my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
Oooooo I’d say Dorcas. Like Voldemort had to kill her himself, canonically. She’s such a badass and she’s often not given the queen status she deserves.
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outromoony · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
Narcissa, definitely.
I love her so much. She's a character who, like Regulus, was a victim of circumstances and her pureblood family. As the youngest of three sisters, she always felt different—the only one not named after a star, galaxy or constellation, but a flower. And as a flower, she was expected to be delicate, beautiful, and quietly enduring. When Andromeda left, the weight of continuing the family name fell on her shoulders. She married a man she didn't love because she felt trapped.
I love Nobleflower, so, to me, Alice was the little bit of light in her life. Alice taught her how to be a kid when her parents had tried to raise her as a woman. Narcissa was always taught to be quiet, but Alice showed her the beauty in sound. Alice was the first person to see through her. People always expected too much from her, wanted her to be perfect, but Alice saw her as she truly was—flawed, human, and in desperate need of love and freedom.
Years after giving up the love of her life, her oldest sister, Bella, tortures Alice and her husband to insanity. Narcissa can't even grieve her as she deserves because nobody knew about them. Nobody could know. So she just buried her pain deep inside, wearing the mask of the perfect wife and mother.
I think Draco was the only real love she felt after Alice. She loved him with every piece of herself, and we saw how she was willing to do anything in her power to protect her boy. I think she's a character defined by the depth of her love and the lengths she would go to shield those she cares about. She was broken by Andy's departure and Bella's actions, but she could never hate them, not even after everything. And that's the thing, I think she loved her sisters too much because that's Narcissa—she loves too much, and it tears her apart, her greatest strength and her deepest vulnerability.
Narcissa's love for Draco is one of the most profound aspects of her character. She dedicates her entire life to protecting him, often putting herself at great risk to ensure his safety. Her willingness to lie to Voldemort about Harry's death during the Battle of Hogwarts was driven solely by her need to find and protect her son. And I think that's why Narcissa wasn't named after a star but a flower, because unlike stars, which are distant and untouchable, flowers grow amidst the trials of the earth, enduring storms and harsh conditions yet still managing to bloom.
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corwnvus · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
This is so difficult for me because I can talk about Evan all day but I am also getting into snapes gang and Avery is so interesting to me, despite this I am not 100%, confident with how I see him.
With evan rosier there isn't much in cannon about him so most of this is hc or things I have picked up from/taken inspiration from other cc.
To me the twins’ mother was always ill, a disease that made her muscle and bones weaken. The twins both have slight symptoms of the disease but evan never grew old enough to feel the full pain of it unlike his twin. evan resented his mother, he didnt understand her illness and had heard his farther opinion on her illness one too many times, the shame it brought, the weakness it showed.
His farther was a strict man, never physically abusive but never nurturing. The twins grew up swallowed by coldness. They Both thought it effected pandora more, her nervousness, her fear of the darkness or loneliness. They later realised that they were wrong. Evan grew distant from the household, his only connection to it was pandora and a servant boy who was his first crush. He didn't know it then but that is what it was, a crush.
pandora and evan’s bond was like no other, and it only strengthend when they left for school. the two were forced to communicate only with glances and minor facial expressions, their own language which was a mix of french and Hauas, and small touches. They weren't used to so many people, so many eyes watching them.
Evan made friends, or well people he could stand. He didnt feel close to most people. That was until he met a group of friends out side of those he hung out with at the end of 2nd year. Pandora introduced them as regulus, barty and dorcas. He had never been as connected to other people outside of his sister, this was new, this was fun but it became scary very quickly.
He became dependent on them, he craved validation from them, comfort and time, but most of all he craved being wanted. He became close to them so quickly he didn't know what to do with all these emotions. The problem came to a head when he started to have a small crush on the boy who became as close as a brother, barty crouch jr. He was everything evan wanted to be and somthing evan craved to have.
He didn't get him for a long time though. Bartys eyes were always on someone else or on regulus black, another boy he became close with. Regulus was everything he wasn't. Regulus was desirable.
This is what caused him to look around them, they were an odd number, he was the odd number. Pandora clung onto regulus, and barty and dorcas had a dynamic that no one could replicate, he always chose her and she always chose him. They were one of the same despite being so different.
