#upstate ny best places
Top 10 Must-Visit Destinations in New York State for Your Next Trip | MojoTravels Places to Visit in New York
Top 10 Must-Visit Destinations in New York State for Your Next Trip | MojoTravels Places to Visit in New York
Top 10 Must-Visit Destinations in New York State for Your Next Trip | MojoTravels #NewYork Places to Visit in New York #placestovisitinnewyork #travel #newyork #placestovisit Watch the Top 10 Must-Visit Destinations in New York State for Your Next Trip | MojoTravels video till the end. 150421 Views – 2313 Likes. You also like and comment. This video will give you an idea about the subject you…
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klarion-the-witch-boy · 10 months
Reader's Digest: 2023's nicest place to live, in America, is Buffalo, NY!
Every NYer I've Talked To So Far: lmao surely that is a joke??
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noangeleither · 11 months
think i finally figured out sydney’s age using real evidence and not just vibes and voices in my head. and it’s crazy bc i guessed sydney was 26/27. and I wasn’t that far.
Sydney earned her culinary arts degree at CIA located in upstate NY. Apparently, it takes less than two years to earn that degree. Assuming she graduated high school at 17/18, this would put her at about 19/20 when she graduates and also when she goes to NYC for a food tour.
i got to this conclusion trying to make a timeline for carmys career (which made my head hurt). We know Carmy is 28-30 bc he’s the same age as claire a doctor who’s in her residency and that’s usually the age at which you start. I was confused about how long he spent at EMP. Fishes takes place about five years before s2 , and carmy is said to be in Copenhagen working at NOMA, putting him at 24/25 in this episode.
His cousin Michelle offered for him to come to NYC. So assuming he made the change in the following year that would mean he was at EMP for about 4 years until he has to go back to chicago after his brother dies.
I still dont know where the french laundry or any other of the places or cities carmy has worked at fit into this timeline. I know he leaves his house after high school and doesn't go to college or culinary school i believe so I wonder how he got his start, to be featured in food and wine at 21 and also work at the best restaurant in the world by the time he's 24....insane. i hope we get a clearer picture in upcoming seasons.
back to syd....
So we know about 4/5 years before the start of the story, Sydney and Carmy are in NYC. Sydney is 19/20 and Carmy is 24/25. They have about a 5 year age gap. Therefore Sydney currently is 24/25, possibly 26. And I only say 26 because i cant believe she worked at so many places (including Michelin star restaurants), drove for UPS (or was that when she was at school? after?), started a business, and then had that business fail all in the span of 4 years. crazy. my girl needs a hug
also makes me wonder how far removed she is from Sheridan Road? like when she applies to be a sous chef at the Beef was this something that happened a couple months before? a year?
all things will be clearer with future episodes i guess.
i just find their lives before they met extremly intresting and love how intertwined they are 5 years before they even laid eyes on one another. fated fr
i want a flashback episode of sydney herself but i also think a flashback episode of the day sydney went to EMP would be cool too. Like dual POV we see Carmy being miserable, Sydney becoming inspired. also would be cool if they really played into the fated aspect. have them cross paths without ever meeting. like have Carmy get on the subway the same time sydney leaves it to get off at a stop (SCREAM).
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bloodandhedonism · 2 months
Rochester, New York (and other upstate NY cities in general) : Feels generic, but perhaps not necessarily in a bad way in this case. A resident said it's rare to see and live a place where kids still play in the front yard these days, so take as you will. New York, New York: What you'd expect these days. Allentown, Pennsylvania: Lots of industrial traffic as you'd expect, but cute town and good people. I made multiple and different kinds of friends here, which I consider very good for this sort of thing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Homey. Don't go too far west, though or you'll run into Pennsylvanians. Remember James Carville! Baltimore, Maryland: Cutesy, gives vibes of home. Funny to see products from businesses by people I grew up with in places there. Washington, DC: It really does try to be a commercial with everyone perfectly chosen from central casting. Bad vibes, avoid, avoid. Get out if you live there. Imperial capital though, what does one expect. Norfolk, Virginia: Military city as you'd expect, and by far the most "Southern" feeling city in this list. Interesting contrast between the attempted beachiness and the dominating military stuff. St. Augustine, Florida: The best city in Florida by far, but losing its soul over the years and I'm very worried. Flagler College students will be window dressing for the upscale middle-aged tourists coming there. Tampa, Florida: Genuinely horrible. Worst city on this list, one huge slum posing as a 'regular' city. Unfriendly people. Telling every other billboard is for a lawyer promising to get you big money. Bad sign of the future. Orlando, Florida: Better than Tampa I suppose, but leaning way too hard into being Red State America's family vacation Mecca, which will lead to issues for it in the future. This city isn't for me. Denver, Colorado: People there like me, at least one person recognized my face from before, and mountains are cool. Las Vegas, Nevada: Very middlebrow, which I don't say as a compliment. Seeing middle aged people in cosplay out in public in non-convention contexts was embarrassing. Only interesting bit was seeing where Balrog's Street Fighter II stage was IRL. Reykjavik, Iceland: Neat place. Felt like the USA but cold and barren, of course. Icelandics are a unique people, and a small part of me almost wants to classify Iceland with North America than Europe since the society just feels different from regular Europe. I always thought it was worth noting the tectonic plate cleaves through the island. London, England: Honest with itself in that it's big, very big, and touristy too, which for said honesty reasons I respect it. I liked it. British people really are the Americans of Europe. I shouldn't, but I like the UK. I will visit the midlands soon, so I hope to see a fun contrast. Brussels, Belgium: Also an honest city, in this case in that it's a transnational confederal capital for a lot of places. Mons, Belgium: Lovely. Friendly and great people. Taking the train to it and seeing the scenes of rural life reminded me of the countryside I'd see back home. Paris, France: Genuinely lovely, and my favorite city of this list. More cities should be like Paris. I didn't see or deal with any of the bad stuff I heard about it. Friendly people. I need to go back here. Frankfurt, Germany: Definitely generic. Lisbon, Portugal: Touristy because it's warm and honest with itself about it in that case, which is also fine. I like warm weather so I liked Lisbon. Warsaw, Poland: Likable. Quite a nice city, and Poles are a very welcoming people. (Be proud of your country, @aomitois.) A friendliness emanated from the city which I liked. Has an optimism which I find intriguing. Budapest, Hungary: Strangely, I was reminded most of Salisbury, Maryland with this one: there was an odd familiarity driving and walking through the city. Like with Warsaw, it's legitimately trying hard, but that makes sense for Eastern Europe in this era.
