#raja x raven
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Galactica, Chapter 106 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: The Galactica Fashion Week Runway show went off without any major malfunctions.
This Chapter: Welcome to the Afterparty! Networking, awkwardness, flirting, drunken shenanigans and a threat of homicide (or not…we certainly didn’t hear anything).
There was a genuine smile on Fame’s face after the show closed, and Trixie could finally relax.
The show was a success. Everything was fine.
Of course, there would be the evaluations, the meetings, the press, the sales figures, but none of that really mattered if Fame wasn’t satisfied with what they had created.
In reality, Trixie just wanted to go home, to spend time with Katya, but he had promised Fame to hang around at the party, had even changed into a suit and tie for it, the jacket as always restrictive and uncomfortable. There were still plenty of shows, Raja and Fame would be leaving for Europe on monday at the latest, but as far as Trixie was concerned, his role at fashion week was fulfilled, at least until the late spring.
Trixie took a sip from his champagne flute. He had hesitated before grabbing one, his sense of solidarity towards Katya’s sobriety even fiercer now that she was pregnant, but he was allowed a glass to celebrate a well-received collection.
Trixie coughed, nearly choking on his drink as he came face to face with none other than Chad Michaels. Chad was one of New York’s most well known philanthropists, and therefore also someone that everyone in fashion had some sort of working relationship with, since she constantly needed new fabulous clothes.
Chad was in her 60s, but that didn’t stop her from enjoying and experimenting with fashion, her dress for the night a gorgeous Galactica in beautiful cranberry red from the holiday collection.
“Just the man I needed to see!” Chad smiled as she grabbed his elbow, a slightly manic look in her eyes, heavy jewelry dangling from her ears, the scent of Chanel reaching his nose. “The closing dress. Has anyone claimed it? Please tell me I’m the first one!”
“Ah.” Trixie should have expected that Chad wanted to buy it. She was one of their most loyal customers, constantly photographed in their designs, and never shying away from praising the brand. Of course she would want Violet’s dress. Their newest designer had really outdone herself yet again. “I’m really sorry, but I think it’s an archival.”
The Galactica archive was something to behold, Ivy guarding it with her life, the room temperature controlled and as secure as any bank vault. Trixie hadn’t heard Raja make the final decision, but he had seen the look on Fame’s face, had felt the mood shift amongst the audience as they were moved by the piece.
It was too early to tell, but Trixie wouldn’t be surprised if fashion journalists would look back at this very show as a pivotal moment in Galactica’s history.
“I’ll be damned.” Chad sighed heavily. “I was hoping to wear it for the Met.”
“You haven’t decided on a dress?” The Met Gala was only three months away, the first Monday in May approaching at a worrying pace.
“I thought I did, but nothing truly inspires. You know how it is.”
Trixie nodded. Unsure of what to do, how to help, when he spotted exactly who he needed in the crowd.
Violet turned, and he beckoned her over. She walked towards them, and as Trixie took in her bright eyes, the pink flush of her cheeks, he realized that she must be quite tipsy. He wondered if bringing her over was a mistake, but too late now. So instead he put an arm around her shoulders.
“Violet is one of our most fabulous couture designers. She designed the closing look that you love so much.”
“You did?” Chad asked, eyes widening as she took Violet in.
“Congratulations dear,” Chad said, lifting her glass in a toast. “You have a great talent.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, of course, I’ll talk to them about the dress you want, but if I can’t make that happen, what would you say to this extremely talented young lady whipping you up something custom for the Met Gala?”
Violet turned to him, a panicked look on her face, gripping his jacket. “But, Raja-”
Shit. He hadn’t told her that Raja rejected all of her designs, or that he’d enlisted other concepts from Aurora, because he didn’t want to stress her out this week, not with everything she was dealing with being back in Fame’s office. And he certainly couldn’t explain all that right here, right now. He leaned in and spoke softly, under his breath.
“Don’t worry, we’ll work it out. Just play along, we’re making a sale.”
Violet nodded, and turned back towards Chad with a smile, who was looking at them with a delighted expression, hands clasped together.
“Well that sounds divine! With your design genius and my impeccable taste, we’re bound to blow them all away!” Chad smiled, then glanced around before lowering her voice conspiratorially. “Granted, I do wish the theme was better, but…whatever Anna says goes, eh?”
Trixie laughed, and looked over to see that Violet was giggling too. He relaxed a bit, feeling good, that Violet and Chad would at least get along fine, and that maybe this way she wouldn’t be too heartbroken about losing the Raja job.
“Okay,” Symone exclaimed, lifting her arms in the air. “Who’s ready for the next round?!”
“Almost,” Adore laughed, her arm draped loosely around Tati’s waist, pulling her in to say, “Have I told you how much I like your new roommates? They’re fucking fun.”
“They are,” Tati giggled, “but not good at pacing themselves.” Tati lifted her cocktail, the vodka soda a model standard that Adore knew all too well. “I’m not even halfway done with this one, how are you ready for another round?”
“These drinks are free and the booze is premium. Keep up!” Symone exclaimed, clapping her hands. “Right, Bim?”
“One sec.” Bimini tossed back the last of her whiskey and set the glass down on the table heavily. “Alright, love. Lead the way.”
“Yaaaas!” Symone pranced towards the bar, Bimini following close behind.
Tati turned to Adore, shaking her head. “I thought we drank a lot, but those girls. They fucking drink. It’s a little worrying. I mean, we’re like, at work.”
“You’re cute,” Adore laughed some more, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She’d been thoroughly annoyed when Bianca left, but maybe it was for the best. After all, now she had a chance to hang out with Alaska, Tati and her friends, and avoid the tense adult drama altogether.
“Thanks.” Tati smiled, then lowered her eyes, biting her lip.
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah…um…I should probably tell you something.”
Tati closed her eyes and sighed.
“Wait, what’s wrong?” Adore asked, squeezing her forearm. “You’re freaking me out!”
“I’m sorry. It’s probably not that big a deal, just…so, when we were backstage, Pearl was walking around. Taking pictures and shit.”
“Oh. Right.” Adore was trying not to think about her ex, wandering around the party, though of course she knew she was there. Maybe someday it would be possible to be in the same room as Pearl and ignore her presence entirely, but unfortunately, Adore hadn’t reached that stage just yet.
“Anyway…” Tati played with the cuffs of Adore’s jacket, biting her lip. “She clearly didn’t recognize me. Or like, remember that we’d hung out like ten times while y’all were dating, because…um…”
“She hit on you, didn’t she?” Adore asked. She could see how clearly uncomfortable Tati was, and wanted to end her suffering as quickly as possible.
“Yeah. But I told her to fuck off! I mean, I didn’t quite say ‘fuck off,’ cause I was like, not trying to get fired, but she got the message loud and-”
Adore wrapped her arms around Tati and pulled her in for the biggest, warmest hug.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too! You’re not mad, are you?” Tati asked, face tucked into her neck.
“At you? Of fucking course not!” Adore pulled back, taking both of Tati’s hands in hers. “But…I mean, thank you, for being loyal and shit. But…do you like her?”
“No! After how she treated you? I think she’s an asshole,” Tati said.
Adore grinned and nodded, squeezing her hands. In spite of feeling absolutely self-righteous about it at the time, Adore had been feeling some creeping guilt about the way she’d handled things with Dahlia. Maybe the situation wasn’t as black and white as she’d first assumed. Especially after her recent conversations with Aja, and getting back into band practice.
“Okay,” she said. “But…I mean, we’ve both moved on, obviously, so…if you did like her-”
“Bitch, she didn’t deserve you, which means she doesn’t deserve me,” Tati said, with a toss of her long, dark hair.
Adore laughed, hugging her again.
“I love you, so much.”
“You said that already.”
“I know. But I really do.”
“Same,” Tati replied, lashes fluttering.
“Uhh…hi? Am I interrupting something?” asked a voice, and Adore turned to see Alaska, looking a bit awkward, albeit fabulous, in a leopard-print pencil skirt and cropped black cardigan with turquoise trim, appletini in her hand.
“Lasky!” Adore broke away from Tatianna and threw her arms around Alaska, exclaiming, “Everyone looked amazing, omigod! Where have you been?!”
“Hi, thanks! Uh, long story, one of the freelance artists had an issue, but everything’s fine now. Are you guys, um…” her eyes darted back and forth between Adore and Tati.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re good. Just having a bestie moment. Obviously you know Tati. You’re the one responsible for her face looking like fucking perfection.”
“Me and some stunning genetics, yup. Hello, Tatianna,” Alaska held out a hand for a strangely formal handshake. “Incredible work on the runway today.”
“Hi again,” Tati said, “Thanks.”
“So…I guess your sister’s not here?” Alaska asked.
“Don’t get me started,” Adore said, rolling her eyes.
