#ugh i have so much more to say but dont want to make these tags longer
satorisoup · 3 months
people will think im ordinary until they say one (1) thing about tmnt and all of a sudden im explaining the entire lore starting from the 1990’s movie & why donatello is the best turtle i fear… T^T
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tag limit fights me… i must yap… please listen… SOB </3
#tmnt yap in the taggies !!#would you believe me if i said my cat is named after donnie… teehee !! ^_^#i have been a tmnt lover since i was the ripe age of 6 years old SOBSOB#i used to write bf headcanons on wattpad way long ago… thats where my love for writing started i fear…#i probably have more tmnt merch than i do anime merch which is soso crazy to think about PHEW !!!#notebooks cups plushies legos shirts pajamas stickers tins action figs keychains name something and i have it… is that weird… SOB#im not joking when i say i know the entire lore and could explain everything from start to finish… FOR EACH AND EVERY REBOOT EVER…. wowza…#other than rottmnt because i’ve never been a fan of that reboot sigh…#the only reason donatello hamato isnt on my blorbie list is because i do not want to seem out of touch… he used to be there though !! :3#also i love raph too sigh#i fear donnie was my start to my love for nerdy men… raph was for the mean ones… cough cough akaashi and bakugo#tall lanky men… yeah hes a turtle… i know… let me speak… pls… i beg… T^T#tmnt 2012 will always be my star my light my beloved#i can recite every single episode </3 ALSO THE 2014 & 2017 MOVIES DONT GET ME STARTED i have them on dvd :3#i also have the 1990’s movies on dvd teehee theyre sososososoo good T^T my comfort franchise forever and always#i may always speak of anime but just know tmnt will always be the start of it all and my most beloved <3 its everything to me#also i was and still am an avid tmnt 2012 april oneil hater someone get her out of there i loathe her >:/#was never a supa big fan of leo im very sorry… idk who im sorry to… where are my tmnt fans… am i alone in this world… hello… tmnt fans…#omigosh im back after looking at my old wattpad story IM GIGGLING why was the writing kinda good… it was first person though sigh… goodness#i should create my own tmnt yap tag i fear… i will never shut up about it EVER SOBSOBSOB !! i even had a tmnt party when i was younger </3#donnie ( & mikey ) are so misunderstood UGH i could yap about the lore all day. donnie deserved more recognition he was always doing so muc#FOR ALL of his brothers and they never appreciated it… ill cry right now. donnie you will always be famous to me. april doesnt deserve you.#raph and his temper are so misunderstood too like please. always making him the bad guy HE JUST WANTS TO BE A GOOD BROTHER HES JUST AWKWARD#remembering when i had a crush on a guy names joseph in first grade and he liked tmnt too… joseph just know we were soulmates… i promise </#i used to go up to the tv and kiss the screen when donnie showed up. i was like 6 years old tho its okay… still sleep with my stuffie tho.#thank you to my yaya for buying me that when i had the flu hes still in perfect condition SOB donatello i love you so much UGH im crying#‘thats a mutant turtle ew !!’ HE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND LOVEABLE TO ME. YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND EVERYPONY </3 nia reference woah hi nia :3#whos in favor of tmnt. raise your hands up high so i can see them. im giggling. tmnt lovers rise we sha’ll prosper… WE RIDE AT DAWN 🦅🦅🦅#is this like totally crazy of me… has anyone read this far… if you have jusy know i love you. i cherish you. you are my everything <3#₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ — lene’s latest gossip .ᐟ
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autisticlee · 4 months
no one knows just how hard I work at things. how I have to work 1000000x more than the average person to compensate for being autistic and adhd and probably other things i'm working out with therapist, and having a sort of physical disability i've not received any help or treatment for. everyone assumes I don't try or give up too soon. they think I just started, need more practice. they think I expect everything handed to me immediately with no work or effort and don't acknowledge the multiple years i've put into things. they think I have no right to be upset about still failing to get where I want even after working my entire life to get there, while watching people around me surpass even my meager goals within a fraction of the time and work i've out into the same thing. constantly getting surpassed by everyone around me who seem to barely do any work to get there compared to me. it's all handed to them and falls into their lap so easily. all because they don't have the extra obstacles to overcome and work around that I do. while they go from point A to Z immediately with no major stops in between, I have to go through every single letter and then some, often getting sent back to the start. but it's always *my* fault, according to everyone. it's not the fault of those around me who ignore me, don't support me, don't help me, don't believe in me, etc. it's my fault they don't do those things. because doing the work of 10 people in one isn't enough, just because it's me. and not reaching Z as fast as everyone else means I don't deserve any of the support or help or anything else and means i'm not trying hard enough. it doesn't matter that I *need* to work harder than 100 "normal" people combined to get even half the result! Just because I can't reach what they do means i'm not trying hard enough! ugh.
#it's like they WANT me to give up!#they sure act like i'm not trying to give up/not trying if I mention how hard it is/how i'm upset I cant reach my goals after years of work#if someone tells me to just do the thing/stop giving up/try harder/practice more/it takes time/dont expect it to be handed to you/etc#ONE MORE TIME. im going to fucking lose it. in fact im losing it right now hence the rant im writing!!!!!!!#can someone for once tell me its ok to feel frustrated and they know how hard i work and try and deserve better or something idk#ugh i hate this life. sometimes i hate being neurodivergent because it stops me from doing all the things i want#and no one is willing to help because they blame me and say im not trying hard enough when EXISTING takes more work than they realize!#for fuck sake im losing my mind here. not having any support and not being able to support yourself because none of your needs get met#and you have to try to do life with higher support needs and are denied any support. its so fucking hard. idk what to do#lee rants#autistic#autism#actually autistic#adhd#neurodivergent#audhd#and probably other things that could be tagged but im exhasuted. writing this was hard and took so much energy to make words happen#words hard. how get across what want to say?????? dont know#but why is it always dismissive comments and no one offering any actual help or support that would benefit me in any way#but everyone else gets so many opportunities and support? i guess if you need extra support you arent worth anything#IM ALLOWED TO BE UPSET AND FEEL BAD. PEOPLE NEED TO STOP DISMISSING MY FEELINGS AND TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD ABOUT FEELING BAD.#WHAT DO YOU WANT AND EXPECT FROM ME FOR FUCK SAKE. HOW DOES ONE TRY HARDER THAN THEIR BEST!!!#HOW DOES ONE DO SOMETHING THEY PHYSICALLY CANT IF THEY ARENT ALLOWED THE HELP AND SUPPORT REQUIRED?!#HOW DO YOU EXPECT A BIRD TO FLY IF IT WAS BORN WITHOUT WINGS#ok im done
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bisexualdinahlance · 2 days
There's only so many pimms fics out there and while I'm happy I'm no longer seeing five million "Kent was an abusive narcissist and jack did nothing wrong" fics i kinda hate that most of the stuff I see now have swung in the almost complete opposite direction to "Kent did nothing wrong and Jack is a self centered piece of shit but it's okay guys bc Kent forgives him". Like that's not really better! What happened to nuance what happened to "we both owe each other apologies"!!
