strangerficsxx · 1 month
Chapter Four: The Sauna Test
story:Midnight Rain wc: 2.2k after robin finds a useful map of starcourt mall, her, jennifer, steve and dustin bribe erica with 'free ice cream for life' as she crawls through startcourt's ventilation system. later, she opens the lynx transportation door, and the small group comes down from the roof to join her as they try to figure out why russians are under starcourt mall..
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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Sitting in the back at Scoops Ahoy, Dustin gave more detail on the entrance of the small interior they were looking into the night before. Robin fumbles with the bracelets on her wrist as Steve twirls his sailor hat on his finger.
"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes,"
Jennifer sits in the chair as Steve's foot rest against it, in between her thighs. She rests her chin on the palm of her hand while her other hand rests on her boyfriends shin. Dustin paces back and forth, continuing his sentence.
"They really don't want anybody finding it."
"But there's gotta be a way in."
Steve blows into his hat, dropping it onto the table.
"Well, you know.." He leans against the table. "I could just take him out."
"Take who out?" Jennifer asks.
"The Russian guard."
Robin nods in disbelieve, lips pursed. Jennifer snickers and looks his way.
"What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and take his keycard. It's easy."
"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?"
Steve looks toward Dustin.
"Yes, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking."
"Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?"
"Okay, that was one time--"
"Twice. Jonathan. Year prior."
"Listen, that doesn't count."
Robin and Jennifer look at each other, smiling and wanting to laugh. Jennifer turns toward him, clearing her throat.
"Why wouldn't it? Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you." Jennifer adds on, earning an annoyed look from Steve.
Soon Dustin chimes in, beginning to argue with Steve as Robin looks over at the whiteboard. Jennifer follows her gaze towards the board, confused. "That just might work."
Robin grabs her bag and rushes out of the back, and scooping the cash from the tip jar.
"Robin. Jennifer. Hey, guys! Hey, what-- what are you doing?"
"We need cash."
"Well, some of that is mine. Where're you going?"
"To find a way into that room, a safe way. In the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up. We'll be back in a jiff."
Her and Robin rush out and toward the entrance of the mall, and toward Robin's bike.
"Why don't I give you a ride. I have a car."
"Okay, let's go."
The two girls hop in the car and take off down the road toward the County Recorder's Office. They park and exit the vehicle, walking toward the office. They enter the little room, and Robin speaks to the woman at the counter. Eventually, someone was able to give them a blueprint of the vents and stuff at Starcourt Mall.
"I can't believe we actually got something like this."
"Well, for twenty dollars, we'll take it. Let's get back and show the boys, and figure this out."
The two girls get back to the mall, rushing in and toward Scoops Ahoy. The four of them step into the back room.
"It is fascinating what 20 bucks will get you at the County Recorder's Office." Robin speaks, setting the blueprint down.
"Starcourt Mall. The complete blueprints." Jennifer tells, extending the Rest of Robin's sentence.
"Not bad,"
Robin points at the paper. "So, this is us, Scoops. And this is where we want to get."
"I mean, I don't really see a way in."
"There's not if you are talking exclusively about doors."
"Air ducts."
"Turns out, this secret room needs air just like any old room." Jennifer walks toward the white board and grabs the marker before returning to the table. "And these air ducts lead all the way.."
She trails a red line with the marker down the paper, leading to the bottom left corner of the page. "Here."
Jennifer, along with Steve, Robin and Dustin look toward the air vent."
Steve exits the room and comes back with a step ladder as he sets it up before grabbing a screwdriver, stepping up the ladder and unscrewing the small screws. He takes the vent down, handing it to his girlfriend.
"Flashlight." He says, muffled.
Jennifer hands him the flashlight as he thanks her before taking the screwdriver out of his mouth and handing it to her as well. Steve turns the light on, and shine the torch in the air duct.
"Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know if you can fit in here. It's, like... uh, super tight."
"I'll fit." Dustin speaks. "Trust me. No collar bones, remember?"
"Uh, excuse me?" Robin asks, surprised.
Steve hops off the ladder as Dustin scurry's up the metal.
"Oh, he's, uh... Yeah, he's got some disease. Chry, uh... It's chrydo, um. Something. Yeah, I dunno."
"Oh, my God." Jennifer groans, earning a look from both Steve and Robin. "He has cleidocranial dysplasia. You should've asked me. I'm his sister."
Robin stands, eyes flickering between Jennifer and Steve, then keeping them on the other female and nods.
"That's it. He's missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo." Steve says.
"You mean Gumby."
"I'm pretty sure it's gumbo."
"Just shut up and push me!" Dustin exclaims from above, half way out of the air vent.
Steve walks toward the ladder, climbing up and begins to push on Dustin's lower half as Robin snakes closer to Jennifer.
"What do you see in this dingus?"
"Lots of things. But, it's not excusing his stupidity."
"Well, you're not wrong about that."
Steve continues pushing as the two females watch as Robin furrows her brows. Jennifer rolls her eyes, lowering her head and pinching the bridge of his nose, annoyed.
"Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass!" Dustin exclaims.
"Touch my butt! I don't care!" Dustin shouts.
Steve begins pushing on Dustin's ass.
"Come! Harder! Push harder!" The curly haired kid shouts.
"I'm pushing!"
Dustin's lower half rests on Steve's shoulders as he continues to push the kid in further.
"You're playing with my legs."
"I'm not playing, I have terrible footing."
Jennifer shakes her head as Robin does the same.
"Come on!"
"I'm gonna shove you, ready?"
"Just shove me?"
"One, two.."
Steve shoves the child with a push as it doesn't work. In the vent, Dustin curses out loud.
"That work?"
"One more time."
from the front, a dinging bell is heard as both Jennifer and Robin turn to look at the little girl in front of the counter outside.
"Ahoy, sailors! All hands on deck! Ahoy!"
The girl keeps complaining as Robin looks toward the brunette.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I think so, yeah,"
After bringing the girl into the back of the room, the little girl climbs the ladder, shining the flashlight in the duct. Stepping down, she turns to face everyone. The four of them are leaned against the counter, Robin has her elbows perched on the table, Steve's crossed arms, and Dustin's hands in his pockets as Jennifer stands with her hands on her hips. They all look at Erica.
"Yeah, I don't know."
"You don't know if you can fit?" Dustin asks.
"Oh, I can fit. I just don't know if I want to."
"Are you claustrophobic?" Jennifer asks.
Erica snickers. "I don't have phobias."
"Okay, well, what's the problem?"
"The problem is, I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica."
Steve smacks his lips, dumbfounded and doesn't know what to say next. They get Erica seated as they crowded around her as various types of fancy ice creams surround the table. A nautical tune plays above as Steve pushes a banana split towards Erica. She pushes it away, asking for more fudge. The other's sit there silent as Steve becomes annoyed before he rises. Jennifer and Robin are alone with Dustin and Erica. Jennifer grabs the blueprint, holding it as Robin points her finger to the paper.
"You see this? This is the route you're gonna take. Then we just wait till the last delivery goes out tonight."
"Than you knock out the grate, jump down, open the door."
"Then you find out what's in those boxes?"
"And you say this guard is armed."
"Yes, but he won't be there."
"And booby traps?"
"Booby traps?" Jennifer asks.
"Lasers, spikes in the wall?"
Erica turns to Dustin.
"You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment."
"We'll be in radio contact with you the whole time--"
"Ah, ah. Ah! Child endangerment."
"Erica? Hi. Uh.." Dustin begins. "We think these Russians want to do great harm to our country. Great harm. Don't you love your country?"
"You can't spell 'America' without 'Erica."
The child slurps the drink obnoxiously loud.
"Uh, yeah. Oddly, that's, uh, totally true. So, so, don't do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man."
The slurping continues as Robin raises her brows. Jennifer takes a long and slow blink, obviously annoyed.
"Do this for America.. Erica."
She sets the cup on the table.
"Ooh! I just got the chills."
Dustin smiles. Erica finishes her sentence.
"Oh, yeah, from this float, not your speech. Know what I love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is?"
"It means this is a free market system. Which means people get paid for their services,"
Robin and Dustin meet eye contact and exchanging it with Jennifer as well.
"Depending on how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. So, you want my help? This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many. And I'm talking free ice cream for life."
She takes a bite of the cherry off the stem, sassily.
Even though the day was full of sass and people buying ice cream, the malls eventually closes as Robin, Steve, Dustin and Jennifer sit on the roof and in the same spot prior. Radio static pops as Jennifer presses down on the button. Dustin looks out his binoculars.
"Erica, do you copy?" She asks.
"Mm-hmm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?"
"Yeah, we're in position." Jennifer responds. "It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light."
"Green light, roger that." Erica utters. "Commence Operation Child Endangerment."
"Can we maybe not call it that?" Jennifer asks, Steve leaned in close to her.
"See you on the other side. Nerds."
Jennifer and Steve glance at each other before he looks away, she in another direction, praying that it'll be safe for Erica. They wait while Jennifer chews on her bottom lip nervously, waiting before a sound sparks their attention.
"All right, nerds I'm here."
"Do you-- Do you see anything?" Robin asks.
"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about."
"Any guards?"
"Booby traps?"
"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shitty traps, wouldn't they?"
"Thank you for that."
"I'm in,"
"Oh, God." Steve exclaims, sighing and running his fingers through his hair.
Suddenly the door opens as Jennifer smiles, impressing both Steve and Dustin as well as Robin. Erica stands there with her hand on her hip, her other hand next to her mouth.
"Free ice cream for life."
The other's get up and make their way towards the entrance as Steve grabs a pocket knife, cutting the box open as he opens it. Robin helps as well. A metal container sits in the Imperial Panda cardboard box as Steve reaches in, grabbing the handle and switches it. The container hisses as air spreads out from the opening. He pulls the top of the box off, steam flowing out of the box as the three teens along with Erica and Dustin stare into the box. Four more latches sit there. Steve furrows his brows.
"That's definitely not Chinese food." He says, setting the top down beside him and looking at the others. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know stand back."
Erica steps down from the box and takes a step back along with Jennifer and Robin. Dustin stands beside Steve.
"Just step back, Dustin." Jennifer pleads.
"Oh, my God. You're unbelievable."
"Step back. Seriously."
"No! No!'
The three older teens, including Erica look toward the kid.
"If you die, I die."
Steve stares at Dustin for a few seconds before getting fed up. "Okay,"
He reaches in and turns the knob, air hissing as he lifts it, eying the container of green substance. Jennifer was worried it could be radioactive, unsure if she should intervene.
"What the hell?"
"What is that?"
There's abrupt rumbling as the room shakes around them.
"Was that just me, or did the room move?"
"Booby traps." Erica whispers.
"You know what? Let's grab that and go." Robin states, grabbing the substance from Steve.
Jennifer watches as her younger brother walks over to the buttons that control the shaft while steve continues investigating the other container inside the box. Dustin pushes the button as nothing happens, pressing it fast each time his finger presses the button. It seems to do nothing.
"Which one do I press, Erica?"
"Just press the damn button, nerd."
"Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?"
"Press 'open door'."
"I'm pressing 'open door'."
Steve turns, walking toward the kid.
"Just open the-- Press the other button!" He shouts, stepping in front of the control pad.
"Out of the way so she can push the button--"
"Would you stop?"
"I'm trying."
"Would you let me just do it? Would you stop?"
They continue pushing each button, looking over at the door, panicked.
"Just open the door!" Jennifer shouts.
Something clangs as the door slams shut, closing the kids inside. They stand there frozen in their steps. Jennifer shuffles as Robin screams. Everyone loses their balance, trying to hold onto something nearby. Steve holds on the wall with one hand as the other holds Jennifer. The small box slides down a shaft as the lights flicker, getting faster.
"Oh, shit." Steve curses.
Jennifer keeps holding onto Steve, tighter. It slides down the shaft farley quickly as it feels like Jennifer is going to lose her footing and lay against the top of it due to the fast pace. But she tries her hardest to bare down on her footing, ascending down the shaft.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Three: The Case of The Missing Lifeguard
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.8k jennifer, steve, and dustin keep a look out for russian spies in the mall as she begins to feel somewhat better.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ June 31, 1985 }
The next night, Jennifer spends time looking through newspaper to find a shrink who can help her with the dire mood she's been in since her best friend died last year -- 1984. She does, however, find a shrink down the road from where she lives as well as the number for her practice listed below the woman's name.
She stands, grabbing the telephone off the table beside the television and sets it down on the coffee table. Picking up the receiver, the dial tone plays as Jennifer then begins typing the number down in the keypad. It was only 4 in the afternoon, so the practice had to be open still. Finally after four annoying rings later, a woman picks up.
"Hi, uh, this is Jennifer Henderson. I wanted to ask of you take in young adults around eighteen, or so."
"Yes, I do. Why?"
"I... I just need someone to talk to and since I'm not in high school anymore, I need a shrink who can help. When is a time that you have opened? It could be tonight, tomorrow. I do not care when it is."
"I have an opening at six tomorrow night, are you available for that time?"
"Yes, I am. Thank you, buh-bye."
{ July 1, 1985 }
The next day arrived faster and Jennifer begins to feel somewhat better after talking as she grabs the photobox from her closet and gets rid of the photos of her and Billie. The anger builds inside, not wanting to throw out the polaroids of them together but does so anyway. Tears form in her eyes as Jennifer puts the lid on the box before shoving it back in her closet.
"If she cared for herself a little more, this wouldn't of happened. God, you're so stupid Billie." Jennifer sneered.
Jennifer doesn't want to admit that she has survivor's guilt, but she's come to the conclusion that she needs to get through the emotions fast so she can live freely like before her best friend's death. In the doorway, a tall brown haired male with big hazel eyes looks her way. Jennifer looks back and almost startling at his sudden appearance.
"I came by to see if things were better?"
"It's a vice versa thing at the moment, but I do know what I have. I may have survivor's guilt, and a little angry about how she just ran out of the bus like an idiot, getting herself killed."
"Good, you're getting those emotions out. Now come on, we have work to do."
"Work? No, you're the one working."
"Not today. Me and Dustin and you, if you're interested, helping us out. And it'll give you something to do beside sit around in the back."
At Scoops Ahoy, Jennifer and Robin are left alone together as Steve and Dustin begin to leave to lookout for an evil Russian. Without hesitation, the older male grabs his girlfriend's hand, pulling her along with him and Dustin.
"Hey, she's supposed to be here helping me."
"Sorry, Robin." Jennifer shrugs, giggling.
They exit the ice cream shop and lunge toward a bush, hiding behind it as Dustin pulls out a pair of binoculars. Jennifer grabs them, looking through the lens.
"You see anything?"
"Uh, I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for." Jennifer says.
"Evil Russians."
She brings the binoculars down, looking over at her boyfriend and brother. "Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like. Steve?"
"Don't ask me."
"Tall, blond, not smiling."
"Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing."
"Right, okay, duffel bags."
Jennifer hands the binoculars over to Steve, looking up at another level of some girl and a tall skinny male.
"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."
"Anna Jacobi's talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky."
"If your not gonna focus, just gimme or Jennifer the binoculars."
"Aw, Jesus Christ, whatever happened to standards? I mean Lewinsky never even came off the bench"
Jennifer, who's on the other side of Steve, looked over at him before shoving her elbow into his side enough to get him to stop drooling over other women as he grunts in pain before apologizing to his girlfriend. She rolls her eyes at him.
"You're a dick," Jennifer says, rising. "I'm gonna go back and sling ice cream with Robin."
"Dude, you are the worst spy and boyfriend in history, you know that?"
Steve makes a face at Dustin before glancing up at his girlfriend, extending his hand to a now standing Jennifer. "Come on, Jen. I'm sorry."
Dustin yanks the binuclars away from Steve. He sighs in annoyance. The kid continues talking. Jennifer exhales then crouches down beside him, keeping some distance between her and the two males.
"I don't get why you're looking into other girls. You have the perfect one in front of you."
"Yeah, I mean even though she's my sister. She's perfect for you."
"She is." Steve says, glancing at Jennifer as he flashes a quick smile. She couldn't help but look back at him, giving a half smile. She turns to face the other people in the mall.
"Now that you're out of high school, which means you're technically an adult, don't you think it's time you move on from primitive constructs such as popularity?"
"Oh, primitive constructs? That some stupid shit you learned at Camp... Know... Nothing?"
"Camp Know Where, actually." Dustin speaks. "And no, it's shit I learned from life."
Jennifer ignores the two as she looks around a little bit more, trying to find something out of place or a person who is blonde, tall and not smiling. The two guys bicker back and forth like a bunch of buffoons, ignoring them and continuing.
A few hours later, the three of them (Dustin, Jennifer and Steve) continue looking around as Jennifer's brother holds the binoculars and scopes the area.
"Target acquired."
"Where?" Steve and Jennifer say in unison.
"Ten o'clock. Sam Goody's."
"Give me that."
Jennifer grabs the binoculars and looks through, seeing a tall long blond male in all black carrying a duffel bag.
"Shit. Duffel bag."
Jennifer removes the binoculars as Steve and Dustin look at each other.
"Evil Russian," They say at the same time.
The male exits at the top of the escalator as Steve, Jennifer and Dustin follow after him, climbing the stairs. They walks past various people on the second story, rushing by people.
"Slow down."
"We're losing him."
"You're getting too close." Jennifer says.
Suddenly Steve runs into someone as the other male curses at him, giving him a nasty look before continuing on. The tall blonde male stops in his tracks, looking back as three of them find a way to hide. Dustin grabs the phone off the wall as Jennifer brings Steve towards her, kissing his lips. His hands rest against her waist, bringing her closer. Turning and peaking at the male, he continues walking as she pulls away from Steve as he and Dustin follow behind before stopping behind a pillar in the mall. From top to bottom; Steve, Jennifer, and Dustin.
The guy walks into an aerobics class, unzipping the duffel bag and pulls out a boom box as she furrowed her brows in annoyance. The guy unzips his coat and removes it off his shoulders as Jennifer, who stands below her boyfriend watches the women moving their hips. She looks up and sees Steve ogling at the women when she feels something pressing against her lower back. She looks up at him.
"Steve, uh, you're uh.. look."
Steve looks down, seeing his shorts bunched up on his groin. He covers it with his hands, embarrassed as Dustin rolls his eyes. Steve glances at her, and wiggles his brows and nodding his head toward a nearby restroom. Annoyed, Jennifer didn't want to, but deep down she felt weak in the knees. She gives in, telling Dustin to wait as she follows Steve into a large family bathroom.
A couple minutes later, the young adults sneakily make way out of the restroom as hey act like nothing happened. Jennifer fixed her hair, and slide her vest on, fixing the nametag while Steve did the same but adjust his shorts. They approach Dustin, who is eyeing something in a nearby store when he notices them.
"You guys are gross."
"What? What did we do?" Steve asks.
"Uh, you and Jennifer having--"
"Scoops Ahoy!" Was the only thing Jennifer could say to cut her brother off from finishing the sentence, only to be given a weird look by both Dustin and Steve.
"Why'd you shout Scoops Ahoy?"
"I had to say something to cut him off from finishing the sentence about us, and was trying to say was that we need to get back to Scoops Ahoy."
They eventually get back to the main level as the three of them walk up to Robin who stands on the stone leading towards the small fountain.
"Robin, what are you doing?" Jennifer questions.
"I cracked it."
"Cracked what?"
"I cracked the code."
That night, the rain pours heavily over Hawkins as the thunder claps. Jennifer along with Robin, Steve and Dustin sit on their knees on the roof of Starcourt Mall, peering over as her younger brother holds the same binoculars from earlier. They all are dressed in raincoats.
"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes." Robin states.
Jennifer wipes the raindrops from her eyes. Her lashes wet with water droplets.
"They're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock."
"What do you think's in there?" Jennifer asks.
"Guns, bombs?"
"Chemical weapons?"
"Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth."
Thunder roars again. Looking over, Steve now wipes the water droplets from his eyes, squinting them in the process. they all continue watching from afar.
"Great. That's great."
"Hey, what's in there?" Robin asks.
"It's just more boxes."
Steve reaches over and grabs the binoculars, trying to pry them from Dustin's grip.
"Let me check it out."
"No, I'm still looking."
"Lemme see it."
"Hang on!"
They drop the binoculars as the thunder claps once more above. The guys down below look above, pulling their weapons out. The four of them duck, gasping. They continue laying there as Steve and Jennifer's fingers have laced together, breathing heavily whilst the rain pours over them heavily. Holding his hand made her feel better in many ways, regarding what's going on. However, she needed to focus on keeping her head and not to get shot as she rises with her brother, Steve and Robin and walk toward the entrance that led down to the backrooms. They manage to get inside the mall, walking through the hallway leading to the back of Scoops Ahoy. Steve leads the way as Jennifer, Robin and Dustin follow behind.
"Well, I think we found your Russians."
They continue walking together. The suspicion rises in Jennifer as she leaves for the night so she can dry off an get into warm, dry clothes.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Two: The Mall Rats
story:Midnight Rain wc: 2.3k with a sudden power outage, jennifer begins to suspect something bad is coming, suspecting the gate has been opened, things turn upside down when she go through a bought of depression -- hiding her feelings from steve.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{June 29, 1985}
The next morning, Jennifer woke up in a dire mood as she lays in her bed. She stares at the ceiling before sighing, getting up and starting her day. Jennifer drove to the mall and entered, opening Scoops Ahoy before Robin and Steve arrived as she turns the lights on above, throwing her keys on the table in the back. Once when the mall open completely, people of different ages storm through and by the time Jennifer knows it, the mall is packed.
Leaning against the counter in between rooms, she watches as Robin hands off two cones to a man and woman as they turn to leave. Suddenly, Dusting shows up.
"Hey, someone's back from camp. How'd it go?"
Dustin looks around the female, glancing at his sister. "Good."
He looks at Robin.
"Hi. I'm Dustin."
"I'm Robin,"
"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is -- is he here?"
"I who here?" Jennifer asks.
Steve bursts through the door as he greets the younger boy, cheering and explaining but acting as a little kid. It makes Jennifer furrowed her brows, rolling her eyes before turning away.
"How many children are you friends with?"
Steve sighs in annoyance as Jennifer can tell just from hearing it from afar, walking out and towards Dustin as he greets her. They quickly hug before pulling back.
At a table, the three get situated as Robin continues at the counter. Jennifer sits on the end of the seat as she's beside Steve. Dustin plunges the spoon in a banana split, talking about how hot is girlfriend is plus how she looks like Phoebe Cates.
"Hotter than Phoebe Cates? No."
Dustin's eyes widen a like a little kid in a candy store as he continues on about this girl he was with at summer camp. Jennifer shifts, glancing toward her younger brother.
"Brilliant, too. And she doesn't even care that my real pearls are still coming in. She says kissing is better without teeth."
Steve nods, disgusted as he and Jennifer look at each other as she cringes. The silence is loud as the conversations around them are indistinct.
"Wow. That's great. Proud of you, man. That's ro-- That's kinda romantic."
Jennifer goes into her own world as she fumbles with Steve's sailor hat on the table, thinking as Dustin speaks. The sounds of a someone clearing their throat makes Jennifer come back to reality.
"Jennifer. you okay?" Steve asks as him and Dustin look at her with concern.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Did you say something, Dustin?"
"Yes, you working anywhere?"
"No, taking a break from stress."
He nods. "What about your relationship, Steve?"
"Good. We're still going strong."
"So do you really just get to eat as much of this as you want?"
"Yeah. I mean, sure. It's not really a good idea for me, though. I gotta keep in shape for the lad-- For Jennifer."
"Yeah, and how's that working out for you?"
"Ignore her."
"She seems cool."
"She's not. Where are the other knuckleheads?"
"Steve," She nudges him with her elbow.
"They ditched me yesterday,"
"No," Jennifer says.
"My first day back. Can you believe that shit?"
"Whoa. Seriously?"
"I swear to God. Mm. They're gonna regret it, though, big time, when they don't get to share in my glory."
"Glory? What Glory?" Jennifer asks.
Dustin scoots closer to Steve. "So, last night, we're trying to get in contact with Suzie.."
"Oh. Mm." Steve hums, looking at Jennifer as she smiles softly at him.
