#up10tion drabbles
mestizalectora · 5 years
. °✧·.  . Needles ㅡ Xiao (UP10TION) scenario.
Prompts: 47.
« Hold my hand until it’s over? »
Genre: fluff.
Word count: 624.
Warnings: no.
Requested by anonymous.
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You hated needles, with your whole soul. You remember those terrible days at school when nurses came in order to have the students vaccinated against some diseases and, especially, you remember how you used to faint or nearly faint each time.
So, when your head doctor told you that you had to go through a blood analysis you almost started crying in her consulting room. 
Xiao, your boyfriend, wasn’t much of a help when you told him your worries (after a lot of whining from his side, because you didn’t really wanted to tell him that you were scared of needles since a lot of people would make fun of you when they found out). He laughed for about five good minutes until he saw the sad face that you gave him, that was the moment when he realised that you were really scared, and that it wasn’t something he should joke about.
“I’m sorry.” he said, still with the ghost of a smile on his face, not taking too much time to go to your side, his arms slowing wrapping around your waist, as if he was asking you permission to do so. Xiao might be quite a tease most of the time, but he didn’t really mean to hurt your feelings. He was really expecting you to not let him touch you after that, but the moment he realised that you were responsive to his actions he moved closer to you and kindly guide you to put your head in his shoulder, even giving you a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I’ll go with you, okay? I’ll be right there by your side, i’ll even fight that needle if that’s what you want and protect you from those horrible nurses!” he said, lighting up the mood with his dramatic response and the gestures he made, joking around while imitating a prince ready to save her princess. You couldn’t help laughing at all of this, which obviously made Xiao smile widely and go on with his performance.
Even though that evening with your boyfriend definitely help you to not worry about your blood analysis for some time, when the moment of the truth came you were feeling totally anxious and uneasy. Xiao was at your side, just as he promised, caressing your waist with his hand as the line of people ahead of you got closer and closer, rapidly.
You nearly missed your name when the nurse called you, so Xiao was the one who guide you to the chair. You gulped as you sat down, trying to reciprocate the smile the worker gave you, but it was more of a fail. The nurse started telling you how much blood they were going to extract for the analysis, at which you nervously nod with your head, unable to say a word. When the nurse took the needle and you got a peek of it, breathing suddenly became a really tough task. 
Xiao, who was right behind you with his hands on your shoulders in an attempt to calm you, seem to notice this. He moved a little bit, so you could see him without moving in your place.
“Keep looking at me” he told you and, after hesitating for a second, he extended his hand in your direction. “Hold my hand until it’s over?” he offered, at which you gave him a little smile. You nodded your head, locking your fingers with his within a second, really appreciating what he was doing for you. You could swear that you were falling for him one more time when he gave you one last smile, everything else fading away.
You didn’t even notice that the nurse had finished and you were able to leave already.
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clowninyourfeed · 5 years
Hell yes
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It’s Halloween bitches
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teddybear-yn · 5 years
state fair with x1
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“I don’t think it was a good idea to ride the swing first.” You comment to your friends as you stagger along. At least, you thought you did, yet here you were now in the middle of the street alone because of the fact that you weren’t able to catch up to your not vertigo-ridden friends.
“They’re awful.” You try to open your phone to text them but everything seemed to spin like crazy. You looked crazy too, with the way you staggered everywhere.
“Goddamnit, why aren’t there any chairs nearby?” After a few minutes, it was inevitable. You fell onto this stranger, who luckily had fast enough reflexes to catch you.
“Woah, Wooseok girls just fall for you left and right don’t they?” You vaguely hear the stranger’s friend comment. Handsome stranger by the way. Very handsome.
“Shut up, Seungyoun.” He looks to you, causing a throab in not just your head now but to your chest too. “Are you okay, Miss?”
As much as you wanted to stand up by yourself, again the vertigo wouldn’t let you. Wooseok only chuckled at the sight of you trying to stand straight in his arms stil.
