#until it's annoying
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Misconduct Chapter 1 revised by @ghost-analogy
So, to be honest this guy (@ghost-analogy) literally did society an absolute service by editing this chapter with all of my grammatical errors. (I will learn from this I promise.) I also I cannot thank you enough, you are heaven sent.
Genesis, once again, is in trouble. As this is strike number three Genesis is set on a lengthy probationary period, a last resort Lazard sought out so Genesis wouldn’t face the proper disciplinary action. But monitoring, catching, and working with a criminal wasn’t what he was expecting, let alone falling in love with them. GenesisxReader and TsengxReader are the main pairings. Side pairings of AngealxReader and SephirothxReader, ofc AGS being gay amongst each other. slow burn and i mean painfully slow, a moderate amount of death, alcohol and drug use/mentions of death from drug use, criminal activity but we’re not getting too low down just low down enough. Tags will be added as I go.
Chapter 1
Slowly winding through the Mythril Mines tunnels, Genesis peers around the corner. Examining his surroundings, he concludes that there is no danger; just another path that splits into two directions at the end of the clearing. Emerging from his hidden spot, he takes a look at the scenery around him. The sight was breathtaking. Shallow saltwater pools scatter across the mining floor, with an ethereal blue glow emanating from the mythril protruding from walls. Making sure to not get too wrapped up in his thoughts, Genesis makes his way to the split tunnels, silently wishing he had the opportunity to fully take in such a scene. Genesis turns to the rest of his team and motions for them to follow along.
It’s been a while since Genesis was thrown a mission worth his time, and this mission, he felt, was no different. "Eliminate the Mythril Screamer," Lazard's voice mocked in his head. The only thing Genesis does deem worthy of his time was it being a high priority target. Genesis knows this would add nicely to his already golden record, and that’s all that matters. Following the tunnel leading left, he gives a distasteful glance back to his team. Sure, it was a high priority target, but that didn’t mean he needed any assistance taking care of this beast; let alone two Third Class SOLDIERs and an infantryman. It almost felt like an insult, sending these no name cadets with him. He's handled more than enough on his own, anyways. Lately, it feels like Shinra is trying to keep better tabs on him, trying to keep a tighter leash around his neck.
“Sir, this looks like the same substance from the pictures," one of the SOLDIERs calls, as Genesis steps over rubble and various pieces of metal from the old mine railway. Moving closer to examine the strange purple goo, Genesis agrees.
“So, it must be nearby then. Finally.” The stench emanating from the strange matter causes Genesis to frown, postponing the small victory in his mind. Holding back a gag, he pulls himself together and begins to seek out more clues that the monster could be lingering somewhere near, spotting larger and larger stains of foul smelling gunk.
Making their way further into the tunnel, the path transitions from muddy and rubble-strewn to slimy, coating everything in the surrounding area. The ground squelches beneath their boots as they trudge forward, the floor and walls glowing slightly purple as they go deeper into the mines. By the time they reach the middle of the tunnel, the surroundings drastically change, darkness taking over the once lit area, save for the eerie glow illuminating them. Darius, the infantryman, voices his concerns to Genesis.
“Commander Rhapsodos sir, are you sure we should carry forward?” Immediately cowering he stammers on, “I-It’s just our briefing didn’t describe anything like this, shouldn’t we report back, sir?”
With a huff of annoyance Genesis turns to regard Darius, eyes scanning over the two Third Class SOLDIERs as he bites back the urge to snap at Darius for questioning him.
”We still haven’t found our target, and we were directed to locate the monster, at the very least. Are you too scared to fulfill your duties? You started shaking the moment we entered the mine, so I doubt you’re capable of moving forward.” Genesis says, taking on a calm yet malice-laced tone.
To say Genesis was irritated by Darius over the course of the day was an understatement. Having to urge him along the way a few times, it was painfully obvious that Darius was more than a little anxious. Changing his focus to the Thirds, Garth and Thomas, Genesis scans over them briefly before giving out a new set of commands. “I want Garth and Darius to secure the entrance of this tunnel and wait for Thomas and I to get back from our investigation. We’ll be no longer than 30 minutes, and if we are not, then return to the main entrance and request assistance.”