Dustin looks around. "I intercepted a secret Russian communication."
"What?" Steve and Jennifer say in unison.
Dustin clicks his tongue, inhaling deeply before exhaling before speaking softly. "I intercepted a secret Russian communication." Whilst covering his face.
Jennifer furrows her brows.
"Just speak louder."
"I intercepted a secret Russian communication." He speaks, louder this time as everyone in Scoops Ahoy looks at the three of them.
"Jeez, shh. Yeah, okay, that's what I thought you said."
They look around as Jennifer feels slightly embarrassed to be next to her brother and boyfriend. Steve leans against the table.
"What-- What does that mean?"
"It means, Steve, we could be heroes. True American heroes."
"American heroes?" Jennifer asks, pretending to be excited.
"American heroes. You could have all of Jennifer you want and more."
"More? No, I have-- I have Jennifer. She's all I need."
"Why did you stammer?" Jennifer asks.
"I did-- I didn't."
"Yes, you did. And you did it again."
"Yeah, you did." Dustin adds.
Steve and Dustin lean in further to one another as Jennifer leans in as well.
"What's the catch?"
"No catch, I just need your and Jennifer's help."
"With what?" Jennifer questions.
Dustin doesn't say anything as he turns to his bag and unzips it, pulling out a small booklet and showing the two adults. It reads 'Romanov's Russian - English, English - Russian Dictionary'.
"Translation." Dustin smiles.
"Seriously Dustin?"
"How the hell are we gonna do that? It's gonna take forever since none of us know how to speak Russian, even if we do read the book. It's takes awhile to learn a new language."
"We can try,"
Jennifer and Steve rise as Dustin grabs his bag and follows after them into the back room. Behind the counter, she overhears Robin and a little girl. The female calls out to Steve, who is in the back room with Jennifer and Dustin. He paces back and forth as he takes a bite out of his banana as the voice of a male speaks in Russian on the recording. The recorder sits beside a book as Dustin is seated in a chair as well as his sister. A familiar tune plays as well. The kid stops the recorder.
"So what do you think?"
"It sounded familiar."
"The music. The music right there at the end." He says, mouth full.
"Why are you listening to the music, Steve?" Jennifer asks.
"Listen to the Russian. We're translating Russian!"
"I'm trying to listen to the Russian, but there's music--"
"All right, babysitting time is over. You need to get out there."
Dustin and Jennifer stay in their places as Steve steps back. Robin walks toward her dry erase board.
"Hey, my board. That was important data, shitbirds."
"I'm not the one who cleared the board. Don't look at me,"
"Not you. Those two."
"I guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data."
Steve nods, tossing the peel on the table below.
"Yeah? And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?"
Dustin cranes his neck, looking at Steve. Jennifer lowers her head, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance almost wanting to side with Robin. She sighs.
"How does she know about the Russians?"
"I don't know."
"You told her about--"
"It wasn't me."
"It wasn't me either, doofus."
"Hello, I can hear you. Actually, I can hear everything. You both are extremely loud."
"I agree with that. I kept trying to quiet them down."
"You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you're trying to translate, but haven't figured out a word because you didn't realize Russians use an entirely different alphabet. Sound about right?"
The room was silent. Robin leans into grab the recorder as Steve swoops in and yanks it away.
"Woah! What do you think you're doing?"
"I wanna hear it."
"Why?" Dustin and Steve ask at the same time.
"Cause maybe I can help. I'm fluent in four languages, you know."
"Ou-yay are-yay umb-day."
The boys are immersed by Robin speaking another language as Jennifer sighs, lowering her head once again.
"Holy shit."
"That was Pig Latin, dingus."
Steve smacks Dustin with his banana peel with one hand whilst holding the recorder in the other.
"But I can speak Spanish and French and Italian and I've been in band for 12 years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me."
"That's why you look familiar."
"Yeah." Robin says, glancing at Jennifer before the two boys. "Come on, it's your turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate. I don't even want credit. I'm just bored."
She reaches toward Steve with the ice cream scoop. He sighs and the bell in front dings atop the counter. Steve exchanges the recorder for the scoop as she smiles.
With listening and trying to comprehend the Russian language and the stance in the tape, Robin paces back and forth listening intently as Jennifer holds the recorder. The catchy and familiar tune plays once again. She stops, pointing at the recorder.
"Wait, that last part, just one more time."
Jennifer nods and rewinds the tape as the sentence repeats.
"Okay, that word. Um.. That word which is pronounced as Dlt-nna-ya.. which is spelled..."
Robin sighs, taking a seat beside Jennifer and grabbing a pen.
"D... D, D, D..." Dustin says, rising and walking toward the whiteboard. "The-- The chair. The chair-looking thingy."
"Yeah, okay." She says, writing the Russian letter down.
Jennifer stands and rushes toward the window, sliding it open and seeing Steve, who holds two cones in his hand.
"We got our first sentence,"
"Oh really?"
Robin saunters over as Steve leans against the counter. She speaks in a russian accent. "The week is long."
"Weel, that's thrilling."
"I know. But, progress."
Robin turns and walks the other direction as Steve stands straight and brings over the two cones to Max and El. She closes the window shut, going back to the table.
Late that night, Steve and Jennifer as well as Robin and Dustin stand in front of the whiteboard, staring at the newly formed sentence written on it.
"The week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west."
"Okay that's a little odd."
They exit as Robin grabs her belongings as Jennifer holds her keys in her hands, waiting behind for Steve who locks up the shop for the night. They begin walking through the mall together.
"I mean, it just... it can't be right."
"It's right."
"Honestly, I think it's great news." Dustin says.
"How is this great news?" Jennifer questions. "I mean, so much for being American heroes. It's total nonsense."
"It's not nonsense. It's too specific. It's obviously a code."
"What do you mean a code?"
"Like a super secret spy code."
"That's a total stretch."
"I don't know, is it?"
"You're buying into this?" Jennifer asks Robin.
"Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What's you think they were gonna say, 'Fire the warhead at noon'?"
"And my translation is correct. I know that for sure, so... 'The silver cat feeds.' Why would anyone talk like that unless they're trying to mask the true meaning of their message."
"Exactly," Dustin says once again.
Behind them, Steve and Jennifer follow as they stay silent. She laced her fingers with his, standing closer to him as they walk.
"Why would anyone mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?"
Steve makes a face, silently mocking the two.
"So I guess that confirms your suspicion."
"Evil Russians."
"I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but, yeah, totally evil Russians."
"So how do we crack it?" Jennifer asks.
"Well, I guess we translate the rest and hopefully a pattern emerges."
"A pattern. Right, like maybe 'silver cat' is a meeting place?"
"Or a person."
"Or a weapon."
"It's probably gonna take a super genius to crack it, but... Where's Steve and Jennifer?"
She looks back at the two as they stand in front of the horse ride as Steve frantically searches his pockets for change. Coins clatter on the floor as Robin calls out his name.
"What are you doing?"
"Uh, it's a quarter. I need-- Do you have a quarter?"
Robin and Dustin approach the couple, standing behind them.
"Sure you're tall enough for that ride?"
Jennifer grabs her wallet and opens it, pulling out a quarter as Steve grabs it. He slides it in the coin slot as the rise moves and the familiar tune plays out as she recognizes it. Steve knelt on the floor, brows furrowed.
"You need help getting up, little Stevie?"
Dustin chuckles as he shushes the two.
"Would you two just shut up and listen?"
Everyone stays quiet as the songs continues playing as Dustin's calm exspression turns into an estatic one.
"Holy shit," He says. "The music."
"Yeah, it sounds very familiar."
Dustin throws off his back before kneeling in front of it and unzips the bag, pulling the recorder out and playing the tape. A male speaks over the tape as the same song plays in the recording. Dustin cranes his neck, looking at Robin.
"I don't understand."
"It's the exact same song on the recording."
"Maybe they have horses like this in Russia.
" 'Indiana Flyer'? I don't... I don't think so. This code, it... didn't come from Russia. It came from here."
Jennifer, Robin and Dustin stare at the ride intently.
Outside, Steve and Jennifer stand at her car as she leans against the vehicle. His hand rests gently against Jennifer's hip.
"Do you believe any of this shit?"
"No, but who knows. There could be evil russians under the mall, you never know."
"Are you sure you're okay? Ever since Wilhelmina's death, you've been sluggish lately. I know the anniversary of her death is nearing a year, but I wanna make sure you're not gonna hang yourself tonight when you get home."
"Ste- Yes, I've been sluggish. And no, I wouldn't hang myself over something so.. so.."
"Jen, please just talk to someone about this. I'm worried about you."
"I will do that."
"Please, do."
Jennifer unlocks the car and begins to slide in when Steve stops her, pressing a delicate kiss to her lips. They pull away after a few seconds before she enters the vehicle and closes the door behind her. She puts the keys in the ignition, pulling out of the lot and driving down the road.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?
story:Midnight Rain wc: with a sudden power outage, jennifer begins to suspect something bad is coming, suspecting the gate has been opened, things turn upside down when she go through a bought of depression -- hiding her feelings from steve.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ June 28, 1985 }
Coming back from the restroom, Jennifer puts on her Scoops Ahoy sailor hat as she enters the shop. She walk past Robin, leaning against the counter and sees a group of kids walking up to the counter of the ice cream parlor as she watches from afar. Jennifer recognizes the group of kids from the events of last year, smiling at Max who smiles back. Robin leans against the counter as a raven-haired kid rings the obnoxious bell that sits by the register.
"Hey, dingus. Your children are here." Robin calls.
"Again? Seriously?" Steve asks from the staff room.
Annoyed, Steve lets the kids through anyway as they trudge through the white vague corridor. Jennifer steps behind the counter, helping two teens select their ice cream before handing them the cones. They pay before walking out of the shop, looking back she watches her boyfriend bring the group of kids with him. He sneaks the group of kids in through the back of the mall, coming back into view as he smiles at his girlfriend.
"Wow, such a good mom," Jennifer jokes.
Steve rolls his eyes, annoyed.
"Well, when you've been doing it for the last two years, you get experience."
Smiling, Jennifer walks in the room and sits down, fumbling with her keys as her eyes well up with tears. Steve approaches and kneels in front of the brunette as they make eye contact.
"Are... Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm-I'm fine."
"No, you're-"
"Dingus. Get out here, there's a group of girls that are annoying me,"
"Okay, just a second. I'm a little busy here."
"Making out with Jennifer? No. Hurry up, dingus."
Steve rolls his eyes as he looks back at Jennifer. The peck their li[s before rising, standing behind the counter. He takes another order, beginning to scoop ice cream when suddenly the lights flicker Jennifer glances down at her arm, seeing the scar that she got from her boyfriend's backyard in 1983. The lights then shut off completely. Looking up, she watches as Steve walks over to the light switch, flipping the knob up and down.
"That isn't gonna work, Dingus."
"Oh, really?" He asks, flipping the switch at an even faster pace.
Suddenly, the light turn on in the mall. A nautical tune plays from the radio as Steve glances at the lights above then looking at Robin and Jennifer.
"Let there be light,"
Even though Jennifer couldn't see Robin's face, she knew she was making some kind of expression toward Steve. The three employees get back to work as Jennifer counts down the hours of work before being able to go home and crash.
{ June 29, 1985 }
Jennifer suddenly awakes, looking over at the clock. She sees it sitting ten after eight as the realization sets in, she forgot to reset the clock the previous night due to the power outage. Not only that, but she's very late for work. Throwing the covers off, Jennifer stumbles out of bed and over to her closet where she throws on her Scoops Ahoy uniform and does some light makeup since she'll sweat the makeup off later that day.
Grabbing her keys off her shelf, she leaves without eating before exiting the house. Sliding in the driver's seat, Jennifer puts the key in the ignition as her vehicle starts. Pulling out of the car port and drives down the road and towards the mall, parking in an empty spot as she removes the keys from the ignition and her seatbelt from the latch as she hops out of her car. Striding towards the entrance the sweat forms on her hairline as well as her chest. She walks in and towards the entrance of Scoops Ahoy. Robin notices the sweaty brunette as she smiles, Jennifer smiles back. Steve enters from the back door and greets his girlfriend with a kiss. Pulling away, Jennifer smiles at him as the short haired girl stares at them in disgust.
"Alright, love birds break it up."
"What? It's not like we're making out, or having sex." Jennifer says.
"I don't care, you're abusing company policy."
"Fine, we'll just greet each other like two friends."
Jennifer rolls her eyes, stepping behind the counter as she holds her keys as she watches as Robin slings a single scoop of ice cream into a cone, handing it to the person. Later, the brunette sits in the back as Robin straightens up and Steve is slinging ice cream in the front. Jennifer overhears his conversation with two girls.
"Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That's a buck-twenty-five." He says. "Ooh, Purdue. Fancy."
"Yeah, I'm excited,"
The girl chuckles.
"Yeah, you know, I considered it, Perdue, but I was like, you know what? I really think I need some real life experience, you know, before I hit college, and see what it feels like." He rambles, continuing on. "Kina, like uh, I don't know, see what it's like to earn a working man's wage."
The register beeps as Jennifer giggles, continuing to listen. Steve apologizes to both girls.
"I think that's really important."
"Yeah, totally."
"Yeah, anyway, its so fun. We should kind of like, you know, I don't know maybe hang out this weekend or-- oh, sorry about that. Uh.." The change clatters as it hits the counter.
Jennifer's smile begins to fade as she hears her boyfriend ask a girl out. The awkward male continues talking as the girl turns him down. Robin grabs the white board filled with tally marks and sets it on the counter top.
"Another bites the dust," She says. "You are 0 for 6, Popeye."
"Yeah, I -- I can count."
"It means you suck," Robin comments.
"Yep, I can read, too." Steve says.
Jennifer rises, standing next to Robin as Steve approaches them.
"It's this stupid hat. I am telling you, it's blowing my best feature."
"Yeah, company policy is a real drag." Jennifer responds.
"You know, it's a crazy idea, but have you considered... telling the truth?" Robin asks.
"Oh, you mean, that I couldn't even get into Tech and my douchebag dad's trying to teach me a lesson, I make three bucks an hour, and I have no future? That truth?" He asks.
Jennifer notifies them that a group of girls are approaching as Steve and Robin look towards the entrance. Steve turns to face the two brunettes again.
"You know what? Screw company policy." He says, taking his hat off and tossing it past Jennifer.
"Oh, my god, you're a whole new man."
He turns away and approaches the group of women. Jennifer begins to think about breaking up with Steve as she begins to feel sad, almost on the verge of tears as Jennifer turns away. A stray tear falls from her eye, wiping it immediately. However, Robin notices.
"You okay?"
"Oh, me? Yeah, I'm fine."
"No, you're not. What's going on? Are you... jealous?"
"What? Jealous? Me? No. No, I'm not. I've been... I've been struggling, wondering if I should even keep going with the relationship. I'm beginning to think about breaking up with... him."
"Oh, my God."
"Oh, please. Don't act like you care."
"I do care, or I wouldn't be asking if you were okay. And, wouldn't be standing here listening to you talk about how you want to leave the relationship."
"I mean... should I though? It's just we've been through so much, and that's something we have in common. But, the other part of me wants to end it and see what else is out there."
"You do what feels best to you, okay?"
Jennifer nods, tears streaming down her pale cheeks before wiping them away. Steve notices and rushes toward her, wrapping Jennifer into a hug.
"Steve, I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay, I just wanted to comfort you."
"I know, but this... this really isn't a good time. I.. just need sometime to think." Jennifer says, pulling away from Steve and rushing out of the shop and into a nearby Girls bathroom.
That night, Jennifer finishes up for the night as she makes her way out towards out of Scoops Ahoy, pulling the cap off her head. She walks toward the entrance of Starcourt Mall as Steve catches up to her, stopping Jennifer in her tracks.
"What is it Steve?"
"Earlier... you seemed upset, and I wanted to make sure everything's fine."
"Everything is.. is okay. I promise,"
Jennifer walks out to her car and enters, closing the door beside her. She puts the key key in the ignition as the car starts, blowing out cold air. Jennifer turns the AC off as she sits and stares in the distance in front of her. Tears cloud her vision, the anxiety creeping up on her as she sobs into her hands as the radio begins playing the soft tune of 'I Wanna Know What Love Is' by Foreigner. With tear stained cheeks, Jennifer slides her seatbelt on and pulls out of the parking lot and drives to Roane Hill Cemetery.
Walking toward Wilhelmina's headstone, Jennifer sits in the dry grass and stares at the stone in front of her. Tears stream down her cheeks as a graduation cap sits atop the headstone, the tassel blows in the musty wind. Jennifer sniffles before clearing her throat. Though, she couldn't say another word, Jennifer lays down and cries to herself quietly before drifting off to sleep.
Jennifer stands in the bus with Wilhelmina and the kids as the doors on the bus opens and Steve steps off, wielding the bat. Metal creaks around him as he spins his bat before holding it close. He creeps through the junkyard, chittering continues. Steve swivels around and sees two creatures fanking him as they growl. Dustin opens the bus door, shouting for him to abort. Dart charges as Steve rolls across a car’s hood. One falls through the windshield as he hits another one with his bat. At the bus’s door, Jennifer, Max, Lucas and Dustin motion to steve as he scrambles inside, but Billies pushes past them and runs for her life but gets attacked by one of the demo-dogs.
Jennifer is still in shock and panic, not knowing what to do next until she sees Billie lying lifeless on the grass. She rushes toward her and sees the massive pool of blood forming under her body. Tears well up in Jennifer's eyes as they meet with Billie's.
"Je.. Jennifer?"
"I'm here, I'm here. I'm gonna get you to the hospital, just hold on."
"N-no, I... this is my time, Jennifer." She sniffles. "Don't wait for me, go. Save everyone I... I'll be... okay."
"Billie, don't say that. I'm getting you help." Jennifer cranes her neck. "Steve! Help me."
Steve rushes over, telling the kids to stay on the bus before dropping to his knees.
"Jennifer," He says.
"No, no. We... we have to save her. She's... she's gonna die. Steve, please?" Jennifer pleads, tears running down her cheeks as the air feels thicker with each breath she takes.
Jennifer picks Billie up and rests her body on hers, blood seeping into her shirt. She makes eye contact with the blonde.
"Jennifer... Jen... It's okay, let me fly with the angels. I... love you." Billie says, her head rolls to the side.
"Billie," Jennifer calls. "Billie. Wilhelmina, please, wake up. No!" Jennifer cries, holding a dead Wilhelmina close.
As Jennifer gently places Wilhelmina on the ground, she cries harder as Steve brings her into his embrace. The kids begin to approach as they feel saddened by the moment.
Suddenly Jennifer wakes up as she starles before looking around in the twilight. The moon is full and the heat is wet. Sweat forms on her forehead and her breathing is ragged. Craning her neck, Jennifer sees her boyfriend Steve down on one knee. She calms down a little as tears stained her cheeks.
He brings Jennifer into his arms as she sobs silently in his chest. She wraps her arms around him.
"I'm here,"
"I-- I had -- I wasn't meaning to fall asleep. I was trying to say goodbye to B--Billie, but I slipped into a slumber."
"It's alright,"
"No, it's not. I-I wish she were still here."
"I know. but she's gone, and you couldn't help that."
"I know,"
Her and Steve stay there for a little bit longer before pulling away, helping Jennifer to her vehicle before she takes off down the road as she wipes away the tears that stream down her cheeks.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Prologue III
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.5k jennifer comes home from visiting her aunt in michigan, leading her to the newly built starcourt mall where she currently works at an ice cream parlor to keep herself busy until she gets the acceptance letter from the university she's dreamt going to since she was in her first year of high school.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ June 30, 1985 }
The last thing Jennifer wanted to do was come back to Hawkins. Her fear lies on the past events such as; Demogorgons, a child with telekinesis, and demodogs tearing things apart, including her best friend. Speaking of Wilhelmina, it is coming up on the first year anniversary of her death and for Jennifer, she wasn't too thrilled. But she kept her head held high, enduring the moments that were shared with Wilhelmina, holding the memories in her heart.
However, the current thing on her mind wasn't her dead best friend, it was working in a hot store with the heat scorching and the humidity high. It made her think back on her last few months of high school and her first few weeks of summer break. Throughout the end of her senior year and beginning of summer, she was thrown into various types of jobs. From working at Palace Arcade, Melvald's General Store with Joyce, Hawkins Community Pool (where she wasn't too thrilled working her ex-fling, Billy Hargrove) to her current workplace -- Scoops Ahoy.
To keep herself busy for a couple days before she started working at Scoops, she went out of town and made her way towards her aunt, who she got in touch with a couple months after meeting her birth mother. She thought it was help and distract her from the depressed feeling of witnessing her friend die. Unfortunately, it didn't work. She then resorted to smoking. It took some of the edge off, but it wasn't enough. Though, she had other things to worry about like her brother coming home from camp, seeing and spending time with her boyfriend, and awaiting a letter from the University of California–Berkeley.
On her drive home from Michigan was hell in Jennifer's opinion. The weather was hot and sticky. The blazing sun made everything worse as she blasted the ac in her car. The same car she got from her dad before he left. Driving along the road, she glances at a road sign that says WELCOME TO HAWKINS in large, bold letters. Jennifer wasn't thrilled about coming back. Though, she had the idea to leave Hawkins, but stayed. Apart from the last two years she went through; saving a young boy from the Upside Down to saving herself and friends from Demo-dog's. Jennifer was thrilled to leave. But she came back anyway because this is her home, and needed to go back to what she's familiar with.
That thought is still prominent in her head.
Once she pulled onto the road leading towards her house, she continued following it until she made it. Jennifer pulled under the carport at her house, turning the engine off before stepping out of the vehicle. She closes the door behind her then retrieves her luggage from the backseat. Walking up to the house, she enters as her mom Claudia sits in her chair petting her new cat.
"Hey, Mom."
"Hi, sweetie." She greets, rising before bringing Jennifer into her arms.
"Where's Dustin? I thought he came home today."
"Oh, no. He comes back tomorrow sometime."
Jennifer nods. "Okay!"
stalking off towards her room, Jennifer began to take another step when her mother called out to her. She turned to face the older woman as she held up a letter. Jennifer's eyes lit up at the sight, dropping her bags in the doorway and rushing toward her mom. She pretty much snatched the letter out from her mother's hand, reading who it's from. The University of California-Berkeley she reads before tearing the envelope open. Jennifer pinches the folded paper with her thumb and index finger, sliding the piece out carefully.
Unfolding the letter, she reads it carefully. "Dear Miss Henderson, it is of my pleasure to welcome you to The University of California-Berkeley as a member of Class of 1988."
Tears began to form in her eyes, looking up at her mom as a big grin forms on her face. Her mother smiles back, excited. They approach each other and begin to celebrate. Jennifer pulla back and realizes that she needs to unpack her belongings, so she can be ready for her shift the next day. She takes her letter into her bedroom as she grabbed her duffle bag and sat it on her bed, pulling her clothes out and putting them in the hamper that sat untouched in her closet for a couple days. The previous clothes sat inside, beginning to smell.
She shoves the Duffle bag in as well before closing her closet door and lays on her bed. The fan twirls above as Jennifer lays on her side. She glanced over at the pictures that hung on her wall as tears well up in her eyes staring at the polaroid of her and Steve in graduation robes. They hold diplomas in their hands as the two smile brightly. Her relationship with Steve is still just as strong as it was two months ago when they graduated from Hawkins High School. To Steve, he didn't know that Jennifer would be leaving sometime in late October for the spring semester of college.
{ July 3, 1985 }
When Jennifer got to Starcourt Mall, she parked her car and entered the building that was troubling as she walks toward Scoops Ahoy. The young female wasn't expecting to see that many people from Hawkins at the mall, thinking the town only held so many people. But there was more people in the mall, making it difficult to maneuver towards the small ice cream shop. Deep down, Jennifer wanted an ice cream to cool herself from the impending doom of sweat that has already formed on her hairline and body. She made it finally, and approached Robin.
"Hey," Robin greeted.
"Hi, Robin. Ready to work?"
"Great attitude," Jennifer chuckles, stepping in the back as she then saw Steve.
