#tw discussion of misogyny
yourlocalswan · 7 months
feeling pretty down about the political state of things for women particularly. so much rampant transmisogyny and sexism. it’s not just chronically online nutjobs; the republicans are systematically embracing straight up, unironic, full-send puritanical, fascist values. no surprise there ofc.
the US of course was founded on these extremes, polarity has always been the name of the game, but this level of moral panic and lashing out against women, particularly, so despicably mirrors the witch trials. what the movies don’t tell you is the cultural forces that were ratcheting up over decades that led to the mass killing of innocent women. it wasn’t an overnight thing; it wasn’t magic mushrooms or exposure. history always repeats itself in the most abhorrent ways but we never fucking learn.
my sisters, i stand in solidarity with you. it’s been such a hard week for trans women especially. WOC, trans women, fem-leaning, cis women, etc are being systematically dehumanized before our eyes and i can’t even find anger in myself anymore. i’m just so deeply saddened by the world around me hating us for existing. as a cis WW i have safety and privilege that is denied to my sisters and it’s sickening to know what little control i have.
they’re after us all, and to draw further divisions is utterly counterproductive. TERFs etc have drank the conservative kool aid. an attack on one is an attack on all, and we’re being hit from all sides.
i think i’ll need to step back from the news reel for a little while and try to recenter on my immediate world and help those around me. i recommend others do the same. spend time with the women in your life and remind them you love them. embrace whatever level of femininity you want and fuck what anyone says. be smart, be safe, and spread love.
also, not a bad idea to stay strapped. just sayin.
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youryanderedaddy · 7 months
wassup my guy. no pressure or anything but like, I saw your post about the incel kink and I was wondering (if you had time of course), would you mind doing the essay about why obsessive men are actually somewhat misogynistic. I'm so interested in that take and I really wanna hear what you say about it <333
Heey, I basically wrote some of my thoughts on the matter here.
To add a bit, I'd say that a lot of the newer social media trends aimed at men are pushing them towards being both obsessive and very misogynistic. Stuff like the alpha bro podcasts, all those red pill bullshit, they simultaneously tell men to obsess over women, while also viewing women as replaceable. Usually it's not even about obsessing over a specific woman, it's about obsessing over being in a relationship with a woman at all costs, otherwise you're not "manly enough", you're a failure etc. A lot of these creators are pushing the narrative that being single is somehow shameful. Their whole narrative is "Being single/not having sex is pathetic" and "Women are gatekeeping sex/relationships", which leads to hatred towards women, but also constantly obsessing over women. It's fabricated Master - Slave morality and Madonna - Whore complex all in one.
Also obsessing over women usually means obsessing over their sexuality. It means fetishizing virginity (which is obviously hella misogynistic), fetishing every ascept of their personality, style, hobbies, even things like race or ethnicity (which is basically objectification), and demonizing free sexuality.
Obviously not every obsessive man in fiction or in real life is a misogynist, but history has MANY examples of the two traits overlapping.
Anyways subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell if you want to see more deep dive analysis of the socio-economic issues of the contemporary world---
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mywingsareonwheels · 10 months
I was thinking about the whole... what's more progressive debate out of m/m romance representation and actually close and tender (as opposed to buddyish) m&m friendships. And how utterly futile and insulting to the need for more of both a debate it is when we need infinitely more of both and a lot of other things.
Fundamentally, between the lingering after-effects of the Hays Code and the extremist end of Christianity (not that those two are unconnected) and the patriarchy (ditto) and militarism and capitalism... in mainstream Western story media we still struggle to get *any* genuine emotional intimacy that isn't:-
romance between a different-gender couple who are both cishet, and which if it's happy will lead to marriage (but hasn't yet).
marriage between ditto, but only if they haven't been together very long (after they have for a few years they're supposed to bicker all the time).
at an extreme pinch, fond closeness between blood relatives, especially if at least one of them is a woman.
Friendships between men and between women are okay so long as there's a... distancing of rivalry and teasing. If you can imagine one of them tucking the other in or stroking their hair (especially if they're both men) or being utterly and wholly in solidarity with each other (especially if they're both women)... hm, no.
And that's... it. We're still at a point in mainstream western media where anything that deviates from, especially to the extent of serious warmth and trust and confidence and understanding between the characters, that feels at least a little transgressive, especially in e.g. a blockbuster movie. We're still at a point where everything else is under-represented. Less and less so, thank everything, but still.
