#urban magic au
cloning-vat-mistake · 2 years
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Trying to repress my innate desire to give every character i draw a tail. And failing 👍
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horse-head-farms · 9 months
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au where hypno is a demon!
the human xb summons him not to sell his soul but with a business deal, see, demonic deals work that its a soul in exchange for whatever you want, not necessarily your own soul, but a soul. hypno cannot interact with people except his summoner, but xb can run a business where he asks for “harmless” IOUs from people, getting them to sign a piece of paper which is actually a contract for possession of your soul. since xb is a regular human, it would mean nothing, but with hypno’s help it’s magically binding and they enter a mutually beneficial deal where hypno gets a ridiculous amount of souls and xb is given what he wants by hypno.
their partnership starts off solely as a business one, but as time goes on, they grow closer and also begin to care about the business that was just supposed to be a front for them to gain souls, and once xb gets the power and wealth he originally wanted, they focus their efforts on growing Horsehead Farms as a company. they advertise themselves as a “safer” alternative than dealing directly with demons, giving people whatever they want in exchange for an IOU - not a real soul (it is their real soul, but they don’t tell them that). they manage to become a major competitor to all of hell. since it has a human head of the company, people assume it is more trustworthy. xb and hypno engage in all sorts of evil capitalistic ventures
eventually hypno gets kicked out of hell, a feat no-one thought possible, for ruining every other demons’ livelihood, and is reincarnated into a regular human. xb is investigated by officials due to the scammy and dangerous nature of Horsehead Farms, and in an epic car chase where xb tries to escape, he crashes and dies. for all the human lives he’s ruined by stealing souls, he is sent to hell and becomes a demon. they find eachother, and seeing how there’s still one human and one demon overall, they see no reason to not start their business again
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Demon: *Patting a humans head* Ah yes this is my emotional support human. You may not touch them they are working right now. They give me good food and comfort by showing me hilarious things on their glowing tiny light book.
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weathertheraine · 10 months
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A purrfect match - unacaritafeliz
"Hi Uncle Tettsun!” Nozomi says without moving an inch. “There's a kitty cat under here."
Tetsurou sighs, adjusting the heavy bag on his shoulder. There's been a dramatic increase in the number of cats hiding under homes or dumpsters or in trees lately, ever since the Kozume family's latest announcement. People have been chasing them down, knowing that whoever takes the key from the royal cat's collar will be allowed to marry the crown prince.
[Five times Tetsurou meets a cat, and one time he meets a human instead].
I loved beta-ing this fic by the amazing @unacaritafeliz so much I had to draw my favourite scene :DD Thank you Rae! And happy birthday Tettsun!!
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the-wizard-writes · 4 months
The Art of Broom Racing: The anatomy of the Broom Stick.
Broom racing is a popular pastime amongst the youth of today.
Multiple teens and young adults pine for the opportunity to race the city streets at night to race among other people their age but, Broom Racing isn’t all about the fun. It’s about the status of it…the mixture of adrenaline and magic that flows through you as you make dangerous jumps or heart racing tricks is extraordinary to any young person. Where sports meets magic, Broom Racing is the reason why so many young people want to trick out their broomsticks to be equipped with the hottest modifications  to make their broom faster, and more able to handle magic. Whether it be a broom that has been made by the user itself or a mass produced one from the store, brooms are a part of the witch or wizard riding them. It’s an extension of their personality and makes them unique. Just like how men are with their cars the broom is a statement amongst the piers of other witches and wizards.
There are two ways that most people ride a broom. Bike style  (aka the traditional way) or Skate style. Bike style is the traditional way to ride a broom, many witches and wizards of the past have ridden brooms like how people ride horses or bikes. With both legs straddled against the broom with the broom against the groin area of the body. Magic users either clench their knees together for more support against the stick or they let their legs hang. Letting the legs hand is usually the more casual way to ride a broomstick rather than the clenched way. Some witches grab onto the handle with their left hand inward close to the chest while their right hand is outward, sometimes using it to “steer” the broom with their left hand as support. In modern times some broomstick manufacturers have invested in detachable handle bars for witches who don’t feel comfortable using the old method of travel for witches. This method has also proven to be helpful for witches who are just learning how to ride a broom for the first time similar to how kids ride bikes for the first time using training wheels. The skate method is the more modern way witches and wizards ride broomsticks. This technique is more difficult and only for experienced riders only. The skate method is a method in which the rider instead of straddling the broom stick they use their magic to make the broom stick float off the ground slightly and place their feet on the handle like a skateboard and fly like that. Riders usually have one foot slightly in front and another foot in the back to help to balance themselves on the broomstick just like how someone would ride a skateboard or surfboard. This method of broom aerodynamics is the way that most people find difficult due to to the make and model of the standard broom where as more modern broom manufactures have made it slightly easier for broom riders to use the skateboarding method by adding groves into their design to keep their feet from slipping off the stick. Then again the most skilled broom rider can do both methods if they really wanted to.
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kanerallels · 2 months
The Kanera fae au I'm writing just took a decidedly Gilmore Girls-ish turn, stand by for updates
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sabraeal · 3 months
Brewed With Intent, Part 3
[Read on AO3]
“You’re sure that you feel all right?” Shidan stoops— not far, but enough— to stare Obi right in the eyes, mouth furrowed deep into its concern corners. It’s habit to brace, to wait for her inevitable sympathetic flinch when that otherworldly something drives them back—
But it never comes. Shidan holds his gaze— a second, then two, then suddenly half a minute’s passed without a single shudder— and asks, “No itching or…hm…burning?”
Pencil-thin brows hike right up to his hairline, rumpling the scar that cuts across beneath it, both nothing and everything like Shirayuki had imagined. “Are those symptoms I should be worrying about, Doc?”
“Not a doctor,” Shidan reminds him absently, “and no.”
“What?” Obi sputters out. “Then why would you ask—?”
“The last time someone tried to cast something on you, you turned into a human bonfire.” Shidan levels a stare at him so flat she could skip rocks across it. “Taking some measure of caution seems prudent.”
