#unknown male
Moodboard: THE BLACKS.
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bunnygirllover45 · 3 months
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I was reminded of Mystic Messenger's existence and had to draw my second favorite boy (the first is V). Can you tell which version of Saeran I like the best? lol.
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rainnyydaysworld · 2 months
Reader: What are you in the mood for?
Jason: World domination.
Reader: That's a bit ambitious.
Jason: You are my world.
Reader: Aww...
Reader: OH.
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buckevantommy · 5 months
i'm not sayin nothin, but eddie was thriving when he was hanging out with his new bud tommy on a regular basis but now buck is getting his tommy time meanwhile eddie is getting himself into a soap opera situation with hallucinations or doppleganger uncanniness cheating on his supposedly serious girlfriend with a woman who looks like his dead wife. he defs needs to go back to therapy but also he needs to maybe swear off dating for a while and just 'hang out with the boys'.
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wishingstarinajar · 4 months
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With the help of muh bestie @stankychee, Rollcall finally has a body!
I'm sure more tweaks will happen in the future but I'm just glad he has finally taken shape, man x'D He's been a nightmare!
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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professor shen qingqiu, the most confusing man in academia
(redraw of that indiana jones scene)
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persephoneist · 11 months
both the iliad and odyssey plus trojan women should be required reading before you odysseus post
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exposd · 1 month
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ot3heaven · 1 year
whatever this type of character is,
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i want twenty of them.
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fragrantblossoms · 4 months
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Unknown (author). Bull Connor / Native American, Osage, 1850 - 1900.
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koko2unite · 4 months
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rainnyydaysworld · 3 months
Reader: *seductively takes off glasses*
Reader: Wow...
Jason: *blushes* Haha... what?
Reader: You're really fucking blurry.
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
also kon's red mercy hallucination in sb11 #7 being written with cassie presumably dying some horrific death somewhere offscreen but kon witnessing simon killing tim in front of him. there are actually layers here and the extra nightmare of it specifically being tim as the one whose death he witnesses, tim as the one he couldn't save, is a metaphor for the queerness he has been suppressing for so long, and in this essay i will
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 6 months
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You poor soul, how could this happen?
You were once so full of life and you're pretty eyes are all dull, like you weren't yourself
it's ok, I'll just rebuild you.
Make you how you were before, make you happy again
My sweet princess
I know my master is mean but you are going to far, you're just being immature
No, my name isn't Dark Link silly
It's unknown
Call me that, anything but that disgusting mortals NAME!!
I am the the head knight of the dark army and you will not call me Link or dark Link, not even that awful name dink that those bastards call me.
No, i am your love, your lovely, you're unknown darkness in your heart, I'm not his, I am yours and you are mine!!!!
Just a lovely intro into Unknown, well... My unknown
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unknown-lab · 1 year
What is Love?
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cheating
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Have you ever once in your life, regardless if you're single or in a relationship, wondered... What love is? How do you get it? What should you do to maintain the love you're having for another person? Throughout my experience, there's one thing for sure.
Love is something that fades easily, only when you're with the wrong person.
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The night of our 5th Anniversary.
Food? Done. Table? Well-prepared. Candles? All up. Dress? Gorgeous. Lights? Perfect. Everything, every single detail was not left out. Time was tick-tocking as I was admiring what I had done for the past 5 hours. For him, for us. The only flaw I'm having right now is the empty spot in front of me. It should be occupied 1 hour ago.
I waited
And waited
And waited...
Ah... It's 10 pm now. The candles are all out. The room darkened, and there were only 2 dim lights on top of me. He's a busy man, I guess he'd forgotten about this already. Alright then, there's no sign of his return, I might as well start cleaning up. Although I haven't touched anything on the table, I don't feel hungry. Maybe because I don't have the every to be hungry now.
Front door opens
I was already done with the cleaning. I turned to him, and our eyes met. He looks tired too. I don't want to stress him out further, so I just gave him a smile and turned away, walking toward our bed. It's like he could read my mind, he didn't say anything, he just went into the bathroom and took a shower.
He lies down next to me, both of us turning to the opposite side. He's still next to me, and he smells nice. The scent is different from the shampoo we have in our bathroom. I wonder where did he get it from. I was deep in thought until he broke the silence.
"Sign the papers tomorrow."
Hmm? What papers? Never mind, I'll just ask him tomorrow. I don't know why, I feel more tired than usual tonight.
This escalated... rather quickly... Dazai. Well, I did expect this to happen sooner or later. I was reading through the divorce papers, making nothing is missed out. Everything right now was peaceful. No quarrels, no fights, just two grown adults doing what adults should be doing.
"I was with her last night. I had been by her side for about half a year, and we're planning to make that official. Hopefully, you would understand." He broke the silence, once again. There weren't any expectations heard from his monotone voice. It's like this is just a procedure to him.
Obviously, I kept quiet. I didn't raise my head to look at him, just the files. They are the only thing I have now. I signed the papers and passed them to him. I went to pack my belongings, making sure to bring everything I had with me. While he's just there, sitting on the couch texting her.
Everything is now at the doorstep, ready to go. For the first time in so long, he showed kindness. He put my luggage into the boot. For a split second, seeing him in his suit made my heart skip a beat. How long has he not worn that? It was the one I bought for him on our 1st anniversary. And I know for sure, it's his favourite.
"You can go now, I'll deal with the papers myself. Nothing will go wrong." This is more of an assurance to himself than to me.
"Did you know what day was yesterday?" I looked at him, unfiltered words just came out of my mouth.
"Yeah. It was our 5th Anniversary." He said nonchalantly.
Out of all the things I've thought of, this was the last of all that I could possibly expect. I was expecting a no, regardless he was lying or not. The fact that he knew everything, he knew I was waiting for him, he knew he had to come back, he knew it was our anniversary. This is the trigger that is preparing to fire.
"Then why were you absent?"
"She said wanted me to stay with her."
I could imagine the girl in her sweet voice, holding his hand or hugging him tightly. Begging him to stay with her, just to ruin our moment.
Bravo. Tears formed at the corner of my eyes, slowly rolling down my cheek. Through the blurry vision, I saw a young man in his favourite suit, running towards me. He hugged me and said:
"It's alright, I'd do anything if it's for you."
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newblvotg · 10 months
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