#until i saw romantic fanarts of them
femt0sec · 5 months
Hello 20 people in the life eater fandom i have a question for you all.... when ralph said "i love you" did you guys think it was intended to be platonic/familial or romantic?
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hyperfixation-fix · 5 months
Just a reminder as we're all becoming continuing to be feral for season 2 of PJO
They're kids.
And as much as I love all the "omg he's totally Percy!!", just remember that he's not. They're actors. They're doing a phenomenal job and we're really lucky to have them as a fandom, but... remember that they've signed up for a big job at a very young age. It's our duty as a fandom (especially a fandom with a lot of adults in it) to protect them, make sure that they are being respected, and (APPROPRIATELY) call out inappropriate and/or disrespectful behaviour when we see it. If anyone needs it, I've put some examples below the cut.
✅Appropriate ✅
"Walker is such an incredible Percy!!!" "Leah does such a great job portraying Annabeth!!!!" "Their dynamic is amazing!!!"
"I don't like the way Walker plays Percy - I always saw him as XYZ." "I don't like Lea as Annabeth. It's just not how I saw her." (borderline. consider why you can't see Annabeth as anything except white. but if you're being polite, I'll give you a grudging pass)
Fully clothed/non-sexual fanart of the actors (in or out of character) (romantic is okay)
Posting/reposting consenting photos, (respectful) edits, etc of the actors in or out of character
Discussing details of their personal lives that the actors have chosen to share with the public (but don't make it weird, ok?)
"Walker and Leah need to date irl, they have so much chemistry!!" uh. no. You're seeing *acting*. Leave their personal lives out of it
"Annabeth being played by a black actor is ridiculous, wokeness is getting out of control" or any variation upon that sentiment. Honestly just fuck off. Also (and yes this is a sub tweet) recolouring fanart that depicts Annabeth as black? Absolutely not. If you absolutely have to, go do your own fucking artwork like a normal human being instead of a racist POS.
Raunchy/suggestive/sexual fanart of the actors (in or out of character). Nope. They are children. Stop it. Don't care if you're "aging them up". Imagine how that feels for them.
Posting/reposting photos where the actors aren't/don't seem to be consenting to the photo
Speculating on or pressuring the actors to reveal ANY DETAILS about their private lives. This includes, but is far from limited to: their contact details/locations, their sexuality, their relationships, their diagnoses, their politics (they're still really young... idk about you guys but my political opinions were hot garbage at 16. they get a (moderate) pass until they're at least 18)
These are obviously non-extensive lists. Please use your brain, and, if in doubt, don't post it.
Also, if you see inappropriate behaviour, please don't be an idiot about it. First course of action should always be politely talking to the person in private. After that, yes, it may be appropriate to start publicly calling them out. Having said that, remember that teens can be dumb (speaking from lived experience...), so let's give them some grace. Ignoring, reporting, blocking, and not engaging is sometimes the best thing you can do for dumbasses, especially if they're attention-seeking.
I love you all and I have complete faith that we, as a fandom, can rally and make sure the cast knows that they are loved and respected.
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blackthewolf17 · 16 days
How long have you been in love with him?
Who? King Candy?... Well, in short, for 10 years. but let me tell you the beautiful love story I have with him.
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It all started in 2014, back then I was a fan of Epic Mickey and I liked the gremlin Prescott (in a non-romantic way) and at the same time I was discovering the internet. I ended up on deviantart looking for fanarts of that character until I found the user fantasyfreak-fangirl, they made crossover art with characters they liked, and by chance they made a crossover of Prescott and Turbo and built a whole fanfic around the two of them. I had never seen Wreck-It Ralph because going to the cinema was a luxury. So when I saw Turbo/King Candy I was fascinated At that time I was going through one of the darkest stages of my life Being 10 years old and wish disappear from the existence is a crazy thing So my obsession with him became a lifesaver. Also thanks to him I discovered what it was make drawings, I fondly remember being frustrated by seeing all those amazing artists drawing King Candy so beautifully like Azura, professor Pemzini, etc and me 10-11 year old newbie discovering paint. As a life purpose I decided to learn to draw just for him and make art of him just as incredible as the artists I admired.
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So this fool has been with me for half my life, and I have great affection for him because as ridiculous may sound, he was there in my worst moments, he taught me what today is not only my hobby, is my job, And if it weren't for him I wouldn't be in the eye on Disney Lorcana team, or even alive. It's nice to know that he will continue to accompany me for as long as my life, I can assure you that any piece you see that I make of it was made with love.
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funfact, in July is our anniversary
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floralcavern · 8 months
Look. I have been a Chalastor shipper for literal years. All the way back when the pilot came out. I adored them and actually thought there was a chance they’d become canon. I’ve always had so many concepts in my head for them. 
This chaotic neutral force there to fuck with the other character only to realize he actually wants to see her succeed. 
The idea of Charlie successfully saving a sinner and suddenly, Alastor sees her in a whole new light. He looks at her and she’s glowing. Just.. AHHH. It is so cute!
But, uh… things are a bit complicated now. So.. I guess let’s talk about it. 
But, obviously, I can’t talk about Chalastor without talking about their two most popular ships. 
I’ll start with Radiodust, since I have the least to say about it. 
I never got it. Alastor has always been very clearly a sex repulsed asexual, and Angel is a horny ass pornstar. Plus, I’ve always shipped Huskerdust. But I’ve always liked the dynamic idea of Alastor and Angel, but I cannot for the life of me think of them in a romantic light. 
Now Chaggie..
For the longest time, I didn’t even know they were dating. The pilot kept it very on the DL, so I never even realized until months after the pilot when someone told me they were canonically dating. 
And even after that, I couldn’t ship them. 
But now the show is out, and they have more scenes! Surely-
Oh, no, they’re still bland..
