#ugh FINE i'll upload this one here
agumonger · 7 months
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shunin-gumis · 3 months
Nagi Birthday (2024) SSR Story
Best Wishes Snap
Happy Happy Day! (2nd part)
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The bee in Nagi's signature is both because it's one of his favorite emojis, as well as the fact the "Hachi" in Hachinoya can mean bee! The 4-leaf clover is also a significant symbol to Nagi.
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Nagi: My cheeks feel warm...
Nagi: The party is long over, yet my heart is still pounding...
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Ushio: Hachinoya-san.
Nagi: Ushio? And...
Yukikaze: Are you alright? You've been crying for quite a bit now.
Ushio: Seeing you continue your act even as the tears flowed out from under your zombie mask was pretty entertaining to watch.
Yukikaze: Indeed, Nagi is very talented.
Yukikaze: But you should replenish all those fluids you lost. Here's some decaffeinated rooibos tea and a hand towel.
Nagi: Wow... this is like some top-notch after care you'd receive from from one of those massage places.... Not that I've ever been to one.
Chihiro: Nagipeko~ Were you still crying? And wait, is that large garbage bag you're holding filled to the brim with used tissues??
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Nagi: Oh, yeah, Chief prepared it for me.
Ushio: Ugh.... that's way too much snot for me to handle, gross.
Yukikaze: Tears of happiness are a beautiful thing indeed. But of course, tears that come from sadness are beautiful as well.
Ushio: That's not what I was getting at... well, it's fine.
Ushio: Hachinoya-san, mind if I get this over with real quick? If we don't get you to bed soon you might just use up all of Hama House's tissues.
Nagi: ? What is it?
Ushio: Ha.... You really are dense. I'm the one who got selected by the "Random Present System" to give you a present.
Nagi: Wow.... I really did get one....
Ushio: Isn't that obvious? Here, the present I got you is this apron.
Ushio: Your work ends up getting you dirty all the time right? That's why I carefully picked out one that's anti-bacterial. It's water-resistant too.
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Ushio: Well, Happy Birthday.... Um, I hope it's a good year ahead for you.
Nagi: Ushio... you took the time to select a gift for someone like me....
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Ushio: Ugh! Don't start sobbing on me now, seriously!
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Nagi: Nn!!
Chihiro: C'mon, don't cry, it's time to smile, smile~
Nagi: You're right.... Gotta take deep breaths....
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Nagi: Thank you for the present Ushio. Thank you for the cake too, it was super tasty. So much so I wish I could cut it into 365 tiny pieces and have them every day of the year.
Ushio: Hmph....
Ushio: Seriously, why am I in charge of baking the cakes? Aren't you guys working a high school student way too hard? I'm super busy y'know?
Nagi: It's not just any cake that everyone wants, it's precisely because it's a cake you made that everyone wants it. Let me know whenever you're busy, if there's anything I can help you with, I'll do it.
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Ushio: Huh... No no, there's no need for that.
Nagi: But everyone would be sad if you couldn't bake cakes because you were too busy... Of course, I'd be sad too.
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Ushio: Oh fine! I'll make sure I do it!
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Nagi: Is that so? I'm relieved then.
Chihiro: Ah! He finally smiled! Snapping that Nagipeko real quick~!
Nagi: Ah.
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Chihiro: Happy Nagi day! Yay~
Ushio: Don't upload that on dazzle, got it? I don't want my face on social media.
Ushio: Besides, the birthday boy isn't even in the frame.
Chihiro: It's all good~ We'll just keep snappin' and snappin' till we get it right~! C'mon squeeze in tight~
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Nagi: Uh.... it's warm....
Yukikaze: Everyone, come over here, let's take a photo together.
Momiji: Coming~
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Nagi: ...
Nagi: A place filled with warmth and kindness.... Just a year ago, I couldn't even imagine I'd have a place where I belong.
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Nagi: I want to treasure this happiness that's sure to continue even after my birthday is over.
Part 1
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four-loose-screws · 5 months
Full Henry (Fire Emblem Awakening) Personality & Support Conversation Analysis Post - English Localization vs. Original Japanese
So a while back I stated I wouldn't be doing full character support convo analyses any more because they are very time consuming, but... well, I can't help myself. They're just too much fun. And Henry himself is just too much fun, too.
The Olivia / Henry's support chain got several translations and conversations about it in the early years of Awakening's release, but I don't think I have ever heard much about any of Henry's other support convo chains. So how do their localized versions stack up to the original Japanese? Let's walk through his entire support convo list and find out!
This post will be a discussion of select snippets of Henry's support conversations - whatever I want to point out. For balance, sometimes, that will be sections changed from the Japanese, and other times, sections translated pretty closely.
Since I will only be covering bits and pieces here, if there's any support chains you would like to see translated in full, please send a request to my inbox! Support convo translations are usually pretty easy for me, and a great way to add more activity to my blog between novel translations uploads, so I love getting them.
Henry / Robin
Henry / Robin just has minor changes. "Minor localization changes," as I define them, are when the localization team adds or takes away small bits of dialogue, in a way that does not change the overall theme, tone, chain of events, etc. of the conversation.
Discussing minor changes doesn't make for much conversation, but it's fascinating to see how localization teams "spice up" video game dialogues to make them more fun to read in English, and analyze how well the succeeded in fulfilling that goal.
(Also, when talking about Robin as a general character and not the female / male incarnation specifically, I use "they/them" pronouns.)
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Robin: Ugh! D-don't wave that thing in my face! I don't want it anywhere near me.
Original Japanese:
[ルフレ]いいよ!(Robin: That's fine!) 僕は遠慮しておくよ!▼ (I'll pass!)
In this example, the localization added to what Robin says. There's no indication in the Japanese that Henry waves the Risen arm in their face. But the same basic flow of events is present in the conversation: Henry is experimenting with Risen -> propositions Robin to join in his experiments -> Robin flatly refuses. This is a great example of a minor change. It follows the events and tone of the Japanese support, while further showcasing the morbid humor Henry is displaying here.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: If I get it to work, we can have them all fight on our behalf! Then we can sip tea for the rest of the war and collect the accolades once it's over. Robin: Well I understand the idea in theory. It could reduce casualties on our side... But there is one slight problem... Have you given any thought to how you'll control these soulless warriors?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]これを使えば戦いを屍兵に任せて、(Henry: If we use this, then we'll leave the battle to the Risen,) 僕たちはお茶でも飲んでいられるよ~。▼(and we can even drink tea~.) そしたら戦死者も出なくなるし、(Then, we will have no casualties, and) いろいろと便利だよね~。▼ (they'll be convenient in many ways~.) [ルフレ]うーん…いくら戦死者が出ないといっても、(Robin: Umm... even if we won't have any casualties,) 屍兵の力を借りるのは…▼ (Borrowing the Risen's powers is...) それに、召喚した屍兵を (And the summoned Risen,) 操ることができるとは限らないよね?▼ (we won't necessarily be able to control them, right?)
Here's a change that's even smaller than the previous one, really. Robin doesn't say directly that the Risen are soulless in the Japanese, just summoned.
Henry / Lissa
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hey-o! Need your human pillow again?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あ、リズ。こんにちは~。(Henry: Ah, Lissa! Hello~.) 今日も枕が必要?▼ (Do you need a pillow again today?)
As you will continue to see going forward, sometimes what surprises me about localization Henry is how little he was changed! What I mean is, I thought something as goofy as Henry calling himself a pillow would have been some silly fluff the localization added, but nope! He does indeed refer to himself as a pillow in the Japanese too.
Henry / Frederick
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Okay, fine! Geez, careful not to twist your smallclothes there...
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]は~い。ごめんなさ~い。▼(Henry: Understooood. I'm sorrrry.)
The English changed the Japanese line here, but I think it was necessary - without the nuance of the Japanese tilde (~), I think it's not as obvious that Henry is being sarcastic. So the localization added a sarcastic joke to bridge that gap. (Also, get ready to see the tilde A LOT going forward in Henry's Japanese text!!)
that Also, this is a bit off topic, but fun to point out anyway. If you ever hear anyone say Japanese has no sarcasm, you have some good proof of the contrary now. Japanese Henry can be quite sarcastic too! It's a common claim that Japanese has no sarcasm, because they don't use it anywhere near as much as English speakers use. But in actuality, Japanese speakers just don't utilize it in the exact same ways English speakers do!!
Now back on topic! :)
B Support
Snippet No. 1:
Eng. NA Localization:
Frederick: Because I know that anything can happen on the battlefield. I do not want my dying thought to be "if only I had trained a little harder." Henry: I want my dying thought to be about blood! ...Or maybe ichor.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ふ~ん。▼ (Oh, really~?)
Snippet No. 2:
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Whoa, easy there, Frederick! You're bruising my arm! ...Oooo, look at the colors!
Original Japanese:
We see the tilde again! I'll explain it in proper detail this time.
In short, Japanese video game dialogue uses the tilde A LOT to convey the tone of a character's speech.
I find that it can be used very broadly, and in a number of situations. Humor is the number 1 situation though, I think. It is used when characters are joking or sarcastic; or when characters are speaking in a lighthearted, happy, or whimsical tone. You'll also see it when a character is speaking in a sing-song voice, or just actually singing (See: a character like Engage's Timerra!).
In the case of Henry, we can understand in the Japanese thanks to the tilde that he is always joking around, being sarcastic, having fun with everything, lighthearted and never serious, etc. etc..
However... there's no singular symbol that can cover all of that tone in English! I mean, I do think dialogue could use the ~ and some people would get it, but I certainly don't think it is standardized enough to rely on in a video game released to a mass audience.
So what was the English localization to do? Well, a lot of the time, word choice and laughter alone can get Henry's meaning across just as well on its own. ...But it can't always be that straightforward. This is where I think it was obsoletely necessary for the localization to add jokes to Henry's dialogue to maintain the same meaning and tone as the Japanese. The above two samples I pulled from the Henry / Frederick supports are great examples of that. They help get the point across about just how much Henry jokes around, and how sarcastic he is.
That's all I have to say about the tilde for now, as I'm sure it won't be the last time I point one out in Henry's conversations. :)
Henry / Sully
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: That's 'cause you WERE! ...You totally still had five or six solid minutes left, though.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]そうだね~。あと数刻もすれば (Henry: It was, wasn't it? After a bit longer,) 死んじゃってたと思うよ~。▼ (you would have died, I think~.)
Again, wow, it really surprises me what lines are very direct from the Japanese sometimes! Henry really just is that morbid, and candid about death!
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I can't remember BEING upset. Folks here are so nice, and even bad guys are pretty great when they splatter. When life gives ya lemons, use 'em to ward off scurvy. That's what I say!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]僕は怒らないよ~。▼ (I don't get mad~.) 怒るほど嫌なことを (And something so bad it makes me mad) 人にされることも滅多に無いし~。▼ (people hardly ever do to me~.) 大抵のことは笑って済ませられるよ~。▼ (I end most things with a laugh~.)
Even in a case like this, where the localization was a bit more liberal, Henry's tone still didn't change much. "When life gives you lemons" and "I end most things with a laugh~" can boil down to a same sort of connotation. Again, the localization is playing up Henry's humor and morbid optimism to fully get it across, in the absence of the Japanese tilde.
Henry / Miriel
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: You always have to know exactly how things work, huh? Want a demonstration? I could turn Robin into a toad or something. Miriel: No. The experiment is not of such import that our comrades need be imperiled. Henry: But it wouldn't be forever! Just a few days at the most. Miriel: If we were suddenly called to battle, a toad tactician would be most disadvantageous. Henry: Oh yeah. I hadn't thought about that. Well, maybe I could cast a different kind of hex. Miriel: So long as the risk is within acceptable parameters.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]仕組み? あはは、(Henry: How they work? Ah ha ha, 勉強熱心だな~、ミリエルは。▼ (you're so passionate about your studies, Miriel~!) じゃあちょっと見本を見せるから (In that case, I'll show you a small example, so) そのへんの誰かを呪ってみるね~?▼ (I'll try cursing someone around here, alright~?) [ミリエル]その辺の誰か・・・? (Miriel: Someone around here...?) 味方を呪い殺すおつもりですか?▼ (Do you intend to cast a deadly curse on an ally?) [ヘンリー]あ、ダメだった~?▼ (Henry: Oh, would you not like that~?) [ミリエル]えぇ・・・。戦力が減るのは (Miriel: Um... A decrease in our forces) 軍にとって良くないことですから・・・。▼ (would not be good for our army...) [ヘンリー]そっか~。じゃあ死なない呪いにするよ。(Henry: I see~. Then I'll pick a curse that won't kill them!) それならいいでしょ~?▼ (That will be okay, right~?) [ミリエル]はい、そういうことなら・・・ (Miriel: Yes. If that is the case,) じっくりと観察させていただきます。▼ (then allow me to observe carefully.)
