#ugh…great…another thing to put on the ‘things I like about him’ list…
sunlightfeeling · 1 year
I actually really hate how compelled I am to write out my feelings for all of these solos lmfao
I finally listened to “Style” properly (he performed it on his Go with the Flow con which I think spun me out on SMAP shit badly)
Fuck him…that is all (my tags are useless puddles this time but enjoy????)
actually not all: this played while I was still working and I had to sign off for the day…i mean it was about time to leave anyway but i was not getting anymore work done LOL
i got weak SO fast…like right when the song came on, my mouth fell open and I just got insta-chills
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7ndipity · 2 months
Long Distance Relationship Headcanons
Jimin x Reader
Summary: How Jimin would handle a long distance relationship with his s/o
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to @animesllut666 for requesting this one!
I think Jimin would struggle a bit with a long distance relationship, just because of how physically affectionate and how much of a care-er he is. He would hate not being able to physically be there for you and look after you.
But he manages to find unique little ways to make you feel closer and show you he cares.
Calls you almost every day, even if it’s just for like five minutes to ask about your day and to tell you that he loves you.
Good morning/goodnight texts.
Definitely sends stuff like hoodies/t shirts back and forth with you to share, and smiles so big whenever he notices you wearing them in pictures.
Video call ‘dates’, but it’s mostly you just leaving the call open while you do whatever so you can keep each other company.
“Where did I put my glasses down?” Bedside table behind you.” “Wha- oh, thank you!”
Another who, like Yoongi, makes little ‘jokes’ about you moving to Korea. “I heard about this new apartment complex near the park, you’d have a great view of the river!” “Ugh, I forgot to go grocery shopping” “That wouldn’t be an issue if you lived here, we could eat together.”
Sends monthly care packages, with an emphasis on the ‘care’ part(yes, I’m still thinking about him asking Jin for a shopping list before going to visit him in the military, he’s too sweet*cry)
He packs little things like hand warmers and cozy socks for you in the winter, sunscreen and cooling sprays in the summer, random lil gadgets that he saw on instagram ads, just anything he can think of to help make your day to day life a lil better/easier.
Gets you both those couples bracelets or lamps that are touch activated where when you touch yours, the other lights up.
Sleepy video calls at 1 in the morning where one or both of you is fighting desperately not to doze off but refusing to hang up bc you wanted to see each other.
Drops everything and flies to you if you’re sick/hurt or having a hard time. He doesn’t care if it’s an over-reaction, he wants to be there to take care of you, whether that’s feeding you soup while you’re sick or just being a shoulder to cry on.
Completely overjoyed when you’re finally able to remove the long-distance aspect to your relationship when you move to Korea and you’re able to see each other everyday.
@sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @classicalelephant @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0ghol @seleneacyoflove
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Lost Queen - I
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader
— word count: +1,592.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom , @hadesnewpersephone
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 1
''This is so annoying.''
You looked up only to find your friend glaring at you angrily. You cleared your throat and asked her, ''What's so annoying?''
''All of this!'' She snarled, pointed at the history books on the table. You were in the library, studying about Alexander the Great at the request of your history teacher. Your friend complained, she hated history class and the teacher. You didn't hate the classes, but you didn't like Mr. Sheffield. He was so arrogant and brazen. You were sure he was getting involved with a student, but you had no proof.
''I know you're angry but there's no need to take it out on the poor books, May.'' You scolded her and picked up the book she had nearly torn up in her anger. ''Besides, if you screw up this book, you'll have to buy another one.''
''I don't care about that book!'' May snarled and pulled your hands towards her, ''(Y/N), please tell me that you found something rotten about Mr. Sheffield to get rid of him for good?''
You rolled your eyes. Had this. You've kind of become a spy in the meantime, trying to find something about your terrible history teacher and get rid of him. It wasn't ethical, you knew, but you'd do anything to get rid of that bastard. You already had noticed him looking at your legs shamelessly when you wore a skirt or shorts.
''I'm looking for. It's not that easy, you know? I'm not a professional spy.'' You grumbled and went back to your reading. You were reading about the Battle of Issus and its importance in the conquest of the Persian Empire.
May mumbled something unintelligible and you patted her neck comfortingly.
''Here, can we continue our reading, please? We have a work about this topic and I want the highest grade.''
''You're such a nerd, (N/N).'' You and her both laughed and she went back to trying to focus on the open book in front of her. Each was reading about different battles to get the job done faster. As you read about the Battle of Issus, May read about  the Granicus.
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You breathed a sigh of relief when you finally removed your sneakers and could lie down on your bed. The day was long and exhausting and you just wanted to be able to sleep until you became one with your bed.
But unfortunately you couldn't. You had to go to the market at your mother's request to buy some vegetables. The thought made you more tired but you were a good daughter and for that, just for that, you got up and went to the bathroom for a much needed shower, as you had been sweating all day due to the infernal heat it was doing.
''Ugh.'' You grumbled after getting out of the shower. You had taken a little longer than you normally would, but you felt so tired and the hot water helped to relax your sore muscles. It was a shame you couldn't just fall asleep
You dried your body and put on some comfortable clothes and put your sneakers back on. You took your phone and your headphones, putting some upbeat music on Spotify and put your phone inside the small bag that had the money to buy the vegetables at the market. As soon as you left the house, you closed the door and started walking towards your destiny.
The music was the only thing that enveloped you and you didn't notice someone calling you until they grabbed your shoulders, startling you.
''What the hell?'' You mumbled and looked at whoever had stopped you. You frowned as you didn't know the older man who glared at you sinisterly.
You felt disturbed by the man's piercing gaze on you, ''Hm... Hi?''
He didn't answer you and continued to watch you intently. This was getting creepy and bizarre.
''Uh... Since you're not going to say anything, I... I'll go...'' You were about to put your earphone back on, when he grabbed your right arm. ''Let me go, now.''
He glared at you and let go of your arm slowly, you pulled your arm back when he let go. He spoke, in a low voice but you heard it loud and clear: ''The shadows of fate surround you... The world will never be the same for you, girl.''
''What?'' You asked but he looked at you for the last time, smiled weakly and turned his back, leaving you standing on the sidewalk and thinking about the man's sinister words. ''Must be just another crazy dude...'' You shook your head and decided to continue going to the market.
You ignored the squeezing of your heart inside your chest, ignored the feeling that something was wrong. And that was your first biggest mistake.
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You left the market with bags in your hand, still thinking about the mysterious man's words. What was it? Why was this bothering you so much? And why did you feel a tightness in your heart as if something was wrong? You shrugged, deciding to ignore it all and go home as soon as possible, but first you had one last place to go. At a bookstore, you wanted to buy a new book that you heard had arrived and you felt very anxious about reading it. As if you have to read it.
You smiled brightly when you arrived at the store, opening the door to find hundreds of books. You put away the bags you were holding and headed to the history book section. For some reason, ever since you've read about the Battle of Issus, you've found yourself wanting to learn more about Alexander the Great. You could look up wikipedia, but you'd rather read a book.
Approaching the shelf, you found the book you were looking for, The Life of Alexander the Great, and opened it to flip through. You decided to take it and paid for the book at the register, picking up your bags and putting away the new book. You were eager to start reading it.
As soon as you got home, you packed your groceries and ran with your book to your room, changing clothes and putting on your favorite pajamas, lay down on the bed and opened the book to the first chapter. Your eyes read each word eagerly and you frowned as you read the next paragraph:
''Alexander was married with a woman of an unknown origin and he was deeply in love with her and devoted, according to sources at the time. Her name was (Y/N)..."
And why did your head begin to throb painfully? You tried to stay awake, but your eyes were too heavy and the headache made it worse. Maybe a nap... You bookmarked the page you left off and placed the book on the corner table and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep, your body in desperate need of a rest.
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When you opened your eyes, you were no longer in your room.
You tried to get up but your body still ached, you groaned in pain as your head throbbed again. What was that?
Finally managing to sit up, you looked around and felt dread creep through your body. You didn't know this place, much less the people who watched you cautiously and suspiciously. Your eyes widened when you noticed the ancient greek armor and swords in their hands and even more when you saw the symbol of Ancient Macedonian. Vergina Sun.
You recognized the symbol from the history books. This was a dream, it had to be, but if it was a dream, why did you feel pain and feel like you knew these people who looked at you like an alien. And you felt embarrassed when you noticed that you were still in your pajamas, dressed completely differently from the men who were looking at you.
''What are you doing?'' A loud authoritative voice echoed and you cringed even more. First, the person who was speaking approached the group of men along with another slightly taller man and second, why did you understand them? It wasn't the language you spoke, you knew that as it sounded nothing like your mother tongue but much more different. Greek, you noticed and that left you even more perplexed.
You didn't understand greek as far as you knew.
''What is that? Who are you?'' The man dressed more formally than the others, asked looking at you curiously. He had dark blonde hair and his eyes were two colors, blue and brown. He wasn't very tall, but you felt small with the way he looked at you. He seemed to be the leader, you noticed.
You looked like a fish out of water and one of the men laughed and said, ''Looks like she's lost her tongue, Alexander.''
Alexander... You widened your eyes even more and walked away from the grip of the man who was holding you. No... It couldn't be...
You had read a book about him... And his appearance...
By god... You were face to face with Alexander the Great.
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— lady l: I hope you liked the first chapter. This was her introduction to the ancient world and the next few will see (Y/N)'s interaction with Alexander and the others.
It has not yet been proofread and may contain errors, so I apologize for that. Until the next chapter my loves!
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kingofbodyrolls · 11 months
BTS fic recs: my 30th birthday special
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Shit. I’m turning 30 today (I still feel like I’m 18 lol) 😯 So I wanted to make this special recommendation list for you, as a birthday present from me 💜 This includes some of my all time favorites (no, I’ll never stop screaming about those!!!!) and also, some good old ones that I’ve never gotten around to rec at the time. 
I also have another birthday present for you (wish is also why I didn’t finish my reading list and why ‘Friendcation’ is on pause until after my birthday). I wrote a short one-shot, so if you’re in the mood for that, check it out → ‘Say that Again (I Dare You)’ [reader x jjk (ft. pjm)].
I actually didn’t get to finish my reading list for this special rec list, so I’ll add the rest of my recommendations as I read them (I’ll specify which I haven’t re-read yet) and the rest will be posted to this month’s regular rec list.
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell or contains dark themes, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (💜) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻.
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⭐All Night by @luaspersona // knj x f.reader // college!au, brother’s best friend!au, s2l // 🥵
📝 When your brother bails on you, you have to find another way to entertain yourself for the night and Kim Namjoon just so happens to be a great company.
