#tw buising
kosaciec · 11 months
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Freshly molted cicada - This is avaliable as a print!
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daikunart · 2 months
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𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐌&𝐆 [𝐄𝐩𝟑]
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fiddlesqueak-fables · 26 days
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Hello, I’m here to advertise my Victorian/Gilded age inspired medical-horror artwork on my Etsy!
I hand-crafted and fully illustrated a short story in the form of an 1880’s medical journal, and it’s now available as a scanned PDF for only $5. If stories aren’t your thing, there are prints and stickers of the various illustrated elements as well!
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onsideramen · 6 months
One Step Away.
Also, quick TW: Choking, Death.
This is a little silly fic that I'll be posting to AO3 later probably ;3
(KAIS FEAR SCENE IN THE CAVE REAL OMG???!?!?!?!?!? Character study :3)
Kai stared ahead, determined to reach the end of the cave- he needed to, after all. The flame in his hand flickered, faltering before extinguishing itself into small puffs of ash.
The Fire Master turned his attention to his hand, snapping it a few times in a fruitless attempt to get the flame back. He groaned when it didn't work, turning around to the others and-
...Where were they?
Kai squinted, seeing nothing but a cloud of darkness. He took a step forward, worry squeezing his heart tightly. He didn't need to worry, not yet- but how could he not? A few months would never be enough to meld that torn piece of him back together, that piece of him that wondered if he'd simply finally given to insanity, seeing nothing but hallucinations.
He shook his head quickly, not letting his thoughts drag him under. This moment was real, he was certain- and he was certain his family was not within his sight.
"Lloyd?" Kai called into the darkness, voice steady despite the worry dripping from him in borderline solar flares. He frowned at the lack of response, moving his flameless hands to cup his mouth. "Nya! Lloyd!"
Again, no response.
The worry was practically tearing him apart inside out now- something he would likely never admit. Kai walked further back into the cave, attempting to locate the others. If he was mildly frantic about it, no he wasn't.
Kai came to a halt at the sound of what could almost be called a scream.
One that he was far too familiar with.
Kai whipped around, already falling into a defensive stance as he watched Lloyd run to him, tears streaming down his face. The Fire Master didn't comprehend how young he looked in that moment, as if he were a confused and scared 11-year-old again.
It didn't matter how he looked, not at all- and it never would. It was Lloyd. His brother. Someone he swore he would always protect. Pulling Lloyd closer to him before adjusting his stance to be semi-in front of the younger came almost as second nature.
Kai watched closely as something slunk out of the darkness, towering over him. The thing smirked, a hand coming out from behind it.
The thing held Nya by the neck, she flailed around for a moment, trying to pry the thing away from her neck so she could, most likely, breathe.
The Fire Masters eyes widened, stance faltering for just a moment before his expression hardened. Sparks filtered from his fists.
"Let her go."
The thing sneered at Kai, its devoid face crinkling into something akin to disgust before tightening its grip. Nya squirmed for a moment before beginning to wheeze, her attempts to pry the things hand from her neck growing weaker and weaker.
Kai stared, pulse buzzing violently under his skin.
His blocked flames bristled, a blazing inferno deep in his core.
And he lunged.
He lunged for the thing, anger in every grab and tear at the monster.
"LET HER GO!" He screamed, eyes burning as his attacks grew more and more helpless.
The thing snickered despite its current state, amusement in its unforgiving eyes.
Kais' anger only grew, the inferno raging until it obscured any rational thought he could've had. Unshed tears clogged his eyes, limbs trembling as he tried to withhold himself from killing the thing. A mercy it didn't deserve.
And then he was on the other end of the cave, gasping in gulps of air, dizzy, with an unbreathing sister beside him. His inferno sizzled out, water dimming it to a few half-hearted sparks. The shaking of his limbs increased tenfold, his tears finally boiling over and burning his cheeks.
"KAI!" Lloyd- oh, oh FSM wasn't he protecting him-
Kai threw himself onto his feet, looking a complete mess as he watched in what felt almost like slow motion as The Thing dragged his younger brother further into the darkness, a snicker echoing the cave before something zapped him.
Kais' mind had to do a double take on that last thing, actually. He was staring at the stone floor of the cave, shaking mildly- but there were no tears in his eyes, as if they'd been boiled away.
He was zapped.
Was Jay nearby? Oh, FSM. How would he ever explain all this- he couldn't handle The Lightning Ninja right now-
No, no. It would be a good thing if he was there now, wouldn't it?
Kai was pulled to his senses by the sound of the others talking. The others. Lloyd and Nya. His family. His siblings.