Henry decides to target poor Robin specifically in the localization, but otherwise, the support chain has no significant changes.
Henry / Sumia
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Nya ha ha! Looked at all the smashed crockery! That's hilarious!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ほんとだ、すご~い。全部粉々だね~。▼ (Henry: You're right, woooow! They're all in pieces, aren't they?)
Another example of how the English made up for the lack of the tilde's Japanese connotation - Henry just outright says he finds the current situation hilarious.
Henry / Ricken
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Oh! And Campari used to make little birdhouses for homeless—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あと、ポモドーロ様はね…▼ (Henry: After them there was Campari...)
In another one of Henry's stand-out support conversations, in the Japanese, he stops before sharing what made Campari such a great guy, but otherwise the conversation is overwhelmingly the same as in JP.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Judging by your expression, I'd say it's a serious one. Nya ha ha!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん、いいよ~。(Henry: Yeah, that's fine~.) そんなに真剣な顔してどうしたの~?▼ (Why are you making such a serious face?)
Another great little example of how the localization made up for the lack of tilde - in place of the tilde, to convey that he is joking around, the localization has Henry laugh out loud.
Henry / Maribelle
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I'm not feigning anything. I'm just really in touch with the natural world. I can talk to any living thing you want. Trees. Flowers. Maggots. Ooooooh... Maaaggots... Maribelle: That is a remarkable talent, if a shade disturbing.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]合わせてなんかないよ~。▼ (I'm not feigning, or anything of the sort~.) 僕はねぇ、自然に満ちている あらゆるものと会話できるんだよ~。▼ (You see, I can talk to all things filled with nature~.) [マリアベル]そ、そうですの…。(Maribelle: C-Can you...) 本当なら、すごいことですわね…。▼ (If that's true, then it is remarkable, indeed...)
The localization added in Henry's little pause on the word "maggots," (and added in the word "maggot" to begin with) but otherwise, this is another rather directly translated support chain.
Henry / Panne
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Panne: THAT was your reason?!
Original Japanese:
[ベルベット]…呆れたわ。(Panne: ...I'm astounded.) そんな理由なの…?▼ (Your reason was one such as that...?) 人間は理解しがたいけど、(Humans are difficult to understand, but) あなたは中でも極めつけよ。▼ (you are especially so.)
This exchange from Panne at the end of the C Support was actually longer in the Japanese. I don't see any particular stand-out reason why this is. Perhaps it was even an error, and the localization accidentally left out some of the text.
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Panne: We're too alike, you and I. We both lost our families and lived alone too long. But no more. I accept your ring. From now on, we are each other's family.
Original Japanese:
[ベルベット]あなたは似てるの。(Panne: You are like him.) 人間に殺された、私の弟に…▼ (My younger brother, who was killed by humans.) いいわ、受け取らせてもらう。(I will accept your ring.) あなたのそばにいてあげる、ヘンリー。▼ (I will be by your side, Henry.) これからは、私たちは家族よ。▼ (From now on, we are family.)
In the Japanese, Panne does not compare Henry to herself, but to her brother. Her brother is removed entirely in the localization, which at first seems like a pretty big deal. Perhaps it is because he is never mentioned again? It is odd that her sibling (who would seem important to her) is such a throwaway character in this one line of her supports with Henry.
Henry / Cordelia
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Say, what if the wife was dead? Could you give it to him then?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ふーん…よくわかんないなあ。(Henry: Huh... I don't really get it.) 奥様がいると襟巻きが渡せないんだ。▼ (He has a wife, so you can't give him the scarf.) じゃあ、奥様が死んじゃったら (So, if his wife was dead,) 渡せるようになるの?▼ (would you be able to give it to him then?)
Here's another example I included not because it's changed from the Japanese - but because I was surprised to see this confirmation that Henry really is this morbid in the Japanese as well!
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I asked Lissa for advice, and she told me to take you on a big shopping trip. She said a few hours trying on dresses and armor would fix that broken heart, pronto! (skip a few lines) Henry: Then how about some comfort food? Fruit pies and cream? Candy apples? Macaroni and cheese with fried boar crisps and crumbled horse—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]リズから聞いたんだ~。(Henry: I asked Lissa~.) 女の子の胸が苦しい時は、▼ (When a girl's heart hurts,) 買い物したりやけ食いしたりすると (things like shopping, or eating a lot) 治るんだって~。▼ (will cure it!) (skip a few lines) [ヘンリー]そうなんだ~。(Henry: I understand~.) じゃあ、やけ食いの方が好き?▼ (So you like overeating more?)
In the Japanese, Lissa's advice to Henry includes not only retail therapy, but also... overeating / binge eating. That's an understandably sensitive topic for the localization team to dodge.
It's true the localization does have Henry propose some comfort food food at the end of the convo... but I think Henry asking if Cordelia wants to eat a treat or two is different than proposing she full-on binge eats.
Henry / Nowi
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Nowi: No! I'm an adult woman who's more than a thousand years older than you! Henry: Oh, right! Nya ha ha! Sorry, short stuff!
Original Japanese:
[ノノ]ノノは子どもじゃないもん。(Nowi: Nowi's not a child!) 千年以上生きてる大人の女なんだから!▼ (Because Nowi is an adult woman who's lived for over 1,000 years!) [ヘンリー]あ、そうだったね。(Henry: Oh, that's right!) あはは、ごめんなさい、お姉さん。▼ (Ah ha ha, sorry, big sister!)
Ah, the 1,000 year old child-looking adult dragon. An FE classic.
But actually, the Japanese line was the same in this case! A young-looking character reiterating that they are totally an adult, isn't always an addition of the localization. (I say this because it was so in the main Fates script with Elise).
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yep! They're probably quivering in fear under their beds and crying like babies. But no worries! There'll be more victim—er, that is, village kids—at our next camp. (skip a few lines) Henry: If they exchanged fire breath with you, they'd end up as little clumps of charcoal.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん、たぶん無理だと思うよ~。▼(Henry: Yeah, I think it's probably no use~!) でも、いいじゃない。ほかの土地にも (But that's okay, isn't it? Because in other areas) 子どもはたくさんいるんだから。▼ (there's also lots of children.) (skip a few lines) [ヘンリー]うーん…僕には空を飛んだり (Henry: Hmm... I can't fly in the sky) ブレスを吹いたりできないしなぁ。▼ (or blow fire breath, or anything like that.)
Here, the localization added a bit to Henry's morbidity. In the Japanese, he didn't joke around and start to call the children he and Nowi played with victims, or go so far as to describe that her fire breath would turn them to charcoal.
While Henry is morbid and sarcastic in the Japanese, this is further proof that the localization did add in some extra. Which again, makes up for some of the gap left without the tilde ~ in English.
Henry / Tharja
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Sure! You want me to cast a death curse on someone? Tharja: Someone in camp? Mmm... No. That could be problematic. Henry: Hee hee! Yeah, I guess. Too bad, though. See, 'cause I've got one that makes blood come out your—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]そうなんだ~。(Henry: Did you now~?) じゃ、ちょっと呪いあってみる~?▼ (Then shall I try casting a teensy-weensy curse on them?) [サーリャ]結構よ…。仲間同士で (Tharja: You don't have to...) 潰し合っても、不毛なだけだから…。▼ (For allies to kill each other, would be meaningless...) [ヘンリー]あはは、それは残念だな~。▼ (Henry: Ah ha ha, that's too bad~.)
The morbid joke about exactly what kind of curse Henry wants to try out - one that involves making blood come out from... somewhere - was a small add-on in the localization. This chunk of the exchange otherwise follows the Japanese.
Eng. NA Localization:
Tharja: Ugh... Hale? Hearty? Have you no respect for our ancient profession? We're supposed to be harbingers of pestilence and famine and doom! Henry: Mm... I love doom.
Original Japanese:
[サーリャ]健全で純真ですって…?(Tharja: Healthy...? Pure...?) …呪いを使う者が、よく言う…。▼(...Well said for a spellcaster of curses...) …まぁいいわ…くれぐれも (...Whatever... don't keep) おかしな真似はしないことね。▼ (acting weird, alright?) [ヘンリー]は~い。▼ (Henry: Okaaaaaay.)
The exact ending of the C Support is ever so slightly different. In both, Tharja basically says to Henry to act more like a dark mage, but the little joke about "doom" was added.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hello, Tharja! Tharja: *Mumble, mumble* *hiss* Henry: Heey! Did you just put a curse on me? Tharja: Yes, Now, if you do not speak the truth, you will DIE! Answer me clearly and without hesitation. Are you a foreign spy? Henry: Nope! Not me! Although I do own a cloak and a couple daggers. Tharja: Who do you serve? Ylisse or Plegia? Henry: Aw, I don't get into politics. I just want to toss fireballs at bad guys.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]…あれ? これって…。▼ (Henry: ...Huh? This is...) [サーリャ]…思ったよりあっさりかかったわね。▼ (Tharja: ...That was much easier than I thought it would be.) [ヘンリー]あ、やっぱりサーリャだ。(Henry: Ah, I knew it, it's you Tharja!) 僕に呪いをかけたね~?▼ (You cast a curse on me, didn't you?) [サーリャ]えぇ…��れで私の前では (Tharja: Yes... Now, before me) 嘘や隠しごとはできないわよ…。▼ (you cannot lie or hide anything...) 正直に答えなさい… (Answer me honestly...) 貴方、誰かのスパイじゃないでしょうね…?▼ (You aren't anyone's spy, are you?) [ヘンリー]うん、スパイじゃないよ~。▼ (Henry: Nope, I'm not a spy~!) [サーリャ]じゃあ、貴方は…ペレジアと (Tharja: So you... between Plegia) イーリスと、どっちの味方…?▼ (And Ylisse, which are you an ally of...) [ヘンリー]ん~…味方とか、よくわかんないな~。(Henry: Hm~... I don't really know who's ally I am~.) 悪いと思った奴と戦うだけじゃダメなの?▼ (Is it wrong to just fight whoever I think is bad?)
A few little tweaks here. Tharja is in the middle of casting her curse in her first line in the localization, whereas in the Japanese, it was already over, and she was making a comment as to how easy it was to do. And then, Henry's quips were added onto a bit in localization.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hecka-necka, jimma-jamma, woozle-wazzle! Aaand presto! Curse dispelled! Actually not dispelled. I tossed it back at the original sender. Hee hee!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あ、それなら大丈夫だよ~。(Henry: Ah, if it's that, that's fine~.) 僕がもうはね返しておいたから~。▼ (Because I already bounced it back~.)
Henry's "chant" was added in localization. In the Japanese, by the time Henry says his line, he's already sent the curse back to its caster.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Well, usually I disarm foes by removing their arms. But your way sounds impressive, too!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あはは、だから最初に言ったじゃない~。(Henry: Ah ha ha, that's what I said in the beginning, isn't it~?) 僕は健全で純真な心の持ち主だって。▼ (I have a healthy and pure heart.) でも、嬉しいなぁ~、(But I'm happy~.) サーリャに褒めてもらえて~。▼ (I was complemented by you~.)
And the localization was just taking advantage of an opportunity to make a disarming pun here, it was not already in the Japanese.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Wizard fight! Wizard fight! Yaaaaaay!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]わぁ~。サーリャ、こわ~い。▼(Henry: Eeeeek~! Tharja is scaaaary~!)
In the Japanese, Henry doesn't get excited to have a wizard fight with Tharja, but he still does act pretty goofy by pretending to be scared of her.
S Support
Somehow, I don't have anything to add to this one! Henry really does run off to have an engagement ring made after Tharja says she will accept his proposal if he agrees to protect Robin.
Henry / Cherche
C Support
The C Support adds a number of little bits to Henry's dialogue, again just to play up his goofiness more, because English lacks a symbol like the Japanese tilde ~.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Sure have! She's as cute as a button, that one. ...Well, if buttons were cute. We had wyverns in Plegia, you know, and also the occasional fell beast. But we didn't have a single wyvern that was as pretty as Minerva.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん!(Henry: Yeah!) かわいいよね~、ミネルヴァ!▼ (Minerva sure is cute~!) ペレジアにも (In Plegia too,) ドラゴンナイトはいたけど、▼ (there were wyvern knights, but) この子くらいかわいい 飛竜はいなかったよ~!!▼ (There weren't any as cute as this wyvern~!)
There was no mention of buttons in the Japanese version, Henry just says Minerva is cute.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yep! I make four-legged friends wherever I go! And even some two-legged ones. I'm also pals with a three-legged bear, but that's a story for another time.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]僕は自然と友達だから (Henry: I'm friends with nature, so) みんなと仲良しなんだよ~。▼ (I get along with all of them~.)
