#ugly betty fandom
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ladyfallon · 27 days ago
I have been rewatching Ugly Betty so much lately. I fell in love with that show when it first came out. Is there still a fandom for the show?
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bleu32 · 7 months ago
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My favorite trio
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mari-reads · 2 years ago
no bc it baffles me that ugly Betty doesn’t have the fandom it deserves especially for the first season, it’s so good like has soooo much material. Maybe getting put on streaming can revive it bc it’s golden, the Suarez family are my heart 🥺
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incorrect-malfoys · 1 year ago
Narcissa: You know, I expected you to know better
Bellatrix: Why do I always have to know better?
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fandom-official · 1 year ago
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From animation to comedy, there are plenty of great shows to watch this Hispanic Heritage Month! 📺🍿
What’s first on your list?
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dontcare3693 · 16 days ago
I have fanfic ideas but I'm not a good writer.
So feel free to take any or all the ideas I'm spouting out here I have to figure there's a decent writer out there who's out of ideas and could use mine. If all your going to do here is give me crap for not writing them myself nothing you could say is worse than what I say to myself so let's not waste the time. Also no need to ask for permission or give me any credit just send a link to wherever you wrote it so I can check it out.
First idea, Avatar the last Airbender this is all about a rare pair. This idea follows cannon pretty closely expect one big thing... Zuko and Yue are married have technically been married since they were kids essentially I see the fire Lord pressuring the water tribe for this for some resources but mainly to call on the water tribe army when needed and just having them under their thumb it's essentially getting married or we kill you and so Zuko and Yue have been married on paper since they were kids Yue's dad managed to postpone sending Yue to live in the fire nation for a while but is forced to say goodbye to her when Zuko is banished since they're technically married she's banished and put on this impossible find the avatar mission too.
Second idea, I love rare crossovers. This is a crossover of Harry Potter and Stranger things it follows all the books exactly expect for one thing I'll get to it and the show is also cannon here's the pitch, when Bellatrix throws a spell at Sirius it's not the killing curse give whatever reason feels right I'm going with the idea that instead of killing him she wanted to torture him he still falls into the veil and guess where the veil leads? The upside down! I imagine in the upside down his magic works but is a lot weaker anyway eventually being trapped in the upside down messes with his brain and that's when Vecna/Henry/ 1 invades Sirius's mind and Sirius becomes Kas the betrayer or whatever other D&D character works for him. Meanwhile after the war Harry, George and Luna all for different reasons decide to leave England Harry's and George's are essentially the same there's too many painful memories and they need a break George also wants to spread his business to America for Luna I'm thinking she's writing some sort of book and needs to be in America for it? I'm also imagining Teddy being there but he doesn't have to be. Now I personally imagined this all happening in the last season of Stranger things but it can honestly happen whenever I also imagine George and Johnathan starting a friendship they both kinda need a friend, I imagine Luna starting either a romantic or platonic relationship with Eddie and finally I imagined Harry and Steve either being in a romantic relationship or being friends.
Third idea, this is all about making Harry Potter OP I'll admit it! When Harry is very young maybe five? The Dursley's are on vacation or maybe Vernon is doing business in... Gotham! And the whole family is going they wanted to leave Harry behind but couldn't find anyone to take care of him I'm thinking while out and about they 'accidently' leave Harry behind and Harry all alone in Gotham runs into... Want to make any guesses? It's not Batman it's... Harley Quinn and Joker! I'm thinking Harley immediately notices the signs of abuse and feels bad for the kid while Joker notices the magic maybe they scare Harry into doing accidental magic? And Joker decides he needs a sidekick the bats just got one so they take him in raising and training him Harley and Harry actually grow really close with Harley almost feeling like his mom while Joker is more a deluded drill Sargent. I'm thinking around the time Harry is nine is when the Joker decides to reveal his new sidekick and of course Batman doesn't want to hurt a kid particularly one who doesn't really seem like he wants to be there (Harry stays with them mainly because of Harley, the Dursley's left without him and let's be real their still better than the Dursley's) it takes a few conversations with Batman and Harley's blessing for Harry to switch sides and join Batman.
Fourth idea, yes a lot of these involve Harry Potter if that's a problem you can leave. Here's one that can still make Harry OP but in a very different and even darker way, similar to the one above the Dursley's are for whatever reason in America and pass by a quiet town before having to stop for gas while Harry is using the bathroom they leave him behind (I'm imagining Harry again being pretty young here maybe five yet again) not sure where to go he picks a random direction and finds a town called... Silent hill... I'm thinking this is more like the second Silent hill game there's not much in the way of cult stuff the town is just feeding off of Harry's magic, fear and misery eventually Dumbledore is able to find him but I'm thinking it takes years with Harry in survival mode and being tormented by monsters specifically tailored to make him suffer.
