#tw: medical emergency
the-writing-mobster · 5 months
Hey guys! This is gonna be a tough post but I just need somewhere to vent a bit, I've been through the ringer this past week. This is kind of a personal post too? So by all means scroll by if you don't want to read stuff about medical emergencies...
Kay. So... I had to take my mother to the ER due to complications with a recent surgery. Scary. Emotional. Exhausting.
Recovery for her will be a long and very difficult journey. Painful. She's doing better now and she gets stronger everyday but it's still a deep concern for me. I know the first week after she's released from the hospital will be extremely tough for everyone, especially her.
Personally, I've been really emotional. Crying on and off. Trying my best to be strong for her. So tired. So tired.
We were hit with a bombshell that she could have cancer, but the very next day were relieved to hear pathology reports showed the mass that'd been removed last week was benign, so that's def one less thing to worry about and a huge weight lifted off our shoulders....
All that being said — Honestly?
I could really use some kind words. Encouragement to help me get back into the right mindset to continue with art and writing. That's my safe space, you know?
Anyway, thank you all, and thank you to my wonderful mutuals who have been listening to me vent these past couple of days.
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monaisme · 16 days
Sicktember: Day 5
#5- Rogue Organ
“—and then suddenly, there’s Brad Davis, with spaghetti dripping down the front of his shirt, and MJ swearing it was an accident. I’m telling you, Pepper, I’m ninety-six percent positive that I saw her stick her foot out after he yelled at Ms. Thelma because, like, who does that?!” Peter was gesturing wildly as he relayed his day to one of his favourite people, “She’s practically an icon—and she’s like- seventy years old! Big whoop! So she didn’t give him the biggest piece of garlic bread! That’s so not cool—”
Pepper loved that bit of time she had with Peter before Tony got home. And she loved Peter’s daily retelling of the shenanigans he and his friends got into at school, but made a point to try and cut him off when he seemed to get especially worked up, “You’re right, honey, and kudos to MJ if she did manage to mete out some justice.” She turned around and started her way to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk for him. “I hope someone on staff has a chance to more officially correct-his—” Pepper stopped short of her goal, black dots encroaching on her vision, heart suddenly racing, and her knees feeling weaker by the moment. “um...”
Peter was by her side in a blink. “Pepper?” He’d already wrapped an arm securely around her waist as her knees gave out all together. “Whoa, now—I gotcha!” With superhero reflexes, Peter caught her, adjusting his grip and lifting her up into a bridal carry. “FRIDAY!” Peter called out as he rushed the now unconscious Pepper to the couch, “Call Dr. Cho and Tony, now! Tell Cho to get medical up here, stat, and let Tony know what’s going on.” He laid her out as gently as he could, then started softly patted her cheeks, “Hey, Pepper. C’mon, wake up, wake up, wake up,” Peter pleaded.  
Pepper’s eyes suddenly flew open as she gasped for air, “I’m okay—I’m okay!” She insisted even as she tried to sit up.
But Peter put an immediate stop to that. “No, Pepper!” He pressed her back down onto the couch. “Stay still, ‘kay? Just ’til someone who knows what they’re doing checks you out? Please?”
Her confusion was apparent and her eyes darted back and forth while she tried to figure out what happened. “Wha—? Peter?” Pepper finally focussed on him, “Are you okay? Did something happen?” She reached up and pressed a tender hand to his cheek.
The relief was overwhelming, and Peter had to wipe away the tears that appeared out of nowhere before he pulled her hand from his face and clutched it to his own chest. “I’m fine, Pep. I’m good. Just relax, okay?”
She nodded, then drew in a deep, calming breath as she closed her eyes. “I’m just tired, I think,” she said, mostly to herself, she thought.
But Peter replied. “Try to stay awake for a minute, please? Help is gonna be here in—” Peter stopped abruptly and looked up to the ceiling.
“Medical staff are in the elevator now. They will arrive momentarily.” FRIDAY filled in the blanks.
“See! Less than a minute!” Peter exclaimed.
Pepper smiled and nodded in agreement, “Okay, sweetie, I will... love you...” and then drifted off into sleep.
“Hang on. Let me get these pillows fixed for you,” Tony shuffled over to the head of the med bay bed and tried to plump the pillows already set comfortably under Pepper’s head.
“Tony. I’m fine.”
Tony smiled awkwardly, “Of course you are...” he trailed off while he blatantly ignored the dark liquid in the small I.V. bag hanging on the stand at Pepper’s bedside and around the room commonly reserved for Peter on most days, and Tony less often now that he’d retired, “In fact, it’s completely normal for you to pass out for absolutely no reason at all. But no worries, you’re fine!”
Pepper sighed. “Tony, you’re being dramatic. I’m a little anaemic, that’s all.”
“No.” Tony pointed an accusing finger at his beloved. “You are a lot anaemic and currently hooked up to an iron infusion in order start trying to get your iron up to a point where we can trust that you won’t do another nosedive like earlier!”
Pepper rolled her eyes at Tony’s dramatics. “It wasn’t that bad and you know it.”
“Only because Peter was there to keep you from braining yourself on the kitchen floor!”
Pepper chose not to respond to the accusation, simply asked the question on her mind, “Where is Peter, by the way? I’m surprised he’s not here.”
Tony huffed as he sat himself back down in the recliner by Pepper’s bed. “He figured he’d be more of a help upstairs with Morgan and Happy—and he didn’t think you’d want him close by with all of the “doctor talk.”” Tony air quoted. “Yes, I’ve updated him and he knows that you passed out because of your iron levels, but the specifics, once you get them, are going to be yours to share.”
“I guess he has thoughts on having to deal with everyone and their dog knowing his diagnosis.” Pepper smiled softly. “Poor kid. We’ll have to be better about that...”
But Tony crossed his arms in frustration, “Yeah, yeah, oh, the burden he must bear. How’s about we worry about the kid later, okay?” Tony uncrossed his arms and fussed her blanket. “Where the hell is Dr. Cho?” He looked past Pepper and out into the hallway. “She said she wanted to talk to us about something when you were a little more coherent.”
It was Pepper’s turn to cross her arms in frustration. “I was coherent,” she insisted.
Tony scoffed. “I’m sorry. I’ll rephrase that... she wanted to talk to us about something when you were able to keep your eyes open for more than thirty seconds at a time.”
Pepper scowled, hating that he was probably right, and especially hating the fact that she was already starting to feel the pull of sleep again, not that she’d ever tell him now.
Pepper blinked, and the shadows in the room had shifted.
“Knock, knock.” Dr. Cho appeared at the door to Pepper’s room, rapping her knuckles against the door frame as she announced herself. “Are you feeling up for a chat now?”
Pepper rubbed the heels of her hands against her tired eyes, “Of course.” She shifted to sit up.
“Hang on, let me help, Pep,” Tony spoke softly as he pressed a button and brought up the head of her bed. “Better?”
She smiled and nodded, “Much. Thank you, love.”
Dr. Cho waited patiently as they pulled themselves together, then stepped completely into the room, and closed the door behind her. She quickly wheeled over a stool from the corner and set herself down opposite Tony at Pepper’s bedside. “Well,” Dr. Cho pulled a small tablet from her lab coat pocket and placed it beside her on the bedside table. “I’m guessing it’s safe to say this is not the evening any of us thought we’d be having, right?”  
Pepper snorted at the understatement, “Right.”
“And how are you feeling? The infusion is agreeing with you?”
“It’s fine—I might be feeling a little queasy but that could just be that I haven’t been feeling that hungry today.”
“I’m not surprised to hear that,” The doctor acknowledged. “Now, before I proceed any further, I do need to confirm that you’re okay with my having this conversation in front of Tony.” Dr. Cho looked serious. “It’s simply formality, but I have to ask.”
Pepper reached out blindly for Tony’s hand, sensing something big coming, and grasped it for dear life. “Please.” Pepper whispered. “I’d like Tony here.”
“I’m glad,” Dr. Cho smiled sadly, “because this is something I’m sure both of you will want to discuss together.”
Tony blanched. “Dear god, no. She has cancer?” His hand tightened around hers.
But Dr. Cho was quick to respond, “No! Absolutely not!” She grabbed the tablet from beside her and pulled up Pepper’s medical chart. “Let me assure you that I have seen nothing in your blood work that would have me thinking that, I promise. Now, if it would put your mind at ease, we can absolutely run some extra tests, but your white blood cell count is good. In fact, most of your numbers are good. I mean—” Dr. Cho swiped to a different screen. “Your B12 could be higher, but aside from that, your iron levels are the only real issue here, and Pepper,” she focussed her attention solely on the woman in the bed. “We’ve had enough appointments together over the years that I suspect we both know the issue.”
“Oh.” A look of realization passed across Pepper’s face.
Tony, however, sat clueless. “What- oh? Pepper?” Tony asked, “What’s going on?”
Pepper opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t seem to find any words. She looked to Dr. Cho instead.
Smiling sadly, Dr. Cho spoke directly to Tony, “Obviously, I am aware that you and Pepper have been trying to have another biological child before Pepper enters menopause without any sort of medical intervention. With Morgan being a spontaneous pregnancy at age forty-five, we had all hoped you could pull off another miracle.”
Tony nodded, confused. They all knew that.
“Over the course of the last year, Pepper has had some concerns that her cycles were changing, with her menstrual flow becoming heavy enough that she was experiencing some fatigue.”
Tony knew that Pepper had been tired. They had a kid after all... but knowing that it had been something more? “Pep? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Pepper voice shook as she whispered, “I didn’t want you to be disappointed...” her voice trailed off. “And if I didn’t talk about it...”