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I have a lot of thoughts about ai and most of them are sad
#if there was a child named Ai and she was learning to write and draw then duh. wed let her learn from us to make her own stuff. and even if#one day she ended up getting a job i could have gotten instead of me#i wouldnt be mad. but if she kept cutting up others work and pasting it back together without creditting then thats where the line was drawn#and if there were thousands of her taking thousands of jobs and doing them shittily and putting thousands of people out of work and#*be pretty fucking mad at her especially since she didnt need the jobs herself#but thats the thing. shes still just a kid. a kid whos learning and whos not perfect yet and corporations are making her do shitty shitty#stuff that she didnt want to do#because i mean at this point ai is functionally just algorithms its not its own people. but if its ever truly Artificially Generated People.#then#.... ugh. will they be treated as people. i need to have a deep conversation with an ai at some point about this lol#but like. if ai was designed and produced exclusively by me and other small creators. and we taught her how to draw and write using our own#skill and textbooks and stuff. and she wasnt corporately controlled and abused.#and when people asked about who taught her to draw she could say My Mom Taught Me!#would yall love her?#because i want to love ai so much. i want anything truly sentient to feel loved and appreciated and i want them to do good#but i dont want to support corporations being dicks more yknow??#this isnt too eloquent and theres a fuck ton more nuance and please. please dont fuss at me. if you actually have something to add feel free#ai#corporate corruption#ibthink thats an appropriate tag#because this does tie into the How Do You Build A Pipe Bomb principal#ai discussion#i think theres a scale between Algorithm and Kindergartener and i dont know how to feel about it#cursing in tags#~ chevy
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#i need to rant so I’m going to do it in the tags#I went on spring break with a friend I made this past fall when I transferred to my current university#and we have known each other for quite a few months before we planned it and I thought it would be fun#but during the trip she was really mean to me#like making fun of me for anything being passive aggressive and just making me walk on egg shells the entire week#by the end I was gaslighting myself and just overall felt terrible#I saw her the week after we got back to get a purse I let her borrow but after that I did not see her at all#and she hasn't reached out to me#which is so weird bc before the trip we would hang out almost every day or every other day getting lunch together all the time etc#but I don't want to reach out to her at all but also im annoyed she isn't reaching out to me like I wasn't the one who was horrible#and the worst part is after the trip she was super nice again like right as we got off the train#and it is very clear she thinks everything is fine and nothing is wrong. that is to say she thinks what she did to me was not a problem#and it is so hard to be friends with her because how tf am I even supposed to be okay with her#but now I feel so lonely bc with my other friends I dont see them as much as I saw her so now I feel so alone and lonely#and I dont want to complain about this to my friend bc she heard enough about it already#but now I feel like im starting over bc I only have more casual friends now :((#ugh I feel like shit but it really annoys me that she isn't reaching out. I dont even want to see her I just want to be like#no I cant see you blah blah blah#yes that is childish no I do not care! bye
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asthevermincrawls · 2 years
#never thought id make an all tags vent post but im going thru it i guess#i haven't been a big fan of mcr in years but my whole online presence on tumblr is based around it#and almost all my beloved mutuals are mcr mutuals#i want to actually centre my dash/blog around things i actually like again but i dont want to cut off mutuals! they're important to me#and i DO still like mcr. but if i had made this blog this year instead of 5 years ago i would be following 2 mcr blogs and not like. 10#yanno?#i wanna focus more on vulture culture and nature and writing and stuff like that but i dont want to make a new blog either. ugh!!!#idk maybe i just need to use tumblr less#i still listen to mcr every once and a while and im finishing a dd fic i started a couple years ago but thr fandom is just. so exhausting#and i hate that all my mcr posts get way more notes than my non-mcr posts#I don't want to make mcr fanart again for a multitude of reasons but i feel like people still follow me for that#and are disappointed when i post things im more interested in#and i hate that as soon as i step outside my bubble of mcr blogs its immediately just. people saying the most insane obsessive shit.#and maybe its just#because i dont like them that much anymore#but that shit freaks me out !! i dont like it here! maybe im just a hater but maybe try listening to a different band for a little while#go for a walk or something#i think maybe i just hate fandom#if it wasn't for the fact that i got into it super young i probably never would have joined the mcr fandom#which would still be a bummer because ive grown a lot as an artist and met some great people through bandom#but im beginning to find that im not really a Fandom Person.#i dont really feel the need to go online after finishing a really good movie/show/book and start posting about it and making up headcanons#i mean i want to write arcane fanfic at some point but thats about it#idk#this was all a long and incoherent ramble#maybe i should just make a new blog. but im really attached to this one#anyway pls like if you read i feel embaressed for spewing all this into the tags#a.txt
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cryptidapprentice · 7 days
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#gif#cryptic ramblings#in the tags#i keep wanting to (once again) make a post abt how like. im Not tryna be parasocial or creepy or. whatever. re: one joe keery#n i know by making this post talking abt the post i keep wanting to make im still kinda making that post but Shaddup ☝️ i just wanna get it#out my brain. but like the main reason i dont is bc 1: ive made that post. kinda. in some way. im Sure. and 2: who tf even cares LMAOOO lik#i truly dont think anyone here cares like tht n i have a solid. 200 followers on this site n maybe like 10 are actually active n its My Blo#literally im such a nobody ik it doesnt really matter. but also im like. 'what if thats what makes it seem Weird tho. like some loner stalk#'*stalker girl or whatever.' but THEN its like if i keep tryna INSIST IM NOT!!! it feels like. 'the lady doth protest too much 👀' and AGAIN#I KNOW ITS NOT THAT DEEP!!!! I KNOW no one here cares. like No One is payin tht kinda attention to my blog#i think its just bc its a crush on a celeb n ive never really been that kinda person so idk how to Deal. esp in this day n age where there#ARE creepy superfans out there tht exist ykwim??? like yeah ive had 'celebrity crushes' but thts always been like 'ugh x is so attractive!'#n never really like a 'i wish i could date x.' or an 'id date x if they asked'. does tht make any sense??#basically i think im realizing im (i was??) more demiromantic than i thought i am (was???) bc ny crushes have like 90% of the time been on#ppl i Know to some level. like acquaintances at Minimum and typically actual friends. which i thought (still kinda think?? correct me if im#(wrong) is normal/typical?? bc i thought demiro was a deeper kinda connection before getting romantic feelings?? all that is to say:#i dont usually crush on ppl i dont know so this kinda crush (and on a celeb!! laameee) is weird to me n again: idk how to act 🧍🏽‍♀️#so anyways thats why i keep wanting to make tht post n then not making the post n why i decided to make This post explaining my thoughts#on the post that i Didnt Make#anyways if u actually read all this ur a real one fr and thank u for hearing me out i just wanted to get tht out fr#feel free to dm me any thoughts/opinions/corrections/concerns/whatever idk. this shits always rattling in my brain sooo ya#edit: damn... i rly wrote a fkn essay in these tags... anyways--
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nomairuins · 2 months
i do need 2 work on rewiring my brain so that my immediate very first thought whenever i dont do a small task (like brushing ny teeth taking a shower picking up my room etc) isnt 'We Should Kill Connor ." this would be pretty good for me to do. putting this on the list