Thankful that he could come up with a way to get a couple of them out of his sight, Genesis and Thomas delve deeper into the tunnels, the stench becoming stronger as they go on.
“A scent akin to a Marboro’s bad breath,” Thomas joked. To his surprise Genesis gave a joking tone in response.
“More like decaying flesh. Enjoy the luxury of not knowing what that smells like while you can.” Trying not to dwell on which was worse, Genesis inches closer to the wall, against his better judgment, to get a better understanding of what he was looking at. “What the hell is this?” The rock and mythril that would normally make up the wall had been overtaken by what appeared to be a grayish flesh accommodating glowing purple goo. It pulses, veins running through the flesh-like matter, causing it to seem even more lively than it already was. Thomas glances around as well, and takes notice that not only the walls are covered in the meat-like matter; so are the ceiling and floor they’ve been walking on.
“Keep your guard up, the Screamer is likely to be closer to us than we think,” Genesis states, before continuing to make his way to the end of the passage. As if on cue, a guttural growl rings out from the end of the tunnel. Cautiously making their way to the end, Genesis peeks his head around the corner and spots the beast. In the middle of the clearing stands the Mythril Screamer, certainly bigger than they could’ve expected, looming well above them, with skin similar to the flesh-like walls. It’s almost as though its skin was transparent, with the way they can see the Screamer’s veins; the striations of its muscle are incredibly defined, adding to the transparent appearance of the creature's skin.
Stretching out its right arm to a massive shard of mythril, the hand disappears as its skin seems to grow over it. The flesh-like matter they saw on the walls earlier quickly overtakes the large piece of mythril, tendrils appearing and fully engulfing the fine mineral. Glancing down at the screamer's feet, Genesis realizes it seems entirely rooted to the fleshy ground surrounding it; but with this realization comes another. Looking around at the walls and ceiling, he’s a bit disappointed in himself for not noticing sooner, but now, on edge, it registers in Genesis’ mind that they are possibly inside of a monster's nest.
“Thomas, I want you to meet back with the others. Go back to the entrance and wait there. Don’t bother calling for backup. Lazard wants this thing dead more than anything, so I’ll handle it,” Genesis says, turning to Thomas.
“Sir.” Despite Thomas’ better judgment, he retreats. He wasn’t going to attempt to pick a fight with Genesis, since he’d like to move up in the ranks.
Making sure Thomas got far enough down the tunnel, Genesis rushes the Screamer, initiating battle. Taking down the beast doesn’t seem to be so much of a problem with one powerful strike of his sword after another. It’s not as though it’s moving from its spot, it truly is rooted to the ground, connected to the mass of flesh in a grotesque tangle of skin and veins. Pulling back to adjust his stance, Genesis plunges his sword through the beast's chest, forcing a strangled scream out of the monster. Quickly retracting his sword, he slashes at the Screamer's neck with an upward arc of his rapier. An attempt to strike Genesis with its left arm was met with a graceful dodge and parry. Once again plunging his sword directly through its chest, he discharges a blast of fire simultaneously, causing it to slump over.
“Hell, it hardly moves. And this was considered a main priority?” says Genesis.
Catching movement to his left, Genesis quickly turns and spots the source, finding another Screamer. It’s quite a bit smaller in scale compared to the other, but capable of moving from its spot, as it immediately charges him. Not one to turn down a foe, Genesis lunges forward, thrusting his sword into its stomach. Retracting his sword, he unleashes a downwards strike, taking off one of its arms before it could attempt to strike him. Dealing a finishing blow with a fire spell, Genesis scans the room to ensure there are no more enemies. He couldn't help but think about Darius’ words earlier, telling Genesis that this wasn’t explained during their briefing.
It certainly fucking wasn’t. Not a single word about the Mythril Screamer rapid regeneration or reproduction capabilities. He watches as they quickly form from the feet up, appearing to generate from the extended flesh spreading from the larger Screamer.