I'm thinking of some of my favourite relationships in fiction at the moment and how they fuck with those stereotypes and do better things (and always as part of awesome stories, because as always, good rep is important but it should never be treated as everything). :-) This is inevitably a v personal list, I'm not claiming that anything here is The Purest And Least Problematic Thing Ever, and this is very much just a, "this is what's enthusing me right now" thing. :D
yes they're a het couple and both cis, but: Mike and Alison Cooper in Ghosts. They have been married for a few years now, and they actually like each other. They're best friends as well as lovers, and I know that some critics have actually had a problem with this and regard it as unrealistic. [facepalm] I adore so much that they're not a stereotypical sitcom married couple, nothing like. In a quiet way they are utterly defiant and fuck completely with the genre.
Donna Noble & the Doctor in Doctor Who. I mean, do I need to say much more? :D Close, glorious platonic friendship between a woman and... the Doctor. Some of the most beautiful platonic love in any fiction ever and it's so tender and gorgeous and fun. Adore it. <3
Red, White, and Royal Blue is a silly film but omg I adore it and part of it is seeing all of those standard romance beats between two men. And with a lot more true closeness than a lot of het romcoms manage. We're getting more and more of this (we need more between women too, and indeed other queer romances of many and various kinds!!!). <3 <3 <3
yes, they're shit at expressing their love for each other most of the time, but I still stubbornly add: E Morse & Fred Thursday in Endeavour. The fact that they're inhabiting the 1960s-70s and there is no framework for their mutual affection and devotion is of course part of why things get so hard for them both. They don't know what to do with it or where to place each other in their priorities, but the loyalty and the tenderness is there, and some remarkable emotional intimacy at times considering who they both are. We watch and interpret it as father-son or as romantic or as fraternal or as an intense and wonderful (and complicated and difficult) friendship. But it defies easy definition and... and oh goodness well anyone who's been following me for any length of time knows how I can go on about them, apologies. ;-)
the entire Fellowship of the Ring, but especially Frodo and Sam. And whatever my mixed feelings on the PJ films of The Lord of the Rings, my Gods am I endlessly glad and grateful that they retained warmth and intensity and devotion and intimacy. I worry that it wouldn't have been if made now, with a more stereotypical masculinity so much in the ascendant in mainstream film-making (we really are in the midst of a patriarchal/homophobic/transphobic reaction :( ). As with Morse and Thursday, you can absolutely interpret some of the connections there as romantic (and we know that Tolkien was remarkably non-homophobic for a man of his generation and religion), or as platonic. Either way, what matters is that there's serious love there between male characters and that goes right back to the books. Tolkien could be problematic af, but I love him so much for how he writes masculinity and love between men. <3
Heartstopper, not just for Nick/Charlie and Tara/Darcy, but also because of Charlie's friendships with Elle, Isaac, and (especially, actually) Tau.
everything with Found Family, and especially everything with Found Family where there is no easy equivalence to a "nuclear" family to map the characters on to.
Honestly I could go on. Hooray for all of these! But also: we are still in a position where these all feel subversive and make a lot of the more bigoted critics spectacularly uncomfortable (even when there is no actual queer rep). We're still in a position where mainstream film series and some tv shows struggles with anything like this, and/or will sabotage a friendship between men and even an entire character arc because it's got too close and intimate and there's a desperate need to "no homo" everything (*coughs* Steve Rogers *coughs*). We're still in a position where romance between women and any romance involving trans people of any gender is dramatically under-everythinged (but that between cis men is also still not exactly even a fraction of where it should be). We're still in a position where honestly even the representation of romance between cishet characters is most often weirdly distant and lacks real closeness or mutual liking between them (often, let's face it, because the writers struggle to write women as people). I snarked a bit at first about the debate as to which is more important and under-represented between m/m romance and really open and loving m&m friendship, but honestly the main problem with that debate is that dividing up the exact same problem: we aren't going to get more open and loving representations of m&m friendship until the media get less afraid of the relationship being interpreted as romantic whether or not it is, by both fans and haters. (I.e. don't blame the shippers when a production company loses their nerve and trashes a friendship between men so that it's not seen as romantic! Blame homophobia. I mean, to put it on its simplest real-life terms, it's consistently my experience in the UK at least that het male allies are in general vastly more comfortable hugging each other than homophobes are.)
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I can't stand masculine women. I am transmasc and I try a lot to be percieved as a man but I am only seen as a tomboy only because some girlies think being its fun to dress like a guy.
I understand where you're coming from, and I'll presume this isn't bait, but: your anger is misplaced, and the way you are expressing it is only hurting women, and it will not make transphobes have a change of heart.
