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ninyard · 9 months ago
Hellooo i saw that you were asking for asks (that sounds funny) and I wanna know some of your hcs on Kevin and Allison being besties/ kevjean relationship
This is my chance to finally share some Allison/Kevin hcs so I'm gonna seize this opportunity with both hands and give you this total MESS of a brain dump
- Allison is the only fox that doesn't make fun of Kevin's eating habits. Kevin KNOWS his relationship with food is fucked up because of the nest and Allison knows it too, so she refuses to make bets or make fun of the way that he eats. Kevin only realised because she once tried to quietly tell Nicky to knock it off when he was pushing Kevin to have dessert or making fun of what he'd decided to have instead.
- Kevin also knows not to talk about the numbers or macros in front of her, too. They have a weird unspoken mutual respect RE: food and they both appreciate each others efforts on that front without ever actually mentioning it. they also have a gesture for each other that's code for "i want a snack do you have anything" and they'll throw each other protein bars if they're out/on a long bus journey etc.
- they are the BEST drinking buddies. Whenever the team starts drinking/partying/clubbing more together post-TKM, they are literally CHILDREN when they're drunk together. Kevin gets tired of the monsters being boring when they go out and there's only so much dancing he can do with just Nicky and Aaron alone. So Allison pulls him up to the bar one night to do a tequila shot, and they literally have the most unexpectedly fun night ever. Kevin loosens up a whole lot without the threat of Riko etc post tkm, and when I tell you he is such a fun drunk. now he doesn't really drink THAT much during the season but off-season? oh he's a party animal. I could write thousands of words about him and Allison getting drunk together and becoming literal best friends as soon as they have a drop of alcohol in their systems but here's some things I think they've done drunk
stole a shopping cart and sat in it as they pushed each other down the road in it (and fallen out of it and laughed so fucking hard) ((but were bruised up as fuck the next day because of it)
he's sat her on his shoulders - while dan sits on matt's - as the two girls try to push the other one off
he's really easily convinced to do things by her. another shot? sure. and another shot IMMEDIATELY after that? alrighty! karaoke? well, okay. jockeyback? stealing traffic cones? pulling pranks and fucking with the other foxes? acting like actual teenagers? okidokie!
she's probably the only person in the world who has successfully convinced kevin day to sing
he holds back her hair if she has to puke
she convinced him to let her do his makeup once. full glam. like a serious look, fully beat, full coverage look. there's a picture out there somewhere of it that she saves for blackmail.
fucked. make out sometimes. strip poker. they dance together :)
he never lets her walk alone anywhere when she's drunk. if she can't find one of the girls to accompany her to the bathroom at a party she'll take him.
she's taught him full dance routines
she was joking that there's no way the raven warmups could be that different to theirs, and bet him that she'd be able to do them without breaking a sweat (he won)
they've both ugly drunk cried in front of each other (but they never talk about that sober)
she's pretty light so he's bench pressed her before
- They know each others drink orders/favourite shots
- if Allison is out, say she's with her friends and not with the foxes, and she has to wait alone for a taxi or walk somewhere alone, she'll call him and he'll stay on the phone with her until she's safe
- They make fun of each other and bully each other like there's no tomorrow (affectionate). the whole "Allison hates Kevin" thing WAS true for a while, but once they get closer, she just pretends to hate him. he's like an annoying brother to her
- Allison is really easily frightened, and Kevin thinks it's funny to scare her. she's never safe walking around a corner or into a room if Kevin is there and in a good mood.
- they're not BEST FRIENDS. like they're not in each others pocket all the time and laughing and joking ALL THE TIME but she can read him like a book. she knows when he's having an off day, or thinking about something too much.
- She also knows when he's being serious and when not to joke around. She knows when he doesn't want cheering up or to joke about something and knows when to back off. The same with him - he knows when she's having a mood that requires being cheered up, or a mood that requires him to leave her the fuck alone.
