Raw but Precious
3K posts
Multi-muse RP Blog. Kay. They/She. Left-handed. Autistic. Non-binary. bisexual. Is 37. Celiac. Lives in EST. Has many pets. is getting a doctorate. RPs with 18+ only (preferred 20+). ~ Rules~ . ~Muses~ . ~Meme~
Last active 2 hours ago
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rawbutprecious · 4 days ago
Not my Homeland
Angels, demons, and humans were not so different - even if they wanted to believe that. That had needs, desires, fears. They had things they liked and disliked. They had strengths and weaknesses and faults. It made helping so incredibly hard.
It made creating change so incredibly difficult. It made being away so incredibly difficult.
He had been the First Principality for several years. He had not been to earth that time. Every single day it grew harder and harder. Until one day it became unbearable so he left. The angel just - left. He did not tell anyone. He did not leave a note. He did not take anything (granted he had nothing to take).
And now he found himself on earth in front of his bookshop, well technically in the middle of the road during rush hour. He did not know what he was supposed to do. He did not know where he ought to go. He just stood there transfixed to the spot.
Aziraphale could not for the life of him figure out why he stood there. What exactly was this place. It was so noisy and crowded with hubub happening here, there and everywhere. Was a foreign place. it had been long enough that Aziraphale had started to forget what Earthly existence was like. The more he stood there the more he realized there were gaps in his thoughts. Bits and pieces of memories flickered through his mind. He knew he was an angel. He knew his name was Aziraphale. He knew a demon named Crowley. That was about it. He could not figure out how all that connected or why it connected. He just knew those things went together.
The vehicles honked at him. People waved and cursed and gave the middle finger. He tried to wave and smile in return, but it only seemed to anger them more. What was he to do? What was he supposed to do? He found himself completely lost in attempts to figure out what ought to be done and what had happened? He knew he left Heaven and he figured that the angels might be quite angry with him. He was in charge up there, after there (at least he assumed he had been). He also had a feeling he'd been privy to something very important but what exactly was had wiped itself away. It felt as if his memories were just being pulled from him like fish being plucked from water.
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rawbutprecious · 7 days ago
“Hey. What’s going on with you and Emma?” for Neal from his stepmum 😅
Neal laughed. With a shake of the head, he also shrugged his shoulders. "We go way back. She stole a stolen car from me. I was napping and she broke in and the rest is history. We kind of bid the Bonnie and Clyde thing for awhile. Then I broke her heart and trust," he said. " We didn't see each other for over a decade. And I'm pretty sure she hates my guts. I don't blame her. I left her. She went to jail for something I did and she thinks I called the cops on her but I didn't. But I guess that doesn't matter. Not after all this time. So I don't know.:
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rawbutprecious · 7 days ago
“Why are you sneaking around here like that?” for Neal/Bae
"I'm not? I tend to deal with insomnia and I like to take a walk," he admitted. " Why are you sneaking around? Why are you in the park right now? I thought you and my dad had something going on."
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rawbutprecious · 7 days ago
‘Tell me what I did wrong.’ Rory to Jess
Jess stuffed his hands into his the pockets of his leather jacket. Fingers curling into fists, the dark-haired young man felt his fingernails dig into his palm. He wasn't angry at Rory for asking. Here's angry at himself. Angry that he couldn't do more. Angry that he couldn't be more. Angry that he was back in Stars Hollow because he just couldn't exist on his own - as much as he wanted.
" Nothing, Rory. You didn't do anything. It's me. I know that's a crappy line that people pull, but it really is," Jess answered has he watched fireflies flickering in the distance. It gave him something to focus on so he didn't turn to face her. He didn't want her seeing his failures or his grief. They etched themselves in his eyes and lines of his face and they wouldn't leave. " I messed up. I kept messing up. And now I'm here without anything. I don't even have a home."
For so long he had kept it all bottled up. He pushed everyone away. He hid what was going on so no one knew. They thought it was the best choice and the easiest choice. But it was the most lonely position of his life.
" Luke and I had a deal when I came back. I would graduate high school and he'd let me stay as long as I needed or wanted. I couldn't graduate. I couldn't pass the tests so I start working more. I kept skipping. I miss so many days that I was going to have to retake senior year. I would have flunked again and again and again when I take the test I can't do it. I don't understand what I'm reading. The letters get jumbled. Nothing makes sense. But yeah I couldn't do it. Luke found out and he kicked me out. A deal's a deal."
He paused. He licked his lips. Nerves were trying to get the better of him. "So I couldn't get the tickets to prom because I wasn't graduating. I should have told you. I didn't want you disappointed in me. And then that night when you followed me and I wanted more, I should have listened to you.... I'm sorry I didn't. I'm sorry I hurt you. I should have stopped with your first hesitation."
