#tw pda
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our-arospec-experience · 3 months ago
very funny i didnt fully realise i was aroace till 18 even though every relationship i ever had i only had a 'crush' on them because i suspected they had a crush on me (i was funnily always right) and only got into said relationships because they confessed and asked first;
Then whenever we broke up I never really felt sad about it, never understood why people were always so upset over breakups (obviously until i realised i was aro and that allos experience it completely differently);
and even during the relationships some romantic things i did enjoy like cuddling, spending time just doing things together, but them always wanting to be together or around me, kissing, anything more intimate, that all made me uncomfortable and upset, i never knew why until now.
I'm glad you've come to terms with your identity :)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
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cutiepieautistic · 2 months ago
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Big brother Caregiver! Rodrick stimboard
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aftgficrec · 9 months ago
Hi, can you recommend fics with Andreil being discovered by the new foxes?
Here you go! -A
also see:
freshmen react to andreil 1 here, 2 here
freshmen react/pov outsider here
latest foxes react to andreil here
‘Me and You’ series here
‘midnight love,’ ‘flashes of intimacy ch 14 “devotion,”’ ‘Forever Is A Big Word,’ and ‘Master post for Fluent Freshman AU’ here
‘Allison asks how andreil got together’ here
‘AFTG/TFC minifics…Ch 21’ here
‘Teaching a caged bird to fly’ series here (particularly part 4)
you may also like:
Jack & Sheena being assholes here
Neil fights with Jack here
fics featuring the freshmen here
they match by Ani_Rygaard [Rated G, 2869 Words, Complete, 2021]
Baby Fox finding out about Andrew and Neil cause Neil called Andrew babe.
tw: alcohol, tw: homophobia
Never Have I Ever by hismiley16 [Rated T, 4332 Words, Complete, 2023]
The foxes induct the freshman with a post-preseason drinking game. Things get out of hand and Andrew shuts everybody up.
tw: alcohol, tw: homophobia
The Palmetto State Foxes Rules by Overherenow [Not Rated, 1536 Words, Complete, 2018]
A summary of rules for all freshmen for the Palmetto State foxes Exy team. And some upperclassmen who might forget.
The most beautiful thing ever by poly_pr1nce [Rated T, 1055 Words, Complete, 2018, Locked]
Kevin gets sent a clip from the last winter banquet, and when Allison sees it she agrees all the Foxes need to see it, especially the Freshmen/Cubs so they know what to expect when they piss Neil off or say stuff about Andrew
there's no way JOSTEN has a girlfriend by itadoriminyard [Rated G, 3246 Words, Complete, 2021]
“But it has to be her! Neil literally doesn’t spend time with anyone outside of this team. Like at all. Who could he possibly be dating? Someone on the team?” She asked sarcastically. She was met with silence. “Wait… are y’all serious?” Nicky was positively ecstatic at this turn of events. -- [The freshmen are determined to find Neil's secret girlfriend. Neil and Andrew are unwilling to aid their quest.]
The 5 times Neil wore Andrew's jersey and the 1 time Andrew wore Neil's by Hand_of_the_Alex [Rated T, 2489 Words, Complete, 2016]
Neil hadn’t meant to do it the first time, he just saw orange and white and slipped it on for his late night exy practices with Kevin. Kevin didn’t give any reaction further than an eye roll and a scoff before getting back to exy, so Neil finished the practise wearing Andrew’s jersey.
tw: homophobia, tw: nightmares 
five times christmas meant something by nomadicdeer (someonestolemycoffee) [Rated G, 2359 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil Josten asks Andrew if they can celebrate Christmas. He decided he likes Christmas quite a bit.
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svejarph · 1 year ago
emma mackey gif pack
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CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW and you will find #238 245x150px gifs of Emma Mackey as Maeve Wiley in Sex Education Season 4 (2023)! These were created from scratch by Sveja. Do what you want with these, just don't repost/claim as your own, don't use them to play Emma, don't use in any smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. If you like what I'm doing, feel free to commission me or donate to my ko-fi. Emma was around 27 during filming and is white (French, English, Irish).
tw: alcohol, drinking, funeral, hugging, kissing, pda
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clowningcrows · 3 months ago
autism be damned that boy can
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icelogged · 7 months ago
i need him on my lap rn </3
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sirenium · 6 months ago
people with PDA, you are not a horrible person for not voting this year. Voting is important, but it doesn't make you terrible for literally being unable to vote. I'm old enough to register, have been for a year, but haven't been able to bring myself to do it. Why? It's a demand. I don't realize how much my PDA affects me until it does, in which case I find myself wanting to scream and cry at the thought of doing something, especially something so important. This makes me feel like a hypocrite, a failure, a traitor to the multiple communities I'm a part of whose lives are at stake this year. But I'm not any of these fucking things, and neither are you.
I try to urge people who are in the space to vote to do so when I can, because that's something I can do. All that matters for me is that I do what I can, when I'm able. People seem to forget about those of us with PDA when telling those who are old enough to vote, and I'm frankly tired of feeling like I'm personally responsible for the downfall of America because of how my brain works. I'm not, and you're not either.