“Right. Well, please tell her I said hi. I was looking forward to chatting about the makeup shoot.”
Alaska took a sip of her drink, arm wrapped around Adore’s waist. After a beat, Tati and Adore exchanged a look. The energy was slightly weird, but Adore couldn’t exactly put her finger on why. Luckily, before she could worry too much, Bimini and Symone returned with the next round and soon everyone was chatting, the awkwardness forgotten.
“Hey, stranger…”
Karl turned to see Detox, his hair a cool, wintery blue that matched his sport coat, a wicked smirk on his face. He’d meant to say hi to him before the show, but had gotten stuck in traffic and only arrived with moments to spare, sliding into his seat just in the nick of time, his heart pounding at the thought of incurring Fame’s infamous wrath.
“Hi!” Karl pulled Detox in for a hug, kissing him on the cheek. “Why do you look like the cat that swallowed the canary? Got some big scoop?”
“Well, sort of, but unfortunately, not one I can use,” he said.
“Why not?”
“The girls are still fighting,��� Detox said pointedly, raising his blue brows and shaking his head.
“Ugh, that again?” Karl rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, Bianca shot out of here like a bat out of hell, the second the show was over. Made some sorry excuse about another commitment.”
“It’s been literal months,” Karl said, “Don’t they have anything more interesting to worry about?”
“Why don’t you ask Fame?” Detox suggested, nodding towards the woman of the hour, who was striding towards them, her cream-colored cape billowing behind her, a beautiful woman in pale pink at her side. Detox sipped his drink, giving Karl another gleeful sideways glance. A dare.
Well, two could play that game. Karl pursed his lips and cocked his head, asking, “Why don’t you, tough guy?”
Detox blinked, and then his smirk grew slightly as he turned towards the women.
Fame stopped and turned to them, her typically placid hostess smile on her face.
“Hello my darlings. How are you? Did you enjoy the show?” She walked forward, giving each of them air kisses.
“It was divine as always,” Karl cooed, happy to hang Detox out to dry on this one.
“Yes, wonderful,” Detox said. “And-”
“I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Karl Westerberg, Elite London.” Karl reached out to the young woman beside Fame, offering his hand, as Detox rolled his eyes, annoyed at the interruption.
“Hi. Shea Coulee. I’m a journalist, doing a profile of Miss Fame for Vogue.”
“Vogue, did you say?” Karl raised an eyebrow, just slightly. That certainly was interesting. “Fabulous.”
“Speaking of Vogue,” Detox cut in. “I noticed a certain someone seemed in an awful hurry to get out of here after the show.”
“If you mean Ms. Wintour, she’s right over there,” Shea said, gesturing to the other side of the party, where Anna Wintour was talking to Grace Coddington and Vanessa Van Cartier.
“No, I didn’t mean Anna. I meant…another Editor-in-Chief we all know…” Detox said, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face. “And I was just wondering if you had any opinions, thoughts…feelings to share about that?”
“I’m sure I have no idea what you mean,” Fame said. “And I’m also sure that if you keep gossiping about things in this manner, that I have a way to kill you that won’t ever be traced back to me.”
Fame smiled at him, the icy one with daggers in her eyes she reserved for special times.
“You do realize that you just threatened homicide in front of a witness and a journalist, right?” Detox asked, eyes wide with feigned shock.
“Doesn’t that tell you how absolutely sure I am that I won’t even be a suspect?” Fame asked, that smile back that should have terrified Detox more than it apparently did. It certainly terrified Karl. “Besides, Karl didn’t hear anything, did you Karl?”
“Hear anything about what?” Karl asked quickly, playing along.
“Traitor!” Detox muttered.
“I assume this conversation is off the record?” asked Shea.
“Well,” Fame twirled the stem of her champagne glass, looking Detox up and down slowly. “Is Detox important enough that it matters?”
Shea smirked, catching on perfectly, mimicking her supercilious gaze before saying, “Probably not.”
“Good,” Fame answered.
Detox opened his mouth as if to protest, but nothing came out.
Fame patted him on the shoulder, smoothing down his lapel with a victorious smirk.
“Bye, boys. Behave,” she said, turning on her heel and sashaying off, Shea right at her side.
Bob technically wasn’t supposed to have a tray, but all it took was a little of his signature charm, some flirting with one of the servers, and bam! Now he had nearly 20 shots he could easily carry back to his table. On the way, he spotted little Violet, who looked like she’d had a few herself, all alone.
“Violet!” he called, grinning.
“Oh, hi!” she looked up and smiled back. She was wearing a black dress with long sleeves and a high neck, the outfit screaming unimportant assistant.
As he approached, he made sure the shots were balanced before slinging an arm around her. It was nice that Upstairs let them attend these parties in the first place. Bob sure wasn’t gonna be the one to give them a reason to stop.
“Hey girl! What are you doing all by yourself? Where’s Sutan?”
“Boring!” Bob groaned and Violet giggled, a smile of her lips as she brushed some of her hair behind her ear.
“Actually, I was just talking to-“
“Is it work related?”
“… Yes?”
“Then I don’t want to hear it tonight.” Bob looped his arm with Violet’s. “Come celebrate with us! Everyone wants to toast to you and that finale dress! You fucking slayed the house down!”
Violet laughed and rolled her eyes, following him to the table where some of the other designers were waiting, along with a few friends.
Kade, especially, seemed thrilled to see her, squealing and throwing his arms around her, then immediately pressing a shot into her hand. Several rounds later, Sutan finally showed up, looking a bit frazzled and worried, but recovering nicely as soon as he saw that his girlfriend was all in one piece, safe and emotionally sound.
“Sutan!” Violet gave an uncharacteristic yelp of delight, throwing her arms around Sutan’s neck and placing sweet kisses all over his face, Sutan laughing at the unexpected shower of pecks.
“Heyyy, it’s the boyfriend of the year!” Bob said, looking up at him with a grin as Sutan pulled away from Violet, carefully unpeeling her.
“Hi, Bob,” Sutan smiled. “Nice to see you again.”
“Likewise.” Bob nudged Maxwell on the shoulder, knowing his boyfriend’s little crush was something that gave him endless embarrassment. “Maxwell, say hi to Sutan.”
“Stop it,” Maxwell hissed, then said, “Hi Sutan. Thank you for, um…the models.”
He cringed, and Bob patted him on the back.
“I hope they were well-behaved. Especially the new ones,” Sutan said.
“Oh, oh yeah, they did a great job,” Maxwell said.
“There ya go, that wasn’t so hard,” Bob whispered.
“I hate you,” Maxwell said under his breath, through gritted teeth, the smile still plastered over his face. He focused back on Sutan, offering, “Would you like to have a seat?”
“Oh, that’s alright, I’m just here to check up on Violet,” he said, passing her a drink.
“Are we leaving yet?” Violet asked, confused.
“No, no. I still have laps to make. You just stay with your friends. I simply wanted to make sure you were alright and still here. I’d hate to have to sacrifice another set of shoes later.”
Violet’s eyes bulged open. “Sutan!”
“What?” Kade asked, confused. “Shoes? What’s he talking about?”
Bob perked up, deeply interested. What could have made her react so strongly? This sounded like a story he had to hear.
“Nothing! He’s talking about nothing!” Violet said, shooting a death glare up at him making Sutan laugh.
Bob smiled to himself, lifting another shot to his lips. He’d keep that one under his hat for now; he could always grill Ms. Chachki later, maybe trade it for something once she was back in design.
Kade leaned forward, resting his chin on his knee, gazing up at Sutan. “Has anyone ever told you that you have real Daddy energy?” he asked, lashes fluttering.
Maxell immediately turned as red as a beet and elbowed him hard in the ribs.
“OW!” Kade shrieked. “What?! He does!”
“Thank you, Kade,” Sutan laughed, “I think?”
“You’re welcome,” Kade said, leaning back, a smug grin on his face. He stuck his tongue out at Maxwell for good measure.
Maxwell turned to Bob with a scowl, muttering, “Next time you bring him, don’t forget the shock collar.”
“Have another drink, Cracks,” Bob said, handing over a shot.
“Um…” Violet looked up at Sutan, blinking slowly. “I actually think I have…had one or two more than I…um…”
“Are you saying you want to take off?” he asked quietly.
“Yes,” Violet said. She extended her arm and let Sutan pull her up into a standing position.
The guys called out their farewells, with Kade sure to sneak in a “Bye Daddy!” before diving into Bob’s lap for protection from Maxwell.
“Mmh,” Raja hummed against Raven’s lips, the two of them kissing. She knew it was the Galactica party, and that she should mingle as much as possible, but Raven was just utterly irresistible tonight.
There was nothing sexier than a Raven who glowed with confidence, who oozed the knowledge that she was hot, that knew she had done a good job, and few things boosted Raven as much as a fashion show gone well.