“Yes, I’m fine, sorry. Just looking for my friends.” Wooseok makes a quick look around, seeing if any groups seemed to have lost a person. And noticing that your friend group was probably nowhere near anymore he sighed.
“You need help with that?” Maybe it was your awkward laugh that pushed Wooseok to definitely help you, but seeing your state was what pushed him.
“I’m fine! Thank you though.” You finally get to stand and start walking to a chair nearby, except your legs gave out maybe halfway, this time Wooseok wasn’t there to catch but he did see.
After picking you up and placing you on the chair, he goes to buy a bottle of water from the funnel cake stand next to you. This time he didn’t even bother asking.
“It wasn’t really a question, Miss. I’ll help you find your friends.”
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x1musings · 4 years
wooseok + height difference!!
thank you!! 
man, you know you have a creative block when you have to stop yourself from rewriting one of previous works with a different character. but i’m actually proud of how this turned out. soft wooseok is a concept i need to write more of.
drabble challenge #4:
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there weren’t many things that you were self-conscious about. but if there was one thing that you were slightly sensitive about, it was your height. you weren’t that short, but when all your friends were goddamn giants, it was easy to feel like a midget. this always led you to wearing the highest heels you owned whenever you went out with them. now it was just a habit for you to stuff your feet into the most uncomfortable footwear known to man, even when you weren’t going out with your friends.
“are you ok? you look like you’re in a lot of pain right now,” your boyfriend asked, watching you with concern as you sat on the curb, rubbing your aching feet.
“no, these are new heels and i forgot to break them in.”
he crouched down to look at you at eye-level. “why do you wear them if they hurt you this much?”
you looked down at your feet to avoid from looking at wooseok. “they make me look taller,” you mumbled, hoping that he wouldn’t hear.
“why would you want to look taller? you’re not even that short.”
you look up at him with an exasperated expression on your face. “you and all of my friends are way taller than me. at least with heels, i am close to your heights, instead of being a midget. do you know how it feels to always be the shortest one in the group?”
wooseok raised an eyebrow at you, with a small smile on his face as he tried to stop himself from laughing. “um, have you seen my groups?”
you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you realised your mistake. “sorry.”
“look there’s no reason for you to be self-conscious about your height, especially around me. i think there’s a lot of perks to being short.”
you rolled your eyes at him. “yeah like what?”
wooseok thought about it for a second. “like the fact that i can give you a piggyback without a problem. if you were taller than me, i would probably struggle a lot.”
you tilted your head for a second as you imagined that. you laughed at the image that came to your mind, which made wooseok smile. “hmm i guess you’re right.”
wooseok nodded his head. “of course, i am. now, i’ll give you a piggyback to the car, since your feet hurt.”
he turned around, waiting for you to hop on his back. you thanked your lucky stars that you decided to wear pants for this date, so that you didn’t unwittingly flash any innocent bystanders. you wrapped your arms around his neck, and he stood up, hooking his arms around your knees. he turned around to check that you hadn’t left any of your belongings on the curb, before walking towards his car.
you rested your head against his, feeling warm and safe in his embrace. “thank you wooseok.”
“for what?”
“just for everything.”
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softwonjunnie · 5 years
[2:03 am] you quickly typed out the classical “you up?”-text to send to wooseok, half joke, half serious, as if you were some kind of boy looking for a midnight snack. only a short moment later you got an answer, stating that he was in fact awake. you pressed his icon and called him up. only a few ringtones were heard before his voice was the thing that echoed in your ear. “hello?”
“hi!” you let out a sigh. “can you meet me up?”
there was a silence for a few moments. “now?” he asked, and you were surprised at the questioning tone of his voice.
“yes, why?”
he let out a little laugh. “it’s 2am.”
“please?” another moment of silence.
