#unprompted rant sorry
superanimepirate · 2 months
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Ok. I'm very curious about the official translations so I'll probably come back to this later. But what the fuck do you mean Vegapunk. There is no such thing as a "pure" source for history/the past. I don't care if you hold a seance to talk to the ghosts of the departed, they will have their own biases and perspectives of any given event. The closest thing are primary sources from the time period, such as journals, diaries, newspapers, letters, ect, but again, these will always depict a certain perspective or bias surrounding the events. Even a video recording or pictures will only give partial information. It is the duty of the historians and archaeologists to piece these sources together to create a coherent narrative of what probably occurred, and how it was perceived.
Edit for clarity: having a direct voice or account of the past is amazing. But if we want to know the true history, or more info about the war that raged back then, having a personal account would come with biases that would skew the perceptions of the events. I absolutely want to see these accounts of course, but you can't get the full story that way!
Thank you @brookstolemybrand in the notes for the translations/original wording!
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not to out myself on main but Katsuki Bakugo continues to make me fucking insane
#there is a REASON he's in my list of top five fav characters#that boy makes me RABID-#literally hes the only reason ive kept up with the manga. that and ive stuck with it for so long i wanna see how it ends#anyway just finished pacing and ranting and Decimating an apple bc. be cause.#i saw someone go 'wait bakugo is save to win?'#YES! YES! HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAVE TO WIN HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SAVE TO WIN#HIS ACTUAL BATTLES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FOCUSED ON SAVING#I HAVE BEEN SCREECHING THIS AT MY CEILING FOR YEARS HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAVE TO WIN!!!!#marking him as Win To Save is a fundamental misunderstanding of his character IM SORRY IT IS. IT IS#he has ALWAYS focused more on saving while izuku goes straight for the enemies' jugular#god. hes just. FINALLY BAKUGO GETS TO SHINE and Everyone gets to see who he really is im feral#the moment i saw him i was fascinated and over the years his character has aged like a FINE fuckin wine#its so rare to find a character with such stellar development. like damn. fuck. hes catnip to me#he started my love of analyzing the fuck out of characters and striving to understand them the best i can#punching a wall and wailing YOU DONT KNOW HIM LIKE I DO#honestly if i ever did a video essay it would be on him. and why he's such a good fucking character#say what you will about bnha but god damn he's phenomenal. horikoshi really went tf off with him#BAKUGO BBY IM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK ITS BEEN SO LONG <3#absolutely unprompted#i literally. i literally got a bkdk charm keychain#both bc yeah theyre iconic but also i could not resist the bakugo on it. hes too cute#i finally feel excited for the manga and the story again bc MY BOY IS BACK IN THE GAME LETS GOOOOOO#cant wait to see him absolutely slay serve Steal The Spotlight#stg hes gonna save all might AND take down afo while broccoli boy handles McCrusty#lets go bakugoooo LETS FUCKING GOOOOO#WE ARE SO FUCKIGN BACK BABEYYYYYYY#bakugo? no. bakuback!!!#BC HES NO LONGER DEAD ON THE GROUND YEEHAW HAWYEE
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 10 months
Totally off topic, but the fact that people still use McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit as an example of a "frivolous lawsuit" instead of a blatant example of corporate greed and negleance boils my blood in ways I can't comprehend.
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hyperrealisticblood · 3 months
apparently the way the packaging for the wally and barnaby pins is designed makes the spoons behind the pins look like eyes once the pins are removed. its possible that it was unintentional but! interesting!! very interesting!!!
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(credit to r/Purplefox135 on reddit for the image)
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betty-bourgeoisie · 9 months
You jest, but Alfred would make a decent candidate for Temperance if reversed (if you even use reversed card meanings; some don’t, I’m usually one of them).
Oh I think he would be great for Temperance reversed.
Actually I think Alfred really does represent a duality that would work well for temperance - The idea of temperance has heavily influenced American culture through various religious groups (Quakers, Shakers, Puritans - I won't list every itty bitty Protestant sect that hates fun, but there are/were a LOT of them in the U.S. The Temperance movement itself had religious roots too). Even the more generic flavors of American protestantism tend to emphasize not being too flashy or tacky.
And then on the other hand you have the conspicuous consumption, bigger is better attitude that is so heavily associated with American capitalism and the American entertainment industry.
