#until they become numb to it
yaksha-lover · 5 months
Leona never thought you would be the one to shake his miserable existence; he’s far too cynical to use the word ‘change,’ but the thought isn’t far from it.
You, who is nauseatingly sentimental and abhorrently optimistic.
You, who swept up his heart so easily, as though he were a some pathetic lovesick loser.
You, who wrapped your arms around him and dared to feed his feeble hope.
You, who cries the most pitiful and loathsome tears, sickening and utterly maddening with what your foolish feelings do to him, the sense of dread and shame which permeates him.
You, who would be better off letting him go.
It’s a balancing act; some days Leona can tell himself that you’re enough for him to get better, others he’s aware enough to know he’s stumbling towards a bitter end and dragging you down with him.
He feels nothing and everything all at once; his world is senseless until you enter his stage, but you drag along everything else with you. The love comes quick, but so does the apathy and pain and despair.
He wonders, hopes, that on some level, you understand. You just know. Everything that he’s always wanted to tell you, but never been able to push past his lips; that he loves you, that he’s sorry, that he knows and doesn’t know why he’s like this.
That you deserve better; that he doesn’t deserve to be loved how you love him.
Leona pushes you away, and still hopes you catch him when he falls.
On his worst days, another feeling looms over him. He never wants you to leave, but he can’t cause those awful tears anymore if you do. Can’t put you through anything else, further the wound he’s surely already caused.
But the tears spill and you don’t flee. You wrap your arms around him and squeeze and Leona squeezes back.
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ilynpilled · 3 months
“jaime did it mostly for self preservation” “he did it bc he was ordered to kill his father” are not only blatantly incorrect and borderline illiterate reads of what is in the text but idk why people find it unfathomable that someone like jaime would want to prevent thousands of people from violently burning alive. like it is not actually a difficult moral equation which is why it is at the center of jaime’s arc and his relationship to his society because he realizes that the ethical constructs of westeros seem to be in opposition to this very obvious moral choice as seen by how the situation could even escalate to the point that it does through the enablement of the tyrant by the respected institution of the kingsguard and the uncritical upholding of the honor system over an actual coherent moral code. same with the scorn he receives for killing what everybody acknowledges as an objectively horrid tyrant who harmed innocents and violated law that knights are also sworn to protect and uphold and actually contradict by not acting against.
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toadalchaos · 2 years
got myself another scorpion today (specifying as usual that i wanted the biggest asshole piece of shit scorpling they had, the absolute meanest little fucker of the litter, the logic being that they're always really good eaters and hork down crickets and roaches like it's a competition) and she fucking IMMEDIATELY found a hole in what i thought was a solid piece of wood, got stuck, and then fought my tweezers tooth and nail the whole time i was breaking it apart to get her out. she stung the shit out of me but she's totally fine so it's okay
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teamhawkeye · 25 days
spent from 10:30 PM to about 3:40 AM at the emergency vet last night with my brother's puppy, Snoop. she's okay, but she ate something that made her sick and I was super scared in light of Stringer's bloat so i wasn't taking chances and took her
she came home with me early this morning and we went back for a recheck around noon and she's gotten the all clear, so here's hoping all dogs stay healthy from here on out!
