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jewishcissiekj · 10 months ago
you know what? I don't *transparent pngs your handmaidens*
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Umé Juice (梅ジュース)
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jeynepoolelovebot · 8 months ago
[ID: Three gifs of the Star Wars Prequels, showing Queen Amidala sitting on her throne and speaking seriously, Queen Jamillia on her throne and speaking, and Queen Apailana walking sadly at Padmé Amidala's funeral, her handmaiden Umé walking beside and behind her. End ID]
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Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - QUEENS OF NABOO
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grabsomeironmeat · 2 years ago
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UMÉ Studio
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year ago
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The Two Accumulations
Known as the *Two Accumulations, namely
*Merit and Wisdom. These two fundamentals have been depicted riding two generously bushed accumulative swirls.
The two connecting swirls of this artwork; represent the inseparable karmic accumulation of merit and wisdom, considered essential twofold components of spiritual development, which without, enlightenment cannot be easily accomplished.
*Merit: and Wisdom
- Tibetan calligraphy in a 14th century umé script.
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rickchung · 2 years ago
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2023 Vancouver International Wine Festival x Canada Place x Waterfront.
[VIWF] returned for eight wine-soaked days of fun. Known as "the largest wine festival in the Americas", VIWF wined and dined thousands of attendees at its various tastings, pairing meals, and signature events across the city.
Bottega Gold Prosecco / Jamoneria by Arc Iberico Imports / Nakano Sakagura Umé
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jeynepoolelovebot · 2 years ago
[ID: Three gifs of Star Wars. The first gif shows Queen Amidala sitting on the throne in the Theed Royal Palace in The Phantom Menace. Pink cursive text on the gif reads 'amidala', overlaid on the symbol of the Royal House of Naboo.
The second gif shows Queen Jamillia sitting on the throne in the Theed Royal Palace in Attack of the Clones. White cursive text on the gif reads 'jamillia', overlaid on the symbol of the Royal House of Naboo.
The third gif shows Queen Apailana walking in Padmé Amidala's funeral procession in Revenge of the Sith, her handmaiden Umé walking beside and behind her. Purple cursive text on the gif reads 'apailana', overlaid on the symbol of the Royal House of Naboo. End ID]
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The Monarch of Naboo was the elected king or queen of the Royal House of Naboo, the monarchy that governed the human residents of the planet. The Naboo often elected young women, believing they possessed a form of pure, childlike wisdom that the adults lacked. The monarch was aided by the Naboo Royal Advisory Council, which was led by the planetary governor and included ministers for architecture, music, the sciences, and education.
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dtpnews · 10 days ago
Defense One Radio, EP. 174: General do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais Eric Smith
Defense One Radio, EP. 174: General do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais, Eric Smith – Defense One Pule para o conteúdo Obtenha todas as nossas notícias e comentários em sua caixa de entrada às 6h ET. Google PLA Podcasts da Apple Convidado: Comandante do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais dos EUA, general Eric Smith, entrevistado por Defesa umé Meghann Myers. Pegue nossa agenda completa de estado de defesa…
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sluggobear · 2 months ago
The Truth About The Viral Cheer Mom Deep Fake Scandal
From 2021...
This phenomenon has been dubbed the “liar’s dividend,” the idea that the existence of deepfakes can be weaponized to undermine the truth. As Ajder explains, “Deepfakes don’t just make things look real. They also provide a way to dismiss real things as fake.” Umé adds—and the more mainstream the concept becomes, the bigger its risk—that “this is something we’re going to face a lot in the future, people denying that they were being shown on video, even if there’s video proof.” Which is not to say that Madi did anything especially shocking by denying she had vaped on video. But it is to suggest that what happened to Madi points to a scary future in which all digital evidence is essentially suspicious—and the only truth is the one each of us (or the internet) chooses to believe.
“Once we have this doubt, this poison that’s been poured in our ear that it could be manipulated, then we really are in another level of the post-truth world.”
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years ago
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Umé served as one of the handmaidens of the planet Naboo's Royal House and at some point she was Amidala's handmaiden as well.
Umé attended the funeral of Naboo's senator, Padmé Amidala, shortly after the end of the Clone Wars. The handmaiden took part in Amidala's funeral procession through the city of Theed, walking alongside Queen Apailana of Naboo and another handmaiden.