I'm sure there's more cities that can go on here, probably a lot more, but this is off the top of my head and the entry is big enough as is. COMING SOON: The Middle East and East Asia! Maybe Latin America. Africa is more likely than Australia. Watch as I wind up in Antarctica for some dumb reason.
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46ten · 5 months
What did the Hamiltons usually do in the summers? Did they take vacations? EH used to travel to Albany with the children but after 1792 she did not leave AH alone again. Did she continue traveling to Albany but taking AH with her, or did they have other plans for the summer?
way too long DNR summary: they didn't really take vacations in the summer, or at other times of the year. At no time did Eliza, in particular, go and visit her parents on some regular schedule.
I think AH spent more time with his wife's parents in Albany during their married life than she did! AH is more frequently going up there because he has to be at court (NY Supreme Court in session in Jan, Apr, July, and Oct, and Court of Errors in session right after, as far as I can recall) or a matter he's dealing with is in arbitration, or some such - she often doesn't go with him, though.
I think Eliza was a lot more independent and assertive and knew how she wanted things than is acknowledged - I don't think these were traits that suddenly appeared after AH died. She grew up without her father around for chunks of time (why don't we ever discuss that bit of bonding about somewhat absent fathers that she and AH could have had), and then in the chaos of the AmRev, while still a teenager, she's trusted at times to run the households while her father is away general-ing and/or having to do political stuff elsewhere, and her mother is managing their other properties -her parents were likely in Saratoga and she was managing things at the Pastures right before she got married in late fall 1780. Once she finally got to establish her own household, I don't think she loved going back to stay with them and having to fall in line with how her parents wanted the household to work - that's entirely my speculation though. Maybe she secretly hated them, maybe she had some trauma/stress around being in Albany and Saratoga from her childhood, when that was considered the frontier, or from her war experiences, maybe she just didn't want to have to manage the packing and moving of servants that was also necessary or have the funds to make it sensible, maybe the arrangements she had with her servants made it difficult to agree to travel (there was a shortage of "good labor" in the cities), maybe she enjoyed her thriving social life elsewhere and hated being back in Albany and hearing "the Dutch bell," as Angelica C. jokes about.
To the actual question! If you want a detailed report, @runawayforthesummer is probably the best person to ask, as she developed a timeline of the locations of all the various family members based not only on publicly available documents but on Schuyler family letters and other documents that required on the ground research. Below is just my rough summary of what I can remember - parts may be wrong, but I think it's generally okay.
Summer of 1781: he goes off with the military, ultimately to VA
Summer of 1782: still on her parents' property in Albany with baby Philip
Summer of 1783: the same, though he's traveling a bit more.
Summer of 1784: living in NYC, she stays there while he briefly travels (she gives birth to Angelica H. in September)
Summers of 1785-88: mostly in NYC (with two more bio kids added to the family, and Fanny added in 1787), although now we know she went to Philadelphia in June 1787 around the time AH gave a speech at the Constitutional Convention. (It had been assumed she spent the summer in NYC, as AH was known to be back there briefly in July, and James A. H. was born in April 1788, so easy to deduce that she must have been in NYC, too.)
Point to note here and for the next 15 years or so: just because the Hamiltons weren't traveling back and forth to Albany doesn't mean that family members from upstate NY were stuck in place. Peggy and hubby Stephen van Rensselaer stay with them, Eliza's brother is sent to live with them by Philip S because he thinks their good example will rub off on his wayward son, Eliza's youngest sisters Cornelia and Kitty/Caty (little Catharine b 1781) also live with them at various times, and Philip S. and Catharine are fairly frequently visiting when Phil S. isn't too sick to travel (and since Philip S spends two years as a U.S. Sen, they're also sometimes living in the same city as the Hamiltons anyway).