🗨️ This was the most perfect, pure masterpiece of fucking gold writing 🤌🏾🥵 it is insanely filthy, so deliciously smutty!! Like I think my soul has left my body 🥵 the writing, story and the characters were brilliant ✨ this is hands down one of my new favorites and I WILL read this again soon, I promise you! Don’t sleep on this sweet bad boy Namjoon, okay 🥵 such an easy recommendation for me to make - do yourself a favor and read it if you haven’t (and if you have, then read it again!) ♥️💯
⭐All Aboard! (the passion express) by @ve1vetyoongi // knj x f.reader // office worker!namjoon // 🥵
📝 There were not many things that got your blood boiling in the same way that two simple words could. Kim Namjoon. The name of your irritating and (unfortunately enough, as the universe would have it) incredibly handsome co-worker. Which is exactly why you never expected to find your self on your knees for him on the train home.
🗨️ Holy fuck, fuck, fuck this was so incredibly filthy (in the best way possible) 🥵 the tension between reader and Namjoon was perfect, the build up was so satisfying 🌟 what’s not to like ✨😍
⭐The Wedding Arrangement by @sugaurora // knj x f.reader // ‘enemies’ to friends to lovers, wedding!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Unfortunately, he’s just gotten engaged to someone who isn’t you. Even more unfortunately, he expects you to help plan the wedding alongside Kim Namjoon, his other best friend and, based on your first meeting, just another judgmental jerk. Putting aside your distaste for the sake of your friend’s happiness, you both set about giving Seokjin the wedding of his dreams. Following a rough and satisfying affair at the caterer’s, you strike an unusual deal: you and Namjoon will be enemies with benefits until the wedding is over. And after six months of wedding planning, you both just might learn that weddings aren’t usually the end, but a brand new beginning.
🗨️ This was so amazing 🥹 the characters had so much depth and ugh! It was just so, so good. It was a pleasure reading their love unfolding 🥰 aish, I’m soft! It’s filled with plenty of soft, slight heartbreaking angst at times, but oh so fluffy and smutty too! It was perfect 👌🏾 💯 please don’t sleep on this one, okay? 🥹
⭐Roommates by @automnesleaves [AO3] [119K] // myg x f.reader // roommates!au, covid!au, slice of life // 😂🥰🌩️
📝 February 2020: Your best friend Jimin’s roommate recommendation, IT guy Yoongi Min, moves in with you. March 2020: Covid Lockdown.
🗨️ This is really, really good! I remember being so hooked on this, that I stayed up multiple nights to finish chapters. It was hard to put down, and so interesting to read how readers luck slowly turned – also, the dynamic between reader and Yoongi is great and there’s just so much lovely slice of life in it 💜
⭐Three Tangerines [series; ongoing] by @kithtaehyung // myg x f.reader // fuckboy!yoongi, brother’s best friend!au, age gap!au // 🌩️🥵
📝 Throughout high school, you sometimes caught glimpses of your brother’s older friends: some of them were sweet, some of them were smart. but the one closest to him? that guy was a total f*ckboy from day one. after a foray of horrid relationships spanning years - ending with one that broke up with you for an alarming reason - you needed advice on what the hell you were doing wrong… and this wasn’t a conversation for anyone sweet or smart.
🗨️ Yes. This is here again. It is one of my all-time favorites and I will not stop screaming about how fucking good this is! You just have to join the 3tan party or you are severely missing out, Doll. 💖✨
⭐Oh, darling! [series; completed] by @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // university!au, non idol au, professor!yoongi, student!reader // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you’ve held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought? 
🗨️ Holy fucking shit 🥵🫣😳 This is just one of my favorites series, EVER 💜 This is in my top 10, no questions! ✨
⭐Fate Doesn’t Exist by @whenIseeUsmile [AO3] [47K] // jhs x myg (mxm) // pilot!au, formula1!au // 😂🌩️
📝 Yoongi is a pilot. Hoseok is a Formula 1 driver. Jungkook's a fanboy and Jimin is oblivious.
Yoongi hates people but likes one-night-stands. One in particular but he doesn't like the fact that he's famous. He really shouldn't get involved with Hoseok. He does it anyways.
🗨️ I’ve read this multiple times! And it will forever be one of my favorites! I just love how their personality compliments each other, and how they keep meeting each other (also can’t stay away from each other). Plus, the side couples, both Jungkook x Jimin and Namjoon x Seokjin are just fucking hilarious – everything about this is golden, so if you’re into mxm it’s a really good read! 👏
⭐Flight 18 by @noona-la-la-la [9.5K] // jhs x f. reader // flight!au, idol!au // 🥵😂
📝 Korean Air Flight 18 leaves daily from Los Angeles traveling to Seoul.  You’ve taken this flight before, but this time you’ve got an irritating passenger in the neighboring seat.  Little did you know that he would end up giving you the ride of your life.
🗨️ This was just really really amazing; utterly funny (like I was laughing at certain points), so much sexual tension that evolves into satisfying smut 😗
⭐The Airport Couple: P[ass]anger from Hell + Drabble by @dovechim & @jimlingss [8K] // pjm x f.reader // e2l, frequent traveler jimin x tsa agent reader // 😂😂😂🥰
📝 As a TSA agent, you expect your job to be relatively easy, most passengers these days follow the rules to the T in order to avoid prolonging their custom checks. But not a certain Park Jimin, who seems to have a problem understanding what 100ml is, or the very simple fact that gadgets must be taken out of the bag, and bomb jokes are strictly off limits. Frequent traveller Park Jimin is your nemesis, but darn is he a cute one.
🗨️ This is just so fucking hilarious, don’t get me started. I laughed from beginning to end 😂 And it’s still as good as I remember, if not even better??? Like ✨ I’ve highlighted a few of my favorite parts from the fic. I don’t want to give too much away, but these lines are just so damn hilarious! Please go read it, it’s one of my faves 💯
⭐The Airport Couple: Park Jimin’s Cock[pit] by @jimlingss & @dovechim [12K] // pjm x f.reader // pilot!au, bf2l, coworkers!au // 😂🥰🥵
📝 Talk about Angry Birds, and most people would immediately think of the mobile game app. But within your circle of friends, it stands for something else. It’s synonymous with Park Jimin, one of the most talented pilots from your batch who also just happens to have anger issues, or in other words, air rage. He is your best friend, but when you get teamed up with him as his co-pilot, you can only pray that things don’t go south… literally. 
🗨️ I remember reading this a few years ago, and I loved it then and I still do ✨ It is incredibly funny, has good banter and dialogue to match. The chemistry between reader and Jimin is just priceless, their friendship is just pure giggles 🥹 It’s also fluffy and will tug on your heartstrings in the best way possible. Just really, really good and definitely also one of my all-time favorites 💯💜
⭐Since We Met by @inkjam-moon [9.2K] // pjm x f.reader // roommate!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Your in love with your roommate, so you think maybe trying to date someone else will help you get over him, but when your roommate shows signs of jealousy, you begin to wonder; could he like you back?
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Turbulence by @yminie [9.3K] // pjm x f.reader // flight!au // 🥵🥰
📝 On your first flight the cute boy next to you helps to sooth your nerves, and on the second flight he soothes something else.
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Accelerate by @yminie [8.9K] // pjm x f.reader // flight!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Jimin comes to retrieve his jacket on the condition that you then accompany him for dinner, and you can bet he satiates every hunger.
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Beneath the Water by @jungshookz // pjm x reader // fantasy!au + mermaid!au // 🌩️🥵🥰😂
📝 His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck?
🗨️ This is just perfect; a tiny bit angst, gold certified comedy and fluff (with a sprinkle of smut). There’s also a bullet point drabble of this, so please check that out too (here).
⭐Make Me by @jikookiekosmos // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
🗨️ It has heavy dom/sub themes (which I’m normally not into, but imma switch for this one!). It is incredibly hot and so, so damn perfect 🥵
⭐Pay Attention by @jikookiekosmos // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰
📝 You’d mentioned it in passing once before, your fantasy about blowing your boss - and now boyfriend - under his desk during one of his important CEO business meetings. So what happens when you want to turn that fantasy into a reality, and he wants it just as much?
🗨️ This is a sequel to ‘Make Me’ (but can be read as a stand-alone) - and it is just pure dirty smut. The dynamic between reader and Jimin is just so good ✨
⭐The Wedding Planners by @gukyi [28K] // jjk x f.reader // e2l, wedding!au // 😂🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Jeon jungkook is three things: cocky, terrible, and your worst enemy. then your best friend hoseok gets engaged to the love of his life, and suddenly jeon jungkook is four things: cocky, terrible, your worst enemy, and the man you will be spending the next seven months with in order to plan your best friend’s wedding. 
🗨️ I also remember reading this a few years ago and it was just a very funny and pleasant reread 💜 What I love about this is one, is definitely the slow-burn and the enemies to lovers aspect too. The banter between reader and Jungkook is just so priceless and reading how their relationship slowly unfolds and develops through the months of the wedding planning was just everything 💯 Hoseok and Yoongi’s personality in this also makes this fic truly amazing.
⭐Secret Slut (1) by @jeonsweetpea [7.7K] // jjk x f.reader (ft. pjm) // office!au, pa!jungkook x ceo!reader // 😂🌩️🥵
📝 Jungkook accidentally gifts you, his boss, a sex toy for Secret Santa.
🗨️ I remember reading this a few years ago and now I see that there’s even a part two to it, that I haven’t read! This one is really funny, like straight up hilarious – really made me laugh at times and then it got so freaking smutty 🥵 Really good!
⭐Secret Slut (2) by @jeonsweetpea [18.1K] // jjk x f.reader + pjm x f. reader // office!au, pa!jungkook, pa!jimin, ceo!reader // 🌩️🥵
📝 After being fired, Jungkook finds himself a new job only to realize he misses you too much. He comes back to discover you’ve hired a new personal assistant, Jimin. You offer him the only job position available, which was being the assistant’s assistant. Being demoted results in Jungkook feeling inadequate and he soon learns what it means to be jealous.
🗨️ I was so speechless after reading the last part of the series, like 🥵🥵🥵🥵 There’s so much smut in this, you’re like swimming in it, lol! And then something happens, that I won’t spoil because I actually didn’t expect that to happen (even though I should have seen it coming, because the build-up was there). So, a really good read! 
⭐Departure by @nomnomsik [6.2K] // jjk x f.reader (ft. jimin) // pilot!au, coworkers!au // 🥵🥰
📝 As a flight attendant for Korean Air, you’re scheduled for a thirteen-hour flight to Japan. However, things get intimate between you and your partner and co-pilot, Jeon Jungkook, when he realizes Park Jimin, the famous idol from Korea, broads the plane and blatantly flirts with you. 
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐Something Like Love by @iamtaekooked [8.4K] // jjk x f.reader // cop!au, police office!au // 🥰
📝 It was meant to be a regular day at the hospital. That is until you get kidnapped in broad daylight. Meanwhile, the famous detective Jeon Jeongguk who also happens to be your best friend, just wanted a normal day free of world’s bullshit, but he couldn’t even have that.
🗨️ I haven’t re-read this yet – but I remember I loved it 💜(I’ll insert my rec here when I have read it again).