He glanced up and saw the brunette entering while she sat down her keys and bag. She approached him, greeting him with a quick kiss.
"How was the little trip?"
"It was good. Surprisingly, my aunt is a hell of a lot nicer than my mom turns out."
"That's good."
"Yeah..." Jennifer trails off. "Steve, there's, uh, something I need to tell you."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"I got accepted into the University of California-Berkeley!" Jennifer announces.
"Holy shit, babe. That's great!" He cheers, wrapping his arms around her and plants a soft kiss on her lips.
Jennifer, in between kisses, speaks softly. "Yeah, I leave late October of this year, so I'd like to spend as much time with everyone while I can before I leave."
Steve pulls back, staring down at Jennifer. "Wait. What?"
"Yeah... Oh shit."
"W-What day?" He asks, stuttering.
"Not sure yet, just sometime in late October."
"I'm sorry, I wish I knew."
"It's alright, babe. Don't be sorry. Everyone has at least something pop up in their plans, right?"
"Yeah, so, you can do this. We can do this."
"What do you mean?" Jennifer questions.
"I mean we move in together somewhere on the campus."
"Steve, that's unrealistic."
"So you're saying we do long distance?"
"No, I'm saying that it'll be too hard to pay for rent for two people."
"We could at least make it work...?" He suggests.
"I guess we could try, but what about your parents? Robin?"
"They'll be fine without me. Robin, it'll suck, but we'll manage. We can always send a letter to her."
"When did you become so sweet, huh?"
"Since I met you,"
The corners of Jennifer's lips curl into a soft grin, holding Steve's gaze. She brings him into another kiss as they stay there, making it more passionate between them before pulling away. He whispers a quick I love you, pecking Jennifer's lips once again right when Robin calls out.
"Hey, lovebirds! Get in here, I need some help."
Steve pulls back and looks in her eyes. "Looks like it's time for us to work. We can always continue later." He wiggles his brows.
Jennifer playfully pushes him away. "You are such a dork, Harrington."
"Hey, we could..."
"Steve," She giggles. "We'll see. Let's get through today then whatever time we get off, we can definitely meet up."
"Okay," He replied, almost immediately.
The two teenagers step into the following room, greeting Robin as she flashes them a straight face. She is obviously annoyed since the two were in the backroom making out with each other. Jennifer tried to tell Robin what was going on, revealing that she got accepted into college. The tall female congratulated her with a soft smile before going back to her current exasperated mood. The three teens get to work, slinging ice cream and trying hard to entertain customers, so they'll get more tips. They made a deal to split the tips between them.
Unknowingly, things begin to take a turn in Hawkins when Jennifer's brother, Dustin, stumbled upon something dark. More sinister then last years events. It currently lurks beneath Hawkins and the mall itself. But Jennifer won't find out until her brother gets back.
This was the time to spend her time with everyone before she leaves sometime in October.
0 notes
strangerficsxx · 2 months
Crazy For You | Masterlist
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[I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc. All gifs used in each chapter of this series are not mine, and will be credited in each chapter. I am also terrible at writing summaries for books.]
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!OC Genre: lgbtq; sci-fi; horror Warnings: violence, past trauma, swearing, fear, gore, alcohol consumption, light smut
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Prologue - kathryn knew robin buckley in many grades, however being steve's younger sister, you were able to fit into the older and popular kids group and soon forgot about robin buckley... until now.
001. missing keys - after arriving at starcourt mall, kat finds her brother's keys as she returns them to where he works, coming in contact with his co-worker -- robin buckley.
002. the mall rat - kathryn begins to develop feelings for a fellow classmate, coming to scoops ahoy all the time just to talk to robin.
003. the stakeout - kathryn gets dragged away from her crush to have a stakeout with her brother and dustin in starcourt mall, almost revealing too much information.
004. test - kathryn follows robin to a nearby store to retreive a map of the mall's ventilation system, and begin to get to know one another.
005. flayed - kathryn, robin, steve, dustin and erica get trapped beneath the mall in a russian base.
006. the rescue - steve, erica and dustin come to kathryn and robin's rescue, saving them from the russians.
007. war - after running off, kathryn and robin are enticed by the mall's lights before purging the truth serum out of them, later coming to terms on how they feel about each other.
008. starcourt - everyone regroups to plan out how they can fight the mind flayer and close the gate once and for all.
009. is this love? - kathryn and robin give the relationship between them time as kat mourns the loss of her best friend.
010. trauma - the grieving process is hard cause there's a lot of feelings to uncover, however, a dark entity begins taking over students of hawkins high.... unfortunately, kathryn is one of them.
011. cursed - everything begins to spiral as kathryn realizes she's under vecna's curse. not wanting to cause problems, she keeps unfortunate news to herself until someone you love finds out.
012. hawkins past - kathryn, nancy and robin venture out and delve into hawkins past demons.
013. running out of time - the gang uncovers the symptoms that vecna's victims suffer from before eventually dying as kathryn worried for her future.
014. the creel house - the gang investigate clues in the creel residence to try and find something to save kathryn.
015. the dive - after kathryn, dustin, max, and lucas get caught being out after curfew, they eventually figure out a way to communicate with them from nancy's bedroom before escaping to rescue the gang.
016. vecna's motive - nancy reveals vecna's past to the others as everyone fears for kathryn's safety.
017. prepping - the gang prepare for battle as robin commemorates her love for kathryn one last time.
018. the fight - being a prime target, kathryn sacrifices herself long enough for the gang to fight vecna.
epilogue - what come next for kathryn now that she's saved?
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Nine: The Gate
story: Midnight Rain wc: 4.8k after eleven reunites with everyone, she plans on closing the gate as her and hopper escape to hawkins lab. secondly joyce, jonathan and nancy take will and try to fight the mind flayer within as jennifer and steve babysit her brother and his friends until trouble shows up.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ November 4-5, 1984 }
Mike's lips part as he stood there, inching a step closer to Eleven.
"Eleven," He spoke softly.
She grabbed him as the two kids started crying.
“Is that?” Max asked. Lucas and Dustin nodded in response.
“I never gave up on you.” Mike said. “I called you every night. Every night for-“
“Three-hundred, fifty-three days”. Eleven smiled. “I heard.” Jennifer watches, her smile delicate as she held onto Steve’s hand.
“Why did you tell me that you were there? That you were okay?”
“Because I wouldn’t let her.” Hopper spoke, causing Mike to turn and look at him.
He stepped forward to pull El into a hug. “What the hell is this? Where have you been?”
“Where have you been?” She asked, agitated.
“You’ve been hiding her.” Mike spoke, putting the pieces together. “You’ve been hiding her this whole time!” He shoved at the chief.
“Hey!” Hopper turned and grabbed Mike’s jacket. “Let’s talk. Alone.” He and Mike went down the hall to Will’s room.
Jennifer heard the door close, staying in her spot before looking back at everyone greeting Eleven. She hugs Dustin and Lucas. Eleven studies Dustin, reaching out and touching his front teeth but he pulls back quickly, grinning wide as a quick purr slips out. The blood soaked brunette was still holding onto Steve's hand, and rolled her eyes at her younger brother. Max steps forward, extending one hand as the other holds her skateboard under her arm. But Eleven ignores the friendly gesture, brushing past as she enters Jennifer’s embrace, hugging her tightly. She hugs Eleven back. 
“Hey, Kiddo.” Jennifer says before they pull apart, resting her hand on the child's head, ruffling her hair in a playful way as she giggles. "I missed you like crazy."
"Me too," She responded.
Eleven and Jennifer smile warmly at each other before the girl eyes Jennifer's clothes closely, sadness forming on her face.
"Blood? Are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just got caught in something that's all."
Eleven nods, bringing Jennifer in for another hug before she begins walking towards Joyce. She wraps her arms around Eleven, greeting the child.
In the kitchen, everyone huddled around the kitchen like earlier. Out of habit, she stood beside her boyfriend and Jonathan as he leaned on the chair below them.
“It’s not like it was before. It’s grown.” Hopper sighs. “A lot. That’s considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs. 
“Demo-dogs,” Dustin corrects. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“I said, Demo-dogs. Like demogorgon and dogs. You put them together, it sounds pretty badass—”
“How is this important right now?” 
“It’s not. I’m sorry.” 
On the opposite end, Elven spoke. “I can do it.” 
“You're not hearing me.” 
“I’m hearing you. I can do it.”
“Even if El can, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies. But if we’re right about this… I mean if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer’s army…” 
“Will’s a part of that army.” 
“Closing the gate will kill him.” 
As the other’s wore discouraged looks, a pensive expression washes over Joyce’s face. Now, she leads everyone to Will who is laid on Jonathan’s bed. The curtains flutter in front of the open window, She closes the window,
“We keep giving it what it wants.”
“If this is a virus, and Will’s the host, then…” Nancy trails off.
“Then we need to make the host inhabitable.” 
They look at Will’s unconscious body. 
“If he likes it cold,” Jennifer begins. 
“We need to burn it out of him.” Joyce finishes. 
“We have to do it somewhere he doesn’t know this time.” 
“Somewhere far away.”
In the backyard, Jennifer, Steve, and Nancy rummage through the pile with flashlights. She stayed silent, searching the pile of junk that was once in Joyce's shed, overhearing Steve clear his throat as he begins speaking to Nancy.
“You should go with him.” 
“With Jonathan.” 
“No, I’m… I’m not just gonna leave Mike.” 
“No one’s leaving anyone,” Jennifer says, attempting to reassure Nancy.
Jennifer lifts a fan as Steve retrieves a space heater, shining his light on it as they make eye contact before looking at Nancy, offering the heater. She takes it with reluctance and gazes at Steve contritely. Steve and Jennifer leave as Nancy stares at him, leaving her in the foggy backyard. The moonlight shines over, reflecting on the vehicles in front of them. Jennifer and Steve stood beside the children, staring at Eleven, Hopper, and Jonathan.
Nervous, Jennifer unconsciously grabs Steve's hand, hoping the plan works. Max, Lucas and Dustin stand in front of the two older teens as Nancy says goodbye to her younger brother before he steps onto the shaded front porch. Eleven climbs into Hopper’s SUV as headlights blaze from Jonathan’s car as Nancy enters the passenger seat. Joyce sits in the backseat with Will, pulling out as Hopper follows behind. Standing on the porch Steve and Jennifer stand with the kids as they view the receding cars, helplessly staring at the vehicles. 
They go back inside. Jennifer kneels down and has a sheet in her hands as she grabs the dead demo-dog and wraps it up, pulling it towards the kitchen and grunts with each step. Steve walks toward his girlfriend and helps her hold it, waiting impatiently for Dustin to hurry. The younger male makes a clearing as he tosses the fridges' contents aside, making room for the creature as Steve scoops it in his arms, walking toward the kitchen. “Alright. It should fit now.”
“Is this really necessary?”
“Yes it is! Okay! This is a ground-breaking, scientific discovery. We can’t just bury it like some common mammal, okay? It’s not a dog!”
“Alright. Alright. But you’re explaining this to Mrs. Byers.”
He shoves the dog in but struggles. Jennifer steps in and grapples the body, pushing half the monster inside as the backend hangs in Steve's arms. The head of the demodog head falls to the side as Jennifer swears under her breath. They slam the door shut, earning a glance from him as he mouths a silent thank you. She smiles back at him before enter the living room.
In the living room, Mike paces as Lucas cleans up broken glass, arguing about the laboratory and the roaming demodogs.
“You weren’t in there- okay Lucas? That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.”
“Demodogs!” Dustin yelled.
"Oh, my god, Dustin. Give it up, OK?!" She shouted.
“The Chief will take care of her!” Lucas shouted.
“Like she needs protection.” Max shook her head.
Steve walked up to Mike. “Listen dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line: you execute it. Alright?” He says, wiping his hands off with a hand towel. 
"Why the hell are you using sports analogies, Steve? They are not going to understand."
Steve ignored Jennifer, staring toward Mike.
"Okay, first of all, this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second, we’re not even in the game -- we’re on the bench.” Mike rolled his eyes.
Steve stammers. “So my point is… Right, yeah, we’re on the bench, so there’s nothing we can do.” 
He sighed, handing Jennifer the hand towel as she wiped her hands.
“That's not entirely true.” Dustin says, the other’s looking back at him. “I mean, these Demodogs, they have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away. “
“If we get their attention…” 
“Maybe we can draw them from the lab.” Jennifer spoke.
“And clear them from the gate.”
“Then we all die!” Steve said, his tone was a little louder. "Jennifer, who's side are you on? Don't encourage them."
Jennifer rolled her eyes, taking a step back as she kept her eyes on Steve.
“No, that's not a point of view, man, that's a fact.” 
Mike rushes past them. "I got it!" He shouted, pointing to a spot on the map drawing. "This is where the chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnels. So here, right here, this is like a hub."
He walked to where all the drawings led to one big circle on the floor. “So you’ve got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire--"
"Oh yeah, that's a no!" Jennifer stared at them, attempting to gain their attention.
They ignored her.
“The Mind Flayer would call away his army.” Dustin said.
“They’d all come to stop us!” Lucas spoke.
“Hey!” Steve said.
“Then we circle back to the exit.” Mike rambled on.
“Guys!” He grew louder.
“By the time they realize we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate.” Max finished.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Steve clapped at them. “This is not happening.”
“No, no, no, no, no. No “buts”! I promised I’d keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what we plan on doing."
"Were staying here. On the bench. And we're waiting for the starting team to do their job? Does everybody understand?" Jennifer spoke, now folding her arms across her chest.
“This isn’t a stupid sports game!” Mike yelled back.
“I said, does everybody understand?” She waved the dish towel at them. “I need a yes!”
A sigh escapes her lips as she feels herself getting emotional before exiting the house. Her voice breaking. "I need some air, Steve. I'll be right back."
They make eye contact as Jennifer walks over to the front door, opening it then closes it behind her. Tears well up as she takes a seat on one of the chairs, sitting on Joyce's front porch. She leans down, cupping her face, sobbing. The cold breeze hitting her ever so lightly whilst chills ran up her spine. She tried keeping her sobs quiet, unaware that Steve had slipped out the door. Jennifer cranes her neck up, seeing her boyfriend as her face was turning the brightest shade of red. The tip of her nose was pink from her tears along with the cold, but she didn't care.
Steve knelt in front of her, holding her hands in his, staring into her eyes sadly but lovingly. Jennifer sniffles.
"Jen, I hate seeing you upset. What's wrong?" He questions with soft eyes.
"I just... I miss Wilhelmina. She should be here with us, not dead in the junkyard somewhere." She choked through her tears. "I just need to know why she did what she did."
"I know, I know." He lets her lay her head on his shoulder as she begins sobbing once more. Steve rests a soothing hand on her back, rubbing circles.
The silence between them was short-lived as the sound of a loud engine roared, inching closer with each passing second. They pull apart, staring at each other. Jennifer furrowed her brows, leaning to the side as headlights shined brightly in front of her and down the Byers' driveway. The vehicle stopped precipitously, turned off the lights as the door swings open. Stepping out was none other than Billy Hargrove. Jennifer sighed, not wanting to deal with the man who basically cheated on her at Tina's Halloween party a few days ago. He stood beside his vehicle as Steve turned to look, almost annoyed.
Billy took a drag of his cigarette then smiled. "Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?"
Steve stood, standing in his spot with his arms crossed as he stared Billy down. “Yeah it’s me don’t cream your pants.”
"And Jennifer, you still crying over me?"
"No," She denies. "I'm done crying over you. You are the least of my worried now."
"You serious? It sure does look like you've been crying." He spoke, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"Yes, I am, Hargrove. I'm taken now. So whatever you think about me, you can take that opinion and shove it right up your ass!"
He chuckled, taking another puff as he stepped closer. "Jennifer Henderson -- dating King Steve? Wow, should've known you were a slut. Jumping from male to male."
"Actually, I'm not. You're the slut around here, Billy. Always going from one bitch to another."
Billy looked at her, annoyance prominent in his face. He chuckled.
Jennifer could tell Steve was agitated, but kept his cool as she rolled her eyes, standing her ground as she folded her arms across her chest. In front of her, Billy held this cigarette in between his lips, removing his jacket in a few seconds. Steve stepped off the porch to meet him halfway.
"What are you doing here, amigo?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Amigo.”
“Looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here.”
“Huh, that’s weird. Jennifer is the only one here.” Steve turned to look at her.
Jennifer waved politely.
“Really? Are you sure? She’s small. Redhead. Bit of a bitch.”
Billy wasn’t buying it and Jennifer knew deep down something was gonna happen. However, she kept a straight face, staring toward the two males.
“Doesn’t ring a bell. Sorry buddy.”
Billy removed the cigarette from his mouth. “You know, I don’t know, this-“ he sighed. “This whole situation, Harrington, I don’t know. It’s giving me the heebie-jeebies.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“My thirteen-year-old sister goes missing all day. And then I find her, with you, at a stranger’s house. And you lie to me about it.”
Steve shook his head. “Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don’t understand what you don’t understand about what I just said. She’s not here.”
“Then who is that?” He pointed to the window with his cigarette.
Steve and Jennifer turned to see Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Max rushing away from the window. "Jesus."
Before Steve could get any other words out Billy pushed him to the ground. "I told you to plant your feet." He then kicked him in his gut.
With fear and anger coursing through her veins, Jennifer didn't have much time to whip up a plan as she watched Billy heading her way. He stalked up the driveway to meet her on the porch.
He tried to walk past her, but she stood in front of the door. "Come on, Jen, don't be like your boy toy -- just move."
"No," She crossed her arms, brows knitted. "I'm not moving an inch. You're not touching her, if you do, I'll kill you myself."
"Well, look who stiffened up. What made you so tough?"
"Getting over you,"
"Eh, whatever. You're just another bitch anyway," He declared, pushing her to the side, a little too hard as it takes her by surprise, losing her footing.
The male barges through the door, trying to shut it but Jennifer stops it from closing as she stepped in abruptly as she slammed the door shut behind her. The kids stood in a line, in the space connecting the hallway, kitchen and living room. "Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair, what a surprise."
“I thought I told you to stay away from him Max.” He stared at her.
“Billy - go away.”
“You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me.”
"I break things." He turned to grab Lucas by the shoulders, pushing him into the kitchen and against the wall.
"Billy, stop it!" Jennifer shouted. "Hey! Hey!"
Max, Mike, and Dustin shouted at Billy and Lucas. Jennifer was rigid, not knowing what to do next.
"Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will - you stay away from her. Stay away from her! Do you hear me?”
“I said get off!” Lucas brought us knee up to kick Billy in the groin.
Billy groaned, stumbling backwards. Jennifer stepped in to stand in front of Lucas. "You are so dead Sinclaire. You're dead."
Suddenly Steve appeared out of nowhere, only to grab Billy's shoulder and spun him around.
"No, you are."
Steve swung back and threw his fist into Billy's face. Jennifer guided Lucas around the two fighting to stand back with the other kids. She stepped between them, glaring at the long haired male. "You need to get out, right now. Get out!"
He clenched his jaw and shoved her away, rough enough that as she wasn't able to catch herself, she fell to the floor, smacking her head on the table along the way. She groaned. Jennifer lifted her hand, bringing it to her head, feeling something warm as she pulled her hand to look at her fingers. They were covered in blood before looking at the kids. She didn't care about herself, all she cared about was the kid's safety.
Billy laughs as the kids bring Lucas into their arms. His nose bleeds, getting in the other man’s face. Steve uses two fingers to gently push him away. He ducks as Billy swings then lands his own punch. 
Steve hits Billy into the kitchen counter where he grabs a plate and smashes it into Steve’s head, earning a pained groan. Max shouts her brother's name, hoping he’ll stop. Dustin moves away as Billy swings toward Steve again, pushing him towards the living room. Billy headbutts Steve to the floor. He straddles the male, throwing a barrage of punches at him. The kids scream as Jennifer tries to calm them, making them leave the room but they wouldn’t budge while she continued shouting at the two males to knock it off. Billy doesn’t stop as Max notices a syringe, grabbing it off the corner of a sewing table.
She takes the cap off before pushing past Lucas and Mike. As Billy continues to wail on Steve’s bloody face, Max jams the needle into his neck. Billy staggers to his feet, confusedly, facing Max and the boys including Jennifer as fear washes over her face. Yanking the syringe out, he glances at it then at Max. He falls backwards onto the floor, laughing as Max grabs the bat and stands above her step-brother. 
“From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?” She says. 
“Screw you.” 
Max slams the bat on the floor between his legs then raises it again. Jennifer rushes toward Steve, grabbing his battered face before looking up at Max. 
“Say you understand. Say it! Say it!”
“I understand.” 
Billy’s eyes close as Max drops the bat, she turns and walks away as the boys stare at her. She walks around Billy and fixes his keys from his pocket, holding it up to her friends. A proud smile forms on her face. Jennifer glances at the redhead, tilting her head to the side annoyed and in pain.
“No, no. No. You are not driving. I’ll drive. Give me the keys.” Jennifer sternly says as Max hands her the keys. “Now, find some bandages and gauze, something to put over his wounds.” 
The kids scramble to look for something as Jennifer looks down at Steve’s unconscious body, frowning. She uses her strength and grabs him under his arms, dragging him towards the sofa, leaning him against it. His head rolls to the side as she holds it in place with her dry, bloodied hand. Max brings out a box of bandaids as Jennifer grabs them, taping each one to his face. They were a bit girly, but she didn’t care. The faster she gets his wounds covered, the faster they can leave. Once done, she and the kids load Steve’s insensible body into the back of the camaro. The kids pile in as she takes a seat in front of the wheel. In the back, Steve stirs, face battered and bruised as dried blood sits under his swollen nose. Panicking, he asks what’s going on and freaks out. 
“Everybody, shut up!” Jennifer shouts, looking at an unconscious Steve in the mirror above.
“Make a left, here!” 
Jennifer yanks the wheel hard, crashing into a mailbox before speeding down the road. Parked in the field of rotted pumpkins, everyone piles out of the car as Steve falls out of the Camaro and onto the ground as Jennifer and the kids pull on goggles and put bandanas over their mouths. Steve was conscious, staring at Jennifer as he started understanding what was happening. She glanced at him, knowing that this was the right thing to so, and she was also a bad influence. Steve leans against the car. Dustin and Steve started to bicker as he begrudgingly takes the backpack. Jennifer chimes in and manages to tell him that this was the right things to do, so they can try and help save Will. The blood on Jennifer's forehead began to dry as Steve noticed, rushing toward her and trying to examine it while she pushed his hands away.
"I'm okay, Steve."
"No, you're not. I remember him pushing you to the side as you fell and hit your head. You are not okay, you're injured."
"Steve, I said I'm okay. Now, are we gonna do this, or not?"
Steve sighed, annoyed beyond words. "Yes, come on."
Now, Steve and Jennifer enter behind the kids, dropping in the hole. White particles float around them as Mike reads a hand drawn map. Jennifer curses under her breath.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s this way.”
“You’re pretty sure, or you’re certain?” Dustin asks. 
“I’m 100% sure. Follow me and you’ll know.”
“Hey, hey, I don’t think so. Alright? If any of you little shits die down here, we’re getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?” Jennifer spoke in annoyance, standing in front of Mike. 
“From here on out, me and Jennifer are leading the way. Come on, let’s go.” Steve shouts.
They enter deeper and deeper through the tunnel, Steve eyeing the drawn map. Max, Lucas, Dustin and Mike are in front of Jennifer as Steve guides them. In her hand, she holds a gas can. The group forges on as Dusin stops. Suddenly, there’s a scream behind the group. Jennifer, Steve, and the kids approach him. 
“What happened?” Steve asks, panicked. 
“It's in my mouth! Some got in my mouth! Shit!” Dustin yells, wipering. 
He pulls the bandana down as he heaves on all fours before looking at everyone else. They point their flashlights as Dustin tells them he’s alright. Everyone groans and continues on while Jennifer's little brother follows behind. Steve flashes his light on the map as he comes to a stop. 
“Alright, Wheeler. I think we found your hub.” 