- He's a big reason why she puts a whole lot more of herself into Exy post tkm. She's always been invested, but once they talk more, and they consider each other friends, she listens to him talking about Exy and it really clicks for her. his dedication. and also how fucking talented he really is. She doesn't do the night training with him but they'll occasionally go to the gym together or start practice a half an hour early to run some basic raven drills.
- They're iconic when they get together to do press after games. they bounce off each other like nothing else. they're just so funny. and he's also like andy murray in that he will ALWAYS defend her, dan, and renee's talent if interviewers start to focus more on him instead of the girls. he'll step in if an interviewer says something shitty or misogynistic. she LOVES directing objectifying and misogynistic questions his way.
- She calls him a bitch and makes fun of him for being a nepo baby. He calls her an asshole and makes fun of her for being a rich kid.
- Have gone to banquets as each others date.
that's just a few random thoughts off the top of my head but yes. Allison and Kevin. Literally the only Two Pretty Best Friends ever to exist.
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vigilskeep · 1 year ago
Harker I was raised super religious southern baptist and I didn’t get the Angel shit until you said it. On the other hand I also didn’t care to learn. win some lose some. 40283938 lost memories
your religious trauma permit to not know anything has been successfully approved
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deltagon20362 · 2 years ago
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visual for how delta was born lol i'll put this on the shelf i'll finish it in like a year i think it would be a good learning piece
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wylansworkshop · 7 months ago
I have so many thoughts about that ending but right now I'm just internally screaming about kanej and just how fucking much I love inej
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autisticlee · 8 months ago
I really hate the way bumble works because you have to judge someone based on their limited profile alone. some people only have a couple pictures and nothing about them. and you have to make a decision to say yes of no without knowing much about them and then cant go back. decision paralysis anxiety activated! and you don't know if someone liked your profile until you like theirs. I rather see who liked mine so I can check out theirs and see of i like theirs too so I don't have to endlessly swipe through people because I hate making these decisions!!!!!!!
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isaacathom · 9 months ago
me, holding my primary ttrpg oc in my hands: im giving you so mcuh family trauma :)
#her red ribbon is a gift from her dad that relates to a paternal grandmother she never met#her engagement ring was inherited from her maternal grandmother and served the same function there#as part of a marriage to a man naielle has also never met#her jacket is part of an elaborate prank with her twin brother that she carries with her in foreign lands#as a reminder that she's him and he's her and theyre two parts of a pair even if she's entire planes away#in the time shes been away her older sister has been married and has a daughter#and naielle has never met her niece. might NEVER meet her niece.#if she waits out a collapse like she had originally planned she also may never meet her brother-in-law - a human man#he's already 30. if she's lucky she has like 50 years to try and meet him. if he's lucky. he's currently fighting in the army#and naielle knows that! her older sister and brother in law and her twin brother and her wife currently raise arms in a pitched conflict#hell her younger sister was too. now she's been forcibly conscripted into a different battle by NAIELLE#naielle did that! she brought her sister into her bullshit! it eats her alive to know that#that her family at home fights to the death and she marches her own sister towards a different precipice#its fucking bonkers#uh and i guess her younger brother exists too. listen naielle and yivien dont get along and its not even interesting#whereas naielle and mariela were briefly fully at each others throat. yiviens a coward.#if naielle went home as she is now and yivien started a fight naielle would just deck him. i think he needs that#hes not even babied that much hes just kind of an insulated brat. gotta swirlie that boy#i mean this stuff might not be trauma but it is DRAMA and naielle is full with it#all these regrets and connections to family who may not even love her (anymore)#she carries her family with her into a battle they don't know about and can't understand#unless mariela's letter back home was uh. particularly compelling. naielle doesnt know about all that
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lunarsapphism · 1 year ago
#i am actually so unbelievably livid right now#like i do not know what to do with the anger that is being held in my body at the moment#ive just tested positive for covid after being sick for a few days#i just tested negative on saturday before i went to a concert and before i saw my partner#so i thought i was fine#but no! actually if i have plans or want to take a fucking break literally ever someone gets sick (me this time) and the plans are ruined#i am legitimately struggling so badly with my mental health right now this might genuinely be a breaking point for me#i am fully at risk#yknow?#anyway#i feel fucking awful because i saw everyone and was doing normal stuff and i just have an immense amount of guilt about it#like#several people have said its fine but i dont believe them at all#ive asked my partner twice if theyre upset with me and theyve said no but i dont think thats the case#i dont know#i was supposed to go on a trip with them this weekend and weve had it planned for a month#and now im sick and we wont be able to go unless shes sick too or i test negative before saturday#and i have a fucking final on thursday and im feeling like im going to fucking **** ******#maybe im blowing it out of proportion! i dont know#but seriously this just happened like last month as well with another family member#we were all supposed to go on a trip to the beach and my brother got sick so only three of the seven of us went and it was kinda miserable#i swear to god i cant have anything good#i cant handle anything anymore#i dont want to live in this house and i dont want to speak with my family and i dont want to do school or work or anything else ever#the burden of being alive is immeasurable and i cant keep living with the responsibilities that come with it
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knightsickness · 6 months ago
Rhaenyra being a good person and ruler is not boring. Ned was boring?