“okay. should i come to your place?” you hummed in response. “i’ll be there in 10.”
those ten minutes felt like way more. you had been having a rough time lately, and wooseok was the only one you had talked to about it, also being the only one you could talk to about it. school was ruining you, and you had been having issues with some of your friends, so your mental health wasn’t your strongest suit at the moment. but wooseok was understanding and did everything he could to help you. because he couldn’t take seeing you as sad as you were if he hadn’t been there. it hurt deep into his heart every time he saw you frown, every time he was you cry, every time you were so tired that you could faint. so he knew he was most probably in for a long ride tonight aswell when he knocked on your front door.
you jumped off your bed and made your way to the door, and when you opened it, you were instantly met by a warm hug. it lasted for a couple of moments, with no words being said - none were needed. when he finally pulled away, his voice was gentle. “hi.”
you smiled up at him. “hi.”
“nice choice of socks,” he said and you looked down at your feet. you were wearing your coziest socks, a really fuzzy pair representing two light blue llamas with pink eyes. maybe not your most fashionable pair of socks. you huffed at him and crossed your arms over your chest jokingly, to which he let out a little laugh. “you’re too cute.” you stuck out your tongue at him and he did the same at you. “aren’t you tired? we should get to bed.”
you nodded and he locked the door behind him, before taking your hand and walking with you to your bedroom. he sat down on your bed, pulling you along with him to sit sideways in his lap. you leaned against him, letting your head rest on his shoulder.
his hand was still holding yours tightly. “your hand fits perfectly in mine,” he mumbled, to which you blushed. he grinned at you and when you pulled away to look up at his face, your eyes met his for a few seconds. they were filled with nothing but sincere love, and it made your heart melt. but it also made you feel... strange. you felt like you didn’t deserve it. any of it. him loving you, him spending a single second on taking care of you and comforting you. that’s how insecure you had been feeling recently.
you looked down for a few seconds, trying to stop the feeling, but you couldn’t help it. soon enough, a few tears were rolling down your cheeks and you couldn’t help but to sniffle a couple of times. you tried to make it as discrete as possible, hoping seungwoo wouldn’t notice, but he did. right away.
“hey, baby,” he cooed, pulling you in for another hug. “don’t cry!” he pulled away quickly to place a kiss on your forehead. “what’s wrong?”
you shook your head. “it’s just...” you sighed. “i love you. a lot.”
“i love you too.” he pulled away from the hug and cupped your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. he then leaned down and kissed your lips. it was a slow and sweet kiss, and he really let out his feelings in it. you could tell he loved you from only that kiss. it was so comforting to you that when he pulled away, you were smiling again. “shall we sleep then, darling?”
this was requested!!! this feels semi-crappy aswell.... idk what’s going on..... anyways, 3 4 5 & 7 with wooseok!! i combined a few requests. also, i’ve been mixing up the names wooseok and seungwoo recently so i wrote this thinking about seungwoo............ so i guess u can too. hope it works for wooseok aswell!! hope you enjoy guys :)
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dvrlingrenjun · 5 years
[11:59 pm] tears spilled out of your eyes then onto your pillow. earlier today, you confessed to crush!wooseok, a mutual friend of yours. of course he was the sweetest by telling you in the nicest way, but rejection is rejection. sobbing into your pillow, you slowly cried yourself to sleep, hoping to get over wooseok soon.