⭐The Forgotten Spaces [completed series] by @oddinary4bts // jjk x reader // college!au, dancer!au + e2l // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 you’ve been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
🗨️ This is truly a masterpiece! The writing is perfect and the characters have so much soul, dimension, hurt and love. It is exceptional 👏🏾♥️ you just have to read this gem 💎
⭐Two point Five (2.5): pt2 + pt3 [series] by @bratkook // jjk x f.reader // handyman!jk, s2f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Who would have thought booking a handyman from an app would lead to this. sure, you wish he’d mount you instead of just your television, but you could totally be friends. Right?
🗨️ This is also one of my all time favorites! 💎There is just something incredibly hot about handyman JK 🥵 It is so good, juicy, smutty and there's comedy in it too! Please don’t be sleeping on this one.
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Okay, okay, okay. So the list got out of hand! And I know I say “this is in my top 10” but I can’t even pick my top 10 because I have waaaay too many favorites 😂
I hope you have an awesome day, are happy and stay healthy! I’ll go and enjoy my birthday with a chill day, birthday dinner with my family, probably some reading and watching the finale of Loki  🥳 🎂 Thank you so much for liking, commenting or reblogging my rec lists, it means a lot to me – remember to reblog, comment and/or like the fics you like on the list to the the lovely authors know you love their stuff 💜
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dmwrites · 1 year
It was said that the Decked Out dungeon was alive.
The hermits, gathered in the halls and cubbyholes of Decked Out, talked about this factually. The dungeon was laced tradition and superstition.
The hermits said it ate people, that it craved blood. Some hermits had lucky cards or items, others touched parts of the dungeon before going in. They all joked about the dungeon having a crush on Etho.
Hypno thought this was all bullshit.
And while he wasn’t one to diss other people’s superstitions (at least not in a hurtful way), the way some of the hermits talked about the dungeon was… weird.
Hypno could only shake his head and stay quiet. “It’s chance! Chance and RNG and skill! The dungeon is a machine, not some beast in need of hermit butts to keep it satisfied!” He wanted to say. But he didn’t say anything, just stuck to the sidelines, quiet and thinking about his own runs, what he could explore next.
Regardless of differences, the hermits could all agree on one thing: decked out was addictive. Hypno had spent more hours then he cared to admit in the dungeon, just so he could be near the place, hear strategies. And he liked to play, had a bit of a knack for the dungeon itself. Phases one through three had been tons of fun, tons of exploration and death and success. But Phase four…
“Damn it!”
Hypno wondered if there was a death speedrun record yet for Decked Out, and if he’d just done it. Killed by Skill Issue almost as soon as he’d cleared the first room. The whole week had been like this, he hadn’t succeeded once.
“Too bad, man.” Hypno could hear Cub saying from beyond the door when he respawned.
“Appreciate it, man. Ugh!” Hypno hit the button to open the door and went to sit on the floor next to where Cub was leaning against a wall. “I’ve had such bad luck this week!”
“That sucks. Maybe the dungeon is just mad at you.” Cub suggested, looking down at Hypno.
Hypno put his hands to his face. “Cub, what?”
“Well, you know, I mean, of everyone here, I think you and I have penetrated the dungeon the deepest.”
“Don’t say it like that, please.”
“It’s the truth, though.” Cub continued. “You play that dungeon rough, and maybe it’s tired of you. Wants the annoying bug named Hypno to get out as fast as possible. And how to you get rid of something that’s annoying you? You smack it.”
“The dungeon isn’t alive, Cub.” Hypno said, looking up at him. “You do know that, right? It’s just a game.”
“I dunno, man…” Cub looked down at him. “I pay my respects to the dungeon… maybe you should consider it too.”
It dawned on Hypno, in that moment, just how much the sculk had spread across Cub’s skin, curling into his eyes and staining his skin an inky blue. Hypno shivered, and wondered just how Cub was “paying respects” to the dungeon.
Hypno went again as soon as the dungeon was ready. He and Cub hadn’t said another word since their brief conversation, and Hypno could feel Cub’s eyes on his back, watching him in silence. Those glittery, dark eyes. The door closed in between them, and Hypno tried to shake off the kind of damp, uncomfortable feeling on his skin.
“Right, hard mode, let’s do this.” Hypno murmured, pressing the correct button from the list and placing his shulker box. A minecart appeared, and down into the dungeon he went.
The problem was, with the minecart ride, was that it was far too long, with too much silence for thoughts to creep in. Of all people, Hypno hasn’t expected Cub to be one of the hermits treating the dungeon like a living thing. But then again, Hypno reasoned, was Cub really all Cub right now? But regardless of who was in charge of Cub’s form right now, Cub ran the dungeon great most of the time.
But he’s just good at the game, a little voice inside Hypno argued.
But so are you… another voice argued back.
The minecart ride ended, and Hypno was facing the doors of the dungeon. He took a deep, centering breath, tightened his bandanna. The dungeon isn’t mad at you, the dungeon doesn’t have feelings, it’s a building, Hypno assured himself.
He grabbed the compass- a simple level one- and snuck his way thought the icy rooms and halls. He had an ear out for ravengers, but something was different. It smelled different. Rather then the kind of cold that blocked out everything, the air smelled stale, but slightly metallic. Hypno smelled his shirt- it wasn’t him, although he was sweating like crazy. A ravenger suddenly roared, barreling around the corner, even though Hypno was out of sight. Hypno ran, jumping over the river of souls and into the crypt. He had half a mind where this compass location may be, and pounded down the stairs. He wasn’t sure what it was, Cub or just a feeling, but he didn’t want to be here too long.
He found the compass location and threw it in, getting his own bandana artifact. The second he picked it up, the dungeon groaned, metal against metal, ice against ice. He could hear ravengers bellowing, running towards him. Hypno looked around, but there was nothing that suggested this was all some kind of prank.
“What is happening?” Hypno asked himself. He tightened his bandana, took a deep breath, and ran back up the stairs, only interested in leaving this place.
The coffins around him were rattling, someone was pounding against the stone. He could hear vex screeching, even though he was nowhere near max clank yet. He kept running, sure of his way.
Ravengers lunged at him.The walls were contracting, shuddering violently as the dungeon screamed in his ears-
He fell onto the pressure plates that marked the exit, scrambled to the short chute that would send him to the end of the dungeon, and maybe he could get out and touch some grass or something. He jumped down into the hole, taking deep, gasping breaths as he fell. And he kept falling. Before he could really process that this was a far longer drop then any other time he’d finished the dungeon, he hit a puddle of water with a splash.
“Yeah, dungeon isn’t happy with you, man.”
Cubfan stood before him, like he’d been there the whole time. The room Hypno had landed in was caked in sculk, all shimmering and almost bulging outwards towards him.
“Where are we, Cub?” Hypno asked hesitantly, trying to steady his breathing, slowly moving to stand on solid ground. Every instinct the dungeon, and life in general had taught him was that something was very, very wrong.
“The Burning Dark, of course. You’re a smart guy, I bet you knew that already. The dungeon thinks you’re smart. Hates that you’re smart. Hates that you don’t fear it like you should.” Cub paused, and in that silence was the heartbeat of the dungeon. “Are you scared now, Hypno?”
In a place so void of information, with only sculk and the creeping realization that Cub was not here to save him, Hypno’s mind raced, but came to no conclusion.
“No.” He lied.
“The dungeon is hungry, Hypno. You die a lot, but you haven’t died for the dungeon yet.”
A sword was in Cub’s hand, and suddenly it wasn’t Cub and a creepy room, but a ravenger named “nothing, they survived decked out!”. But there was no button and door here, no pretend savior. Hypno was going to die, sacrificed to the dungeon by this person who wasn’t all Cub. Hypno straightened his bandana. Well, if this was going to be how this went down, he wouldn’t let the dungeon have the satisfaction of his fear.
“Do you know how sculk works, Hypno?” Cub was advancing, in slow, meaningful steps.
“No.” Hypno looked him down, didn’t move.
“The more you kill, the more it spreads.” The room was covered in the stuff. How many hermits had come here to die, be sacrificed to keep the dungeon happy?
“We could just leave, my guy. Touch some grass, talk to other hermits. You don’t have to do this.” Hypno said, but he knew his words only absorbed into the sculk. Cub was in front of him now, sword between them.
“Run. Maybe you can escape again.” Cub rasped.
“No.” Hypno replied. He didn’t move. Not even when the blade pierced his heart. He fell in place, sinking to the floor that would take his sacrifice. He could feel Cub kneel beside him, take the bandana off his head.
“You’re so annoying, Hypno. Can’t even die like everyone else.” It wasn’t Cub speaking.
Hypno woke up in the Decked Out bed. He gathered his stuff, his deck, and flew away as fast as he could. It wasn’t until the citadel was out of sight that he realized that his bandana hadn’t respawned with him. He shivered, not knowing what that really meant.
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rainychaoloveshack · 4 months
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚ 𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲. 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
your boyfriend scourge comes over while you’re baking to bug you.
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content. scourge x gn!reader, reader is baking 🍰 (not implied to be a full-on baker, moreso a one time thing), teasing, smoking, slight fluff, suggestive behavior and language around the end
☂︎ wc. 1.1k ☂︎ a/n. hi hi hi!!! we have scourge for our last one :) i actually rlly like how this one turned out… im working on ur guys requests dont worry <3 
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!!
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__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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“Hey, sweet stuff.” A voice draws out from behind you, interrupting your baking at hand as your boyfriend emerges from his nap this late. “Smells damn good in here. What’cha makin’?” It’s already 00:48, and he wants to come over here like it’s the crack of dawn. Ugh.
Scourge tilts his head at your displeased expression. “What?” He says, enjoying your physical reaction of annoyance as you turn your heel, focusing on the dessert at hand. “I ain’t even do nothin’ yet.” Emphasis on ‘yet’.
Scourge makes his way into the kitchen with you, leaning against the kitchen counter as he eyes your latest creation; some beignets, soon to be dusted in powdered sugar and slathered with delicious honey. “Why’re ya’ bakin’ so late?” He murmurs, obviously finding interest in your random antics at this hour, but you shrug your shoulders and empty the freshly cooked beignets away from the oil onto a plate set with a paper towel. 
Well, you were hungry. And shit, when you’re hungry, you’re gonna eat. Obviously.
He scoffs lightly, and you hear a small shuffling behind you, making you turn your head towards him.
“Y’ always doin’ somethin’ weird when yer up late." Scourge mutters, flicking his lighter repeatedly until it finally hits, and he holds a cigarette close to his mouth, lighting the end and taking a small puff in. Did he already forget about you telling him not to smoke inside so often? You pout, putting a hand on your hip as you glare at him, giving him the sort of look that screams ‘put it out’.
But he doesn’t, looking at you with a cheeky grin, and even blowing the smoke in your direction afterwards. “I ain’t forget.” Ah, great. Now you have to add mind reading to his list of tricks he can use against you. “Y’ aren’t gonna be too mad, right?”