Maybe it was a moment of weakness; not something Genesis would ever admit to, but the sight made him freeze. Watching how the Screamers put themselves together, the way he could see their muscle and bone structure constructing before him was a freakish sight. Perhaps it was the rate at which they multiplied that made him pause; whatever the reason, it was a mistake. In seconds he is surrounded. He finally makes an attempt to clear the monsters out, but with each enemy defeated, it seems like they multiply in even larger numbers. In an attempt to clear out a majority of the monsters, Genesis casts quake, another mistake on his part. The spell is too powerful for the already unstable structure, causing the portion of the mine to completely cave in.
That was all Genesis could remember of the mission, as he sat in Lazard’s office for what felt like the millionth time in the past few months; however what made the last few occasions special was Genesis' lack of obedience, once again failing to acknowledge direct orders. Other occasions worked out in his favor, though he still received a stern talking to, but actual consequences? No way, not for Genesis Rhapsodos! Well, until today, that is. He signs write-up form after write-up form and spends numerous occasions going over what happened in the Mythril Mines, both on paper and vocally.
“Are you listening?” Lazard looks frustrated, though absolutely stressed would be more fitting. Leaning forward with arms resting against his desk, he gives Genesis a disappointed look. He felt like he was talking to a child. “This is serious Genesis, I’ve made the mistake of brushing over these little mishaps for far too long. You compromised your entire squad by not following orders this time.” Looking Genesis in the eyes, he knew what was to come, the irritation evident in his facial expression.
“If we’re being honest here, Director, I didn’t do anything wrong. I completed the mission, did I not? Everything went as planned-“ Lazard cuts him off swiftly,
“Went as planned? From splitting up your squad to ignoring the listed signs of when you should retreat, I wouldn’t refer to a single thing that’s been documented today as according to plan. Not to mention the entire portion stating the poor condition of the mines that seems to have been entirely ignored. Where is the disconnect in your head that makes you fail to realize that you risked the lives of your entire squad and yourself? And for what cause? Because you thought you had complete control of the situation, right? You made a mess of those mines and now it's Shinra’s problem to deal with the clean up.”
The silence was deafening for a while, except for the sound of Genesis’ finger tapping on the desk. Appearing to have finally gotten his point across to Genesis, Lazard carries on.
“You can’t be right all of the time, Genesis.” Leaning back in his chair, Lazard reaches into one of the drawers. He pulls out another stack of papers, causing Genesis to groan in response. Lazard almost wants to smirk at his dismay as he spreads numerous forms across the desk. “Don’t worry, these are the last forms you're going to sign over this. No arguments, just listen. You’re free to ask questions after I’m done explaining.” Sliding a couple of pages over to Genesis, he continues, “Unless directed, you're not allowed to leave Midgar for the next six months. This doesn’t prevent you from taking any missions at all. As you know, there aren't typically any major tasks for SOLDIER around here, unless you’re interested in taking up a post around the city.”
Judging by the scowl on Genesis’ face progressively getting worse, Lazard was certain that he didn’t consider that an option; though he would have to, if he’s told to do so. “However, there is a mission General Affairs needs help with. In order to lighten your consequences, I offered them your services for a long term mission. You’ll be briefed on your assignment later.” He takes a brief pause, testing to see if Genesis would have anything to say before carrying on.
“Next, you will undergo three weeks of safety training-”
“Safety training?!” Genesis exclaimed. It sounds outrageous! There was no way he needed any additional punishment. Genesis knew he would have to do his training with the lower classes, and it was something he was not willing to do. Lazard cuts Genesis a scathing look, but lets his outburst go.
“You’re lucky it’s only three weeks of training, rather than the six that were planned for you. I don’t suppose I need to explain why you need to take those classes. The other few forms are to be signed as proof of disciplinary action. For the time being, you are relieved of most SOLDIER duties. This is to accommodate your mission with the Turks. You will be briefed by Tseng at 16:00 in his office. You’re now free to ask me any questions.” As he wraps up his quick explanation, Genesis signs the needed documents. Sliding the papers back to Lazard, Genesis takes the opportunity to make a few remarks.
