#daniel meade
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siruerto · 1 year ago
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the perfect assistant with her cringefail boss ✨🥰
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arachniasbride · 6 months ago
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Rebecca Romijn as Alexis Meade | Ugly Betty (S02E17)
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spocktaculartea · 2 years ago
daniel meade really fired someone for being a lil rude to his assistant about the amount of sun-dried tomatoes she wanted on her sandwich
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thesocietalmisfit · 1 year ago
I’m a Daniel was in love with Betty the whole time truther because what do you mean I’m on episode 2x06 and Daniel is threatening to have Henry fired because he knows he’s gonna break Betty’s heart again. Ntm this is coming a few episodes after he fired Gio after he was mean to Betty once. Like this is not normal friend behavior
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mrs-n-uzumaki · 2 years ago
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Fashion Week s2 vs s3
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ladyfallon · 27 days ago
I have been rewatching Ugly Betty so much lately. I fell in love with that show when it first came out. Is there still a fandom for the show?
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dilfluvver4eva · 2 months ago
I love men from sitcoms
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bouberi · 4 months ago
most of these are ships i used to like that i want to revisit for nostalgia
choose wisely
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luvmoonie · 5 months ago
there’s NO fics for ugly betty?? yall weird
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star-burrry · 7 months ago
Hi does the Ugly Betty fandom exist?
And would they perchance take a sad attempt at an edit? Of the Meade Siblings mayhaps?
Uhm I don’t really make. Edits. Like ever. But I couldn’t get this song and them out of my head. It’s less an edit more some clips and music. Bit of audio mixing. Slap some filters on and BAM. There’s some weird glitch in the filter in one of the last clips but eh whatever. I could have do e more but I’m tired and going to sleep after posting this ok BYYYE
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warped25 · 1 year ago
Eric mabius said in an interview that filming the last scene of ugly betty in London was one of the most saddest days of his life. How am I suppose to function after hearing that?!
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wtfisnttaken · 6 months ago
Daniel Meade bookmarked a blog dedicated to pictures of Betty's outfits everyday. A blog. that just contains pictures of Betty. That means he regularly visited the site and stared at pictures of Betty during his day. While she literally sat right in front of him. Behind a glass wall
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fadedsaturated · 1 year ago
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This really was THE show, you guys. It never got better than this four season warm blanket.
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 9 months ago
I have a half a Detty story arc for the reunion mini series that will never happen.
I do think Daniel and Betty would’ve married and had kids 100% but as they were only ever hinted at and not fully canonised so seeing them happily married would be anti climatic, but we can’t see them get together, because it’s been too long, so I think they’d be getting back together…
So I think it should start with Daniel in New York because as his mom is older, he has come back to lead Meade corporation. Wilhelmina is still editor and chief of Mode, and Marc with Willy’s old job, which was creative director I think. Tyler runs Player, he’s married to Amanda and they have a daughter (called Faye ofc) Amanda is now a full time fashion influencer on TikTok and Instagram. DJ has moved to New York and Daniel got him a job at mode as Mode app manager or something, he sleeps around a lot like Daniel did when he was younger (except he’s bi, because I say so) Wilhelmina but especially Marc are annoyed by DJ’s presence, and Marc sneerily refers to him as Mini Meade. Justin has been in quite a few broadway shows, but that doesn’t pay enough for New York rent these days, so he also works as a seamster at Mode and helps maintain the Mode’s closet. DJ and Justin are friends, even though Justin finds DJ to be entitled and slightly immature, they are also friends with the Mode’s current donut girl, as well as Daniel’s assistant, and there could be subplots with these guys, to appeal to the younger audience or whatever. At one point DJ will want a favour from Justin, and DJ will be like “Please we’re practically cousins” and Justin will be like “no we’re not” and then DJ will say “we’re cousins by marriage, cousins in-law?” and then Justin sighs and says “Even if that does count, we wont be for much longer, Daniel and AB are on the verge of divorce” and DJ insists that they won’t go through with it, and is actually weirdly defensive about it, Justin notices, and DJ confides that he spent a lot of time in London with Daniel and Betty, and they seemed liked the perfect couple, when he was a kid “If they can’t make it” he says “who can”
Daniel and Betty decided to go long distance but by the time the show starts, Betty said that they should separate, she didn’t really want to, but she was upset and angry, she did not want Daniel to go in the first place, Daniel can can see her and the kids quite a lot though because of use of a private jet (At some point in the season Betty will call Daniel out for his private jet usage because of the environment and they will have an argument about it, because that’s so them)
Betty takes a trip to New York with the kids to see everyone but it’s also a business trip, because as the publishing industry is failing, she needs investment, one of the investors she meets up with is Matt, who has taken over from his dad, which annoys Daniel, Daniel and Matt see more of each other these days then either of them would like, as they share a brother: Tyler, Tyler wants both of his brothers to get on, so he occasionally invites them both to football matches or to dinner, but they do not get along. Matt is married and there is no longer romantic feelings between him and Betty, even Daniel can see that, the real romantic rival is of course… Henry.
Betty bumps into Henry, because of course she does, and they agree to hang out as friends, somehow both Matt and Daniel hear about this, and Matt makes Daniel even more anxious then he already is, reminding him that Henry was Betty’s first love, that she always had a soft spot for him, and that she kissed him while she was dating Matt leading them to break up. This leads to Daniel confronting Betty, and Betty says it wasn’t a date (she is telling the truth, she actually talked to Henry about wanting to patch things up with Daniel) but his accusations anger her and she reminds him, he’s the one who left and moved out so she can date if she wants to. After their fight Daniel starts dating again out of spite, Betty hears about this probably via Marc.
