#also the kokushibou was a joke
thebottomfromhell · 1 year
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Traditional Courting [more or less], Demon Male Reader, but genitals are not specified (this one has no sexual content). This are Gyutaro and the Hantengu Clones.
Gyokko, Nakime, Akaza, Douma and Kokushibou are here.
Warnings: Cannibalism, Mentioned dead animals, Human death, Mentioned death of unborn fetuses, Mentioned kidnapping, Threats to reader.
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When you first ask permission to court him, he thinks it's a joke, and a funny one. He laughs hard and every time you try to explain he keeps laughing.
Then you ask permission to him and he realizes you are not joking. You managed to get Daki to help you to see him, but she thought you would get rejected.... technically for a second time. She stormed out with a tantrum, not wanting to share her brother with you, as he gave you not only the permission, but ordered you to court Gyutaro. To be honest you don't know what of yourself caused such an impression to him, but it's not like you want to back off, or even have the choice right now. [Muzan actually just wants you to get a strong bond with Gyutaro for him to be able to use you to "convince" him to absorb Daki :( ]
You start inmediately, more often than not he complains "just because you are a handsome, big and resourceful man doesn't mean you get to treat me like a girl, ne." You still don't stop to offer him to walk together, or bring him gifts.
It doesn't take you long to discover what gifts he actually likes, he prefers dead animals or dead people over anything else. He likes to keep the first, specially if they are pests, to be honest the worst thing you gave him was a snake and a mantis, both reminded you of him and he loved them. "If I am a mantis I might as well eat you sooner or later" he jokes, wincking, actually starting to like the attention. He eats all the humans you give him once you discover his taste, he likes ugly and deformed body parts, but the sweetest thing for him are organs, specially healthy and full stomachs, he likes the acid flavor in his mouth and how abundant it is.
You refrain to touch him as much as you can, not because you are disgusted but because he doesn't like touch. But that is a lie, Gyutaro is actually touch-starved, but you let him start any contact between you two. You are as respectful as you can, that at times makes him taunt you "Such a good husband you are, but here you are courting the ugliest of all the Red Light District instead of some pretty girl. Ne?"
To convince Gyutaro he is not ugly is both impossible and unnecesary, while he feels a bit shameful at times, he would not change his appereance for nothing. He doesn't know why, but it makes him proud. You let him have this self-denigrating humor he has, even though you don't find it funny, which is good because it might actually hurt him if you did. You also praise him a lot, not on his appereance since that makes him upset, he neither thinks you are lying out of pity or as a joke, he would feel it as condescending.
He likes when you tell him he is a good brother, that he is a good fighter, that he is powerful and scary. He also likes the promises of aid and company. At the end, once you prove you are honest and willing to make some few compromises for him, you're in his heart. He has very few things he cares about, much less people, so once the barriers are down, he is nothing but good with you as long you don't hurt him.
Daki, on her side, is a menace, thanks to her the courting is lasting forever, as Gyutaro doesn't dare to fully accept you without her approval even when you finally managed to get him to like you back. [Be glad, that is honestly what is saving you all from Muzan]. There isn't even a thing as marriage between demons! But still, when she is not looking, Gyutaro sometimes calls you "husband" as a playful nickname, since it's mostly a game where you need to make sure Daki doesn't hear him. She would make the biggest tantrum ever. [And Muzan would know he can get what he wants from you 💀, better stay courting and flirting forever]
It takes an infinity of time before Daki warms up to you, but even then, she doesn't want to share Gyutaro. It has always been them together and she hates the change. She will get used to your presence, but will still compete for Gyutaro's attention and time no matter what you do, and if he has to choose, she will always come first. "Don't be mad, but she is my little sister, ne. She is everything to me, ne."
{It was complicated to convince the clones to remain separated, the lack of the surprise element it's just something that scares Hantengu. You don't even know how you manages to find and face him again and convince him to order the division of the clones, but you did. He, on the other hand, did not care. At all. That you wanted Hantengu (or at least part of him). He actuaĺy wondered if something is wrong with you and if it's bad enough that he should kill you. But again, doesn't really care, just let you do as you pleased as long as the clones started to take advantage of the numbers and look for the damn Blue Spider Lily.}
Sekido constantly rejects you, and each time he is more aggresive. It just starts with a "You think I'm taking a woman's role for a guy like you? Do you want to anger me or what?" It gets to the point that if he is not in love with the gift you gave him or not manage to get the food the exact way he likes it, he will destroy whatever you give him, or worse, give it to Karaku and Urogi if he gets the chance, and they neither end up destroying or loosing the gift. And food, what food? There is no food leftz there was never food to begin with, but of course they didn't eat it..... (they are the dogs.)
