cause I didn’t wanna get them dirty but…” You chuckle tiredly, aiming to sit up which you find difficult to do. “Fuck, ‘Cheol, I think you broke me!” He pouts in response, leaning over you to make sure you were okay.
“Did I though? Be honest. ‘Cause I wasn’t expecting to go that hard on our first time together but it just---it--I--”
“Whoa, it’s okay! Seungcheol, relax. You didn’t hurt me… I r-really liked it actually… It felt--You felt really good. And I just wanted to, um, say sorry. I kinda sprung that on you out of nowhere too.”
“Honestly? I didn’t mind. I seemed to fall into character a lot easier than I expected which shocked me too.” 
The two of you fall into a comfortable yet shy silence; catching your breath.
Seungcheol makes the first move, sliding off of the bed as you fight off the sleep that threatens to take you. “Hey, we need to get you cleaned up and hydrated. I need to change the sheets too.”
“Mmm.. but ‘m tired, ‘Cheol…”
He smiles at your tired form, helping you into a sitting position before shuffling to the kitchen to get you a glass of water. “I know you’re tired. And you can go to sleep after we get you cleaned off, get the sheets changed and probably eat a little, okay?”
“Mmkay~ Oh, but the video…” He passes you the glass, making you finish it before you continue.
“What about the video?”
You wipe at your dry lips, handing the glass back to Seungcheol. “We… We should probably watch it back and edit it a bit to make sure everything’s okay, shouldn’t we? Just in case we, um, said something we shouldn’t have or something...”
A blush blooms on Seungcheol’s skin, suddenly shy at the idea that he’d have to not only listen to himself but also watch, at least, part of himself on camera. “R-right, which--which we can do tomorrow when I get back from work. If that’s okay with you?”
You nod up at him, a beaming smile on your face.
“It’s definitely okay with me~”
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 79 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: Violet and Sutan showed up for Bob’s drag show. Courtney had a disastrous day at work before Galactica shut down for the holidays.
This Chapter: Violet parties a little too hard, Sutan gets sick, and Miss Fame finds out about her precious sketches.
Violet wasn’t surprised that Bob was an amazing and hilarious performer. What had surprised her was how into it Sutan seemed, slapping his thighs at every joke, cheering loudly, tipping all of the queens generously.
It was so unlike how he behaved at the adult parties they normally frequented, so unlike how he normally spent a night out mingling and networking, his charm laid on so thick sometimes that the real him barely even poked through.
At one point, after watching him stuff a couple of bills down one queen’s corset, Violet must have had some kind of strange expression, because Sutan caught her eye and gave her a wink, saying, “Not my first drag show, darling.”
Violet smiled, shaking her head at him, though she gladly accepted the kiss he offered up, Sutan’s lips tasting like whiskey and those horrible green shots. It was great to see him, to watch the grown man she cared so much for light up with boyish delight, Sutan throwing himself wholeheartedly into the show.
By the time Bob came up to their table after the show, she was starting to really feel the effects of all the drinks she’d had throughout the night, her speech sounding much slurrier than she intended when she accepted a sweaty hug from Bob.
“You were so good up there,” she said, trying to get out her words without sounding as crazy drunk as she felt, “Best one by far.”
“Wow,” said a voice nearby, and Bob let out a hearty laugh.
“You heard her, Thorgy, I’m the best. By far,” Bob cackled, turning and sticking his tongue out at a green-haired queen.
“Your friends are so sweet, Bob, you should bring them more often,” she said snidely, and Violet’s eyes widened, realizing her mistake.
“No, I just meant, uh, that...that you-” she stammered out, and Bob laughed even harder.
“No, we heard you,” continued Thorgy, giving an exaggerated eye roll. “As if Bob needs anything else to make his fat head even bigger.”
“Would you chill, bitch? She was just giving me a compliment! Nobody murdered your family.”
“Shut up, Bob!”
Violet tried to shrink as they continued to bicker, Maxwell slipping her another shot and whispering, “Don’t worry, they’re just like that. Bottoms up.”
Violet picked up the shot, toasting Maxwell with a little shrug, just as Sutan returned to the table with a fresh round for everyone.
“Sutan,” Violet groaned, and Sutan couldn’t help but smile, his girlfriend under his arm, snuggled against his side, an open bottle of water in her hand.
“Yes darling?” It had been a bit of a struggle to get to the taxi, Violet suddenly a whole lot drunker than he had ever seen her before, but they had had an amazing night.
It had been literal years since he had last been to a drag show, and he had forgotten how much fun they generally were.
It had been good to see Violet’s work friends, and to get to know them a little better, to know for certain that his girlfriend was surrounded by good people when she went to work.
“I don’t feel good…” Violet whined, the tone so new for her Sutan had to bite his cheek not to chuckle.
“I know lovely eyes.” He held her hand, gently lifting it and the bottle to her lips so Violet could drink some more water. He should probably have stopped her about 5 shots ago, but he hadn’t wanted to cut off her fun, which she was now paying the price for.
Violet took a sip, her nose scrunching up like it tasted all wrong, Sutan holding her in place even as he took the bottle.
“We’ll be home soon.”
He had been smart enough to change the sheets before they left, the task one he normally left for his housekeeper but she was on vacation, painkillers and water bottles ready on the nightstands - fresh sheets and a cracked window a guaranteed recipe for a good night’s sleep, something they both truly needed.
“Mmh,” Violet tried to pull away, her hand pushing against his leg so Sutan let her, his girlfriend sitting up straight.
“I really don’t feel good,” Violet dumped her head back against the headrest, “like I think, I might-”
The taxi rounded a corner, and Violet’s hand flew to cover her mouth, her eyes wide with panic, and Sutan knew instantly what was about to happen.
“Stop the car!” Sutan reached over Violet, opening the door and unbuckling her seatbelt in one fluid motion, a hand on her hip pushing her out on the street as he yelled over his shoulder to the driver. “Stay!”
Sutan followed behind Violet with practiced ease, the maneuver one he had done hundreds of times, models often drinking way too much if they didn't snort something worse during the first year of their career.
“Over here,” Sutan hated that he was forcing Violet to stand on her bad leg, but he didn’t have much choice, one hand finding her waist as he turned her in an attempt to support her weight,  “How are you feeling-”
He was cut off as Violet grabbed his arm and bent forward to throw up, the majority of it landing directly on Sutan’s shoes, his fingers only just catching her ponytail.
“Oh god,” Violet choked, “I’m so sorry-” She didn’t finish, as she puked again and Sutan sighed, the second round of vomit soaking his shoes completely, the leather officially beyond salvageable.
“I’m sorry,” Violet’s forehead was leaning against his stomach, Sutan’s hand on her neck, a hiccup leaving her, her voice quivering with tears. “I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry-”
“Hey, hey,” Sutan tightened his grip, using his other hand to gently push on Violet’s shoulder to get her to stand up. Her face was an absolute mess, tears streaming down her cheeks, “Lovely eyes, don’t worry-”
“You’re wearing Prada.” Violet sobbed, her hand coming up in a desperate attempt to wipe her tears, and Sutan knew it was wrong, he just couldn’t help but laugh.
“Don’t laugh at me!” Violet hit his chest, but she still allowed him to move her so she was leaning against the taxi, the tip he’d need to give their driver growing by the second. Violet had thankfully not thrown up on herself, which was a true blessing combined with the fact that he had shoved the water bottle into his pocket. He took it out, uncapping it to pour the water over his shoes, washing them to the best of his ability.
It wasn’t perfect, but he had dealt with a lot worse.
Violet was pale, but she didn’t look like she was going to throw up again, so Sutan helped her back in the car, giving the driver a hundred as a thank you for not leaving them stranded.
“Lovely eyes?” Sutan felt a moment of panic when he realized Violet hadn’t said a word since they got back in the car, “Is everything-“
“I’m so embarrassed, I can’t believe I-“ Violet groaned, frustration heavy in her voice, “I threw up all over your Prada shoes.”
“You know,” Sutan grinned, the few times someone had thrown up in his hands so much worse than what he had just experienced. “You’re the only girl I know who’d care about the brand of shoes I’m wearing right now. The vomit would have been plenty for most.”
“Can we please just, not?” Violet sighed heavily, but she did lean her head against his shoulder, which Sutan took as a very good sign. “I’d love to pretend all of this never happened.”
“Violet. They’re just shoes.” Sutan pressed a kiss against her temple, “You’re so much more important.”
Raven flipped through the dresses she hadn’t worn in public yet, looking for the one she was going to be wearing for New Year’s. She had gotten several options for her and Raja, but they hadn’t had the chance yet to try anything on and make the decision, glittering suits and the more theatrical pieces Raja preferred on her side of their walk-in closet.
“What do you think of a green theme?” Raven looked over her shoulder and over at Raja, who was sitting sideways in one of the arm chairs, her legs over the armrest, a bouquet of lilies on the side table.
Raven loved their gigantic walk-in closet, the room so big they had to take down a wall when they moved in, but it was one of her favorite rooms in their apartment, so it was well worth it. It was all done in shades of beige and gray, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the couch and the arm chairs almost making it feel like a miniature store.
“Raj?” Raven waited for a beat, but when she didn’t get a reply, she turned around.
“Hello? Earth to Raja?” Raven crossed her arms, annoyance curling in her belly. She hated being ignored, and right now, she was being ignored by her favorite person. “Urgh!” Raven huffed, stomping over and grabbing the phone from Raja’s hands.
“Hey!” Raja’s eyes widened in surprise and she sat up, her feet hitting the floor. “Give me my phone-”
“You promised-” Raven held her hand up so Raja couldn’t get the phone, her fiancée grabbing her hips and pulling her in between her spread legs, “you wouldn’t work.”
“I’m not,” Raja tightened her grip, and Raven had to bite back a moan as she felt her short nails dig through the fabric of her dress. “I’m texting Tan.”
“Please,” Raven turned the phone, still holding it over her head so she could see the screen without Raja snatching it away. She had expected to see her emails pulled up, Raja often working at the strangest of times, but instead, all she saw was a row of text messages in Indonesian.
“... Okay, so,” Raven hated admitting that she was wrong, but this once, it seemed like Raja wasn’t actually ignoring her for work. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Raja smiled as she was handed her phone, her hand guiding Raven to sip on her lap, which she gladly did. “Tan says he has a cold.”
“What?” Raven raised an eyebrow, her arms around Raja’s neck. Sutan never got sick, like, never ever, so this was an unexpected turn of events. “Really?”
“Mmh,” Raja nodded, “He woke up with a fever, but it seems like Violet is there.”
This time, it was Raven’s turn to smile, her hand gliding under Raja’s open shirt. “So you’re going to go check in on him?”
“Oh definitely.” Raja grinned, “Who do you think I am?”
“Keep the change.”
To say that Violet was feeling guilty would be an understatement. She did her best not to spill the soup as she made her way back towards the living room where Sutan was sleeping on the couch, the TV running on the news channel.
It was terribly unfair, but she had woken up without as much as a headache, while Sutan was coughing his lungs out, her boyfriend hot with fever. Raja had done a pharmacy run, buying every medicine under the sun for her brother, which was now spread out on the coffee table. Raja had offered to stay, but Sutan had sent her away, telling her with a smile that Violet was taking care of him.
It was equal parts unexpected and amazing that he trusted her, that he still wanted her around after she had literally thrown up on him, the ruined shoes something Violet knew would be haunting her nightmares.
It was truly a miracle that she hadn’t fled the apartment, but she didn’t want to disappoint Sutan, so she stayed.
Violet put the bag down, returning with utensils and bowls from the kitchen, when Sutan cracked an eye open, her boyfriend looking up at her.
“Hey,” Sutan smiled, his hair adorably messy, the blanket all the way up to his chin, a small mountain of used tissues in the bin Violet had put by his head.
“I got you lunch.”
“What?” Sutan sat up, grabbing his glasses from the table to put them on. He was wearing a gigantic sweater and a pair of sweatpants, thick wool socks on his feet. “Wait, is that? Did you get me chicken soup-” He didn’t finish, a cough cutting him off, and Violet felt her heart clench.
“Bread too.”
“Ha,” Sutan snorted, a grin on his lips. “You’re the best,” he tilted his head for a kiss, but Violet reacted on instinct, putting a hand on his forehead, pushing him back, which made Sutan laugh.
“You’re all...snotty…” Violet tried not to wrinkle her nose, but it was hard not to, his skin hot to the touch.