Jennifer, Steve and the kids flash their lights at the seven tunnels around them. White orbs float around helplessly, the tunnel dim with a blue tint. Vines stretch from across the ground as the group spread out. Lucas stands, spraying with a weed sprayer on the walls as the other’s pour out gasoline along the vines below. Jennifer tips her can of gas over, walking backward as she wets the rest of the vines.
In the chamber, Jennifer and Steve hold back with the kids behind him as he chucks a lighter into the gas soaked tunnel as it’s set ablaze. The fire spreads as they cover their faces from the heat. They flee from the tunnel, Jennifer is behind the kids until Mike falls behind, a vine wraps around his leg and traps him to the floor. Jennifer stops and rushes back as Steve follows and raises the spiked bat, severing the vine as it retreats from Mike’s leg. They get him up as they quickly exit the cave but get stopped when a Demo-dog approaches. Jennifer freezes as Dustin stands in front of the group, the other’s gawking at him to not approach. He does anyway, crouching down to the creature.
Dart flares his face flaps as Dustin continues talking to it. He sets down a half piece of Three Musketeers before waving everyone forward as they, including Jennifer sneak past the creature. The small group stop in their path. Dustin takes the other half of the candy bar before trudging on, saddened. Dustin and the other’s move on. Running this time, the tunnel quakes as everyone loses their footing, toppling over on one another. Jennifer's arms wrap around Steve with the kids near by. A monster roars, turning and see shadows approaching before rushing toward the hole above, rope hanging. Steve hoists Max through the opening as she pulls herself out of the hole.
Jennifer and Steve then help Lucas out next, Steve lifts Mike as Lucas and Max help him up. He cups his hands together as Jennifer steps on his hands, grabbing the rope and pulls herself up and out. Max, Lucas, and Mike help her out as well, dirt rubbing against her already bloody pink and white polo shirt. They look down as Steve steps slightly in front of Dustin. A pack of demo-dogs turn their way. He covers his face before the dogs run past the two. Steve holds Dustin in one arm.
Soon, they stand above the hole. Jennifer wraps her arms around her brother. Suddenly the lights brighten as everyone covers their eyes from the beaming light before it dims. They open their eyes. 
It was over once again.
...Or so everyone hoped it would.
One Month later.
A week after Barbra Holland's funeral, Jennifer went her best friend's funeral, feeling very frail and vulnerable at the moment. Wilhelmina's funeral arrived faster than Jennifer thought. She's dressed in a black dress and pinned her hair back and wore short black heels. Jennifer peers down at the closed coffin. Since Wilhelmina's body was nowhere to be found, her parents — Lonnie and Joyce — decided on a closed casket. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she held the booklet in one hand and a red rose in the other — Wilhelmina's favorite flower. Jonathan and Will stood there too with tears streaming down their cheeks. Jennifer's boyfriend, Steve, stood beside her. He held her close with his arm wrapped securely around Jennifer, letting her head lean on his chest. In front of them, the headstone read Wilhelmina Jordan Byers, Born October 24, 1966 — Died November 4, 1984.
That night, Jennifer sits in the passenger seat in Steve’s car, needing a distraction as she leans in. She runs her fingers through his hair as their lips touch. He rests his hand on her waist, trying to bring her closer until he pulls away. 
“What? Everything okay?” Jennifer questions.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine. We gotta pick up your brother for the dance.”
“Okay. Then after, can we go somewhere private and continue?” 
Settling in the seat beside him, they buckle up as he starts the car and pulls out of the high school parking lot. He drives toward the Henderson house. Jennifer moves to the back as Steve exits the car, walking towards the door and rings the bell. Soon, Dustin walks out dressed up. They enter the car as he greets Jennifer. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I was with Steve, but we came to pick your ass up and take you to the snowball.” 
“I could’ve asked you, Jennifer, but you were gone earlier.” 
She gives him a look in the mirror as he sticks out his tongue. Later, Steve pulls up to the middle school entrance as a banner reads Snowball '84. Steve looks over at Dustin, who sits in the passenger seat as his hair is styled into a bouffant.  
“Alright buddy, here we are.” Steve says. “So, remember, once you get in there…” 
“Pretend like I don’t care,” 
“You don't care. 
“I don’t care,” 
Dustin looks in the mirror as Steve compliments him. 
“Good luck, bud.” Jennifer says. 
He clasps his hand with Steve’s before exiting, closing the door behind him. Jennifer slides to the passenger seat and buckles up, driving off. On the road, Steve parks in the carport of her house, entering as they greet her mom before entering her room. He sits on the bed as Jennifer closes the door, locking it before she removes her shirt. She walks toward him, crawling on the bed.
Jennifer straddles his hips, pressing her lips against his. She pulls away and sees the passion in Steve’s eyes as he grabs her waist gently throwing her on the mattress below, bringing her close as he sits up long enough to pull off his shirt, cupping Jennifer's face.
After, they lay together as the sounds of the news play from the other room. She lays her head on his chest, relaxing once his ars was placed securely around her shoulder.
“Laying here with you and enjoying the night of no kids or monsters trying to take over the world is the best.” 
“Honestly, let’s stay here. You can sleep here tonight. My mom won't notice. She'll be asleep in no time, but we do need to pick up my brother around ten.”
She moves onto her stomach and gazes into Steve’s eyes, closing them as their lips press against each other. He plants another kiss or two before they pull apart, laying there and forgetting about everything else at the moment. The two enjoy the company, slowly dozing off.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer
story: Midnight Rain wc: 2.8k after reuniting with nancy and jonathan, the teen and children meet hopper, joyce and will as they regroup at the byers' residence to make a plan on how to close the gate.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ Late November 4, 1984 }
The kids begin walking in front of Steve and Jennifer as they walk side-by-side. He held her close as the tears stained her cheek. Jennifer then grabs her boyfriend’s hand, pulling him back. 
“I... I wanna go back.” 
“We-- we can't. What if those creatures come back? Huh? What would you do? I couldn't lose you.” 
Jennifer sniffles. 
Steve couldn't muster anything else to say as they continue walking, Jennifer pulls away and wipes her tears with her hands. Blood stains her hands and clothes as she approaches the redhead, keeping her head high and tries distracting herself. 
“Hey, I never got your name.” 
“It’s Max.” 
“Max. I’m Jennifer, Dustin’s older sister.” 
“How is it living with Dustin?” 
“Sometimes annoying, but deep down I love that little shit.” 
Max snickers. Jennifer takes another step. 
“What about you? I saw you exit Billy’s car the day before, he didn’t even say a word to you on your first day I’m guessing. Not even a  ‘good luck’ or ‘have fun’, nothing. I thought you were siblings.” 
“Step-siblings. He doesn't even like me, but he doesn’t hate me. When we moved from California, my mom divorced my dad and she married Billy’s father. He can’t take his anger out of my mom, so he…” 
“He takes it out on you?” 
“Yeah, unfortunately.” 
“Well, he is an ass, not gonna lie. We were dating, and he cheated on me with another girl we go to school with... So that's fun."
“God, what a dick. That's my brother for ya. He doesn't respect women that much from what I've heard and came across.” 
“Yeah, he very much is.” Jennifer continues. “But I’m sorry he does that to you, he sounds like an asshole.” 
“Yeah, but he’s my brother so I have to deal with it. It’s like… it’s like he’s just holding in so much anger, and the only way for him to calm down is to take it out on me, like I said earlier.”
“Yeah, but at least some of it is good. I always wished for a younger sister, but got a brother — that brother instead. So..” 
“And, I got stuck with a big brother.” She exhales, continuing. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we could be sisters?” Max suggests. 
“How?” Jennifer asks. 
“You know how best friends are, like, sisters to each other. Like that. I mean if it weren’t for Billy I wouldn’t even be here right now.” 
“Yeah, you can be my younger sister.”
“And you could be my older sister. Yeah, I'd like that a lot.” Jennifer smiled.
“Good because I’m in need of a female sibling to look up to for sure.” 
Jennifer knew deep down that Max began looking up to her as an older sibling, a role model and that made Jennifer very happy and decided to hold onto that title. A small bout of happiness flooded her system, continuing on .
In the woods, Jennifer and Steve, along with the kids continue down the train tracks, grouped together. Tears well up in her eyes again, that gut wrenching feeling of leaving Wilhelmina at the junkyard made Jennifer sick to her stomach, looking down at her bloodsoaked self.
“You’re positive that was Dart?” Lucas asks.
“Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt.”
“He was tiny two days ago.” 
“Well, he’s molted three times already.” 
“Malted?” Steve asks.
“Molted.” Dustin says. “Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms.” 
“W... when is he gonna molt again?” Jennifer stammers, cutting in. 
“It’s gotta be soon. When he does, he’ll be fully grown, ot close to it. And so will his friends.” 
“Yeah, and he’s gonna eat a lot more than just cats.” 
Lucas stops Dustin.
“Wait. A cat?” He asks. “Dart ate a cat?”
“What? No.” Dustin lies. 
What are you talking about? He ate Mews.”
“Mews? Who’s Mews?” Max asks. 
“It’s Dustin’s cat.” 
“I knew it! You kept him!” 
Dustin tried to deny it, beginning to argue as Jennifer and Steve look at each other annoyed. Max joins in on the argument too as the brunette female and Steve take a few steps forward, noticing something. 
“Hey guys,” Steve calls. “Guys!” 
Jennifer furrows her brows at the kids before looking back. Steve slings the spiked bat over his shoulder and Jennifer wipes away the tears, heading toward the sound. Lucas and Dustin follow behind as Max lingers on the tracks before jogging after the other's. Later, the five of them tramp through a clearing. Steve, Lucas, and Dustin shine flashlights ahead as they come to a hilltop overlooking the dense forest and glowing city lights beyond. 
“I don’t see him.” 
Lucas peers through his binoculars. 
“It's the lab. They were going back home.” 
Jennifer stands there, grabbing Steve’s arm, worried what might happen next as they continue, walking down the slope leading towards Hawkins Laboratory. The enter through the group of shrubs and trees, moving closer before walking out as someone in the distance calls out to them. Flashlight beams from the woods as Jennifer, Steve and the kids exit, stepping into view. They see Nancy and Jonathan. 
“Steve?” They ask in unison.
“Nancy?” Jennifer asks. 
“Jonathan,” Dustin says. 
“What are you doing here?” Nancy asks. 
“What are you doing here?” Steve asks. 
“We’re looking for Mike and Will.” 
“They’re not in there, are they?” 
“We’re not sure.” 
In the distance, monsters screech as Steve and Jennifer look over at the darkened lab. Soon everyone turns too. The emergency lights turn on and off. A look of dread settles on Jonathan’s face. 
“Shit.” Jennifer curses, stepping towards it. 
Nancy turns to Jennifer, looking her over. "What happened to you?" She asks.
"Wilhelmina... she-- she died back there after being attacked by those... those creatures."
"Oh, Jennifer. I'm sorry for your loss."
Soon indistinct chatter is heard amongst everyone as Jennifer rolls her tired eyes. Nancy pushes past them, joining Jennifer in her spot. 
“The powers back,” She says. 
The chatter stops as the group rushes toward the guard booth, the light now on as Jonatha repeatedly pushes the button as Dustin pushes his way into the booth. He pushes the button too, but nothing happens. Sudden;y the gate opens as the curly haired kid grins. Jonathan and Nancy enter his parked car, driving past the open gate as Jennifer and Steve along with Max, Lucas, and Dustin wait along the outside. 
Max spots something as two vehicles approach them. They move out of the way as Jonathan’s car speeds past them. Hopper’s SUV comes to a stop in front of them. Steve ushers the three kids inside as he helps Jennifer in, he gets in as well. The vehicle zooms off. 
At the Byers residence, the porch light glows on the front porch as Jim’s SUV, Jonathan’s car and Bob’s car are parked outside. Inside, Will lays on the couch as Jonathan strokes his head. Jennifer and Steve watch Nancy rests her hand on his shoulder tenderly as Hopper taks on the phone. Jennifer pulls Steve into the kitchen where they wait, holding onto each other. The kids sit around the table. 
“They didn’t believe, did they?” 
“We’ll see.” He sternly says. 
“”We’ll see?” We can’t just sit here while those things are loose!” Mike shouts.
“We stay here, and wait for help.” He says, not changing his expression before leaving the kitchen. 
The dark haired boy’s brows furrow as he goes over to the games. He lifts a blue 3D cube from the top and gazes at it with a somber expression. 
“Did you guys know that Bob was the original founder of Hawkins AV?” Mike says as the kids including Steve and Jennifer look at him, leaning against the counter top. “He petitioned the school to start it and everything. Then he had a fund-raiser for equipment. Mr. Clarke learned everything from him. Pretty awesome, right?” 
“Yeah,” Lucas and Dustin say at the same time. 
Mike sets the cube on the kitchen table. “We can’t let him die in vain.” 
“Well, what do you wanna do, Mike?” Dustin asks. “The Chief’s right on this. We can’t stop those Demo-dogs on our own.” 
“Demo-dogs?” Max asks, armed crossed. 
They stare at the red haired female. 
“Demogorgon, dogs. Together, Demo-dogs. It’s like a compound, play on words—” 
“Okay.” Max cuts him off. 
“I mean, when it was just Dart, maybe…” 
“But there’s an army now.” Lucas says. 
“His army.” 
Jennifer and Steve look toward Mike, brows furrowed. 
“What do you mean?” Steve and Jennifer ask in unison. 
“His army. If we stop him, we could stop his army too.” 
Mike rushes into Will’s room, and shows the other’s the drawing of the shadow monster. 
“The shadow monster.” 
“It got Will on the field. The doctor said it was like a virus, it infected him.” 
“And so the virus, it’s connecting him to the tunnels?” 
“To the tunnels, monsters, the Upside Down, everything.” 
“Woah. Slow down.” 
Mike continues. 
“Okay, so, the shadow monsters inside everything. And if the vines feel something like, then so does Will.” 
“And so does Dart. 
“Like what Mr. Clarke taught us. The hive mind.” 
“The hive mind?” Jennifer asks. 
“A collective consciousness. It’s a super-organism.” 
“And this is the thing that controls everything.” 
“It’s the brain,” Jennifer finishes. 
“Like the mind flayer.” 
“What?” Everyone asks, confused. 
Dustin takes out the game manual as Everyone from Steve and Jennifer to Lucas, Mike and Max to Hopper stand around the kitchen table. The dimly lit kitchen light shines above the book. 
“What the hell is it?” 
“It’s a monster from an unknown dimension. It’s so ancient that it doesn't even know it’s true home.” He explains, continuing. 
“Oh, my god, none of this is real. This is just a kids’ game.” Hopper groans. 
“No, it’s a manual. And it’s not for kids. And unless you  know something we don’t, then this is the best metaphor—” 
“Analogy? That’s what you’re worried about? Fine. An analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is.” 
“Okay, so this mind flamer thing—”
“Flayer. Mind flayer.” 
Jennifer sighs before continuing. 
“What does it want?” 
“To conquer us, basically. It believes it’s the master race.” 
Steve stammers. “Like the Germans?”
“Uh, the Nazis?” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Nazis.” 
“Uh… If the Nazis were from another dimension, totally. Uh, it views other races, like us, as inferior to itself.” 
“It wants to spread and take over other dimensions.”
“We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it.” 
“That's great. That’s really great. Jesus!” Steve says, concerned. 
He turns away as Jennifer watches before following after him. She watches as her boyfriend paces back and forth before stopping him, cupping his cheeks. Jennifer holds Steve’s gaze. 
“Maybe we should do our date now since the world is ending.” 
“No, not while demo-dogs are after us, or this mind flayer thing. We will get to that date, even if it’s in another life.” 
He presses their lips together, holding each other for a while before pulling away. She brings him into her arms before heading back to the table. 
“…We win.” Nancy says. 
Hopper grabs the book from Nancy’s hand as he glances at the page. 
“Great. So how do you kill this thing? Shoot it with fireballs or something?”
“No Fire— No Fireballs.” Dustin chuckles. “Uh, you summon an undead army, uh, because… because zombies, you know, they don’t have brains, and the mind flayer, it… it… it likes brains. It's just a game. It’s a game.”
“What the hell are we doing here?” 
“I thought we were waiting for your military backup.” 
“We are!”
“How are they gonna stop this? You can’t just shoot this with guns.” 
“You don’t know that! We don’t know anything!” Hop shouts. 
“We know it’s already killed everybody in that lab.” 
“We know the monsters are gonna molt again.” 
“And we know that it’s only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town.” 
“They’re right.” Joyce says, voice almost hoarse. 
Everyone turns to joyce. “We have to kill it..” 
Jim Hopper approaches Joyce. 
“I want to kill it.” She says.
“Me, too.” 
“I—” Joyce begins.
“Me, too, Joyce, okay? But how do we do that? We don’t exactly know what we’re dealing with here.” 
“No. But he does.” 
Mike walks toward Will. The other’s close behind, looking at Will. 
“If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it’s Will. He’s connected to it. He’ll know its weakness.” 
“I thought we couldn’t trust him anymore. That he’s a spy for the mind flayer now.” 
“Yeah, but he can’t spy if he doesn’t know where he is.”
Later, Jim drags a lawnmower and tosses it in the yard. He drops a cardboard box outside then returns to the shed. Little by little, he unloads the compost, leaving a large pile of junk in the backyard. Inside the shed, Nancy pulls off strips of duct tape as Steve seccurs a brown tarp over the wall. 
“Hey.” She says, catching his attention. “I saw you and Jennifer earlier in the kitchen. Her hands cupping your face — are you… are you guys, like, dating now?” 
“Yeah,” He says, resting his arm above and looking down. “We are. Is there something wrong?” 
“No, no. Of course not. I’m… I’m happy for you both. You guys look great together.”
Steve steps on the ladder. Later, Jennifer, Steve, Nancy and the kids smother the walls with cardboard, tin foil, newspaper and other materials as Nancy wraps one of the support posts as Max sets a chair covered in cardboard and duct tape against it. She puts another chair opposite the first.
In the house, Dustin stares out the kitchen window anxiously as he removes his hat, running his hand over his thick curly hair, passing Nancy. She is standing against the wall with her arms crossed, looking iver.
In the living room, Steve takes practice swings with the bat as Jennifer sits on the couch, watching and waiting. In the hallway, Lucas and Max sit across from each other. Steve stops swinging as Jennifer stands as he lowers the bat.
Before she could say anything, the lights above begin flickering as Nancy, Jennifer, Steve and Dustin look toward the backyard. 
Sometime later, Jim bursts through the back door as he searches for something, grabbing a pen and an empty envelope, he rushes toward the table and sits down. He sighs. 
“What happened?” 
“I think he’s talking, just not with words.” Jim speaks, jotting a series of dots and a dash on the paper. 
“What is that?” 
“Morse code,” The kids and Jennifer say together. 
“H-E-R-E. Will’s still in there. He’s talking to us.
Hopper gives Joyce a look. Inside, the radio beeps as Dustin writes it down, Lucas shouts to Nancy each letter. 
The gang in the kitchen reviewed the message. 
“Close gate,” They say together. 
Everyone perks up at the ringing phone and rushes toward it. Dustin grabs the phone and puts it back on the hook. Soon Jennifer walks over, grunting as she rips it off the wall and hurls it to the floor.
“Do you think he heard that?” 
“It’s just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?” 
They all look towards Steve in their current standing positions. In the living room, the kids look outside. They clear the way and hold the hunting rifle towards Jonathan. 
“Do you know how to use this?” 
Can you use this?” He asks. 
“I can,” Jennifer says. 
Jim tosses Jennifer the hunting rifle as she slides the bolt. The gun cocks. Standing with the whole group, Hopper and Jennifer aim their rifles at the living room windows. Screeches echo in the distance. Steve grips the handle of his bat as Lucas aims his slingshot. Mike wields a candle stick. They stare out the window before turning to the dining room window.
The bushes rustle outside the window as the group waits edgily. Snarling, they turn to the living room window, weapons ready. The monster groans as loud thuds are heard, the monster screeches again before it abruptly stops. Suddenly, a demo-dog is thrown into the living room as it slides across the floor lifeless.
It screeches as everyone screams in fear, holding their stances. His rifle trained on the creature, Hopper approaches slowly towards. He prods the creature with his foot as his head flops back.
He relaxes his grip on the gun. Soon, everyone swivels around as the door creaks, the bolt unlocks. Lucas, Jennifer and Hopper raise their weapons. The chief steps through them to the front of the group. The door chain slides off its track. Creaking open as someone enters. Their jeans are rolled up above their dirty sneakers.
Hopper lowers his gun. Eleven stands before them in dark clothes. Her eyes darken and hair slicked back, blood drips from her nose.
As the group gapes at her with shocked expressions, Mike moves towards the front beside the chief. Tears well in his eyes as they lock onto hers. The corners of his mouth curl up and Eleven returns his wistful smile.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Six: The Spy
story: Midnight Rain wc: 3.3k believing it is some halloween prank, steve indulges in the search for dart, learning that it was for a girl jennifer's brother likes as they lead a trail of meat to capture the dog at the junkyard. however, the yard needed some cleaning up and protection as they all wait the night out and are sitting ducks while awaiting the arrival of dart... until things go wrong when more demodogs show up to terrorize them and the kids.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ November 4, 1984 }
Whilst Jennifer waits, she sees Wilhelmina's blue car pull up as the headlights shut off. She rushes out to the blonde haired girl, grabbing her and yanking the female into the house.
"What the hell?"
"Billie, there's something I need to tell you.. And you have to listen, okay?"
"Ok... Jennifer, you're scaring me."
Sitting down with Wilhelmina, Jennifer sighs.
"Well," She begins. "Oh, god how do I explain this. Okay, my stupid brother brought home some kind of alien creature and it grew and it kinda ate our cat. But, we are trying to get some help, so we can take care of it."
"Jennifer, calm down. It's okay. I believe you. What can I help with?"
Jennifer sits there as she tries to find the right words. She checks her watch again, glancing out the window and sees the carport light on as a yellow car and army green truck sit there. She begins to feel annoyed right when she sees headlights approaching. Walking out, she and Wilhelmina watch as the lights turn off revealing Steve’s BMW. He and Dustin exit the vehicle. 
“Jennifer? What are you doing here? Who's this?” Steve asks.
“I live here. This is Wilhelmina, my friend. I was keeping an eye out for— never mind, what are you doing here?” 
“Helping Dustin.” 
“Oh, you're the guy who my sister was talking about over the phone last year to Wilhelmina. It all makes sense now.” 
Steve and Jennifer, including Wilhelmina look at Dustin as his smile fades. Jennifer makes a face at him while he looks away as Steve ignores him. The four of them make way towards the back of his BMW, popping the trunk. The tall male opens the trunk. Steve grabs the bat with nails spiking out of it before they enter the backyard. Jennifer, Wilhelmina and Steve aim flashlights at the storm doors which are secured with chains and a padlock. Dustin stands there too as the three teens continue to look at the shut doors.
“I don’t hear shit.” Says Steve.
“He’s in there.” 
"Here, let me,"
Jennifer approaches her boyfriend, grabbing the bat from his grip as they all exchange glances at each other before she taps the doors. Nothing happens as she takes a bigger swing, stepping back as they stand there. Steve turns to Dustin, shining his light on the kid’s face. 
“All right, listen. I swear if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you’re dead.”
“It’s not a prank,” Dustin says. 
“It’s not,” Jennifer cuts in. “I saw it too.” 
Moments later, Steve opens the door and pears down as Jennifer and Dustin stand behind him. He takes the flashlight from his girlfriend, kneeling. He shines the light into the dark cellar. Jennifer kneels beside him, looking down as Wilhelmina stays behind with Dustin.
There is no sign of Dart.
Chills rise up Jennifer’s spine. 
“He must be further down there.” The curly haired child speaks. “I’ll stay up here if he tries to… escape.” 
Jennifer and Steve angles to Dustin and he shakes his head exasperatedly as she is antagonized. The teens creep down the flight of stairs, shining their lights in the darkness. Jennifer hands her boyfriend the bat and follows behind him. He holds the flashlight in one hand and the bat in the other. They scan the room as she finds a string that attaches to a bare bulb.