#its difficult. i used to be rly good abt not doing kms type jokes bc i did when i was younger and then i stopped bc of um . stuff#nd i think it rly was good for me nd then ykw started making them a LOT and now i do them constantly and ik itis bad for me like. as a guy#whos been suicidal since i was 7. yk. ik itisnt good for me but its hard#idk. i need 2 try 2 stop making them again. like idt ppl who make them r evil I personally dont tend to use them very seriously#it rly is judt a like. Ugh something annoying happened i should kms. but like. witht he we should kill connor joke its Less and less a joke#and more just feeding into ummmmm. the bad parts of my thing that i have to be vague abt so ppl dont worry.#Im not planning anything its not that. its just a belief i have that is ummm concerning to many but very comforting to me and keeps me sane#but i dont like 2 talk abt it . bc ppl tend to get worried its rly not anything that bad its judt likeee. I know that thing is true and#there isnt anything i can do to stop it from happening so i made peace with it ages ago and its comforting that i dont have 2 like. worry#abt whatll happen bc ik whatll happen#sry im being vague ive like. i think ive mentioned it a couple times and ppl get very concerned (my old psych literally told me verbatim#That sounds so terrifying.) and likeee. there have been times its scared me a lot like i can remember a few times i woke up having a panic#attack bc i didnt want to do it but i know thats whatll happen and its fine. but it wont be any time soon#it keeps me from doing anything honestly bc like. why rush FJFNFJNFNik itll happen eventually no matter what i do so even when it gets bad#enough i think abt it im like. yk. it helps. i kind of lost a bit of vagueness. please dont worry abt it fr like. it keeps me sane it keeps#me calm. but anyways i say all this to sayyyy that like. idk it might be a while b4 i commit to trying to stop making jokes like that just#bc like. i have a lot of other stuff abt me i need 2 fix first but i think it would probably be good for me if i stopped. sigh. which suck#bc like its been said time and time again that like. Im going to kms is just like. it encapsulates feelings very well there r like no other#exclamations that fit. aside from the like. Krill my shellfish type things but thats the reason i slipped back into just saying kms in rhe#first place so. UGH. and theres so many fucking stupid tjmblr ones. like no im not going to sub Kys for Go step on a lego >_< bc like... im#not 1. 5 or 2. 27. the 2 ages i think ppl would say shit like that.#sry my vendetta against 27 year olds is neverending idk i just dont like whatever happens to tumblr users of dhat age. ive mentioned it#several times inwont go into it and im probably near out of tags anyway#ive got 7 more spend em wisely one supposes. idk. its just difficult. ik its judt words and shit and im sure i cn come up with good#alternatives. theres judt like not any rhat r like the same vibe without also reinforcing My stuff in an unhealthy way. idk. idkk#like not that making kms jokes is gonna make me do it anytime soon but like yk . ik i cant blame my self loathing spike on this alone#bc ive like. Beeeeeeeen going through some stuff thats contributing way more#but i do think before i started making these jokes again my self loathing and like. rhe amt of time i thought abt it was less . idk#sui ment#<- jic i tried not to be like. too much. but you know
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pierregazly · 1 year
a diamond's gotta shine ꨄ lance stroll smau
lance stroll x fem!reader
pic credit: pinterest
i know lance is daddy's money through and through (and i love a nepo baby sorry), but he is so 'my love language is gift giving so i'm going to spoil my girlfriend with everything i can' boyfriend material so here's that basically
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, estebanocon, and 467,891 others
yourusername he ALWAYS let me drive the truck... sorry taylor
view all 1,347 comments
lance_stroll it is not a truck and PLEASE stop eating in the aston martin
lance_stroll at least stop eating in it without me
chloestroll wouldn't want a matcha date with anyone else 💗
liked by yourusername and 462 others
username imagine just casually eating fruit in a literal aston martin??? i dont even eat fruit in my car in fear of everything getting sticky 😭
username i want her life so bad
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tagged yourusername
liked by yourusername, chloestroll, fernandoalo_oficial, and 1,206,708 others
lance_stroll spent the last 2 years with her shoes in my hands after nights out, hoping for a hundred more
view all 9,071 comments
yourusername i am SO obsessed with you
yourusername even after 2 years, gonna be obsessed with u forever lance_stroll wouldn't have it any other way
username the toaster and i have a hot date with the bathtub tonight
username the things i would do to have lance stroll hold my shoes in his million dollar hands after a night out :(
username i want someone to love me even half as much as lance loves y/n ugh
chloestroll i taught you well
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, yourfriend, estebanocon, and 450,687 others
yourusername all i asked for was a picture, and he decided to give me 2 years of his life and his heart. i'll love you til my lungs give out.
view all 3,491 comments
username all she asked for was a PICTURE 😭 and he gave her his heart 😭 and she'll love him til her lungs give out 😭
username im literally throwing up, sobbing, screaming, dying at this caption
lance_stroll my heart has been yours since the day you blew my breath away
liked by 5,782 users
username i usually hate lovey-dovey couples but these two... girl they got me wanting to be adopted frfr
username im calling it... girlypop's gonna have a ring by year 3 for sure
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, chloestroll, and 203,456 others
lance_stroll yeehaw
view all 2,340 comments
username this is such a look... are we sure this man isn't from alberta
yourusername i will save all the horses if it means i get to ride this cowboy
username y/n.... estebanocon there are children on this app
username i was literally waiting for that y/n comment... these two are disgustingly unhinged
yourusername has added a story
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, and others
lance_stroll why didn't you post the pic of both of us in the bath :(
yourusername i wasn't trying to traumatize your family my love lance_stroll u posted that you're going to 'ride this cowboy' but a pic of me in the bath is too much?
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, scottyjames31, chloestroll, and 102,340 others
yourusername do you think i get to meet emily in paris or am i stuck with lance
view all 1,341 comments
lance_stroll i just bought you that croissant and coffee and this is what i get as thanks????
yourusername i am so obsessed w u im sorry my favourite cowboy 🥺
username this is so wholesome lance is so boyfriend coded im crying
username y/n is literally living her best life ever i want to be her so bad
scottyjames31 i just know all of these photos were taken at least 75 times
yourusername mind ur own business scotty
lance_stroll and yourusername
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liked by chloestroll, estebanocon, mickschumacher and 2,304,550 others
lance_stroll watching you walk down the aisle will make me the luckiest man alive
view all 6,789 comments
estebanocon did you pay her to say yes?? congratulations you two 🥂
chloestroll even though i helped plan this entire thing i STILL cried on the phone. so happy for you both!!
username this man bought her like 5k worth of goodies and then put a RING that's probably worth my yearly salary on her finger??? god has chosen his favourite
yourusername im so lucky to be the one you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with. je t'aime 💗
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@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @leclerces
i didnt tag anyone that specifically requested in the replies to be tagged for 'to live for the hope of it all' and all its parts (mostly bc idk how taglists work and i dont wanna bother yall), so if you'd like to be on my taglist for everything please send me a quick ask/dm (or u can just reply and say you'd like to be tagged for everything)! thank you for all the love
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mins-fins · 7 months
&&. two totally "just friends" and a cute singing duet.
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pairing: song eunseok x m!reader
genre: fluff fluff, comedy(?), eighth member!reader
warnings: none!
word count: 1k
notes: guys i love eunseok 🙁 like.. i love eunseok so much 😞 but but hes not my riize bias!! #SHOTARO4LIFE yeah uh anyway, third(?) riize work ever and im going to be honest.. its kinda cute like i dont wanna give myself too much credit or anything but this is genuinely so cute and adorable and um.. i wrote this to feed my own delusions and help the dry riize male reader tag 👍
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you are a different level of calm, your fans had just realized, and to prove it, here you are, watching your members go crazy as you peacefully eat your brownies.