was considering answering this with ‘lose the question mark’ but that felt mean i do like ned i think hes a good character. and the thing is ned is a boring guy on a personal level all characters agree but he isnt a boring character nice ≠ boring i dont need everyone to be evil. i dont dislike rhaenyra just bc shes soso nice and i only like villains
i dont know when ‘a character having strong motivations and flaws makes them more compelling than a character who is inoffensively nice’ became controversial i would consider it character writing 101. hotd fans leap down your throat about it bc of the teams discourse. ‘aegon was more interesting than rhaenyra in season 2’ isnt an aegon rules rhaenyra drools team green argument it is objectively true aegon is more motivated and he does more
it is not compelling character stuff and an insult to emma’s abilities that they wont let rhaenyra do anything or have any motivations apart from a) peace shes a pacifist and doesnt want to be in the war she is a de facto leader in except maybe she does want to be in the war? (dragonseeds) b) the stupid prophecy c) the throne but she refuses to have a war about it bc see point a). and she states these motivations every episode but theyre actively contradictory so as a result she just doesnt do anything shes almost entirely reactive. if she really cares so much about not having a war and harming her people there are many actions she could take to change that and make a peace but she wont do that bc she wants her father’s throne (far more sentimental and niceys than anything as selfish and crass as her ugh just wanting the throne) and believes she has to be queen and is the chosen one bc of the prophecy. but she doesnt want a war bc women are wise and war is bad so so so she got main character screentime and did almost nothing in eight episodes. end of season 2 even though the war has been literally happening around her people are still talking about when rhaenyra is going to recognise this and start acting like it. a goalpost that has been moved from lukes death to jaces death bc lukes death affected her and her policy veryy little considering how confident everyone was that this means WAR get ready for a NEW DARK RHAENYRA a mothers RAGE. and that just didnt happen at all
baela and to a lesser extent rhaenys also get hit w this really hard theyre a blandly inoffensive Strong Female Character slurry being smeared on my face like im a baby and id get scared if they had any selfish desires. and this does work at pleasing people who are already tb fanatics yayy girlboss imagine liking the creeps on tg over these characters who are women who are nice but it makes for dull characters and plotlines it insults the ability of the audience to like women unless theyre completely sandblasted of anything potentially controversial. i have no idea what motivates baela to fight for rhaenyras cause other than ‘shes jaces nice girlfriend’. and thats really bad !! ned cat brienne sansa dany etc wanted and did things characters can be nice and morally good and motivated and compelling
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bonebabbles · 2 months ago
TEQ: Prologue
The opening prologue is a bunch of StarClan cats talking about if they're going to send a prophecy or not.