Tony smiled sadly at his pale wife. “Mi amore? What’s this? Taking a page out of my playbook?” He teased lightly as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her temple. “We both knew it was a long shot—and even if we’d only ever had Morgan, she’d have been more than enough! But now that we have Peter... and Ned and MJ are practically ours too for all the time they spend with us. Please, love. I never wanted you to sacrifice your health for a maybe or a someday. Our family is already so incredible.”
Her chin wobbled as single tear fell down her cheek. “I’m sorry.”
Tony pressed another kiss, firmer this time, to the crown of her head. “Ugh. No more of this ‘I’m sorry’ crap.” He brought his focus over to Dr. Cho. “So now it’s time to fix this. What would you recommend as the next course of action?”
“Honestly?” Dr. Cho looked to Tony before setting her sights back on her patient. “With your hormone levels still settled at pre-menopausal levels, we have no idea how much longer this will continue to be an issue; and with your cycles being heavy enough that you’re now passing out... For the sake of your health, Pepper, I’d advise at least a partial hysterectomy, but at your age, I would wholly prefer that we remove everything simply so we don’t need to risk the ‘Big C’ conversation at any point in the future. The difficulty with that, however, is that we’ll be throwing you directly into menopause, which comes with its own set of challenges.”
It was all too much for Pepper to take it.
“I’m sure that you both have questions.”Dr. Cho offered.
Neither Pepper nor Tony could think of anything to ask.
But Dr. Cho seemed understanding. “I’m going to give you two some privacy to discuss things, but before I leave, please know that this is not something we need to deal with in this exact moment. We’ll need to get your iron back up before we can plan for anything, Pepper, be it through another infusion if I’m not happy with your numbers next week, or supplements, or even a blood transfusion. Just—” Dr. Cho looked at the two of them, “take the time to talk to each other, okay?”
Pepper wiped away another tear as she nodded while Tony stood at her side, already prepared to care for the love of his life—whether Pepper liked it or not.
“I’ll instruct the nurse on duty that you are free to be released to the penthouse once you’ve finished the infusion and saline. I’m ordering modified bed rest until you’re feeling steadier on your feet.” Dr. Cho pointed directly at Pepper, “I know what you Starks are like, but I am trusting you to be honest about your physical limitations in the coming days. If you feel weak, you sit. If you need help, you ask. Slow and steady is your mantra until you’re good, but if we hit your appointment for follow up blood work and you’re still feeling shaky, like I said, we’ll need to have another chat, deal?”
“Deal,” Pepper managed a weak smile.
Tony squeezed her shoulder in support. “Thanks, Doc.”
“You are welcome,” she turned to leave, but had almost forgotten to add, “Oh, and one more thing, please be sure to tell Peter I said he did a great job when you get upstairs. You scared the ever-lovin’ shit out of that boy today, if you’ll pardon my candor, and he’s worried about you, but he also came through like a real hero. And, not that it happens often, but Tony was right. You both are a part of what I think is a pretty incredible family unit.”
Pepper and Tony both beamed at the compliment. “We really are lucky, aren’t we?” Pepper replied. “Thank you.”
With those words, Dr. Cho smiled and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Without a word, Tony climbed up onto the bed and pulled Pepper into his arms, the silence bringing peace to both of them. Pepper was unintentionally falling into another dose when Tony finally spoke, “You know what this means, don’t you, my love?”
Pepper hummed in question.
“I need to buy Peter a car.”
Pepper laughed and swatted his arm playfully. “Stop.”
“Okay, okay... seriously.” He hugged her a little closer, “This means that I get to take care of you for once. I’ll run baths for you, and I’ll make your meals...”
She smiled at the thought, “Mmm. You’ll make your mother’s lasagne?”
“I’ll make you whatever your heart desires... as long as I can hide liver and brussel sprouts in it.”
Pepper giggled and nuzzled into his chest. “Sounds like a plan.”
Tony pressed his face into her hair. “Perfect, because I’m planning on forever.”  
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artmolonara · 3 months
Urgent Assistance needed.
Ok, I really need some help. My current job I've only been able to get through with earplugs due to my sensitivity to sound, as constant loud noise aggravates my Tinnitus and causes Migraines. Despite them being uncomfortable, near painful, to work with, I stuck with it. But recently I got sick and they checked my ears, and it turns out that the constant earplug use is causing my ears to develop ulcers. So it was recommended to use external ear mufflers to combat the noise, which I did (these were also uncomfortable after a long time), but it seems that this method is not as efficient at dampening the noise, as now my Tinnitus is flaring up.
On top of the poor pay and the fact that I'm on my feet for 8 hours a day, which leaves me extremely exhausted and unable to do basic functions at home, let alone sleep properly, I've ultimately come to the conclusion that I need to get out of this job for my own health and sanity. No work I do should make me experience a panic attack at the thought of having to preform it.
I'm going to be pursuing an art position somewhere, given that I have a portfolio now on Cara.app. While I do that, I ask those of you who like me for my work, please show your support and donate to my Ko-Fi. I need help more than ever to support myself as I do some life restructuring.
Currently, I'm doing a 2 for 1 commission deal, where if you request a commission, I will do an second request of equal or lesser value free of charge. Also, any donation of $3 or more can request a timed sketch.
Please help, the fact I've been sick the past week has put me in a dire financial situation, and I will not have enough to pay upcoming rent. Every little bit will help, so please donate.
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sortofanobsession · 5 months
omg I’m so glad you’re alive and I hope you’re feeling better. Can’t wait to read your Ted lasso writing again<3
Author's Note: ask and you shall receive...
Content warning: injury, hospital, surgery, anxiety, fear, cussing (it's Roy so duh) Crying.
Paring: Roy/Jamie
Ted Lasso Masterlist
No Show Roy-o
Jamie paced the locker room. The team just watching him. 
Everyone's eyes snap to the door when someone starts to open it but they are disappointed when Ted and Beard walk in. The two coaches look at each other and then the team before heading into the office. 
"Okay, something is wrong," Ted says as he sets his backpack down. 
"Clearly," Beard replies. 
Ted watches the team through the window and notices all the attention on Tartt. Well, then he knew where to start.
"What's wrong, Jamie?" Ted asks as he approaches the striker. 
"Roy didn't show for training this morning and he isn't here yet."
"Has he ever missed before?" 
"The man actually lives to wake me up at 4 am to order me around," Jamie states. "No, he never misses. Not without a text at least."
"Did you call him?"
"I'm not daft," Jamie huffs. "Several times. No answer. Now it goes to voicemail."
"Some of us tried too," Isaac says. "Nothing."
"Keeley hasn't been able to ring him either," Jamie says. "Should I call his sister?"
"You have his sister's number?"
"For emergencies, and Phoebe," Jamie admits. 
"Hold on, you have contact with Roy's niece?" Ted asks. "She's what? 8?"
"That's really the important part to you now?" Jamie asks.
"Kinda, odd friendship there," Ted admits. 
"She insists I'm Roy's best friend, and Roy says it's for emergencies. She has a very different definition of emergencies, like you said, she's 8."
"Okay, fine," Ted says. He could let that go for now.  
"Do you think this counts as an emergency?" Jamie asks. 
"Let's see if he is doesn’t show, not just later than normal," Ted says. 
But when time comes to head out to the pitch and Roy still isn't there Jamie cracks and texts Roy's sister. She texts him back that she'll check his place. And that gives Jamie some reassurance as he begins training. He gives Ted his phone in case she or Roy calls. Ted initially thought it was silly, but about an hour in she does call. She tells Ted that Roy wasn't there and the fact he isn't answering for her is unusual. Roy would never ignore a call from her or Phoebe. But she also insists that Roy can handle himself. And she'll let them know if she hears anything. And that makes Ted a bit nervous. They were just about to take a break when Phoebe called Jamie. She is crying and Ted actually does call Jamie over for this one. And Jamie, still in his kit, drags Ted inside. Changes only his boots while still on the phone and whispers to Ted to get what he needs. 
"Where are we going?" Ted asks but does as Jamie says because something feels very wrong here. 
"The fucking hospital," Jamie hisses, not to be mean but more so Phoebe doesn't hear. 
"Oh, that's bad, yeah, let's go." Ted nods and follows Jamie’s lead. 
"We're on the way Phoebe, just stay there." 
Phoebe runs over and hugs Jamie when she sees him.
"Hey, Phoe," Jamie says and despite the fact she is 8 years old, Jamie hauls her up into his arms for a hug. And Ted is almost envious of how easy that seemed for him. But Ted is still very confused. "You remember Coach Ted?" Jamie asks her. She nods as Jamie sets her down. 
"Hi Phoebe," Ted says. "Are you okay?" Ted asks. 
She shrugs and looks over. Ted sees a doctor he had met before, but she looked out of place in street clothes. 
"Hey, Doc." Jamie hugs her. "What happened?"
"Still trying to sort that out," she says.
"You're Roy's sister?" Ted finally asks. 
"Oh sorry, yeah, Coach Lasso, Doc. Doc, Coach Lasso."
"Thanks Jamie," Ted says at the less than helpful introduction but Jamie is already being pulled away to the waiting area by Phoebe. 
"How much did Jamie tell you?" 
"Absolutely nothing," Ted admits. 
She shakes her head. "Right, Roy was brought in about a half hour ago. A friend of mine on shift recognized him and called me. They think he was hit by a car but we have no idea."
"Oh wow, I am so sorry, that-" Ted starts to say but she stops him.