No mention of a three-legged bear friend in Japanese. Not that Japanese Henry wouldn't be excited to befriend a three-legged bear.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yowza! Sh-she tried to bite me! Look, I'm bleeding! Mmm, blood...
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ひゃあっ! 噛まないで~!▼ (Henry: Hyaaah! Don't bite me~!)
And the localization added in the fact that Henry was bleeding, and excited to see it.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Aw, it's fine. I bet I just give off some kind of animal aura. Or maybe she thought I was a big ham? I do smell kind of ham-like.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あはは、僕って (Henry: Ah ha ha, I) 獣っぽい気配がするみたい~。▼ (it seems I have an animal-like aura~.) だから獲物だと 勘違いしたのかもしれないね~。▼ (So maybe she mistook me for prey~.)
Henry doesn't propose that maybe he smells like ham, rather, in the Japanese, he thought that maybe Minerva mistook him for prey.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Well, when I was young, my best friend in the entire world was a giant wolf. My parents ignored me most of the time, so that wolf became my whole family. Then one day she came to visit me, and some hunters in the village... They shot her full of arrows. Killed her on the spot.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん! 実は、昔仲良しの狼がいたんだ。(Henry: Yeah! Actually, long ago, there was a wolf I was friends with.) 僕、親に放ったらかしにされてたから、▼ (I was neglected by my parents, so) 小さい頃の親友と言うか、(You could call them a friend I had when I was young,) ほとんど家族みたいなものだったんだけど~▼ (or something like family, but~) ある日その狼が僕に会いに来たとき、(One day, when they came to see me,) 周りにいた大人たちに殺されちゃって…。▼ (they were killed by the adults around us...)
In the Japanese, Henry doesn't refer to the wolf's killers as "hunters," but "adults."
Also, the Japanese doesn't hint at whether the wolf was male or female, so I went with neutral pronouns.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Cherche: I'm very happy that you like Minerva and you two get along so well. But I think you need to spend more time with human friends—namely, me. So I'm going to carry out my patrol on foot, and you're coming with me.
Original Japanese:
[セルジュ]ミネルヴァちゃんと仲良くなってくれるのは (Cherche:) とっても嬉しいんだけど、▼ (I'm very happy that you've become friends with Minerva-chan, but) あなたは本当の意味で人と接することを もっと重ねるべきだと思う。▼ (I think you should have more experiences getting truly close to people.) 偵察は私たちふたりで行きましょう。(Let's go on patrol together.) 私、あなたともっと仲良くなりたいわ。▼ (I want to become better friends with you.)
The localization of the A support was a pretty straightforward translation of the Japanese for the most part, but this bit of Cherche's dialogue from near the end is subtly different.
I think the localization subtracts a little from the real meaning of what Cherche is trying to get across to Henry - it's not that he doesn't spend time with people, its that when he does, he doesn't form meaningful relationships with them. The exact nuance is different.
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I figured the old dogs would be barking, so I brought a homemade bunion salve. Cherche: Why, thank you, Henry! But how did you know? Henry: We've been on so many patrols together, I've memorized your whole routine. After this, you'll put a cold towel on your head and drink a cup of hot elderberry tea.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]はい、これ。(Henry: This is for you.) 薬に漬けた湿布だよ~。▼ (A wet compress soaked in medicine~.) [セルジュ]あら、ありがとう。(Cherche: Oh my, thank you.) 脚が張っていたの、気づいてたの?▼ (You noticed that my legs are swollen?) [ヘンリー]うん。だって、あれから毎日 (Henry: Yup! After all, since then, every day) 二人で偵察に行ってたんだもん。▼ (we've gone on patrol together!) もうセルジュのことなら (If it's about you) なんでもわかるようになっちゃったよ~。▼ (then I already know everything there is to know~.)
Henry's treatments for Cherche after their patrol together were a bit different in Japanese.
The localization even added in elderberry tea when no mention of drinks was made before. Who on the team was such a fan of elderberry tea that it's the only tea anyone on the Awakening cast drinks? I'll always wonder.
Eng. NA Localization:
Cherche: Goodness, Henry, but this is sudden. However, I have found myself...thinking about you a lot lately. Ever since we met, I've wanted to know the real man behind that jolly facade. And this would be a chance to do just that. Very well, Henry, I accept your proposal!
Original Japanese:
[セルジュ]ふふ…やっとその笑顔を (Cherche: Tee hee...) 私にも向けてくれるようになったのね。▼ (You're finally in a place where you make that smile at me!) …私も、あなたが好きよ。(...I love you too.) 友達になりたいっていうのは嘘。▼ (It was a lie when I said that I wanted to be friends with you.) 本当はずっと、あなたの心が知りたい、(To be honest, I've always wanted to know your heart,) 誰よりも近くにいたいって思ってた。▼ (and to become closer to you than anyone else.) 毎日変わっていくあなたを… (You've been changing bit by bit every day...) これからも一番傍で見ていたいわ。▼ (I want to continue to see you at my side more than anyone else is.)
The localization left out the full extent of what Cherche was saying - that she's had romantic feelings for Henry for quite a long time before this conversation.
Henry / Olivia
So I saved Henry / Olivia for last and went a little out of recruitment order, because I remembered this conversation being pretty different in localization vs the Japanese. So I wanted to save "the big one" for last.
First, I want to point out that I did a full translation of this support chain several years ago now (*Checks post history* Wait... EIGHT years ago?! Dang!), so I don't really need to talk about specific lines. You can read and compare for yourself! I also posted the localized version below the Japanese in each post, so you you can save yourself an internet search.
C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Instead of discussing specifics, I'll just wrote some of my general thoughts in a few paragraphs.
In the C support, I think it's unfortunate that the localization downplayed Henry's original intentions for choosing to kill the dog. He does not try to fight the dog's death, if it is the only way to relieve its pain. If death is its fate, he accepts it. It's great nuance for his character, that I think was the highlight of the convo.
In the B support, I remembered thinking that the localization really changed this one, but that's not as true as I thought it was. In summary, Olivia thinks that Henry's sense of humor is a coping mechanism and his smiles aren't genuine. But Henry rejects that interpretation and says he just is who he is. That's same in both versions. The biggest change is to Henry's backstory at the "wizarding" school. Now that I look back on it, I actually see a good possibility as to why the localization chose to make this change. Saying that Henry experienced brutal pain and injuries because of "experiments gone wrong" still conveys that his teachers were terribly abusive - because healthy teachers would not be assigning magic training that could be so easily dangerous - but it isn't as graphic as "bad children were beaten senseless!" Child abuse is a pretty common trigger, so I get why the localization team would want to tweak this part of the convo a bit.
For the A and S supports, I don't have anything major to mention.
Also, throughout the entire support chain, Henry calls Olivia "crazy lady." I don't know exactly how I feel about this, because it feels a little out of place with the rest of his sense of morbid humor. But he does get a little sarcastic and sassy with people when they get on his nerves in any way - which Olivia very much is doing, by trying to say his outward personality is trauma coping and not genuine. So the more I think about it, the more I think it fits his personality fine.
So as my final conclusion, I can say that Henry / Olivia is the most changed of all Henry's supports in localization, but even then, that's only saying so much.
And so, that's that! Generally speaking, Henry's conversations were pretty faithfully translated; with minor changes here and there, mostly to convey his sense of humor due to English's lack of the ~ tilde symbol used in dialogue. I only found a couple of more major changes, none of them particularly conversation-altering.
Henry's such a fun character to begin with that the localization team only had to make some subtle changes here and there to get his exact sense of humor and personality across, wherever it might have otherwise been lost in translation. And they did a pretty good job with that! Only a small selection of changes made me scratch my head a bit. Overall, good work all around.
Thanks for reading! :)
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justyoureader · 1 month
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Check out the other parts! ;p ( - 2 - 1 - ) Also, do you like it? Should I upload more of these? AND I'M NOT KIDDING I'M HAVING DREAMS OF THIS LITTLE GUY ON MY BANNER HERE FOR DAYS IN A ROW...
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
     "Oh, Balladeer. Didn't expect to see you here. I thought you're on some mission again." Lux hummed, sitting up and slowly standing up. "I thought childe was the one on 'babysitting' duty as you called it- today."
      "Ugh.. Don't falter yourself, I just happen to stumble upon you today." Scaramouche grumbled, plopping himself down beside Lux.
      "Whatever you say, kabuki." Luxym just laughs, the sound making scaramouche's face brighten and a light blush bloomed on his face. "Don't call me that—"
      "Ah! Buddy, good to see you there!" A cheerful Tartaglia startled both of them, scaramouche's face immediately turned into an unhappy frown. "Oh my fucking archons, what do you want tartaglia?"
    "You may have forgotten, but I'm the one to accompany teach here." Tartaglia returned with a smile, hinted with displeasure on his eyes. The obvious display of passive aggression made Lux roll his eyes. "Ugh, don't act like you own him, filthy low life."
      Lux decided to step in to avoid further conflict, "He's right, scara, I'll go with childe now. If I'm not wrong, didn't you have an appointment with dottore?"
      "Ah. That's right.. Unfortunate since I wanted to spend more time with you..." Scaramouche mumbled, the last part not unheard by the other two male. "Hm?" The other two inquired, different tones to both of their voices.
      "Nothing. You must be hearing things, pesky ginger. And.. Farewell too  you, I guess." Scaramouche replied, his voice snarky as ever, though there's a hink of sulk when regarding the immortal boy.
      "Bye-bye" Lux shrugged, watching as the indigo haired male disappeared betwern the stack of snow before he got dragged by his former(?) Maybe not former(?) student.
      "Teach! I'm glad it's only he both of us now. I haven't seen you in a while since you're always with the tsaritsa." The ginger head male said with his signature charming grin, something that most poeple would immediately fell for.
      "Sorry for not visiting you much, though I reckoned you're also busy preparing yourself to go to liyue am I correct?" Lux hummed while they strolled down the halls of the fatui residence. The ginger's eyes lit up to the fact his master paid attention to what he does. "Yes! I mean- yes, I've been preparing for the lantern rite in hopes of getting the gnosis."
      Lux hummed in acknowledgement, nodding so in the process. "I see, maybe I'll visit you in liyue then, I'm quite bored as of lately." He said as childe lead them to his (Lux's) bedroom. The male swestdropped at the choice of words, last time Lux was 'bored' he travelled into the abyss and trained him along with his other master. "I see.. Oh, your finger tips is cold again master, you should really stop sleeping on the snow." The ginger frowned in concern.
      "Me? I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Lux dismissed tartaglia's concern towards his cold body. "Teach!" Tartaglia exclaimed in exasperation and frustration, holding out his hand to use his hydro vision to produce hot water.
      "There's no need for that ajax." Lux sighed, not correcting his own habit of using Tartaglia's real name when they're alone. "No, you'll get cold." He frowned, guiding the hot water to Lux's body for him to get warm.
      Luxym sighed, but smiled at his action. "My student is so caring." He cooed playfully.
      Tartaglia's face lit up, lightly flushing as he exclaimed. "Anything for my favorite teacher." He hesitantly scoot over to Lux before leaning his head slowly to his master's shoulder. "I might've or might've not felt homesick a little.."
      "Hm and why not visit your family then? Teucer must've missed you too." He lets tartaglia lean onto him, not bothered by the ginger's act of affection. Tartaglia avoided Lux's eyes, a light blush visible decorating his ears. "I mean.. I miss you."  He said with a playful grin, trying to act as if his voice wasn't trembling.
      "Hm?" Lux's eyes glide to meet tartaglia's dim eyes.
      "Wait no- you didn't hear that. It's nothing."
      Lux looks at him with a small fond sigh, wrapping an arm around ajax before letting the ginger cuddle up to him. "Is this what you want?" He huffed while the ginger-head just giggled smugly. Only stopped when Lux smacked his head, making the ginger release a low whine. "Hey.. That hurt teach!" While Lux only rolled his eyes.
      "Do you detest me that much?" He pouted playfully with a hint of almost unnoticeable insecurity.
      "Of course not." Lux denied with a frown, Ajax birghten up playfully but he didn't truly believe it. After all, what else is he but a weapon for the tsaritsa and the fatuis?
      Safe to say, it's one of the only time that the ginger fatui harbinger let himself lower down his guard, his dim eyes shining just the slightest bit from the genuine comfort. The wholesome moment only interrupted when Lux pointed out, "You should stop fighting with people. I heard you sparred with signora a few days ago and your body is currently patched up with burns." he deadpanned.