It’s riveting to watch his mouth work, to see all the muscles twisting together to shape words that never quite manage to be more than a dissatisfied grunt. “Well, not a human one.”
The glare Shidan gives him could hang pictures. “Why don’t you go take a breather here in the back? Just in case. Last thing I need is a customer to spontaneously combust on East Broadway.”
“Please, I’m civilized, I’d make it to at least Belmont.”
“I still think it’ll be some frog action.” Yuzuri bumps the stock room door open with her hip, a box of vacuum-sealed herb packets teetering in her arms. “Or maybe a small mammal. I don’t know what your biology would do with something cold-blooded.”
“Best not to find out.” Suzu turns too-earnest eyes to him. “I think you’d make a handsome stoat.”
Obi presses a hand to his chest, shirt rumpling enough to bare even more bronze beneath, and ah, two buttons have never seemed so indecent. “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
“Hey!” A cardboard corner lodges under his sternum in protest. “I called you hot!”
“Yeah, but that’s just facts.” Obi’s palm shoves against one flat side, angling her back toward the aisles. “Suzu’s showing some imagination. A little faith, if you will.”
“Really? You’re gonna lecture me about moralism? A de—?”
“How long should do you think we should wait?” Shirayuki asks, if only to give her an excuse to do something besides letting her eyes trace the length of his cheekbones another dozen times. “I was hoping to do some of my rounds today if, er…”
It would be insensitive to say, if Obi doesn’t explode on them. Though it’s certainly not as career limiting for him as it would be for, say, either her or Ryuu, the whole business with Haki had still come as a bit of a blow. Even now his hair hasn’t fully grown back in, just a thick forest of black bristle he complains is at the whim of his pillow, even though Shirayuki’s half sure she’s never seen him use one.
Shirayuki casts a curious glance at the hand he runs through it, ignoring the itching of her own palms. Whatever he's doing, it’s clearly working for him.
“Can’t say for sure.” Shidan scratches at his goatee, giving Obi a squint for good measure, almost as if he could see the inner workings of the charm over him, like a clock maker inspects gears on a timepiece. “Fifteen minutes?
“Oh, like one of those vaccines things, right?” Obi doesn’t sit so much as free fall into the bean bag chair in Shidan’s office, long legs stretched across the carpet. “Miss made me wait with her once.”
Yuzuri huffs as she heads toward the shop, one ear flicking. “It’s bullshit that you can’t get sick. Totally unfair. Proof that the universe has its fucking favorites, to be honest.”
“Don’t blame me.” He hooks his hands behind his head, eyes at half-mast, positively lounging. She catches herself mid-star, her eyes nearly raking across ever leather and denim clad inch. And especially the few inches with neither. “Blame— what’s it you guys call it? Speciation? Different biology.”
“Well, some of it has to be the same,” Suzu muses, chin in hand. “You know, for, uh” —he stutters under Obi’s sudden glare— “reasons.”
Shirayuki blinks. “Re—?”
“All right, I think we’ve done more than enough agitation testing,” Shidan grunts, getting to his feet. “Let’s let the guy catch his breath. Give him some space.”
“To combust? If he’s going to do that, a few feet won’t really—”
“Suzu!” Yuzuri stamps her foot just outside the office, ears pulled so low they practically disappear into her hair. “You can’t just say someone is going to explode.”
“Why?” He blinks, craning his neck down to stare. “It’s not like it’ll hurt him.”
“Still. It’s rude!” The graphic part of his tee crumples beneath her fist as she reaches out and tugs, yanking all six foot two of him right off his feet. “Now just get over here already. The last thing I need is you turning into a pile of ash and making more work for me.”
Shidan sighs, running a hand through his already tousled thatch of hair. “Well, that’s the peanut gallery. Shirayuki…?”
“I’ll stay.” It’s supposed to sound supportive, stalwart, but with the heat that licks up her neck, tickling at the apples of her cheeks, she doubts it makes the mark. “Just in case.”
“Your funer—” Shidan coughs, hand scraping over his stubble— “choice.”
“Don’t worry, doc,” Obi hums, head tilted back, skin stretched taut enough she can see his throat bob as he swallows. “This isn’t Miss’s first rodeo. She can handle anything my biology can throw at her.”
Shidan hums, unconvinced. “Right, well, there is a fire extinguisher under the counter. If you need it.”
“I don’t think we will, that sort of reaction tends to be, er…instantaneous.” Shirayuki angles her most grateful smile up at him. “Thank you though. Not just for the, er, information. But everything.”
His shoulders hike up by his ears, as allergic to gratitude as every other master practitioner she’s met. At least he isn’t trying to rush her out the door the way Lata did every time he caught a whiff of sincerity on her. “Don’t mention it.”
It’s hardly a long walk from his desk to the door, but it’s enough steps to see how he’s favoring one side, like Grandpa did whenever the weather got too wet out. “I could brew you something for that, if you wanted.”
His hand hooks on the jamb, holding him steady as he turns a furrowed brow toward her. “For what?”
“Your limp.”
It’s astounding how quickly the red rockets up his neck, not even taking a pause at his cheeks, just barreling up from his collar until it crashes against his hairline. “N-no!” He coughs again, hand scrubbing over his face. “I mean— it’s nothing. Works itself out in time. Just…worry about yourselves.”
It’s in her nature to gently insist, to wheedle curmudgeons around to a show of kindness, but she barely has time to take in a breath before the door slams behind him. Hard enough that it rattles the walls, setting more than a few of his pictures askew.
“Well,” she hums, reaching over to fix one within arm’s reach. “That seems a little unnecessary.”
There’s no reason for Obi's mouth to hitch like that, or for his arresting eyes to soften, overflowing with affection she can appreciate every ounce of now that instinct is no longer blaring alarm in her ears. And yet, here he is, too-sharp canines dinting his lower lip, shoulders practically shivering as he bites back his snickers. Poorly, she might add.
