#fae hera au
kanerallels · 2 months
The Kanera fae au I'm writing just took a decidedly Gilmore Girls-ish turn, stand by for updates
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even more faerie au rambling
someone stop me I have important things to do
words: 1600 something ish
Hera had seen a lot of incredible things in her time, but somehow magic was only a recent addition to the list. Considering her work pattern it wasn’t a huge shock, since she didn’t go out of her way to encounter it. But then on the other hand, it was her job to investigate rebellion, and magic wielders had always maintained strong opinions about the Empire. She was honestly surprised it had taken her this long.
It was equally surprising that her first magical experience was with a fae. They were so rare these days. Even when Hera was a child, rumors of the legendary fair folk were decades into running on fumes. No one had really actually seen one in a long time and managed to walk away talking about it. 
Everyone knew they were real, of course. The Emperor himself acknowledged their existence, if only to brand them enemies. Besides that, their touch on the world was evident. It was subtle—they were fae—they were subtle. But magic was an integral part of most beautiful things, and there were plenty of beautiful things that had been around before the fae became myth. 
So fae were real, just extremely rare on top of that. Hera had learned to think of them as crafty, calculative creatures. Surely they knew by now that being anywhere near a scenario which would cross their path with a human’s was unwise, or risky at best. Most humans resolved to attack a fae should they encounter one (needless to say, Hera’s race was not renowned for its intelligence), and even if that human was unsuccessful, the encounter would certainly invoke a hunt led by the Empire. The Empire was better at killing fae than any ordinary human.
Being that as it was, Hera’s chances of seeing magic firsthand for the first time straight from the source of living magic were very low. And yet, here she was anyway, beholding magic for the very first time from a fae of all things.
Then—and this was the real kicker—the fae was Kanan.
She was still trying to process the events that led to this moment. Kanan had been her companion for months now. She knew him, her mind insisted. Kanan was human. Kanan was completely ordinary. Not quite mundane, but there were few remarkable things about him, other than his attractive appearance and lust for adventure. Kanan couldn’t be fae. He just wasn’t.
He wasn’t a riddler, or an apathetic broker of souls, like the creatures from Baba’s bedtime stories. He wasn’t conniving or manipulative. He wasn’t sly. At all. Kanan was human. Kanan was all kindness, warmth, bravery, and sincerity. Everything the Empire said about fae had nothing to do with Kanan—though Hera shouldn’t really use their propaganda as a point of reference. She knew what awful liars ran the Empire.
But still. Kanan wasn’t like the stories. He was loyal. He was blunt. He was trusting. There was no cavernous intrigue haunting his shadow, no chilling mischief hidden in his smile. Sure, the man had his secrets, and his fair share of quirks as well, but that was nowhere near damning evidence when Hera knew him as well as she did by now. He was as human as they came.
And yet, here she was anyway. 
It happened very quickly when it did start to happen. There were lots of explosions, Hera recalled in the moment she took to let her brain catch up. They were running, realizing promptly that the Empire had pursued them through the last leg of their quest. Kanan seemed particularly agitated about it; Hera remembered that.
Then there were more explosions, and Hera’s leg twisted in a direction it shouldn’t, and the hunting party drew away to reveal a ghostly figure decked in black. He was tall and slender, oozing an ominous energy that kicked Hera’s fight or flight instinct into high gear. A voice inside that she frequently ignored was screaming danger predator danger RUN! While her confrontational nature urged her to stand her ground. She was caught in between raw instinct and habit with the most horrifying threat she’d encountered bearing down on her and her best friend. So she did the most natural thing. She froze.
The fear was what tripped her up. The man in black drifted towards them with a languid stride, holding a terrible sword in one loose grip. The sword glowed just so in the raging firelight around them, bleeding red in the same shade as that symbol on his breastplate: an angry stack of slashing lines bound together. It was an eerie sight to behold. Beside her, Hera felt Kanan tense as well. He’d gone pale staring. He never did that.
“Inquisitor.” He breathed, with a little tremble in his voice. “How did they find us?”
The man in black tilted his head at Kanan’s frightened wonder. “Your woman,” He drawled. “Is not subtle.”
Hera wanted to say something snappish in response to that. She could be subtle if she wanted. She should be subtle. She had been subtle. She was a spy for kriff’s sake. Who was this clown to call her not subtle? But the retort couldn’t collect into words in her head and never would have made it past the gasp lodged in her throat, so all she did was stare at the terrible Imperial agent with open dread on her face.
Luckily, Kanan snapped out of the spell much faster. He shot to his feet. “What? That’s not fair. I’m way less subtle than she is.”
The inquisitor circled closer. “Ah,” He crooned. “But you’ve been careful, haven’t you? Much more careful than others your age. You’ve kept your secret so well. We would not have found you if it weren’t for your pet’s meddlesome activities.”
Hera recovered just long enough to feel indignant at being called a pet, but then she was too busy trying to puzzle out Kanan’s reaction to care.
He stepped forward, hands clenched as he moved to stand between Hera and the hunters. His jaw worked and a muscle spasmed there. The light in his eyes was wild. Pressured. A cornered beast. Pushed too hard and he would snap.
“Stop.” He warned, low and volatile. “Stop talking.”
“Why ever?” The inquisitor was not intimidated by Kanan in the slightest. “Perhaps she doesn’t know?”
“That’s enough—”
“You don’t trust her enough to tell her.” The inquisitor concluded, a sickening note of glee underlying the assertion. Hera got chills in spite of herself. It didn’t help that there was fire everywhere and dark smoke adding to the creep’s prickly words. “You’ve been lying to her.”
“That’s not true.” He insisted, shooting her a desperate look. “I’ve never lied to you.”
The laugh that came from the inquisitor was horrible and razor sharp and oh-so-cold. “Of course not! It isn’t in his nature!” Before Hera could figure out what he meant, he lowered the sword to the dry earth and set the grass aflame.
It wouldn’t have been a problem—just one more fire, really—but suddenly it soared much higher than any normal straw blaze: a well-timed combination of residue from the bombs and whatever spell that wicked sword had been inlaid with. The fire sprang up, rushing toward them like a tidal wave. There was nowhere left to run and no way to fight such a force of nature. It was ravenous, surprisingly. It was solid.
Hera could just touch the crackling heat against her face when she thought to cry out. She ducked behind an arm, and felt further explosions rattle the earth curling up lamely. It wasn’t the way she’d expected to die, certainly not the time either, but it wasn’t entirely awful. At least Kanan was beside her.
But the air fractured in the space he occupied; she could feel it through the haze. The fire slammed into them, and the air warped, wrinkled, and something… something roared to meet the fire, itself a radiant explosion spilling out.
In the next moment, Hera came to understand she hadn’t died. She was alive enough to sweat against the inferno surrounding her now, well and living and in shock. Utterly frozen, stunned.
Because where Kanan had been just seconds ago now stood an ethereal creature whose like she’d never seen, arms stretched out against the insistent brilliance of the flames. The sight of him burned hotter than the fire. What was he? What was this thing? Hera had no eloquent words to describe the awesome wonder she beheld. Her brain was fried enough as it was. 
There were dark horns cutting through the white light, bronze skin that flashed like lightning—like sunbursts and tarnished gold. It was breathtaking. Captivating. Glorious. So many things. And the wings… the dazzling wings of gossamer starshine were their own thing of majesty. They fanned back around Hera. It seemed like no physical constraints befell them, yet their brilliance had a texture that sang strength, and Hera was sure if she reached out and touched one—
The fire sagged back, rebuked. Through it, the smug grin of the inquisitor took shape, sword lifted, ready, and in that same moment the creature turned its head to meet her frightened eye.
Those were Kanan’s eyes. Kriff, if he wasn’t beautiful.
“Come on!” He shouted in a voice that was his but not the one Hera knew—and grabbed her by the arm, hauled her up. “Let’s get out of here!” There was no time to protest, or stutter, or have any reaction at all to the celestial intervention that had just taken place, because suddenly she was bundled up in Kanan’s arms, and the flames were a blur as he ran.
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kbirbpods · 5 months
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Voiceteam 2024 has brought about the need for a new pinned Dear Podficcer Letter! This is kind of a year-round one of sorts for ease of access. This are the fandoms/tropes/etc that I always love, not just what I am hyperfixated on! For events I tend to focus on hyperfixations + always have the section about what I will make outside of my wants ~
So, please look below the cut for my general letter.