Leafpool expresses frustration that they might lose contact with the Clans for the thousandth time in like 3 arcs
Skystar is immediately disgusted to hear a woman talking
he says, "yeah well the clans have always been unstable and react badly to prophecies" my brother in starclan. YOU were the one who was unstable and reacting badly to prophecies to begin with 💀
Mistystar tries to reason with him but she, too, commits the sin of being a woman so Skystar's like "yeah well theyre gonna have losses no matter what we do"
The adults continue to talk, including Runningnose and Tallstar, until Tallstar's like "what if we sent the prophecy to the leader this time instead of relying on the designated guys who are trained to interpret our messages"
Tallstar continues: "It should be someone old as shit. Someone who made the Great Journey. Everyone who made the Great Journey had great judgement," He says, Mudclaw mercifully not in frame
Leafpool: "But what leader would possibly be able to convince their subjects and Clan to do stuff" girl fym ASC was an entire arc about the fact that clans can barely function without their leaders. RiverClan forgot how to do chores. Splashstar could apparently make cats do whatever he wanted by holding kittens hostage. be serious
You can't do both 💀💀💀 you can't play a leader's lack of power over their clan for suspense AND play a leader's complete control over their clan for drama. pick one
Firestar: "Wait. I think I know a guy."
The next chapter opens up on Tawnypelt. It's going to be REALLY funny imagining them sending her this prophecy and then she's distracted by Crowfeather's seductive pizzeria scent.
(unless this is a red herring and they send this to Leafstar who is actively undergoing rapid senescence lol)
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arolesbianism · 8 days ago
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I Really need to properly draw Christopher at some point but everytime I want to I just look at her in game sprite and weep for her truest form has already been achieved. What's even the point. This is her in the flesh.
#rat rambles#oc posting#lobotomy posting#Im ofc lying she does in fact have a skin tone and is tall and lanky but how am I ever going to do her beautiful face justice#its a shame that her hair is hard to see in this screenshot since it adds to her girlfaluire vibes I think <3#all nuggets with her top hair are kinda ugly and the braids are not saving her (deeply deeply affectionate)#she's rocking the ugly hair And sanguine desire and the stupid monocle. she truly has it all I adore her#she may be the most neglected of the lets beat eachother to death polycule but she was my og favorite of the three#I do also have actuall thoughts abt her character and am having them as we speak but its very important to understand she has maybe my#favorite in game sprite of any of my nuggets I Adore her#I love it when character creators spit an ugly thang at you I love designs that are just so ugly in very simple ways#designs that are ugly for being overdesigned aren't it tho Unless theyre incredibly tacky then theyre fun again#but yeah every other time a nugget of mine has gotten sanguine desire Ive hidden it instantly but christopher was built for it#imagining her without it now is so scary to me. which is also why I Know I wont be able to do her justice drawing her#I cant draw lips I suck so fucking bad at it and I know I can simplify it and likely will but thats not my girl!!#but yeah I adore this woman I need to have images of her but alas. my hands cannot capture her image as it was meant to be 😔#but yeah unfortunately she has the sad fate of being the most normal person of the three which is wild for her because well. look at her.#she should be a complete and utter freak and she is to a degree its just that mirabelle 'has fully torn off and eaten her partners lower#jaws several times' maes and river 'actively goads people into beating the shit out of him so he can be the shit out of them later' skye ar#e there to make her seem like a normal person who fell in too deep in comparison#shes not necessarily a normal good person mind you but she was not prepared to be stuck in a long term relationship with those two#shes very obsessed with feeling in control and is in hard denial abt the fact that shes very much not in control of her current situation#in general I imagine she isnt very good at gauging when shes in control of a situation but usually if all else fails shes in the past been#able to just fuck off and leave but she very much cannot do that in lob corp#shes just as stuck here as everyone else and shes not about to go for the die and hope you arent brought back approach#so she cant actually like. fully get away from them. so she just sort of pretends this is what she wants and that shes in control still.#this is easier with river than mirabelle since river wants a back and forth cycle of violence while mirabelle just wants to fuck with her#but dont get it twisted shes being played like a fiddle on both sides shes just desperate to feel like shes not#like despite how violent the trees relationship is she really wasn't a violent person before all this#real upsetting stuff for her that she only starts to recognize after she gets dumped in ruina
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petbrain · 1 year ago
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fucking tumblr wont let me tag @cometcub but this is a great question and id love to talk about it! so ill use it as an oportunity. hopefully Bear will be able to find this post.
