#understanding the self through relation to the other
cerise-on-top ¡ 2 days
hi sunshine 🤍 could you possibly do T141 with a hyper-independent S/O?! I’m hyper-independent and sometimes it can get very overwhelming and it would be nice to have someone try to break down my walls to help me understand that i can ask others for help!! sending all the love💕 Thank you!!
Hey there, sure I can!
TF141 with a Hyper Independent S/O
Price: I don’t think Price was too traumatized as a child, so he probably can’t relate to you very well. Maybe to the slightest degree since he, as a captain, is often seen as an authority figure, who needs to be relied on and make all the decisions. It’s not often that he gets to shut off his brain a little and be left alone. But all of that comes from his work environment, not because he was neglected as a child. I think he’d notice fairly quickly how you don’t seem to ask him for anything, ever. Not to get you a small snack, not to ask him what tomorrow’s weather might be, not to help you build that IKEA furniture. Truth be told, he’ll feel as though he’s failed as a boyfriend since his love language is acts of service. He wants to do things for you, but you don’t let him. It would annoy him at first, but he wants this to work, so he’ll talk to you about it. You’d have to be honest with him, or else I can’t see things working out for you both. If you are, then he’ll try his best to be more observant, try to find out what you like and don’t like. He’ll give you as much attention as you want whenever he can and always ask you if there’s some task that hasn’t been finished yet. You need to calm down a little bit, he does want you to rely at least a little on him. Even if it’s just something along the lines of letting him wash your clothes for once. He wants you to relax, to take some time off for yourself so you can recharge. I know it’s hard for you, but he’ll continue to communicate with you. However, you need to do the same for him too. He doesn’t want your relationship to fall apart because of something like this.
Gaz: His parents did not love him after some time, so he had to learn to rely on himself because absolutely no one would do anything at all for him. And yet, he still became successful. So yeah, I think he could relate to you. Though, I think he was able to stop himself from becoming hyper independent somewhere along the way when he was just about to break yet again. I think he would ask you for things here and there. Nothing big, he’s just self-sufficient that way, but he will ask you to cook him a certain meal when he gets home late or maybe draw him a bath. Naturally, he would do the same things and so much more for you, if you ever asked. And yet, you take it upon yourself to do everything on your own. He could probably see himself in you a little bit, which is why he’d approach you and talk to you about it. He can tell you’re not doing too well. That’s probably one of the first times he’ll open up to you about his past as well, to show you you’re not alone. He’ll ask you how he can help, how he can take this burden off your shoulders and help you become a happier person. He will go to great lengths to show you that you can rely on him. It’s okay if you can’t ask him for help right away, he’ll make sure to always tell you that he’s there for you and will try to help you with whatever it is you’re doing, whether it be finishing a report or trying to help you cope with the inherent isolation that comes with being hyper independent. I think, in a way, helping you would help heal his inner child as well. He wasn’t cared for for a long time, so it’s nice to care for you instead. He had no one for a long time either and it wasn’t good for him, so he would do whatever he could to help you through it all. He’s a very patient man too, so there’s that.
Ghost: Ah yes, the king of trauma himself. As you can probably tell, he’ll also be able to relate to you since he was actively abused as a child and doesn’t trust anyone around him, that isn’t the 141, Nikolai, Laswell or you. He does everything on his own, and I don’t think he’ll ever ask you for anything either. Maybe a simple “Do you have a quid? I wanna buy that tea.” but nothing more than that. So it’s probably gonna be difficult for the both of you to admit that something is wrong with you. Chances are you’ll break before him, though, and will be caught having a mental breakdown. If you’re honest with him, then that’s the first time he’ll realize that being like this is, indeed, not normal. He doesn’t want to see you breaking down and crying because you’ve been isolating yourself this much and can’t trust anyone. I don’t think he’ll be able to help you. Sure, he’ll suggest leaving some things to him here and there since he is a very competent man, who refuses to let you down, but he doesn’t really know what to say. At all. So I think he’ll probably make the suggestion of the both of you going to therapy together. I think the therapist will make him realize that he is not, by any means, “normal” and will tell him what might be wrong with him, but that’s for another time. I think he’d try to work it out with you somehow, trying to be more open to set an example for you, as uncomfortable as it might seem for him. He will reward you for “good behavior”, though, such as asking him to clean the bathroom since you were too burnt out that day. He’ll get you some ice cream. Your favorite flavor too, naturally, since he wants this to become a common occurrence. And he, in turn, will try to ask you for help here and there too. Mostly comfort. But he’ll try, just for you.
Soap: Another lil fella, who had a loving family. Sure, his parents sometimes ignored him when he became too loud and rowdy. But other than that? His childhood was pretty alright. He got into a lot of fights, though. Little Johnny never knew when enough was enough. However, he grew up to be a fine and observant man. He knows what you like and how you like it. Do you like your tea with sugar, honey or milk? He doesn’t even need to ask since he already knows. He will do what he can to help you however he can. He knows he’s a damn fine boyfriend, who will make your life as easy as possible. …except, for some reason, his plans aren’t working out? You avoid him more and more the more he does for you, and for no apparent reason as well? Oh, he’s pissed, but will talk to you about it. “Bonnie, you know I love you, right? So why do you avoid me like the plague?” Once he realizes why you’re the way you are, you can count on him being pissed beyond compare. You need to hold him back if you don’t want him to call your caretakers and insult them in a way only an angry Scot can. At that point, he’ll vow to himself to become an even better boyfriend. He’ll remind you that he’ll do absolutely anything for you. And he keeps his word as well. He’ll bring you coffee, he’ll buy groceries, he’ll deck someone for you. Just give him the word, please. However, he’ll be super proud of you if you ever do ask him for help and will give you a big hug and a few kisses. Baby steps, as he always says. He loves you more than anyone else, so naturally he’ll be patient with you and help you however he can. Even if it’s just a small reminder that he could do it instead.
