#tw sex harassment
if-loves · 3 months
tug o’ war
// Yandere Aventurine, Yandere Topaz & slight Yandere Jade
sum: At the end of the day, they are just two hotheads. At least, that’s what your boss says.
wc: 1697
warnings: sexual assault, sexual harizzment /j, 2.3 story quest spoilers, inspired by the “checking out” quest, written before jade release, assumptions about what jade does LMAO and also maybe OOC aventurine, topaz, jade
a/n: what was i on
also tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, do let me know if i‘ve accidentally left in anything :)
likes & reblogs are appreciated :)
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The scene in front of your door is quite the familiar sight.
“Maybe you wouldn’t find yourself in such dire need of a competent manager if you bothered going over the resumes sent to you!”
“Why do you even need another manager? You have plenty, you sure are just being greedy!”
Numby often wanders through your always slightly open door to get pets and little treats from you, probably having learned that Topaz arguing with that blonde haired extravagantly dressed Sigonian meant she would be there for awhile, and likely in front of your door. You didn’t mind being treated like a dispenser however, Numby was quite the adorable trotter. You ought to ask Topaz where she found Numby.
Chuckling to yourself, you shake your head at the idea. You barely have the time to breathe, where in the universe would you get the time to raise a trotter? Seeing Numby every once in a while would suffice. Lady Jade often gives you the brunt of the work, and although you would never even dream of saying no to her, sometimes you’d wish she’d pity you and give you a lighter load. But you suppose it’s alright, her giving you the hardest bits meant that she trusted you and your capabilities - at least, that’s what you tell yourself.
Their argument only seems to get louder, more jabs being carelessly thrown at each other without a second thought. It will only be a matter of time before they barge in, and things play out like how it always does - they’ll argue in front of you, then turn to you and ask who you’d rather work for. And as usual, your answer is always your Lady Jade. Then, their phones will beep, and they’ll glare one last time at each other and leave in opposite directions. You’ve never understood their obsession with recruiting you.
With a sigh, you continue your endless pile of work, stacks of files littering your office. The deal with Penacony meant that even more work was piled onto you, loans upon loans being processed by your hand and waiting to be signed off. Moments of relaxation are very rarely in your schedule, if at all. But the salary is good, your boss is beautiful and kind, and you get reimbursed for your modest apartment and all your meals and transportation. You don’t work on field like the Ten Stonehearts or the grunts do, staying in your office with papers and pens as your companions. All things considered, your life is pretty good.
Like clockwork, those two make their way into your office, scowls on their faces. It’s amusing how quickly their expressions change once they see you watching them, and if you didn’t know any better you’d think that they were mad at you.
“Good evening to you, (Y/n).” Aventurine doesn’t waste a second in his attempt of buttering you up, efficiently gaining the starting move.
“Mr Aventurine, Ms Topaz, it is a pleasure to see the two of you again. If I may ask, what brings you to my office?” You smile politely, setting down your pen. If you could just finish this stack, you could go home and flop onto your bed…
“Oh, nothing to be concerned about, I was just wondering if you would be so free as to accompany me to dinner on this fine night?” Topaz replies before Aventurine could, the white haired girl shooting a smug smile at the blonde who could only reply with his own.
“Thank you for the offer Ms Topaz, but unfortunately, I’ll have to decline your offer this time. Paperwork seems to come in like an endless waterfall, and I find myself working overtime more often than not.” You gesture to the stacks by your desk, shrugging helplessly.
“Is that so? Perhaps you should consider being my project manager. I’ve been looking for one, you see, and I think you would do a splendid job. How about a change of pace?” Aventurine swiftly cuts in, smiling charmingly, sandy blonde hair perfectly framing his face as if this were some television show.
“I’ll have to decline that, Mr Aventurine. I am quite happy with my current job.” Your smile is unwavering, but really, you just want to tell them to leave. They’re part of the Ten Stonehearts for Qlipoth’s sake, surely they have mounds of unfinished work to do?
“Hmm, I guess we’ll just have to resort to that.” Aventurine licks his lips and takes a few steps back, closing the door quietly, two clicks sounding. All of a sudden, you don’t feel so safe.
“What do you mean?” You nervously ask, eyes darting from one to the other. Surrounded by your files and papers and the two of them, you not only have no direct route to escape, you also stand no chance against them. Their expressions, like hungry wolves closing in on their prey, eye you greedily.