Raja moved, pressing Raven against the wall, holding her by the waist and kissing her neck, the scent of perfume filling her nose.
“Raj-” Raven moaned, cutting herself off, nudging her with her face. “Raja. My hair.”
Raja looked down, a strand of Raven’s hair caught in her watch, black and silver tangled together.
“Fuck.” Raja moved, which made Raven wince, a laugh escaping both of them as Raven grabbed her wrist and carefully freed her hair.
“Sorry.” Raja wrinkled her nose, settling her hands on Raven’s hips, giving her a squeeze as she leaned in to kiss her again, when Raven suddenly pulled away.
“Violet!” Raven waved, her boobs pressing against Raja’s chest, her fiancée practically crawling over her shoulder. “Over here!”
Raja turned her head, watching as Sutan and Violet came towards them, her brother smiling and waving back. Violet was clinging to his arm, leaning on his shoulder, and Raja couldn’t help the stab of annoyance at the sight, Violet practically acting like she owned him.
They all greeted each other, Raven grabbing Violet and hugging her tightly as Sutan pressed a kiss against Raja’s cheek, his low rumble switching to Indonesian.
[Congratulations] Sutan pulled back slightly, [on another job beautifully done.] He grinned, his eyes sparkling, delight dancing in his expression. [You up to split a cab?]
[Not sure I should leave yet. It’s sort of my company.]
[Oh yeah, and you’re doing so much networking over here], Sutan chuckled, wiping a bit of Raven’s lipstick off of the corner of her mouth.
“Touché,” Raja smirked, allowing her brother to touch her. [Okay, let’s go home.]
“Ooh! I know that word!” Raven perked up, making both Raja and Sutan laugh. “We’re leaving, right?”
“I’m glad to see your language studies are finally picking up, Raven.” Sutan smiled. “It took what? Five years?”
“And for that…“ Raven reached out, taking Sutan’s tie between her fingers, “you can come get the jackets with me.”
Raja hadn’t expected Raven to volunteer, such a menial task something she usually let others do for her, her fiancée the exact spoiled brat Raja herself had created.
She watched her walk away, but then, Raven glanced over her shoulder, a smoldering look in her eyes, a swing in her hips, and Raja realized that it was a tease just for her, leaving her behind with nothing for company but the throb of her clit.
That, and Violet, of course.
Violet was leaning against the wall, apparently completely content not to speak, her normally shrewd eyes wandering listlessly over the crowd, head lolling back. She definitely wasn’t her typical put-together self. Too many drinks from the open bar after a day of running around on an empty stomach, she suspected.
Raja didn’t think she hated Violet, but she didn’t have anything to say to her that wasn’t about work.
The Galactica party was - obviously - filled with beautiful women, and Raja was struck with an idea. She quickly swept the crowd, looking for someone, anyone, that stood out from the rest. This would be the perfect time to get her uncensored opinions.
She tried to remember which model Violet had been enamored with during the casting—unfortunately, she was so annoyed in that moment that she forgot to make note of the girl, but she did seem to remember that it wasn’t one of the waif-y stick-thin ones, and she was pretty sure it wasn’t a white girl, either.
She spotted someone just right, heading towards the bar. One of their influencers, a sexy Filipino girl with an ass to die for (especially in the thigh-high Louboutins she had on), her long, glossy curls bouncing as she walked.
“What do you think of her?” Raja nudged Violet’s arm, pointing out the young woman with a subtle nod of her head.
“Marina Summers?”
Raja smirked, not really surprised that Violet knew the name of everyone at the party, even in this state. She was Fame’s assistant after all, so she had probably pored over the guest list, making sure to memorize it all, in case Fame needed it.
“Yes, her. Cute outfit, right?”
“Mmm. I like her handbag. Very on trend right now,” she said, a slight slur in her voice.
Raja rolled her eyes. Marina was wearing a low-cut, backless mini-dress that barely covered her ass, but of course her handbag was what Violet commented on. Raja decided to try again, gesturing to a stunning girl with rich, dark skin, an hourglass figure, and a fur coat hanging off her shoulders. All she wanted was for Violet to drunkenly comment on her body, her tits, something she could use.
“What about her? Isn’t she pretty?”
Violet turned to Raja with a puzzled expression, blinking slowly. “Are you trying to find someone for a campaign?”
Raja cringed inwardly, realizing what a nightmare it would be for her if Violet repeated their conversation back to Raven. She was disappointed that her plan had failed, but better that than to get in trouble.
“Yeah. We’re…well, I had an idea to maybe bring some more faces on board for this year’s resort collection. Not just models, but maybe some people with real followings,” she said, covering quickly, adding, “I haven’t talked to Pearl or Alyssa though, what do you think?”
“Oh, uhh…that’s not really my area.”
“Fair enough.” Raja sighed, noting with some relief that Sutan and Raven were heading back their way. “Looks like you’re off the hook.”
“Don’t be a stranger, okay?” Pearl said, winking.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” the older woman purred, vodka oozing from her pores as she leaned in to press her lips to Pearl’s cheek.
Pearl knew that working the room was an important part of her job. (Especially her current company, a brand manager who had been giving them free liquor and bartenders at every party for the past three years in exchange for a rather modest company credit on Galactica’s website.)
However, she’d been at it all evening, and it was starting to get a bit tiresome. Even professional schmoozers needed a break once in awhile. So as soon as she’d extricated herself from the woman’s clutches, she took a deep breath and looked around for a friendly face, maybe a coworker with whom she could chill for a few minutes, just to catch her breath. Luckily, a couple of designers were nearby. And to Pearl’s delight, she noticed that April was among them.
She wondered why she’d never paid much attention to April previously. After all, she was definitely hot, and talented, and if their conversation earlier was any indication, she liked to play. Pearl fixed her face into a sad expression and approached the designers, looking as dejected as possible.
“Good lord, Pearl!” Blu exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
Pearl heaved a dramatic sigh. “Yeah…”
“Oh my god…” April muttered, shaking her head.
“What’s wrong?” Gia asked.
“I just, um…have been having a rough…” Pearl sighed again.
“You’re fucking ridiculous,” April said. She laughed and took a sip of her drink.
“April!” Blu admonished.
“Guys, she’s full of-”
“I thought you said that you’d talk to me about…nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you…” Pearl hung her head and turned slowly, taking a few steps away from the table.
“Pearl! Don’t go!” Gia cried. “April, what’s wrong with you?!”
“Ay dios mio…”
April hurried to catch up with her, just like Pearl hoped she would, grabbing her arm.
“Would you knock it off?” she hissed into her ear.
Pearl turned to her with a mischievous smirk. “Knock what off?”
“You are some piece of work.” April rolled her eyes.
“You love it.”
“I need another drink if I’m gonna hang out with you.”
“So, you do want to hang out with me, then,” Pearl said triumphantly.
April scowled at her, but then a smile began to crack through, and she turned on her heel, marching towards the bar. Pearl followed, checking out her pert little ass in the process. Very nice.
“Hey, can we get two double shots of Don Q rum?” April asked the bartender.
“You tryin’ to get me drunk?” Pearl asked, flashing a grin at her as she slid in beside her.
“I’m trying to make the experience of being with you more enjoyable,” April replied.
“Wow. A dagger, straight to the heart.”
April laughed, taking the shots from the bartender with a nod and shoving one towards Pearl, letting their fingers touch briefly. She bit her lip, looking at Pearl in the eyes, raising her glass. Pearl lifted hers as well.
“Salud,” Pearl said.
“Salud,” April replied, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth before tossing back most of the rum in one gulp.
Pearl grinned, impressed, downing hers as well.
#rpdr fanfiction#thedane#veronica#galactica#adore delaska#raja x raven#april x pearl#bob x cracker#bob x gottmik#vitan#trixie mattel#chad michaels#violet chachki#adore delano#tatianna#alaska thunderfuck#manila luzon#detox icunt#miss fame#shea coulee#bob the drag queen#gottmik#miz cracker#raja gemini#raven#pearl liaison#april carrion#symone#bimini bon boulash#blu hydrangea
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drabbles ! ✦
requests are open!
fluff, angst, smut
specific tropes (optional)
more fandoms // request more fandoms

saint spells love guide
bungou stray dogs
life makeover
shawn x reader fluff
honkai star rail
genshin impact
dragon raja
punishing gray raven
omniscient reader’s viewpoint
#saint spells love guide#saint spells#saint spells love guide x reader#saint spells x reader#bungou stray dogs#bsd#bungou stray dogs x reader#bsd x reader#life makeover#life makeover x reader#honkai star rail#hsr#honkai star rail x reader#hsr x reader#genshin impact#genshin#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#dragon raja#dragon raja x reader#punishing gray raven#pgr#punishing gray raven x reader#pgr x reader#omniscient reader's viewpoint#orv#omniscient reader's viewpoint x reader#orv x reader
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My absolutely feral love for Raja and Raven has come back i thought i was over the obsession but nope i’ve been sucked right back in
#when i used to be raven-ramirez-oh on here good times#raja gemini#raven hunty#raja x raven#rupauls drag race#all the seasons#drag queen#living breathing goddess
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#rpdredit#fpredit#raja gemini#raven hunty#raja x raven#fpr#Fashion Photo RuView#gifs*#they look so beautiful aaaaaa
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My little gift to this world!