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kentuckyfriedmegumi ¡ 2 days
i wrote an entire analysis on yuji's and megumi's parallels throughout the series
what i think is interesting regarding megumi's and yuji's characters and how they are made to foil each other is that we see from the beginning how their stories are intertwined. from their very first interactions we see them save each other and that sets off a catalyst in how they save each other throughout the series, which is both selflishy and impulsively.
like we see them act without thought, both acting for their own reasons for why they decide to save each other. yuji's selfishness is different than megumi's though, of course. we see him act in selflessness to the point that it becomes selflishness. he WILL sacrifice himself for the greater good, regardless of those around him that care for him, because he thinks that the only thing that matters for his life is that he saves as many people as he can. this comes from the "curse" placed on him by his grandfather.
however, with megumi's selfishness, it comes from his own desire to live by his standards that he's placed on the world in his own twisted view of life due to his upbringing and life as a sorcerer. megumi doesn't think that everyone deserves to live the way that tsumiki and yuji do, and that's why he admires them so much. but this also ties into his self-imagery issues and how he thinks that he doesn't deserve to walk alongside him. this is where his self-destructive ideas come into play where he thinks that everything is fine as long as he can use mahoraga to save the ones he loves because his life doesn't matter as much as others.
we see this foil/parallel (i know this is an oxymoron, but they ultimately have differing beliefs while still acting in a similar fashion) grow between them throughout the series as the save each other and understand the other's struggles. megumi sees that yuji has gone through something after he's revived in chapter 33:
megumi: “itadori, you okay?” yuuji: “well, it’s a big job but i should be fine.” megumi: “no, something happened, didn’t it?” yuuji: “huh, what are you talking about?”
megumi can tell that something has been/is bothering yuuji, even after his insistence that he’s fine at this point, megumi has lost and mourned yuji, while yuji has lost and is mourning junpei.
there's also the classic scene in chapter 63, after yasohachi bridge where they both realize that yuji being alive means that curses are killing more people:
megumi: “don’t tell him.” yuuji: “hey! don’t tell fushiguro. don’t you dare tell him”
this is another instance of them trying to save each other/carry the other's burden as they act as foils. they both feel they are at fault for the deaths and while megumi doesn't regret it ("i never once regretted saving you"), yuji acts in a way that he feels is deserving of his life (in that he wants to "earn" his life because megumi saved him and he doesn't want it to be for nothing)
then of course we get to shibuya and yuji has his moment of giving up and feeling that he is undeserving of living because of the lives sukuna killed. he has his conversation with todo and he is able to pick himself back up, but he still feels like he needs to make up for every life lost. we see the parallel with megumi here in 256 where he tells yuji that he wants to give up. we expect him to get up right away like yuji did back in shibuya, but sukuna cuts them off and megumi doesn't fight back.
then of course their dynamic comes full circle as they both talk in 266, where yuji is able to relate to megumi in his grief and loss and tells megumi that he understands why he's made his decision. what i think is really beautiful about this chapter is that we probably expected the convo to go similar to yuji's with todo, where it's like "i know you're down now, but we must prevail!!" type stuff. but we don't get that with megumi and yuji because they understand each other at a very basic core level. we see yuji give him the choice to live or die as he tells megumi that he accepts him either way.
yuji and megumi are like yin and yang. they have very different motivations, beliefs, and ideals, but they ultimately work together and find harmony in their differences. i think the way that gege has written the two of them and their characters is really cool and it's that very reason why i'm so miffed that we don't get to see a true conclusion to their dynamic as far as this last chapter goes. i would really REALLY like to see a final, good, emotional conversation between the two of them because they deserve it.
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applesauce42069 ¡ 48 minutes
I want to talk about Jewish indigeneity using this document from the UN, entitled "Who are indigenous peoples."
I'm not saying that all Jews necessarily fit every single thing that is on this document in all cases and times. I believe this document from the UN, which is clearly intended to be used for legal and political purposes, to identify vulnerable groups who need assistance. But even if we don't - we don't have to.
The document itself says:
According to the UN the most fruitful approach is to identify, rather than define indigenous peoples. This is based on the fundamental criterion of self-identification as underlined in a number of human rights documents
Jews have understood that our ancestors came from and originated in the Southern Levant since before the word "indigenous" existed. Our ancestors cared about their homeland so much that they wrote a story that said that our god gave it to them to describe how special our land was to them.
There are many ancient documents that describe how strongly Jews feel about the land that shares a name with us, the land that we call Israel. The earliest example I know of a Jew calling themselves indigenous to Israel is from 1947 at the UN, when Eliyahu Eliachar said:
As the indigenous population of Palestine, we demand the restitution of our rights, the abolition of the White Paper of 1939 and all it stands for and the opening of the gates to all Jews in need of a home, whether from East or West. Not wanted anywhere — undesirables everywhere — this germ of restlessness and despair is eating us up root and branch.
I'm going to share a graphic from the pew research centre:
Tumblr media
why do you think this is the case? it is because most jews understand themselves as connected to israel by nature of being jewish because we are indigenous to there.
So, details from the UN document that I feel resonates with Jews, Jewish identity, and Jewish history:
Self- identification as indigenous peoples at the individual level and accepted by the community as their member. Historical continuity with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies. Strong link to territories and surrounding natural resources. Distinct social, economic or political systems Resolve to maintain and reproduce their ancestral environments and systems as distinctive peoples and communities. Indigenous peoples are the holders of unique languages, knowledge systems and beliefs and possess invaluable knowledge of practices for the sustainable management of natural resources. They have a special relation to and use of their traditional land. Their ancestral land has a fundamental importance for their collective physical and cultural survival as peoples. Indigenous peoples hold their own diverse concepts of development, based on their traditional values, visions, needs and priorities.
...they are the descendants - according to a common definition - of those who inhabited a country or a geographical region at the time when people of different cultures or ethnic origins arrived. The new arrivals later became dominant through conquest, occupation, settlement or other means.
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beneathsilverstars ¡ 3 months
hello for the ask game 9: any theories on stuff unexplained by the game?
I always love theories and thoughts and worldbuilding hcs etc so anything in that vein works :3
I think my favorite little worldbuilding headcanon is that Ka Bue is super chill about aromanticism and asexuality! Not in the same way as irl activism, but it's something that is understood and respected in their ideology, like transgenderism in Vaugarde. So if we combine the powers of everyone in the crew we'll get an entire queer-friendly worldview going lmao!
