#and they just assume im a well off adult
macyhaven · 10 months
my toxic trait is thinking my life is going to change by the time i'm 30
i'll be able to forget my 20s and act like none of it even happened
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tkbrokkoli · 5 months
passed to a stranger for the first time ever yesterday c:
#not fandom related#personal log stardate#so it's not like ive not ever passed before like in my early teens i was read as a boy when being w other boys#but since being an adult it has never happened. ppl probably just read me as a butch lesbian#anyway yesterday i was at a concert and before going inside everyone's bag was checked and we were being pat down#ppl being read as men were pat down by men and ppl being read as women by women. not ideal#so i assumed i would be read as a woman so i went to one of the women but she looked at me and gestured for me to go on to one of the men#that rly caught me by surprise bc i dont think ive changed that much on T just yet. been on it only for almost 5 months#i do have some more hair on my chin and upper lip but that's only visible when up close. im letting my hair grow out rn as well#so ig i must be giving off the right ~vibes~ now or whatever. i was dressing the same as ive been for years too#made me giddy w happiness tbh#i know passing isnt the one and only and some ppl never pass and ig just bc ive passed to that lady yesterday#doenst mean ill pass to other ppl but it was a nice little moment for me personally#especially bc at the beginning of the year i had a horrible hair dresser appointment that left me super dysphoric#bc despite having booked a men's cut i was not read as a man at all. in fact after the appointment when i wanted to pay#the lady was like 'you booked a men's haircut but you're not a man right?' uuuughhghhgnnghjghjghjghjk
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
You know people talk a lot of shit about 9-5 jobs but if I've learned anything over the years it's that I actually think work would be significantly less stressful for me if I had a stable schedule I could depend on staying the same rather than the scheduling I've had my entire working life, which is fuckin whatever hours land on the paper days nights or fuckin five am inventory wakeup calls and that's fucking exhausting lmao. It's so hard to plan a life when you never know what you're working two weeks from then, or when I worked at Cineplex, literally two fucking days before the work week started and only a week's worth of schedule, which should be illegal in my opinion because it becomes even more impossible to plan fuckin anything when you only have 7 days of a work schedule.
I'm kind of tired of jobs expecting me to bend over backwards with my hour availability but not even giving me enough time to have a schedule to plan anything around it like fuckin Drs appointments, weddings since I know two engaged people, emergencies, or even much needed mental health days. But no, I have to bend over backwards and offer all of my day up to a job in hopes of getting enough hours to live and the hours aren't even a stable schedule I would find genuinely more calming in my life in part because I'm a huge routine person and a job routine means I can settle the rest of my routines instead of forcing them around whatever dipshit hours I got this week.
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vangelini · 3 months
Boyfriend For The Night (Part 2) | Spencer Reid x Reader
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Part 1, Finale!
Summary: After a few too many drinks, Spencer takes you back to your place, and you say something you might regret when you sober up…
Tags: fluff, more pining idiots, BAU!Reader, Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Words: 2.3k (whoopsie)
“Reid is my boyfriend, for the night,” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink. It was, supposedly, just for the night, but Spencer liked the sound of that.
And, admittedly, so did you.
“Just for the night?” Morgan laughed, his bright, white smile teasing you two.
“Well, we’ll see how he does and go from there,” you joked. Reid couldn’t help but laugh a little at your comment.
“Well, I intend to impress,” he rubbed his thumb along the back of your hand, laughing under his breath while looking down at you. Penelope hit Morgan on the shoulder, drawing his attention toward Reid’s little look of love. He just laughed, turning back to his conversation with Hotch.
“Those two are so screwed.”
The night went on as one usually does. Some of the team split off into different games, dancing, or their own little conversations. You and Spencer were of the latter group.
“I can’t explain WHY The Princess Bride is my favorite movie, it just is!” You feigned defensiveness, leaning into the seat behind you, laughing. “Why don’t your profile it out of me,” you smiled at Spencer. He laughed, taking a drink of his club soda.
“Fine,” he set his drink down, turning to you. “I think…” he leaned down, leveling his eyes with yours, glancing between both of your irises. “I think it’s probably because, ever since you were a child, you’ve been escaping with fantasy,” he sat up. “It would be safest to assume you identify with Buttercup, that you long for someone close to you to come sweep you off your feet and solve all your problems,” he narrowed his eyes. You looked gently up at him. “But,” he sighed, leaning back. “Knowing you, I’d say you like Westley,” he smiled. “You grew up less wealthy and have worked your whole life to protect the people you love. It’s a movie that makes you believe there’s hope in the world,” he took a long sip of his drink.
Your jaw hung open in shock. “When did you learn so much about The Princess Bride,” you smiled, leaning your head on your hand.
“Garcia made me watch it,” he shrugged, laughing.
“Okay, fine…” You took a sip of your drink, head spinning a little. “So what’s your favorite movie, then, hm?”
He didn’t hesitate before responding, like he had clearly been wanting to talk about it. “L’age D’or,” he spoke with his hands. “It’s a-a seminal surrealist film that was actually co-written by Salvador Dali,” he smiled wide. “It used Dali’s classic absurd style and shocking imagery to critique the bourgeoisie and the Catholic Church. It, uh, was so controversial, actually, that it led to riots and bans,” he continued on about vignettes and taboos, but you just stared at him with a smile, eyes glazed over with pure adoration. Some time after he went on about Luis Buñuel’s other works, you realized you were absolutely whipped for this nerd.
You must have been off in la-la-land, because Reid got a little closer to you to get your attention. “Are you okay?” You snapped up.
“What, yeah, I’m good,” you smiled, smoothing down your slacks. “I’m gonna get another drink,” you smiled nervously, standing up a little too quickly. You stumbled a little, causing Reid to reach out and steady you with his hands. Morgan noticed.
“Hey, Pretty Girl, how many of those have you had?” He gestured to your glass.
“Probably too many,” you smiled half heartedly, realizing you were likely a little more than tipsy. You also started to notice how tightly Spencer’s hands steadied you. “It’s getting late, anyways, I’ll go call a cab,” you started to reach for your phone, but Spencer stepped in.
“Hey, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Pretty Boy is right,” Morgan added. “Someone should take you home.”
“Guys, Im an adult, I don’t need a babysitter,” you laughed, speech slightly slurred. Yeah, you were definitely drunk.
“It’s fine, I can take her home,” Spencer gave a tight-lipped smile to Morgan. He turned to you, ignoring Morgan’s small, concerned smirk. “It’s not safe to go home alone while inebriated,” he took his hands off of you, and you noticed how he flexed them a little. Interesting. You would have to analyze that in the morning, maybe when you weren’t so intoxicated. He pulled his crossbody bag over himself and grabbed your hand, leading you from the booth. “I’m still your boyfriend, for the night,” he smiled.
You couldn’t help but giggle at him.
“Okay, okay, whatever, pretty boy,” your hand tightened around his. The nickname felt different, coming from your lips, he thought. Somehow, it seemed like less of a nickname and more of an observation. He shook it off. “I don’t live far from here, we can walk,” you spoke as you both stepped out of the bar, the biting cold air hitting your skin. You wrapped your arms around Spencer’s, his biceps wrapped up nicely by his cotton sweater. You smiled, and, you couldn’t see it, but so did he.
“Sounds good,” he barely squeaked out, just content to be settling into your touch.
The walk was peaceful, passing by a river or a park, street lights illuminating the sidewalk. They cast a warm glow on the night, shining in Spencer’s eyes, glimmering as he glanced down at you stumbling by his side. The breeze was slightly shielded by Spencer’s towering figure. He relished the feeling of your grip, a sense of security he didn’t know he craved. And, for a moment, it really did feel like you two were a couple.
He helped you up the steps to you apartment. “Such a gentleman,” you joked. He laughed lowly.
“I’m trying to make sure you don’t eat concrete, but if you’d rather I didn’t-”
“I’m kidding, i’m kidding~” you slurred out, pulling out your keys. It danced around the lock a few times, since your vision was blurred, but with some help from your temporary boyfriend, the door pushed open and you were met with the warmth of your apartment. You couldn’t help but sigh, throwing yourself down on the couch. Spencer locked the door behind the two of you, watching you kick off your shoes.
“You should take your contacts out before you fall asleep,” he put his bag down. “Sleeping with them in can increase your risk of infection up to eight times,” he more than scurried over to your kitchen, filling you up a glass of water.
“Speeence, that’s so much work,” you threw a throw blanket around your arms.
“I know, sweetheart, but I don’t want you coming in to work tomorrow with dry eyes and corneal damage,” he set the glass down on the coffee table, kneeling in front of you. You were so tired, you didn’t notice the nickname. He didn’t seem to, either. “Come on, you need to take them out,” he reached for your arm, taking a hold of your wrist. His voice was gentle, laced with a genuine concern, and his touch was reverent. As you looked down to where his sturdy hands held you, you realized, for a moment, how deeply you cared for him.
He knew alcohol made your inhibitions nonexistent, but he didn’t expect you to start crying. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong,” he grabbed the side of your face, wiping a tear off your cheek. His hands were just so soft, it made you tear up more.
“I-I don’t know,” you sobbed out. You really didn’t know.
“Hey, it’s okay, drink this,” he handed you the glass of water. As you took a sip, he moved his hands to your knees, soothing small circles into them. “Why are you sad?”