"Thank you, he's in surgery now, I assume you will want to let Ms. Welton know. He might be out for a while."
"Yeah, right, good calls must run in the family," he says. 
"Something like that," she says before going to check on Phoebe. 
She leans in and whispers to Jamie that Roy is in surgery and it's a waiting game now. 
Ted calls Rebecca and Beard, then Keeley. Keeley is there in less than twenty minutes.
"Keeley?" Jamie asks when he sees her. She hugs Phoebe and then him. 
"Ted called," she says and smacks his arm. 
"What was that for?"
"You didn't call me!"
"I was busy with her," Jamie says, gesturing to Phoebe. Thankfully she had her headphones on and was curled up in a chair. 
"Fine, that is an acceptable excuse. Here," she hands him a bag. "I ran by Nelson Road and got your stuff. Sam had made sure it was packed up. They're all pretty worried."
"They aren't the only ones," Jamie glances at Phoebe. 
"Does Ted know?" 
She glances out the window to where Ted was clearly on the phone with Rebecca or Higgins.
"Know what?"
"About you and Roy?" She says.
"Nah, didn't know if I should tell him. We haven't talked about it."
"Well, I think this might genuinely blow your cover."
"Hasn't yet," Jamie says.
"Jamie, I know you. You're managing right now because of Phoebe, but the minute you see him, you-"
"I know," Jamie seems to deflate. "I am trying so hard but-" 
"Oh babe," she hugs him and grimaces. "I love you, Jamie but do us all a favor and change. I'll stay with her."
"Yeah, right, okay," Jamie says as he heads to the toilets to change. 
"Where's Jamie?" Ted asks when he gets back.
"Changing out of his kit, Ted there is something I need to tell you, the boys might get mad, but Jamie is going to need someone and as much as he tries to hide it he is terrified."
"Okay, lay it on me," Ted says.
"Roy and Jamie have been secretly dating since just after international break."
"Wow," Ted says. "That's…new information." He admits. "Does explain why he has Roy's sister in his phone. And why he was so worried when Roy didn't show up for training." 
"They were keeping it a secret because well, for a lot of reasons, but I believe that ship might have sailed based on the fact Jamie didn't even change out of his kit."
"Did change his boots," Ted says.
"Probably not easy to drive in," she says.
"Probably," Ted agrees. 
"Please don't make a big deal out of it, Jamie wasn't going to say anything because he wasn't sure if Roy would want him to, but Jamie brought you for a reason. He brought you because he trusts you and Roy trusts you. And I know you won't hold this against them."
"Heck no, I'm glad they have each other, just surprised is all. You think Jamie is just a ticking time bomb in this one?"
"Definitely," Keeley nods. "And I'm not sure what will set him off."
"Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep this between us unless something happens."
"Thank you, Ted." 
Keeley heads back to work after they promise to keep her in the loop. Roy's sister comes back a bit later to tell them that Roy was out of surgery but it would be a bit before anyone could see him.
"You should be at training," is the first thing out of Roy Kent's mouth when they walk in. He glares at Jamie. 
"Uncle Roy!" Phoebe rushes over and hugs him as best as she can.
"Hi, Phoebe," he says before looking at Jamie. 
"You really think I would stay at training after they called me?" Jamie challenges.
"Yes, not much you can do here," Roy says.
"How hard did that car hit you?” Jamie narrows his gaze at him. “Because clearly your brain is rattled, old man." 
"How you feeling, Roy?" Ted asks to get the two to quit being so grumpy.
"Like I got hit by a car," Roy states.
"You did," Phoebe sniffles. 
"I'm okay, kid," he says. Earning a scoff from Jamie. Roy glares at him. "You should-"
"Oh, Jamie Tartt's not going anywhere," Ted assures him. "Rebecca already knows you'll be out for a while, and sorry boys, but the cats out of the bag on this one."
"You told him," Roy glares at Jamie again.
"I did not," Jamie looks just as shocked. 
"Keeley told me," Ted says. "Because she was worried Jamie was handling it too well."
"Of course she was," Jamie complains. 
"You did cry, like a lot earlier," Phoebe says. 
"Thanks for that, Phoe," Jamie says, his tone less than amused at being called out by a literal child.
"Phoebe, why don't you help me find your mom and call Keeley," Ted says. 
She seems to weigh her options.
"And stop by the vending machines," Ted adds.
"Okay," she hugs her uncle again before following Ted out. Roy looks over at Jamie and can tell he really is hanging in by a thread.
"I'm fine," Roy says. And Jamie doesn't even say anything, just crawls in the bed beside Roy. Roy grunts but manages to shift a bit to make them both fit. "Better?" Roy asks once Jamie is practically molded into his side. 
"Yes, much," Jamie says and he buried his face in Roy's shoulder. 
"Why am I not surprised?" Roy's sister says when she walks in. 
"Not my idea," Roy says.
"Not complainin' though, yeah?" Jamie counters.
"Tear his stitches and I'm banning you myself, Tartt," she says.
"Ouch, Doc," Jamie says. "But fair."
She hums as she sets to checking his vitals. 
“Pain?” She asks.
He grunts.
“Roy,” she starts but Jamie beats her to it. 
“It's either now or you have to admit it when Phoebe gets back,” Jamie says. And whether it is because he's right or that Jamie's so close to losing it Roy knows he needs to answer. 
“Fine, 6.”
“Right,” his sister says.
She makes a few notes.
It was quiet again when she left. 
“Are you mad?” Jamie asks.
“That I got hit by a fucking car?” Roy counters. That seemed like an obvious question. Of fucking course he was. He could have died. His mind circles back as Jamie shifts. 
“That people know,” Jamie corrects. “About us.”
Roy considers it as best he can with painkillers in his system. And he really doesn't fucking care because Jamie is there with him and despite how he was acting before he was glad he was there. It had been terrifying to think he might die when he has people that need him. 
“No,” Roy finally answered. “Needed you here, and if that's the fucking cost. Fine.”
“Good, because I think the team knew something was up, but that might have been because I couldn't sit still.”
“When have you ever fucking sat still?” Roy posits.
“This was worse,” Jamie tells him. “I'm sure Will is going to be pissed at the state of my boots. Pacing constantly on a hard surface.”
“Well get you new fucking boots,” Roy assures.
“Least of my worries, love,” Jamie admits, carefully shifting so he can see Roy's face. “Scared the shit out of me when I couldn't- you weren't answering. No one could find you. You never-”
“Fuck,” Roy says because Jamie has tears streaming down his face and he hates when that happens. He hates that it's because of him, even if he had no say in what happened to him. Despite the ache it causes Roy reaches up and brushes as many of those tears away as he can without risking his stitches. “I'm-”
“Don't!” Jamie starts to pull away. The striker knew what he was about to say. Jamie vehemently shakes his head, causing Roy's hand to have to fall back to the bed. “You are not fucking fine, Roy,” Jamie states, and it was clear what little hold Jamie had on his feelings was slipping. “Because I’m not! Phoebe isn’t either. You nearly died! I can't…do you think I want to do any of this shit without you? Because I fucking don't.”
“Not fucking asking you to,” Roy says, and it probably comes out more aggressive than he intended because Jamie was no longer tucked against his side. The footballer was on his feet, having wound himself up to pacing again. And Roy's chest always gets tight when Jamie does that shit. He needs Jamie to be okay. But he knows he probably said that wrong when Jamie glares at him. 
“You didn't fucking have to,” Jamie retorts. And that's fair. 
“Fucking hell,” Roy grumbles, attempting to sit up so he can better track Jamie's movement. 
“Don’t do that,” Jamie grumbles as he moves back to help him. “Hurt yourself and your sister will boot me.”
“Then quit fucking pacing,” Roy tugs at Jamie's arm until he sits on the edge of the bed. Roy sighs, ignoring the ache in his ribs as he does. 
“I'm not fucking dying, Tartt. Fucking doctors made sure of it.”
“Barely,” Jamie says.
“But they fucking did, and that's fucking that.”
Jamie scoffs but doesn't bother arguing. He was anxious and still thinking about how much worse things could have been, and how much could still go wrong.
“Look at me, Tartt,” Roy demands. Jamie does. “I know this is a fucking mess, but I will be fucking fine. You know why?” Jamie shrugs. “Because you lot won't stop until I am. You, my sister and Ted fucking Lasso, are all fucking determined. Throw in Keeley and that fucking team. I probably won't get a fucking quiet moment til I'm back at the dog track. So fucking do it.”
“Are you telling me to take care of you?” Jamie asks. 
“Going to fucking do it anyway, yeah?”
“Of course,” Jamie nods. “What do you need me to do?”
“You're here, so things are already fucking better,” Roy states. That has warmth spreading through Jamie's chest because Roy has less filter than most, but it would appear he has even less now. And it's oddly sweet.
“Yeah, I'm here,” Jamie says as he shifts to prop his knee up on the bed and takes Roy's hand in his. The fact Roy seems to relax even more has Jamie smiling for what feels like the first time all day. “And you heard the gaffer, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.”
“Good, going to need help with the kid,” Roy says. “She is going to be impossible to get rid of.”
“Don't lie Kent, you love every second of it. You love that kid.”
“Not the only fucking one,” Roy states. 
“That loves Phoebe? Of course not, she's adorable and-”
Roy squeezes his hand. 
“That I love, you fucking muppet. Sometimes I wonder why but fucking hell, Tartt. I fucking love you.”
Jamie grins. “Fucking love you too, you prick.”
Roy tugs him until Jamie lays back down beside him. There is a knock at the door. Jamie goes to get up but Roy doesn't let him. 