“So you can throw up on my shoes, but I can’t get one little kiss?”
Violet rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but smile over Sutan’s attitude. “Fine.” She leaned forward, pressing a kiss against Sutan’s forehead. “And I really am sorry, I promise that I’ll replace them-”
“Lovely eyes,” Sutan looked up at her, her hands on his shoulder. “I meant what I said last night. I don’t care about the shoes.”
“But-” They hadn’t actually talked about it sober, and while Violet wished that the earth would swallow her up, she pushed on, “You always make excuses for me, and forgive things you shouldn’t, and I-”
“Violet,” Sutan reached up, touching her elbow, “That’s what you do when you love someone, and I happen to love you.”
“...You love me?”
“I do,” Sutan smiled, “I really do.”
“I-” Violet didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to do, but as she looked at Sutan’s face, she realized that he meant it. This man, this strange, wonderful, amazing man, loved her, and Violet had no idea what she had done to deserve him. “I love you too.”
PEARL: How would you feel about a NYE party at 230 5th?
DAHLIA: Well that sounds fuckin posh. How’d you get on the list for something so chic?
PEARL: I’m chic as fuck
DAHLIA: Lol if you say so
PEARL: Lol, is that a yes?
DAHLIA: Sure, why not.
PEARL: Perf. You wanna come over early and get ready together?
DAHLIA: Don’t want to wait until the end of the night to get lucky, huh?
PEARL: Nope ;)
Symone yawned, leaning against a column in the Terminal 5 baggage claim, her sunglasses hiding her face as she was waiting for Gigi to appear on the escalator.
Her flight from Little Rock had arrived less than 2 hours before Gigi’s, and even though she could have easily gone back to the apartment, she had told her that she’d wait for her.
Symone was exhausted, but she was also psyched to see her friend, their time apart feeling much longer than a week, so staying at the airport had felt like the obvious choice.
Finally she spotted her, in what looked like a brand new forest green coat with fur trim, Gigi’s red hair hidden under a green hat, her friend carrying herself like a starlet who had stepped off of an old Hollywood movie set.
“Geeg!” Symone called out, waving, and her face broke out into a huge grin as she waved back.
Once Gigi got to the bottom of the escalator, she raced forward, nearly tripping in her platform boots as she ran towards Symone, flinging herself into her arms for a huge hug, squealing out, “Hiiiii!”
“Hey girl, long time no see,” Symone said, laughing, holding her tight. Gigi smelled like airport but underneath it, she was exactly herself, her skin warm and soft, and Symone had missed her more than she was willing to admit.
Soon, the two girls were standing in front of the baggage carousel, arms linked, giggling like crazy as they caught each other up on the latest family drama and antics from their siblings while waiting for Gigi’s bags to show up.
It felt good to be back together, and Symone basked in Gigi’s attention.
It wasn’t like she had never had friends, wasn’t like she hadn't had best friends, but Gigi was special, and Symone felt her heart skip a beat as she took her hand, intertwining their fingers.
“So,” Gigi looked at her, a smile on her face. “Pizza?”
Symone laughed, but nodded, Gigi a terrible but also amazing influence. “Pizza.”
“Sutan told Violet he loves her.”
“What?” Trixie looked up from the onion he was chopping, and over at Katya who was sitting at the kitchen table, one hand on her stomach, her thumb rubbing back and forth, her phone in the other.
“She just texted.” Katya titled her screen, though she didn’t actually show the text.
“Haven’t they been dating for months?” Trixie turned around, pretty sure that he had heard the earliest rumors about them going out together from Pearl all the way back in september.
“Not everyone says love you after the second date sugarbutt,” Katya grinned and Trixie smiled, a delighted flush filling his cheeks.
Fame sighed, a sense of restlessness and uneasiness lying heavily over her. They had come back from The Farm that morning, Fame spending the early afternoon in her study rearranging her chicken figurine collection.
Patrick had found the most gorgeous ceramic Plymouth Rock figurine, the black and white chicken absolutely a masterpiece, and Fame knew that she should be happy, tinkering with her collection usually an instant source of joy, but today, she just felt…unwell.
Fame wanted to talk to Bianca, but she also didn’t want to talk to Bianca, annoyance at how she had behaved at the dinner party still dancing under her skin.
Bianca hadn’t said sorry, not beyond the hurried apology she had thrown over her shoulder as she left, in fact, she hadn’t contacted her at all besides a single text on Christmas morning.
Fame closed the glass door to her chicken cabinet, walking over to her desk to pick up her phone. She knew it was torture, but she opened her messages, tapping Bianca’s name.
BIANCA: Merry Christmas, Blondie. Let’s hang out when I’m back in Jan. XO
Fame hadn’t replied, annoyance wheeling up in her at how casually Bianca dared to act, how she attempted to sweep how hurtful she had been under the rug yet again. She had overheard Juju and Detox discussing that Bianca had left the country, but Fame had very intentionally not checked any of Bianca’s social media, though Pearl swore to her that a simple look was untrackable.
She began typing out a message, but then stopped, deleting it again. It was too late to respond now without seeming petty, and Fame hated whenever Bianca accused her of that, but they still needed to talk, needed to actually talk about what was going on.
She needed an excuse, some reason to contact Bianca and lure her into a meeting, so she wouldn’t have to show her how she was feeling in text.
Maybe she could find out if one of their regular brunch spots had added anything new to their menu, and then ask if Bianca wanted to join her.
Fame sighed yet again, the plan seeming impossible as she took a seat in her chair, the latest paper deliveries from Galactica lying in a neat stack.
If nothing else, her bad mood could be useful for tearing through some of the more dull and dry parts of her job. Fame took the top one, the weight of it depressing in itself since Fame knew it wasn’t anything fun, Alyssa amazing at her job though she also insisted on being a pain in Fame’s ass.
She made it two thirds of the way through the report before boredom overwhelmed her. She needed something interesting, something fun, and if she was lucky, she knew just where she could find it.
FAME: Hi love, I know you’re still on vacation, but if you have some time today, I would love to hear your thoughts on my sketches. :)
TRIXIE: Your sketches?
FAME: Yes. The Met ones that my office sent to you before we shut down.
TRIXIE: Let me check my computer
Fame took a bottle of Pellegrino from the little office fridge under her desk, twisting the cap and grabbing a glass as she waited for Trixie’s reply.
TRIXIE: I don’t want to get anyone in trouble
TRIXIE: But the last email I have from Courtney is about the investor meeting.
Fame rolled her eyes, absolutely exasperated at Courtney’s inability to follow through with the simplest of instructions, since she was positive that she’d told her to send the sketches.
It took three calls for her to answer her phone, and by the time she did, Fame was fuming.
“Why doesn’t Trixie have my sketches?”
“Um...well, Miss, I…” Courtney’s voice sounded shaky and tearful, which Fame didn’t understand. If she would just follow simple instructions like any assistant, she wouldn’t get scolded or lectured. Her victim act made Fame even more irritated than she was already.
“Tell me! Because Trixie says he doesn’t have them and I know I told you to take care of them-”
“I-I think they might be gone.”
“Gone?” Fame froze, a few seconds ticking by before she really understood what Courtney had said. She felt her heartbeat speed up, dread collecting in her stomach. “What do you mean gone?!” Fame could hear her tone grow shrill, and knew that there was a good chance that Charles would come running any minute, her dog always showing up when she was upset.
“Well, I was in a cab on the way back to the office and then when you called, I-I was distracted and I must have not seen them on the seat…”
“Oh god…” Fame tried to take a deep breath, tuning out Courtney’s ridiculous explanation, her incompetence so staggering that she hadn’t even been able to do something as simple as not losing Fame’s original work.
She couldn’t believe it.
Her sketches were really gone, her work lost somewhere in the city, defenseless against whoever might happen across it.
“...and I have messages in to every company that operates-”
“Enough!” Fame exploded. “I don’t care for your pitiful excuses. How could you be so absolutely irresponsible?! I have put up with all of your mistakes, your incompetence, but this is beyond anything, those were- You’ve done, this, this is unforgivable Courtney-”
The door opened, Charles annoyingly enough clever enough to work out door handles.
“Miss, I’m so sorry-”
Fame could hear that Courtney was crying, but she didn’t care, her heart hammering away in her ears, words spilling from her lips, the only thing stopping her when she heard Bianca’s voice in her ear.
“Put Courtney back on the phone-”
“No.” Bianca’s voice was stern, and Fame couldn’t believe that she was taking that tone with her, especially considering her little sex toy’s latest fuck-up. “We’re trying to enjoy dinner-”
“You can finish this rant on Monday, but for now, she’s mine. See ya soon!”
Fame heard the beep of a phone being hung up, and as she lowered it from her ear, she saw that Bianca had done just that, cutting her off, and her blood boiled.
Bianca had betrayed her yet again, and Fame could feel her heart breaking, the whole thing so terribly fucking unfair.
Fame threw her phone down on the carpet, and put her arms around Charles neck, the heavy breath of her dog in her ear as she clung to him.
Courtney gaped at Bianca, mouth open in shock.
“You just hung up on Miss Fame!” she exclaimed. She wiped the tears still trickling down her cheeks with the back of her hand.
“Yeah, so? She deserved it.” Bianca sipped her cocktail, shrugging.
“Bianca! That’s my boss!” The truth, that Courtney wouldn’t admit out loud, was that witnessing it had been a little bit thrilling. No one had ever defended her like that. If she wasn’t so terrified of the repercussions, she’d have been delighted.
“You wanna call her back?” Bianca asked, one eyebrow raised.
“Well...no.” Courtney lifted her hand to her mouth, smothering a nervous laugh. “Oh god, she’s gonna kill me.”
“She won’t.” Bianca reached out and took Courtney’s hand. “At least not until next Monday.”
Courtney gave a rueful smile, shoulders sagging a bit. She’d been having the best time with Bianca, every day filled with joy and excitement and love. Part of her wished that it could last forever.
But of course, it couldn’t. It was just a vacation. And tomorrow they were flying back to New York. Which in and of itself wasn’t a problem. After all, they had a fabulous New Year’s Eve party to go to, which was being hosted by Jinkx Monsoon. (The Jinkx Monsoon, who Courtney was thrilled to finally meet; she hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself by being too much of a fangirl.)
And then a few days later, the movers would come to help her get all her things from her apartment, and she could say goodbye forever to the apartment that her friends called “The Dungeon.”
So things were looking up--at least better than they had in a long time.
But then there was work.
Courtney knew that she should be grateful for all the wonderful things in her life, but the feeling she’d gotten when she saw Fame’s name pop up on her phone had been sheer, unbridled panic. And it hadn’t gotten any better once she’d answered. The thought of going back to all that, where every move she made was wrong, where she was nothing but a fuck-up and a disappointment, was upsetting and frustrating and beyond anything just exhausting.
“What’s wrong, sunshine?” Bianca asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“Nothing,” Courtney said, attempting a smile, which Bianca clearly didn’t buy from the way she tilted her head, eyebrows raised. “No, it’s just...a bit of a bummer to think about work.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“I feel like someone just threw a bucket of ice water in my face and screamed at me to wake up from a beautiful dream.”
“Well…” Bianca twirled her glass by the stem, then asked, “What if you didn’t have to wake up?
“What do you mean?”
“Look, I’m not gonna tell you what to do about your job, but...it just seems like it’s making you miserable, with no upside. And worse, it’s leaving you no time to pursue the things you actually care about, like music.”
“I know, but what choice do I have? I have to work.”
“Do you?” Bianca asked, a smirk on her face, and Courtney rolled her eyes.
“Well, yeah. How else will I pay for stuff?”
Bianca shrugged nonchalantly. “You know your rent just decreased dramatically.”
“I know, but it’s not just rent. There’s my phone and student loans and credit cards and legal bills and-”
“Angel…” Bianca pulled Courtney closer, into her lap. “If money is stressing you out, then I can help you with all of that. Actually, I’d be thrilled to help you, if it allows you to follow your dreams.”
“I’m not asking for your money, B,” Courtney said, looking away. Bianca had already given her so much, and now this? What could she possibly offer in return?
“I know.” Bianca took her chin and turned her face back gently, looking into her eyes. “I know you’re not, but I’m offering. There’s a big difference.”
Courtney bit her lip, eyes falling closed as Bianca kissed up her jaw. Was this really happening? Was Bianca really offering her such an easy out to all of her problems? What was the catch? Courtney felt her throat tighten, tears pricking at her eyes.