Summer of 1789: this is an interesting year, because Angelica Church returns back to NY for the first time in nearly six years; she just barely misses the inauguration in April. And then Angelica actually spends most of her time in upstate NY - contra one particular Hamilton biographer who alleges (based on nothing) that Eliza spent most of her time that year in Albany while AH and Angelica were having a torrid affair in NYC. The interesting part? If Eliza went up to Albany at all while Angelica was there, she didn't spend tons of time there. Phiiip S. requests in May that everyone goes up as he wants his whole family together- someone else probably knows whether they actually did. Eliza and the kids also may have gone to Albany in Nov 1789 after Angelica has leftl; AH is too busy with work to go.
Summer of 1790: she and the kids go to Albany. But she just goes up in September and is likely back within three weeks - the plan was that AH was also going to join them, but then he's too busy with work.
Summer of 1791: back in Albany for Eliza and the kids, this time to get away from hot Philadelphia, but actually only gone the last week of July to beginning of September, and he makes a brief trip to NJ during that time, too. But she and AH also took a trip "to the country" together for two weeks in May, sans kids - he doesn't even send any letters during that time.
December of 1791: Philip H. starts boarding school - I point this out not only because both his parents escorted him to boarding school (taking a mini-trip themselves), but because the patterns of the older boys' schooling - usually in school at least through July - from here on out would have prevented summer trekking to Albany, anyway.
Summer of 1792: the Hamiltons remain in Philadelphia, where Eliza gives birth to John Church H in August.
Summer of 1793: YELLOW FEVER REACHES PHILADELPHIA! They stay in Philadelphia but rent a house outside the city. The children are eventually sent up to Albany, and Eliza and AH end up there, too, for a couple of months after Edward Stevens nurses them back for health. EH and AH return to Philadelphia together, and then AH probably had to send a threatening letter to his father-in-law to return his kids. (Philip S. had written that AH was clearly still too sick to have proper judgment on whether the kids could return.)
Point to note here: just because AH and EH are in their usual residential spot doesn't mean that all of their kids are there with them. At various times over the years, and in varying combinations, the kids get brought up by a relative or left by their parents in Albany - Eliza's married siblings are in upstate NY so they have first cousins and a ton of other relatives; their grandparents or Aunt Peggy take over their tutoring and other instruction, etc. They get returned when another relative is traveling back to Philly/NYC.
Summer of 1794: it doesn't seem like anyone planned to go to Albany, but JCH gets sick and Eliza is pregnant, and they try a brief excursion away from hot Philly but JCH doesn't get better, so in late July, AH escorts both of them (likely with James A. H.) up to Albany and then rushes back down and Angelica H stays with him, while Phil and Alex eventually go back to school in Trenton. And then they have an awful couple of months, because although JCH recovers, AH leaves to deal with the "insurrection" in October and pretty much all the Hamilton kids get sick while he's away. Eliza has to go get the oldest boys from school. AH, who was always recommending medical treatments and played a big part in nursing the family when anyone got sick isn't around (the old thing of him intending to become a medical doctor when he left St. Croix). It largely all falls to Eliza and her parents and maybe a few siblings come down to help her out, and then she gets sick too (or is just so exhausted) - Edward Stevens helps take care of her - and she loses the baby. AH gets home and sends his resignation letter to GW and accepts the guilt of being the reason Eliza was ill.
Late winter/early spring 1795: the above led to the longest "vacation" they probably every took - after his resignation is official on Jan 31, the Hamiltons leave Philly on Feb 17 and travel to upstate NY via NYC, arriving in March, and stay there all the way until June. They make some mini excursions, but it looks like a deliberate downtime after an exhausting 6 years and super rough eight months. It also gives AH time to evaluate how poor (relative to others in their social class) they are due to his time in the admin. And then they settle into life back in NYC and AH's return to his law practice (and interference in any number of other political happenings).
Summer of 1795: YELLOW FEVER REACHES NYC! And they stay in the city, to Philip S's great panic for this and every subsequent NYC summer prior to the Grange. AH has Jay Treaty stuff, running the Washington admin from a distance, and establishing his law office to deal with. And they host Talleyrand. They also now have four (?) non-bio kids living with them.
Summer of 1796: Still in the city! The older boys are in school; AH goes up in October.
Summer of 1797: Yep, still there! The Churches return from Europe in May (and subsequently, Angelica C. spends way more time in Albany than it seems Eliza ever does). They have the whole Callendar/Reynolds/Monroe debacle to spice things up; Eliza gives birth to William in August. Most interesting - Philip S. was very ill in April 1797 - they thought he was going to die. Eliza doesn't go to Albany to visit him immediately, even though AH is there! At least Cornelia is with her, so they were bad daughters together; they may have gone briefly after he recovered. AH is absent again when Phil H. gets extremely sick in the fall.
Summer of 1798: Ah, Eliza finally goes back to Albany again without AH! And she's super unhappy about it or she and AH had some big fight before she left, based on AH's and Angelica C's letters to her. She takes baby William with her - Angelica H. might already be up there - but the older boys stay in the city with AH, and Angelica C., Peggy, AND Cornelia are in the city keeping an eye on him anyway (and likely helping with the kids). Eliza doesn't even stay three weeks before going back home (even though it seems AH thought she might stay away longer, maybe in retaliation or something). They rent a house outside the city with the Churches to get away from the yellow fever outbreak.