Fifth idea, it's not Harry Potter?! No way! This one is pretty straightforward Peter Parker aka Spider-Man (I'm imagining the Andrew Garfield one but it doesn't have to be him) still in Queens overhears some neighbors talking who are his neighbors? Betty and Hilda Suarez Betty is talking about her interview and Peter because the Bugle for whatever reason shuts down he's originally going to try to get a photographer position but Bradford sees the two and decides that if he really wants to make sure Daniel doesn't sleep with his assistant he'll hire the guy if it doesn't work out then he'll hire Betty. When Peter gets the job it's not what he wants but how hard can it be? Don't worry about Betty she's either in a different department or is in a different magazine. I'm also imagining that Peter and Amanda eventually become a couple I also like the idea of Betty winding up with Bobby I liked him Hilda together but I also like rare pairs.
Sixth idea, seriously I have a problem with rare pairs. I'm going to assume you've played Detroit become human this fic will take place after a peaceful revolution and Connor deviates he is also staying with Hank for a bit they have a strictly father son bond for anyone involved in this fandom you know why I feel I need to say that. This actually focuses on North and Hank yes I like the idea of an android who hates humans getting together with a human that hates androids here's the set up. Before North deviated she and another android at the Eden club dude or chick doesn't matter sort of had a relationship as much as they could without fully deviating yet anyway this other android deviates before North does and unfortunately winds up in Zlatko's hands thinking he'll help but we know how that will go. This android lets call them Andy for convience becomes f#cked up living with Zlatko both mentally and physically they are horrifying to look at and that actually suits them because they are straight up murdering people any human who didn't treat their android alright even minor offenses will get attacked and these murders are slow and tortuous so after the revolution North is trying to find Andy and Andy finds her Andy wants North on their side but even though North hates humans she doesn't like this approach and saying no is the worse thing North can do as now Andy wants revenge for betrayal I guess on Norths part so North gets put essentially on witness protection but they still want her close by as she knows Andy and can predict what they'll do so she's forced to live with Connor and Hank with Connor being the one going out and investigating and Hank staying at home with North let the tropes like enemies to lovers, forced proximity and maybe even something like pretend dating? (I mean Hanks neighbors might notice she's there) Embrace these tropes and let them guide you.
Seventh idea, back on the Hogwarts Express choo choo! Another one where the Dursley's aren't in America and Harry is like five or so this time their in China and while getting lost they stumble into a ghost town while there Vernon and Petunia find some food and start eating saying they'll pay for it later Harry takes this opportunity to explore and Dudley almost joins his parents but instead chases after Harry while the two boys are fighting another boy named Haku tells them to leave but it's too late. Yes the boys are stuck in the world of Spirited away I'm saying this happens before the movie Dudley learns to be a good person and Harry learns to be brave and both leave with a gift I'm thinking they both help an important spirit who rewards them both Harry gets rewarded with that little medicine ball that makes you puke and he winds up puking out his horcrux meanwhile Dudley gets gifted magic meaning he's a wizard now! I'm thinking he's particularly good with divination and is a Hufflepuff.
Eighth idea, the power of four? When Prue Halliwell just graduated she took a year off going to Europe where she eventually meets James and Lilly Potter she befriends the two and learns their having trouble conceiving towards the end of her year stay she realizes she doesn't have enough money to get back home and she doesn't want to ask grams for help so the Potters offer her money in exchange she carry their child so in this scenario I'm thinking Lilly can't carry a child without potentially killing herself or the kid even with the help of magic and Prue eventually accepts and even though Harry isn't her child by blood when he's born there's still a connection she still loves him as though he were hers their connected despite not being related this means when Prue dies her magic transfers to Harry while he can't access the power of three he can do everything else Prue can I'm thinking soon after Paige is in the fold either Prue's ghost or maybe the elders inform the sisters about Harry having Prue's magic and the prophecy on his head.
Ninth idea, magic and bending is a powerful combo. In this crossover the world's of Avatar the last Airbender and Harry Potter have always been in the same universe benders and magic users have had some of their own wars even I'll get there in a minute. This does mean neither are in hiding instead there are plenty of people who don't like benders or magic users or only like one over the other for whatever reason the Dursley's of course don't like either so live in a neighborhood that's anti magic of any kind. In this world it's crazy rare to be able to bend AND do magic with only a handful of people being born able to do both Dumbledore being one of the most recent ones able in like a hundred years or so (I'm thinking he's a firebender) and there's never been someone who can do magic and was an avatar expect... Tom Riddle yes Voldemort was the avatar wizard at the time there was a huge war between benders and magic users and for a while Riddle was a good avatar he stopped a war but unfortunately he gets an ego starts thinking he should be the last avatar after all with his magic he's the most powerful avatar that's ever been he also has a major problem with non magic users and so he goes about taking over the world and making horcrux's this winds up with him not being able to enter the avatar state but he can still control all four elements and when Harry becomes a horcrux he can't control all four elements BUT he can enter the avatar state. In this world Hogwarts caters to both magic users and benders. You can make whatever character a bender instead of a magic user or keep them a magic user up to you I'm personally imagining this, Harry if it weren't for the horcrux would just be a wizard no bending at all and he loses the avatar state once Voldemort is dead. Ron is a wizard all the Weasleys are still wizards in my head but I also like the idea of mixing them up some being wizards others being benders. Hermione is a water bender though I think earth could work to. Draco is the first Malfoy to be a bender and he's definitely a water bender learning how to blood bend the minute he can. Neville is a wizard. Luna is a Airbender. All of the teachers are still magic users expect Dumbledore who's both a wizard and a fire bender. Tonks is a wizard. Sirius is a firebender like Malfoy first bender in his family but unlike the Malfoys his parents didn't accept Sirius being a bender. Remus is a wizard... These all the most important characters I can think of.