The room is now dimly lit when the teens spot something, Steve picks it up with the bat as they examine it. Her hand rests on his the crook of his arm. The shedded skin drips with slime. The teen male aims his light on the translucent tusk, bewildered. Jennifer follows his gaze and shines her light at the corner of the room while the creeping fear settles between them. Steve and Jennifer peak up at the entrance, shining their lights up at Dustin and Wilhelmina. 
“Get down here.” Steve sternly says.
Dustin comes downstairs where Steve holds the dead skin on the bat, Jennifer and Wilhelmina stood there too. 
“Oh, shit.” 
Jennifer, Steve, Wilhelmina and Dustin’s eyes follow the light beam as he curses again. They lean down to inspect the hole in the concrete wall. 
“This is not good.” 
“No, shit, Dustin.” Jennifer spits back. 
They get back up the stairs and scurry towards Steve’s car. He drops the bat inside before they trudge into the kitchen to retrieve chunks of meat before they grab rubber gloves, heading towards the car and driving towards the woods. Once there, Steve parks as they exit. Unloading the raw meat, a muffled voice speaks through Dustin's Walkie-Talkie as Jennifer and Steve fish out the rest of the items including a backpack. Wilhelmina gets handed something as she pulls out a cigarette and lights it, taking a drag.
“Dustin!” Lucas shouts. “This is Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin?”
Dustin steps away. 
“Well, well, look who it is.” 
“Sorry, man. My stupid sister turned it off.”
“Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I’m pretty sure he’s a baby Demogorgon.”
“Wait. What?” 
“I’ll explain later. Just meet me, Jennifer, Wilhelmina and Steve at the old junkyard.”
“Jennifer and Steve?” 
“And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket.” 
“Your sister and Steve Harrington?” 
“All right, let’s go.” Steve says. 
“Just be there, stat. Over and out.”  
Steve shoulders the backpack as Jennifer grabs a bucket of raw meat, giving her best friend an earnest glance before peeking up at her boyfriend. Dustin turns off his radio and handles the other bucket, following the teens into the woods. 
Dropping chunks of meat on railroad ties, they continue walking down the abandoned railroad tracks. Jennifer steps behind and continues beside Wilhelmina, having Steve and Dustin in front of them. She focuses on what’s going on as she curses to herself, trying to process everything that happened. Wilhelmina stayed silent, taking another puff from her cigarette. Overhead, Steve and Dustin walk side by side. Dustin had explained things prior about a girl he liked and wanted to impress her, but things obviously took a turn.
“Let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who… who you just met?” 
“That’s oversimplifying things.” 
“Why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?” Jennifer asks, finally catching up to the boys with Phoebe. 
“An interdimensional slug? Because it’s awesome.” 
“Even if she thought it was cool, which she didn’t, I just…” Steve begins...
“I feel like you’re trying too hard.” Jennifer says, finishing the sentence.
They begin talking about Steve’s perfect hair, but it gets cut short. Steve begins explaining to Dustin how to impress a girl. To Jennifer, she stared at him almost in a way of admiration as she dropped meat along the way. She gets behind them once again, looking over at Wilhelmina.
"Sorry, I dragged you into this,"
"It's fine, Jen. Really. I could use a break from my brother being sick from whatever virus he has. I also came to check in on you since you've been acting weird."
"Oh, it's just everything that's happened. Now, I'm dealing with some creature that my brother kept, instead of planning a date with my boyfriend. Normal teens go out and spend time together, especially if they are dating. Me and Steve? We're out in the middle of the forest, searching for junkyard for Dart, or whatever his name is."
"Jeez. You must feel like shit."
"I do. I really do. So, how'd you escape your house?"
"My mom and Will was gone by the time I got off my shift at Palace Arcade, so I came by to see you. But since you explained everything to me, I'm now stuck with you instead of getting a nice warm shower and stress free afternoon before my dad gets home."
"I'm just happy you're not in that house, or I might have to kill someone."
"Well, you almost killed your boyfriend last year?"
"I know, but that was a threat."
Ahead, Steve and Dustin continue speaking.  
“So that’s when you kiss her?” 
“No, woah, woah. Slow down, Romeo.” 
“Sure, okay, some girls, yeah, they want you to be aggressive. Strong, hot and heavy like a… “
“Like a lion?" Jennifer asks from behind.
“Yeah, like a lion.” He says. “But others, you gotta be slow. You gotta be stealthy, like a ninja.”
“What type is Jennifer? Dustin asks, curiously. 
“Jennifer’s different. She’s different from the other girls.”
“Yeah, she seems pretty special, I guess. Are you two together?” 
“Yes, we are.” 
A small smile forms on Steve’s face. 
“But this girl’s special, too, you know. It’s just, like, something about her.” 
“You’re not falling in love with this girl, are you?” Steve presses, slowing his walking pace.
“Good. Don’t.” Jennifer says. 
“I won’t,” 
“She’s only gonna break your heart, and you’re way too young for that shit.” Jennifer finishes telling her younger brother. 
They keep walking as Dustin keeps his gaze lowered. Steve throws him a sympathetic glance. 
Steve points to his hair. 
“It’s Faberge Organics. Use the shampoo and conditioner, and when your hair’s damp…it’s not wet, okay? When it’s damp.” He continues. “Do four pumps of the Farrah Fawcett spray.”
“Farrah Fawcett spray?” 
“Yeah, Farrah Fawcett. You tell anyone I just told you that and your ass is grass. You’re dead, Henderson. Do you understand?” 
“Yep. But Jennifer and her friend heard your hair secret too. Does that go for them as well?” 
Turning, they continue onward through the forest, gawking at each other. Jennifer catches up and stops Steve, Dustin continues on. The two stand in front of each other.
“Will there be a time where you take me out? Like, a real date?” Jennifer asks. 
“Yeah, of course.” He says, planting a kiss on her lips before pulling away. 
The teens and Dustin continue on.
Clouds hang over a blue sky above the abandoned junkyard. Steve, Jennifer, Phoebe and Dustin arrive, leaving behind a trail of raw meat. The spiked bat peeks out of Steve’s backpack as him and Jennifer survey the secluded area littered with decrepit vehicles. 
“Oh, yeah. This will do.” He says. 
Dustin beams as they scatter more meat then pour it into the pile. Lucas shouts something as they look over at him and the red haired girl. Jennifer recognizes them both as she met them prior when looking for Dustin’s stupid pet, Dart at the middle school. Max strolls over with her arms crossed as Steve glances over at the curly haired kid. 
“Who’s that?” He asks, but there’s no answer. 
Whilst Steve, Jennifer, Phoebe and the red-head clean up the junkyard, Jennifer hears the two boys talking to each other behind a battered red car. She shakes her head in annoyance and continues, ignoring the kids. Max grunts as Jennifer lifts a piece of sheet metal before glancing over at Steve getting the boys out from behind the car. Jennifer approaches her brother, needing a question to be answered. 
“Hey, why did you bring my boyfriend along?” 
“Besides you willing to help, no one else was answering. Nancy and Jonathan are gone, Mike and Will are MIA, and Hopper is gone too. That’s why.” 
“Woah, I wonder what’s going on to the point where they won’t help Dusty.” 
“I’m kidding, Dusty.”
She glances at him as they move more large scraps of metal away. Once they are finished clearing the junkyard, the sun is already setting behind as orange reflects off the green-yellow grass, the blue sky bleeds into an orange and purple sunset. It catches Jennifer off guard. Her, Steve, Phoebe, Max, and the boys tramp across the grass and step inside the abandoned school bus. The windows are covered with grate and sheet metal blocked off by the drums. The reinforced door closes behind Dustin. 
Once night falls, Lucas climbs up the ladder leading out of the hatch. Jennifer and the other’s are seated inside as she knew the kids were scoping out the area for any monsters. Steve flips the lighter open and closed, Max observes him. 
“So, you really fought one of these things before?” 
He nods. 
“And you’re like, totally, 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?” 
“Don’t be an idiot. It wasn’t a bear.” 
Jennifer, Phoebe and Steve glance at the curly haired kid. Max does too. 
“Why are you even here if you don’t believe us? Just go home.” 
Max crosses her arms before standing, climbing up the ladder as Jennifer follows behind. Above, Max and Jennifer sit in the makeshift crows nest as they both take in the misty junkyard. 
“Yep, this is officially creepy.” 
“It’s kinda awesome.” 
“Huh?” Lucas asks. 
“The fog. Looks like the ocean.” 
Max shrugs and looks away. The two kids start talking as it becomes more sympathetic. Jennifer listens in as Max talks about her brother, the guy who stood her up and was kissing another girl -- Tina. Jennifer stalks back down the ladder, leaving the kids alone as she smiles at Steve before sitting next to him. 
“What are your plans after we catch this thing?” He asks. 
“Well, if we don't end up dead tonight, I was thinking of going down to a local liquor store and picking up some beer and spend time with Phoebe Friday night. For you and me, maybe go somewhere secluded, just me and you to...” Jennifer trails off, snaking her hand onto Steve's upper thigh.
“Oh? Jennifer not in front of the kids!” Steve exclaims. 
“They don’t care.” She bites her lips. 
Jennifer begins to open her mouth when the sound of screeching breaks them apart, causing them to turn and look out a barricaded window along with Dustin. They continue looking in the dense fog as Dustin asks Lucas if there is anything approaching. 
“I’ve got eyes! Ten o’clock!” Lucas shouts. 
“There” Steve points. 
Chittering continues as it slowly approaches. 
“He’s not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?” 
“Maybe he’s not hungry.” 
“Maybe he’s sick of cow.” Jennifer says.  
Jennifer and Dustin continue peering out as Steve backs away and straightens with a calculating look. He glances at his girlfriend and her brother before heading toward the door. 
“What are you doing? Steve?” Jennifer questions, concerned for his safety.
Steve stays silent as he picks up the spiked bat and holds out his lighter. He breathes heavily. 
“Just get ready.” He says, tossing the lighter to Jennifer. 
The doors on the bus opens as Steve steps off, wielding the bat. Metal creaks around him as he spins his bat before holding it close. He creeps through the junkyard, chittering continues. Above, Lucas and Max watch above, peering through the fog. Steve purses his lips as Jennifer nibbles on her bottom lip. Steve whistles for the monsters. Max extends down the ladder, asking Jennifer what he’s doing.
Unsure, Max shakes her head. Sticking his tongue out in concentration, Steve swings his bat back and forth in the mist. The now larger Dart comes into view, his petal-like flaps opened slightly. Steve’s confident expression wavers but he holds his ground. Without him knowing, two more creatures move beneath the fog. 
“Steve! Watch out!” Phoebe shouts, peering out the bus entrance. 
“A little busy here!” He shouts back. 
Steve swivels around and sees two creatures fanking him as they growl. Dustin opens the bus door, shouting for him to abort. Dart charges as Steve rolls across a car’s hood. One falls through the windshield as he hits another one with his bat. As the bus’s door continues to stay open, Jennifer, Max, Lucas and Dustin motion to steve as he scrambles inside, but Phoebe panics, pushing past them and runs for her life but gets attacked by one of the demo-dogs. The door closes and the creature slam against it. The kids quarrel as Jennifer grabs a piece of sheet metal and sits it in front of the door, blocking the monster’s view, unaware of her best friend getting attacked. Steve holds the sheet metal with his feet, so they don’t get in as Jennifer holds a broken piece of metal and wields it.
The kids scream.
The bus rocks and a monster’s leg break through. As Steve fends it off, Dustin speaks into his headset as Max and Lucas kneel in the back with Jennifer. She throws herself in front of the kids, shielding them. Suddenly, claws pierces a piece of metal. Jennifer and Max’s gaze lead up to the ceiling which buckles with footsteps. Looking up, one of the creatures grab the ladder and glimpses down at her and Max through the hatch. Jennifer panics trying to keep calm as Max shrieks and the creature growls. Steve gets in front of them, yelling at the beast. Jennifer tries to think of something as nothing comes to mind. Steve arches his head toward the creature as it looks out. As the creature is out of view, the bus shuffles.
Growling is heard in the distance as everyone stays there with panic on their faces, looking out the windows confused as Jennifer makes eye contact with Steve. He keeps the bat raised alertly. The spike bat emerges as Steve anxiously opens the bus door with Jennifer right behind him, stepping down as the last pack of monsters scurry toward the woods. The kids remain on the bus.
“What happened?” Lucas asks. 
“I don’t know,” Max says. 
“Did Steve scare them off?” 
“No,” Jennifer retorts.  
The older male looks back at everyone.
“They’re going somewhere.” Steve says, resting the bat on his shoulder.
“Shit,” Jennifer curses. 
Jennifer is still in shock and panic, not knowing what to do next until she sees Phoebe lying lifeless on the foggy grass. She rushes toward her and sees a pool of blood forming under her body. Tears well up in Jennifer's eyes as they meet with Phoebe's.
"Je.. Jennifer?"
"I'm here, I'm here. I'm gonna get you to the hospital, just hold on."
"N-no, Jennifer." She sniffles. "Just leave me. Save everyone. I... I'll be... okay."
"Billie, don't say that. I'm getting you help." Jennifer's voice cracks as she cranes her neck. "Steve! Help me."
Steve rushes over, telling the kids to stay on the bus before dropping to his knees.
"Jennifer," He says.
"No, no. We... we have to save her. She's... she's gonna die. Steve, please?" Jennifer pleads, tears running down her cheeks as the air feels thicker with each breath she takes.
Jennifer picks Phoebe up and rests her body on hers, blood seeping into her polo t-shirt. She makes eye contact with the weak blonde.
"Jennifer... Jen... I hurt so bad." Billie says, her head rolls to the side.
"Pheebs," Jennifer calls. "Pheebs. Phoebe, please, wake up. No! No, no, no." She cries, holding a dead Phoebe close.
Jennifer gently places Wilhelmina on the ground, she cries harder as Steve brings her into his embrace. The kids begin to approach as they feel saddened by the moment.
"It's okay, it's okay," Steve whispers.
Jennifer shuts her eyes tight, tears rolling down her pale cheeks as the moon glimmers, reflecting off each droplet. Sobbing, Jennifer feels herself become weaker as her body falls limp against her boyfriend. The memories of them flash through her mind. All the good and bad times as she stays there.
"Steve... we-- we could've done something."
"I know, I know. But we couldn't save her in time."
Jennifer couldn't muster up anything else as Steve helps her limp body up, holding her upright as the kids stand there. Sitting there and watching Phoebe die like that broke Jennifer's heart making it hard to breathe. But Steve managed to pull the frail girl away and grabbed the bag from the bus and began walking.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Five: Dig Dug
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.9k as the henderson siblings frantically clean and attempt to trap dart, dustin decides to leave and get help as jennifer stays behind on look out when wilhelmina suddenly arrives at her place. she tells the other female what's going on in hopes of having her believe jennifer and make sure she's not crazy.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ Late November 1, 1984 }
At the Harrington residence, the porch light glimmers in the twilight. The leaves danced around outside. In Steve's room, Jennifer lays on her stomach as he lays next to her. She continues reading the book that's being read in english class. Her fingertips brush along the pages as she reads the next page.
Steve grabs the book from Jennifer's hand and sets it on the floor as he leans up and cups her cheeks. He presses his lips against hers, bringing Jennifer onto his lap where she straddles Steve's hips. He grabs the hem of her shirt and pulls it over Jennifer's head as she does the same with him. Jennifer rises on her knees as Steve slides out of his clothes. Laying her on the mattress, he peels her clothes off before colliding.
Later, Steve finishes and falls on the mattress beside Jennifer as they bot breathe heavily. The sweat glistens on their skin. Laying side by side, Jennifer glances at the alarm clock on his dresser. She then looks back at her boyfriend.
"I gotta get going," She says.
"Oh, come on. You couldn't stay a little longer?"
Jennifer thinks for a moment. "Fine, I'll stay."
Steve smiles.
{ November 2, 1984 }
The next morning, after Jennifer finishes getting ready, she exits her bedroom and looks out the window. She sees her mom in the front yard calling out for their cat Mews, jingling a medium sized cat toy. Dustin is on the phone, talking to someone as her mom, Claudia, enters the house and closes the door behind. Jennifer leans against the counter in the kitchen. 
“Dusty, baby, are you sure she’s not in your room? Jennifer, sweetheart, is she in your room?” 
“No, I checked.” Jennifer lies. 
Claudia approaches Dustin as he continues on the phone. 
“Thank you so much Mr. McCorkle. You are a true lifesaver” He says, hanging up soon after.
Jennifer knew that Dustin pretended to call, so the kids can get their mom out of the house so they can clean it up and search for Dart themselves. Dustin turns to his mom as Jennifer folds her arms against her chest.
“Alright, great news.” He exclaims. 
“They found her?” 
“No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora.” 
Claudia begins to cry as excitement builds. 
“How did the poor baby get all the way out there?” 
Jennifer approaches, standing in front of her mom as Dustin stands beside her. 
“I don't know. Lost, I guess. But they’re gonna look for her. And, we’ll stay here, just in case they call again.” Jennifer says. 
“And you’re gonna go help look? Yeah?”
Claudia brings her two children into a hug before pulling away quickly as she grabs her purse and sunglasses, walking towards the door. 
“We can find her.”
“We can find her,” She says. 
“We love you,” Dustin says, blowing a kiss to his and Jennifer’s mom. 
“I love you.”
Once she’s gone, Dustin’s smile immediately fades as well as Jennifer’s. He rushes out towards the back yard and opens the storm doors before rushing into his room.  He comes back out and yells for Jennifer to grab bologna from the fridge as she does before drawing a trail backwards on the carpet. It leads outside and towards the storm cellar. Jennifer comes back inside and looks at her brother who is dreaded in hockey pads and wearing their mom’s oven mitts. He armed himself with a hockey stick as Jennifer raised her brow. Stepping back, Dustin stalks toward the bedroom door before they take off down the hallway following the bologna trail out the house, leading through the car port and down a set of stairs.. They reach a green shed as Dustin bolts them inside. He and Jennifer peek through the narrow slacks that offer a view of his house's door. 
“Come on. Come on, I know you're hungry.” He says. 
Dart hops outside, growling. The creature scarfs down the bologna ad he makes his way down the steps and towards the entrance of the storm shelter across from the shed. Suddenly Dart turns to face the shed as Dustin curses, hiding out of view of the monster. When they peek back out, Jennider and Dustin find Dart facing them. They flattens against the as Dart approaches, taking deep breaths. As dustin bursts out of the shed, Jennifer stands behind and watches as Dart skitters back before Dustin attacks him with the hockey stick, hitting him as the monster flails down the steps. He comes running up as Jennifer jumps out and helps her brother close the storm door before they lay on top. 
“I’m sorry. You ate our cat.” 
Dart screeches. Jennier looks over at her brother before he stands, taking off his gear and rushes toward the garage. Jennifer feels the thudding beneath her as she holds the doors down with her body weight. Dustin comes back with a chain and lock, wrapping it around the handles to keep the monster inside. Once done, Jennifer clicks the lock in place before standing beside her brother. They glance at each other then back at the locked door. 
“You really had to keep that thing? Dustin, this is bad. This is really bad. How are we gonna explain this to mom?” 
“We won’t.” 
“We’re not telling her anything, got it?” 
“Yeah, I guess.” Jennifer says. “What do we need to do now?” 
“Clean up, and make it look as if nothing happened.” 
Nodding, they enter the house as Jennifer puts on rubber gloves, grabbing the cat’s corpse and takes it to the backyard. Dustin grabs a shovel and begins digging a deep hole before Jennifer lays the deceased cat in the makeshift grave. She grabs a pile of dirt and drops it in, burying the cat under the soil. Dustin does the same but with a shovel. 
“Guys, this is Dustin again.” He speaks. Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red!” 
“If they are not answering, leave it alone.” 
“No, they did this before. Someone has to answer.”
Dustin drops the shovel as he and Jennifer enter the kitchen and grab cleaning supplies from under the sink. Jennifer hands Dustin a set of rubber gloves as he slides them on. They enter his bedroom, and he moves the chair. Jennifer exits to grab some paint out of the garage, coming back with a can of white and green paint. She holds a paintbrush under her chin, entering her brother’s room. She touches up the wall and floorboard, covering the scratches as Dustin scrubs the floor. 
“All right, it’s Dustin again. Seriously, I have a code red.” 
Jennifer begins to speak when Dustin opens his mouth. 
“Erica? Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?”
On her knees, Jennifer looks up at her brother who is now standing. They make eye contact as he speaks again but she ignores it and looks back at the wall, finishing up the last few touches with the paint before closing the cans and putting the brush away after cleaning it off poorly.  Coming back, Jennifer grabs the brush and continues scrubbing with Dustin stammers Erica’s name, wondering what happened. They quickly finish before putting everything away and she questions where her brother is healing off to. He tells her he’s going to Mike’s and will be back shortly. Jennifer nods, hanging back in case their mother returns. 
Nightfall approaches and there is no sign of her mom or Dustin as she sits on the couch, resting her head on her fist and checking the time on her wrist. She lowers her hand and rises. Jennifer groans before going throughout the house to make sure nothing else needs to be hidden. 
“Where the hell is he?” She asks herself.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Four: Will the Wise
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1k problems rise when mews is nowhere to be found as jennifer and dustin come to an empty glass case and a disturbing scene.
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[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ November 1, 1984 }
Jennifer, Max and the boys walk down the hallway before running into Joyce Byers. 
“Dustin!” She calls, 
“Mrs. Byers?” 
“What’s going on? Where’s Will?” 
The door opens as a panicked Lucas rushes in as everyone looks toward him. He pants. 
“The field!” He shouts. 
Everyone follows Lucas out to the field, seeing Will and Mike. 
“I just found him like this. I think he’s having another episode.” 
“Will! Will! Sweetie, wake up! It’s Mom!” Joyce shouts. 
Jennifer stands there worried. Will is in a trance like state, his eyes rolled to the back of his skull. She begins to sweat, worried about Will. Suddenly, hes gasps coming back to reality. After he comes out of it, they follow the boy and his mom out of the school standing on the stairs above, watching as they leave.  
“Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?” 
“It freaked me out. Poor thing.” Jennifer says. 
“Two episodes in two days.” 
“It’s getting worse.” 
“You think it’s True Sight?” 
Everyone looks at Lucas.
“What’s True Sight?” Max asks. 
“I–it’s nothing,” Lucas says. 
Mrs Byers starts her engine before driving off, leaving everyone there. 
The next day, Jennifer arrives at school and enters the gym watching Steve and Billy play against each other. She keeps quiet as the sounds of a whistle blows and shoes squeak on the floor. She can’t seem to understand what’s exactly happening as Steve guards Billy. Billy catches the pass, facing Steve. He laughs. 
“All right, all right. King Steve, everyone. I like it. Playing tough today.” 
“Jesus! Do you ever stop talking? Come on!” Steve shouts. 
Jennifer sees Billy as she rolls her eyes, annoyed and remembers what happened at Tina’s party, feeling like an imbecile. Billy laughs again. What is with him? Why is he always laughing? Stupid bastard. 
“You afraid the coach is gonna bench you now that I’m here? Huh?” 
Billy shoulders Steve, knowing him down before scoring. The ball lands in the hoop as Steve takes Billy’s offered hand. The newcomer leans in close, he says something to Steve that Jennifer can’t hear very well. He then shoves his hand before leaving him on the floor. She leaves too, waiting outside the gym as Steve finally enters the hallway, greeting her. 
“Steve, hey. I wanted to, um, see you.” 
“For what, exactly.” 
“No reason.” 
He nods as they walk down the hall together, stopping by his locker. They continue walking after and talk some more. Some time later, Jennifer enters her next class. 
???’s point of view
At a park, a kid jerks forward and backward on a rickety spring rocker painted like a duck as Nancy and Jonathan wait nervously on a bench. Nancy checks her watch. 
“It’s 15 past.” 
“Yeah, I know. Just give him time.” 