The only thing you have seen him eat are brains of intelectual and near the middle age men, but only when it's still pink and full of blood, for some reason judges in particular seems to make it like the food more, but you never figured the change in taste a job could give. Also, he likes coins, for some reason. Old coins, foreign coins, high prize, low prize, new coins, big ones, small ones, ugly ones, pretty ones, hold, copper, anything, he keeps them all, counts and clean the collection.
Also, when you become insistent on the gifts and proposals he gets even more annoyed and angry with you, leading him to attack you both physically and verbaly. "You think you are doing something? You are an annoyance and a burden! Go to pester somebody else, damn okama!" So it's better to give him space and breaks from you after every interaction. [Okama is how drag queens or very femenine gay men are called in japan, but the word is a slur for queer people, please never use it.]
To actually get him to warn up to you you must befriend Hantengu and the rest of the clones first, which takes a lot of time and effort since now they are all separated and doing their own thing and the main body resents you for making him order the separation of the clones. In the end, Aizetsu takes pity of you and helps to with the others (he is also the one that told you about the coins, he's very helpful). "I see you are keeping the others out of trouble. Don't get it over your head, but I can appreciate that." He starts liking you back the moment he realizes he doesn't have to worry as much for the others with you helping around. He can actually relax for a while and be less angry all the time.
After a while he ends kidnapping a priest for both of you to have a ceremony, one he organized without letting you do anything. He enslaved Urogi, Karaku and Aizetsu for them to help him make everything the way he wanted and actually surprise you with "If this is what it takes for you to make my life easier, then fine. You will be my husband." You both eat the priest at the end of the ceremony.
Mind that while it was hard for him to catch feelings, loosing them will not be even ⅓ of the trouble the courting was. One big mistake, like not listening to him or forgetting something important will not be tolerated, if this behavior remains he will throw you to the sun. You spent more than 5 years courting him, so don't mess it up.
{It was complicated to convince the clones to remain separated, the lack of the surprise element it's just something that scares Hantengu. You don't even know how you manages to find and face him again and convince him to order the division of the clones, but you did. He, on the other hand, did not care. At all. That you wanted Hantengu (or at least part of him). He actuaĺy wondered if something is wrong with you and if it's bad enough that he should kill you. But again, doesn't really care, just let you do as you pleased as long as the clones started to take advantage of the numbers and look for the damn Blue Spider Lily.}
Karaku. Is. Greedy. Very greedy. The second you ask to court him he laughs happily "Sure, show me how enamored with me you are, lover-boy~". He takes every gift (even though there are times he looses them, which frustrates him at times but recieving a new gift or something to eat for you always makes him feel better, specially if you don't get mad at him) and every piece of flesh you get him.
Karaku, even though he doesn't use most of them, likes lavish and expensive stuff. Bath salts, jewelry, robes, essential oils, and other luxury items, he also thinks stolen goods are better than buyed ones, he laughed and joked about it when you asked. "If you are capable of stealing their stuff maybe you'll have a chance stealing my heart. C'mon, show me you are a bad boy and I'll show you I can be a good wife~" He also eats anything you give him, but he has a giant preference to fetuses and unborn children for some reason, not pregnant women, fetuses and unborn children. Obviously that is really hard to get, but you did manage twice or thrice.
Another thing is that he not only flirts back at you at every chance he gets, but also from time to time he likes to get you food and gifts. He is actually very romantic in that aspect, giving you flowers, reciting poems and philosophical quotes (he tells you he made them, since you don't remember human literature you can only believe him [he did not]), spending quality time together and so. And at time together, it's not just quality, it's also quantity, he spends most of his time with you. "Flower, what flower? The only thing I need is you, handsome~" He uses you as an excuse to procrastinate, which most of the time gets you in trouble with Sekido, who resents you for it...... it's a work in progress.
Still consider, while he does this, it doesn't mean he has fallen for you already, or even likes you the same way you like him. He is just chasing a good time, so if you want this to work instead to look for genuine feelings you should just entertain him. He barely knows your name until much later (that is why he ALWAYS calls you petnames, and the fact he likes them). When time passes and you are alredy fully integrated in his life, to the point you are even part of the life of Hantengu and the rest of the clones, is that he realizes "Holy shi- I think I actually like you."
