#unless it’s a fix it
ghost-bxrd · 6 months
for Wayne Fam Court of Owls how about Tim and Damian how do they play a part?
Tim would still figure out their identities and come into the family fold post Ethiopia!
Regardless of whether Jason survives or not, Bruce would still spiral hard after (nearly) losing Jason. And as a result crime, corruption, and murder rates spike all over Gotham in an impressive display of just how much of a difference he made over the years.
Tim rightfully assumes it’s because of the absence of his moral compass (a role Jason had unknowingly started filling) and heads over to Bruce with a whole ass PowerPoint on why he needs a (temporary) new one.
Cobb almost kills Tim on the spot, (It’s not because he loved was fond of liked tolerated Jason. Jason doesn’t mean anything to him. He’s just a street rat his Voice had taken interest in why does it hurt so damn much) but Alfred manages to stop him just in time and takes him up to meet Bruce.
Bruce only starts paying attention to Tim when he lets slip that his parents have never spent more than a few months at a time in Gotham city. And that he’s been taking care of himself since he was eight years old. (Cobb still thinks they should just kill him for his insolence, but Bruce has that look again and… oh no. No no no no, he’s NOT doing this again. Jason was the last he refuses please)
Replacement emotional support kid Tim. (Jason wouldn’t even have to refer to Tim as a replacement in this AU, Cobb does it for him. No matter how many times Bruce tells him to stop. He’ll only stop if Jason asks him to)
Damian could still come into existence by Bruce and Talia meeting. Although he would never willingly sleep with her in this AU, so… yeah. Not something I want to think about too much. :/
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r3ynah · 1 month
Yoo, same
Kon stood nervously beside the shut front door of his family home (which was currently empty due to every single family member of his were busy), he fiddled with his fingers, his senses seemingly becoming more and more sensitive as time went on, glancing up at the grandfather clock Mr. Bruce Wayne gifted to them every so often.
This was the day, the day Kon will tell his first ever long time 'normal' best friend his secret, finally after so many years he could really free himself from the guilt of lying and hiding his identity to Dani, he imagines the hilarious shocked face Dani will make when Kon tells her his Super boy, and how excited she will be not even sparing him a minute to answer her dozens of questions, Kon chuckled to himself as the idea swam in his mind.
But his chuckles, were stopped as a thought floated up in his head 'What if it'll be the other way? what if she'll never talk to me ever again?' Kon silently thought as he tapped his foot overwhelmed by the thought of his best friend not seeing him as a regular human being anymore and just a clone freak, he didn't want that the black hair blue-eyed girl despite her features was not part of the Wayne family, which shocked Kon upon their first meeting due to the fact Dani also lived in Gotham.
But Kon found out soon enough that Dani lived with her older siblings, a cool older sister named Jazz, Jazz had red hair, but her smile was the same as Dani's, and an odd older brother who Kon thought at first was her Twin brother, it didn't help that their names was also very similar Dani having an i, while her older brother Danny had a Y, they were cool people, Kon would like to hang out with them more often, but that'll will only happen if Dani still sees Kon as Kon after this discussion.
But is it all worth it? to just reveal it his life, his identity? after all Dani was the only time Kon ever felt normal, he wanted to be happy, he wanted to be understood, he wanted to be normal, he wanted to be selfish, he wanted Dani.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door which startles him greatly, he knows who's at the opposite of door, after all only one person can ever go sneak up on him a surprise him to death, 'Dani' was the only thing he can think about as he turned the doorknob to open the front door.
And "Dani" was the only thing he breathed out as he faced the girl that stood Infront of him, Dani always liked to put on comfy and edgy clothes that makes people mistake her for a boy if it weren't for her long hair, which Kon realized Dani never cared if she was called the opposite gender she finds it as a compliment, her regular long side bangs that usually resides on the right side of her face was put up with a hair clip, her face was in full view, and even the gods can't fathom on how pretty she was.
She smiled at him with her oddly crooked sharp teeth, and Kon knew he was in danger right there and then, but for the reasons you don't think it is.
"Heya Konnie, what made you call me in like the middle of the semester?" Dani asked as she tilted her head, "Just want to talk with you." Kon stated as he moved to the side to give her room to head in, after letting Dani walked in Kon closed the door behind her.
