#ups for medical equipment
prachikulkarni · 2 years
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soothedcerberus · 2 years
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Funny dr man faust i love u 🥺 🌼
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
I love Charlotte and Henry and they're super underrated. And I would VERY MUCH like to hear the headcanons whirring about in your brain.
Oh well buckle up cause literally all I think about is head cannons. Like, you know how cells replace themselves every few years? Mine have replaced themselves with head cannons. *Sorry it took me a hot moment to answer this ask, I was busy howling into my pillow whenever I tried to articulate thoughts.*
First of all, they’re very cuddly. They basically sleep on top of each other (Charlotte hasn’t needed a pillow in decades). Henry cant sleep well without Charlotte in his arms and Charlotte can’t sleep well anywhere other than Henry’s arms so it works out. Plus, they both do that thing where they jerk awake like the world is ending and scare the shit out of each other, so sleeping in a hug that basically pins them both down saves some energy at 2am. Henry’s perpetually cold and sleeps under like, four blankets, so Charlotte just wears summer nightgowns all year and wraps herself around Henry like a koala.
Naturally there’s an angsty side to the incessant cuddling because that’s just the way I role.
Charlotte sleeps with her head on Henry’s chest so she can always feel him breathing because, by the angel, she remembers when he wasn’t. She sleeps with a hand on his pulse point because she wakes up in the middle of the night and she’s still half asleep they might as well be on the floor in that mountain and she might as well still be desperately swearing she didn’t imagine his heartbeat.
While on the topic of soul crushing feelings of guilt, y’all remember from Clockwork Angel that Henry was the one who told Mortmain what a Pyxis was? And he wanted Charlotte to tell the clave that and she wouldn’t because “they already treat him so badly”? Because I do. And so does Henry.
(I’ve got a whole WIP that I love very dearly about this head cannon and this chess game hehe) There’s one random old tutor who goes to the London institute once a month-ish, basically to hand out a few weeks of homework to any shadow hunters who don’t have their own tutors. Most shadow hunters who live in a more rural area show up a few times a year so the clave knows they’re alive and at least somewhat literate. Charlotte attends them every month since, you know, she lives there, but Henry lives somewhere around Yorkshire so he shows up every few months. The professor is kind of a dick ngl. He doesn’t help Charlotte with any school why would a woman need to be so well educated? “Go on find a husband and stop worrying you’re pretty little head” sort of shit. Henry drives him insane because he’s a) some random kid who’s smarter than him and b) didn’t use any of the professors materials to get that smart. Professor Douche is constantly trying to get him to be wrong about something, or at least flustered about something and he doesnt ever do either of those things, and even more aggravating he refuses to get upset. (He honestly just assumed the professor wasn’t that smart.)
Charlotte’s a really good student of course, but she’s having a shit time with some mathematics and the professor absolutely refuses to help her with it. Eventually she asks Henry if he wouldn’t mind helping her with it, which he’s happy to do (once he figures out that’s what shes actually asking lol.)
Charlotte is incredibly distracted the entire time by Henry’s freckles (and eyes. And hands. And the way his hair curls on the nape of his neck. And the spots of gold and green in his hazel eyes that flashed as bright as the sun when the light catches them. And-), but they get through it in an hour or two which leaves them alone in a deserted wing of the institute. They end up playing a game chess. Charlottes a decent player and thought since Henry had never showed any interest in chess it would be a probably be an evenly matched game. She didn’t know what hit her. He beat her in like, eight minutes, eighty percent of which were spent on the last two moves by Charlotte who, upon realizing she was fucked, spent five minutes staring at the board trying to figure out when he even started beating her. She was sitting there having a whole crisis, (she’d been distracted by a man who probably doesn’t like her, and certainly doesn’t think much of her now after a pathetic loss like that and now she’ll have to sit hear and wallow in failure-) just preparing for him to start that whole smug gloating thing men do when they win and Henry you know. Didn’t. He just put the pieces away and thanked her for the game, in that very genuine way, with the gloomy London evening light casting a depressing shadow across the room, a shadow that he stood out against all gentle, kind, bright and brimming with a sort of barely contained passion. If Charlotte had ever doubted that shadow hunters had come from straight angels then sitting there, looking at a boy stained in soot, who she loved more than anything else to walk the earth, she would never doubt it again.
(It wasn’t until after Henry won and noticed Charlotte hadn’t said anything in a while that he remember people don’t like losing. Honestly he was playing just to be around her and he would have thrown the game if he could conceptualize how to do that on the fly. They spent like five minutes in autistic silence waiting for the other to stand up and declare newfound hatred.)
In true British fashion the a modern tea bag would kill them both.