yes, my therapist knows i am alterhuman and it was one of the best choices i could have made!
i decided early on in our meetings that i wanted her to know. not only because it's a big part of my life and struggles, but also because i had had a previous therapist with whom i did not feel comfortable sharing a lot of personal stuff and it felt awful.
when i switched to mrs. ramos, one of our main topics was exactly the fact that i felt different from other people. i also spoke a lot about animals and used a lot of animal comparisons for myself (i just do that all the time, it's unintentional lmao). she had me answer a series of statements with agree/disagree and one of them was "i feel fundamentally different from others", to which i answered heavily agree. she asked me if it felt lonely, i said no. i know there are a lot of individuals like me. and i told her about the alterhuman community.
she doesn't talk about it in meetings unless i bring it up first, she takes it as a fact about me with the same seriousness she takes my sexuality. it doesn't affect the way she treats me, but it definitely helps us make sense of my brain.
so yeah, if you have the chance, please tell your therapist! and if theyre disrespectful and/or make you feel bad for it, drop their ass!
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crushedsweets · 2 years ago
Would you ever consider including nurse ann in more of your art/ stories? She's one of my favorite characters and I think your design for her is amazing lmao- I'd also sort of like to know what her relationship with the others would be like
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yes. actually. i would love to . ok i have some vague ideas for how shed fit into the lore so thatll be under the cut !! i also start rambling about lulus lore too cuz i decided theyre friends.
ok so, again, my au is based around slenders forest being like... some sort of magnet for the paranormal. slenderman wants to keep all of these cryptids within the forest.
since its in a fictionalized forest in tuscaloosa, where marble hornets was filmed, i decided to move the abanonded hospital they visited up north of the tuscaloosa lake. she roams there.
SOOOOO nurse ann is just... a demon. slenders forest is sort of like limbo for a lot of the cryptids and kinda puts them in like.. a long daze and loops unless they're consistently leaving or being grounded by humans.
i dont EXACTLY know why/how she's in that specfic hospital, especially since i dont believe she has an official origin? maybe when the hospital shut down, she was let go and wasn't transferred to work in a new hospital, so she lost her shit and preformed some crazy rituals that ended up making her an undead nurse ? now she's forever roaming the hospital. or maybe she was killing patients when she was a human and kept doing weird demon shit with their bodies and the operator/zalgo fed off of her bad vibes. LOL IDK.
now about lulu cuz i drew her too.
i used to be sooo fond of lulu. and i originally said she was just going to be another ghost roaming the forest pointlessly, mourning everything and being incapable of interacting with humans, BUUUUUT. she is 24 and NOT A GHOST?!?!??!?! IDK WHY ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT SHE WAS JUST A GHOST WHO AGES CUZ YK HOW CHIBIWORKS STUFF WAS BACK THEN LOL... i def am tired of little kids being tortured and all these children ghosts tho so im kinda glad to have smth new to write. anyway. so im thinking lulus just another little demon thing... i'm thinking her story goes.
she was in strict private schools all of k-12, and went to uni on her own in tuscaloosa. she wanted to branch out, have a little rebelious phase, make friends, etc. tried to join a co-ed frat. she experienced an absolutely horrific hazing when she was like 19, the frat fully believed they killed her by accident and in their panic, tried to bury her in slenders forest, and some demonic entity in the forest infected her before she was buried fully. she ends up climbing out of her shallow grave, never having died. perhaps the operator did it, perhaps zalgo like in her og lore ? PERHAPS ANN CUZ SHES A DEMON HERSELF?
anywaaayyyyy :3 l think theyd be cute friends. they just look really cute together and i could see good chemistry so i totally would love to expand on them and make them friends. maybe expand more on the type of species they are, what kind of powers they have(esp if i make ann the demon who infects lulu).