1798 is also the year when AH starts to complain A LOT in his letters about having to travel and any separations - he always expressed sadness about it and his anxiety increased the longer they were apart, but in this year and onwards it really carries a "this sucks and I hate it and I cannot do it much longer, I need the comfort of my family all the time" tone - even Angelica C. notes his unhappiness about separations and that anything that seems to affect Eliza or the children in his absence really drags him down.
Summer of 1799: still in NYC! Eliza's also pregnant and gives birth to a real Eliza in Nov.
And nothing much changed for the remaining summers, except adding the Grange as a place they could go, which was entirely the point . AH is in Albany for business/court and stays longer to be there when Peggy dies in 1801; Eliza does not go up. Philip H's death in Nov 1801 leads to an invitation from Phil S that they come to visit, which it seems that they do in January 1802 and then return to NY - Eliza is pregnant and there are frequent concerns that she's going to lose that baby (whether because she's actually ill or so grief-stricken) and AH does not respond to condolences until March, but Lil Phil is born healthy in June 1802. Eliza goes up solo after her mother dies in spring 1803 to comfort her father but doesn't spend much time there. The Hamiltons go into a pattern, esp in the warmer months, of Eliza staying up at the Grange with Angelica H. and the youngest children and AH staying in the city with the oldest boys during the week and coming up to the Grange on the weekends, a separation that Eliza would describe as a "sacrifice" they made so that their kids would always have a parent with them. (Beyond first Philip H's death, there were concerns that NYC was becoming increasingly dangerous.)
Apologies for errors - I am largely working on memory and have not confirmed all details above, but there are better sources for that.
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sweetjulyofmine · 5 months
Hayy🌸🌸 you’re so beautiful + you&your bf are such a cute couple. Would you mind sharing how you two met? I’m an intrinsically nosy person lol
Hi :3 I am on my laptop so that I can focus on writing an adequate response because I am also an intrinsically nosy person and am almost always hyper curious about relationships I see online or in person (very obsessed with the guy on tiktok who posts videos about people's meet cute stories.) I also love love and have waited forever to feel this way about someone.. My story starts in August 2022, I (living in new york) was about to be in North Carolina to visit my best friend Piper and my boyfriend (colin) was here with his .... then partner now *ex visiting our mutual best friend Natasha (who lives in new york.) Natasha had suggested that Colin and I become mutuals on instagram because we are both fine artists and our work had similar visual cues and we found inspiration from the same photographers. Our paths didn't cross then as I flew down south for some much needed southern summer time and he got a small taste of NY. Even from his vague internet presence, I always had a tiny feeling that lurked (hidden deeeeeep deep inside of me) and told me that he would be the one. A few months go by and I grow secretly fond of Colin and his photographs online (not sure if he felt the same way but I should ask him to write up his version of this story.) In January 2023, Natasha is flying back to her hometown (in the bay area) for our uni winter break and invites me to tag along. This was super exciting to me not only because I had never really been to California (let alone the bay) and I also had an ex there that I was planning on seeing (haha.) I then meet Colin again (who was on his uni break and also visiting his hometown) and in short hangouts begin to develop a small crush on him. I have a hard rule about not falling for someone in a relationship, but I had learned that in his last relationship he was open and while I would never think to try anything, I let myself have hesitant feelings. We went to the SF MOMA during my trip, really only on a platonic excursion, though we both admit now that it felt like a date and our chemistry even back then in those circumstances was most definitely real. The funny part of this story is that after we went to the museum, I had him drop me off at my ex's place (lol.) I fly back to new york with Natasha and from time to time I begin to text Colin. Sometimes it was brief about an artist we had a shared liking for, music we were listening to (he has perfect taste,) or book recommendations. One night we text until 7 am my time (4am his time, he went to uni in portland,) and it was really then that I knew that he had the exact characteristics and soul that I could fall madly in love with. Some more time passes, he's living across the country and still in a long distance open relationship and I'm in another situationship that wasn't developing anywhere. Him and his ex part ways and I am sporadically going on random dates. Speaking of this time of my dating fiascos, I went on a date with someone to a museum upstate and ended up buying a postcard with the intention of sending it to Colin. That begins our real love affair! We start sending snail mail nonstop and I hint to him that I will be back in California, where he would return to after graduating uni that spring. August 2023 I am in LA with my friends and he tells me that he's been thinking about visiting his grandma who lives in southern california. To sweeten the deal I tell him about the book fair that printed matter is hosting in LA, and that if he comes down, we should go together. He (obviously) drives down and the morning of the book fair, he picks me up from my friend's place and we spend the day together. The date actually didn't end for almost 36 hours since he ends up staying the night and we spend the rest of the next day together. Before he drives back up to the bay, we spend one more day together and it was genuinely the happiest I've ever felt. I fly back to New York and he goes on a family trip to Japan and our feelings for each other sort of blossom and we end up writing emails to each other back and forth every day.
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doulayogimama · 8 months
Considering that we didn’t get on a plane for 3 years (July 2020 was our last flight before I got pregnant - June 2023) I kinda cannot believe the amount of trips we’ve taken since we sold our condo.