masterlist - requests
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zerot0all · 5 years
Doubts | M,F,A
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“You’re the one that said you didn’t have feelings for me in the first place.” Wei hollers from the hall way making you jump off the couch. “Wei, when the fuck did I say that!” You yell back walking towards him to his room and slamming the door shut. “You didn’t have to say it, your actions spoke for themselves when you went out with that guy!” Wei said in a stern tone trying to hide the hurt in his voice. “Wei, I told you from day one that I wanted to be with only you. Don’t you dare second guess my feelings for you.” You rebuttal. You were hurt and annoyed that he would even think that about you. “Y/n, you know that whatever this is, it’s complicated.” Wei repsponded as he made his way towards your frame. “I know it is but you need to know you’re the only one I want before you start accusing me of shit that I would never do!” You said as you placed your hands on his hips to bring him closer to you. “I know, I’m sorry I just lost my cool for a second.” Wei says as he brings your face closer to his and places a kiss on your lips. As the kiss deepened you moved your hands under his shirt to feel his toned abdomen. Wei knew exactly where this was going and took his shirt off for you. “You know Wei, next time you doubt my feelings for you, I won’t let you off the hook this easy.” You say as you shoved him on his bed crawling ontop of him seductively. “I will never doubt your feeling ever again y/n. But I can’t help but get jealous at times.” Wei says as he flips you onto your back. He then placed his plump lips on your neck and began to leave kisses. “Since I was in the wrong, why don’t I make it up to you baby girl.” Wei says causing you to look down at his smug expression, he knew you loved it when he used that nickname. You knew exactly what he was going to do and you couldn’t wait to feel his tongue. “I will take that as a yes.” He says as he sends you a wink and begins to unbutton your jeans. Whatever this was, you had no doubt that you both felt the same way towards each other and that was enough for you.
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mestizalectora · 5 years
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[21:57] Once the surgery was done and Wooseok was free to go home, you decided to spend a little more time with him and make sure that everything was going alright. Wooseok would never say it out loud, but he really appreciated that you were beside him that day. He didn’t wanna let anyone know that he was quite scared of the surgery, and you didn’t tell him that you already knew he was to not hurt his ego.
However, the afternoon went on faster than you expected, and you had to go home now.
“I’ll come visit you tomorrow after work, okay?” you told him, giving him a quick hug and kiss on his forehead, taking advantage since you were both sitting in the couch and you could give him a peck on that certain spot.
Wooseok, on the other hand, wasn’t so happy about it. He took you by the wrist, restricting you to fully get up from the couch. In fact, he pulled you into his embrace once more, but in a way so you were now facing him.
“You missed.” Was all that he said before trapping your lips between his. 
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saltys-writings · 5 years
omg aaaa you're writing for u10t!!!! could you please do kuhn reacting to y/n being embarrassingly clumsy in public? 💕
Such a cute request and my first ever U10T thing to write, I hope you like it >.
[Up10tion - Kuhn] Reaction to you being embarrassingly clumsy in public
It’s around the third time that you trip over your own feet today when Sooil’s expression turns from a worried one into just a sigh. He still grabs a hold of your arm though to keep you from falling. He couldn’t bear seeing you get hurt despite him being able to avoid it.
“What’s up with you today? You’re worse than usual…” he comments. There’s an amused grin on his lips, but in his eyes you can still see how he’s worried about you. You assure it’s fine and that you just didn’t sleep enough. You promise yourself to be more careful now so he can relax too, but the second you get to your regular café and attempt to sit down with your drink, you spill it all over you, the table, and the floor. Thankfully it was an iced drink so you don’t burn yourself, but now you still have to return home and change clothes. In distress you immediately attempt to dry yourself, and Sooil and a staff member help cleaning up the whole mess. You’re even offered a free drink because the staff feels bad for you, but honestly you’d rather just disappear in the ground somewhere. Sooil does think you’re cute when you’re clumsy like this, but he also notices how uncomfortable you feel and he offers taking you to his place to get away from the public. However, you decline.
“What if I keep destroying things there?” you argue, but he puts an arm around you with a half smile, shaking his head.
“You’ll be fine. I’ll protect you, so nothing bad will happen anymore.”
You keep apologizing for embarrassing him in public, but he puts his index finger over your lips and pulls you even closer.
“I said you’ll be fine,” he repeats. With a wink he adds, “And if you don’t stop worrying I’ll have to carry you home princess style!”
Feel free to request a reaction!