“Let me take care of you, angel…” she whispered, and Courtney sighed against her.
“You don’t know how badly I want to say yes,” Courtney whispered back. And it was true, she did. She’d always been independent--in fact, she’d prided herself on it, and so had her parents. Even before she left home to study in America, she’d been self-sufficient. In a way, it felt like a cop-out to accept so much help from Bianca. But Courtney was tired, so very tired, of everything being hard all the time.
“Then say yes. Or at least, say you’ll think about it. You don’t have to decide tonight.”
For a few moments, Courtney gazed at her, too overwhelmed to speak.
“Um...you just…” Courtney couldn’t say what she wanted to say, which was that Bianca was every single one of her dreams coming true. That she was sheer perfection. So instead, she said, “You just...look really cute tonight.”
A grin broke out on Bianca’s face as she asked, “Oh yeah? You approve?”
Courtney nodded. She very, very much approved. Bianca was wearing a vivid tangerine-colored dress, the color something she herself would have loved to wear (although she had to admit, it looked so good against Bianca’s skin that she’d probably hesitate to ever wear it again), and everything, even her accessories, were bright and fun and joyful. She was so beautiful, thinking about it made Courtney feel choked up once again.
“I...I don’t deserve you,” Courtney finally said, as a tear slipped down her cheek.
“You deserve the world,” Bianca told her earnestly. She leaned forward and pressed a soft, tender kiss to Courtney’s lips before moving to her cheeks, kissing away her tears.
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silverducks · 3 years
Game of Thrones - Jaime Lannister
A rambling character study of Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones.
Ok, so nearly a month since I finished watching Game of Thrones, and I’m still not over how it ended. Like some things I can reconcile myself too, some things just annoy me when I overthink what happened and some things - ok one thing in particular - is just not letting me go.
And that is the way the show ended for Jaime Lannister.
I know I’m like 2 years too late on the GoT bandwagon and no one cares anymore. But I’m writing all these posts because I still care, having recently experienced what you all went through 2 years ago. And I know what I’ll be posting will have all been posted countless times before and discussed in the fandom years ago. But I kinda need to still get my own thoughts written down and outta my head.
Before I go on though, I just want to add in here that I do still love this show and, even right to the very end, think the acting, crew, music, sets/scenery, costumes, basically everything was pretty much amazing. That is except the writing, which, went downhill after series 4. Before then it was pretty much amazing too (not always perfect (is anything?), but so darn good!)
Now, turns out when I came to write down my thoughts on Jaime’s ending, I had even more than I realised. Basically it’s turned into me writing one massive analysis of Jaime’s character based on the show. So I’ve split it into separate posts, with this first one more of an intro, a summary of my thoughts and overall opinion on Jaime and a bit of context on my own experience with Game of Thrones.
Now, spoilers for Game of Thrones ending
I’ve read/watched a lot on the internet since I saw those episodes (series 8, episode 4 and 5 in case you weren’t sure) and I know a lot of people don’t like how they ended Jaime’s story in the show either. But I’ve also read a lot of comments where people did like it, or at least thought it made sense. The reasons they give make no sense to me, but it’s made me think and overthink and analyse way too much about how they did end his story.
So, in order to try and get them out of my head, I’m putting them down here. It’s a long, pretty rambling read, split up into a few parts because it got so long. Across the posts I’m going to go through my own understanding and perception of Jaime’s character and his arc and why I think they completely ruined it in episodes 8.04 and 8.05. I’ll then focus on some of the main reasons I’ve seen why people think it did make sense, and why (even though I maintain everyone is entitled to their own opinion) I completely disagree. Jaime’s character arc was annihilated in the show even more than Kings Landing. And that is more than a bit frustrating.
Now, just a bit of background to add some context to my thoughts; I basically only got around to watching the show a few months ago (I’ve not read the books yet). I basically binged watched the entire show and am now just a little bit reeling from it all! LOL! Also, as I did binge watch it, it meant I didn’t spend time between episodes/series really analysing/theorising etc. I had a few ideas and thoughts, but not to the depth it would have been had I needed to wait impatiently for each new episode. This means I think my viewpoint is of the show as an overall whole, rather than each separate series, because it kinda all rolled into one. This may, or may not, have affected my opinion and so this analysis of Jaime Lannister and my disappointment in his ending. It also means, having only watched the show once, I’ve probably forgotten or missed bits. However, since I finished the show, I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos and read a lot of stuff on the net about it, including in comparison to the books. (And I maybe rewatched some of my favourite scenes just a few times…) And now I am analysing and theorising and thinking about this show way too much! LOL!
So I guess my viewpoint isn’t one of ignorance, but it might not be quite the same as someone who’s been invested in the show from the start.
Like most viewers, I pretty much thought Jaime = evil villain for most of the earlier series. He had the odd moment, but it wasn’t until he did that speech with Catelyn about the conflict of all those oaths he’d taken that I even started to take note of his character. And then series 3 happens, where he has his road trip with Brienne, loses his hand, saves her from a bear and basically starts his wonderful path of character development. And basically manages to go from a guy I pretty much do not like at all at the start, to one of my all time favourite characters ever.
Also, I’m definitely a Brienne/Jaime shipper and did wish them to have a happy ending. However, I pretty much never thought the show would actually even go there, let alone make it happy. In fact, I actually did my best to NOT ship them for such a long time because, being Game of Thrones, I knew it was very unlikely to end well. But, then yeah, their intense staring contests kept on happening and darn it, the way that Jaime’s voice breaks when he says Lady Brienne and him giving her a priceless sword, and what the sword represents and…
Ok, well, yeah, I could gush about them all day, but anyway, I ended up not being able to fight the ship any more after series 6 and THAT tent scene. But, even then, I still didn’t think the show would make it canon, like it would just leave it all open ended/make up your own mind kinda thing.
And then we get to series 8. Like we have a whole episode (that is actually named for their very storyline) with Jaime just staring at Brienne, being all dorky around Brienne and then, if that wasn’t enough, he even KNIGHTS Brienne! I mean, this is epic for this ship! And I would have been ok (not happy, but satisfied) as a Brienne and Jaime shipper if that had been it.
But then no, then he barely leaves her side in the fight against the dead in the next episode – they fight side by side with their two halves of one whole swords, each risking their own life for the other multiple times. And then in the next episode (where I don’t think there’s barely any scene where they’re NOT right next to each other) the show DID make it canon. Like it actually did go there, they slept together (in an adorably awkward scene I love). Heck, Jaime then even chooses to stay in the North and be with Brienne, even though he hates the North. Like this was just epicness of all proportions and I got so excited and all those shippy feels I was trying to hold back just came rushing out and then... and then...
THEN that scene happens. He leaves her. Like WTH…
Anyway, more on that in another post. I guess what I’m trying to say is that as much as I ship them, my issues with Jaime’s ending is less about his relationship with Brienne, and more just his complete 180 on character development. Jaime’s arc has been heavily influenced by Brienne, but it is still amazing in its own right. As I didn’t expect Brienne/Jaime to ever happen (so when it did and then got taken away in the very same episode, it’s incredibly frustrating and gives even less credence to what does happen), it’s not why I’m so annoyed and disappointed with what happened to Jaime.
I’m annoyed because they took all this amazing character growth over 7 series and then screwed it all over in less than two episodes. No, that’s not enough. It was a complete and utter character assassination that completely undermines and destroys 7 series worth of investment and development, completely nullifying everything Jaime went through as a character.
So, yeah, I’m a bit annoyed, but that’s because it makes no sense and it’s bugging me enough to write this whole series of posts. Because I can’t let it go. And having read people justify, even like it online, it’s made my inner analysis thought train go into override. And I’m sorry if these posts are like I’m preaching to the choir, or writing such obvious stuff and repeating myself, I’m just trying to get it all out my head as coherently as I can. Hopefully allowing me to move on a bit.
#Urgh #I need to sit in a corner and try to cheer myself up again before I can write anymore #Maybe watching some Brienne and Jaime fan videos will help cheer me up #And also simultaneously depress me even more.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Coffee, crushes and complications 
This was prompted by a lovely anon! I hope you like it, I sure did!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: pre-Reed900 [Prequel]   [Part2]   [Part3]   [Part4]
 ‘Reed? In my office!‘ Gavin couldn’t think of what he had done wrong, but considering how many times he had heard this sentence before, the anxiety settled in immediately. Still, he stood up, downed the last sip of coffee and walked over to his boss’ office. ‘Yes? What’s wrong?’, he asked, sitting down in the chair in front of the table. ‘What’s wrong?’  The man in front of him laughed heartily and Gavin nervously laughed, too. God, had he phcked up that badly with his last job? ‘Reed, nothing’s wrong, quite the opposite! How you handled this rich asshole was… I would say impressive, but that doesn’t do the thing justice. God, how they could ever throw you out of the police force, I can’t understand. You didn’t let him off the hook until he answered your questions and gave him nothing to work with! That is investigative journalism at it’s finest and damnit, Reed, no one else deserves it more!’ ‘What?’, Gavin asked relieved, but also proud. ‘A raise! I would promote you, but I need you where you are now. I hope you understand that?’ ‘Hey, sure. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than in the field.’ ‘Alright. Then I’ll just sign the papers and send them to you. Really, Reed, you out-did yourself with this one!’
When Gavin came home that day, the first thing he did was jump and cheer in triumph, then pick up his unsuspecting cat and hurl her around. ‘Oh, Bready, today is the day!’ He kissed her on her shoulder, before she finally decided she had enough with an angry growl. Immediately Gavin let her fall to the ground and hurried to the kitchen, grabbing the phone along the way. The number he searched for was only two clicks away and he let it ring while pouring out some kibble for Bready and heating up yesterday’s leftovers. ‘Hey, Eli!’, he excitedly called into the phone. ‘How are you? You won’t believe what happened today!’ He let his brother guess a few times until the microwave pinged and he let himself and his food fall on the couch. ‘Urgh, Eli you are boring and have too much creativity at your hands. No, I got a raise! Honestly, getting fired might have been the best thing to ever happen to me. I get raises for being a nosy asshole! My new boss phcking loves me and my colleagues actually seem to like me. Oh, I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. We need to celebrate that! When are you free?’
He took a breath and began eating while listening to his brother complain about new work politics. Gavin actually felt with him for once. His view on androids had changed quite a bit. He got to know quite a few androids during his work and the day one of his colleagues had come in in tears saying they would have to resign because of some anti-android assholes, Gavin had changed. It had only been a few months since he started his new life, but for the first time he felt like he had his life under control. And like he enjoyed it. Being fired from the only job he thought to be ever good in had been hard. But after being stuck in that low for weeks he had realised that if he wanted to be happy, he had to work for it. And he did. And it had become better. Seeking professional help, reconciling with his brother and finally finding a new job he actually liked had been the end of a long journey that was far from over. But he was happy. And he was confident it would go up only from now on.
Their conversation dropped into casual talk, a few jokes and teasing. It was already late when Gavin decided to end it for today. He was tired and he wanted to at least watch another episode of this new show he enjoyed so much. ‘Okay, so when do you actually have time? Tomorrow? Nah, can’t do, I’m meeting Tina at this new coffee shop. Maybe on the weekend? Yes? Oh, that would be awesome. Okay, bye! Love you too!’
He smiled as he wanted to stand up to bring the phone back, but Bready had already made herself at home in his lap, so he just laid it to the side and switched on the TV.
‘Hey Tina!’, Gavin greeted the woman already standing in line. She turned around and her face lit up. Shortly after, Gavin was encased in strong arms and had to chuckle. ‘Hey, hey, let me down, alright?’ ‘God, I haven��t seen you in ages!’ ‘You saw me last month’, Gavin reminded her. ‘I see you dipshit every week on TV! That’s not the same. I miss you.’ ‘Wait you watch it?’ ‘Of course I watch it!’, Tina said and punched his shoulder. ‘What do you think of me? Also, it’s funny seeing you be a dick to people that obviously hide one or two bodies under a rug somewhere.’ Gavin shrugged. ‘Well, whatever floats your boat.’ ‘It’s good to see you like it’, Tina then said seriously. ‘I worried about you after you left.’ ‘I know’, Gavin groaned. ‘But I’m fine, okay? Really, I feel better than ever. Now shut your mouth for a while, I have to think what I want to order for a moment…’
They got their coffee and tea as well as two slices of cake soon enough and sat down in a corner of the room. ‘So, how’s work on your end?’, Gavin asked. ‘Hmm, nothing interesting at the moment. We had a suspected serial killer last week, but it turned out the cases weren’t connected after all and thankfully nothing more than the two murders happened before we got them. Otherwise… Nah, nothing interesting you want to talk about.’ So only stuff regarding the new guy. Gavin had said upfront he didn’t want to know anything about the person that had replaced him. It wouldn’t be any use after all. Tina thankfully respected his decision.