You sniffled, looking down at his face. His brows knitted together, eyes beaming up into your own. You could have SWORN you saw his heart beating against his sweater. “Because I love you being my boyfriend, and I’m tired of pretending I don’t,” you were a little embarrassed, but you were drunk, so it barely mattered.
Spencer’s heart rate spiked, and a rosy tint started rising in his face. “You don’t mean that,” he soothed, voice just above a whisper.
“I do,” you looked straight into his eyes. They were glazed over in something you couldn’t describe and probably never would.
“According to research, a-about 63% of people have admitted to saying something they regret while intoxicated,” he reasoned out, holding onto your hand.
“Another study found that 54% of those confessions are things they genuinely feel, Spence,” he realized you clearly weren’t out-of-it enough to not hit him with his own statistics. He couldn’t speak, and he really couldn’t think either. His adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, eyes dancing around your face. His heart jumped up and down as an innocent desire swept through his veins.
Did you really mean that? Was he not the only one who stole small glances in the bullpen? Was he not alone in his heartbreak when watching someone else flirt with you? Surely, this was a symptom of the alcohol. Maybe-
“It’s so hot in here,” you broke the silence, breaking away from him. He swallowed hard, eyes moving hesitantly away from your face.
“I’ll uh, I’ll change your thermostat,” he stood up, moving towards the hall.
“Thank you, Spence,” you lied down, sniffling once more.
He gave up on having you take out your contacts or change your clothes. He just spread another blanket over you, shutting off the lights. He even took the liberty of setting your alarm. Before he left, he heard you mumble a small, “Good night, Spence.”
He smiled, sighing.
“Good night.”
“Hey, Pretty Girl, didn’t have too much fun last night, did you?” Morgan laughed. He couldn’t see you rolling your eyes under the sunglasses that shielded you from another migraine.
“Ha-ha,” you set your stuff down. “That’s me laughing at your funny joke.”
“Honestly, I’m shocked you didn’t show up with Boy Genius, this morning,” he crossed his arms. “Leaving together from the bar, going back to your place-“
“Derek, nothing happened,” you huffed. At least, you THOUGHT nothing happened. The events of the last twelve hours were an honest blur.
“Okay, okay, I yield,” he threw up his hands, going back to his own work. You turned to see Spencer walking in at about the same time.
He had replayed your words in his mind about a thousand times, maybe more. Did you really mean it when you said you loved having him as your boyfriend? Maybe you said that to every guy who took you home drunk. He thought going through all the possibilities would make it easier to face you, in the morning. He proved himself wrong.
You pulled off your glasses, standing up. As he sat down at his desk, you leaned over it.
“I wanted to say thank you for last night,” you spoke softly, not out of secret, but out of vulnerability.
“It’s no trouble,” he smiled. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safe,” he looked up at you, moving some files around his desk.
“I really, really appreciate it,” you spoke apologetically. “I wasn’t too much… trouble, was I?” You smiled nervously. “When i’m inebriated, my inhibitions tend to…” you trailed off, trying to find the words.
“Disappear?” He smiled, laughing a little.
“You weren’t any trouble,” he reassured you, voice steady. “Actually, it was,” he smiled. “It was nice.”
“Nice?” you laughed, feeling your headache melt away at his soft voice.
“Being able to take care of you,” he defended playfully. “I don’t usually get to do that; it’s usually the other way around,” he tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, looking up at your soft smile. “There was something I wanted to talk about, though…” Your heart skipped a beat.
“Crap, did I do something weird last night? I’m so sorry, if I did, I never-“
“No, no, nothing like that,” he laughed nervously. “You uhm…” he grabbed the back of his neck. He wanted to know if you really felt the same way he did. He wanted to know if you would hold his hand like that while sober. He wanted you. “Would you like to, maybe, get together sometime again?” He squeaked out, smiling shyly. “Maybe, this time, without the alcohol?” You smiled at his offer.
“I absolutely would, Spence,” you giggled out, tapping a nail habitually on the screen dividing your desks. He sighed a sigh of relief.
“Cool,” he pursed his lips together in a smile.
“Cool,” you mirrored him subconsciously.
Maybe it wasn’t just for the night.
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cussima · 25 days
i shifted accidentally for the first time last night 😭
it wasn't my first time shifting, but it was my first time shifting on accident to a reality completely unknown to me 😭 Anyway here's that (long, quite detailed) story time !! (with reaction pics of course 😋)
i was so tired last night, and i had to wake up at 7AM today, i wanted my mind to be quiet so i could fall asleep easily and not have any vivid/random dreams (they make it so i can't rest well)
my subconscious with a different plan:
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i remember being asleep here, lying on my bed and the darkness of my room, and all of the sudden i was standing in front of a white haired professor in a school in JAPAN !!!
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now I don't have any japanese drs, or am close to anything japanese for that matter (i dont watch anime, etc etc) i think maybe i thought how i'd like to go to a tokyo grand prix for five seconds yesterday but that was it 😭 there was absolutely no reason for me to have woken up in a different country AND AT A SCHOOL !! for that matter like i genuinely have no idea what happened.
the professor just talked about how i was new and my professors, and classmates, and all (i don't remember exactly what he said but when i woke up i knew it was an introductory "welcome to this school talk) and sent me to a classroom where i got way too worked up about a sexist mf, i kinda yelled at him for being sexist and the shit he was saying.
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(i didn't YELL i confronted him and told him his ideology was stupid and might've given him (thrown...ish) some stuff to him but it was on topic i promise it was more like i landed him... some trash... like i put it at his feet for him to pick up okay, let's move on)
then i left that class !! but it was just as other classes were about to begin and another guy that had been in that class with me dragged me into another classroom because he had liked me (he didn't say it but he was rlly nice to me so i assumed he liked me) (liked me as in yk he didn't hate me after the whole class confrontation, i just had so he wasn't as bad as that other mf !!, im not saying he fell in love w me just in case anybody gets confused) (also the classroom wasn't empty he just had another class and dragged me along with him)
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in that classroom he told me to put my hood on (i was wearing a black cotton jacket with a hood on it, we didn't have uniforms) and to not draw too much attention to myself (it was an all boys class, so if the professor found out im a girl she would've kicked me out and tbh idk what i would've done 😔)
and then the teacher came in, (i wanna describe her bc she was sooo,,, teacher core LMAO she had a big nose, glasses, red hair up, burgundy sweater and a white sort of lab coat thingy) introduced the class, and said she was going to play a movie, closed the class curtains and that's when i started remembering i had shifted here.
she played the movie (looking back at it now, i think they might've picked up from where they had left off in a previous class)
it was a movie with rupert grint where he was an adult and he had discovered like a magical realm, i remember i thought of harry potter (bc of rupert) and knowing that had never existed there, he had never been ron. There was also a blonde woman (gorgeous long blonde hair kinda looked like tilda swinton) and a little girl that was somehow related to Rupert's character.
I realized that movie didn't exist in this reality and that's when I sort of began panicking and remembered i had Actually shifted there
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I decided to check my 5 senses but then I realized I don't know the steps to do it....
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like i have to 5 what 4 what 3 what 2 what 1 what
so i just touched the desk where i was sitting, i touched the paper from the boy's notebooks and more stuff i can't remember, i remember wanting to touch the pencils inside the pencilcases but I couldn't be loud + those weren't mine !! and then i breathed in a couple times
and then i opened my eyes here again
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now I know that stuff really doesn't work for me it just brings me back to my dr, because im just trying to remember what the tiktok i saw on this reality about the 5 senses method said 😭
something i didn't mention is that when I walked into the second classroom, i got nervous when i realized it was an all boys class. I don't know what the class was on, i was looking around frantically, the curtains surprised me they were dark and i had never seen dark gray curtains in a classroom (what a stupid culture shock 😭)
when the teacher came in i put my hair on my eyes to FAKE A FRINGE !!! I didn't listen to her at all when she began the class, and then another guy with big blue eyes was mouthing something to me and the boy behind me, the boy i was with said "he's deaf just read his lips"
so now im nervous as fuck about not being able to read his lips and looking like an asshole that doesn't want to talk to deaf people
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all while trying not to get kicked out of this class !!
it was A Lot of information to take in 😭 no wonder i shifted back i was being silly af
also THEN i shifted to a reality where my phone had barely charged (it had a decent amount of battery after i shifted, it went from 75% at 5AM when i woke up from my shift to 25% at 7AM)
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shaunamilfman · 10 months
Being Lottie Matthews Controversially Young Girlfriend
Adult Timeline Headcanons
nsfw mention
you and lottie definitely have a meet-cute moment at the farmers market. love at first sight fr she's trying to get you to move in the wellness center within the month. “but y/n if you live in the dorms again you'd be here all the time anyways. Just move in 😁. it's cheaper that way.”
coming home after a long day to see Lottie laying in bed and just burying your face in her cleavage. She's surprised the first time you do it, nearly dropping her book and tries to catch you thinking you've fallen, but she's gotten so used to it now that she doesn't even react. she sets her book down gently on the nightstand and runs her hands soothingly through your hair. 
she has absolutely no shame about dating you despite the large age difference. she's hyping you up to her cult wellness center members talking about how good you're doing in college and shit. “yeah 😁 she really aced that exam she was worried about 😁😁”. she got one of those stickers like “my girlfriend goes to x college”. 
she def packs you lunch and stuff to take with you. lottie can't cook for shit but she can make a mean sandwich. you're like “i only have one class today.” and she's still shoving snacks into your bag lmao. 
im convinced lottie is a bit of a technophobe so she's consulting your ass on everything. you get woken up in the middle of your nap to go turn the wellness center computer off and on again. you spend 20 minutes trying to talk her through sending an email before you give up and type it yourself while she dictates. she looks particularly smug after that one, so you think she may have gotten one over on you. she's so genuine most of the time that you're never quite sure. 