Maybe... Something about an overarching philosophy of understanding the self? In Vaugard they see the self as something you refine through making, creating and destroying and rebuilding, but in Ka Bue you're supposed to be uncovering and polishing what's already there. And part of that is understanding your position in relation to others, so they have a lot of little descriptive words for flavors of relationships and dynamics, and being the sort of person who seeks those dynamics. Like "oh i'm usually the comedic straight man of the friend group and i seek out jokesters who play well off of that". And that means that nonsexual romance, nonromantic sex partners, QPRs, etc, are all understood dynamics, and various kinds of friend and family and colleague relationships are seen as distinctly important, and being alone is seen as a valid dynamic!
Now that I've typed this out I love it more and more... I was originally just thinking about the metaphor of cutting and polishing a gemstone, but having a lot of little Dynamics that various people may find more or less relevant to themselves is a similar approach to having thousands of Expressions! And it meshes with the transphobia as well - you can describe yourself as having dysphoria but you're not supposed to go and try to change that.
And there's that Odile + Isabeau conversation where she gets really specific about their relationship: "We're not friends, we're associates. Colleagues. Allies at best." And she's obviously joking, but this hc puts some extra weight behind her making that particular sort of joke! Plus she's the one who's like, "I wouldn't call you all friends, that would be weird, we're more like family," and she gets mad about being called the mom. I love the idea that she has Very specific dynamic classifications in mind for her relationship with each member of the crew, and gets pissy that Vaugardian doesn't have the same nuance/connotations!
And this philosophy being the total opposite of the Change belief is so interesting for Odile in particular! It would definitely flavor people's perception of her in Ka Bue - oh, she's one of those fickle Vaugardians who change masks every day and will never truly understand themselves. No wonder she wanted to get actual Vaugardian perspective on their belief. Oh, how lovely it will be for her to synthesize the two extremes, and both discover and create who she is!!
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miss-morland ¡ 1 year
dennis in dtamhd is so bpd recovery coded i feel so much about it <333333
#that shrug gif got me thinking that i know exactly what he’s doing there#like. i absolutely understand the headspace where you’re upset but trying to hold it together because goddammit you are tired of losing it#you attempt to cheerfully push through the thing that’s bothering you and get out on the other side without exploding#the processing out loud where you’re almost having a conversation with yourself. having an internal dialogue out loud.#the big exaggerated movements in an attempt to express his emotions in a more acceptable way#tense and release. tense and release.#he’s trying so hard to laugh things off. he’s trying so hard to make it through those interactions without snapping#when you have bpd you have to find victories in inaction a lot#choosing not to engage in something you really want to. harmful or destructive behaviors#so you’ll be in the midst of an episode just white knuckling it trying not to fly off the handle and self destruct#and then you outlast the storm and you’re still standing there like. wait. it’s over?#it’s over and i didn’t do anything?#and it’s hard to feel like you’ve accomplished something when all you did was not do something. but you did!#it’s fucking hard ok. but you have to try#and goddammit he’s trying. he’s trying#this isn’t really about dennis anymore i guess#thanks glenn howerton for creating and portraying a character i find so relatable#iasip#dennis reynolds#cateposting
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the-monkey-ruler ¡ 8 months
Goodness, jttw will never run out of different ways the story can be expanded. I don’t know if there are any other books like this. I think something that helps is that there’s no ip law and religious people are more relaxed (I mean when Chinese take creative liberties, it gets iffy when it’s non-Chinese).
Xiyouji has been going on strong for nearly 100 years of media! It truly is a work of art that embodies the human spirit and can be adapted and relatable to any generation to any person. Not matter where you are from or how old you are there is always going to be something so human and so touching in Xiyouji that just captures people for years to come.
Here's to another 100 years of Xiyouji media!!
The closest thing I can think of to another book or franchise that is this widely known could be like Shakespeare but that sadly has been teetering in the past few years. I kinda miss the modern adaptions of Shakespearian plays. And they don't even have games so another disadvantage.
It helps that Xiyouji mostly cameos Daoist and Buddhist figures in its story, hence while it does have a lot of religious messages and is a religious pilgrimage leads to a lot of fantastical worldbuilding and a great way for both patheons to be included. The only other story I can think of that has that kind of storytelling in like Dante's Inferno which while it is well-known certainly doesn't have that much of a media presence.
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hecksupremechips ¡ 2 months
My ass was trying so hard not to jump up and down with glee playing yttd with my sister and getting to the shin reveal I was like MY GUY MY FUNNY LAD MY SILLY RABBIT
#the klock keeps ticking#yttd#its like i cant get ahead of myself when talking about him cuz theres still a lot not revealed by the end of ch2 but STILLLL#i was keeping my opinions on characters pretty neutral this whole playthrough though my bias towards gin and kai was very apparent lol#and i did start screaming in agony reliving my worst nightmare joe dying#i dont think my sister was nearly as torn up about it as i was though like god ill still never get over it#the first time i played i actually gross sobbed like maybe i was just sleep deprived but i was inconsolable literally never cried that hard#but yeah we did the second main game today and i was like#‘not trying to persuade your vote but heres one million reasons why we should let shin live ahaha’#i dont think she was very happy with her vote aldnks#but yeah i really am gonna be sooo annoying next time we play im literally gonna bring pages of shin analysis with me that i can gush about#it is an interesting thing this character cuz to me like everything about him is so clear like even from the beginning i just didnt buy#the idea that he was genuinely an asshole i knew there had to have been something more going on#and idk if ive made it clear guys…but hes exactly like me guys hes just like me fr#his story hits so hard it feels like my own self insert which is weird cuz obviously thats not true#but like i feel like its either you get it or you dont and if you dont understand exactly what this character feels cuz you feel it yourself#i feel like so much of him just wont make any sense to you#maybe im just being pretentious idk but like if you cant relate to his abuse and just#very blatant bpd then I feel like youll just judge him on how good or badof a person he is#like it just doesnt feel like itd hit in the same way like when i see this character talking about being hopeless and the way his trauma#makes him act irrationally like god it just clicks so hard it makes so much sense and i can physically feel it through the screen#I MAY BE FERAL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER TO AN ABSURD DEGREE SHHH#basically what im getting at is i feel if i dont over explain everything about this character to other people i fear they just Wont Get It#and that they will be judgmental which idk i guess makes me defensive#anyway yeah i just enjoy getting to re experience the spiral this guy has given me and i will be thinking about it a lot tonight
