#ukrainian hall
if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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“Single Jobless Plan to Ask Arrest, If Evicted From Ukrainian Hall,” The Globe and Mail. October 18, 1938. Page 13. ---- Possibility of a sit-down strike, faded, but a challenge to the police to arrest 100 transient single unemployed men loomed when it was reported the sheriff of Toronto would evict them from their only available quarters - the Ukrainian hall on Berkeley Street. 
At a meeting yesterday the men offenders. most of whom range from 17 to 27 years of age, decided that instead of attempting a sit-down strike or any disturbance such as occurred in Vancouver last spring, or in Regina a year before, they would call upon the police to lock them up in police stations on vagrancy charges. 
Some fifty of the guests in the hall crowded into the visitors' gallery at the City Hall yesterday when a committee of six waited close to the council chamber in hope of a hearing by the Council which did not materialize. 
Sheriff Cain declined to say whether or not any eviction order had been issued. It is anticipated that no attempt will be made to move the men until tomorrow, when the Ontario Government may decide what will be done with them. 
Most of the single unemployed men claim they have no home town to which they can go now that Toronto has definitely decided it will not provide for those who cannot claim residence in the city in recent years. 
Police officials admit that if the hundred or more men were to be locked up in the police stations as vagrants the capacity of cells in the downtown stations would be taxed to such a capacity that there would be no room for other offenders.
Those present af yesterday's council meeting conducted them- selves in an orderly manner at the City Hall. With the exception of a lone detective-sergeant no special officers were on duty to guard the proceedings of the city fathers.
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littlestoneinspace · 1 year
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As it should be
(Maurice and Alec)
* there's a similar scene with Clive but Maurice wasn't happy. So finally everything is right.
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ukulelegodparent · 2 years
The colours of the town I live in are blue and yellow (well, gold but usually it ends up being yellow in reality) and like they're distinctly different from the Ukrainian flag but still. So there's a lot of blue and yellow flags all around town. The thing is that very few of them have the exact right colours for either flag. So you're often left wondering 'is this place flying a Ukrainian flag as a sign of solidarity or are they just flying the city colours?'
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DOCUMENT FRANCEINFO. Paris 2024 : "Les sportifs russes doivent s'opposer à la guerre de Poutine", appelle le maire de Kiev et ancien boxeur Vitali Klitschko
"DOCUMENT FRANCEINFO. Paris 2024 : "Les sportifs russes doivent s'opposer à la guerre de Poutine", appelle le maire de Kiev et ancien boxeur Vitali Klitschko" https://www.francetvinfo.fr/les-jeux-olympiques/paris-2024/document-franceinfo-paris-2024-les-sportifs-russes-doivent-s-opposer-a-la-guerre-de-poutine-appelle-le-maire-de-kiev-et-ancien-boxeur-vitali-klitschko_5649968.html
On est loin de la trêve Olympique.
Quand les municipales à Kiev doivent-elles avoir lieu ?
Il n'y a plus de municipales à Kiev.
Il n'y a plus de démocratie en Ukraine.
C'est la guerre !
Ce n'est plus la démocratie, ils sont élus à vie... 🤓🇪🇺🇺🇦
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folklorespring · 5 months
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If you're having a bad day, just look at the cat mayor of a Ukrainian city Lviv. A few years ago Levchyk got stuck on a tree near city hall and couldn't get down on his own. Members of city hall staff helped him. They tried to look for his owner, but nobody claimed him, so since then he lives in a city hall and performs duties of the cat mayor.
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suratan-zir · 6 months
It's been wild watching how far russia is willing to go to justify the genocide in Ukraine. They are willing to use the tragedy and the cold dead bodies of their own civilians to explain why they are killing us. They aren't even good at lying, but somehow it's always enough to make someone believe.
At first they said the terrorists arrived in a car with ukrainian license plates. Then disproved it. They said the terrorists were moving towards the Belarusian border. Then quickly changed that version to the Ukrainian border instead. Apparently, the citizens of Tajikistan recruited by ISIS worked for Ukraine. When putin shits his pants, it's because the Ukrainians forced him to.
Not even a few hours had passed before the russians got to writing on the shells with which they bomb Ukraine that this is their revenge for the Moscow's Crocus Hall. "To the pigs (that's what they call us) for the Crocus Hall"
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This is not surprising in the slightest. But it is still wild to see. Russian society is sick. There is nothing sacred for them. No empathy even for their own. No respect for the victims. Everything revolves around one goal: to justify their hatred and their crimes.