Lottie's a lot older than you but I really don't think she'd have all that much sexual experience given her circumstances. if she had slept with others before you it wouldn't have been that all that many. lottie would definitely be aware that she'd be expected to have more experience and is a little hesitant about telling you that she doesn't. point is I mostly just think she'd be very shy and blushy the first few times you had sex. 
going along with it once when someone assumes you’re her daughter to try to playfully embarrass her. she just shrugs and makes a note in the back of her mind to kiss you in front of them at some point. some poor cult member walks in on you like two fingers deep in your ‘mom’ and is so traumatized by the ordeal. Lottie's all smiles the whole time. she fr giggled a bit when they left she's so devious. 
Lottie mentions movies she liked as a kid and you're off-handedly like “oh I don't think I was alive when that came out.” and she just full on winces. she spirals a bit over it every time she's so dramatic. 
Lottie's constantly trying to initiate sex wearing like beautiful and intricate lingerie all the time while you're wearing whatever random shit you happened to have on like "please warn a girl omg". Lottie's ass is still like 😍😍. she does not care in the slightest what your wearing lmao it's on site.
Lottie wears silk pajamas with like robes and shit to sleep. they've got her initials monogrammed on the pocket and she buys you matching ones in your favorite colors. she wouldn't be upset if you didn't wear them but she always looks so excited when you do. she also has like a ridiculously expensive sheet set on her bed. it's soft as hell though you've got to give her that. all that and your little cotton blanket you bring for when she inevitably steals all of the bigger blanket from you in her sleep. 
Lottie for sure tries to pay for all of your things. you try to pay for them yourself but she always seems to know. she pops out of nowhere with her debit card just as you're checking out like 😁. Lottie's not paying for your things expecting sexual favors out of it but she'd absolutely receive them. dropping to your knees in front of her after she pays for your textbooks??
she has no idea how much things cost. she's def like “how much could a banana cost? $10?”
the reading glasses stay on during sex. she's so embarrassed the first time you see her with them on but gets over it very quickly when you immediately jump her bones. 
Lottie buys you a shit ton of clothes. they're all styles you like, but you can't help but notice they're all heliotrope. you're just like 🙄 whenever she gifts you a new shirt. 
grinning ear to ear whenever you introduce your milf girlfriend to your friends. you're so smug about it that it honestly makes lottie a little shy. she def really likes it though she's just always so blushy when you compliment her in any way.
she calls you so many pet names. it's all honey, baby, sweetie, princess, etc with Lottie. going feral over the idea of lottie calling you love. 
Lottie's so physically clingy. she just loves laying on top of you with her head against your chest so she can hear your heartbeat. she loves when you play with her hair. she chases your hand with her head like a dog if you try to stop lmao.
you'll catch her just staring at you all the time she has no shame
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boydepartment · 3 months
for real? for real. - nishimura riki x gn! reader
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this is a pt. 2 from a drabble i posted a few days ago :) i had ppl in the comments ask for a pt 2 and the comments made me giggle. here is their tags and thank you for enjoying my content ❤️@keiipopped @kxppachu @sugariricookies @flaminghotyourmom - masterlist - wc- 200-300
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holiday season was coming up, which meant the bakery was busy and you were stacked with hours. you didn’t have to deal with the public much as your manager kept you decorating. it was tense in the work place and it didn’t help that you haven’t spoken to riki since the freezer incident.
your manager told you to pick up pace and you nodded, running back and forth for waiting orders. tiered cakes. special frosted cakes. and more.
while everyone was busy working there was a yelp in the back and you called out.
“are you alright?!” you yelled out, your manager, jihyo, was up front helping the girls in the front counter.
“um…” one of the other frosters responded, it was taki. your brows furrowed and you walked over.
your eyes widening when you saw riki holding his hand on his white apron that was now stained red.
“riki cut his hand open! i don’t know what to do!”
it was sunday so the only real adult here was jihyo, baker bahng had weekends off.
your jaw fell to the floor and you walked over to him, you almost vomited when you saw his hand.
“it’s fine i’ll just wrap it up and continue fro-“
“GROSS DUDE NO…” taki yelled and shoved him, “go to the hospital! what if you bleed in the frosting! we’d get shut down! we don’t serve vampires! we can’t shut down i need this job!”
you felt nauseous, “i think i’m going to throw up..” you mumbled and got the first aid kit quick. you were quickly bandaging riki up. the moment quiet, well as quiet as it could be with taki freaking out. riki just kept watching you, a soft look on his features. jihyo came to the back and saw riki and her eyes widened, “good lord what happened?!”
“um…” riki looked awkward and looked at her. jihyo immediately sent him to have his sister pick him up and take him to the doctor. he could pick up his car later.
and so for the rest of the day riki was absent until closing when he came to pick up his bags and car. he walked into the bakery and saw you cleaning your station.
you looked up at him, your heart jumped you were worried and you missed him, “fuck are you alright?” you walked up to him and looked at his hand. he got new bandages and they pretty much just stitched him up.
“i’m okay… do you have a ride home?” he asked, you shook your head no, “you do now. we need to talk anyways.”
you felt your breath hitch and you became nervous, so you clocked out and the next thing you knew, you were in his car.
“can you even drive?” you asked softly, he looked at you, the lights from the dashboard illuminating his face, he had a small smirk as he turned around to back up the car.
“yeah i can drive. my hand is fine..” he murmured and then started to drive
“don’t you need my address?” you asked.
“after food. i’m hungry and i assume you haven’t eaten in awhile?” he side eyed you, you nodded.
“it was too busy.” you mumbled shyly. he nodded and took you guys to a drive through. he paid for your food and he parked in the back of the parking lot.
“so i wanted to talk to you because we went from arguing, to that moment in the freezer, to not speaking at all..” riki said and sipped his strawberry milkshake. you sipped your milkshake and nodded.
“i know and im sorry…” you mumbled and didn’t look at him. riki sighed and took a bite of his fries.
“i should apologize i think i made it weird..” he spoke and took a deep breath.
you looked at him now and immediately disagreed, “no! i’m awkward and weird and i’m shy an-“
riki started to laugh and he looked at you, his laugh was pretty sounding, “you’re so cute.”
you stopped talking and your jaw dropped.
his eyes tired and he ran a hand through his hair, “y/n, i like you. a lot. and i hope it’s not weird.”
your face was pink and you thanked god it was dark in the car, “you actually like me?”
riki started to laugh again, “y/n! yes! obviously!”
you looked at him, “like for real?”
the boy looked at you funny and put his hand on your cheek, leaning in, his eyes dancing across your features and they landed on your lips, “for real…”
your eyes looked at him, you wanted to kiss him so badly.
“can i kiss you..?” he asked quietly, almost scared you’ll say no.
you nodded and he smiled as he leaned in to kiss you.
when his lips met yours a million sparks went off and your hands went to his shoulders as he leaned into the center console to kiss you. he tasted like strawberry milkshake
a few seconds later he parted, “you’re my favorite by the way.”
you looked at him, “favorite what?” your smile was present.
“favorite everything. coworker, person, partner…?” he questioned
“partner.” you reassured your smile never faltering with him.
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the-moon-files · 4 months
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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nmakii · 5 months
I CANT HELP IT! IM SORRY but we know Al dies in his late 30s early 40s so we can assume he at least got to watch his kids grow up into young adults? What happens when Al dies and reader is “set free?” Only to figure out her children aren’t all who they seem to be? I can see reader’s son possibly becoming a corrupt detective/cop and perhaps her daughter gets into fashion or becoming a teacher? Im not sure what Emi’s future might be but im very curious on your thoughts!
[hold up! read the rest of the story first!!]
— and when it seemed like there was no more hope, the monster of the house was slain.
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and so, 12 years passed by like a breeze. despite being trapped in this hellhole called home, it was all worth it. for the children, all of it was worth it. noah, just 22 and he’s already a fine policeman, keeping the people in line. and the family treasure, emilia— aged 15, and yet a smart little girl. starting her own little farm outside, from cotton to potatoes, and keeping the family afloat. such wonderful kids, it’s a miracle alastor’s manipulations didn’t rub off on them.
1933, times were tough— the stock market crashed, the bank had failed, and everyone was living off of rations. thankfully, radios gained more popularity, and alastor had profited off of it, making sure his little family was fed with a roof over their heads— he seemed to not only enjoy the newfound wealth, but also the suffering in the streets... suitable for a monster such as himself. and while he worked, you and emilia had used the cotton from her farm to create and sell dresses, your own little effort to the community.
still, that didn’t change the hell that was outside your little safe haven. it wasn’t rare for young men to knock on your door, begging for work. and while your heart felt for them, it couldn’t change what alastor had in mind for them. he’d bring them in— down into the basement. and that very night, suddenly there was meat on the table.
you knew what he did, you weren’t an idiot. he gave you that man’s flesh. but, you did what you had to do. for the children, so that they’re well-nourished. and against your better judgement, you followed through, serving what seemed to be a steak. your husband seemed to love your ultimate submissiveness, one way or the other, you’d give into his ways. although it made your stomach churn, the very thought of eating the poor man, it was hard to live during these times, it was what had to be done.
and, it was why you let your children on a hunting trip with him. “little emi’s first trip! you excited, lil’ sis?” noah laughed, patting his sister on the head. “don’t do that, you’ll mess up my hair!” emilia frowned back. alastor laughed at the two as he held you by the waist, “oh, those two!” he mused, looking back to face you. “we’ll be home in time for dinner, my love. i love you so very much!” he smiled, kissing you all over. you hated whenever he did that— when he acted like he’d done nothing wrong, yet you didn’t fight back. what point was there to it? 15 years, and he’s managed to keep you in this house, there was no more use in fighting back.