Tenth idea, through the gate. So I'm imagining this happening in first year in the forbidden forest but I can also see it happening anytime after Sirius falls in the veil at the ministry either way it boils down to this Harry either discovers a Stargate while wandering through the forbidden forest or finds it intentionally or not in the ministry and without at all meaning too manages to put in the right sequence to open it and of course he goes through it! I don't care who you are Harry Potter would one hundred percent step through the Stargate now I'm most familiar with Stargate Atlantis so I'm imagining Harry after going through the gate can't get back home and unfortunately winds up in the clutches of the wraith and a combination of Harry's youth which I imagine would make him not a great meal and more importantly his magic keeps him alive but hunted and this hunting eventually or maybe even right away has him crossing paths with Ronan and eventually the rest of the Stargate Atlantis crew.
Eleventh idea, more Harry Potter not being raised by the Dursley's?! What? No way! In this crossover Wormtail kidnaps a baby Harry not with the intention of harming him that's why he's able to find him Peter kidnaps Harry with the idea that if Voldemort comes back he's doing his master a favor by making the boy disappear without killing him as even he knows only Voldemort can do that so instead he finds ancient magic and sends Harry far into the past ancient Greece to be specific where a baby Harry winds up on a temples doorstep the god of war Ares temple not just any Ares but the Ares from Hercules and Xena and Ares sensing magic and potential in Harry takes him in raising and training him to be a perfect tool and right hand man of course this only works for so long and the two grow legitimately close forming a father son bond. When Harry is five he's tasked with his first mission to manipulate and distract Hercules and while he gets close it ultimately doesn't work with Hercules figuring it out and Harry not really wanting to harm the guy like I said though he does get close still being loyal to Ares. Harry's second mission at eight is to manipulate Xena and Gabrielle which is even less successful and Harry winds up through a series of events joining Xena and Gabrielle on their crusade. Eventually Harry is found and sent back to his original time and when this happens Ares tracks down Xena and Gabrielle's reincarnations gets their memories back and has them help Harry as he can't get directly involved in the wizarding war Athena already claimed it. If you want to do a Snape redemption might I recommend setting him up with Xena? Also I think Harry and Joxer are essentially chaos brothers along... I forgot his name sorry but Bruce Campbell character get those three together it's nothing but chaos, I also think when Herc finds Harry with Xena and Gabrielle it's going to be a pretty funny confrontation.
Twelfth idea, magic , gods and camps oh my! When Harry Potter is young maybe around eight a Greek monster confuses his magical energy for being a demigod luckily this monster wasn't the only one some campers from the UK's camp halfblood also thought he was a demigod and so were watching him and rescue him from this encounter and bring him to camp where it's discovered he's not half God but the camp leader recognizes who Harry is being a child of Aphrodite with wizarding relatives they know exactly who Harry is and while already planning to help it's cemented when Harry gets claimed by Hecate goddess of magic who wants to give Harry an advantage in the wizarding war. Now if you want to make Harry a straight up demigod I have ideas on who his godly parent can be obviously one is Hecate I mean Goddess of magic? She feels a little obvious though so I did some research on lesser known gods who I think would be interesting so here they are. Astaria goddess of nighttime stars and divination. Nemesis goddess of retribution and balance. Nike goddess of victory. Hypnos God of sleep and dreams and finally Tyche goddess of fortune chance and prosperity.