A terrible but also good thing about Scourge is that he knows your limits. He knows to what point you’ll handle his antics, but on the opposite side of that, he knows when to tone it down. It leads to some mildly annoying situations, but nothing big enough to bitch over.
You roll your eyes, lightly dusting some powdered sugar over your fresh beignets, then quickly drizzling some honey on top. God, they look so good. The first bite is gonna-
“Lemme get one.” Scourge bumps into you, pushing you aside slightly to take a beignet off its plate. Of course he doesn’t ask for permission.
Well, you were gonna let him have one anyway, but still. Some manners would be nice, but manners are pretty much nonexistent with him.
He’s quiet for a few seconds, licking his lips briefly before going in for another bite. That’s a good sign coming from him. After being with Scourge for this long, you can almost read him like an open book.
“‘S good.” Oh. Guess he got you there. 
You tilt your head over at him, not expecting the small, genuine compliment. Usually, he’d say something slick out the side of his mouth; maybe a little joke or something. Maybe he’s feeling sweet tonight?
Scourge taps his cigarette lightly onto the kitchen counter near the sink, ash falling onto the marble as he licks some honey off his fingertips with the tip of his tongue, making another scowl form on your face. “Oops.” He says, his eyes widening slightly as he taps the rest of the ash into the sink. “My bad, babe.” Dirting your counters and everything. He notices your scowl and smirks at you, dragging his finger up his tongue, and then licking some extra honey off his lips. “What? Ya took away the ashtray.” True. It’s still lying away from Scourge’s gaze even now, hidden in your room in an attempt to get him to smoke inside less. Shame it didn’t work. Stupid idiot…
“So the chef’s not gonna take a bite of their own shit? C’mon.” He chuckles, holding up a beignet to your mouth. It’s hard to fight the smile on your face, and you take a bite of it eagerly, savoring especially the rich honey you drizzled all over the dessert, coupled with the sugar and soft beignet. Yum.
“Got something there.” Scourge grazes his thumb against your bottom lip, wiping unknown honey you had accidentally smeared there while savoring the pastry. He then meets your eyes, licking the honey off his thumb with a smug grin. “Good, yeah?”
… Idiot. He really knows how to get you going.
Suddenly, the smoke from the cigarette flows in your direction, and you wince from the smell. Eugh. You’ve never been one to smoke often at all, maybe once or twice (if the mood's right with Scourge), but other than that you’ve never been fond of it. Scourge reads your expression and his cheeky grin falters.
“Hmm?” He draws out lazily. “Somethin’ wrong?” As soon as he asks, he eyes the cigarette set in his left hand, still emitting smoke. “Oh.”
He takes another draw from it, but to your shock, he wordlessly flicks the cigarette into the sink, a short sizzling sound emitting from it as a bit of water puts it out. “All ya had to do was ask, babe.” Scourge mutters. “You know I wouldn’t keep the shit around if it really bugged ya. M’ not that much of a dickhead.” He tilts his head down, blowing the smoke down to the floor as he looks up to meet your gaze again.
… He really has changed. You struggle to push back the small smile on your face at the thought of it.
“Hmm? Whatcha’ smiling for?” For him. For the way he is today. Even if putting out his cigarette is such a small gesture; it’s progress. It’s there.
Scourge pauses at your heartfelt words, shock lining his features before he tries to shake it off, tugging you over slightly by your shirt. “C’mere, babe.” He says gently, pressing a kiss on your lips as he cups your cheek, his tongue grazing your bottom lip and tasting the mix of sweet sugar and honey in your mouth. The mixed taste of slight ash and honey fills yours, but you really don't care right now. It’s such an easy thing to ignore when he’s such a good kisser.
After what feels like forever, you two break away from each other, panting as your breath mingles with one another's. 
Fuck. He’s so sweet… Even when he tries to hide his embarrassment with a kiss.
“Lemme show ya’ a good time, honey. Bet cha’ taste just as sweet as it too…”
(i’ve always wanted to try beignets. they look so yummy… with the powdered sugar and everything 🤤)
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kordyceps · 8 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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evilwickedme · 1 year
This wasn't asked for because nobody in their right mind would ask for this but this is a fic rec list of fics I cannot stop rereading
Just started yet another reread of Inimitable Verse by deniigiq and I fully plan on rereading their into the multiverse series which occasionally crosses over also - this is a Spider-Man/team red focused series, think comics canon infused early mcu-spidey since only homecoming had come out for a non substantial amount of time they were working on the series and the daredevil stuff is explicitly tv show AND comics. Also the multiverse series is how I got into Murderdock and therefore how I got into Spider Gwen
Unpretty's Sorrowful And Immaculate Hearts series which is just a loosely interconnected series of DC fics. My personal favorites are Empty Graves, in which Martha Kent keeps killing time travelers trying to kill baby! Clark; any of their clois fics but especially Third Wheel; and Anti-Social, which is a social media fic mostly about Tim and Bruce that made me cry laughing. Catch Bruce trying to get Walmart's employees to unionize. Also shout out to unpretty's only fic with Jason in it, it looks awesome but is tragically incomplete
This particular Reverse Robin AU which put in the work to reverse every single younger generation and is chef's kiss I LOVE this version of Tim he's wild
Both of Shoalsea's fics are in constant rotation for me I talk about Into The Brighter Night all the time in the tags of reblogs and stuff it truly lives in my head rent free. Anyway Tim gets kidnapped by aliens and the batfam have to watch as yj98 saves him and it's angsty and funny and such a good take on what could have been if the new 52 hadn't happened. And Compassion Builds No House is about Tim and Pru from Red Robin. Ugh they're both so good
Speaking of Clois (I did you've just forgotten this by now) brilliant (like a confession) by kathkin (penny-anna on the hellsite) is so fucking good I'm. Okay. Anyway it'll be listed as inspiration if/when I finally post my two person love triangle fic for them
I'm too anxious to catch up on this before it's done but jumble sale chic is hands down the best spideydevil fic series despite and because of the omegaverse
Make A Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is my favorite take on Jason, period, and has a lot of fantastic Damian stuff going on too. It's updating every few weeks still! Sometimes more often! I love you bacondoughnut it's me JustGail the person who will not stop commenting on your fic you're stuck with me forever
I lied above Rumspringa Murderdock is what got me into Murderdock but that series is second place. I found this one while scrolling through the tv show's mattfoggy tag, thinking I was safe
Speaking of Murderdock mattfoggy, The Lawyer All the Wickedness was written early on in spider-gwen's history and so diverges from canon really early in ways that I think are super interesting and creative
Oh also straight on 'til morning by merils (Tumblr url mamawasatesttube) does SUCH a great job unpacking Kon's trauma and building up healthy relationships around him including a budding timkon romance and yeah it makes me sad and happy at the same time
We're getting into poisonivory territory so just trust if you like the pairing and poisonivory is writing it you'll like it. Ok rapidfire
Like A Handprint On My Heart mattfoggy soulmate au with a twist
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? Damijon future fic/au. Jon came back from the future when both of them were 19. Demisexual!Damian at its best. Damian's terrified of being abandoned by Jon again and it made my heart hurt
I feel like I've already recommended every JayRoy fic by poisonivory and genuinely I do reread them all, sometimes in order of publication if I'm in a particular mood. Maybe the one I've read most though is I've Got the Feeling You're the Right Thing After All which is about Roy and Jason starting a fwb thing while Roy still harbors old feelings for Dick. Can't see anything going wrong here lmao
Mmm this post is long enough so I'll leave it at just superhero fic for now but I do in fact have the ability to do a whole post just for the Witcher or Leverage so I might do that. Anyway thanks for following me on yet another burst of insanity it will happen again
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miko32 · 5 months
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Born Into the Seven Ruler's of Devildom
I was isekai'd to a world in a book. The title was "Kristin in the Harem of the Seven Demon Lords." Like its title, a human named Kristin was brought to Devildom against her will and had to survive through the temptation of the seven demon lords, who were brothers and avatars of the seven sins.
The seventh brother, Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth.
The sixth brother, Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony.
The fifth brother, Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust.
The fourth brother, Satan, the Avatar of Wrath.
The third brother, Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy.
The second brother, Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.
The first brother, Lucifer, the fallen angel, the Avatar of Pride. My father. The one who succeeded in seducing the human Kristin and impregnating her.
I was in shambles with the ending. Lucifer had kicked Kristin out, banished to the swamp and died giving birth. The baby survived and was named Leilel by Kristin, and that baby is me.
I'm Leilel Morningstar, the child of Lucifer Morningstar.
Chapter List
1, 2, 3, 4
Tag List (Anyone can ask in the comment or send a message and say hi! I would really love to talk to you :D )
Chapter 5 --- First Day at School
The school quickly descended into chaos as all the demons talked about the new humans, their conversations soon turning to the previous humans in the program.
"Why didn't Diavolo invite Solomon?"
"Perhaps due to the incident with the human girl who was killed."
"Do you think there might be an 'accident' involving the human girl?"
"Ahaha! That would be quite dramatic!"
"Just another nephilim they have to deal with!"
Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
That's all I could think of as I walked toward my classroom. This is messed up, absolutely messed up. Why in the world would Diavolo start the exchange again? After thirteen years, at the same year I enrolled?! What kind of stupid fate is this?! Ugh. Whoever God from up there or down here must’ve hated me. Why do these things keep happening to me?!!!
"Ah!" My foot caught something, and I fell face-first.
A group of demons laughed at me.
"Ahaha! Watch where you're going," the demon kicked my side. I let out an 'uf' as I felt another demon put their boots on my back, holding me down.
"Argh!" Fuck! Fuck! Oh, how fate truly hates me.
"Iuuu... She has some sort of weird smell."
"What do you expect from a swamp demon?” I felt the demon lift his boot. I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for the pain.
I looked up from the floor, my view only to a familiar pair of white high-heeled boots.
“You low-born demons, it’s the third bell! I will not have you punk demons ruin Diavolo’s precious academy on the first day,” Mephistopheles scolded.
The demon who has his boots on me turned to Mephisto. I slowly lifted myself up, surprised at Mephistopheles defending me.
“Fuck off Mephist-”
Mephistopheles lifted his cane to the demon’s neck, silencing him. The demon gulped.
“With the new human exchange students, it is ordered that there will be no fighting between students.” Mephisto stepped forward, pushing the demon into the wall, his purple aura flowing from his hand through his cane. “So you better follow that order, or I’ll put you on the list of Diavolo’s enemies.”
Mephisto struck his neck with the end of the cane. The demon doubled over, coughing.
The demon coughed and nodded. Mephisto gave a glare and his friends pulled him away, leaving me and Mephistopheles in the hallway. I placed my hand over my side, emitting a healing power. I felt Mephistopheles staring at me.
I should say thank you. “Um, tha-”
“Don’t,” Mephisto cut me off. “I will need you in good shape to show me the warehouse, correct?”
Oh. Right. I nodded.