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Jay Kuo at Think Big Picture:
For years, critics of Vladimir Putin have been warning that the Russians have taken over parts of the Republican Party. They raised the alarm as Republicans defended the Russian leader, parroted clear Kremlin talking points, and became mules for disinformation campaigns. In recent weeks, that criticism has shifted to include not just Republicans who have left the party, including former representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, but current GOP members. Recently, two powerful Republican chairs of the House Intelligence Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee warned openly about how Russian propaganda has seeped into their party and even made its way into speeches on the House floor. Other members are now even openly questioning whether some of their fellow officials have been compromised and are being extorted. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) suggested in a recent interview that the Russian spies may possess compromising tapes of some of his colleagues. It’s unclear where he’s getting his information or how accurate it is.
And then there’s this: According to a report by Politico, a number of European politicians were recently paid by Moscow to interfere in the upcoming EU elections by Russians pretending to be a “media” outlet called “Voice of Europe.” The Kremlin-backed operation used money to influence officials to take pro-Russian stances. Authorities have conducted some money seizures and launched an investigation into which members of the European Parliament may have accepted cash bribes. This in turn raises an important question for our own politics: Are the Russians doing the same with U.S. politicians, directly or indirectly? This piece walks through the three types of compromise—disinformation, extortion, and bribery—to give a sense of what we know and what we don’t really know, and, importantly, where we should be on our guard. As this summary will show, from the 2016 election till now, there’s enough Russian smoke now to assume there is a fire, one that compromises not only the integrity of our own system of elections, but the safety and security of the free world. Duped.
Over the past year, we have witnessed two distinct kinds of Russian propaganda in action. Both use our own elected officials and intelligence processes to amplify and even weaponize disinformation. The first kind originates online through Russian-backed internet channels. Information operatives begin spreading false rumors, for example about Ukraine, that then get repeated within right-wing silos before reaching willing purveyors of it within the halls of Congress. A chief culprit in Congress is Georgia’s Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Among the Russian-originated false narratives she has uplifted is the patently false claim that Ukraine is waging a war against Christianity while Russia is protecting it. On Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, Greene even claimed, without evidence, that Ukraine is “executing priests.”
Where would Greene have gotten this wild, concocted notion? We don’t have to look far. Russian talking points have included this gaslighting narrative for some time. The twist, of course, is that, according to the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, it is the Russian army that has been torturing and executing priests and other religious figures, including 30 Ukrainian clergy killed and 26 held captive by Russian forces. The Russians have also targeted Baptists, whom they see as U.S. propagandists, according to an in-depth Time magazine piece on the violence and death directed toward evangelicals. The Congressional propaganda mouthpieces for Russia aren’t limited to the U.S. House. Over in the Senate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance was also recently accused of spreading Kremlin-backed disinformation about Ukraine, this time over spurious allegations that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy siphoned U.S. aid to purchase himself two luxury yachts.
The accusation that Russians are presently extorting and blackmailing U.S. politicians into supporting Russia’s agenda has some broad appeal. It would help explain some mysteries, including why people like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) suddenly is no longer as supportive of Ukraine as before and constantly kisses the ring of Donald Trump these days—after presciently saying in 2016 that the GOP would destroy itself if it nominated him. 
The problem has been that these accusations aren’t supported by much evidence. That means that political extortion by the Russians is either not a very prevalent practice, or it’s so effective that no one dares expose it. Either way, we’re left without much to go on. The Russian word kompromat came into common parlance around the time that Buzzfeed published a salacious story about another intelligence report back in early 2017. In that instance, the author, a former British intelligence officer named Christopher Steele, was concerned Russia had compromising data on the soon-to-be president, Donald Trump.
That report never wound up being substantiated, and its sources and funding came into question as well. But intelligence agencies are in general agreement that obtaining kompromat is standard practice by Russia, and someone like Trump could have been an easy mark considering the company that he kept (e.g. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell) and the projects he was involved with (e.g. the Miss Universe contest). Lately, the notion of kompromat emerged once again, this time not from Democratic-paid outfits but from within the GOP itself. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) is one of the more “colorful” characters within the GOP, primarily known lately for being one of the eight members who voted to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy and even for getting into public jostling and shouting matches with McCarthy.
The Republican Party (or at least its pro-MAGA faction) is compromised by Russian kompromat.
