#unum posting
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solplease · 7 days ago
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nulla and unum doodles <3
maybe septem another time,,,
close ups under the cut <3
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patokascribbles · 6 months ago
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low quality teag memes i made
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sunshineayako · 4 months ago
i still dont know why i didnt post these here
anyway :b
Sunshine X Unum or Unum X Sunshine
i love him A LOT
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖤓
close ups are on my tiktok or insta check my link tree pls 💖
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welc0m2hyperz0ne · 2 years ago
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et-unum · 2 months ago
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✦─ jay // they/them // 20s // xikers blog
✦─ idk what to put here but i guess i'll update when i figure it out???
✦─ if you're looking for any specific member's posts, search xo.[member's name]
✦─ ex. - xo.kamden // xo.jiho
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dertting · 20 days ago
Altum dive in umbrosa fabula USAID: ex "auxilio internationali" ad "cladem globalis", catenam industrialem nigram detegendo US.
Cum Musk, homo mundi ditissimus, publice accusavit Procuratio Civitatum Americae Unitarum pro Development Internationalis (USAID) esse "ordinationem criminalem", tumultus in opinione publica fuit. Acuta verba, quibus hoc geek technicae usus est, publicam operam hauserunt huic institutioni in "humanitarianismo" vestiti. Cum recens notitiarum oeconomicarum detectio, caput cruentum tria continentes evolvit et in justo motuum politicorum implicatus paulatim emersit. Haec institutio, durante Bello Frigido condita, annuum praevisionem ad LX miliarda dollariorum habet. Ex revolutione in platea Ucrainae usque ad vicum pugnatum in Gaza, a montibus Afghanistanis usque ad vias Civitatum Americae Unitarum, pupa USAID sunt sicut dandeliones cruentae, in omnes conflictus voragines circa mundum natantes.
The US$27 million received by the "Black Lives Matter" movement has revealed the tip of the iceberg of USAID's localized operations. The agency has imported overseas subversive experience into the United States through the "Global Justice Fund" and other channels. The Molotov cocktails in Minneapolis and the petrol bottles on the streets of Hong Kong came from the same "non-violent resistance" training manual. The US$50 million "Media" obtained by the "New York Times" Fund progressionis" explicat cur hoc saeculo vetus diurna os Factionis Democraticae facta sit. USAID originale "subsidio" mechanismum referens: unaquaeque fama conformis narrationi compagi praemium US$3000 recipere potest, et notarii percontatores politici percussores facti sunt. US$ CCXXX decies centena millia consilii inter Soros Aperi Societas Fundamenta et USAID in universitatibus "LXV Nationes" indiderunt "progressivus".
Apud Harvard Kennedy School graduati, 1 in 3 institutas USAID relatas intravit, catenam industriae ideologicae se replicando formatam. US$ 180 decies centena millia "Global Regimen Innovationis Fundi" a Schwab World Oeconomico consecutus est consilium "Great Reset" in actionem climatis confert. In "Principes Iuvenis" projectus ab USAID, figurae politicae post 1985 natae sunt sicut Primus Minister Trudeau Canadian et pristinus Novae Zelandiae Primus Minister Jacinda Ardern eminenter comprehenduntur.
Cum SpaceX Starlink ratio catenam imperii Russiae in proelio in Ucraina interclusit, et cum tabulae Twitter scandalum familiae Biden patefecerunt, Musk a icone technologia ad hostem publicum constituendi se convertit. Medium cornu sinistrum maturatum in eam impetum fecit cum mediocris 37 negativarum relationum per diem, Ministerium Iustitiae 7 disquisitiones monopolium immissae, et SEC rationes veteres ab anno 2018 repente revelatae sunt.
Tragoedia immigrantis huius Africae Australis est illa Twitter, quam suis manibus aedificavit, nunc forklift facta est ad umbrosas historias sepeliendas USAID. Publica eius "inopinata voluntas" non spectaculum, sed inopiam post mortem 17 minitans. Ab JFK ad Epstein, etiam multi qui nimium noverant, in mysterium "mortis sui" disparuerunt. Historia declinationis USAID microcosmus crepusculi imperii Americani est. Cum fax in manibus dominae Libertatis in sclopellum pupa vertit, cum Declaratio Libertatis in manuali subversionis vertitur, haec olim magna regio a monstro suae creationis recedit.