"y/n! sing love, maybe by melomance!" shotaro suddenly yells out, glancing over at the still quiet you as you continue to chew on your brownies. you snicker at the words, a dumb smile coming to your face. "i don't know the lyrics" yeah, that's a lie, you sang it before for an evaluation, but that's a secret you prefer to hide.
"there's no way! didn't you perform it once for an evaluation when we were trainees—" you place your finger on jung sungchan's lips with a small grimace, hoping that none of the fans watching the live heard the words. "my voice isn't warmed up yet, chan. bear with me, hm?"
sending a knowing look to your fellow 01 liner, you calmly leave his personal space and make your way back to your plate of brownies, but your members seem to be adamant on the request, seeing how you haven't sang since the whole live started.
"c'mon n/n! seok will even duet with you if you like!"
"no thank you".
"please! i'll make you more brownies!"
"...how many more brownies?"
"..fine, you have a deal".
the eldest of riize grins at his victory, nodding his head to seal the deal with you. "alright! so two songs for five more brownies?" you stare at your older member, contemplating whether to accept the offer.
"fine, what's the other song though?"
"spring breeze?"
"and sing it with eunseok hyung!" anton cheers, chuckling in excitement as he watches you sigh in defeat. "why do you guys want me to sing so bad?" you mumble, clearing your throat as you allow seunghan to pull you to your feet. you feel shotaro drag you to the center, and you swear your soul left your body in that very moment.
"it's just two songs y/n" says wonbin, who seems to come out of nowhere. he laughs upon seeing your defeated sigh, and leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek.
you groan in faux annoyance at the kiss you received from your friend. "ugh, stop kissing my cheeks, i swear wonbin" the 02 liner chuckles lightly, pressing another one to spite you more. you yelp, wriggling your way out of the younger's embrace, hurrying your way over to the eldest of riize.
"let's just get this over with".
eunseok quickly took wonbin's place instead, his hands instinctively coming up to wrap around your waist. rubbing off the kiss marks wonbin had left with his thumb, the song raises an eyebrow in mild confusion. "where did you..?"
"park wonbin".
the second eldest chuckles in wry amusement, shaking his head as he continues to gently rub the kiss marks off. it was proven to be unsuccessful, so eunseok does what any sane person would do.
he huffs and replaces the kiss marks with his own.
you grimace, leaning your head away from eunseok, but the song just tightens his embrace. in the end, you just gave up, accepting the fact that you can't stop his onslaught of kisses.
"let's go!" shotaro's sudden english outburst snaps you out of your daze, he hands you a microphone, raising an eyebrow at the display.
you are not looking forward to this.
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you in fact did not like the outcome of your deal with the devil. (do note the sarcasm, shotaro is anything but the devil.) but at least eunseok was there to back you up, quite literally, because the song was seemingly attached to you, but you didn't mind; busy being fed the brownies the eldest had baked for you.
"hmph— hurmp!"
"eunseok, i think he's trying to say he wants you to stop temporarily" shotaro was kind enough to speak up, noticing your struggle, and you thank the lords. the song hums in mild amusement as he finally lets go of you, stopping with his continuous onslaught of brownie feeding.
you swallow the rest of the brownie in your mouth before speaking, "god, eunseok. that messed up my esophagus.."
you cough and reach out for some water, to which anton handed to you right away. "i thought you were hungry?" it was quite clear eunseok was enjoying constantly teasing you, and you frown.
you're tempted to flip off your 'friend'. "if you don't stop i'll literally—" just then, sohee came bounding in with a bright smile. "spring breeze!!" you had no choice but to pat his head before taking the microphone.
you knowingly send a look to the older, who gets the message instantly, you bring the mic up to your lips as the song starts. "is it you, the spring wind that blows in half a year, my heart is warm, will you come today. when the sun rises, it just seems to have disappeared".
you laugh to yourself, a small smile making it's way to your lips as you make eye contact with the camera—over dramatizing your performance. "somewhere, somehow, let's meet someday, i'm loneliness, still short, you can grow a little, 'cause i'm better at waiting than loving someone you come to me like the spring breeze".
you feel a familiar arm rest on your shoulder before a certain someone closes the gap between your bodies. "your face, your tone, everything, i miss you so i always wait".
you let eunseok do his thing, hand subconsciously coming up to rest around the older's waist. "somewhere, somehow, let's meet someday, i'm loneliness, still short, you can grow a little, 'cause i'm better at waiting than loving someone you come to me like the spring breeze" eunseok places his chin on your shoulder, not even making direct eye contact with you.
"so that my winter can end— we really love each other, you come to me like the spring breeze".
eunseok buries his face in your shoulder to hide the smile that was currently growing on his face before speaking, voice a little muffled. "can't believe your singing this" you chuckle as you lower the microphone. "and with you, huh?"
song eunseok makes sure to smack the shit out of your arm.
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mommahughes19-23 · 3 months
imma tattoo artist - Q.H
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@tattoosbymorgs : did some tattoos and then took my best friend to see my man play his favorite game..
tagged : @yfriend @_quinnhughes
location : VAN
_eliaspettersson : dude that dragon is SICK and I wish I didn't hate needles ...
luca.fantilli : next time I see you I wanna get my tiny love dinosaur
↪ tattoosbymorgs : make it happen lu - you know where I am, bring ya self
bboeser : I WANT YOUR JACKET. give it here!!!!
jackhughes : oh. wow. this is neat.
lhughes_06 : I think your friend is confused as to who's jersey she should wear ..
trevorzegras : wow... thats legit my bestest lil cousin ever PLEASE TATTOO ME ASAP
↪ tattoosbymorgs : first off im 2 years older than you, second off no, I saw you cheat on me with your other artist.❌
bradytkachuk : dang Quinn, talented and pretty, she's a keeper.
↪ tattoosbymorgs : what is that even supposed to mean?
↪ bradytkachuk : just that youre more skilled than young Quinten will ever be
↪ ehtkachuk : BRADY leave her alone
icole28 : best frienddddddd
lindholmelias : my two best friends ugh
elblue6 : so talented! love you sweetie.
dakotajoshua8 : will u ever tattoo me?
↪ tattoosbymorgs : probably not because you didn't say please
_tylermyers_ : well even tho you didn't wear any canucks gear I guess its fine... 🆘
yfriend : the best time ever!!!!!!!!!! @j.tmiller9 MORE FIGHTSSS
emmamatthews : you crazy girl!! miss you!😜
austonmatthews : any luck convincing Quinn to let you tattoo him?