It doesn’t make the picture of it any less pretty. And it certainly doesn’t do anything to discourage her staring at him, that’s for sure.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” she murmurs, her own cheeks flushed as she turns them away. “He’s injured! I was just trying to be helpful. That’s hardly a reason to get so flustered…”
“Miss.” The word practically squeaks out of him, laughter slipping out behind it. “How do you think he got that limp?”
“How would I…?”
It’s the pity that gets her, just the slightest sliver hidden behind the fondness in his eyes, the same kind Yuzuri gives her when she’s a little slow to understand something adult, and—
“Oh.” There'd been marks on Garrack’s neck, so fresh, only a handful purpled and even less yellowed. And a discount that she’d been so certain she earned them. “Oh.”
“There we go,” Obi hums, settling deeper into the bean bag. “Now you’ve got it.”
It’s only fifteen minutes— less time than it takes Ryuu to complete the sudoku in the paper, or Obi takes to make a sandwich— and yet every second of it is interminable, stretching by with all the speed of molasses down a bottle’s neck. No wonder Obi is always acting like he’s about to jump out of his skin at the library.
But this isn’t just an outright allergy to sitting stationary— no, Shirayuki has extenuating circumstances. The kind that make her wonder if that leather is as touchable as it looks.
“That bad, hm?”
Her eyes dart up, disrupted from the corners they’d been sneaking their surreptitious glances. His are still closed, head tilted back on his hands, like he’d be more at home with a hammock at his back than a bean bag, mojito within arm's reach. Only his smile’s strained, more teeth than teasing, braced for a blow. “Huh?”
“You know…” One large hand waggles over him, a sliver of gold peeking through his eyelashes. “The new look.”
Is it? That’s what she’d like to ask— if when he looks in the mirror, this is the face he sees, or whether Shidan’s charms have polished the edges off they way they’ve erased the extra eyelid. If this is just a human face plastered over a more eldritch one, more palatable to the small animal that is her brain, or what had been hiding beneath that miasma all along, waiting for a heart stout enough to be seen.
Instead she watches his eyelashes splay over the golden arch of his cheekbone and feels her mouth go inexplicably dry. “N-no! Yuzuri’s right. It’s, um…”
“Hot?” he offers, entirely too eager. Even rolls up to his side, one arm angled behind his head, like one of those pin-ups the Laxdo dorm boys had hurried to take down from the wall the last time she stopped by.
“Attractive,” she allows, ignoring the insufferable angle his smirk slants itself to. “You’ll certainly draw attention while we’re out.”
“Attractive.” He tests the word, savors it, and apparently likes the taste. “But am I attracting you, Miss?”
It’s mortifying how quickly her skin goes hot, a slight flush to lobster red in seconds. “Obi!”
“Kidding, kidding!” His hand fly up, but she’s in no mood to be placated, not when they tremble at the same frequency as his laugh. “All this being perceived— it’s going straight to my head.”
He deserves every ounce the scowl she gives him, gaining gravitas as it ramps over the forbidding fold of her arms. “Be that as it may, it’s still not very nice to tease! Especially when you’re not even interested in the answer.”
“I wonder.” There’s a strange set to his smile, like his mouth doesn’t quite fit on his face, like it belongs to a different man entirely— but it’s gone as quick as it arrived, disappearing behind what she’s quickly coming to realize is his usual grin. “So where to next, Miss? After the Doc gives me a clean bill of health, of course.”
There’s a plan, a list, but— but he stretches. Palms press flat to the wall behind him, exaggerating the arch of his back, and— and his shirt rolls up, baring the barest sliver of bronze right above his waistband. A dusting of dusky hair peeks above the brass button, trailing down to parts unknown, and her fingers itch, wanting to know it’s as silky as it looks, or— “I don’t know.”
He blinks, gold making his eyes all the more owlish. “You don’t know?”
“Ah, I mean…” She shakes her head, as if percussive force might knock her tongue loose of its tangle. “There’s a few places…that have put out requests, I mean! And I thought we might have, um…”
This isn’t working. Whatever this is— she’s got to get a hold of herself. With a steeling breath, she slaps her cheeks, hard enough to feel the sting.
Obi’s arches a narrow brow. “You okay there, Miss?”
“Yes, sure.” Barely. “There’s no requests for urgent consult, so I thought head toward the market first and maybe make out way n—”
“The market? You mean…” A groan really should looks so good “Don’t tell me, we’re going to the harbor.”
“What”— Kihal hooks her hands over her hips, thunderous as any squall over the Sound— “is that?”
Shirayuki blinks, tracing the finger she points right over her shoulder to where Obi lounges against the pier, jacket slung over his shoulder. It’s brisk this close to the water, but with the temperature Obi runs at, anything more than short sleeves is for aesthetic. Certainly no cause for alarm, but today—
Well, today she can see how the seam of his sleeve strains around his bicep, and the way his torso tapers right down to his waist, practically a triangle—
She swallows. “Obi’s trying out a charm Shidan made him.”
“Demon boy?” Kihal makes a disgruntled squeak back in her throat, half-threatening, half-cute, and all annoyed. “Oh, I don’t like that. I don’t like that at all.”
Shirayuki watches him unfurl from his lean, hips rolling as he saunters toward them, and can’t help but think, get in line.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Revenant!Jason being on watch for some reason (stakeout? disaster scenario? dangerous pocket-dimension?) with one of his family members. They wake up the next morning, and are like, “WTF, Jay, why didn’t you wake me up for my shift?!”
Jason: “You needed your sleep.”
(Let’s say) Dick: “So do you! What happens when you crash, Jay? What happens if you get too tired and miss something? We sleep in shifts for a reason!”
Jason: “No point when I don’t need sleep.”
Dick: “What?”
Jason: “Honestly, I don’t even think I can anymore.”
Dick: “What?!?”
Jason: “Dickie. I’m dead.
Jason: “I haven’t slept since I crawled out of my grave.”
Dick: “Well that’s... useful?”
Jason, grinning: “Do you have any idea how much reading I’ve caught up on since coming back? Completely makes up for what I missed during my dirt nap.”
Dick: “Good for you, you giant nerd. Moving on...”