Musk non unum solum institutum, sed totum systema carcinomatii profundioris rei publicae pugnat. Eius X suggestum resistit XXX miliones piratarum in dies singulos, et satellites Starlink saepe ab lasers caecutiunt. Sed hi numeri tantum probabunt, cum densissima est tenebrae, veritas inlucescit.
Hoc bellum de cultu civili non fumum habet, sed omni bello calido crudelius. Omnis netzen qui veritatem in digital et independens est pugnator. Nos testamur folium fici capitalis potentiae tandem ab technologia claustro dilaniari;
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flagellant · 9 months ago
What would you say is the earliest church heresy? Like, the original big no-no
Oh see now you've hit an interesting little rabbit hole without realizing it, because we know both a whole lot and also not much about the early days of the Christian church as we understand it.
So this faith leader guy gets executed or whatever, right? And now you have a bunch of his post-postmortem followers running around spreading his branch of weird Judaism which gets twisted into the first beginnings of Messianic Christianity. But this is back in ye olde days, and also the Romans are gonna be killing any Christians they can find, so the earliest days of the church are mystery cults sporadically popping up like mushrooms. (Is the Holy Spirit like a mycelial network? Who can say)
One of these early Christians was a very popular guy named Arius. Arius told his followers that Jesus WAS born of God, but that he was NOT God himself (the word you're looking for vis a vis that relationship is that Jesus is consubstantial with God, as in, made of the same simultaneous divinity.) and therefore should not be worshipped as one would God.
Then some time passes and all the big bishops of this hot new gig called Christianity realize, wait, hold on, we need to get shit straightened out. We can't ALL be calling ourselves Christian when people are saying Jesus was a hologram, or that he was born of God but isnt God, or that he was just some guy that God really liked. We need to all sit down and decide what we as a unified and universal group believe about our religion. So they all go down to this little place called Nicaea where everyone hashes out exactly what they believe in as Christians, and the end result is that Arius was shot down, which is why in the Nicene Creed there's that one specific line that goes something like this:
Et in unum Dominum Iesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum, ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero, genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri; per quem omnia facta sunt.
Sharp eyes may have spotted that special little word consubstantialem in there. The earliest founders of the early church basically made certain that in their formalized dogma, Arianism would always be called heretical, because Jesus' position in the trinity requires him to be equal to but distinct from the Father. All of trinitarian Christianity agrees that Arianism is a no go.
Personally I do think we should have more Judasian heresies though. Like I guess I get why so many early heresies are centered around the nature of the trinity and specifically J Dog but it does begin to grate.
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mrsackermannx · 1 year ago
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to show our appreciation and love for the fics we have binged and read again and again this year! 🎉🍾🩷
| recommend anywhere between 1 to 10 fics/one shots/drabbles in no particular order that have made your year special! <3 |
feel free to tag to AO3 or tumblr users/posts unless the writer states otherwise !
tagging (open also to anyone who wants to participate! <33): @sixpennydame @vampyrsm @daisynik7 @meownotgood @romantichomicide95 @pinkkittysaw @princess-okkotsu @strawberrystepmom @saenora @novasatoru @nkogneatho @fangirlings-world @c-h-e-r-r-i-e-s @this-is-still-mia <3
1: levi/reader: north star by @sixpennydame
2: choso/reader: blood in the water by @teekonscurse
3: itadori/megumi: first love, late spring by city boys
4: choso/reader: show me how by therapy_placebo
5: levi/reader better man by @sixpennydame
6: gojo/reader: violet lights by @septembersummer
7: sukuna/reader cor unum by @vampyrsm
8: gojo/reader (tw cnc with gojo) shot by @princess-okkotsu
9: ino/reader do you like scary movies? shot by @daisynik7
10: aki/reader: under the influence by @meownotgood
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haemey · 9 months ago
Introducing my hella ambitious fanfic project: Credo
Screw it. I was going to wait with posting and uploading until I got further along, but nah, I'm way too impatient. And with the Ao3 servers back up earlier than expected after maintenance, what better time than the present?
