#queen apailana
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torbins-braid · 3 months ago
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Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) / Keisha Castle-Hughes as Queen Apailana
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gffa · 1 year ago
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STAR WARS: TIMELINES GRAPH FOR ALL YOUR NABOO WORLDBUILDING NEEDS. Especially of interest is the line of Queens' reigns: 44-40 BBY - Queen Ekay, appearing in Dooku: Jedi Lost
40-36 BBY - Queen Ameé, appearing in Master and Apprentice
36-34 BBY - Queen Réillata, appearing in Queen's Shadow
34-32 BBY - Queen Sanandrassa, appearing in Queen's Peril
32-28 BBY - Queen Amidala, appearing in The Phantom Menace
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28-26 BBY - Queen Réillata, appearing in Queen's Shadow (second term)
26-22 BBY - Queen Jamillia, appearing in Attack of the Clones
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22-20 BBY - Queen Neeyutnee, appearing The Clone Wars
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20-18 BBY - Queen Apailana, appearing in Revenge of the Sith
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3 BBY - Queen Dalné, appearing in Leia: Princess of Alderaan/Leia: Ordeal of the Princess
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4 ABY - Queen Soruna, appearing in Shattered Empire
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duchessofthemoonartworks · 2 years ago
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Queens Of Naboo [ 2023 ] From left to right. Queen Amidala, Queen Neeyutnee, Queen Jamillia & Queen Apailana. More places to follow my art 🌙
Instagram @ duchess_of_the_moon_
Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/Duchesofthemoon
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engagemythrusters · 1 year ago
omg please talk more about Naboo when you have time!! I love reading people’s headcanons and I never thought about how so many of them cover their hair it’s so cool!!
OH okay !! Thank you for asking!! But also hold your horses bc this is about to get LONG. And rambly.
So it is my full belief that Naboo queens cover their hair. Like this initially came about because... I believe it was @star-burned who once made a post about hijabi queens. And then I was like yeah that's a whole vibe I like that. But then when I started making my own queen OC (Roona!) I started looking into it and I was like. 100% sold on the hair-covering idea. It's not a hijab, as ears aren't necessarily covered, so I have diverged from the original idea. BUT. Still along the same lines.
Sooo here's all the costumes worn by Queen Amidala (both on Padme and Sabe).
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Now, here's the meta analysis:
What has ALWAYS been notable to me (even as someone young) is that like. They're wigs. Clearly they are wigs. She does not have enough hair for some of those. Yes, Padme had some decently long hair! But it was damn well not that thick. Not to mention, if you zoom in on some of the hairstyles (maybe not using these photos, bc they're taken a bit far away), they just... don't look like hair.
If you look at the hair of the retaking-Theed outfit (middle right), you can see that the hair on that is absolutely fake. The sheen of the hair is inconsistent between what wraps the headpiece and what sticks out the back. Not to mention... Where the goddamn hell is that hair even coming from. Literally not attached to her head. And if you look at what's coming out of the back is just... it's so... hard. It's all blocked together. Like maybe it's a shitton of hairproduct. That's possible for the actual actress. But it honest to god just looks like an acryllic wig. The shine and how none of it breaks like normal hair... Yeah no. My bet is Not Real. And if it is, sorry dear Ms Knightley. The hairproduct makes it look fake.
As for the top two left outfits and the center outfit... Well, for the first left and the middle, it has that same issue with those. It has no breakage or frizz. Yes, could be a lot of product! But if you look at any style Padme has in later films, she still has baby hairs and frizz and flyaways... because that's how normal hair acts. That's just how hair is. So yeah I'm not sold on the first one being real hair.
Now the mid-top does have some breakage and frizz near the base AND it is a proven possible hairstyle (that is a Mongolian traditional hairstyle! Like... near exact ripoff of it.) BUT what's in the headpiece is not the only hair. There's also a back part that has... a lot of hair. And that just... doesn't seem consistent with what Natalie Portman has for hair. YES it is likely that it has some sort of hair rat in it. But I'm looking at the pattern of the hair that's up top on the headpiece. I don't think that's real? Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't make sense the way it comes out. Who knows tho. Maybe that's the real hair and the other is fake.