Actually, the courting doesn't last that long, less than 4½ months, specially when you reject having sexual intimacy before marriage. It's fine, if he gets bored he can only throw you to the sun or the demon slayers later, he doesn't need to think much about it, but while you are courting him mostly traditionally, he wants a relationship upgrade, and he wants it soon. So it's surprise when he makes a- "Hey babe, I made a surprise party, a surprise wedding! You can thank me on our honeymoon~" but you should have expected something like this when he dissapeared for more than a week. You still have to win Sekido over by the time you both marry :(
On the good side, he does eventually catch feelings, and the wedding was nice :)
{It was complicated to convince the clones to remain separated, the lack of the surprise element it's just something that scares Hantengu. You don't even know how you manages to find and face him again and convince him to order the division of the clones, but you did. He, on the other hand, did not care. At all. That you wanted Hantengu (or at least part of him). He actuaĺy wondered if something is wrong with you and if it's bad enough that he should kill you. But again, doesn't really care, just let you do as you pleased as long as the clones started to take advantage of the numbers and look for the damn Blue Spider Lily.}
Even with his wings, Urogi falls, and falls hard, fast and deep. The moment you asked to court him, you won his interest. The second you give him food and gifts, you won his stomach. And the moment you started saying pretty promises to his ear, you found the stomach you won he had his heart. He easily becomes very needy and spoiled.
Urogi's favorite meal, you learn rather fast, are the eyes, tongue and fats from young people, specially in their face, and he likes to take the nose too. "Those parts are so cute I can't help but wanting to grab them!" On the other hand, the gifts he likes are dead animals, mostly the ones that are part of the bird of prey's diet, and anything shiny. Jewelry, coins, metal decoration items, blades, trinckets, even trash and leftover, as long as it's reflective, he wants it. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme! I want it! You said you would be my suitor, that means you must suit me! So do so and gimme that golden tooth you found in your dinner!" He also accepts very giddy soft items, like pillows, comfortable clothing, strings, feathers that are not his, animal skin, and so. The thing is that he will destroy everything you give him.... to build. Nests.
Usually tearing down with his talons, fangs and soundwaves he tears apart averything you give him, and if he is not eating it, it's going to the several nests he started to build all over Japan, big enough to have two people (his idea was to have enough space for him to stretch with half-way eaten corpse besides him.) "Just the idea makes my heart sing of joy! It's like being rich and having several houses! One in the mountains, one in the beach, one by a river, one near a city, and more!" He has let you into one of his nests, for your surprise they are very comfortable, retain the warmth and it's a padded surface. He also has offered sleeping together, but wanting to finish the courting, you tell him you want to wait until marriage, he taunts you for that. "Well, aren't you a responsible and suitor? I hope you actually become more dutiful of what I want once we marry."
Urogi also loves petnames, you find out soon enough, both recieving them and getting them. He likes when you call him bird related nicknames like "birdie", "songbird", "feathers" and so, but the one that specially gets him giddy is "baby bird". "Yes sir, I'm your baby bird! Call me that again!"
You are the one that, when the time is ready and you have been given all the family's blessing, you ask for his hand after the year or so of courting. He lets you prepare the ceremony, his only condition is that he wants everything shiny. Or at least as much as possible. It would be almost impossible for him to fall out of love once you reached this part, you would need to break his heart into pieces and even then there is a bigger chance that Karaku and Sekido would do something about it than Urogi himself. Again, he is very needy, so you must take care of him.
{It was complicated to convince the clones to remain separated, the lack of the surprise element it's just something that scares Hantengu. You don't even know how you manages to find and face him again and convince him to order the division of the clones, but you did. He, on the other hand, did not care. At all. That you wanted Hantengu (or at least part of him). He actuaĺy wondered if something is wrong with you and if it's bad enough that he should kill you. But again, doesn't really care, just let you do as you pleased as long as the clones started to take advantage of the numbers and look for the damn Blue Spider Lily.}
Aizetsu doesn't really know how to react when you ask permission to court him, at first it's embarrasing that he is taking the traditional female role before a man like you, but he barely protests. When you start courting him, he realizes he actually likes to take that pasive role. He doesn't really has to do anything, and the attention is a nice one, a kind and peaceful one. The gifts and foods leave him touched, specially since you make the effort to know and get what he likes.