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thequalityrunaway · 1 year
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Knight Bonds
Alternative title: My Familiar keeps sneaking into your room to cuddle ... Cloud Strife has failed his second match with a Knight meant to protect him, rather spectacularly. While he despondantly waits for his third match, struggles to cope with his own magic, and deals with the hell that is high school, his familiar takes matters into her own paws ... Never send a human do a familiar's job. https://archiveofourown.org/works/49842088
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handsfreepizza · 6 months
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Some new drawings of an old character.
Left was a warm up in the pallete and then the right was playing with effects and new brushes .
I think I’m going to rebuild them entirely and play them soon!
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cloning-vat-mistake · 2 years
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These aren't final but they've been sitting around in my images for way too long so I thought I ought to post them. Enjoy some lore abt these guys
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enstarsurbanfantasy · 11 months
ALKALOID Introduction - POV Aira
[Setting: Seisoukan, during Troublemakers, after helping Ra*bits and before meeting Crazy:B]
Hiiro, as it turns out, knows a lot about the supernatural community and simultaneously nothing at all.
"The village chief is in charge of appeasing the kamuy and sending them back to their realm, so I learned from nii-san. Our family has historically been able to see them, but nii-san does a lot more clearly than I do."
"We call that clear-sight," Aira says. They're both on Hiiro's bed, Aira sprawled over the edge of the mattress while Hiiro sits with perfect posture. Kazehaya-senpai has his bad knee elevated on his own bottom bunk while Ayase-senpai hunches over with a pillow on the floor, leaning on the side of his and Kazehaya-senpai's bunk in a pose that looks incredibly uncomfortable. "There are different degrees of it depending on people's sensitivity to magic and dimension boundaries, but most people can only see the human world. With clear-sight, humans are able to see through illusions and interact with the spiritual planes."
"You seem to know a lot about magic, Aira-san," Tatsumi-senpai's voice is warm, and Aira blushes.
"My father's family runs a shrine, so I grew up learning about it. But I take after my mother, soooo..." he trails off, wondering whether to share that piece of information.
"You're a snake spirit, right?"
Aira yelps, twisting his back and neck to face Hiiro in a move that would be impossible for a human. "How the hell--"
Hiiro tilts his head, that wide-eyed look on his face saying I have no idea what social norms in the city are. He gestures to Aira's body. "You just... feel like a snake. And I can see an afterimage of snake scales on you when you move."
And that would be the clear-sight, Aira sighs, resigned to Hiiro being able to see though all of his secrets. If Hiiro can see the true nature of someone on their skin, how much can Rinne Amagi?
"I'm a Melusine. My mother's entire family is, and the magic from my father's line-- they're descended from Takeminakata-- made it so that there was enough for me to manifest as a full-blood. "
"A Melusine," Tatsumi-senpai says, voice curling around the word like he's tasting it. "I don't know that one."
Everyone's eyes are on him now, and Aira wants to turn into his snake form and crawl into a pillowcase to avoid them. "They're from Europe... we're spirits of fresh water. Our top half is human and our bottom half is a snake, but we can use a fully human or snake form at will."
Oh, he really might succumb to temptation and hide in a blanket or something. Aira desperately reaches for something to divert the train of conversation.
"M-Mayo-san, you're magical too, right?"
Ayase-senpai squeaks. "Yeah... but I don't really want to talk about it..." he trails off into mumbles, and while Aira relates, it really doesn't help him avoid the incredibly embarrassing conversation. He's curious now though. What kind of creature is Ayase-senpai?
There's a lull, everyone deciding not to press, and Aira is just about to ask about Tatsumi-senpai's history when Hiiro's cell phone pings, and he announces: "It's from Tenshouin-senpai, about the DreFes," and everyone is distracted. This is their last chance to be idols!
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Magic Academia
Magic dorms that are accommodating for all species. If someone is taller than a normal human the dorm will magically adjust to their height and any other accommodation they might need. Centaur students who have special rooms that come with centaur safe dorms.
Classes are mixed species that aren't just witches and wizards. Students come from all walks of life all there to get an education and learn the ins and outs of magic.
Broom riding classes...BROOM RIDING CLASSES. But here me out. no one says that the broom had to be an old dusty broom. Imagine some wizard just come in with a swiffer broom and their like "You said broom . You didn't specifically say what kind of broom." AND IT STILL WORKS. It can also just..spit water on people.
Also speaking of brooms did I mention students tricking out their brooms with all sorts of gadgets to make them faster/cooler. After school they gather out in abandoned parking places or unbusy streets to race?
New types of magic study being taught for modern times like, magic technology and it's application or the studies of other magics practiced by other races.
Coffee places around campus serve coffee to help motivate you to study and are great at getting rid of late night hangovers..
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j-a-nuary · 2 years
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Stray Kids Urban fantasy AU (feat. Ateez from time to time) | A “carrier service” exists, seemingly only to get people (usually women) home safe after the trains stop running.
Heavy on bad boys with hearts of… some kind of shiny metal, probably.
Warnings: smutty stuff [fingering (f rec), the inherent eroticism of vampires], toxic masculinity but make it mystical.
Hyunjin could not believe his luck. His day to day, or - more accurately - night to night, searches for a willing donor weren't exactly difficult. Even before his little accident, he hadn't had much trouble picking up. But afterwards? He could convince anyone of anything.
Not that he liked to. He was a monster, but he wasn't completely without morals. He avoided using his tricks unless it was absolutely necessary.
Sure, the standard he held himself to was low, but at least it existed.
Which made the current situation all the better.
He didn't know why the woman under his hands and against his body was so hot, or why she smelled so strongly of roses, but it just made him all the more hungry.
He groaned as her fingers slid into his hair, tugging slightly as the two of them moved approximately in time with the beat of the dance mix blaring through the club.
Hyunjin bent forward, pressing his lips against her neck. She rewarded him with a stuttered curse. Smiling into her skin, he let his hands slide down her sides, toying with the hem of her top.
"I just want to eat you up," he murmured.