“okay. just keep them safe, alastor.” you said as he pressed his nose against your’s. he smiled against your lips and laid onto you one final kiss. “don’t you worry your pretty little head, my dear. i’ll protect them with my life.”
and, that was the last time you saw him.
when your children came home, they looked frightened. “m..momma…” emilia whimpered. “oh, baby, what’s wrong? where’s dad?” you asked, running towards them to make sure they were safe. “…ma…” noah let out. “dad’s dead…” he said, ashamed to look you in the eye. “he’s… dead..?” you asked, dazed. “momma! i-i didn’t mean to!” your daughter cried, pulling you closer to hug. “you didn’t mean to..? emi, what happened?” you pulled your daughter far away enough to see her teary-eyed face.
“…i shot dad…” she said, hiccuping in-between words. your eyes widened at her words. “d-dad was on his knees in the dirt, so i thought he was a deer ‘n i shot him…” she explained, wiping her tears. “momma, i don’t wanna go to jail.” she cried out. “don’t worry, baby. you won’t go to jail. you didn’t mean to…” you kissed her on the forehead.
standing up properly, you looked your son in the eyes, wet as he tried to hold his tears back. “baby, i need you to show me where dad is, i’ll take care of it.” you said. “y-yeah, ok, momma… i’ll take you there…” he nodded his head. “emi, go prepare dinner while i’m gone. momma will take care of this mess.” you told her as she nodded her head.
when you arrived, alastor’s body was mangled beyond recognition, the only way you knew it was him was by the clothes he wore— it must have been someone’s hunting dogs, that means it’s possible somebody already discovered the body, and is headed to the police station. the only possible reason alastor could have been here and on his knees, as emilia said, must have been to dispose of a body. so, the ground beneath you must have a corpse. only the lord knows how many bodies alastor could’ve hidden here. but then, you had an idea.
but, first, you had to check. you dug the dirt below alastor’s body. and lo and behold, was the corpse of noah’s friend-turned-enemy, kenneth. “d…did dad kill ken..?” noah asked, afraid of the answer. “i suppose he did.” you said, frowning over your own answer. did the years truly turn you as heartless as him..? “now, noah… if you don’t want your sister to be locked away in a correctional facility, you’ll help me. understand?” you asked, speaking for the first time with a strict tone. “y-yes, momma…” he said as he pushed back in about 3 feet of dirt. he helped you lower his father’s mangled corpse into the grave, pushing back the remaining 3 feet of dirt.
“now, dear… i need you to head back to your station and see if any hunters reported a corpse in the forest, okay? and, make sure those police dogs you have sniff this area, so that they can find dad…” you said to him, explaining your plan. “yeah, okay, momma… i don’t want little emi going to jail…” he said. this was wrong, but it was to protect your family. for the children, right? you won’t let alastor ruin the family even in his death. if those cops found out that emilia killed alastor, they’d try to punish her for all of his crimes as well.
and with that, you returned home. and when noah came back, he returned triumphant. “they bought it, momma. don’t you worry, emi. no cops are gonna take you away. if they try, i’ll kill ‘em” he assured her, hugging his little sister as the weight on her shoulders fell.
this is good, right? even though it resulted in alastor’s death, all three of you are free from his manipulations. and, yes, you framed an innocent hunter— but, it was to protect the family. after all, you raised such wonderful kids, they don’t deserve to go to jail. they’re so kind, they’d dirty their hands for each other. and… that’s a good thing, isn’t it? they’re loyal to their family.
but then, the guilt finally started to settle in.
and it weighed on your shoulders when they finally lowered alastor’s casket into the ground.
1891 — 1933
loving husband and father
he will be missed by all who knew him
the monster was finally gone.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 month
Imagine after Y/n introduces Adrian (her bf) to her Dad (Wade), he’s like, “Well now I need to give you the talk. Sit down child of mine” and she’s like, “….Please don’t… Dad, I’m very much an adult”
omfg I see this 😭 IM CRYIJG.
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“Just a little… warning.” You held your hand out, stopping Adrian. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“My dad… he’s a bit of a-a… how do I put this?” You murmured. “He’s weird. He’s forward.
“Babe, it’ll be fine. I feel like you’re more nervous than me.” He told you, his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m not! It’s just that he doesn’t take anything seriously. Don’t take anything he says personally. And… yeah. I think that’s it.”
Adrian shook his head, thinking you were being dramatic. You took a deep breath, opening the door.
He was lounging on the couch, you opening up the door to his apartment with a smile, adrian trailing behind you.
“Oh, hey peanut. I was just about to call you. Did you know that-“ he paused upon seeing Adrian, his face creasing in confusion.
He gave your dad a small smile, looking down at the floor, eyes glued to his feet.
“Who’s this cutie?” He asked you, you smiling and looking over your shoulder, motioning for Adrian to come closer to you.
“Dad, this is Adrian. My boyfriend…”
“Oh! So this is the guy who I’ve heard so much abo-“ Wade started.
“Okay!” You quickly cut him off, laughing awkwardly. Adrian held his hand out.
“It’s nice to meet you, uh, Mr. Wilson.” He spoke, Wade shaking his hand.
“You too… adrian.” He narrowed his eyes at the boy, a thought popping into your dad’s head when you sat down next to him, Adrian next to you.
“You know what…?”
“Hmm?” You hummed out, Adrian turning to look at him him.
“You both have been given the talk I assume?” He asked Adrian and you.
“Jesus chri- dad!” You exclaimed. Adrian’s eyes went wide, not sure how to responses
“What? I can’t ask? It’s a very reasonable response. I just wanna know that you’ve been safe, alright? Like using protection, plan b, pulling out, all that shit?” He suddenly blurted out, you groaning and rolling your eyes, Adrian’s cheeks getting hot at the mention. “I can go on and on, guys.”
“I-we- I-“ he stuttered, looking to you for help, but you didn’t know how to respond either.
“I just have to ask cause you know… the last thing I need right now is mini clones running around and im suddenly in the nursing home. I’m literally shuddering at the thought.”
“Dad, we are grown adults, I think we know about how sex and getting pregnant works.” You told him, he nodded but shrugged.
“Right but… just making sure, jeez.” He turned to Adrian. “She’s so moody. I don’t get how you put up with her.”
Adrian had to stifle his laugh, not missing the glare you gave him.
When the both of you left, Adrian was laughing loudly while saying bye to your dad, the two had really gotten along. Their weirdness matched. You rolled your eyes at the message your dad sent when you left the apartment.
sperm donor
“be safe tn. love ya.”
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lilysaus · 20 days
im back with another gravity falls headcanon
so, im sure weve all noticed how dipper, mabel, and practically every kid in gravity falls has four fingers instead of five, right? but the adults all have five (excluding ford, he is an outlier and should not be counted /ref) and we all just brushed it off and assumed that it was just a simple stylistic choice, that its a normal thing to see, you know, all that jazz. its common in cartoons for animators to give young people one less finger. their hands are smaller, so it makes it easier to animate.
but what if thats not the whole story here? i mean, this is gravity falls, where even the tiniest details, such as the windows on a mansion in the distance that you had to KNOW IT WAS THERE or be LOOKING FOR IT to notice it.
my theory is, after ford and fidds activated the portal for the first time, something weird happened to gravity falls. kids started being born with four fingers instead five. this being gravity falls, where the people are stupid/crazy/irrational/all of the above, people just started telling their kids, and each other, that this was normal! there is nothing strange about this!
and then one day, on some kids eighteen birthday, he wakes up and has FIVE fingers instead of FOUR. to keep him from panicking, his parents say this is normal too. they tell him that "youre supposed to get your missing fingers when you become an adult! i mean, look at us! we have five fingers, right? well, now you do to!"
and thats what they all start telling their kids.
now, here come dipper and mabel. "but op! they werent born in gravity falls! why do they have four fingers?" ill tell you why: birth defects. not only does dipper have that birthmark, but he also has only four fingers on each hand. thats why they were constantly ridiculed when they were younger, always singled out as the "weird twins". because they were different.
and then one day, stan gets a call from their parents saying that theyre gonna spend the summer with him. they say "oh, and, stan? theyve got that birth defect, remember? please dont make fun of them for it. and defend them when kids start bullying them. theyre self conscious about it." and he just kinda laughs to himself, cause all the kids in gravity falls have this same situation, so they arent gonna be made fun of! and he would never do that to his own family. he messed up once, hes not gonna do it again.
anyways, do with this what you will. just wanted to get it out there for yall to comtemplate like i have been for the past several days
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birth-screaming · 1 year
Beach Birth
Request by @frank5804
Hazel really had hoped for a peaceful trip followed by a peaceful birth. The universe, however, had other plans. It was a hot day when Hazel had gone on a beach trip. She had decided to wear nothing but a pink bikini. Her due date was well over a week from now, so she felt comfortable and safe to go on the trip. She had a c-section planned anyways.