His taste in food is weird, he likes old people, specially men, aged enough to be bald and wrinckled, he likes the heart and the skin. "It's soft and very easy to tear, I also like the feeling of the veins exploding in my mouth...." he defends himself weakly, but he himself can't explain why human so similar to Hantengu are his appetite. He likes comfortable, warm and soft things, pillows, clothing, sheets and plushies, things he can hug, warm up, hide and cuddle with when he is feeling specially down. "Thank you for getting this robe for me, I know we don't need to cover up for winter, but it's very soft and nice. I like it." He takes care and uses all of the gifts, and if one can't be maintened or fixed if he encountered a slayer while having it around, he never throws them away. He even keep the ones he didn't really like that much. Also, unlike the other clones, he likes living things, animals and plants, alive.
You started to get him small wild animals that you release at the end of typur encounters (you don't need to spend that much time hiding them from Sekido, Karaku and Buddha forbid Urogi to find them.) You usually keep literally catching butterflies for him, he loves all of them. "It's so sad how short their life is, specially in this beautiful form. I really like them, but they deserve to at least be free in this violent world. Still, thank you for the time and the effort."
Courting is rather simple with him, as long as you treat him gently and kindly, he suits himself just fine. From time to time he is the one to take initiative and start contact. You know you did a good job the first time you had him crying in your arms, because no matter how sorrowful Aizetsu expresses he is, he doesn't cry before others. If he fears to appear weak or being berated for it, it doesn't matter, but the fact is that he trusts you.
He specially likes your baritone voice whispering against his ear as you help jim to calm down, sweet promises from your mouth. Company, stability, love, comfort, warmth and tenderness. "Most men, both demons and humans, I have met are loud and aggressive, one way or another.... you are very soft with me. I like it." He is used to be the push-over between the clones, so having you this way leaves him content.
It takes a bit over two years for the courting to end and finally marry, you already having all the blessings you need by that time. You asked if he wanted the ceremony around the year and al half of courting, but Aizetsu was afraid this interested and sweet suitor you were would become a complacent and distant husband. "I can't hurt you or kill you if you decide you already did your part, I can't even let Sekido, Karaku and Urogi do it for me. You ruined me."
He needs to be taken care of, Aizetsu is sensible and even after the wedding you must change the least possible your behavior to not scare him with the idea you will neglect him once you already get what you wanted. As you plan the ceremony you comfort him and show him you are still listening to him, you make sure all his needs are and will be met. He has become rather dependent on you and your promises, and to break them would be breaking Aizetsu's heart irreparably.
You have a peaceful wedding, with an old and slow-speaking priest that because of his age didn't even realize the situation he was in. While Aizetsu felt a bit of pity, he also felt hungry, besides you worked hard to get his taste. He is grateful and loving towards you, his now husband.
BONUS: Gifts and meals for the children!
Daki likes to eat skin, the prettiest, smoothest, cleanest, healthier and palest skin, specially from young women, hopefully ones that smell near their period. She is also very picky, one wrinckle or mole is enough to ruin all the plate for her. She also likes eyes, the left eye is always her favorite, for some reason. For the gifts, she likes expensive and beautiful clothes, make up, essentials oils and jewelry, anything else she will be throwed away.
Zohakuten is very picky as well, he eats humans he deems as bullys, but these must also have certain strengh level, be male, adults, height more than 5'5¼ and smell sweaty. Thank heavens the clones don't fuse that much, because it's so bad he NEVER eats anything else. Giving him gifts is easier, he actually likes wooden toys a lot, more drums, figures, swords, if it's made of wood he likes it. He also loves small animals, let it be miece, kitties, puppies, some snakes and lizards. He likes them alive, give him something dead and you are next.
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astral-cookiery · 1 year
headcanons! Muzan or Kokushibo with undead warrior! s/o revived by unknown forces? they can't feel pain, can't sleep or eat and also can't pull out the broken weapon that killed them, no matter how hard they tried-
Got it~
Content Warnings: A slight bit of violence, nothing too explicit.
Kokushibou x Undead Warrior! Reader
Kokushibou was… surprised, disbelieving your claims of being undead, at first. Initially, he figured it was a prank or some kind of joke. He was shocked since… well, he did just see you not too long ago, and you were very dead at that point.