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Books - Wei
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(Admin: Guiiying, I love up10tion so much)
“Excuse me,” a quiet voice says from behind you, “can you help me find this book?” He holds his phone towards you.
It is open on the library’s website which shows that the book he is searching for is in the library: “I’ve been trying to find it, but I haven’t had any luck,” he says with a small laugh.
“Yeah give me one second,” you say with a small laugh turning back to the task at hand.
“Can I help you any?” He inquires watching you struggle to reach the higher shelves.
“Yeah, there should be a step ladder at the end of the aisle, can you get it for me?” You ask turning towards him.
He nods quickly moving towards the end of the aisle searching for the ladder which must have been moved to the edge of the aisle. He carries it back over to you and you thank him, stepping onto it returning the last of the books you had on the cart.
“Now, what book are you looking for?” You ask.
He turns his phone towards you showing the library’s website and the book he is looking for. You hum looking around the aisle you are on resting one of your hands on your waist while you think about where it might be.
“I think it’s a few aisles over,” you say gesturing to your left side, “if you still can’t find it, it might be best to ask the woman out front, I’m still learning where everything is,” you say with a small laugh.
He hums turning around and heading towards where you directed. You head back to the front to check for more books to put on your cart. There are only a few books at the front, but one of them is clearly the book that the man from earlier was looking for. You take that book taking quick steps towards where he went to take it to him.
“I found it,” you say holding the book, he turns towards you a small smile on his face, “I guess it was never logged out of our system,” you explain.
“Thank you,” he says softly taking the book from your hand, “what’s your name, by the way, I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
“Y’N,” you answer with a laugh, “I moved here not long ago,” you explain, he hums.
“I’m Lee Jinhyuk, I come here a lot so you’ll probably see me again,” he says with a laugh.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
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angeliqqi · 4 years
[Super short drabble] Can’t Take My Eyes off You
Han Gyujin’s hair is bleached blond and his jeans ripped at the knees from bike trick practices. The teachers can’t stop frowning. The students can’t stop scoffing. And Yein can’t stop looking.
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soakedpotato2020 · 5 years
Needed a new medium for my drabbles
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kreacts · 6 years
Mission... Accomplished? [Kuhn]
Drabble UP10TION Kuhn x Reader UP10TION x Percy Jackson 1086 words Prompts: I didn’t think the explosion would be that big | We’re going to die. Quick Info: You are given a task in Camp Half Blood with fellow camper, Kuhn, when his antics make things go horribly wrong.
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“I told you not to press the button.”
“I didn’t think the explosion would be that big, in all fairness,” Kuhn waved a hand, giving a lazy shrug of his shoulders as he glanced round at the wreckage site. His face and arms were covered in soot, what little of his skin was visible was tinged red from the heat of the explosion. Despite his singed state and the gaping holes in his Camp Half Blood shirt, Kuhn’s dark eyes were twinkling with joy as he took in the cleared area of the forest.
“Sometimes I hate Hephaestus kids,” You muttered, turning away from him and kicking a boot into the nearest pile of debris. “We were meant to just clear the area for training.”
“Exactly! So, mission accomplished!” Kuhn bellowed, grinning with self-satisfaction. You continued as if you had not heard him.
“If you had given me one damn minute to cast a spell, I could have got rid of the trees an-“ Your words were cut off as Kuhn barreled into you, knocking you onto the floor five feet from where you had been stood, smashing you into the floor.
As soon as you caught your breath, you yelled “get off!” and began flailing your arms, trying to wiggle free. Kuhn’s limbs were vice like around you, trapping you firmly between his chest and the floor. You could feel his body shake as he laughed, his limbs tightening to keep you from escaping. “At least get your man-boob out of my face,” You muttered, turning you head away in disgust from his peck.
“Shh, small one. Our construction has attracted some attention,” Kuhn’s deep whisper echoed softly in your ear and you finally stopped fighting to listen. Past Kuhn’s quiet panting and heart beat you discerned the sound of quiet padding and broken breathing from the clearing to your left. Kuhn lifted his head. “This thing is either sick or just hella ugly.”