It isn't appropriate to hate an entire group of people because other people are transphobic. As a trans man, transphobes don't hate me because there are butch women, they hate me because I'm a trans man (and, let's face it, butch and GNC women are in the same boat. Transphobes are often just as hateful toward GNC/butch women). Transphobes don't care what you are if they know you are deviant. They will never respect a butch or transmasc because transness and GNC inherently go against their worldview.
I'm sorry, anon, that people are transphobic, I really am. But misogyny isn't going to fix the issue. If GNC women didn't exist, you would still have the same issue because transphobia is the problem, not GNC women.
I really hope you can build connection with GNC people because it really shows you a whole lot. I've found a ton of GNC women who are on my side and recognize my maleness and celebrate it with me. Gender deviants tend to get where trans people are coming from, because society treats them just as shitty. Do not let misogyny go unchecked because society is transphobic.
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matoitech · 8 months
ppl on here r always talking about how they’re not allowed to complain about men anymore but there’s not a whole lot of acknowledgement that this website is infested with transphobes particularly of the fascist variety and a lot of posts about gender and ‘feminism’ on here r total bull. like idk call me crazy but maybe there’s a reason trans people r ‘sensitive’ and care a lot about wording and shit. it’s not like we’re whiny baby idiots who can’t handle ‘the patriarchy and misogyny is bad’ unrelated its so crazy that when uterushaver5000 complains abt how they’re called a transmisogynist for complaining about MEN!! you click on their blog and they’re a transmisogynist. like who would’ve been able to guess (this is sarcasm)
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queerbauten · 11 months
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But "both sides". 🙄
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bornetoblood · 1 year
@littlealeta making a new post for this just cus I feel a little bad tagging onto this post ad infinum I hope you don’t mind :)
A lot of the things I have to say on this are pretty complicated (and I’m a little stupid) so sorry if this is like... uninteligable (also dw you’re not being mean! This is a pretty light hearted discussion about a video game I’m really not taking it to heart). I hope you don’t mind me doing the same right back at ya.
I don't really mind Vincent not saying he has a girlfriend since he's confused as to what he wants in his life, plus Rin and Catherine both threw themselves at him not Vincent. I think the game often gets viewed wrongly, a lot of people seem to think that if you have a partner, you should settle down with them and not think about breaking up with them. The game is trying to tell you that while it's not okay to cheat and betray your partner, it is okay to not have serious relationships.
My problem with Vince not telling Catherine he has a girlfriend doesn’t stem from the fact I expect him to settle down or think that’s best for him (the true freedom ending is my favourite for a reason) I have a problem with the fact it is a very serious betrayal of Katherine’s trust. While there are extenuating circumstances (the like... demon shit) Vince’s reluctance to come clean to both the girls purely stems from him not wanting to face consequences, which is selfish. Again I don’t think this is bad from a character standpoint, I find it very compelling, but it is immoral.
The problem is moreso how both Catherine and Katherine are written. They're both selfish and overly controlling to your character in different ways that it's just hard to fathom why Vincent would want to be with either of them. I wish Katherine was written to be less selfish, like why would you want to marry and have children with a man who drinks, smokes, lives in a messy apartment, and spends money impulsively? And Catherine had such rapey and yandere vibes from the start, which doesn't make sense because again, the game is focused on cheating and the idea of whether you want to live a free or traditional life. So why make both women so mean-spirited to the protagonist, one of them even raping and sexually assaulting him? And Vincent isn't even concerned about it? At least make Catherine's evilness more subtle and maybe not really come up until later in the game as Vincent starts pushing her away more and have Vincent not remember what happened between him and Catherine at the bar at all.
I agree and I think Full Body remedied the points with Katherine specifically to an extent. The scenes we are shown of Kath and Vince at the begining of their relationship genuinely makes me wanna see if they can make it work like that again! I think Kath wants to marry Vince cus they’ve been together for 5 years and they’ve both drifted apart over the years and don’t want to acknowledge that. The K endings read to me as the rekindling of their dynamic that had been dampened over time if that makes any sense. The deal with C is that I think her malice is already a slow burn (the SA point I fully agree on btw even if it is kinda ambiguous if they ever actually had sex when she says they did ((cus of the whole demon thing)). I think theres a relitive suspension of disbelief with C because she is supernatural. I think C nad K are both pretty compelling and both can be good for the Vince that ends up with them (the Vince that wishes to settle down and rekindle his romance and the Vince who wants to be king of hell). 