These values are supposedly antithetical to each other, but they're both corner stones of the American over culture, and the tension between the two is ever present - in fashion, in foodways, in home decor, in language- the need to show off your wealth while still appearing humble and reserved (ie: godly) is always there.
As a personification of the United States I think Alfred's character could be uniquely positioned to represent both temperance and temperance reversed in a tarot deck for exactly this reason.
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nephriteknight · 6 months
random pet peeve of mine: if you're going to write text messages in your story, write them like texts, not dialogue! there is a whole other system of expression and convention and potential characterization that people use while texting, and you're probably very familiar with it, and its so interesting! but if you write it like dialogue, with ellipses for hesitation or interrupting yourself mid sentence bc you regretted what you were saying (rather than either taking the time to edit or sending too quickly and regretting it), you're breaking the realism of your writing and sacrificing the unique interesting things that come with texting.
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wlwaerith · 11 months
not to be a theatre kid on main but there’s nothing i hate more than when musicals try to be self aware and scathing in an attempt to appeal to people who don’t like musicals. “oh don’t start singing” “oh okay they’re singing again” congratulations you’ve made everyone hate it
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yandere-daze · 1 year
I downloaded the Ensemble Training app. I can't believe that a game with anime boys in it got me to exercise. And boy, it made me realize that my body desperately needs it, because on the first day with the warmup stretches, my entire spine, lower back and hips just popped. Now I'm on my 15th day streak, and my motivation is to get better arm strength (because my upper body is like a wet paper bag in terms of strength) to be able to do a handstand like Midori-kun one day 💪. (Which btw. Why have we never seen him do a handstand, what's up with that?)
-midori enjoyer
Omg the enstars exercise app! I haven't tried it out myself but I've heard that apparently it's actually not that bad? Like the actual exercises themselves are legit? And that's just so fascinating to me.
I'm honestly tempted to try it out myself for shits and giggles but I'm always worried that I won't understand what they're saying because it's in Japanese and that my little phone screen will be too small for me to be able to tell what I'm supposed to do.
My stamina and general fitness level are terrible, I really need to do more (read: any exercise at all) but I'm so lazy and tired and I procrastinate even doing the things I actually like doing. I can never seen to motivate myself long term 😔
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lemongrass13 · 7 months
me after watching people discredit a show's worth just because it's animated
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it just doesn't make sense to me, to discredit a movie or show and consider it suddenly less serious/impactful or worthy of attention because it's animated.
Even if the show is directed towards a younger audience, there have been many animated shows and films in the past which tackle serious topics in ways that are digestible for their audience (ie ATLA). Outside of that, despite the current state of adult animation, there are some really fascinating shows and movies out there that don't get as much attention as they probably deserve on the crux of it being animated.
basically tldr: just because something is animated doesn't make it undeserving of praise or whatever sorry if this made no sense
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beachesgetpeaches · 1 year
I was in Ft Worth, and at the end just thought...well can't wait for that to get taken out of context and twisted to make him some sort of phob when he was on fucking point.
uhm first of all whats it like being gods favourite? like getting to hear the speech live must have been so so so amazing.
but also yes, the moment I read it, the moment I watched the videos... I just immediately thought "how will this one be taken out of context to make him the villain?"
(and honestly after such a well written speech it's going to require fucking mental mental gymnastics so kudos to people who actually manage to completely misinterpret and twist his words in bad faith. at least their brains and thoughts are bendy and hypocritical as fuck ✨💖)
But then I realised those people will never ever change their mindset, they will just forget about him when they find another person to make into a villain in order to paint themselves as some virtuous modern-day heroes. And Matty will can never win that game unfortunately bcs those are not reasonable, rational people 🤷🏻‍♀️ What he does have is us, the fandom, the people willing to listen and think and like accept him as the flawed human being he is.
Anyway - uh how was it being at the concert? COWBOY MATTY?? Like you got so many iconic moments, Im jealous bcs 1) I have to wait till March to see them, and 2) again cowboyyyy
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eggswords · 2 years
Kinda venty but... i honest to god wish i had a sibling that i could call my friend. I see so many people with like one or two siblings in the same age range and they all are complete shitheads to eachother but at the same time theyre still... there for eachother. My own brother was never there, mainly cause of the large age gap we have, but it just makes me feel like i lost out on something. Also does not help that he shares the same toxic opinions as my dad on almost everything. Now hes going to graduate this year and once i finish college im more than likely not gonna see him around for a long time. I just wish i could've called him a friend or could talk to him about something but i just dont have the strong relationship to do it, and its too late now. Just maybe it would make me feel a little less alone if he was more than just someone who i called brother for the sake of it...