“Well aren't you two adorable,” Ted says as he and Phoebe come in. 
“Fuck off, Lasso,” Roy grunts.
“Uncle Roy,” Phoebe starts.
“I know, kid,” Roy says. 
“Your mum probably knows where his wallet is more than he does,” Jamie says.
“Could probably finally cash out that tab I've heard about,” Ted adds.
“Oi, don't give her fucking ideas.”
“That's two,” Ted states. 
“Fucking hell,” Roy mutters, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back against the pillows. 
“Three,” Phoebe giggles. 
“I got you,” Jamie quietly tells Roy. Jamie grabs his wallet from his locker and tosses it to Phoebe. Phoebe gives him a look. “He's been through it, so I'll take the hit for him.” Jamie grins. Phoebe just shrugs and takes three quid from him.
“Now he owes you,” Phoebe says, setting his wallet on the table by his phone, which he had set aside to focus on Roy when he initially crawled into the bed. 
Roy glares at him, but it doesn't bother the striker. 
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gabbagepatch · 6 months
My insurance just informed me I owe a total of $4,000 for a six hour ER visit. I guess next time I have an emergency I'll just die.
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audreycritter · 1 year
time for my pet PSA again:
if you or a loved one or friend are on an SSRI, please be aware that SSRIs inhibit activity of a liver enzyme that metabolizes some opioids. if you have surgery or an injury/emergency and your pain meds are not working, let your doctor know you might need a different class of pain meds. this info is from a major nine-year study and many doctors STILL don't know to flag contraindications for SSRIs in patient charts.
if you or a loved one are an addict, please be aware that SSRIs increase the risk of opioid overdose because of the uptick in dosage to achieve a high. (if nothing else, make sure you carry narcan in some form for emergencies. goodrx has information on where to get it for free or reduced cost in the united states, or you can search "free narcan" and your state or county in your favorite search engine. this is also useful for anyone who may have an opioid rx for pain management, in case of accidental overdose in the home.)
the study mentioned in the NPR article is here.
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x-is-okay · 1 month
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//New Axl AU dropped. Hi.
//[Copy and pasted from my Discord rambling]
// X is probably the anxiety dad type, like reasonably worried because his kid is a mess and a half, but a lot of people probably would shrug it off.
//X literally pulled him out of a trashcan, so his nickname ended up being "itty bitty Racoon" or any name like that.
//Some of his safety items have a racoon theme
//Axl does his best to be independent and move around on his own, though often can only make it a few feet before his legs want to give out.
//He can talk and can be very chatty when alone with someone or environments he likes! The moment those are not there he's completely nonverbal, For the first year, Axl only spoke to X.
//Can often have self-destructive stimming habits. Think biting, scratching, and hair pulling. Usually caused by his environment, Zero was actually the one to help with this.
//Zero snuck him model pistols to play with [Non combat, basically a toy]
//X and Zero are super divorced, and like with most AUs, Axl is the bridge for that
//X is, while maybe not the greatest leader for a while, an amazing dad. Even if he doesn't realize he's a dad. He's sees himself as a caretaker often and nothing more. Axl sees him as a parent, There's no doubt about that.
//There will be a moment where X slips and calls Axl his son, likely out of panic.
// Nabbing a small headcanon from someone else, he's Aro/Ace. No interest in having him in any romantic situation when he's older, He's just a fella who likes guns and is a medical nightmare
//No one but X and Zero really knows of Axl, Signas and Alia are aware X is busy, but that's it.
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monaisme · 16 days
Sicktember: Day Five
0 notes
whumpbump · 9 months
🛁 for baby
Baby pt. 15 - The Rescue
Cw: emeto mention, nonsexual nudity, abandonment, drawing blood in a medical setting, medical treatment, first responders including police
Sirens grew louder as the young mother and Whumpee sat on the bench together. First responders approached carefully.
“Did someone call for help here?”
“Yes, hi,” the woman started, “I brought my child to the park and I found them here, covered in vomit, cold, and I think they’ve been abandoned.”
“Ma’am, I need you to answer some questions while we help them. Could you come this way with me, please?”
Obliging, she looked back at Whumpee. So sad, she thought. I hope their guardians rot in hell for leaving them like this.
The paramedic and officer stepped closer. Whumpee looked up at them. “Do you know where my BiBi and ZaZa are?”
Shifting uncomfortably by this question, they looked at one another in concern.
The paramedic sat on the bench with Whumpee. “Hey there, you look like you could use some help. Can you tell me your name?”
“Oh. BiBi and ZaZa told me it’s Baby, but,” they shifted in excitement of their secret, “I used to have a different name that we don’t use anymore.”
“If you tell me, I can help you.”
“I don’t want to get in trouble with BiBi and ZaZa though, they’ll make me get sleepy. I don’t like it when they make me get sleepy.”
This was much worse than a distress call. Thinking quickly, the paramedic said, “I promise I won’t tell BiBi or ZaZa that you told me.”
Eyes lighting up with relief, Whumpee whispered their true name in the paramedic’s ear. Writing it down and handing it to the officer, the paramedic said “hey are you hungry?”
Whumpee nodded vigorously.
“If you come with me and my friends, we’ll get you all cleaned up and something to eat.”
Whumpee allowed themself to be guided to the ambulance and giggled as their vitals were taken.
The officer rode along and took note of everything Whumpee was saying, who was in blissful ignorance of what had truly occurred to them. Casually answering the questions about what happened when BiBi and ZaZa made them made them “get sleepy” and why they did that and how they knew BiBi and ZaZa in the first place.
“Well they put this stuff in my eyes. It doesn’t hurt but it makes me sleepy and I don’t like it.”
“They only put it in my eyes when I’m being bad.”
“Oh. Well, they weren’t always with me and then, they were.”
In the emergency room, Whumpee met a new friend - an advocate for adults with disabilities.
They were very friendly and sat with Whumpee the whole time, making sure they always had a friend. Whumpee thought this was very nice.
After a preliminary examination, Whumpee was told that the doctors needed to test Whumpee’s blood to make sure it was healthy.
As the nurse pulled out the needle, tears welled in Whumpee’s eyes.
With sadness in their eyes, knowing something terrible happened to their patient, Whumpee was quieted by the advocate and the nurse gently took blood.
Tears ran down Whumpee’s face. “I-I’m SORRY I didn’t, didn’t mean to be b-BAD. PLEASE-HE-HEASE don’t give me any more shots!”
“No, baby, they aren’t punishing you, they’re making sure you’re ok. Sometimes doctors and nurses do things that are uncomfortable to us because that’s how they make sure we’re healthy.” The advocate handed Whumpee a tissue and talked them down from their panic.
A special nurse came in and asked if Whumpee was ever touched in a bad way on their bathing suit area. Everyone took a collective sigh when Whumpee said no. The special nurse wrote that down and left.
A different nurse entered the room. “Let’s get you clean, now,” they said.
All together, Whumpee, the advocate, and the nurse walked down the corridor to a room with a bathtub.
Whumpee pulled their vomit-soaked clothes off as the nurse ran a warm bath. Holding their hands, the nurse and advocate assisted Whumpee into the bathtub.
Sinking into the warm water, Whumpee exhaled deeply. For the first time in about two days, they finally felt warm.
“Can you clean yourself, or do you need some help?”
“Um. BiBi and ZaZa always helped.”
“Do you remember how to clean yourself?”
“I can try.” Whumpee, a little unsure, took a washcloth and wiped the grime off of them. The nurse offered to wash Whumpee’s hair. Whumpee melted into the touch as the nurse’s fingers massaged Whumpee’s scalp with the shampoo.
By the end of the bath, Whumpee was finally starting to feel the exhaustion of sleeping on a bench and withdrawing from the drugs.
They toweled off and were helped into a hospital gown, socks, and adult briefs before walking back to their bay.
As Whumpee fell asleep on their gurney, the advocate, responding officer, and doctor all met outside the curtain.
Sharing notes, they couldn’t help but remember the string of bodies found in the last few years that had stopped for a few months with shockingly similar patterns.
“The others showed symptoms of being well-fed but lost muscle for someone of their age and ability. As if they weren’t allowed to move around as much.”
“That,” interjected another, “shows that they’re being kept hostage and paired with the clothes that we found them in, would suggest that someone- or- some people, are keeping Littles.”
“If we can get them to identify their captors, maybe we can break into the world of abducted Littles. We know there are more out there, but they’re hard to catch.”
The officer ripped open the curtain, invigorated by the new lead only to find a note on the gurney.
‘Thank you for taking care of our Baby.’
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zuzsenpai · 2 months
Update on Zuko
Surgery went well and he’s recovering normally. He’s got some kidney damage that is expected to bounce back. Apparently there were still more crystals in his urine after the blockage was removed, so they’re still flushing them out, and then he’ll be on observation for another 12 hours. Supposedly coming home tomorrow night. Once he’s home I have to monitor his peeing and give him two different pain meds regularly, so I unfortunately had to cancel going to Otakon. He’ll have to be on prescription food to keep this from happening again. Not looking forward to the price of that on top of the insane vet bill.
In any case, thank you so much everyone for being so supportive yesterday 💖🫂
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it's like the thoughts saw me all worn out by being sick and decided this is the time to move in. so many possibilities. so many ways i could kill myself. not going to though
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calamitys-child · 1 year
You could drop a fuckin nuke and wee weegie women would come out of it smiling there's something that just makes them practically indestructible I swear
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Roy/Jaime idea: Roy eats something and has a severe allergic reaction to it and Jaime is the one to run and get an epi-pen to save his life, and looks after Roy once he comes out of hospital. Jaime stays with Roy, and winds up never leaving.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. It's been a bad week for me trying to focus. I've only had one allergic reaction to medication as a toddler. I don't remember it. I wasn't there for my nephew's two anaphylaxis events. So I'm just going off what little I do know. Not sure if this is even a real allergy. I have external allergies, like contact allergies and a horrible reaction to bug bites, but that's not the same. I just imagine what that would be like in your throat and oh yikes.