Thirteenth idea, Stranger things then a hellmouth. In this crossover instead of the hellmouth being underneath Sunnydale it's underneath Hawkins and our girl El is the slayer here's the setup. I'm thinking El's mom died in childbirth and her dad isn't around so her story here is kinda similar to Kendra she was raised as the slayer as a weapon with Brenner as her watcher and acting to the outside world as her dad don't worry Brenner is still an asshole who will leave eventually I'll get there anyway they decide to put El and Brenner at Hawkins since you know Hellmouth and it's conveniently where the last Slayer died who's the last Slayer? Hoppers daughter so Hopper knows everything they even tell him their going there because frankly it's nice having a cop to cover anything he can up but of course Hopper notices the fucked up dynamic between El and Brenner and decides to do something about it and while he's successful there's no watchers available right now so Hopper is El's new watcher. Now there's only four more characters I really need to talk about as almost everything about them changes. In this AU the only character I could think that could work as a Darla stand in and I know this sounds weird is Billy I know it's weird but hear me out those two are actually kinda similar when you really think about it, and so in this universe Billy turns our Angel stand in who has to be Johnathan I mean who else could it be? Their relationship doesn't have to be exactly like Darla's and Angels unless you want it to be but they have been traveling together causing chaos for a long time when they meet and turn Christy Cunningham who of course turns Eddie. The only two I feel need more elaboration are Johnathan and Eddie let's start with Johnathan, Jonathan's backstory can essentially be Angels expect maybe he's not really a womanizing drunk and his dad is more abusive also he has family some cousins he doesn't even know it's why he doesn't bother killing them when he turns then obviously he pisses off the wrong person and gets his soul back. I'm thinking there's no prophecy over Jonathan's heads like there is Angel he just decides on his own to go to Hawkins for two reasons the most important is that he has family there in the form of Joyce and Will the second reason is the new slayer in town what better way to make up for what he's done then helping a slayer? Obviously instead of having a relationship with the slayer he has one with Nancy at least for a while I'm also thinking unlike Angel Johnathan doesn't leave or at least not for the same reason or in the same way. Eddie is obviously our Spike stand in and again the backstory can relatively be the same except where Spike seemed kinda upper crust Eddie isn't and replace poetry with music. Eddie also tries to turn his only family being Wayne but isn't successful Wayne just wants Eddie back as he was but of course this isn't what a soulless Eddie wants and so he winds up killing him I'd like to think he did it lovingly though. Everyone else's story is more or less the same.
Fourteenth idea, how many people will even know this one? This idea comes from watching two videos about The Path from YouTuber Izzzyzzz about this game and then watching Charmed right after so this idea essentially is making the sisters from The Path witches essentially the Charmed ones but there's more then three of them I'd seriously recommend watching the videos I'm talking about playing the game (if you can) and checking a website the developers of the game made where each character has 'made' their own sort of blog thing let's you figure out more about what the characters might do and say.
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mathilde-with-an-e · 7 months ago
How do you get rid of background noise on your videos? WHICH, might I add, are amazing and so well edited!
Thank you ever so much! Excellent question. Which I only took years to respond to. LOL 
The professional editors often put the lines of dialogues on the central track of a 5.1 sound mixing, meaning surround. This is designed for home cinemas, and is mostly the norm, nowadays. 5.1 means 6 different tracks to give the illusion of the sound coming from all directions. I think it goes as high as 7.1 now. I assume 8 tracks? All I must do is isolate that central track and remove the 5 others, which have the music on them. Premiere Pro has that as a pre-setting for me and does it automatically when I import any episode of a show I edit on. And magically, the music disappears and only the lines of dialogue can be heard. Which always amazes me even after all this time.
Some shows are only mixed in 2.0, meaning only two tracks, one left one right, for a stereo system. That always means the music is blended completely with the lines of dialogue, from my experience. When that’s the case, I can use various filters on Adobe Audition which isolates the dialogue, but that’s never very neat. I have to favour scenes which have originally been edited without music if possible. All Creatures Great and Small and Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries are two shows I’ve edited on which had this issue, for instance.
Sherlock is blissfully edited in 5.1, as well as Doctor Who, Ugly Betty, Anne with an E, and Ted Lasso, from what comes to mind and I have previously edited about. 
Hope that helps and thank you for the question!
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ducky4eva · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ugly Betty Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daniel Meade/Betty Suarez, Daniel Meade & Betty Suarez Characters: Daniel Meade, Betty Suarez, Amanda Tanen, Christina McKinney Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Fairy Tale Style, Ficlet, Post-Canon, Birthday Fluff, Friendship/Love, Happy Ending, Romantic Fluff, Female Friendship, Declarations Of Love, Inspired by Cinderella (Disney Movies), Established Relationship, Humor, Road Trips Summary:
It's Betty's birthday, and Daniel takes her to the English countryside to visit a castle. While Betty knows she doesn't live in a fairy tale, she still thinks life with Daniel is pretty fantastic.
A Detty fairy tale. My first published piece of fan fiction - EVER. I think it's a sweet story, hope you all love it! Set post Season 4 of Ugly Betty. Please give it lots of love, subscribe, kudos, comments, send smiles, all the good things! 🥰
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pinkwarsworld · 2 years ago
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fashionbuzzed · 6 months ago
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an ugly betty fandom/inspo blog intended for older fans. 🔞
blog is primarily made as resource for me to help inspire fanworks and will also include general inspo + aesthetic posts themed on the show (i.e. fashion, fashion/street photography, living in new york, writing/magazine inspo, (mild nude) photography, relationships, city vibes, etc).
blacklist 'fshnbzzd' to filter out any potential 🔞 related content, including any applicable general inspo/aesthetic posts
friendly to all characters and ships but should be noted the blog's focus is M/M pairings (such as post-show/aged-up Justin/Austin or Marc/Cliff).
any harassment over fictional shit will not be tolerated. any anon hate of the kind will be blocked. i will not engage with foolishness.