“As much as I hate dealing with this gambler, he offered me a proposal that even I couldn’t look away from.” Topaz says with a sigh. “He offered a once and for all proposal where we would decide who gets you. Of course I can’t divulge the details, but the only thing you really need to know is that you are the prize.”
“Before you can refuse and claim that you’re happy staying under Madam Jade, she has offered her own hand in this as well.”
It’s like all the air has been knocked out of you, leaving you gasping and dizzy. Proposals? Prize? You? How did this happen? How did you even get here? To have a worked your whole life for the IPC, dutifully doing each and every assigned job without even the slightest hint of refusal, and you, you get rewarded by being treated like something to be given, as if you weren’t even a human being but merely a prize to be given to the winner of this sick, sick deal?
“We only mean well, (Y/n).” Topaz tries to place her hand atop yours, perhaps an attempt to come across as reassuring, but yours immediately dart away as if having been burned. Fully standing up, you take several steps backwards until you hit the wall behind you. Ah, how could you forget - you're trapped.
With no regard for your personal space, each of them walks around the table to be by your side. They take each of your hands, and while Topaz places yours on her warm cheek, Aventurine brings yours to his beating heart. Each side reminds you that they are alive, conscious people who are willingly walking on this path of madness. There is no reasoning with madness.
“We have both lost much, but in return, we have gained much.” She whispers into your ear, and her warm breath reminds you once again that she is indeed alive. Your eyes are squeezed shut, your breaths labored and your heart pounds against your chest as if desperate to leave its confines. You feel her move, and all of a sudden you feel soft lips pressed against your cheek.
“The truth is, for the both of us…” He holds your hand tightly, his voice forlorn yet hopeful, and his lips too meet your cheek in a chaste kiss. When he parts, you can feel his stare. “You’ve become our meaning.”
They are both fierce in their competition to claim your lips, their hunger on full display as their free hands each glide over your body desperately. Their gloves are rough against your skin, sliding under your button up and down your pants, all while they continue their assault on the corners of your lips.
Just as they both inch closer to the middle, your eyes shoot open, the door creaks, and you are all met with a smiling Lady Jade.
“Oh? It seems that I’ve arrived at a bad time.” She chuckles, yet she makes no move to leave. If anything, she only walks forward, inching closer and closer to the three of you.
“Madam Jade.” Topaz and Aventurine both nod in acknowledgement, their cheeks rosy and hands still situated at their places. Neither of them makes any move.
“It seems that you two hot headed children have already made your moves. Ah, how rowdy the youth are these days.” The click of her heels against the cold floor only grows louder and louder, until they stop and she stands right in front of you, a finger on your chin, a snake-like smile on her face. Without an ounce of hesitation or fear, she leans down and places her soft lips on yours, and before you know it she has parted and left you in a daze.
“That’s hardly fair, Madam Jade.” Aventurine groans. “We did all the work, and you just took the reward.”
“Perhaps you of all people should know by now that when the opportunity arises, one should move before the others can even comprehend it.” She tuts, gently taking your hands from the other two. As if acknowledging their defeat, their previously roaming hands also depart from your body, albeit with a few quiet complaints from Aventurine.
“Madam Jade, to what do we owe the pleasure?” Topaz, always eager to please, smiles warmly at Jade.
“As much as I would have loved to continue the show, something urgent has come up. Something… that even I didn’t, or rather couldn’t expect.” Jade delicately pats you down, smoothing the wrinkles in your button up and running her hand through your hair.
“Oh? And what could that be?” Aventurine hums, his curiosity piqued.
“It seems that even Diamond would like to participate in our little game.”
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umbramus · 2 months
TW// sexual harassment
Also I might be more interactive here for a while. I want a bit of a break from Twitter, at least my SFW account because I got into an argument, got called slurs and sexually harassed multiple times and I'm not looking to have anymore breakdowns right now
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controversial opinion (apparently): if you are friends with someone knowing they sexually harassed/assaulted someone else you are actively supporting that behaviour!
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
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bridgetonowheree · 4 days
tw: sexual assault/harassment, cocsa mentioned
Lately been thinking about something that happened when I was a 5 year old in preschool. Something about that memory always upset me and sometimes I thought that maybe it didn't happen and I was just being crazy but being able to comprehend and process what happened that day on a random tuesday got me crying and anxious. I think I was never able to identify what happened as sexual assault because they were kids too, I thought that maybe for them it was a silly prank, for me is a memory that I have been carrying for all this years. I remember how 5 of my classmates, all boys tried to pull down my pants and I think even underwear, I was desperately crying in the floor while they were laughing at me, the teacher didn't do anything, she just watched and just told me to stop crying for a silly joke. after 13 years of denying what happened, never told my mom or my family I finally was able to identify this as an experience that even to this date, makes me feel emotional anguish, for them, it was just a prank, for me, something that I carry with me and all I think about is that 5 year old girl on the floor crying with 5 boys laughing at her face while she desperately tried to get up.