      Ajax's expression contorted into a chuckle. "But teach, the adrenaline and thrill is amazing. Just like when I'm in the abyss dparring with master skirk, plus I need to get stronger to protect teucer, you, and my family." He reasoned.
      "Still. Let me check your bruises." Luxym huffed his hand that's on Tartaglia's shoulder sliding smoothly to his waist, the sensation made ajax shiver. "Ah-! Alright alright." He pouted and looked away, sliding off his coat and lifting up his shirt.
      His stomach to his torso are littered with red painful burns, some of dried blood staining on his chest from his wounds that he didn't bother to clean up. "... Will you stop staring? Don't act like you really care about me, teach." Tartaglia frowned, playfully looking away, though a bit embarrassed that his body is being inspected.
      "Of course I care, you're my student." Lux sighed, tracing his hand over the burns are a bit severe. "I'm glad signora went fairly easy on you, ajax." He said with relief, his hand ghosting the wounds and burns. The sensation made Tartaglia whimpered, before flushing and covering his mouth. "Hah-.. Why- stop touching it teach. It's not that bad."
      "Let me heal it." Lux said out of the blue, Tartaglia looked startled. "Heal it? You mean bandage it up? There's no need-" Lux interrupted him by pushing Tartaglia down on the bed, making the other's eyes widen, his mouth hang open from his mouth. A strong hand gripped Tartaglia's waist down and the other beside his face as Lux hovers aboce the squirming ginger. "Ahaha.. Teach you're not going to.. Uh.." Tartaglia founds himself unable to find his playful words as his body grew warm from embarrassment.
      "Shh." Lux hushed Tartaglia. "I'm not going to do anything to you." He said with a low voice, Tartaglia finds himself unable to believe that and hides his face on the pillow, embracing himself for what's to come. It's alright, right?.. It's his teacher.. His teacher has every right to use his body, yeah...
      "Calm yourself down tartaglia.." He whispered, muffled by the pillow. He tries his best to do just that but he can't help but winced once his shirt is taken off, fortunately not ripped. He can feel his teacher's hand on his torso, struggling to stay still from the contact. "Teach, teach you're just playing right? You won't actually do it to your student right? I'm sure you're not cruel right?" He asked nervously, opening his eyes to meet with Lux's sharp eyes, it made him shiver.
      "Calm down. It won't hurt." He murmured, placing his hand on one of Tartaglia's burns, said fatui harbinger was about to refute before he felt warmth radiating from Luxym's palm. "Eh?" He asked dumbfounded, and before he knew it, his body looked like it was before he fought signora.
      "Teach you- you-" Tartaglia's face burned from embarrassment, immediately sitting up and bumping his forehead against Lux's before shaking his teacher by the shoulder. "I thought that- aghh! Teach I thought you're going to fuck me?!" He exclaimed loudly, his eyes twitching from frustration which made Lux slapped his mouth with his hand, seriously, he doesn't want their subordinates to hear Tartaglia say it so loudly. The ginger grumbled even if it's muffled by Lux's hand before licking it which made Lux pull away immediately with a scowl.
      "Get rid of that dirty mind of yours." Lux smacked Tartaglia's head again. "Ugh- You're just such a tease, teach. You have no need to make it that dramatic." He scoffed while holding his head, even if he does felt a tiny bit disappointed.
      Lux rolled his eyes, "don't sulk on me now. How about I entertain you with some spar?" He asked in an attempt to cheer Tartaglia up, which certainly worked as the adrenaline-loving ginger instantly lit up and grinned excitedly, an Imaginary dog tail swinging behind his back. "Alright. Your word teach, don't hold back on me, please!"
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 21
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fine. I admit it.
The Royal Dawn is a really nice hotel.
And the best part is, after my... demonstration to the Administrative offices today, I didn't have to order the Hotel to give us some rooms! They just offered rooms to us the minute we walked in!
I was given 'The Empress Suite.' I giggled at the name. I wonder if this had something to do with the royal retinue back in the day. Between the opulence, the name, and the theme it feels possible.
It is possible. There was always more than the Throne for you and your retinue. Every Starbase competed to offer you the most luxurious accommodations. After all, if you didn't like them, you could just rest on your starship.
My room - my suite of rooms actually - are easily the nicest place I've slept in my entire life. I made sure Omar, Ava, Um'reli and I each had our own rooms and while I'm glad that they have their own space, I'm too used to being around other people in the close quarters of FarReach or Starbases back home. I rattle around the rooms opening cabinets and drawers until I see it in the corner near a window overlooking the promenade.
They have a bath here!
It's made of some kind of golden flecked white stone, and is carved to look like it was weathered by the wind and water over millions of years. I figure out the taps, and set a bath going.
Once it's finished, I take off my outfit - Ugh, I wish I packed, this is my only clothes unless I use the Nanites to make more - and slip into the bath. It's blissfully relaxing.
I'm laying back in the tub, just floating, and I wish Ava was here with me.
Where did that come from?
I think for a split second about calling her in, but decide against it. I'm sure she'd come running if I called, I'm sure she'd be... enthusiastic about it, but I don't think I'm ready yet. I comfort myself with the thought, and soak for nearly an hour.
After, I dry and climb into the bed naked. I'll deal with clothes tomorrow.
More wild dreams.
My ship, operated and led by my most trusted Builder, Aeche, carries us to her prized Starbase. Built on her order for me, it's beautiful. She takes me on a tour, and we visit all of the highlights. She is especially proud of the transit system, the largest off planet in the Empire.
A team of 10 Builders live and work at the Reach operating in shifts to make sure all the needs of the residents and builders that live here are taken care of. It's one of the most complex Starbases yet and one of the most impressive.
That night, she comes to my rooms while I'm in the bath. She asks to join me, and I accept. For her, this is a culmination of months of jockeying and positioning to catch my eye, it's the realization of a goal years in the making.
For me, it's a fun night. She is easy on the eyes though, I see no harm in keeping her around for a while.
The next day, she leads me to the Throne. The only larger one exists back home on Imperia and I get the impression that this one is smaller only out of courtesy.
Sitting upon the Throne, with a full contingent of Builders behind me, I'm able to instantly take stock of my Empire. Things are going well. There are new reports from the frontier, and I set them to my ship, Worldshaker, so I have something to read while en route to the K'laxi.
This is the last stop before I go see the K'laxi, turn their Gate back on and remind them what the price of insubordination is. Worldshaker is getting reprovisioned and refreshed as the trip is longer than normal and I want to make sure we can stay a while if needed. On my way out, I'll touch the Gate, and commit an upload.
That night, Aeche visits me again, and we have more fun. After, we go to bed and I lay awake thinking about next steps. Aeche sighs and rolls over in her sleep next to me. I stroke her hair gently. Yes, things are going quiet well. It's nice to have some quiet.
I wake up in my bed, alone, in the hotel room, fully myself again. Not only was that the most... idyllic dream I've had yet, it's the first that I felt like it was me doing the things, not some other Empress.
Yes, the Nanites are doing well. You can probably integrate with the Throne if you were to try. It's up to you however. But remember you told The Smell of Soil after Rain to bring everyone today. We should head over there.
Hmm Good point. Okay, let's get up, get dressed, grab everyone and head over. I look over at my outfit from yesterday. It's nice, and it's impressive, but if I'm going to be presenting as Empress to everyone, I need something... more.
I concentrate and think about what would be right. I don't think about specifics, I let the Nanites take my whims into consideration and see what I get. The fog cloud of them surrounds me and my outfit from yesterday and I when they finish I turn and look in the mirror near the bath.
I'm still in royal blue - good, I like that color - but the outfit now is a... strapless ball gown? It's rather severely low cut - I wonder if that's from dreaming about Aeche - and the dress clings on the top half and billows and flows on the lower half and ends in sparking stars and nebulae on a train that flows behind me, rippling gently as if a breeze is blowing it. I check and... yes, it's not touching the ground. That's a neat trick. I'm wearing taller heels than yesterday too, but at least they're comfortable - for now. It's not something that Lieutenant Mullen would ever wear, but it seems... right for Empress Melody The First. I'll roll with it. In deference to who I am, there is a way to mount my rifle on my back. I click it in place and feel complete. I wonder how many Empresses were armed?
Many were. We even have records of a few who would carry a battle rifle with them.
That brings me some happiness. Even after how different we are, there are still some things that I share with Empresses across time.
As I open the door to leave, I see Omar, Ava and Um'reli in the hall already dressed and ready. They turn to see me and Ava and Um'reli both gasp and blush. Omar grins wickedly. "Melody, I have to say that this is the first time since you told us you were an Empress that you look the part. That is an amazing outfit."
I curtsy slightly "Thank you Omar. Did you all sleep well? I have a hunch with the Nanites you had... intense dreams?"
Ava snaps her had up to me. "I did! I dreamt that I was running a Starbase. We were preparing for your visit and I had so much to do, but I knew how to do all of it, and I had a really strong team, and you complimented our readiness when you arrived!"
Um'reli looks at me with an odd expression. "I did too, but... I dreamt I was a human. A Builder. I was operating a Starship, the Sunrunner. We were tasked by you directly to tour the frontier worlds and build a report about how they were doing, if they needed anything and if we thought there was any unrest. We were very proud because you had personally asked for us."
"What about you Omar?" Ava turns and looks at him.
"Yeah, I had a vivid dream. I dreamt that I was a planetary administrator. I ruled over more than a billion people on a world with two suns. One was white and the other was larger and redder. I remember clearly the odd shadows it cast, and how everything had an odd coloration. You had requested an increase in the delivery of Magnesium. We were able to meet the new quota this time, but I was worried that if you had requested to keep the quote high, how we would be able to make it without overworking the miners."
"Wow, so not only did you dream about being a Builder, not only did you dream about being a powerful Builder, but you all were in direct contact with the Empress. I wonder if that's because you received your Nanites from me directly."
"Who knows?" Um'reli looks at all of us. "But I for one am starving. Let's get some breakfast and go back to the Throne. Melody has a performance to give."
We head downstairs and sure enough there is a restaurant attached to the Hotel. We sit down and immediately I ask for a carafe of boiling hot water to be brought. While we wait, I take out my hand grinder and scale and make some coffee. By the time the water arrives, everything is ready. The Mariens who brought me the water is watching curiously as I make the coffee. Soon enough, it's finished, and I take the first sip of coffee in nearly three days.
Ahh, now, I can rule.
"Pardon my asking, Empress, but what is that?" The Mariens points to my beverage.
"It's called coffee. It's the roasted seed of a plant that's native to the planet we lived on. I like to drink an extraction of it made with boiling water. It does have a chemical, called caffeine, that offers a stimulant effect to Hu-Builders, but we've found it to be toxic to other Sapients, like our friends the K'laxi here. You can smell it if you'd like though." I hold out the cup.
The Mariens leans in and gently inhales. They lean back sharply and look at me. "That smells amazing." Their body language expresses wonder. "Truly, the Builders do amazing things. Now, what will you be having for breakfast?"
We order and eat and walk towards the Throne. As we're walking this time, people are not ignoring us. Children wave, people follow us with their eyes. They don't seem to be fearful of us, more respectful this time. As we turn a corner, I see Rapid River Roaring and The Smell of the Ocean. They look worse for wear. Both of them have matted feathers, even a few bare spots. Wild eyed they're looking around. River is clutching a bag of some kind.
Uh oh.
They turn and see me. Relief washes over them and they run up to me "Empress! My Empress!" They both approach me and bow low, head touching the ground. "We have completed your task. We have found Vivvix and Zemmlin and brought them to you."
Ava looks around. "But, where are they?"
I know where they are.
River opens the bag they're carrying.
Inside are most of Vivvix and Zemmlin.
"I see..." I try to not look unsettled. Omar's face darkens and he turns away. Ava look in and nods, satisfied. Um'reli doesn't look in, but she isn't unsettled by this development either.
Well. What's done is done. "I would have preferred they be brought to me alive, but my fault for not specifying that. Where were they?"
"The cowards were hiding in the docks. They were attempting to board another ship and catch up to that traitor, Ottarn. We were able to surprise them, and carried out your order, Empress."
"Yes, I can see that. Er, thank you both for your hard work. Go to High Line and find Starlight on a Moonless Evening. After this presentation, I plan on visiting the ship to assess it for refitting.
They both bow again. "Empress."
Part 22
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silver-crowned-riders · 10 months
Ay. So one thing that Beau told me might help with my guitar playing and all is uh, posting me practicing to Rotomblr to get the nervousness out now so it doesn't feel as bad when I'm doin the performance I actually care about.
Sounds, eh, plausible. I'll hate it but I just kinda gotta rip off that bandaid, right? I mean that phrase is kinda stupid... Whatever, here it goes.