He probably tried to stab you… well, that didn’t work out like you thought, did it Kokushibou? You didn’t even flinch, since his blade was no longer a threat.
The sword, the culprit of your death, could not be removed. He did give it his best effort, to his credit, but it was fruitless - and mildly uncomfortable for you.
With no biological needs, you were able to keep up with him while he was kept away on missions. When you were alive, the main factor that kept you separated while he was busy was the fact that you had to rest, eat, or heal from your wounds caused by battle, and therefore could not stay with him all the time.
You spend every day together now, waiting for nightfall with him wherever he might be hiding from the sun that day. During those hours, you spend time reading, talking, or just laying with one another. Silence befalls you both for hours at a time, but it is quiet of comfort.
Since getting hurt wasn't major a concern anymore, you were able to fully throw yourself into sparring, no longer held back by the risk of harm. Lacking the restraints of life, you were able to greatly improve your combat skills, putting up a hard fight for Kokushibou to win against.
Kokushibou does try to keep you away from his work as much as he can, but Muzan is still aware that you exist. As long as you don’t interfere too greatly with his plans or Kokushibou’s work, he could care less. 
Overall, your relationship remained the same for the most part, though now you were able to be closer, physically and emotionally, since he no longer had to worry over losing you to time or battle.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day~
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
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So I was going back and reading through some of your old fics, and I found this GEM. I think it’s from the million yen question. And like??? Ma’am??? Did you just pull this out of your brain??? What???
I agree with this accidental Headcannon, and now please excuse me because I need to rant about it immediately:
-I think douma would be stupid (or smart) enough to try/ask him?? Because he noticed and he has no self preservation at all
-Personally I think he would just ask, because…screw it, because I think it would fluster muzan more and just YES. “Lord Muzan, did you know all of the uppermoons react the exact same to this one spot? Is it your ticklish spot, Lord Muzan?~” and muzan is STUNNED because he didn’t know his body affected the uppermoons???
-he immediately scoffs and dismissed douma (a flustered mess I might add-at least on the inside) and he proceeds to watch every single tickle fight they have and, yep, they all react that way. (He then gets curious and asks douma to try-no one will believe him if he tells.) Yep. He reacts the same as all the uppermoons, if not a little more extreme.
-going with my fic and personal headcannons, Douma adds this to the growing dictionary (yes-it’s a real life dictionary book that is sorted by people and then spots. He has all the uppermoons, Rui and Enmu, and newly added Muzan) of Muzan’s tickle spots and how he reacts. ANYWAY. That was my rant, thank you for providing and listening. ❤️
AHHH KEJRKJEKJREJRJ LETS GO!!! You know- I completely forgot about that headcanon ajkrkjearkje I think I threw it in as a joke but now that we're hear I'm so happy we get to talk about it jarjkekjrejk
HELP MUZAN STUNNED! He's got that one face he made after someone called him sickly in season 1- just O-O but mixed in the rage there's also mild embarrassment? What a strange feeling for the demon lord himself to feel, but he hides it well and just tells Douma to "return to your research on the Blue Spider Lily" meanwhile internally he's got a thousand questions running through his mind like: "Holy crap that TRANSFERRED?" Also him asking Douma to try it knowing not a soul will believe him is so canon kalkjrejkrjke Maybe Kokushibou might believe him but even he's not dumb enough to share that information. I love the idea of Muzan's reaction being the most reactive given it's his own tickle spot akjrkjerkjeajkr
HELP THE DICTIONARY! He makes it out of ice so no one can really physically find it or read it without him- it's full of all kinds of nifty information from tickle spots to preferred blood types to that one time on Lunar New Year when someone (Douma) mixed hard alcohol with the blood and got Muzan WASTED (he wiped all their memories but Douma made sure to catalog it- he's the only one who truly remembers that day)
Thank you for sharing these delightful Headcanons!