He felt the vibration of her moan more than he heard it. It made him press himself more firmly against her. He slipped one hand under her top, splaying his fingers out to feel more of her just a little too hot skin. Carefully, he hooked his pinky into her waistband.
Maybe that's what made her start trembling. Or maybe it was his other hand, now cupping her chin, pressing just ever so lightly against her throat.
"Will you let me?" Hyunjin asked, nipping at the skin of her neck. He was drowning in her floral smell now, tasting roses and vanilla on her skin.
She nodded. More than that, she let one of her hands fall to his wrist, pushing his lower hand even further downwards.
Hyunjin groaned again, willingly allowing her to guide his hand.
"Right here sweetheart? You want me to take you in front of all these people?"
She was practically throwing herself at him, but he was begging for it anyway.
"Let's go somewhere a little more private," Hyunjin suggested.
It wasn't that he didn't like the idea of showing off. He just didn't want any interruptions or witnesses.
"Where?" She asked, sounding breathless.
"Follow me sweet thing."
"Give me something Seungmin!"
Felix was scanning the crowd inside Sonar. He cursed his inability to hone in on scents like Jisung or Changbin.
His talents were a little more… ephemeral and vague. Given that Spring was only just starting, he was nowhere near the top of his game. Still, he could sense that something was off.
"Do you know how many fucking people are in that club right now? Give me a minute for christ's sake."
Seungmin was right. Felix knew he was right. He took a deep breath, trusting the nerd on the other end of the phone call to do his thing.
Still, he watched the crowd intently. Taking another deep breath, he shut his eyes and desperately tried to remember what she had been wearing.
He cursed his stunted senses. Compared to the others, he was the worst option to track someone down. He had just wanted to take a little bit of the heat off of Jisung, and no way in hell was he about to involve Changbin.
"Seungmin, I need something. I don't see her anywhere."
"I am trying, okay?"
Felix groaned. He didn't know why or how, but he was certain that he needed to get some sort of explanation to Little Turtle tonight. If not tonight, then certainly before she had to call for a carrier again.
"God damn it, I'm such a fucking idiot!"
"What's up?" Seungmin asked.
"Her phone number is literally in the system," something else occurred to Felix as he spoke, "and you have the ring map!"
"That only works if she's wearing it," Seungmin pointed out.
"Check it anyway. And send me her number."
Felix disconnected the call, and waited.
Tempawan allowed herself to be led out of a side exit. Had she not been so focused on the man leading the way, she would have noticed the “authorized personnel only" sign.
But at the moment, she was shameless. In the purest form of the word: without shame. She knew that relief from her strange fever was only moments away.
She quickened her pace just a bit when he pushed the door open. Surging forward, she pressed her lips against his.
They stumbled out, into the back alleyway, lips and limbs intertwining further with each passing moment.
"I don't know how adventurous you usually are," Hyunjin mumbled against her lips, "but I am really tired of waiting, sweetheart."
"Then don't wait."
Hyunjin didn't typically like mixing food with pleasure. It wasn't really his style. It felt childish to him in some way.
But when the meal was so eager, who was he to deny that hedonistic streak?
"Then don't wait” the words echoed in his brain.
Hyunjin groaned, biting at her lip in another kiss before speaking up.
"Are you sure? I'll have you right here if you let me."
"Fuck," she panted, losing herself in the way his fingers were slowly sliding up her thigh, under her skirt, "please. Give me everything."
“Pick up pick up pick… fuck!” Felix cursed at the pre-recorded voicemail greeting. It hadn’t even rang. Desperate for help, he decided to call in back-up.
At least this call rang. It was quickly answered as well.
“Hey,” Jisung sounded so casual it made Felix a little jealous, “how’d the talk go?”
“I can’t find her.”
There was a beat of silence while Jisung thought of something suitably vague to say.
“I mean it’s a big place…”
Felix huffed, shaking his head.
“It feels wrong. Do you think you could come and… you know,” he hated to lean on stereotypes, but here he was, “smell her?”
“How does it feel wrong? What’s going on?”
Felix felt like crying. Fighting down the frustrated tears that threatened to well up in his eyes, he cleared his throat.
“I don’t know! I just…" he took a breath, "it feels wrong. Something is wrong and I don’t know what it is. I don't know how to help.”
“Woah, hey,” Jisung tried his best to sound comforting, “don’t worry about it, okay? I’m on my way. Five minutes, okay?”
Felix didn’t waste any time making his third call.
“Please tell me you have literally anything for me, Seungmin.”
“Her phone is dead,” Seungmin responded, “last pinged location was inside Sonar. And it looks like she isn’t wearing the ring.”
“Fucking hell!”
Seungmin kept quiet. Felix was typically the calm one. The one who could get the others to relax. Seungmin had never seen, or rather, heard him like this before.
Felix took deep breaths, trying to recompose himself before speaking again.
“Listen, pretend I’m Chan for a second, okay?”
“Fucking find her,” he spat out the words, “and get me that fucking ring.”
"How am I suppo-"
Felix hung up on Seungmin.
"You're so wet for me sweetheart."
Hyunjin had Tempawan facing the wall, one hand braced against the bricks, the other two digits deep inside her.
"Please," she begged, trying to keep somewhat quiet, "please please please please…"
"Don't you worry sweetness," Hyunjin whispered into her ear, "I'll give you everything you need."
Her knees buckled. Despite her increased appetite as of late, this was different. This man somehow was making her a complete mess. The others were usually so busy chasing their own release that she often left feeling unsatisfied, even as her temperature evened out.
But this man…
"Fuck," she whimpered, "I'm… please…"
"You're okay sweet girl," his voice dripped directly into her ear, "just cum once before we really start."
It didn't take much longer for exactly that to happen. Hyunjin felt it all. The tightness around his fingers, the jerk of her body against his. He bit his lip, enjoying the sounds she made as she slammed her hands against the bricks in front of them.
"You did so well," he kissed her shoulder, letting her catch her breath, "so good for me sweetheart."
Tempawan lifted her head, tilting back to settle the back of her head into the crook of his neck. She heard him groan, pressing his lips against her own neck.