‘I did get to know someone’, she then smirked as silence threatened to stretch. ‘A beautiful, funny android lady. She also likes cats!’ ‘Oh that’s cool, tell me more!’, Gavin demanded and smiled, listening to Tina ramble on, cake and tea completely forgotten. Gavin had been determined to listen intently to her, but his attention was drawn from her as someone entered the coffee shop. Someone very familiar. ‘You got to be kidding me’, he hissed, and Tina caught on to him, turning around. There at the counter stood Hank and Connor, looking at the board. Wait. Was that another Connor? ‘Hey, T, who’s the other Connor?’, he whispered. ‘Can’t tell you without breaking a promise’, she admitted, ducking her head. ‘No phcking way a damn Connor replaced me!’
Maybe he had been louder than expected, maybe Connor just had picked up his name, but the RK800 turned around to him, eyes going wide and tapping Hank on the shoulder pointing over. Hank looked in his direction and apparently wanted to bolt immediately, but the friendly barista behind the counter had already placed their drinks on it. In that moment, the other Connor following them had spotted him too. The next thing he did was march over with large steps.
‘Oh hell no, I’m not doing this! I-‘ ‘Hello. My name is Richard. I’m sorry to have replaced you.’ ‘Oh, get phcked!’ Gavin was not having it. He had wanted to drink his coffee and talk to his best friend. He had no interest in talking to this machine. ‘I have waited very long for this moment, my colleagues having tried their best to make this meeting impossible. So, no, I won’t “get phcked”. Not before I you didn’t accept my apology.’ ‘Yeah, whatever. It’s fine. I was an asshole. Deserved getting fired. Now shoo!’ ‘I still don’t deserve getting a job when a human needs them to survive. It wasn’t fair. I heard you… did not fare well after being fired.’ Gavin took a deep breath, before standing up, the sound of the chair scratching on the ground like a precursor of a fight. ‘Listen here, Richard’, he said, pointing his finger at his chest. ‘My personal history doesn’t concern you in the slightest, okay? It’s true, I wasn’t stable in my old job. I was easily angered, I overworked myself on a regular basis without even realising it in the end. I had no friends. I am depressed. My life was one giant, gaping shithole. When I was fired it was for a good reason, but it send me spiralling even deeper down. But you know what? One day I hit rock bottom and knew it couldn’t get any worse than this, might as well try to make it better. And I worked hard for it. I worked my ass off trying to rebuild bridges I’ve burned and seek help. Get over my own walls and live. Be happy. Find a job. And you know what, you goddamn tin-can? I did it. I am a different man and I am happy. So don’t-‘ He took another breath to steady himself. ‘Don’t you dare giving me pity. I am no sorry broken soul you can comfort so you feel better! So you have completed your good deed a day! I am fine. I am better than fine. So thanks, but no thanks. Don’t need it. Phck off.’
That actually worked. The android blinked at him, obviously processing, before apologising and heading over to where Connor and Hank had sat down. Gavin got back on his seat, too and took a large gulp of his coffee. As he sat the mug down, he stared into a grinning face. ‘What?’ ‘So aggressive’, Tina laughed. ‘Dude, the guy just wanted to be nice.’ ‘Oh, did he?’, Gavin grumbled and tried to get an inconspicuous look at the android. Of course, he had chosen the same moment Richard had looked over at him, so he quickly turned back around. ‘Yes’, Tina chuckled. ‘You don’t know how annoying he can be. Replacing you being unfair is the one topic he can’t shut up about.’ ‘Perfect’, Gavin sighed, but couldn’t keep his thoughts in check. Had this android really tried to advocate for someone he didn’t even know? ‘Yeah, always said how after going through your open cases and notes, he couldn’t believe someone fired you. He thinks you are some kind of genius I think.’ ‘Oh, wow, an android has a work-crush on me’, Gavin over-exaggerated and rolled his eyes. ‘Hey, you wouldn’t be that far from the truth there’, Tina shrugged. ‘”Gavin Reed would not have” is like every second sentence of his. It’s cute actually. And ever since you put him in his place just now, he is staring at you, that fancy mood-light turning yellow.’ ‘It’s what-‘ Gavin turned around, cursing when he stared in his eyes again: ‘Shit! What’s his problem? Anyways, you wanted to tell me more about Steph. Please. I beg you. Ramble about your soon to be girlfriend, I want to think about anything but this android.’
Richard on the other hand knew exactly what his problem was. He had exactly 335 software instabilities and errors to keep track of while he couldn’t keep his eyes off this human. He had known the man to be remarkable. But after that reaction? Oh, he definitely had to get to know him better. So, long after the human had left the shop and even after he had driven home, Richard was still planning how to see the man again. Maybe Tina had been right. Maybe he truly had a crush.
[>next part]
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Cocoa Counsel
Stray Kids AU: 10th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Jisung finds his restlessness interrupted by a well-meaning Tori.
A/N: Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN and your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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Tori’s voice startled him, and he jumped away from the kitchen counter. “Tori? Jeez, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” She yawned, pushing her hair out of her face. “What are you doing up? It’s late.”
Jisung glanced at the clock. It was almost four AM, but he hadn’t been able to sleep at all. He’d been standing in the kitchen staring at his glass of water for almost a half hour.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He finally said. “Did I wake you up?”
Tori shook her head. “No. I just had a feeling.” She stretched. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Ok.” She rubbed her arms. He realized she was just wearing her pink pyjama shorts and a white crop top, and the cool air was causing goose bumps along her skin. “Do you want hot chocolate?”
“You should go back to bed.” He suggested.
Tori raised an eyebrow. “Are you going back to bed?” When he didn’t say anything, she nodded. “I thought so. Hot chocolate it is then.”
She walked by, hip-checking him out of the way. “What is this, water?” She asked, sounding disgusted as she dumped the water in the sink. “Late nights were made for hot chocolate, or have you forgotten everything I’ve taught you?”
He leaned back against the fridge, watching as she collected two mugs and started boiling water. “Sorry, I obviously wasn’t thinking straight.”
“Obviously.” She smiled, “But don’t worry, hot chocolate can cure anything.” She hopped up and down trying to warm herself up. “But I wish it would boil a bit faster.”
Jisung shrugged off his sweater, holding it out to her. “Here.”
Tori looked at it. “Won’t you be cold?”
He shook his head. “You’re making hot chocolate. Fair trade.”
Tori nodded, and took the sweater from him, pulling it on. It hung to the bottom of her shorts, and she had to roll up the sleeves a little bit. 
She handed him his hot chocolate, holding out her own mug. He clinked it against hers. “Thanks, Tor.”
“Anytime.” She yawned again, hopping up on the counter before she took a sip. “It’s perfect.”
“You made it yourself.”
“Yeah.” She raised an eyebrow. “And it’s perfect.”
He took a sip, sighing in defeat. There were very few things that he wouldn’t argue with Tori about, but sadly she was uncontested when it came to hot chocolate. “It’s great.”
She hummed in satisfaction, returning to her drink.
They sipped in silence for a few minutes, Jisung feeling himself start to relax as the sugar woke him up.
“You can talk about it, you know.” He looked up to see Tori studying him. “Sorry, you just looked like you were thinking pretty hard. But you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone.”
He considered it for a long moment. He knew she meant it, that she wouldn’t betray his trust and that she really was willing to just listen. She’d understand; but the problem was that if he told her, he’d have no excuse for not telling Chan.
“I need to tell Chan anyway.” He sighed. “It’s stupid, you shouldn’t worry about it.”
“I found you in the kitchen at four AM staring at a glass of water like it had all of the answers.” Tori retorted. “Say it. I’ll forget about it by morning if that’s what you want.”
“I’ve just been...” Jisung stared at the ground. “I don’t know, getting really stressed about stupid things.”
“What kind of stupid things?” She took his mug from his hand and started making another hot chocolate.
“Just like...crowds. And when there’s lots of people I just can’t...” He trailed off, taking a deep breath as he tried to think of the right words.
Tori set the new mug on the counter next to her and hopped off, coming to stand directly in front of him. “That isn’t stupid, Jisung. If it’s bothering you then it isn’t stupid. You need to tell Chan or the managers. Take a bit of a break. Or at least let them know.”
“I know.” He sighed again.
Tori bit her lip. “I know we don’t really do this, but can I give you a hug.”
He didn’t even make a snarky comment, he just held open his arms.
Tori wrapped one arm around his waist, the other coming up to gently brush through his hair. “It’s okay to be anxious or stressed.” She whispered. “We all have our stuff. You just have to promise me that you won’t keep it to yourself, alright? We’re here for you.”
“Okay.” He pressed his face into her shoulder. “Can i have that other hot chocolate now?”
Tori gave a tiny laugh. “So you admit that it does cheer you up?”
“Yes.” He snorted. “Fine, I give in. You make magical hot chocolate and I don’t know how you do it.”
“How about I make you a trade.” She pulled back to look him in the eye. “Next time you feel the urge to wake up and stare at water, wake me up too. I’m always down for a middle of the night hot chocolate party.”
“I don’t want to bother you. I-”
“Will wake you up because I recognize this is how you show how much you care.” Tori finished for him. “So glad you understand, Jisung. Here’s your hot chocolate.”
He accepted the refilled mug. “No promises.”
“Then no hot chocolates.” She waggled her eyebrows.
“One side effect.” He noted. “I’m wide awake now.”
“Urgh, me too.” She sighed. “Want to watch Lord of the Rings with me?”
“Can we heat up the cinnamon buns.”
“Obviously.” She rolled her eyes. “What kind of a monster do you think I am?”
-the next morning- “Okay, what are you guys doing?” Chan demanded. He should’ve known something was up with all of the whispering, but finding the rest of his group hovering around the couch, most of them with phones out was never a good sign.
Minho waved him over. “It’s Tori and Jisung, come look.”
He wandered over, peering over the edge of the couch, and having to smack a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
Tori was sprawled on her back on the couch, wearing a sweater that appeared to be Jisung’s. Her hair was in disarray, and one hand was hanging over the side of the couch.
The other was snarled in the hair of Jisung, who was sound asleep with his head on Tori’s stomach. 
“Have they been here all night?” Chan whispered.
“Who cares?” Felix called from the kitchen. “I think they ate the rest of the cinnamon buns.”
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arlakos · 4 years
Oblivio Ending Rewrite
Something I just came up with one night.
When Chat Noir got hit by Oblivio’s blast, the last thing he remembered was going unconscious… then nothing… until a flash of red and black spots woke him to find him in his Lady’s soft embrace as the two stood close to each other
Realizing their compromising position, the two quickly leapt apart in awkwardness, before both turning to see the face of Ladyblog reporter Alya Cesair and Nino Lahiffe.
“Guys, you haven't seen a supervillain named Oblivio, have you?” Chat asked as his partner glanced around at where the akuma could be hiding.
Nino grinned awkwardly “ You've defeated it already, dude.”
“Actually, he was… us.” Alya said with same awkward expression, almost embarrassed by the revelation.
Well, that made things easier.
Sure, they don’t remember the fight, but In Ladybug and Cat Noir’s perspective however, it just meant that the mission was complete.
“Oh, okay.” They both said as they looked at eachother. 
“Pound it?” Ladybug asked as she raised her fist confusingly
Chat just smiled and raised his fist in agreement, making the former smile as well.
“Pound it!” the both exclaimed.
After all, even if they don’t remember the fight, it was always felt right to do their signature fist bump.
Chat took a moment to stretch as he looked at his Lady. “Once again, the Cat and Bug duo save the day! You have to admit that we are just killing this akuma fighting thing. I swear these fights are going so fast, they are becoming...forgettable!”
“Urgh! First of all, its Bug and Cat duo, and that pun was worse than the ones you usually make.”
“That means that you find my usual puns to be better!” Chat dramatically sighs with a dopey grin. “If only you loved me as much as you loved my puns, then this day would have been perfect.”