But isn't that what all the characters in the game do? Is challenge women and each other? If they weren't, wouldn't we have Vincent agreeing to settle down with Katherine from the start? Sure Vincent has a problem with speaking up, but it doesn't mean he doesn't wish to rebel against the pressure women place on him. Personally, I can see Vincent's point here. He's often pressured by women to live a traditional, old-fashioned life of finding one partner and settling down with them. Vincent doesn't care about serious relationships, he just wants to take his time hooking up with women until he finds the one he truly loves. Like I said, cheating is never okay. But we've never seen Vincent make a move on Catherine.
Vincent may be jumping to conclusions about women here, but that's all he's ever known, since both Erica and Katherine and even most Catherine players are pressuring him to settle down and to stay with the one he's been with for a long time, even if she may not be right for him.
Vince being a guy who wants to sleep around and not settle down is the same Vince who wants to settle down with his family, or be with no one at all, we get to pick which Vince he becomes and the game is about Vince self discovering into the ending we pick for him. He is all and non of these things. Vince, and the other men in Catherine, experiencing pressure from women does not excuse thier treatment of them and I do not blame the women for this, it’s society as a whole that places this importance on marriage and women are more so affected by that expectation (that was created by men might I add). Marriage may be right for Vincent Brookes and it might not be. There is no right way to climb the tower.
Like Katherine, Erica can be well-intentioned at times, but just some of the things these two say just sound very morally biased, especially regarding relationships, mostly about the importance of being tied down. It's why I cannot stand any of the women in the game. They all just seem so shallow and narrow-minded. Maybe it's because I'm not someone who is focused on going after the idea of marriage, but I don't see how it's a problematic thing to not want to settle down, get married, and have a family, especially in the 21st century. Maybe that kind of thing is different in Japan, but here in the western world, where Catherine is set, those things aren't important anymore.
I’m also adverse to marriage for myself, the talk in Catherine about the importance of marriage all sounds the same to me. But it is the same coming from every character in the game, which is why I don’t hold it against Katherine or Erica and still fully enjoy them (Erica specifcially being one of my favourites I love that she takes 0 shit from anyone). Also sorry if this is pedantic but Catherine is set on Mars in an amalgum of the US and Japan (like Ace Attorney ((not the Mars part)). It being a made up setting allows it to make its own culture, which happens to be one where society deems marriage very important. I wish the characters ‘happy endings’ didn’t tend to end in marriage too but that seems more like a general thing with how Atlus decided to write the game than a specific character issue if that makes sense.
Again, I do agree that Vincent isn't written as well as he could have been but with what they had, I think they did a decent job, especially compared to characters like Shinji, Jerry Smith, and Arlo the Dinosaur who are just shallow and/or inconsistent characters. I just find everyone else shallow for the reasons I mentioned in the other post and I just can't find myself connecting to their characters. Orlando even goes back and forth between saying his ex betrayed him and he betrayed his ex. Like, am I supposed to even sympathize with this character? Is he a victim or not? I don't even know what exactly happened between him and his ex.
I ADORE these character inconsistancies. With Orlando specifically it’s implied his use of their finacies in the scam was a betrayal of sorts (like he lost their life savings by getting tricked) and his wife leaving him cus of this was also a betrayal. I love it because there is no good or bad guy here, it’s humans in a human scenario where they both made mistakes and I find that deeply compelling. Orlando’s struggle with blaming his wife and then himself for the totality of the situation is soooo fuckin cool I feel like I’ve known people like Orlando.
Like with Archie and some of the other sheep, trauma is not always an excuse to be an asshole. I went through some trauma, Vincent has gone through way more trauma, and we still care about others and want to do the right thing. We're not perfect, but at least we're willing to help others which Vincent's friends rarely do, at least they're not as empathetic with him.
I despise Archie and I would dance on his grave, but what I do love about this side quest is that it shows off how compassionate and loving Vincent is. He forgives and loves unconditionally no matter how awful a human being is and is always there to help them. When they die, he becomes quite shaken.
Here I think we are simply after different things in these characters. Archie’s trauma does not excuse his actions and never will but they do contextualise them and make him sympathetic. I can empathise with how he has come to the conclusions he has due to his past even if those conclusions are harmful and wrong. This is what I love in characters, messiness and humaness. This goes for all of the patrons for me btw. I agree that Vince’s interactions with the sheep bring the best out of him (tbh I think they showcase his more confident and heroic side in a much more natural way than Rin does lmao). Vincent finds comradre with a group of other traumatised, also misogonistic men. They learn together. Get better together. They open up to each other in a way society has barred from them outside of this life and death scenario and they are better people for it. They remedy their biases and they have each other now ( have i mentioned the bar patrons are my favourite part? cus they’re my favourite part).