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nonokoko13 ¡ 11 months
Rollo Flamme is autistic. I had suspicions about it but after reading his vignette I heard a voice in my head confirming it. God has told me the truth and I must spread the word
He would also be ok with Batman, if he's not his most favoured hero. Oh and he also probably has PTSD and depression. Thanks for coming to my ted talk
#twisted wonderland#rollo flamme#twst#okay hear me out#jp spoilers#spoilers of Rollo's vignette❗❗❗#This mf keeps count of each grape he eats. 16. No more. No less.#they could have just generalized and say he eats a bunch of grapes but no. he SPECIFIES how many he eats#+ 2 croissants and a coffee with milk. That's his lunch every single day#(very implied or canon) he always goes to the same store. to buy the same envelope and letter paper < that's canon#he goes through a schedule and he's comfortable having the same routine#one of his hyperfixations is hating mages and magic. another one is his liking towards croissants and grape (comfort foods)#another possible special interest is history. given how he reacts in history classes and how much historical lore he knows of the city#another special interest could be flowers because both in the event and vignette is shown he's exceptionally good at cultivating plants and#i think he mentioned in the vignette one of the things he likes of Fleur city is the landscape tho his con is that the flowers initially --#were cultivated with magic#a perfectionist who brushes it off but his grades and efforts to make everything right despite the questionable morals of his says it all#and the most important thing: it gives me autism vibes#Now about the second statement: he doesn't read comics or scifi in general#but mc explains him some hero lore and talks about a hero who beats villain asses w/o superpowers#and who keeps an eye in every superhero but specially in this guy called superman#because bat believes super is so OP he could make a disaster if he turned to be a bad guy#bat also has reserves of an element that removes superman powers and bets SUPER villains using his brains and weapons he has created himsel#his morals are somewhat different to other heroes and most of them don't understand him but he's ok doing it his own way#and Rollo is sold. No he probably won't ever touch anything related to heroes but this called Batman is right and superior#and most importantly. If MC says Batman is the best with that alone he agrees. With proof he only joins MC more#“Magicless people rule” – Rollo Flamme#the part of Rollo having depression and PTSD or some sort of illness induced by trauma is self explanatory if you have read the event#shut up noko
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britneyshakespeare ¡ 1 year
He won't leave my fucking friends alone.
#tales from diana#sorry this is about that bad friend i have to break up w that ive posted abt on and off the past couple weeks/months maybe#i still have to send him that final 'i dont wanna speak to you ever again'#ive been fucking busy ok. my summer has been full of family events and obligations#i have one brother getting married and the other having a baby!!! i have a LIFE and SHIT TO DO and PPL TO BE THERE FOR other than YOU!!!#i havent spoken to him in over 2 months too and he knows it's bc i don't want to#he's so difficult bc you can't fucking tell him the truth. you can't!!! he can't handle it!!! do you know how hard it is to handle???#the things i have to do to cut him off. because he doesn't respect normal fucking boundaries. make ME feel like im in the wrong#like im the shady person and the liar.#i can't drift from him bc hell pull me back#i can't communicate w him bc he won't hear anything i have to say he'll just turn it around & make it abt himself.#he literally does not understand ppl having motivations to do things that don't relate to him#and he has no sympathy for what he does to other ppl. nothing but self-pity for how they don't like him anymore.#if he dealt w someone who put him through half of what he put ME through. no he couldn't actually.#i only allowed him to manipulate me for so long because i cared abt him. who i thought he was.#and he just point blank period doesn't care about other ppl. so he could never go through what ive gone through w him.#i feel like all this friend breakup has proven to me is that im actually a good person and it can be used against me by ppl who arent#some fucking lesson i needed to learn huh?#i hate feeling as negatively towards anyone as i do towards him. it's so hard for me not to have at least#a little spark of hope deep down for everyone. even ppl ive removed from my life before. i dont HATE them#theyve disappointed me or insulted me or mistreated me but at least their motivations seemed simple and clear#and MOST of them seemed to understand SOMEWHAT that they were in the wrong#even if they don't admit it to me or still find an excuse to hate me. whatever#i can see them as ppl who might feel remorse someday and grow from it#i do not see it in this guy. bc if you have a problem w him he'll only make it 20 times worse.#he's so selfish it genuinely baffles me to think about it. and he's one of the least honest ppl ive ever known.#he'll never see the error of his ways. i do not believe he has that capacity.#and will i say none of this to him? no#im just going to say thanks for leaving me alone these past couple months. it's been good for me.#i don't think i can continue our friendship anymore for my own sake.
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girlyliondragon ¡ 1 year
Real talk the thing about making extremely complicated/complex and flawed characters (especially those greatly based off yourself to the point they're your self-created comfort character) that you've grown to be extremely proud of thinking of their stories, is that you also know that there are people out there that will absolutely villainize the fuck out of them or try to 'reason' that they are completely irredeemable even in instances where they have no control over their life and act accordingly or even are pushed into situations where they didn't want to be to begin with or are even trying to be better than they were before even when they have gone through and still go through moments of relapse like any troubled character would in an attempt to make them feel real and it actually really fucking scares me.
I can't give details, but it's like. It's obvious they, the character, aren't a good person, not as a whole anyways and aren't meant to be, in fact said character sees themselves as the worst to exist because in their eyes they deserve every bit of punishment after everything they've done because they are forced to be stuck in the past and mask themselves unhealthily due to repeated mistakes and not wanting to do them again despite making achievements to move on and be happy and despite some telling them that they're doing a good job despite everything and that they deserve to be happy and meaning it rather than trying to placate them, it's obviously up for people to decide their own perception OF that OC from what they read of their story bits to decide whether they like the character based on what they read of them or not, because flaws and shit like this is very compelling to many, myself included.