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings | #star wars handmaidens
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handmaidensofnaboo · 6 years ago
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Dressing a Galaxy: スター・ウォーズ 銀河を彩るコスチュームの世界
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noone-likes-yahoo · 7 months ago
Getting a bit more headcannon-y re: the outfits, it would make sense for them to belong to the crown rather than the handmaidens personally (see Leia being lent the parade dress by Dalné and Padmé being able to take more dresses with her because she’s staying in the employ of the government rather than just “retiring”), so there would likely be more than five sets of each. Evidence: Umé is wearing the same cloak as definitely the post-senate outfit (and probably the pre-senate outfit) - the one between the yellow one and Rabé in the chart. We also know Neeyutnee was a couple inches taller than Padmé, and Réillata was “older,” so there would likely be sets that weren’t made for teenagers (juniors vs ladies sizes of the same outfit basically). (I also hc Jamillia to be like two years younger than Padmé but she’s shorter so that’s whatever rn)
So that puts us back to the funeral. I’d say Apailana talked to either Saché (would likely have the easiest access to/closest relationship with) or Dormé (is technically the head handmaiden at this point) and was like “hey you guys can use whatever robes you want for the funeral just lmk and we’ll pull them for you” so they’re not the same exact ones they wore in TPM but they’re basically the same ones.
Side note: are Neeyutnee’s handmaidens ever even shown? There’s no mention of them on wookieepedia as far as I could tell, but there’s no way that she didn’t have any what with there being a war on before she was even elected. I hc that she has more (like 10) because of the war and a couple of them are doubles (primary/secondary/third). And there’s no way Apailana has only two, the others are just?? somewhere else?? for some reason?? Padmé and Réillata both have five (ignoring Fé and the other standmaidens) and Jamillia has at least four.
Hmm possible Watsonian reason for Fé and them: Saché was resting/recovering from the whole torture thing and Yané was with her, but they needed there to be five(? or however many are in that scene) handmaidens for whatever reason so they just grabbed a couple girls from the guards/palace staff to make up the numbers and they just did the name thing for consistency in case they needed to call them. Because isn’t one of them literally Nick Guilliard the fight choreographer lmao ???
Anyway I think that’s all my thoughts (for now at least)
Yo I think I half cracked the Miré case:
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(Idk why it cropped like that anyway)
The dress looks the most similar and we never see their faces. I’m like 99% sure Hollé and Umé are digitally layered against themselves because we only ever see one face of each pair (and also the walks are weirdly out of sync but that might just be me being a band kid on main). We also never see the faces of the two in front of Apailana (who seem to be wearing the same outfit as Sabé and Eirtaé did during the “Anakin can’t count” scene in TPM).
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The color is kinda off but the hood style looks the same as the one photo of Miré that exists. The color doesn’t bother me much because I fully thought that Padmé’s Mustafar pants were light blue for a long time.
With all that said, in light of the Queen’s Shadow epilogue I will be ignoring that and interpreting them as such:
Hollé and Miré as the vaguely defined handmaidens who “did what people think handmaidens do anyway” ie only helping with wardrobe and etc (Queen’s Hope) in front of the funeral sled
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1 & 2: Sabé and Dormé - obvious reasons for being the front row
3 & 4: Rabé and Eirtaé
5 & 6: Saché and Yané - it was known that Saché had been a handmaiden so it would make sense for her to be slightly more identifiable. And whether Yané was also known to have been one or not she matched with Saché for both vibes and making the numbers nice
That leaves out Ellé and Moteé, but ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe they’re somewhere farther back behind Sio Bibble or something
Anyway that was my 2 AM wild hair, do with it what you will 🫡
admittedly it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what's going on in that first pic but once I did it all clicked into place so genuinely THANK YOU for this tbh i wasn't looking at the zoomed-out funeral scenes which might explain why I missed the reuse of multiple TPM handmaiden robes, and looking at a slightly higher res pic with the brightness turned up more it makes me think they just used pre-existing still pictures of most of the dresses and digitally laid them over the scene, except for Miré (whose dress is slightly different than the Qui-Gon funeral dress) who I think they took a new picture of
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and just for further context some handmaidens dress pictures
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I think the colors don't match up because much of this scene is just a digital assets mess, and my theory is that on set there were max 4 handmaidens (Miré, Hollé, Umé, another?) and the rest are just pictures they moved around and clever work with the camera to make it seem like there were actually more
but that was out of universe and trying to go beyond the green screen and all that shit. in-universe I love your analysis and I'm just going to say there was a mess with the wardrobe and somehow their clothes from 13 years ago fit them perfectly so they showed up like that<3
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halnicoo · 5 years ago
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hoardingrecipes · 6 years ago
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Umé Juice
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rollinginthestars · 3 years ago
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I know it’s only Dormé and Eirtaé but shhhhh
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closetsoftheredkeep · 8 years ago
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A lavender gown for Umé from the Georges Hobeika Fall Winter 2016/17 collection.
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