[ A video is attatched ]
[ It starts with Jace placing the phone down before backing away, sitting on a bed and grabbing his guitar. Clementine the Scrafty and Strawberry the Skitty sit there too. ]
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"Alright. Let's hope that, like, two people see this. Mmh. Dunno. I'll shut up now."
[ Jace starts doing an acoustic cover of "Chandelures in the Sky", a song based on Shinrian legend. ]
[ His guitar playing is good and his singing is fine, but he clearly isn't confident. It sounds a bit like he's trying to make his somewhat mismatched voice more deep and dramatic than it actually is, to fit the song's grand ghostly feel. ]
[ Then, he quiets down a lot during the chorus, seemingly too embarrassed to do the "yippie-i-oh"s full strength. Partway through the second verse he stutters, then flops back onto the bed and sighs. He sounds like he has a lot of built up anxiety here. ]
"Ugh. Yeah, that's uh... all I've memorized so far. Y'know."
[It comes off more as an excuse to stop. He turns to Clementine the Scrafty and mutters. ]
"Wuzzat good enough to upload, you think? I just don't know if... a guy like me could-"
[ Clem croaks, before patting Jace on the back. He blushes. ]
"Heh. Uh, thanks man..."
[ He gets up to grab the phone and end the video. ]
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youvegotanhour · 2 months
Episode 0: Q for an A
Hey besties!
I will be uploading all of the podcast transcripts for "You've Got an Hour", to coincide with each episode's release on their "Whine Wednesday's", to this blog. I hope that will be exciting for anyone that is hearing impaired, to anyone that wants to follow along with my ADHD rambles, or just for a ridiculous read. It's here, just in case!
But first, I'd like to take this time to answer any potential questions that may arise for you, the listener -- in a little preemptive segment I would like to call, Q for an A! (Question for an Answer, in case that wasn't obvious.)
Why are you making a podcast?
Because I am not a gym bro. The only running I'll do is to run my mouth. I could win Olympic Gold at that, so why wouldn't I attempt to make money off of it? I LIVE to talk. I could talk to you about the wallpaper stylings you gravitate towards, or what sandwich toppings are a "must(ard)" in your eyes. Actually, phone me, I'd like to hear your thoughts on both of these, immediately.
Take two: PR did NOT like this answer. Fine, I'll be more honest throughout this Q and A, ugh. After the... dare we mention it... pandemic, I needed an outlet to speak with people, again. I don't know about you, but my social anxiety was at an all time high post that-which-should-not-be-named (the pandemic). In speaking with my Angel* of a therapist (*this is their codename on the podcast, anytime that I reference them), it was clear then and there that spending a defined amount of time with a chosen friend each week, would not only be a good idea, but an essential one for my mental health. Through those singular hour-long blocks of time, I have had some of the most engaging conversations of my life. The kinds of conversations only BFF's can have with one another. And slowly, my social anxiety has lessened. My confidence has returned. And I can feel the old me coming back to life! As the Kris Jenner of my group, that has lead me to curate a podcast. Because, and I really do mean this, I hope that you will feel included in our group, even if we never do get the chance to meet one another IRL. I want this podcast to feel like you are in the room with us, for an hour at a time. Just us "besties."
What is the purpose of this podcast?
To distract, to entertain, and, when applicable, to make you laugh! We hope that you see, by the end of each episode, the creative beauty within each of us. But, specifically, within yourself! You are a creative. I do not care what job you have, you are creative. I see you. And I can't wait to see your own creative endeavors -- whether it be painting a wall in your house, or selling something you make on Etsy. You don't have to profit off of your creativity to fulfill that creative soul within you. The very clothes you wear are a creative expression. Your hair, your taste in music -- it is all creative. Give yourself some credit! Sounds a bit Ted Talk-y here, doesn't it? My PR Team is loving it, so that's a bonafide, "yes". Hopefully the podcast is less corny than what I just said (doubt it).
What is the tone of this podcast?
Comedic by nature, but sincere by heart. This is not strictly a comedic podcast. Like all great things in life, it exists on a spectrum. The first half (the Gaymes), are truly for fun. I do quite a bit more speaking here than I will in the second half (the Topic). And the topic varies in tone to whatever the conversation's needs are. We try to put disclosures and trigger warnings for anything that is heavy by nature, but in real life conversations, we do not have those. We hope to never trigger anyone. We hope you feel included in the conversations, engaged by them, and that you leave with either a better understanding of someone else's perspective, or feeling seen more by our group, in your own POV.
With that said, I need to acknowledge that the show is un-filtered. Meaning that there is adult language, at times: cursing, etc. Respectively, that may not be your cup of tea. If that doesn't suit you, keep it moving! Find what you like! I set out to have open conversations with my guests, and that includes not limiting their speech to everyone else's sensitivities, particularly when it comes to particular 4-letter words, in the particular.
What is the structure of this podcast?
Each episode is essentially 3 acts. I'm a theatre major, can you tell? 
1.) The first act is all fun and Gaymes. It's a great warm-up act for me and the guest, and, I'll admit, it's a bit ADHD.
2.) We take a quick recess for my mother and father to speak. "Linda LaFaye Has Something to Say" is ~60 seconds in duration and will continue to be a recurring segment, in this act. In some ways, my show is the cushion for her show. She's a star! You won't want to miss the wisdom, and sometimes complaints, of America's sweetheart: my mother! She's as hilarious as she is wise. And her southern accent really brings home her points through a sweet-punctual middle ground, that any other Reese-stan can confirm. Not that my mother is Reese Witherspoon. But she has a LOT of similarities. Don't take my word for it, listen for yourself and form your own opinion. This is followed by my father's very quick Pop-in and Pop-is-outta-here segment, also recurring. Equally as hilarious. 
3.) The final act is the main event. The topic, and main reason for each guest's appearance on the show, is discussed fully here. Well, as fully as the remaining time will allow. Remember, you've got an hour! But ONLY an hour.
What makes you a good host?
I am fine-tuning this. I do not claim to be a great host. I do not have a journalism degree, and would never tout that. I aim to listen more than I speak. And to provide clarity through the conversation on any points that we, as an audience, may not fully know about. 
Take two, PR hated this answer as well, ugh. I am a great host, available for bookings. Like and subscribe.
What if I have comments or follow up questions?
You can always write to me, via the show's email: [email protected]
Why are the titles for each episode Not (Insert Celebrity Name) on (Random Topic)?
OK, let's talk about youuuuur tone for a second here. Judge Judy in the room, much? Well, the first half is obvious. It's clearly NOT whomever the celebrity is in the title. But the guest and I share a mutual love for that person and reference them throughout the episode. But the topic's aren't random. So go wash your mouth out with soap and return for more Q's for an A once you've got that Orbit mouth we all love to see. Thanks.
What kind of guests can we expect?
My besties, duh. This first season is centered around friendship, fully. And each of the people I have on-air are hand picked by me for you! I hope you enjoy our conversations as much as I've enjoyed having them. Everyone that is on the show has worked very hard to be where they are today: mentally, physically, spiritually, and creatively. We are so blessed in life to hear someone's truth. And I am thankful to always witness that on this show. At the core of what makes a guest "right" for the show is that they are aware of their own creative entity. Being creative, tapping into your own creative is, I believe, essential for all of us non-AI humans. And AI needs to back the fuck up from our creative endeavors. We do not need robots painting and writing sonnets. Seriously, wtf is that about? There will be NO AI on this podcast. My guests, much like you, whether the career of which is that of a plumber, or an actor, the financial career does not determine a person's creative capabilities. You have a creative life force within you. The guests and I try to tap into that, with each episode.
Why is "You've Got an Hour" the name of the Podcast?
Because the show is literally an hour. I like a clear amount of time. Parameters for: a start and an end to something. The sound of "You've Got an Hour" can be both a welcome and a warning to the listener, the guest, and even me. I love a double edged sword, don't you? When it comes to "entertainment", I like to know just how much time I'm investing. Selfishly, I set a parameter that I want as a listener. I mean, let's be honest: don't you hate when you're driving somewhere and the thing you are listening to takes twice as long this week as it did last week? I can't stand that. How are you supposed to plan around that? "Drives" me crazy. With this in mind, and also as a total introvert, I truly cap out at about an hour of time. Speaking of, this Q for an A took 60 minutes to fill out. Sorry, my alone time is calling! And this is not a party line. I'll have to call you back... tomorrow.
Where will the podcast be released?
Anywhere that you listen to podcasts! I hope you tune in, and that you enjoy. Season one will have one episode every "Whine Wednesday, beginning September 4th. If you're ever confused on if there is a new episode,  just check out our IG: @youvegotanhour! Bye!
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machifuwa · 2 years
Nimbus Fumble | Episode 5
Season: Winter
The Next Day
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Aira: Himemiya-senpai! This is so tough! Really tough!
Tori: Good mo–Woah!? Shitatori, did you wake up and come straight here!? I'm feeling like a terrible sleeper right now, though!?
Haah. You do know that we're going to film a video, right? Come here, let me fix you.
Aira: Ehh? Himemiya-senpai's doing my hair? It's like a dream even though I'm supposed to be awake. I could eat three bowls of rice just for that…♪
—Crap, this isn't the time for this! Look! Please take a look at this!
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Tori: Hm? What's in your phone?
Aira: Yesterday, you took a picture of me dancing the rabbit dance, right? That was immediately uploaded to SNS. And then!
It's been spreading like crazy! I'm getting a lot of favorites from it.
I also received comments from people saying they were looking forward to the baton! I can't believe the responses were so immediate!
Tori: Heh~ Isn't that great? This is the first step towards success!
If they're expecting so much from you, then you have to be really excited about today's shoot. Since I'm going to be in it, we need to get everyone more excited!
Aira: You're right!
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Kohaku: Hm~? Good morning to you both. What are ya doin' here so early in the mornin'ー?
Aira & Tori: Aah!
Kohaku: Waah…! I hit the tripod with all my might and knocked it over! I-I'm so sorry! I was distracted. I hope it's not broken…?
Aira: Let's see…? Yeah, it looks fine. It doesn't look broken.
Kohaku: Aah… I'm glad. The equipment looked so expensive that I was afraid I would break it.
I can't stand this. From the looks of it, you guys have been gathering equipment and stuff, huh?
I'll help you with whatever chores you need. You can use me as your lackey. I don't know what you're doin', though.
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Aira & Tori: You'll help us!?
Kohaku: Huh? Well, if it's somethin' I'm good at.
But what the. I have a bad feelin' about this…?
After explaining the situation to Kohaku
Kohaku: N-No way! There is no way I'm wearin' that!
Aira: Ehh~? Why? You look lovely. Don't worry, I'm sure Kohakucchi's gonna look cute and good.
Kohaku: No way! It's not about whether it will look good on me or not.
Yes, I did say I would help, but I meant it in the sense of hard work and chores, not as somethin' to dance around with those ears…
Tori: We understand~ Aaah~, I'm glad the camera isn't broken. It's not, but I'm sure it has some tiny scratches or something. I mean, it fell over, after all.
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Kohaku: Ugh…! That's unfair…!
Aira: I would be very happy if Kohakucchi would help us.
Besides, it's a rare opportunity to collaborate with Himemiya-senpai and Kohakucchi like this ♪ It'll surely be a topic of discussion.
Hey, do you really not want to…?
Kohaku: …Ugh.
(Don't look at me like that. It would be hard for me to refuse…!)
(But, it was my fault that I almost broke the camera... I had no choice but to be ready for this!)
Fine, I'll do it. I'll just dance this rabbit dance, right?
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Tori: Ehh! You're really going to?
Kohaku: …You're one pompous prankster. You were threatening me just now.
Well, it's okay. If we're going to dance, let's do it ASAP. I just want to get this over with.
If...If someone from Crazy:B...especially Rinne-han saw me here, I'm sure I'd kill myself right here, right now.
Tori: Eh!? You're going that far!?
Aira: T-Then, let's hurry up and take a shot!
Pyon ♪
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Tori: Pyon-pyon ♪
Kohaku: Ra…rabbit's pyon ♪
(Aaaaah! It's even tougher than I expected…! Just kill me right noooow!)
Aira & Tori: Pyon ♪
Kohaku: Haah, haah… F-Finally, the hellish time's over.
Hm? That sound just now…?
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Madara: Yahoo! Kohaku-saaan!
Kohaku: Urgh…
Madara: I guess the teachings of our forefathers are still the greatest wisdom. "The early bird gets the worm!" I'm really glad I got up early, I was able to see such a cute dance from Kohaku-san as a result.
I couldn't help but capture every bit of Kohaku-san's appearance on video. This will be a great souvenir ☆ Let's watch it together every time Kohaku-san grows older!