“What is it?” You asked quickly, squirming slightly to try and lift your head. “If you let me up, I could probably tell you,” For all your attempts to get free, Kuhn was apparently not having it. He lifted his head slowly, peeking over the few blades of grass and piles of soot to stare into the dark clearing.
“It looks like a bull,” He mumbled. You gasped and grabbed his shirt, yanking him down quickly.
“Your voice is too deep to whisper!” Kuhn glared down at you but your panic had made his back tense. He had to try not to be annoyed with you. Whatever that thing was out there, it was huge and nasty looking and he most certainly did not want to get its attention whilst he was tangled up on the floor. Drawing in a quick breath to steady himself, Kuhn lifted his head. Apparently the creature hadn’t spotted him, it seemed to just be sniffing around the floor.
“It looks like a huge bull,” Kuhn began again, fighting to make his voice softer. “It’s super muscely but its ribs are super defined.  It’s disgusting. I feel like you need five of me to get to the size of this thing,” Kuhn grimaced as the creature swung its head round to the right. He ducked but it just kept sniffling at the floor.
“It has a furry head,” You whispered, your tone dull. “Four legs that end in hooves. It hasn’t lifted its head…”
“How do you know that?” Kuhn stared at the creature for a long moment then forced himself to look down. Curled against the floor, your skin was starting to look grey. And it wasn’t because of the copius amounts of ash that had blasted over you when he’d set fire to the forest.
“It’s a catoblepas. It’s like a buffalo… mixed with medusa,” You gulped. You no longer wanted to get up. “If you make eye contact with it, it will turn you to stone or kill you. If you inhale its breath, same thing.” Kuhn’s body sagged slightly and you fought not to gasp, you were too small to hold his weight. After a second of panic Kuhn tensed himself, pushing himself up off the floor. Taking this to be your only chance, you rolled out from under him and came up kneeling, peeking over the grass. What you saw just confirmed it.
“We’re going to die.” You stated.
“It’s fine, it’s only one monster,” You glanced to see Kuhn in a similar position to you own, knees bent, hands clenched into fists. You could see he was preparing something. Trying not to make much noise, you crawled towards him and grabbed his shirt, desperate to hold him back.
“We’re not ready for a fight. I only have a knife which is pretty useless if I can’t get close to this thing,” You were trying not to panic. You knew if you spoke any louder the monster would probably hear you and you’d be forced to fight, but you could feel Kuhn rocking slightly as if preparing to attack and you could feel the panic rising in your gut.
“How long does it take for you to cast one of your spells?” Kuhn asked, squinting as he watched the buffalo continue its lazy movements.
“Why?” You asked slowly, forcing yourself to loosen your grip on Kuhn’s shirt. If he did go flying, you did not want to be dragged with him.
“I’m gonna distract it as you kill it,” Kuhn stopped trying to whisper, his voice turning into a deep mumble as a grin spread across his face. You gasped and glanced to the side. The bull had stopped sniffing at the sound of Kuhn’s rumble. It turned itself slowly, huge eyes glinting through the darkness.
“What?” You balked, your voice breaking into a high pitched squeak. “No! I’m lazy!” But it was too late. With a soft grunt, Kuhn leapt through the air and charged the beast. You watched as he bounded across the clearing and launched himself over its head, body rolling through the air before he landed on the floor.
Apparently decades of not being able to lift your head really built up the monster’s reflexes. It turned, faster than should be possible, and by the time Kuhn landed its muscles were tensing as it prepared to charge.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!” You stood up quickly, lifting your hands. Around you, a dark purple mist began to swirl, unable to take a single form as you floundered to form a plan. All you knew was, without you, Kuhn would mostly likely die.
Damn. You really hated Hephaestus kids.