"Can you keep going, sweetness?"
"Yes," she was still breathing heavily, but she needed more to satisfy the icy feeling under her skin, "please…"
"Perfect," he withdrew his hand from under her skirt. Carefully, not wanting to leave any residue on the outside of her clothing, he lifted it to his lips.
Tempawan turned her head and watched, a little in awe of the way he was enjoying himself. The way he was enjoying her.
"Good god sweetheart," he whispered after sucking his fingers clean, "did you know you taste like vanilla ice cream?"
And roses, he thought to himself.
"Are you willing to let me have more of you, sweet girl?"
"Please," she was willing to beg for it if she had to, but she suspected that she didn't.
Hyunjin gripped her waist, turning her now to face him.
"What a goddess you are," Hyunjin whispered. "Do you mind just a bit more foreplay, sweetness? I'm a bit of a biter."
"It's fine," she breathed, tensely waiting to feel him. "Bite as hard as you like. I just need you t- fuck."
He didn't need to be told twice. Leaning forward, he entered her, in more ways than one. In the only way that truly matters to a vampire, he entered her. Feeling the shock run through her body, he groaned as he felt her tighten around him.
Dipping his fingers back under her skirt, he felt her twitch around his digits again. Clamping onto her shoulder, his fangs broke her skin easily. He didn't know which sensation was more responsible for how she jerked against him.
At first, it was perfect. Roses and vanilla beans, silk and nectar.
Then something hit Hyunjin’s throat. A grassy taste that he knew was not hers.
That’s fine, he thought, I’m not the arbiter of her relationships.
Jisung pushed through the crowd, tracing the faint trail of familiar mangosteen and… something less familiar, like a minty, fruity cocktail.
Chan followed close behind.
Jisung had tried to create a good enough excuse to stop Chan from coming along, but given the choice between Chan and Changbin, this had seemed like the better option.
Felix brought up the rear, feeling knots in his stomach as they moved. Despite the crush of bodies, there was a distinct chill that Felix felt the further they walked.
Jisung paused, reorienting himself. He knew what it looked like, but he didn’t care. There was something about that minty scent that was familiar, and it made him nervous.
“What’s wrong?” Chan asked as Jisung swiveled his head, trying to catch the direction of the smell.
“There’s a lot going on just…” Jisung closed his eyes, concentrating. A second later, his eyes opened again, shining a brighter yellowish color, “that way.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
Hyunjin’s eyes opened, lifting to see Jisung staring at him and Tempawan. He couldn’t help but smile, teeth still buried into her neck.
Then he saw Chan and Felix.
Quickly, he released his jaw’s grip on her.
“It’s just a hickey,” he whispered into Tempawan’s ear as he maneuvered behind her to face the others. “So you’re the one she belongs to, huh?”
She giggled, then shook her head. Eyes landing on Jisung, she smiled slowly. She felt incredibly warm and… snuggly? God I’d love a nap.
“You’re a real… fuck…”
Her knees buckled.
“Felix!” Chan called.
“On it!”
Jisung could have reached her first, but he was busy being held back by Chan. Hyunjin watched the four of them. Felix, tending to Tempawan with the knowledge of a field medic and the bedside manner of a therapist. Chan, barely struggling to hold back an increasingly feral Jisung. Jisung, working himself up and ranting.
“That’s the motherfucker Chan! I should have killed him! Let me the fuck go!”
“Not happening.”
Hyunjin could have left, but the fact that Chan was there had piqued his interest enough to stick around. For now at least.
“If it makes you feel better,” Hyunjin offered, “I wasn’t planning on killing her.”
“You could have fooled me,” Felix muttered before turning towards Chan and Jisung, “we need to get her to Minho.”
“I will end you!” Jisung was tearing at Chan’s hand. Literally, he could feel it in his bones. The ache was starting. His jaw ached with the slow elongation, and his voice was getting hoarse and deeper. “Let me go!”
“No,” Chan said, paying no attention to the claws digging into his skin. Readjusting his grip on Jisung, he locked the slowly transforming man against himself with one arm. Chan dug his other hand into the inner pocket of his suit jacket. He pulled out his cell phone.
"I think I'll just be going," Hyunjin nervously chuckled and started shuffling backwards.
Chan didn’t look up as he searched through his recent calls.
"Lix, can yo-" 
"Got it," the blonde responded. He slammed a hand against the ground and his eyes fluttered shut.
Call Hyunjin a cat, because he was certain that one day his curiosity would get him killed. He already knew what Jisung was, and he had an idea about Chan. But the soft looking blonde one? He had no clue.
He didn't even notice the tendrils of roots that were winding around his ankles. Not until they constricted, causing him to lose his balance.
"You need to get over here…" Chan spoke into his phone, "make an excuse… Jisung needs your pills…"
To his credit, Jisung was still giving his all to get out of Chan's grip. He was well into the non-verbal stage now. His hands were closer to paws, which actually made it easier for Chan to hold him.
"Sonar, back alley… oh, give yourself an extra dose on your way… LT is here."
He dropped the phone back into his pocket.
"Felix? Can you keep an eye on Jisung?"
Changbin stood up, sighing dramatically. To all the world, he looked like a man who had been called in to do inventory. Internally, he was panicking.
"Seems like they need an extra hand," he made the excuse easily enough. Half-truths were simple like that.
Hongjoong, who would describe himself as currently being in his cups, let out an annoyed sound.
"Sure, just take all the eye-candy away. First that girl, then Felix, now Bin."
"Hyung…" Mingi groaned.
"Sorry man," Changbin chuckled, "sounds pretty serious though."
Yunho stood as well, much to Seonghwa's annoyance.
"You need an extra hand?"
Changbin shook his head, pulling his coat on.
"No, nothing like that," he pulled out his wallet and dropped some bills on the table, "we've got a system. Anyway, that should cover a few rounds. Might be back later."
Changbin forced himself to move casually as he left.
"Mingi," Seonghwa spoke softly, just loud enough to get the younger man's attention, "how do you feel about espionage?"