"Come follow me, let's go to the balcony" Kon said as he grabbed Dani's wrist to drag her where she complied easily and just let Kon do his thing, Kon breathed out the trust Dani had in him, made him want to just breakdown right there in the middle of the living room floor, because he knows that after this there will be a chance Dani won't want to be there to spend the life they had imagined in the past together in the near future.
But he kept himself strong after all there was still the other positive half.
They had reached the balcony in less than 3 minutes, Kon sat silently on one of the sofas placed, Dani following and sitting on the left side, Dani put her head on top of Kon's shoulder, and Kon let's her, Dani took Kon's hands and played with them putting his ring on different fingers, Kon let's her, she tangles her hands with Kon's, and Kon let's her.
"Dani..." Kon let out, Dani hummed in response
"I need to confess to you about something." Kon mumbled, this time Dani looked up at him.
"What is it?" Dani asked, Kon looked down at her, meeting her eyes was hard, did it ever get this suffocating when talking to her in the past?
definitely not. there was no time, place, or event Kon ever felt uncomfortable with her next to him. Kon slowly got onto his knees Infront of Dani making her confused.
"Konnie? why are you kneeling" Dani giggled as she found the scene Infront of her utterly funny but stopped when she saw how serious Kon looked and how his hands that were still holding onto Dani's was trembling. "Kon, are you okay?"
"Danielle, I have been hiding something from you for a very long time, and I can't handle keeping it for much longer" Kon's voice trembled, there was no turning back the consequences can come later, he needs to let this guilty burden out of his chest. he looks up at Dani with her eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes that glinted in worry.
she looks ethereal and only heaven knows on how Kon yearns for his best friend.
"I'm Super boy" Kon uttered out his voice cracking but only slightly.
He yearns to tell her the truth.
"I have been Super boy even before we met"
He yearns for her approval
"Not only that, but I'm also a clone of the one and only Superman"
He yearns for her acceptance
"I'm sorry for lying and hiding my identity from you."
He yearns for her forgiveness
"Dani, I love you so much it hurts." he went quiet his body full of anxiety his knees became weak as he observed any signs of emotion in the black-haired girl's face.
He yearns for her.
And he has a feeling she know it too.
Is this it? everything they worked hard for this friendship disappearing just like that, on this day, here in the balcony? please no, his heart couldn't possibly take that, she wants her beside him, he'll take any route of destiny as long as she stays, even if she turns to despise his very being, he'll take it with no hesitation.
As long as she's with me, everything's worth it.
He didn't even realize he was crying until he felt a pair of hands caressing his face wiping his tears in the process, Dani made him look at her, she smiled at him softly then she opened her mouth and uttered "It's okay I forgive you, thank you for telling me." Dani held him close and let Kon's head rest on her chest. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere, after all any place I'll go will be painstakingly boring without you beside me."
Finally letting go of the mixed emotions that had built inside of him, Kon cried, he cried until his throat became sore and his eyes became red from the tears, and Dani stayed until the very end just like she promised.
Kon laid on the sofa tired and lazily staring at the ceiling, a random cartoon show played from the TV, one of his hands was holding onto to Dani's Hand, as the girl looked focused on the show, Kon let his eyes close for a second succumbing to the peace, until Dani opened her mouth.
"You said earlier that you were a clone, right?" Dani asked her eyes remained on the TV
Kon hummed "yeah why?"
"Yoo, same" Dani laughed, her reply made the exhaustion from Kon's body leave immediately, he sat straight up and his mouth open as he looked at Dani in surprise.
"Excuse me, WHAT??" Kon stated in disbelief, Dani bent over clutching her stomach as she laughed at his reaction.