He paused again. He stared out at the fireflies and the water. " And there's more. My dad came to visit me. And then I went to visit him in California. He didn't want me. Didn't want anything to do with me. So now I'm here. I'm living in my car. I don't have a job. I don't have a future. I don't have anyone."
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rawbutprecious · 9 days ago
A Reuniting of Fates
Samantha found herself leaning back in the dense grasses. The sun beamed down on her face, warming her cheeks. A kite flew overhead and she could hear Fox laughing and running up and down the hill that the family had chosen to picnic on. Listening further, she heard her mom setting out the lunch spread. She could not hear her dad, but Samantha knew he was just a little ways away having a meeting with someone.
Before lunch was served in the dream, Samantha woke from the dream that wasn't a dream. It was a memory from long ago. That day was just before she was taken. Sam had just gotten diagnosed and her parents were trying to give the family some normalcy all the while hiding it from Fox, (Samantha preferred it that way because she didn't want him worrying). But, Samantha knew what her parents were doing and why her dad insisted on this spontaneous outing. He'd never really done outtings before and she had overheard the call the night before they went.
Samantha felt a presence come into her room. She shifted, fully expecting to see her brother. It wasn't. It wasn't her parents either (she didn't even know if they were alive or knew she'd returned). Samantha frowned and studied the red-headed woman. She looked familiar. That couldn't be though. She tried to shake off that feeling, but couldn't quite so Samantha just pushed it aside. "Hi. You're not my brother," Samantha said. "I'm Samantha. Sam. Who are you?"
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rawbutprecious · 15 days ago
Future in the Stars
It was one or two in the morning as he walked down the hall with his hands crammed into his pockets. Samantha had been transferred to the ICU for monitoring. She was severely hyperthermic and concussed but no broken bones or internal injuries. Her heart had stopped but they managed to get it going again. Fox's mind whirled as he marveled at everything that had happened and what other secrets she held - there had to be something (Skinner had that look). That morning he never expected the Long Gunman to call and report that his sister had been found alive. But that's where things were.
Reaching the private room, Mulder knocked on the door before pushing the door open. Not wanting to wake Scully, Fox was careful to close it without letting it squeak. Tip-toeing across the linoleum, he eased into the chair by the bed. Lacing his fingers together, he leaned his chin on them while resting his elbows on his bed.
He wanted to be here with Scully. But he also wanted to be with Samantha. They wouldn't let him, though. However, there was no policy that prevented him from staying in the hospital. So he was going to stay.
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rawbutprecious · 15 days ago
Samantha Mulder (FC: Megan Charpentier)
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rawbutprecious · 15 days ago
Samantha Ann Mulder
FC: Megan Charpentier
content warning: Cancer, Illness, Alien Abduction, PTSD, Trauma
My name is Samantha Ann Mulder. I am the daughter to Teena and William Mulder. My brother is Fox Mulder. I have not seen any of them for a very, very long time. I barely remember their faces and their names, but I keep repeating those things so that I don't forget completely.
My life was pretty normal for the first few years of life. But then one day I started to feel off. I had a headache, ear ache, buzzing in the ear, and even a few nosebleeds. I got taken to a lot of appointments and was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Cancer. The doctor's couldn't treat it. They didn't know what to do.
As they were planning, or maybe this was part of the plan I was abducted by Aliens. Right from my bed. I was whisked away to outer space. They barely spoke to me. I barely spoke to them. I slept a lot. I think they put me in a coma or something at one point. There's not a whole lot I remember. But there were lots of wires and tests and medications. It wasn't fun.
The first human I ever got to see on this ship was a lady with the prettiest red hair I'd ever seen. I don't know why the aliens did that. But they tested on her just like they tested on me. Knowing how scary this place was, I comfort her as much as I can.
I can't do a lot though. I get tired easily and have to rest a lot. I struggle with my hearing, swallowing and dizziness. I sometimes feel real sad and can't help but cry. The aliens had kept me to try and help improve that, which I guess I understand. I do want to go home. I want to find Fox in particular - although I don't know why. I'm glad to be here because the red-haired lady needs comfort (at least I think so). She doesn't stay long though.
I don't know how long I am here after meeting the redhead. But her absence leads me feeling very lonely. Maybe the aliens sensed that. Maybe not. But, while in a deep sleep, I find myself transported to Earth. What am I supposed to do? Will someone help me? Will I find my brother and the redhead?
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rawbutprecious · 17 days ago
Wounded] My muse is severely injured and has just collapsed.