I don't see the problem with the game showing another side to Vincent. I think it was Atlus's attempt at showing Vincent's more likeable side (which I think they did a good job with compared to the original) but it also tracks because we've seen Vincent being mentally stable and compassionate like this toward the other sheep. Rin is the only character who's consistently nice to Vincent, so it makes sense that Vincent would be at his best with him. Rin is perfect because he's an angel. And he does have flaws, he refuses to forgive Vincent after he apologizes for pushing him away. That was a cowardly and cold move considering how close they were. I think I just like that Rin is the only character who actually shows empathy and support for our main protagonist when everyone else hardly did.
My problem isn’t with Vincent showing another side, it’s that I think this shift is sudden and jarring. Vincent acts sooo differently in the Rin cutscenes (even when he’s with his friends he was stammering next to like 5 seconds earlier). Like I said I thnk this is done better in regards to his slow gain in confidence with the sheep. Rin is the only character who is pretty much always nice to Vince and, yes, it is because they are an (at least allegorical) angel but I do find this... boring and not very compelling. Flawless characters send me to sleep sorry I just can’t personally see the appeal in someone who has no room to grow. I feel like an angel character can have compelling flaws but they just didn’t do this with Rin and thus their scenes do not grab me the way the rest of the cast’s do. I am aware this is my personal preference but I do like my characters with a little more going on. Rin refusing to forgive Vince for having the literally textbook transphobic response to seeing them naked is not a flaw, in fact I think they reacted too mildly. While Rin is not explicitly trans I hope you understand I’ve seen the whole: Character is she/her’d, character is revealed to have a penis (shocking!!! violent and/or disgusted reaction expected!!), character is he/him’d like a billion times and I am a little sick of it actually.
I suppose my point here is that Catherine is about the relationships between damaged people. Navigating those relationships through the hardships is what I find compelling about the game and Rin distictly lacks that dimension. Vincent works for and cultivates his healthy support system by the end of the game. He gets closer to his friends, to other men, to himself- regarless on whether he chooses to persue romance. Rin throws a pretty hefty spanner in this for me in a way that could of been interesting but feels underbaked. I get why people like these additions but it runs in direct contrast to all the things I find interesting about the game soo uhh yeh.
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
i could. ramble for days about how much feminism is still fucking vital. how queer women and woc and disabled women and fat women see you acting like it’s not necessary anymore and could scream at you but no one would listen. like things are more complex than mainstream feminism makes them seem but goddamn have a little bit of critical thinking skills and realize that feminism can have flaws while still being absolutely vital. y’all will see an abled cishet white woman become a CEO and think “omg haha feminism isn’t needed anymore”. like please stop. this comes from sections of the queer community too. I see sexist trans people saying that cis queer women are oppressive sexual abusers like. Every other day on here and no one fucking bats an eye. That lesbians have it easier than gay men, that being butch is just a copout that women use to “escape misogyny” and it’s fucking exhausting. and I can’t even speak for the massive amounts of racism needed to diminish feminism like this but goddamn it’s real. I get dirty looks from “feminists” every day but I’m not giving up on their rights just because they are hard to deal with. Mainstream feminism is really flawed. It’s also really necessary and girls, women, we deserve so much better.
you can criticize white women for our roles in upholding racism without denying misogyny.
you can criticize cis women for their roles in upholding transphobia without denying misogyny.
you can criticize non-queer women for their roles in upholding cisheteronormativity, without denying misogyny.
you can criticize women, without denying fucking misogyny.
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 7 months
Wait hold on I don't watch BBH but you're telling me literally every negative thing I've seen said about him on Twitter for months has just been straight up misinformation except for him being friends with someone who said weird shit?
Xenophobia: "You uncultured swine" - popular american culture phrase I've heard him use before when talking to friends and I myself used a few years ago when it was most prominent. Said at an inoppurtune time and was apologized for.
Homophobic: Was the first person who Antfrost came out to, friends with so many gay people, respects all pronouns (ever heard of the good ole bbh they/them beam? He often uses it when he doesn't know someone's gender, most recently used for Chun-sik because Bad didn't know Chun is a boy) is fine with being called they.
Transphobic: haven't seen anyone call him this at all but in case they have there is no evidence for this. I dare you.