When they were both 13 or 14 Charlotte mentioned she was dreading winter because it’s so bleak and dark (and her mom had died a few winters before, though she didn’t drop that in casual conversation). Anyways, come winter Henry brought her a marigold preserved in something like resin. She kept it in her jewelry box for years and after they got married she found out he had literally dozens of them. Whenever he came across a particularly bright flower he preserved it and set it aside. He was never quite brave enough to give them to her pre-TID, but he now leaves them for her when she’s particularly sad or stressed. She keeps them all in a drawer- they fit together like little tiles, and still look as fresh as they would had they just been plucked from the ground.
Somewhat surprisingly Henry doesn’t really lose stuff, with the singular exception being his own medical equipment. He’s lost the leg braces he wears every single day of his life before. Charlotte’s not usually speechless but she wasn’t sure what to say to that one.
Henry gave Charlotte a watch with a hands and numbers that can glow the same way a modern day one would. It’s absolutely beautiful, durable and accurate, even if Henry set himself on fire at least four times making it. (They can say with confidence that that watch is fireproof)
Honestly, I could go on and on, then on some more, but technically I’m supposed to be writing a paper on gut micro biomes that’s due tomorrow, so I figured I’d cut myself of. In conclusion, I love them dearly, they love each-other dearly, they deserve the world, all I can think about is them, and the world can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
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inniave · 5 months
healthcare providers don't be an asshole when a patient is having an issue with life preserving equipment challenge (impossible!!!!!)
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realasslesbian · 1 year
Personal but: tomorrow I gotta call my neurologist's office and ask them to transfer my medical record to my doctor, so that he can sign off on my disability pension, and I can't wait to hear what excuse I'm going to get for why they cannot perform this basic fucking task. It's gonna be like "actually because we write our medical records on circle-shaped paper we're unable to scan it into normal square-shaped paper format, so that's why we can't transfer your medical record, guess you'll just have to choose between death by seizure or death by starvation uwu". And I know anyone reading this will be thinking I'm just being silly and dramatic and to that I say: tune in tomorrow and find out lmao
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goddessofroyalty · 6 months
I've reached Shinra Manor in my playthrough of Rebirth.
And, well, I think I found where the Remnant triplets were conceived:
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envelopesofbadluck · 10 months
Is there seriously no doctor in the multiverse that could help you!?
Doctor Francine sort of kicked me out her clinic because I got hurt too much...eheheh...-awkward laugh-
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prachikulkarni · 2 years
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i'm re-watching gattaca, a movie that seared itself into my brain when i saw it in my freshman year of high school in biology. and uhhhhhh welp as a trans man whose neurotypical cishet 22-months-older brother died in a tragic accident the day before his freshman year of college (that's how my senior year of high school started) let me tell you i am Having An Experience
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ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
guess who just finallyy could not stand it anymore & is noww up (again) violating orders/harming myself sooo much further,.. all bc i just Need to be able to pace around (at the v least)) ?!!
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sawvidae · 4 months
controversial opinion: in the age of cellphones, i do not believe that hotel room phones should still have the capability to call other rooms without at least forwarding thru the front desk. in the three years ive worked at hotels, i have literally only seen this used to directly yell at other rooms instead of just calling the front desk to make a noise complaint or whatever.
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pocketramblr · 7 months
The drinking buddies are so important. To me.
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
House is sooo Gouverneur Morris core (<- shoved something up his urethra because he couldn't piss)
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weird-and-unwell · 7 months
Teeth Are Weird
Them: Show us how you would brush your teeth Me: No Them: Why not? Me: Well, one, I have no toothbrush. Two, you would see my teeth. And that would be weird. Them: Well how would you teach a child to brush their teeth? Me: I would not. Someone else can do it, I guess. Them: Why? Me: I would see their teeth. That's weird.
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streetmed1c · 8 months
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he can be trusted with them I’m sure of it :)
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oliveasaltylife · 8 months
[medical gaslighting]
Oh and I had to see a different OB/GYN than my normal endo specialist and she was the WORST
She actually suggested that my period and ovulation pain that leaves me vomiting and nearly hallucinating might be “normal” for my body.
And then proceeded to lecture me on IUDs for more than half of my appointment after I explicitly stated that I don’t want one and my normal doctor said it’s not a good plan for me (nevermind the fact that IUDs are contradicted by my connective tissue diseas in the first place)
And then she said I have “too much going on” in my body and need to figure even MORE out before I can even be evaluated for endometriosis. And blamed my pain on tethered cord and “nerve pain signals getting misinterpreted.”
I should have walked out, but I was so dissociated I just sat there, frozen, staring at her in complete disbelief
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