The bottom two are real hair. At least what's attached to the head is real. I can tell you that much.
But that's the META. ANd also conjecture on the meta.
What's in-canon is:
The Queen's hairstyles, which were said to take several hours to perfect, were headpieces with wigs that matched Padmé's natural hair color. Her real hair was tightly-braided, pinned down, and gelled; the gel held the headpieces in place and prevented them from itching. While the Queen's hairstyles were being created, her handmaiden Rabé would provide counsel. (source)
So. Yeah. They're all wigs.
THIS does line up with Padme's Tatooine hairstyle!
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While it's not the style that would be under her wigs, it still holds all the braids.
AND So we know it's not just QUEEN AMIDALA that does this:
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Jamillia's in a wig (meta and canon) and Apailana's hair is fully covered.
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THE HANDMAIDENS ARE LIKE 90% OF THE TIME COVERED TOO. That spans across films. There's like one time we see hair--during the takeover of Naboo. That's literally it. The rest of the time, their hair is covered.
And honourable mentions: A lot of Padme's senator hairstyles... Wigs. Literally she popped her fuckin hair off in TCW. That shit was a wig half the time.
TL;DR? The queens are wearing wigs the times "their hair" is shown. Thus. Queens required to hide their hair--either out of social obligation or out of wish to portray themselves with ornate hairstyles to show their social standing. Either way, no "real hair" shown. All hidden.
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britney-rosberg06 · 1 year ago
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I Need To Speak With Her
i NEED to speak with her
I have an inherent desire to speak with her over coffee and a sketch book
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spruceneedles · 1 year ago
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She was always my favorite
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jeynepoolelovebot · 8 months ago
[ID: Three gifs of the Star Wars Prequels, showing Queen Amidala sitting on her throne and speaking seriously, Queen Jamillia on her throne and speaking, and Queen Apailana walking sadly at Padmé Amidala's funeral, her handmaiden Umé walking beside and behind her. End ID]
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Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - QUEENS OF NABOO
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alexversenaberrie · 11 months ago
inspired by the post from @royalhandmaidens
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Queen Amidala | Queen Jamilia | Queen Neeyutnee | Queen Apailana | Sosha Soruna | Queen Réillata | Queen Mairayni | Queen Sanandrassa | Queen Kylantha | Sabé - The Decoy Queen | Queen Yram | Queen Dalné | The Gungan-Naboo War Queen of Naboo | Queen of Naboo from the New Republic | King Jafan I Star Tours Queen of Naboo | King Veruna | The First Queen of Naboo | King Tapalo | Queen Ameé | Queen Ekay | King Jafan III | The Queen of beaded emblems | King Narmlé | Queen of Naboo from High Republic | Queen Elsinoré den Tasia
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sw5w · 8 days ago
King Veruna of Naboo
Trying to work out the timeline that allows King Veruna of Naboo to exist in canon. He's been mentioned already in a few canon sources (mostly reference books, but indirectly in the novel Tarkin, where Grand Moff Tarkin mentions a conversation with Emperor Palpatine from "20 yrs ago" about a Naboo king).
If we take it literally, with Tarkin taking place in 14 BBY, that would put the time he had the conversation at 34 BBY, 2 years before Episode I. Queen's Peril by EK Johnston establishes Queen Sanandrassa as ruling for one two-year term in 34 BBY, preceding Amidala.
But Veruna can't be the King of Naboo before Sanandrassa either, because Queen's Shadow by EK Johnston establishes that Queen Réillata reigned before Sanandrassa for one two-year term. So Veruna can't be King before 36 BBY.
But Veruna can't be king before Réillata either, because Master & Apprentice by Claudia Grey establishes that the Queen of Naboo is named Ameé. Master & Apprentice occurs in 40 BBY, so if Ameé served two full year terms that would come to 36 BBY when Réillata is elected.
But Veruna can't be king before Ameé either, because Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott, names a Queen Ekay of Naboo. Star Wars Timelines shows her reign as being from 44-40 BBY.
Another note in Star Wars Timelines says "Amid concerns about the corrosive effects of dynasties, the Naboo Reformations limit monarchs to a maximum of two two-year terms".