Not beta read
Ted Lasso Masterlist
Word Count: 6k+
Paring: Roy x Jamie (Romantic), Roy x Phoebe (familial/platonic, protective), Jamie x Phoebe (platonic, protective) Roy x AFC Richmond Himbos (platonic)
Content warning: Allergic Reactions, anaphylaxis, Hospitals, needles, epipens, medical emergencies, ptsd, trauma reactions
The press will make it seem like I ended your career and then you
Roy does not like people knowing about his life. He likes keeping it that way. 
In a rare week where they end up having an extra day off after one of their games gets moved for a different game to be televised. The team only has a half day of training, and they meet up in the afternoon. Roy picks up Phoebe from school and joins them later in the day outside an unusual cafe. One of the guys hands them a smoothie, some fruity concoction a few of them insists Phoebe will like. And it's fine until Roy tells Phoebe to get her bag. When Phoebe looks up at him, she shouts. Jamie and Isaac are on their feet as she scrambles to get her bag. 
"What was in that?!" Phoebe asks. 
"Fruits and veggies," Someone says. And Jamie gets a good look at Roy and curses. She adds, "He needs to lie down." Jamie and Isaac do as she says and get him flat on the ground. 
"Phoe," Jamie starts to ask if she has an epipen but she ignores him. 
"What kind?" Phoebe shouts. “He has allergies.”
"Call an ambulance," Isaac shouts. 
"Colin already did," Jan Maas says. "He is talking to them now."
Phoebe panics as she looks up at Jamie. “I can’t find it.”
“Does he have one?” Jamie tamps down his inner panic and focuses on what needs to be done.
“Glovebox,” Phoebe says.
“Sorry, mate,” Jamie mutters as he awkwardly gets Roy’s keys out of his pocket and sprints to the G Wagon. He makes a bit of a mess, but he finds an epipen. He rushes back and drops down beside Roy. With little work, he preps the pen and slams it into Roy’s thigh. “You can kick my arse if it bruises when you aren’t half dead,” Jamie says as he looks Roy over. He looked awful. His face was swollen, and his color was off. “But you don’t get to fucking die on me, mate. The press will make it seem like I ended your career and then you. Those pricks love making drama out of shit.” He isn’t sure if he’s talking to keep Roy focused on him being annoying or to make himself feel better. 
“Someone see if anyone has another,” Colin says. “Lady says it might not work.”
“Bruv,” Isaac smacks Colin and gestures to where Phoebe stares at him with wide eyes. 
“But I’m sure it’ll be okay,” Colin adds.
“He’s a fighter, Phoe,” Jamie says, trying to get her attention off of Colin. “Now, what’s he allergic to?” 
Phoebe looks up at Jamie. "He can't have some leafy veggies like he can't use whistles," she tells him. "That's what mum says, at least." 
"I got it, Phoe," Jamie says before focusing back on Roy. "Rough day, coach?" Roy glares at him. "When this is over, I'm going to ask your sister what else you haven't told the team that might actually kill you. So far, it's whistles and kale or some shit because clearly you can't be trusted to tell me." Roy growls, but it comes out half wheezed. Jamie takes Roy's hand and puts his fingers on his wrist. His pulse is fast and all over the place, but it's not terrible. "Just try and breathe, ya prick. Don’t want to traumatize the kid any more than she already is.” 
Colin comes over to hand Jamie his phone, but Jamie just hands it to Phoebe. "Tell them what you told me." It's good for her to have a task to keep her focused. And she knows more than most of them do with this. Jamie can tell the swelling must ease some because Roy looks a tiny bit better. Jamie takes off his jacket and puts it under Roy's head. "There nice and comfy now, innit?" Roy glares at him again, but Jamie takes his hand again. His grip shifts to hold it in one hand, and still feel his pulse. His other hand goes into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Jamie unlocks it and hands it to Colin. "Do me a favor and call Phoebe's mum. She's in there as Roy Kent's fit sister." 
That earns a grunt from Roy. Jamie smirks. "I know. You'll cut my eyes out." He squeezes Roy's hand. "You can yell at me when you can breathe properly again."
"Fuck you," Roy manages now that the epinephrine is working. Jamie grins and carefully sets Roy’s hand down. 
"Good news, lads, he lives," Jamie says, standing up. They cheer. "Still going to the A&E," Jamie insists.
Phoebe gives Colin back his phone and moves to sit beside her uncle. She takes the hand that Jamie doesn't keep using to check his pulse and holds it tight. Jamie leaves for a second and comes back.
"I'm okay, kid," Roy says. She hums but doesn't say anything. 
"How ya doing, coach?" Jamie asks. 
“You lock my fucking car?” Roy asks.
Jamie chuckles. “Yes, I locked your fucking car. Now answer my question.”
"I'm fine," Roy insists. Jamie huffs another laugh. He uses a bandana to wipe the sweat off Roy's now less pale face. Roy grimaces. 
"It's clean. I swear," Jamie says. "Can't have big bad Roy Kent looking sweaty, might make some poor medic swoon."
"You're fucked in the head, Tartt," Roy says.
"You don't know half of it," Jamie grins.
"I'm fucking glad for that," Roy grumbles. 
"Oh, trust me, you'd enjoy some of it," Jamie adds with a wink. And Roy glares at him. 
"He seems fine to me," Richard laughs from where he and Colin stand behind Jamie. 
"Yeah, but unless one of you has another epipen, then we better hope that the ambulance doesn't take forever," Jamie says. 
"I told you, I'm fine," Roy attempts to get up, but Jamie and Phoebe stop him.
"Sorry, Coach," Jamie says. "Doc's orders."
When the paramedics get there, Roy cooperates because Phoebe looks like if he doesn't, she might cry from where she holds onto Jamie's hand with both of hers. Jamie is knelt down to her level and clearly trying to comfort her. The medics let Jamie go with them to look after Phoebe. 
Phoebe stays with Jamie in the waiting room when they reach the hospital. 
"You good, Phoebs?" Jamie asks when she sits down. 
"Yeah," She says.
"You sure?" He asks again. "Cause you don't have to be. Sure as hell scared me."
"You didn't seem scared," Phoebe says. 
"Got years of practice looking tough on the outside," Jamie says.
"Uncle Roy says it's because your dad is a…well," she pauses.
"Bad word, innit?" Jamie grins. 
"It is," she admits.
"Well, my old man is a bad word," Jamie says.
"Mine was too, so we have that in common," she states. 
"We do," Jamie says as he throws his arm around her shoulder and pulls her into his side. "But you're a way better kid than I was. 'Lot smarter than I was. But we don't need bad dads with your Uncle Roy around."
"He's going to be okay, right?" She asks.
"Your mum's here, 'course he'll be okay. Be back to his gloomy and grumpy self in no time. A quid says he's already trying to convince them to let him go because he's fine, and your mum will have to put him in his place."
"You're on because he's not going to argue if mum is working because she is already busy, and she won't put up with nonsense." 
"Oh, fair point. Guess we'll see."
Roy might yell at Jamie for gambling with his 8-year-old niece, but Jamie will take that lecture. She isn't as worried or upset as she had been when they got there. So he doesn't regret it. They argue over what the waiting room TV should be changed to, despite neither of them having control over what is on. They both send Keeley texts from Jamie's phone, and they end up looking at magazines and saying who on the team would wear the outfits in the photos and ads. 
"Mum!" Phoebe runs over and hugs her mother when she approaches them.
"How is he, doc?" Jamie asks. 
"On the mend," she assures him. "Should be able to go home soon. But someone will need to look after him. You up for that?"
"Me?" Jamie asks. He figured Keeley would be the one to do it. 
"I think you can handle it," she says with a sly smile. "And I know you'll actually fight him if he tries to do something he shouldn't. He is not the easiest of patients."
"Giving the nurses trouble?" Jamie asks, glancing at Phoebe.
"Ha, no, not in my hospital. He knows better," She says.
"That's fair," Jamie says. He digs a coin out of his pocket and hands it to Phoebe. Phoebe's mum shakes her head. "You guys can head back and see him now." She has a nurse take them to Roy's room.
"Uncle Roy!" Phoebe hurries over to him when they get there. 
"Hey, kid," Roy says. 
"How do you feel?" She asks. 
"Like I don't need to be here anymore. I'm sure there's someone out there that could use this bed more than me."
"You just want to get out of here before the press finds out you're here," Jamie says as he sits in the chair by the bed.
"Probably already on the way if Jamie Tartt was loitering around the waiting area," Roy states.
"Hey, someone had to keep Phoebe from getting bored," Jamie says.
"Fuck off. I'm sure she was the one entertaining you. You can't sit still for five minutes. You can barely sit like a fucking adult." 
"Wow, rude, and two quid on your tab, for shame, Uncle Roy," Jamie grins.
"Fucking nightmare," Roy mutters. "Anyone tell you when I could fucking leave?" 
"Mum says soon, but you have to go home with Jamie," Phoebe says.
"Fuck no," Roy says. 