Racist: Back when he played "It Takes Two" with Skeppy he made a comment about a character with a thick Mexican accent reminding him of Skeppy. Not even hours later he heavily apologized for his comment and said it wasn't an appropriate one at all. Not to bring up past conflicts but I think his recognition of what is defined as a weird comment and willingness to change and adjust behaviour is pretty swag.
Racist Chat: The one guy who had monkey emojis Rurus uncovered that that guy just liked using the monkey emoji to portray their own emotions, and did not use it when referring to other cc's at all. As of now the mods are still waiting for evidence of these phantom chatters and are accepting clips and screenshots to find and ban these people if they even exist.
Hates Women: Never heard this either. This guy has an extremely positive relationship with literally every active female cc on the server. Green flag if you ask me.
Wanna throw some more at me? I've been watching this guy for half a decade, am I missing anything?
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musical-chick-13 · 11 months
*puts my head in my hands* The reason that so many of us say, "I don't trust people who say that all men are evil no exceptions you should never interact with any of them for any reason" ISN'T because we are coddling abusive men, it's because we a) don't want to get into bioessentialism territory, and b) are WELL aware of your history of using this rhetoric to blame women who are abused by men because "Well men are horrible, what did she expect, she brought this on herself."
#tw: abuse mention#'feminism focuses too much on men!! we forget about the women!!!' I mean. in some cases yeah probably but that is NOT what is#happening here when I express my distrust of this phenomenon.#like...no I don't think we should have to clarify every discussion of misogyny with 'not all men' and I am WELL aware that when most women#go 'ugh men' they are complaining about the patriarchal system in place and do not LITERALLY mean Every Single Man#and at the SAME TIME: saying that men are inherently [x] & that 'can't be helped' and women are inherently [x] & can do no wrong#is. bad. you get why saying that men are inherently violent and [insert bad quality here] doesn't ACTUALLY fight misogyny right#you get why telling people 'this is NOT based on a systemic issue or cultural factors that can change over time and is just an Unfortunate#Part of being born as [assigned gender] that no one can help' doesn't. bode well for your cause right. RIGHT.#'welp ALL men are like this it's just The Way Things Are!' congratulations you've horseshoed back around to the very argument#people use to absolve abusive men of violence against women. look at you. real feminist hero there.#ugh let's hope THIS post doesn't get picked up by the t---fs#actually I'm going to make this non-rebloggable#lmao watch me get labelled as 'not caring about women' on The Women Blog#watch me get called a straight person when the primary thing I do is talk about how attracted to women I am a;sdkfja;lsfjksdfl
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harp-unstrung · 2 months
Tags I’m gonna try to start using, version 1
I’ll probably also do #asks and #polls and some other self-explanatory, topic specific ones, but I’ll try to use these regularly. At this time I’ve still got to go through and tag old posts as well. This directory post will probably be edited in the future.
Topic Tags
#boosting: for posts I’m sharing but not really participating in, for example people trying to find users in an area I don’t live in or a group I don’t belong to.
#discourse: discussions I’ve find interesting, whether or not I’ve participated.
#good news for women: Mostly, positive news articles etc about women. Not always sincere.
#good news: Positive stuff, not necessarily focused on women.
#lazy summer day: Psychedelic Art, or anything else I want to look at while on drugs
#medical misogyny: what it says on the can. Sometimes also good news like improvements in women’s health though.
#gcstuff: Topics related to TIMs and women. Very broad use.
#women’s health: anything related to women’s healthy living or medical treatment.
Filter Tags
#tw eating disorders: Topics specifically discussing eating disorders / disordered eating symptoms, effects, recovery, etc.
#tw food discussion: Topics related to nutrition, calories, exercise, etc.
#tw male in post: I know some of you prefer a male-free dash so I’ll try to tag stuff involving males with this for your filtering needs.
#tw meat in post: the same but for meat
(If there’s anything else someone wants me to tag for filters please let me know and I’ll try.)
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famiglia-lealta · 5 months
Squalo was sitting back on the couch, throwing back some vodka with his feet up on the table. Normally, the little brat would be all up his ass about at least using a coaster - like that was really gonna make a difference?! - but she was already distracted.
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It was gonna be one of those nights.
"I'm just saying, that it would be feasible that one could survive in a post-apocalyptic world without resorting to a cut-throat approach!" Neri was huffing, using her hands to emphasis every word as if this might have helped get her point across any. It wouldn't.
"You wouldn't last a day." Xanxus stated matter-a-factly, lounging on his own chair like the world's biggest asshole housecat. Honestly, Squalo doubted he even cared about the debate's subject; if it was pissing off the resident pacifist, it might as well have been free entertainment.