I love my babies!!!
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Raja: May I say something? I know I'm in the doghouse--
Manila: Oh, you're not in the doghouse.
Raja: I'm not?
Manila: No, you're going to have to work really hard to make it into the doghouse.
Raja: Okay, so I'm in the yard, which is still an enclosed area--
Manila: (glares)
Raja: --unless I'm in the pound. Manila, am I in the pound? Where's Raven, is she in the pound with me?
Raven: Why do I have to be in the pound?
Raja: So we can get adopted together like two inseparable little puppies.
Raven: I don't want to be in the pound, Raja!
Manila: Guys!
Raven and Raja: Sorry Manila.
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Petition to bring these videos and them back.
#pls dear god i miss this so much#rpdr#rupaul's drag race#raja gemini#raven hunty#raja x raven#raja and raven#video#mean comments#they are always the best when they're together
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raven & raja, raven sketches
#raja gemini#raven hunty#rpdr#sketches#traditional art#art#lmao pls excuse the roughness i was totally braindead while doing these#raja x raven#rpdr art
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Raven: And this is Raja, my ex-girlfriend.
Raja: Stop introducing me like that! Hi, I'm her wife.
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WOW will continue to ignore the Raja in Raven abstinence for how much longer? ,🙄She miss her Raven so much 😔 I really love them ❤️
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Part of Your World, Ch. 4 (Raja x Adore) for Dartmouth420 - Grinder
AN: Apologies for uploading this so late! I haven’t forgotten about it. And, this chapter has smut, thank god (although it was written by me and, like, I’m not amazing at this kind of stuff but I hope yall like it anyway.)
Fishing went exactly how Raja expected — judgement…judgement from Bianca.
“So you want to turn her into a human,” the witch had said, tossing a spear into the waters before her.
Raja didn’t want this — a discussion. She hadn’t been to the beach in so long. This could have been time to soak it all in. But Bianca just couldn’t help but…well, be Bianca.
“I mean, yes, I want to turn her human. But I won’t be the one carrying the spell out,” Raja tossed her speer too. “Raven will do the dirty work. Thank’s for the information.”
Bianca chose to ignore the remark and refrained from calling Raja out on the fact that she gave that information against her will. Instead, she only said, “You’re kinda obsessed with your mermaid.”
The dark witch spared Bianca a glance, the two going to fetch their weapons again. “I’m not obsessed. I’m in love.” She pulled the spear from the water, finding nothing on the bottom. “We’re tethered, Bianca.”
“I know - I know.”
And Raja glanced at her again. “You sound…disappointed.”
Bianca didn’t answer immediately, searching her brain for a spell that would make the fishing less taxing. But with shit on her mind, she couldn’t think. “I just…I wish there was another way.”
Raja whirled around to look at her best friend, her dress treading the water. “Another way?”
Bianca held her hands up in defence, signalling she would say no more. Raja wanted to press her for a real response, but at the same time, she knew deep down this conversation was already exhausting.
Nothing else Adore-related was said until they returned to the camp two hours later, having managed to catch five fish.
That’s when they saw the whole camp of witches gathered around Raja’s hut.
“The fuck?” The dark witch said, dropping her bag of fish to the ground and rushing towards her home. Her heart was pounding now. Did something happen to Adore while they were gone?
“Move, bitches!” Bianca yelled as both witches shoved past the crowd.
“Sorry, Raja,” Farrah said, allowing the two to pass through.
Once inside, they could see how they all gathered around the now filled tub, Adore leisuring to her heart’s content, fins flapping slightly, signalling her delight. The last time Raja had seen the mermaid, she was deep in sleep, hydrating her body.
Now everyone was gathered around, babbling to her about all sorts of things.
“I got another one,” the enigmatic Katya was sitting on the ground beside the tub, Adore’s attention solely on her, “What do you call two witches who live together? Broom-mates!”
Not one laugh was given.
Adore just stared blankly.
“Oh, come on. That’s a classic! It’s stupid as fuck!” Katya pled with everyone around her.
“Sorry, sweety. Just give up and accept defeat,” Trixie rubbed the jokester’s shoulder.
“What’s going on?” Raja rushed to the tub, Adore reaching for her hand to kiss it.
“We just…heard singing…” Courtney explained, “Coming from here. We think she drew us in.”
Adore smiled sheepishly. “I honestly did not know we could do that.”
“An incredible ability to hold,” Sasha said in admiration.
“Okay, I don’t want to sound rude, but can you all get out?” Raja’s eyes glared at the crowd.
They whined in frustration, but when Bianca barked at them, the witches began to file out.
Now only Adore, Raja, Bianca and Courtney remained. The pregnant witch approached the tub before going to leave herself. “Do you want to come mingle with me later?”
There was a hint of something on her face, almost like excitement.
“Yes. I would love that, Courtney,” Adore shared the light witch’s expression.
“Great.” Courtney then took Bianca’s hand, leading her out of Raja’s hut, “Come on you. We have shit to discuss.”
Once they were gone, Raja sat on the ground where Katya had before, her hand still in Adore’s. “So, you can sing, I’m guessing.”
The mermaid blushed. “I always thought I sounded good. But…never that good,” she glanced at the door where all the witches had disappeared. “Do you want to hear a song?”
Raja never shook her head so fast. “As much as I would love that, it’s probably not a good idea.”
Adore’s face dropped, and Raja felt like a dick.
“Look, I promise, I’d love to hear you sing, but it’s not safe,” the witch said quietly, “there's…” she gulped, “We’re not alone in this forest, Adore. Of course, there’s the warlock camp, it’s not far at all, and they’re all lovely. But… we’re not the only witches.”
“You have other sisters?” Adore’s eyes squinted.
“Oh, Adore. They are not my sisters.” Raja’s thumb stroked the back of the mermaid’s hand, “They're…Well, let’s just say they aren’t very nice. We’ve feuded with them in the past many a time. You know, sometimes even going to war. It’s been going on for centuries. Even the witches who came before me had to deal with them.”
“That’s awful,” Adore practically whispered. “I don’t understand. You’re all witches, all the same, so why the feud? I mean, back home, all merpeople… we’re one and the same, and all we share is love.”
God, this woman was too pure… Raja’s heart was melting again. She brought Adore’s damp knuckle to her lips, kissing each one sweetly. “I wish that’s how things were for us."
"Maybe someday,” Adore shrugged.
Raja’s smile turned sad. “I wouldn’t count on it.”
The mermaid lowered her face, “I’m sorry for singing.”
“Oh, Adore. Don’t feel bad.” Raja lifted the mermaid’s chin, “you didn’t know. Fuck, I should have told you before.”
And Adore laughed through her nose, “I probably wouldn’t have understood a word.”
“Oh. Well, true,” Raja giggled.
Courtney didn’t explain what she was doing, let alone why she was doing this.
But Adore just let her put whatever this weird stuff was on her face.
At first, it felt weird, and that weirdness made the mermaid uneasy. But the way Courtney delicately smeared crushed beetroot over Adore’s lips made her feel safe.
“This stuff will stain your lips; give them a nice bit of colour.” Courtney finished painting Adores lips before wiping the beetroot mush from her finger on a cloth.
Adore nodded in understanding. “So, this is what land girls use to…as you say, make themselves look pretty?”
“Yes. I mean, in the towns and cities, ladies wear real makeup. But being out here, all we have is the nature around us. So we make do with what we got.” Courtney explained as she began crushing up rose petals. “Honestly, though, I prefer the natural way. Better for the skin, and even more so for our powers.”
“I don’t think you need makeup.” Adore shrugged.
“Aw, thank you, Adore. Keep talking, please.”
“I don’t think you need makeup. I think you’re beautiful, and Bianca is very lucky to - -”
Courtney raised a hand to silence the babbling mermaid. “Don’t worry, it’s just an expression.”
“Oh. Gosh, human language confuses me.”
“This isn’t ‘human language’ you’re speaking. It’s wican.” Courtney explained, taking a brush and dabbing it into the rose petals, crushed up so much they were now dust.
Adore let Courtney dab the pink powder on her cheeks, and her eyes were stuck on the small bump.
“You know what’s in there, right?” Courtney asked, knowing full well Adore was staring.
“A baby?” Adore answered.