BUUUUT ALSO this made me realize i should totally look into adding zalgo to my lore. cuz it doesnt make sense for the operator to make anyone a demon, thats not really what he does.... and i dont want him to do that i just dont like the vibes. so mmm yes.
anyway in terms of relationships..
lulu and her are cool good besties beautiful they would take selfies and do tiktok dances together.
masky and hoody are incredibly indifferent to her, because they dont have to worry/visit her often. she stays in the hospital thats in the forest, and thats exactly where slenderman wants her, so theyre content. theyre kinda grateful she keeps lulu in the hospital too, cuz lulu actually freaks them out bc she'll be jumping at them and shit talking about their eyes.
tobys EXTREMELY scared of ghosts (bc of his hallucinations of his sisters ghost . . ). he eventually gets over it(kinda?) with sally, but he keeps accusing ann and lulu and the sort of being ghosts cuz they just.. kinda pop in and out. at least jack has to walk into the room to show up. so he doesnt like them
mmm jack wouldnt like her IF he knows that she kinda turned herself into a demon through like, a ritual or smth. he'd be beyond pissed to know someone CHOSE to be what he is. if he doesnt know, he doesnt care for her. he kinda jokes about 'well why dont YOU be their medic' and shes like 'dont fuckin wanna be'.
jane and liu and kate prob dont know her... kate might but wouldnt care.
jeff would prob think shes hot or some bullshit and nina would be beyond pissed. at first ninas like AHHH SHES SO COOL cuz shes a fangirl at heart, but the second she hears a single 'goddamn' from jeff shes livid.
ben prob wouldnt care much for her... hes so uninterested in demons idk why i just feel like he doesnt care.
clockwork would LOVE HER. she'd think she's so fucking cool. she'd try talking to her all the time but ann prob wouldnt be interested in clocky at all...
ofc the proxies purposefully come into contact with the paranormal the most because thats their job, so i wrote the most for them, but that doesn't mean theyre the closest or anything.
ok thank u anon you did smth to my brain that benefitted my mental health cuz i love writing this shit for the creeps thank u sm .
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months ago
can you please include a post of shit vivzie has done TO REAL PEOPLE not fucking drawings???
Not sure if you read but the anon asked “explain like theyre 12” and also I stated there are lots of other better in depth posts about things Vivzie has done. I simply listed ones I know of off the top of my head. The post also did include things Vivzie has done to real people. Only 4 and 2 really can be seen as exclusive to art but one of them is antisemitism and the other is glorifying abuse which, yes, does affect real people! As for the others, Raph is a real person, her employees are real people, other indie creators are real people, and the people in that playlist are real people. Vivzie supporting and doing this shit affects “REAL PEOPLE.” My blog is mainly for criticism towards the show and fixing it and I have mentioned many times my issues with Vivziepop that I honestly do not feel like repeating every couple months. If you would like actual posts about shit vivzie has done I DO also reblog those on occasion but, again, I do not like writing about Vivzie herself when possible. If it isn’t related to Hazbin I likely will not be talking about it unless I happen across it myself. I don’t actively dig for dirt on this lady and I know very surface level stuff about her shitty actions and simply listed what I know while being incredibly drained of writing from work. I am NOT qualified to make entire long posts about how terrible she is even if I did want to. That is another reason that post was incredibly short aside from having been asked to make it short.
Fiction that is made by REAL PEOPLE affects REAL PEOPLE in turn. Look at fucking south park and how many kids were saying homophobic and antisemitic shit because of it. Literally everything shitty that Vivzie does is shitty for a reason. “Drawings” can be shitty. You can be a shitty person for drawing bad things. This is like saying theres nothing problematic about her because all the problematic stuff is in drawings.
Please look elsewhere than on my blog for information on Vivziepop things that don’t pertain directly to her content. Heres shit I’ve briefly reblogged in the past about her. Go look there, not here. And if you have a genuine problem with me please stop screaming at me on anon. I do not have the time to repeat why Vivzie is shit every other day. And if you want articles, I do not have them because I am again not qualified or educated enough to talk in depth on this and also when I try to find them its all just Vivzie fans trying to debunk shit like whatever that stuff was with Viv being transphobic to her old friend
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z0n1x · 15 days ago
shitty soundpage commentary 2!
part 1:
all the good stuff is under the cut!