↪ tattoosbymorgs : you know the answer is still no.... why do you have to be so mean to me
lelexdemko : sweetie that is stunning! cant wait to see you next season!!😘
_quinnhughes : i smile just for you baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁😁😁
↪ tattoosbymorgs : I love you so much omg 💕💕💕💕💕
nilshoglander : this is a lot of pda idk if I can handle it👀
j,tmiller9 : I wanna get a tattoo by you ☺️
↪ tattoosbymorgs : NO. jk if you bring your children I might reconsider 😏
tdemko30 : @_quinnhughes get my number #35 tattooed on you 😁
↪ _quinnhughes : not going to happen bud
ehtkachuk : STUNNING MOMMAAA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
colecaufield : 🙈
_alexturcotte : 🥴
A.N : HIIIIII - long note bc some stuff happened and idk it got me thinking.
ok so this is basically me just ranting about tattoo related things :)
This girl is (obviously) an actual tattoo artist who does real business and I am a HUGEEEEE believer in giving credit where it is due.... so I believe her name is Mar, ALL WORKS OF ART ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL WORKS OF MAR DO NOT STEAL OR CREDIT AS YOUR OWN. below you can find a link to her Pinterest where I am sure you could research more to find her other socials.
even if you dont want to know more about her work I encourage you to just look at some of it regardless because (again im not a tattoo artist just a girl with a few tattoos and an obsession) I believe she is mainly a fine line style artist and while being an artist of any capacity takes talent fine line is its own art. I know she also does some capacity of portrait work (I haven't seen any people just a few pet ones) and those are also a tremendously precise skill set. all in all I just think that people should appreciate the time, work, and effort these artist put into their work.
anywho I just wanted to say I would be honored for her to tattoo me.
tagged : @quinnylouhughesx43 @skylershines @jacktoria4ever @bunbunbl0gs @63kaprizov
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GOD chapter 59 was SO GOOD n i have a lot to say so sending an ask instead of leaving it on the post.
i /love/ when you make things hyper detailed, because your shading techniques are so much fun to sit n stare at and soak in for a while. that being said, the coloring of the wine spilling is what does it for me this time. it still would have been really cool in bw, but not as cool as seeing all the shades of red over the dark blue bg. you did the glass really well too!! I don't think there's a noticeable difference between the wine color inside and outside the glass which is fine bc it's clear, so it RLY makes me appreciate the lighting you have around the glass rim to show the edge in contrast. that tiny little detail makes the image for me. stellar work. i love it
also i do wanna throw in appreciation for the handwritten serif. super well done at first glance it did look like you'd jus typed it out. idk what texture you have on the brush you use for words but it's rly nice to look at up close.
i think the color kinda tipped me off but i waffled bc i couldn't remember if either of his parents spoke in serif font and was a bit daunted to dig thru 50+ chapters to confirm who it was if it didn't turn out to be them. i'm glad i looked at your tags tho haha saved me the trouble. what a way to end the act too!! i read this one on my phone and was scrolling thru the images at full size and after four or so i kept expecting it to cut off. it was a very pleasant surprise to have it keep going, worth the wait to have a longer chapter :)
maybe it jus wasn't meant to be a la sabo getting the letter from sally. it might have to be stelly after all tho there are things that come before then. what a bad time to have one or both of his parents speak to him for the first time that night. oof can't wait for the next act lets goooo
Oh wowww what a beautifully long review!
Thanks so much im glad you like how it turned out, i’m really happy with it, too! Ive never drawn fluids like this before, but i really needed this page to have that extra kick because it was such a short one.
Because i couldnt figure out how to make this moment look slow mo with multiple different panels on one page, I really wanted to make a piece that is like,, frozen in time instead.
A page like this, you can keep on it as long as you’d like. You can make it as slow mo as you want it to be.
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The serif lettering is that of outlook’s!
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I dont know if you can see the difference between this and my usual handwriting, but it’s supposed to look taller. Higher up. Neater. Cleaner. (Still my handwriting though so like so actually neat or clean, but you know like,,, in comparison to the norm.)
His dad only talks in one scene, and his mother has never said anything yet, so i dont blame you if you couldnt find it. In my. Large repertoire of chapters ive accumulated.
I definitely felt the same about the pages when drawing them. But probably the opposite feeling lol. Mine was more like “ugh i forgot theres so many. How many more of these do I have to get through??? How did i do this the first act ending with 11 pages???”
Im so glad you guys are on the edge of your seats with the letter :)
Thanks for the ask!
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
pedro pascal is so daddy like… i genuinely dont know why this man doesnt have kids yet but I VOLUNTEER 🙋‍♀️
anywayss, i cant help but think about the domesticity of being married and expecting with pedro like we all know that man is old and is already daddy status but just imagining him coming home to you and your swollen belly after a day running around the city… to kiss on you and hold you like!!! you cant tell me that wouldn’t be the cutest shit ever
then you got the early mornings and late nights of him and you talking, watching movies together, laying on the couch in your spacious new york apartment, looking over on the city!!! and i just know no matter what, that man would just adore you. would always want to have you around, inviting you to come out with him while he’s working, always wanting to take you on dates, and events. i mean just utterly infatuated with you (especially if youre having his baby!?! like that man wouldnt know what to do with himself)
he would just take the best care of you… when he wakes up making sure your vitamins are all set up for you to take (so cant say you forgot!) and maybe writing little love notes incase you arent awake to bid him away for the few hours he’ll be gone. and he’d shoot you just random texts and pictures whether that be on set, in a meeting, driving/walking around, anything to let you know that youre on his mind… and when he comes home, oh lord. i wholeheartedly believe, after an extremely long day, he’d always come home with a little treat for you…
you’d be in the kitchen, getting dinner ready for the night, anticipating his arrival, as you hear the door open, and a loud and cheesy, “honey, im home!” to which he walks into your shared kitchen with a small little bag, holding a pastry he picked up for you on his way home just because he knows how much you love that bakery. you’d welcome him into your warm embrace and as you continue cooking for the two of you, nothing would make more sense than for him to rub that belly of yours…whispering all the praise you’d been aching to hear. telling you how beautiful you look, how strong you are, how grateful he is to have you, to hold you… and then ofcourse you’d enjoy the dinner you had made for the two of you. ending the night with the pastry pedro had picked up for you and a glass of wine for him…
ahhh! i totally rambled so much but i love pedro like UGH
Baby- p.p
hello loves! when i tell you i screamed when i saw this i’m not even lying. i tried my best with this one and if i’m being honest i don’t think i like it at all😭! first pedro pascal imagine (btw dad! imagines are my fave to write) dms are always open if you wanna chat loves! i’m like nervous to post this idk why. anyways enjoy 🤍 ⚠️age gap couple!⚠️
taglist (add yourselves loves🤍)(if there is a line through your name i cannot tag you for some reason x) @1-john-4-19
"baby, im home" you heard Pedro voice echo through your New York apartment. you had moved in with Pedro two years ago after a year of dating and now you were pregnant with your first child together. you were in the kitchen making a sandwich which you had been craving for the past thirty minutes but you were too tired to even get up off the sofa to make it.
you were 7 months pregnant and even walking made you out of breath, it was like the baby was purposely kicking your rib cage just to make you more uncomfortable than you already were. you heard his footsteps walking toward the kitchen and smiled at him when he finally appeared.
he had been out in New York with Bella, doing random interviews which obviously didn't take long so they also went for lunch then here he was back home with you. he walked up to you and opened his arms wide for you to hug him. his left hand fell so he could gently place it on your stomach hoping that the baby would kick for him, which it almost always did.
a huge smile formed on his face when he held the strong kicks coming from the baby. he placed little kisses on your head as you cuddled yourself more into him. "how was your day sweetheart?" you snuggled into him further and sighed in contentment. "boring, couldn't move for ages because i was so tired. i was gonna start packing the hospital bag and do laundry but i couldn't get off the sofa"
"don't worry about the laundry baby, i'll do it later" he kissed your forehead again and tried to hold you as close as possible. "wanna go watch tv? i'll even let you pick" he said making you smile up at him. with a small nod of your head he lent in to kiss you for the first time that day he let go of you. you picked up the sandwich which had been forgotten on the kitchen counter and waddled your way back to the sofa.
after a few minutes of you scrolling through the different channels you felt the sofa dip beside you and Pedro's arm go around your shoulders pulling you carefully into his side. you felt his hand stroking your arms softly as you finally picked "Bridgerton" and finally let yourself relax in Pedro's hold, feeling the small pecks on your head throughout the show.