“Yep.” Courtney swept a hand across her belly. “I’m only four months in, so they’re not that big yet.”
The mermaid let out a laugh through a breath before confusion took over. “So, it’s possible for…for two women to make a baby on the land.”
“Oh, no. That’s not what Bianca and I did.” Courtney laughed even more. “We have a mating season with the warlocks, kind of like a pact that’s been going on since before I was even born. They’re nice boys over in that camp.”
“They sound nice.”
“Yeah. I think I chose the right man too. He seemed nice. I’d like to think that if the baby was a boy, and he’d be taken over there, he’d have a great father.” Courtney’s eyes drifted off, fantasising about this future to come.
“And, what if it is a boy?” Adore asked.
Courtney looked back at her, “Honestly, I don’t even think I give a shit about gender. Boy, girl, anything… I’m keeping my baby. And I’ll love them no matter who they are.”
A warm smile found its way to Adore’s face, her green eyes trailing back down to Courtney’s bump.
“Do you want to touch it?” Courtney already took the nodding mermaid’s hand.
Placing it on Courtney’s belly, Adore felt it, the tiny heart inside beating.
“I mean, there’s not much going on in there right now, but….” Courtney said.
Adore placed an ear up to the bump. “Wow.”
“What? What is it?” The light witch said with intrigue.
And Adore peered up at Courtney again. “I can hear her heartbeat.”
Courtney’s eyes widened. “Her?”
The mermaid nodded.
“Adore, you are fucking incredible.”
“Bianca, what is the meaning of this?!” Raja shouted as her best friend shoved her out of her own home.
“You’ll fucking see! Fuck, patience is a virtue, you know,” Bianca shoved the witch again.
“Alright! I’m fucking moving, God!”
For the last two hours, Bianca had been a pest — insisting Raja skip dinner, weaving silk through the dark witch’s hair, forcing her into a beautiful yet uncomfortable dress. And for every question Raja hurled at her, her friend refused to answer.
And now, here Bianca was, pushing her around, literally.
Almost every witch was outside now, jumping around with excitement and yelling out into the night sky. Even Willam was out — odd for the daylight witch. As soon as she lowered the sun and Blair raised the moon, Willam would be long gone, hitting the hay before anyone could beg for her attention. Yet, there she was, whooping with joy, Alaska carrying her on her back.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Raja exclaimed.
Bianca groaned, taking her friend by the hand and dragging her to their destination instead, “We’re all going over to the warlock camp for a good old time.”
“We’re going to get some dick!” Willam cheered.
“B-But,” Raja couldn’t keep up with this shit anymore, “the mating season is over.”
“Oh, fuck the rules, Raj’,” Katya brushed past, hand in hand with Trixie. “We made them so we can fucking break them whenever we want.” And she carried on with her partner.
“Bianca, what about Adore?” Raja questioned. “I know the men are nice, but…I don’t think it’s safe for her to be out there.”
“And that’s why you’re both going to be staying here,” Bianca glanced over her shoulder with a teasing smile.
Finally reaching the end of the camp, the witches rounded the last hut there.
“B’, I swear to God, whatever you bitches have going on here, I’ll - -”
“Shut up already!” Bianca then gestured to what was in front of them, “Look! We did this for you two.”
In the middle of the green was a small table fit for two, a red candle burning in the middle. A bottle of red wine stood next to the candle, most likely made by one of the witches. And then there were the two plates, the fish Raja and Bianca had caught earlier in the day cooked to perfection.
“You did this,” Raja said, the words sounding more like a question.
“Well, it was Courtney’s idea. She roped me into it.” Bianca put a hand on Raja’s shoulder and the other on her hip. God, she was proud of herself. “Just thought it would be nice for you to have alone time with your mermaid.”
“Okay, you can stop calling her my mermaid. One — she has a name. Two — Adore is her own person. And three — Bianca, Adore and I do have alone time.”
“Yes, but now, you’ll both be even more alone.”
“God, you really are childish,” Raja swept a hand through her hair.
“Oh, wow. You know, that’s a lovely thank you for the fish we cooked and all the work we put into making this shit,” Bianca held a hand out to the display. “Fuck, Nina made that table from scratch!”
Raja looked at said table and back to Bianca, “Bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit.”
“Come on. That’s probably just a fucking spare table.”
Bianca tsked. “Well, believe whatever you want.”
“What are you two bickering about now?” Courtney’s fed-up voice sounded as she stepped up to the two.
“Nothing amazing,” Bianca rolled her eyes. “Where’s Adore?”
“Oh, she’s just coming now,” the light witch glanced over her shoulder before turning her attention to Raja, “So, do you like it?”
Raja peered at the set table again, “Yes. I love it, Courtney.”
Bianca’s eyes widened. “What the fuck? What did I do to you to make you not nice to me tonight?”
Raja chuckled. “Nothing. Maybe I just like pissing you off,” she playfully shoved Bianca on the shoulder.
“Oh, I know you do. So, what about you, Court’? Ready to go over to the warlock camp?” Bianca swung an arm around her tethered.
“Can’t lie; I’m excited to meet the baby’s father again.” Courtney kissed Bianca softly.
“Who knows? Maybe I could meet a man, give the kid a sibling,” Bianca teased.
“Oh, come on, honey. We can’t be thinking about that so soon.”
“I know. I’m just joking.” Bianca kissed Courtney’s head.
Raja wasn’t paying much attention to the two anymore.
For Adore just rounded the corner of the end hut, and the dark witch couldn’t take her eyes away.
The mermaid’s hair was now separated into two messy braids that lay on her shoulders, a crown of dark red roses dawning her head. Her lips may have been a deep blood colour, but her eyes stood out the most, shades of red and orange surrounding those green orbs, making them pop.
The dress came to her ankles, with burgundy lace and black roses lined along the waistline. The sleeves came to her elbows, hanging down to her knees in drapey lace.
She looked…just like a witch.
And, fuck…she was so so beautiful.
“Hello,” Adore waved nervously, approaching Raja.
Courtney and Bianca were also now watching, the light witch smiling proudly.
“Um…hi,” Raja’s nerves kicked in. “Y-You look beautiful.”
Adore cocked her head, “Even without makeup?”
“What? Of course.” Raja took the mermaid in her arms, “No matter what you look like. Just, right now…you look…fuck, like a goddess.”
The red on Adore’s cheeks intensified. But she didn’t hide it. She took Raja’s face in her hands, pulling her into a heated kiss.
Bianca glanced at Courtney, her eyes telling them they should leave.
“Alright,” Courtney clapped her hands together once, “I guess that’s our cue.”
“Absolutely,” Bianca nodded, taking her tethered partner’s hand and aiming for the forest where the other witches were headed.
When they were alone, Raja pulled out of the kiss, “They made us food.”
Adore only now sniffed the air, her eyes moving towards the table. “Oh, pretty.”
“I know, right?” Raja led Adore towards the table. “And it’s fish. So I think you’ll like it.”
“Ugh, it smells so angelic,” was the only word Adore could think to describe it. She took her seat, ready to dig into the meal. Never had she had fish like this.
“You know, what’s interesting is that being a witch, we usually give a blessing before we eat, but that tradition only comes into play when there’s a Mother Witch present. But, we haven’t had one in so long,” Raja already picked up her knife and fork, carving into the cooked fish. “Fun fact, it’s supposed to be me, but I - -” She paused, watching Adore pick the fish up with her hands, biting into the tender meat. “D-Doesn’t that… Isn’t it hot?”
Adore shook her head, her smile wide.
“You amaze me,” Raja lifted the bottle of wine, pouring the deep red liquid into both glasses.
“You witches amaze me,” Adore said with wide eyes and a full mouth. Swallowing, she continued, “Do you know, earlier, I saw Jinkx. She was outside her house, and she was breathing fire.”
The dark witch raised a brow, sealing the bottle and putting it back. “Oh really?”
“Yes. She was…” Adore paused, returning the fish to the plate as if trying to make sense of her thoughts, “She was sucking on this little stick, and just…smoke…smoke came from her mouth. Is she a dragon?”
That was enough to make Raja chuckle. Ah yes, Jinkx with her cigarettes. She was the only witch on sight who could grow tobacco plants, and the others adored her for it.
“Oh, I see what you’re talking about. Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” The dark witch took a sip of the wine, and Adore did the same, “I love how amazed our world is to you, yet so…normal to me.”
The mermaid grimaced, coughing some as she put the glass down. “W-What is that?!”
“It’s wine.” Raja suppressed a giggle. “It comes from the grapes.”
And Adore took another sip, swallowing with ease now. “I-I think I’ll adjust to it.”
“Don’t drink too much. I’m guessing this is the first alcohol you’ve ever tried.”
“Oh? And what’s alcohol?”
