#tw: cun
rawbutprecious · 7 months
“<-” for the reverse (Iris Flynn to Garcia Flynn-- maybe a verse where he saves her from dying?)
He got home early. The job had been taken care of to the best of his abilities. It had been long and hard and grueling. Not everyone survived. But it got done. All he wanted was to go home, tell his daughter good night by reading her a bedtime story (even though she was close to graduating) and have a mug of herbal tea with his wife before going to bed. He knew they would be relocated again and Flynn just wanted one night of peace before that happened.
However, he noticed the lock broken and door kicked open. He drew his gun and readied it for whatever might be before them. Charing in, he saw the enemy. The guy had a gun draw and was prepping to shoot. "Watch out!" he growled rushing forward and pushing his daughter out of the way.
Pain radiated through his shoulder. "Run and don't call 911! Get away as fast as possible," he instructed. "Take my spare phone... you know where it is and call the first number listed."
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duckysprouts · 2 months
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“fair enough”
by the way, i’m doing the math and they are like in their mid 20s when odysseus framed palamedes, lmao. and you think your workplace hostility is bad?
anyway, love ody but he can be such a dick
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lady-arryn · 3 months
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Matteo Martari as Francesco Pazzi S02E08 • Medici: The Magnificent
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 4 months
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did i ever tell y'all abt this idea i had for an au where the DCA are fae and reader is a regular human person who managers to outsmart them into being their servants but its ok bc they lowkey think ur rlly pretty af and also they like the idea of being completely and entirely yours (and perhaps you being completely entirely theirs)
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catkindness · 2 years
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✨ everyone is dumb ✨
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severussnapemylove · 10 months
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soupalley · 1 year
swagless teen vs dripped out gilf
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a literal fever dream turned au in collaboration with my good friend @kasketeru , resulting in their wonderful fic
twirls hair and kicks my feet
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ocean-not-found · 8 months
Prayer to Mother Mary
Our Lady; Queen of Heaven; Mother of All.
Great Mary, from the Lineage of Hera, Inanna, Ishtar, and Astarte.
Help the people in the Palestine-Israel war, and the Ukraine-Russia war.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace.
Help them.
Hear their prayers.
Hear their cries, O lady of Sorrows.
Hold them under your Starry Mantle.
Keep civilians safe.
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lezzzstargirl · 3 months
Zenless Zone Zero Release Teaser: The Person You Are Calling Is In A Hollow
Act One Scene One
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toomanyclown · 1 year
Hello!!! How are all of you silly goobers doing currently?! I brought cookies and milk for everyone!! 🍪🥛
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C: You know that's probably been either poisoned, drugged or both, right? ... I'm not touching it.
M: More for me then!!
C: > I suppose this machine will send a message back to the sender i presume? Well, in that case... To answer your question i am both perplexed and intrigued by our current situation.
Not only are we dealing with clones, but now a weird machine that pops out these messages along with objects.
It's all strange, but i can't help being so curious of it all.
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son-of-pendragon · 4 months
@avaloniamagus continued from here
Taking a deep breath (was he really about to do this? apparently), appreciating the rush that cut off the anxious twitching and/or rocking before it could start for now, Mordred exhaled again before replying to the magus. Blue-green eyes swept over Merlin’s face and landed around his left ear, draconic slit pupils taking in the Castor his Father still trusted implicitly. “From one inhuman creature to another… Does love exist, or is it just a lie humans tell themselves?” A stupid question, probably, but.
Even in Chaldea, he still didn’t understand.
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boydswan · 11 months
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So Soft, So Cunning (1979) dir. Toshiya Fujita
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lapetitechatonne · 7 months
small rant
listen. i love tim. i’ve been writing a character study about him for over a year.
but if i read one more “aww Tim was just a baby boi 🥺 and everyone was so mean to him when Bruce died” post i’m GOING to scream. in fact i was yelling about it and my girlfriend had to listen to it all so she’s really the victim in all this.
stop👏sacrificing👏THE WHOLE ARCH👏and everyone’s👏characterization👏to👏babygirl-ify👏him👏
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necrophcge · 7 months
Created as a biological weapon for an intergalactic war they never saw by a precursor civilization that destroyed itself, the Necrophage are a seething tide of hunger and violence that destroy what little they cannot consume. Each Necrophage possesses chitin plates sturdy enough to turn away mundane weaponry, with claws sharp enough to rend flesh with ease and jaws strong enough to crush stone into powder. Born from eggs laid within the slain corpses of their enemies, the Necrophage that emerges can potentially carry elements of their host's DNA, oftentimes resulting in accelerated adaptations to their environments.
Structured into a hive and interconnected via the strands of a web of collective consciousness, the Necrophage are little more than simple beasts in terms of intelligence, governed by their instincts save for when He Who Meddles commands them. They are divided into four categories based on their relative roles within the swarm.