“Good, now quickly get to your class,” he lightly pushed my leg with his cane. I flinched and glared at him. He smiled back and walked to his class.
I sigh relief. I choose a great demon to be my support. For now.
I gave myself a few minutes to let the healing power work through my back. Then I lifted myself up and went to my first class, History of Devildom. I had memorized the classes I take in this building, and I was able to arrive in time. I sighed with relief as I took my seat. Luckily, no one seemed to care about me. And… I looked around the classroom. No demon brothers.
A woman walked in, small pointy red horns on her head, short white hair, and a scowl on her face.
"Sit DOWN!" she shouted to the whole class. Of course, she would be the teacher. The student take their seat as the teacher scold. "As it is mandatory to introduce myself, even though you punk demons don't need another History Lesson 101 all over the decades because you're all lazy punks!"
She lifted her index finger, with long red sharp nails that could reach the ceiling. She scratched it on the blackboard behind her.
I closed my ears and gritted my teeth. The teacher spelled out on the blackboard her name, "Miss Viles."
"Now, all of you will address me as Miss Viles! Or else!" she pulled out a metal ruler and snapped it. A crackling sound burst through the room like thunder, but there was no lightning. Thankfully, I'm already used to the sound in the swamp. "And! I do not tolerate-!"
I jolted in my seat. That familiar voice... A demon behind me whispered, "Oh no, it's the scumbag greed brothers."
My eyes widened. The greedy scummy brother would be-!
Running steps were heard approaching from the hallway. Miss Viles groaned and held the door. When the demon stepped into the doorframe, she slammed it.
I blinked my eyes, a demon sprawled on the floor. He had messy white hair. He was the avatar of greed, Mammon.
"HEY! I could've smashed the door, professor!" Mammon protested.
The demons behind me murmured, disappointed that Mammon didn't get slammed. That was obvious; Mammon had speed no demon in the realm could match.
Miss Viles glared. "Mammon, I will not repeat myself! Come to class on time!"
Mammon waved his hand. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got ya!"
A knock on the door, and it opened, revealing a cute tan girl with brown hair. “Um, Ma-Mammon?"
I gasped. She’s one of the human exchange students!
“Ah! You must be Carina, right?”
“Ye-yes,” Carina stepped into the classroom, offering her hand. “Nice to meet-”
“I see you’ve already rubbed off on Mammon’s behavior,” Miss Viles ignored her hand. Carina slowly put her hand away with a frown. “Just because he is your caretaker doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be late for my class!” She slapped her ruler, making a thundering noise. Carina yelped.
“I-I-I’m sorry! Please don't kill me!” Carina bowed her back in fear. Students behind me snickered and laughed.
Oh no. This is just a repeat of what happened to Kristin. Bullied, mocked, threatened to be eaten. Not to mention, her caretaker was the same demon Mam-
The said demon had his face close to mine, staring at me. I was frozen in my seat, scared to death.
"Yo! Miss Viles! Who is this demon?"
What is he doing?? What does he want?! Did he realize??!!
Miss Viles blew her mouth. “Oh, that’s just the new baby demon from the swamp.”
“Wait!” Mammon banged the table, and I stood up, stepping back from my seat. “You’re the youngest demon?!”
“Uh-uh-uh, yeah?” Oh no, he must’ve realized I’m Leilel! FUCKING SHIT! I need to escape through the window!
"Oh yeah, you're the same age as-" Mammon suddenly stopped. He frowned at me, clicked his tongue, and sat in his chair. The whole class went quiet.
What's going on? Just a moment ago, Mammon was bothering me and now the whole class went dead silents. I glance at from the corner of my eyes, the whole students closed their mouth as if being sewed.
Miss Viles sense the discomfort, clears her throat, and clapped her hands. "Well, I guess that’s enough chaos. Let’s start class."
I sat back into my chair, dreadful and nervous. The classroom table is for three people, and I’m sitting with the poor human Carina and demon Lord Mammon.
Oh, God, why do you hate me so much?
My heart beating so fast it may have fallen out of my ribcage. My hand sweats like a pig. I take a slow deep breath. Distracting myself with the professor's lecture. I look from the corner of my eyes. Mammon was leaning over his crossed arms, yawning. He seemed to be bored out of his mind and ignoring everyone around him. I sighed in relief.
Then a quill tapped on my book. “Hey, I’m Carina, what’s your name?”
I flinch. Fuck. Quite bold this human wants to introduce herself to a demon on the first day. Very unfortunate that demon is me. If I become acquainted with Carina, I will be involved in Diavolo’s and the Seven Brothers' twisted game. They would let Carina be friends with me, then make me the evil demon who's out to eat this girl while the demon brothers protect her. It’s how they tricked Kristin and gained her favor.
And it’s going to happen again. I gritted my teeth and turn back to my book. I ignore her. I can’t get involved with her. Never.
I hear Carina let out a disappointed sigh. I clenched my pen. My consciousness was heavy with guilt. I'm really sorry. But her fate here had been predestined. And there’s nothing I would and could do. I'm still trying my hardest to survive here, and it's not been easy. Not without my blops though.
I exhales through my nose. I miss them already.
Suddenly Carina leaned on me, looking at my book. "Hum... La-mi? Lami?!"
I closed my book with a loud thud. For a human, she doesn't have a decency to keep a person's private space and business. Great. This kind of human would easily go down at least in a month.
I was about to scold her. "You...!" I stop as I saw the surprised look on her face, as if she can't believe what she's seeing in front of her. Her eyes cast down and up to my face. I blink. Why is she...?
Then her mouth curved into a grin like the Cheshire cat. “Wow, Lami” Carina mumbled with a smile. She giggled. “You’re thirteen, right? That makes me older than you.”
My left eyes twitch, shiver all over my back. Is this human a creep?
“What are you two talking about?”
I almost jumped in my seat when Mammon interrupted us.
Carina giggled. “Oh, I’m just introducing myself. Lami is so shy~” she gave me a weird smile. All the hair on my neck stood up.
What is this?
“Ik!” Mammon exclaimed. “Why would you wanna be friends with a demon from the swamp? They're the lowest of the lowest demons.”
Carina gasped. “Ma-Mammon!”
I rolled my eyes and returned to my book. A tan hand blocked my book with his palm. It was Mammon looming over me with a smirk.
“Not even the lowest demon wants to live there. You must’ve loved the smell, huh? I hope you shower twice cause I ain’t smellin - BUH!"
A board eraser smacked into Mammon’s head, and he fell backward into his seat.
“Kyaaaa!!!” Carina screamed.
“Human! Quiet! Mammon! Pay attention to the class! You've been in this class for decades! I had ENOUGH!" Miss Viles turned at me with a glare. "You!" She point her really-really long nails at me. I gulp. "I knew a demon from a swamp will have no manners whatsoever. So I'm going to assign you three, to DETENTION!" she slap her ruler to our table, creating a thunder sound over the class.
Carina scream loudly into my ears, hiding under the table like a mouse. Mammon was still on the floor, maybe passed out. The whole class laugh and mock us until Viles silents them. Then she went back to her lecture with a huff.
I take deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths. My heart may as well going to heart attack. How I wish it would happen. How I wish I was dead and send to Celestial Realm.
"I hate first day at school."
The first bell rings for the next period, and I swiftly exit the class, my feet carrying me away.
“Ah, ah! Lami!”
It's Carina calling me. I keep running. Though the guilty conscience still lingers at the back of my mind, asking me if I'm going to let what happened to Kristin happen again.
I shake my head. No, I can't do that. I can't help anyone but myself. I keep running toward the RAD newspaper office.
Mephistopheles has his arms crossed, scowling at me. “Detention? On the first day?”
I frown as I open the map of Devildom. “It wasn’t my fault, it was that dumb greedy demon, Mammon!”
“Yet, you got yourself involved with that demon?” Mephistopheles clicks his tongue. I scrunch my face in anger. Demons. Why did I even bother defending myself? I take a deep breath, settling my anger down. After I relax, I focused on the map, pointing at a location.
Mephistopheles looks over the map, his frown deepening. “The park?! Are you insane? A thousand years of searching for the rebellion's illegal operation is there?!”
“It is there, just hidden.” I rummage through my satchel and pull out a small dual-sided standing mirror. “See the forest behind the park? It’s an illusion. They used this ancient spell, a double mirror, reflecting what they recorded in the mirror and making it like a big whole projector.”
I demonstrate with my mirror, reflecting the fireplace. The first side captures the fireplace like a picture with a camera. Mephistopheles watches silently. Then I turn to the second side, facing the other side of the room. The reflection now shows the door as a fireplace.
Mephistopheles gasps, standing over his couch. “I’ve, I’ve seen this spell,” he points to the mirror. “If we had walked through the line where the mirror is placed,” Mephisto steps to the fireplace, touching it. “Everything becomes real.”
I nod. “That’s why none of you can find the place.”
Of course, I know this from the novel. The chapter tells how one of the rebellion demon approach Kristin, offering her an escape from Devildom. In exchange, Kristin would give them a key to Lucifer’s real Cerberus at the basement of the House of Lamentation. Since their operation is based on recreating the demon dog Cerberus, they would need the blood of the real Cerberus. After a while, Kristin decided not to continue, not wanting to cause chaos in Devildom.
Stupid girl.
The novel said she trusted those brothers, giving them a second chance to redeem themselves. Yeah. Where are you now, huh, Kristin? Buried in the unknown dirt of Devildom, leaving me behind.
I grit my teeth and clench my hand on my lap, trying hard not to let it show on my face. So I scrunch my face and exhale.
Mephistopheles doesn’t seem to notice me, busy taking notes and talking to himself.
“Alright, alright,” He taps his notepad. “I’ll be with reinforcement to see if this is real.” He looks at me seriously. “If we find nothing, I’ll personally escort you to Barbatos's torture room at the Demon Castle.”
Hearing Mephisto threat made my heart stop for a second. Oh, fuck. Do I really want to risk my life with a novel I just read through the internet?
Fuck this. I close my eyes and nod.
“Good, if you try to escape,” I suddenly feel a weight around my wrist. Mephistopheles' mark shines, creating a shackle around it. “The mark will be your chains, is that clear?”
I gulp down my throat. Since when is he able to do this? I nod again, praying to God above to let my plan goes well.
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
Spike Time! Because I got inspired by this post:
“Question for you, Auradon boy,” Mal demands, thumping her bag down on the lunch table with more aggression than she should probably show at school. “I need info and none of my usual losers are available to get it for me.” 
Doug looks up from his book slowly than is strictly necessary, in Mal’s opinion. It’s not like she’s threatening him, she’s just pursuing an unusual avenue for information. Never mind that she doesn’t actually like Doug, because he’s the most likely source for the info she needs, and she’s going to get it out of somebody one way or another. 
Doug frowns at her. “What do you need?” 
“You’ve been to the city.” Mal says, swinging one leg over the bench so that she’s at least pretending to sit with him. They’re sharing a girlfriend, or whatever, so she can at least try and look friendly. “And you’re like, a nerd about buildings and stuff, right?” 