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highlifeboat · 2 years
It's always good shows my dude I swear to God.
It's never shit like Family Guy that have been on for 23 years and run the same joke into the ground.
Or Big Mouth. Like I like Big Mouth, but goddamn 6 seasons is a lot for a show that's just about kids going through puberty. (I feel like giving it pity points because it's got very blatant representation which is nice. But it's a hit n miss show tbh)
I think the last actually decent "long running" cartoon I watched was Bojack. And even that got shortened.
Because Netflix and Disney just hate good shows I guess 🙃
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lovelornnobodyknows · 5 months
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fisshgutss · 7 months
i’m lowkey tired of this plastic surgery debate circling around. and yes i am biased because i bought my damn nose, saved up from the age of 11, got it at 17, paid for every penny. and you know what? two things can be true at once. Does cosmetic plastic surgery prey on the insecurities of mostly women? Yes, absolutely. But did getting a nose job make my life better and help me love myself? Yes, absolutely. I cannot stress enough how looking in the mirror changed for me after I got my nose job. I cannot explain enough how fitting beauty standards does change how people treat you, how you treat yourself. And they treat you better, it’s true.
I do not regret my nose job, I also spent 7 grand on it so I better fucking like it, and I was very blessed to have a wonderful surgeon who did an AMAZING job, you really can’t even see my scar, he did that good, it’s a beautiful natural looking button nose that uses the features I already had as a base. It feels like my nose now.
But! After I got my nose job I looked back and realized that I was always very beautiful. I would have never, ever, EVER been able to come to that conclusion if I did not get my nose done, i was that stuck in my tunnel vision. Getting my nose done allowed me to love myself, present and past.
I got my nose done because I could not look in the mirror without seeing my mother, I was constantly bullied by the people around me for my nose. A girl once told me the first thing she noticed about me is that I had a big nose. The way that beauty standards did influence my decision cannot be understated. It absolutely did, but it had more to do with that self hate that came from being connected to my mother. I would literally smack the shit out myself because i hated my face so much. Self hate in one form or another was why I changed myself.
I never hit myself again after I got my surgery. I stopped self harming completely.
It just really annoys me that people who have not had any kind of surgery and are never going to have any kind of work done, are the ones leading the conversation when they have not experienced what they are talking about. Looking in from the outside makes it very easy to judge. But actually it’s a very nuanced reality. Society does influence the decision, but you cannot deny the fact that a successful surgery does change the way you are treated. It is a remedy for the problem. And it does work.
And I don’t think it’s productive either to sit and say, oh well i hate the fact that everyone looks the same, you just need to learn to love yourself instead, i love big noses I think they’re so pretty and gorgeous, every time a girl with a big nose gets a nose job an angel loses its wings (that one is funny though so it’s excused) because now you are just like the people who influenced their first decision! Sure you may not like it, and society made have influenced it, but so what?
Because at the end of the day, it’s not your decision to make. it’s not your face, it’s not your body. What someone does with their body is their choice, regardless of whether it’s societally considered a good or bad moral choice. You don’t get to make the decision of how a person should feel about their body. At the end of the day, and as awful as this sounds, your voice does not matter. If someone wants to get work done and can get work done they will get work done.
I think it’s more important to advocate for people to really understand how serious of a decision getting plastic surgery is. That plastic surgery will not completely fix their self esteem, I still don’t like how I look sometimes, I still find things to pick apart. I still have to make a conscious decision to accept my perceived flaws and decide to love myself for them. You cannot fix everything, you have to learn to accept what you cannot change (without a shit ton of money). That you shouldn’t change every part of yourself to make yourself more palatable to society, learn when to stop changing yourself and just love yourself instead. Before I got my nose job I had finally started to kinda like my nose, to like my face!
We don’t live in a vacuum where plastic surgery isn’t influenced by western beauty standards and misogyny. And plastic surgery is not a good way to fix all your insecurities, you shouldn’t “have” to fix your insecurities. But we also don’t live in a reality where beauty standards don’t exist, they do. And to just deny their importance and act as if they don’t matter is sort of naive. Because again, they do fucking matter, and they matter A LOT.
tldr: stop focusing your anger on the symptom and direct it to the root cause.