Ladybug frowned. “So… not that much.”
“You know you love my jokes.”
Her frown didn’t disappear though. “As much as I...tolerate your puns, I told you to drop it with the ‘couple’ stuff. We are a team, and I have a crush on another boy, remember?”
Chat’s smile dropped a little bit at that rememberance, but he still kept his grin. 
“Well considering that you haven’t declared that you’ve become a pair yet, I don’t think he sees what’s in front of-” Chat moved to continue, but he stop as he saw something that made him stop cold.
“Chat? Chat are you o...kay…”
Ladybug turned to see what Chat was looking at, and both of them froze at what they saw (though for different reasons)
Alya was smiling from ear to ear as she proudly showed the picture she snapped. 
Which just so happened to be Ladybug and Cat Noir kissing. And likely happened during the battle that the two of them had likely forgotten.
Chat Noir could only stare in surprise as he saw himself and his Ladybug locked in a passionate embrace, the two of them obviously sharing a kiss as the two held each other so closely.
Chat felt himself experiencing a variety of emotions as he stared at the image, from happiness, to jealousy, to hope, but he eventually just stuck on happy as he stared at the picture with an awed smile.
Ladybug on the other hand… didn’t take it so well.
“ Everyone saw that?.... This is a disaster! What on earth happened?!”
And just like that, that small bit of happiness just disappeared.
 Chat felt that emotion fade into almost pure emptiness as he turned to look at Ladybug, who stared at the image with shock, horror and even apparent revulsion at the thought she actually kissed him.
“I don’t-How!? This had to have been some sort of trick, a mistake! There was no way we could’ve kissed!” Ladybug said in denial as she looked at the image.
Chat felt his heart twist at he stared at his partner, hearing what she said. Sure, he didn’t expect her to have the same reaction about the picture he did, but he didn’t expect ...well… this.
(Or for it to be so horrible to her.)
Ladybug's shocked moment would have to come to an abrupt end, as her earring gave a rapid beep, signifying she was about to transform back. She stared at Chat Noir with an expression that was both nervous and angry.
“Th-This is not over! Chat, don’t you dare think anything about it!”
Ladybug quickly grabbed her yoyo and zipped off.
Chat felt a pain in his heart as he processed her reaction and saw her leave, standing there for a brief moment.
But as he started remembering his job, he decided that he needed to finish his responsibilities with what time he had left, and he went to check up the former akumatized pair.
“So, you guys are alright?” he said as he walked towards them.
Nino responded. “Uh...we were fine dude! Aside from the akuma thing, we’re alright! It’s just, how we got akumatized that’s bothering us.”
“Oh? What happened?
“We kinda got caught playing a game together called Super Penguino on our trip…” Nino explained, embarrassed. “Both of us got caught by our class-mates and laughed at because of it. We felt really embarrassed about it… which as you kinda guess, led to us being akumatized.”
“But it's fine, because now I have the perfect image!” Alya said as she raised her phone in the air, causing Chat to wince again. “This will make the Ladyblog explode!”
Remembering the reaction Ladybug had made to that picture soured his mood, but he quickly masked it with one of excitement as he stared at Alya. “Could I have a look at that picture again?” he asked as he raised out his hand?”
“Hmm…? Oh yeah sure!” Alya said as she showed him the picture.
Chat felt time slow to a crawl as he stared at the picture again, seeing the obvious comfort he and Ladybug shared with each other. He felt his mind start to race as he questioned how his mind-wiped self came to embrace his other.
Had he and Ladybug knew each other in their normal lives, and assumed that they were in love? Or had they just lost all their memories, but still fell in love again by some magic bond the two of them had? Chat couldn’t tell, but there had to be something that made this picture happen, that Chat himself (ironically) had forgotten.
Still, it didn’t mean seeing Ladybug’s reaction hadn’t hurt. It did hurt. A lot. Sure, he knew that Ladybug didn’t exactly love him the way he loved her, but he never thought that the idea of being kissed by him would make her that distraught. The way she stared at the picture was something between disgust and horror, and he wasn’t sure how much of it was directed at him.
Did he even mean anything to Ladybug, outside of fighting akumas?
A beep from his ring brought him back to his sense, and he looked at Alya. He stared on last time at the picture, almost as if to savour something that might’ve been.
“That picture...really made me happy.” Chat said to himself, with Alya smiling as she overheard what he was saying. 
Chat stared with a forlorn grin as Alya’s face dropped at the change of tone.
“I guess it will have to be just like Oblivio… a lost memory. Yoink!”
Alya was startled at Chat suddenly ripped the phone from her hands at a blinding speed. “Hey-What the-?!” Alya exclaimed. “Give that back! That’s my phone!” she said in anger.
“Sure Ladyblogger, but I’m sorry to say that the pic has gotta go!” he said with a plastered cheeky grin.
Alya’s eyes widened in horror at what Chat was about to do, while Nino stood there unsure of himself.
“No you can’t!” Alya hurriedly said. “I gotta have that picture for my blog! Give my phone back!” she said angrily as she ran after Chat.
Chat, unsurprisingly, outpaced her. “Sorry, but we were kinda memory wiped when you took that picture, and I kinda don’t want the wrong idea to go around for my Lady’s sake!” Chat said as he deleted the picture off Alya’s phone, making sure no traces of the picture existed.
(But not before he saved it on his phone)
Chat tossed the phone back to Alya, who quickly checked as moaned in dismay as the picture for her blog was now gone, giving the Cat Hero a nastly glare at her spoiled blog post. Chat however merely grinned back.
“I’ll be happy to give an interview next akuma fight, but this one’s gotta be forgotten! Cat out!”
“You’ll pay for this you sneaky cat!” Alya said as Chat jumped off the roof. “I will show the world that my LadyNoir ship is real!”
‘Heh. You and me both.’ Chat thought to himself miserably as he leapt away, his face morphing to that of disappointment now that he was no longer near other people.
 A part of him honestly wanted to believe that there was hope for him and Ladybug based on that picture, that there was hope that the two of them could fall in love for real.
But after seeing the reaction that reaction Ladybug pulled at that picture?
Chat wasn’t even sure if Ladybug even liked him as a friend. 
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bluesfortheredj · 4 years
Dinner without dessert.
Smut ahead.
Charlie’s face softens at the sight of you asleep on the sofa with your little boy curled up against you, his small hand gripping a fistful of your t-shirt as he sleeps soundly next to your warm and comforting body, and Charlie is quick to snap a picture on his phone, never wanting to forget this sweet moment. It was only 6pm but you’d had an exhausting day at work and your boy was still getting over a nasty cold so was sleeping a lot as his body healed, and was very clingy to you. Charlie lets out a contented sigh as he leans his arm against the door frame, completely unable to take his eyes off the two of you, and after a couple of minutes he notices you beginning to stir from your nap with a confused furrowed brow.
“Hey sleepyhead,” he smiles as he walks over and kneels beside the couch.
“Oh god, how long was I out?” you mumble groggily.
“Only about 45 minutes.”
“Urgh, I feel like shit,” you groan.
“Well you’ve woken up just in time for dinner,” he smiles, “how about we get this one in bed so you can eat something?”
“Yeah,” you yawn, manoeuvring yourself as gently as you can into a sitting position with your boy now across your lap, “how was your day? I didn’t even get a chance to ask you when I came in.”
You reach out to his cheek and stroke your hand over his long stubble before leaning towards him and kissing his nose softly.
“It was a paperwork day today, so nothing exciting to report unfortunately.”
You pout sadly at him then take a deep breath as you prepare to stand up whilst trying not to wake your sleeping son, and Charlie watches with baited breath as you slowly get yourself onto your legs. He had a hard time keeping his eyes off of you before you were pregnant, but now that you were playing the role of mum it was even more difficult for him not to constantly stare at you with eyes full of admiration and love, and sometimes a little jealousy at how much time your boy got to spend with you.
“Dinner smells amazing,” you smile, your eyes now a little wider than before, “I’ll put him to bed and be straight back down.”
“Night little fella,” Charlie whispers as he presses a long kiss the boy’s head, your little one’s eyelids fluttering slightly as he almost wakes at the contact.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” you say before giving Charlie a quick peck on the lips.
He busies himself in the kitchen with getting your dinner out of the oven and dishing it up as neatly as he can, then you appear at the kitchen door just as he sets the plates down on the table. You smile warmly at him as you take a few long strides over to where he stands next to the table and you slide your hands up over his shirt until your fingers weave together at the back of his neck so you can guide him down to your lips.
“If you carry on like that your dinner will get cold,” he mutters when you finally break away from him.
“What’s for dessert?”
“Still got two brownies from yesterday, could put a bit of ice cream with them.”
“Oh god I love you.”
Charlie chuckles as you take a brief glance over to the baby monitor to make sure it’s on then you reluctantly peel your arms away from him so you can go and take your seat at the table in front of the beautiful plate of food he’s served you, and you tuck into it as if you hadn’t eaten all day. It was exactly what you needed after a night of interruptions and then a full on day at work, and you finish the meal feeling warm and comfortably full up with a very happy smile tugging at your lips as you lean back in the chair with a sigh.
“Good?” Charlie checks.
“Perfect,” you nod.
Just as you stand to clear the plates a familiar cry sounds out over the monitor and you change direction to the door until Charlie whizzes past you to go and soothe your little one, and you continue to tidy up in the kitchen as you hear the sweet sounds of Charlie singing a lullaby to your boy.
“That’s it little man,” he whispers softly, “you just go on back to sleep. Daddy’s here, mummy’s downstairs, we’re all safe.”
The cries are soon replaced by soft gurgles and you take a quiet walk upstairs to see Charlie in the rocking chair next to your boy’s cot with him nestled against his chest contentedly. Seeing your man sitting there with the small bundle held against him was enough to make you tear up; he’d taken to it so naturally, and even though he still has his doubts about whether he’s doing things properly you’re always there to reassure him. He looks over to the door to see you standing there admiring the sight before you then gently places your little boy back in the cot and backs out of the room as if he were stepping away from a bomb; it had now become your signature move for retreating from the room with minimal fuss.
“Spying?” he questions with a raised eyebrow.
You shake your head before pulling him into a kiss with one of your arms across his shoulders and the other one weaving through his hair, then he turns and pushes you against the wall with his hips pinning your lower half against it as his hands glide up underneath your top and roughly squeeze your breasts. Charlie then pulls the cups of your bra down and takes your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, not even getting the chance to squeeze them before you moan into his mouth as they harden.
“Bedroom!” he mumbles against your lips before the two of you twirl around until your reach your door.
It’s a messy dance of hopping and wriggling as you try to discard as many clothes as possible without parting your lips for more than a few seconds at a time but then you eventually take a moment as you sit down on the bed to appreciate one another’s bodies; your new pouch on your stomach that had helped grow your baby, your now heavy breasts filled with the goodness he needed, the stretch marks that show you all the ways your body had grown to accommodate your little one, and then you notice how Charlie’s torso had also changed with his stomach protruding a little more than usual and his chest seemingly more muscular than before.
“Wow,” he breathes, “you look beautiful.”
All you can do is stare at his body, then you reach your hands out to his stomach and slowly slide them up his torso as far as you can go before you bring them back down again, savouring the feel of his skin beneath your finger tips.
“You’re so handsome,” you reply, looking up to meet his eyes.
“Will you ride me? I need to see all of you,” he asks as his hand strokes down the side of your face gently.
You nod and he climbs onto the bed next to you then lays with his head propped up on the pillows as he takes your hands to steady you while you hook one leg over his thighs, and to his surprise you move down his legs until you’re in the perfect position to lean forwards and flick your tongue over the tip of his length. He groans at the feel of your warm, wet tongue swirling around his sensitive skin and soon bucks his hips up when you slide your lips down and take him in your mouth, but it’s cut short all too soon when you hear him whimper, knowing that you needed him inside you now. Before his brain can catch up to what’s happening you’ve moved yourself up and are guiding him inside you, then he takes a sharp inhale as he suddenly realises what’s going on finally, and his hands are straight on your hips, pushing you down as far as you can go.
“Shit,” he hisses, “oh god I’ve missed this.”