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our-arospec-experience · 11 months ago
I'm like 100% aromantic and relatively open about it to almost anybody but my family. But now a friend of mine is in a romantic relationship and it weirds me out. Not the concept per se, they are of course free to do what they want, but seeing them and their partner together in a romantic way (holding hands, kissing, overall touching each other) just feels icky to me. Sometimes even the stories that they share of activities that they and their partner did together irks me. I've put a bit of thought into being romance-repulsed, but never really considered it, cause I'm mostly fine with romance in books, movies and other media. I can also mostly ignore couples on the street and sometimes even feel happy if I see a queer couple out and about. But the closer the romance is to me (i.e. friends or otherwise people in close physical vicinity) I get just a bad, weird feeling...
And I don't really know how to deal with this, cause I just feel like a villain if I bring up to my allo friends that they sometimes just irk me with their PDA. The one time I brought it up it wasn't really recieved to kindly and now I think now I'll just grow apart with those friends.
Mostly needed to get this of my chest, but any advice or experiences with being romance-repulsed are very appreciated <2
are there any romance repulsed arospecs out there with some advice?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
Autism and PDA Profile
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cutiepieautistic · 6 months ago
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Caregiver! Logan howlett
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svejarph · 1 year ago
hari nef gif pack
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CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW and you will find #81 245x150px gifs of Hari Nef as Cal, Barbie, Anna, and Talia Hirsch in Bad Things, Barbie, Extrapolations 1x07, and The Idol S1 (all 2023)! These were created from scratch by Sveja. Do what you want with these, just don't repost/claim as your own, don't use them to play Hari, don't use in any smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. If you like what I'm doing, feel free to commission me or donate to my ko-fi. Hari was around 30-31 during filming and is Ashkenazi Jewish. She is also a trans woman. Cast her accordingly.
tw: eye contact, flashing lights, kissing, pda, shaky camera, violence
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ensemblesongs · 1 year ago
No need to answer this but i love when youre professionsl i need to come drop by work and give you your linch box and a kiss on the cheek
Sending this ask is like dropping by my workplace and giving me my lunchbox and a kiss on the cheek (ノ_<。) I miss you after you fell asleep during our date sleepyhead! I'm working right nowwwwww....
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parts-of-a-sonnet · 4 months ago
my anxiety yesterday: you're too affectionate you will scare your qp away
me today, anxiety-less: wtf was I on lmao
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our-arospec-experience · 11 months ago
TW!! romantic relationship mention, aphobia mention, hints of traditionally affectionate behavior.
Tldr am i aro or am i just a dense mf with phenomenal flirting skills
Hello, i need help with understanding the definition of a... I don't even know. I'm struggling with understanding social cues at this point that I don't know if someone's flirting with me or not. However, I'm prone to reciprocating the energy of anyone who talks to me so... If someone hugs me out of spite I find no trouble in leaning my head against their shoulder. I'M THAT KIND OF PERSON. I HAVE NOOOO FREAKING BORDERS ON WHAT'S ROMANTIC, PLATONIC OR WHATEVER JSKSKSKSK
It's my first time to get into a romantic relationship. After we declared it romantic, we got into the talks and then she said stuff like "why are you so dense, don't you know doing (x) and (x) with me is already suspicious?? You haven't caught onto that??" so I thought that maybe, damn, I was being romantically affectionate, BEYOND MY KNOWLEDGE
I'm genuinely bothered that the other person is madly in love with me and I ain't. Apparently, the conclusion of all the talks we had is that, she thinks I'm a classical example of the dense trope. I don't even know if that's a compliment or an insult.
What I find bothersome is that she has fallen I love for me for the things that I do with her. And what I've done to her, I've done to numerous people without even getting romantic feelings. So, is it bad if I tell her that none of my actions are "romantically special" if I do them to everyone else?
I don't even know where in the aromantic spectrum I am, if I really am, or perhaps there's something wrong with me, but if I do think that there's something wrong with me, then I'm being aphobic too. Yes I need to strangle the inner aphobe in me
But to be honest I'm just so confused with everything. I don't know if I am doing something wrong by reciprocating affection to people without developing romantic feelings for them.
first of all, it is not at all wrong to reciprocate affection to people without developing romantic attraction. It is totally okay, but if they take it the wrong way, you might need to discuss it with them.
It’s not strange to not be able to tell if someone is flirting, whether you are allo or not. This has been proven in multiple scientific experiments.
In regards to your partner, all I can really say is talk to them? I know you’ve already talked, but I really don’t see another way you could resolve this. Perhaps tell them how you feel, and hopefully they can try to understand.
“is it bad if I tell her that none of my actions are "romantically special" if I do them to everyone else?”
I don’t think it would be bad to tell them that, if it is true, but only you can decide what is best for your relationship.
“Tldr am i aro or am i just a dense mf with phenomenal flirting skills”
As I said, it is normal to not know when people are flirting. As for if you are aro or not, I really don’t know. This is something you yourself will have to decide. Remember, no matter what you decide, you are valid, and no one should force you into identifying with a lab you don’t want to.
I hope you and your partner work something out :)
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