#tw crowds mention
greentrickster · 6 months
Me going into this weekend: Well, it's time for the local anime convention, the one that I've been preparing for since December and worked super hard so I'd have lots of mage plushies in the store I sell them at downtown, all ready for excited anime fans to buy them!
This weekend: Protesters gridlock downtown on Saturday (aka, the Busy Day, aka the Profitable Day) because they can't handle the concept of a drag queen doing story time for kids at the library, someone escalates this to a very effective bomb threat that's fortunately fake but still forces local shops to close and the reading to be cancelled for the sake of safety, it pours rain, and is the coldest weekend we've had all month to boot. All the shops and the downtown farmer's market that brought in extra stock and produce in preparation for what is traditionally a very profitable weekend for local businesses due to exploring convention members are left in the lurch.
Me, now: (lying in my bed trying to console myself with humour) ...this did not go according to keikaku.*
*keikaku means plan
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the-magpie-archives · 2 years
Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Here's how I think the tma characters would celebrate:
Martin and Jon: Martin seems like the type of guy who'd want to celebrate with a small group of friends, but Jon does NOT. To even this out I think they'd have a very romantic night in with a nice bottle of wine and the fireworks on TV.
Daisy and Basira: Judging by how quick they were to go out for drinks when trapped at the institute I imagine they'd like to go out clubbing for NYE! And they'd totally kiss over dramtically at midnight.
Melanie and Georgie: They'd have a couple friends over and have a house party (approved by the admiral, of course!), and they'd probably write up bingo cards for the coming year.
Tim and Sasha: A nice big party with their mutual friends. Being social and all sorts of things like that!
Elias: He'd watch the fireworks in Central London. Like an insane person.
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entriprises · 26 days
✧✦⭒ SONG ASSOCIATIONS : a song for romeo & andie sent by @fyrewalks
they have lots but i'm choosing to talk about casual by chappell roan cause dee and i have been talking lately about how they're pretty much on and off all through the first couple times they decide to act on their feelings. they go from friends to something somewhat serious to both pulling away because of lovebug/heart attack responsibilities and time.
they don't really have chances to be official and serious and steady because for so long each of them has too much going on and also because of the relationship they have as it is. romeo is one of the first and few people to know andie's secret. he's one of the few people who she can be open with and entirely and she's known him since before the bite, even if it was ultimately what brought them closer. for him, he's always waiting for the big sign of romance and thinks that maybe they're not meant to be but he also really enjoys the attention and intimacy. him growing in fame makes it really difficult with her being lovebug. so all the times they're sort of... casual, even if by every definition they're not and neither of them want to be.
dumb love, i love being stupid / dream of us in a year / maybe we'd have an apartment . . . it's hard being casual when my favorite bra lives in your dresser . . . and i try to be the chill girl but honestly, i'm not
they have all the points of being together. they talk about their future together, they are intimate, they talk openly... they just are stupid and have a million excuses as to why living in the in-between limbo is so much easier than doing anything else
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sanguine-salvation · 6 days
[muse thoughts meme!]
I find you despicable in every way. You've cost Gotham so much. Too much. I don't care that you're insane. Seeing you at Arkham is genuinely disappointing since I'd rather see you in Hell.
On second thought, Arkham is fine. Since you love death so much, we wish you a long life and a slow, undignified death.
(Two thoughts from the same brain... I wonder whose it is??)
[ tell my muse what your muse thinks of mine on anon! - ACCEPTING ]
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"... Hmph. Is that all? Are you done?"
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"I'm not surprised. How could you care. You don't see the weight, the ugly reality that Death gifted me with. You say I've cost Gotham too much, but she was destitute before I was even born. And if only you could see it. Really see it! How much pain they're in, just... rotting, aimless, empty. I've felt it. When I cut part of me away, it's because someone never has to suffer again! But no, I'm despicable. It's fine, I'm used to being alone."
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"... unlike some people~"
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moonlightpirate · 2 years
This is getting long so time for the keep reading cut!!!!
Return to The Madding Crowd
Chapter 1: The Storm
Chapter 2: A Fall Day
Chapter 3: To Love or Not to Love
Chapter 4: Proper Lady
Chapter 5: The Letters
Chapter 6: The Wedding Ball
Law of Destiny
Chapter 1: Stuck in Cintra
Chapter 2: The Journey Home
Chapter 3: Wide Awake
Chapter 4: Love and Dreams
Chapter 5: Damsel in Distress
Joey Batey and Jaskier
Secret Worlds series
The necklace
Together again
Dancing Under The Stars
Inkpot Gods
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Meeting the Lettenhoves
That Unwanted Animal
Part two Meeting the Lettenhoves
Adam Warlock
Chapter 1: Thunderstruck
Valentines Day One Shots
Someone To Say
West Side Story
Somethings Coming
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Though the days blurred for him in Snezhnaya, Diluc could always tell when the day his birthday would come. It felt like a curse, the horrid feelings he’d so associated with that day never once failing to take hold of him, like a beast intent to tear out his throat. On day in particular, he would have honestly preferred that instead.