This broke evan, he started to distance himself. Becoming friends with another group, snapes group. He quickly became friends with avery and mulciber. They are the ones who made him aware of a powerful darkness growing. He would talk endlessly with them about tge power they sought for, the power they deserved. He would try to talk to the other about it but he was always quickly shut down by them, the only one who ever had a slight interest in it was barty. They would wisper about it, about getting the mark, hurting people, gaining power.
Later on evan will find out the only reason barty was so interested in it was due to regulus being forced to take the mark. Regulus himself refused to let barty in, condemned him for being interested in it.
Evan tool the make as soon as he could.
The day evan took the make a lot happend. He found out about regulus' death, dorcas casted their friendship away due to the betrayal she felt and barty kissed him. Barty kissed him while crying. Barty kissed him while crying about regulus.
He never fully processed Regulus' death. To evan regulus was this God like figure, somthing that could not be touched let alone killed. He would lie in bed imagining how regulus died, if he died like a coward or died how evan imagined hero's died.
Losing pandora and dorcas was a whole new grief, somthing heavier as it wasn't dead, it would wiggle wrap around him as he suffocated in it. Losing his sister and his friend due to his own actions destroyed him. it killed him.
Evan took all he could get whether that was money, power or love. Evan only had barty for a few years and never fully. He was always sleeping with others, or touring regulus or dorcas. The only time Evan felt he had nearly all of barty was when he was on a mission.
It's poetic that Evan lost himself on one of the only missions barty wasn't with him for. He died having none of him.
Sorry If this was bad, I've never done anything like this before 😅
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theprettieststarfr · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
Look, honest to god - any of the Black sisters. They just aren't talked about enough imho.
Each has a lot of lore to unpack, all are immensely interesting characters, and if we talk so much about Regulus and Sirius (which I have no problem with), then why don't we talk about Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa as much?
Bellatrix: oldest sister, always the one responsible for carrying on the bloodline's values, since there is no male heir in their specific branch of the Black family. The one who bore all the expectations from a very young age, so that her sisters could live more freely, the one who was so determined to do right by what she was taught growing up, she was one of the most powerful wizards on Voldemort's side, dare I say. Smart, bashful, mounding herself into the exact shape she needed to be
Andromeda: ohhhh lord, where do I begin. The one who broke away, Andromeda, whose morals and lawfulness won over her love and loyalty towards the family, who chose love above all else, who was so heartbroken to turn away from her sisters, knowing that the day she leaves that house, she might not see them ever again. The one who fought for peace. The one, who lost her daughter and older sister in one day and who vowed to raise her grandson with so much love he never feels the absence of his parents
Narcissa: the youngest, always so timid, always had to be the picture perfect girl, because she needed to be married off according to her parents. Could only involve herself with the "right" people, engage in the "right" kind of ladylike hobbies, learning to be the perfect wife, criticized for one hair being out of place or one note being played wrong on the piano, being told no one would want to marry her from a very young age when she didn't even understand the concept of marriage. Couldn't be committing to anyone, unless it's for forever, but oh was she loyal. Devoted, emotional and loving, forced to keep a smile on during all times. Loved Draco more than one could imagine, how could she not? It's her son, a piece of her, the one who she fully devoted her time and heart to at the end of it all. I don't think people talk enough about Narcissa as a mother. Tried to avoid the fate of her oldest sister, but ended up in the same circle of people anyway, but even then complied with the rules and didn't let emotions show
Three sisters. Forced to grow up and apart too quick, from being called three peas in a pod, to never seeing each other again.
P.S.: Peter Pettigrew. Yeah I know he was a shit person, but he was THERE. Don't leave him out of fanfiction, there were 4 marauders. 4.