and no more emergency vet visits, please
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arolesbianism · 16 days
Thinks abt my lob corp nuggets oh so hard. I may only have second hand half remembered knowledge of project moon worldbuilding but I will still forever obsess over my lil guys who suck absolute ass
#rat rambles#oc posting#I <3 women who are just straight up bad people#this is mostly abt my girl yuri but its also abt my girl juliet#yuri is well. she's certainly smth.#she's very fascinated in psychology and in particular the psychology behind abnormalities#and it is for this reason that shes in disciplinary#for most of her life one of the things that had facinated her most is the mind'd reaction to pain and suffering#so she finds suppressing abnormalities to be very fun and interesting#her girlfriend maxy certainly has an interesting perspective on this aspect of yuri to but it kindly#maxy has a lot of self loathing mostly relating to how numb shes become to everything and how unatural it is for her to care abt stuff#so she sees yuri as a far better person than she is because she still manages to care and be passionate abt things#she deeply admires and loves yuri and feels like she doesnt deserve yuri's affection#maxy is also the only person that I say yuri genuinely cares abt on a personal level#most of the time even ppl yuri rly likes arent safe from her morbid curiosity but she genuinely cares abt maxy's wellbeing#now juliet is generally a lot less extreme than yuri but shes still not great#juliet and her bestie loki both are genuinely very invested in the cause and goals of lob corp which is the first red flag#but juliet is the more noteworthy of the two actions wise because she actually interacts with fellow employees#she was among the first employees here and while she comes off as friendly and nice she takes her job incredibly seriously and doesn't fuck#around when it comes to productivity levels#she generally respects malkuth a lot more than any of the other robots and actively dislikes most of the others#most newbies tend to like her because of her being one of the few higher ranking employees thats friendly and welcoming but most that make#it longer term tend to realize quick that she doesn't care abt any of them#but whats often worse than her not caring abt you is her seeing potential in you#if she sees potential in someone she will make it very clear and do everything in her power to help them realize that potential#one of my other higher ranking guys mason very much hates juliet because of that exact situation#mason rly didnt know what she was getting into when she got hired at lob corp and mostly worked with the much softer abnos for her first#while at the job until she was thrown into the deep end to work on censored#most of the other higher level employees at the time wouldnt be able to make it through a work session with censored but she was#barely. but it was enough that juliet took notice of her and decided that maybe this guy was worth keeping around afterall
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sherlock-is-ace · 6 months
#not to be depressing in new year's eve but i feel so shit right now...#all year i've been so out of myself not enjoying anything#and what i do manage to enjoy takes up like an hour of my life and then it becomes disappointing#that's how i would describe the past few months... disappointing#everything feels flat#I can't manage to hold on to a good feeling for more than an hour or two#i have absolutely no hope for the future and I don't even care about that anymore#nothing feels worth anything anymore#and what's really solidifying that feeling today of all days#is the fact that every year since before I was born my family celebrates new years eve#a few years ago the celebrations changed since my extended family decided to cut us out a bit but my mom brother and i still celebrate#we get yummy food play fun games and just spend the night together until midnight when we toast and go to bed#well this year it's 10:30 and we're already in bed doing the same things we do every day#being on our phones or watching a movie or whatever on our own#and it's just disappointing again#idk if it's the break of the tradition or the fact that the new year doesn't feel important this time#but i feel so fucking sad and numb and depressed#i hate it#I don't even feel like saying the usual ''hope 2024 is better'' shit#i just don't care and i don't think it's gonna be better... it's gonna be the same old shit and it's gonna be disappointing#nothing matters anymore and i don't think anyone fucking cares#i feel so numb...#i don't even know what the point of this post is... sorry about that#hope y'all's new years eve is better than mine (or new year's day idk your time zones)#angel talks#personal
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
🎄Romance Advent🎄 Day 13: Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole
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One-sentence summary: Blood-maddened vampire assassin Conrad is taken to an old mansion to detox, only to realize that the beautiful dancer he sees (and can speak to) is not a hallucination, but a ghost.
Why read it: I mean, aside from that insane summary, this is a great entry point to Immortals After Dark, and has a hero who is, by IAD standards, baby? I mean, he can and will kill anyone who touches his woman and, again, is clinically insane, but Conrad is allso so wounded and so sweet at his core, and also, much to his eternal embarrassment, a vIRGIN (something his brother loudly points out in front of his ghost girlfriend). And Neomi, our heroine, makes it even better. She's funny, she's angry, she's flirty, and Conrad's brokenness calls to her own in a way that's just gorgeous.