Absolutely love this show and it holds a very special place in my heart, having grown up watching it air with my mother. In the middle of a rewatch and am hoping starting a tumblr to collect inspo might help get me back into writing for it again (used to write a bunch of JAustin fics back when the show was originally ending). Not sure what all I'll be posting, but I might start making gifsets for the show as well.
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beatrice1979a · 10 months ago
I want to be The Guy
Gio and Betty clip
Ugly Betty episode 2.17 the kids are alright
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wearelondonhq · 2 years ago
(iúile) welcome to london, DANIEL MEADE! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like KEREM BÜRSIN? well, no matter, we hear that you are 35 and are UNEMPLOYED. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from UGLY BETTY and have a tendency to be BOLD as well as UNFOCUSED.
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— WELCOME TO LONDON, daniel meade! you look very familiar, do we know you from somewhere? anyways, take your time settling in because whether you want to or not, it looks like you’re going to be living here for awhile! // welcome iúile, please be sure to follow our checklist here. welcome to the group!
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ducky4eva · 1 year ago
I love this letter so much. ❤️ Daniel has always been much smarter than people gave him credit for. He knew what the most important thing in life was - LOVE. True unconditional love. And he gave up everything to chase after it. Detty love is totally canon. Always was, always will be. And love is the one thing that will never go out of style. 🥰
Good evening. This is your little reminder that Detty is real and Daniel wrote this letter in his last MODE issue before going to London, as per the ABC website back in the day. THE LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS THO-
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR A Hundred Years of Attitude April 15, 2010
A hundred years is plenty of time for a lot to happen in anything. Political powers change hands and change back again, cultural movements evolve into something completely different, whole empires rise and fall. And yet, this is somehow even truer for the world of fashion, one in which a constant state of changing attitudes is implied by the very term itself. For a hundred years, Mode Magazine has been a leader, an ambassador, a harbinger, an opponent of and a champion for shifts in the way our society sees itself, and our next issue is a celebration of that complicated legacy.
Of course, an institution like Mode cannot even pretend to the throne of molding the attitudes of culture if it were not full of attitude itself. And attitude is one thing Mode has always had in abundance. To be honest, sometimes I feel as though we at Mode pack a hundred years worth of it into one day, especially since my co-Editor-in-Chief, Wilhelmina Slater, came on the scene. Ah, but I kid...
...And yet, I don't -- the truth is, the field of fashion is one that is both fast and fierce, and sometimes you have to go through a hundred years worth of attitudes in a day to find the one that suits the precise pulse of our culture at that given point. It's an amazing and arduous process, but, to be even more honest, it's one for which I admit I am not a natural fit, one for which Wilhelmina is.
Since I've experienced so much attitude in my time at Mode, I'd like to posit an observation: One thing that is often lost in the changing of an attitude is the cause for that change. This is best understood when you consider attitudes on a personal level. I ask you, dear reader, to think back to a time when you experienced a major shift in your life. Was it an external change, something that happened outside of you, and forced a change of attitude to help you adapt to the future? Perhaps you saw a friend demonstrate a prowess that cast her in a new light. Heck, maybe it was as simple as your friend getting a makeover. Or perhaps that friend was undergoing her own life change, one in which she would no longer be present in your life, compelling you to make your own change to keep her in it, even if it were in a new context.
Just as important: Maybe the change was an internal one. Maybe you realized you were no longer interested in maintaining your status quo. Perhaps you wanted to try new challenges not only in your professional life, but also in your personal one. Or maybe one day something just changed inside you in the way you saw that good friend, causing you to want her to be more than, well, just a friend.
As you experience our One Hundred Years of Attitude Issue, I ask that you consider not only the attitudes themselves, but the causes that precipitated their change and coming to be. Often the changes in attitude that are the most powerful are rooted in causes that come from without and within. When that unusual synergy occurs, love is often the result. And take it from me: Love is the one attitude that never goes out of fashion.     - Daniel Meade
@existential-labrador 💜
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jackoshadows · 21 days ago
"... best you have a new face as well.” He cupped her chin, turned her head this way and that, nodded. “A pretty one this time, I think. As pretty as your own." - Arya, ADwD
A recap and a lesson for fandom newbies -
We have this CANON ACCURATE fanart of Arya Stark from the incredibly talented Tonyloom with the long face, brown hair and grey eyes dressed for feast time at Winterfell as the daughter of the Warden of the North.