They are one of the most boring, vanilla ships.. ever. And I want to love the ship, I really do. And I’ve tried. But I cannot. They just.. aren’t my thing. But that doesn’t mean I hate the ship at all! I just.. don’t go out looking for fanart or comics of them. 
But Chalastor just scratches my brain in such a nice, satisfying way. It always has. 
But, now that the episode, Dad Beat Dad is out.. things are complicated. 
At first, I thought they were pulling the “Lucifer thinks Alastor is flirting with Charlie and was ready to go all ‘shotgun dad’ on him, but then is relieved to realize she is with Vaggie.” Especially because of the way Alastor touched Charlie’s shoulder and leaned in. But, no, that’s not what they did. When he met Vaggie, there didn’t seem to be relief, but awkwardness to meet the girl his daughter is dating. 
So that means he never considered the idea that Charlie and Alastor were together. So that means from the very beginning he saw Alastor as competition as the fatherly figure in Charlie’s life. Which.. says a lot for how they appear to others within universe. Because if I saw someone touch someone’s shoulder like that and lean in, I’d assume flirting. But that wasn’t an option that Lucifer even had in his mind. So, how do they appear to seem to the characters in this universe? They look like a father and daughter..
And that’s just.. woof. Not great. 
And don’t even get me started on Chalastor shippers making this into a daddy kink. 
The most I like is the memes that say “Your daughter calls me daddy too” because it’s funny, but anyone taking it seriously and making it into an actual thing is just.. I’m not a fan. Especially since Alastor is a sex repulsed asexual. 
Now, I know I’m going to get people saying “Oh, Alastor was just acting that way to fuck with Lucifer!” and I know that, but the fact that the very idea that they could have a father-daughter relationship and everyone in universe taking that idea seriously says a lot and makes shipping them.. complicated. 
So, what now? Well, I’m still going to ship it. Just.. tentatively. And as for everyone else.. do whatever you want, idc. 
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 3 months
Hello there^^
I saw that your requests are open so i wanted to give it a try. There are a lot of fics that show the reader and baldwin being in a relationship or it slowly developing into such. But i dont really see any fics containing what it was like before the romantic aspects ensued.
Which gave me idea of wanting a story about how the reader and baldwin met. I think it would be adorable to see how little reader and little baldwin got along with eachother platonically before realizing that they both love eachother in a different and more intimate way than they already do hehe.
Also, i wanted to say that i love your work. And i really appreciate the amazing people who make fanart, fanfics, and a lot of many other different content for this little fandom. Like you!
Thank you for blessing us with our daily bread and i hope you take care of yourself and have a great day!
♡ The Fireflies - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fuff ♡
A/N: Hello Hana! This is such a cute request, thank you for your love and support 🫶. I hope this is what you had in mind! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Baldwin was nine when he was diagnosed with leprosy.
He was sixteen when he left for battle.
He was twenty when his disease got so severe he was required to wear a mask.
And of all people in his life, it was y/n who was by his side for every single moment. His best friend then wife.
She was outside the royal chambers as the physicians worked on him for the first time, poking and prodding his body with cold metal instruments to test if their fears were true.
She was the one who kissed his forehead before he left for battle.
She was the one who missed his smile the very most when it was replaced with a cold, iron mask.
They were both so young when their worst nightmare came true.
It was early morning when the young boys played in the castle courtyard. Each of them only children.
Y/n sat off to the side in the grass with Sybila, watching the boys play.
The two girls made chains with wildflowers that stuck up out of the grass in abundance while the boys played with pretend swords and shields.
Unbeknownst to y/n, Baldwin watched her from a distance. She looked so pretty sitting there in the grass, her hair spilling around her shoulders, framing her face just right.
“OOOOH BALDWIN HAS A CRUSHHH!” one of the young boys taunted from behind him. “I DO NOT!” he yelled back, striking the boy with the wooden sword, using all his strength.
The boy hit back and in an attempt to block his attack, Baldwin's arm was sliced open with the sharpened wood of the sword. Blood trickled down his arm, hitting the ground in small beads. But he took no notice of this, striking the other boy in the head, knocking him to the ground.
It wasn't until a loud shriek from one of the other boys at the large gash on his arm that he noticed the blood. One of the boys ran off to alert an adult as Baldwin stared at his arm in disbelief.
Sybila ran to her brother and y/n followed to help him inside. Oddly enough, he did not feel any pain.
When he was taken to the physicians, y/n waited with his sister anxiously, fearing the worst. It had been noted instantly that Baldwin had felt no pain from the wound and this sparked the attention of many.
Soon, the news spread around the castle about the boy's recent diagnosis.
Y/n was permitted from seeing him for the remainder of the day as the physicians worked to ensure that their fears were in fact correct. 
By nightfall, y/n was fed up with waiting. She left her chambers and headed silently down the hall to his rooms.
When she eventually reached the large wooden doors, she knocked softly in a pattern that the two had decided would be their “secret code”, so they knew who was at the door.
“Come in” a small, broken voice called out.
Y/n entered to find the boy sitting on his bed, tears stained his cheeks and he looked very tired. “Blondie, are you okay? What's wrong?” she said with worry, her kind yet urgent voice calmed the young boy's heart just a little, as did the nickname she had given him a few years priour.
“I.. I don't know” he muttered as she sat down beside him. The girl wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him close to her. “They haven't told me anything… y/n, am I dying?” he looked up at her, his blue eyes that usually sparkled, were filled with tears and fear.
“You're not dying, I'm sure you will be okay” she gave him a small smile. The boy shrugged and rested his head on his friend's shoulder.
Just then, the girl had an idea. “Hey, why don't you come to my chambers for the night? We could have a sleepover, it would be really fun!” she grinned cheerfully, standing from the bed and offering a hand for him to take. Baldwin's eyes lit up at the idea.