Recent-ish letters: Purimgifts '24 | ITPE '23 | Summer Swap '23
Things I Like, Regardless of Fandom:
THEMES: trans/nonbinary characters (extra points for neopronouns); gender exploration in general; found family (genfic or otherwise); angst with a happy ending; polyamory; good asexual or aromantic representation; genfic
TROPES: fix-it fics!! extra points for time travel or time loops in fix its; fake dating/marriage; mutual pining; soulmates (AU or just clearly soulmates); crack treated seriously; rivals-to-friends/lovers; oops only one bed; secret identities
AUs: soulmates soulmates soulmates; regency era (or any different era); modern AU; crossovers, provided i know the other fandom or the fic doesn’t require knowledge of the other fandom!; college/sport AU; fantasy/fae AUs
Star Wars AUs/Tropes (yes they need their own categories): no Order-66/Order-66 happens differently; force sensitive clones; Jon Antilles lives; [insert clone here] lives; Anakin doesn’t fall; Palpatine dies; Domino Squad Lives; force sensitive Leia; modern AUs; trans clones
PODFIC SPECIFIC: anything epistolary (texting/chat fics especially but letters and such are also fun to explore); including music / SFX if you’re comfortable; including bloopers if you have them/are comfortable exposing them
RATINGS: Contrary to popular belief I do not hate explicit fics so really any rating but I generally prefer G-M because I can be picky about what explicit content I’m absorbing.
Do Not Wants (triggers, squicks, please no):
major archive warnings (major character death is okay so long as it’s temporary and resolved); unhappy endings; I really don’t like pregnancy, which includes MPREG (I like omegaverse dynamics minus that aspect) - kidfic is cool I just don’t want pregnancy as a theme & especially not graphic depictions of it; suicide/self-harm “on screen” (mentions of past suicidal ideation/self harm are fine if not a flashback/graphic); non-/dub-con or any depictions of rape (once again, recovery is okay if done well); adult/minor relationships or relationships with unaddressed/starkly imbalanced power dynamics; any sort of poorly depicted mental health tropes (no BPD or other personality disorder bashing, no institutionalization, no “split personality” as a trope) - i really like explorations of PTSD/trauma but it has to be handled with fidelity and gentleness; and I have a random trigger about cockroaches
as a note: I do not like slave!fic but acknowledge that the situation of the clones is, at it’s core, a form of slavery. so while i ask for slave!fic AUs to be fully avoided, I do appreciate fics that tackle that aspect of the Clone Wars series with tact, fidelity, and honesty.
Fandoms & Characters I Would Love to Receive:
Star Wars: I love so much Star Wars that to split them like I did on AO3 would make this post too long. I think it’s easiest to say this: I prefer Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One/Andor, anything about Jon Antilles, anything about Hevy & the Domino Squad, anything Ahsoka Tano, Mandalorian culture (including Din & Grogu content!), and Mandoa as a language.
My main ships are: Cody/Obi-Wan, Kallus/Zeb, Hevy/anyone (consensual), Finn/Poe or Finn/Poe/Rey, blackkat rarepairs (mainly Jon Antilles/anyone), Jon Antilles & Fay (platonic), Waxer/Boil, Fives/Echo, Kanan/Hera, Quinlan/Fox(/Jon), Quinlan/Obi-Wan(/Cody), & Fox/Bail/Breha [also Clone OC ships!!] My favorite characters are: Hevy, Fox, Cody, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Leia, Poe, Fives, Luke, Jon Antilles, Fay (Legends)
Ted Lasso: My favorite ships are Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley, and Jamie/Dani. Ted & Rebecca as platonic soulmates/besties in general. I love explorations of how much Dr. Jacob sucks and fix-its for the ending!
Batfam/DC: I can be picky and yet not? Basically, I just prefer no inner-Batfam fics of the boys because I truly view them as brothers. Jason is my boy forever & always. My favorite ships are Jason Todd/Roy Harper(/Kori), Dick Grayson/Wally West, Harley/Ivy, Tim Drake/Kon, Tim/Bernard, Tim/Kon/Bernard, and Wally/Artemis from Young Justice. This is the fandom that I specifically am obsessed with found family in. – I love exploring Alfred being the boys’ Grandpa and Bruce’s complex dadhood!
The Locked Tomb: I’m definitely Gideon/Harrow on main; I really like fics where one or both of them are trans/nonbinary. Nona is my favorite character so explorations of her found family (the household or the friends or all of them) are important to me. Cam/Pal is important to me. I love modern AUs a lot.
Our Flag Means Death: Obviously Blackbeard/Stede is a big deal and I ship it forever. But my heart belongs to Jim/Olu and any explorations of Jim’s gender identity! Pining Izzy Hands makes me weak, as long as he’s not being abusive towards Edward or Stede, so Izzy/Ed or Izzy/Ed/Stede is always choice.
ATLA: Always and forever a Zuko/Sokka shipper, specifically obsessed with found family in this, gen fic exploring the universe at all is super important to me!!!
All for the Game: Jean/Jeremy forever and always. I will always always eat up Jerejean fics. Of course Andrew/Neil. Renee/Allison. Andrew/Neil/Kevin is perfection. And really just... Gen fics around the Foxes or Trojans will always bring me so much joy.
A RARE ASK: I am super into both Dragon Age & Mass Effect. The former is much easier to find fandom for and there are a lot of fics with blanket permission statements. For Dragon Age, DA:O is my favorite (especially Alistair) or any sort of Hawke!centric fics. But in April 2024 I became re-obsessed with Mass Effect & anticipate it lasting a while. My rare ask is for Mass Effect fics - specifically Shep/Garrus or Shep/Liara (or them as a triad). Or gen fic!! But I feel like I am on an island here lol
MISC OTHERS: The Old Guard; First Kill; The Adventure Zone (Balance & Amnesty); Red, White and Royal Blue; Good Omens; The Tarot Sequence; Teen Wolf; Fallout (New Vegas, Fo4, & the show); Legend of Zelda; and Buffy (especially genfic & crossovers).
Authors with BP that I love, as a starting point:
Flowerparrish, trixree, wanderingjedihistorian, hoebiwan, blackkat, cac0daemonia, elismor_aswell, SunsetsOverLA, friendoftheJabberwock
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theboysbevibin · 2 months
Who the fuck decided to make another pinned?
Hey hey, we are The Boys. A bunch of jackasses navigating bills and a 9-5. Sometimes we post about it. Not much else to say. Main account is @signofthestriking. If we left an odd tag on your post, it's likely just one of our organizational tags. Pay it no mind.
We are not an endo system. If anything about our spirituality or our refusal to call ourselves traumagenic are too "endo" for you, you can suck my dick and maybe balls too. -Rat
Anything syscourse-related will be tagged with #ratman rants and #syscourse if you need to block them. Hopefully that won't be common.
Under the cut: Rent lowering gunshots, role call, label collection, and a userbox collection.
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Rent lowering gunshots:
The two headmates with "quoted" names are using aliases. We will not be revealing their in-system names on this blog for cultural reasons.
Syscourse isn't much different from any the other online shitcourse. There's heavy ableism on both sides. If you actually care, start calling out your own.
As per the DSM-V, trauma is NOT a diagnostic requirement for DID. It is mentioned in Criterion B, with regards to gaps in memory recall, but it is not a requirement on its own.
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Furthermore, to quote page 294, "Dissociative identity disorder is associated with overwhelming experiences, traumatic events, and/or abuse occurring in childhood". That does NOT mean that trauma is a requirement to be a system. Association is not the same as requirement.
Beyond that, the DSM-V and the psych industry are not the be all, end all of what does or does not exist in people's minds. If someone finds that rationalizing themselves as "more than one" helps them make sense of their mind, fine. Maybe it's to cope with hardship, maybe it's tied to spirituality, maybe it's simply how their brain works, maybe they do it deliberately. Let them be a system. They're not doing any inherent harm in rationalizing themselves that way, and if they want terms like "endo system" to describe themselves, fine.
All that being said, there are many criticisms we could make regarding the online system community, and that does apply to the online endo community. People need to stop spreading misinformation purely because it supports their side of the discourse. People need to remember that this community is not a fandom, and that you need to take your systems seriously. People need to stop "building" headmates for random strangers on Tumblr. People need to remember that you can't just cherry-pick something out of an East Asian spiritual practice simply because "it's open practice". You can absolutely talk about these problems without getting into pissing matches about who is or isn't a system. And if you can't do that, maybe you're not cut out for this kind of discussion, regardless of what you're diagnosed with.
Role call!