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A Sansa fan gets triggered by this Arya fanart because it's different from ones that Sansa stans usually like for their 'Stark sisters' fanart - where Arya is drawn dark skinned to highlight Sansa's fair complexion because Sansa is beautiful and Arya is ugly, where Arya is missing teeth, always a sword in hand, messy hair being braided by Sansa to conform to what Sansa likes etc. - and goes on an insane rant about how Arya fans don't want Arya to be ugly because of equating goodness to beauty....
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So Arya fans respond to this attack on the fan artist and point to the book text where several characters call Arya pretty and beautiful and ask why they should consider the character ugly when she is not in the text of the books.
A BNF then jumps into the discourse and reblogs the 'Arya is ugly and Arya fans have internalized misogyny' post and pretends that Arya fans are the ones starting this whole discourse on Arya's looks.
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BNF tags it as 'This is weird discourse, who cares if Arya is pretty'. Who cares if Arya is pretty? The weird, racist Sansa stan that you reblogged the post from, who got triggered by some Arya fan art and had to go on an entire rant, that's who. Who cares? Well you cared enough to reblog an 'Arya is ugly' post and point fingers at Arya fans, that's who.
And now the BNFs reblog spreads like wildfire amongst the casual fans and we have many who actually think that canon Arya is ugly and Arya fans just have internalized misogyny. This, children, is how the many wrong but popular fanon gets created.
Remember, this BNF had nothing to say about racist Arya fanart. Nothing to say about sexist posts where Arya is masculinized and her femininty stripped from her. Nothing to say about the many posts from Sansa stans/Jonsa shippers about how Jon is repulsed by Arya's ugliness and loves Sansa because she is so beautiful.
But they had to step in and make sure everyone knew that Arya is ugly and it's Arya fans who are the problem.
This is actually nothing new. The reason there is so much wrong misinformation about Arya and Daenerys, and the way this fandom has opinions about these two female characters, is because it's been crafted over decades of fandom BNF's spreading posts and meta like this through BNF blogs like Asoiafuniversity. Explained so well in this post here:
Villainizing Arya fans as 'bad fans' has long been a thing in fandom. Asoiafuniversity, which was the goto place for all things asoiaf in those days, had actual posts equating Arya fans to Walter White fans from Breaking bad who hated on his wife Skylar.
Keep in mind, this is an actual quote from a post on the most popular asoiaf blog when the fandom was very active:
The interesting thing about Arya is that unlike most of the male Bad Fan icons, she doesn’t have a wife to embody her Bad Fans’ frustrations and serve as an outlet for their ire – no Betty Draper, no Skyler White, no Carmela Soprano. Instead, she has a sister, Sansa, who winds up serving the same function. Much of Bad Fandom is a gendered phenomenon, pulling for he-man figures against shrewish wives who just don’t understand them. It’s fascinating to see how the phenomenon can alter itself to accommodate a female-female pairing while still targeting characteristics we typically gender female. The Bad Fan is nothing if not durable.
So much toxic sexism masquerading as feminism, where they equate Arya fans to the chuds who hate female characters and whose unfair target is Sansa because she is 'female'. And Arya is a 'he-man' figure....The mind boggles.
But this was the typical vile sexist garbage Bnfs were spewing about both Arya and Daenerys in the days when fandom was most active and this is where a majority of the sexist opinions about Arya and Dany comes from.
This is why these canonically wrong aspects of these characters are so widespread and entrenched in fandom thought that it doesn't matter if we use actual book quotes to show that it's the exact opposite.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 26 days ago
Some new fandom/fanfiction writing thoughts from me...
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Author's Note:
This is just some thoughts I needed to get out because they kept me from finishing my Vampire!Terry Richmond Fic and forced me to start writing my "Sinners" fic I hadn't planned on dropping until April, but my spirit was moved to write by some aspects of the media hype of the "Sinners" new movie trailer release. It's stream of consciousness straight from the hip for Black History Month, so let ya girl cook!
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Who remembers this movie?
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Do you remember this dynamic duo? (Yes Dr. Karen Jenson!)
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Do you remember what happened to most of the "Blade" fanfictions in that fandom as the series progressed (even into television)... and who got centered instead of Blade/Karen Jenson?
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Blade essentially became a secondary character in his own franchise. He stopped knowing other Black folks, too. Even the writer of the original franchise David S. Goyer confessed that the studio wanted Blade to be white from jump.