You take one of his hands as you start to move along his shaft and drag it up from your hip, over your stomach, across your breast, then eventually up your neck until you fold two of his fingers down so you can put his forefinger and middle finger in your mouth, and the desperate whimpers that fall from his lips only encourage you; your bounces speeding up as much as your legs will allow and your louder moans only being muffled by his thick digits that lay at your mercy along your tongue as you move them back and forth. A long drawn out ‘fuck’ comes from Charlie as he looks up at you with a lust filled glaze over his eyes, and you pull his fingers from your mouth and trail them back down your body as you watch him drinking in the sight that lays before him.
“I love it when you whimper,” you pant, “god it makes me wet when you do that.”
You change up a gear again, this time going all out as you now lean over him and rest one hand on his chest as one holds you up on the bed, your enlarged breasts dangling in front of him but thankfully not blocking out the view of his cock disappearing inside you each time you let yourself slide down his length. He whimpers, he whines, he moans and he groans as you keep panting along with hushed moans of pleasure so you can hear him clearly, and suddenly you both meet one another’s gaze as you realise it won’t be long until you’re both coming undone.
“Charlie, Charlie,” you repeat over and over as he does his best to lift his hips up into you until you clench around his thick girth with a power you’d forgotten you had, and you stutter out a moan in surprise at how good it feels.
“Keep going, please,” he begs, and you oblige as you continue to clench and release around him whilst trying to remember to move up and down, “oh god, yes, yes (Y/N).”
It doesn’t take much longer for him to release a warmth that coats your walls and you’re both left in a panting, sweaty pile on the bed after you milk him for all he’s got and collapse onto his chest. He stays inside you as he turns you both onto your sides to get more comfortable, then he brushes the damp hair back from your face and kisses your forehead, nose, then eventually your lips as his arms tighten around your body protectively.
“Mine,” he whispers.
I'd like some dad!Charlie smut then. Just a normal day when you get a break from parenting and have time for each other or something like that
@lv7867 @lovemarvelousfics @fuckyou-imspiderman @aynsleywalker @timeandpixiedust @the-baby-bookworm @pink-lemo @chlobo6 @queenslandlover-93
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  Sorry you’re having a bad focus day, but I hope it’s not been too terrible overall!  Time to see how much I can ramble for what’s left of my lunch break again.
First, that project screenshot makes me so happy, omg, my heart. 😍  Also I now REALLY want to try and work some more canine traits into the dating fic, if I can just figure out a good way to do it.  😆
And I am also TOTALLY HERE for koala wall hugs between those two.  Yes, please.  Always.  I just happened to think of Chris first, because of the whole being restrained thing.  😉  But that thought is ABSOLUTELY 😍😍😍.
And I had thought hostel (because boy do I remember that experience), but I feel like somehow I’d got the impression this con was in the US, and we don’t really have those? Idk, I mostly was just really amused at two dudes in their 40s sharing bunk beds.  😆
“Has a tendency to fall apart when handled too rough” sounds like one of those fake warning labels people get on t-shirts.  😂
Those socks were pretty amazing.  I always get sad that my legs are usually too fat to fit cute knee socks of any kind.  (Also, I feel like the ultimate question is if Noah and Malia have any matching pairs. 😆)
And all the yes to that image.  Bonus if he has a ratty plaid like mine on, open of course, with everything else.  Poor Peter and Chris are standing in the doorway waffling endlessly between horrified and charmed, very turned on but mad at themselves about it.  🤣
Omg, that scene with Meredith touching his faces kills me every time.  It’s why I was like “Noah is going to use every excuse to touch him in the dating fic, and Peter will still have no idea how to handle it, even though he doesn’t want it to stop, either.”
On the age thing; I feel like I saw someone speculate that the reason he looks so young in the flashback is because he’s telling it, and we’re seeing it from his POV, so it’s how he sees himself in his head, even if it doesn’t match the actual reality.  This does sort of fit with the whole “unreliable narrator” thing, and is something I feel a lot of people tend to do as they get older.  So that’s how I tended to look at it as far as the visual difference, anyway.  And I just thought the idea of him being the same age as the original kid was funny.
Anyway, I’m late heading back.  I may write more later if I realize there’s anything I’ve forgotten right now.  Hope you get some decent rest, and have a good day tomorrow!  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Hey B!
It’s been pretty abysmal to the point where I completely derailed my appointment with my weekly social worker by openly discussing Omegaverse with her (she’s used to a lot, and that wasn’t the weirdest thing she heard this week, so, but still. I also showed her the spider rain.)
Yesssss do IT! We need more canine traits in these fics XD Also I’ve been listening to this song again and decided to make that the title of this fic:
Welcome the the Family || Little Big Town
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I may have taken some inspiration with your idea of the farmer’s market (but come on, that seems perfect for them) and them watching the game. (Noah def has those striped socks) But yeah it’s just gonna be a cute little fic. That I will write tomorrow because I am exhausted and I need at least some decent sleep this week.
It will also contain the Koala hug, of course XD
I know they have hostels in NYC and around that area? But I didn’t know you didn’t have them throughout the country. Filing that away as a random bit of knowledge.
And honestly, I feel like that should be on my t-shirts XD
We’re horny and we’re mad about it is the first thought that comes to mind for that and honestly, beautiful 🤣😂
I honestly just watched that episode because of that scene (well I skimmed to the parts of Lydia and the sheriff and let those play out and replayed the scene with Meredith and Peter several times) and my god, the faces, the subtlety of Ian’s emotions there. You can tell Peter is having such an inner turmoil and urgh it kills me ever single time. 
I definitely also need to put that aversion into my stories and how people around him respond to it and try to help him with it.
Also I reread that chart and my god that man survived so much. Fourth degree burns? Which basically means that you’re charcoal to your tendons/bones. And he healed from that. Damn, that is impressive power and it solidified the idea for me that Peter Hale is one of the strongest, if not the strongest werewolf on the show. Because that basically means you have to regrow skin, bone, muscle, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves. And it’s not like reattaching an amputated limb (which we have also seen him do) it’s literally regrowing it from scratch. Also as an Omega, he was one of the strongest, and capable of fighting off 3 Ghost riders at some point.
As for the age thing I did think on it more today whenever I strayed off and just kept coming back to it. The unreliable narrator might have been kicking in there. For that matter, I saw a speculation that the whole scene might not have been Derek’s memory at all and that the whole situation with Paige is how it played out for Peter. Or, in other words, Derek and Paige never had a relationship, this was Peter’s story and he subbed in Derek for himself and added himself as an outsider looking in. Which I found fascinating as a theory.
The age thing just kinda rattled me for a bit XD Idk why.
But anyway, hope you enjoy the little graphic, and I loved the new chapter of IYWTD (still want to comment on it but I couldn’t focus today) and it’s adorable. But I’m gonna go catch some sleep and be in bed before midnight today. 
Hope your shift goes well!
Love Ben and Mo <3 Take care!
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amenomakakoyumi · 4 years
A Memory Long Forgotten (Hinoka & Takumi)
(Continued from here!)
Orange meets crimson from across the ballroom, and in that moment, Hinoka felt smaller than ever. Xander, raving like a lunatic, and yet with each passing moment his words ever cleared. Izana, calling her sister, and yet she’d met the man once in her existence. And now Takumi - eyes wide and full of vigor, or as close to vigor as the prince would show. Could it be that there really was truth to the Nohrian royal’s crazed ramblings?
Only one way to find out.
Takumi’s voice quickly strikes into her heart, immediately recognizable and yet so far off, as though his speech rang out mere days ago, yet at the same time years difference between now and then. The queen inhales, her breath stabilizes as panic retreats from the edge of her vision, and the strongest smile she can muster forces its way to her face. “I just arrived today, Takumi. I’m to be a professor in the Blue Lions house, as it is.”
Up until now, her emotions were a mix, swirling about as though unable to settle on just one feeling. Yet at the mention of their eldest brother, the knife in her back yet wrenched its grip once more, the breath leaves her lungs; casually those names are thrown together, Ryoma, Azura, Corrin. Memories of that scene played, no matter how her mind knew it was not true, yet to see the corpse of her eldest brother, to see the death and destruction that followed her path, Hinoka’s mind had no other course of action but to proceed.
“I… You…”
Perhaps the truth, at least, would be a good place to start.
“…You’ve been gone two years, brother. You’ve aged well.”
A half truth would suffice.
"Ah, Blue Lions? Dang, I'm in the Golden Deer... but I guess it'd be pretty weird if you were teaching me, huh?" Takumi says with a nervous laugh, before piping down. He listened to her say that he had been gone two years. Was it really just two years he had been gone? It felt like less time, and yet it made sense that he had been gone that long... wait, had he? Did Hinoka come from his timeline and not that perfect timeline, so his departure actually matched up? The thought made him somewhat ecstatic, but he calmed down. It was too complicated to try and sort out. He just... Wanted to talk to her.
"...Thanks..." He awkwardly said, not sure of how to continue. His mind drifted back to what he said previously about her teaching him, and he suddenly felt awkward. "Er. About you being a professor, really that's not to say that you can't teach me, I mean, I'll probably need some kind of teaching from you, see they don't have kinshi here and I was hoping to- urgh, ignore me, I'm just... a lot's been going on and I just can't believe I'm able to..." Takumi closes his eyes and grits his teeth. He doesn't do the greatest job holding back his tears and a few slip through the cracks.
"Ugh...! Why'd you have to go and say that... Two years..." Takumi tried to look away. He hated when others saw him cry— sure, he felt comfortable crying around his family (though maybe not Ryoma just out of embarrassment), but it just felt weird that he sees his older sister for the first time in two years and the first thing he does is cry. "It's... It's been a wild two years here, that's for sure... I dunno if I'm completely happy with my choice, but... it doesn't really matter. I... I just didn't know what I had until it was gone, I guess," Takumi said with a halfhearted shrug to try and detract from his tears.
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alienduckpond · 5 years
Back in town - ch 5 - Unexpected Discoveries
Ella heads off to install the batter in the Amber Island cave. Which is fine. Really. Because really, what's the worst that could happen?
1 - Good Day / 4 - Slip Up
Arlo covered his mouth with his hand as Ella bleated back at the llama keeping pace with her, almost tripping over herself as the small wagon she was pulling caught up to her feet again. He’d been watching her ever since she’d turned onto the road from the path to town, and it was the fourth time she’d nearly tripped in as many minutes. Partly because of the wagon rolling into the backs of her legs, and partly because of the intense conversation she was having with the curious cotton llama she’d been steadily feeding apple slices too.
The llama’s ears flicked towards him as he got closer, then its head turned as it stood up straight, tilting down slightly so it could stare at him over its sunglasses. Ella blinked at it, obviously confused by its sudden lack of interest in the apple in her hand, before looking over her shoulder and a sunny grin blossomed on her face. And then wincing and swearing as the wagon bashed into her shins.
“Oh, hey Lolo!” she chirped brightly, dropping the hand with the apple to rub her leg as she lifted it, wobbling slightly. “Come meet my new friend! Isn’t she pretty.”
Humming thoughtfully as Spacer slowed, he eyed the llama who was slowly taking steps backwards, gaze switching between him and Ella, until she held out the apple slices again. The llama, she Ella had said, though he didn’t know how she could tell, stepped forward and delicately took the top few from her hand, before making happy llama sounds and retreating from him again.
“Very pretty,” he agreed, leaning forward over the saddle horn as he pulled Spacer to a stop next to her. “Looks fairly young too. You going to try to catch her?”
“Huh? Oh. Maybe. I guess I could, but I’ve got nowhere to keep her right now. I can afford that bit of land next to my platform, so maybe after I finish this job in the cave? Oh, but I’ll have to build a stable too, and that’ll mean talking to Albert and Gust.”
The face she pulled as she said Gust’s name was incredibly unimpressed, and he let himself laugh. She’d been doing surprisingly well at being nice to him so far in the month she’d been back in town he’d thought. And he’d even seen them having a sort of carefully civil conversation the other night at the Round Table, Ginger sitting between them and sparking conversations about books they’d all read. Ella had almost seemed to be having fun when he left, and Gust had actually looked relaxed, for him.
“Well, she isn’t likely to be going anywhere. She seems quite taken with you.” He watched while she looked back round at the llama, who had sidled close to her again and was sniffing at her hand. Ella laughed and held out the last of the slices, then gently scritched at the llama’s ear. 
“And I told you Gust wasn’t so bad now, didn’t I?” he teased, amused when she stuck her tongue out instead of answering. He looked down into the wagon, seeing something large covered in fabric was strapped down. “Job in the cave… ah! Is that the battery for the generator?”