"what do you think the baby is?" you asked as the comforting silence between the two of you filled the bedroom, the only thing that could be heard was the tv which you both weren't paying attention too. you had decided to keep the gender a secret until he/she was born and now you were growing closer and closer to them being here the nerves were growing and so was your curiosity.
Pedro looked down at you and smiled softly, he had thought about the baby every day and what it was going to look like, what the gender was, what it's first word would be, all the normal things a parent thought about. "i don't know but i hope it's a girl and i hope she looks exactly like you because you're beautiful" you smiled brightly and felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment.
"what if it's a boy?" you questioned, feeling Pedro's hand on your bump and the strong kicks coming from your baby who was still wide awake at this late hour for some reason. "then it's a boy, i'm still gonna love them whatever they are. but i do really hope that it's a girl. she'd be so cute. also all the names we have picked out are for girls so" you laughed, it was true, every single name you had were all girl names.
comfortable silence filled the room again and Pedro let his eyes fall onto the bed covers where your bump was. he just couldn't believe his baby was in there, growing beautifully. it was just the most perfect thing. "you are the most beautiful person i've ever seen." you looked up at him and saw him staring right at you, his eyes filled with adoration. your heart swelled as you listened to him.
"stop it" you said, turning your head so you could hide your blush which covered your cheeks. "i'm not kidding, you are so perfect. i love you" he said moving his head so he could place a few kisses on your cheek making you giggle as his beard tickled you. "can you come out with me tomorrow? want you to be at work with me. don't want you to be stuck in here all day by yourself" he let his head rest in your neck with his body just off to the side with his hand resting on your bump, again.
"i'll see how i am, they might keep me up all night and you know how i am when i'm tired" you kissed his head and felt kisses being placed on your neck. before you got pregnant you and tired just didn't mix well and it got even worse ever since you did get pregnant. you didn't mean to be mean but if you were tired you'd become snappy and annoyed very easily.
"god don't remind me" Pedro joked remembering how you snapped at him yesterday because he was just there, he didn't do anything wrong you were just tired and annoyed because the baby didn't let you sleep. "even though you snap at me i still love you so much. my favourite girl" he said, pulling his head out of your neck so he could kiss you. "yeah okay, i love you too" you said smiling at him.
Pedro got up before you every single morning just so he knew you'd have your vitamins ready for when you did wake up. it was rare for him to be there when you woke up unless it was a quiet day and he didn't have to work until the afternoon which was when you'd usually go to work with him. it put his mind at ease when he knew you had all your parental vitamins next to you so you wouldn't forget to take them.
he would leave little love notes next to them just letting you know he loved you and that he was proud of you, even if you didn't do anything but sit around all day he was still proud, you were carrying a whole child inside of you and you were coping so well. if it took the stress of you remembering every morning and it made your life a little bit easier he would do it.
as well as love notes he'd send you messages throughout the day just checking in to see if you were alright and if you needed anything. he always made sure he wasn't too far away from the apartment just incase something did happen. today in particular you were in a lot of pain, your back was killing you and so was your legs, just walking around was hurting you.
you had decided to start packing the baby bag just in case something happened you'd be prepared. the baby was kicking constantly and you'd gotten hardly any sleep that night because of the kicking and you just wanted them to be here so you could have a somewhat decent sleep. Pedro always woke up if you shook him, he was the one who could sort of calm the baby down with his talking but sometimes nothing worked.
he would always help you get comfortable before he would rest his head just above your bump so he could whisper to the baby. "need to stop giving your mama a hard time, she needs sleep baby" he would leave little kisses on your bump which made his heart swell with love just because he knew his baby was in there 'responding' to him. "we love you angel but give your mama a break"
it wasn't very often he had to do that but the nights you'd be overly tired from the baby kicking you he would do anything to make you as comfortable as possible. carrying the baby was hard, it felt like you were lugging around a watermelon and it was sometimes so painful you couldn’t even get up to brush your hair. Pedro saw how difficult it was for you when he was home and when he wasn’t there he’d always send you texts saying ‘he was so proud of you’ and that ‘you were doing so well’, the messages, somehow, always made you feel better.
it was late and Pedro was on his way home from filming. you were making dinner for the two of you and you were waiting for him to finally come home after a long day doing interviews. you had been craving your favourite pastry from the bakery which wasn’t too far away from your apartment all day. you had tried to get yourself ready but your feet were killing you and so was your back so getting there didn’t happen.
"y/n? i'm home love" you heard Pedro shout and then the door closing behind him. you turned to face the kitchen door and your heart melted once you saw the small bag with the bakery's logo on it. "i got this for you on the way home. i got there just in time, they were about to close" he said as he walked to you.
once he got to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a small kiss on his chest "how did you know i was craving something from there" you smiled, feeling his arms around you tighten slightly. "i guess i'm a psychic. i had a feeling" he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back before you pulled away, almost forgetting that you were cooking.
"how was today?" you said, your back facing Pedro as you focused on the food. "it was alright, wanted to be here with you though" he replied wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you smile and lean your head back against his shoulder.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
"you look so beautiful, so so pretty" he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. "you're so strong, carrying our baby. you're doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i'm so lucky to have you" anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn't wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
“y/n? i’m home love” you heard Pedro shout and then the door closing behind him. you turned to face the kitchen door and your heart melted once you saw the small bag with the bakery’s logo on it. “i got this for you on the way home. i got there just in time, they were about to close” he said as he walked to you.
once he got to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a small kiss on his chest “how did you know i was craving something from there” you smiled, feeling his arms around you tighten slightly. “i guess i’m a psychic. i had a feeling” he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back before you pulled away, almost forgetting that you were cooking.
“how was today?” you said, your back facing Pedro as you focused on the food. “it was alright, wanted to be here with you though” he replied wrapping his arms around you from behind, making you smile and lean your head back against his shoulder.
“you look so beautiful, so so pretty” he whispered, kissing your cheek which was now a bright red shade. his hand was on your belly, rubbing it gently as your baby kicked. “you’re so strong, carrying our baby. you’re doing so well sweetheart. so perfect. i’m so lucky to have you” anytime Pedro saw you his heart swelled with love, you were carrying his baby and you looked so beautiful doing so. he couldn’t wait for these last two months to pass because it meant he could finally meet your beautiful baby and he was so excited.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
a flower & flower protector - p. niran [lifeweaver]
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summary; you've heard of a sunshine and sunshine protector, well how about a flower and flower protector?
genre/extra tags; fluff, general headcanons abt being lifeweaver's s/o but with a more set dynamic, me just thinking about a dynamic in my head, reader is an overwatch agent (tank to be specific), very black cat & retriever energy in a way?, lifeweaver is the flower.. heh, get it?? bc his thai nickname is bua? which is lotus,,, anyways i love this man
[gender neutral! reader]
a/n; it's a crime that i haven't written for him yet bc i just wish there was more about him. he's literally my only source of representation as a south asian gay (at least the closest i'll get to a cambodian lgbt figure). and i love him so much for that but i will never forgive people shitting on him bc of blizzard's shit timing for everything
ugh, anyways, representation matters and i love him. i lost my shit when he was first announced, it made me so happy to see another type of south asian (especially one close to my family's home country) in my favorite game and he was gay so it was even more impactful as a gay person myself. and i imagine it was the same for a lot of other people.
