#undergrad internship
tetedump · 1 year
omg congrats on getting into a grad school program! I am trying to go down a similar career path and i was wondering if you could talk a little about the experience you got during undergrad that helped you get into this program? Thank you:))
thank you!! <3
getting experiences were fairly tricky for me bc of covid, so it shouldn't be as hard for you, hopefully!! i didn't actively seek out research experience, i was primarily looking for clinical experience, but having the research experience was super helpful and i ended up really enjoying it (although i definitely don't want to continue down that road professionally).
for clinical experiences, i reached out to my clinical psych professor (honestly hated her, but she put me in touch with this organization where she was being trained which was the most phenomenal experience, so we're very grateful to her for that) and asked what organizations she thought might have summer internships for undergrad students. if you're looking in NYC, i can give you a few suggestions on places where you could start looking! <3 i ended up interning at this private practice for 2 years because they let me keep coming back—i got to learn things on the admin side, got my first experiences interacting with clients and parents in a clinical sense, and got practice talking with supervisors both getting/receiving feedback and asking questions.
for research experience, i emailed literally every single psychology professor at my school and asked if they had any research they needed assistance with (and, i said 'if not, would you be able to recommend another faculty member that I could reach out to? i'm very interested in gaining research experience!'). thankfully, the one who had an opening had work that i was happy to do! and i've stayed on that on and off for 2 years as well, because it's been easy, interesting, and super cool to be able to literally be writing the final research article now to be submitted to journals, after having done the clinical interviews 2 summers ago at the very beginning of the project:)
please let me know if you have any questions/if i should elaborate about any of these experiences!
i do not think you need either or both of these experiences to pursue psychology. I do think a lot of places like to see that you have experience. it's absolute shit that a lot of these experiences are unpaid. there are definitely scholarships and grants you can apply for, but that doesn't minimize the unpaidness of the work you're doing. if i can help at all, please let me know!!! <3 excited for you to explore this:)
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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24/03/24 || Sunday
I got a summer internship! And at such a wonderful time, too. Recently I had been feeling so overwhelmingly stupid, cause my grades don't seem to want to go up, and I had lost all motivation to do work. But with the conference and this internship, my passion for research is back up again, and I am so glad!
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kokoasci · 3 months
you should definetly make a webtoon with ur OCS!
i’ve thought about it !! i think it’d be fun but i’m already spread so thin i don’t think i’d have the time to give it what it deserves
i might make comics and stuff though, i’ve also wanted to make a manga style oneshot for another story idea for ages now
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megumi-fm · 11 days
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benbamboozled · 1 year
I still can’t believe Tom Taylor gave Dick Grayson a law degree.
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One thing that drives me to stay in my profession is that I want to be a mentor for other people who have/had similar situations as me.
Like there are NOT enough latinos in law (especially women) let alone in IP and specifically patent law because you have to have a degree in STEM. So there's already a huge barrier to entry right there. And then you have to do law school, and then you have to take the bar, and then ALSO take the patent bar. The barriers to entry keep growing with little to no guidance on how to navigate them.
And do you know how hard it was to find another latin person in IP to ask questions and get advice from when I was in law school? And this was as an active board member in my school's latin american law students association that had a huge alumni network in a very diverse city.
And even further, I went to community college after high school and then transferred to a 4-year. I still have not met a single attorney that also went to a cc.
So like, idk maybe I'm just on my soap box but I wanna be that mentor that I couldn't find.
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lightpickles · 4 months
Mistel & Iris on Oak Tree Times!
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Of note:
Mistel is canonically a handsome and beautiful boy :^)
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villainanders · 1 year
what if I went back to school to become an elementary school teacher…….
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bluesidedown · 1 year
Friends, I have submitted the Final Paper.
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macyhaven · 6 months
my toxic trait is thinking my life is going to change by the time i'm 30
i'll be able to forget my 20s and act like none of it even happened
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studyblr-perhaps · 14 days
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18/06/24 || Tuesday
As much as I complain about it, this internship has taught me more in two weeks than I have learnt probably all my life. Research is fun, truly, and I hope I get to see more fruits of my labor soon.
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not-your-enph-student · 9 months
Screaming into the void because I like a boy!!!!!! I danced with him (drunkenly) and it was probably the most romantic thing EVER (even more than when I was with my ex) AND NOW THIS GUY WONT EVEN LOOK AT ME ??? I think maybe he’s just v e r y shy but BRO SO AM I????
But what if he doesn’t like me? And he just was also drunk? BROOOO IDKKKKK
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i messed up the stupid multimedia essay comic for the fellowship application because procreate doesn’t remember undo and i didn’t back up all my lineart as a procreate file bc i NEVER have to do that (the mistake happened in coloring on the first page and it’s. kind of unsalvageable because i would have to apply that to the rest of the pages and i just feel so sick that i don’t even want to try anymore.)
it’s less than six days out from the deadline and i’m just ready to take the L. i’ve never felt more like crying in my life and my stomach hurts and i feel like shit that i feel like shit at all because look i don’t have much of a chance for this fellowship anyway so i’m trying not to get emotionally involved. but it’s a chance to work on the a320 however slim and i have this stupid hope that maybe i’ll succeed despite being woefully underqualified in my view and… sigh. picking my battles never felt so awful
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glittertimes · 1 year
I turned 24 yesterday and I think this is the first time I’ve been excited to be older rather than terrified of it
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daisywords · 9 months
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