But at the same time I'm super nervous about the idea of expanding on said character and showing their maladaptive coping mechanisms and behaviors and bad moments alongside their good moments because a lot of people on the internet, especially the very loud ones have no fucking concept of the varying shades of grey morality in the slightest. Even in cases where they are in fandoms with characters with many different forms of grey morality, like it terrifies me that someone could potentially misread everything and ruin my desire to make this OC I'm vagueing about want to not only move on and be better, even if they have to start from the bottom again sometimes, but redeem and even forgive themselves in their own eyes in the process and start anew, just because people have a black/white mentality that they force onto at the expense of others doing so. It really ruins character exploration and growth.
#Wow RANT Alert#''Emerald what stemmed this?'' I was making an extremely complex and complicated sona's story (Not Sapphire's)#which is something I haven't tried to do ever since I abandoned Emi as one given the bleh I had to go through making hers work#due to outside forces making me feel like shit and like it's not a good idea#so I've finally got the balls to do it again. And even intend on being open about it or at least trying to be#but I'm scared to because people don't know how to read between the lines of what makes a good or bad character#they just automatically assume and don't try to dig or even try to understand that the character's grey for a reason#and that its their actions in the now that define whether they are capable of doing better. Not the past ones#I definitely don't want another fandom sona's story loosely based off of myself to be ruined because of bullshit like that.#since it's now turned into a story of self forgiveness and catharsis for myself which is why I'm so banged up about this#But man does it feel like a huge ticking timebomb#which is a shame because I've literally NOT done complex characters in for fucking ever since last year#I want mess and imperfection and to feel like I did a good job making said character's personal growth and backfires feel real#not feel bad for making them extremely messy and imperfect to begin with just because others don't like it#which is ironic because this character started as my ''ideal'' self. Or about as ''ideal'' as they can be in that world#only to not be and instead be more relatable to me as time went on brainstorming them#I want a character who's life closely mirrors mine. only they actually get their happy ending and can keep going with it.
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lamina-tsrif ¡ 2 years
hhrngrngr (chewing blorbo like a particularly tough piece of jerky)
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jadenvargen ¡ 7 months
free online james baldwin stories, essays, videos, and other resources
James baldwin online archive with his articles and photo archives.
Giovanni's room"When David meets the sensual Giovanni in a bohemian bar, he is swept into a passionate love affair. But his girlfriend's return to Paris destroys everything. Unable to admit to the truth, David pretends the liaison never happened - while Giovanni's life descends into tragedy. This book introduces love's fascinating possibilities and extremities."
Go Tell It On The Mountain"(...)Baldwin's first major work, a semi-autobiographical novel that has established itself as an American classic. With lyrical precision, psychological directness, resonating symbolic power, and a rage that is at once unrelenting and compassionate, Baldwin chronicles a fourteen-year-old boy's discovery of the terms of his identity as the stepson of the minister of a storefront Pentecostal church in Harlem one Saturday in March of 1935. Baldwin's rendering of his protagonist's spiritual, sexual, and moral struggle of self-invention opened new possibilities in the American language and in the way Americans understand themselves."
+bonus: film adaptation on youtube. (if you’re a giancarlo esposito fan, you’ll be delighted to see him in an early preacher role)
Another Country and Going to Meet the Man Another country: "James Baldwin's masterly story of desire, hatred and violence opens with the unforgettable character of Rufus Scott, a scavenging Harlem jazz musician adrift in New York. Self-destructive, bad and brilliant, he draws us into a Bohemian underworld pulsing with heat, music and sex, where desperate and dangerous characters betray, love and test each other to the limit." Going to meet the Man: " collection of eight short stories by American writer James Baldwin. The book, dedicated "for Beauford Delaney", covers many topics related to anti-Black racism in American society, as well as African-American–Jewish relations, childhood, the creative process, criminal justice, drug addiction, family relationships, jazz, lynching, sexuality, and white supremacy."
Just Above My Head"Here, in a monumental saga of love and rage, Baldwin goes back to Harlem, to the church of his groundbreaking novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, to the homosexual passion of Giovanni's Room, and to the political fire that enflames his nonfiction work. Here, too, the story of gospel singer Arthur Hall and his family becomes both a journey into another country of the soul and senses--and a living contemporary history of black struggle in this land."
If Beale Street Could Talk"Told through the eyes of Tish, a nineteen-year-old girl, in love with Fonny, a young sculptor who is the father of her child, Baldwin's story mixes the sweet and the sad. Tish and Fonny have pledged to get married, but Fonny is falsely accused of a terrible crime and imprisoned. Their families set out to clear his name, and as they face an uncertain future, the young lovers experience a kaleidoscope of emotions-affection, despair, and hope. In a love story that evokes the blues, where passion and sadness are inevitably intertwined, Baldwin has created two characters so alive and profoundly realized that they are unforgettably ingrained in the American psyche."
also has a film adaptation by moonlight's barry jenkins
Tell Me How Long the Train's been gone At the height of his theatrical career, the actor Leo Proudhammer is nearly felled by a heart attack. As he hovers between life and death, Baldwin shows the choices that have made him enviably famous and terrifyingly vulnerable. For between Leo's childhood on the streets of Harlem and his arrival into the intoxicating world of the theater lies a wilderness of desire and loss, shame and rage. An adored older brother vanishes into prison. There are love affairs with a white woman and a younger black man, each of whom will make irresistible claims on Leo's loyalty. 
Baldwin essay collection. Including most famously: notes of a native son, nobody knows my name, the fire next time, no name in the street, the devil finds work- baldwin on film
Take this hammer, a tour of san Francisco.
Meeting the man
Debate with Malcolm x, 1963 ( on integration, the nation of islam, and other topics. )
Debate with William Buckley, 1965. ( historic debate in america. )
Heavily moderated debate with Malcolm x, Charles Eric Lincoln, and Samuel Schyle 1961. (Primarily Malcolm X's debate on behalf of the nation of islam, with Baldwin giving occassional inputs.)
apart from themes obvious in the book's descriptions, a general heads up for themes of incest and sexual assault throughout his works.
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sensualnoiree ¡ 1 month
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1st House: The Helm This is where your spiritual energy and identity take the spotlight. The 1st House governs your appearance, personality, and vitality—the essence of how you project yourself to the world. It’s your steez, your approach to life, and the first impression you make on others. The 1st House is all about beginnings, the mask you may unknowingly wear, and how you come to know yourself on a deep authentic level. The captain of this ship is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign residing there.