Her massive belly stuck out like a sore thumb. She was pregnant with twins, both of which being 9-11 pounds. Did she feel a little embarrassed? Sure, but she didn't care that much. She waddled onto a far away corner of the beach. Her stomach felt so low, and she had to painfully walk to lay down her blanket to sit on.
Some time passed by, and she decided to go in the water. She waddled away and gently sat down in the water, but still near the shore. Out of nowhere she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She told herself that that was normal during pregnancy. The pain, however, did not go away. She continued to painfully play around. All of a sudden a sharp pain ripped through her abdomen. She doubled over in pain. She realized that people were giving her worried looks, but she could not focus on that. The pain only kept building until it finally faded away. Hazel's concerns grew, but she assumed that it was only a braxton hick. She continued to swim around, hoping nothing had happened.
Only three minutes go by, when she gets hit by another contraction. This one was even more painful than the other. She grabbed her massive belly and squirmed in pain. Pressure grew near her abdomen, using full strength the push down. She felt something move down her birth canal. She realized, still doubled over in pain, that she was definitely in labor. She tried to scream through her clenched teeth, but she could not make a sound. She realized she had to give birth here, her massive twins having no chance of c-section.
As soon as her contraction was over, she ran out of the water. She could barely stand with her belly and her drenched bikini. "SOMEONE, HELP!" she screamed. She barely made it out of the water before another contraction hit her. She felt her baby shift further down her birth canal. The pain in her abdomen was unbearable as the pressure continues to keep growing. She held her breath and tried not to scream, even with the pressure she was dealing with.
"She's giving birth!" someone yelled out from the beach. Hazel saw a tall man walking towards her. She had gotten not even a minute of rest when another contraction hit her. This one was different. On top of her pain in both her abdomen and the pressure-which were both worse than the previous ones- she felt her pussy lips part rapidly. She was about to crown. She clenched her teeth and grabbed her stomach. She got the urge to push-a big one. She tried to tolerate it but the pain kept growing. She quickly bore down and screamed louder than she had ever heard anyone scream.
The man came close to her and sat down. "Hey, just breathe for me, okay? I'll help deliver your baby" She could not believe him. How could a random man know how to safely deliver her abnormally large baby? "Just pull down your bikini, you're about to start crowning". She wanted to argue, but she simply had no strength. She obliged and took off her bikini's lower half.
Another contraction came through her, and she could take it no more, she bore down with all the strength she had. She felt her pussy stretch, more, more, until it felt like it would rip open if she continued to push. "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, ITS TOO BIG". "I know, but right now you need to push." "IT BURNS SO MUCH, IM GONNA TEAR, ITS SO BIG" "You. Need. To. Push. Otherwise the baby will go back inside. Terrified at the thought, she agreed and continued to push. Her pussy was stretched so wide that someone could fit their whole adult leg in it. She felt searing white hot pain, but she felt all of it. The next contraction was even worse, when she pushed, her pussy had reached its limit, it was about to tear. "I see it! Push!" he said. Hazel nonetheless kept pushing. Her whole body was shaking. "GET IT OUTTTT AAAHHHHHHH!!" she screamed. When she realized that she couldn't stretch anymore, she felt the head pop out with a gush of amniotic fluid. The man pulled out her baby and held it out to her. "It's a girl" he said.
The discomfort didn't stop though. Hazel continued to moan, louder each time. She began to whimper. She shifted uncomfortably in the sand. "ooohh" she said in a shaky moan. "what happened, my dear?" "I have twins" Hazel said with a pang of pain. "ooOOHH" Her voice grew as she felt a small contraction rip through her. "Please, i cant do this again, help, please, stop this" she cried and begged him, knowing that there was nothing he could do. She painfully realized that this was going to be the larger and heavier baby. She moaned even louder, her voice and body still shaking. "We can get you to the hospital, and don't worry, this one will be easier." Hazel nodded and tried to get up. He tried to help her up, as she moaned even louder, her moan almost being a scream.
Before he could even get her to take a step, she screamed out and doubled down. "NO! NOT NOW! NOT AGAIN!" she yelled out. "its okay, dear, relax". She didn't listen to him. She bore down with all her strength. "FUCK, ITS COMING, ITS COMING!! ITS WAY. TOO. BIGGGG!!" Her screams grew. He realized that this one would require more help. Without thinking, he laid her down on her sand, and pushed on her stomach. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ILL TEAR," He put more pressure. "STOP. ITS COMING FASTER!" She bore down again, screaming and begging him to stop. "I'm sorry, if i don't do this the baby will definitely slip back in. Now you don't want to birth this baby twice, do you?" he told her. She shook her head. She was crowning again. "See, this time its easier" "IT BURNS SO MUCH. SO MUCH PRESSURE" He still had no choice but to continue pushing on her stomach, this time with much more pressure, almost as if he was working a machinery, not tending to her pain. He couldn't though, as it was necessary to apply as much pressure as possible to prevent
Hazel continued to push, and she felt her pussy being stretched to the max. She knew she had to stop and let herself stretch. The man, however, didn't notice and put even more pressure, so much so that her stomach wasn't even round anymore. "STOP. IM TEARINGG!" she screamed, but it was too late. She felt her pussy rip apart, as if the pressure on her abdomen was not already enough. She felt the head pop out, giving a rest to her bulging pussy. The man noticed it and quickly pulled the baby out. She amniotic fluid rushed out as she finally felt relief. The man handed her her second baby. Hazel lovingly held them both.
"My name is Axel, by the way"
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faellain · 3 months
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
Snippet 3
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the next morning, erik tiredly takes the twins down to the kitchen, providing them a breakfast of orange juice, apple slices, and toast with butter. he drinks three cups of black coffee and eats a single apple slice. without him there, and with charles in a state, hank has forgone actual coffee for instant like a savage. it might as well be mud as far as erik is concerned.
"i hate toast," pietro tells him and briefly erik wonders how anyone could hate toasted bread.
erik sighs beleagueredly, "when i was young, i'd be grateful for any meal- wanda, do not turn your brother's toast into something else."
"yeah, i don't if i can do that again," she admits sheepishly, pulling the hand that was about to tap her brother's toast away, "i kinda don't know how i did it to the cookies."
"you're young. i didn't know how to master my own mutation till i was older and even then, sometimes i still needed help," erik assures her. wanda happily munches on her apples after that. pietro rolls his eyes.
he cleans up everything, wondering just how to start this day. it wasn't as if his children were full grown adults who he could toss into the danger room. he did not know where to begin training seven year olds. most mutants didn't even manifest until puberty... but his kids were early bloomers.
as he picks up breakfast, he hears footsteps coming around the corner. at first, he assumes it's hank. perhaps the other actually decided to emerge out of his lab at a reasonable hour. but hank walks with a heavy footstep from his mutation. these steps are light, stilted.
"oh!" he hears charles say, "well, uh, hello you two."
"you're the guy who punched dad!" laughs pietro, "you got 'im good!"
erik turns, "pietro-"
charles kneels down to speak with the children at eye level in their chairs, "he told me you have mutations of your own. what can you both do?"
"i run fast!" pietro exclaims before dashing out of his chair, leaving charles' hair whipping against his face. after a mere moment, he comes back with an empty glass which he offers to erik, "here, dad, you can wash this too."
"very impressive," charles tells him and pietro beams.
erik takes the glass as charles stares at it briefly before turning his attention back to the children. most likely it had come from his room. he turns and smiles at wanda.
"and you, little one?" he asks her.
"my powers are kinda funny," she admits, "i usually just use them to hold pietro in place or make things float when i get upset. but i turned snicker-whatevers into chocolate chip cookies yesterday."
finally, charles looks at erik, clear realization of just why erik has come to him finally dawning on him. pietro would grow to be an ordinary mutant, one who would need training and would excell, but not right away. wanda was like nothing they had ever seen before. charles turns back to her, nodding, and squeezing her little hands.
"that's very special. you both are," he tells her and then turns to pietro before moving back to look at both of them, "how about you two go and play in the yard? i have a tire swing out there you might like."
they both cheer and wanda looks at erik, "can we, papa?"
"go ahead. just don't go past the tree," he says. they promise, not that he trusts pietro to abide by that promise. but they both take each other's hands and dash off at wanda's speed.
charles stands, moving to make his own coffee, "they're lovely children… you never told me."
"i didn't know," erik replies, "magda didn't want my life for them."
"doesn't surprise me. vengenance, death of humanity and all that," charles murmurs as he pulls out a mug.
erik notices that he did shower at some point between their arguement and now. his hair lacks the grease and the smell has disappated in favor of the soap charles prefers. even years later, he could smell that soap and know charles was near.
"i don't understand her power," erik cuts to the chase, "i assumed she was telekinetic. and then one day she changed the color of her shirt by wishing it. and now the cookies."
"…you're scared of her," charles says, looking at him again. erik wants to die beneath that gaze.
"i'm scared of what others might do to her."
charles digs out one of the chocolate chip cookies from the pantry, erik resisting his desire to glibly remind charles that those are not a breakfast food. he sniffs it, stares at it before taking a bite and nodding in odd approval. at least his daughter didn't turn them into cookies that tasted bad.
"i suppose we shouldn't be surprised considering just how powerful her father is," charles says absently.