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x1musings · 4 years
rivals au & wooseok 👀👀
thank you!! :) man this one was hard, because i didn’t know how to end it and it was entering one-shot length territory so i had to cut down a lot. but i hope it’s ok.
drabble challenge #3:
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you couldn’t tell if the girls huddling around you and repeatedly asking you if you were ok was helping or making you feel worse. on any other day, you would happily take part in badmouthing the asshole that owned the office right next to yours. but today, just hearing his name made you want to throw up.
“i can’t believe they actually gave the diamond project to wooseok. can’t they see that the project was made for y/n?”
“y/n’s presentation was way better than wooseok’s. all he had was his connections.”
“what’s with management always sucking up to him? you’d think he was the chairman or something.”
“oh shit, here he comes.”
you looked up from your coffee cup, just in time to see him enter the break room, with an annoyingly smug smile on his face.
“hi ladies, you think you could give me a second with y/n?”
the girls looked unsure whether to leave you alone with, knowing that nothing good came from you two being alone together. so, you nodded at them, wanting to get this inevitable conversation with wooseok out of the way. they took their time leaving, each looking back at you to make sure you were really okay. once they left, you went back to staring at your coffee, as if it would somehow give you the strength to deal with put up with whatever he had to say.
“what do you want, wooseok?”
“just wanted to see how you’re doing.”
you glanced up for a second to send him a glare, before looking back down. “as if you care.” you paused for a second as a thought came to you. “why did you throw you hat in the ring? you said that you weren’t even interested in the project.”
he took a seat across from you and leaned back as he stared at you. “well i wasn’t. but then i heard your friends talk about how you were the best in the department and that i was a coward for not trying a hard project like the diamond project, so i decided to try my hand at it.”
“so, the only reason you took it was to prove that you’re better than me.”
you had to curb your urge to throttle him. “let’s see if you can get a meeting with the ceo, then we’ll see if you’re better than me.”
wooseok raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. “what will you do if i do get the interview?”
you leaned forward too, staring him down. “i’ll admit that you’re the best in the department.”
he smirked at you. “ok, but you have to do it publicly, like in a meeting.”
you stood up from your seat and walked over to sink to pour out your cold coffee. as you walked out of the break room, you said, “fine. i’ll give you a week, wooseok.”
a week later, you had almost forgotten about the bet, having been swamped with a new project management had given you. that is, until wooseok stormed into your office, walking over to your desk, and leaned his arms on your desk to stare you down.
“what did you do to make the ceo refuse to meet with me? he’s refusing to work with anyone besides you.”
you raised an eyebrow. “i didn’t do anything. i just took the time to get to know him while i was preparing for the presentation.” you took a moment to smirk at him. “it’s not my fault if the ceo was so charmed by me and my ideas. hmm, i guess that means that i don’t need to admit you’re better than me, because you aren’t.”
“i will get you for this,” he said, pushing off of your desk, and walking out of your office.
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soft hours?
I’m feeling fluffy, send me stuff for drabbles or something while I work on some requests after being away from tumblr for like 2 weeks.
Ask about my Up10tion shows or KCON NY 2018! Chat!!
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soulangel · 4 years
Skye’s Groups
Big Bang
Block B
Boys Republic
Cross Gene
Monsta X
Royal Pirates
Stray Kids
Teen Top
Topp Dogg (X1 now?)
Uniq (Woodz is driving me crazy now, I remember him being the cute nerdy one...)
Golden Child
The Boyz
VeriVery (?)
So with this....longish list; feel free to ask or vent or rant or question about them! Hell ask for timestamps/drabbles! Though because my requests are still closed at the moment, I’m only gonna be making them like a couple paragraphs long or so. I hope this helps some curious peeps in WHO EXACTLY I FOLLOW lol I’ve forgetting on a few occasions myself and have to be like “OH HEY I REMEMBER THEM!” ...yeah...anyway... 
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