"Sedation or debilitation is a perfectly feasible way to exist." Neri began again, only to get cut off before she could finish her retaliation, red eyes shifting to pierce through her directly. "A coward's way to exist. You leave the enemy for someone else to deal with, no different from what you do now."
Leaning forward to rest his hands on his knees, Xanxus grinned. Squalo groaned into the lips of his bottle, massaging his temple in preparation for the oncoming shitstorm. Whenever the boss smiled, somebody's day was about to get absolutely fucked.
"I'm surprised, medico di merda. Maybe I'm wrong about you. Being so cruel."
Neri grew quiet at that, hesitant. No doubt sensing the blood in the water before it had been drawn. "Cruel? What do you mean, cruel?"
"Sedation. Whatever you want to call how you'd your pacifistic shit if the world ended. Refusing to deal with a threat - aren't you just leaving the potential for harm for somebody else?"
"Could be a mother. Could be a child. Could have been lives spared, if you'd done your fucking job probably." The grin had reached positively feral proportions. "Makes sense, why you like comin' around here so often. Just another assassin - but at least we don't bullshit about what we are."
Squalo leaned back into the couch, eyes narrowing as he watched the way the show always ended - the woman sharply jerking to her feet, shaking and full of indignation. Likely wanting to throttle the boss with her own hands - if that wouldn't have been proving the shitty point he was trying to make.
When the door slammed as she'd stalked from the room, the shark put down his own empty drink, reaching for another one. "Anyone ever tell you, you're one sick bastard?"
Xanxus just scoffed. No words given, still smirking like the cat who had just devoured the cream and never seemed to get tired of it. After a few minutes of staring out the window, he spoke again.
"Gonna go running after her again like a bitch?"
"Fuck off." Squalo snarled and had an empty bottle launched at his head for the loose tongue.
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Just another wonderful evening in the house of three.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Funnily enough (not), I've gotten a lot of transmisogynistic abuse from people due to running this blog, and it just makes me that much more dedicated to the experiences of trans women, transfeminine individuals, abinary, and gender expansive people.
It truly shows me that people will treat trans women like women (in terms of levying misogyny against them) - I'm talking about the pathologizing of female sexuality and bodies, the refusal to listen to them, the refusal to accept that maybe these women know more about their experiences than anybody else...
They face the worst of how we as a society treat women, but they are not allowed to call themselves women or even suggest that maybe the shit they're facing is because they are women. That's what people mean when they say transmisogyny is both real and that it is designed to silence and essentially (and literally) gaslight the people who face it.
The discussions surrounding transphobia, transmisogyny, and the umbrella of transness are nuanced, and we have been talking for years about it. I am not saying that this is the only way transmisogyny manifests, but I don't for a second want people to forget that trans people have a variety of experiences and we need to be open to that. Trans people are the experts in the things they have faced, and we are stronger together.
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yanderenightmare · 3 months
TW: nsfw, implied noncon/dubcon, abuse of power, misogyny, age difference, humiliation, degradation
fem reader
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Thinking about the old-fashioned boss in his mid-fifties and the tight new intern.
It started out small, backrubs and head massages—he made you one of his personal assistants on day one. You thought he was just eccentric—you didn’t think the entire office was a complete madhouse. But here you are, only a week later. Dressed in nothing but black heels and a bowtie, sucking his fat cock as he enjoyed the view of the city with a neat glass of scotch between his fingers. His other large hand, heavy with big clunky rings and a massive watch, stays on your head even as his other employees come in to discuss contracts and signatures.
He doesn’t give you the benefit of pretending you aren’t there, speaking freely about you in the most degrading fashion. “She’s a keeper, this one—submissive throat that knows to shut up when the men are talking. A perfect addition to the female staff.”
In board meetings, you’re on his lap with a ballgag. He squeezes your tit and pinches your nipple like it’s a stress ball—cock deep inside your tight cunt, keeping warm and wet. All the other members each bring their own pets—some even walk them in on all fours, using their silk ties as a leash. Sometimes, they switch with each other, but your boss sticks with you. And when they’re all gone, he sprawls you on the glass table and fucks you into a sweaty mess on top of all the important documents.
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Kirishima, Enji, Aizawa, AFO ♡ JJK – Sukuna, Nanami, Toji, Kenjaku, Higuruma ♡ AOT – Levi, Erwin, Zeke
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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aux-squiggle · 2 months
I have never seen something so embarrassing. How can a woman admit this.
TW husband stitch discussion:
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“I was screaming at my doctors for not giving [the husband stitch] to me.”