"perhaps only surpassed by a child of yours," hums erik, tiredly. imagning a child with equal or greater telepathic ability to charles is rather insane. he is perhaps the strongest telepath they know, even more powerful than emma.
charles laughs dismissevly, "that will never happen. i was careful before and i don't want one. i never did."
"you opened a school."
"yes. for school aged children with mutations like your children," he reminds erik, tone clipped as he stares at the coffee carafe filling up, "not babies. i shouldn't- it's one thing to teach children, it's another to raise them."
erik goes quiet. that he at least agrees with. at least he had a good example, but he knows a little about charles and raven's upbringing. mostly, frustratingly, from raven. charles knew everything about erik, yet charles hid his life, his pain from him constantly. even raven didn't speak much on their life outside of their inattentive mother who charles loved deeply anyway.
"hank invited me to stay the night after wanda changed the cookies," erik explains, quietly, too awkward. it's so strange to lack the helmet, but have charles in his arm's reach, yet not feel the other sharing his mind, knowing his thoughts. he would never let anyone else do that, "but we can leave."
charles shakes his head, "no. clearly we at least need to figure out what wanda's mutation is. do your- does raven know about them?"
"no," erik explains, "i haven't told any of them. to be honest, i've gone totally radio silent on them. i need to rectify that. give them some lie to keep them passive."
"you're the one who divided us," charles huffs, "it's not like they can tell you no. are you telling me you don't trust angel and raven with your kids?"
"i do," erik assures, "but we have other things on our plate. riptide is… missing. i had him investigating some possible mutants in vietnam and he's disappeared."
"disappeared?" reiterates charles, "should i be concerned? sean and alex were deployed early into this mess."
erik feels his heart speed up, "deployed?"
"sean got drafted," charles explains, "alex decided to enlist so he wouldn't have to go alone."
"and you let them just go? with the military?" erik snaps, "well, of course you did. you would. you and your peace."
"don't turn this into something it isn't," huffs charles, "i hadn't been taking the serum them. i asked sean if he wanted me to try and get him rejected. he told me no. they wouldn't be in any danger if you hadn't turned a million missiles on the government in cuba!"
"what you have always failed to see charles is that we were always in danger!"
charles turns on him rapidly, "not every human is the kind that hurt you."
"it is only a matter of time before they become them," erik snaps, leaving the dried dishes in a rack so he isn't tempted to throw them.
he can feel every knife in the shelf. their fields pull at him. the fridge feels like an atomic bomb, each little component awaiting his command. feeling the push and pull of the fields is his life, its his very nature. just as minds were charles'. but he's shut them out. where normally his feelings would be blaring loudly in charles' mind, he imagines himself as a giant black void to the former telepath.
how can it not be like losing a limb? then, of course, charles lost his legs. erik has lost so many things in his lifetime. his home, his safety, his parents, his autonomy… even charles himself. but he has never lost part of himself. even if they put him in a plastic cube, he could feel the push of magnets where the could not reach them.
"if that's true, then it is because you believe it so," charles replies, taking the carafe and pouring it into a mug.
instead of going for sugar or cream, charles grabs whiskey, angrily dumping it into the bitter drink. erik snatches it fromt he counter.
"i think you have had enough," erik tells him before dumping the entire mug down the drain.
"erik! goddamn you!" charles growls, shoving him almost childishly. his punch had been lucky and he never really had the stomach for true violence.
he takes charles' wrists, holding them tightly as he glares, "i said i think you've had enough."
"you do not get to waltz in here and pretend like we're still friends," charles writhes his wrists angrily, "you stopped being the erik i knew the minute you killed shaw!"
"shaw had to die!" erik replies, baring his teeth. sean had once teased him for his smile being shark-like, but he certainly feels it now. he feels like an angry animal with prey between its jaws, "you will never understand! do you think an absent mother compares at all to things he did to me?!"
charles attempts to kick him in the knee, but erik is stronger and while he doesn't let go, he does fall forward, pressing himself against charles and the counter. as he goes to start shouting again, he notices charles is shaking. he does not look like a frightened doe as one might expect from a doe-eyed man.
instead, he is defiant. there is fear in his eyes, something old, something that has nothing to do with erik. but in the face of erik's anger, charles does not waiver. his body betrays him, but he holds a brave face, a stalwart indignation like an immovable ship, anchored to a seafloor.
the first time erik had kissed charles, they had been sharing a bed as they went to meet sean. all of the two-bed rooms had been booked which left them with either one of them on the floor or both in the bed. originally, erik had planned to take the floor, but charles had pulled him up into the bed.
"you don't think about me the way most people do," charles whispered, the only light coming the street lamps flickering outside, "i don't mean to pry. i can't help it sometimes."
"what do you mean?"
charles smiled softly, rolling his eyes, "you'd think it very silly i imagine. but you always think my eyes are a different shade of blue. it's like you can't decide how to describe them. but you notice them when you think i'm being particularly clever."
erik had blushed, his very obvious feelings being laid bare by the telepath in bed with him. he had admired charles from the minute they had met. how could he not admire the first man to tell him he wasn't alone? the man who had saved his life?
"it helps that you are usually particularly clever when you're not being particularly foolish," erik managed to reply.
this time charles blushed, looking away. his teeth pierced those already pretty red lips slightly. oh. that bastard. he knew what he was doing.
"are you going to do anything about it if i am?" charles asked, apparently not realizing he was reading erik's thoughts. or, if he did, he clearly did not care.
they were so young then. their powers still felt so fresh and untrained, even when they had more control than most. a few items shuddered at that moment when erik did.
ignoring them, he ran a hand up charles' neck to cup his cheek, "i think i'm going to kiss you."
"oh, i very much hope you do."
kissing charles xavier had been so soft. both of them had considered sex that night, but had instead enjoyed the gift of exploring the other's mouth. later, erik would realize charles had been hoping for this because he tasted particularly like gum. he had pressed kisses along soft lips, nipped until charles' lips were swollen, they had gone for each other until both were breathless.
charles had let out soft little gasps and moans. erik had worshipped his lips, his cheeks, his neck. they were like two demigods, entangled, high priests of the other's temple. erik had wanted to devour charles whole. he'd been smooth, kind, gentle, but mischevious. that moment was a fairytale.
this is not like that.
this was a nightmare. from the minute erik's teeth had clicked against charles' own, he knew that it was. there was none of their old kindness to be had. erik hated charles' scratchy beard. he hated that charles clearly no longer knew what he wanted, instead fighting for dominance of the kiss. erik had at first pulled away only for charles to pull him back, bruise his lips, bite his tongue.
erik presses charles back harder, taking back his tongue and shoving it down charles' throat. he wants to choke him with it, he wants to make sure he can't breathe. their teeth click again when charles mirrors the tilt of his head as they both try to deepen the kiss.
did charles want to suffocate as much as erik hopes to do so?
erik pulls back when charles' breath doesn't stop despite that, tugs fiercely on his lip with his teeth. those paled lips look almost back to their former glory, but he even such ferocity has not revived their blushed hues.
"i hate you," charles whispers, voice cracking, bitter, "i hate you."
"the feeling, old friend," erik snaps mockingly, "is mututal."
they dive back in anyway, charles finally breaking a hand free to claw down erik's back. nail marks redden beneath erik's shirt. the action also earns him a hardening in erik's pants, making him smirk against the larger man's lips. instead of giving him what he's asking for, erik wraps a hand around charles' throat.
"if i did not need you," he snarls before trailing off, "do you know how easy it would be?"
it would not be easy. erik isn't even pressing down against charles' neck. all he is doing is holding it, the grip barely there. but- but it changes something in charles' expression. the fear that had disappeated returns. suddenly nails claw at his hand.
"let go, erik, let go."
"i thought you hated me. didn't you expect this?" asks erik, voice mournful as it settles in once again that charles simply does not know what he thinking. how he could never hurt charles like that again.
"please," charles suddenly begs, voice desperate, "please, erik, let me go."
erik backs away like he's been burned, charles turning quickly on his heels as he gasps for air as if erik had been truly choking him. he's running as best that his legs, still stilted, still obviously not walking the way humans with functional spines walk, can take him. without meaning to, he shoves past hank who has finally emerged for breakfast.
hank looks at erik, "what the fuck did you do?"
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hxltic · 7 months
Im not sure how to request cause this is like my first time doing it but would u write anything w iwazumis timeskip? like how hes an athletic trainer.. YK DO UR MAGIC idek how to request also x reader if thats ok. THANK U
Hey ofc!! You can be as vulgar and straightforward as you want, this is a safe space😘 (idk if you wanted nsfw or not so if not I’m sorry! I just made it suggestive because I was unsure :P)
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The ass crack of dawn peeks through your window, enough to have your body twisting and turning until you’re inevitably forced awake.
Of course you drag yourself to the bathroom and check yourself out a bit, admiring how your new waist training is going and your puffy lips of the morning before brushing your teeth to start the day. Some argue you’re a morning person, but you aren’t. And you feel no kind of guilt admitting that.
You only get up because you have to—to remain consistent, especially with allowing yourself to grow not only physically, but emotionally, finally feeling free from the weights of stress by exercising and feeling good about your figure.
Also, the routine is great for you. It makes you feel productive in the morning, so now when you reflect before, there was this emptiness that came with sitting at home with the same three things you have to do on repeat.