Betty hears “I got you babe” on the radio, while working at home, she gets this look on her face and gets a taxi into the city centre”
Daniel is on a date with a model when he gets a call from Betty, he excuses himself then answers.
The fact that the last time they spoke they had a massive fight doesn’t seem to faze her and she says to him “Do you remember that time you fell for Sofia Reyes and then she publicly humiliated you on national television telling the whole of America, your whole relationship had been a farce, in aid of an article for her magazine”
Sounding confused and put out Daniel replies “I’m hardly likely to forget that”
“God, we hadn’t even known each other a year back then, I was miserable as well, I had fallen for Henry but I saw him kiss a model at the Christmas party”
“Did you call me up just to pine over Henry?” Daniel says sulkily.
Betty sighs “I’m not talking about Henry, I’m talking about us, Henry is just context, as is Sofia, she really did a number on you. Luckily for you, you had a wonderful assistant who booked you a date with Gisele, to cheer you up”
“No you didn’t” Daniel laughed.“I think I would remember if I had dated Gisele”
“Don’t you remember? She stood you up”
“Well if she stood me up I’m hardly going to remem-“ but then he pauses recalling “Wait, is that the night the paps were outside and you had dinner with me instead?”
“Mmhmm, except the restaurant was only selling that awful micro food that was popular at high end restaurants at the time, so we went to a place that I knew”
“And then you got me to sing for half off our dinner”
“Yep” Betty replies and then they both say ‘I’ve got you babe’ at the same time, then are both silent for a couple of seconds.
Daniel breaks the silence “Then we got drunk and got chips and went to Brooklyn bridge” he sighs “God how long ago was that?”
“Almost 18 years, a lifetime”
“It feels like yesterday”
“You said something to me that night”
“That you were better than any model”
“Yes, but you said something else, you said if I ever needed anyone to talk to, to come back to the bridge and call you, and you’d meet me here”
“Hey, you never took me up on that offer”
“It’s not too late is it?”
Daniel makes a shoddy excuse and abandons his date to meet Betty.
When he gets their Betty offers him some chips, he takes some “Someone’s feeling nostalgic tonight” he smiles.
“They’re stone cold” Betty says apologetically
“Still good though”
Sorry I’m getting a little carried away with that scene, Daniel and Betty make up at the bridge but don’t get back together because it’s not practical right now, throughout the mini series they both are dealing with various career issues, I don’t know about all that, I’m just here for the romance bit, they are both stressed out but especially Daniel as he struggles to run a major media empire which struggling to adapt to modern times but then…
Betty gets a call from Daniel Junior towards the end of the season, he’s in tears “It’s Uncle Daniel he collapsed, they’re saying he’s had a heart attack”
If you think that sounds too dramatic, rewatch the show this is ugly Betty we’re talking about, someone needs to almost die, and Daniel in his 50s, whose father died from cardiac arrest is the perfect candidate.
So Betty rushes to the hospital, Daniel is in a induced coma, Betty is in tears, thinking he might die, she talks to him while he is in the coma “Shortly after your dad died you asked me his last words, I told you he asked for you mother and then his last sentence was asking me to get him some water, that was true but there was something else he said between asking for Claire and asking for water, he talked about you, us, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you, but I was just your assistant back then, well friend too, but I was embarrassed, because he said I had to stick by you, that you needed me, that you’d be lost without me, it took us both a while to realise it, but he was right, he realised before us, but one thing Bradford didn’t know, what it took me even longer to realise, is that I’d be lost without you too” she takes Daniel’s hand and he wakes up.
So happy ending they have a the kiss we’ve all been waiting for when Daniel recovers, both their career issues are sorted out etc…
Obviously the ‘Ugly’ in Ugly Betty was taken out in the series 4 finale but ‘Betty’ is bit boring so I was thinking the mini series would be called ‘Betty: Back in New York” or something.
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thesocietalmisfit · 1 year ago
Betty vs Daniel’s Feelings
So I’m watching Ugly Betty for the first time and every time there’s a scene where Daniel gives Betty heart eyes(which is a lot of them) I’m thinking to myself “Daniel wants Betty so bad” but I realize I’m rarely thinking to myself how much Betty wants Daniel. And I don’t think it’s because she doesn’t fall for him back or because he loves her more than she does him. I think it’s because since the very start Betty has always been aware that Daniel’s a catch. That he’s hot, rich, a good guy deep down, and that most women would kill to be with him. So it doesn’t register for her to see him in a romantic light because he’s out of her league and by the time her confidence is built up and they’re no longer boss and employee her feelings for him feels more like a natural progression of their friendship rather than something she’s been harboring in for a long time.
Daniel on the other hand his feelings for her feels like a dam being cracked open. Something always simmering beneath the surface. Sure he doesn’t register her as a romantic option either because like he said himself “guys go for the obvious” which Betty isn’t. But that doesn’t mean on a subconscious level he doesn’t know he’s falling for her. That she’s beautiful and amazing in her own way. That he can’t live without her. That she helps him grow. That she knows him better than he knows himself. He needed a push to become aware of what he always known deep down, that being Betty leaving Mode. Leaving him. And only then the dam finally broke.
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davealgonquins · 1 year ago
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Daniel bookmarking the blog about Betty’s outfits, Betty’s actual blog, and probably setting (or getting someone to do it for him) Google alerts for Betty
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