Nancy spots a bald guy in a covered area reading a newspaper, he talks to himself as Nancy notices. The male notices the teens looking at him. Jonathan shifts his gaze to a man feeding birds. Nearby, parents push kids on a mary go round. Looking over their shoulders, they see a group of kids playing Duck Duck Goose while two women supervise. By a large tree, two ladies in workout clothes cool off. When Jonathan looks again, he finds the male feeding the birds staring at him as Nancy notices one of the moms watching the group of kids looking at her. A guy walking a dog eyes them. Both of the women in workout attire give them a glance as they run by. A man with a briefcase peers their way, fear taking over. 
“I think we should go.” 
The teens rise and begin walking off. Nancy clutches her purse as they cross a bridge. The male in the trench coat trails them. They reach the parking lot as they approach Jonathan’s car, climbing in.He turns the key in the ignition, but the engine sputters. Suddenly the bald man from earlier knocks lightly on Nancy’s window, startling her. 
“Trouble with your car, miss? I can give you two a lift if you like.” He offers. 
The man in the trench coat stands on Jonathan’s side as the male with the dog positions himself in front of the car. They teens whirl around to find a woman standing behind the car, the guy knocks again. Jonathan remains still with his hand on the key as the guy flashes an unnerving grin. 
When Jennifer arrives home from school she sees her mom pouring cat food into a bowl. She greets her mom.
“Where are you? Mew-mew! Dinner.” Claudia calls. 
Suddenly Dustin enters, closing the door behind him. 
“Hey, Dusty!” 
“Hi, hey. Hey, Mom.” 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Yeah.” 
He walks past her and enters his bedroom. Jennifer busts through the door, standing there as she shuts the door. She locks the door behind her, startling Dustin. 
“What are you hiding, dipshit?” 
He ignores his sister. 
“Dart, I’ve gotta talk to you, buddy. It’s about Will.” 
Dustin pulls the sheet of the terrarium and notes the glass broken as slimy substance drips off the remaining shards. Jennifer furrows her brows, stalking closer. His mouth agape, he reaches inside and picks up a translucent dead skin from a puddle of mucus. The sound of screeching catches their attention as he whirls his head around to face the corner of his bedroom. The sound of grunts come from behind the chair as Jennifer notices crimson splattered on the orange chair, stalking closer as Dustin follows. He notices splotches of blood on the carpet, following the trail to his orange chair. They peeks over as blood drips down the wood’s back, finding Dart the size of a small dog eating Mews. His head is buried in the cat’s stomach. Dart turns to them, his flaps open as they surround the opening with rows of sharp teeth. It screeches at them. 
“What the hell is that?” Jennifer asks. 
“That’s not good.” 
“No shit, Dustin.”
0 notes
strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Three: The Pollywog
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.5k jennifer spills the tea to wilhelmina on what happened between her and billy at the party. later, she teams up with dustin, his friends and newcomer, max mayfield as they all search for a slug her brother thought would impress someone he likes, causing problems between the students.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ October 31, 1984 }
When she comes back to her senses, Jennifer changes out of her costume and into something more comfortable when she hears the front door open. Peeking her head out, she sees Dustin sneaking in. He closes the door behind him before walking into the hallway until our mom calls out his name. 
“Dusty!” She shouts, getting up and walking towards him. “Dusty, how was it?” 
"H–how was what?” He stammered. 
“How was what? The greatest night of the year, of course.” 
“Oh. Oh, yeah,it was�� it was, uh, tubular,” 
“What’s wrong with you?” 
Jennifer knew and she stepped out, leaning against the house and folded her arms to her chest. 
“Did something happen?” 
“No. What? No.” 
“Are you constipated again?” Claudia asks as Jennifer snickers. “Jennifer, enough.” 
“No. Mom!” He shouts. 
“Okay, you’re acting weird.” 
“I am not acting weird.” 
Suddenly the trap in Dustin’s hand begins making noise, like something is inside. Jennifer and her mom, Claudia startle as her younger brother laughs nervously. Mews hisses, knowing something is wrong inside. 
“Awesome, right? Yeah… I rigged the trap with, uh, a motor to make it look like I caught a ghost. Just like the movie.” 
Jennifer shook her head before entering her room again, closing the door behind her as her mom and brother laughed nervously. Jennifer was curious as to what Dustin brought home, unsure if she should intervene. Ignoring it, the sleep takes over Jennifer as she falls into her bed and falls asleep, thinking about the kiss she had with steve. 
Jennifer gets to school as she steps out of her car and enters the school, passing by Billy as they keep walking, ignoring one another. She makes her way towards Billie, who is pulling books and a pack of cigarettes out of her locker, shoving them in her bag. Jennifer approaches her. 
“Hey, there’s, uh, something I want to tell you,”
“Okay, let’s go to the restroom.” 
Jennifer and Billie make their way into the bathroom, rushing into the large stall at the end and sitting in front of each other. Billie pulls out the pack of cigarettes and takes one out, putting it between her lips. Lighting it, she puts the lighter in her bag before blowing out the smoke towards Jennifer. 
“So, what did you want to tell me?” 
“Well, I went to Tina’s Halloween Bash and it was… a nightmare.”
“What happened?” 
“Well, I tried hitting second base with Billy but that didn’t happen, he left after we— well, when I was topless.” 
“But besides that shit. I am a keg queen.”
“Shit. I wished I were there to see it.” 
“Yeah, they counted to 44… more than Billy.” 
“How many did he have?”
“Wow, that’s my girl.”
Billie takes another hit before handing it off to Jennifer who takes in the cigarette before blowing out. 
“Anyway, I ran into Steve after catching Billy making out with some redhead.”
“Wait. You ran into Steve?”
“Yeah, and we had a moment. But we didn’t kiss. He did, however, took me to his house and I slept there.” 
“Ooh, naked?” 
“No,” Jennifer playfully smacks Billie’s arm. “I was in an oversized shirt, cause I puked and he slept on the floor while I slept in his bed.”
“Well, it sounds like things between you and Steve got a little better. But I still don’t like him.” 
“I know. But you might have to deal with it if we do start going out.”
Later after getting out of her third period class, Jennifer exits the building and overhears talking. The people are Steve and Nancy. Steve wears Hawkins basketball outfit and has a towel wrapped around his sweaty neck. Nancy wears a grey sweater with a grey jacket, dark blue jeans and black flats. She holds a book in one hand as a bag hangs on her shoulder. The conversation the teens were having a serious discussion. Jennifer didn’t want to eavesdrop but did anyway, listening to
“You remember going to Tina’s party last night, right?” 
“And then what?” 
“I remember dancing, and… spilling some punch. You got mad because I was drunk… and then you took me home.” 
Steve scoffs, throwing his towel off and fixes it before putting it around his neck again. 
“No, see, that’s where your mind gets a little bit fuzzy. That was your other boyfriend. That was… That was Jonathan.” 
“I don’t understand.” 
“It’s pretty simple, Nancy.” 
“You were just telling it like it is.” 
“Uh… apparently, uh… we killed Barb and I don’t care ‘cause I’m bullshit… and our whole relationship is bullshit, and… I mean, pretty much everything is just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Oh, yeah, also, you don’t love me.”
“I was drunk, Steve. I don’t remember any of that.” 
Jennifer rolls her eyes. 
“So that makes everything that you said it’s what? Just bullshit, too?” 
“Well, then tell me.” 
“Tell you what?”
“You love me,”
Suddenly a door swings open, banging into the brick wall. A male runs out wearing the same outfit but with a sweatband sitting on his head. Jennifer looks toward him as well as Nancy and Steve. 
“Harrington!” He shouts. “Dude, we need you. That douchebag’s killing us. Let’s go!”
“All right!” 
Nancy and Steve both stay quiet as she makes eye contact with him, holding his gaze. Looking down, Nancy looks upset as Steve turns to enter the gymnasium as he says something but Jennifer couldn’t quite make it out. Suddenly Nancy begins walking toward Jennifer as she moves and hides out of the way, so she isn’t seen.
The day finished off like every other day as Jennifer entered the hallway and over to her locker, unlocking it and putting her books away before leaving. She closes her locker and exits Hawkins High School, ushering towards her car but ends up walking toward Hawkins Middle School, wondering if her brother left or not or if he needed to be picked up. Walking up to the entrance, she sees the kid’s bikes as she enters the school, wondering if they are okay. She runs into the boys and Max as they are in a pile. 
“What happened here?” 
They all stand as Mike and the other’s go after him. Jennifer follows along, as they split up. Jennifer and Dustin walk down the hallway. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Something told me to come check on you,” 
“What are you doing here anyway?” 
“Last night, I found something that came from the Upside Down and we lost him because Max opened the door and he escaped.” 
“Fun.” Jennifer sarcastically says. 
They enter another hallway before passing Mr. Clarke, Dustin and him salute to each other but it seems to be awkward. When they pass him, Dustin tells Will that the West is cleared. Getting separated, she continues walking and continues looking around for the creature from the upside down. Somehow she manages to get back to Dustin as they continue looking around for the creature. 
“Please tell me you didn’t name it?” 
“I did.” He smiles cheeky. “His name is Dart.” 
“Jesus Christ,” Jennifer whispers. 
Jennifer looks toward the walkie talkie, unplugging Dustin’s headphones from it.
“Guys… I found him.” Will speaks.
“In the bathroom by Mr. Salerno’s.”
“Copy that.” 
Her and Dustin quickly walk to the classroom, but Jennifer was mostly following her younger brother since she hasn’t been in Hawkins middle School since she was in middle school herself. Arriving, Jennifer and Dustin exchange a glance before he moves in, door closing behind him as she stands outside the boy’s bathroom, not wanting to enter. The sounds of stall door bang as Jennifer can tell that he was looking for Dart. Waiting, the other’s show up as the flies open as she enters too. 
“Where’s Dart?” Mike asks.
“I don’t know. Not here.” 
“He said by Salerno’s, right?” 
“Yeah, maybe Will has him.” Dustin suggests, lying through his teeth.
Mike looks at Dustin as Lucas crosses his arms. JEnnifer starts to lean against the wall of the bathroom when she quickly moves, disgusted. 
“Where is Will?” 
They all exchange glances before leaving.
Later, Jennifer catches up to Steve who is walking down the empty hallway and getting ready to exit when they make eye contact. 
“Hey, Steve.” 
“I want to ask you something.” 
“Did you see Nancy leave with Jonathan?” 
“Uh, no. No, I didn’t.” 
“Okay, well, since everyone is gone…” 
He pushes Jennifer against the wall of lockers as he stares into her eyes. She smiles before it gets cut short when his lips press against hers. Jennifer wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him close. After a few seconds they pull apart. 
“There is another thing I wanna ask.” 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” 
“Steve, are you serious right now?” 
He nods. Jennifer stops to think for a second. All these years of crushing on him, he finally asked her to be his girlfriend. 
“Yeah. yes! I’ll be your girlfriend.” 
“Great. I gotta get going though, but we can chat later.” 
“If I’m not busy.” 
“Yeah, of course. Love you.” 
“I love you too, Steve.” 
Before he steps out of the school, Jennifer grabs his collar and brings his lips to hers once more before she abruptly pulls back as they exit, saying goodbye before they get in their cars and leave.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak
story: Midnight Rain wc: 2.8k halloween arrives in hawkins and jennifer isn't pleased on going to a party thrown by tina. however she goes since she wants to be with Billy Hargrove and party while she has the time before the world begins to end...
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ October 31, 1984 }
Halloween morning arrived as the sun is warm and a cold breeze lightly flows through Hawkins, making the leaves dance. Jennifer wakes up and gets on with her day before rushing out the door and toward a nearby costume shop to look for something to wear at the party. Jennifer was going, not only to get out of her house, but to also party and hangout with her new boyfriend and maybe even lose her virginity. She looks at the costumes hanging on the rack, wondering which costume she should buy. Without thinking, she decided to just buy an outfit as close to a character. But the costume she picks was outside of her comfort zone -- a sexy aerobics instructor. She was thinking that it would look stupid, however it might look good to the people around her considering everyone will be hot and dressed inappropriately since they are all popular. She quickly purchases the outfit and brings it home.
Jennifer walks into her home, closing the door behind her as she enters her bedroom. She throws the bag of clothes down before pulling out her costume, hanging it up on the coat hangers in her closet. She grabs some flats that she bought last fall and sets them off to the side. Looking at the time, Jennifer curses out loud whilst grabbing her keys and getting in her car, driving to school. 
Later, Jennifer sits across from Steve and Nancy in the library at Hawkins High School as the three teens study. All Jennifer can think about is the party and what Billy might be dressed as while she looks towards the two, wondering what is going on in their minds besides studying. Nancy erases something before re-writing it only for the led to break as she sighs in annoyance. She gets up as Jennifer looks back at her paper, glancing at Steve who watches Nancy go. Jennifer knew they'd been together for a while and Jennifer was seeing Billy, but deep down that burning she felt prior came back as she watched Nancy approach the hand held pencil sharpener. Whilst sharpening her pencil, Jennifer notices a woman standing in front of a book shelf. The red haired female resembled Barbra a little too much from the outfit to the hair, but the teen wasn’t wearing those big square glasses like Barbra. Without hesitating, Steve gets up and walks toward Nancy as Jennifer stays seated trying not to intervene with the two. 
Steve and Nancy walk into a more private room while she continued to study but the idea of them dating made her stomach churn. However, Jennifer had to keep her head held high and study because she had a test in math she’s studying for and Jennifer cannot fail it. Trying to study, a sudden thought came to mind; her and steve dating and how the jealousy -- even though she didn't want to admit it -- was still there, burning inside her. But the thought escapes when Billy pops into her mind. She is with him, and that's who she wants to focus on.
“Shit, Jennifer. Get yourself together for god’s sake.” She whispers to herself. 
Whipping her head around and looking at the same space as earlier, Jennifer now sees the two hugging in the seperate room as tears well up in her eyes without realizing it. To her, she kept those jealous feelings to herself, focusing on other things as she has other stuff to do. There was a party tonight and Jennifer wanted to get what she needed done so she can be ready to party and hangout with her boyfriend to distract her.
That night, Jennifer gets dressed (in her costume) before heading down to the Byers residence to drop a VHS tape off for Jonathan and his family to Watch. It was cheesy, but Jennifer also wanted to see what his plans are considering everyone else will be at Tina’s Halloween bash. Stepping towards her mirror, Jennifer looks at her reflection, checking herself out. The stretchy material hugged her curves perfectly. Her hair was teased with a shit ton of Farrah Fawcett spray, something to hold it in place, and a sweatband sat around her head. Looking in the mirror one last time, she smooths her hair out as the curls fall freely on her shoulder. Jennifer slides into the driver’s seat of her vehicle and drives off. 
When she arrives at the Byers residence, she kills the engine and steps out of the vehicle and closes the door behind her. She steps onto the front porch and knocks. A male opens the door dressed as Dracula as he pulls out his fake vampire teeth. Jennifer shuffles her stance to where she’s not putting most of her body weight on one foot.
“I thought you were trick-or-treaters.” 
“Nope. I’m Jennifer, I’m a friend of Jonathan’s.” 
“Ah, I see.”
Joyce strides up to the door with her two sons as they step out, walking past Jennifer as Jonathan stops in his tracks. Jennifer greets Joyce with a hug as she eyes her outfit, ignoring it and begins to tell the teen that the person dressed as Dracula is Bob, her new boyfriend. Jennifer pokes her head inside and apologizes to Bob as he dismisses it as okay, stopping Jonathan after she turned her heel.
“Jonathan, I wanted to drop off Freaks, a VHS Phoebe rented but never returned. She gave me the tape as I never returned it either due to all the excitement.” 
“And you wanted me to have it?” He asks. 
“Yeah, I know how much your family likes to watch horror films on Halloween night. And, I'm here to see what your plans are as well.” 
“Thanks, Jen. I’m actually heading out to take Will Trick-or-Treating with his friends.” 
Jennifer looks over at Will dressed in a Ghostbusters costume as a smile forms on her face. She thought it was cute of the kids to do a group costume from the Ghostbusters films, but came back, eyeing the lanky male. Jennifer clears her throat to avoid the awkward silence that was brought upon the two teens as she perks up telling him that she'll see him around and hopefully at the party while he smiles. The brunette heads back to her car, sliding behind the wheel as she drives to the party. When she parks near Tina’s house, Jennifer gets out of her car and locks it,making her windows are close then approaches the entrance. 
The song Shout at the Devil by Motley Crue blasts throughout the house as it’s loud even standing outside. When she walks in through the gate, she watches as Tommy and another male hold Billy as he chugs the beer from the keg. She hears the teens around counting. He walks away only wearing black pants with a leather jacket, his abs visible as Jennifer realizes she's staring at him and possibly memorizing the shape of his torso. Everyone chants Billy as he walks through the crowd. 
“That’s how you do it, Hawkins!” He shouts.
Jennifer enters the house and follows after him as Nancy and Steve catch her attention. Nancy stalks off to the alcohol as Steve gets harrassed by Billy and Tommy. When he leaves, Tommy leaves Billy as well, so Jennifer decides to approach. He grabs her hips with his hands and brings her close to him, pulling his cigarette out of his mouth and plants his lips on Jennifer’s. The taste of beer lingers on her lips as they pull away from each other. 
“You look hot,” Jennifer compliments. 
“You as well…” He asks. 
They stood there as the loud music blared around them as Jennifer takes that as a sign to leave, so she does. She walks out to the keg, asking Tommy and the guy from earlier to hold her up. The guys looked at each other, unbothered and looked as if they were gonna laugh in her face. Fortunatley, Tommy nods, grabbing Jennifer. They hold her up as she puts the tube in her mouth. Other students surround Jennifer as she chugs and chugs. Billy stands watch as well, unsure if she will beat his score of forty-two chugs. 
“Holy shit, she’s going for it!” Tommy shouts.
Jennifer chugs, landing on 36 so far. She continues as the counter goes up. The kids around her chant the numbers of each second. 
Jennifer moves her legs as the two boys put her down on the cement. She stands there and swallows the rest of the beer in her mouth, wiping the corners as Tommy looks at her surprised. Billy approaches, seeing the commotion. 
“Well, Hargrove, I think I just beat your score.” 
“You sure?” 
“Billy, she beat you, man. forty four!! We have a new Keg… Queen!” 
Jennifer turns her heel, stepping away from Billy before he grabs her wrist, spinning her around so she can face him. 
“Come with me.” His voice deep
Billy leads Jennifer up to an empty bedroom, closing the door behind them as he kisses her. Jennifer feels herself heating up as she ignores it and slides his jacket off. Billy tugs on her on piece, pulling the straps down. Sliding her one piece top off, he kisses the sensitive skin on her neck as he pushes her lighty to where she falls on top of the bed. He gets on top of her and begins a trail of kisses down above her breasts as a breathy moan escapes from Jennifer’s mouth. They flip and Jennifer’s on top and begin to take things further when there’s commotion downstairs as they pull apart from each other. Getting off him and sliding her blouse on, Jennifer sits beside him before hearing more noise as she watches Billy rise from the mattress and steps out of the room and shutting the door behind him. Jennifer sits there before laying down on the bed, saddened and a bit tipsy. She knew that she was very close to hitting second base with the guy she likes. Or, who Jennifer thought she liked. 
Does Jennifer even like Billy the way she fell in love with Steve Harrington? The short answer was no. No, she didn’t.
Groaning Jennifer gets up and exits the bedroom before heading downstairs, annoyed and upset as she approaches Billy… kissing another girl? The girl was none other then Tina. Tears prick at her eyes as she turns and exits the house, stepping onto the front porch and keeping her head down ushering toward her car. Without paying any attention to where she’s going, Jennifer suddenly bumps into someone. She cranes her neck up and sees who it is.
Steve Harrington. Of course she had to run into him, out of everyone else here, it was him.
“Jennifer?” He questioned.  
“Oh, hey, Steve. I wasn't expecting to see you out here.”
“I left… Nancy got pissed off and then proceeded to call our relationship bullshit.” 
“Steve… I’m sorry.” 
“Well, Jennifer… some things aren’t meant to happen.” 
“About that..” Jennifer trails off, a tear streaming down her cheek.
Steve notices and wipes it away with his thumb, cupping her cheek in the process. He stares into Jennifer’s eyes, holding her gaze. Jennifer moves her body closer to his as he slowly leans in. The sound of Girls on Film by Duran Duran blasts in the background, people coming and going from the party as the world around Steve and Jennifer seem to have stood still. Without thinking, Steve breaks the gap between them, pressing his lips to hers. They stood there, kissing in the night sky. The moon was full and the air was chilly, but Jennifer didn’t care because she felt warm in front of Steve. They pull away after a few seconds, wishing the kiss could last longer. 
“Woah,” Jennifer says, feeling the alcohol kicking in. “That was…” 
“Do you… wanna go somewhere?” 
“Let’s go.”
Before taking another step Jennifer loses her balance as Steve manages to catch her. The thought of her drink while intoxicated scared him as he lifted her in his arms. Jennifer mumbled a few indistinct words, but mostly had her eyes closed the entire time. Placing her in his car, Jennifer rests her head on the seat as Steve gets the seatbelt hooked before closing the passenger door. Arriving at his vacant home, Steve parks and steps out of the vehicle. He opens the passenger side as Jennifer almost falls out. He manages to catch her before assisting her to the house.
“Why aren't you taking me to my house?"
"Do you really want your mom to see you drunk?"
"No. I'll call her and, like, I'll tell her that I was at, like, Billie's place."
Once they enter his room, Jennifer stumbles as he holds her. Suddenly Jennifer covers her mouth as Steve glances at her. Jennifer wobbles as she take another step towards the bathroom, landing on her knees and leaning over the toilet. Purging, Jennifer sniffles before sighing and looking over at Steve. He stands in the doorway of the bathroom, looking towards her with a sympathetic exspression plastered on his face. She sets the bin down, looking down.
“I think you should take a break from chugging that much alcohol.” 
“Yeah, I think you’re right.” 
“I’ll get you some clothes,”
“Steve, it’s okay. I’ll just sleep in my—” 
“Costume? I don’t think so.” 
Jennifer stands, holding onto the walls around to and searches for Steve's bed, sitting there nauseated. Steve quickly throws something on before grabbing an oversized shirt and grey lounge shorts, and handing it to Jennifer as she finally takes it. She slides it over her frail body before climbing into Steve’s bed. 
“You take my bed, I’ll take the couch.” 
“No, can you… can you lay with me, please?” 
“Uh, sure.”
Steve climbs in and lays beside her, holding Jennifer’s gaze as he exhales. mascara stains Jennifer's cheeks, her hair messy and her eyes red and puffy from crying as her lids hang heavy. She begins to feel slightly better as she tries to think of something to say. 
“So, what happened back there?” 
“Well, besides trying to hit second base with Billy Hargrove, he walked away and went to do something else when there was a lot of commotion.” 
“Yeah, it was probably me and Nancy causing the commotion.” 
Jennifer chuckles, beginning to feel tired as Steve cups her face.
"No. He, uh, he was my boyfriend but since he cheated on me with that... that slut. I'm, like, single now."
"And, you kissed me."
"Yeah," She says, finally falling asleep.
Steve then turns back at Jennifer who is passed out. She snores lightly as the corners of his mouth twitch, forming a small smile. Turning off the lights, he stares at her gentle features before grabbing a blanket and covering her up before he falls asleep on the beside her. 
A little later, Jennifer wakes up and looks at the alarm clock on the dresser. It’s 10:59 PM, almost. She looks around the room and sees that the room doesn’t belong to her. Where am I? Jennifer wonders, uncovering and looking at her figure. She’s dressed, so didn’t have sex with anyone. That was until Jennifer remembers the night before and how she pretty much made a fool out of herself when trying to hit second base with Billy. She also remembers the keg, and how she beat Billy’s score. Smirking, the memory of her and Steve kissing on the front porch of Tina’s house makes her widen her eyes. Jennifer quickly gets up and throws her clothes on before looking down at Steve, who is asleep. She tells him that she’s leaving and begins walking out when she hears two people talking.
His parents.
Jennifer opens the door softly then closes it behind her, tiptoeing down the flight of stairs and out Harrington residence. Grabbing her keys from her pocket, Jennifer takes off towards the neighborhood where Tina threw her party and finds her car. She runs toward her car and gets in, grabbing her keys from her pocket. Jennifer fumbles with them before entering the driver's seat. She starts the engine, driving away from the disheveled house. Pulling into the carport, she kills the engine before stepping out of the vehicle and towards the back of the house.