“It surely is. So maybe if I get this done quickly enough, I can go ahead and buy that land today when Gale pays me, and then I’ve got some things I made I can sell to start me towards the stable.”
She trailed off, muttering numbers and items and prices, and he shook his head as he looked her over. She had a rucksack on, one strap let out and worn across her body instead of on both shoulders like she should. Her work trousers and belt looked fine, as did her boots, but the spaghetti strap top covered in what was either wood stain or grease, and the strange waistcoat thing she was wearing, that honestly looked to be more hole than string, was not going to be warm enough for inside the cave. He didn’t think it was warm enough for out here either really, given the chill breeze that was swirling around them, but that wasn’t the point. And he couldn’t see any weapon on her anywhere.
Lifting his finger and clearing his throat to get her attention, he waited until her eyes focused on him to start.
“Captain voice,” he began, shoving down the smirk that tried to form as she rolled her eyes. It wasn’t perfect, but the system they’d come up with the night of the river incident seemed to be working so far. “There are still some potentially hostile creatures inside the cave that we haven’t fully cleared out. A few snaillobs and I saw signs of bandirats. Do you have medical supplies and a weapon?”
Grinning widely she pulled away from the llama to pat her bag.
“I’ve got a basic first aid kit, extra bandages, herbal mixes, and a juice. I’ve also got some dried fruit and my water bottle for if I get peckish. And as for a weapon yeah! I just finished upgrading my sword and it’s so shiny and-”
Stopping abruptly, her hand waving around behind her head to where the handle normally was, he had to bite his lip when her eyes widened in realisation, and then her entire body slumped.
“And I left it on my worktable after I sharpened it, didn’t I? Bollocking piss sticks I’m dumb.”
He snorted, slapping his hand over his mouth to try and hold in the rest of the laughter, but gave up quickly because what? After all the other creative and crude curses she’d been letting out more and more often after that first time at the bridge, just what?
Glaring at him tiredly from her still slumped position, she sighed loudly enough to hear over his laughter while he leaned forward and wheezed.
“Yeah yeah Burny boy, laugh it up. Urgh. I’m going to have to drag this all the way home and then all the way back, and there go my plans for the afternoon.” She groaned, rolling her head back and standing up straight again, then looked at him with a slight smirk. “And in brother voice?”
Wiping at his eyes he allowed himself to chuckle one last time before clearing his throat and sitting up straight.
“In brother voice, do you know how cold it is in there? You’re going to freeze in that top.”
Ella blinked at him, then looked down at her bare arms with a slight frown.
“But it’s so warm out here and fine, fine,” she said as she lifted her hands in defeat, making a show of shielding herself from his raised eyebrow. “I’ll grab my cardigan too when I get my sword. Anything else?”
He shook his head fondly at her, and offered, “Would you like to borrow my sword and jacket, instead of heading all the way back?”
“What? Really?” Perking up instantly and dropping her hands, she looked up at him in surprise.
“So long as you promise to be careful with it. It’ll be a lot sharper than the wooden or bronze ones you’re used, and possibly lighter, so be aware of how hard you swing it.” He grabbed his sheathed sword from its holder on his saddle and passed it down to her before climbing down himself.
He shrugged his new jacket off and held it out to her, shivering as the cold breeze blew straight through his thin shirt while he waited for her to balance his sword on top of the battery and take her rucksack off before sliding her arms into the sleeves. Turning around to face him, her eyebrows went up as she flapped her hands around to show him the loose fabric covering them in this one too, and he snorted a laugh. She looked just as ridiculous and adorable in this jacket as she had in his Civil Corps, and he felt he could actually take the time to appreciate it this time.
It really was like when she’d bundled herself up in his clothes as a child. Only it seemed worse now, because the size difference between them shouldn’t be this pronounced like it had been when they were seven and fifteen, surely. His brown suede jacket absolutely swamped her, the front edge falling down to her knees where it wasn’t zipped closed, and the front of the collar stuck up around her face to poke against her cheeks. The little pouches on his shoulders dragged the spare fabric halfway down her upper arms, and the sleeves, well.
He grabbed one of her hands and undid the cuff fastening, then started to fold the sleeve back and rolled it up until her hand was free, before doing the same on the other. He couldn’t do much about the body length, but at least she wouldn’t freeze in there. And it would be slight extra protection against anything that jumped her.
“There. Do you mind if I take your sword with me while you’ve got mine? I don’t expect to need it, but you never know.”
“Yeah, sure,” she said absently, picking up his sword again and drawing it, holding the long iron blade out in front of her and looking down the edge. She turned away from both him and the llama to swing it through the air, humphing as she ended up spinning on her foot from the force she’d used. She pulled it back up in front of her to slide back into the sheath. “I left it on my workbench, I think. Or it’s on the coffee table, so you can go ahead and let yourself in. Just don’t get mud on my rug, ok? Or dent my sword.”
“That’s my line,” he muttered under his breath, climbing back up on Spacer and ignoring the raspberry she blew. “Be careful in there, ok? Come find me when you’re done, I’m going to be staying around town investigating the thefts some more all day.”
“Sure thing Lolo. Have fun!”
Raising his hand to give her a mock salute, he watched as she waved and turned to step back. Then winced as her foot caught on the handle for the wagon and she tripped over with a yelp to land on top of the battery.
Closing his eyes and covering his face, he made himself breathe slowly and deeply as she grumbled and huffed. He was so, so tempted to go with her. Just to make sure she didn’t end up hurting herself somehow, probably with his sword. But no. No, she was an adult. She was fully capable of looking after herself, and would have had her own sword anyway if she hadn’t forgotten it. And really, it was only snaillobs and maybe a few bandirats that might be in there. What was the worst that could happen?
Plus, he had to find out who was stealing all the random things he reminded himself, dropping his hands and waving one last time as turned Spacer away, listening to her start talking to the llama again. Sam had found some tracks by Sophie’s farm the night before that looked promising, and he was interested to see where they might lead.
“I still can’t believe we didn’t notice anything going on,” Sam muttered as she climbed up onto the ledge to look around the door again. “It’s so close to the Corps, you’d think one of us would’ve seen something.”
“Well most of the thefts have been during the night or the early mornings,” Remy said, crouching down next to the scuffed tracks they’d followed. “And it’s not like any of us are over here that often, is it Captain.”
Arlo shot a glare at Remy, gritting his teeth. Yes, fine, he came to the well with Nora sometimes to tell her stories of some of his adventures. But that was at night time, in the dark, and they stayed together close to the well, and it wasn’t like he’d really been paying attention to his surroundings when he was here those times, so he couldn’t have been expected to see the tracks and… and he knew that wasn’t what Remy meant, but he wasn’t thinking about that right now.
He turned his glare on the door, ignoring the smirk Sam was doing a bad job of hiding, and lifted his hand up to wrap his fingers around the hilt of Ella’s sword.
“Are you both ready to go?”
“Aye Captain, I’m ready when you a-”
“Shush,” Sam hissed, freezing in place and staring at the door, her head tilted slightly. She silently jumped down from the ledge and backed towards them, her eyes never moving from the door, and Arlo held his breath to listen.
Something was moving around inside, a steady clunking that was getting louder, and closer. He set his feet into a ready position, and lifted his hands in front of him. While he did have Ella’s sword with him, and had been about to draw it so he could use it if he had to, it was so much shorter and heavier than his that he wouldn’t be as effective with it. Single file inside the narrow tunnel beyond the door, fine, he could have made do. But close combat against bandirats in this wide space, with the chance of misjudging and hitting Sam or Remy? Not a risk he was willing to take.
All thoughts of battle plans and tactics disappeared like a puff of smoke when loud, violent swearing suddenly rang out in the air, quickly followed by an even louder clang as the door shook on its runners. The cursing continued, and Arlo had to bite his lip at the colourful description of the doors heritage and character Ella was shouting as he heard Remy choke, then watched Sam slap her hand over her mouth to hold in her laughs.
Trying to smooth his face out into blandness as he crossed the space to the door when it shook again, since Ella clearly wasn’t going to open it anytime soon, he grabbed the handle to pull it to the side. He’d been expecting to find Ella standing at the top of the stairs, and maybe the internal handle broken. But instead he was face to frame with the end of a sofa.
“I, ah, what?” he spluttered, all the comments he’d been planning on making about her language drying up on his tongue. “Ella?”
“Oh! Hey Lolo! Hold the door open for me would you, so I can get this blasted thing through?”
He blinked, then stepped back, pulling the door as far it it would go on the runners, and watching as the sofa slowly plodded through the gap. She was bent almost double with the weight of it across her shoulders, though he was slightly relieved to see the back legs of it were balanced on her little wagon, which she’d tied to the back of her trousers somehow.
“Ella, what are you doing here, and why do you have a sofa?” Arlo asked, quite reasonably he thought as he let the door slide shut behind her and stepped off the ledge down to the grass. “I thought you were going to install the battery in the cave?”
“I did. Ah. Look, can you give me a hand with this? It’s kinda heavy, and getting it up the stairs was harder than I thought it’d be.”
“Oh shit, yeah, right. Remy? Sam?”
Moving quickly to grab the end over her head and lifting it up from her shoulders, he heard her groan happily as the weight left her. Sam and Remy rushed to the other end and grabbed a corner each, and between the three of them they moved it off her wagon to set down next to her.
“Aaah, thanks,” she sighed, standing up straight and rolling her neck, setting her hands on her lower back and twisting side to side. “I’ll have to go compliment Paulie later, that sofa is a whole lot more solid than I thought it was.”
He quickly scanned her as her hands then moved round a little further and she untied the wagon from her belt. No visible injuries he could see, no rips or tears in her clothes, just a single dark stain across the front of his jacket and her top, and a smear across her cheek. He tilted his head, considering, as she dropped the handle and walked the few steps to drape herself over the back of the chair cushions.
“Urgh. So you were right Lolo, about there being snaillobs in there,” she said into the chair, before rolling herself over so she was laying backwards. He thought he heard things start to crack and pop before she continued talking. 
“There was this absolutely huge one in that first wide area? That was fun to fight. I installed the battery in the cave, and the door back to the entrance closed, right? But then this other door opened up, and a whole bunch of bandirats came swarming in. So I had to fight them to get through. And then as I was walking through the tunnels, I found some of the things that people have been saying are missing. Like Gust’s lamp, and it was already dirty when I found it before you say anything. And, oh! Like your shoes Remy! They’re in the wagon!”
“They are? That’s great.”
“Yeah, you might want to wash them before you try using them, they were in a puddle of, erm, something. But anyway. So I got to the room that’s at the bottom of those stairs, and there was this one bandirat just sitting on the sofa ordering the others about, and when I asked it for the sofa back, it attacked me. I ended up tripping it into a wall and bashing it on the head with Emily’s bucket until it stopped trying to get up, then I got out of there.”
Arlo covered his eyes with his palms and used his finger tips to start rubbing his forehead.
“Ella, I gave you my sword for if you had to fight,” he started, trying to keep his voice even, but stopped when she pulled herself up with a grunt. He narrowed his eyes when she reached down onto the cushions behind her and grabbed what he assumed was his sword, but quickly moved it behind her back before he got a good look.
“Yeah, about that. You were right that it was a lot lighter and sharper than anything I’m used to. It really threw me off when I fought the giant snaillob. Soooooo, I, er, I...”
Something in his eye twitched at the way she said that, and the way she seemed to shrink in front of him. What had she done to his sword?
“I didn’t dent your sword, I swear!”
That wasn’t reassuring in the slightest.
“I can make you a new one just as soon as I get the bits, I promise.”
Wincing, she pulled the sword round to hold out to him, and he could only stare while his mouth dropped open. He distantly heard Sam and Remy trying to stifle their laughter, but he didn’t care.
The sheath was battered and ripped, with suspicious stains all along it. The stitching around the back and belt straps was coming out, and there was something slimy smeared over the end of it.
“What did you do with it?” he asked, not caring about how squeaky he got because what? What?
“E-heh. Well like I said, the sword was way too sharp and light for me, so I was swinging it way too hard and making a mess, so I figured it’d be better to just... hit... them…?” she said slowly, as if asking, before rushing on quickly. “I mostly went for leg shots, so I think they’re all probably still alive down there. Which is fine! I mean, I did invade their home, so, ya know.”
“Their home-- Ella! They’re bandirats!” he groaned, almost whined, letting a hint of his frustration through.