This could fit in with Veruna's Legends description of having a 13-year reign. He would have possibly been in the 7th two-year term at this point, meaning he first came to power in 57 BBY.
This timeframe would also fit with characters who were elected to their positions during Veruna's reign in Legends, still fitting in canon. Palpatine to the Senate in 52 BBY (during Veruna's 5th year), and Sio Bibble as Governor (no date given in either Legends or Canon).
Captain Panaka was also said to have been elevated to Captain following Veruna's abdication, which would still fit his age range too, being in his 40s during Episode I, would put him at age 28 at youngest.
So the timeline of rulers might be:
Veruna (57-44 BBY) - abdicates in first year of 7th term (13 years) - Naboo Reformations limits monarchical terms to 2 maximum
Ekay (44-40) - 2 terms (4 years)
Ameé (40-36) - 2 terms (4 years)
Réillata (36-34) - 1 term (2 years)
Sanandrassa (34-32) - 1 term (2 years)
Amidala (32-28) - 2 terms (4 years)
Réillata (28-26) - 1 term (2 years)
Jamillia (26-22) - 2 term (4 years)
Neyutnee (22-20) - 1 term (2 years)
Apailana (20-18) - 1 term (2 years)
Does this math work out to others?
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karttaylir-darasuum · 1 year ago
a resource page for all your clone related needs
some tips on how to unwhitewash the clones in your content: 1 2 3
a folder of literally, like, 100s of photos of tem for all your reference needs
avoid racist, ableist, & otherwise negative stereotypes when writing about wrecker: 1 2
types of clone troopers
trooper weapons
technical sw terms
every canon named clone up until 2020 (images and names only)
ever canon named clone up until 2021 (images, names, battalions, & jedi officers)
every canon named clone up until 2023 (names and battalions only, no images)
assorted clone lore: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
reader inclusivity (has fic resources + poc moodboard images)
some links + videos about māori culture you might find useful if it's relevant to your works: 1 2
a post regarding the western colonization of hawai'i (while tem is māori & aotearoa is very distinct from hawai'i, they fall under the polynesian/pasifika family and it's important to recognize how the two both continue to be negatively impacted by colonization today)
disability inclusivity
māori, mando'a, and huttese dictionaries
star wars and clone specific fic dividers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
some things to keep in mind as we're celebrating characters played by and modeled after a māori man:
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you can find the full pdf these are sourced from + more information on the subject here
if you're like me and you want to see some māori films that have māori cast members from the star wars universe, here's a list with free watch links where available:
tem's māori-focused films: once were warriors, what becomes of the broken hearted?, river queen, rain of the children, mahana/the patriarch (i'm also fond of a tv show he did called adventurer)
whale rider (keisha castle-hughes, aka queen apailana & emerie karr)
hunt for the wilderpeople (julian dennison, aka clone cadets deke & stak in tbb s3)
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jeynepoolelovebot · 2 years ago
[ID: Three gifs of Star Wars. The first gif shows Queen Amidala sitting on the throne in the Theed Royal Palace in The Phantom Menace. Pink cursive text on the gif reads 'amidala', overlaid on the symbol of the Royal House of Naboo.
The second gif shows Queen Jamillia sitting on the throne in the Theed Royal Palace in Attack of the Clones. White cursive text on the gif reads 'jamillia', overlaid on the symbol of the Royal House of Naboo.
The third gif shows Queen Apailana walking in Padmé Amidala's funeral procession in Revenge of the Sith, her handmaiden Umé walking beside and behind her. Purple cursive text on the gif reads 'apailana', overlaid on the symbol of the Royal House of Naboo. End ID]
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The Monarch of Naboo was the elected king or queen of the Royal House of Naboo, the monarchy that governed the human residents of the planet. The Naboo often elected young women, believing they possessed a form of pure, childlike wisdom that the adults lacked. The monarch was aided by the Naboo Royal Advisory Council, which was led by the planetary governor and included ministers for architecture, music, the sciences, and education.
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antianakin · 3 months ago
I feel like fan reactions to Naboo and their elected monarch system and Padme's part in it is QUICKLY becoming as onerous as the way fans react to the Jedi and the Padawans.