“Alcohol is amazing. But too much, you’ll start to feel… light-headed, I guess? Maybe lose control of your own actions.” Raja explained. “Between you and me, one time Bianca drank too much wine and thought her shadow was a demon latched onto her soul. It was a wild night.”
“…Alright, but that just makes me want to drink as much as I can,” Adore admitted, her eyes wide with intrigue.
“Well, good thing we have just this one bottle,” Raja held it up as if the mermaid couldn’t already see it.
“I love this place,” Adore let her eyes wander around the camp. “It feels like… every day I’m learning something new that just…blows my mind.”
And the dark witch felt all sorts of excitement brewing from within. If only the mermaid knew she could have the chance to stay here for the rest of her life. As much as Raja hated Raven, she hoped the bitch would come through with her promise. The thought of Adore not being here…it was enough to make her heart ache.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Adore.” Raja reached a hand across the table, taking Adore’s.
They both seemed to forget about the fish now, preferring to sit and talk for a while.
“You know that day in the cave?” Raja asked.
“The day we met?” Adore smiled fondly.
“Of course. Do you go there often? I mean…what are the chances of us meeting that day?” The dark witch stroked her thumb over the back of Adore’s hand.
The mermaid looked at Raja’s hand, her stomach stirring, just feeling that spark between them both. “I usually go there, just for alone time. My realm isn’t too far away, and sometimes I need a break from everyone else. I have a lot of suitors looking for my hand in marriage, you know?” She teased with a raised brow and coy smile. “I have to meet with at least five a day. It’s exhausting.”
“Five?” Raja exclaimed. “God, I think the King does that with his daughter,” and with that thought, “Wait, are you a princess? Like…soon to be the queen of the ocean?”
And the mermaid laughed, pressing her hand to her sealed lips as she took another bit of wine. “Do I look like royalty to you?”
“I love you. But no. I am not a princess. Although my father is a noble merman. He works as one of the King’s many advisors.” Adore explained. “So, I’m kind of a big deal.”
“You and me both,” Raja said.
“So yes, I just like to be alone for a while. Just to…sing and swim around and make new friends with the clown fish,” Adore reminisced. “And that day, I just…saw you looking down at me. And I had never ever met a human before. I heard tales that they were dangerous creatures. But, just looking at you…I thought…how is that even possible?”
Raja lowered her now red-stained cheeks. “Well, I am kind of dangerous, being a dark witch and all. But, I only ever hurt those who hurt my family or me.”
“As I would do the same for mine."
At the mention of Adore’s family, Raja gulped, lifting her wine and taking another sip. Best to change the subject. "I’m sorry I made you cry that day.”
“It's…ugh, it’s fine. I’m sorry. Sometimes I can’t control my emotions.” Adore looked away as if pained by the memory. “I just…you know, meeting with all those other merpeople coming to ask for my hand in marriage, when I met you, and when I kissed you…I just felt it. We were supposed to be together.” She looked back at Raja.
The dark witch let out a wavered breath. “Oh, Adore. We’re tethered, that’s why. It’s strange. I thought that was just a witch thing. I mean, I’ve never heard of any other species tethering.” Then she shrugged, “Then again, I don’t meet a lot of other people.” She laughed pitifully, gesturing to the world around her.
“Funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of tethering before.” Adore pointed out.
“Well, maybe…maybe you have a bit of witch in you. Probably explains why you can grow legs when you’re dry.” Raja suggested.
“Nah, mermaids can do that anyway.”
“Oh. I see." Damn.
"Gosh, I’m stuffed.” Adore declared, having barely touched her food.
Raja was just the same, “Oh, me too. Come on.”
Sitting before the lit fire in the centre of camp, the two sipped their wine, talking some more.
“I meant it, by the way, when I said you’re beautiful every day,” Raja stated, holding Adore close.
“I know.” Adore smirked, “I can’t lie, though. I think I look beautiful times ten now,” the mermaid stared into the flames. “I’m pretty like Courtney now.”
“Well, between you and me, you’re prettier than Courtney.” Raja kissed Adore on the cheek.
“Oh, come on.” The mermaid moved out of Raja’s grasp, sitting in front of her now. “Courtney’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. Besides you, of course. At first, I thought she was another mermaid. One I’d never met before.”
“Well, I can assure you Courtney is a full-blood witch. I remember the day she was born. Bianca and I were only five.” And the dark witch looked at the flames next, remembering that day. “It was so cute. Bianca just…reached out her tiny hand and held Courtney’s.” God, her heart was melting, “Bianca’s mother, Valentina, she just…she knew. She knew by Bianca’s face and how Courtney woke up that they would be together.”
Adore sighed, almost dreamily. “I love hearing you talk about this stuff. Even when I couldn’t understand you.”
Raja giggled. “I just…I don’t know. If it weren’t for those two, I wouldn’t believe in tethering.” She shrugged, “I’m more inclined to believe not all tethered relationships work out. Fun fact; Bianca and I were a thing for a long time.”
Adore nodded. “A…thing?”
“Yeah, like… we’d see each other, you know? We’d kiss, hold each other…fuck sometimes. I don’t know, I just thought maybe she was the one I wanted to be with,” Raja tried her hardest to explain. “But, we both realised that we were better as friends.”
The whole time Adore was suppressing her laughs. But eventually, she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “You and Bianca?!”
“Yes. Why?” Raja squinted her eyes.
“It’s just…I don’t see it, but I can see it at the same time. Yesterday, Katya was saying you two were like…like…God, what was that phrase?” The mermaid tried her hardest to remember.
“Chalk and cheese?”
“Yes! Chalk and cheese! I may not know what that means exactly, but I have an idea.”
“Well, judging by what you’re saying, you’re probably right. Bianca’s my bestfriend. And Courtney is lucky to have her as her tethered one.” Raja stated. “They just…reassure me that there’s someone for everyone.”
Adore’s smile turned warm. “And what about us? Does our connection make you believe in tethering?” The mermaid was leaning close to the witch now.
And Raja reciprocated. “Oh, absolutely.”
Their foreheads connect, Adore lifting a hand and stroking Raja’s cheek.
The witch couldn’t tell if it was the warmth from the fire or the heat pooling in her stomach, but her body was warm now. All sorts of feelings stirred within, and she dared herself to say, “Adore…Do you ever think we could - -”
Marry. That’s what Raja wanted to say. Just to get it out of the way. The hardest part of it all.
But she stopped when Adore flinched, hearing the howling from the forest. “What was that?”
“Oh, God,” Raja groaned. Fuck these bitches for ruining the moment, “Don’t worry. It’s just the warlocks. I guess they decided to move the party over here.”
And true to her statement, the men began to pour out of the trees, invading the witch camp. A specific group of them howled at the moon, witches running behind them, thirsty for skin on skin. Another group worked their magic, sending blasts off into the sky, loud explosions painting the night with bright colours.
At first, Adore flinched again, but…this was pretty. Nothing like she had ever seen before. “What is it?”
“I can’t remember the exact name. I think the boys call them fireworks,” Raja also stared up at the exploding colours. “It’s incredible, right?”
The mermaid didn’t have the words to describe it. The loud banging was harsh on her ears, but the…fuck, just taking it all in, it was breathtaking.
“Guess who’s getting dicked down tonight?!” Willam hollered, riding the back of one of the men, rushing to the witch’s hut.
“Me! I am! Me!” Laila was just excited, leading her man for the night away.
They weren’t the only ones. While some witches and warlocks danced around the flames of the fire as they played music with what instruments they had, the others rushed to their homes, ready for a long night of fucking.
“Everyone’s so excited,” the mermaid observed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yep. Most of these witches rarely get the chance to meet up with a man,” Raja explained, “mating season is once a year.”
“But tonight,” Adore turned her attention back to her love, “fuck the rules?”
“Fuck the rules,” Raja clarified, drawing Adore into another kiss.
Maybe it was the mixed feelings of love and lust in the air, but Raja was thriving on it all. This was how she wanted it to be forever — just sitting here with Adore, kissing passionately in front of this fire, not a care in the world.
The mermaid’s hand crept along Raja’s leg, making the butterflies in the witch’s belly go wild.
Adore yelped as soon as her lips parted from Raja’s.
A warlock ran off, cackling wickedly as he rushed for Tatianna, holding her arms open, hungry for a kiss.
“Hey, fuck off!” Raja yelled after the stupid warlock. But when the mermaid’s fear turned to amusement, giggles leaving her lips, the witch relaxed.
“Come on!” Adore stood, taking Raja by the wrist and leading her away.
They were running now, Raja having no idea where she was being led to. As long as it was with Adore, she didn’t care.
Reaching Raja’s hut, they both stood in the doorway, Adore giggling as she leaned back against the bookcase. Raja also laughed, standing opposite Adore.