“Yeah that sounds fun!” his voice sounded less broken now. He wiped his eyes and stood up to follow his friend. Taking her hand, they walked as quietly as they could back to the girls chambers. 
Once inside, they stripped all the covers off y/n’s bed, pushed two couches closer together and draped sheets over the top to create a small cave, just big enough for them to fit inside.
They decorated it with pillows and blankets to make a bed, and finally they were finished.
The two crawled inside and laid down next to each other, giggling at their work. “You were right, this is fun!” Baldwin said, turning to look at y/n with the crooked grin that she loved so much, plastered to his face.
“Yeah, I hope you feel better now” she replied with a smile. The boy nodded, taking a second to admire how pretty she was before speaking again.
“Hey, do you want to hear a scary story?” he said with a smirk. Y/n giggled and nodded, sitting up in preperation.
They stayed up late that night, sharing stories of witches and the undead, scaring each other and giggling at each other's terrified faces until they fell asleep during the early hours of the morning.
Y/n was the first to wake.
Her eyes blinked open slowly and she stretched as her body came awake. She smiled as the memories from the night priour came back to her.
Turning onto her side, she saw her friend still sprawled out beside her, sleeping soundly.
Quietly as possible so as to not wake him, she crept out of their makeshift home to get dressed.
Once she was dressed for the day with her hair brushed, she crawled back into the fort to wake Baldwin. She shook his shoulder gently, “blondie, wake up! Its morning now!” she whispered, grinning when he shifted.
Baldwin groaned and opened his eyes, just enough too see her. “Y/n its too earlyyy” he whined, pulling the covers over his face.
“Come on sleepy head its time to get up!” the girl giggled, prodding his shoulder. Begrudgingly, the boy sat up as y/n pulled his arm to drag him out of the fort.
Once he was dressed as well, the two went to the dining room for breakfast.
The day proceeded as usal.
Baldwin carried on with his royal duties as prince, putting the diagnosis in the back of his mind. That was until night fell again and his fathers physicians came to his chambers to check on him.
As the cold, metal instruments poked at his arms and legs, he caught himself wishing that y/n was there to comfort him with a silly joke or a story.
When the men left his room, he finally allowed himself to cry.
He cried for a long time in the cold, dimly lit room.
Was he really going to die? A thousand questions flooded his mind. “Am I really going to die so young? Will I never get married or have children? Will I never get old enough to be king? What will-” a knock came from the wooden door, snapping him out of his thoughts.
But this was not just any knock, it was the secret code that y/n had come up with.
He wiped his tears quickly and called for her to come in. The girl hurried into the room, closing the door behind her.
“Blondie, come quick, you need to see this!” she sounded exited and was fully dressed in a warm looking cloke and day clothes, she also carried a candle stick with her .
The boy did not heasetate to get out of bed and put on his shoes to follow.
As quietly as they could, they crept down the hallway and outside to the castle courtyard.
“Y/n, slow down, where are we going?!” the boy called out too her.
“Just hurry, you dont want to miss this!” she replied, taking his hand to lead him.
Eventually, the two reached the small pond in the castle courtyard that the children were forbidden from going near.
“Y/n, we are not supposed to play by the water! My mother said its dangerous!” Baldwin whispered urgently.
“Stop being such a baby, look at this!” with that, the girl put licked her fingers and put out the candle, plunging the two into darkness.
Or what would have been darkness if it wasnt for the thousands of fireflies that swarmed the pond. The boy was lost for words.
“Theyre beautiful arent they?” y/n said softly, sitting down on the grass. “Yes.. they are wonderful” he replied, joining her on the grass.
The girl chuckled, “are you glad you trusted me now?” she said, moving closer too him.
A grin spread across Baldwin’s face, “yes, this is amazing” he replied, his eyes not leaving the pond and the hundreds of tiny glowing lights.
The moment was beautiful and something the two of them would remember for years into the future.
In times of pain, one would often whisper to the other, “remeber the fireflies my love” and the memories would come back to defeat whatever agony plagued the two, as a symbol of their ever lasting love for eachother.
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metacrisisdoctor · 5 months
the absolutely never ending conversation on whether ten and rose were fucking is absolutely exhausting mostly because... so many of you use straw man arguments.
you cannot say doctor who doesn't have any solid canon when it suits you.
rtd wrote that relationship really intentionally and he has confirmed in his book that their relationship was not sexual in nature. you can dislike this, write fics where that isn't true, but it's still the intention.
so if you sit here and tell me i'm wrong to think ten and rose weren't fucking, that's manipulation. your headcanon and the actual intention and what was shown on screen are not the same thing.
and to shoot back and say that it's fucked up to equate love and sex boggles my mind because why is then so important to you that they fucked? why do you want them to have fucked so bad? we never saw it anyway. fic exists, fanart exists. it's because you also connect love and sex, but in a different way. and like? that's okay.
love is not inherently romantic but it can be a romantic act in certain contexts. it can mean nothing, it can mean everything.
you mean tell me that the doctor, specially ten, would have casual sex with rose? i don't buy that whatsoever. i do not believe either of those characters would be able to ever seperate love and sex. i do not believe that rose would have sex with ten and then not talk about it. i do not believe ten would have sex with rose without giving himself to her fully and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. there is nothing wrong with sex meaning something. and for these characters sex would mean something if they did it, it would name the thing. it would break a barrier and the entire trajedy of their s2 arc is that they never do until it's too late. but they loved each other fully without sex too.
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siffrin-brainrot · 3 months
In Stars and Time, Fanfiction Rec
Information about the fanfictions I rec;
- I have no real intrest in romantic Sifloop, so no fanfictions I reccomend will have that as a ship. (Maybe implied, but thats all tbh) sorry Sifloop enjoyers.