“So, working with the Turks is my punishment? Kind of odd, considering it seems like you all don’t want me in the field at all. I really could’ve used the vacation.”
“It isn’t that we don’t want you in the field, Genesis, we want you to operate within policy. This isn’t your first violation, and it’s one of the worst yet. Working with the Turks is not the punishment. The assignment itself is, and until it’s complete, you won’t be doing anything else.” Gathering up the papers, Lazard sets them in the stack of other files containing the disaster of the last mission. “If there are no other questions for now, you’re free to go until you have to meet with Tseng.”
Wordlessly standing up with his usual dramatic flair, Genesis makes his way to the door, mulling over the events of the past week. As he heads into the corridor, he’s immediately met with Angeal and Sephiroth. Rolling his eyes, he opts to ignore them, walking past the duo without a word. Sephiroth and Angeal fall in line, trailing after him as each takes a side by Genesis.
“So?” Angeal asks expectantly, only for Genesis to continue ignoring him. Determined to get to the elevator and tell them off, he speeds up, only to be intercepted by Sephiroth. That pisses Genesis off, the look on Sephiroth’s face smug as he stares down at him. That unwavering eye contact, Hell, even the way he crosses his arms; If Genesis could fully justify spitting in Sephiroth’s face, he would. Attempting to swallow his irritation, he meets Sephiroth’s eyes, annoyance still seeping through his tone.
“Don’t you two have anything better to do?”
Sephiroth, ever the one to keep up their banter, responds quickly, cutting Angeal off from talking. “Not when I get to hear about your downfall. Spill it. What did Lazard say?” Giving Sephiroth a pointed glance for his comment, Angeal turns his attention to Genesis.
“Well, we are curious. You did say you would keep us updated.”
Squeezing between the two, continuing his trek to the elevator, Genesis quickens his pace. He’s doing his best not to cause a scene by ignoring their questioning. The whole situation was already embarrassing enough, and he certainly didn’t want to explain the “safety training” to anyone; let alone have anyone else over hear his business. Besides, it wasn’t like Genesis was entirely caught up on what he would be put through during his probationary period. In fact, he found it incredibly odd that he wasn’t briefed right then and there. He could only assume he was to do some of the Turks’ dirty work. He could only imagine they were trying to keep him on an incredibly tight leash. Genesis wholeheartedly felt like this was unwarranted. Some safety videos were one thing, but training? Working for another department? He only destroyed a couple of rocks! Oh well. It didn’t need to go as far as keeping him bound to Midgar, in his eyes.
Sephiroth immediately falls back in line behind Genesis, hot on his heels as Genesis makes it to his destination. He rapidly mashes the ‘down’ button for the elevator. Frustration courses through Genesis’ veins as Sephiroth pulls his hand away from the button.
“It won’t make the elevator come any faster,” he states, with what Genesis would call a shit-eating grin on his face. Having no choice but to face his companions, Genesis turns to acknowledge them.
“If I knew what was going on, I still wouldn’t want to tell you. You could, at the very least, have enough respect to wait until we’re in private.” It couldn’t have been a better time for the elevator to arrive, cutting off Genesis' oncoming rant as he escaped into it. Sending a Sephiroth a glare and demanding they not follow him, he angrily presses the button to the parking garage.
Angeal couldn’t help but voice his thoughts to Sephiroth.
“Do you really think the outcome was that bad?” Sephiroth shrugs his shoulders as his gaze focuses on Angeal.
“When is Genesis not overly dramatic about anything? Everything is probably just fine, he just hates criticism.” Angeal couldn’t help but agree, though he chooses not to voice his opinion. Surely, whatever Genesis was going through couldn’t be the end of the world.