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Random stuff from Guardian Angel AU.
Angst bitch.
1: Nasty rumors Susan spread about Adam got to a point that one of his neighbors spitted on his face and called him a man crack whore when she saw him outside and near her kids. She also said she’ll call the police if she saw Adam near her kids again.
That was the final step into making Adam a full hermit.
2: Every parent tells their kid to stay away from “The weird man in 1A”, some even take it to a step further with saying he could hurt them. So, Adam is seen as a creepy criminal among kids. They run away from him if they ever see Adam at the halls.
3: Lucifer isn’t the only person who brought him food in Adam’s life. A nice lady named Rosie used to put food on his doorstep once every month when she noticed he barely got out and how terrible he looked. She worked with children, so she didn’t wanted to be seen with Adam much, but she also began visiting Adam once every six months, they had tea together and Adam felt like he saw a tiny light in his endless darkness.
But this only went on for two years. Rosie died because of a heart attack four years ago. She was the last person who lived in Lucifer’s apartment.
3: Charlie saved Angel and Vaggie. Angel from his addictions and Vaggie from self harm and suicide. I guess it’s in Morningstar’s genes to fall in love with a soul they saved :>
4: Adam played a song for Lucifer when he was still on Earth, which he gladly listened. It was the first time Adam had played his guitar for a long time.
And when Lucifer was forced to leave him, he played, sometimes even sang, the same song almost every night for two years. Because he missed him and it made him think of him.
Lucifer’s heart exploded while he was watching Adam do this from Heaven. He began listening it every night to sleep as well.
Dude whhhhy 😭
Yeah getting spit in the face is not only fucking gross but an understandable reason for Adam to stay away. He ended up telling Lucifer about it but wouldn't tell him who.
And that would hurt especially with how the situation with his own kids went.
Awwww Rosie and Adam being friends I'm so soft for their friendship. Shame she died. That only served to isolate Adam more. Everyone leaves why bother making friends? No one likes me anyway so that was made easy.
Yeah, the Morningstars definitely have a type as well ;)
Ahhh sweet angst.
What if Lucifer had to look up his onlyfans page? You know, to see what he was working with and how deep Adam is in this world. He sees all the photos and videos. Spoiler he's in deep.
Adam has thousands of subscribers. And hundreds of posts. It's surprising he would do this line of work because of his past. But maybe, it was Velvette who told him "You're gorgeous, why not make a profit off your looks? Here I have a website you can use."
Adam tries it and when he sees how many people want him and shower him in praise and compliment him and tell him how wonderful he is.
Just another addiction on the pile. Only this one makes money and he hates himself afterwards.
Bonus points if someone in the building is subscribed and wanted more face to face time. Even if it doesn't go THAT far they make sexual comments at him any time they see him. (A man most likely)
And that was another thing to keep Adam in his house. The money is great but he hates that it comes from this and it's a never ending cycle.
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commanderskelly · 1 month
I am not particularly good at putting my thoughts into words. However, I feel I need to try.
Continuing to engage with the property of a creator that is abusive gives them power. It gives them access to more people. It gives them money.
Acknowledging and spreading information on the harm they have done is especially important. It helps protect the current victims and prevent future ones.
Being a survivor is already so exhausting. So please, just keep this in mind.
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I haven’t been in school in a few years but I hope y’all grown women and men aren’t still telling little girls that “if he harasses you it means he has a crush on you” cause that’s how normal bullying eventually got to full on touching and sexual harassment for ME at least
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sydneysholylight · 3 months
— a ѕιnnerѕ ιndυlgence [ SERIES ]
╰⪼ heed the warnings: MALE PC/LI, Religious themed, coercion, implied switch!Sydney , nsfw, unfortunate grinding, implied harassment, implied corruption kink, implied stalking, groping, public sex (?), slightly proof-read, 2k words.
╰⪼ heed the note: this will be based on my au of my PC but with major changes, headcannons may appear however but I'll keep things that is canon for this one. I can make a female version of this if you kindly ask, let me know if I missed anything.