- Most of these fanfictions will have spoilers for the game, achievments, twohat ending & more
- Please read the tags, if a tag makes you uncomfortable or is a trigger of yours, then please skip that one.
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Joy of Sadness from SnickeringDragon
Description: Siffrin dies to the king in act 5, and we all know what happens when someone is slain by the king and full of grief.
Why I reccomend this fic: One because it has creature Siffrin in it and two (and more importantly) the plot is intresting, seeing the others interact with Sadness Siffrin and the cute moments he has. But the main question thats bouncing in my head is; If Siffrin can be healed what will he turn into? His Human form? A hybrid? Something else entierly?
Also checknout the Fanart from luckymagicbelle!
Thank you, kind wizard. For making me a frog by Spinning_Planet_of_Love
Description: With Siffrin's timelooping journey at an end, he walks away with a LOT of new information and trauma to process. Moving forward is a difficult feat, even with his family by his side. Mirabelle suggests that, perhaps, keeping a journal to organize these thoughts and communicate his feelings to the others may help, so he decides to give it a try.
Contains spoilers for ALL content in ISAT, including achievements, quests dialogue, and eventually the epilogue too.
Why I reccomend this fic: I love fanfics that bring back the Island or allow Siffrin to remember things from the past. The memories he regains here range from adorable to bittersweet and without spoilering anything, I will say that my favorite parts in the story so far are the Memories Siffrin regains from his time in Bambouche
Follow the stars back home by Loafabun
Description: There's an island north of Vaugarde. You were never able to remember its name. So why now? Why after all this time? It's so close. You can see it now. You want to go home.
Why I reccomend this fic: One of my first fanfics I read in thr Isat fandom and fell in love with it, thr sland is back and Siffrin (+his found family) reuinite with his parents. A lot of heart warming content between those three, with a side of Isafrin (a great fluffy story to read whenever you need a Pick-Me-Up ^^)
Traveller's Blessing by jammhammer
Description: [Spoilers for; 2hat ending] “What… happened after you drank that wine, Siffrin?” Odile asks. She’s finally out of the stupor. If you give her an inch she will take a mile, you saw her figure Stardust out once or twice, but just how much do you need to give her?
“I became a star and watched myself die a bunch. Would not recommend it. Anyways…”
Why I reccomend this fic: I would recommend this to every Loop fan or enjoyer, seeing them return to their Original universe and reuniting with their family was amazing. And don't get me started on the ending, it was amazing, the secret hand sign also comes into play again :D
Follow The (Blinding) Script by Gemidori
Description: Siffrin manages to take down the King himself. It doesn't work, and thus he finds himself at the brink of sadness. He wills himself to try again. This time, he lets go.
And then something else stares at his family.
Why I reccomend this fic: In this fanfic Siffrin turns into a Vilian after defeating the King and then starts to do small crimes, it's all fun and games until he snaps. Not to mentione the moments we see him fighting with himself, it's such a good fic and I have to hold myself back from spoiling the ending!
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dearsaintavangeline · 16 days
SOME DC RARESHIPS AND MY OPINIONS ON THEM(because this is supposed to be a yapping account but i wont be going on an analysis)
1)harpercass: my best friend got me into this ship and honestly they are very very cute. if it wasnt for stephcass they would be probably my favourite ship for cass for sure
2)timives: again, the same best friend got me into this ship but i have to thank them because this ship is a great ship
3)damimaps/mapsbird: i didnt look at them as a ship material but now that i do its a great ship made out of a great dynamic. i love my little detective duo <33
4)stephrose: SORORITY GIRLS RISE!! jokes aside i think they would have been a very fun duo to read about in a platonic or romantic relationship
5)colindami: friends to lovers my beloved <33 they were very very entertaining to read and their bond was something i would like to see agian i wish dc would just bring back colin tbh but thats not gonna happen sadly :((
6)harlcativy: god gave us two(2) hands for a reason😈😈 also idk if this is a rareship but i didnt see anything about it so im assuming it is
7)darlasteph(idk their ship name): i smell lesbanism on them but darla being the reason steph became robin and darla dying because of stephs actions after she got fired is :(( it makes me cry ngl
8) taidami/greenbird: i honestly did not know this ship existed until a week ago and from my researches they are the same age(correct me if im wrong) if im right then artist lovers here i come!! i actually want them to be friends badly but i would also love an academic rivals to lovers arc with them(them being friends in their vigilante self but fighting in civvies lol) academic rivals to lovers because damian would love that trope imo(kinda canon with their manga)
9)tamsteph: i saw fanart of them today now i cannot get them out of my mind i think they would get along pretty well
10)babskori/starwatch: im a sucker for women leaving their ex and dating eachother instead they would have been a very nice relationship maybe it wouldnt work out tho?? who knows
11)jaderoy: idk how they are a rareship while being canon but i cannot find anything about them😭😭 doomed tragic yuri noo..😣
12)ghostcat: honestly this came out as a joke😭😭 i was thinking about ghostdemonbatcat(amazing ship ik😼) and i thought "this implies khoa and selina is also dating hmmm" and just went from there tbh
13) mara/maya(either m&m or r&y): no comment on this one because i dont know if their ages match the only reason i wrote it is because i wanted to tell people the ship name i came up for them😈😈
14)demoncat: they arent that rare but cat wives is all i wanna say
15)timtam: same with jaderoy, i cannot find content of them. they were very sweet imo
honorary mention to the ships i dont know well but my best friend does and she knows the best
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lovemyromance · 6 months
So I finished the books of acotar and Im confused, WHAT IS THERE BETWEEN AZRIEL AND GWYN?? I read the bonus chapter of acosf, but that just showed me more of ELAIN AND AZRIEL. Im literally seeing people saying "azriel and gwyn had more chemistry than elain and azriel" LIKE HUH??? like where did this ship come from? I didnt even know about this bonus chapter until I came to tiktok. I thought gwyn was just a side character... I had no idea this was a ship because there is nothing between them that I saw. 😭
Yeah I literally have no idea. I cheated a little when I was reading ACOWAR and looked up fanart before I finished the series. I saw Azriel with this redhead and was so so confused. I thought hm maybe he gets a mate after the war.