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niran is too nice sometimes
you love him for it but he seriously needs to pump the breaks on trying to do so much sometimes
especially since he is still technically wanted in several countries for his developments in bio light.
he's not,, super golden retriever energy but he's always so bright and sweet, it's hard to not at least say dog energy. maybe at least... chill dog energy. glad to be here but not being crazy energetic about it.
you.. not so much. you're very "i dont mind being here but i dont like it either" and he finds it entertaining and endearing bc even if you hate it, you're with him and making sure he's having a good time and there's no one there to ruin it
you're kind of intimidating but then you stand next to niran and he's so much taller than you ?! you're like near his chin or lips in height, so you're still kind of tall?? but also he is a very tall man in general
some people find it hard to believe that you're the one in the frontlines in battle and he's the one supporting you but it's really cute though
he likes that you're close to his height. "just means easier access to kiss you!" in his words.
he's always the one initiating pda and you never say no to it. you always grumble abt it but he just smiles so sweetly and you end up letting him do what he wants
but in private, you're the one being attached to him
often being the little spoon bc as much as you love protecting the people of the world, you want to be protected too sometimes and that's okay
but you do like being big spoon too and he loves being cuddled when you're the one initiating it
he's always the one rambling to you about his new discoveries and his plants or just anything in general
and you're always listening intently. and you get him things based on what he's talked about recently or what reminds you of him :')
"did you get this for me, dear?"
".. no." [yes.]
"of course, of course." he nods knowingly, sending you that little smug smirk. he obviously knows. "well, then i'm just gonna go ask the rest of the agents if they- [gifted this to me]"
you're hugging him from behind, face pressed against his back, "i hate you so much niran."
that stupidly cute laugh leaves his lips, "i love you too."
the overwatch crew's opinions really vary
symm doesn't mind your presence when you're around, she doesn't mind when you have silent moments bc she has those moments too. you both are close friends
genji kind of relates to you, when you just feel like being away from people but you don't want to actually feel lonely. he finds solace in that. also you both probably meditate together (with zen on occasion), and he enjoys having a meditation partner
tracer is always nice around you, very cheery and always trying to get a laugh or smile out of you. you only spare a weak laugh or a huff of a laugh and niran has to explain that you probably did find her joke funny and you don't want to admit it (which is true). sometimes it's a bit awkward when he's not around to explain that, so you just come off as really really awkward or unintentionally rude (or maybe intentionally if you didn't like her jokes)
you know that baptiste flirts a lot with niran, and you dont really care bc he does that with mostly everyone. you don't blame him (some of the agents are really pretty and handsome but you love niran the most). you trust niran enough. he's a very honest person with you.
bap also tries to flirt with you too. niran joins in to double team you and get you flustered. and sometimes it works. you're unfortunately really bad at handling and accepting compliments.
bap is very flirty best friend vibes but he never pushes past the limits of course. niran's glad to have a friend who matches his energy and you're just glad he's got another place to put that energy
continuing on...
after missions, he's always patching you up. you're the tank after all (you can only take so many orisa spears to the head-)
during missions, he gives his 110% for you and the team. and he does it well ‼️
during those off times (which can really vary what with null sector and the invasion and etc.), you both just try to relax as much as possible. sometimes niran gets really restless bc he just wants to save the world as soon as possible :(
but you remind him about how it takes time and even heroes need rest.
you tend to take care of him more during those off times because he just gets so anxious and he overthinks a bit.
you're very realistic with your goals, niran can get too optimistic, and it can really hurt him. but you keep him grounded.
mm.. let's move to a lighter topic now,,,,
his love language is physical touch and acts of service. his in game,,, everything just screams that to me idk
when he pulls you in his life grip and saves you 😍 (lowkey, i fall in love with those players who save my ass like that as a support player/j)
nah but real talk, when you come back to him in the grip, he slips a hand around your waist, "let me hold you a bit longer, hm?" I LOVE HIM FR FR ‼️‼️
anyways, he likes doing things for you. and the pda thing as mentioned before applies to the physical touch love language ofc
he has to have like a few seconds to gently guide your close to him with his hand on your lower back or to hold your hand. or just hold you in general.
he's the type of guy to say you have something your hair and goes to fix it but there was nothing, he wanted an excuse to make it a kdrama moment
he's like a bit dramatic but you love him for it you know?
he's a bit cheesy but he's cute so it's okay
he's always telling you how much he loves you. you dont do the same, at least not verbally
it's mostly physically/through actions. handing him things he didn't know he needed, buying him presents that made you think of him
very gift giving and acts of service
man this is longer than i thought it was gonna be... um..
idk if i should go further. someone request it and i'll write in-game interactions that would happen or describe flower protector! reader more. /hj
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trippygalaxy · 10 days
UHM! HI this is just gonna be me rambling about some of my mutuals cause I cherish them all and everything they've done for me
no i will not be tagging them, the tumblr gods will decide if they find this or not
Cal, gods I have so much to say about them but they could honestly be their own post by themselves /pos. I -genuinely- wouldn't be here today if it wasnt for them, so many times have they unknowingly helped me out of horrible places in my life, and I could never put my love for them into words no matter how many poems i write in their honour. They are one of the best friends ive ever had in my life, they are the most genuine, selfless, precious people ive had the pleasure of knowing.
Maj- oh i miss talking to him so much you dont understand!!! I love love loved sending them silly stories in her askbox, their way of thinking and breaking down stories were the most delicious things! Not only that but the art??? Their ocs always enticed me and i would willing sit down and listen to them talk about them for hours if i could. They are FUCKING HALRIOUS TOO!!! They've -without even trying- have given me so many belly laughs when i needed that the most.
But i seem them in their new fandom with other moots and im so happy shes having fun /gen
GASP! MY SPOUSE!!! Fir! UGH i love them so much /p They are so encouraging, and they help me so much when it comes to stories and figuring stuff out- and they WROTE SO MUCH FOR ME???? IM SO GREATFUL FOR EVERYTHING THEY'VE MADE AND DONE FOR ME AND I WISH I COULD REPAY IT BACK 10 FOLDS! I feel so free when speaking with them, like im able to be a part of me where i cant with others and its- its so relieving.