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╰⪼ You were a new student attending a local school in a town with an odd feel in the air, something sinister mixed with a tinge of scarce purity. You couldn't remember anything when you woke up in the hospital, you woke up frantic and ran away. your memories remained a blur and the temple nearby took you in as one of their own, much to their delight as those prying eyes hovered to the halo glowing above your head and their hands brushing against the feathers of your wings, you were what they called and honored, an angel, a holy being, a divine messenger of god and a protector of humankind.
However, you felt far from an angel and how they portrayed an angel should be, strong willed, protective, god-fearing and so on and so on — on another note, you ponder, who exactly is god? What does a god exactly do? And why have they not contacted you since you've woken up? You brought this concern to your peers, Jordan to be specific, he told you in a soft voice “Patience is virtue, holy one,” he took a bow down “They will seek time with you.” He finished his message before apologizing he had to go attend his duties. Your mind was filled with questions that were yet to unfold, you felt lost and started questioning your purpose.
Over the past few days since you've started residing in the temple, Jordan noticed you were having trouble socializing with the initiates, unable to follow up with their social cues and norms, Jordan ought to himself he would help you fit in once more, thus reached out to Sydney to help you — whose reputation precedes himself to be an “innocent” boy, he was the librarians assistant, he was eager to help you out, the thought of helping out someone, especially an angel, he couldn't help but feel honored and nervous to be near such holy presence however he felt tempted to prey around you and capture you, as to lure you in the dark and the joy of living as a sinner. The ecstasy it gives, the pleasure it comes with. Perhaps if he gave you his world, then will the temple realize, the fun temptation and lust have is worth it, you just have to pray and pray, pray and pray, pray and pray — pray.
You sighed, perhaps it's best for time to pass through and enjoy your life as it is in the moment, patience is truly a virtue after all, you have enough time to figure out the rest later on, walking over to your bed, picking up your bad on the soft mattress, you looked up to the right and at the clock ‘ 6:23 pm ‘ you have enough time to walk to the temple, pray for awhile and walk to school with Sydney. You went downstairs, relishing in your surroundings, it made you feel alive. The older orphans were discussing with each other what to do after school as the younger ones played around with one another, the sight of life in such joyous motion was a sight to behold..
Putting the thought aside, you made your way to the temple but without peace, you've always felt a pair of eyes watching every step you take, it was suffocating. It started after saving a poor boy that was being harassed by the other students, of course you don't believe it was him who was watching you, you don't even have proof and it goes against your morality — and your beliefs, perhaps it's the gang of students who were harassing him? You shudder at the thought, as much you'd like to deny it, the possibility is high. Perhaps it's the best time now to make friends and work on your reputation, as you think of who to befriend, you were in front of the temple. You walked inside, bowing and greeting the older and high ranking members of the temple, giving humble blessings before going to the pew of the far left side. You smiled and greeted Sydney “Good morning.” You whispered, he moved to give you space to join him.
You noticed his hair was down as you laid your bag aside and kneeled down on the cushion, you closed your eyes and clasped your hands together, praying for the remaining time.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, startling you slightly as you looked up to Sydney, who was smiling at you “It's time to go, wanna walk together?” He asked before hesitantly holding his hand to you, you nodded and took his hand, as he helped you get up, he blushed, looking at his hand you held for a brief moment, before you could notice, he turned his back away “Thank you Sydney and yes, of course. You make a great companion.” You smiled as the two of you walked to school together, you appreciated how he was a sweet boy who was willing to help you, defending you from the students probing and harassment in the library and kept you company while Robin was gone for a week.
You looked up to his hair “May I ask why you changed your usual look? Not like it looks bad, it looks good just like you with a ponytail.” You said, your hand aching to touch his hair, painted with color that fit him well, you were surprised to learn it was his natural color. Sydney noticed that you wanted to touch his hair, grabbing it with surprising strength, making you gasp in shock “Sydney?” he widened his eyes “Sorry! Sorry! I was startled.” He mumbled and grabbed your hand softly this time, brushing it against his hair “you're one of the few I'd let touch my hair..” he murmured “Do you like my hair down? You mentioned you were curious after I caught you drawing me with my hair down, I think you drew it accurately.” He smiled, a tinge of red on his cheeks, you looked away, embarrassed at the mention of that incident “I.. thank you.” You mumbled “We should hurry up, I need to study and you need to work.” You said as the two of you head to the entrance.