Then I read ACOFAS. Was really shipping Elriel but was sad that his fan art was with some redhead other girl. I genuinely at one point wondered if it was Vassa because she was the only other redhead female character I could think of other than Amarantha 😅
It was bothering me so I asked my friend (who was the reason I read the series in the first place). She said she had no idea who that woman was.
And I thought she was just lying to me to avoid telling me spoilers lol so I continued reading. Imagine my surprise when I finished ACOSF, got even more invested in Elriel, and still had no answer.
Then I actually did a deep dive online and found out that it's GWYN they're shipping with Azriel? I was so confused. I asked my friend if there was another book, why is this Gwyn Azriel ship a thing?
She didn't remember who Gwyn was because she read ACOSF immediately when it first came out and hasn't reread since, but that's beside the point.
Then I did some more digging. Apparently a bonus chapter existed which made things more clear? I read it. Still did not understand where the ship came from. If anything, it only cemented Elriel endgame for me.
I said okay, maybe I'm being biased? I made my friend read the BC - she did not even know it existed and she literally has been reading the series since it came out in like 2015 or whatever
But again, that's beside the point.
And before anyone even argues, she was a strong Elucien supporter and would argue with me "no they are mates Elriel is not a thing". I made her read the bonus chapter and she immediately switched to Elriel. She said "yeah ok - there's no going back from that one". She also, did not view the Gwynriel interaction as romantic in any way.
I really don't know where Gwynriel came from. Like I've said over and over again - I understand Elucien. They are canonically mates. A mating bond is all they have, but until disproven, it still counts.
Gwynriel doesn't have that. They barely even interact on the page.
I don't know if it's because people hate elain, or they ship Azriel with themselves and they can't relate to Elain so "hey, here's another attractive straight girl boss I can pretend is me", or they ship Elucien and need Azriel out of the way 🤷🏻‍♀️
Gwynriels literally KNOW there is nothing romantic between the two currently. Their entire ship is based on this concept of "well it could happen" or "what if". That's why I don't take it seriously. They have very limited info about both Gwyn and Azriel and they have allowed their imaginations to fill in the blanks. Then the ship gained popularity and their imaginative scenarios got repeated enough that people began to think that was actually in the books. Then they got confident and began to yell their made up scenarios louder in the fandom.
Most of Gwynriel is rooted in imaginative headcanons. They saw any mention of Gwyn or Azriel and began to fill in the blanks themselves. Aka Azriel trying to excuse himself by saying "I have to go over daggers with Gwyn" suddenly wasn't just an excuse and actually a secret planned date between the two where she got "private dagger lessons" and they talked for hours or whatever. It became real to them even if it didn't exist in the books. They didn't do any fact checking before repeating their HCs over and over until it became the truth to them. And then they went on other shipping posts and started fights over their fake recollection of canon.
Literally just last week, I saw a post about how Gwyn only blushes for Azriel she has feelings for him. That never happened. She blushed for Rhysand, not Azriel.
But the thing is, just because you say something louder than someone else, doesn't mean you are correct.
I really don't engage with Gwynriels because half of them have admitted they haven't even read the books, just the bonus chapter. Or they've just read ACOSF.
Either way, I just see it as a crackship. If they ship it because they find it cute, sure whatever. If they're more active in the fandom, I just scroll past their posts and don't engage. I don't see where they are coming from and they're not going to see Elriel so there's no point trying to convince anyone at this point.
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imaginesbymk · 24 days
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*that tiktok sound* hey!!….. hey…….. how y’all doing………..
i have a lot to say but lemme start off by saying i am SOOOOOooOoOoO sorry for ghosting this blog for a year. same thing’s been happening with wattpad. i ghosted 2 fics on there. and that includes my original dystopian scifi novel that has been in self development hell (as i like to call it)
my only explanation is that i grew unmotivated and grew out of writing fics. it came to a point where im just maladaptive daydreaming, the maladaptive daydreaming takes over and it doesnt let me actually create anything. the other reason is timing. i worked my ass off and finally graduated college with a 4.0 GPA, i did more commercial modelling and runway for a university fashion show so i can build my portfolio, i work full time and my pay is big, i made more art in my sketchbook... basically i just lived my life outside of tumblr.
another thing, the giant elephant in the room, i met cameron monaghan and morena baccarin at fanexpo canada! cameron went through my sketchbook, signed my jerome/jeremiah fanart, and asked me if i was an art student. after i told him i was rejected twice, he looked through every single page in my sketchbook and told me, "aw. well, fuck 'em!" that "it looks like [you] don't need art school" after all. he saw my reservoir dogs acrylic portraits of mr. pink and mr. white and told me he used to watch that film almost 600-700 times when he was 12. he then took a pic of my Grace Van Dien fanart (when i met her in 2022 at fanexpo canada) and he told me he's gonna send it to her. i had no idea they even knew each other.
i couldn't afford a table selfie+autograph combo at morena's autograph sessions so i only paid for a selfie. i said "oi" and "obrigada" to morena before and after taking a selfie with her and she said thank you back with a big smile :D so fanexpo was surreal.
i've always wanted to meet cameron monaghan and after years of writing fanfic for jerome and jeremiah valeska and other gotham fandom character imagines, i *finally* got to meet him.