He inhaled shakily, trying to wipe what must have been a horrified expression off of his face, then stood up.
They were alive.
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violentviolette · 4 months
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i miss kaneki
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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Naruto business au
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asksolgaleo · 1 year
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[Warning, blood and horror below cut.]
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build-a-stim · 4 months
very much not gentle reminder that this blog is not a safe space for terfs. im transgender and will always support and stand with trans people. terfs are not and will never be welcome here.
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werm-arises · 1 year
I have a bunch of sketches but I'll post them by fandom! Might finish some of these who knows
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ssatxr-archive-2 · 7 months
{ Also, I know its not my place, but call outs are never the right answer. I get the need for awareness, yes, but there are other ways. drama should always be handled privately. end of story. }
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universestreasures · 8 months
@shacchou (Plotted Starter)
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Well, this was going to be interesting. Suzuha had expected both Kaiba brothers to be in attendance for the business meeting taking place at her Sky Home today, but it seems the younger had some social plans of his own to attend to and thus, cannot make it. Looks like Mokuba had gone back to being his old self once more, a pleasing development after the sorrowful state she saw him in when his brother was in a coma. She certainly will have to schedule another arts and crafts session with him soon.
But meeting with Seto Kaiba alone was a great opportunity for her. She had been wanting to build rapport with the CEO for sometime now, for business reasons as well as social ones. He was Mokuba’s brother he spoke so highly of, after all. She also wanted to discuss a potential collaboration she thinks he won’t be able to resist signing in on, a project that will help expand the world of Buddyfight like never before that only could be done with the aid of the revolutionary creator of such advanced gaming tech.
Suzuha finishes her makeup and hair just as her home lands at the Kaiba Mansion. She wasn’t about to have him drive out to meet her when she could just come to him. A meeting up in the clouds was a much more fitting venue for a meeting such as this, much more elegant and private with no worry of interruption. One last look in the mirror and a nod of approval from her attendants signals her to begin moving out of her chambers and into the meeting room to await his arrival.
It is only a few moments later does that the heiress hears the sounds of footsteps from outside the room. She had sent her butler Sebastian to greet him while she ensured the meeting space was perfect. It was spotless, beautiful, and had a tea and small plate trays all ready in addition to a chess table set up. Mokuba did mention his brother was rather talented at the game, and she wanted to leave the option open in case discussing business over a game was more his style. One could never be too prepared when you have guests over.
“Lady Suzuha will see you now. Please, make yourself at home, Mr. Kaiba.” Sebastian speaks just before opening the door, revealing the CEO at last to the young lady. Teal hues examined his appearance from head to toe indiscreetly. He certainly was as handsome as all the media she’s seen of him, his long coat suiting him rather well. Though, what caught her eye more than anything was his pendant, one that she recognized immediately as the very one Mokuba made all those months ago by hand.
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“He’s wearing it? Oh, how sweet! Looks like he quite enjoyed dear Mokuba’s gift, after all.” She thinks to herself, a smile gracing her perfect face. It made her so happy to see this. Suzuha remembers how nervous her friend was when making it, even doubting his brother would like it. Of course, she reassured him, and it seemed like she was correct to do so.
Suzuha then elegantly moves her gloved hands to take the sides of her golden ballgown before doing a formal curtsey as a greeting. It wasn't the traditional Japanese greeting, but it was the way she was raised to greet others. She truly was a princess living in the modern day, wasn't she?
"Greetings, Seto Kaiba. It is truly an honor and a pleasure to have you in my humble home. I've been rather looking forward to this meeting. Dear Mokuba has been raving about this new technology of yours for a good while now. So, I'm excited to learn more. It's a shame he won't be in attendance with us today, but I understand he had other commitments."
The lady then gestured to the sitting area she prepared for them both, a small end table in between two elegant chairs that matched the type Suzuha would bring to sit in when she was out in public. It was the perfect comfortable seating arrangement for a meeting such as this. "Please, do take a seat so we can begin the discussions."
Suzuha follows her own words as she moves to sit in her own chair. Not a moment after her bottom hit the furniture, Sebastian was already there pouring her tea. It was a beautiful and authentic Earl Gray from England that was one of her favorites that she only served to important guests. He also remained close by to pour Seto Kaiba a cup, if he so desired.
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"So, from my understanding based on what I've heard from the vice president, you wish to contract the Amanosuzu Mining Sector that runs the Fuji Photon Metal Mine to help supply materials for this 'Duel Disk System' you wish to mass distribute to the public?" The heiress starts, taking a sip from her cup before placing it on the table. "Is it really true that it is a portable version of your Solid Vision technology you developed for Duel Monsters? If you have a prototype with you, I would love to see it in action myself."