The both of you departed, you head to an exclusive table of the library, far from the entrance as you noticed it's more silent compared to the tables near the entrance, as you sat down, you grabbed your science textbook you rented and dived into the lesson Sirris mentioned yesterday, unaware of a familiar boy with strawberry blonde hair watching you from the very corner of his eyes, hovering over your figure.
After school finished, you decided to stay with Sydney for the remaining time in school, you had an appointment with Harper today, the temple advised you to meet him every appointment to ensure your health is in good condition, they mentioned your body works differently from a human, hence why they insist you go to the hospital however, something about him felt off, you don't know why but the way he looks and talks to you, it feels like he's hiding something. Perhaps you haven't completely adjusted to human society, perhaps it's normal after all, humans are different from one another.
“Hello Sydney, where were you during lunch?” You asked, you were hoping to have lunch together with him as you noticed Robin wasn't here today and you didn't see him in the library either, Sydney looked at you, something in his gaze felt unusual “I decided to have lunch in the library.” A lie, you knew and it is also a sin, you frowned, he was strong in his faith and joined the temple at an early age, did something happen for him to sin like this? You walk towards the counter “Really? Why?” You stared at him, who stared back “Can I ask you a question?” He suddenly asked, you nodded in response “Have you wondered to yourself what it feels to be a sinner?”....... what?
He looked around, seemingly nervous before walking closer “have you?” He whispered, the distance between you and him and the question made you increasingly nervous “Sydney, the temple advises all of us not to think and delve into such iniquitous thoughts!” You said, biting your lip as Sydney stares down “But that's what the temple thinks, how about you? What do you personally think being a sinner feels like?” He said, his response getting you off guard, he held your hand in a gentle manner, seemingly persuasive in getting your answer.
“I.. I.. I don't know Sydney.” You responded, you averted your gaze away from him, your breath hitched as you could feel his breath on your neck, whispering to your ear “It's fun, really.” He whispered, you widen your eyes please don't tell me— “what do you mean..?” You asked in a hushed voice, refusing to meet his gaze “..To tell you the truth, before your arrival, I indulged myself into…things the students talk about,” he said, taking a slight step back before continuing “It felt freeing.” He finished, cupping your face softly “Would it not hurt to try?” He whispered “See things in my perspective?”
“I.. The temple—” “The temple hides nothing but what we can do.” He cut you off “And we will be careful, you just have to trust me, okay?” he said, you nodded nervously as you let Sydney take the lead, taking you and him to the school's changing room, he pushed you gently to the dressing room “Let's hope nobody finds us.” He chuckled before taking your hand together with his, kissing it “Feeling comfortable?” He asked, checking for your consent, you nodded “I..I feel rather nervous, actually, I feel very nervous.” You mumbled. He chuckled in response.
“It's okay, it'll be fine. I was too.” He whispered before kissing you, taking advantage of your surprise as he inserted his tongue inside your mouth, reveling the sight of your reaction before taking a step back, he let go of your hand as he focused on unbuttoning your shirt, he took a good look of your chest, you resisted the urge to cover up as you look at him “Cute.” He smirked, caressing your cheeks “I..” “Don't be ashamed of your body, you're a beauty.” He whispered, earning a chuckle from you “than- ugh-” your breath hitched as he circles his thumbs around your nipples, he pushed you against a wall “Sensitive?” He teased, kissing you on the forehead “how does it feel?”
“It… It feels good.” You responded hesitantly, muffling a moan as he puts his knee against your groan “Sydney…” you panted, he moved on to removing your pants, placing his leg away, you tried not to make it obvious you wanted him to keep going “I forgot I still have my chastity cage on.” He groaned before kneeling down and removing your underwear and sighed at the sight of the familiar device “It's okay, there are other ways to make people orgasm.” He whispered before making you lay on your back, he unzipped his pants, you noticed he wasn't wearing any underwear “Isn't that against the school rules..?” You asked, biting your lip “Who cares if they don't know?” He responded.
He leaned in, kissing you on the neck as he shifted his hips upwards, making sure his chastity cage was above yours — fondling with your balls with his right hand as the other went on circling your nipples “So gorgeous..” he panted, sucking in your neck as he continues grinding against you, making sure to press against you hard as he could, the metal head of the cage could be felt on the visible parts of your penis, sending sparks up your spine due to how cold it felt, Sydney groaned, clearly frustrated “I wanna be inside you so bad..” he whined, pressing you against him harder, putting your legs on his shoulder, aligning his penis against your hole, trying to insert himself in “I swear I'll get the keys for these stupid things..” he mumbled, fastening his pace, you moaned slightly as he build up friction “Have I ever told you I've always admired you?” He panted, resting his head on your shoulder, relishing the warmth of your naked body.