Kohaku: ……
Madara: Hm? What's the matter, Kohaku-san? Your face is as red as a boiled octopus. But there seems to be something wrong with it…?
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Kohaku: Aah…AAAAAAHHH!!!
Madara: Woah!? What's wrong, Kohaku-san!? Please don't try to take my phone away from me!
Kohaku: You're being too loud! I'll smash that phone to pieces, and I'll smash you together with it!
Madara: What in the world!? S-Stop! Let's just calm down, huh, Kohaku-san!?
Kohaku: I'm not going to let this calm me down! I'll make sure you never see the light of day again!
Madara: I really wish you'd go back to being such a cute little rabbit like earlier. I wish he'd go back to the way he was before! Can you bring back the Kohaku-san earlier!?
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Kohaku: Shut up!
Aira: Umm… It seems like Kohakucchi went after Mikejima-senpai.
Tori: Well, that doesn't matter, right? We got the video nicely, too ♪ But you'd better think about who you're going to pass the baton to next, Shiratori.
Prev | Masterlist | Next
Aira: Ah, yes. I'll see who I can turn to ♪
- - - - -
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alena-draws · 1 year
It's 2 am and I am genuinely screaming at your art. I always do, but christ. I usually check out in case you've uploaded something new, your art is a strong creative reference point for me, I hope you know that. It makes art feel fun again.
A lot of the art you post might be doodles and quick sketches, but they have so much life in them, and emotion, and I always, always love seeing it. I have a bunch of your drawings saved in a folder for reference whenever I'm stuck and feel like I should have some more fun, and enjoy what I'm doing. Then I go look at it, and feel immediately inspired, and go back at it.
I started seeing your art because of bnha, and THEN I realized that OH? YOU ALSO GOT INTO TRIGUN? My god, I read the post you wrote about the series just being...wonderful--and it REALLY IS,. No spoilers for anyone, just..it's good. its so, so good for so many reasons, and it hit a chord in my little heart, and now youre making art of it? Dont mind if I do???
I read that you were trying to focus this blog into more serious art, and thats fine, although if you were to also post your funny little doodles anywhere else, whatever they may be about, just say where and I'll be around too >:)) its always so very nice to see anything at all. So, yeah. screaming. I just saw the most recent trigun sketches and UGH. Theyre so fine. The cHARACTERS ARE SO FINE. id rant about the complexity and simplicity of it all. You art really shows Vash's emotions, and..ah, it hits the spot. So uh, yeah! You're awesome, keep doing awesome. Sorry about the long message, don't feel pressured to answer ^^)!
Aah thank you so much for that sweet ask!! The fact that you have art saved in a folder and that it helps you get back to drawing when you feel stuck, that makes me so happy to hear! It's in a way one of the best things I could hope to achieve, because even though as an artist you draw for your own joy, if I can move other people or even better, inspire them to do art too, then I'm super glad :') I hope you keep on having fun and enjoying doing art!
Also oh yes like many other people I got deep into Trigun...(I might just add some more to that post that you mentioned, because I haven't yet expressed all that I wanted to say about that show)
Don't worry, the funny little doodles will stay here and continue to be uploaded! What I mainly meant by keeping this professionall-y is, that I mostly want to post art, not too many text posts, because I want my Tumblr to function as a kind of online portfolio/art archive. That works here just a bit better than on Twitter.
Again, thank you so much! I'm really happy you like my stuff so much and took your time to write such a kind, long message! Have a beautiful day and weekend!
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scaracoochies · 2 years
‘Tis the season!
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Summary: A short series of genshin characters & reader doing holiday activities
Category: Fluff
Reader: Gender Neutral
AN: Hello Readers! >:) I’m gonna be honest, I had intentions to upload this on Christmas but the holidays have been pretty hectic (as they normally are) so lets just pretend that it’s still Christmas and all of you are in your comfy pajamas drinking hot coco and eating cookies by the fire and shit. Enjoy >:D
Also I will be adding to this series as I have more unfinished ideas so expect other characters very soon!
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❅ Venti ~ Christmas Caroling
"Come on out Reader, I'm sure you look magnificent as ever! ...Heh, not to mention we're already late."
You stomped out of your room in a ridiculous elf costume, staring down at your overly optimistic companion. Venti put his hand on his chin while looking your frame up and down.
"I'll never forgive you for this." Venti silently dismissed your comment and continued to inspect your new look.
"See, it's not that bad! Actually, it turned out a lot better on you than I originally thought!" Venti grinned while scratching the back of his head, a clear attempt to uplift your spirits.
"Venti, I look STUPID. These oversized ears are corny as hell and I can't feel my toes in these shoes- Also why are the reds two different shades?!" you groaned in agony. You almost started to laugh at how humorous this disaster of a costume looked. "And you look so much better than me- Venti, I never agreed to this! I said I would help you FIND a replacement. Not BE it!"
Venti spoke up after letting you blow off some frustration, making sure to choose his next words carefully.
"But why waste time finding a replacement when the best option is sitting right here! I swear to Barbatos that I will make this an enjoyable experience for you." Venti held his hand over his heart dramatically.
You didn't feel any better in the slightest. The costume fit your body awkwardly and the sheer idea of standing out in the cold singing as Santa's gremlin was less than ideal.
You walked away from Venti to go sit in a corner and sulk, causing him to sigh at another failed attempt. He had to think fast if you both were going to make it there and going without you when he had already promised everyone you'd be there was not within his plan.
Then suddenly, Venti perked up with a great idea in mind. He quickly changed his tone to one of defeat.
"Alright then. I suppose if you truly don't wish to go, it is understandable. And the poor Ragnvindr brothers just seemed so excited to see you there. Guess I've got to break the bad news to them." Venti said with a mischievous smile.
Though his voice appeared remorseful, his face on the other hand did not. Your back was facing him and even you could see through his farce.
"Ugh, Fine. You win."
"Perfect! We should be on our-" you stopped Venti before he could celebrate too much. "Not so fast." you stood up and faced him, completely serious.
Venti turned and looked at you in confusion, his bright eyes laced with concern.
"Huh, what's wrong now?"
"I'll go but only under one condition." A devious smirk grew on your face as the suspense slowly brought Venti’s breathing to a halt. Though you knew it would need some adjusting, you rather go as Santa than his dumb elf.
"We switch costumes of course."
❅ Diluc ~ Making Hot Coco
You hopped down off of the stool and looked back up at your work. A smile of satisfaction slowly spreading across your face.
"There! That’s the last of it." You had just finished your shift at the Angel Share cafe and had offered to stay behind to help finish decorating the place. You loved working here, often coming here even in your free time to enjoy the cozy atmosphere. Not to mention it appeared even more magical during this time of year.
Diluc gently sat the glass he was drying down on the counter and walked over to your side. You watched as Diluc skimmed over the final result.
"Hmm, Nice!" He said flashing you a warm smile. "Thank you again for the help. I should have you assist with decorating more often."
"Oh stop- you flatter me," you confessed. "...Please, keep going." Diluc rolled his eyes in amusement, dismissing your blatant honesty to be nothing more than a mere joke.
"Here, let me treat you to a cup of hot chocolate before you leave for the night. I've been testing out a new recipe and I figured you’d be just the right person to try it out. If you have the spare time, that is."
Diluc was always so gentle and inviting with his words- you couldn't help but notice that his features were far more relaxed now then throughout the usual shift hours. The thought of spending time alone with Diluc enticed you to stay, and without a second thought you said-
"Well who would I be to turn down a free drink?"
You followed Diluc to the main counter and pulled out a chair. He then began to gather all of the needed ingredients and placed them off to the side one by one.
"Hey Diluc?”
"Yes?" The barista whipped his head around at the sound of his name. Diluc currently had his hair in a signature high ponytail and with every move, it swayed along his broad shoulders.
"Is there anything else you think you'll need help with tomorrow? I could certainly use the free hot chocolate more often." you teased, earning a low chuckle from the barista. You brought your arm to rest on the counter, watching patiently as Diluc prepared your drink.
"No need. You're welcome to sit down for a drink anytime. I actually quite enjoy the company." His kindness made your smile grow even bigger.
The two of you chatted in the meantime until Diluc was finished. It didn't take long of course as it was just hot chocolate. Holding up a bottle of whip cream for you to see, Diluc asked if you would like any.
You nodded your head eagerly. "Oh, of course."
After spraying on a decent amount of whip cream, Diluc placed your drink before you.
"I made sure to use milk so it shouldn't be too hot to drink. But I suppose you'll be able to determine that for yourself." he said lowly. Taking a step back, Diluc watched in anticipation as you cautiously picked up the mug. You brought it to your lips, the steam and warmth from the cup bringing heat to your hands and face instantly. The very moment the warm liquid slipped past your lips you were immediately filled with the sweet taste of whip cream and a distinct blend of cinnamon & spice. You hummed in satisfaction at the taste.
"How is it?" Diluc asked. It was safe to say that your reaction was telling enough. You hesitated as you pondered your answer.
"Eh, I had better."
Diluc froze with his lips parted slightly. The shop quickly became even more silent then before.
You took another sip before placing the mug back down. "I'm just messing with you- It’s the best I ever had!" You exclaimed, shooting him a toothy grin. "You’ve got to add this to the menu, immediately!"
Diluc let out the breathe he was holding and placed a hand on his hip. "Please, don’t scare me like that."
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dausy · 1 year
I had nothing to talk about originally and then bam, had to cut stuff out of my video because I felt it was getting extremely long. Not bad for filming one day and editing the next.
I'm waiting for another book to come in the mail and then I think next week I'll make a video talking about my books unless something else comes up.
I am not enjoying the current work schedule me and my husband have tbh. Last week was my fault because I somehow chose to work monday-friday. I said I was never going to do that. I feel like a huge slug because I worked all week and was sick the week before and I havent been to the gym in a few weeks. But both me and my husband havent been getting home until super late in the evening. He was actually at work this entire past week until well after I went to bed so I hardly ever saw him. He worked yesterday and today he's spent half the day passed out catching up on sleep as if he worked a night shift. I already have a sensitive stomach but having to eat dinner so late in the afternoon is killing my gut too. Ugh, my previous coworkers if they're reading this are like "haha!".
but its hard to do anything artsy when the sun is down. Its honestly like work>>rush home>>cook dinner>>play on tiktok>>pass out. And start over again.
bright side is my next paycheck will look nice.
today actually I did get brave and drive out to a cafe. I'm still kinda nervous to drive off post. The bright side about our current location is there is a lot of amenities however everything is simultaneously super spread out, super far out but also super congested. I feel like I have to travel super far to get anywhere but at the same time there is SO MANY PEOPLE. Its so weird but I'm such a nervous driver that I just can't with this many people. But I did get a panini and a coffee today which felt nice. I meant to go to the BIG target but got my roads confused and went to the wrong one. Which was fine. I just havent been to a tjmaxx or target in a long time and I just wanted to browse. Its kind of funny how much money I've been saving because I'm too nervous/lazy to drive to the local shopping centers. One of these days I'd like to venture to a couple shops and thrift stores in the area. Theres one thrift store that looks like they carry a bunch of girly 1980s supplies. Their photos had a lot of MLP, Rainbow Bright and carebears..and like mm..girl take me there. And a cute look tea shop opened that looks like it has unhealthy desert acai bowls that look good for hot weather. I got to wear shorts yesterday, HEY! yay hot weather.
but I agree'd to work monday-wednesday this week and we will be going out of town again here soon in a couple weeks.
As the video suggests hopefully I'll scan in my illustration and upload it, I'm not sure if I like it 100% so we will see.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
My Prompt List!
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〚 Main Masterlist || Request Here 〛
Hey! Below you'll see my active prompt list for requests, there's both sickie and caretaker dialogue :D I made a few changes, removed some, added new ones, ect. I'll still keep my old list uploaded since its being used by other people still!
〘 totally feel free to reblog this list and to use it in your own writing too 〙 
〚Request Here!〛
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𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐨𝐮𝐞:  
“I'm not sick. I literally do not get sick”   
“I think I'm coming down with something.”   
“Does my forehead feel warm to you?”   
“I can't be sick right now! I have so much stuff I need to do”   
“Baby, can you pass me the tissues?”   
"Cmon, you know I don’t get sick.“   
"My head feels funny”   
"I just need some sleep, I’ll be fine"   
"Please stop worrying"   
“I’m wallowing in self-pity.”   
"Couldn’t you keep your cold to yourself?“   
"Stay still, you’re making me dizzy.”   
"I’ll rest later! I have really important work stuff to finish.”   
*sniff* “No, I don’t need a tissue.”   
“I don't feel well.”   