"Uncle Roy," Phoebe says and gives him a look she probably learned from her mum. Jamie hid his smile behind a drink he had gotten when he had gotten Phoebe food since she didn't actually get to eat at the cafe. He always found it insanely adorable how much sway she had over her uncle. And honestly, it was something Jamie could just sit all day and watch. Because getting to spend a day with his childhood hero and someone he cared for was just something special to Jamie. To see such an honest and genuine version of Roy fucking Kent. Times like these he secretly enjoyed. Although he could have done without the gut-wrenching fear of losing Roy to something as stupid as a fucking smoothie. If Roy didn’t start carrying an epipen on him at all times, Jamie would because they had in a very bad spot if Jamie hadn’t found the one in the glove box. 
Jamie listened to Roy and his niece argue. 
"What do you think, Jamie?” Phoebe says.
"I'm pretty sure my coach yells at me if I ignore my doctor's orders," Jamie points out, making direct eye contact with Roy. "And that coach is usually you."
Roy groans. "Fucking, fine." 
They settle in and watch some cartoons Phoebe picks on Roy's phone while Jamie just scrolls through his. He texts the team to let them know Roy is fine. And after a couple of hours, they get to leave. Jamie insists Phoebe come with them for the night to “help”. He'd left both his and Roy’s keys with the team. Isaac said they’d get Jamie’s car back to Nelson Road, but they’d drop Roy’s at the hospital so they had a ride home. Isaac assured him Colin wasn’t allowed to drive either of them. Jamie loves his teammates, and he lets them know how thankful he is in texts.
Roy is exhausted and feels like shit, but he is happy to be home. Even if Jamie was now in his home. Roy unceremoniously drops down on the sofa. Phoebe is quick to sit beside him, and he smiles when she snuggles into his side. They had a fucking terrifying day, and the look of absolute fear that Phoebe had during the entire incident was burned into his retinas. It would probably haunt his fucking dreams.  
“Here,” Jamie says, handing Roy a glass of water and the meds Roy's sister insisted he takes when he gets home. Roy’s neck and throat fucking hurt as he looks up at Jamie. 
“Thanks,” Roy says as he takes them. Jamie just nods and goes to sit in an armchair. Roy shakes his head as Jamie tucks one leg up under him. He really couldn’t sit like a normal person, could he? At least the striker had taken his shoes off. But Roy didn’t really mind. Jamie had saved his life and taken care of Phoebe. Jamie could fucking key his car, and Roy would probably let him, today at least. Jamie pulls out his phone and starts typing away at it. After a few minutes, he looks up at the TV and then at the pair on the sofa. Phoebe had turned some kid show on that Roy’s tired brain couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of. “You guys hungry?” Jamie asks. 
Roy doesn’t exactly feel like eating. But he hadn’t eaten shit at the hospital. 
“You eat?” Roy asks Phoebe.
“Some,” Phoebe says. Roy looks at Jamie. 
“She wasn’t exactly hungry, but I did feed her,” Jamie says. He gets up and hands Roy his phone. It had a soup and sandwich place they often got delivered to Nelson Road pulled up. “Your sister says you can’t have much, nothing pointy or crispy, but mines is already in. Add whatever.” Jamie heads back towards Roy’s kitchen. Roy could remember a time that having Jamie Tartt doing anything in his house would have annoyed him, but honestly, he was glad Jamie was there. Roy’s too fucking tired to think about much. He decides to heed his sister’s warning and gets a soup he doesn’t hate. He lets Phoebe pick what she wants before ordering it. He’ll find out how much he spent on Phoebe earlier and pay Jamie back later. When Jamie is gone for a few minutes, Roy considers getting up to see what he is doing, but Jamie returns and hands him a mug of tea. 
“Figured you probably don’t keep whatever you’re allergic to in the house, so it was safe to make this. Might help your throat,” Jamie says. “Or make it worse, I’m no expert.” He hands a mug to Phoebe, who thanks him. Roy looks down and can tell that Jamie made her one of the fruity herbal teas that he keeps mostly for Phoebe, and that makes Roy pause. Because Jamie clearly has thought about a lot of details, Roy didn’t expect him to. He hadn’t asked for tea, but Jamie’s right. It might help. He knows Phoebe shouldn’t have caffeine this late in the day, especially after all the chaos of the afternoon. Her bedtime was only an hour away. Jamie had obviously considered that. And Roy has never been so glad to have Jamie around. Ever. Roy takes a drink and relaxes because whatever Jamie adds to it does actually help. He could fucking hug the man if he wasn’t so fucking knackered. And that was fucking weird. He fucking wanted to hug Jamie Tartt. Because he can remember the feeling of Jamie’s hand in his. It had been an awkward hold because Jamie had his fingers on his pulse point, but it had been more comforting than it should have been to him. 
Jamie doesn't let him do shit. Doesn't even let him answer the door when the food is delivered. Jamie has Phoebe make sure of it, and it suddenly makes sense why he insists she joins them. Jamie knew Roy wouldn't make too big a fuss if she was there. She had been through enough for one day. 
And Roy knows how that feels because Jamie may not have looked panicked while Roy was struggling to breathe. Roy could tell. Jamie’s eyes had been wide and filled with concern. The way Jamie’s hands had gripped him tight. It screamed, 'Don't leave me.'
After Phoebe goes to sleep, Jamie sits on the other end of the sofa and sighs. 
“You good?” Roy asks.
Jamie pulls a leg up on the couch and angles himself more towards Roy. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but fuck you for not actually having that stupid epipen on you. Because fucking hell, mate.” Jamie runs a hand through his hair. “That can’t happen again. Was fucking terrifying.”
“Not exactly a fucking walk in the park for me either,” Roy says.
“I get that, but if you don’t start carrying one, then I will, because yeah, fuck that. Not doing that again.”
“You’re serious?” Roy stares at him. 
“Fuck yes,” Jamie says, leaning forward. “I meant it. You don’t get to die on me.”
“Because the press will blame you,” Roy remembers.  
“No…because…well, forget it,” Jamie sighs. “It’s late, and you should probably get some sleep.”
“What were you going to say?” Roy was surprised. Jamie usually isn’t one to hold back when it’s just the two of them. 
“Because believe it or not, I do care about you,” Jamie admits. “Now go the fuck to bed. Because you're going to fucking need it. And so do I because I already know the team’s going to annoy you if you’re knackered. You’ll call drills and ‘m not doing those fucking knackered.”
Roy nods and says, “Fair play.” 
They say goodnight. 
Roy wakes up to the smell of fresh coffee and leaves his room to find Jamie and Phoebe making breakfast. Roy stops and takes in the scene in front of him. Jamie is making eggs, and Phoebe is buttered toast. Jamie had said something funny because Phoebe is laughing, and Jamie looked proud of himself. Roy gets a sudden feeling of want. And he isn’t exactly sure what that means. Obviously, coffee and food that wasn’t fucking liquid. But that wasn’t the kind of want this was. He wanted this to be a regular thing. To spend time like this. Jamie and Phoebe got on like a house of fire. And that made him insufferably endearing. Because Phoebe liking Jamie means a lot more to him than Roy even thought possible. And Jamie likes when people are happy. Roy used to think Jamie just liked the attention because of his ego. But now, Roy knows that it’s not his ego. Jamie is actually a people pleaser. Jamie craves validation. And fuck the way Jamie grins when looks at him like he is actually happy to see Roy. And Jamie said he cared about Roy. Fuck, it is too early for this many feelings. 
"Morning, Coach," Jamie grins. Roy just grunts. "For the man that bangs on my door at 4 a.m. almost every day, you aren't looking much like a morning person." Roy flips him off as he gets coffee, and Jamie laughs. Phoebe giggles too. And Roy gets the strangest feeling in his chest. It stops him in his tracks. The sound of Jamie and Phoebe laughing in Roy's kitchen, even if it is at his expense, gave him fucking butterflies. That was not a feeling Roy was expecting first thing in the fucking morning. He nearly jumps out of his skin when a hand touches his shoulder. He turns, and Jamie looks at him. The jovial mood is gone, replaced by a look of concern on the striker's face. "You good? Jokes aside, you gave everyone a hell of a scare yesterday. If you're not feeling it today, you can-"
"I'm fine, Tartt. Try not to burn my flat down making breakfast," Roy says to redirect the conversation because there was no fucking way he was going to tell Jamie that it felt like his skin was electric where Jamie touched him. Fuck. Roy needed to get his shit together. This was Jamie Tartt—Prince of all pricks. But Jamie had stayed with him since Roy started having trouble breathing. And if he wasn't with Roy, he had been with Phoebe. Never leaving her until she was safe and no longer afraid. Phoebe had told him when Jamie had gone to meet the takeaway delivery driver at the door after they got home that Jamie had kept her busy and made her forget how worried she was when they were waiting at the hospital. That he only left her if he absolutely needed to and always made sure someone on staff knew she was alone so they could at least check on her. Luckily they all knew her mum, so they didn't really mind a few minutes if Jamie needed to make a call or use the loo. But he only did that once or twice because he didn't want to leave her alone in case something happened. And that hit Roy hard. Jamie really did give his all to the people in his life. He cared about Phoebe. He had no obligation to do what he had done, but Jamie didn't seem to hesitate. Just like jamming the needle into Roy's leg. No hesitation because when Jamie Tartt cared, he went fucking hard. Just like on the pitch. Nothing else mattered. He's thinking steps ahead, analyzing threats, and coming up with contingencies. Give that anxious energy of his a task, and it gets done. Not always the conventional way, but it gets done. And his current task was breakfast for the three of them. 
Roy’s sister came round to pick up Phoebe after they ate. 