I am actually flabbergasted. This is a new level of internalized misogyny.
Imagine if black people kneeled down for white people like this. What if black people, after being legally freed from slavery, decided to stay in Massa's house even when they had the option to leave economically speaking.
Imagine if black people made social media followings posting content on how to better serve your master. Imagine a black person complained they didn't hot brand them in a clinic like they used to forcibly do to black people. Imagine if a black person complained about not getting an unnecessary and unsafe medical intervention because they wanted it in order to better sexually serve their master.
Imagine if black people, upon seeing criticism for slavemasters, would protest and cry "not my Master!" or "why do you care? I'm choosing this!"
Why is it that us women embarrass ourselves so freely? What the fuck?
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
okay i will never NOT believe that trans men and transmascs face specific oppression. i believe in the existence of transandrophobia/whatever name you use for it. and i DON’T think it’s transmisogynistic to acknowledge that, like, at all.
but i literally can’t stand the community that talks about it on here because time and time again i’ve seen so many of them say the most insensitive, blatantly misogynistic stuff without getting called out. like these are things i’ve seen some of the major people say on here without any repercussions (many of them include criticisms of white women, which im not saying is bad, but a lot of it isn’t genuine criticism, it’s just misogyny hidden behind criticizing white womens racism)
- “i’m tired of hearing about cis women’s trauma with men” (i understand that many transphobic cis women use their trauma to shit on transmascs, but this is NOT an acceptable way to say that without any consideration to its implications)
- soooo much stuff from white transmascs about how Black and brown men get policed, but ALWAYS implying that the same thing doesn’t happen to Black and brown women (I will always acknowledge Black and brown mens’ unique issues, but the erasure of police violence against Black and brown women is such a huge issue that it bothers the fuck out of me to see them only ever bring up police violence when it’s about Black and brown men)
- “if cis white women just wanted to vent about sexism, they’d just text their best friend, not make “womens only spaces”, that’s just because they want to have the most power in the room” (cis white women, and in fact all cis women and white women, should be held accountable for the racism and transphobia they can perpetuate, but to imply that they’re all power-hungry and just want to oppress others, that they can’t also experience misogyny and want safe spaces to discuss that, is DISGUSTING. also, you’re right, the point of those spaces IS to have power, because we largely don’t have that in a context with cis men, having power to be yourself for once isn’t a bad thing to want like huh???)
- “white women shouldn’t fear sex trafficking, they don’t want you” (which is a very insensitive way to acknowledge how sex trafficking affects largely girls and women of color. being terrified of being sex trafficked doesn’t make you stupid and isn’t a fear that should be mocked, whether the girl is white or not, but also, if you’re going to center girls of color in that discussion, just say that, instead of hiding misogyny behind criticizing white womens tears)
- literally outright saying that white women are the ones who continue the white race, and then pretty blatantly implying that therefore, if white women get raped by their partners, they’re still the carriers of the white race and therefore it’s a PRIVILEGE for them to get assaulted (i wish i was kidding. when i saw this post i was sick for hours afterwards. again: for the love of god, when you criticize white women and our capacity for harm, do it without blatant misogyny)
- lots of talk about how the mere existence of womens-only shelters/spaces is the problem, and not their common issues with intersectionality and transphobia. (sure, many of them have issues but that doesn’t mean their premise is bad and if you’re gonna shit on ANY woman for wanting a safe space after experiencing traumatic misogyny, then you need to shut the fuck up)
- making fun of the woman who coined the term ‘transmisogyny’ just because she has some flawed views about trans men. (she is a flawed person but julia serano is still integral to the discussion of transmisogyny and to mock anyone who aligns with her is just....... so blatantly transmisogynistic)
i’ve seen a lot more but those are the worst. i used to look up to a lot of these people but i’ve truly seen so much misogyny and especially misogynoir from them dressed thinly as criticism of white women and cis women that it’s not even funny. this is not me saying “won’t someone please think of the poor white cis women” it’s me saying that if you can’t criticize them in good faith without blatant bigotry against their gender, then you need to rethink your fucking criticisms and think before you open your damn mouth.
so yeah. just to reiterate- i literally firmly believe in the existence of transandrophobia but i can’t stand that community that talks about it in that way and though i sometimes reblog various posts from people like that, please don’t connect me to that shit because it’s quite triggering for me, i’ve had so many anxiety attacks and panic sessions from the misogyny and shit i’ve seen from them. i believe in transandrophobia but i also believe in showing basic fucking human decency to women.
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