2nd House: Gate of Hades Your values, self-esteem, and ability to attract wealth are all tied to the 2nd House. This is where your personal resources, possessions, and financial matters come into play. The foods you eat, your saving and spending habits, and your sense of self-worth are all part of this house. It’s where your style and material wealth are rooted, reflecting how you value yourself and what you own. This house represents how you sustain for yourself, how you support all that the first house needs of you to be who you are.
3rd House: Goddess The 3rd House is the domain of communication, early education, and the mind. It governs how you gather and process information, your intellect, and your interactions within your community. This house also encompasses your relationships with siblings, short travels, and technical skills. It’s the space where your to-do list and daily mental activities take shape.
4th House: Subterranean Deeply connected to your roots, the 4th House represents your home, heritage, and ancestry. It’s where your inner life and sense of security are nurtured, influenced by your upbringing and relationship with your parents—especially the mother. This house also relates to land, generational gifts, and knowledge passed down through the family. It’s a space of femininity and the feminine energies in your life. This is the lowest point of the birth chart and can be fairly private and personal-as opposed to the 10th house. It holds up the rest of the chart and is incredibly important in terms of learning about our sense of security/stability emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
5th House: Good Fortune Joy, creativity, and self-expression flourish in the 5th House. This is where you experience the pleasures of life—love affairs, children, art, and entertainment. It’s the house of flirtation, play, and drama, where your passions come to life. The 5th House also governs leisure activities, fertility, and the pursuit of happiness through creative endeavors. A sense of nostalgia lives here too.
6th House: Bad Fortune The 6th House deals with work, health, and daily routines. It’s the space of labor, servitude, and the duties that never seem to end. This house also governs how you care for your body, deal with illness and injury, and interact with employees or pets. It’s where the unexpected challenges in life arise, requiring your attention and resilience. Look here for understanding on what great works you may find yourself committing to.
7th House: Setting Place Relationships take center stage in the 7th House. This is where you finally begin to truly engage with others, forming long-term commitments, whether in marriage, partnerships, or friendships. It’s the house of open enemies, where you face the other in life. The 7th House also governs relaxation, romance, and the deep bonds that define your connections with others.
8th House: The Idle Place Death, transformation, and shared resources are key themes in the 8th House. It’s where you confront karma, contracts, and generational lessons. This house also deals with loans, debts, and the deep psyche—the mysteries and fears that lie beneath the surface. The 8th House is a place of soul material, where you explore the unseen and the unknown. Here, you face all consequences-positive & negative- of the 7th house and the relationships, contracts, and potential enemies made there. This is the house of others esteem of you, opposite of the 2nd.
9th House: House of God The 9th House is your portal to higher knowledge, philosophy, and spiritual exploration. It governs your worldview, ethics, and the pursuit of truth through study, travel, and discovery. This house is where you connect with religion, spirituality, and the higher mind, expanding your understanding of the world and your place in it.
10th House: House of Praxis Your public life, reputation, and career are shaped by the 10th House. It’s where you strive for honor, recognition, and achievements that define your legacy. This house also relates to your relationships with authority figures, particularly the father, and how you navigate the public sphere. The 10th House is where your goals, fame, and business acumen are realized. Sitting at the very top of the chart, like the sun at noon high in the sky, all can see you here.
11th House: Good Spirits In the 11th House, your hopes, dreams, and social networks come to life. This house governs your friendships, group affiliations, and the communities you belong to. It’s where you connect with humanity, receive sudden blessings, and find support in your aspirations. The 11th House is also associated with gifts, riches, and the imagination needed to dream big.
12th House: Bad Spirits The 12th House is a place of retreat, isolation, and self-undoing. It’s where you confront your inner shadows, secrets, and hidden enemies. This house governs institutions, mental health, and the need for solitude or seclusion. It’s also a space of psychological development, where you deal with endings, sickness, and the unseen forces that shape your life journey. This house is in a blind spot to the first house of Self and that is why we can be blind to the very things that reside here. Its not so much that these things seek out to destroy you but any area of your life your are deeply unaware of can come back and disorientate you from who you believe yourself to be.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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pleasefindoutaname ¡ 1 year
- Write a post asking for multiplicity # who don't carry endo / anti endo shit
- Delete the post thinking I'll just block the endo related #
- Browse a bit just to see what i'll miss
- Almost every multiplicity content is tagged as pro or anti endo
Is the choice "don't get the multiplicity content you came to find or get angry with every blogger you want to interact 'cause you don't know which box they would put you in" ?
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pearlprincess02 ¡ 1 month
pluto in a man's birthchart
pluto in 1st house
with pluto in the 1st house, a man often experiences life with intense passion and a profound sense of power and control. his presence can be magnetic, drawing others in while he navigates deep-seated issues of obsession and jealousy. this placement fosters a transformative approach to self-expression, where renewal comes through confronting personal taboos and exploring the subconscious. his sexuality is marked by a powerful, often compelling energy that drives him to uncover and embrace hidden desires and deeper truths about himself. in relationships, this intensity can lead to a dynamic where power plays a significant role, pushing him toward profound personal growth and understanding.
keywords: magnetic enigma, alpha, dark horse, intense lover, power player, obsessive pursuer, transformative leader, taboo breaker, complex anti-hero, passionate visionary.
examples from movies/tv: don draper (mad men), patrick bateman (american psycho), tom ripley (the talented mr. ripley), dexter morgan (dexter), jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
pluto in 2nd house
with pluto in the 2nd house, a man’s approach to life is deeply intertwined with intensity and passion, especially regarding personal values and material security. he often seeks power and control through financial stability and possessions, leading to obsessive tendencies about wealth and resources. this placement can stir feelings of jealousy over material success or status, pushing him toward significant transformation and renewal in his self-worth and values. delving into taboos and the subconscious, he explores deep-seated fears and desires related to his value system and personal assets. his sexuality is characterized by a profound, sometimes all-consuming drive, revealing a need to merge deeply with his desires and those of his partners, transforming both self and relationship dynamics.