#tseng of the turks#tseng x reader#genesis rhapsodos#genesis x reader#ff7#im gonna thank you again#until it's annoying
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new guy in the Express
adding more to the whimsy
#so i have to be forward with this after all the xiao spree these past 2 years i was close to None feeling interested to doing hsr art#until now LMAO#primary reason being: sunday#like i swear he used to be annoying as a villain but there's something so sad and cute about how he's changed until he boarded the AE#it altered my entire brain chemistry#so anyway i'm actually not supposed to post online until i have work done but#courtesy to anon when i was merely visiting my acc for a bit on that bowtie cat proposal... this is for u to rb <3 await the other post too#sunday hsr#march 7th#trailblazer#dan heng#AE quartet#yes absolutely that needs to be a tag#qiiarts#honkai star rail#hsr
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Dick (Nightwing) and Jason (Robin) stare at Bruce. One sports pleading eyes, the other a shit eating grin. There’s a child between them with black hair and blue eyes.
Bruce, he doesn’t know what’s happening but he doesn’t like it: No.
Dick, grinning: He’s our younger brother now.
Jason, nodding seriously: You’re not gonna take him from us.
Tim, got kidnapped while taking photos of patrol, just happy to be there: Where’s the Batcave?
Bruce: what.
Dick, grinning wider: He’s ours now.
#batman#dc comics#kid!tim#I love those fics#they need to make Nightwing a little more unhinged tho#like I would expect both Jason and Dick to hate each other until they find a common enemy (Bruce)#and annoy the shit out of him#or until they find stalker Timothy Drake following them are met with a bought of brotherly concern so strong they don’t even blink an ey#they don’t even care when tim accidentally calls them by their civilian name#they just look at each other and kidnap him#Tim’s just along for the ride#he gets to swing with them through Gotham (so cool!!) and ride nightwings motorbike!!! and see the batcave!!!#little eight year old Tim’s dream come true#tim Drake#Jason Todd#dick Grayson#Robin#Nightwing#bruce wayne#batfamily#batfam#mine
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He's never gonna let him live it down 🤭
#Hazbin hotel#Hazbin hotel alastor#Hazbin hotel Lucifer#Alastor#lucifer#kinda#radioapple#or#appleradio#idk#bickering dads#bambi#Luci is gonna annoy him until they start throwing hands#animation
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Kinda obsessed with headcanon, where Damian and Jason just randomly (out of nowhere, completely unprompted) start to referring to their shared past in the League in the middle of the family conversations, while everyone just stare at them in concern
Jason, staring at Dick, trying to put Tim's shoulder back: huh, do you remember that one time-
Damian, instantly: when grandfather's shoulder relocated by itself, but instead of properly putting in on its place, he killed himself and mother threw him in the Lazarus Pit?
Jason, cackling: it was hilarious
Damian, no less amused: right?
Bruce, sitting behind them: (concerned sips of tea)
Or, it is not necessarily funny, but it just cute (or sad) details, regarding each other that others are confused about.
Jason, who accidentally fell asleep in the Batcave: (instinctively cards through his hair as he naps)
Tim, teasing: ladies and gentlemen, the criminal lord of the year--
Damian: Drake, bluntly, that's not funny. Back when he was out of the Pit, this was the only thing that could help him to calm down.
Dick, knowing that this is because Bruce constantly stroked Robin!Jason's hair, when he saw nightmares, with eyes full of tears: oh
Jason on the random Friday night, trying to be less awkward about staying with Bruce in one room: actually, Damian's first word was my name
Bruce: really?
Jason: he had, uh, problems with saying his first word. People around him were constantly speaking on both language at the same time, and, I guess, he couldn't figure out what to say. Then, Ra's said that if his heir doesn't get his word in the next two weeks, he will throw him in the Lazarus Pit (as a joke), but I wasn't sure if it was a joke (Talia said later it was), and I panicked, and since Talia wasn't around, I just kept repeating him her name, or just word Mother, but he just, uh, wouldn't say anything - kept blinking and staring at me like a little idiot. And then on a random night, he just grabbed me by the hair, and said, Jason. Food. And he kinda spoke properly since then. Like in full sentences and stuff. I think he just didn't want to speak with us, actually--
Bruce, getting grey hair out of nowhere: RA'S SAID WHAT--
And sometimes they just speak in Arabic, and Damian keeps bullying Jason that his skills are getting rustier.