Jennifer sees her cracked window as she slides her finger under and lifts glass up before she climbs in, almost falling in the process. Knocking her alarm clock off her bedside table, it clatters as it collides with the floor. Jennifer pauses and listens. Standing there, she sighs in relief before setting it on her table. She closes the window behind her as she leans her bodyweight against the wall, feeling dizzy and stays there.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter One: MADMAX
story:Midnight Rain wc: 2.1k two and a half months deep into her last year in high school and jennifer made a deal with herself to not get involved with steve harrington or her feelings for him. however, she falls in love and starts going out with new student / bad boy, billy hargrove. that was until a large tentacled entity called the mind flayer and demodogs begin terrorizing the citizens of hawkins, indiana.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ October 29, 1984 }
Halloween decorations fill people’s yards as starts filled the night. It was chilly and the breeze was soft. A bright crescent sits in the sky shining down on the people in Hawkins. Jennifer, who is in her bedroom, searches for her wallet along the way before exiting the house.
She says goodbye to her mom, before stepping out the door. Jennifer closes it behind her before shoving her wallet in her hoodie pocket, looking up and sees Wilhelmina who is leaning against her dark green 1970 pickup truck. She hits another drag of her cigarette one last time before putting it out, waving at the brunette. The two females get settled in the car, sliding their seatbelts on as Wilhelmina puts the car in drive and speeds down the road. They soon arrive at Palace Arcade as she parks her truck in front of the building. She kills the engine while Jennifer throws her seatbelt off, opening the door and steps out. She closes it behind her then walks towards the entrance with her best friend. The two females walk into the arcade and grab the coins that are needed for the games. 
"I can't believe we are spending Tuesday night at my work place when I should be at home lounging and getting high with you."
“I know, but I haven't been here since last summer.”
Wilhelmina groans.
“Can we play Centipede real quick. Last time I was here, there were some kids who wouldn’t let me play. And this time, it’s available.” 
“Jennifer, the little shits are our brother's and their friends pushed you out of the way. ” 
"No, they did not. It was my brother. He just never listens.” 
“That’s because you’re too soft. I thought Nancy revved you up into being a different person last year.” 
“I… didn’t let that happen. And, stop with all this and let’s have some fun while we can.”
“It’s not like the worlds gonna end.”
“You never know,” 
Once in the game, Jennifer hears the pitter patters of feet approaching as she looks over and sees four boys rushing toward Dragon Lair and and they begin playing. Jennifer watches her brother play, dying in the process as she watches him sigh in annoyance. Dustin curses before kicking the machine as Jennifer and Wilhelmina look over at the small group of boys. Jennifer hears the sounds of death as she looks back at the screen and see that she died. Game over -- the brunette reads before walking towards Dig Dug where she sees the name MADMAX sitting in the top score of 751,300 right the boys rush up to the game and Dustin pushes his older sister out of the way.
“Hey, imbecile! Watch who you’re pushing.” 
“Sorry, Jennifer. But this is more important.” 
“More important than my safety and wellbeing.”
Jennifer and Dustin make a face at each other before he looks at the score, reading the numbers before turning and asking his sister who MADMAX is. She shrugs her shoulders when Keith approaches. He peers above her and the small group of boys, munching on a bag of cheetos. the corners of his mouth are pampered in cheeto dust as well as his fingers. Jennifer makes a disgusted face at the sight.
“Who is MadMax?” 
“Better than you.”
Dustin holds up his middle finger, flipping Keith off. Jennifer pushes his hand down before looking back at Keith. 
“Is it you?” Will asks. 
Keith scoffs. “You know I despise Dig Dug.”
“Then who is it?” Lucas demands. 
“Yeah, spill it, Keith!” Dustin shouts. 
“You want information, I need something in return.” He suggests, looking Jennifer's way as hatred and disgust flows through her body. The boys look her way as she look back at them. 
“No. No way, Keith. You’re not getting a date with me.” 
“Come on, just get him the date.” 
“We’re not prostituting Jennifer!” Mike shouts.
“But it's for a good cause.” Lucas adds.
Dustin cuts in the conversation. “No, don’t go on the date. Know what? He’s gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to our whole family.” 
“Acne isn’t a rash and it isn’t contagious, you prepubescent wastoid.” 
“Oh, I’m a wastoid? She wouldn’t go on a date with you."
The conversation -- argument becomes indistinct to Jennifer's ears as she watches Will turn and exit, he stands there for a while in a trance like state before stepping towards the entrance of Palace Arcade. He walks out there as Jennifer turns to grab Mike’s sleeve, yanking it to get him to look at what she's looking at, seeing Will. He steps out and follows after Will as Jennifer stands in the middle of the arcade, wondering if the boy is okay. She watches them enter again, speculating on what happened until she feel a tap on her shoulder. Jennifer turns around and sees Wilhelmina standing in front of her. 
“What happened to you? You, like, went away and just stayed.” 
“Sorry, just distracted by something. Let’s get back to the games, OK?”
Wilhelmina nods as her and Jennifer both play and spend time together for the rest of the night, having them buy burgers and milkshakes. 
The following morning, Jennifer sits in her car checking to make sure she has all her papers so she can turn them in as soon as she walks inside. Grabbing her purse in which she got for Christmas from Steve (surprisingly), Jennifer steps out of the vehicle. She shoulders her bag when a car engine revs as the person driving it parks in an empty spot. 
Billy, a tall male with long hair steps out of the vehicle as well as a redhead. She skates away and he walks toward the school. Jennifer met Billy right after he moved to Hawkins, Indiana – bumping into him in the halls of Hawkin high school before falling for him. He fell harder because Jennifer was different then the other girls, and by then, they ended up being a fling. She couldn't help but stare at him as Jennifer bit her lip, having Nancy and Steve look over at her. She was smitten, even if Jennifer didn’t want to admit it. At least, she had gotten over Steve Harrington and found someone who makes her happy but loved.
...Or so she thinks.
“Damn.” Jennifer says.
“You know you said that out loud, right?” Steve questioned, looking over at her.
“I know.” She smiles cocky. "I did that on purpose."
“Wait. Are you dating him?” Nancy asks. 
“I’m not revealing that much of my personal life to you, Wheeler.” 
Jennifer grabs her bag and closes the car door, walking past them smiling confidently before straightening towards the double door entrance. She steps toward Billy as he grabs her hand, pulling Jennifer in like a magnet before dragging her toward the janitors closet. She giggles, dropping her bag inside he locks the door behind them. Billy’s lips collide with Jennifer's as he pushes her against the wall in the janitors closet.
The fire burns in his eyes as the bell rings suddenly, breaking Jennifer away from Billy, staring and listening. She smiles before he brings her into a kiss as she stays there, gripping his bicep. Straightening their disheveled looks, Jennifer smooths her hair out, looking over at her boyfriend who is doing the same thing. Before leaving, Billy grabs Jennifer, pulling her close as his lips land on hers, staying there. She gropes his bicep as he pushes her against the wall. But they pull away, exiting the closet. Jennifer take off one way as he goes the other. She heads to class. Step in and apologizing to her teacher, Jennifer takes a seat next to Nancy as she looks over in her direction. 
“I don’t want to ask this, but were you in the janitors closet a few minutes ago?” 
“No, why?”  
“Oh, because there was a lot of racket including some breathy moans, and wanted to make sure you weren't doing…” 
“Nancy, enough. OK? Like I said, I’m not revealing anything to you.” 
Outside of class, Tina stood by the entrance as she hands out flyers for a party as she hands Jennifer one. She grabs it and looks at it.
A party.
It reads Tina’s Halloween bash. Jennifer knew that she was going, following behind Jonathan and Nancy. They talk as Jennifer followed before stopping when Nancy gets to her locker. Steve jumps out and startles her, picking her up before setting her down. She stares at them before looking toward Jonathan who is already halfway down the hall. Jennifer takes off too, not wanting to see the commotion. She walks away and toward her locker to grab your next period textbook, closing the metal door. Jennifer catches up to Jonathan as they greet each other. 
“Hey, any plans for Halloween?” 
“No, just staying in and…” 
“Listening to the talking heads? Or, watching movies with your mom and her new boyfriend? Sounds pretty vague to me.” 
“Oh, hush. Anyway, what are your plans?” 
“I’m going to that party. Maybe next time we can crash at your place and watch horror movies together with Wilhelmina like old times.” 
Jennifer steps away and head towards her next class, passing Billy as he stares at her and blows her a kiss as she catches it. 
That night, Jennifer walks with Steve and Nancy toward the front door of Barbra Holland's house. Steve rings the doorbell as they all wait for a few seconds until the door opens, revealing Mrs. Holland. She lets the three teenagers in as she walks by a ton of photos of Barbra before being seated at the table. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get to cook. I was gonna make that baked ziti you guys like so much, but I just forgot about the time, and before you know it, ‘oh, my God, it’s five o’clock.”
“It’s fine.” 
“Yeah, it's great.” 
“Right, I love KFC..” 
They all exchange various looks before Jennifer and Steve take a bite of their food, turning towards Nancy who begins to speak. 
“So, I noticed a ‘For Sale’ sign out in your yard. Is that the neighbors, or…”
“You wanna tell them?” 
“Go ahead.”
Mrs. Holland looks at Nancy. 
“We hired a man named Murray Bauman. Have either of you heard of him?”
“No, I don’t think so.” 
“He was an investigative journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times.” 
“He’s pretty well known,” 
Mr. Holland shows Jennifer, Steve and Nancy Murray’s card as Jennifer looks at it. 
“Anyway, he’s a freelance now, and he agreed to take the case.” 
“Oh, that’s… that’s great.” 
They smile as Steve swallows his food. 
“No, that’s really… That’s great, right?” 
“Yeah, totally.” You agree. 
“What does that mean?” 
“Means he’s gonna do what that lazy son of a bitch Jim Hop– sorry. What the Hawkins police haven't been capable of doing. Means we have a real detective on the case,” 
Jennifer takes a sip of her soda as Nancy does the same. The Holland's keep saying how they are gonna have their daughter found as Nancy worries for them, unable to process her emotions as she excuses herself from the table. Steve makes a comment as Barbara’s parents chuckle as Jennifer stood too, going after Nancy. Standing outside of the bathroom door, she lightly knocks. 
“I… I wanted to check on you. You know, see how you’re doing.” 
“I’m… good. Just go back to the meal. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” 
“Nancy, come on. I know you’re upset, let me in.” 
Jennifer hears a sniffle come from Nancy before she opens the bathroom door, letting her in as tears fill her eyes. She sits on the side of the tub as Jennifer stood in her place, folding her arms across her chest. She kneels in front of her and brings Nancy into her embrace, rubbing soothing circles on the small of her back as she sobs.
“I wish there was something I could’ve done. I don’t… I don’t know, maybe I should have stayed with Barb and took her home. I—” 
“It’s okay, Jennifer. Really. It isn’t your fault.” 
Jennifer and Nancy both stay there for an extra minute or two before rising and checking themselves out in the mirror, walking out of the bathroom and towards the table in the dining room. 
When Steve pulls up to Jennifer's house, she thanks him for the ride and says goodbye to him and Nancy before unhooking her seatbelt. Jennifer opens the door and steps out of the vehicle and closes the door behind, walking towards the entrance of her house ready to start a new day.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Prologue ii
story: Midnight Rain wc: 2.8k after the events of 1983, jennifer has the urge to search for her mom and meet her. but her adoptive mom says no, jennifer asks help from steve as they uncover the truth about her mother, and where she's located... coming back, she suffers many emotions as she gets ready to start her senior year of high school.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner below. there is a part closer towards the end of the chapter that may or may not piss people off. Let me know if i should change the one part.]
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{ October 25, 1984 }
Jennifer sits in the basement of Hawkins Library by herself, searching for anything she can about her mother. She has even called people in Detroit to see if there was any information on why she abandoned her daughter. She searched through news paper of the city of Hawkins, feeling somewhat defeated but aware that she will likely have to travel to Detroit, Michigan to dig deeper.
However, Jennifer didn't have her license yet. She is supposed to receive it sometime this month. She didn't have the money for a bus ticket, plus her mom would ask her where she's going. Suddenly an item came to mind, nevertheless, she can ask someone to take her there. They can stay in a quaint hotel in Detroit long enough and can drive home the next day.
Jennifer didn't have the time to call Steve since she needed to be home, so she decided to tell him tomorrow at school.
{ October 26, 1984 }
The following day, Jennifer arrived at school earlier than usual, so she can find Steve amidst the chaos. She walked through the early crowd of teenagers when someone catches her eye. A tall male with long light brown hair, he wore an outfit with tight jeans, outlining his figure. She felt herself halt, heart pounding in her chest as she held his gaze.
He had blue eyes and had a smirk planted on his lips. Jennifer then accidentally bumps into someone, apologizing in the process before blending in with the crowd. She keeps her eyes peeled when she spotted him, she approached Steve in the hallway of Hawkins High School, tapping him on the shoulder. He turns around and makes eye contact with her.
"I need help with something,"
"With what?" He asks, folding his arms across his chest.
"I, uh, come here." She begins, grabbing his arm gently and brings him to an empty classroom before continuing. "Did I ever tell you that I was adopted, and not from Hawkins originally?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Well, I am, Harrington. My birth mother lost custody of me, and my father was nowhere to be found, so I was put in foster care between the ages of ten and thirteen."
"Anyway, I found her. She's in detroit, Michigan. But I don't have a way to get there, and was--"
"--You came to ask me to drive you out there, correct?"
"Yes, since I don't want to go alone. You don't have to if you don't want to."
"I'll get you out there. But we'll have to come up with an excuse as to why were not here."
"Easy, I'll tell my mom that I'm spending a night or two at Wilhelmina's for the weekend. She won't notice. Plus, I'll let Billie know ahead of time. You?"
"That's the thing, Jennifer. My parents don't care, but Nancy does. If she knows I'm gone, then she'll ask questions."
"Tell her you're a friend a favor by taking them somewhere and will be back by sometime Saturday. Steve, it's okay. Why are you so worried?"
"If Nancy finds out I'm with you, she think I'm cheating since she knew about your crush on me last school year."
"How the hell did she find out?"
"She, uh, got the truth from Jonathan."
"That jerk. I blame Billie for telling him."
Jennifer crosses her arms and shakes her head in disappointment, breaking her eye contact from Steve.
"But we'll go. I'll find something to say, alright?"
"Yes, thank you Steve."
"Of course, I'll pick you up around 8?"
"Yeah, that'll work for me. That perfect! Billie usually gets off work around eight."
That night, Jennifer quickly packs a duffle bag with an outfit or two along with her toiletries as she sets out the front door with her bag, walking toward the road and watches a crimson BMW pulls up. He stops and unlocks his vehicle while Jennifer opens the passenger seat door, sliding in. She shuts the door and sets her bag in the backseat beside Steve's before turning to face the front. Jennifer quickly slides her seatbelt on.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah, let's get going."
Steve pulls away and drives down the road, starting their trip to detroit. On the way, he enters a gas station parking lot, stopping the engine. He leaves Jennifer with the key as he exits his vehicle. Jennifer watches Steve walk toward the entrance of the gas station, holding the door open for two women then disappears. A couple minutes later, he comes back with a road map and some snacks as well as drinks. Jennifer takes the map, searching for a pen in Steve's car. She opens the glove compartment and searches, finding a lose pen. She takes it and marks where her and Steve are, locating the nearest exit to Detroit. She marks counterpoints for rest stops and highways, explaining to the clueless brunette where to go.
Jennifer passed her geography class the year prior, making her able to to search certain points on maps. Tonight, it was harder since it was dark and the map wasn't very detailed, so she marked spots the best she could. Steve nods as he listens to her, going the direction she tells him. Soon coming up on a road, the two people inside were silent. Jennifer didn't know what to say as things were already awkward between them since Steve knew about her crush on him, but she was beginning to crush on someone new at Hawkins High this morning. She hopes that she'll find him again, getting to know him and maybe start dating. However, Jennifer couldn't think about that since she was so focused on finding her mother to know the exact truth she was left. Jennifer loved her adoptive parents and brother, but she loved her mother... more like the idea of her since she was taken at a young age.
The two teens were finally out of Indiana, and inching closer to where Jennifer's from. Steve pointed out a motel, but insisted they should keep driving unless he or she are getting very tired. Steve kept driving and by the time Jennifer knew it, the two teenagers were in Detroit, Michigan as Steve parks on the side of the road as he glances over at Jennifer.
"So, where are we at now?" He asks.
Jennifer pulls out the folded piece of paper from her bag. "Here's the address.."
Steve followed the address, even asking people in town which roads to take as the two finally make it to her mother's house. He parks his car and steps out the vehicle. Jennifer does the same, reaching into the bag and pulling out two flashlights. Handing one to Steve, they walk toward the small home. She stepped onto the front porch and looked through the window; the lights were dim and a television sat on a little box in the corner. To the side, a single lounge chair sits. However, the woman was nowhere to be found. Steve was hesitant as Jennifer was determined to get past the door and meet her mother. She asked Steve to accompany her at the front door, watching as he stepped up the few steps that lead towards the female.
"Jen, are you sure about this?"
"Yes, I am. Even though it's late, she may be here. Tonight, I may finally get my questions answered."
Steve stood behind Jennifer, almost acting like her protector while she raised her arm and became hesitant knocking. She told herself to breathe, knocking lightly on the dirty white door. They waited for a few seconds before someone opened the door. But it wasn't a woman that was in front of them, but rather a large shotgun. It was aimed towards Steve and Jennifer as she jumped back, raising her arms. She elbows Steve to do the same. A large lump formed in her throat as the figure came into view. It was an older woman. Her eyes were slightly sunken in and she was almost the same height as Jennifer. Her hair was brown and had big blue eyes, making eye contact with the female teen.
"What the hell do you teenagers want?"
"I -- uh, Jen... It's me. Jennifer. Jennifer Marie Bennett."
The lady lowered the weapon, moving her gaze from Jennifer to Steve as she eyed him up and down. Steve stayed silent, still holding his arms up and is probably scared shitless from what Jennifer can see. The woman focused on Jennifer and what she said, her angered expression softened and stared for a moment before her eyes widened.
"What year were you born?" She questioned.
Jennifer glanced at Steve then at the woman. "Uh, May 1, 1966 in Detroit, Michigan."
"M-Mom?" She interrogated.
"Come in, come in. Get inside, it's chilly out there."
Jennifer and Steve lowered their arms as she gave him a quick glance before turning off her flashlight. Steve turned his off and followed Jennifer into the house, closing the door behind them. She welcomed them to her home as they stood there, almost awkwardly.
"Are you thirsty? Hungry?"
"Uh, n-no. I'm not. I'm here because I need to ask some questions about my--"
"No, no. No questions. I cannot be the person to answer them."
"You're my mom, so you know the answers. Why didn't you provide for me when I needed it the most?"
"I did, Jennifer. I worked my ass off to provide for you. But your grandmother hounded me to give you up. I didn't allow that to happen. I worked so hard to give you a better life than mine. Obviously that didn't work."
"Okay. W-What is your name?"
"Eileen Bennett,"
Steve stood behind Jennifer as she took a seat in the chair in the poorly decorated dining room. His hands rested on the top of her chair, making her take a breath, and knew that she was okay with Steve.
"So, all that and I was still given up later in life."
"I didn't put you up for adoption, your grandmother did!" Eileen shouted, rising from the table and slammed her hands on the table. "That bitch wanted me to give you up since the day you were born, I did not let that happen. But the day you were taken by CPS, I was away at work."
Jennifer sat there with her brows furrowed, something in her chest made her feel breathless while tears formed in her eyes. One slid down her delicate cheek, her frown prominent. Eileen folded her arms against her chest and began pacing back and forth as if she were trying to search the right words to say to Jennifer. However, nothing came out beside an angry expression and her slightly wrinkled brows knitted together.
"Eileen?" Jennifer calls. "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, I am."
Jennifer nodded and looked up at Steve, tears forming in her eyes. He rested his hand on her shoulder, smiling sadly.
"Is this your boyfriend?"
"Him? No, he's not. He's my friend's boyfriend. I wanted him with me so I'm not traveling by myself."
"I see,"
Jennifer added. "Did... grandma ever ...want me?"
"No," Eileen spoke in a bitter tone. "She didn't want anything to do with you. She thought both of us were screw ups!"
Jennifer rose from her seat, stepping back slowly with Steve. The one thing Jennifer didn't know was her mom had Bipolar Disorder, so seeing her get angry made the teenage female start to feel very anxious. Without hesitation, she grabbed Steve's hand as it made him look down. Jennifer thought he would move, but instead, stayed there and continued to let her hold his hand. Their fingers laced together, inching closer towards the front door. Steve grabbed the knob and turned it, opening the door as him and Jennifer leave and return to his vehicle.
Steve quickly starts the car and takes off and head back to Hawkins. However, Jennifer was staring out the window with her head resting on her fist, her reflection shows with each passing street light. Jennifer was also quiet, unaware of her crying in the process. Steve kept his eyes on the road in front of him but would glance over at her every few seconds.
"Jen, are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine, Steve. I just want to get some sleep that--that's all."
They eventually get to a small hotel, grabbing their bags and head toward the entrance. Jennifer held her duffle bag and tosses it on her shoulder, arms folded as she entered with Steve. He asked for a room and the lady told them that the only available room was a one bed. Since it was their only option as Jennifer looked at the time -- 3:45 AM -- it was best for them to sleep.. The woman handed him the key card, and they headed up to their room. The room consisted of a single double bed, a single chair with a table and a small tv sitting on a box. The room was quaint, but Jennifer knew this had to work. She wasn't thrilled that was going to share a bed with her friend's boyfriend, but apart of her was kinda happy as she felt safe around Steve.
Jennifer told Steve to step out of the room as she started getting undressed, quickly placing her clothes on her body before telling him to come back out, and in which he's in his sleep clothes as well. Jennifer slid into the bed, Steve did the same. They lay down and face each other, faces not so far apart. The air around them was quiet but their hearts beating were even louder. In the moment, it seems as if they forgot about Nancy and her feelings when suddenly their faces inched closer. His lips pressed against hers as she softened, enjoying the moment. The warmth began to bloom between them, but it only lasted a few seconds as Steve pulled away slowly. Jennifer was appalled by the sudden gesture, only knowing that it'll cause problems later if her and Steve stayed quiet about it. And sure enough, they did. They kept the promise to one another before eventually drifting off to sleep.
The following morning, Jennifer was up early and already dressed as she sat in the chair by the window, taking in the early morning light. She couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she shared with Steve as it brought a smile upon her lips. She felt terrible, wanting to tell Steve not to reveal it to anyone, even Nancy Wheeler. Behind her, Steve rose as he sat in the bed. She glances back, seeing him with messy hair and tired eyes. He yawned in Jennifer's direction, ruffling his messy hair.
"Morning, sleepyhead."
"Good morning,"
"Come on, get dressed." Jennifer says, grabbing Steve's clothes and tosses them at him.
"We didn't... do anything, right?"
"Well, we kissed. If that's what you wanted to hear." Jennifer rose and stepped toward Steve, sitting on the bed in front of him. "Oh, God. What are we gonna do, Steve? We kissed and you are dating Nancy, and we can't lie--"
"Jennifer, listen." Steve begins. "We won't tell her, unless it comes up. But in the meantime, try to stay out of the kiss part. If she asks if anything happened, just tell her we were at a hotel and had separate rooms."
"So, we're lying?" She questions. "Steve, you're a dick if you're implying that."
"Holy shit, I am. Do I confess that I basically cheated on her?"
"I don't know. She will be pissed at both of us, Steve. She's already not happy that I liked you and had a sex dream about you last year, in the midst of everything,"
"Wait, you had a sec dream about me?"
"Yes, keep up. I say we don't tell, I a am agreeing with you."
"Okay, but was the dream hot?"
"Steve," Jennifer stated, harshly.
"Sorry, sorry."