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goddess-mixmi · 1 year
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Lady Megumi “The man eater”
(Warning mentions of cannibalism)
An upper moon demon best known for her charismatic flirtatious personality among many who she comes across. Her date of birth is February 14th, height 5’7. All she wanted was to find love and safety in her human life but every man she loved strangely ended the relationship or broke off the engagement but she never knew why. Her mother bad mouthed her and decided to starve her for not meeting the standards of the perfect wife and assumed her family hated for such an embarrassment, so she ran away but due to lack of food she killed the first person she saw, her ex fiancé who was out with his new girlfriend that night and she ate at his flesh while crying her eyes out. Muzan arrived, killed the girlfriend and offered her a better life, which was becoming a demon. Soon after she was greatly known for devouring males that’s how she earned the name “The man eater” but she never did devour them with her own mouth instead the mouth hidden under her curly hair, starting the rumors of the “two mouthed woman” her second mouth called “Musabori” thinks and speaks for itself. Her hair can also move in order to grab her meals and forms heart shapes with its strands when she’s flirty / in love.
(The top is the mouth at the back of her head and the bottom his the one on her face)
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She often seen napping in her human disguise form and getting lower ranked demons to do her bidding by flirting with any of her fellow demons except Akaza. Her and Doma are besties and joke about with each other, she also has a knack for calming Hantangu and flirting a lot with his four clones who seem to listen to her quite a lot (she favors Aizetsu the most) and they all refers to her as “My Lady”. She flirts with Kokushibou who seems to not be affected at all by her flirtation and always says something so smooth she folds every time (lowkey shipping her with him atm). She has no number rank but she is about in between Doma and Akaza. Daki also admires her a lot especially for her teachings since becoming a demon. She was also the one who almost killed Jiro after revealing she was a Kobayashi family ancestor.
(Full body)
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Human disguise and without kimono cause body goals! She got hearts everywhere
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findroleplay · 8 months
Hii! I’m Lei and I’m looking for either a short term or long term RP partner! Can be fandom or fandomless, I mainly do OCxOC or CanonxOc, but I’m flexible and can play multiple characters at once!
I’m looking for somebody maybe comfortable talking about harder, more mature topics, and can rp while using gore and possible smut! If this doesn’t sound okay with you, let me know. It doesn’t have to be NSFW in ANY way if you aren’t comfortable with it. My replies can be varried in length and timing because I am a busy person, but I will always try my best to reply as fast as possible.
my fandoms and canon characters I can play are:
Demon Slayer-
Lady Tamayo
My hero-
All Might/Toshinori
Ouran High School Host Club-
Honey senpai
Morí senpai
The disastrous life of Saiki k-
Kusou Saiki
the blue haired popular girl (forgot her name!)
Hazbin hotel-
Angel Dust
Stardew Valley-
Granny Evelyn
And I believe that’s it, if you have other fandoms or characters you like and would like to use then let me know! I also have many Oc’s for each fandom, and can either play a canon character or you could be a canon character. I most often do fxm or fxf pairings, with me typically as the f, but I’m open to playing as a male. I can do romantic RP’s, dramatic RP’s, found family, fluff, smut, horror, you name it- I can probably do it! I don’t have many triggers either, only thing that affects me is I guess jokes about SI or SH. Feel free to like this post and I’ll reach out! oh yeah, I can do RP’s on here or on Discord. Either one works. Hope to see- well, talk to you soon!
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princeblue · 10 months
yeah that's pretty much what I was trying to say! the theme of the fight was intentionally to contrast their differences at heart. when kokushibou sees the shinazugawas and compares them to himself and yoriichi, he wants to believe that the world is filled with the kind of hatred and enmity that his own perspective has been warped by over centuries of steeping in those feelings and ideas. and yet he is wrong, the shinazugawas' relationship do not reflect the qualities of his own past. they are very effective foils but the point of them being foils is that they radically oppose each other in their themes and characteristics while having comparable circumstances. I hope I did not come across as harsh by the way, I am genuinely interested in character discussion! please never feel bad for what you have to say
No you are completely fine! And I was just joking when I said that, if I didn’t want to hear your opinions and talk w/ you I would’ve just deleted your ask and kept on going, at the end of the day it’s also just a matter of opinion and I’m glad we were able to find some common ground haha.
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lavender-rosa · 2 years
resident evil or kny?
Im going to do kny since Resident Evil is such a huge, plot hole ridden franchise i don't even know where to begin and I was always a Silent Hill gal anyways lol
Favourite Male Characters: Akaza, Douma, Kokushibou, Gyutaro and Tanjiro (well for the first part of the series at least)
Favourite Female Characters: Shinobu, Mitsuri, Tamayo and Koyuki
Least Favourite Characters: I am going to exclude characters that are meant to be disliked so:
Ok rants incoming under read more
1) Kagaya: Others have written much more detailed essays on why his writing is bad. The thing about Kagaya that annoys me the most are not exactly his actions but the way the narrative unironically frames him as this pure, perfect figure that can do no wrong. His most questionable actions like his very uncomfortable relationship with Sanemi, encouraging Shinobu to basically kill herself, him killing his own children etc. are all swept under the rug in favour of an extremely boring character. Imagine if Kagaya was actually presented as a flawed, human being.