“I'm close..” he panted, kissing your neck as you gripped on his shoulder, his lips felt warm against your skin, you muffled a moan as you felt his hands intruding their way to your balls once more, squeezing and rubbing it — the sensation was unfamiliar, strange but welcome, an unfamiliar wave of pleasure went through your body, your cock spurting out cum as you moaned against his neck, you could feel cum dripping down where your chastity cage was “You already came- oh-” he gasped as you kissed his neck, making him come immediately after “I..” he blushed, you stared at him with reddened cheek “Did I do good..?” You asked meekly, bitting the inside of your mouth as he nodded “Of course! That.. that felt amazing… it's quite the bummer though I wasn't able to be inside of you..and you inside of me.” He blushed, laying his head on your chest “how'd it feel?” He asked, smiling at you “It felt unfamiliar… but at the same time good.” He grinned “I knew you'd like it.” He said before helping you stand up, he insisted on helping you dress up, taking advantage of the opportunity to occasionally grope you. He cupped your cheeks “We should do this more, it's fun right? To see the perspective of a sinner?” He leaned in, and you looked away “The temple..” you said quietly, he sighed, leaning his forehead against yours “They won't find out, we'll try to keep it as a secret. They don't have to find out, we can still continue as we are as normal publicly.” He said “and you mentioned you can't remember anything in the past, right? Perhaps in a way, this might help you.” You couldn't help but feel tempted at the thought, you were getting tired of the same answers from the temple anyways. “Fine… just… be careful, I don't wanna get you hurt.” You said, he chuckled “Of course, of course, welcome to my world.”
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dark-nymph3t · 1 year
Tw: rant, sexual harassment, just creepy dudes in general
I am so sick and tired of creeps going onto my blog and thinking it’s okay to come into my ask box and send me creepy shit.
Every couple of days I get people who send sexually charged messages, unsolicited dick pics, call me sexual things and I am just so sick and tired of this shit. It’s fucking disgusting and I am so fucking done.
I wish there was an easy answer to this, but there isn’t; turning off anon submissions doesn’t work because these dumbasses don’t use anon, I can report and block all I want but most of time nothing gets removed, I’m just at a loss of what to do.
I get harassed on multiple other social media platforms too, which is one of the reasons that I don’t talk about my other accounts on different platforms except for pinterest. I am genuinely scared to check these other accounts to see what people have sent me, and tumblr is becoming like this too.
Please, if you are thinking of sending me any kind of sexually charged message, picture, anything, please don’t. Please I am begging you please don’t. I am genuinely scared to check my inbox everyday because of you; I will never be interested in you, I will never want to sleep with you, I WILL NEVER WANT TO BE WITH YOU. STOP.
I’m sorry if this comes off as me complaining or if I am legitimately making a big deal out of nothing, I understand that many other people on this site have gone through similar, and even comparatively worse harassment, than me. I just want all of this to stop.
I’m going to be posting this in the girlblogger and coquette tags to spread awareness.
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destinygoldenstar · 5 months
I’m sorry, but even if you adore Sierra as a character, you have to admit that the shows depiction of her is god awful.
This woman is the forefront of Total Drama’s nasty habit of romanticizing S/A and abusive relationships. Not saying other characters aren’t as well. But almost all of the characters screen time is dedicated to her sexually harassing Cody.
This woman is characterized to have an unhealthy obsession over a boy she barely knows in real life at the time. She uses his essentials, kisses him, carries him around, sniffs him, stalk him, does weird stuff to him while he’s asleep, and all sorts of other stuff WITHOUT HIS CONSENT. She also forges marriage onto him. She feeds him tea that paralyzes him with the intention to get him to have to have sex with her.
Nothing she does is okay. How she treats Cody is not okay. And whenever Cody stands up for himself and expresses he’s uncomfortable, or when other people tell her she’s a creep, she plays the victim and cries until they give her what she wants.
Sierra is a dangerous human being. Plain and simple.
Now, I’m not someone who’s had S/A that’s been THAT bad in my life, so if you are an S/A victim, please reblog your thoughts on the character. Please to be brutally honest.