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wintersmitth · 2 months
I once got called xenophobia for saying that a whole lot of Americans are American centric and frankly culturally imperialistic... I'm American myself, so I guess I'm xenophobic against me and not just... observing something true
Anyway, here's my point in relation to what you were saying
It seems that for many American's it's just impossible to conceive of the idea that no everywhere has American dynamics when it comes to things like race, and that what we see as white might not mean shit
Like... I don't get it, cause it only takes a couple seconds of paying any attention at all to notice things like the discrimination that places like the UK tend to have towards Eastern Europeans, that clearly skin color doesn't really matter there... and... it's also pretty damn clear that for all the talk russia does about "russian speaking Ukrainians" they don't actually give a damn about them cause they see Ukrainians as inferior
Just don't get it, don't get how lefties here can talk about cultural relativism and then not... apply it... and actually... acknowledge that not everywhere in the world has a US cultural lens, that not every dynamic everywhere is the same
Drives me nuts
Also I suppose my real point here is just trying to say that you're so right about all this privilege talk... I've been following since this invasion started, I've been actually paying attention and learning about what russia's been doing since the collapse of the soviet union
And I've also been paying attention to how Ukraine dropped off the map after like... one, maybe two months. News stopped talking about it, and the majority of Americans never were paying attention even then
We had mike johnson dip his hands elbow deep in blood as he refused to put aid up for a vote for month and months
...and then Ukrainians are privileged
"This is how they talk about a white hospital being bombed", they didn't fucking talk about... about the maternity hospital, or that concert hall with "children inside" or... dear god the universe would end before I could write everything russia's done that almost no one in the west talked about
"Imagine if russia did this!" ...they did, not just in Ukraine but in Syria, and Georgia, and Chechnya. I wasn't paying attention back then, but I'm paying attention now, and that's just what the russian military does
Fucks sake, you don't have to compare victims of genocide, you can support them both. The correct number of dead civilians is zero
It feels like I'm going crazy with how noone can understand that... or... more like they're all going crazy and I can't fucking get through to people. Or like... for me even if I didn't already dislike the GOP here, I couldn't vote for them cause of how they treat Ukraine, but meanwhile you have all these people talking about not voting out of spite and... they can't seem to see the russian propaganda oozing out of those words, like literally there's a 100% chance a lot of the "people" saying this are kremlin bots and troll farms (like 2016)
(And bonus complaint, I thought we all cared about Iranians... but... it feels like we forgot them too, and worse still it feels like some people are willing to support the Iranian government to own the US and... I... I really don't fucking know what's wrong with people)
So sorry for the weird and long ask, I just want you to know that I hear exactly what you're saying and you're so right
These people don't get that they're still doing American exceptionalism except we're the best at being bad, and that they make every fucking thing about America always forever
They can't fucking exist without projecting American race politics on to every situation. They can't hear about people being killed in another country without talking about how sad it is for them that this'll be WW3 (it won't... if you were paying attention you'd get how it won't be)
You're right to feel how you do, you're right to say "what privilege?" because there's none. They act like everyone's fawning over Ukraine and giving them special treatment, but I'm watching and I've been watching and we're only barely drip feeding any amount of support and then everyone wrings their hands about if we've upset russia and might get nuked, after all... if we sent you stingers we might get nuked... wait... that's from the start of the war, sorry I meant if you were allowed to blow up russian air bases with US weapons we'll get nuked
It's sick how Ukrainians get treated, and the people who talk about how Ukrainians are treated don't even pay a moment of attention
Slava Ukraine
Thank you for this message.
You are so absolutely right on every account there.
I suppose the most insane thing for me is people comparing genocides. You said right there: the correct number of victims is zero. And honestly I can't expect everyone to fact check everything, but the way people are misusing that damn UN report is malicious. It's meant to undermine our struggles, it plays right I to russian propaganda.
There is so much I got to say, but none if it is a coherent at the moment.
It's infuriating how people on internet go "Look at them talking about white hospital" well first of all this is by far not the first hospital Russia hit. Has been hitting. Word outside doesn't know 1/3 of what is actually happening here.
And then we get vilified for talking about our losses?! That's some privilege.
There's another message in my sitting which I got a few days ago and it is something along the lines "fuck you for telling people to vote for Biden he's committing genocide" and I'm just. Sitting here thinking that I don't want to be genocide either.
Anyhow. Yeah lots of Americans are so self centered it's insane. Even marginalized group, who seemingly should know a thing or two about never being listened to, brush away our words like nuisance. A few weeks ago I told some American scholar on twitter that writing USA has a war on its land is disrespectful to us living in actual warzone and got shut up with "white people always talk over black folk". The exchange had nothing to do with race. It's just systematic brutality and a threat of dying from a missile are different dangers ya kno.
Anyway, thank you for this message.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
AUUC('s Edmonton Branch) released a statement on the Volunteer Nazi given a standing ovation in Canadian Parliament, read it
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transcription after the cut
The Edmonton Branch of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians (AUUC) condemns the honoring of a nazi Ukrainian World War II veteran, a member of the notorious 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna", in the House of Commons during the visit of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy last Friday, 22 September, 2023.