Even after coming back to Mondstadt, the day is something he loathes greatly. But Adelinde and Elzer, and Tunner and the rest of the staff do make it easier on him. There is always something special implicit in the way they go about their day, but never enough to dredge up the worst of the feelings. Just enough for it to seem like an appreciation of his effort and care for them. He’s truly thankful for it.
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
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i've certainly written her having them before, but i don't think i've ever written a hc about chiyo's anxiety attacks. they're mostly triggered by major stressors -- if she's had a near death experience in a verse in which she isn't superpowered or magical, ofc chiyo's going to have a hard time handling that. she also doesn't do well when thrust into huge crowds, though she's tried to overcome her anxiety as she's gotten older. it's still uncomfortable, but she can ride a packed train/subway if need be, and pushing through a crowded convention isn't ideal but doable.
even so, you might occasionally catch chiyo coming down from a mild anxiety attack after braving a crowd if she isn't medicating. i haven't really decided if she's sought help for her anxiety? she definitely struggles with it in general, having suffered from childhood trauma in the form of bullying as well as an incident in which she was separated from her parents in a crowd of people. i'm just not sure that chiyo would seek help from a psychiatrist or therapist rather than just try to manage her issues on her own. i can see the idea of such a thing being uncomfortable to her.
but!! this is why chiyo will often choose to run errands really early or really late or with a friend. everything is easier if she has someone along, which is why she rarely goes to conventions alone, too, even if she's just a guest on a few panels. she won't easily admit to this weakness of hers, though, because she thinks her anxiety is not necessarily logical; she worries that most people would think she's overreacting and judge her. so :' ) there's that :' )
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bloodigutz · 1 year
"nyehehe hey Lois" son or "haha Jonathan" daughter. you can't kill yourself.
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
log o7
• surprisingly knowing stuff for microbio that i didnt need to be lectured much and was kinda left to do my own business/finished early enough i can grab lunch
• being able to talk further to my friend about a writing project that i have on the backburner presently because i got a bad writers block about it but now i think i have an idea of where i wanna go
• getting a really stupid idea for a scene for said project and even getting a chance to write it
• being able to take a shuttle out of town (even if its just for classes. i miss driving around sm lmao)
• saw daffodils again :) also very pretty on sunny days like today. actually lots of them bc theyre planted all over the place here which is so nice!
• got to go home earlier than expected from the teaching :)
• GOT TO SEE A BUNCH OF BUGS.... I actually lowkey really love microbio tbh and I think it's cool (and terrifying. I had a huge fear of Everything when I first started learning about it), but getting to see each of the organisms face to face feels like being a little starstruck (which is kinda lame tbh but honestly it was so neat.), especially the parasites because they were a lot bigger than I would imagine them being!
• ngl walking around in the cold rain was nice. i mean it was really cold but it kinda felt freeing in a way. its nice
• i mean technically it didnt happen today but the little realization made me sorta happy. a lot of the times with friends i always worry about being really boring and tbh, from my perspective, i feel that i am. i dont really talk much and tend to be too anxious to do so. i dont speak my mind because i get way too nervous about how the other would accept it. that and sorta being told that i am boring/predictable a lot growing up made it hard to not think of myself any other way. (its kinda weird though bc i get told both ends of the spectrum where im either told im too boring OR im being too annoying so idk. cant win either way tbh). idk. its silly thinking about like two instances as of late that like i did something that was very predictable of me and still friends being fond of that bc thats just very 'me'. maybe its a silly thing to fixate on, but ig its kinda nice knowing that i dont have to try so hard to stand out/be different or whatever else. naturally, whatever i wind up doing, there'll be people who like me as i am, and i think thats a nice thing to hold onto
i forgot to add one more bc this was mostly written while i was on the shuttle back home and cooking dinner but it was also nice talking to my friend about some theories about hsr :] idk it got me excited to do so even though i dont have everything put together in my head alskdfjh
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sanguine-salvation · 5 months
[confession meme]
"I want your salvation. I've seen the truth for so long. But the urge to survive is strong. I'll kick, bite and scream. However I want your gift. I want your kiss of death, angel."
[ Anonymously confess something to my muse. - ACCEPTING ]
"We can't help it, you know, dear zombie. If I may confess something back... even when I was faced with death, even when I stood on that bridge, laid under that knife, when I could have given in and choked on my own blood one way or the other..."
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"... I fought back. I shoved Death away like a rabid stupid beast! And she laughed and gave me purpose for my efforts. And here I am. Burdened with truth and the weight of giving freedom I cannot give myself anymore..."
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"But the first step is knowing the beauty and inevitability of death. Whether you come to my arms willingly, or I put the animal in you to the test before the slaughter, I promise I will give you freedom when I find you, and I will do it with mercy and care, my poor little zombie. It will be the closest you will ever get to truly being alive."
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Hi just a reminder that you cannot fucking say you’re against clonec*st/incest or racism and then turn around and support an artist or writer who actively feeds into that crowd no matter how talented they are.
You do it for the master/Padawan shippers easily, so why the fuck is it so hard to do the same to clonec*sters and racists for some of y’all?