ive been thinking about coming back and writing again, not just tumblr but on wattpad and getting serious with my original scifi dystopian novel. there's so much that i wanna do in life other than become financially stable and become a successful petite model until i no longer look the part. its hard for me to write because i get so easily stumped. even when i create some ambiance and rewatch the fandom to get inspired, it just drops again. writing is hard. that is why i have respect for my mutuals and my favourite famous authors that got me to write when i was 12. (lol) and anyways, i made new friends and im the happiest ive ever been romantically that i dont need to *imagine* anything with a fandom character, i do it for those who imagine it themselves!
im so sad to come back here and see that a few of my mutuals are inactive or have deactivated. and i became like them and abandoned my work. to be fair, my writing isn't that good, and it still isn't, and if i get something written and published here or on wattpad on a professional hardcopy of my book, i won't believe that it's my best work - and i aced my creative writing elective in my program, so that's a bummer.
i think meeting cameron is giving me a nudge to get back to writing. it feels weird wanting to write jerome/jeremiah fanfic after interacting with the actor himself for less than 5mins of his time, and that he's a human being that experiences human stuff like we all do, the only difference is that he's famous. im not sure if it healed my parasocial mindset with my fave celebs. i do want to take my time and write *something*. i am not doing the requests that have been in my drafts and inbox for a year (sorry :O) im just gonna take my time and readjust and get something down.
<3 mad love to my mutuals @myriadimagines @spacetalbot @arrogant-sonofa-bitch @littlemissvincentvega @emcon-imagines @writerdream22 @jjsmaybank20 @witchthewriter @musicallisto @locke-writes @zodiyack @mahvericks @karasong @moonlit-imagines @randomfandomimagine + many more moots
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its-ashehausen · 1 year
ships thing for Bleach (which I know nothing about, but let's go!)
Otp: Ulquihime (although the storyline is a bit controversial for reasons) but they have a lot chemistry in my opinion, and just fit together in their own way. Plus the fanart and fanfics are incredible
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Favorite Canon Pairing: Ginran (I don't know if I can really consider it canon since it wasn't specified if they were a couple or not) however I believe that they were some point in their lives. Basically Gin and Rangiku were friends when they were children, and he witnessed her get injured by the main villain of the series Aizen, he then makes a plan to join him and ultimately kill him when he seeks the moment of opportunity, so that Rangiku wouldn't have to cry anymore. In my opinion him and her, had one of the best relationships in bleach
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Worst Pairing: Aizen & Momo (they don't have a ship name that I know of, and I plan to keep it that way since their relationship was very peculiar) Their relationship was a respectful one in the beginning, like a captain and a subordinate type relationship. However, Momo seemed to have stronger feelings past that point and Aizen used them against her many times, Momo would always find a way to defend his actions which would turn her against her friend Toshiro, she always saw good in Aizen but he never cared about her, she was just a tool to be manipulated so that he could further his plans. #MomoDeservedBetter
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Guilty Pleasure Ship: Ishihime, they're basically friends to lovers but without getting together, they've been friends ever since High School and it's been obvious from the 2nd Arc that he kind of has a crush on her and I just think their friendship is so wholesome, I would've preferred them to be endgame.
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The Pairing Everyone Likes but you're like: "lol no" that spot goes to Ichihime, yes they're cute, they have the whole friends to lovers, soulmates thing, but I honestly found them boring together and their relationship has always been one sided until like the last arc. She has been in love with him for so long and he always seemed to view her as one of his good friends. Plus every other ship I've seen them with, they just had better romantic chemistry with those people. I have no hate for the ship and people who ship it but I just never cared for it
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Favorite Non-Canon Pairing; Ichiruki for obvious reasons (if you ever get the chance the watch it.) Their platonic relationship is honestly my favourite thing about this anime, and is one of the reasons I got into Bleach in the first place. (Although I do ship them too, I'm fine with them not ending up together)
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A Pairing I wanted to see more of: Hitsukarin so their friendship was kind of short-lived plus all their interactions were never Canon. Which makes me sad, even though I shipped it, I was fine with them just being friends. Much like Ichiruki, I just wish their interactions were canon and we could've seen more of them.
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gold-rhine · 11 months
for the newest ask game: fan favourite neuvillette! can’t wait to see what you’ll do <3
Headcanon: I can muster a cogent argument for why it would make more sense or make for a better story if this were the case
Okay, so. This is gonna turn into character analysis, but I think there is a huge misconception about Neuvi and the rain. People think that bc it rains when he's sad, then rain = his own tears and that being under rain is sad and bad for him, bc like. well, humans don't like crying and you wouldn't want to get showered with your own tears!
But this is completely missing the nuances of him being a hydro dragon. He LIKES the rain. He loves being under the rain. He daydreams about it:
"Some days, my mind wanders, and I fantasize about walking into the rain... *sigh* Ah, but don't worry, my flights of fancy don't distract me from my work."
And he likes to stand under the rain without umbrella and is a bit peeved that humans find it strange:
"People seem to respond to the sight of a man in the rain without an umbrella as if it were some sort of strange spectacle."
And this is his quote about weeping hydro dragon rhyme:
I don't think that the Hydro Dragon would "weep," per se. I think he just finds himself a little stirred when he gets a taste of the tears that have been shed on this land, on account of all the emotions they contain.
So taking all of this under account, I don't think rain = tears, bc he's not human and crying is not one of his natural reactions. Instead, I think that rain is just his soothing mechanism. When he's stressed, sad, overwhelmed, etc, he instinctively summons rain to be engulfed in his own element. Bc like. humans would react even more badly to the sight of Chief Justice laying face down in a lake than to him just standing under the rain.
And now Wriothesley is released and he has a line about how he saw Neuvi under the rain and put him under umbrella and I already see a lot of fanart of this being romantic etc, and I have nothing against the ship, but this specific scenario for me triggers like cute-or-not reaction of "not cute! hydro dragons like to be under the rain and covering them from it is like blocking sun for the plants." Wriothesley himself even says Neuvi looked visibly distressed, despite being polite!