Jack Nox (Just Dance fableing, host), #rose of eternyx Saffron (DBZ AU fableing, host) #bitten hands "Snow" (DBZ AU fableing, host) #dutiful servant
Rat (co-host, facet, protector/persecutor) #eyes abounding Adrien (co-host, facet, factive) #friends forever
"Pink" (post-fictive, facet) Ash (post-fictive, facet, protector) Aspen (post-fictive, facet) Vinny (post-fictive, trauma holder, facet) Hera (post-fictive, protector, facet) Lilith (post-fictive, archivist and scribe, facet) #a scribe's thoughts Marcy (post-fictive, facet) Rose (post-fictive, facet, little) Fae (post-fictive, facet) Rev (post-fictive of Raditz, facet) Olera (post-fictive, stress holder, facet) Blue (post-fictive, facet)
Vegeta (DBZ soulbond) #royalty renounced Trunks Briefs (DBZ soulbond) #lilac and steel Son Gohan (DBZ AU soulbond) Son Goku (DBZ soulbond) #hey! it's me Bulma Briefs (DBZ soulbond) #research log Tien Shinhan (DBZ soulbond) Piccolo (DBZ soulbond) Chi-Chi (DBZ soulbond) Krillin (DBZ soulbond)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck soulbond) #tastes like cherries Gamzee Makara (Homestuck soulbond) #miracles all around Vriska Serket (Homestuck soulbond) #8 of dice Karkat Vantas (Homestuck soulbond) #righteous rage Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck soulbond) #teeth and claws Equius Zahakk (Homestuck soulbond) #blue blooded steed Dave Strider (Homestuck soulbond) #turning tables Eridan Ampora (Homestuck soulbond) #sharpshooter of the seas Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck soulbond) #not your darling Rose Lalonde (Homestuck soulbond) #notes from the grimoire Sollux Captor (Homestuck soulbond) #twin thoughts
Label collection
Mixed origins
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
Ocs for the new AU I’m making!
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Family: The Evil Queen(Mom), Romulus the Good King(Dad), Maleficent(Aunt), Remus(Uncle), Fae(First cousin), Faerin(First Cousin)
Friends: Merliah, Merisa, Cendrillion, Fae, Faerin, Scarlet/Scarletta, Night Flower
Personality: Radiates self confidence and self esteem. Bad Bitch, Regina George, and a normal teenage witch girl all wrapped up into one.
Age: 17
Birthday: February 1,2005
Fun fact: She has a black demon dog that’s bigger than any wolf. But somehow it manages to fit in her bed.
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Family: Hades(Dad), Persephone(Mom), Hercules(cousin), Zeus(Uncle), Hera(Aunt)
Friends: Merliah, Merisa, Selene, Fae, Faerin, Scarlet/Scarletta, Night Flower
Personality: Shy and introverted due to her not leaving the underworld until she was 15. First met Hercules’s offspring and her other pantheon relatives until she was 16, due to Hades keeping her existence a secret from everyone except the underworld and it’s citizens.
Age: 17
Birthday: March 20, 2005
Fun fact: Her hair remains in a non enflamed state except when she’s having extreme emotions.
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Family: Maria(Mom), Valentino(Dad), Merisa(Identical twin sister), Merida(22,eldest sister), Lacene(21, second eldest), Darlene(20,third eldest), Carlita/Carla(19,fourth eldest), Caitlyn(18, fifth eldest), Ursula(Paternal Grandmother), Melody(Maternal grandmother), Ariel(Maternal Great-Grandmother), Eric(Maternal Great-Grandfather)
Friends: Merisa, Scarlet/Scarletta, Cendrillion, Selene, Fae, Faerin, Night Flower
Personality: Sort of bitchy due to living with five sisters, sweet and loving.
Age: 17
Birthday: May 5, 2005
Fun fact: Even though Melody married Alex( the blonde merboy from the Little Mermaid 2), at some point she went to Cartegena, Colombia and had an affair with a sea wizard. Later, Maria was born. Alex eventually forgave Melody and accepted Maria as one of his own. Which is why Maria and the rest of her children have darker skin than the rest of their family.
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Family: Scar(Dad), Mom(???), Cheka(Great-great Cousin), Leona Kingscholar(great Cousin), Falena(great Cousin), Simba(Cousin)
Friends: Cendrillion, Merliah, Merisa, Faerin, Fae, Selene, Night Flower
Personality: Loves to nap in the sunniest spots on tree branches, slightly scared of hyena’s, fearful of the French, observant.
Age: 17
Birthday: June 20, 2005
Fun fact: Scarletta’s mother disappeared one day and one day when Scar went hunting for food he never came back. Scarletta has been living with her cousins in Afterglow Savanna ever since.
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Night Flower:
Family: Jafar(Dad), Rose in the Night(Mother)
Alias: Fatima( Prince Ali)
Friends: Scarletta/Scarlet, Merliah, Merisa, Cendrillion, Selene, Fae, Faerin
Personality: Socially awkward, somewhat of a Daddy’s girl, lonely, adventurous
Age: 17
Birthday: April 24, 2005
Fun fact: She’s a snake and tiger whisperer
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Family: Maleficent(Mom), Remus the great king(Dad), Fae(Identical twin Sister), Selene(First Cousin), Evil Queen(Aunt), Romulus(Uncle)
Friends: Night Flower, Scarletta/Scarlet, Merliah, Merisa, Selene, Fae, Cendrillion
Personality: Big titty goth, she’s the goth friend while Fae’s the sunshine and sparkles. She’s the normal one in the family.
Age: 17
Birthday: December 21, 2005
Funfact: Her wardrobe consists of sweatshirts and sweatpants.
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Family: Maleficent(mom), Remus the great king( Dad), Faerin( identical twin sister), Evil Queen(Aunt), Romulus(Uncle), Selene(First Cousin)
Friends: Faerin, Selene, Merliah, Merisa, Scarletta/Scarlet, Night Flower, Cendrillion
Personality: Sunshine and sparkles, makes the atmosphere happier. Everything is flowers and pink around her. Happy go lucky.
Age: 17
Birthday: December 21, 2005
Funfact: She can make anyone go along with her antics.
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Family: Maria(Mom), Valentino(Dad), Merliah( identical twin sister), Merida(22,eldest sister), Lacene(21,second eldest), Darlene(20, third eldest), Carlita/Carla(19, fourth eldest), Caitlyn(18, fifth eldest), Ursula(Paternal Grandmother), Melody(Maternal Grandmother), Ariel( Maternal Great-Grandmother), Eric(Maternal Great-Grandfather)
Friends: Merliah, Selene, Faerin, Fae, Night Flower, Scarletta/Scarlet, Cendrillion
Personality: Shy, reserved, mostly stays to herself, existing friends and family, isn’t scared by emotional intimidation
Age: 17
Birthday: May 5, 2005
Funfact: She’s good friends with the Leech brothers.
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Family: Queen of Hearts(Mom), The White Queen(Aunt), Dad(???)
Friends: Night Flower, Selene, Fae, Faerin, Merliah, Merisa, Scarletta/Scarlet, Cendrillion
Personality: will be a leader if given a chance, timid, has a high tolerance for others foolishness.
Age: 17
Birthday: February 18, 2005
Funfact: She’s been living a secretive life with her mom in the former capital of wonderland, the Queendom of Roses, after her mom was overthrown by her aunt, The White Queen.
@lizzileth @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk @hipsterteller
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ageless-soul-au · 3 years
what kind of greek or roman god would the characters of this au be? (Am i making sense?)
Anon ur making me think about things now. I know more Greek mythos so I'll stick to that. I'll.... I'll just do a few. Very few braincells are going into this. Like negative braincells. Just based on vibes, not Olympian family tree.
Fae as Persephone, Twilight as Artemis, Legend as Apollo, Wars as Hera, Wild as Hermes, Odyssey as Athena, Hyrule as Hestia or Hectate, Wind as Poseidon, Sky as... Hades, Colt as Ares, Four as Hephaestus
Mizu suggested the Roman god Janus for Time
Sorry this took so long, I'm still smooth brain about it 😂
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catsitta · 4 years
Your writing, especially in BotU, is just amazing! It's so poetic and flows so well! Do you have any tips for learning to write fiction? Also I've noticed in your fae focused and underworld fiction you mention so much in regards to legends and myths that reflect real ones, what kind of research do you do for this or do you already know of this/made it up?
You’re making me blush. Heh. 
Alright, this going to be a long one, I got wordy.