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why is bec blanc glowing yellow???
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its lalonde suicide time!!!!
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huh i guess hope can do like anything so protecting the point with it isnt out of the question but then why didnt jake do something like this earlier
also you cant see it but jane is MASHING that button the laser goes like 5 different times
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why does one of them have funko pop proportions??? did jade do that?
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her goose is FULL ON CHARCOAL at this point
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okay what the fuck?? maybe like with all the bodies she considered all of the dead soldiers one organism and “healed” all of them by fusing them together???? or maybe it’s just cool and im over thinking it
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hmmm wouldn’t the dead trolls eyes turn white? maybe i heard this wrong but i thought dead troll bodies eyes turned white when they died and their ghost self reflected this
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the true biggest loss….. his pizza also is he wearing cat paw slippers?
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what if….. we were both D:, and we ran into the sunset together 0////0
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after everything….. you can still see your mustache
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how does the mustache…. you know what ill go with it
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“riiiiiight here please you cant mess this up there is literally 0 chance you cant hit this unless jane has started building a death star”
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awwww shit jasperose was right :/
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how the hell did she get johns phone???
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god the artstyle difference is crazy
also i just noticed (vriska) got a tavros style haircut
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blue (vriska) shading (light) compared to earliers purple (rose) shading on roses face
just a cool detail
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hmmmm im stuck between thinking this is just like extra godtier vriska or ult!vriska…
let me say though that the way that she stole rose’s knowledge of what was going to happen away from her is very thief of light-y
and of course stealing the spotlight…
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bec blanc is way bigger than i thought if theres someone in there piloting it when their that small
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hmmmm new fire motif? im into it but it feels sort of out of left field for vriska
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this new design is so cool yall
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ohh lol i get it sun over the moon
but also with the increase in red in the design and her trying to message terezi i wonder if shes going to talk about terezi more since a big accent color for terezi was red and they had matching red shoes and stuff
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i do like what they did with the eight to infinity thing and im glad theyre using it more in this new era of vriska if youll pardon my bs
also: more fire
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SHE SCORES!! (????????)
lol if you read all of this thanks for listening to me quote memes and badly theorize for a bit!
and if future me is reading this to see what i thought was going to happen: did i get anything right? ;3
part one: https://www.tumblr.com/z0n1x/775758866285838336/ok-meowrther-fucker-where-doing-this-where-making
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craske · 1 month ago
I love the way you draw Shadow Milk, he looks cool.
I have a question about the other beasts if you'd be comfortable answering, how is Burning Spice doing after being Dejammed? Along with Mystic Flour?
thank you!! im happy to hear that!!
and funny thing you ask about other beasts, because im currently working on a short comic focused on burning spice, while also figuring out the exact stuff with mystic flour. so for now i can give some brief info about these two
burning spice
this is a man of action, meaning him sitting around and doing nothing is an absolute torture (corrupted out of boredom etc etc etc). too bad thats all he can do now that he is stuck with the remnants of golden cheese kingdom which is being rebuilt. he is constantly under watch obviously, and everyone keeps distance because of what happened. but despite the first outbursts of rage and breaking some parmesan rocks early on, he is currently just sitting there. ofc the rage is still bubbling but, he cant really do anything considering how little power he has left. at least watching the cheesebirds scramble around is Something. still, their efforts in rebuilding the ruined kingdom is futile, he knows it will mean nothing in the end (how many times has he seen it already)... unless?