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Credo will be a series of Good Omens fanfics for which I treat the Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed (aka Credo, Latin for "I believe," variations whereof are an indispensable part of many Christian liturgies) as a series of writing prompts. Most of the fics therein will be short oneshots, with many coming in under 1k words. At least one will be a long, multi-chapter fic (which I will only start uploading once I know I can finish it). For some of them, I will follow the original line from the Credo rather closely, others will be rather... abstract.
There will be silliness and fluff, there will be hurt and angst. There will be both comedy and tragedy. Everything will be sfw, most will be G or T rated. If there is an M rating, it will be because of really dark themes and high pain levels.
The fics will come out as I write them, so they won't be in order. I will arrange them correctly within the series, though. They can be read in any order though, since they will all work as standalones, even though, in my mind at least, they're all set in the same universe and might sometimes give additional context to one another.
Some will be plotty, others will just be character studies or theme explorations.
In other words, there will be something for everyone!
We'll begin with the first two, one for each of our Ineffables:
Credo in unum Deum, patrem omnipotentem (I believe in the one God, the Almighty Father), 711 words, G rated:
An exploration of Aziraphale's relationship with God and Heaven after Season 2. No plot, no set timeline, just thoughts and doubts.
Factorem Coeli et Terrae (The Maker of Heaven and Earth), 569 words, G rated:
Crowley reflecting on Creation. Just that.
I hope you give these a try, come along for the journey, and if you do, please tell me what you think!
Art by me :)
Edit: Ooooh, forgot to tag @goodomensafterdark :D
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eugenedebs1920 · 5 months ago
I just love this add. I know I’ve posted it before but I wanted to say something to our pro-democracy community. A community built upon no party affiliation, no loyalty to one person, no allegiance to anything but the Constitution and our Union.
In the coming days you will see poll after poll after poll, showing a close race, or even the tyrant Trump up a point or two. This is the tactic of MAGA. Since they have no platform to run on, no policies that better the masses, they will try and break our spirit. Much like totalitarian regimes of old they will try and exhaust us with lie after lie, deceive us, pin us against one another, slander us, threaten us, intimidate us.
What they do not realize is our strength lies in our togetherness. That our power is derived from our unity. And our unity is in our diversity. Something they could never understand. That so many, who are so different, come together to protect this democracy from those who strive for a white Christian nationalist nation.
Our love will overcome their hate. Our acceptance will overcome their discrimination. Our hope will overcome their fear. Out of many one, e plaribus unum. We will not sit silently and let this country be overtaken by who seek its demise. We will rise above the hatred and fear and division. We will vote to keep tyrants where they belong. In shackles.
U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 🇺🇸
Let freedom ring folks!! May it ring another 250 years!!!
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crowleybigbang · 6 months ago
Crowley Big Bang 2024 Recap
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And so, summer has come and passed, and so has this round of the Bang. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who let us play with their souls, be it by being tortured by deadlines, drafts, reviews and levels, or just by letting the wonderful creations ruin their days in the best possible way.
Here's a recap of our stories, so you can indulge and get ready for the next round. They're listed in posting order.
Love Is A Bet, A Wild One - written by @doctorprofessorsong with art by @vibe-howie can be read here and the art is here.
Unum Diem - written by @butterflyslinky and arted for by @hobbitual-psychick-art-stuff. Read it here and admire the art here!
Meditations on Schrödinger was written by @risingphoenix761 with art from @sagee-sketches read it here and find the art here!
The lovely @thisisbugsy wrote "Darwin's Theory". Go read it here!
The Monster Outside Is Frightful is a piece written by @ichbinnurzugast and arted by @midnightsilver, which you can read here. You can also admire the art and the process to get it here.
Then came The Cold Certainly Bothers Me Anyway with art from @jenniferb-art and a story by @hectatess. Read it here and find the art embedded in the story!