My writing style mostly reflects how I learned to self-edit, since most of my fics are unbeta’ed. How do I do my own editing? If I find a tricky passage, I will write it how it would be spoken. While not ‘proper’ in many ways, a language when spoken aloud can tell you whether or not a phrase will sound right to the mind’s internal ear. In fact, my main advice for anyone writing anything, essay to novel, is to read it out loud whenever possible. (It also helps find and reduce typos, but if you’re a speed reader like me, you may still skip over stuff because your brain is sometimes super helpful (not) and fixes/fills in words!) Doing this will also force you look at your writing and realize that, even if it is grammatically correct, sometimes phrases will sound/look off and need to be redone.
Another tip that works for me (and is one I learned while writing essays in highschool and really embraced in my college writing courses), is to put words to a page, perfect them later. Your best solution to finishing a fic is to literally write it, then go back later and revise. That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be structure. If you like knowing what will happen in every chapter before you start and write purposefully, that is great! But I would never get anything done if I made sure it was perfect while writing it or constantly backtracked to fix stuff before a chapter is done.
I will use my drabble fic, Handle with Care, as an example. I have 100 words dedicated to a chapter. A chapter should always inform the reader, bring up a question, answer a question or otherwise move the story and its characters forward, whether you are writing 100 words or 10,000.
Red rolled his eyelights as he dropped the last of the moving boxes onto the living room floor. Even trashed from the move in, this place looked better than the last. The walls had paint on them and the carpet was from this decade. Best go see what poor sap his little bro was yapping at before they got kicked out. Moving into the hallway outside the apartment, he spotted Edge and his victim. Red swallowed. It was a skeleton monster. Who looked up and winked at Red.]
(HwC had a basic framework written. As in, major keystones/plot points that needed reaching/bridging between.)
My process:
Q: What happened/needs to happen?
A: Red has just moved into a new apartment with his little brother, and while he is moving in, he meets his romantic interest for the fic. This romantic interest is his neighbor.
Q: Is the plot forwarded?
A: Yes. 
Q: Is new information introduced? Is it important? 
A: Red is moving in. Sans is his neighbor. Edge and Red are brothers and didn’t come from the best neighborhood previously. Edge is very outspoken. 
Q: Are there questions a reader may have? Or questions being answered?
A: Why/how did Red move? Why is his little brother living with him? Who is the neighbor? What is the neighbor’s purpose relating to the MC? How old is Edge? How old is Red?
Q: Does it make the Reader think or feel? What do I want my Reader to feel?
A: While not a very emotion impacting chapter in itself, it is supposed to be a cute bit of family fluff that hints at both a future romance as well as possible conflict arising from the reasons why Red and Edge moved.
I highly encourage people to try writing a 100 word drabble fic. Whether you are an experienced writer that writes long, detailed chapters on the regular, or someone who is just starting out and is finding it hard to find the time to commit to a long fic. 100 words is challenging in that you have to use every word effectively, but I’ve personally found it relaxing and even beneficial to me as a writer. After all, if I am having a bad day and nothing is going write and words don’t make sense? Well, I only need to write 100 and then try again tomorrow. It’s good for breaking an obsessive, perfectionistic cycle where you may be impeeding your own progress by simply never finishing. 
My last tip is to simply read.
Read anything and everything. You like romance and want to write romance? Read a bunch of it. Professional novels, fanfiction, poems, otome games, comics, manga...All of it. But also don’t be afraid to branch out. Every genera has different strengths. I LOVE fantasy. Traditional high fantasy with dragons and elves and knights and mages and great, cliche plots about good toppling the forces of evil. LOVE IT. And what is fantasy’s strength? World building. What is romance’s? Relationships and dialogue. The more you read, the more you subconciously pick up on diction and the tropes/feel of a genera. The most common comment I have recieved while pursuing a degree, was that I write like I read a lot. That I like to read. And it really stuck with me. Because it is rather true. You can usually tell the difference in the writing of someone who only reads because they must (or only the classics you are assigned in classes) and someone who reads for the love of reading. So be someone who writes like they love to read. Like they love language. 
Now that I have rambled!
To answer your second question, my more myth based fics are always a hybrid of real mythology and stuff I’ve made up that is more cohesive with the world I’m writing about. If I am writing Undertale fanfiction, I want it to feel like Undertale fanfiction. I want to maintain certain themes and ideas, even if they don’t align with mythology. 
Greek Mythology is also a lot more fixed in places than faerie lore, and thus it needs more research to stay true. While in turn, you can be wildly inventive with faerie lore. Thus with my fae fics, I draw from a wide variety of sources, mostly from memory, be it from books I have read, games I have played, or stories I have been told. (It is often easier to ‘write what you know’ after all. If you read Norse Mythology for fun, then writing a fic retelling a norse myth may be more fun for you as a writer than writing a scifi drama you have to pour tons of hours of research into.)
As a quick example:
Bride of the Underworld’s basic premise is the Abduction of Persephone myth. It is very popular in media and it has endless interpretations. Turning the Underground into the Underworld was a natural step. But I never feel the need to 100% follow the mythology to the tee. This is an Undertale fanfiction after all! So, the math lays out like this. If Frisk is Persephone and Persephone’s mother is Demeter, then Frisk’s mother should be Toriel. Toriel’s husband is Asgore, the King of Monsters, who would be a natural choice for King of Gods, and is thus, a placeholder for Zeus. But Demeter isn’t married to Zeus, one could say. No, but he is married to Hera and Toriel can also fill that roll. In the game, they are estranged, which works perfectly, in that Toriel could have/raise Frisk in private, and become the sheltered maiden that Persephone/Kore was in mythos. (Now play apples-to-apples with a wonderful AU co-creator for 50k+ words and you have a fic.)
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
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☽ - angst | ♡ - fluff | ꕤ - smut | ⛒ - dark
i’ll be updating this as I go! this will be the first place i announce the actual publishing of fics, so y’all know when to expect them officially, but i do also have a wip list for you if you’re curious about what i’m actually physically writing. every series i post will also have its own masterlist page, which is always going to be linked with the story’s blurb and in the actual post for the fic.
✧  666 masterlist
stories that feature you, a millenia-old vampire lovingly nicknamed Medici by your friends, and the somewhat debauched and very interesting adventures you all have.
✧  monsters and gods masterlist
a series of oneshots, each centering around the greek gods and legends. learn the truth behind the myths, and see how some of these deities and creatures of old navigate the modern world.
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✧ lay me gently | greek god!au |  ♡ ꕤ | 12.9k | monsters and gods pt 2 | 9.7.2019
there is no time for loneliness among the fires of your forge, no room in your buzzing mind for thoughts of anything but your next invention and the pain in your leg. your life is tilted off its axis, though, when your parents arrange a marriage without your knowledge or consent, and your new husband begins to situate himself into your life despite protests from either of you. you don’t know what zeus and hera have planned, but a volcano is no place for a love god like seokjin. 
✧ 666 butterfly kisses (666verse) | vamp!reader, fae!jin | ꕤ | 4.7k | 6.10.2019
✧   birthday candles | ꕤ | vamp!reader, werewolf!yooongi, fae prince!jin | 4kish | 11.11.2019
you’re a vampire in renaissance italy who likes earning favors from the most powerful men in the country. you just aren’t used to meeting handsome men that might be assassins and definitely give you the best orgasms of your life.
or; the first time you met the fae prince, but certainly not the last. |  666 masterlist
a few of your friends help make your birthday extra special. |  666 masterlist
✧ half-baked holiday | ♡ ꕤ | baker!jin, grump!mc, f2l, i2l | 12.6k | 04.12.19
Granny Park’s Gossip:
That Seokjin, don’t get me started on him. He’s worked hard to open and run that bakery of his, you know, and I’m so proud that it’s so successful now. Wish he would find a nice person to settle down with, though, he deserves it, as long as he’s been on his own. Well, I guess you can’t really call it alone when he’s got that grump of a best friend always hanging around him. He really should be paying her, what with all the time she spends at the bakery with him. She’s always waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but she’s not so bad when she brings me some of those cookies of his, or just around Seokjin in general, if I’m honest. Too distracted by staring at that pretty face of his, I suppose, though who can blame her? | part of The Snowball Effect Collab
✧ monachopsis | ☽ ♡ | namjin | selkie!jin, marine biologist!joon | 5.7k | 16.03.20
seokjin knows - has known, for years - that his life will be like this forever. there is no more sea, there is no more swimming, there is no more of anything he used to know. this is life - wake up, go to a shoot, try not to piss giho off, go home, sleep, wake up again. because he was caught. because giho owns him. because he can’t.
but then he meets namjoon. and seokjin starts to realize that maybe…just maybe. he can.