#i just miss my blorbos#kids struggling with first words when having a multilanguage surroundings so REAL#i was silent until i was like 4-5 bc i was taught three languages at the same time#then on a random night got annoyed and spoke in the whole sentence all while my family thought i was mute or something#never shut up since then tbh#dc universe#dcu#dcu comics#jason todd#red hood#damian wayne#robin#bruce wayne#batman#batfam#batfamily#dick grayson#tim drake
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Jason’s alcohol tolerance is exactly 0.09%, which Dick knows. Which is the primary reason he roped his siblings into playing a drinking game.
At most, Steph, who likes to think she’s fluent in Jason, — or Batboys with repressed emotions, at least, — anticipated the following:
Angry shouting, maybe some swear words God definetly didn’t approve of, trying to fist fight Alfred’s plants, painting the Batmobile pink, and the works.
She definitely didn’t expect a ruby cheeked Jason to cry in Bruce’s lap.
“What the fuck are we gonna do if we don’t know eachother in the next life, huh?!”
Tim piped up with an a nerdy rant, — technically, if life were to reinvent itself into another existence, it’d simply be an alternative universe being created, — but Jason simply throws his shoe at him.
Bruce, much to Damian’s pride, doesn’t look shaken in the slightest. If he can handle his mother, he can handle everything,
“Sweetheart, I really think that’s not going to happen, thought,” he assures him with gentle conviction.
“But we’re not gonna know eachother! What the FUCK. I want to be your son in every life. I’m gonna kill God.”
“Please don’t kill God.”
“We’re Jewish, what do we care?!”
“Jay,” Bruce promised, “I would find you in every universe.”
That was supposed to make Jason feel better, not make him cry harder. But it’s cute Bruce tried, Dick thinks.
He still grounds all of them for paining the Batmobile, thought.
#GIVE ME GOOD GOLDEN CHILD JASON#yeah - sure - he decapitated several people and monopolized an entire crime system. but he also doesn’t touch alcohol until he’s 22#stops at red lights. does jury duty#which is counterproductive if you ask him but it’s to annoy Harvey#anyway!! drunk Jason being an affectionate puppy <3333#bruce wayne#jason todd#dick grayson#stephanie brown#batfamily#batdad#text#text post
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jegulus aquarium date has been haunting me
#hi chat <- i say as i crawl out of my cave#have some art until i gather the courage to be annoying on here again#also if u look at regulus' back u'd notice the sunfish keychain that matches james' starfish#bag*#marauders#regulus black#james potter#jegulus#jegulus fanart#my art
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Hualian // Amonimy's Official Heaven Official's Blessing Book 2 Trailer
#Another gifest for Amonimy's Book 2 animatic but just the hualian cuteness#I love the change in HC's demeanor from being bored and annoyed until he just sees XL and then he's happy and content.#hualian#heaven official's blessing#xie lian#hua cheng#tgcf#ti guan ci fu#hob#san lang#my post
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Ughhhh they’re so stupid i hate them
#one piece#art#fanart#sketches#comic#sanji#black leg sanji#roronoa zoro#zoro#sanzo#zosan#this definitely happened ik because im literally oda#basically sanji getting annoyed with zoro and giving him rice balls just to make him leave#it horribly backfired obviously and now zoro just comes to bother him until he gives him food
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i dont have anything to say about this.