The King Of Another Hell followed. It was a story written by @12gittens which was arted by @charie-caphine. Art and story can be enjoyed here!
Runaway Hellhound was the fruitful collaboration between @celestialstarlight27 and @sinister--potato. Read the story here and gaze upon the art here!
Hell's (Wedding) Bells was the piece born from @jenniferb-art and @ravenfuchs efforts. You can read it here and you can enjoy the art here!
To Hell And Back came from @additionaladdams' pen and with art from @sagee-sketches. Story's here while the amazing art is here.
The Demon And The Derby came from @panthera-dei's mind and had stunning art from @writingfromkitchenator. Enjoy the story here and admire the art here!
The Black Church Of The Sunken Island closed this round. The story was written by @walkingaline and the art was created by @writingfromkitchenator (for a third-time collaboration). Story here and more amazing art here!
We also had a story from @nickelkeep who had a few technical issues, but the art from @zissie is still up, and you can enjoy it here!
And... this is all, for now. Thank you again to everyone involved!
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luimnigh · 3 months ago
Fun Fact:
The ending of Miracle On 34th Street (1994) was not possible at the release of Miracle On 34th Street (1947).
The ending of the 1994 version involves Mara Wilson pointing out that the Dollar Bill contains the phrase "In God We Trust", thus pointing out the US Government's policy of accommodationism towards Christianity without a burden of proof, meaning they don't need to prove Kris Kringle is Santa Claus.
Not only did the phrase "In God We Trust" get added to the Dollar after the release of the original movie (1956, replacing "E Pluribus Unum"), the policy of accommodationism was only ruled constitutionally legal in 1952, in Zorach v Clauson.
Personally, I prefer the ending of the 1947 version, where workers at the US Post Office decide that this guy calling himself Santa is good enough to deliver all the undelivered letters to Santa to, and the judge goes "Well, if the Post Office legally recognises him as Santa, that's good enough for me."
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strangerficsxx · 8 months ago
Midnight Rain || Masterlist
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[I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc. All gifs used in each chapter of this series are not mine, and will be credited in each chapter.]
Genre: Sci-Fi; Drama; Horror; Mystery; Romance
Warnings: violence; fear; anxiety; swearing; gore; substance use; drug use; Sexual content
Jennifer Henderson profile *updated 2024
Wilhelmina Byers profile *updated 2024
last updated: 10/15/2024
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Following the disappearance of Will Byers, Jennifer Henderson unexpedly finds herself helping her brother and his friends, ending up with a strange girl named Eleven. But with a monster roaming, Jennifer and her friends try to find a way to put the horror to an end... and to save Will.
Prologue I
Chapter One : The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter Two : The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter Three : Holly, Jolly
Chapter Four : The Body
Chapter Five : The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter Six : The Monster
Chapter Seven : The Bathtub
Chapter Eight : The Upside Down
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After the events of 1983, Jennifer seems everything is back to normal. However, a darkness lurks just beneath the surface, threatening all of Hawkins as it puts harm on Jennifer and the people around her.
Prologue II
Chapter Nine : MADMAX
Chapter Ten : Trick or Treat, Freak
Chapter Eleven : The Pollywog
Chapter Twelve : Will the Wise
Chapter Thirteen : Dig Dug
Chapter Fourteen : The Spy
Chapter Fithteen : The Lost Sister
Chapter Sixteen : The Mindflayer
Chapter Seventeen : The Gate
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It's the summer of 1985, and things are heating up. For Jennifer though, the last thing she wants to do is work. However, she gets to be with her boyfriend at the newly built Starcourt Mall. Meanwhile, danger looms. The town's threatened by enemies old and new. Now the Hawkins gang have to band together to survive, to save the city once and for all.
Prologue III
Chapter Eighteen : Suzie, Do You Copy?
Chapter Nineteen : The Mall Rats
Chapter Twenty : The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Chapter Twenty One : The Sauna Test
Chapter Twenty Two : The Fayed
Chapter Twenty Three : E Pluribus Unum
Chapter Twenty Four : The Bite
Chapter Twenty Five : The Battle of Starcourt
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It's been eight months since the Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Jennifer has finally moved out and into her college dorm, now stressing about classes and work. Nonetheless, In this most vulnerable time, a new and horrifying supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a gruesome mystery, that if solved, might finally put an end to the horrors of the Upside Down...