Foragers are the most commonly seen of the Necrophage, occupying the roles of worker and warrior alike as they expand the tunnels of the hive and swarm over the enemy in a biting, clawing horde. Their bile is highly acidic, allowing them to dissolve all manner of materials whether they be obstacle or opponent. With highly acute senses, foragers are often sent to scout out prospective feeding grounds, leaving pheromones for their kindred to eventually follow en masse.
Necrodrones are swift and deadly, quickly striking at their prey before disappearing just as soon as they appeared in sudden blitzes. Easily the fastest of all the Necrophage despite their relatively large size, they can cover vast swathes of land within hours, the drumbeat of their wings oftentimes the only warning a populace might receive of the arrival of the rest of the swarm. Capable of spewing clouds of caustic venom, necrodrones often swoop in to rain death upon heavily defended positions to soften them up for their slower kindred.
Battle Born are spawned for when the Necrophage move to open war, bursting from the corpses of the freshly fallen dead fully-formed and bristling with violence. Their inability to feel pain allows them to fight on past wounds that would incapacitate other members of the hive, and the culling of the synapses responsible for fear within their minds prevents them from being deterred even in the face of guaranteed obliteration. Unskilled at tasks associated with anything beyond the scope of battle and requiring vast quantities of food to sustain their high metabolisms lest they starve, battle born are typically lulled into a state of hibernation when the need for them is not so great.
Proliferators are the living, breathing hatcheries of the Necrophage hive and are the beings responsible for bringing more of the swarm into being. Leviathans of chitin and flesh, they are slow moving and ill-suited for battle, preferring to be hidden within the confines of the hive or surrounded by more combative members of their kindred while awaiting the arrival of hosts and fresh corpses to incubate clutches of eggs. Notably proliferator bile is a key compound in the creation of battle born and highly infectious to living beings; when a creature infected with the bile dies, the remains are rapidly broken down into a slurry that facilitates the growth and subsequent birth of a battle born within mere hours.
While considered to be outliers due to their extreme rarity in comparison to standard Necrophage, instances of Necrophage that've been exposed to the potent substance known as Dust can manifest abilities that far surpass those of their lesser kindred. While none of these Champions have exhibited the same sapience and enhanced intellect that He Who Meddles acquired from his own exposure to Dust, they categorically possess superhuman strength and resilience, making them perfectly suited to pit against the greatest foes of the hive.
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masquenoire · 1 year
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He remembered it like it was yesterday, eight years old and dragged to yet another stupid party hosted by his parents. Hiding under the table which was covered by an ornate table cloth, it was the perfect place in which to hide away from prying eyes and judgemental gazes of other people. Roman had little interest in talking to any of them, with their fake smiles plastered across their equally fake faces, pretending to like those they were forced to socialize with. His parents were the worst, basking in the attention of their peers like how snakes would bask in the sun. Roman hated them all, scowling from beneath his protective cover. Bored eyes scanned the crowd, looking for those select few people whose company he was able to stomach. Mary wasn't here; he'd have spotted her blonde hair flashing amongst the crowd by now. Similarily there was no Viktor, hiding behind Mr. and Mr's Zsasz's legs. Dark hair caught his attention, and Roman suddenly froze. Bruce Wayne. Roman recognized him instantly, even with his head down as he wandered between the forest of bodies dirtying his family's garden with their presence. How dare he show his face here? Roman's blood boiled, hating every inch of him. His fingers tightened around the knife he’d stolen from the table above, wishing he could give the other boy a sharp poke with it. It wasn’t as though it would be dangerous; the blade was only sharp enough to cut slices of beef and other food that had been dished out to guests, make him squeal and go running back to his mother perhaps. But then Bruce wandered closer, his attention elsewhere and Roman froze, fingers clutching the dinner knife so hard his knuckles turned white. Then Bruce turned in the opposite direction, his mother’s hand suddenly on his shoulder to gently guide her son away. Roman stared from beneath the table as they vanished into the crowd, eyes cold and hard before widening in surprise as he felt himself being yanked to his feet by his hair, his own mother hissing obscenities when she thought nobody else would be able to hear over the din of voices and music all around. It hurt, Roman wincing further as her fingers twisted hard before mercifully letting go, only to slip her mask back on as though nothing had happened. Roman had never hated her more in that moment, Mrs. Sionis suddenly acting every bit the loving mother concerned about her child's disappearance and urging him back into the fray to socialize and play like a good little girl, and to not be a bother again or else. Before the table cover fell, Roman cast a longing gaze back to the knife he’d dropped when his mother had found him, still gleaming on the grass where it had fallen until the waiters would find it later, none the wiser as to how it had gotten there.
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finexbright · 1 year
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