#tw: tmi
k-atsukibakugou · 21 days
not to be dramatic and or tmi but damn
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azurexsnake · 1 year
Quick break from making out with Nine on the dash, but why does no one talk about girlcum????? I cannot be the only one this happens to. It’s not discharge. Like when I orgasm, I cum, on god. Like it’s white and gloopy, not just clear slick. And I refuse to believe I’m the only one!!
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light-black-stairs · 4 days
Thinking about how Céline Herondale was buried at a crossroads instead of given a proper Shadowhunter funeral because she killed herself, but VALENTINE MORGENSTERN got the whole shebang- funeral, burned, ashes presumably brought to the bone city.
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my growing collection of characters who were on opposing sides of a love triangle when they should have just dated each other:
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I eagerly welcome any suggestions for expansion
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stonerskinny · 8 days
i want my ed to be unromanticizable.
like yes i personally will still be romanticizing the shit out of it because how else am i supposed to survive it, but other people?
i want them to look at me and my behaviors and my ed journey and say “oh god that’s my nightmare i have to get out of this shit”. i want to be the story that scares someone off this side of tumblr and into voluntary recovery because the idea of being so deep into an ed that you not only force yourself to v0mit multiple times per day every single day, but that you also fully sh!t yourself and continue to purge even in soiled clothes because “i only have 15 minutes!!!1!1!”, is terrifying to them. i will probably never get the body i want because my ed is so binge centered but if these decades of bullshit and suffering and misery can stop even one single person from going deeper into their own ed then perhaps it has all been worth it.
that’s why i am so brutally (and perhaps disgustingly) honest on here. because i can fool myself into a lot of things, but romanticizing p00ping ur pants at 23 years old is not one of them.
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gorjee-art · 2 months
god being mean while you're on your period is a dangerous game to play cause when you just want to be catty and a bit sassy it ends with a genuinely hurtful insult, and while they're laughing their ass off I'm :
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k-atsukibakugou · 10 months
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me watching my v*brator charge
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looniecartooni · 2 months
Honestly- this panel is really scary for me:
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Not just because Clutch is a creepy grabby guy or Mimic's the kind of guy where when he's threatened, he'll literally stab you in the back. The fact that Clutch grabs his arm when he's actively frightened and trying to get away. And Clutch is doing it because he knows Mimic is scared and trying to get away. That's scary.
Clutch has a habit of... clutching onto people as a way to build their trust. We see this multiple times. Even strangely with Mimic who actively hates people, let alone them grabbing at him.
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And up to this point- Mimic has never seen him mad. Every time he's suggested a threat, this possum's been cool and collected. Almost allowing Mimic- the constantly paranoid backstabber- to lower his guard.
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But what we know about Clutch is that you don't want to see him angry. This man will take away the basic care rights of a chao and lock it away with multiple locks in a covered cage. Mimic probably doesn't know that, but chances are that he's been alert this whole time.
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And no- I get it. Mimic is no better with chao or wisps than Clutch. We've seen him literally punt one just to make Sonic look bad. Mimic is a bad guy.
Both he and Clutch are manipulative evil men. But like at the same time- this man does not like to get threatened. He goes to extremes to get away from or expose threats. He does not like having an out. And we see how he will react when he's not actively able to find an out.
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He panics. He stammers and panics. Which opens up a lot of analysis for his cowardice character and evil motivations, but let's circle back to the point that this man panics under pressure or when threatened.
Clutch is someone who could definitely hurt him if he wanted to. Clutch's hand literally shakes on the gun-cane he's holding. This is the first time Clutch has actively not been calm and collected and Mimic knows its bad news. So he actively tries to leave before he snaps.
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But Clutch doesn't snap. He doesn't let him leave. He puts on a fake smile and tries to tell him he's fine- it's not his fault. He can fix this.
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I know its two terrible people, capable of defending themselves, probably not that bad. But to be someone that actively does not like being put in danger and having someone you thought you could trust actively becoming dangerous just hold you in place while they continue to rant, telling you "no no- it's okay. Its all just me- not you." And this is seconds before we get Clutch's really creepy angry face (which I forgot to screenshot). He's got a loose grip on Mimic's arm, so it's not as bad, but still... ladies and gentlemen, if someone grabs your arm like this in the middle of them being upset and tries to tell you, "hey it's okay. I'm just upset for personal reasons." That's someone you want to keep your distance from for a while. Clutch knew Mimic was upset and that's why he grabbed his arm. (he did the same to Jewel too btw).