For my POV though, I might have been okay with this depiction of Sierra as a character if the sexual harassment was painted in a negative light.
What I mean by that is if the writing intentionally framed it as an awful thing and that the story was about either getting out of this awful situation or it’s meant to be a cautionary tale on the horrors of sexual harassment.
It’s all painted as if it’s a huge joke. A great running gag. That all this sexual harassment towards Cody is hilarious.
And the lesson? At best, Sierra gets depicted as a bit of a creep by the other characters and there’s only a handful of scenes where they talk to him about how to get her off of him. And even then, those are usually advice given by intentionally antagonistic characters, implying we’re not supposed to agree with them. And the show never goes through with their advice anyway. At worst, Sierra is painted as the one in the right, and CODY has to learn the lesson TO LIKE HER BACK AND ACCEPT HER.
I’m sorry. You cannot tell me that this is not romanticizing sexual harassment and sexual abuse. If this wasn’t a kids show, you know they would’ve had a full on r@#e scene made for sh*ts and giggles.
I’m not someone who says that a media having a bad thing in it means it’s automatically endorsing the bad thing. There’s a lot that goes into how that bad thing is presented. Like the bad thing being painted in a negative light like I said. The obvious bad guys being the only ones doing the bad thing. The story being an intended cautionary tale and thus it’s designed not to take the story as endorsement of the things in it. Or the bad thing being used as a talking point to spread awareness about it. It’ll make you uncomfortable. Yes. But that’s the point.
This is just my take, feel free to disagree with me, but that’s exactly why I saw Hazbin’s Hotel’s depiction on the same subject as NOT romanticizing S/A and instead spreading awareness and painting the S/A in the negative light. I didn’t see it as romanticizing the abuse. (I could be completely wrong and it is. You’re justified if you see it that way.)
Because THIS. This is ACTUAL romanticization of abuse.
I understand the show was made in 2007 and people were weird back then. I get that this could just be a situation where it’s dated. Doesn’t make it okay.
This is my least favorite aspect of Total Drama and I feel like that’s objective rather than subjective. And while it’s not AS bad as Sierra, the show still does it by painting toxic relationships as jokes.
Please stop this Total Drama.
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scuttledusk · 3 months
Lantern Eclipse Cast
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Fairywren Merlo - A hitman from Guardian City who was forced to flee after a job gone wrong.
Eddie Reeves - A successful, respected businessman of the Violet District in search of a mysterious artifact.
Ford - A Terror who spent the past 40 years in servitude and just recently gained his autonomy.
Bex Dlamini - A former Shepherd removed from service for his softness and now lost in the Cursed Wilds.
Heidi Cantrell - A wandering trader and musician, leader of a motley crew of outcasts and “freaks.”
Davin Fitzgerald - A protective sharpshooter with a mechanical heart of gold - or, well, titanium.
Ratshot Durchdenwald - A hyperactive young mechanic and medic-in-training with a venomous bite.
Judas Durchdenwald - A game hunter with a long family history and an even longer criminal record.
Gloria Tungalag - A singer and sniper, who’s been traveling with Heidi for as long as either can remember.
Marcus Ramsey - Paladin of the Breaking Dawn and a trusted, noble leader to his team.
Nisha Houghton - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, a ride-or-die friend with an indomitable spirit.
Hank Montoya - Happy-go-lucky technician for the Breaking Dawn, as well as the best cook on his team.
Arthur “Art” Danus - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, blunt and judgmental but a loyal friend.
Reuben Haverkort - Cleric (or healer) of the Breaking Dawn, who has harnessed cursed magic to help others.
Sadie Clem - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, soft-spoken and timid but never one to back down from a fight.
Anderson “Roach” Trengrove - A member of a failed revolutionary group, now the guardian of his two nephews.
Styke Trengrove - An impulsive young punk with a tendency to get into more trouble than he can handle.
Benji Trengrove - An innocent younger boy, oblivious to the horrors of the world, with a passion for sports.
Francis “Wasp” Mortimer - An old friend of Roach’s, and the only other survivor of their lost revolution.
Pearl Artair - The charismatic and elegant owner of a nightclub in the Violet district called “The Visionary.”
Finnegan “Mercury” MacEirie - A prostitute working at the Visionary, on the run from his past.
Inez Coronel - A singer at the Visionary, as well as a collector and broker of secrets and important information.
Vera Romeo - The bartender of the Visionary, who has new romantic troubles every day without fail.
Vaughn Grandis - The owner of a rival club and an influential figure in the Violet District’s underground.