"Naboo relies on children to run its government"
Does it though?
Two out of the four most canonical Naboo queens we've ever seen were fully adults as far as we can tell. Only Padme and Apailana are actually children, but Jamillia is very clearly adult and Neyutnee doesn't seem to be a child either. Padme makes a comment that obviously does tell us that she's not the first child queen nor the youngest queen ever elected, but this doesn't necessarily mean that Naboo REQUIRES its queens to be children or even that it PREDOMINANTLY elects child queens. As far as that quote tells us, Padme could literally be only the SECOND child queen ever elected. Just because she isn't the youngest ever doesn't mean there was any more than one other child queen elected before her and that one person happened to be elected younger than 14. That's just as accurate of a headcanon to make as the one that says that most queens are elected as children.
We also don't see children in any other positions of power during either TPM or TCW. The governor of Theed is clearly an older man, Palpatine is clearly an adult as the Senator (and Padme herself is an adult when SHE becomes the Senator), and there's nobody else that we ever see other than Padme and her handmaidens who is clearly a child in the scenes depicting Naboo's government. So it seems just a little unfair to claim that Naboo relies on children to run its government. EVEN IF we pretended that it only ever or mostly elected child queens, the vast majority of the people making political decisions appear to be adults still.
From a meta perspective, Naboo having child queens appears to be just another aspect of the message about the wisdom of children (note the clear foil between Padme and Palpatine as two politicians from the same planet, but she is the wise child and he is the corrupt adult). It comes up again in AOTC with Yoda asking the younglings to help Obi-Wan with his question about the missing planet and then saying that the mind of a child is wondrous. It's not some sort of hidden message about Naboo being a corrupt piece of shit hiding underneath natural beauty.
"Padme was raised to be a politician/child queen"
Was she though?
Her mother appears to be an educator and her father works in some sort of refugee organization, neither of them is a politician themselves nor are we ever told that they are, and in the deleted scenes from AOTC, we hear that they're actually not SUPER happy about Padme still being a politician because of how dangerous it is for her and would presumably prefer if she quit her job as a Senator and came back to Naboo to live a quieter life. This is an opinion they're so open about that Padme has to ask Anakin to lie about what he is and why he's traveling with her to try to keep her parents from getting anxious and when he chooses to reveal that information anyway, they instantly start talking about how much they don't like how dangerous Padme's job is. That doesn't sound like the kind of people who would've required or even encouraged Padme to go after a political job as a child. They clearly chose to SUPPORT her political interests early on, but that doesn't mean they RAISED HER with that expectation on her.
Padme appears to have chosen to become a politician and to campaign to be Queen all of her own free will and because she wanted to pursue that path for herself. Why do we need to take that agency away from her? Even if she says she believes she was too young for it and seems to regret the path she chose now that she's an adult, it doesn't mean it was FORCED upon her. The parallel between her and Anakin is RIGHT THERE, they both chose a career path that they believed was what they wanted, but the reality of it turned out to be something different than they thought and they both feel trapped within a cage of their own making. The whole point is that they can LEAVE this cage any time they want, that they made the choices that led them to where they are and they can MAKE DIFFERENT CHOICES if they want to, but some part of them clings to this path they're on rather than embrace the uncertainty of letting it go for something that could make them happier.
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kleyamarki · 4 months ago
Top 5 headcanons about Kleya’s past and her connection to Luthen
Hi this has been sitting in my inbox for months but i got bored at work and wrote PAGES in my little journal and hello here we are okay slay
I know there are a lot of HCs out there, but Kleya’s my little guy (i know you’re all shocked) so i’m just gonna infodump here on my thoughts about her past. And also let me just say – ALL kleya HCs are welcome on my tumblr dot com blog!!!!!!!!!! I love her in all forms!!!!!!!! Please come tell me all of your kleya HCs!! Even if they’re different!!!!! We can all play in this sandbox together!! I love you all. Anyway, here we go:
1) Handmaiden Kleya!!!!!