And then of course, the motivation of going to the gym for a man you’ve been seeing around recently. He recognizes you now, probably casually assuming the relationship is nothing more than a mutual gym buddy.
And it’s likewise; you wouldn’t call it a crush. The both of you are grown, just two adults with the same hobby even though you are relatively newer to the activity.
So you pack up your bag and tip your head back for a swig of the protein smoothie you prepared and head out the door.
The gym doesn’t smell anything like how you imagined it would when you first cluelessly walked in. It actually smells clean (mainly from the overwhelming scent of chlorine in the pool water), and it wasn’t super busy around this time. If there were people, they definitely weren’t teenagers coming for their afternoon rounds. The receptionist waves back at you as you pass.
Today was legs. You recognize how far you’ve come, because initially, no day was your favorite, each as long and tortuous as the last. But this has got to be what it means to become accustomed to the pain. Does that make all gym-goers masochists?
If so, Iwaizumi has got to be the worst, because the only other person insane enough— that even remotely looks like he does anything other than train— to be here before you, is him.
“Morning,” you chime. His headphones are off, so the switch that usually tells you when people don’t wish to be spoken to doesn’t go off.
To your delight, he responds with just as much pleasure without turning around, currently sitting on the Lax machine and tugging the resistant handles. “Good morning,” he grunts.
He eventually does, even as he attempts to convince himself to stay focused on his set, but even the discipline he’s built over the years couldn’t prevent him from catching a glimpse of you. You were sitting your stuff down nearby, relocating to the floor to stretch.
He’s been watching you. Not in a creepy way, he justifies, but it becomes a habit when you’re working how he does.
Your progress is a miracle. He could count on one hand the amount of people that come in fresh and immediately get to working, just to return consistently, and cycle through this process until they reach their desired figure and continue after that. You, however, stepped in with a determination on your face he’d never seen before.
You hadn’t requested a trainer, and by what he sees, didn’t need one either. He remembers when you came in talking about how badly you wanted to rid of your little tummy, as well as slim down your plush thighs, pleading someone to teach you how. Of course he knew how; he keeps his work strictly professional with the women who came in asking for the same thing.
He’d always found the little pudge attractive, but it’s your body. It’s just somehow, he wasn’t on the verge of telling them how good it looks or the pure desire he has to press on the fat while his head is between their thighs like he was you. Someone must have heard his prayers though, because instead of slimming your legs down, you became comfortable with the idea of them getting stronger, ultimately making them slightly thicker.
The man was close to finishing the set but that one glimpse of you had him do five extra for good measure since he lost count. How could he focus?
As you split your legs and tilt to one side, you watch the man not too far. The black compression shirt he wears hugs his carved body perfectly, only cementing this fact as his back and arm muscles flex with every controlled pull of the bar. Everything about him was sharp from his shape to the hair on his head.
It was no doubt he was attractive, and since having graduated, attention wasn’t just found anywhere. Maybe some small talk will help?
“What are you doing today?” He hears you call. He almost flinches with what he thinks you’re asking until you add, “Workouts I mean.”
Iwaizumi chuckles at your mishap, more for himself, but it flushes your cheeks nonetheless. It’s a genuine, gentle sound. “Arms. Tomorrow is core,” he says coolly.
“I hate arms. I should probably do them more often, but lifting is only fun if you’re already strong.”
“I see where you’re coming from,” he pulls off the machine, rotating himself on the seat to face you. You’re in a lunge now, oversized t-shirt covering half of the skin tight shorts desperately trying to contain the glutes you’ve grown. He makes sure to force his emerald green eyes to yours. “You won’t get stronger if you don’t give it a try.”
You scoff, “You sound like my old therapist.”
The humor you two shared was nothing more than the surface level awkward kind so this unexpected comment from you had him laughing. Actually laughing. “And you sound like an old friend of mine.”
Smiling at this, you get one more good stretch in and come to your feet. You stand proudly with your hands on your hips, staring at him.
He blinks around happily, “What?”
“You said to give it a try right? Show me the way."
“I can’t do this,” you say, already struggling just with the form part of the exercise. You switched positions with him since it was closest machine. “How do I pull it if I can’t move my back?”
“Well, that’s the workout part,” he walks around the seat while inspecting you, waiting for you to figure it out with his advice. “Sit up completely straight and slightly lean back. Stay in that position the entire time, but try to pull the bar down to you instead of pulling yourself up to it.”
You try to replicate what you saw him doing. By this point, you had gotten majority of the positioning right, even keeping your back straight, but the damned bar wouldn’t move an inch. “Are you sure the setting on this thing is right?”
“Oh shit-” He pauses at this, then renders that you’re completely right. You’re trying to pull his weight.
As he shuffles over to the side of the machine to adjust it, you watch him with a smug expression and your arms crossed. I’m not just that weak, I knew it, it reads.
Moments later he comes back around, “That’s my bad, try it now.”
And you’re finally able to do it, but your form falters when you successfully pull the bar to your chest. He knows you know, you’re a smart girl, so he gives you a few more tries to correct it. “I feel like I’m about to fall,” you say finally.
“Here, that means you’re leaning too far.” He comes and presses a hand to your back, pushing you forward. “Don’t think about it too much. I’ll hold you right here for a few until you can support yourself.”
He was already hovering beside you, lurking and seeping into all your senses, making the air warmer than it usually is in the gym. With his palm on your back too, you’re starting to think this little affection of yours is getting out of hand. You don’t even look to see how much it has helped.
Somehow, you do eventually get through the sets, but you hadn’t realized that during that time he would actually train you. It was progressive overload, and he brought the weight up to what he thought you could handle each time. You were on the last few.
“C’mon, you got it.”
“I don’t,” you grunt while somewhat laughing, still pulling it to your chest. His voice is more declarative now. You deem it as his professional tone. You also wonder which voice he tends to use in—
“You do. It’s one more—make it your best.”
“Ready for the next?” His lips stretch into a smile, already predicting your answer.
And you do just that, slumping on the seat in victory.
“Good girl,” he praises, clapping, and he changes the weight on the machine to just five before twisting around and holding a hand out. He helps you up when you take it, but you’re really trying to figure out if what he said was professional if it made you clench your thighs.
You bend and get your smoothie, popping the top and drinking, “There’s a next? What’s next?”
“Pull ups of course.”
Truthfully, doing pull ups right after lax for someone who doesn’t really train arms is a death wish. It’s just this once though and your arms will already be sore so he might as well make the most of it while the adrenaline is there.
“Oh dear God,” you sigh.
“I’ll do them with you,” he reassures.
And he stands on his word, because after walking over to the bar, he clips the belt attached to weight around his hips. The bar was relatively high, even he can admit, so he isn’t surprised when you ask how the hell you’re supposed to get up there.
And you weren’t even necessarily short, it’s just the bar was made for 6’0 and over men, and athletes, so people like you were left out, hence the stacked boxes meant for help beside it.
Iwaizumi makes sure the belt is secure around himself before walking over to you, taking a stance directly behind.
He commands, “Arms up, sweetheart.” And it must be the proximity, because you do just that without a fight. The pet name contributed too.
But when he lifts you, he first drags his hands from your shoulder blades, to your ribs, and into the small of the your back. So smooth you’re questioning if he did it on purpose.
He couldn’t help it. Not when he’s hovering behind you, almost a foot taller. With one small nudge of his hips forward, he’d rest comfortably right between your ass, smelling the coconut shampoo of your hair. Though instead of being a pervert, he’d stick to the nicknames and the gentle touches until you get the damn hint.
Sometime later he’s effortlessly hauling himself up, counting one by one with you. He says you’ll only do 3 sets of ten. Either way it was burning by the ninth.
Finally you’re done. The only reason your arms aren’t completely limp is the adrenaline of just being around the attractive man next to you. He literally regulates your blood flow.
And you regulate his.
“Okay, now you have to do my workouts.”
He unclips the belt, turning to face you, amused. “I have to do your workouts?”
Your arms come to a cross offensively. “What does that mean? Yes. I did your arm day, now you have to do my leg day.”
He throws his hands in the air defensively, the curl of his lips threatening to break his character, “I’m just saying it won’t be the sa—”
“This way!”
This was a horrible idea.
He’s situated on the angled leg press machine at a diagonal, now gripping onto the handle bars. The amount of circular plates you usually have on it are already there. You’re standing beside him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to add weight? I usually go more than this,” he challenges.
“Fuck you— no.”
His laughter intensifies at your irritation. Then he brings his legs down slow and controlled, somehow still managing to appear like he could do it with his fucking finger if he tried. You’re not surprised, he’s extremely fit; though you had already catered to this by going whatever your highest weight was.
He guffaws again at your blank expression. “Fine. How much more do you need?”
He appears to think for a moment. Instead of calculating the math like he should be, he’s actually doing nothing of the sort. “Get up there.”
He bends his legs as if confirming he’s dead serious by allowing you to actually step foot on the back of the plate. You stand there still, having not even realized what he’s asking you to do. “What?”
“Get your sweet ass up there and that should be about what my usual weight is.” He shoots a nonchalant glance to the machine. “You won’t fall, if that’s what’s bothering you.”
After a few moments, with an incredulous look painted on your face, you slowly step to the lowered machine, and push yourself up and on to the back, past the weighted plates, to sit not-very-comfortably in the middle. “Uhm…”
This time, it didn’t look as easy, but he very much did an entire press to extend his legs out. You watch in wonder over the plate as he carried your weight and plus some just in his legs.