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what-even-is-thiss · 5 months
I’ll throw up and later be like why is my stomach cramping up dude you used those muscles in reverse they’re not supposed to do that very much
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Hi sorry if this is totes out of your comfort zone but I’ve gotten the vibe you’re a gal…how do you write gay sex scenes accurately when it’s an experience you haven’t necessarily had?
I try my best after doing (respectful) research and reading gay sex scenes written by authors I really admire. I’m always open to feedback about what is and isn’t working and I hope folks know that.
But (TMI) the answer for some of it personally is having/being familiar with anal sex. Luckily I’ve been able to do that and think about how it feels/works and how the process flows. Also I have pegged and participated in a few threesomes. Obviously that’s not the same (and I don’t mean to say they’re the same) but definitely close enough to be helpful when writing!
And please don’t take this as, to write this means you have to do the same! But those are experiences I personally draw on to help paint a fuller and hopefully more accurate picture. I have been known to ask a partner or two to block out a sex scene with me so I can think through the writing, and I’ve never had any complaints haha. But that’s how my brain works, and it might not work that way for others.
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chrstphrbng · 2 years
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touyasdoll · 1 year
my mother showed up unexpectedly and I only just now am realizing that I forgot to remove the 10 inch dildo that’s sitting in the bathroom. which she just walked into 🙃
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paranorahjones · 8 months
okay so in the interest of this being the tmi website i'm gonna go ahead and say that the effects of ovulation on women really, really need to be talked about more. so expect some major tmi. sorry but also im not sorry because there is much about ovulation that i wish i had known when i was younger. so if you don't wanna get super intimate super quickly with how my body works, you might wanna skip this one.
pretty much everyone has at least a basic idea of what menstruation entails but it seems like, for the most part, the only knowledge the general public seems to have regarding ovulation is "haha woman horny".
and i mean. that is definitely an aspect of it for a lot of women. that's what the hormones do. but there's SO MUCH MORE.
i'm just gonna talk about this in reference to my own personal experiences. i don't have the scientific knowledge to explain the "why" behind a lot of it, it's just what i experience.
first off: ovulation cramps. they are painfully real. they don't last anywhere near as long as menstruation cramps but for me at least, they are often more intense. they are a more sudden, knife-like pain and they happen in a very specific place in my lower back and down there. they usually only last for a day, but sometimes they're on and off for a couple days.
second: emotional upheaval. you know the memes about shrimp colors? that's what ovulation emotions feel like to me. shrimp emotions. a lot of women experience feeling irritable or super emotional on their periods, and i am definitely one of them. but the majority of the time, my emotions are even more affected by ovulation than menstruation. it's intense. when i'm on my period, the emotions usually manifest as major rejection sensitivity. when i'm ovulating, they most often manifest as grief, but also a myriad of other things. i'm usually a lot more sensitive to the media i consume, and a lot of times this hyper-awareness of my own feelings can be a blessing. depending on where i'm at in my cycle, i often experience a few days of hyper-creativity. being connected and understanding of my hormonal/emotional state helps me to also be more in tune with my creative tendencies. and with ovulation, i'm not distracted by the other symptoms that accompany it (except for the cramps) like i am with menstruation.
thirdly, the one everyone knows about: haha woman horny. ehhhhh . . . for me personally, not really. occasionally, but nowhere near every cycle. that might change when i'm no longer single, but for now it's just not a big deal. the way these hormones affect us vary wildly for every woman and that's normal. if we're being completely honest, i often feel ✨that way✨ more often when i'm on my period than during ovulation.
which. damn. that's gonna be inconvenient.
but anyways, i have a feeling that that has something to do with the fact that a lot of people also desire sex when they're grieving. it's a desire for intimacy in the midst of pain. it sounds weird on the surface, but it makes sense when you think about it.
so yeah. those are my main experiences during ovulation. hopefully this gave you some more understanding on what to possibly expect during ovulation, or an explanation of why you feel how you do during a "random" time of the month that isn't your period.
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mydragonageobsession · 2 months
Maybe tmi, but my group of friends started referring to our periods as “blood magic” a few years ago. As in “I just started doing blood magic again on Monday”
Absolutely cackling while re-playing the games
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k-atsukibakugou · 2 days
tw: tmi
if i had better self control i think edging would gen make my writing better LMAO
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teaboot · 2 years
I try not to be too shy about having had a history of self-harm because I believe one of my greatest obstacles in my recovery was the isolation which grew from shame. It's an embarrassing and vulnerable topic, and I feel that if anyone in my social circle had felt safe enough to tell me about their experience first, I may not have taken so long to reach out and get better. It's a serious topic that is close to my heart.
With all that said and out of the way I absolutely intend to make fun of myself about it
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