Doug’s frown crumples into a more puzzled look. “Sure. I wouldn’t call myself a nerd, exactly, but—“ 
“You care about the history of stuff,” Mal interrupts. “Right?” 
“So,” Mal starts, and then realizes that the hand she’s got resting on the table is shaking. She clenches it into a fist. She can’t afford to show weakness. “You know why the FUCK there’s spikes and shit all over every fucking flat surface in the city?” 
Doug blinks. “Spikes?”He echoes, sounding puzzled. “The anti-pigeon spikes are only on the top of buildings. They’re a tool the city planners use to keep the streets clean. If the birds can’t land, they can’t leave, ah—droppings. Everywhere.” 
“Bird shit.” Mal repeats, flatly. 
“The spikes are for bird shit.” 
Doug squints at her. “Yes,” he says slowly. “They’re designed to keep away birds and other pests. That’s what the city planning guides say.” 
Great. Perfect. 
“And there’s no other reason they might put spikes at ground level,” Mal says, just to be sure that she’s not the one going insane here. “Like, on every flat surface you could possibly want to sit on.” 
Doug shakes his head. “I haven’t actually been to Auradon city since I was a kid. If there's spikes around on ground level, I don't know why they're there." 
Ugh. Typical Auradon kid. They can list off every fact known to man about kingdoms hundreds of miles away, but when you need a tiny piece of information about your own backyard, they come up blank. "But you can look it up, right?" Mal pushes. "In one of your books, or something."
Doug lifts a shoulder. "I guess. Why?" 
Mal grits her teeth. She's been independent since she was old enough to hold a knife. It's galling to need help from any Auradon brat, much less the one that she's lost half of Evie's time to. She's been the one protecting her crew for years, and it's best if she won't let outsiders know the specifics. Injuries are safest when they're secret, when nobody can tell that you're nursing a weak spot-- 
When you know the lay of the land and can keep it hidden until you're healed. When your puncture wounds aren't infected and oozing gods-know-what all over your clothes. When you have the barrer, thrice-cursed thing that it is, keeping you alive even when your body wants to die. 
"We might've-- gotten hurt." Mal admits. "On the spikes. I need to know why they're there, so I can heal the puncture wound and then melt them down to a pulp." 
"Metal turns into smelt," Doug says, and then looks almost horrified with himself. "Not a pulp. Not that it matters. Is Evie hiding a puncture wound?" 
Ah. This is why Evie likes him. 
"No." Mal snaps. 
"I have other friends." 
"You don't." Doug points out, eyes big and wide and fully earnest. "And if it's not Evie, then it's one of the other Isle kids. I haven't seen you bleeding on anything lately, not that you'd show me if you were, and--" 
"It's Jay. Happy?" 
"No. Evie hates when people get blood on her clothes." 
"She's not--" Mal sighs. This sort of questioning is exactly why she doesn't trust Auradon kids. With anything. They'll just talk about things, and not get anything useful done. "She doesn't care about the blood right now. I need you to tell me why the spikes are there. Can you handle that?" 
Doug drops his chin into something almost like a determined expression. Mal's more used to seeing the look on the faces of little kids when they're challenging each other to jump off of something that'll definitely break their legs, but that's unmistakably what it is. "Yes. But I want to know why you're asking." 
"I told you already. I'm going to melt them down. It's stupid to put spikes all over the place where perfectly normal people want to be. We can't be the only ones who want to run around the fucking city without pointless spikes getting in the way." 
"You're from the Isle," Doug points out. "I thought you guys were all about pointless spikes." 
"For ourselves, not for the ground. It's stupid to keep them around wherever for no reason." 
"I'll look it up," Doug promises. "Can I report back tonight, or are you flying into the city to melt them before dinner?" 
Mal's face twitches without her consent. Funny. He's funny. "I can wait until after dinner. But come by Evie's room after then. You can report back once we've eaten." 
"Got it. Can I ask one more question?" 
Mal forces a frown. She's got a reputation to uphold. "I suppose." 
"Why are you asking me, and not Lonnie or Ben? You're friends with them, aren't you?" 
Ugh. The real answer is that Lonnie's off campus, and Ben's too busy to worry with a little thing like oozing puncture wounds from spikes in the city that they weren't supposed to be visiting, but Doug's not going to stop if she tells him that. 
"I'm friends with you," Mal lies instead. "Friends ask each other stuff. Normal questions." 
"Like why there's spikes on the ground." 
"Lonnie's not here, is she." 
Stupid perceptive boys. 
"She's off campus for a ROAR tournament," Mal admits. "Evie's not mad about the blood because we had to rope her in so she could forge a nurse's note excusing Jay from the tournament for a minor, normal shoulder injury. We need help, and we need in from you, because you're the next in like of people who don't hate us. Are you going to help or not?" 
"Oh, I'm going to help." Doug pushes his glasses up his nose in a way that Mal can only describe as ominous. "But you might not like whatever I find, and you can't rip my head off about it when I tell you what I've found." 
Mal lets her eyes flash green. "Deal," she says, and sticks out a hand. "Fairy's honor." 
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Salutations! Yesterday, I had the fortune to enjoy the rain for a while and jump into some puddles, it was fun hoohoo. When I went home, I realized that it could be a good writing prompt for my mutual —you!—, so...
What would the mercs do if they saw a puddle of water?
TF2 Mercs Reactions To Finding A Puddle After It Rains!
I'm glad you enjoyed the rain and the puddles! Also, the fact that people do things and then think of me is just so ugh I love it 😭
Mutual appreciation comment! Love you and your posts. I also love the fact that we both love the same silly old German man 💖
Also I'm totally not putting off my actual work I should be doing to do multiple headcanon lists. Nope, not me. (Also also this is a great alternative to crying over the fact that I lost my keys for a second time)!
Demo- I'd like to think he'd be down for splashing around and having a good time, but this is Demo we're talking about so.... he definitely slipped, cracked his head, and passed out. Once he wakes up though he tries again and has a good time.
Engie- Not really a fan of jumping in puddles, more of a fan of watching the water ripple and move when you walk through them. If no ones around he might even find a couple of rocks and drop them to see what the water does.
Heavy- Unless the puddle is like really big, I don't really see him jumping in one. HOWEVER. Likes the noises that water makes when you walk through it. He thinks the small splashing noises are cute!
Medic- I know he's an old man. I know this, I understand this, I've accepted this. Doesn't change the fact that he is, in fact, a little German boy who has, on more than one occasion, said "Yippee!' upon seeing something he was really excited about. This man would jump in a puddle no hesitation, and he'd have fun too, sure he'd look insane to any rational passerby, but he doesn't care. What do you expect from a man this silly? ALSO, if Archimedes is with him, he'll also splash in the puddle for fun, Silly man has a silly bird, who would have guessed?
Scout- "Why would I jump in a puddle, only like little kids and babies do that." The second no one else is around this man is splashing around in a puddle. He's hyper aware of what's going on around him though, lest he be caught having fun. Because having fun is super lame and embarrassing right guys?
Sniper- Another case of pretending they don't want to do that but would actually have fun if they did. He's not really used to doing "childish." things as an adult. But maybe if he saw another merc doing it, he could be persuaded to join in.
Spy- He wouldn't. He just wouldn't. He's the kind of dude who would lay something down to walk over a puddle. He physically cringes if he has to step in a puddle. He's just a baby about it.
Soldier- HE'D HAVE SO MUCH FUN! The only merc who could possibly have more fun is Pyro, but we'll get to them in a minute. Will jump in a puddle, no hesitation. Splashes around and has a good time, and he genuinely enjoys the little things in life!
Pyro- Has the most fun out of everyone! He loves it when it rains, ironically enough. They definitely have paper boats they put in the puddles and little rubber ducks in the deeper ones. Will stay outside for hours after it rains. They love it so much, they get so happy. They even have white polkadot rainboots.
Ahhhh! This was so fun. Thank you for requesting this. I hope you like it 💖
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Nova’s Thoughts - Dracula Daily - August 19
In which there is joy at least and Renfield goes for a little run…
“Joy, joy, joy! although not all joy.” I love how she’s so happy, yet so practical. Like, “yay, everything’s great! Well, technically that’s incorrect…” ugh I love her so much
She’s going to see Jonathan at last!! These two crazy kids are going to reunite. Good for them <333
Love Mr. Hawkins playing wingman with “marriage now, maybe? 👀” I know there’s a more serious reason he’s suggesting this (for instance if Jonathan doesn’t get better…), but I still want to believe it’s in part because Mr. Hawkins just wants them to get married lol
“I have cried over the good Sister's letter till I can feel it wet against my bosom, where it lies. It is of Jonathan, and must be next my heart, for he is in my heart.” Awww Mina 😭😭 and also, *iconic* line right there.
I know she must be so worried for how he’s doing, especially after caring for her other favorite person Lucy and feeling rather helpless in that situation :((( you got this girl!
The letter he touched will comfort her 😭😭😭 could this get anymore sweet???
Now on to another edition of Seward’s podcast (which, FYI, does contain ableist language I won’t be quoting)…
Imagine one of your patients starts sniffing the ground like a dog and you try to talk to him, and his response is just “nah, I don’t want to talk to you, pleb.” Renfield becomes more iconic by the day.
Oooo I like what Seward’s putting down here with the religion distinction: to him, God cares about everyone, but Renfield’s god (or, Renfield, if Seward’s prediction comes true) doesn’t care about anyone except those they deem important.
^^ ok I wrote this really early in the morning before reading anyone’s takes on it and now, having read some takes on this, I see that taking into account Seward’s surly attitude, this is not the objective, rational opinion I thought it was. I still want to include my OG viewpoint because I do think it’s cool to get Seward’s views on religion if that’s actually what he believes, but I do see what everyone else means when they say he’s actually being pouty about Renfield not paying attention to him, and thinking of himself as an “eagle” in this scenario….Seward, buddy, get over yourself please 🙄
I’m just imagining Seward pretending not to watch Renfield while reading a book or something but all the time staring at him like 👁️👄👁️…somehow, I think Renfield probably noticed you doing that. Just saying.
Seward’s like “you don’t love spiders anymore? :(“ Renfield: *extremely cryptic reply, which equates to “I only cared about the spiders because Dracula wasn’t here yet”* :p
Seward thinking of Lucy again :((( yeah never a good idea to mix your — um, “sleeping chemical” (which, by the way, such a nerd move to list the entire chemical symbol and I love him for doing it) — with depressing thoughts of Lucy. I’m actually proud of him for sticking to his convictions on this one!
…and it pays off! Renfield’s on the run!