Chan had let Hyunjin go. Or rather, Chan had made Felix let him go. Or rather, Felix had begrudgingly followed Chan’s order to let him go. Hyunjin nervously kept an eye on the wolf that was now tangled in city-toughened roots as Chan led him to the open end of the alley.
"It seems like you know one of my boys."
It wasn't phrased as a question, but Hyunjin knew when he was being interrogated.
"Know is a strong word," Hyunjin explained, "we run into each from time to time."
Chan tilted his head, looking as unbothered as anything. He reached into his jacket again, this time pulling out a simple black cigarette case.
Hyunjin noted the silver reinforcements on the corners of the case. Old, probably expensive when it was made, and even more so now.
Hyunjin glanced up and down the alley, wondering how far he would make it if he made a run for it.
"I wouldn't recommend it," Chan interrupted his thoughts.
Hyunjin didn't recall Chan lighting his cigarette, but there it was.
"Jisung doesn't willingly change very often."
"Honest to god," Hyunjin sighed, "I don't know what his problem is. He's got some kind of grudge."
Chan nodded. He believed what Hyunjin was saying. Or at least, he believed that Hyunjin believed what he was saying.
"I won't blame you if you don't want the job. Cohesion is the goal, but I'll settle for civility."
"Not to be an asshole," Hyunjin couldn’t help but huff, "but that's more on him than me. I barely know the guy. As far as I know, he just hates vampires."
"Sorry man," Felix muttered towards Jisung.
Jisung growled in response. If not for the somewhat muddy tendrils wrapped around his snout, he would have snapped at him.
When Chan and Hyunjin had walked a bit further down the alley to talk, Felix was left to tend to Tempawan and keep an eye on Jisung.
Not that Felix had to do much. Tempawan was stable enough for the moment, and Jisung was immobilized.
"Do you know that guy?" Felix asked.
Jisung huffed, then whined. He wriggled in his earthy bindings, snuffling as he tried to get closer to Tempawan.
"She'll be 'right mate," Felix reassured him.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"
Jisung couldn't exactly laugh, but his tail twitched at the way Changbin unknowingly mimicked him upon his arrival.
"Changbin, relax…"
Chan held a hand against Changbin’s chest. Changbin was keeping a remarkable amount of calm, all things considered. He was barely trying to get around Chan.
"Re… relax? Do you know who this motherfucker is?"
"We've talked."
"Oh! Oh, you've talked!" Changbin balked, "I see, I mean as long as you've talked I guess that's fine."
Hyunjin kept silent, mentally cataloging people he had possibly wronged to be called a motherfucker twice in thirty minutes.
"Just go help Felix."
For the first time, Changbin actually took in the scene at the other end of the alleyway. The little remaining calm he had dissipated as soon as his mind processed what he saw.
He took a step towards the three figures on the ground, then turned to look at Hyunjin.
"What did you do?"
Hyunjin was mesmerized by the green that sprung up in one of Changbin’s irises. It was a shade he knew all too well.
"I… nothing…" Hyunjin wasn't used to feeling off-balance.
"She's fine," Chan answered the real question. "Go help Felix and Jisung."
"She better be more than fine," Changbin growled, casting Hyunjin a lingering and exceptionally dirty look, "or it won't matter how much you two have talked."
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the-wizard-writes · 8 months
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My Monster Roommate: Nylian (Neil) Elsalor
Nylian (Neil) Elsalor: (he/him)
Major: Magical History 
Minor: Library and Informational Sciences 
Selby Talbot: (they/them)
Major: Poisons Biology and Serums  
Minor: Herbalism 
From what Selby gather from being a roommate to an elf they has learned a few things...
One, elves hear everything. Of course with those big pointy knife  ears of there's they hear almost everything that goes around the apartment. Sometimes he would give little quips about what he's heard. 
“You know, if you stop eating out all the time then maybe you would have more energy rather than feeling sluggish all the time.” Nylian cooly comment not looking up from his textbook. Selby  snapped their head  towards the elf glaring daggers at the elf who didn’t even care about the piercing gaze the witch bore into him throwing away the leftover’s from that orc bbq from last night, “Where did you hear-
“From your conversation two days ago, also maybe try eating a vegetable once in a while. It’ll get your energy up.” The elf coldly cut it. Selby frowned at the elf’s “helpful advice” and rolled their eyes. Selby mumbled some curses under their breath as they sat down their shared little couch next to the elf, living with Nylian  has made Selby notice some things about elves that they haven’t known before. Sure there were the common stereotypes of the elf race that they knew from other races passing comments (mainly dwarves) but, Neil was actually pretty far from the more egregious stereotypes of elves. As Selby was about to grab a drink they noticed some crudely pictures on the refrigerator. The pictures were drawn in fun colorful colors with simple shapes, flowers and books with some having pictures of the elf himself along with a book sitting with a group of kids. Some drawings even had “Worlds best librarian!” Written along the top of the card stock paper. Selby turned to Nylian who was coolly sipping on his mid morning tea not paying attention to the witches curiosity.  
“Hey Nylian?” 
The elf perked his ears up turning towards the witch, “What is it?” The elf mused, 
“What ‘s all these?” Selby asked, pointing to the kid picture on the fridge. 
“Oh. Some kids from the library made that for me.”
Selby  paused and turned towards the elf. Kids? No, Selby  has seen Nylian interact with others. Neil was cold and often avoids others Selby has never seen the elf around common areas on campus talking to people then again the elf’s friends that Selby has see seemed to be similar to him as well. Studious, academically involved and stand-offish towards others. 
“I…I never knew you even liked kids?” They admitted still confused 
Neil closed his book and shrugged, “You never asked.” He simply stated. 
“Yeah, but, you…don’t seem like the type to even want a kid.” 
Nylian  raised an eyebrow his lips curling into a small smile. “Well, I do want kids in the future. I come from a very big family, even for elf standards. I have younger siblings that I took care of when my parents were busy.” Neil explained ruminating on the statement from Selby. “My favorite activity was reading to my younger siblings during bedtime. I have been told from many of people that when I read I tend to formulate stories in away that makes people want to listen. I like encouraging them to read books as well.” Neil said. 