Others have written of this before with the Blade franchise. I personally have lamented the missed opportunity to expand the role of the sexy, beautiful, dark-skinned genius hematologist, Dr. Karen Jenson, played by the gorgeous and talented N'Bushe Wright. Who is still fine just so you know:
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The de-centering of Black characters from their own leading roles in fandom is nothing new. Y'all remember this oldey but goodey?:
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Remember how they did our girl Abbie Mills (played by the lovely and fabulous actress, Nicole Beharie)? She was the heart of the show with great chemistry between her and Ichabod (Tom Milson). But the Sleepy Hollow Showrunners started centering this heaux:
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They even brought in Ichie and Katrina's old ass son Henry Parrish/Jeremy Crane:
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Baybee, me and a ton of other Black women were OVER the sidelining of Abbie Mills. Don't even get me started on how they did baby girl by writing her off her own show. Soon it was looking like this:
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Chile when I tell y'all Black women rode in like the Sin Eaters on that show and burned that bitch to the ground! No Abbie Mills? No more Nicole Beharie? Alright, bet. Nan one of you hoes is working then. The industry treated Nicole so bad after that show. She was blacklisted and experienced a hostile work environment with that American flavored soup du jour: racism. A recent book, "Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood", broke down all the horrors Nicole Beharie went through bts.
Here was a show that gained popularity because of BLACK WOMEN. We started the weekly Tweet storms, chatted to each other, wrote fics, did panels about it at fandom conferences (I spoke on some and attended a few myself about the TV series). It was a sexy multicultural cast, a literal crack fic come to life that first season.
But then...the centering of whiteness rears its ugly head and ruins nice things.
Which brings me to the new "Sinners" movie trailer release, and my fears at seeing a lot of the media hype online (thumbnail photos, clips etc) pushing Hailee Stenfield a lot more than Michael B. Jordan (in a double role as twins!) or even the other Black women characters in the trailer.
They got Wunmi Mosaku in this bitch with Jayme Lawson.
You know Wunmi, right?
Marvel Wunmi in the Loki TV Series:
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Lovecraft Country Wunmi:
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Wunmi with Idris in "Luther" Season 5:
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Then there's the exquisite Jayme Lawson from "MLK/X: Genius" with our new fic king at the moment, Aaron Pierre. He plays Malcolm X and she is Dr. Betty Shabazz:
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Jayme playing the Queen in "The Woman King":
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Jayme as the mayor in "The Batman" (she could be our next Angela Bassett with her acting range and beauty!):
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Now, about that elephant in the room for me personally.
Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell.
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Their images are everywhere, often more so than images of the star Michael B. Jordan. Twitter (I will never call it X), Threads, Bluesky, YouTube, TikTok et al, have them hyped up to the point where I'm worried that it will turn into a Blade situation. The white characters overshadowing the central Black one.
Of course, they're playing the vampires. The bad guys. The ones we want to see the Black people vanquish. Some bad guys are sexy if we're being honest (cough--Killmonger--cough). Life in Clarksdale, Mississippi, the birthplace of the Blues, is tough enough with racism, lynchings, prohibition...just white people nonsense in general, let alone white vampires. A horror movie has to have compelling antagonists to keep our interests. But again, the overshadowing of Michael in some places...
On IMDB, Hailee is listed first as the star, then comes Jack O'Connell, and then Michael B. Jordan. Y'all, the two white actors are listed first BEFORE Michael is. I don't care if Hailee was nominated for an Oscar at fourteen. (Black people should know by now the Oscars are highschool popularity contests for white people, and every now and then they throw a bone at negroes who act circles around them on any given day.)
How is Wallace Vince Killmonger Adonis Creed John Clark (aka Muffin to me), listed third in his own goddamn movie? Maybe this will change when the movie comes out, but...excuse me?
Give me a minute. I need to sip some tea to calm down.
I barely see Wunmi in online hype, and she has been in some pretty high profile roles the last few years, especially in superhero action projects. And it looks like she plays a Hoodoo practioner (like myself). I want to see more of her promoted too. Like why can't I see a photo of this on more fandom websites?
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That question was rhetorical. We all know why.
The centering of whiteness even in Black spaces.
I already know the fanfiction that will be churned out soon by non-Black people. Shippings of Mary/Remmick (Steinfeld and O'Connell's characters in the movie). There will be the I/R shipping of Mary and Stack (Steinfeld and Jordan) because the ads are playing up their sexy juke joint dance everywhere. I'm beginning to get a sense of deja vu...a la Blade/Sleepy Hollow decentering vibes.
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The trailer all but gave away most of the plot in terms of what the Black characters will be up against during Prohibition Mississippi. Moonshine and Monsters, with sprinklings of Black American Blues music, both real history and the myths of it with Robert Johnson/Crossroads energy. And clearly Mary, who starts off as human, will get turned into a vampire like Remmick...and then run off to dance with hot, sweaty negroes tryna have their own goddamn fun away from white racism and the dangers of white women turning into the o.g. Karen's of their day. Smh. Can't have nothing without white characters slithering in and causing chaos as usual, lol! (I'm looking at you Agent Ross in the Black Panther fandom, you dirty C.I.A. infiltrator!) Plus there's always some dumb Black man willing to risk it all for unseasoned coochie putting every other Black person in his community in danger.