Our Association, founded in 1918 in Winnipeg as the Ukrainian Labor Temple Association, has an unblemished record of opposing fascism, in word and deed, before and after WWII, in Canada, in the Ukrainian-Canadian community, and abroad. Our members fought heroically in the Spanish Civil War, on the side of the Republican government, against fascism. They fought for Canada, allied with the Soviet Union, against nazi Germany and fascist Italy in WWII.
It is therefore unbelievable to us, as to most other Canadians, that when the individual in question, Yaroslav Hunka, was introduced in parliament as a Ukrainian veteran of WWII who fought against Russia, no one in attendance, all of whom gave him two standing ovations, realized what this meant. We know exactly what it meant.
Now this shameful spectacle has been publicized to all Canadians, and throughout the world. We welcome this publicization. We hope it will lead to a reckoning. Some steps in this direction have already been taken. The speaker of the House of Commons has resigned. An endowment in the name of Yaroslav Hunka at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, at the University of Alberta, has been returned. We welcome these steps. But they are only first steps. Much more must be done. The problem is greater than simply one nazi, one speaker, and one endowment.
It is estimated that two thousand members of the 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna" were allowed into Canada after WWII. Our Association, immediately at that time, publicized and opposed their entry, to our everlasting credit. This figure does not include other nazis and nazi-collaborators, of various nationalities. That means thousands of Yaroslav Hunkas. Several of them went on to occupy prominent and leading positions in certain other Ukrainian-Canadian organizations, in religious institutions, educational institutions, and state institutions. The Canadian state supports, with funding and semi-official recognition, Ukrainian-Canadian organizations that unapologetically honor these nazis. If honoring Yaroslav Hunka in the House of Commons was a shameful act that had to be corrected, then so must all these other cases be corrected.
We therefore call on the Canadian state at all three levels (federal, provincial, municipal) to halt all state funding to all Ukrainian-Canadian organizations which honor any Ukrainian nazis or nazi-collaborators, including especially veterans of the 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna", until such time as these organizations explicitly and unequivocally apologize for having done so, severing all connections with all these nazis and nazi-collaborators, in all forms whatsoever.
We call for the removal and dismantling of two monuments to nazi Ukrainians in Edmonton: the monument to the veterans of the 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna" located in St. Michael's Cemetery, and the bust of Roman Shukhevych located at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex, preferably by their respective property owners, and if not by them, then by state compulsion.
We call on the government of Canada, and on the Liberal Party of Canada which formed the government at the time, to issue official apologies to our Association (the AUUC), in consultation with our Association, for banning it (then named the Ukrainian Labor-Farmer Temple Association) by an order in council in June 1940, seizing its properties, our halls and their contents (furniture, musical instruments, dance costumes, books, etc., most of which were destroyed), and interning our leaders in internment camps, acknowledging this as a terrible miscarriage of justice and act of oppression.
We call on all Canadians, all progressive Canadians, all decent Canadians, all anti-fascist Canadians, individually and through their various organizations, to support us in these calls for justice, by publicizing this statement, and pressuring their political representatives.
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anastasiareyreed · 1 year
dear world, you have the opportunity to show your support for Ukraine in real life! please share!
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you can support Ukraine and call on your authorities to help Ukrainians survive the ecocide and expel the russian invaders from our territories!
in the coming days, a peaceful march in support of Ukraine will take place all over the world! please join and show by your example that the world need to be on the side of good!
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please spread the word and look for cities where you can join the march, Ukrainians really need your support!