"You better be. Now we gotta get a move on. We gotta go."
Steve got out of bed, and quickly got dressed in the bathroom before returning. The two teens quickly packed their bags and quickly left the hotel, heading back to Steve's vehicle and pile in. Jennifer tosses her bag in the backseat, settling in her passenger seat and slid her seatbelt on.
By the time, they got back to Hawkins was merely after lunch time as Steve quickly got Jennifer back to her house. However, she asked him to park further away from her house, so her mom doesn't question who's care Jennifer was exiting. In fact, her mom knew Billie's vehicle which made Jennifer slightly paranoid. However, she doesn't think much and says goodbye to Steve, entering her house.
Home sweet home, Jennifer thought to herself as she now has a secret she has to keep away from Nancy and everyone else she comes in contact with. She decided to forgive and forget.
0 notes
strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Eight: The Upside Down
story: Midnight Rain wc: 2.3k at the byers' residence, jennifer, nancy and jonathan prepare for battle.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner below.]
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{ November 12-13, 1983 }
Jonathan pulls up to his house as the three of them pile out of his car, stepping into a dense fog. He pops the truck to retrieve the monster hunting supplies.
In the house, the three teens stare down at the box of supplies then share a look. Jennifer and Nancy screw in the lightbulbs on the string before Jonathan moves to the hall, hammering large nails into the floor to hold the bear traps, yanking on the trap to test it. Later, Jennifer loads bullets into the revolver as somewhere else in the house, Jonathan hammers nails into the top of the baseball bat. 
As he adds more nails, Nancy pours gasoline in the hallways leading to a chair in Will's room. Jennifer then tests the lighter, igniting the flame. In the hallway, Nancy and Jonathan kneel on either side of the bear trap as he pulls the jaws of it in place. Nancy puts the trap in place before he leaves a smiley face yo-yo as the string leads into the hallway. In the hall, they exchange cautious looks  to one another as Jennifer carefully steps away from the bear trap, leaning against the walls carefully. Nancy nods at Jonathan then glances at each other. Finished, the three teens stand in the living room with a knife Jonathan found in the drawer of his kitchen. Nancy holds the knife but looks at you when she takes the knife away. 
"Hey, I was gonna use that.."
"On your hand? No, let me do it." 
Nancy takes the knife from Jonathan as her and Jennifer stand opposite ends of the each other.
"--Straight into Will's room. And--"
"Don't step on the trap." 
"Wait for the yo-yo to move."
"Then.." Jonathan ignites the flame in the lighter. 
Jennifer and Nancy stare at the flame along with Jonathan. She holds the knife in her palm ready to slice her palm open. Hesitating, Nancy counts down as Jennifer then drag the knife across her sensitive skin, squinting her eyes as the pain takes over. Soon after, Jennifer holds a cloth on her open wound as she watches Nancy bandage her own hand before moving towards Jennifer with the bandage. 
"I can't believe you did that for me. Even though I cut my hand anyway."
"Well, I wanted to do something, so I took it upon myself to take the kitchen knife from your hand and... you know." 
"Well. Uh, thank you, I guess." 
Once her hand is bandaged, Jennifer brings Nancy into a hug and pulls away after a few seconds. A thought comes to mind, getting ready to reveal what dream she had.
"Nancy, I had a dream about Steve."
"What kind of dream?" She questions.
"A... uh, that kind of dream..." Jennifer hints. "I didn't want to say anything since there was tension between us, and afraid that you'd get mad at me, or think I was a bad person. I just--"
"Even though, it was ill-mannered having a sex dream about someone else's boyfriend -- but I forgive you. Let's move past that and make things right between each other."
"Wow, okay. I was totally not thinking you'd take that route. I thought you would get upset, and not be my friend anymore and would spread a rumor about me. I tried not to but now, I will terminate my feelings toward Steve Harrington and move on."
They go silent as Jennifer begins to open her mouth right when the three of them hear faint creaking as she glances around the living room. 
"Did you hear that?" Jennifer asks.
"It's just the wind." 
Nancy looks at Jonathan worried. 
"My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes."
"Speak?" Nancy and Jennifer ask in unison.
"Blink. Think of them as alarms."
Jennifer stares at the two as Nancy fixes her bandage before getting up right when there's loud banging on the front door as they all jump, gasping. 
"Jonathan? Are you there, man? It's... it's Steve! Listen, I just want to talk."
The banging continues as Nancy gets up and rushes to the door, opening slightly, so he can't see in the disheveled house.
"Steve, listen to me."
"Hey, Nancy. What—"
"You need to leave."
"I'm not trying to start anything, okay?"
"I don't care about that. You need to leave."
"No, no, no. Listen, I messed up, okay? I messed... I messed up. Okay? Really please. I just want to make things right. Okay? Please. Please.." 
He stammers. "Hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood?" 
Jennifer watches as Nancy acts as if she pulled her hand back, staying in position. 
"Nothing. It was an accident."
"Yeah, what's going on?"
"Wait as sec. Did he do this?"
Steve tries to push himself through, but she manages to push him away.
"Nancy, let me in!"
"No! No, Steve."
It was too late. Steve bursts in, pushing past his girlfriend before glaring daggers at Jonathan not paying any attention to Jennifer standing there. He finally looks at her then the bat laying on the coffee table, terrified.
"What is.. What the..."
"You need to get out of here."
"Woah. What is all--"
"Listen to me. I'm not asking you, telling you, get out of here!" Jonathan demands.
"What is that smell? Is that... is that gasoline?" 
"Steve, get out!" Jennifer shouts. 
Jennifer holds the caliber up, aiming towards Steve. He stands from in fear, raising his hands. They all hear him stammer once again before getting an actual question out. 
"What is going on?"
"You have five seconds to get out of here." Jennifer repeats, still holding the gun.
"Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down."
"I'm doing this for you." She says.
"Jen," Jonathan says. 
"Three. Two." 
"No, no, no! No, no!"
"Jennifer! The lights." Nancy and Jonathan say at the same time, catching her attention. She snaps her head back at the flickering bulbs above.
"It's here," Jennifer says.
"What... what's here?" Steve asks, concerned and confused.
Jennifer, Nancy and Jonathan stand back to back, him holding the bat impaled with nails as they check each and every corner. Everything becomes overwhelming for Jennifer as she helps watch. Steve yells in the background.
“Where is it?”
“I don’t know. I don’t see it.
"Where’s what? Hello? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going—”
Steve gets cut off quickly as the ceiling begins bulging as the monster pushes through. Jennifer almost loses her grip on the gun but holds it firmly, aiming at the monster. The boys shout when she grabs the kitchen knife of the coffee table. Jonathan pulls Nancy away as she grabs Jennifer's hand, dragging her along. Jennifer yanks Steve along with them as the monster drops onto the floor. It growls. Jennifer, Nancy and Jonathan jump over the bear trap as Steve panics, hopping over it as well before running into Will’s room and shutting the door behind them.
“Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that?” Steve asks, panicking. “What the hell was that?”
“Shut up!” The three shout as Steve finally shuts up. 
Jennifer points the gun towards the door as Jonathan wields his makeshift mace in one hand and holds the lighter in the other. From outside, the monster snarls.
“What’s it doing?”
“I don’t know.”
The lights flicker widely as the smiley face yoyo remains still. They all stand their ground as fear begins rising, yet she keeps herself composed. The lights stop blinking as Steve Stands behind her as the two up front exchange a wary look. Jonathan flips the lighter close. 
“You hear anything?”
Jonathan opens the door and ventures out into the hallway with the spiked bat. Jennifer steps out as well as Nancy and Steve after them. They stare down the empty hallway, the trap is still intact as the monster’s gone. Jonathan cautiously rounds the corner from the hallway and into the living room, holding the spiked bat at the ready. Gripping the revolver, Jennifer stays close behind him. An anxious Steve steps out after Nancy, keeping low as they enter the living room.
Jonathan, Jennifer and Nancy turn carefully, surveying the room which has no trace of the monster from earlier. They hold their weapons ready. Steve stands off by himself. He mutters to himself. 
“This is crazy! This is Crazy!” He shouts, barreling towards the phone as Jennifer grabs it from his hand and tosses it to the floor. 
“Are you insane?” He asks. 
“It’s going to come back! So you need to leave. Right now.” Jennifer demanded. 
Steve looks around helplessly. Moments later he scrambles out the door, running towards his car. The lights flicker rapidly. her, Jonathan as well as Nancy look around alertly. 
“Where is it?”
“Come on, you son of a bitch. You see it?” 
“No. Where—” 
They stand close to one another and look around the living room as the lights strobe overhead. The three of them shout for the monster to come back, so you can fight it. The lights go out and a silhouetted monster raises behind Jonathan. 
“Jonathan!” Nancy shouts. 
The monster growls behind him as he turns around, falling with the monster on top of him. It pins him to the ground. He holds the monsters leg back as it drools on Jonathan’s face before the monster opens his jaws. Teeth line the flaps, inching closer to his face. 
“Go to hell, you son of a bitch!” 
Jennifer fires at the monster with the loaded caliber then withdraws from Jonathan as it towers over the teenage girl as she shoots. Advancing on her with his flaps spread around his sharp teeth, stalking towards her. She keeps firing before the gun clicks. Suddenly, Steve hits it with a bat as Jennifer runs over to Jonathan, helping him to his feet as she brings Nancy close. The monster razors as Steve faces off with the monster, swinging the makeshift mace and manages to strike the creature in the chest. He spins the bat before bashing it again. The monster stumbles into the hallway, stepping in the trap. 
“He’s in the trap!” Steve yells. 
The monster flails around under the strobing lights. 
“He’s stuck!” 
Jennifer quickly rises, igniting the lighter and throws it toward the trap. Flames engulf the monster as it screeches, burning alive. Jonathan and Steve shield their eyes from the blaze. Jonathan grabs a fire extinguisher, putting out the fire quickly. He coats the hallway with a cloud of white chemicals as they all cough and pant. As the smoke clears, Jennifer covers her mouth and turns away from the hazy hallway and step toward the trap.
“Where did it go?” Jennifer asks.
“It has to be dead. It has to be.” 
They stare down at the floor where bits of charred and mangled flesh sits inside the closed trap are the only sign of the monster. The Christmas bulbs light up the hallway in their path as Jennifer and the other’s  follow the lights certainly. In the living room, Jonathan's eyes fill with tears as the light blinks at the front door. 
“Mom, is that you?” 
Jennifer follows Jonathan, Nancy and Steve as they all step onto the porch. A nearby street light flickers in the night. 
“Where’s it going?” Nancy asks. 
“I don’t think that’s the monster.”
Sometime (late) that night, Jennifer enters the waiting room and takes a seat on the opposite side of Steve. Hopper gazes thoughtfully as Ted sleeps with his arms crossed. Next to him, Steve’s tired eyes stare at the floor. Nearby, Karen fidgets with her hands while Nancy sits beside her with her arms folded. Both asleep, Dustin rests his head on Lucas’ shoulder. In the seat beside them, Mike leans forward lost in thought. He looks up as Jonathan enters the waiting area and gives him a nod as everyone else looks toward him as well. The brunette watches as Mike jumps up, waking the two other boys as Lucas gives Dustin a disgusted look as he finds him on his shoulder before rushing out of the waiting room.
Jennifer glances at Nancy then at Steve as Nancy rises walking into the hallway. She and Steve gaze in each other’s eyes before looking away when Nancy returns a minute or two later. 
One Month Later.
Slim bare branches cover the dark sky as snowflakes drift through the air. Lighted wreaths decorate the Wheeler’s house as snow falls to the ground. Jennifer is seated in the living room next to Steve as the feeling she once had for him finally dies down, but the burning feeling is still there in her body.
Jennifer looks up and sees Jonathan and Will exit through the living room, making their way into the kitchen as they wish Karen a Merry Christmas. Standing by the staircase, Jennifer watches as Nancy hands Jonathan a wrapped present. He thanks her before taking it on his own. She watches as the other brunette stammers before Nancy kisses him on the cheek then pulls away.
Jennifer walks halfway down the basement steps, leaning forward as she calls her brother's name. A few seconds later, she watches Dustin approaches her, a backpack slung over his shoulders. They quickly say bye to the two other children before entering the main floor. They stroll through the house, stopping in the kitchen
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Wheeler."
Jennifer looks toward Karen, smiling softly. Mrs. Wheeler smiles thoughtfully as Jennifer grabs her coat and gloves before stepping towards the front door with Dustin. 
“Leaving so soon?” 
“Yeah, we'd like to get home before it’s too late.” 
“Okay. Drive safe. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Wheeler. Stay Warm.” 
“You too.” 
Jennifer walks toward her and embraces the older woman before backing away and pulling the coat over her arms. She slides her gloves on as well before opening the door, Dustin steps out before her as they leave. Jennifer gets in her mom's car and drives home. In the passenger seat sits her younger brother as Jennifer watches the road in front of her without a care in the world.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter Seven: The Bathtub
story: Midnight Rain wc: 2.3k after buying "monster hunting" gear and jonathan getting into a scuffle, the three teens are held at the police station as they try to show them what they caught prior.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ November 11, 1983 }
Once there and out of breath from running, you enter the police station to see if Nancy and Jonathan could leave yet. Still sitting there, you watch as Joyce walks over to her son.
"Jesus, what... what happened?" 
"Ma'am," One officer begins. 
"Why is he wearing handcuffs?"
"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why."
"Take them off." Joyce demands.
"I am afraid I cannot do that."
"Take them off!"
"You heard her. Take 'em off." Hopper demands. 
"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see." 
They bring in the equipment from the trunk of Jonathan’s car. You watch from the seat you’re in on the couch in the chief's office, telling him about the thing they saw in the photo Jonathan took.
After they all get in Joyce's car and drive down the street, Chief Hopper stops on the hill as everyone including Jennifer and the chief pile out of the car, seeing a bunch of men in suits and black cars surrounding the Wheeler's house on Maple Street. 
"I have to get home."
"No, you can't." 
"My mom... my dad are there." 
"They're gonna be okay." Hopper tries to reassure her. 
Nancy ignores him and starts walking away from the vehicle before getting stopped by the chief. He gropes her arm, making her stop. 
"Let go. Let go!"
"Hey! Listen to me. Listen to me. The last thing in the world we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all this."
"Mike is over there--"
"They haven't found him. Not yet, at least."
Pointing at the chopper in the sky, Hopper points it out to the scared teenager as she looks up. Jennifer looks in the sky as well, watching as it surrounds the following areas. 
"For Mike?" She asks. 
"Come on, get in the car." 
Situated in the vehicle, Hopper sits in the front seat with Joyce. The three teens sit cramped in the backseat as Hopper asks if they know where Mike could be hiding.
"Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"
"Don't know. I don't know them as well as you all do."
"No, I don't."
"I need you to think." 
"I don't know. We haven't talked a lot. I mean, lately.." Nancy sighs. 
"Is there any place that your... your parents don't know that he might go?" 
Nancy stutters. "I don't know." 
"I might," 
"I don't know where he is, but I think I know how to ask him."
Driving, they speed down the street before turning onto a gravel road. It soon reaches a house as everyone piles out of the car and inside. Jonathan and Joyce rush past the destruction and Christmas lights in the house as well as Hopper, Nancy and Jennifer. She and Nancy stop in their tracks, looking around at the hung up lights. 
"Woah," Jennifer says. 
They focus before following after the chief, into Will’s bedroom. Joyce’s oldest son rummages through the drawers on Will's desk as Joyce kneels, searching under the bed for the walkie-talkie. She reaches out for it before standing up. 
"I got it,"
Jonathan tunes to where it's on the signal as Mike's before handing the speaker. 
"Mike," She calls. "Mike, it's me, Nancy. Mike, are you there? Answer."
"Mike, we need you to answer." She tries again. "This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy? Mike,  do you copy?" 
"Dustin? Mike? Lucas? It's Jennifer." She announces. "We need someone to answer, and I know you're with each other. I was just with you not that long ago. Do you copy?"
No answer again. 
"We need you to answer. We need to know if you're there Mike."
Hopper takes the walkie-talkie from Nancy's grasp, pushing the button before speaking.
"Listen, kid, this is the chief. If you're there, pick up. We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl." He says. "We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over."
Hopper sighs as there's no answer, setting the walkie-talkie on a shelf in front of him. Jennifer folds her arms across your chest, unexpectedly thinking about her little brother and if he's there with Mike or not. 
"Anybody got other ideas?" 
"Yeah, I copy." Mike's voice rings through the walkie-talkie. "It's Mike. I'm here... we're here."
After getting the word that Mike is located in the junkyard, Hopper along with Joyce, Nancy, Jonathan and Jennifer join as he speeds down the road trying to get to the location as fast as he can. Once there, Hopper parks further away as Jennifer sees men in suits as they hold guns. They search every inch of the junkyard as they stalk towards the bus. Suddenly, Hopper takes out the three men before stepping in the bus. 
That night, Jennifer and everyone else are at the Byers residence. Inside everyone is seated as Mike sits across and in front, explaining the stick figure drawing on a piece of notebook paper.
"Okay, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbra, and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space." 
"A gate." Dustin adds. 
"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab. With our compasses." 
"Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle." Dustin explains.
"Is the gate underground?" Hopper asks. 
"Yes." Eleven says. 
"Near a large water tank?" 
"How do you know all that?"
"He's seen it."
"Is there any way that you could... that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this--"
"--The Upside Down." 
Joyce whispers. "Down. Yeah." 
Eleven nods. 
"And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?"
With the picture of Barbara that Jonathan took at Steve's house and the walkie-talkie, Eleven sits in front of those items as her eyes are closed. The room is quiet as she focuses on finding the missing. The light shines down but begins flickering in a matter of seconds as the static becomes faint.  
"I'm sorry."
"What? W-what's wrong? What happened?"
"I can't find them," Eleven's voice breaks at her own words. 
As Eleven exits the room, the other's gather around; Nancy, Joyce, Mike, Jonathan, Jennifer, Dustin, and Lucas -- to come up with a plan. Hopper stands behind them in the corner of the kitchen. 
"Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak."
"The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets."
"Like, she flipped the van earlier."
"It was awesome." 
"But she's drained."
"Like a low battery."
"Well, H-h-how do we make her better?"
"We don't. We just have to wait and try again." 
"Well, how long?" Jennifer asks, already knowing what answer she's going to get. 
"I don't know," 
Joyce turns around as well as Jennifer and the others as they see Eleven standing in the disheveled room. 
"The bathtub."
"What?" Joyce asks. 
"I can find them. In the bath."
Dustin gets the idea to call someone. 
"Mr. Clarke? It's Dustin." He says. "Yeah, yeah. I just… I have a science question."
He quiets down to let the other person talk. Coming back, Dustin looks at the group. Everyone, including Jennifer, stand in the kitchen waiting desperately for an answer.
"Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks?" He asks. "Specifically how to build one?"
Again. Everyone waits for an answer. 
"Fun." He lies. "You always say we should never stop being curious. To always open any curiosity floor we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?"
Within a minute or two, Dustin is seated writing down the info as every around him is quietly trying read what he's jotting down.  Dustin soon finishes and hangs up the phone. 
"Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?"
"I think so. Yeah."
"Good, cause we need salt. Lots of it."
"How much is 'lots.?'"
Dustin looks at the notepad for an answer before shooting his head up. 
"1,500 pounds." 
"Where are we gonna get that much salt?" Jennifer asks.
Hopper gets an idea as he rounds everyone up in the cars as they drive to Hawkins Middle School as the group separates. Jonathan and Hopper. Jennifer, Mike and Nancy. Lucas and Dustin. Eleven and Joyce. 
When Jennifer arrives at a storage room, she can't enter due to the lock on the door. Her and Nancy look around for anything as Mike tries to break his way in by using his shoulder.
Jennifer soon finds a large rock, stepping toward the door and tells the two siblings to step back. Using the rock, Jennifer breaks the lock almost immediately as she drops the small boulder in her hand. She also removes the lock off the door, dropping it as well, kicking the door open. 
"I know." Nancy says.
Jennifer turns the lights on as Mike and Nancy grab the wheelbarrow and set it down as she brings out two large hoses. They get what they need before leaving, walking back to the school. Nancy pushes a wheelbarrow with two hoses as Jennifer hold another set as well as Mike.
"What did she eat?"
"Oh. Candy, leftovers, Eggos... She really likes Eggos."
"I knew you were acting weird. I just-- I thought it was because of Will."
"I thought you were acting weird, too. I thought it was 'cause of Jennifer and Steve."
"Hey.." Nancy puts the wheelbarrow down. "No more secrets, okay? From no on we'll tell each other everything."
"Okay. Do you like Jonathan now?"
"What? No." She says. "No, it's-- it's not... it's not like that. Do you like Eleven?" 
"What? No. Ew. Gross."
They continue on as Nancy gets the hose attached to the faucets, Lucas telling Nancy whether the water was colder or warmer. Jonathan and Hopper, cut open the bags of salt, dumping each bag out carefully into the water.
Dustin, Mike and Lucas surround the pool as the child slowly places the egg inside. For this experiment, the egg is supposed to float on the lukewarm, salty water. But unfortunately, the egg sinks to the bottom of the kitty pool. Jennifer listens in as her younger brother curses aloud, almost feeling bad. Jim adds two other bags of salt before the kids try again. This time, the egg floats evenly on the surface. They exchange smiles with each other, including Jennifer.
Soon, Eleven is ready as she slides her socks off then unhooks a watch, handing it to Mike as he puts it on his wrist. Eleven grabs the blacked out goggles from Joyce and slides them on. With the help of Joyce and Hopper, Eleven safely steps into the kiddie pool before sitting slowly. She lays on the water, floating. The electricity surges above as everyone around the pool looks up before back at the child. 
What felt like eternity, Nancy grasps Jennifer's arm as she hears Eleven mutter her best friend’s name in hopes that she is still alive. Sadly, Eleven mutters 'gone' as Jennifer took that in consideration, knowing that Barbara is in fact deceased. Nancy begins crying as the child grabs Joyce and Hopper's hands in fear. 
Joyce reassures Eleven, telling her that everything is okay. 
"Castle Byers." Eleven says before going quiet again. 
Joyce glances back at Jonathan then at Eleven. 
"Will?" The young girl asks. 
Joyce gasps at Eleven's words, Jonathan in shock as well as his mom. 
"You tell him... tell him I'm coming."
On the radio, Will's voice is heard. "Hurry." 
Joyce continues. "Okay. Listen, you tell him to-- to stay where he is. We're coming. We're coming, okay? We're coming, honey."
Eleven abruptly rises, scaring Dustin and his friend as she breathes heavily. She holds onto Joyce. The older woman comforts the scared girl. Eleven cries into Joyce's sleeve.
Soon, they get her out of the water and onto the bleachers nearby as towels cover her body. Lucas rubs a reassuring hand on Eleven's shoulder, warming her a little bit in the process. Jennifer watches as Nancy exits the gymnasium, staying in her place as before. Joyce explains the location of Castle Byers to the chief as he, the woman and her oldest son follow after.
Jennifer leaves the kids alone as she searches for the brunette, finding Nancy sitting in front of a large mural of a tiger that reads Hawkins Middle School. She sits next to the saddened girl. Jonathan soon joins after finding the two. 
"We have to go back to the station." Jennifer says, staring at the wall across from her. 
"Your mom and Hopper are just walking in there like bait. That thing is still in there. And we can't just sit here and let it get them, too. We can't." Nancy explains. 
"You still wanna try it out?"
"I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it."
Jennifer, Nancy and Jonathan pile in his car and drive to the police station before breaking in. They walk past a cop who is lounging and playing a game as the announcer on the radio speaks. It's indistinct to Jennifer's ears as she focuses on the plan, following the two teenagers into the Jim's office. Jonathan opens the door quickly and quietly, approaching the deak and grabbing the box and the other weapons before exiting. On the way out, Jennifer stops in her tracks, eyeing the extinguisher before yanking the object off the wall then proceeds to walk out into the parking lot.
Sliding into Jonathan's 1971 Ford Galaxie, the three teens get settled before fleeing the station and on the way to stop the monster that's out there terrorizing the Byers family.
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