Miami - NYC (Oct 2023)
NYC - Mexico (end of Oct 2023 for 3 weeks)
Mexico - Miami (Nov)
Miami - NYC (end of Nov)
NYC - London (December 12)
London - Amsterdam (Dec 13)
Amsterdam - Brussels (Dec 24)
Brussels - Porto (Dec 28)
Porto - Lisbon (Took a train early Jan)
Lisbon - Malaga (early Jan)
On Monday, we take a train to Barcelona
Then 1 month from Monday, we fly to Miami to stay with my family for 1 month
Kevin has been talking about the full eclipse for almost a year, and his cousins live in Cleveland (one of the only places that will have a full view) so from Miami we fly to Cleveland to stay with them for 1 week to catch the eclipse on 4/8). They’ve been asking us to visit them for years, so this worked out perfectly.
After Cleveland, back to NY. We plan to rent a place upstate for a couple weeks to skip Pesach (with all due respect, I will always try to skip that holiday; it’s so effing difficult and my husband will not listen to the stuff about Egypt so we just always skip out awkwardly and go to bed while people pray into the night).
During those couple weeks, we will drive around to scope out more plots of land for our Meditation Center.
It is INSANE to me that we’ve managed to do all of this. Grateful for the privilege but also to my rockstar of a 2yo. With any other kid, I’m sure this would’ve been nearly impossible. I can’t imagine getting this lucky next time with such a resilient + easygoing toddler. This is not to say we haven’t had our days of frustration (we def have) but for a 2yo???? She’s simply incredible. The best travel buddy ever 🤍
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magxit · 9 months
Every time Taylor has tried to move to NY in the past decade she has had to change up her plans because of a man. In 2016-2017 it was understandable that she needed to move away so London was the best option, but she likely wanted to move back at some point and Joe didn’t want to. Now people are expecting her to move to fucking Missouri for a man and it’s not going to happen. She’s a city girl.
And I don't see Travis living there after he retires. I see him moving to the East Coast for work opportunities plus his brother is in PA. I see Taylor buying something in PA like Gigi, a big place outside of Nashville, and upstate NYC like Blake to raise her kids but still have a place in NYC. Even if Travis and Taylor get married while he is still playing football I don't see her living in KC fulltime. Taylor will still fly around the world because she has shit to do.
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gothicprep · 3 months
My dad lives in upstate ny and I love visiting there. my room there has elaborate wallpaper, wicker furniture, and a patterned blue and white comforter on my bed. the place was also built in the 1830s or something, so every bedroom has a fireplace. one of the previous owners sealed them all up. so I decided the best move for my ex-fireplace was putting every blue & white vase from an antique store I could find in front of it.
my stepsister’s room is across the hall from mine, and she epically shat on the opportunity to be creative with that space. it’s all beige, with pillows that say shit like “slay, bitch” on them. dude. I’m the millennial woman out of the two of us. there isn’t any excuse for your behavior.
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ilikereadingactually · 6 months
We Are Mayhem
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We Are Mayhem by Beck Rourke-Mooney
i have so much fondness for this book. it's feel-good, it's affirming, it's cheesy, it's earnest, it's queer. what a delight! plus i learned a little bit more about pro wrestling, which i only understood the basics of before.
i adored Bird, adjusting to a move to upstate NY and the loss of her hoped-for career as a gymnast (because she's "too big"), trying to find her place socially and trying to understand herself internally in the summer before her senior year. i adored Abigail Rose--feminist, disabled, ferocious wrestling supporter and promoter--fighting for her place in a family with a long wrestling legacy. i loved the side characters, each of them unique and delightful in their own ways.
but i think what i loved most was just the way this book so accurately captured the feeling of being an "outsider" teen. of being confused about yourself, of trying new things, of being torn between conformity (and popularity) and doing what feels best and most you. Bird's internal and external journey was so charming as they followed their gut into new friendships, a new look, a new approach to their body and gender expression and athleticism, and started to discover not only how complicated and unique they were, but how complicated and unique every person is, even the ones they had written off. it's definitely a book aimed very specifically at teen readers--more straightforward and repetitive in its affirmations and lessons than i personally needed, i've been out for 25 years--but for me that just added to the earnestness of it, echoing a time of life when everything is kind of new and confusing and important. (and i genuinely did not know a lot of wrestling names or vocab going in, so i appreciated the hand-holding in that regard.)
overall an uplifting read that's kept popping up in my thoughts in the couple of days since i finished it, i might reread it on vacation this summer just for the joy.
the deets
how i read it: an e-galley from NetGalley! i am running a little behind on my shelf there, but this was a quick read and i'm excited to order a physical copy.
try this if you: were, are, or know an outsider teen, love good friendship and coming of age stories, dig a training montage, or like a happy ending! (or ever watched GLOW)
a bit i really liked: felt this one hard!
"Shut up! Seriously?" Kayleigh shoves her the way only friends can without consequence, and I wonder if there's a maximum capacity for loneliness, or if it's the kind of thing that can keep expanding forever until it's completely overtaken all other feelings. Like an invasive species.
pub date: March 19, 2024! it's already out! go get it!