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ohgodwhatdoiputhere · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders :3
evan and pandora definitely
evan because even though he's one of the more popular characters I feel like he gets pushed to the side or is used as a background character. I can't even find headcanons of him
pandora like most of the girls has very little content. but my girl is clinically insane and I love her for it
I just wished there were more fanfics centered around them instead of making them side characters
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lupiinist · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
ooooh, okay, i'm between two characters and another one that i don't know if he's actually underrated or not lol, so i'm gonna talk a bit about all three
first is emmeline vance, i >love< the idea of her, and since she's pretty much a blank canvas in canon, there's a lot of nice ideas to build her up! particularly, i like writing/drawing her as a ravenclaw (that's my personal little headcanon), typical pretty girl, but also a little more on the buff side, very smart, a bit sarcastic, i like to think she's cunning, a little rough on the edges, but a big softie, "slumber partie with unicorn stuffed animals" type of girl, her favorite color is red, but she looks gorgeous in blue, i headcanon her as half japanese, and she likes doing stuff with her hair, everyday is a different, creative hairstyle
second is emma vanity, my little gremlin! there's also very little of her in canon, so she's pretty much a headcanon character, too. i like to write her as energetic, rough, a little prideful, but also the type that would do anything for her friends, she's a short queen and a natural born leader (i still don't have enough headcanons about her)
last one (i swear) is evan rosier, and i'm not sure if he's actually underrated, but that's because i like to dig up stuff about him, so i see/read stuff about him pretty often. he's the love of my life, my favorite little mess of a human being, i love how the fandom has given a character that only has like, a name, so many cool traits of personality, i love anger issues evan, i love wannabe doctor who opens things up to study them evan, i honestly just like so many things about him!
ok, that was long, and i don't know if that actually answers the question, but i had such a blast writing all this, thank you so much for asking!
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telephonedear · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
oooh this is fun. defiantly sybill or evan.
firstly, sybill is just so interesting to me. everyone thought her to be crazy and erratic in the books, when she was actually a seer the whole time. i love her whole vibe, even if she’s really weird. she’s so passionate about her job, even though she’s judged for it. plus her whole aesthetic is immaculate. i wish there was more content about her
and then evan. he’s more popular than sybill, but only cause he’s part of the slytherin skittles. he’s perceived in so many different ways, too, which i find really interesting. he ranges from a chill, level headed and smart guy who’s probably a stoner to a crazy, obsessed possible psycho. honestly, why can’t he be both?
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
I want to say Mary Macdonald. Because not much is known about her, especially in the books. Only mentions in the Harry Potter books, and we can assume that she was close with the marauders or knew them through Lily since she knew Lily and was also a Gryffindor
Plus, the popular headcanon that she obliviated herself during the war. To do something like that to yourself and if her friends saw her on the street and tried to see how she was doing, but she didn't remember them is heartbreaking yet interesting.
I want to see more headcanons on Mary and what her life is like with the marauders and if she slowly comes back to the wizarding world or not. The fans do it for everyone else.
Anyway, thanks for asking the question, anon
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annabtg · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders :3
Severus Snape.
As far as Marauders era stories go, he is by far the most underrated. We know so much about him, he is such a perfect antagonist for the original Marauders, and yet every time we get a story about the Slytherins of the era, he is nowhere to be seen. People will write stories about Sirius's little brother or some Ministry guy's son with abandon and ship everyone with everyone, but where is Snape? Where is that poor, abused boy from Cokeworth, who had a Muggleborn friend? How did he get radicalized, who were his friends, what was he doing when apparently the rest of the Slytherins were having sex all over the spectrum and smoking weed and destroying Horcruxes?
He's smart, witty and all-around a fascinating personality with lots of depth and contradictions. I suppose he's just too much for most people around the Marauders fandom to handle.
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crimsonlovebartylus · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
edgar bones.
he's my favorite yet i can't explain him? all i know that he's my bisexual king. that man has no straight in his bones. he's also not your A Typical hufflepuff, like sunshine coming out his ass. no, i see him as emo/nu metal vibes. dude is cover in tattoos, wearing eyeliner to day ends. he is really nice, but if you piss him off he will punch you in the throat.
edgar is loyal, patience and believes in justice.
and to finish this off, he's dating evan rosier. ok thanks
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number1abbasupporter · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
my girl pandora i feel is def a bit underrated. people write her to being like luna which i understand but there’s so much more to her. she has the strangeness of luna but also she has spunk. i’m v bad at explaining this but just believe me 🙏🏼 pandora is my queen
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marylily-my-beloved · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
Honestly imo I feel like sybill is rlly underrated and she's pretty cool ngl. she has a lot of potential for fanfics and also the fact that shes a seer is really interesting, and i want to make more headcanons for her lol.