So instead, consider: kisses under the rain are some of the most hot, cinematic and passionate tropes
But also: where Neuvi doesn't like being, is under the sun.
I find that the, um... beauty of bright sunlight is best appreciated from the indoors through a window.
If you bring him to the desert, he says this looks like assassination attempt. So for cute, romantic and gentlemanly gestures, consider putting him under sun parasol. And maybe sprinkling him from water bottle too.
Heartcanon: I don’t have a particular rationale for why this ought to be the case, I just like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the warm fuzzies
I already talked about how two of his coat-tails glow at the same time as his hair antennae thingies and have same coloration, and move and look differently from the rest of his coat. I like to think that he was born in standard-shaped human body and just instinctively imbued the strands of his hair and two coat-tails of his robes with his power to act like as fins and antennae he used to have in a dragon form.
Gutcanon: it’s not that I actively want this to be the case – it just unaccountably feels like it should be
okay, look at his hair.
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let's be real. this hair was not brushed even once in 500 years. This is not a braid. This is just uneven strands sticking out all over the place, with the longest ones caught with a pretty bow.
I think bc dragons do not have hair and especially do not CUT hair or any body parts on purpose, he just never did it. Like, for him it sounds cutting cat's whiskers. He heard that hairdressers will cut your hair and went "Thank you, but no thank you" and just never let anyone touch it, until like, melusines gave him a bow and butterfly clips that he wears to keep hair out of one side of his face.
Junkcanon: I like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the other kind of warm fuzzies
first of all, since his emotions both manifest and affect the water around, i think it would be v fun to use as a reaction to... stimuli. i don't want to go into details to keep this post pg, but you know. storms forming out of nowhere. geysers, most obviously. a little tsunami or a whirlpool perhaps...
also, from his lines about vishaps, he says that hydro organisms are affect by the moon cycle, like the tides. so, you know, there are fun things to do with that too
Spleencanon: I insist that this is the case specifically to spite the author, because, like, fuck you, sir or madam
He should not drown when you run out of stamina in water outside of fountain. Why is hydro sovereign drowning in a puddle, hoyo?!
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scoundrels-in-love · 9 months
30 Years Old Achievement Unlocked!
Usually, I had a Follow Forever post ready for my birthday, as a thank you for filling my dash and heart with blorbos and fun this year, but today I decided to have a bit more introspective one, looking over the last decade offline and almost same time that I've had on Tumblr. As a reminder for myself and maybe it can give some encouragement to others that are going through the slog of their twenties.
But first, yes, a thank you to people that have deeply shaped this decade, with their presence and sometimes, their absence. I can't ping the person I miss the most, it doesn't reach across the fog that clouds the way beyond the final goodbye, the parting that cannot be spoken, but I can ping the people who helped me stay on this side of the mist, in the aftermath. (In vague alphabetic order.) Thank you for everything, for being there for me through thick and thin, however you're capable, thank you for being you.
@aviss @bienchanter @binary5tar @carrot--cube @cup-ah-jho @deenakahara @fiovske @firesign23 @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined @justdontevenknow @kdramaxoxo @lostindramas @mesoperi @sdwolfpup @spacepandar @tazzmanien @youholdthewater @zigackly
Also a special thank you, you are amazing and have done for me more than I can explain, to wonderful people of Trigun fandom. You made this year bearable, you pushed me to create more than I have in ages not with violence, but your love for what I had to share. And many of you have become friends I hope to keep for the forthcoming decade!
@aluvian @cosmixseerart @chickiefoo @dingusttmax @fionnrose @ladymaliwan @needle-noggins @noaafishfieldguide @kiaraalazulu @koontyme @madnessmadness @tardisready @zeearts @zillychu
I am definitely forgetting someone in these pings and I will blame it on my old age (just 3% of my entire lifespan, though!) and I am sending all the lovely people I talk with, who interact with my posts and so forth, people I follow, so much love (and Irish coffee cream cake).
Now, onto some loving achievements of the decade:
Survived and accepted my neurodivergence, began to start to accomodate for it and seek help for doing so.
Began participating in fandom.
Published over 170k words for various fandoms.
Learned to gif.
Realized I have checked the box 'No' on sexual & romantic attraction and gender starter package slip.
Conceptualized designs for my tattoos.
Dyed and bleached my hair for the first time. Figured out I like it short.
Continued to develop my style and grow more comfortable with my body and appearance.
Got Wolverine arm implants after I broke it badly.
Left my country and saw a band I love live.
Saw my internet friends in person for the first time.
Sailed on a boat and stood on the edge of sea at midnight, crying from happiness.
Finished education and kept job despite health issues.
Started playing DnD and even DMd a little.
Made my friends laugh so often I lost count.
Laughed often myself.
Took so many photos of things I love.
Learned so many cool animal facts.
Heard new favorite songs and continued to love old ones.
Read things that changed something in my very soul.
Wrote something that inspired a fanart and podfic.
And more and more and more. There is always more, more things that you and I can ever predict, more sorrows, yes, but more joys as well. And I think, looking back at 20 year old me, I'd say... It was worth sticking around for.
So, for the next life year and decade I want to say I'll try to:
Continue learning being kinder to myself, accept my limitations and accomodate them.
Write, write, write.
Take so much more photos.
Laugh until I cry more often.
Make people wheeze.
Travel more and especially to the seaside.
There always will be more to do, but I like these goals.
Thank you again, for everything, and here's to the next year, next decade and next lifetime.
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yukisdomain · 7 months
Yuki/Choso for the ask game :)
Sorry for the late response 😅
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
I saw fanarts of those two as a couple and after I thought about it I realised they could go well together. At the very least I know they'd be friends (even if Choso complained, Yuki would pester him until he resigned to his fate hahah). My feelings regarding this ship aren't too strong though, I kind of just went with the flow. I know I share a lot of chosoyuki art, but it's mainly because I like the art, not because of the ship on it.