Vaati- a genuine inspiration. I was a HUGE fan of his shifting sands series when I found it on instagram and when i say HE MOVED TO TUMBLR?! I WAS FUCKING ESTATIC!!!! Also very worried that his art got stolen but it was clear it wasnt- ANYWAYS! When I first found him, i was so ready to just give up on art -before my digital art era- because when i stared at my art all i saw was bland strokes of a pencil that could never be compared to what others had made, but when I found his comic that was FULLY TRADTIONAL I was stunned. I showed it to everyone I knew, whether they knew loz/lu or not, i needed them to see the talent and beauty I found. And he was the beginning of me starting to relearn to love traditional art again, and how much more beautiful it was to me compared to any digital piece
ARIA!!! I was in awe of her cute style- and i saw her make art for Sacred realm and i was HOOKED! Genuinely, I was like 'oop- have to be friends with her now' and though we dont talk that much, im constantly impressed with her growth even when she thinks its trash. That girl has SO much potential, and im estatic to see what she does with it. OH AND THE ART SHES MADE FOR FAROLA?! **MWAH!!!** Honestly she made me love Farola again-
Major, an unrated GEM, one of the most encouraging, heartfelt and creative person ive met on this site. She is, and will always be, someone I look to when I need a push or when im unsure about doing something (like this!) cause I know that she will never cease her amazing ability to encourage and inspire those around her.
Finky and Isa- some of the most iconic styles ive seen, its amazing to see them grow and keep their styles while still improving. AND THE AMOUNT OF ART AND IDEAS THEY MAKE??? Im stunned by how quick they are able to make their art and STILL HAVE IT BE AMAZING QUAILTY?! Witch craft I tell you!
Shade and Mossy, two people I sadly dont talk to much anymore, but were apart of one of the most important parts of my life so far. Both were such positive lights that kept pushing even when they got pulled back by others. Idk if its their stubbornness or determination that keeps them going, but whatever they have, I want it!
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
ari if u don’t write sae i’ll actually go crazy/lh
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ordinary business | i. sae
✮ tags ; alcohol, gn!reader, reader has an accent that progressively worsens as the night goes on, setting is in japan, reader is sae's manager, sae is an acts of service kind of guy, they eat ramen tgt
✮ wc ; 1.2k
✮ a /n ; stop. i dont want this man.
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"Ramen," You moan, face flush and nearly stumbling over yourself clumsily "Oh my god, I want ramen. And I wan' a popsicle. Fuck it's so cold."
Sae puts an arm out to keep you from stumbling, but you regain your strength before you notice. He sighs, as you confidently march down the sidewalks and turn into the nearest 7/11.
He hasn't seen you like this in the three years he's been under your management. You're a professional, and you always hold your drinks well. Tonight was one of his mandatory public events he needed to keep sponsorship, and you went as his plus one. He's back in Japan only for this, and he'll leave the day after tomorrow.
You were well-behaved for the entire night, but the minute you got in the limousine - your words were slurring asking the driver to take you to the closest bar so you could party.
Sae doesn't usually worry and fuss over people like this, except for Rin on the occasion. It's just that it's you, and he's never really seen you in this state. He's never going to claim being a good guy, but even he has enough of a conscious to do this. To stop you? No. But to make sure you don't get into anything you'd regret.
So, he's following you. He's still in his suit but he has his security nearby just in case and to make sure there's no paparazzi.
It's also a little funny seeing you drunk. There's an apathetic college student at the counter who doesn't even look up when you walk in. You don't seem to care though, rifling through the snack isles with a hazy look on your face and no awareness of your surroundings. Every few minutes you hiccup, remembering he's here.
"Do you want anythin'?" You say, only vaguely aware of what's going on. He stares at you.
"Fooey," You say, and Sae has to keep himself from laughing "Jus' a lil. I won't tell anyone. Scouts honor."
"Why do you want me to have some in the first place?"
"It's fun to share," You say, giving him a heart with both of your hands, ramen tucked under your arm "Don't wanna eat alone. Please."
"I've never seen you this drunk before."
"Don't usually drink a lot," You say, going to back to stare at snacks with a thoughtful look on your face "But. Ugh. Y'know?"
You nod emphatically.
"So super ugh. Anyway. Have ramen with me? It can be healthy if we get you an egg, I think."
"I'm not eating the pre-made eggs. But fine,"
"Yaayy. Thank you."
"And I'm paying for it." He says, not turning around to let you protest. You whine a little behind him, a quiet and thoughtful nooo that he has another good laugh at. He'd be amiss to let you pay, especially since he makes much more than you.
That and the fact he's trying to confess his feelings. It doesn't seem very romantic to do otherwise.
It doesn't take any effort to grab up the stuff you've secured in your arms. The cashier rings it out quietly, not paying much attention at all. He only makes an impressed face when Sae pulls out his black card.
When the ramen is finally paid for, he takes his out of the bag and hands it to you. And you scurry over to the hot-water station and microwave, where he follows suit. He looks away for one minute, and hears you yell. You've burned yourself slightly on the electric kettle.
He sighs, stepping in. He flicks your forehead with his thumb and forefinger.
"Oi. Go sit before you do something stupid."
You fumble, protesting for a minute about the fact you can do it but again - it doesn't take much effort to redirect you to your set. You rest your feet on the place for them on your stool, swishing back and forth. Sae reads the instructions, making each ramen and returning. He grabs your ice cream from the bag and places it in the nearby cooler so it doesn't melt.
He watches you stare at your ramen while it cooks, a pair of wooden chopsticks sitting ontop. He just barely stops himself from teasing you about being impatient. You place your elbows on the table in front, drowsy and huffing - glancing over at him until he tells you it's been enough time.
"Should be done. Don't burn your tongue."
"Woo!" You cheer, tearing off the top part off, chopsticks in hand. You look pleased as you eat, not hesitating to shovel as much as you can into your mouth.
Sae eats too, though probably a little less enthused. The ramen is good. It's not easy to find good instant stuff like this abroad and he hasn't had it in a long time.
"Oh, I feel better. Eating... it fixes everything,"
"What exactly were you feeling bad about?" He asks between bites. You open the soda you bought and drink it down, before wiping your mouth.
"Ma wants me to get married soon," You say, with all the annoyance. He stops chewing "Which is sooo stupid. Says she ain't getting any younger so I should start looking. Keeps setting me up on blind dates."
"...You don't want to get married?"
You sigh.
"Mm, no. 's not like that. Just that," You put your chopsticks down, elbows on the table - chin resting on your palms "Want it to happen a more naturally. You're gonna make funna me if I keep talkin"
"I won't this time."
You snort with laughter, before glancing over at him.
"If ya say so," You turn yourself slightly, looking around before giggling "I want it to be love. Stupid right? Least for me."
"Why would that be stupid? Isn't that pretty common?"
"Hn. Yeah, maybe. But I dunno. Who's out there to fall for me naturally, y'know. I don't wanna force it is all. Just want it happen without me havin' ta chase it," You say, thoughtfully, leaning back but not falling "I work hard for everythin'. Just one time, I thought - I wish it'd fall into my lap."
For a minute he sees your usual self. For a minute, Sae is shocked by the feelings he's experiencing. He's always known it. Felt it, lingering in the back of his mind. He knew it intrinsically like some kind of base instinct.
But hearing you talk, the usual smile and level eyes about something so important makes him really feel every extent. For a minute Sae thinks, he probably doesn't just like you.
It'd be nice, yknow. To see the look on your face when it does really just fall into your lap.
"Yeah, you're right. That's pretty stupid."
"Hey, c'mon. You just said—"
"Not wanting to work for it when you're married to your job is fair."
"Are you tryin' to console me? That's not—"
"So," He says, pausing to glance at you "Tell your mom you're seeing someone."
"I don't wanna lie to my Ma."
"It's not a lie." He says, straight-faced and finishing the last of his ramen before turning to you "Go out with me."
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