Jamie cleans up the mess he made for breakfast, despite Roy’s protest. Jamie just shrugs him off, saying it’s just to keep busy before they head out to training. 
Roy drives them both to training.
Roy finds himself watching Jamie more than usual as the team trains. 
Jamie goes over as they break for lunch. 
“I’m fine, Jamie. You don’t have to babysit me anymore,” Roy assures him as they head inside.
“Great, so does that mean you have no interest in getting lunch with me?” Jamie asks as he heads to the locker room. 
Unlike the last couple of meals, Roy does have the ability to say no. To spend time without Jamie, but the more Roy thinks about it, he actually wants to go with Jamie. So Roy follows Jamie. 
“I could eat,” Roy says and is glad he did because Jamie fucking smiles at him. And Roy’s stomach flips when Jamie nods. 
Roy finds that lunch is an easy affair. They get food at the canteen and find a table. It’s nothing out of Roy’s normal day, but it feels different. It feels comforting. It helped to calm the nerves he’d had since he walked through the locker room doors, and the team bombarded him with questions. His fellow coaches kept telling him to take it easy. The med team checked in with him multiple times, and Roy just wanted things to be normal. The only person that wasn’t actually acting insane was Jamie, but Jamie had been with Roy since he first realized what had happened at the cafe. Jamie had a front-row seat to Roy getting better. And Roy realizes how much Jamie has actually been dealing with while helping Roy. He’d been the one in contact with the team. He was the one fielding two dozen people wanting to know how Roy was doing. Jamie had kept his bosses in the loop and kept anyone from bothering Roy while he was recovering. Roy set his sandwich down and looked at Jamie.
“You alright?” Jamie asks, now studying Roy closely.
“I didn’t thank you,” Roy says bluntly. 
“For inviting you to get lunch where we both work?” Jamie asks.
“For fucking everything. For saving my life. For taking care of Phoebe. For dealing with these idiots,” Roy says, gesturing to the team members scattered around the tables of the canteen. “I’m a fucking prick for not thanking you sooner. So thank you, Jamie. For making sure I didn’t die because of a fucking smoothie.” 
“Don’t mention it,” Jamie says. 
“But I should. You didn’t have to do any of it. You could have just done nothing like most of the people there. The cafe workers barely did shit. You did it. And that’s not something I’m going to just write off. You saved my life. No one has to put on fucking suits and dress shoes for another funeral. You kept me alive. I owe you-”
“You don’t owe me shit, Roy,” Jamie says earnestly. “You’ve fucking seen me at my worst, and you didn’t hesitate to help me. Fucking hugged me, and you don’t hug anyone. You make sure I don’t fuck up and that I keep getting better. The fact you get up at fucking 3 a.m. so you can help me when you really don’t have to. You have done so fucking much for me, even when I used to be such a fucking prick. I can’t ever-”
“You’ve made me better too. You get that, right?” Roy says in all seriousness. “You challenge me the good way, always keeping me on my fucking toes. My sister and Phoebe think you bring out a fucking passion that I’d lost, that and Phoebe is fucking thrilled and keeps asking me if you’ll help her learn to ride a bike.” 
“Fuck yeah,” Jamie smiles. “If I could get your stubborn arse to do it, she’ll be a delight.”
“Guess I have to buy her a fucking bike now,” Roy grins.
“Fuck off,” Jamie laughs. “You’ll fucking love every minute of it.”  
“Fucking shops always upsell that shit,” Roy laments and goes back to eating, awkward feelings discussion seemingly over.”
Jamie ends up looking through bikes online and which shop to go to. Jamie doesn’t need to go with them, but he’s apparently going to. And Roy is oddly fine with the idea of Jamie joining them. To see Jamie and Phoebe doing mundane shit like he had that morning made Roy’s stomach flutter in a good way. 
Roy’s flat is too quiet. He wouldn’t have minded the quiet less than two days ago, but after having Jamie and Phoebe there to fill the space had been something he didn’t know he wanted. Even when Phoebe hadn’t been there, Jamie had. Even when he was just doing dishes, Jamie just had a way of filling the space, making it feel less empty. He would chat with Roy or just fucking exist, and that was enough to make it feel less lonely. And Roy couldn’t believe he was missing Jamie fucking Tartt. He might regret it, but he ends up texting Jamie and making plans for training the next morning. Because Jamie had missed one morning, and Roy was not going to be the reason Jamie slacked off. Jamie hadn’t argued. 
The next few days, Roy finds himself talking to and texting Jamie more than anyone else.
Keeley grins as she approaches Roy before their match against Brighton. 
“What?” Roy grunts. 
“How you feeling?” She asks.
“I’m fucking fine.” Roy is so tired of answering that question. He grunts and waves her off. 
“That’s good. How’s Jamie?” She grins.
“He’s fucking ready to fuck up Brighton,” Roy states. “How else would he be?”
“You tell me since you have been chatting him up,” Keeley studies his reaction. 
“Fuck off,” Roy glares at her. “I have not.” 
“So you haven’t been texting him for the past few days? Like actually texting him when you don’t need to.” Roy just grunts. “Admit it, Roy-o.” Keeley smiles. “You-”
Roy pulls her aside into his office and closes the door. 
“Whoa,” Keeley says, looking positively giddy. “You actually do have feelings for him, don’t you?” 
“Keeley, you can’t-”
“I won’t tell anyone, but you have to tell him,” Keeley insists. “Roy, he fucking adores you. Always has, but after that shit with his dad at Wembley.  And whatever happened in Amsterdam, he rarely talks about anyone else or anything. It's football, whatever PR I am helping him with, maybe his mum and you. I don't know how much he has told you, but that man fucking cried when he got home the other day. Like it was over 24 hours later, and it's like he finally could process everything. And the idea of losing you fucking hit him like a bus." 
"He did not tell me that," Roy says. 
"Of fucking course not. He probably thinks you'd think he's needy or too clingy."
"Fuck," Roy says as he sits down. He'd thought a lot about Jamie the last few days. But the idea that Jamie could feel the same way had never crossed his mind. Sure, Jamie said he cared for Roy. But they were mates now, and that was enough for Roy. Or it had been. "You really had to do this right before a fucking match," Roy says with a glare at Keeley.
"Sorry, not sorry," Keeley says and goes off to find Rebecca. 
They win because Jamie Tartt is a fucking mastermind on the pitch. Knows exactly where the ball needs to go and how to get it there. And Roy couldn't be more proud of him. As Roy makes his way out onto the pitch, he has the urge to fucking kiss the striker in front of a stadium full of fans. And that is a very fucking bad idea. So instead, he hugs Jamie and tells him he did fucking great. 
When the team makes it to the locker room, Jamie is flying high on the win and the fact Roy had actually smiled at him and hugged him. And Jamie doesn’t think his day can get better. But Roy drags him into the boot room, and before Jamie can say anything, Roy says he wants to kiss Jamie. Jamie just fucking nods, and then Roy fucking kisses him, and Jamie wonders if he is the one that almost died a few days ago because this has to be a dream because Roy has him backed against one of the shelves. One hand is in Jamie’s hair, and the other gripping his hip, and Jamie can only pull him closer and kiss him back. The door opens, and an amused Will walks in. Roy goes to pull away, but Jamie won't let him. 
“Don’t mind us, Mr. Kitman,” Jamie chuckles as he steps to the side and takes Roy by the wrist. Roy says nothing and refuses to make eye contact with Will as Jamie drags him out of the room. “Want to get out of here?” Jamie says lowly to Roy, looking up at him from under his lashes. And Roy answers him by gripping his face and kissing him again.
“Get your shit,” Roy says. “And get your arse in the fucking car.” Jamie fucking moans into Roy’s mouth when he kisses him one last time. Earning a few interesting looks from the nearest players, but no one says anything about it. No one gives them shit. And Roy can appreciate that. Jamie quickly gets out of his sweaty kit and shoves his jacket in his bag because fuck that. He’s in a hurry, and Roy is watching him with amusement because he is less than graceful as he hurries. They don’t say a word to anyone as they leave. They barely say anything until they are locked away in Roy’s flat. 
“You know the entire team will know by tonight, right?” Jamie says as he kicks off his shoes and tosses his bag near the wall. 
“Fuck ‘em,” Roy says as he takes his jacket off and tosses it aside. 
“Rather be the one fucked,” Jamie grins, and Roy growls. “That’s some articulate response there, coach. Didn’t quite get that, did you-” Roy cuts Jamie off with an aggressive kiss. It’s all passion and teeth as he bites Jamie’s lip. Jamie gives him what he wants and opens his mouth to him. Roy pins him to the wall and fucking explores Jamie as well as he can while they are both fully clothed in the fucking hallway. And as much as Jamie would happily let Roy fuck him against the wall in his entryway, he knows Roy’s knee is fucked, and he wants Roy to actually enjoy being with Jamie. So Jamie has to pull away. Roy growls when, again, Jamie slips out from between him and where Roy had him pinned. But his annoyance is gone when he looks over at Jamie. Jamie is already pulling his shirt over his head and heading down the hall. 