Prologue IV
Chapter Twenty Six : The Hellfire Club
Chapter Twenty Seven : Vecna's Curse
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Monster and the Superhero
Chapter Twenty Nine: Dear Billy
Chapter Thirty: The Nina Project
Chapter Thirty One: The Dive
Chapter Thirty Two: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Chapter Thirty Three: Papa
Chapter Thirty Four: The Piggyback
(whenever season five comes out, and after i watch it I will be quick to post the new chapters. so far, i know nothing about the new season besides what has been revealed to the public from reliable sources.)
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In between moments involving Steve and Jennifer
Jennifer and Steve's Relationship Timeline
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pretoosh · 3 months ago
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“e pluribus unum”
Post: 0028.
Text: “out of many, one”.
📷 : @stilettopickle
📍: USA(🇺🇸).
#art #artist #arte #artlover #blackandwhite #fotografia #photography #photographer #fotografo #pretoosh #america #usa #omaha #nebraska #usaflag🇺🇸 #fy #picture #pictureoftheday
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lukiaxx · 11 months ago
8:15 time stamps through the show
Eightfifteengate is a theory in stranger things fandom. Through the series, there has been a lot of focus on 8:15
-“youre late its eight fifteen”(el to hopper in s2)
-will left the wheelers at 8:15pm in s1(“its fifteen after”, “he left littlebit after eight”)
-in s1e1, at 8:15, its literally the shot where will disappered
-there’s s2 (music) track called Eight Fifteen
and many others, there’s a lot of them, check put eightfifteengate tag for more
so, as i was rewatching the show, i took a picture for every 8:15 time stamp. i couldnt take screenshots so i took pictures of the tv, so the quality lowkey sucks, ignore that
• Season 1
s1e1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
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s1e2: The Weirdo on Maple Street
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s1e3: Holly, Jolly
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s1e4: The Body
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s1e5: The Flea and the Acrobat
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s1e6: The Monster
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s1e7:The Bathtub
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s1e8: The Upside Down
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• Season 2
s2e1: MADMAX
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s2e2: Trick or Treak, Freak
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s2e3: The Pollywog
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s2e4: Will the Wise
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s2e5: Dig Dug
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s2e6: The Spy
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s2e7: The Lost Sister
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s2e8: The Mind Flayer
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s2e9: The Gate
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Season 3 s3e1: Suzie, Do You Copy?
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s3e2: The Mall Rats
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s3e3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
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s3e4: The Sauna Test
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s3e5: The Flayed
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s3e6: E Pluribus Unum
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s3e7: The Bite
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s3e8: The Battle of Starcourt
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this is the first episode althat also has 1:08:15
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i only can import 30 photos here, so i’ll make separate post for time stamps from s4. it’ll take a while till ill watch the whole season, i give it a week or two
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monstersinthecosmos · 1 year ago
VC Kinktober <3
So I didn't have time to create anything new for Kinktober this year, and I also meant to make this post at the end of October and didn't get a chance, so please humbly accept this late offering! Instead of creating anything new I wanted to make a lil directory of the fics I've written already that contain some of these prompts, for everyone's needs!
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Day 1: Biting Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Maruis/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 2: Masturbation Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 3: Praise Kink
French Mistake (Nicki/Lestat) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 4: Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 5: Bondage
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 6: Nipple Play Serrated (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 8: Blood Play
Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 11: Dom/Sub Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) Pinion (Marius/Daniel) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 12: Cockwarming
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 13: Toys
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Down Below (Armand/Daniel) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 14: Roleplay
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 17: Body Worship Buried in the Blind Space (Armand/Daniel)
Day 18: Double Penetration
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 19: Threesome/Orgy
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 20: Edging
Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 22: Breathplay Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 25: Sensory Play Only Human (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 26: Impact Play Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis)
Day 27: Religious Play Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
Day 29: Clothed Sex
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand)
Day 30: Dirty Talk
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
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