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✧ from eden | greek god!au |  ♡ ꕤ ☽ | 15.6k | monsters and gods pt 1 | 16.6.2019   
you’ve been in the dark a long time, overworked and exhausted. the only bright point is your gatekeeper, hoseok, your closest friend and the man you love but can’t have. you’ve accepted that loneliness is inevitable for you. when a voice calls to you, though, and moves you so deeply that you rip open the earth to help them, you meet a mint-haired boy that changes everything you thought you knew about your prison. | ft jhs |  alternate ending
✧ penguins | boyfriend au | ꕤ | 3.5k | 18.7.2019
your long-time boyfriend takes you on a cute date to an aquarium, but gets a little jealous when you run into an old friend. it becomes his mission to set you back on track and remind you just who you belong to.
✧  backalley brawl (666verse) | werewolf au | 3.5k | 23.9.2019
You've been followed by a werewolf all day, and you're done being stalked in the night. Somehow you didn't expect him to need you to help him with a rather sensitive problem. 
or; yoongi’s in rut and needs someone to help him out |  666 masterlist
✧   birthday candles (666verse) | ꕤ | vamp!reader, werewolf!yooongi, fae prince!jin | 4kish | 11.11.2019
a few of your friends help make your birthday extra special. |  666 masterlist
【min yoonji】
✧ as we go along | ♡ ꕤ | neighbors au, e2l, pining | 10.4k | 24.12.2019
Four years ago, the beautiful stunning attractive frustrating Min Yoonji came into your life. Ever since, it’s been a competition between the two of you to win the HOA’s Holiday Decorating Contest. The fiery looks she gives you paired with the pointed insults throw you off your game every year, but not this time. This holiday season, you’re determines to win; and along the way you might just find that Yoonji’s been trying to win something else.
;OR the queer hallmark movie of your dreams. | part of the 25 Days of Christmas: A BTS Anthology
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✧ amae | neighbor!hobi | ♡ | 6.7k | 28.05.2019 
amae - japanese. the way you act when you want to depend on another person. relying on someone’s goodwill and love to help you. frequently thought of as wanting to be loved and taken care of.
when someone new moves in next door, you don’t expect to become friends. everyone on your block was friendly, yes, but none of you gave more than a courteous wave when you spotted each other in passing. that changes with jung hoseok; a literature professor with sunlight gleaming out of every pore, who enjoys complex lectures, random coffee trips, and…sleeping in your hammock? curiosity gets the better of you as you befriend him, but just what could have this man sleeping in your garden hammock every night?
✧ from eden | greek god!au |  ♡ ꕤ ☽ | 15.6k | monsters and gods pt 1 | 16.6.2019  
you’ve been in the dark a long time, overworked and exhausted. the only bright point is your gatekeeper, hoseok, your closest friend and the man you love but can’t have. you’ve accepted that loneliness is inevitable for you. when a voice calls to you, though, and moves you so deeply that you rip open the earth to help them, you meet a mint-haired boy that changes everything you thought you knew about your prison. | ft myg | alternate ending
  ✧ hearts on fire | hanahaki au |  ♡ ☽ | 6.5k | 02.02.2020
Hoseok has been in love with you for as long as he can remember, and he’s beyond excited to see you married and glowing.
He just really wishes that he was the groom.
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✧ give and take | mechanic!au | ♡ ꕤ | 10.5k | 18.05.2019 
when your beloved jeep breaks down, you have no choice but to take it to a mechanic for once instead of trying to fix it yourself. you fully expected to empty your wallet or get told to just buy a new car. you don’t expect to meet kim namjoon, nor do you expect him to be hot like burning, sweet as honey, and interested in you. 
✧ backseat memories | mechanic!au |  ♡ ꕤ | ongoing drabble series | 18.05.2020
A collection of memories between you and the mechanic who saved your Jeep.
;or, the give and take sequel | on ao3
✧ 666 medici drive | supernatural!au | ꕤ | 4.5k | 30.08.2019
you decide to help garden witch kim namjoon gather ingredients he needs from local incubus kim taehyung, in a much more fun way than the two originally planned. | ft kth |  666 masterlist
✧ forever rain | ghost!reader au |  ☽ ♡ ꕤ | 18.8k | 12.09.2019
being dead isn’t anything exciting. just a lot of walking the same halls of the same apartment day after day after day. things change when the new tennant arrives, though. kim namjoon isn’t anything you could have expected; not the way he’s so careful and gentle with his plants because he breaks so many other things, not the way his friends joke that he’s psychic because you refuse to let him get in the face one time, and certainly not the way he comes after literal months spent moving things away from table edges for him and announces that he knows he’s being haunted and he has some questions for you. you didn’t know ghosts could fall in love, but he makes you feel alive again, like you’re standing in the rain while thunder crashes around you. you should’ve known nothing good would come of falling in love with someone living, though. you should’ve known that heartbreak was the only way this could end. that the rain doesn’t last forever.
✧ midnight wishes | roommates/coworkers/fwb au | ☽ ♡ ꕤ | 10.3k | 21.12.2019
Granny Park’s Gossip:
That boy. Never met anyone as prone to disaster as he is while being so damned smart, except maybe that roommate of his. The two of them could probably cure cancer if they wanted to, but you leave them alone for more than a few seconds and you’re liable to come back to disaster. Jiminie did say they’ve been acting a little different, though, maybe they finally wised up and made things official instead of just humping like bunnies around that apartment of theirs. Oh, am I not supposed to say that? | part of The Snowball Effect Collab
✧ monachopsis | ☽ ♡ | namjin | selkie!jin, marine biologist!joon | 5.7k | 16.03.20
seokjin knows - has known, for years - that his life will be like this forever. there is no more sea, there is no more swimming, there is no more of anything he used to know. this is life - wake up, go to a shoot, try not to piss giho off, go home, sleep, wake up again. because he was caught. because giho owns him. because he can’t.
but then he meets namjoon. and seokjin starts to realize that maybe…just maybe. he can.
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✧ coming soon ✧ 
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✧ 666 medici drive | supernatural!au | ꕤ | 4.5k | 30.08.2019 
you decide to help garden witch kim namjoon gather ingredients he needs from local incubus kim taehyung, in a much more fun way than the two originally planned. | ft knj | 666 masterlist
✧ black irises in the sunshine | greek god au |  ☽ ♡ ꕤ | 14k | monsters and gods part 3 | 31.12.2019
anger is everything. other gods tease you for the short fuse, but it comes with the territory. people have called you stupid, have called you dumb, oafish, useless, incompetent, insolent, rude, arrogant. all of it. insults and mockery flung at you, but even your skin isn’t thick enough to deal with constant abuse. it’s the exact reason you keep going to the underground, knuckles bloody and bruised, fighting anyone that dared enter the cage. it’s the reason you go to the clubs, surround yourself with mortals and their writhing bodies. it’s there that you see him the first time, voice husky as it rolls through the room. it’s there you find someone who treats you differently than the rest. you just never expected him to be one of the muses.
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✧ chasing butterflies | nerdy!jk | ♡ ꕤ | 12.7k | 01.06.2019 
you never meant to be a jock in school. the volleyball team had just needed people and you were there and then you had a knack for it. you just happened to be good at it and went with it. similar to how you saw jeon jungkook in your friend’s orientation group and thought he was absolutely radiant and just went with it. for two years. you’ve spent the entire time pining from afar, mostly because you always seem to make a fool of yourself when he’s around, but also because jungkook is part of that exclusive crowd, the ones that you never can seem to penetrate: the weebs. that is, until your friends get sick of your hopeless pining and decide to do something about it. | sequel drabble posted 01.09.2019
✧   birthday candles | ꕤ | vamp!reader, werewolf!yooongi, fae prince!jin, small kook feature at the end | 4kish | 11.11.2019
a few of your friends help make your birthday extra special. |  666 masterlist
© ddaenggtan, 2019. I do not give permission to have my work reposted on any site.
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x-spooks · 4 years
Just Right. (Got7 AU) Ep. 3
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We’re skipping back to your POV. You’re getting ready for your performance.