I mean, even in real life, Black people can't even access DEI opportunities without white women taking all the spots. Now I gotta watch DEI Mary-the-vampire mess up Black people's good times? The horror!
Now I'm just fussing. America recently voted the orange racist/fascist menace back into the white house, and he brought his incompetent white people and their Pee-oh-See lackeys. (One day we have to have a conversation about why so many Indians from India in this country-- and their children-- side with white racism and use anti-Blackness to move ahead in America.) I'm a little salty with white folks right now, not gonna lie. We saw those voting exit polls where only Black women and Black men overwhelmingly voted for the correct side of history to try and stop the Magats by any means necessary with the little we had to work with. Forgive me if I'm grumbling and projecting this onto a fictional movie. Two beautiful dark-skinned women are also love interests in the film (based on the trailer), but I can't find them promoted as much as the white vampires? I don't like it.
Listen, I used to do screenwriting. I helped friends make short films for festivals. I also screened films to help choose projects for the L.A. Film Festival when that was still a thing when I was a member of Film Independent. I've done screenwriting fellowships, too. I understand film marketing, and the work it takes trying to get the largest audience possible to see a movie by pushing the big names or face draws to a project.
I want Black things centered in "Sinners". In the long run it will be, because...Ryan Coogler is that dude.
I want this rambling lament to be a call to other Black fic writers who plan on seeing the film to write your asses off after you see it, and even before you see it based off the trailer. I want hundreds, if not thousands of "Sinners" fics stretching out the worldbuilding we'll soon see on the screen. Heck, I already have a prequel fic started that I want to post in the next few days once I finish it. @nahimjustfeelingit-writes has one out already, and I saw a couple more by other writers floating down my TL.
I want Smoke and Stack and their world steeped in Blackness so that they won't be isolated or damn near relegated to a corner like Blade or Abbie Mills was among their world of supernatural shenanigans by the end of their onscreen run.
I hope we write so much that no one would dare try to push these other Black characters aside. There's so much richness to work with: the Blues guitar singer (who has a fucking banjo inside the core of his magical guitar!), the Hoodoo woman, the Black sexy female love interest that Jayme plays, Delroy Lindo's piano player and his Native wife (I'm guessing), and even the Asian woman (probably descended from the Chinese railroad workers in Mississippi) . We need all the fics telling so many stories in this "Sinners" world.
Granted, fic writers are free to write what they want. Black writers will take a side Black character and create a whole universe for them outside of the main characters in a predominately white film/fandom. But that's only because Black characters are always set aside, shunned, or written in racist/stereotypical ways. They are often fetishized, turned into brutes, or given so much less time in the front. Me writing all this is not saying that non-Black writers can't write stories about Mary or Remmick or anyone they choose. They write/appropriate what they want anyway, so it doesn't matter. I'm only interested in what Black fic writers are going to create
I want to be selfish and see Wunmi and Jayme heralded and pined over even if their characters aren't used as much as Hailee's in the film. I want us to have our shine finally. I want "Sinners" fics that reflect that.
I want to see more Black fics with Black characters paired with Black characters.
I want Black fic readers discovering this new fandom and finding new writers and new stories celebrating us.
I want this movie to succeed and everyone who goes to see it having a good, scary, time.
I want to see Muffin show out in his first period piece. Dressed casket sharp with gold teeth, lol!
I want Black fic writers to be able to write Black horror period piece stories that aren't rooted in Black trauma. There will be so many magical/supernatural things to write about in "Sinners" that we don't even have to touch on the horrors of historic white racism in America if we don't want to.
I promise you, Black people back then experienced joy, wonder, falling in love, and going up against antagonists that weren't always white people or white racism, or even the remnants of our enslaved past. The Klan ain't got to show up! Lol! Hell, white people don't even have to show up in your story. Coogler even hinted that there were more things other than vampires going on in the movie. We'll see. But my point is, we can create "Sinners" fics that Black readers won't have to fear dwelling on Black trauma porn as a plot point.
So...my fellow MBJ/Coogler fans...can we write the hell out of this new fandom? Revel in Blackness? Enjoy our latest entry into the vampire genre?
I would love to hear people's thoughts after they see the movie in April!
Last thought: If you know of some "Sinners" fics, share them!
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ducky4eva · 1 year ago
What would they wish for?
I'm curious. Ugly Betty world. Choose a character, and tell me what their ultimate-deep-down-in-their-heart wish would be. And if it were granted, how would it affect their world, who they are, and their role/interactions in the Ugly Betty universe.
Daniel? Betty? Marc? Amanda? Claire? Wilhelmina? Bradford? Alexis? Ignacio? Hilda? Justin? Christina? Becks? Henry? Matt? Walter? Gina? Sofia? Renee? Molly? Any other small/random character?
Seriously, please blow up the comment section, or reblog and write your theories. I'd love to know. 😍😆
(Isn't this promotional pic cool?)
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