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Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Manhattan, New York - Manhattan Travel Guide Places to Visit in New York
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Manhattan, New York – Manhattan Travel Guide Places to Visit in New York
Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Manhattan, New York – Manhattan Travel Guide #NewYork Places to Visit in New York #placestovisitinnewyork #travel #newyork #placestovisit Watch the Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Manhattan, New York – Manhattan Travel Guide video till the end. 8989 Views – 119 Likes. You also like and comment. This video will give you an idea about the subject you are wondering…
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insomniamamma · 4 months
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So i've been kind of absent lately because I went on vacation! I've been back home for about a week, settling back into the routine of things. My husband's family own a farm in western New York state and we go and stay maybe twice a year. This year our visit lined up with my son's birthday so he got to turn ten hanging out with his extended family and wrangling the chickens and target shooting with rifles in the back field. I'd never shot a gun before, and I gotta say it's pretty fun.
Check out the chickens! My brother in law has a whole flock that just roam all over the property. They make the best sounds! They look so funny when they run! Knowing that chickens are descended from dinosaurs just kills me because now all I can picture is a whole t-rex doing that goofy run. They are surprisingly pretty! Look at these majestic bastards.
It was good to get out of the city for a minute. I spent most of my early life trying to get the fuck out of upstate NY, but I can't deny the pull this place has on me. In a perfect world I could be in both places.
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bunni-bun · 9 months
15 Questions, 15 People
tagged by the lovely sweetheart @mygwenchan 💖
1) Are you named after anyone?
not my first name but my middle name is after my grandmother!
2) When was the last time you cried?
yesterday because i'm rewatching Kiseki: Dear To Me and the last half of the show makes me bawl my eyes out.
3) Do you have kids?
nope and i'd rather not have any, i'm good lmao
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
i count it as a sport but i did marching for 2 years in high school and a year in college. shit's tougher than people give it credit for and i'm always gonna remember our director telling us that we trained harder than our football team (true lmaoooo)
5) Do you use sarcasm?
now why would you think that? 🤔
6) What's the first thing you notice about people?
eyes! i love people's eyes a lot. that and height because most people are either taller than me or are my friends, who are significantly shorter than me when i think about it.
7) What's your eye color?
[kpop voice] brown eyed girl
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings because i'm not a huge fan of scary movies or horror in general and i'm a sucker for a good ending. people deserve joy.
9) Any talents?
i used to play the flute but for now, i can sew, i make jewelry and flower crowns occasionally, and i can sit really weird because my legs are the longest part of my body.
10) Where were you born?
i'm from upstate NY! unfortunately, i am bound to the confines of Florida and we all know how i feel about that (i hate it here)
11) What are your hobbies?
now i can include watching BL (lmaoooo) but for the most part, i like to read, sew, make jewelry, bullet journal, and sing! also write, on those rare occasions now.
12) Do you have any pets?
i used to have two dogs but one crossed the rainbow bridge from old age a few years ago and the other one ran away and has never been found. i miss my dogs a lot. i'd love to have one again.
13) How tall are you?
i'm 5'3"! so average, by most standards
14) What was your favorite subject in school?
english! it was my best subject always and in college, i adored all of my writing classes. it was a joy to write and a joy to read anything in class!
15) What is your dream job?
i do Not dream of labor but if i had to, i'd want to be a travel writer like those people who write about the places they get to vacation to. i'd get to do the two things i love: traveling and writing. that or like a mattress tester, lmao. i just wanna be paid to take a nap.
i can't think of 15 people but here's some homies: @whileyoureinschoolidothisallday @chalkrevelations @ellieellieoxenfree @kailmursilis @vegussy @therealblessedaffliction @eroshiyda @river-muse @skullswithsunflowers @technicallyverycowboy and anyone who wants to join in the fun 💖
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jyndor · 9 months
oh my god they were at the club
LOL is this about that poll and how my parents met? so yeah it's a really cute story actually, like true love does exist apparently
so my mom was iirc 18 and my dad was 20 or something like that. it was the 80s, westchester NY. so my dad's bestie and my mom's stepsister were friends and made sure they were in the same place at the same time - at the club lol.
my dad is an amazing guitarist and is in a band to this day with his bestie, but that night he was doing the sound tech stuff for another band at the club. and my mom comes in with my dad's bestie's friend and is like immediately into him (he had long hair at the time which... lol he definitely does not now, and my mom is a hairstylist SO). anyway they hit it off really fast.
the funniest thing to me is that my sweet dork of a dad, who was going back to college at syracuse* in a few weeks' time, didn't want to rush things (like physical intimacy) because he really, really liked her but didn't want to be a summer fling or whatever. he wanted a serious relationship with her and was worried that the distance would ruin things.
when telling me this story, my mom was like LOL anyway I convinced him 😘🤭 which I did not ask but okayy
they got married in august 1990, and then I was born in november 1991 because I guess they didn't think about how embarrassing it is to be conceived on fucking valentines day eww now I have to live with that
and they're still each others' best friends to this day, and they're sickeningly in love still. gross. and all because they were young and at the club, where they should have been.
*syracuse is very, very upstate NY, and westchester is sort of upstate but it's pretty close to the city so it's several hours away from syracuse.