A phone screen was shoved in your face, "Dad wants to talk to you." Gun said with a pleased tone. You glanced to the make-up artist who was hiding the pink in your skin with blueish grey, "One moment please," you asked as you took the phone. He nodded and stepped away to give you a little privacy. "Dad?" You asked politely while taking in your transformation. You looked like you had just stepped out of a warring fairy vs. demon manga. Your navy hair was styled in soft beach waves with random braids through out. It was tugged into a half up, half down situation. The purple circle lens weren't only making your eyes itch. They were freaking you out. Your dad's voice ripped you out of your thoughts. "Inez-Mi," his dad tone gave away everything. 1.) He was livid. 2.) He was about to pull out his I'm-in-charge card. 3.) You were fucked. "You are going to do as I say without complain and without faltering even a step." You looked away from your reflection and up to Gun's satisfied face, annoyed. "It wasn't as horrific as Gun had explained." You offered in your defense. "Do not interrupt me!" He yelled. You narrowed your new creepy eyes on Gun and mouthed I'm going to kill you. He got the messaged and took a half step back. "You will offer your gold cuff while making a promise of protection from yourself and others. You will extend your hand and kiss the palm while bowing deeply to JB." "What!" You leapt out of the make-up chair keeping your eyes fixed on Gun, "No." You snapped in English. "The reverse offering is for a Temple not some prick I already said sorry too." "You will do as you are told." He growled in Hangul. "It is arranged." Click. You briefly glanced at the screen to see if he had really hung up on you. Yep. Your eyes returned to Gun. Tears of rage threatened to ruin your make-up. You looked up to the ceiling while extending your hand with his phone in it. He reached out to grab it but You let it slip from your fingers. The loud hollow crunch of metal and cracking of glass might've made you smile in any other situation. "Was that necessary?" Song-I annoyingly high voice demanded. She walked further into the green room tent in her modern take of the Korean Goddess, Hae-Soo. She gracefully sat herself in a chair. You were about to comment on Song-I existence not being necessary when Gun spoke up, "Nyx's eyes aren't used to her contacts." He knelt and snatched his phone off the floor. He expected it carefully as he rose. "It'll take time." "Like everything else," Song-I huffed. Her honey brown eyes fixed on You. Ignoring her, You finally looked at your reflection. Everything was still in place. You sat back in the chair. The make-up artist came back over to finish his masterpiece. It only took another twenty minutes before he was done. He slid the last layer of black liquid lipstick across your pouters lips. "Try not to smile or bump your lips together until it dries," he advised with a smile. You bowed to him in thanks. "Goddess's don't bow to mere mortals," he joked as he stepped aside so You could see your reflection. You completely forgot what he had told you as you took yourself in. Your mouth dropped open. You were unrecognizable. You looked like one of those gorgeous slightly scary fae warriors. The shire navy/purple fabrics which cuffed your wrists and draped up to your shoulders of your Greek Goddess costume caught the light beautifully. Your costume played with the fine line of feminine and warrior. If Xena and Disneys Hades had a baby, it would look just like you. All the gold accents were silver expect the wide hammered cuff arm bracelet. A crescent moon was engraved in its center. You tilted your head side to side to take it all in. Your smile was so white compared to your skin. You suddenly wished you had snap in fangs. Maybe next time. "Don't forget this." You turned to see Minyoung in her Eopsin costume with Nyx's crown in her gold painted hands. Her red gown and hair pin were far more traditional than Song-I’s Hae-Soo. You bent low at the knees to help Eopsin place the crown on your head. It was less of a laurel wreath and more of a delicate silver tiara with a crescent moon dangling just above the middle of your brows. There were deep sapphires and obsidian placed in all the right places. Once it was clipped in, You rose with a soft smile touching your lips, "Thank you." "Five minutes!" A random staff member called. Your purple gaze glanced around the room, "Sayuri (Venus) and Suelin (Mazu) where are you?" Authority deepened your voice. The two missing goddesses rushed into the tent. They exchanged an odd look with Hea-Soo (Song-I). "Please." You motioned for everyone to come to the middle of the tent. "Even staff." Your black gladiator sandals walked to the center of the forming crowd. You couldn’t help rolling her eyes at Hea-Soo (song-i) and a few staff members who stayed where they were. "I want to thank you all so much for your time and energy. Goddess wouldn't exist without your determination, patience, and kindness. I will not let you down!" You called over the hum of excitement forming in the tent. Hea-soo (song-i) stood saying something under her breath and left. You arched a well manicured navy brow in suspicion. But the excitement of the tent spilled over you. "Fighting!" You wrapped your right arm around Mazu (Suelin) shoulders, who grabbed Venus's (Sayuri), who motioned for Eopsin (Minyoung). Eopsin (minyoung) came through the crowd to the center. She let Venus (sayuri) captured her with one arm while the other caught hold of your waist. You bowed forward, "Thank you." You whispered to your members. "Mazu remember to take a long breath on the second chorus." Mazu nodded. Your eyes moved to Venus, "Don't let Hae-soo steal your light." You tried to be firm, but causal. "She isn't our sun." "Two minutes!" You smiled to Eopsin, "Fighting?" "Fighting." They broke the circle with a loud fighting. You led the way out of the tent. The stylist team tweaked all of your costumes as Goddess approached the stage. Hae-soo fell into line at the last possible second. You narrowed your eyes on her. She was going to have to be put in her place. So Stupid, you thought annoyed.   JYP walked past Goddess with a nod of approval. Everyone bowed deeply. He stopped just in front of you. He took in your revealing costume with greedy eyes, "Ready?" He asked plainly. You rose from your bow and met his eyes, "We shall do our best." "Let's hope so." He commented dryly as he scaled the steps and found his mark on the stage. The spot light followed him to where he was standing, "Hello everyone," he smiled. The buzz of the crowd turned into a roar. You looked to Hae-Soo making sure she hadn't run off again. She was still there. "Oh...the sun is setting." JYP's voice took on an awed tone. What an actor, You thought sarcastically as he continued to introduce them. Eopsin, Hae-soo, Mazu then Venus flowed to the stage with a calmness that only experience offered. They spoke to Temple and the press. The staff ushered you to a platform under the stage that would spring you up and out from the darkest part. You were to land in the middle under a beam of purple light. The sun was just dipping under the Han river when a random staff member cued you. A smile took over your features while you crouched down. The mechanics let loose, jolting you up and out. You landed in a super hero stance a few centimeters from the edge of the stage as if the platform was wired to fling you into the crowd.
The crowd screamed with excitement.
You slowly rose to your full height. The purple beam rushed to light your silhouette. You tried to be un-faze, but your heart was suddenly sputtering from fear. "Who dare summon the Goddess of Night and Mother of the most gruesome Monsters?!" You yelled in Hangul to the crowd and whipped around to your fellow members. Venus was under a pink light and Hae-soo was under yellow. They both flinched back scared while Mazu under white stepped forward, "Sister," she slightly bowed, "we summoned you." The other Goddesses followed suit. "Why?" you growled low into your mic. Eopsin's red beam of light shifted as she rose from her bow with a sad expression, "We need you. We need guidance and protection." She stepped forward. "We lost Hera." Venus offered remembering her line. Venus refused to look at you. You walked towards Hae-Soo and stopped just before your beam of light touched Hers. You cocked your head to the side. "A Goddess of the Sun, of Love, of Wealth, and a Queen of the Heavens."  You looked to all the Goddesses with little interest. You turned to the crowd and slowly strolled to the spot where you were supposed to land. "Shall I aid them?" You asked sincerely. "Do they deserve my protection?" You crouched down towards the crowd whispering into your mic. You looked over your shoulder suspiciously to the Goddesses. Temple was cheering yes. ”They do...?" You asked doubtful. Your eyes moved back to the crowd, "What of my Guidance? Do they deserve it?" Temple screamed yes. "As you wish my Temple." You said reluctantly and with such disdain. The music was cued. The five beams of light shot out to the crowd. They landed on random Temples expect Yours. Yours was bulls eyed on JB’s chest who was of course at the back. Luckily the beams were scattered so it didn't look like yours was too deliberate. The stage lights were switched off. You slowly stood up. The other Goddesses exited the stage the way they had entered. The lights were flicked back to life. To an empty stage besides you. You walked to the edge of the stage and did a front flip off. You landed just in front of the barrier. Temple gasped and awed at your little trick. You hopped over the metal barrier with four body guard in tow. They were dress as monsters with gore prostatic and black cloaks covering their clothes. The crowd gladly parted for you, the other Goddess's and their guards on their way to their randomly picked Temples.
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kanerallels · 4 months
Five facts game for your pirate captain Hera AU please?
Hera's father is a rebel against the Empire on land (their native island, Ryloth) while she took to the seas at a young age. Worked on a couple different ships when she was young but it didn't take long for her to get her own ship and crew. Kanan and Zeb showed up a few years after she got that ship, aka the Ghost!