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*Meaning: When did you stop wearing a mask to a majority of your public activities? Wearing a mask when you feel sick or very rarely for specific events/reasons counts as “stopping”
[More Questions Here]
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critter-of-habit · 2 months
A clearly definitive ranking of Claudia Jessie's broken wrist disguises:
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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shalpilot · 4 months
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probably the last person you want thinking that
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cowboysmp3 · 1 year
it is always under appreciated how secretive phoenix is like he’s very breezy and hard to nail down. i feel like it’s bc he’s often seen in the context of his relationship with edgeworth but like. edgeworth isn’t cagey. if anything he’s somewhat willing to share a moderate level of personal details if he’s able to, he’s just awkward and very formal and task oriented. phoenix is snarky and impersonal but everyone allows it cause he gets deemed as harmless and goofy. kind of a slay
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barbieaemond · 5 months
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turbotastico · 2 days
Tried to draw Turbug Cybug Turbo with no reference and…
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hear me out get the insecticide
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Did this with 0 consistency, 0 time, no sleep, 100% motivation and a vision-
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choccy-milky · 1 month
Was messing around with picrew and accidentally made Clora halfway through 😂
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THIS IS SO CUTE AWW love that u thought of clora and decided to make her😭🥹🥹
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the fit is so adorable too so i decided to redraw it and actually put her in it BAHHA...defs an outfit her mom probs forced her to wear tho tbh LMAO
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AW TYY🥹🥹im so happy you liked it so much!!!💖💖as for clora's name, ive said it before but its basically a butchered version of the name "clorica" that i chopped down to become just "clora"
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i played rune factory 4 on the 3ds back in highschool and idk i just really loved the name clorica for some reason, so then i invented "clora" from it, to make it sound like more of a real name (but still maintaining that fantasy ish aspect) and apparently clora actually IS a real name BAHAH so i guess i succeeded?? and ever since then ive always used the name clora in any fantasy-ish RPGS, so i have a whole multiverse of cloras out there LOL. but THANK YOUUU im glad you think its as pretty as i do!!🥰 (even if it does kinda sound like chlorine LMAO which honestly ALSO sounds like it could be a pretty name... if only it wasnt already a word😩)
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aq2003 · 2 years
you know that term "male character being written by a woman" that describes an emotionally complex well-written dude that fans immediately fall in love with because they are crafted w/ so much care and would probably make an ideal partner or whatever? yeah this is exactly the energy of brennan lee mulligan portraying his discontented girlboss npcs in dimension 20
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paintingskyblutf2 · 4 months
there ain't any place for ya, wankers.
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get out.
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finally! my contribution to #fixtf2 is done! it took about 8-9 in total, excluding creating refs in sfm(i don't remember how long it took).
i might have joined only about 2 months ago, but this game and community already became very dear to my heart. there are so many cool and creative people, and thanks to tf2 i've made new friends as well! i love it so much and i want for the game to be in a playable state again. so that everyone could enjoy a game of casual without spending hours trying to get into a lobby without bots and cheaters.
my love isn't blinded though and i've seen some issues with the movement both in-game and outside of the game. so here are some quick reminders for those who need it:
#fixtf2 is an ongoing peaceful protest. drawing sniper robots getting destroyed or killing bots in game with army of pocket medics by your side is fine. going out of your way to harass(or worse) anyone is not.
not everyone knows what's going on with tf2! if you see anyone questioning the movement - even if you think they might be a troll - cool down your head and tell what is going on and why. there are many videos explaining the situation, share them!
don't drop to your enemy's level. whether or not you believe #fixtf2 would end well, stay civil. if discussion starts going in the wrong direction, leave before it goes completely sour.
i really hope it goes well, but for it to happen we must work together in unity. think twice before you act, sign the petition if you didn't already and keep protesting!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Alternative form of 'Hitting Wangxian with a Catboyification beam'
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kate-apologist · 4 months
hey disney what the fuck do you mean ncuti's second season will also only have 8 episodes and a christmas special i'm holding a fucking gun to your head
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orion-kenobi · 2 years
Count Dooku’s philosophy is so funny. “I think the Jedi Order is doing things wrong. The only way to remedy this is to do worse things.”
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prankprincess123 · 9 months
Legend of Zelda really heard the "what sort of being chooses an orphaned child/teenager as their chosen one?!?" moral quandary and answered repeatedly with "another orphaned child/teenager" and/or "his best friend who doesn't know who else to ask" and "his soulmate, who is in danger, again, and who's heart breaks every time she has to ask him to fight" and you know what? Those are the only valid answers ever.
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