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kaylor · 2 years
If I say favourite TS lyrics, what comes to mind?
alright so i kinda have a few categories for this. first of all there's the lyrics that are just good words, cleverly put together, something so evocative or imaginative. then there's the cheeky twist lyrics, almost like metalyrics sometimes because they're referencing the act of songwriting itself. and then there's lines that aren't necessarily the best or most interesting lyrics, they just hit right and i love and look forward to them each time.
just real good
"and you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you"
"guess it's true that love was all you wanted, cause you're giving it away like it's extra change, hoping it'll end up in his pocket, but he leaves you out like a penny in the rain, cause it's not his price to pay"
"you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter"
"long were the nights when my days once revolved around you, counting ny footsteps, praying the floor won't fall through again/i lived in your chess game but you changed the rules every day"
"this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again"
"lost your balance on a tightrope, lost your mind trying to get it back"
"how you'd kiss me when i was in the middle of saying something. there's not a day i don't miss those rude interruptions"
"you can plan for a change in the weather and time, but i never planned on you changing your mind"
"may these memories break your fall"
"so you were never a saint and i loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts"
"put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch, out of focus eye to eye til the gravity's too much, and i'll do anything you say if you say it with your hands"
"we're singing in the car getting lost upstate, autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place, and i can picture it after all these days/i forget about you long enough to forget why i needed to/maybe this thing was a masterpiece til you tore it all up, running scared, i was there, i remember it all too well/and you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest/i'd like to be my old self again but i'm still trying to find it, after plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own, now you mail back my things and i walk home alone"
"back to a first glance feeling on new york time, back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme/spinning like a girl in a brand new dress, we had this big wide city all to ourselves, we blocked the noise with the sound of i need you, and for the first time i had something to lose, and i guess we fell apart in the usual way and the story's got dust on every page, but sometimes i wonder how you think about it now and i see your face in every crowd"!!!!!!
"and time is taking its sweet time erasing you, and you've got your demons and darling they all look like me"
"so it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames/you can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain/it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar"
"someday when you leave me i bet these memories follow you around"
"these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me/your kiss, my cheek, i watched you leave, you smile, my ghost, i fell to my knees, when you're young you just run but you come back to what you need"
"you're still all over me like a wine stained dress i can't wear anymore"
"i bury hatchets but i keep maps of where i put em/i can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul, it's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold"
"third floor on the west side me and you, handsome you're a mansion with a view, do the girls back home touch you like i do?"
"late in the night, the city's asleep, your love is a secret i'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep"
"my love had been frozen, deep blue but you painted me golden"
"cut the headlights, summer's a knife, i'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone, devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, and if i bleed you'll be the last to know"
"i see you everywhere, the only thing we share is this small town. you said it was a great love, one for the ages, but if the story's over, why am i still writing pages?"
"quiet my fears with the touch of your hand, paper cut stings from our paper thin plans MY TIME MY WINE MY SPIRIT MY TRUST/gave you too much but it wasn't enough but i'll be alright it's just a thousand cuts" on god
"the buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair, in doctor's office lighting, i didn't tell you i was scared"
"we never painted by the numbers babe, but we were making it count"
"i knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss, knew you'd haunt all of my what ifs, the smell of smoke would hang around this long cause i knew everything when i was young"!!
"you know i didn't want to have to haunt you but what a ghostly scene. you wear the same jewels that i gave you as you bury me"
"they told me all of my cages were mental so i got wasted like all my potential"
"take the words for what they are, a dwindling mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times"
"something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire, chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons"
"sometimes you just don't know the answer til someone's on their knees and asks you"
"there's an ache in you put there by the ache in me, but if it's all the same to you it's the same to me/i won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay"
"are you still the same soul i met under the bleachers? well, i guess i'll never know"
"the old widow goes to the stone every day, but i don't, i just sit here and wait, grieving for the living/my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/i'd live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time"
"now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon, with your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con"
cheeky twist
"i grabbed a pen and an old napkin and i wrote down our song"
"all those other girls, well, they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?"
"once upon a time, i believe it was a tuesday"
"the girl in the dress wrote you a song"
"darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream/i've got a blank space baby, and i'll write your name" i'm SORRY it's GOOD she SLAYED
"the rumors are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true" 😝😝😝
"50 years is a long time, holiday house sat quietly on that beach, free of women with madness, their men and bad habits, and then it was bought by me" slay
"no one knows about the words that we whisper, no one knows how much i miss you" 👀
just hits right
"i've found time can heal most anything and you just might find who you're supposed to be. i didn't know who i was supposed to be at 15"
the entire second verse of you're not sorry
"i hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home" 🥹
"so if the chain is on your door, i understand" (underrated little nugget, the relationship has been over for a while but this implies she still has the key...)
"i've never heard silence quite this loud"!!!!!
"take pictures in your mind of your childhood room, memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home, remember the footsteps, remember the words said" (hits harder the older you get!!!)
"did some things you can't speak of but at night you live it all again/today is never too late to be brand new"
"regretting him was like wishing you never found out love could be that strong"!!!!!!!
"there we are again when i loved you so, back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known"!!!!!!!
"but on a wednesday in a café i watched it begin again" 🥹
"people like you always want back the love they pushed aside but people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye"!!!!!!
"wear you like a necklace, i'm so chill but you make me jealous" one for the crazy horny girls
"and i complained the whole way there, the car ride back and up the stairs, i should have asked you questions, i should have asked you how to be" 😭
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jules-has-notes · 11 months
2014 Sing-Off tour
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For the first time since the start of the series, The Sing-Off tapped into their deep pool of talented groups and took a few of them on the road in early 2014. Season 4 winners Home Free were joined by 4th and 5th place groups The Filharmonic and VoicePlay for a 6-week whirlwind tour across the contiguous U.S. They were joined at most shows by other past Sing-Off competitors and/or professional a cappella groups.