Kanan is either a selkie, mermaid, or some other kind of magical being (maybe some kind of fae?) who's been cursed to not be able to return home. Instead, he's roaming the high seas in human form, and falls head over heels for Captain Hera Syndulla pretty quickly, as he does in every au
While a lot of what they do is actually smuggling (stealing from the Empire or picking up supplies without the Empire being able to tax them, then giving what they steal to those who need it) they are also actively working against the Empire. Sinking ships, freeing prisoners, and occasionally recruiting from them
Sabine Wren is one of these recruits. After Kanan gets caught by one of the Imperial Navy's ships, he meets Sabine, who's assigned to guard him. And by assigned to guard him, I mean ends up getting adopted by him, and ends up letting him escape, and goes with him. (There's a general misconception among certain members of the Empire that Kanan took her prisoner, and there may be a certain captain from the desert nation of Axxila who's fairly concerned for her. But this gets corrected quickly enough)
On one of their missions, they stop in the port of Lothal, and Zeb tangles with a local street urchin after the kid robs Zeb. Two days after they leave port, the same street urchin turns up stowed away on their ship. Their plan is to return Ezra Bridger to Lothal when they stop by three months later. But by the time a week has passed, it's clear that this kid's not going anywhere
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callunavulgari · 4 years
Yuletide Letter | 2020 edition
Dear Yuletide author,
Hi there! First, I’d like to apologize for the fact that parts of this is almost entirely copy/pasted from last year’s yuletide letter. I’m aware you probably had no idea, but I’m gonna feel weird about it unless I say something. Secondly, thanks so much for telling me a story! My most sincere wish is that you have fun writing this. I trust that I’ll love whatever you come up with. :) 
The Locked Tomb trilogy, Wolf 359, Rolling in the Deep, Stormlight Archive, Spirited Away, Modao Zushi.
Over all, I’m pretty sure I’ll be pretty happy with whatever you decide to throw at me. I’m not particularly picky, and enjoy a variety of ratings, themes, and genres. I have a list of over 2000 bookmarks on Ao3, which I would like to say might help you find the things that I like, but odds are you’d just get stuck in it.
General flavors on things: I really love atmospheric settings, stories that you can really feel. A great example of this is A Cornstalk Fiddle. Or wild peaches. I enjoy alternate universes in almost every variation, from soulmates to daemons to canon divergence (I really like canon divergence). I’m super fond of slow burns, though it’ll be hard to convey that in a yuletide fic unless you’re REALLY inspired and/or bored and decide to make it 20k+. 
Other things I like:
sun/moon trope
enemies to lovers
AUs that are almost entirely canon except one of the characters is secretly some kind of creature (vampire, demon, selkie, etc)
magical realism
post-canon fic
found families
I do tend to prefer a fic to have some kind of ship to it, but that’s definitely not required. I am fully on board with explicit fics, but do ask that if there is smut, it’s not just smut. I like how introducing sex to a story changes various character dynamics, and I really, really like the sexually/emotionally charged lead up, but when it really comes down to it, I’m reading the story for the characters.
Dubious consent is usually okay, but varies based on the circumstances and the pairing. My anon box will be on for the duration of the holiday season, so if you feel the urge, just ask me.
Most hard kinks. Again, it varies, and you can ask me, but I’m not particularly interested in any hard smut for the above fandoms.
Mpreg and/or omegaverse
And then more specific info on the fandoms below the cut because this is already long.
The Locked Tomb trilogy
This series has basically wedged itself right up under my ribcage and made itself at home. I’m okay with a variety of the characters in the tag set, but I mostly would love to see a story centering around either Harrow and Gideon or Augustine, John, and Mercymorn. I am super, super weak for enemies to lovers AND all things yearning and tragic it’s really no surprise I seized onto both of these. I would love a fic exploring the relationship between the above three (the more pining and tragic, the better). But like, that fic would also probably delve into some dubious consent, which again. Is fine to a point. But I mean? Two characters who are torn between loving the third and hating him (and at least slightly torn between two different feelings with each other? Poetic cinema.
If you go the Harrow & Gideon route, I’m actually kind of interested in the idea of an AU that still keeps the necromancy? I mean, necromancers in space is a great concept and I LOVE it, but I also love the idea of necromancers who work in a flower shop! Or a morgue! Or who have a shitty kiosk job at the mall and keeps raising rabid undead squirrels and setting them loose in the food court for fun.
Wolf 359
This podcast. Haunts me. It has basically ruined me for all other podcasts. I adore all of the characters, so you can feel free to write about whoever you want. Favorites are Eiffel, Jacobi, and Hera, so if you throw something at me that has the three of them interacting I could probably die happy. I’m good with gen fic, but I’m also a fan of Jacobi/Kepler, Eiffel/Jacobi, Hera/Eiffel, and would honestly probably fully embrace any other ship you could possibly throw at me.
I like the idea of Hera getting a body after the series. I like the idea of Eiffel finding himself again. I like the idea of Jacobi finding a new family (cough, Hera and Eiffel). I like the idea of Jacobi and Hera becoming best buds. I like the idea of Jacobi working through his grief over Maxwell and Kepler. I like the idea of Hera learning how to be herself in a big wide world that isn’t entirely on her side. I like the idea of every single member of the crew who touches back down on earth learning how to be people afterwards. I like the idea of Minkowski and Lovelace getting closer, especially if Minkowski’s husband is a part of that dynamic.
I just really like found family and people holding each other up when the going gets tough, and this podcast has that in spades. Also? Have you listened to Zero Hours? Because if you want to introduce some of that dynamic I would be forever in love.
Rolling in the Deep 
I honestly wasn’t sure whether to include this one in my list of wants or not, but ultimately decided on it because I think that anything you wrote for it I would be happy about. I’ve left the character section blank because I’d be okay with whoever you wrote about. This is one of those books where I don’t have many shippy feelings, but love the concept. Though, if you want to write about the mermaid they brought back with them and ANY of the characters, I would be particularly cool with that. 
I just really liked this book a lot, so yeah. Anything. Bonus points for post canon. Bonus bonus points for mermaids.
Stormlight Archive
Kaladin/Shallan/Adolin. I know Sanderson said that thing about how Adolin and Shallan would be down for it, but Kaladin would balk and just - listen to me: forget all that. My default reaction to love triangles is usually to happily ship them in a poly setting and these three are no exception. 
You want to write me an AU? Sure! Throw it at me! Canon and/or canon-divergence? Even better! Daemons? Yes, please. 
Alternatively, if you’re not really crazy about poly, I would be okay with something exploring the relationship between Shallan and Jasnah. I really adore Jasnah’s character and wish we had more of her headspace. 
Spirited Away
Spirited Away is my ultimate comfort movie. It is my go-to when I’m sad or sick or upset, and let’s be real here. It’s been a particularly upsetting year. And I would really love post-canon content with either Chihiru, Haku, or both. 
I would love fic where they find each other again. Where they keep finding each other. Where Chihiru walks from her new house down through the forest and just, stares at the entrance for a while. Where Chihiru is haunted by that place through the years, where she both yearns for it and marvels at how like a dream it felt. Where it’s changed her fundamentally, like walking into the fae realm. Where she meets spirits in strange places and speaks to them, only to realize no one else can see them. A fic where Chihiru is twelve, and then fifteen, and then twenty-three, and then even older, and is still just so taken by that place she disappeared to when she was a child and the people she found there.
Above I mentioned wild peaches as an example of a story that I really like, which is a fic of Sarah in the aftermath of the Labyrinth. That is almost precisely the feeling I’ve been craving from a Spirited Away fic, basically since I first watched the movie.
Modao Zushi
I’m weak for Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. That is basically all it comes down to. The yearning. The rivals (kind of?) to friends to enemies to friends to lovers concept in this had me really messed up, let me tell you. I am particularly weak for Wei Wuxian as the Yiling Patriarch. That could tread close to the dubious consent line if you want it to, or it could not. Don’t worry about it. As long as it’s not non-con, I will happily accept whatever you have to offer.
I am also pretty okay with basically any AU for this. Not really picky. I will say though that I am particularly enamored with the idea of a dancer and/or composer/musician AU for this one. I’ve written about it twice and it still hasn’t scratched the itch. I just really want them to dance with each other. 
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
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hur hur hur what do you know I drew stuff for the faerie au because I’m weak
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kbirbpods · 1 year
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Click below for my "dear podficcer," letter for Summer Swap 2023!
Dear Podficcer,
It's me, Kaje, I'm the problem I'm kbirb pods!