They just stood there for a moment, eyes shifting between the shenanigans going on outside and then back to each other, just laughing. Why was this amusing?
Maybe just the sheer joy of being here together.
When Adore’s chest stopped heaving, she stepped forward, kissing Raja again.
So many times they had done this already…So many times they kissed.
Yet Raja knew where this was going.
Fiery flames engulfed her insides, coursing through her body as she allowed Adore to pull her closer. The witch’s hands found their way around the mermaid’s waist, her fingers trailing the line of roses.
Adore pulled away briefly, “Don’t let go of me,” she whispered in Raja’s ear.
“I won’t, Raja smiled, tilting her head and allowing the mermaid to nip at her neck. "Why would I do such a thing?”
No response from the mermaid as she kissed Raja’s mouth again, her body curving against the witch’s. She lured her back, Raja didn’t know where, but she trusted Adore. She trusted Adore with her life.
They found the bed, and Adore pulled away, guiding Raja down. She then climbed the length of the witch, like she had done this many times.
But was this actually happening? Did Adore even know how this worked?
“Adore, do you….” But Raja couldn’t bring herself to finish the statement as the mermaid sucked on her neck some more.
“Hm?” Adore sounded against the witch’s skin.
Her lips were so hot, sucking Raja’s soon-to-be bruised skin. The witch gasped, her hand finding the back of Adore’s head. “Nevermind.”
Adore had to know what she was doing now that her fingers were undoing the black ribbon that bound Raja’s corset. Not like they hadn’t seen each other naked before, but…
This was different. They both knew that.
And they wanted it.
When the lace was gone, the corset was pulled away from her. Raja sat up, quickly pulling her dress up over her head. Adore giggled, Raja unable to tell if it was because of nerves or excitement.
As soon as the dress was tossed to the side, Adore took it all in – the sight of her tethered partner, like it was the first time seeing her like this again. “I can't…I can’t believe this is real,” Adore’s delicate fingers trailed from Raja’s chest all the way down to her thigh.
“My body?” Raja chuckled, skin tingling as Adore touched her.
The mermaid smiled coyly before correcting her lover, “The fact that we’re together.” She traced the side of Raja’s face.
And the witch sat up again, a hand stroking Adore’s side, the other caressing her cheek.
Adore reached around, untying the threads of her own corset, dropping it from the side of the bed while Raja reached for the bottom of the expertly made dress, lifting it up and over the mermaid’s head.
As soon as it was removed, Adore didn’t allow Raja to look at her just yet, capturing her lover’s lips with her own again.
The hot sensation of skin on skin, the mixture of their energies tingling between them…This was to be the perfect moment.
Raja grabbed Adore’s hips, momentarily stroking her skin as she lowered the mermaid onto the bed. Pulling out of the kiss, Raja let her thumb trail Adore’s cheek and then her lips. She stared into Adore’s green eyes, the mermaid staring right back.
Fuck, how it made her stomach twist…but in a longing way…almost as if insecurity was taking over but only connected them further.
They hadn’t even barely started yet. But it was already so intense.
“You’re driving me insane.” Raja kissed her sweetly before moving these kisses down towards Adore’s breasts.
Adore whimpered sighs, music to Raja’s ears. The rise and fall of the mermaid’s chest was a heavenly sight, riling Raja up even more. She teased Adore’s right nipple with her tongue, the right with her thumb.
Adore arched her back, gasping when Raja’s mouth enveloped her nipple, her thumb flicking the other back and forth. The mermaid squeezed her knees together, mewling with pleasure.
Raja could have done just this all night, anything to hear Adore gasp the way she did, anything to prove her love for Adore. But when she teased her breasts enough, Raja kissed Adore’s nipple again, her lashes fluttering as she looked up at the mermaid. “I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you too, Raja,” Adore smiled slightly, letting her fingers get tangled in Raja’s hair. God, she wanted more. She had never experienced something so…special…this need to be pressed against each other…the need for Raja to kiss her places she had never been kissed before.
Raja’s hands were wandering again, stroking Adore’s thighs, along her stomach and back up to her breasts. She savoured this all – the heat of Adore’s skin against hers. She knew the mermaid was ready for her…to take this further.
“Do you want to keep going?” Raja asked, just to be sure.
“Yes,” Adore said breathlessly. “God, yes.”
Fire coursed through Raja as her kisses lowered. “Is this your first time?” She whispered against Adore’s stomach.
The mermaid closed her eyes. She may not have known fully what that meant, but she knew she wanted this – Raja’s lips all over her body. “Yes.”
“Okay. I’ll go easy on you,” Raja kissed Adore’s belly button before trailing her lips further down her body.
Even though the mermaid didn’t necessarily want easy, her stomach quivered as she allowed Raja to part her legs. Something inside her fluttered as the cool air hit her between her legs. This was so unfamiliar but so so delicious.
Raja kissed Adore’s knee, then the inside of her thigh. She glanced up once more at the riled-up mermaid before her tongue flicked over Adore’s clit.
Adore moaned, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she arched her back again. She was crumbling just under Raja’s mouth. This was…something.
Raja’s tongue circled Adore’s clit while her eyes flickered upwards, enjoying the reactions from the mermaid.
“Fuck…fuck,” Adore writhed, tightening her hold on Raja’s hair. Her legs spread wider, her left knee brought up into a bend which Raja caressed.
“You’re beautiful, Adore. You’re so beautiful.” Raja sucked Adore’s clit.
“It’s s-so hot,” Adore murmured, her torso arching as hew mewls of pleasure turned pathetic.
Raja knew Adore was close, the witch’s tongue lapping up her lover’s wetness whilst her finger rubbed against the sensitive clit. “Come for me, baby.”
Her chest still heaving, nails gripping the blanket, Adore glanced down at Raja. Her eyes were wild yet slightly confused.
Placing a sweet kiss against Adore’s core, Raja murmured, “That hot feeling inside,” she rubbed harder at the mermaid’s clit, “Just let it go, Adore.”
“I…I want to….” Adore quivered. “Oh God, I need to.”
“Come for me, Adore. Please,” Raja whispered, her hot breath teasing.
And Adore just couldn’t take it anymore. A lightning-hot course of electricity shocked her whole being, her head rolling back against the pillows as she cried out in pure ecstasy.
Raja sat up again, licking the fluids from her fingers as she watched Adore whine.
“F-Fuck,” Adore’s skin glistened with sweat, her eyes half hooded.
The definition of perfection.
Raja wiped her mouth, sweeping her black hair out of her face as she leaned down to kiss her lover.
Adore wrapped her trembling arms around Raja, her kisses hungry.
They weren’t done. Now, it was Adore’s turn.
She kept her lips over Raja’s as she flipped the witch onto her back, still panting.
“Did you…” Raja gasped when Adore kissed her neck again, “Did you like that?”
“Of course,” Adore smiled against Raja’s skin, letting her hand slowly creep its way down Raja’s chest, past her flat belly, all the way down to between the witch’s legs.
Raja parted her knees, only now realising there was more to come. She was never the one on the receiving end. But she couldn’t resist Adore’s touch. She moaned as soon as the mermaid delicately brushed the tip of her finger over her clit. Just the simplest touch…it was torture.
“Adore, fuck…” Raja’s fingers tangled in Adore’s hair.
Adore brushed Raja’s clit again, teasing her with no mercy. “You want more?” She brushed her lips against Raja’s ear.
“Please.” Raja squeezed her eyes shut, already soaking wet.
“How much?” Adore giggled mischievously, nipping Raja’s earlobe with her teeth as she pressed harder on Raja’s clit and rubbed it in hypnotic circles. “How much do you want this?”
“God, so much. Please, just…fuck.”
“Are you begging?”
“I don’t think you are, Raja.”
Fuck, this mermaid was driving her insane. Who knew someone so…mystified by the world…so amazed by all the things she didn’t know…so adorable…Who knew she could be so cruel in the sheets.
“Please, Adore,” Raja whined, wrapping her legs around Adore’s waist. “I want you so bad. I need you.”
This must have satisfied Adore, “Good girl,” she murmured as she slid two fingers inside Raja.
The witch gasped, tightening her hold on Adore, her vision blurring.
Adore slid her fingers in and out, sucking Raja’s neck, leaving behind a pretty red mark. The smell of Raja’s hair and skin only increased her hunger for this intensity. The ecstasy was building within her again, bringing her to rock her bare hips against the bed. The blanket rubbed against her clit, the feeling not as sensational as Raja’s tongue. But this was heaven.
“I love you,” Raja’s hips began to ride against Adore’s fingers, pressing a kiss against Adore’s blush-covered cheek.
Adore pumped harder, biting down on Raja’s neck. “You’re so…fucking…beautiful…”
Raja couldn’t take it anymore. She sat up, Adore’s fingers still deep inside of her. She continued to rock her hips against the mermaid’s hand, wrapping her sun-kissed arm around Adore’s waist.