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mortimermcmirestinks · 3 months
for fuck's sake, can we start being nicer about spiders?
every time I want to talk about cute or cool or badass spiders I get at least one fucking japester who's like "oh I bet it won't be tiresome and irritating if I write trite and unprompted flash fiction about murdering innocent and harmless animals with fire (a particularly torturous form of death) THIS time", and they're wrong every single fucking time.
I would rather have ten people telling me they are horny for spiders every time I mention an arachnid from now until the day I die than have to continue living in a world where one of my favourite animals is most well-known on the internet for being the centre of a quote-unquote "joke" about extreme and pointlessly cruel animal abuse.
jesus christ, guys. spiders are just animals. they're not even, like, pests, or invasive, or anything. the vast overwhelming majority of them can't even hurt humans, and the ones that can don't want to.
like, shit, sorry for the graphic image, but how would you feel if every time you posted a picture of a cute cat you got replies saying "if I saw that in my house I'd put it in a fucking beartrap"? because that's how I'm starting to feel about the "burn the house down when you see a spider" joke.
and before you get on my ass about arachnophobia, I am arachnophobic, being in the immediate IRL presence of spiders gives me an uncontrollable physical fear response, but the existence of arachnophobes does not give you free reign to jack off to the idea of being able to freely torture and murder animals that "give you the ick". you cannot trot out arachnophobia here as an excuse. there are tons of people who are scared of dogs. doesn't mean you gotta be a dick about dogs. same with spiders.
one of the most popular superheroes in the world is spider-themed and you still got fuckers out here thinking they're the funniest man alive for making jokes about killing spiders holy shit
anyway, rant over. picture of a cute spider under the cut ->
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just a little guy! hello! if he was a character in a video game he'd have a squeaky little voice and ask you to help him find his buttons!
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fungusgnat444 · 2 months
König tropes I want to burn with hell fire
sorry for this unprompted rant but some of you guys are starting to ruin my favourite comfort character (CW mentions of noncon/r*pe, mentions of xenophobia, mentions of n*zis, general problematic behaviour, mentions of bad disability/mental health representation)
-1. Casual xenophobia- I’ve lost count of the amount of content that depicts König as a n*zi and I kinda feel like I shouldn’t have to tell you why that’s not ok. These things should not be fetishised and doing this is overall just super ignorant. That’s probably the worst instance of this kind of things but there are a ton of examples. Like a lot of people seem to think that every German speaking country is exactly the same. And to codify him as a German speaker everyone seems to think they can just slap on whatever offensive stereotype they want. As someone who has visited German speaking countries multiple times and knows native German speakers personally, believe it or not not all German men are rude, humourless, cruel, alcoholic perverts who treat women like shit and have a bunch of super fucked up kinks and no understanding of consent. If any of you had ever met someone from this part of the world you’d know that in general they are very polite and friendly people. If you want to use a stereotype there are plenty that aren’t offensive and ignorant that could be fun character quirks (eg. Germans always having to have the windows open, having a sweet tooth, having three different drinks with breakfast (water for hydration, coffee for energy, juice for nutrition. Trust me it’s a whole thing lol), being obsessed with always being on time (also works because he’s in the military) etc.). Like please at least try to be a little respectful. And if you’re going to show him speaking German at least learn the basics. Duolingo is free lol.
2 mental health/disabilities- as someone who actually has autism I think it’s kinda cool that some people have written him as autistic or having adhd etc. but if you’re going to do this can you please just do a little research so you get the symptoms right and not over generalise. Like autistic people can in fact understand humour and sarcasm most of the time we’re not robots. It’s 2024 like can we stop this trope please. A lot of people write him having anxiety or ptsd, which again I think is super cool but it’s often used as an excuse for him being aggressive/violent. Like this isn’t cute, if someone is treating you like this regardless of if they struggle with mental health or not there’s never an excuse for violence.
3 r*pe/non con- this point is kinda about fanfic in general but I see it a lot with könig especially. People need to understand the difference between a cnc kink and just plain assault. Cnc is a consensual agreement with safe words and boundaries and aftercare and mutual enjoyment. What most of these fics say is cnc is literally just him being a sexual predator. For a lot of people this is super triggering and romanticising r*pe is just disgusting.
again sorry for the rant guys but I really just needed to get this off my chest. Like this stuff has gotten in the way of my own writing and is really starting to ruin the appeal of his character. Like I beg of you can someone please write something where he’s just a sweet anxious Austrian guy who’s kind and respectful despite his reputation? Like I really don’t think I’m asking for much.
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