I’m picturing Seward having to get out of the window (with help) and it is a very funny image. 10/10 on Renfield for making Seward feel the need to do that 👏👏👏
Hey, Seward, maybe focus less on the “Renfield’s a beggar for wanting a reward from his ‘master’” thing and more on who he was talking to…it might save us some headaches in the long run. Oh? You’ve already taken him back to the asylum? Great, love that. /s
“So I took the hint, and came too.” ……………📸🤨 (I know that’s not what he means but it is funny nonetheless :D)
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gingerjunhan · 11 months
Hello there! I would like to tell you I rlly like all the things you write! They're so cool! I rlly enjoy all of them! And I would like to be another anon! "🌺" it will be that emoji <3
And I would like to do a request too! Is about
How XH react if they have a s/o who's insecure about using their glasses
☆彡 ahh such a sweet idea 🌺anon :( I love it. Welcome to my anon list! Happy to have you here, and thank you so much for the love! 🩷
word count: 957 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: insecurities, reader is called “beautiful” a lot (my bad), if I missed anything lmk
goo gunil
Gunil, as a glasses wearer himself, might know where you’re coming from with this insecurity
so I think he would be great at helping you out!!
“I love your glasses! They draw more attention to your beautiful eyes!”
he would make jokes about it, but not rude jokes
stuff like:
“You can see me in all my glory!”
or, “I look better in 20/20 vision!”
silly stuff to make you feel better
but it’s not all unserious
if he can see that you’re really insecure, Gunil will absolutely take initiative to do whatever it takes to make you feel better
he doesn’t wear his glasses often, so maybe he’ll wear his with you so you don’t feel like you’re drawing attention to yourself?
he always compliments you so if you’re feeling down, so get ready for compliments galore
“I think you’re perfect no matter what, my love. I think your glasses look lovely on you.”
kim jungsu
I think Jungsu would absolutely SWOON for someone in glasses!!
imagine you’re sitting across from him, and you have to push your glasses up your nose, and he would just melt
he thinks you’re so cute, and the glasses only add to that cuteness
“I love your glasses! They look so nice on you honey :(“
I can totally imagine Jungsu cleaning your glasses for you every night before bed so they’re clean for you the next day :( ugh, it’s the little things
if you opt to wear contacts instead he would understand why, but he absolutely will not let your insecurities win!
so the next time you put your glasses on, it’s nothing but praise
“You look so good in your glasses! I think you should wear them more often!”
he truly believes that nothing can hinder your beauty so the fact that you think that is crazy to him
kwak jiseok
Jiseok strikes me as the type to also have a thing for people who wear glasses!!
we all know Jiseok is smart, but I can’t help but to think a goofy part of him links glasses to intelligence in his head
so when you tell him you feel insecure about wearing your glasses, he’s just like,
“But, they show people how smart you are!”
“Oh, so you think I look like a nerd?” (☝🏻🤓)
“Wait, baby, no!”
after clarifying over and over again that you don’t! look like a nerd, he’s back tracking and starting over again
“I don’t think you look like a nerd! I think you’re hot! Have I ever told you I have a thing for people who wear glasses? Is it hot in here?”
he’s blushing and tripping over his own feet
truly fighting for his life to get his point across
now any time you feel insecure about your glasses, you just think of Jiseok making a fool of himself because you flustered him too bad, and it makes you smile
so- in his own strange, roundabout way- he replaced a bad feeling with a good one!
oh seungmin
Mr. Fashionista, Oh Seungmin looks at glasses as the ultimate accessory
if you tell him you feel insecure about your glasses, he’s got it covered
he’s styling outfits that he thinks would look great with your glasses
and obviously, you’ve seen how he dresses, so you trust him
he knows it won’t fix your insecurities, but it can help with them!
so you dawn your outfit that he’s laid out for you, and once you start accessorizing?
he’s gone from fashion designer to cheerleader
“See! Your glasses are the perfect finishing touch to tie this outfit together! They look so good on you baby!”
you look in the mirror and you gotta admit…
you look pretty good!!
you’re grateful for his help, and he would gladly do it again if it meant slowly helping you gain confidence
han hyeongjun
quick side note to say that I absolutely 🩷adore🩷 Hyeongjun’s white frames! they look so good on him!
Hyeongjun knows insecurities can suck, especially if they’re ones you can’t really get around
like, you need to wear your glasses or else you can’t see. no ifs, ands, or buts about it
so he makes sure to tell you how good you look!
so maybe Hyeongjun isn’t the best with vocal praises, but he tries!
he’ll tap the frames of your glasses and say something like “looking good!” with a simple smile
you won’t be able to tell if it was a compliment, a pun, or both- but you appreciate his efforts
maybe he would suggest you both buy matching glasses?
that might sound silly, but if you love his glasses I think he would just suggest that you wear them lol
he just wants to help you feel comfortable or find something you feel comfortable in
lee jooyeon
I hate to say this this way, but Jooyeon wouldn’t get it
you tell him you feel insecure and he just goes,
“🤨 why?”
he just doesn’t understand how you could feel bad about yourself???
you’re literally the most gorgeous human he’s ever seen so how could you possibly feel bad about yourself?
“I love your glasses, sweetheart! They look so cute on your face!”
if he notices that they’re crooked or something on your face he would fix them and go, “Gotta make sure my baby looks good!”
if he can tell you’re having a really bad day with your insecurities, he’s right there to help you
standing with you as you look yourself in the mirror, pointing out how good your glasses look
“They compliment your face shape so nicely. They make your eyes pop, and I love your eyes!”
he would be so sweet to you because he knows you deserve to be sweet to yourself :(
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
THIS IS MULTIFANDOM!! also most of these are either slander or made for being a silly joke <333 so please don't take this seriously
fandoms: genshin impact, bungou stray dogs, and honkai impact
genre: fluff, slander, and sillies (it progressively gets less and less serious)
enjoy my shitty hcs from like a year ago <333 (they are actually older lol) ALSO ARE EXTREMELY SHORT SINCE IM LITERALLY JUST TAKING WHAT I WROTE WITHOUT CHANGING IT AND PUTTING IT OVER ON HERE LMAOASBHJAS (there's only so much space on paper </3)
chara list!!: albedo, kazuha, xiao, diluc, heizou, fu hua (sentience), scaramouche, aponia, dazai, ranpo, poe, ANDDD nikolai!!
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-"its all for an experiment" he says
-lil bitch ok sure
-probably gonna study what this feeling is when he holds your hand and "why he feels so warm on the inside"
-acts like he doesnt care that much but bros probably gonna draw yall holding hands like a 13 year old drawing in her diary 💀
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-i love him but
-probably would make a poem about how your hand feels 😭
-he would be so cute tho ngl
-i mean just as always but also like
-please hold his hand he just loves you so much and along with words of affirmation physical contact seems to be his thing
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-"wow y/n when you hold my hand the voices cease their calls for me to go to taco bell, thank you y/n."
-TAKE ME HIGHH AND ILL SINGGGG YOU MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY OHKAY OHKAY OHKAY (if you know that song here's your free kiss <33)
-and then you get married the end
-W H Y D I D I W R I T E T H I S B Y E -
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-could give less of a shit
-but for the sake of being a gentleman he says thank you and then continues bat manning sillily.
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-"y/n holding hands is cool but i think we should start an investigation of how fast we could make it to my place ;)"
-KILL YOURSELF. (please dont lead the way my silly detective <33)
-this gif makes me want to impulsively eat vanilla cake.
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-*holds hand* look at the beautiful sight ahead of us Y/N! no i did not make that fire-"
-fu hua arsonist era
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-"y/n holding hands is great but why don't we open our arms and eyes to god"
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-"i can always hold more then your hand~"
-a flirty bitch, but yall got chuuya knocking on your door asking you to "control your dog"
-ironic how chuuya is the one who says that
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-will hold your hand for payments
-affection?? candy??? candys nuts fit in your mouth because they sure are about to <33 (i want to erase what i write sometimes)
-gets so happy omg
-not only does he have candy, you, but NOW he gets to hold your hand too>!1/!?!?
-wow he might as well steal from a candy store at this point
-might as well
-he swears it was an accident
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-poe held your hand with such sweetness, care, tenderness, love, and affection
-karl pulls up in his Mazarati, ready to throw hands once and for all, how DARE someone get more attention then karl
-poe has some explaining to do
-(i wonder how high i was when i wrote these)
-(i think i was 5'5)
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-so you go to hold his hand in y/n fashion
-suddenly you almost get hit by a bus
-"shit my bad wrong item"
-you stare in utter confusion at the bus as it suddenly vanishes like a fucking mob from minecraft or some shit
-nikolai god arc confirmed real
-so anyways you suddenly feel warmth on your hand on you see another fucking hand gripping yours but its literally just the hand detached from the body
-you are extremely scared and concerned why there's another hand gripping yours out of nowhere but with nikolai anything is possible so you just accept it and hold his hand back
-he giggles and nikolais away with the hand still holding yours
the voices
alos my reqs are always open
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ghuleh-witch · 4 months
And We Are Tied As One Eternally-III
Fandom: Ghost Rating: Explicit Warnings: (For Future Chapters) NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, p in v sex, oral sex, mentions of past abuse and domestic violence, references to suicide Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia x OFC Additional Tags: soft!dom Copia, eventual smut, developing relationship, kind of a slow burn, no beta reader Chapter Word Count: 1991 Summary: Ellie Moran just wanted to make a new life for herself. Running to escape the people in her past, she ends up in a small town in the middle of nowhere that happens to be home to a Satanic church. She never expected her life to change again after she started attending the public masses at said church.
Chapters: 3/?
Tag list: @sodoswitchimage
Chapter Three
An hour later, Ellie stood in the middle of Copia’s office. She was told to come in after knocking to find Copia focused on reading papers in a manilla folder laid out in front of him.
“Just one moment, cara, and then I’ll give you my full attention,” he said without looking up. Ellie took the time to look around the office. It was sparsely decorated. The stone walls bore no decorations except for a couple of framed certificates for things Ellie couldn’t make out as well as a couple of award plaques. The singular window overlooked the gardens Gemma had just shown her an hour before. The short fibers of the wall-to-wall carpeting were a deep red, matching the curtains over the window. Copia’s massive, dark wood desk sat toward the back of the room. He sat with his back to the wall, facing the door and the two wooden chairs in front of the desk. To his left stood a tall bookshelf filled with books. Ellie couldn’t read any of the titles from where she stood. Despite the lack of personality in the office, it didn’t feel cold. Ellie suspected that it would have been if Copia hadn’t sat before her. 
“Ugh, sorry about that,” Copia said a minute later, closing the folder and looking up at her. “How was your tour? I trust Sister Gemma did a good job.”
“Oh, it was great,” Ellie responded honestly. “She was really thorough.”
“Good, good. Anyway, eh, I remember you said that you just moved to the area a couple of months ago and you haven’t found your place.” He held her gaze as he spoke, and Ellie, once again, felt as if he could see right into her soul. “I wanted to continue that conversation since I got distracted.”
Ellie was surprised he remembered. That had been a few weeks ago. It hadn’t been a significant conversation. “Oh, yea, I remember,” she said. “I guess there’s not much to add to that. I moved here a couple of months ago and have just been trying to feel…less lonely I suppose.”