To sum it up, I see them having some sort of relationship going on because of their personalities, but not necessarily that of a romantic kind. Either is fine to me.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Yuki is probably one of the most open minded people in jjk and accepting Choso for who he is isn't a problem for her. I'm also sure she's interested in his very existence, but unlike Kenjaku, she sees him as a person and is also interested in his thoughts and feelings. Choso gets someone who understands him, and playful and curious Yuki gets something to explore. Sharing her ideology with him wouldn't be an issue either, and as someone who sits outside of the system and belongs to both and neither group at the same time, Choso wouldn't be judgemental of her ideas (and tbh her lifestyle too). I think he could give her some clever feedback as well judging by his input while they strategized on how to take Kenny down.
Also Yuki who's travelled the world and experienced many things is a great choice for showing Choso the beauty of life. And his calm and quiet nature contrasts her wild and loud one, they balance each other out.
I can also see her relentlessly teasing him, and that's fun to picture hahah
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really. Like I said, I went with the flow.
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jamesunderwater · 6 months
james potter for the character list thingy 🫶🏼 love you
@deermessrs CELIA, you sent me this ask SIX MONTHS AGO, but I never forgot it and wanted to go back and finish the answer I'd half-written back then... if you still care to read it, here it is!! 😅
Favorite Thing About Them: I just love this boy who (albeit imperfectly) used his privilege for good - to give to others the love he was so freely given, to defend those more vulnerable than him, to actually risk his life to fight for the people he loved. And yes he saw the world in black and white, yes he had a savior complex, yes he was full of himself. But he's just. He's the kid in elementary school who makes handmade valentine's for the whole class, who is SO friendly to and defensive of the nerdy kid that he doesn’t realize he's actually embarrassing them. He is literally reckless with his own heart. And I just wanna hug him about it.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Not to be a total simp, but I don't know that there's anything I don't like about him...
Favorite Line: In DH, when Harry asks, "will you stay with me?" And he says, "Until the very end." (I may or may not have the words tattooed on my body.)
BROTP: Sirius Black, his canonical soulmate, imo. The two of them are the definition of "you complete me" and "I found my other half." They love each other so much I think that even when it isn't romantic it is still bigger than any romantic love either of them have. It's obviously close to how deeply James loves Lily, but I think there is a tether between James and Sirius that neither of them have with anyone else.
OTP: Lily Evans, if that wasn't obvious xD They're just…I've shipped them since I was 12, before I knew what shipping was, yknow? They created my bby boy. Even though I ship both of them with other people in different contexts, I never see them ending up with anyone but each other.
NOTP: Snape. Who I only ship with a lifetime of cleaning out toilets.
Random Headcanon: He grew up with Marlene McKinnon. It was her brothers who taught him how to fly. They were each other's first kiss when they were like, 6, even though they never really liked each other that way. It was one of those things where you know each other as children but somehow it doesn't translate when you get older and find other friends - until they were in like 6th year and the war started feeling really real and it brought everyone closer. When he found out she and her whole family were killed, he went to a very dark place.
Unpopular Opinion: Er… I don't know if I have an unpopular opinion on him? It also depends on the part of fandom I'm talking to, lmao. The one thing I can think of is one I know some people share: that James wasn't that bent about The Prank. I think he was frustrated, but I don't think it put a rift between him and Sirius in any way.
Song I Associate With Them: Oh, 100% forever and always A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me by Fall Out Boy!!! "Cause you're just the girl all the boys wanna dance with, and I'm just the boy whose had too many chances… I'm sleeping on your folks' porch again dreaming, "she said, she said, she said, why don't you just drop dead?" // I don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it. So say, "what are you waiting for? kiss her, kiss her." I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late." LIKE, PLS.
favorite picture of them: I went through all the fanart I've reblogged and I think I'd have to say this one by @daiziesssart:
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strawhattery · 6 months
since i started publishing utilities included, a few questions have come up multiple times in my DMs. i'm always happy to answer them, but i also thought it'd be helpful if i put my answers to those questions somewhere for people to see, so here's that~
your writing is familiar—do i know you from something else? i wrote haikyuu fanfiction (sakuatsu specifically) from 2020-2021 under the AO3 pseudonym astroeulogy.
what do you ship in one piece? i'm a multishipper, so i ship most things. if i see fan content for a ship and think it fucks, then i ship it (at least within the context of the thing i saw it in). if you have NOTPs in one piece, i generally recommend you not follow me; i'll always tag the individual characters, but i won't use ship tags unless the content is overtly romantic.
is it ok if i make [insert fanwork here] based on your fic? this is pretty much always going to be a huge YES from me!* fanart, podfic, translations, text posts, live read threads, etc. are all allowed for anything i write! all i ask is that you include credit to the original publication on AO3. beyond that, knock yourself out! and if you make anything based on my work, please send me a link—i LOVE seeing it!
*as long as you're not trying to make money from it or running it through generative AI systems; this is probably obvious, but just to be safe!
what's the best way to talk to you? DMs are best! you can use my tumblr ask box, DM me on twitter, or find me on discord (i'm strawhattery on twitter, tumblr, and discord). i'm also in the zosan and sanzo servers, but i'm not as active in those as i'd like to be.
can i ask about your writing? if you mean my writing process or characterization tips, yes! i LOVE talking about writing!! but if you're asking for spoilers, sorry but no can do ☺️
your writing/fic/reposts remind me of something else, can i send you a rec? please hold on to your recs until april 20! once utilities included is fully published, i'll have much more time to go through recommendations!
do you have any other WIPs? i have a Concept. stay tuned!
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