Lives in my brain rent-free: Conrad is in the shower, really determined to ignore the Sexy Ghost Lady because SURELY she's in his head, right? And Neomi, rather determined to get him to break and a former burlesque performer, begins doing an elaborate striptease with lines like "Does Conrad want to see my panties?" (He does. As previously mentioned, Conrad is a 300-year old-virgin.) GOLD. QUEEN SHIT.
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neo-shitty · 4 months
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dickggansey · 4 months
meds are so funny bc now im emotionally stable in the sense that i don't feel any emotions whatsoever 👍
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crazysodomite · 10 months
I'm jaded
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cuteniaarts · 1 year
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Young Haya WIP ft. backstory rambles in the tags
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#seeds of the red lotus#sotrl haya#she’s actually really fun to draw#both young and at her age in sotrl/utos#which is very ironic considering who she is as a person#well. who she will become as a person#she hasn’t yet. not at this point#knowing what she did makes it very hard to feel anything but hatred for her#but once upon a time she was a fourteen year old girl left with nothing but an empty house and a little brother on her hands#with no idea where to go from here#she dropped out of school so she could look after and provide for her brother#not like she could afford it on her own anyway#people who knew their parents talk a lot but say nothing at all. they offer condolences but no help#she works until her previously tender hands are now numb and rough with callouses#picking up any odd job she can get just to scrape together enough money to pay for the house and for food#her brother is barely five. she wants to let him mess around and play and have fun but can’t keep an eye on him if she does#he doesn’t see her as authority. she’s his big sister who’d ruffle his hair and buy him snacks on the way home from school#she’s not his mother but she tries desperately to fill that role. he doesn’t listen. she gets harsher#she hates herself for it but doesn’t know of another way. she just wants to keep him safe#the townspeople talk. they say the disease came from the swamp. their house is on the very edge. she’s wary of the far end of the backyard#her brother isn’t. the big trees lining the border of the swamp make for a superb playground. she knows. it was once her playground too#‘don’t go there’ she says. he doesn’t listen. he keeps going. one day he brings back the most sickly looking girl she’d ever seen#she has no compassion in her heart for the girl. only worry and graphic images in her mind of her brother wasting away from the disease#she can tell him to stop talking to the girl all she wants. it’s been four years and he’s grown immune to her attempts at parenting#that’s when she starts to yell. how else is she supposed to make him hear her? if he doesn’t listen he’ll get sick too. she can’t lose him#she doesn’t have anyone else
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pigeondrone · 1 year
Think it would be fun for there to be a ffxiv fic that starts seeming like a "reincarnation into your favorite game" story where the wol is so happy to be in their game as their created avatar but then they experience the events in reality and it's no longer the fun game there are tragedies happening and more to come so they begin trying to work around everything to minimize the death and suffering they know is coming but everything continues on its set path. Think it would be real fun if that wol is in Elpis, everything still going wrong but they desperately try to fix things before the ending they know comes (or worse) while they try to battle the conflicting senses of belonging and not. How fun if the twist is that it was never the typical reincarnation story but the soul was Venat's successor, the last Azem, and the wol is only a shard as the memories shattered.
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I don't want to be a burden, but i am. I'm to blame for these flashbacks and all that shit..i guess i never learned from that.. Part of me wants to relive it again so i can do differently..
Why love is only traumatizing me? Why that's all I'm getting? Why when it comes to me the love is always bad? What did i do? Is it because I'm ugly? Is it because I'm not popular? Why? Is it because I'm not my sister?
I guess i deserved it.. Deserved another trauma.. I wonder how many of those i can fit into this stupid fucking head
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vaugarde · 1 year
morphogala is a yuri tragedy. to me
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starsambrosia · 1 year
My goal is to give everyone that follows me /or even looks at my posts/ whiplash in the tags.
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chicafinal · 2 years
i joke about armand but i remember being 14 and reading his backstory on the vampire lestat and crying for an entire afternoon until i got a headache
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