📍Bucharest, Parcul TNB 19:00 10.06
📍Sydney, Town Hall 14:00 11.06
📍Batumi, Europe Square 19:00 11.06
📍Paris, Place de la Republique 16:00 10.06
📍London, 10 Downing Street 16:00 10.06
📍Kraków, Rynek Główny 1 16:00 11.06
📍 Netherlands, Amsterdam, Dam Square 14:00-16:00 11.06
📍Danmark, Aarhus, Molleparken 13:00 11.06
📍Adana, Ataturk Park 16:00 10.06
📍Porto, Praça Aliados 13:00 11.06
📍Lyon, Pl. de la Comédie 18.00 10.06
📍Prague, Staroměstské náměstí 17:00 10.06
📍Wroclaw, plac Solny 18:00 11.06
📍Nottingham, Speakers Corner, 16:00 10.06
📍 Barcelona, Passeig de Lluís Companys 16:00 11.06
📍Strasbourg, Parlement européen 17:30 12.06
📍Brisbane, Australia, King George Square 14:00 11.06
added new cities and dates:
📍Stockholm, Norrmalmstorg, 12:00 11.06
📍Tel Aviv, HaYarkon St 120 18:30 12.06
📍UK, Bristol, College Green 12:00 11.06
📍Vancouver, Jack Pool Plaza 14:00 11.06
📍Poznan, Adam Mickiewicz Square 11:00 11.06
📍Warsaw, Ukrainian embassy, Szucha 7 18:00 12.06
📍Valencia, Monument Antoni Ferrandis 16:00 11.06
📍Brisbane, King George Square 14:00 11.06
📍Freiburg, Platz der alten Synagoge 18:00 10.06
📍Kassel, Deutschland 17:00 10.06
over time, new cities and dates will be added
more information here!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“He’s Punished Enough Now,” Border Cities Star. October 28, 1932. Page 5. ---- SO COURT DECDES ---- Orchestra Leader Gazed On Wine; Bounced --- When an orchestra leader gets bounced out of a dance hall for trying to make a speech when drunk, that’s punishment enough. That was Magistrate Smith’s decision in East Windsor police court today when John Kuvasmak, of 20 Lesperance Road, Sandwich East, appeared on a drunk charge. 
Kuvasmak, it was said, was picked up by police late Saturday evening, after he had been forcibly ejected from the Ukrainian dance hall at Huron street and Drouillard Road - after Kuvasmak had insisted on making a speech. After being taken to the police station, Kuvasmak. complained of not feeling well and was sent to the Metropolitan General Hospital for the night.
Kuvasmak, it was said, had formerly been employed as director of the East Windsor United Front Conference’s orchestra. He had been more recently employed by the Ukrainian organization, but had again lost his job. It was a desire to explain the circumstances surrounding his dismissal that led him to insist on making a speech at the dance hall last Saturday, according to the story told at East Windsor today. 
"How many drinks did you have?" asked Magistrate Smith. 
“One,” the accused replied briefly. 
"Do you mean that you had one at a time or just one?" followed up the Magistrate. 
"Just one,” the accused said. 
After hearing the story of Kuvasmak’s ejection from the dance hall, where he once reigned supreme as leader of the orchestra, Magistrate Smith decided that he had been punished enough. 
The drunk charge was withdrawn.
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littlestoneinspace · 1 year
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Summer 🌿
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 3 months
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The flag that was brought into the session hall of Ukrainian Parliament on the 24th of August 1991 - the day Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union.
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anastasiamaru · 6 months
Old Kyiv
"Château de Fleurs"
In 1863, a French entrepreneur opened the entertainment venue "Château de Fleurs" (Castle of Flowers) on the site of the modern-day Dynamo Stadium. The cafe-chantant, as it was called in French style, housed a restaurant, concert halls for performances, a dance hall, a summer theater, and a beer bar. It also featured the city's only park with a paid entrance fee of 40 kopecks on the busiest days. Dining at "Château de Fleurs" was also available only by subscription, costing from 9 to 15 rubles per month, depending on the number of meals one could have per day.
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The name of the park fully reflected its concept. The park was adorned with flower beds featuring a wide variety of flowers.
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Every season at the Château was marked by the emergence of a new pop star, a new spectacle, or attraction.
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Ivan Nechui-Levytsky( Ukrainian writer, one of the founders of Ukrainian realism. His works are known for their depth and humanism)described the Château in his novella "Clouds":
..."At the Château, there was a grand celebration. The posters announced that that evening there would be Tyrolean songs sung in the garden, then fireworks would be set off, and at the end, Bengal lights and a fireworks display. A large crowd gathered! The entire Château in the valley was filled with masses of people."
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Шато Де Флер👆
An old map where the Château de Fleurs still exists
Château de Fleurs closed in 1894 due to financial difficulties and changes in management. Later, Dynamo Stadium was built on its site.
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The Great Hall of the Mykola Lysenko Institute of Music decorated with wall paintings by Modest Sosenko, carried out in 1914-1915. The Secession-style paintings feature images of Ukrainian folk musicians.
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dontforgetukraine · 1 month
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Toronto City Hall in Canada saw the Ukrainian flag raising ceremony. It was attended by the President of the Ukrainian Canadian Crongress - Toronto branch (Petro Schturyn), Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie , Consul General of Ukraine in Toronto Oleh Nikolenko and other community leaders. A long Ukrainian flag of unknown length was also spread out, but it was probably around 30 meters judging by other Ukrainian flag ceremonies.
Source: UCC Toronto
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