Things I like, regardless of fandom:
THEMES: trans/nobinary characters (extra points for neopronouns); gender exploration in general; found family (genfic or otherwise); angst with a happy ending; polyamory; good asexual or aromantic representation
TROPES: fix-it fics!! extra points for time travel or time loops in fix its; fake dating/marriage; mutual pining; soulmates (AU or just clearly soulmates); crack treated seriously; rivals-to-friends/lovers; oops only one bed
AUs: soulmates soulmates soulmates; regency era (or any different era); modern AU; crossovers, provided i know the other fandom or the fic doesn't require knowledge of the other fandom!; college/sport AU; fantasy/fae AUs
PODFIC SPECIFIC: anything epistolary (texting/chat fics especially but letters and such are also fun to explore); including music / SFX if you're comfortable; including bloopers if you have them/are comfortable exposing them
RATINGS: Contrary to popular belief I do not hate explicit fics so really any rating but I generally prefer G-M I guess
Do Not Wants (triggers, squicks, please no):
major archive warnings (major character death is okay so long as it's temporary and resolved); unhappy endings; I really don't like pregnancy, which includes MPREG (I like a/b/o dynamics minus that aspect) - kidfic is cool I just don't want pregnancy as a theme & especially not graphic depictions of it; suicide/self-harm "on screen" (mentions of past suicidal ideation/self harm are fine if not a flashback/graphic); non-/dub-con or any depictions of rape (once again, recovery is okay if done well); adult/minor relationships or relationships with unaddressed/starkly imbalanced power dynamics; any sort of poorly depicted mental health tropes (no BPD or other personality disorder bashing, no institutionalization, no "split personality" as a trope) - i really like explorations of PTSD/trauma but it has to be handled with fidelity and gentleness
Main Fandoms I Would Love to Receive:
Star Wars: I love so much Star Wars that to split them like I did on AO3 would make this post too long. I think it's easiest to say this: I prefer Clone Wars, Rebels, anything about Jon Antilles, and anything Ahsoka Tano.
My main ships are: Cody/Obi-Wan, Kallus/Zeb, Hevy/anyone (consensual), Finn/Poe or Finn/Poe/Rey, blackkat rarepairs (mainly Jon Antilles/anyone), Jon Antilles & Fay (platonic), Waxer/Boil, Fives/Echo, Kanan/Hera, and Quinlan/Fox My favorite characters are: Hevy, Fox, Ahsoka, Leia, Poe, Fives, Luke, Jon Antilles, Fay (Legends) My favorite themes/tropes are: force sensitive clones, trans!clones, force sensitive Leia, modern AUs, Domino Squad lives
Ted Lasso: My current hyperfixation! My favorite ships are Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley, and Jamie/Dani. Ted & Rebecca as platonic soulmates/besties in general. I love explorations of how much Dr. Jacob sucks and fix-its for the ending!
Batfam/DC: I can be picky and yet not? Basically, I just prefer no inner-Batfam fics of the boys because I truly view them as brothers. My favorite ships are Jason Todd/Roy Harper, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Harley/Ivy, Tim Drake/Kon, and Wally/Artemis from Young Justice. This is the fandom that I specifically am obsessed with found family in. I love exploring Alfred being the boys Grandpa and Bruce's complex dadhood.
The Locked Tomb: dying waiting for Alecto news..... I'm definitely Gideon/Harrow on main; I really like fics where one or both of them are trans/nonbinary. Nona is my favorite character so explorations of her found family (the household or the friends or all of them) are important to me. Cam/Pal is important to me. I love modern AUs a lot.
Additional Fandoms I Love:
Teen Wolf: I'm basic and therefore Sterek on main! But I also really love Scisaac and never get enough content for them. Boyd/Erica is always so good. Scott/Isaac/Allison and Scott/Allison hold a special place in my heart, too. I'll never say no to Lydia/Allison or Lydia/Kira either. Found family is incredible for this fandom, too, especially Mama McCall adopting any of the pack! Magic!Stiles is my shit and I love explorations of the Hale family being alive. Genfic is wonderful.
Our Flag Means Death: Obviously Blackbeard/Stede is a big deal and I ship it forever. But my heart belongs to Jim/Olu and any explorations of Jim's gender identity! Pining Izzy Hands makes me weak, as long as he's not being abusive towards Edward or Stede.
All for the Game: My two main pairs are Jean/Jeremy and Allison/Renee but of course Andrew/Neil is always a yes. Andrew/Neil/Kevin is my weakness. My favorite friendships to explore are Renee & Andrew, Renee & Jean, Allison & Neil, and Renee & Neil. (Can you tell who my fave is). I like any fics exploring any of the Fox friendships, though!
The Old Guard: I really like fics that explore the gang's experiences in other time periods. Andy/Quynh is my OTP along with Joe/Nicky so any fics about them. Nile/Quynh is my favorite rarepair in the fandom. I like fics that look at Andy & Booker's friendship and why they're definitely platonic soulmates.
I selected a few other fandoms like First Kill; The Adventure Zone; Red, White and Royal Blue; Good Omens; The Tarot Sequence; and Sandman. I didn't talk much about them because I'm basically just into the main ships for them (Juliette/Cal for FK, Taako/Kravitz for TAZ, Aubrey/Dani for TAZ, Alex/Henry for RWRB, Crowley/Az for GO, Rune/Addam or Rune/Addam/Brand for TTS, Hob/Dream for Sandman). For Teen Wolf and First Kill I don't like Mature/Explicit fics unless they're adults in it. My favorite TAZ eras are Balance and Amnesty.
Fandoms/Ships I Will Create Content For:
Anything I listed above with any of the caveats! This would get really long if I repeated those again. THAT BEING SAID: I will create content for those fandoms even if it's not one of my listed ships.
However I will not create podfic for the following ships: STAR WARS: Rey/Kylo, Leia/Luke, Rex/Ahsoka, any Master/Padawan relationship, or Palpatine/Anakin. BATFAM: inner!Batboys as mentioned TED LASSO: Ted/Jamie (love Ted & Jamie tho) AFTG: Andrew/Aaron SANDMAN: Dream/any of his siblings
Other fandoms I will create content for:
ATLA: Zuko/Sokka, found family Star Trek: Spock/Kirk, Spock/Kirk/Bones, Kirk/Bones Leverage: OT3 is Hardison/Parker/Eliot LOTR / The Hobbit: Gimli/Legolas, Eowyn/Faramir, Boromir/being alive, Bilbo/Thorin. I like anything just exploring the lore and history of the universe and its cultures Venom: Venom/Eddie(/Annie/Dan) The Witcher: Yen/Jaskier/Geralt, Jaskir/Geralt, Geralt/Triss, Yen/Triss Sense8: anything I can find! it's small but there's nothing I won't do in this fandom, honestly... Trigun: Vash/Wolfwood (the only thing I know about it) Marvel/MCU: Steve/Bucky, Clint/Bucky, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, and Spideypool (as long as they're both adults). WITH A LOT OF CAVEATS... Harry Potter. I will only podfic trans-centric Tonks who does not get with Remus or Wolfstar with a happy ending.
Love, Kaje / kbirb
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This is something that I just came up with and wrote for the Fae AU, but honestly I’m absolutely going with this for canon too:
On his birth certificate, a forgery, his mother’s name they made up entirely. Dhurke named her Hera, because he always thought he was funny. 
Dhurke, upon discovering Jove’s real name: “Son of a bitch we almost had it, but we went Greek instead of Roman for the wrong parent!”
Datz: “Well now we know exactly the hell why someone would name their kid ‘Apollo’. ....was Hera even Apollo’s myth-mom or was Zeus fucking around again?”
Dhurke: “I don’t know or care and you should’ve asked that 20 years ago.”
Datz: “Yeah probably but we were already deep into making shit up so what’s one more mistake on that poor kiddo’s fake certificate”
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List of AUs/Verses
A comprehensive list for those who want to know. I haven’t made single posts for them all, but, most of the are on my verses page.
Young Hera/Titanomachy/Pre-marriage
Ancient Greece
Royal Family AU (Kronus never ate them)
High School
Trials of Apollo/Mortal Hera
Star Wars
Harry Potter (Hogwarts)
Harry Potter (Adult)
The Magicians
Band/Rocker/The Wicked and the Divine
Usurper (Hera’s coup worked and she is the King)
Regency/Pride and Prejudice
Wolf’s Rain
Assassin (NOT modern, fantasy/historical based)
Once Upon a Time
American Gods
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bijoumikhawal · 7 years
Fantasy au: Plant Oriented Creature Hilbert vs Water Oriented Creature Hilbert Fire Oriented Creature Eiffel vs Normal Human Caught Up In Hijinks Eiffel Normal Human Caught Up In Hijinks Minkowski vs Earth Oriented Creature Minkowski Changeling Lovelace vs Straight Up Fae Lovelace Air Spirit Hera vs Ghost Hera
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