Kerry Faulcon - The captain of the Rhettshore Redhawks, a cordball team known all across Guardian City.
Gage Bandy - Another member of the Redhawks, calm and reasonable but a bit condescending.
Lauren Bandy - A player on the Redhawks, who fans think may drop out of the league after this season.
Emerson Wheeler - A Redhawks player widely appreciated for his looks and charm rather than his skill.
Belle Eriksson - A skilled Redhawks player who is believed to be competing with Kerry for the title of Captain.
Antony Valdovinos - The mastermind behind the Damned, leader of a deep-rooted criminal organization.
Simon Demaret - Antony’s second-in-command and personal assassin with a secretive background.
Natalia Barrueco - A down to earth but extremely irritable member of the Damned, Antony’s cousin.
Kian Kinnerk - An entertaining young man and member of the Damned, who brings his violin everywhere he goes.
Vivi Seacoal - An extremely intimidating older woman, the muscle of Antony’s inner circle.
Lazarus Cain - Friend and rival, a mysterious young assassin who is always present yet rarely seen.
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I’ll try to update this whenever I need to, since new paras and storylines pop up every now and then! These are also just the “major” paras - there are a few side characters who just aren’t mentioned at all bc. this ain’t abt them
fun fact: eight people on this list are dead </3
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thehollowwriter · 10 months
I've always said to myself that I'm the token straight person of my friend group.
Well, this along with being the token cis and neurotypical (insert "girl you're on tumblr" joke here) person since everyone else but me is queer
But I'm not sure about that anymore
I don't think I can say I'm straight because I have thought to myself "wow that girl is so pretty" and felt shy talking to her or "wow Malleus' mom is hot"
I have never had a crush on anyone. I've thought back to what I thought were crushes and honestly I think they were just me thinking "I like this boy so obviously it must be a crush" because all I knew at the time was the Evangelical Christian way of things. I always felt like, even then, that I was forcing myself to have a crush. I do that now from time to time but it barely lasts a few weeks.
I have never had proper romantic feelings and I have never dated anyone either. I have absolutely no interest in doing so. I've been asked by my family "aren't you interested in dating?" And the answer has always been a firm no.
Weirdly enough, I'm a hopeless romantic and I like imagining romantic scenarios. I like the idea of being held, having someone to wrap my arms around and my bury my face in their chest when I'm upset. Someone to cuddle with when it's cold.
But it's only those parts, really. I don't like the idea of kissing or that sort of thing. Imagining it kinda makes me go "eugh" but I'm not disgusted by it? It's just not too appealing. Then again, I've never kissed anyone.
I don't actually like being touched that much even though I'm happy to do the touching or imagining it.
When I have a really horrible time I like to imagine a character like Jade or Azul is there to hold me or comfort me, but I don't think it's strictly romantic?
When it comes to sex I have zero interest in it whatsoever. I can read smut and look at nsfw stuff and my brain and self will be like "Yeah that's hot" but thinking about doing it? Irl? With someone just makes me cringe or grosses me out.
It could very well be I feel this way because a boy at school harassed me and asked me to have sex with him and that "tainted" my feelings about these things but I've had this thought process before that
I go to a high school so naturally sex and romance is discussed a fair bit and I always feel out of sorts.
Friends or acauantinces will go "wow he's so hot" and yes he will be at the same time I don't... get it? Especially when it's more nsfw stuff because I'm left going "haha what" and I have a dear friend who has no filter at all and will tell me they've done nsfw stuff (no they do not go into detail) and I'll just get uncomfortable and be like "um yeah- what"
I know my discomfort definitely comes from being raised in a strict Christian household were sex before marriage is a horrific sin (I feel guilty even considering being queer) but also concern for my friend because they are underage and this is not something I personally think is healthy.
But even aside both those things I feel like I'm missing out on some huge sort of appeal. Like I missed a class or something.
I don't know existing is confusing
Sorry for the rant guys I just really felt like I needed to get this out
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
tw for fatphobia, racism, slurs, sexual harassment, death threats, homophobia, and harassment in general. This is extremely disgusting and discretion is advised. I can’t believe this troll had the audacity to say any of this
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also them:
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hm. I wonder why.
just block and report this person in hopes that they can get removed from tumblr please
Also support the original cars blogs they’re reblogging from and spread some positivity to them
(Also, these might be a bit difficult to discern from which is the actual post and which is the screenshots, and I apologize for that)
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