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lord ruby would definetly regress if one of the lunars/lunar lords got to pushy [mainly blacky] he would hide and drop, shaking and crying.
crystal and red moon would be by his side and only let lord hypernova aprouch
Lord Shadow (the gentlest of the various gods, who happens to be an Eclipse who was also abused) would be very careful with him and hold him the rest of the meeting, after running this by Crystal Moon and Red Moon, of course. Possibly take him into the adjoining room to be with the companions like Evening and Nyx, who will make sure Lord Ruby feels safe and cared for.
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Plants hopped up on Eridium sounds like a recipe for disaster. o-o
( I mean isn't that kind of the point--
nah but like. I think Greenie wouldn't take to the 'beneficial' effects of Eridium right away? He's not typically the receiver of energy, he's the go-between for Dependents and the higher dimension's energy-- so when this foreign poison hits his system, he's gonna get sick.
He's gonna run hot, throw up slag, be uncomfortable and in pain... but the good stuff is clearly being absorbed. His markings might even take on a purple-y pink hue. But he's not acting like a battery-- he's not producing energy of any kind --so what's happening to it? )
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heirbane · 1 year
grandpa's first sunday. you know what that means.
Gaius, having grown up in the military and being under the wing of many superiors, is no stranger to the status quo between man and boy - senior and junior. He went untouched until he was sixteen summers, curls creeping between his thighs and sprinkling his chest and underarms. His platoon was full of those going through puberty and the pains of becoming an adult by body, even if Garlemald had deemed them adults years ago, by virtue of their enlistment.
His first bedfellow was a man a handful of years his senior, still lanky and ill-proportioned, a Roegadyn in birthright but not wholly in statue yet. The man had been gifted a new title, no longer on par with Gaius but his superior in all ways that mattered, and he used his new name to bend the teen at the waist and find his own pleasure.
(Several weeks later, Gaius had tried his own hand - to use his status and title as male birds did their showy plumage. It was all the same, this show of dominance, of power: the most decorated bird was the one to find a partner, and the higher the title, the wider the pool he had to choose from. He went to bed with a girl a summer or two older than him but with a title beneath his, and was so uncertain of how to give instead of receive that he was unable to keep himself afloat, drowning in teenage uncertainty and embarrassment. She got herself off, got dressed, and left - and, to his benefit, he never saw her again, but he knew in his gut that she laughed at him amongst friends.)
By the age of twenty and two, on the cusp of another promotion, Gaius had spent time in plenty of bedrolls, in plenty of company: with another, with multiple others, with further Roe and conscripted Miqo'te, with other Garleans. As he grew into his confidence and became comfortable with what he wanted -and what he needed to find a release among others - the encounters that required him to be receptive became fewer.
By the time Gaius is a quarter of a century old, half his life already paid to the military, he has ceased being dug into bedrolls or led to his knees. Part of it is status: he had already been gifted his tol title, leaving only a handful of soldiers above his rank who could have him submit in such a way. Most of it was personal preference and his silver tongue.
Gaius had not been taught that sex could be for love, for intimacy, or for much else besides stress relief and procreation. (Unsurprisingly, such a mindset is being fed to recruits thirty years his junior - the last few classes of Garlemald's military academy before it's fall still struggle to relate the act to anything beyond that.) Knowing that, it isn't a surprise that he treats it just so: bedding peers and juniors to remove his mind from his duties and to prepare for the battlefield.
Thankfully, by the time he is twenty and five, the softness that came with inexperience was no more. He knew what he desired, and his recurring partners knew much the same: his bedfellows were to take command, to behave, and do as told, lest he discipline their insubordination. He is not a lover but a dictator; he does not appear kind, although their limits and expectations are fully understood and tapping out taken seriously.
For his partner to end up like he did at the beginning - face in the bedroll, his fist in their hair, a pace so ruthless it punched gasps from their lungs - was not uncommon. Gaius was not known to take his time.
His haphazard foreplay and brutal pace thereafter slowed with age, as did the amount of partners that graced his bedroll - or his mattress, once the man could afford an apartment and amenities. As he matured, so did his tastes.
Gaius, at twenty and five, was known to devour his meal as if a man starved - a youth still feeling out his appetite and how much he needed to feel sated. Gaius, at fifty and five, had learned how to play with his food.
(While he still quite enjoyed the view of his partner's arched back and the sounds they made when he bent them over, he enjoyed their anticipation even more, the languid chase that came before he devoured them. He was in no rush. Death had come for him more times than he could count, and sex was a luxury he scarcely afforded himself as a man: he would relish in it, even if it meant listening to his partner beg.)
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Stop. Telling. People. To. Stop. Eating. Junk food.
You CAN eat it, but not on a regular basis. It shouldn’t be your primary diet. No one is saying that.
You can have a fucking soda every so often. And bread. And fucking RICE.
Telling people to limit shit is how you start binge eating in your underwear at 3 AM and hating yourself and not thinking about the progress you’ve made up to that point.
Eat the fucking chocolate.
Life is too short.
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
@lthqofficial it’s time to drop the news besties
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