Again, they stared into each other’s eyes, Adore’s gaze intense, whilst Raja’s was half closed. Their lips brushed against each other, almost like threatening each other with a kiss.
Adore’s free hand trailed along Raja’s arm, up her shoulder and wrapped around Raja’s throat.
A pitiful crying sound left Raja’s parted lips as Adore squeezed the sides of her neck and continued to bury her fingers inside of her. Her body was now covered in a film of sweat, and her skin was on fire.
“Adore…Adore, fuck!” Raja gasped, her whole being completely surrendered to her lover.
“I love you. I swear to God, Raja. I fucking love you.” Adore’s forehead met Raja’s. She wanted this to last all night but knew it was impossible. For soon, she would start to dehydrate again and need to rejuvenate in the tub. But for now, she would prove how much she loved Raja.
Raja’s whines were now loud moans, matching those of which sounded from outside her home. She was getting close, especially now that Adore had added another finger and was clawing at the witch’s back.
“Come for me, Raja,” Adore whispered, just as Raja had. She ground her hips against the bed sheets more, close to releasing herself. “Come with me.”
And Raja threw her head back, her body trembling as she released against Adore’s hand.
The mermaid did just the same, her free arm now wrapped around Raja’s body as she held them both tightly together. They were both sweaty messes of pure euphoria.
Raja panted, kissing Adore’s cheek before flopping down onto the bed. Now they were done.
Adore pressed a kiss to Raja’s thigh, her stomach, her chest, and her lips before she relaxed her body against the witch’s.
Raja was still catching her breath, playing with Adore’s blonde hair as her body relaxed.
“You made white blood,” Adore closed her eyes, fingers dancing delicately along Raja’s abdomen.
Raja chuckled. “That’s the come, Adore. That’s why we tell the person we love to come for them.”
“Oh. Humans are so bizarre sometimes.” Adore smiled.
“Yeah. We can be,” Raja looked down at Adore, trailing a finger along the mermaid’s brow. “I want to know though…what you just did to me…how did you know how to do that?”
Adore shrugged slightly. “I don’t know. I just wanted to touch you there. I just…knew I wanted to.”
“I see.” Raja nodded before a thought crossed her mind. “So, like, how do merpeople make love?” Her nails moved to Adore’s back, relishing in this moonlight that seeped in from the roof.
Adore giggled, “Maybe I’ll tell you another day. Let’s just enjoy this.” She kissed Raja’s breast. “While it lasts.”
And Raja’s smile wavered. “I wish I could just hold you all night.”
“You can always get in the tub with me,” Adore hinted. “Not like we haven’t done that before.”
“But I’ll let you sleep in your own bed tonight. Maybe some other time,” Adore’s fingers stroked delicately along Raja’s belly now, the witch shivering. “God, they all sound in pain.”
Raja noted the sounds of pure ecstasy coming from outside, witches and warlocks fucking like it was their first time. “Yeah, it’s kind of noisy, I guess. But they’re having fun.”
“I had fun,” Adore giggled, lashes tickling Raja’s chest. “I want to do that again.”
“Oh my God, you’re hilarious.” Raja chuckled, her fingers now in Adore’s snow-like hair. “There’s nothing stopping us.”
“We can’t,” Adore groaned, however, “I’m starting to dry out again.”
“Oh.” Raja panicked internally, sitting up. “You need to go in the tub?”
“Yes. But I can do it myself,” Adore also sat up, getting off the bed.
Making her way to the still-filled tub, Raja still lay there in her bed, taking in the sight of the mermaid’s naked form. Just looking at her skin, she could still feel the softness of it under her fingertips. And it was pure heaven.
The mermaid was pure heaven.
Before getting in the tub, Adore looked over her shoulder, “Would you come sit with me? Until I sleep, at least?”
Of course, Raja couldn’t say no. She stood by the tub, watching Adore’s legs seal together, forming her long shimmering tail. When the transformation was finished, she sat down.
And that’s when Adore asked, “Which part of me do you like the best?”
“What? Like, body part?” Raja asked.
“No. I mean, do you like me human or mermaid?” Adore raised a brow.
And Raja gulped. “I…I like you no matter what.” It wasn’t a lie. The witch adored every bit of her tethered one. But, deep down, she wanted the human version because that meant they had a future. And, fuck, she wanted that so bad.
Adore seemed satisfied with the answer, reaching her hand out of the tub.
The witch took it in her own, leaning her head against the cold tub.
“Goodnight, Raja,” Adore said breathlessly. “I love you.”
Raja’s heart pounded, cheeks staining red. “I love you too.”
And with that, the mermaid let go of Raja’s hand, letting her body slide down, the water now submerging her.
And that was it. All Raja could do now was get up and drag her tired ass to bed.
But she simply couldn’t move.
Just…sitting there beside the tub, knowing Adore was still in there…she couldn’t bring herself not to be away from the mermaid.
Not after what they had just shared. Part of her mind couldn’t grasp any of it, how this was even possible. Of all the other witches she had fucked in her lifetime, nothing compared to what happened with Adore. Her skin could have lit itself on fire when Adore pressed her body to hers. That tethered feeling, the electric light flowing through them both, it reached its peak the moment Adore kissed Raja’s skin.
Fuck, it was almost as if she was high, the buzz beneath her skin making her see bursts of colour behind her closed eyes.
Yes…A feeling the witch had never experienced in her life.
A throaty moan from somewhere outside brought Raja back to reality. And when she was aware of her surroundings again, she felt it.
Like she was being watched.
Looking around, the dark witch knew her instinct was correct. Looking towards the door, there was Raven — just standing there, her arms folded, shadows covering most of her.
“Can I help you?” Raja could tell; there was something about the way Raven looked at her, almost like…she was disappointed. But the dark witch paid no heed, finally standing up, uncaring of her nakedness.
“I thought I heard some sort of commotion.” Raven cocked her head.
Raja cringed, “Yeah, sorry we kept you awake.” She finally reached for her night dress.
“It’s fine. It wasn’t just you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are a lot of riled-up witches out there tonight.” Raven glanced outside, the sounds of ecstasy still echoing in the night air, “And I was also awake anyway. Just thought I’d let you know I’ve finished preparations for the spell.”
Raja’s breath caught in her throat, eyes widening. “Oh. R-Really?”
“Oh. Good.” Raja nodded, now fidgeting with her hands.
Raven cocked her head to the other side now. “What’s wrong, Mother Witch?”
"Answer the question.”
Raja scoffed, looking away. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Oh, really?” Raven’s hands were now on her hips. “How odd. I could have sworn I heard a bit of hesitation just now.”
And Raja shook her head. “No. No, I didn’t hesitate.”
“Hmm. Having second thoughts?"
To this, all Raven did was blink. And, fuck, Raja could have punched her in the throat.
"I see,” Raven nodded. She turned and slowly inched her way back to the door. Before leaving, however, she looked over her shoulder. “Well? Aren’t you coming?”
Raja’s brows knit together. “Where?”
“My place. I need a hand carrying the equipment.” Raven answered, her voice suggesting it should have been a given.
Raja then fidgeted with the knot tied around her waist. “We're… We’re doing it now?”
And Raven was silent for a moment. “Are you sure you’re not having doubts, my love?”
“Raven.” Raja’s voice raised. “No. I am not having doubts.”
“Huh. Alright.” Raven nodded a head to the cold night outside the hut. “Well, let’s go.”
#rpdr fanfiction#for dartmouth420#grinder#raja gemini#adore delano#rajadore#part of your world#secret queen 2022#aq fandom exchange#fantasy au#soulmate au#mermaid au#witch au#bianca del rio#courtney act#raven#bitney#smut#fluff#group fic#romance
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Since I’ve just submitted another fic and I haven’t been super active on this account yet, let’s play a little.
Send Me Writing Prompts and I’ll Respond with a little Raja and Raven Story
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I could stare at Raven’s face forever it’s so enchanting 
#raven hunty#rupauls drag race#drag queen#drag queen raven#FPR#Ma’am you are like a majestic dark nymph#will never get over that face it’s so iconic#rupaul#the raven face#raja x raven
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#raja x raven#raja gemini#raven#rpdredit#fashion photo ruview#rpdr#fpr#they look so cute here#:))#gifs*
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they’re so cute
#rpdr#rupauls drag race#raja#raja gemini#raven#raven hunty#Fashion Photo RuView#drag race#rpdr edit#rpdredit#drag queen#drag#WOW Presents#world of wonder#raja x raven#sutan amrull#sutan#david petruschin#flowers#floral
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Raja: Where else am I going to find a job where I can take an hour-long nap every day and they don’t mind
Raven: You take an hour-long nap every day?
Raja: Yeah. And you don’t mind.
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