“Where did you live before here?” Copia asked, genuine interest shining in his eyes.
Ellie had to be careful with the details she gave him. She didn’t want anyone to know the whole of her past that she was trying to put behind her and forget about. The less anyone knew about her the better. The past needed to stay just that—the past. “Oh, just another no-name town on the other side of the country. I needed…I needed a change.” 
Copia nodded in agreement “Change is good, si? What did you do before coming here?”
“Nothing really. Cashiering, waitressing, and stuff like that. Just dead-end jobs,” Ellie said with a shrug. “Thus the need to move and make a change. I’d save some money and move on trying to look for something new.” 
He hummed in response as he leaned forward, elbows resting on the desk and fingers laced under his chin. “And what are you hoping this move will give you?”
Ellie paused to think about his question. She knew the true reason why she moved and what she hoped being in this new town would give her, but she didn’t want to get hopeful. She knew that in the back of her mind, this might not be permanent, but she couldn’t explain that to Copia.
Ellie was pulled from her thoughts and found Copia staring intently at her. He tilted his head in question, and the gesture reminded her of a curious puppy and it made her melt. Despite his position as a satanic pope, he looked adorable. “Sorry,” Ellie said. “Just lost in my own thoughts for a second.”
“It seems like you may have a lot on your mind.”
“I do,” she said automatically. “I mean…”
“Say no more,” Copia said, holding a hand up to stop her. “I understand. Moving across the country on your own is a huge change. Naturally, your mind would be buzzing with possibilities and whatnot.” 
“Right,” Ellie agreed. “Just a lot going on up there. Between work and settling in and trying to be more sociable, it’s been a lot.”
“And joining our ministry here is a stepping stone toward your goals?”
“I want to belong, even if…” she shrugged trying to find the right words. “Even if I decide that this place isn’t where I need to be and have to move on.” She added.
“Well, that won’t be an issue if you do end up leaving us here. We have locations worldwide. You’d always have a place to go for fellowship.”
She nodded. “Thanks.” She was hoping this place would be the last stop for her. For once she felt like she was being seen and that she could lay down roots here. How would anyone find her in this place? The town had less than 5,000 people and was just a blip on a map. This place had to be her last stop. Ellie knew she couldn’t keep running. The little savings she had was running out fast, and she knew running wasn’t good for her mental health. 
“I know Sister Gemma is helping you with your studies and orientation into our faith, but I’d like to help where I can.” His lips lifted in a smile at her. 
Ellie couldn’t help but smile back. “I appreciate it. Not to discredit Gemma, but I’m sure you’re more knowledgable seeing as you’re Papa.”
“Eh, well, I will do my best,” Copia said and Ellie could have sworn he was blush. “Did Sister Gemma tell you about the Samhain gathering at the end of the month? It would be your first holiday with us and you’re more than welcome to attend.”
Ellie nodded. Gemma had been buzzing about it; telling Ellie the significance of the holiday and what the Ministry did to celebrate. “She did,” Ellie answered. “It’s a ritual and a ball?”
“Basically,” he answered. “We do a ritual outside, assuming the weather isn’t shit, and after there’s a feast, dancing, and orgies.”
“O-oh,” Ellie said, feeling her face flush. Gemma hadn’t mentioned that bit to her. Ellie wasn’t a prude. She was all about people doing what they wanted with who they wanted as long as everything was consensual and safe, but she could not picture herself in an orgy, nor did she have the desire to join one. 
“You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to,” Copia reassured her quickly, sensing her distress. “Completely optional. No one will ever force you to participate in something you aren’t willing to do and or ready for.” 
Ellie nodded, relief washing over her. “Not my scene,” she said. “So I’m glad to know I don’t have to join in.”
“It’s an experience,” Copia said slowly as though he were reminiscing. “Anway…” He trailed off before opening a drawer in his desk and pulling out a business card. “I wanted to give you my number in case you had any questions or you just wanted to talk.” He handed the card out to her.
Ellie took the card, and despite him wearing leather gloves, she still felt a spark run through her as her fingers brushed his. “Thanks,” she said looking over the card with his office number, email, and cell phone number neatly printed under his name and title. She looked back up at him and felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. “I really appreciate it.” She never knew someone who seemed so willing to help her without anything in return. 
“Bah,” Copia said waving his hands. “It’s nothing. I want you to feel like you’re welcome here.” He smiled. “Feel free to call anytime. I mean it.”
Ellie smiled and nodded. “I will,” she said. “I should get going. I have work in the morning and a ton of laundry I need to do tonight.”
At that, she noticed Copia’s shoulder sag ever so slightly. “I’ll walk you out,” he said, standing from his seat.
“I’m okay. I remember the way,” Ellie said. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You could never be a bother, cara,” Copia responded, his eyes looking her over. “But if you’re sure.”
“Thank you though,” she said again. She tucked his business card into her pocket and smiled. “I’ll see you around?”
“You know where to find me.”
Ever the gentleman, he walked her out to her car anyway and made sure she was safely locked inside and through the ministry gates before turning away. Ellie drove home with only the sound of whistling air coming through her cracked window to accompany her. Her head was heavy with everything Gemma went over with her and with the talk she had with Copia. She didn’t understand it, but she felt like she could trust him with the details of her past and her current present. She could feel herself being magnetically pulled to him like some cosmic force wanted her to be near him. Ellie didn’t know what it meant. It was strange but at the same time, thrilling and terrifying. 
She pulled into her parking spot behind her apartment building and turned off the engine. She sat there for a few minutes, still deep in her thoughts before letting out a sigh and opening her door. She told herself a few years prior she’d never trust another man, and here she was, wanting to trust a man she barely knew.
He knew she wasn’t being completely honest with him, and that was okay. Copia just hoped whatever Ellie was keeping to herself wasn’t something that was causing her to lose sleep or eating away at her. In time, she’d tell him, he was confident in that as he watched her car roll through the gates and make a left on the road that led back into town. 
“She’s interesting.”
Copia jumped a little when he saw Dewdrop standing next to him. The ghoul hadn’t made a single sound when approaching. “I really hate when you do that, Dew,” Copia said. “But yes, she’s interesting.”
Dew tilted his head at Copia. “She’s different to you than other converts. Why?”
Copia’s eyes slid to Dew and flashed in warning. “I think you should return to your duties, ghoul.”
He could feel Dew rolling his eyes behind his mask. “Fine. You’re no fun, you know that?” Dew said before stalking off. 
Copia watched the ghoul go before turning and heading back to the Papal house. Once inside his room on the second floor, he flopped down on the small sofa that stood at the end of his bed. Soft squeaks came from the corner where a large, multi-tiered cage stood housing four rats. He pushed off the sofa and headed towards the creatures. “I got your treats right here,” he said, reaching into a bag he kept in a container on the shelves under the cage. He opened the door and allowed the rats to swarm his hand to take their treats. “I wonder if Ellie likes rats,” Copia said as he watched them eat and clean themselves. “Why is she different? Why do I find myself thinking about her? I barely even know her.” 
A small white rat, Alfredo, looked up at Copia and squeaked in reply as though the answer were obvious. 
“Of course, I think she’s attractive. I’m not fucking blind,” Copia said. “But I’m too old for her. She doesn’t want an old man like me.” 
Alfredo squeaked again.
“Eh, maybe you’re right, but I still don’t really know her.”
Alfredo blinked as though the solution were obvious.
“You’re not helping,” Copia sighed as the rat scurried back to the others. He watched the rats for a little while longer before wishing them a good night and closing the door to the cage. “I’ll figure her out,” he promised himself.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
mfil - 19
-` ♡ ´- m.list | no taglist | next | wc: .6k
-` ♡ ´- a/n: please remember to like, reblog, and reply <33 it's much appreciated!
*NOT CLICKBAIT!!!* when asmo learns that you, the newest exchange student has a youtube account and following somewhat comparable to his own, he decided right then and there not to like you. however, after an unfortunate (and misleading) exchange goes viral, he has no choice but to fake date you in order to save face. will asmo crush you and put you into place like you deserve? or are those funny feelings in his stomach not hate, like he had thought? like, subscribe, and maybe fall in love (with this smau) to find out!!
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asmo is going to murder satan. first, he’d been annoying in the car, and now was even insistent upon following them into the shops?
“but i can hold the camera for you,” satan offers. “wouldn’t it be better if you were both in the video? isn’t appearing on one another’s social media kind of the goal here?”
you hesitate, clearly unsure. great, that leaves asmo to decide. and he knows satan, knows he won’t leave well enough alone, so…
“fine,” he spits, “just don’t talk, and don’t shake the camera.”
satan’s grin is cold, and seriously, asmo should have known better than to bring him along. he’d forgotten what an asshole satan could be.
but thankfully, satan does as he’s told and isn’t too much of a bother, letting you do your thing. you had come surprisingly prepared with a list of things that you were looking for and even a sketch of your setup idea, and asmo has to (reluctantly) give it to you, you do seem to know what you’re doing.
“thankfully, lord diavolo is letting me borrow a worktable, so that’s one less thing to buy,” you tell the camera, “but i still need storage and shelving and other small things like that. asmo, honey, if you see anything like that will you let me know?”
“absolutely!” he says cutely, inwardly grimacing. “but you’re the expert, darling.”
behind the camera, satan makes a puking motion.
“you flatter me.” you suddenly look to the side, perking up. “oh my god, these apple crates are just perfect. and there are so many!”
“perfect for what exactly?” asmo asks, and you turn towards him.
“for making storage, of course! if i stack them together and reinforce them, i have a perfect little cubby system. especially if i can find some baskets to put inside of them.”
“you can’t just make the baskets?” asmo asks, then hopes his snideness isn’t audible. whatever, you can always cut it out if it is.
“that’s another option,” you reply, “but let’s see what i can find first.”
you spend a few more hours looking around, hours that drag, and though asmo’s never been one to get tired of shopping, he’s about ready to kill someone by the time you’re finally, finally done. much to his surprise, you had managed to find a good selection of items, and keep it pretty cheap, even going as far as to haggle with the shopkeepers over prices when you thought the listing was unfair.
though asmo had to wonder if their agreement was because of your skills or because of his and satan’s presence. they do hold sway over the masses, you know.
“is it finally time for dinner?” satan asks as you load all of the bags into his trunk, and you look over apologetically.
“yes, sorry that took so long. since it was my first time in all of these shops it took me a while to get oriented and find the things i needed. thanks for being so patient.”
“you’re so much more polite than asmo, mc!” satan gives asmo a shit-eating grin. “honestly, why don’t you come live with us instead of him? i’m sure everyone will like you much more.”
“thanks, but no thanks,” you say with a laugh. “i’m living in a castle right now. how cool is that?”
“ugh, of course you’re excited by something as dumb as that,” asmo snarks.
“oops, someone’s hangry,” satan cracks, and asmo has to breath in deeply, as his other option is strangling his dearest older brother. “let’s find something to eat.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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