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schizospecdreams · 1 year
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ilovetheminecraft · 2 years
Contestants on come dine with me s11 were fatphobic as fuck
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
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snoringkitty1 · 5 months
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ᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ɪɴᴛᴇʀʀᴜᴘᴛɪᴏɴs..
More Aventurine..because he's my fixation right now.
Love me a traumatize gambler.
Tw: Not proof read, fluff.
The rays of sunlight slowly but surely began to peek into the bedroom through the window, the curtains not closed enough to shield your eyes from the golden rays. Having been left open the night before, since you and your gambler were busy..well, mostly he was busy, finishing off buisness calls while you changed. Your eyes fluttered open after you did your best to fall back asleep..turns out the sun wasn't as blinding as the face before you when you opened your eyes. Aventurine, or as you called him, Aven, looked as picture perfect as an angel. His face was slightly squished against his pillow and his eye lashes fluttered on occasion, unkempt blonde hair framing his face. I can't blame you for staring for a while, he did have a picture perfect face after all.. His soft breathing and very presence was almost enough to send you right back to sleep, even with the blinding sunlight, that is until.. "Are you just going to stare~?" He cooed, peeking at you with one eye open, a smirk plastered on his tired face. Your wide eyed flushed face was enough to lighten up his morning, laughing to himself before holding your face, a smug look in his pretty Avgin eyes. "I know i look good..but you really can't help yourself, huh?" He mused and leaned close to peck your lips, "Ah..- uh, Good morning..?" You responded sheepishly with a smile. Aventurine chuckled and shook his head, about to lean in for another kiss before grumbling hearing his phone ring on his nightstand. "Just a sec Babe.." He huffed. Only as he rolled over did you notice most of the buttons on his pj's had come undone, only left holding on for dear life. "Ah.." He rolled over before you could comment on it, answering his phone. You didn't keep up with all the mumbo jumbo as most of the talk was formal and boring, but one thing you understood was the; "Alright. I understand. Let's schedule the interview for today." You felt your heart sink with a frown, Wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close, kissing the brand scar left on his neck. Aven glanced at you, smiling to himself seeing you get so clingy over a simple sentence. He then hung up, set his phone aside, and rolled over to face you. "Me and you have another hour to sleep in, then, how about you tag along to this.. 'interview'.? I think you'll enjoy it." He mused and tilted his head, watching your expression closely, curiously. "Oh? I can go with you this time? Count me in~" He chuckled seeing you respond so cheerfully. "Alright, perfect..i'm going back to sleep.." he hummed and nuzzled close into the crook of your neck, peppering light kisses here and there. It tickled a little, making you writhe around in his arms and making him laugh in turn..but as the kisses stopped, his soft snores ensued..lulling you off to sleep along with him.
Thanks for reading.
Feel free to leave suggestions below.
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bryngmemoney · 9 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw(maybe?): death joke, that’s rlly it
also a little story writing below the messages!!
🪡Chapter Two: Flirting Buisness Tactic
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You walked in with Maki to the main media hall. Most of the furniture there had been moved to the corners of the room leaving a wide open space in the center, chairs for the designers were placed around it lined up to form a long narrow rectangle where you imagined the models would walk. You could see taped X’s placed at the end of the makeshift runway and half way through it. Looking up from your phone you saw Nobara waving at you and Maki, two chairs on either side of her occupied with what you imagined was her sweater and her bag.
“Finally you guys are here!” Nobara said as you two were within a few feet of her. You and Maki took a seat on either side of her, you could see Panda talking to a few people you weren’t too familiar with, but once he saw you guys he waved then went back to his previous conversation. “Okay y/n, here this is Fushiguro, maki’s nephew,” Nobara said, leaning into your side putting her phone in front of you. It took you a moment to process what was on the screen, a group photo of her, Yuji, and the one her finger was pointing at was a guy with spiky black hair. “Oh my god wait,” you mumbled, “I do know him!” Nobara looked up from her phone, staring up at you face. “What?! how?” You met her gaze and answered. “Well it was my turn with Miwa a week ago to hand out posters for the auditions. To be honest Miwa was probably working harder than me, but he caught my eye so I told him he was handsome and he should audition.” You felt your face heat up a little at your words, granted Nobara’s stare directed towards you wasn’t helping. No way was all that was going through her head, Megumi was right!
Authors Note: Chapter two!! Hope you guys enjoyed, Nobara didn’t believe Megumi but turns out he might actually have a pretty good chance🤷🏻‍♀️
also megumi’s still kinda moody about failing but it is what it is
Anyways taglist below feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly
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