keywords: resourceful enigma, possessive tycoon, obsessive collector, transformative financier, taboo-breaking sensualist, passionate materialist, controlling patriarch, 
examples from movies/tv: gordon gekko (wall street), frank underwood (house of cards), walter white (breaking bad), tyler durden (fight club), michael corleone (the godfather),
pluto in 3rd house
with pluto in the 3rd house, a man experiences intense passion and drive in his communication and intellectual pursuits. his need for power and control manifests through his interactions and thought processes, often leading to obsessive focus on his ideas and relationships. jealousy might surface in his exchanges, particularly if he feels challenged or threatened intellectually. this placement fosters significant transformation and renewal through exploring deeply held beliefs and confronting subconscious patterns. he may be drawn to uncover and engage with taboos, especially those related to communication and learning. in sexuality, his approach is intense and transformative, reflecting a deep desire to connect profoundly and intellectually with his partners, reshaping his perceptions and experiences of intimacy.
keywords: intense communicator, manipulative wordsmith, obsessive researcher, transformative thinker, taboo-breaking provocateur, passionate debater, controlling intellect, 
examples from movies/tv: hannibal lecter (the silence of the lambs), john doe (se7en), tony stark (iron man), roy waller (matchstick men), william foster (falling down),
pluto in 4th house
with pluto in the 4th house, a man’s intensity and passion are deeply rooted in his home life and family dynamics. his quest for power and control often centers on creating a secure and dominant presence within his domestic sphere, leading to obsessive tendencies regarding his personal space and family relationships. jealousy may emerge over issues of control or security within the home. this placement drives profound transformation and renewal through revisiting and resolving deep-seated familial and emotional issues. he is drawn to explore taboos and subconscious fears related to his upbringing and emotional foundations. in sexuality, his approach is deeply transformative, seeking to merge his intimate desires with a profound emotional connection, reshaping his understanding of personal and relational intimacy.
keywords: intense patriarch, controlling homebody, obsessive family man, transformative foundation builder, taboo-breaking ancestor, passionate nurturer, 
examples from movies/tv: norman bates (psycho), tyrion lannister (game of thrones), thomas shelby (peaky blinders), tony soprano (the sopranos), frank gallagher (shameless),
pluto in 5th house
with pluto in the 5th house, a man’s intensity and passion are channeled into his creative pursuits, romantic relationships, and self-expression. his desire for power and control often manifests through his creative projects and romantic involvements, leading to obsessive behaviors around these areas. jealousy might surface in matters of love or competition, driving him to confront deeper issues of self-worth and recognition. this placement encourages significant transformation and renewal through exploring and redefining his sources of pleasure and creativity. he may be drawn to uncover and engage with taboos related to self-expression and romance, delving into the subconscious aspects of his desires. in sexuality, his approach is profoundly transformative, seeking to fuse passion with emotional depth, reshaping his experiences of intimacy and personal fulfillment.
keywords: intense charmer, controlling stage presence, obsessive performer, transformative creator, taboo-breaking artist, passionate lover, 
examples from movies/tv: christian grey (fifty shades of grey), james bond (james bond series), joker (the dark knight), david aames (vanilla sky), bojack horseman (bojack horseman),
pluto in 6th house
with pluto in the 6th house, a man’s intensity and passion are deeply intertwined with his work, health, and daily routines. his drive for power and control is channeled into his professional life and personal well-being, often leading to obsessive behaviors regarding productivity and perfectionism. jealousy may arise in competitive work environments or over perceived inadequacies in his routines. this placement promotes profound transformation and renewal through confronting and overhauling old habits and health issues. he is compelled to explore taboos and subconscious fears related to his work environment and daily life. in sexuality, his approach is transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with a deeper understanding of his own needs and those of his partners, reshaping his intimate connections and personal growth.
keywords: intense workaholic, controlling perfectionist, obsessive researcher, transformative healer, taboo-breaking rebel, passionate servant, 
examples from movies/tv: dr. gregory house (house m.d.), michael bluth (arrested development), howard stark (agent carter), elliot alderson (mr. robot), paul atreides (dune),
pluto in 7th house
with pluto in the 7th house, a man experiences intense passion and drive in his relationships and partnerships. his need for power and control often emerges through dynamics with others, leading to obsessive behaviors and deep-seated issues around partnership and commitment. jealousy may manifest in romantic or business relationships, prompting him to confront and resolve underlying fears. this placement fosters significant transformation and renewal through the exploration and redefinition of his relational patterns. he is drawn to delve into taboos and subconscious patterns related to intimacy and collaboration. in sexuality, his approach is profound and transformative, seeking to deeply connect with partners while continuously evolving his understanding of intimacy and personal connection.
keywords: intense partner, controlling manipulator, obsessive lover, transformative union seeker, taboo-breaking rebel, passionate collaborator, 
examples from movies/tv: julius caesar (rome), gordon ramsay (hell’s kitchen), patrick jane (the mentalist), rick sanchez (rick and morty), victor von doom / doctor doom (fantastic four),
pluto in 8th house
with pluto in the 8th house, a man experiences profound intensity and passion in areas related to intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. his drive for power and control often surfaces in matters of joint finances or deep emotional connections, leading to obsessive tendencies and complex dynamics around trust and vulnerability. jealousy may arise over issues of control or emotional depth within relationships. this placement is marked by significant transformation and renewal through confronting and integrating profound psychological and emotional experiences. he is compelled to explore taboos and the subconscious, delving into the darker aspects of his psyche and desires. in sexuality, his approach is intensely transformative, seeking deep, meaningful connections that challenge and reshape his understanding of intimacy and personal power.
keywords: intense enigma, controlling power broker, obsessive investigator, transformative healer, taboo-breaking mystic, passionate lover, 
examples from movies/tv: anton chigurh (no country for old men), nicholas van orton (the game), david (the skin i live in), lestat de lioncourt (interview with the vampire), james bond (casino royale),
pluto in 9th house
with pluto in the 9th house, a man’s intensity and passion are directed towards his pursuit of higher knowledge, philosophical beliefs, and long-distance endeavors. his need for power and control manifests through intellectual and spiritual pursuits, often leading to obsessive exploration of big ideas and ideological frameworks. jealousy might arise in academic or philosophical debates, pushing him to confront deep-seated fears about his beliefs and understanding. this placement drives significant transformation and renewal through a profound reassessment of his worldviews and personal philosophies. he is drawn to uncover taboos and subconscious patterns related to his exploration of meaning and purpose. in sexuality, his approach is intense and transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with a deeper understanding of his own values and how they shape his intimate connections.