“Woah… Why is the room spinning?”   
“Tissues are for sick people!”   
 “This isn't fair! Germs should see me and run the opposite way”   
“You infected me...”   
“I caught your stupid cold!”   
*sniff* “We ran out of tissues.”   
“Don't come too close. You don’t wanna catch this.”   
“I'm really gross right now.”   
“I don’t need you to check my temperature, I'm fine!”   
“I thought the medicine was non-drowsy…”   
“I’m not drinking it! It tastes disgusting!”   
“I don’t think I can walk straight right now.”   
“If you keep kissing me then you’re going to catch this junk.”   
“I think that maybe…possibly… I might be sick.”   
 “Can we please just snuggle on the sofa?”   
“I'm just trying to get all this work done! I have no time to rest.”   
“All I’ve done today is catch your cold!”   
“You don’t need to worry about me sweetie.”   
“I’ve felt worst.”   
“You probably shouldn’t kiss me.”   
“Hey! You’re gonna catch this now.”   
“Do I look okay to you?”   
“I must look a mess…”   
“Can you budge up, I wanna lay with you.”   
“I'm going back to bed.”     
“I can see you staring at me. You’re not discreet y’know?”     
“Naps are only for babies and old people. I'm neither.”     
“I felt funny this morning, but it wasn’t this bad.”     
“I don't care what you talk about, can you just keep talking?”   
“I'm a little out of it today.”     
“We need to buy more tissues.”     
“I do not have a cold!”   
“I'm not pouting…”     
“I'm allowed to be miserable.”     
“Oh, I'm sorry. Is my sickness bothering you?”     
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to get sick.”   
“It’s a cold. I’ll live.”     
“Hey! Don’t tease me whilst I'm sick!”   
“Are you gonna nurse me back to health?”   
“I'm not feeling too hot.”   
“You better not complain when you catch this.”     
“I'm just a little under the weather that’s all.”     
“I don’t need you to nurse me, I'm perfectly fine.”     
“Y’know… I heard cuddles can cure colds quick.”   
“I sneezed twice, is that a crime?”     
“You’re not going to drop this, are you?”     
“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”     
“Do you actually think I’ve had time to go out and get a flu-shot?”     
“It's chaos here. I can't just stop working because I have the sniffles.”     
“Don’t get lost in the sea of tissues.”     
“I'm not grumpy.”     
“I mean, sharing is caring afterall.”     
“Can you just shut up for a second?”     
“That medicine tastes gross.”   
"No, don't worry, I'm totally fine. Just a little sniffle, that's all." 
“I just can't stop sneezing!”��  
“I don’t get colds.”   
“You don’t need to take care of me, I’ll be fine.”   
“You’re really sweet for wanting to look after me like this.”   
“I totally just got my germs all over you!”   
"Ugh, of all the times to catch a cold, it had to be now." 
“We were meant to go out tonight!”   
“Did you come home just to look after me?”   
"I don't think I can remember what it's like to breathe normally." 
“I think I caught that bug you had.”   
“My boss won't let me take a sick day.”   
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”  
"Why are you laughing at my misery?"   
“Are you seriously going to say bless you every single time I sneeze?”  
“I think I’m catching something.”  
“I don’t want you to get sick too.”  
“For the hundredth time, I am not sick!"  
“Being sick is beneath me.” 
"I'm convinced my immune system is plotting against me." 
“I don’t have time nor energy to be sick right now.”  
“Can you please stop pacing; you’re making me dizzy.”  
"Ugh, the last thing I need is a stuffy nose. I have way too much to do." 
“You gonna nurse me back to health then, show me some of that bedside manner?”  
“Jeez, if that's your beside manner, I’d rather take my chances on my own.”  
“Maybe I should get you sick too so we can be miserable together.”  
"Is it getting colder in here, or is it just me?" 
"I've got the whole medicine cabinet on my bedside table. I feel like a walking pharmacy." 
"I'm tired of being tired all the time." 
“You’re hovering…”     
"I'm not dramatic; this cold is genuinely debilitating." 
"Could you please turn down the AC? I'm freezing." 
“Can you look after me?”  
"I just want to stay in bed all day." 
“I don’t need looking after.”  
“Stop trying to feel my forehead.”  
"I should've invested in a tissue company... sniff... I'd be their number one customer." 
༘ ⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚     
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:   
“Let me feel your forehead.”   
“You feeling alright?”   
“Bless you! Are you sure you're okay? You never sneeze this much.”   
“Baby, I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, you look like shit”   
“We need to get that fever down.”   
“I’ve never seen you this sick.”   
“So much for your perfect immune system.”   
“Jeez, you look half-dead.”   
“Let's get home so we can get you feeling better.”   
“Thats it. You're going to bed.”   
“Aw, you're all sniffly.”   
“Wow. Bless you! That didn't sound too good.”   
“I'm going to take care of you.”   
"You look like death warmed over.“    
"Bless you!… since when do you sneeze more than once?”    
"You’re going to catch your death out here.“   
"Slow down, you’re slurring your words.”   
"Aw, your nose is all red.”   
"You know we own tissues for a reason, right?“   
"What are you doing up? You’re supposed to be in bed.“   
"How did you get manage to get this sick, this fast”   
"Date night can wait; your health is what’s important.“   
"Blow your nose, I can’t understand what you’re trying to say.”   
You can’t drive home in your condition.”   
”There’s no way you’re going to stay home alone like this.”   
“You shouldn’t be embarrassed, everybody gets sick.”   
“I’m not going to take that personally, you’re high on meds.”   
“You shouldn’t be walking around when you’re this sick.”   
“You can barely stand, nevermind go out and do a full day’s work.”   
“If you sneeze one more time, I’m going to start getting worried.”   
“Baby… Are you sick?”    
"Being sick is no fun, but it's a good excuse for extra snuggles." 
“Do you need me to get you anything?”   
“How about we just snuggle and watch some movies.”   
”Bless you… Bless you! Are you okay- bless you again!”   
“It’s not like you to get this sick.”   
"I know you feel terrible, but you're still the strongest person I know." 
“You really ought to be resting.”   
“Can you make it back to the bedroom?”   
“Hmm… I’m keeping my eye on you.”   
“You’ll feel better if you go and lie down.”   
"A little sniffle won't stop us from having a cosy movie night together." 
“Stop sniffling and go blow your nose.”   
“Maybe you should just take it easy.”   
“You’re too stubborn for your own good.”   
“You sound like you could use some more sleep.”   
"Your sneezes are still adorable. Just saying." 
“Aw sweetie, your nose is all runny.”   
“Somebody’s certainly sneezy today.”   
“Hey, hey, we can worry about that once you’re feeling better.”   
“You’re past the contagious phase… right?”   
“Make sure to drink plenty of fluids.”   
“"I promise to disinfect every inch of the apartment.” 
“Was it really worth getting soaked?”   
"I'm not leaving your side until that adorable sniffle is gone." 
“I told you to wear something warm.”   
“Baby, I think this is more than just the sniffles.”   
“There’s no way that you’d make it past lunch in your condition.”  
"I've got a whole movie list ready for us to binge-watch.”  
“We could shower together if that’d make you feel any better.”   
“Goodness, you look like your about to pass out.”   
“Baby you’re delirious.”   
“Do you need me to carry you?”   
“You’ve been sniffling all day.”   
“Those sniffles of yours really turning into something, huh?”   
”There's way you're going out. Not with that cold.”   
“You’re looking a bit pale sweetheart.”  
“Use a tissue for god's sake!”     
“You’re not one to go quiet, what's up?”     
“My poor baby is all sniffly, aren’t you?”     
“Oh honey… You can't be outside like this.”     
“Don’t be offended or anything. But you look horrible.”     
“I think you caught my cold…”     
“It sounds like you’ve caught that bug going round.”     
“You’re in bed early. You feeling alright?”     
“Oh my god. You’re completely burning up!”     
“I think your fever is spiking.”     
“We should get you into bed.”     
"I'll be right here by your side until you're back to your kickass self." 
“Cmon, let's get you into the shower.”     
“You need a tissue?”    
"I'm canceling all our plans for today.”  
“Jeez, blow your nose before you drown in your own mucus.”     
“Don’t worry, I'm gonna take care of you.”     
“How long have you been like this?”     
"Don't worry about the chores or errands. Your only job now is to focus on getting better." 
“If you’re trying to be subtle, I'm sorry but you’re doing an awful job.”     
“I bet I could toast a marshmallow on your forehead.”     
“I think you have the flu, nobody’s ever this sick with a cold.”     
“Come on, let's get you wrapped in warm.”   
“Let’s get you in the shower.”   
“We’re gonna stop at the pharmacy, okay?”     
“You’re home early?”   
“Do you not see how pale you are right now?”     
“Cut the crap. I know you’re sick.”     
“Hush now, otherwise you’re going to lose your voice.”   
“I don’t think that’s exactly hygienic.”     
“You’re kinda cute when you’re all sick and needy like this.”   
“I'm going to give you some tissues and pretend I never saw that.”     
“If you don’t get into bed willingly then I will personally carry you there.”     
“I thought you said that you were feeling better?”     
“You don’t need to be embarrassed; you’re allowed to be sick.”     
“Are the rumours true, is the (name) actually sick?”     
“I’d kiss you right now if you weren’t contagious.”   
“You’re too stubborn for your own good.”   
"Oh, darling, you look positively adorable with that sniffly nose of yours." 
“I told you that you should stay home from work today.”   
“Okay Ms I’m-not-sick, tell me why you sneezed five times in the span of an hour.”   
“Are you done pretending you’re fine?”   
“The only place you’re going is back to bed.”   
"You always push yourself so hard, but it's okay to take a break sometimes." 
“Did you manage to get much sleep? I heard you tossing and turning all night.”   
“You’ve really got the sniffles today, haven’t you?”  
“I’m not leaving you until I know you’re better, and that’s final.”  
"When were you planning to tell me you were sick?"  
"You're the strongest person I know, but even the strongest need some rest." 
"If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here for you." 
"You're sick. If you overexert yourself, you're gonna get sicker."  
“Great… Now I have your germs all over me.”  
"I'm here to nurse you back to health, so just focus on getting better." 
“I swear to god, if you don’t get back in bed, I will physically drag you there.”  
“Your boss called me to come pick you up.”  
"It's okay, you don't need to worry about getting me sick." 
"Did you seriously hide the thermometer?" 
"I love you with or without the sniffles, but I'll admit, the sniffles do make you even cuter." 
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nickywhoisi · 2 years
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The babies are here!!!! Ohhhh! Come look at the precious babbus
Here we have, left to right, Morganite 7.6, Peridot 6.7, and Kyanite 5.4!
I believe I uploaded some concepts for their designs back when I was doing canon universe gijinkas, and also another bit of art where...I drew gem!Thomas and Rosie? It was just for practice. Since then, I have finalized their looks, and I'm really happy with how on model they look now! Ahhh so pretty look at im
The one thing i really hate is that error I made in inking...with the hand. Dear god I don't know what happened. I don't know what stupid fart my brain had to make all the other hands I drew look fine except that one, along with forgetting the layering of the leg. Oh and on Percy's shoulder too! Ugh...it's so gross, I'll see what I can do to fix those later. I've just had some really energy draining times so not now. But maybe when I try colouring... Oh, and I really have no idea why I made Thom's fingers so spiky? It was just how it turned out in penciling? And I went with it I guess? Try to pay it no mind unlike me
But what I am so proud turned out well are the poses. I've suddenly gotten way better at it! Stopped worrying so much about how it's supposed to look and just focus all brainpower on placing where I generally want it to go, then tweak as neccessary. I'm glad cuz I'm gonna need that skill for the future art for this project. I'mmmm cookin up some ideas here, it is gonna be a wild time
I hope you enjoy the costumes I've designed for them as much as I do. Rosie's especially I think is super cute and very her :3
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Saitama x Neko reader. Who is flirty yet when he gets flirty they freeze on their spot and covers their face. Do it. 😈
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How is it my first ask is discribing the literal one shot I wrote when I was 16 on Wattpad 😭
But thank you v much I'm excited that you were my first ask! I've been uploading everyone else's first cause I was worried about getting behind and I was overthinking. I hope this satisfies. Again thanks for your patience!!!!
Cheater (Neko!Reader)
A little thump of a controller bounces beside you for about the third time now.
A laughter erupts out of your chest targeting your god awful teammate rage quitting beside you, "Yeah, seriously? I gotta revive you again? You're awful!"
"Be quiet."
"Nah," you say, swatting your tail at his side, "If I gotta carry the round I can say what I want."
He grumbles as you try to make your way past the enemies to revive him before he kicks the bucket. Granted you could likely survive without him, it wouldn't teach him how to do shit.