In addition to the rotating roster of guests, there were a couple surprise cast changes. Emoni Wilkins from Ten took over for Honey Larochelle with VoicePlay. And with Adam Rupp on paternity leave for the first half of the tour, Home Free recruited Aaron "Heatbox" Heaton to fill in on percussion.
All three groups worked on their individual sets before arriving in chilly upstate New York, but then they had just two days of intensive rehearsals to learn, relearn, and refine elements of the full show before they hit the road.
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The program for the shows was a nice mix of fan-favorite pieces from the competition, established material from the groups' repertoires, and new songs. All of the tour dates were professionally recorded, but no official compilation of the full show has been released publicly, so I've done my best to reconstruct the setlists and find the best quality recordings available.
Group opener
Fun. medley — "Some Nights" / "We Are Young" / "Carry On" (7 March 2014 — Atlantic City, NJ)
What better way to kick off the tour shows than with the medley that started the television season? And with just three groups instead of all ten, some different singers got a chance to take the lead.
The Filharmonic set
"This Is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan (1 March — Philadelphia, PA)
"Treasure" by Bruno Mars (7 March 2014 — Atlantic City, NJ)
"I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith (7 March 2014 — Atlantic City, NJ)
"It's Gonna Be Me" by the Backstreet Boys (1 March — Philadelphia, PA)
"One More Night" by Maroon 5 (7 March 2014 — Atlantic City, NJ)
sing-off — VoicePlay vs. The Filharmonic — "Bye Bye Bye" by *NSYNC (8 March 2014 — Mohegan Sun casino in CT)
VoicePlay's first brush with elimination during the competition came in the very first episode. For the tour, The Filharmonic stepped into the Princeton Footnotes' spot to create a 6-on-6 battle-style performance as a transition between their sets.
VoicePlay set
"Love On Top" by Beyoncé (20 February — Boston, MA)
"Can't Believe It" by Flo Rida, feat. Pitbull (7 March — Atlantic City, NJ)
Road Trip medley (20 February — Boston, MA)
A Crimpella medley (7 March — Atlantic City, NJ)
"Don't Speak" by No Doubt (20 February — Boston, MA)
"Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry (7 March — Atlantic City, NJ)
sing-off — VoicePlay vs. Home Free — "Survivor" by Destiny's Child (8 March 2014 — Mohegan Sun casino in CT)
Since neither VoicePlay or Home Free were in danger during episode 4 of The Sing-Off, they used the arrangements they'd prepared to make a very fun music video. The tour producers liked it, too, so they used it as part of the transition between the two groups.
The (Extra) Ultimate Beat-Off (29 March 2014 — Hollywood, CA)
The beatboxers from all three groups teamed up in an incredible demonstration of vocal percussion and sound effects. On the final night of the tour, Heatbox — Home Free's sub for the first couple weeks during Adam's paternity leave — rejoined Layne, Niko, and Adam for an extra entertaining four-man jam session.
sing-off — The Filharmonic vs. Home Free — "I'm Alright" by Kenny Loggins (9 March — Amherst, NY (U. of Buffalo))
During episode 5 of the competition, all of the remaining groups were paired off for ultimate sing-off battles. Home Free and The Filharmonic teamed up to create a performance so delightful that they had to include it in the tour shows.
Home Free set
"Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line (15 March — Chicago, IL)
"Colder Weather" by Zac Brown Band (20 March — Milwaukee, WI)
"Your Man" by Josh Turner (8 March 2014 — Mohegan Sun casino in CT)
"Wake Me Up" by Avicii (20 February — Boston, MA)
Guilty Pleasures medley (8 March 2014 — Mohegan Sun casino in CT) ** with Heatbox's guilty pleasure (20 February — Boston, MA)
"Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts (27 March — San Francisco, CA)
"Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash (29 March 2014 — Hollywood, CA)
Group closer
"Please Don't Stop the Music" by Rihanna / "Wanna Be Starting Something" by Michael Jackson (29 March 2014 — Hollywood, CA)
Since they had the two main groups who performed it on the show, the arrangers took the final section of the opening medley from the Party Anthems episode and reconfigured it for the tour. By expanding the sample in the original song, they added some audience participation to create an even bigger finish.
"Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen (27 March — San Francisco, CA)
After the high of the closing number, the groups eased the audience down to earth by bringing things back to basics. No microphones, no amplification of any kind. Just seventeen talented voices.
Backstage & travel time
Like a lot of jobs in the performing arts, singers are often in a situation of hurry-up-and-wait. That can lead to downtime shenanigans.
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And, of course, everyone wanted to look as good as they sounded.
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Downtime fun & other work
The tour schedule was fairly packed, but some folks did manage to get in some sight-seeing and extra curricular outings on their few days off.
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Not to mention working on other projects during their free time.
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And, of course, they had to keep their singing engines fueled by sampling the local cuisine.
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If you've made all the way through this monster of a post, all I can say is…
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…and I hope you enjoyed it.
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