Like, he wants to kill Muzan for the greater good, but in order to reach this goal he is willing to manipulate, deceit, encourage self-destructive behaviours among the slayers and throw anyone under the bus, even his own family that would make a much more interesting character and actually humanize him . It would even make him a parallel to Muzan by how willing they both are to ruin lives to reach their own goals (this would also require to make Muzan not be pure evil, you know a bit of a ying yang symbolism) but well we are stuck with this I guess.
Also on a sidenote am i the only one that gets weird cult vibes when it comes to Kagaya's relationship with the pillars. Especially in his introduction, Sanemi's flashback and Rengoku Gaiden (where Sanemi acts like a literal dog around him, yikes man)
2) Nezuko: I do not hate Nezuko but I hate her writing if that makes sense. Despite being the deuteragonist she is treated more akin to a cute mascot. She is constantly sidelined, her agency always taken away from her, she is given the most contrived power ups, she acts like a puppy (and I know that we are given an excuse in the manga on why she acts like this but i do not find that reason sufficient) and she is almost never allowed to talk nor are we shown her thought process.
Nezuko could have been such an interesting character. Maybe let her talk and express her thoughts and feelings, act like a girl her age (maybe she wears the muzzle only when she is in crowd filled with people and when the pillars and slayers that distrust her are around but removes it and talks when the Kamaboko squad, Kanao, Genya,Mitsuri, Aoi, Giyuu or Shinobu are around)
Edit: After this paragraph I made a huge rewrite of Nezuko's personality but since this is an ask game and not a how you would rewrite kny game I decided to edit it out. On a final note Nezuko should be given the same agency as her male counterparts ok goodbye.
Prettiest Characters: All of them tbh. Kotoha, mother spider demon, Kanae, Koinatsu-oiran, Haganezuka and the Tsugikuni twins being my favourites.
Funniest Character: Douma no competition, his first instict upon coming across two dying children on the street is to tell them wazzup, he gets killed and the first word he tells his murderer is "sup" like they are old college buddies. Kny AU where Douma says a your mom joke to Inosuke.
Favourite Arc: Despite it's myriad of flaws the Infinity Fortess arc is definetely my fav.
Favourite Episode: My favourite episode is Season 1 Episode 16. Spider mother demon's assisted suicide is one of the most beautiful and bittersweet moments in the series, def in my top 5. It perfectly showcases Tanjiro's empathy, it greatly humanizes the antagonist and just the music, the colours, the voice acting aghh.
Favourite Chapter: Akaza's backstory and death (i think it was chapters 154-156?) Just *sighhhhhhhhhh*
Favourite romantic ships:
Canon Ships: Hakuji and Koyuki is the only romantic relationship that Gotouge didn't manage to fuck up and i love them for it. How Koyuki and Hakuji clearly adore eachother and you can see why. How Koyuki and Keizou represent Hakuji's ability to love and his humanity and when they are cruelly taken away from him from other humans (recalling back to an earlier time where demons were portrayed as man-made monsters) it completely destroys him. I love a well-written tragic romance and those two just hit the spot for me. My emotional support bi4bi couple if you will.
Non Canon Ships: Shinomitsu like the power this ship holds... and how well those two compliment and parallel eachother with Mitsuri being insecure on her physical strength and Shinobu being insecure on her physical weakness and how they can help each other overcome said insecurities. We should have seen those two interact more in canon.
I also like the Yoriichi× Sumiyoshi× Suyako polycule since Yoriichi deserves to be unconditionally loved, man went through a lot.
Favourite family ship: Gyutaro and Daki/Ume my beloveds. But like they are already related so idk what this question implies.