mystic flour
losing her soul jam shook her deeply, which is already unacceptable by itself. this woman isnt dealing well with getting dejammed, despite how it looks at first. the apathy she managed to reach crumbled, much to her frustrations. and the more she is frustrated, the worse it gets, its a cycle honestly. so she is putting in most of her energy into meditating, trying to reach the apathy again. which makes her surprisingly easy to keep track of, mystic flour doesnt try to wander around much, she either meditates in her assigned chamber/confinement, or in an outside pagoda when she requests for that. the main trouble for everyone is that the cloud haetae came with her, and considering how they behaved back at the ivory pagoda, everyone is on edge. who knows if theyre not spying whenever they can. still, aside from that small hiccup, mystic flour is a very unproblematic, if not extremely unnerving prisoner. but who knows if (or when) it might change
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avkizi · 7 months ago
BASICS ౨ৎ-----------------------------------------------------------------
||*.name: venus mayumi
||*.nicknames: rings, vee
||*.birthday: 06/04 (11)
||*.pronouns: she/her
||*.occupation: student @ hogwarts
||*.ethnicity: filipino/japanese/german
||*.blood status: half-blood
Tumblr media
⋆.˚ lil blurb: i have vitiligo, which affects my eye, skin in some smaller patches, and the front bits of my hair, making them lighter ⋆.˚
SCHOOL/SOCIAL ౨ৎ-----------------------------------------------------
||*.house: gryffindor
||*.friends: marauders & valkyries, + regulus black (♡), dorcas meadows, pandora rosier, kingsley shacklebolt, & emmeline vance (civil w/ the skittles/emeralds bc of reg)
||*.animagus form: raccoon
||*.personality/social life: lowkey a little loud, def more similar to james & sirius than remus & peter, but i actually know when to shut tf up, and i'm generally well-liked. there isn't as much hatred of other houses, and a lot of the death eater/pureblood stuff is way less prevelant, so friendly rivalries are common, but no all-out hatred. me n sirius are beaters for the gryffindor quidditch team (i'm also lowkey ripped asf hehehe), but i end up having to drop out mid fifth year from an injury, so me n lily end up commentating (lmao).
muggle volleyball thrifting, crocheting, embroidery, & sewing singing + playing electric guitar jewlery making rock, fossil, and bone collecting/foraging parkour roller skating quidditch
WORLD STUFF ౨ৎ--------------------------------------------------------
||* uniforms arent as strictly enforced, fridays, weekends, and non-school days like holidays you can wear regular clothes undr your robes, accessories are always allowed (jewelry, belts, hair shit, etc.)
||* there are a bunch of extra curriculars available like different clubs, etc. and theyre lowkey super fun theres like baking club, art club, care of magical creatures, its so sick.
||* they do so many fancy events theres a halloween masquerade ball, easter ball, valentines day dance, autumn/spring equinox events, etc. also the triwizard tournament didn't get banned and there was one in my fourth year bc i said so
||* it's genrally recognized that students within the same house arent all the same sow hile friendly competition is encouraged, it's also common for students to have friends from other houses, and ppl are allowed in other house's dorms & common rooms if they're invited
||* there is a bioluminescent cave pool under the castle and its so fun to hang out in oh my god its not cold or anything its just soso cool
||*voldemorts downfall happens the year after we graduate (aka the order destroys all the horcruxes), and nobody i know well dies so none of the betrayal happens, but regulus does end up taking the mark but dosen't believe in all that shit & works as a spy (snape could NEVER) for the order, and still destroys the horcrux but survives and fully leaves his family (suck it walburga and orion)
MISC/TRIVIA ౨ৎ-----------------------------------------------------------
has three pets, two cats and an owl, whos names are mocha, shinya, & ghost, (the cats r technially communal between me n the valkyries bc they live in the dorms w us, but idc)
bands/music artists and slang r all the same as they are now, but technology etc is all 70s (w/o the homophobia racism etc)
i shift in the day before i get my hogwarts letter
sirius and reg are irish twins so while reg is still younger hes in our year (along w the rest of the skittles/emeralds its for simplicity)
there is a creek/river system in the forest and its so cool to hangout near theres like fossils and bones and cool rocks and shit EVERYWHERE i love it
the lake is swimmable (unless you can't swim cough cough regulus black) and its super fun theres a dock and floating platforms and stuff its amazing when its hot out
the dr follows kind of an atyd type timeline of events w exceptions
that's all pretty much!!! thats a long one lmao sorry abt that but also if y'all knw any younger raspier british fem voiceclaims pls tell me im in the trenches rn trying to find a british vc that dosent sound like shes in bridgerton lmao ok byeeee love u
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