“And they’re living creatures who live in a community and obviously care about each other a great deal who are no different to Papa Bear, and you let him live in peace just fine!” she interrupted, standing straight and staring at him solemnly. “And they were living down there quite happily before I started wandering into what was probably their bedrooms. I couldn’t just kill them when I was the one in the wrong.”
He stared at her, mouth working silently, idly registering Sam grabbing Remy’s arm as she bent over, hand firmly plastered over her mouth. He hated that what she said about Abu was actually a valid point, but, but there was a difference! 
“I, no. No. No. I am not dealing with this right now. No,” he said one last time while pointing his finger at her face, He turned to his colleagues, feeling his eye twitch again. “Sam, Remy, come on, we need to go clear them out and-”
“Don’t you dare go kill Bob!”
He froze, refusing to look down at her or acknowledge the hand wrapped around his forearm. He didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to know. Unfortunately, Remy did.
“Yeah, Bob Bobbington the fourth. He was the one in charge, who I hit with the bucket. He seemed to prefer Bob to Cecil, I think. I told him he had to stop stealing stuff as I hit him, so hopefully it’ll have stuck when he wakes up.”
Biting his lip, he breathed slowly and deeply through his nose. Trying desperately to centre himself as Ella kept talking to Remy, not seeming to pick up on his choked laughter. Or the fact that Sam had given in and fallen to the floor, clutching her stomach as she howled and kicked her feet.
He counted to ten, then twenty. Then did it again just to be sure, before he pulled his arm from her grip and laid his hand heavily on her shoulder, startling her into silence.
“Ella. As your brother I love you. I want to be really, really clear on that part. But also as your brother and more importantly as the Captain, I really, really hate you right now.”
6 - Managing Debt
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writingsofadream · 6 years
Chapter Five | It’s Getting Hotter 
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Pairing : Jungkook x Reader 
Story : You knew being an intern at BigHit wouldn’t be easy, but you’d never imagined Jungkook would make it even harder.
You are a new intern at Big Hit, and you get to meet the boys. Set in the real world (as opposed to an AU), and just before the Love Yourself: Tear comeback. 2.1k words in this chapter. 
|||||||||| 5 ||||||||||
Sitting in the plush of her excessively fluffy carpet, you help Suwoo finish off the last screw of her damn Ikea table. Between the two of you, it had taken almost a whole hour. Snacking and laughing in between, it was no wonder you’d been able to finish it at all.
“I just can’t believe you heard him TALK. You breathed the same air as MY Jimin! That’s so crazy to me…” Suwoo shakes her head in disbelief as she says this, a little jealous but mainly just amazed. “You’re sure there’s no way you could sneak me in?” She cocks her head naughtily.
“Fuck no. I actually wanna keep this internship to its end. And it was hard enough for me to get in, let alone sneak a whole other person in.” Your smile is tightlipped as you think about what you’re risking tonight.
“Urgh, that is super no fun. Can you at least mention me to him? Her eyes are sparkling with ambition.
“I told you, I haven’t seen any of them since that first day. They’re very elusive.” Well, that wasn’t quite true. But you sure as hell couldn’t tell Suwoo otherwise. Suddenly, your phone gives a slight buzz from the newly constructed, slightly ugly Ikea table.
12:03pm What are you up to? Are you still coming tonight?
You pull your phone closer to you as Suwoo inspects some of the questionable screws, tightening them once more just in case.
12:04pm I’m helping my friend build an Ikea table. Well, we just finished. What are you doing? 
Pressing send, you then added another message as an afterthought.
12:04pm Yea, I think I’m still coming tonight. Not if you bug me about it though!
“Who are you messaging?” Suwoo’s question brings your head up from your phone, and you turn the screen off hastily.
“No one. Just my brother.” The lie is clumsy and rushed, but she seems to accept it anyway.
“Ohhhhh,” she replies as she nods her head knowingly. “How is he? Has he finally proposed to that dutiful girlfriend of his?”
You respond with a smile, since this is a long debated topic between you two. At 28, he should definitely be proposing sometime soon, especially since they’d been together for ten long years. And yet, for some reason that completely eluded you both, he just hadn’t popped the question yet.
“Not yet. But hopefully any day now. She’ll definitely be relieved when it happens!”
Ding. Your phone.
12:06pm Okay, okay. I’m in dance practice right now. I’d show you some moves, but they’re actually top secret kekekekeke
You considered replying, but the nagging voice at the back of your head told you not to. What if Jungkook’s messages were seen by someone else? One or two might be semi-explainable, but 50 or so? No way. The more you talked, the more dangerous it was. And besides, you were risking enough by agreeing to go and see him tonight. So no, you weren’t going to reply. At least, not yet.
You and Suwoo set the kitchen back up, now with the Ikea table taking centre stage. You both agreed that it wasn’t actually THAT bad, and it was good enough for the moment. You moved around around a few different pieces, including some pretty heavy pieces. Collapsing onto the couch, Suwoo pulled out a block of chocolate for you both to share and some lemonade. After scrolling through Netflix for a minute or so, your suggestion of the anime movie Your Name won, and the opening credits started up.
Cracking open her can of lemonade, Suwoo turns to you. “So, have you thought about going on that date yet or no?”
Suwoo has been trying desperately to have you go on a date with her little brother. He was also 19, and nice enough, but you really didn’t have any kind of spark. He seemed to feel the same way, but Suwoo was intent on having you both try out at least one date.
“No! I told you, we don’t match. He’s nice, but he’s nice as a friend and nothing more. Stop pushing it!” You say the last line loudly, giving her a joking death stare.
Grabbing the pillow next to her, Suwoo gives you a gentle thump with it. “Oh come on! You two would totally be cute together if you actually went somewhere and had fun! Just once, that’s all I’m asking!”
At your refusal, she simply thumps you again with her weaponised pillow, this time harder than the first. “You’re so annoying! Say yes, or I’ll keep thumping you!”
Realising your supposed best friend will cause you bruising if you continue your resistance, you decided the path of least resistance is probably for the best. Sighing, you give your resignation.
“Fine. We’ll go out to a club together.”
Her squeal is audible, and she happily jumps back now, pillow now sitting harmlessly back at her side. “Perfect. I knew you’d cave eventually!” A cheeky wink follows this, and she sips her lemonade victoriously.
Rolling your eyes, you feel yourself smile despite the arrangement. Suwoo was unlike anyone else you knew; she was funny and silly, and didn’t take anything seriously. Being around her was never boring, and no matter what the outcomes, you never felt hard done by any of her ‘evil genius’ plans.
The soft buzz of your phone from your lap takes your attention from your thoughts down to the screen, where the message stares back up at you.
1:10pm What do you want to eat tonight?
You typed out the words ‘just ramen will be good with me’, but then had more second thoughts. Fuck. You should spend as little time there as possible.
1:11pm I’ll eat before I come.
You sounded so mean. It wasn’t your intention, and guilt bubbles up in your stomach. Suppressing it, you remind yourself of all the reasons you couldn’t be yourself around him or when talking to him. For starters, the whole situation shouldn’t even be real. The familiar ‘fuck’ floats across your thought process, the word summarising your feelings about it all. What a potential mess. But god, he was so..everything.
The ding of your phone signifies his reply, and for some reason your heart tightens at the blunt, two letter response.
1:13pm Ok.
Was he upset? You started thinking of what you could possibly respond, wanting to make things better even though you shouldn’t. Suwoo’s slap to your leg jolts you back, pulling you out of your confusing emotions.
“Are you gonna watch this fucking thing or not? It was your choice babe, and I’m sure your brother can wait!” Her look is justifiably annoyed, so you instantly turn the screen off and slip the phone into your purse, where it can’t disturb you any further.
“Okay, I’m back.” You visibly roll your eyes at her again, and she mockingly does it back to you. The two of you explode with laughter, and after some more joking around you both settle back, snacking away and enjoying the rest of the movie.
Finally, you arrived back at your apartment. Checking your watch after closing the door behind you, it showed you 4:13. You hadn’t realised you’d stayed so late, but at least the two of you had finished what you’d gone for and had a much-needed catch up. Pulling your phone out, you checked it for any waiting messages.
1:47pm I’ll buy some snacks in case you’re still hungry.
2:51pm If you’re ignoring me that’s pretty mean.
4:03pm Are you still coming? Let me know.
Fuck, you’d totally forgotten about replying. However, tonight’s plans had been constantly popping into your mind. Throughout the movie, every semi-romantic moment made you think of him, and during the train ride home going to Jungkook’s tonight had been all you’d thought about.
Your reply was short, but decidedly sweeter than the others.
4:15pm Yes, I’m still coming. Sorry for taking so long.
His reply was almost instantaneous, buzzing on your marble tabletop.
4:15pm Were you busy, Y/N?
You decided to reply honestly. It wouldn’t hurt to tell him about your day, surely.
4:16pm Yea, I was. We sat down and watched a movie, so I totally forgot to message you back. I only just got home, actually.
You waited for a few minutes, expecting to see typing bubbles pop up or a new message flash onto the screen. After nothing came up, you put the phone down somewhat reluctantly. You liked talking to Jungkook, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. There was undeniably something between you two, and you weren’t sure you liked it. It was…emotional, but also overly sensual. Sexual even. It was like two magnets being drawn to one another.
You plugged your phone into the kitchen charger, and headed for your bedroom. Jungkook had said you could take a taxi there at 5, since the boys were heading out early. You had agreed, since this meant you would most likely be able to leave earlier as opposed to later. Looking over your wardrobe, you found yourself reaching for a little black dress you owned, but rarely wore. It was tight, and showed off your cleavage. It’s thin straps and plunging neckline were attractive, and the length came to you mid-thigh. You were tempted, but shook yourself. What were you doing? This wasn’t a date.
You instead grabbed a light grey overall dress, which complimented your hips rather than your breasts. It looked much more acceptable, and you brushed out your hair to a shine before tugging on some white converse with light pink ankle socks, which frilled at the top. You looked cute, sure, but definitely not sexy. Which was a good think, you supposed. Heading back out to the kitchen, you checked your phone for the time, but the text caught your eye first.
4:30pm I just got home too, and I’m showering first. The boys are all leaving in 10, so you can definitely be here by 5. I’ve told the front desk to let you up, but you’ll have to show ID. And don’t worry Y/N, they’re really professional, no one will find out.
4:31pm I’m really looking forward to seeing you.
Your reply is too flirty for your own good, and you only regret it once it’s sent.
4:32pm Ditto.
The taxi dropped you off out the front of Hannam the Hill, one of the most luxurious and expensive apartments in Seoul. In order to even get to the front of the reception, you’d already had to show ID to three different people. After thoroughly checking it and calling multiple different people, they’d finally let your taxi pass through. The whole time you’d been messaging Jungkook, but he hadn’t replied, which had made the whole ordeal harder and more stressful. You had no clue who they’d called or told, but you felt somewhat relieved to have even been let through.
Paying the taxi, they turned and sped back out. You headed into the reception building, which was modern and undeniably expensive. Living somewhere like this would be almost out of a dream, you thought as you approached the woman. You told her you were there for the boys’ apartment, mentioning it by number only. Asking for your ID, you willingly passed it across to her. Smiling, she nodded and buzzed you through, giving you an elevator key.
The elevator was gold and red, exuding money. In your plain dress you felt out of place, and after everything that had happened to get in you felt almost embarrassed. Checking your phone, it buzzed in your hand just as the screen lit up.
4:56pm Shit, I’m sorry! I was showering. Did you make it up okay? Is everything good? Where are you?
The elevator ping sounded, and the doors opened out to a small corridor leading to a front door. Taking a deep breath, you walked up and ran the bell.
The door opened within a few anxious seconds, and a wet-haired and shirtless Jungkook answered the door. A towel tied around his waist, his abs were within your reach, glistening and defined. His muscles are…unbelievable. Jerking your eyes up to his equally handsome face, his eyes are amused and his smile cocked to the side.
“Like what you see?” His voice is teasing, and hot blush spreads across your cheeks. Indignant, you snap back a reply.
“It’s okay, I guess. Are you going to let me in, or just stand there?” Smiling, he opens the door wider and you get a glimpse at the modern, expensive interior.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hi! So, the next chapter is going to be...super smut! After this the story really picks up, don’t worry - I have big plans for it! If I’ve made any mistakes (like typos or anything) please message me so I can fix them! Thanks :) 
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