keywords: intense philosopher, controlling ideologue, obsessive seeker, transformative visionary, taboo-breaking explorer, passionate idealist, 
examples from movies/tv: richard alpert (lost), professor charles xavier (x-men), clyde shelton (law abiding citizen), frank abagnale jr. (catch me if you can), rick grimes (the walking dead),
pluto in 10th house
with pluto in the 10th house, a man’s intensity and passion are focused on his career, public image, and aspirations for success. his drive for power and control manifests through his professional life, often leading to obsessive behavior in achieving career goals and maintaining a dominant public presence. jealousy may surface in competitive work environments or when confronted with others' success, prompting deep self-reflection and transformation. this placement fosters significant renewal through re-evaluating and reshaping his career path and public persona. he is drawn to explore taboos and subconscious fears related to authority and achievement. in sexuality, his approach is profoundly transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with his ambitions, reshaping his intimate relationships to align with his broader goals and personal power.
keywords: intense leader, controlling visionary, obsessive achiever, transformative titan, taboo-breaking maverick, passionate reformer, 
examples from movies/tv: howard hughes (the aviator), donnie brasco (donnie brasco), j.r. ewing (dallas), bruce wayne / batman (batman begins), hank moody (californication),
pluto in 11th house
with pluto in the 11th house, a man’s intensity and passion are directed towards his social circles, friendships, and long-term goals. his quest for power and control often plays out within group dynamics or through his involvement in social causes, leading to obsessive behavior in achieving his idealistic visions. jealousy might arise in relation to his peers or within social networks, prompting him to confront deep-seated fears about acceptance and influence. this placement drives significant transformation and renewal through a profound reassessment of his role within groups and his aspirations. he is drawn to explore taboos and subconscious patterns related to social interactions and collective ideals. in sexuality, his approach is intense and transformative, seeking to align his intimate connections with his broader social and personal ambitions.
keywords: intense revolutionary, controlling idealist, obsessive reformer, transformative visionary, taboo-breaking rebel, passionate humanist, 
examples from movies/tv: jim morrison (the doors), lenny leonard (the simpsons), george costanza (seinfeld), michael scott (the office), boris yellnikoff (whatever works),
pluto in 12th house
with pluto in the 12th house, a man experiences profound intensity and passion within his inner world and subconscious mind. his need for power and control often manifests through hidden or private struggles, leading to obsessive behaviors around his personal fears and psychological patterns. jealousy may emerge from unseen or repressed emotions, prompting deep self-exploration and confrontation with his own shadow self. this placement fosters significant transformation and renewal through working on internal issues and subconscious material. he is drawn to uncover taboos and delve into the depths of his psyche, exploring hidden aspects of his being. in sexuality, his approach is deeply transformative, seeking to integrate his desires with a profound understanding of his inner self, reshaping his intimate relationships through personal growth and introspection.
keywords: intense recluse, controlling shadow self, obsessive seeker, transformative healer, taboo-breaking mystic, passionate visionary, 
examples from movies/tv: travis bickle (taxi driver), rorschach (watchmen), jack torrance (the shining), david (the omen), donnie darko (donnie darko),
all observations are done by me !!! @pearlprincess02
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mstase ¡ 9 months
☞ you find happiness when you are..
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moon in the houses
MOON IN THE 1ST HOUSE: you find the most joy in being able to freely convey your emotions, forming connections with others, nurturing those around you, recharging in solitude, making independent choices, and trusting your instincts.
MOON IN THE 2ND HOUSE: you experience happiness when you achieve financial stability, can provide for yourself and loved ones, feel secure and worthy, possess numerous assets and possessions, maintain control, and are surrounded by comfort and familiar things.
MOON IN THE 3RD HOUSE: you experience the most joy when expressing your feelings through writing or speech, having someone to talk to, engaging in conversations with siblings and friends, participating in meaningful discussions, reading, learning new knowledge, and feeling stimulated.
MOON IN THE 4TH HOUSE: you find happiness in emotional security, having a safe haven, feeling protected, receiving comfort and nurturing, earning praise from your family, fostering positive relations within your family, and feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance.
MOON IN THE 5TH HOUSE: you experience the greatest joy when expressing your childlike nature, being surrounded by fun people, engaging in creative hobbies, enjoying freedom from responsibilities, expressing yourself dramatically, and feeling recognized and accepted.
MOON IN THE 6TH HOUSE: you find the most joy when you’re productive, sticking to a stable daily routine, offering help to others, accomplishing tasks, receiving recognition for your efforts, maintaining a healthy body, solving problems, and keeping your home well-organized and tidy.
MOON IN THE 7TH HOUSE: you find happiness in companionship, cultivating deep emotional connections, maintaining balanced and fair relationships, mutual understanding, empathizing with others, feeling nurtured, feeling accepted, and having a reliable person to lean on.
MOON IN THE 8TH HOUSE: you find the most joy when you can trust and feel trusted, express intimate emotions, be vulnerable, feel a sense of safety, have secure financial matters, discover secrets, know what motivates people, and establish deep connections with others.
MOON IN THE 9TH HOUSE: you find happiness in mental stimulation, embracing change and variety, experiencing freedom of thought, exploring different places, expanding your knowledge, seeking wisdom, trying new things, embarking on adventures, daydreaming, and learning about diverse cultures and foreign subjects.
MOON IN THE 10TH HOUSE: you find joy in receiving recognition for your career, maintaining a positive reputation, gaining approval from the public, witnessing progress, pursuing a career that resonates with your emotional needs, feeling validated, earning trust, and emotionally connecting with others.
MOON IN THE 11TH HOUSE: you find happiness in forming friendships, establishing connections with like-minded individuals, embracing individuality, feeling involved in a group or community, sharing innovative ideas, helping others, bringing people together, and nurturing harmony within your social circles.
MOON IN THE 12TH HOUSE: you find the most joy in solitude, connecting with your inner self, valuing privacy, residing in a peaceful environment, engaging in artistic pursuits, escaping into imaginative realms, daydreaming, and exploring the hidden things in life.
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