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goldenbi · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders :3
I think probably Andromeda. She’s SO INTERESTING! The Black sisters in general each have such interesting stories but Andromeda gets the least attention. She did the same thing as Sirius (get away from her family) with the additional marriage to a muggleborn and have a child with him!! And @thistlecatfics was talking about this recently on discord, but, she looks nearly identical to Bellatrix so that Harry mistakes her for Bella when they first meet. And as thistlecat said, that’s after YEARS of being apart. Over a decade, with Bella being in Azkaban and Andy being with her family. They must have been so similar as kids. And they turned out so different! AHHHHH anyway I love her.
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del-stars · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
okay love this!! she's def not the most underrated but she is MY favorite & that is marlene mckinnon. she is Very Personal To Me so here's my essay:
marlene loses a lot of her teenage years to just like. depression and anger at the world and being dissatisfied with herself. my girl is just constantly mad. she fights a lot with her parents (why can't you just go back to being our sweet little girl?) and gets too mad about quidditch (why do you care so much?) and she has no idea why. she wants to be different, wants to be the girl her mom wants her to be, and yet she just can't. she's a force to be reckoned with, she's all hard edges and split knuckles, she's the best beater at hogwarts and she doesn't take shit from anyone, but sometimes she looks in the mirror and wonders how she got this way. she looks at the first-year girls, all smiles and bows in their hair and giggles, and wonders if it's going to happen to them, too.
and then she graduates. and she's excited to leave hogwarts, to leave that part of herself behind, to grow up and get better. she expects this big, bright world where she can change herself and become someone that she actually likes. the glimmer fades very quickly when she realises that she's stuck in the middle of a war, and there's no time for healing when you've got to do so much fighting. but she's going to do it. she has this determination to be better, to be different, to stop blowing up at people and start being more levelheaded and even get along better with her mom. she's got her entire life ahead of her, she's got every opportunity to ditch the angsty teen girl act and be someone good. there is a marlene in the distance, at the end of her twenties, who looks in the mirror and is happy with what she sees. she just has to make it there.
and so, when she hears peter's laughter ringing down the halls of her family home, hears the sounds of her parents' and brothers' bodies hitting the floor, hears the footsteps thundering toward the bathroom she's locked herself in, her first thought is not yet. she's going to get better, she has to fucking get better, and now it's all going to be cut short. she just doesn't get the chance. she doesn't ever meet that marlene at the end of the road. she dies a lost 21 year old, and nobody ever gets to find out who she was going to become.
maybe i am,,, projecting onto her as a 23 year old girl but she is the patron saint of twentysomething girls to me. confusion, clawing desperately at your soul to try and find yourself, wondering if you'll ever be better than you were at seventeen. and i can't think of anything sadder than not getting to survive this phase of my life, putting all this work in and never getting to see the outcome of it.
in conclusion: they all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if i don't?
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rewritingcanon · 8 days
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
also yeah jkr is so greasy and so loser
idk if andromeda and ted would be considered underrated, but if so then definitely them. i also love emmeline vance and sybil trelawney
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rmoony12 · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
Omg I love this question!!
I'm currently obsessed over the "leftover gang" (named by me), which are Sybill Trelawney, Pandora Lovegood, Xenophilius Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew.
Someone on tt said she said she calls them "the Orchids" ( "The flower symbolism associated with the orchid is love, beauty, refinement, many children, thoughtfulness and mature charm."), and I actually really like it.
Xenophilius - his aesthetic is the best and is so fun to create mood boards for him, he's such a mad hatter variant. He is such an interesting character and although it's not canon that he's a malfoy, It makes perfect sense and it has so much potential for angst.
Sybill - again, super interesting character, the fact that she predicted the prophecy and yet no one talks about her is wild to me. And everyone making Pandora a seer when we already has one?? Common, give her credit.
Pandora - yes she's not that underrated and people do talk about her, but I personally don't like the HC that she's friend with the Slytherins, and I also don't HC her as a rosier. I feel like People usually talk about her only in the context of Evan or Regulus, and I don't like it cause she's a person on her own.
Last but not least, Peter - yes, he's in the marauders, he already has a friend group, but I ship Crystalrat (Peter x Sybill) and I think he would get along with them really well. But it's not a replacement for the marauders. He is a marauder. He's part if them and the fandom exclude him all the time and it drives me crazy. He deserves so much better.
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