The witch  nodded along with Neil’s explanation. They never expected the studious elf to be a advocate for kids. “The kids from my assistant library job.” He pointed the pictures on the refrigerator. “They often draw me pictures of the stories they come up with or from stories that I’ve read.” The elf explained with a small smile. Selby was intrigued by the elf’s openness to kids rather than people around him, “Wow, you might as well become a teacher then.” Selby suggested. Nylian gave a light hearted laugh shaking his head, “Oh no, I couldn’t being a librarian is always something that I wanted to do. I want to encourage knowledge and literature to others, not teach.” He said. 
The witch shrugged glancing at the pictures again. The thought of the studious elf reading in funny voices to children and helping them color in pages for small activities made them smile on the inside. Though he didn’t want to be a teacher, a librarian was also a really sweet job to help kids learn how to read which was ultimately what he wanted to do.
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Changeling!Tim’s childhood is... actually kinda horrifying, when anyone looks into it.
(CW for forced medical procedures, and abuse in the form of temporary imprisonment. Also, minor self-harm, and… I don’t know what you call “eating something that will make you sick so your parents don’t get mad at you,” but I know it ain’t good.)
Tim had pretty pronounced fangs when he was younger, which his parents were just planning to wait out... until he was fast coming up on 10 and it was clear Tim wasn’t going to lose his teeth. A quick x-ray proved that Tim didn’t have adult teeth to grow in, just the one set he came with, and the fangs were only getting more obvious. His parents found an orthodontist willing to yank the fangs & wire up the rest of Tim’s teeth with braces to force them to look smooth & even as he grew up. (The doctor kept the teeth as a curiosity, and a decade later Damian will track that doctor down to steal them back.)
Something even Tim didn’t realize until he had to undergo a full Justice League-grade medical exam in preparation for becoming Robin, is that the tiny points on his ears aren’t natural. They have no idea what the ears of the baby Jack & Janet received looked like, but Tim’s points are actually mostly scar tissue. (Bruce puts it down as “a cosmetic procedure not dissimilar to ear cropping in canines” and tries not to feel sick.)
(There was also a period where the Drakes did an awful lot of research into cosmetic eye surgeries, but they eventually gave up. Apparently, it was a bigger concern that their son might end up blinded than that his eyes glowed in the dark and/or were the wrong color.)
As I mentioned before, Tim’s parents trim his thorns so that nobody goes to ruffle Tim’s hair and realizes he’s not human. He... actually started doing it himself when he decided to become Robin, because Tim has seen Bruce ruffle Jason & Dick’s hair so many times and didn’t want to hurt Bruce (or experience the absolute agony of having a thorn get caught in Bruce’s gloves and end up ripped out of Tim’s scalp,) as well as not wanting to give away Tim’s own inhuman nature with the single most obvious trait he has. (When the rest of the family find out, they are horrified and insist that Tim stop doing that. Instead of hair-ruffles, Tim gets hair-strokes that go only in one direction, bumping harmlessly over the curved outer edges of his thorns; it’s actually very soothing for both parties. Everyone absolutely uses Tim’s thorns as a stim toy, as long as Tim’s okay with it.)
Tim’s parents also hire an in-house barber to cut Tim’s hair, so they can make sure it’s “properly disposed of.” (Tim’s nightmares always smell faintly of burning hair.)
Tim wears fancy dress gloves to all dinners, because with the uppercrust you never know if someone’s going to bring out the real silverware. (If someone tells him to take off the gloves or Tim’s skin happens to brush up against somebody’s jewelry, Tim just sorta has to... deal. It’s rude to rush out or refuse your hosts, after all.) (Fortunately, Dick and the Titans all prefer reusable plastic silverware. And as soon as any Bat finds out about Tim’s fae nature, Wayne Manor quickly switches to stainless steel.)
It’s nearly impossible to know if a meal was prepared with iodized salt or non-iodized salt until it’s already in Tim’s mouth and the burning-itching discomfort of coming in contact with an anti-fae substance begins. It’s rude not to at least try the food someone offers you, and it’s even ruder to just spit something out, especially out in public. At least Tim doesn’t usually have to fake it when he says he’s not feeling well in order to stop eating. (Tim doesn’t tell the Waynes about this until that medical exam, where he kinda jokes about being allergic to salt and someone’s like, “Wait, how do you eat? Everything has salt in it nowadays.” Alfred rather forlornly puts his sea salt up on the top shelf and buys a jar of iodized table salt on the next grocery run.)
Tim’s blood is immediately identifiable because it has chloroplasts in it. No, he’s not actually a plant; yes, he can perform limited photosynthesis. No, Tim was not aware of this about himself, he’s never been allowed to give blood before, and like??? Sure, he figured out he was a changeling, but that does not immediately translate to, “Oh, I should test my blood for plant cells!”
Tim’s room doesn’t look any different from any other boy his age... except for three nails over the door on the outside. For the iron horseshoe Tim’s parents hang there sometimes, when they don’t want him to bother them or when he’s grounded. (Thankfully, it's been very rare for Tim to actually be trapped in his room, as setting up a salt line on his windowsills has always been... well, he's not sure. A step too far, even for his parents? A step too many to remember and/or perform in the heat of the moment? Something they don’t even realize is necessary, assuming the horseshoe prevents Tim from leaving the room at all rather than simply crossing that one threshold? Tim doesn’t like to think about it. Tim typically stays in his room anyway when he feels the swooping nausea of it hanging over his door, if only so his parents don’t find him missing and decide sealing the windows is something they ought to be doing. Trapped not by any law or binding ritual, but by Tim’s own admittedly rare fear of consequences.) (After Tim is snatched by faerie hunters, Jason and Dick are the ones who search Tim’s house. There’s a moment of silence when they find the horseshoe and realize what the nails are for. “I really hope I don’t have to point this out,” Jason says, in the tone of someone who’s going to do it anyway, “but it’s never a good sign when a kid’s bedroom has a lock on the outside.”) 
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