It was his arm day, and you didn’t get to fully watch him do the pull ups since the focus was keeping yourself on the bar. But you got a glimpse when he finished, biceps flexing and pulling extra weight then too. He was strong. You wonder if he puts it to use with his partner?
With his partner. What if he does have a partner? You shake your head, no, he wouldn’t have asked you to do what you’re doing if he did.
His grunts were a nice addition too.
Counting for him aloud, and not completely sure if you didn’t skip a number even though you’re only going to ten, you helped him through the set. It had been a while since there was someone to cheer him on. He was always doing the cheering.
“Okay okay,” you wait for him to finish the set, then get off. It feels so good to have your feet on the ground, sure that you won’t be yelled at by the gym staff to remove yourself from the equipment. “You’ve proved yourself, muscleman.”
“Great, I’ll take you out Saturday then?” He asks, pressing up the remaining weight easy and locking up the machine so he can leave it.
A flush runs across your cheeks, driving you to pick up your drink and sip to hide it. “You don’t know me. What if I have a husband and kids at home?”
You were projecting, you know that. It was fresh on your mind since you slightly wanted to ask him the same question. He stalks over to you.
“I don’t see a ring on your finger,” he observes, nodding to your right hand, making you look as if you didn’t know it was bare. He only stops walking until you’re face to face, way too close to just be a professional interaction. It only worsens when his thumb and index finger pinches your chin, his eyes sending flames through yours. “And let’s both be honest— if there was someone waiting for you at home, you wouldn’t be here with me.”
Let alone at the gym at all, he wanted to add. Whatever pussy was letting you come here to workout instead of telling you how good it feels to have your thick thighs ricocheting off his skin or how good your stretch marks look after being swollen with a child for nine months, doesn’t deserve you anyway.
He doesn’t kiss you, but he swipes your lips with his finger and retreats. The heat doesn’t dissipate.
“Saturday at 7?” You speak softly. So softly and breathless you aren’t even sure if he heard it as he walks away.
“My number’s in your bag, beautiful,” he winks, and then he’s turning the corner, back to where you met earlier in the morning.
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If you wanted like actual nsfw, (whoever sent the ask) just send in another into my inbox or just dm me asking!! LMAO
You get unlimited access!!
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Hi, could you make an adult threesome with a woman stronger than them?
🐌~ hello, anon! im assuming you meant the adult trio with a woman stronger than them, so that’s what i’m writing here. enjoy, ily <333
**✿❀ fem!reader ❀✿**
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.•° ✿ °•. 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐱 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 °•. ✿ .•°
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐰 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
you already know how this goes. hisoka is all the way turned on when he’s faced with somebody stronger than them. you all saw how feral that man was for chrollo. but i think that if it was a woman who could beat his ass, he’s a million times more feral.
hisoka’s definitely doing that weird “SCHWING” thing with his you-know-what (like it was in that gOooOoOoOoOoOOn scene) whenever you’re in his general vicinity. he’s coming up with any excuse to be around you, although he does disguise it well behind discreet sexual innuendos and shit like that in front of other people.
hisoka will also come up with anything he possibly can to get you to fight him. not really to beat you or anything, but just because he’s a raging masochist and gets off on people beating him (😨).
**✿❀. 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐳𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐲𝐜𝐤 ❀✿**
i don’t think illumi would be terribly fazed being around a woman stronger than him. a lot of his family members are stronger than him anyway. he’d definitely respect you- it’s not often someone is stronger than him without recieving the harsh treatment he did growing up that allowed him to become as strong as he is.
he’ll probably have a lot of respect for you, and illumi will want to know how you became so strong. he won’t want to fight you, unlike hisoka, because unless you’re someone he considers an enemy you aren’t on his list of priorities. if anything, illumi will more than likely want you as an ally.
»•» 🪷 «•« 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐟𝐞𝐫 »•» 🪷 «•«
you??? stronger than chrollo??? holy shit you’re just god himself atp. chrollo is absolutely going to want to recruit you for the spiders.if you’re an enemy, though, that’s actively getting in the way of his plans, he’s going to focus all his manpower on defeating you- stealing and perfecting the best Nen abilities he can find and preparing his subordinates as well to battle you. but if chrollo was surprised to find out the chain user was a woman, he sure has a shock coming when he finally comes across you…
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sorry these r so short but i hope u liked them anyway<333
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Rottmnt brothers Sick Fics
Im making a new serise! This is where reader take care of their boyfriend while they are sick but make is rottmnt! This will be four chapters starting with Leo!
Aythors note: Thank you my boo boo bear for making this prompt for me! This is gn reader and Leo and all the brothers are aged up slightly so they are older teens/newly adults.
🍊: Y/n!
🍊: Y/n!
You: MIKEY! Why are you spaming me?
🍊: Leo's sick! And insufferable please come pick him up so we don't have to deal with him anymore 🙏🙏🙏
You: Why does he have to be my problem?????
🍊: Well he's asking for you?
🍊: Plus I'm almost 1000% sure Donnies about to throw him in the sewers for being annoying
You: Fine I'll be there soon
🍊: THANK YOU 🙏🙏!
You set down your phone onto your chest, you were peacefully laying on your bed when Mikey started texting you. With a groan you slowly start to get up and make your way to the lair.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Guys?" You call through the lair while walking through the living room. Through the ceiling a swirl of blues pops up and drops out your boyfriend. He face plants on the ground and stays up before falling slack.
"Leo!" You rush towards him to help him sit up straight. "Babe! You're here! They're being so mean to me-" He drags out the last syllable of 'me'. Leo sniffles before giving you a hug and putting his face in the crook of your neck.
"Ew gross. I'm happy to see you to but get your sicko self away from me." You lightly push at his shoulders and he's weak enough in his sick state that it effectively gets him off of you.
He let's out a disgruntled whine but let's himself be pushed away. You slowly start to help him up off the floor as Donnie comes out of his lab, most likely to check out all the commotion. "Oh thank Galileo." He says with a please sigh. "Finally he's someone else's problem."
You finally get Leo off the floor and one arm swung over your shoulder, he's basically leaning all of his weight onto you. He seems to be out of it, probably drugged up on too many meds since all the human ones don't work well on him.
You look up towards his brother, "Is he really that bad?" You ask hopeful that the brother is over reacting. Donnie nods his head and and calls out "Good luck!" while walking back into his lab.
You sigh and watch him leave, putting your focus back on Leo when he starts to cough. Once his fit calms down you ask if he's ok. All he let's out his a hum and a sniffle.
"Alright, do you want to stay here or go back to my place?" Leo doesn't raise his head from where it's resting on on you. "You sound like you're trying to pick me up at a bar." He mumbles against your skin.
You laugh slightly and shake your head, "Do you want my help or not?" Your words lack any weight but he still whines at the idea of you leaving. "Your place." The mumble is quiet and you could only hear it since he was close to your ear.
"I'm assuming you can't use your sword right now so we'll have to somehow get to my car." You take a few steps forward but quickly realize holding up the terrapin while walking was extremely difficult. Especially when Leo refuses to take steps.
"I can still use my sword! Just watch." Before you can stop him Leo grabs his sword and makes a portal beneath you. For a second all you hear is a whooshing sound, it fades off as you fall into your apartments living room.
"Leo what the hell." You groan and push yourself off the floor and start to help Leo up as well. "I got us to your house didn't I?" He starts to cough as he says the last word.
"Yeah but you probably gave us both concussions." He groans when he has to stand and open his eyes to see the bright lights of your house. Leo mumbles "headache." So you move to turn them off after laying him down on your couch.
"What medicine have you had?" You ask your half asleep boyfriend. "I don't know, whatever Raph made me take." He speaks into the cushion making every word muffled.
"So I'm assuming I shouldn't give you any, want any tea or soup?" Your voice is soft so you don't hurt Leo's head more than it already is. "Tea would be nice." You give him a kiss on the part of his head that's not planted into the couch.
"I'll be back soon, try to get comfy." He mumbles something into the pillow as he starts to reach around for a blanket. After a few minutes of making Leo's favorite tea you head back to the living room.
You find a very comfortable looking Leo curled up in a hoard of blankets. "I got your tea, you want to watch anything?" You ask while setting his mug infront of him of the coffee table. "Jupiter Jim, I need him to save me." He coughs in-between his words but you understand and put in one of his favorites.
"Can do drama queen." You laugh at his tone. "You know what would really save me?" He asks with a teasing tone. You roll your eyes, already assuming it will be something dramatic. "If you came over and cuddled me."
You walk back towards him while shaking your head. "I don't want to get sick Leo." Your voice is whiney, although cuddling your boyfriend is one of your favorite things. Right now he seems very yucky.
"Please-" He drags out the last syllable time he's out of breath. He gives you puppy dog eyes that melt your heart a little. "Fine-" You hardly get the words out before he's yanking you into his blanket nest.
After getting comfortable and starting the movie you can tell Leo's starting to fall asleep. You are laying on your back against the arm rest of your couch, Leo is laying atop you with his head on your chest and arms wrapped around your waist.
"I love you y/n." His voiced is slurred with sleep and slightly muffled from how he's laying but it doesn't lose sentiment. Your hand that was lightly scratching his shell pauses as you look down at the now past out turtle.
"I love you to Leo." You give him a kiss on the forehead and pause the movie. After getting a bit more comfortable you resume your scratches and start to lull off into sleep.
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