original under cut

#first time drawing stan and i guess hes just innately in me.#gravity falls#stanley pines#stan pines#grunkle stan#gravity falls memes#bill cipher#this is the only way i could view a deal between bill and stan going down btw.#just stan intentionally annoying the hell out of bill until he cracks.#ok to rb#jules.txt#jules art
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Ratthi strikes me as the kind of academic who would, despite multiple email reminders, just kinda keep forgettig to get around to filling out and submitting all his travel authorization paperwork. (In his defense, it’s convoluted, and annoying, and the university just changed their system to make it MORE convoluted and annoying, and he really keeps meaning to!—)
Until Pin-Lee, in charge of the travel paperwork, shows up at his office like. Hello Dr. Ratthi :) Your feed site says these are your office hours and this is your office :)) I am here. To talk to you. During office hours. About your travel authorization form :)))
You see. You need to fill out these travel forms. So we have a paper trail of documentation of who is leaving the system and when and for how long and for what purpose. Because you are going into the corporation rim and if you do not do this you will get kidnapped and forced to work in the cobalt asteroid mines until you die. And we will have to go, oh it’s so sad that Dr. Ratthi got kidnapped by corporates and forced to work in the cobalt asteroid minds until he died. But unfortunately there’s nothing we can do. Because he never filled out his fucking travel authorization forms.
(she does not go away until he sheepishly fills out the paperwork)
#She sits there and pointedly watches him until he does it#Source: I keep forgetting to fill out my travel auth forms until the very last minute. Because they are annoying#The Murderbot Diaries
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Rakai and Chima!
#more OC art!!#wahoo!!#look at my beloved idiots!!#chima can't stand rakai#not even one bit#but rakai does not care#and will annoy until the day he does#original characters#OCs#OC art#original character#mlm#my art#hansoeii's OCs
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the whole "jason rules crime alley and none of the other bats are allowed there!!1!" thing is so funny like. tim LITERALLY lives in the theater where bruce's parents died,
#rimi talks#sorry. thought about tim doing that again. what is WRONG with him kfjshakjdshfkjd#WITHOUT EVEN TELLING BRUCE UNTIL AFTER HED ALREADY DONE IT TOO.#TIMOTHY. WHY.#this is the other thing abt why i just dont like seeing jtodd in fanwork#whenever he appears like 99% of the time its in a way that is directly contradictory to actual comics#the 1% of people who actually read the comics and write him in such a way? fine great awesome!!#however i still am filtering that bitch out because hes kind of a catch-all for the most annoying batfanon tropes.#because. yknow. theres no other tags to filter out bc they dont Fucking tag it#alas. oh well. anyways can we go back to going hey tim what is wrong with you#because for real i think he got off way too easy for this one.#forget identity reveals i want the core four sleepover where tim's apartment gets its lore reveal#give me cassie doing such a dramatic spit take that she gets ice cream on the ceiling. picks up tim like a weasel. and goes WHY???#and hes just like. idk seemed like the right thing to do :)#tim
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heartbreaking:the worst people you know just started an emo band
#the worst TWO people you know.beel got dragged into tjis#their band iscalled fatal attraction.asmo came up w it#&they give beel lollipops on stage so he can use both his hands but stillhas something 2munch on......#someone said asmo wld be problematic like 2000s jeffree star and i yhinkthey were on to somethinng#i think his interpersonal conduct with fans would be really distasteful in a way that bands cld only get away with during the 2000s#he wld be well liked. but he wouldhave an effect on them that permanently dmgs their taste in partner and psyche#like his ego wld be just kind of annoying until fans start getting his signature tattooed onthem and stuff and it would immediately go to#asmos head so badd to the point where being arnd him is like an impossible task unless ur the worldsbiggest pushover& soo patient#mine#obey me#asmo#beel#belphie
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The question is: who took this Polaroid pic?
I headcanon that Kipps has photography as a hobby.
I also headcanon that Lockwood stole his camera from time to time for a "very serious mission, life or death situation"
(it's a remake of my old acrylic micro-painting, I am finally happy with it)
#lockwood and co#lockwood & co#lockwood and co netflix#save lockwood and co#art#lucy carlyle#lockwood & co.#skullyle#skull#skull art#lockwood fanart#lockwood & co fanart#lockwood and co fanart#fanart#lockwood making pictures of lucy drinking tea and brushing teeth is my new favorite thing#until she gets so annoyed that makes him to get kipps his camera back#his drawer is full of polaroid cards
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