Tonks and Lupin
Her name ripped from his throat. It was a guttural, visceral call full of anger and fear. Ignoring the spells being lobbed at him, he ran across the courtyard faster than he knew he could run. Remus caught Tonks just before her head hit. Cradling her, he raced to the hospital wing. Voice completely broken, he could hardly make a peep. However, a healer heard him. Waved forward, Remus laid Tonks on the bed and took her hand. Brining it to his lips, he gave it a gentle kiss.
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rawbutprecious · 17 days ago
Qui-Gon ruffled Obi-Wan's hair.
Obi-Wan pulled away from Qui-Gon. His hand was up to shield his growing locks. But, then he stopped. He lowered his hand and his gaze. "I should have been more measured in my response, master. Forgive me," he said. "Does my hair displease you? I tired of such short locks. I wanted to try something different. I can shave it if you prefer."
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rawbutprecious · 17 days ago
“I know you can manage it, you just don’t *have* to.”
Tonks was frustrated and pretty much had to threaten her husband to get him to stay still long enough for her to stitch and bandage the pretty deep cut on his torso.
Remus stopped squirming, but his body was still quite tense in preparation to fight. His brow puckered as he chewed on the bottom of his lip. "I think I need a shot of fire whiskey," he said. They might not have anything to numb the area, but the whiskey would numb his body so he didn't feel the stitching. "It wouldn't be the first time.... I've done it before. I... I don't really know how to accept help very well. I'm sorry."
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rawbutprecious · 2 months ago
"You can be a really bad liar sometimes," Remus remarked, leaning his head against the wall. "I can't shake the feeling that people know what I am."
"I hope I didn't wake you." (Remus to Sirius)
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"No, I'm awake," Sirius lied. He sat up, rubbing his eyes groggily. "What is it, mate?"
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rawbutprecious · 2 months ago
"Dearie, of course I'm right. I'm the Dark One. I can spot a liar a million miles away," he said in jest. Her rubbed his hands together trying to warm them up. He found that warm hands worked better when he came to magic. "Give me a minute to give it a try. I would not set the blanket close to the fireplace. I don't want to catch anything on fire by mistake."
Belle got up, placing a bookmark on the page. “ No- it’s fine. I can—“ She stopped. He was right. Getting up, she searched for the blankets.
“ I think I found one!” she called after several moments.
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rawbutprecious · 2 months ago
'Max, why do you think I need a hero?' Liz signed after trying to sit up in the hospital bed. She winced. Every part of her body ached. 'I don't. I just need you to be you.' She paused. Should she ask why he thinks she's a hero?
"i'm sorry, i'm never going to be the hero you want me to be. i have every confidence in you-- that you'll stay the hero i know you are."
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rawbutprecious · 2 months ago
"I don't think there's an expiration date for dancing. As long as you are living you can dance," Remple pointed out. "My son also informed me ladies like spontaneous geastures. Henry concurred. So... this is me being spontaneous."
Belle almost dropped the dish she’d carried to the sink. That … was more than a little unexpected of a question from him. Pausing her tidying, she took his hand.
“ I- I haven’t done this in a while. “
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rawbutprecious · 2 months ago
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"Yeah. I got that," Charlie said. She kept her tone low and word choice even. "But, I need to know why. Things were going just fine. There wasn't any trouble. What happened? How many are there? I need a little info so I can prepare for whatever's coming."
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Nora only half heard her. She was too busy checking behind them to see how close their pursuers were. "We're being chased," she replied "Bad guys are the ones chasing us. ANy more questions?"
@rawbutprecious from here
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rawbutprecious · 2 months ago
Cooking? When did they start talking about food? She blinked a couple of times as she pondered it. Come to think o fit, she was pretty hunger, "Some Princess Potatoes an' salsbury steak would be a mighty fine mean right now," she said. "And I can make an apple kringle for deser. I know you like 'em, honey."
Queenie shrugged. "I ain't scared. It's not like I can stop what I do. I just wish I could," Queenie said, talking Jacob's hand in hers. "I don' like pryin' all the time. Sometimes it's helpful, but sometimes I learn stuff I shouldn't. Thank-you for having nice thoughts about me, by the way. I appreciate it."
@rawbutprecious x
Ain't cold. He was used to the uncomfortable conditions of the front and had come to associate rain with discomfort. But the woman was making him see more perspectives. " Cook what ..." he stopped as he admired her. She was performing magic, and his first thought was to enjoy rather than worry about the consequence of him being a non-maj and seeing it performed. Magic instilled that sense of hope in the man.
Jacob needed clarification about the depth of her abilities and was relatively unskilled in projecting mental barriers to himself. Still, he shook his head, " I'm not afraid, doll, I know all about showing off. I just don't want you to get in trouble because of me."
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