It was a decent way to pass the time on a hot day, playing a game you rented to try out. It isnt dry heat either it's fucking moist heat. Where you're constantly sticky with sweat and itchy and nothing helps unless you're locked inside with an ac.
Somehow your friend survived without it through his training. Probably sweated all his hair out that way.
"I'm thinking you suck on purpose so you can get me to come after you," you jest.
Saitama picks his controller back up once he's been revived by a nearby player, "Why would I do that?"
"You just really like my attention, huh?"
A scoff returns your teasing remark, "Oh, yeah, totally."
"It's either that or you're just a hopeless case."
"I'd shoot you if we weren't on the same team."
Another gunshot echos the speakers. Saitama is once again out for the count. Your laughter bubbles out of your chest as the man let's out an array of profanities.
A finger jabs your shoulder in the middle of your giggle fit, Saitama demanding, "You knock that off! I don't laugh at you when you die!"
"Aw, you're so cute when you're mad!" you coo as you run back to revive him.
"Don't-!" Saitama stops himself momentarily in a bit of a fluster, "-just shut up!"
"Make me!" You say as you stick your tongue out to him before turning back to the game.
"Make you?" He asks, "Fine. Turn the game off and come here."
That statement sends a little surprise through you. He's gotta be joking. Dude hasn't ever had the balls to say something like that.
Ignoring him, you continue to play the game, carrying the round as usual. A pair of eyes are burning against your neck, you can feel. He's now staring.
"I know you heard me," his says, as he scoots closer, "Turn it off. I'll make you."
"Yeah, right!" you reply, only half certain with your confidence,"Rounds almost over, anyway. We can play a new game after."
"Come on," he presses, leaning in closer to your ear, "Turn it off, ____. I'll give you what you want."
Your shoulders hike up as a hand starts to run up your spine slowly, stopping just behind your twitching ears. Fingers trace just along the base, starting a petting motion.
Your breath begins to struggle to exhale from your chest, flaring with a heat that engulfs your face.
All your attention now set on the tingling sensation of Saitama's teasing touch.
Till an echo rings in the room once more.
"AHA! SEE THAT? YOU DIED!" Saitama cries out, laughing the loudest you've ever heard from him. Rather forced to emphasize his triumph.
Ruining the moment.
"I-It don't count if you were distracting me-!"
"Aht!" He interrupts pulling away completely, "Excuses! You lose!"
"You. lose." he repeats as he enters in a new round, "and if I had known it was that easy to "distract" you, I would have started doing this a while ago."
"Now that's just cheating!" You cry out while following him into the game.
"Can't take it, don't dish it out," Saitama says nonchalantly with a shrug.
"I'm not reviving you this round," you grumble.
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lovesung127 · 3 years
see you around jjh teaser
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A/N: okayyy here goes nothing!!! i need motivation to finish this so imma post this teaser and if it goes well i'll work on the full fic and post it. i'm about halfway done with the full fic i just need to come up with an ending and do some grammar checks. but if this does do well it may take awhile for me to upload the whole fic bc school's busy and it's getting worse lolol. also this is my first ever fic so go easy on me lol (feedback is appreciated tho <3)
Inspired by @writing-prompt-s: You're immortal and have passed the 'hero' phase centuries ago. You enter a small corner shop one day to find it is owned by your millennia-old arch-nemesis. You really, really need milk though.
I tweaked the prompt a little bit :)
Summary: You were once part of the world’s most renowned superhero organization, NCTsuper. Now centuries later, you’re still alive and you don’t know where anyone else is or if they are immortal like you too. The last person you expected to see after all these centuries was a member of NCTSuper, nonetheless your biggest rival within the organization. You really don’t want to talk to him, but you really need that milk.
Pairing:  jaehyun x reader(gender not specified)
Genre: enemies to lovers except it's more like one-sided enemies at this point, fluff, angst, attempts at comedy, set in the future, slight fantasy aspect
warnings: not much in this teaser, maybe bad superhero names, uhh grammar errors?
projected length of fic: 4k~5k
word count for teaser: 1.2k (1202)
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming this is how these celebrities mentioned in my story behave in real life. This story is all fiction.
This is also my original work minus the prompt so please don’t copy or repost (reblogging is fine<3 )
“Yo! Y/N! We ran out of milk!” Your roommate shouted from the kitchen. Your eyes drifted from your computer screen to the door of your room. You paused your drama and walked to the kitchen.
“Why does it matter? We are lactose intolerant anyway,” You sighed as you scanned the fridge for the carton of milk you bought three days ago.
“Yeah I know but I want to bake these cookies for Mark! And the recipe I’m using calls for milk!”
“Oh my god, Veronica,” you survey the mess of baking ingredients on the kitchen island, “why didn’t you check for all the ingredients before you started making the cookies?”
“I know, I know I know! I’m sorry, but can you please go and buy some milk? Pretty pretty, please? You can have 2 of the cookies I bake?” Veronica begged with her best puppy dog eyes.
“Three cookies or no deal,” you bargained as you walked towards your room.
“Okay fine!” Veronica agreed.
“You are lucky that I was planning to go outside anyway,” you called back.
“Omg, thank you so much! Love ya!”
You tucked your phone into your pocket and grabbed your wallet and keys from the stand.
“Can you also buy some gummies?” Veronica asked
“No,” you replied as you shut the door.
Ugh, I can’t believe I used to be part of the world’s most renowned superhero organization decades ago and now I’m helping my roommate run errands. Times really do change.
Here’s the thing, you are immortal or that’s the only conclusion you can draw. Strange right? It’s too confusing to explain, so you refrain from telling people. All you know is that as time passes your loved ones pass along with it, yet you still remain and never age. Being immortal does have some perks to it: you don’t have to worry about running out of time and getting gray hairs. You can also live to see all of humanity’s amazing achievements from sliced bread to smartphones and the more recent flying cars.
Your time under NCTsuper was one you’ll never forget. You were on a task force with people from all over the world. There was a division of NCTsuper all around the world: Korea, China, Japan, Thailand, Canada, United States just to name a few. Together you helped fight crime in your respective cities. Your superhero name was Butterfly, due to the butterfly tattoo on your wrist that you derived your powers from. It used to glow, but after you lost your powers it was like any other tattoo. Eventually, the world stopped accepting superheroes, and NCTsuper died out. You were never able to maintain contact with any of the members.
You exited your apartment and walked downtown. You heard of this new store opening within walking distance of your apartment. This is great because even though you are immortal and have all the time in the world, you still have zero clue how to drive a car. Luckily for you, Veronica can drive. But now that there is a store close to you, you don’t need to hail a cab or wait for the bus to get your groceries.
You stood in front of the store. It was much smaller than you expected it to be. You opened the door and felt the cool breeze from the air conditioning hit your bare arms. You shivered a bit as you entered the store and picked up a basket. You walked to the milk section and picked out a carton of milk. You walked around the store and bought a couple of other groceries. You walked into the candy section and picked up a bag of gummy bears. You started to feel the weight of the basket on your arms and decided that it was time to pay. You walked up to the cash register and made eye contact with the cashier.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you huffed.
“Y/N?” he stares at you with equal shock.
“I told you not to call me by my real name, Lightning.”
“Sorry my bad Rollerblades,” he smiled at you with the smile you wished you would never have to see again.
“Oh my god, that was one time-how do you still remember i-” you gritted your teeth.
“Of course, I remember the one time you put on the wrong shoes and ended up wearing rollerblades then crashed into the formula we were going to protect and burned yourself in the process! How could I forget!” he laughed, his dimples showing.
“It's been centuries, and you still can’t drop that nickname?” you rolled your eyes as you loaded your groceries onto the conveyor belt.
He chuckled, “It was hilarious seeing you get yelled at by Doyoung. Plus, it still has a nice ring to it.”
“Why can’t you just call me by my hero name? It’s there for a reason.”
“You are my favorite rival, I can’t just call you by your hero name, that's so dull.”
“Oh wow, you’re ranking your rivals now?” You scoffed.
“You know you are my number one!” he blew a kiss in your direction.
`“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes “What are you doing here? How-How are you still alive?”
“I could ask the same to you.” He laughed as he scanned your items.
“Just. Answer. The. Damn. Question.” you said through gritted teeth as you grabbed your card from your wallet.
“Still as feisty as ever I see. But to answer your question, I own this shop. I moved here last week. As to why I’m still alive? Uhhh I didn’t die?”
“Hahaha so funny, I’m sooo glad you kept your humor throughout these years,” you remarked.
He laughed, “So what about you, what are you doing here? And ‘why are you still alive?’”
“I live here, and I don’t know why I’m still alive. I guess it’s the same answer as yours ‘I didn’t die.’ I guess I’m immortal or whatever.” you answered as you scanned your card.
“That makes two of us,” he smiles at you.
Why is he always smiling? When you used to be under the same organization, you were both rivals. You don’t know quite how it started, but all you remember is that the two of you always clashed heads ever since you first met him when he transferred from Korea to the United States branch. He always tried to one-up you every chance he got (he never won though because you are just that powerful mwahaha). Due to this, you guys have this mutual rivalry and hatred towards one another.
“That’ll be ninety dollars,” He said as you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Oh wow, not only did you try to sabotage my mission by popping my tires, but you also overprice your goods,” you scoffed.
“Hey, a man’s gotta make a living,” he held his hands up in defense. You rolled your eyes and loaded up your groceries. You threw the bags over your shoulders and pushed open the door.
“I hope to run into you again Y/N,” he waved you goodbye.
“Not a chance, Jaehyun,” you called back as you left the store.
A/N : so if you made it this far omgomg thank youuu! so hey i'm annie and this is my first fic ever and if you enjoyed this please leave a like or reblog but yea stay tuned for the full fic (if this flops then uh u can pretend this fic never existed lol)
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whitefantasy21-blog · 3 years
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With my last upload of a game AU, I was suddenly inspired to combine what feels like my long-ago favorite game and my favorite novel and that's how we got an Undertale x TCF crossover, but tbh, I think I just needed a reason to draw baby Kim Rok Soo and Cale look at those cheeks aren't they adorable?! anyway, A long time ago there was a war between Monsters and Humans, the humans won and sealed away the monsters never to be seen again
Years later, a human child has fallen into the mountain
That human name was Cale and was found by a young goat monster named Basen, and he took the Human home to be healed
To say Violan and Deruth were shocked was an understatement
Cale suddenly found himself a younger brother and two parents who cares about him and loved him dearly
And they were happy
but unfortunately, that happiness didn't last forever
not everyone was as accepting to the human as they were because after all Humans were the reason they were trapped down here
The Henituse household was attacked, father had fallen in the struggle
somehow they managed to escape;
"You shouldn't have taken me in..."
"...Hyung" Basen didn't know what to say but decided to hug his brother
Cale cries "This is all my fault!" He was the reason why this happened, he always ruins everything
Cale bit his lips, wipe his eyes with the back of his sleeve, he needed to be strong for his younger brother "Basen do you trust me?" "Of course I do, Hyung" they held hands
"Take my soul" "What?!" Cale squeezed his fluffy hands "It's what they're after, If you take it and then go through the barrier to get more souls then we'll be fine" they'll be safe
With great reluctance, Basen reached for the red soul
and the rest is history.
Basen had fallen in his mother embrace still holding onto Cale
Violan's anguished scream could be heard throughout the kingdom as she held the corpse and dust of her children
Years later, a human child has fallen into the mountain
Kim Rok Soo woke up in a pile of red flowers, 'carnations' his mind recalls
"Ugh," he stands up shakily "Woah are you alright?" Kim Rok Soo turned to who asked, only to suddenly wonder if he had hit his head harder than he thought
"Here let me help you up" the goat-like creature said, as she grabbed him and helped him up either not noticing or caring about his flinch "Im Lily btw, what's yours?"
"...Kim Rok Soo" he murmurs, Lily's enhanced hearing had caught it easily "I'll take you home to get treated, my Mom is a good healer, you'll be as good as new"
she seems to like to talk a lot and that was fine since Kim would be able to gather more info
"Btw what kind of monster are you? never seen something like you before, not that I have seen a lot since we're sort of in hiding right now"
KRS could understand with Lily's... unique appearance, a lot of people would be hunting her to sell for a high price
"I'm home!" "Lily where have you-" Violan stops in her tracks, her eyes suddenly unfocusing
Lily felt concerned "Mom?" Violan snaps into attention and suddenly goes into motion to heal the injured human
the black-haired human observed her, 'Monsters, huh, makes sort of sense but how come no one knows about them'
the feeling of heartbroken loss consumes her soul as she looks at the young human child, suddenly remembering a red hair child with similar eyes
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