“You coming or what?” Jamie smirks as he tosses his shirt at Roy. Roy catches it and drops it on top of Jamie’s bag, and follows Jamie down the hall. He tugs his own shirt off as he reaches his bedroom and tosses it aside. Jamie’s trackies are gone. Roy can understand why Keeley went back to Jamie for a good time after they broke up because fucking hell, Jamie Tartt had to have been sculpted by a higher power. And Roy doesn’t hesitate. He’s on Jamie before the smug prick can make a joke about Roy eye fucking him. A breathless laugh is all Jamie manages as Roy gets Jamie in his bed. Jamie is less talkative in bed than Roy would have thought. Sure, he had a fucking dirty mouth, but Roy fucking loves the wordless noises that Jamie makes as Roy methodically takes him apart and fucking ruins Jamie Tartt. The way Jamie moans his name pushes Roy over the edge, and they both end up panting for breath side by side in Roy’s bed. But that has an unexpected reaction from Jamie. Roy had expected him to maybe be a cuddler. Jamie is on his side and looking down at Roy, studying him. And Roy realizes Jamie is a lot less relaxed than he was a second ago. 
“What?” Roy manages to ask. “What’s wrong?” And Roy is unnerved when Jamie just shakes his head lays down with his head on Roy’s chest. Jamie is silent. His ear was over Roy’s heart.
And Roy gets it. Roy had been trying to catch his breath. The last time Jamie heard him struggling to breathe was far less enjoyable for both of them. So he runs his fingers through Jamie’s hair silently. But he knows he has to say something when he hears Jamie sniffle. 
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” Roy says, wrapping his arms around Jamie to emphasize his point.   
"Sorry," Jamie mutters.
"Don't be," Roy says honestly. 
"That's the thing, I know you're fine, I really do." He shifts so he can see Roy. 
"Bit better than fine," Roy grins.
Jamie huffs a laugh, but it seems half-hearted.
"I know but-"
"But it is an impulsive reaction. No rationality to it. Just you hear it, and you can't help but react."
"Yeah, fucking annoying," Jamie laments. 
"It's fucking adorable," Roy says.
"Is not," Jamie says. "Me being stupid afraid is not adorable."11
"It's a trauma reaction, Jamie," Roy tells him. "PTSD shit. You can't predict what triggers that shit. You know that. I think it's adorable because it means even when you aren't worried about what is going on, part of your brain is still making sure I'm not dying."
"Well, it doesn't feel adorable," Jamie sighs. Move until he can tuck his head into Roy's neck. Roy holds him close. 
"I'm sure it doesn't," Roy agrees. "But we can work on it. If it's trauma-based, then it'll get better in time."
"Except it could fucking happen again," Jamie points out.
"And we'll fucking deal with it again if it does."
"Roy," Jamie moves to get up. And Roy lets him because he knows Jamie does not do well if he can't move. 
"Jamie," Roy says back, and it somehow sounds like a challenge, and Jamie doesn't know what to say now. Roy shakes his head and disappears into his bathroom. He tosses something Jamie catches on muscle memory alone. Jamie looks down, and it's another EpiPen. 
"There, and there's a new one in the glove box, and Gayle got two more for Nelson Road. They already have them for public first aid. One is in my desk, and the other is in the treatment room now too. Does that make you feel better?" 
"It does a bit," Jamie says. 
"Just a bit?" 
"Means you took what I said seriously," Jamie says.
"Of fucking course I did," Roy says as he starts to put on a pair of pants. "Did you think I would just shrug it off?"
"Maybe," Jamie says as he gets partially dressed. 
"Well, I didn't because it fucking sucked for me but also for you and Phoebe. And the team." 
"You also could have fucking died," Jamie says flatly, and Roy goes over to him and pulls him close. 
"But I didn't because of you. And I'll try and make sure it won't happen again. Can't fucking guarantee anything, but I will try because I don't want any of you to worry."
"I'm going to worry, just like you do," Jamie says. "Because I care."
"And it blows my fucking mind you do," Roy admits. 
"Fuck it," Jamie says and drags Roy towards the ensuite. "We're going to shower, then getting food, and then get fucking dirty again." 
"Sounds good to me."
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ranma0 · 3 months
Regarding your wounds in fanfic post, what do they actually do for people post epipen/naloxone??? All i ever see is "medical attention" and that just seems so vague.
Thank you for asking @satansvoluptuousthighs I consider this to be very important information
but it's also gonna be long.... so long.... so:
TLDR: The meds might either leave the system too fast, causing the problem to come back, or be too much for the patient's body, causing other new problems. Medical attention typically means observing the patient and treating said problems safely
Here's the long version:
So an epi-pen is basically a straight shot of epinephrine (AKA adrenaline) into a body that did not produce it naturally, and there's no guarantee that said body will be able to handle that. It causes vasoconstriction(1) in order to raise blood pressure and divert blood towards the vital organs(2)
If this blood is diverted for too long, it can cause complications like kidney failure, since the "nonvital" organs will be starved for oxygen. So medical professionals need to ensure that the epinephrine isn't working for too long
Also because it raises blood pressure, and increases heart rate, we need to make sure that the epi-pen hasn't put too much pressure on the patient's circulatory system, especially if they have comorbidities such as congestive heart failure (CHF) or hypertension (high blood pressure) which in combination with epinephrine could cause cardiac arrest, stroke, or any number of severe problems(3)
It is also possible that the epi-pen will not contain a high enough dosage to completely treat the anaphylactic reaction that the patient is experiencing(4) and a medical professional should always be present when administering a secondary dose of epinephrine to avoid or treat the previously mentioned issues
vasoconstriction means the blood vessels (veins and arteries) constrict, or tighten up
the term "vital organs" usually refers to the heart, brain, and lungs
there are also a large amount of daily medications that can interact with epi-pens to cause dangerous side effects. To quote my boss, "epinephrine is a hell of a drug"
there is no guarantee that the patient isn't still in contact with whatever they're allergic to. It could be on their clothes, or if they ate it, it could remain in their system for some time. In the ER the patient is usually stripped/changed and sometimes also washed off depending on how the allergic reaction presents
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The reasoning behind emergency care after administering Narcan/naloxone is similar, but not the same. Naloxone is an opioid agonist, which means that it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids do, blocking them so that the opioids can't set off the chain reaction of effects that they typically do.(1)
Opioids are dangerous largely because they cause respiratory depression(2), that can lead to respiratory arrest. Breathing too slowly for too long can cause brain damage.
The reason that emergency medical treatment is necessary after administering it is that the effects of Narcan only last for about 30-90 minutes. Opioid drugs can stay in the system for much longer than that and a patient may go back to overdosing as soon as the Narcan wears off.
Just because naloxone has been given, it does not mean that a fatal overdose has been prevented. The patient may require a second dose or external respiratory support, such as intubation/ventilation(3)
Narcan can also be overdosed(4) which causes the patient to go into precipitated withdrawal, a very sudden chemically induced drug withdrawal that I have been informed "royally fucking sucks"(5)
While this immediate withdrawal isn't dangerous per se(6) it can lead to the patient leaving to seek out more opioids to reverse their withdrawal, beginning the danger anew (7)
Opioids cause euphoria, relaxation, respiratory depression, confusion, etc.
Respiratory arrest means that a person has stopped breathing. Irreversible brain damage usually begins within five minutes of respiratory arrest, death typically occurs within ten minutes. This varies from person to person depending upon the baseline function of their respiratory and circulatory systems, so younger and healthier people typically have better outcomes
Intubation means that an endotracheal tube (ET) is inserted through the mouth into the patient's airway, it is almost always done while the patient is sedated/unconscious. The ET tube is then connected to an ambu-bag where a medical professional pushes air into their lungs by rhythmically squeezing the bag, or a ventilator (a machine that pushes air in and out of a patient's lungs at a set rate)
Narcan overdoses typically happen in the field when either one dose does not cause the patient to regain consciousness, or the patient's companions decide to continuously dose them rather than seek emergency medical care
This is what is happening when your EMT friend says that the patient sat straight upright, screamed, punched them in the face, and puked, after getting a second (or third, or fourth) dose of Narcan
You cannot die from opioid withdrawal, but it is an awful, painful, uncomfortable, and long process that some claim will make you wish that you were dead
Opioid addicts are still adults and medical professionals are legally required to respect their rights, including their right to refuse their care, but only if they're sober. A patient who is still high cannot be released into their own care (at least not where I live) and must sober up within the facility. They will typically not be given Narcan unless they are still overdosing, instead medical professionals will let their body process the drugs in their system naturally (AKA "sleep it off") while under observation
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this is an ambu-bag and an ET tube for reference
Anyway I hope this answered your question! I had fun writing it out because tbh I love talking about this shit
Please please correct me if I got anything wrong, I did research this post, but that doesn't mean that I didn't miss anything, I'm not a specialist or anything
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sinfulsalutations · 5 months
i know it’s been a minute.
it’s been a while since i came on here to properly talk to you all, but i’ve been meaning to. life has just been… life.
i don’t have a lot to say but just a little wave and reassurance that i am, in fact, alive. am i well? i’m not sure. i’ve been very sick. i’m also going through a lot of medical stuff and chronic pain, as well as two family crises that have been taking up a lot of my mental space.
i’ve been still writing recreationally, but i’ve been having trouble getting myself to get on this blog and interact. i’m not very sure why, but i do miss it. i wish i had more in me to do what i love.
hopefully i’ll be able to return during the summer, or when time frees up for me, whenever that is. i’m at a strange crossroads in my life atm, i truly am feeling 22. and most likely, everything will be alright, but i gotta just get through this stretch. tbh, i just need to get through today.
we’ll see how things go. but i’m just saying hi. love yall. hope you’re doing well. and yeah, i’m not dead.
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opossum-by-night · 6 months
(TW: medical emergency)
Oh, also, the raccoon had a horrible anaphylactic reaction over the weekend and we didn't have an EpiPen so we had to rush him to the emergency room while his throat was actively closing up and then he had to spend the night at the hospital, but the bright side is that I got to use my one and only life skill of Being Really Good in a Crisis™
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