Everyone’s heard this one, and I have expounded on it many a time. Timeline-wise, it wouldn’t be crazy that she’d be a handmaiden of Apailana, the queen of Naboo when the Empire came into being. This ties in with her hatred of the Empire – if you believed in peace and democracy like the Naboo did, how would you feel if you saw it come crashing down at like 14 years old? What about if the man who recruited you to protect the queen (a symbol of Naboo democracy) became the new governor, effectively overruling the democracy you were sworn to protect?
2) Amidalans
Although she was young, Kleya would’ve had contacts within the Amidalans, a network created to find out what really happened to Padme Amidala. They would have wider rebellion connections, which could place Kleya in Coruscant with Luthen.
3) Connect it to Luthen
I think Luthen was probably a lone wolf (on Coruscant at least) for a long time and decided he needed an assistant. Yada yada yada he gets Kleya sent to him.
4) My Archivist Dreams – self indulgent? Maybe. Plausible? Yes!
Kleya would’ve been pretty young coming to Coruscant. Who’s to say she didn’t go to Coruscant for archival studies or to learn about conserving artifacts? I bet that’s what the Amidalans/rebels put on her documents to get her onto the planet. Anyway, we know she does conservation work in Luthen’s gallery, which means she had to balance some type of education with rebellion work at some point. Hey, you can probably get a lot of names to add to your rebel network at a university, right?
5) A fun (kinda cracked) VelKleya one
If we’re on the “Luthen is Vel’s dad” hc train too, then VelKleya is so fucking funny dude.
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duchessofthemoonartworks · 2 years ago
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Queens Of Naboo [ 2023 ] My annual Star Wars day aka May the 4th picture. May The 4th Be With You!
More places to follow my art 🌙
Instagram @ duchess_of_the_moon_
Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/Duchesofthemoon
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shield-and-saber · 1 year ago
something something, queen apailana and her gang of poly & austronesian handmaidens fighting the empire during the ot, send tweet
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months ago
Yo I think I half cracked the Miré case:
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(Idk why it cropped like that anyway)
The dress looks the most similar and we never see their faces. I’m like 99% sure Hollé and Umé are digitally layered against themselves because we only ever see one face of each pair (and also the walks are weirdly out of sync but that might just be me being a band kid on main). We also never see the faces of the two in front of Apailana (who seem to be wearing the same outfit as Sabé and Eirtaé did during the “Anakin can’t count” scene in TPM).
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The color is kinda off but the hood style looks the same as the one photo of Miré that exists. The color doesn’t bother me much because I fully thought that Padmé’s Mustafar pants were light blue for a long time.
With all that said, in light of the Queen’s Shadow epilogue I will be ignoring that and interpreting them as such:
Hollé and Miré as the vaguely defined handmaidens who “did what people think handmaidens do anyway” ie only helping with wardrobe and etc (Queen’s Hope) in front of the funeral sled
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1 & 2: Sabé and Dormé - obvious reasons for being the front row
3 & 4: Rabé and Eirtaé
5 & 6: Saché and Yané - it was known that Saché had been a handmaiden so it would make sense for her to be slightly more identifiable. And whether Yané was also known to have been one or not she matched with Saché for both vibes and making the numbers nice
That leaves out Ellé and Moteé, but ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe they’re somewhere farther back behind Sio Bibble or something
Anyway that was my 2 AM wild hair, do with it what you will 🫡
admittedly it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what's going on in that first pic but once I did it all clicked into place so genuinely THANK YOU for this tbh i wasn't looking at the zoomed-out funeral scenes which might explain why I missed the reuse of multiple TPM handmaiden robes, and looking at a slightly higher res pic with the brightness turned up more it makes me think they just used pre-existing still pictures of most of the dresses and digitally laid them over the scene, except for Miré (whose dress is slightly different than the Qui-Gon funeral dress) who I think they took a new picture of
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and just for further context some handmaidens dress pictures
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I think the colors don't match up because much of this scene is just a digital assets mess, and my theory is that on set there were max 4 handmaidens (Miré, Hollé, Umé, another?) and the rest are just pictures they moved around and clever work with the camera to make it seem like there were actually more
but that was out of universe and trying to go beyond the green screen and all that shit. in-universe I love your analysis and I'm just going to say there was a mess with the wardrobe and somehow their clothes from 13 years ago fit them perfectly so they showed up like that<3
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