Favourite friendship: Kamaboko squad (when i say kamaboko squad, nezuko, genya, kanao,senjuro and aoi are always included the majority of their friendship is what i have written in my head but shh it's fine it's fine)
Worst Ships:
Canon Ships: Tanjiro × Kanao completely lacks any kind of romantic chemistry and it seems that they have been only paired up because she is girl and he is a boy,which, ughhhhh. Also the moment Kanae gives Kanao her coin and she implies Kanao will open up when she meets the boy she likes. Like babe, Kanao is so emotionally closed off due to trauma which was caused by being severely abused at home, the presence of a boy will not cut it.
Nezuko × Zenitsu is quite dreadful and it truly brings out the worst of Zenitsu's character. Not only does he act so obnoxiously and over possessive whenever he is near her but we also have no idea how Nezuko perceives him or if she is even able to comprehend his crush on her or if she can even form a romantic interest on her own since she acts like a kitten most of the time. Also the part where Zenitsu is frothing at the mouth because Sanemi pats Nezuko's head undermines his character development after his fight with Kaigaku. You are telling me the same manga that gave us this also gave us Hakuji and Koyuki? Like, okay.
Inosuke × Aoi: Aoi has more chemistry with the concrete wall in the Butterfly Estate than she does with Inosuke.
Non-Canon Ship:
Outside of the unmentioned gross shit like incest and pedophilia
Giyuu × Shinobu: I don't see it, i cannot see it, why is it such a popular ship ? (I mean we know why, that's rhetorical) I cannot perceive Shinobu and Giyuu as anything other than wlw×mlm solidarity/hostility. Like boys and girls can be friends with each other with no romantic motive, people.
Giyuu × Sabito: Someone described Sabito's and Giyuu's relationship as two 12 year old boys blowing raspberries at each other and...urmm...yeah...
Douma × Shinobu: No comment
Douma × Kotoha: heteronormativity is a disease
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Hello hello! It's me again, hope you don't mind me barging in. I hope your having a FANTASTIC Day / Evening / Night. Please remember to stay hydrated, maybe eat and try to go outside so you can stay healthy!
Request: I was wondering if I could request headcannons of Douma / Doma, Muzan Kibutsuji and Kokushibou From Kimetsu No Yaiba with a gender-neutral [ Human ] partner whom is taller than them? Example: Muzan's height is 5'8 / 5'7, maybe his partner is 5'9 or 6ft tall? Same goes to Douma and Kokushibou.
Please remember to stay amazing as you are, and remember to stay hydrated! And you do not have to do this, and if you do end up doing this. Please take your time! I'm in no rush :)
[ Please do message me if you need more clarification! ]
- Tall -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Douma , Muzan , Kokushibou
A/N = This request made me so happy because I am 5’9 as a girl - Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
• Douma absolutely loves the fact tan you are taller than him. He is constantly telling you how much he adores your height he especially loves it because he can lean on you without pushing you over. One time you jokingly used Douma’ head as a armrest and he felt like he was on cloud 9. This bastard literally started drooling…
• Sometimes he will tease you saying stuff like “y/n channn~ can you please come keep me company, I am so lonely and I need someone big and bad to protect me!!” . Reader is actually two feet away from him like ~_~
• Believe it or not Douma really like cuddling. Like loves cuddling. Because of this every time he gets back from a mission his master Muzan gave him , he goes straight to his darling begging for cuddles.
• Sometimes he wants to be the big spoon , other times when he has had a bad day , he wants his darling to let him be the little spoon. It is a lot easier for him to be the little spoon because you are taller than him. If you refuse to cuddle him then he will get super whiny and won’t shut up. Douma loves to be treated like a baby by you.
• I think it is fair to say that he is not only in love with you but also your height if that makes any sense.
• Okay , I am going to be honest with you. Muzan fell in love with you at first sight , but your height made him feel inferior to you. As we all know Muzan has a Major god complex because of this he made sure that your height never got in the way of him being your god.
• He will never be the little spoon. Ever. And besides he loves to cuddle your adorable cute face when you are falling asleep in his arms.
• Every once in a while Muzan will catch himself admiring your wonderful height. He find himself quite flustered when he starts to think about how nice that outfit he got you fit your body. You are the only person to ever make Muzan the king of all demons flustered. Because Muzan knows how attractive you are he gets very possessive over you.
• Whenever a person compliments your wonderful height Muzan will act one of two ways. Muzan might get very possessive over you or he will be like “ yeah my partner is hot I know “ and then kill them. Heehee
• Sorry I had to throw in a Micheal Jackson joke .
• If you ever start to feel insecure about your height ( which you should never because you are very Handsome / Beautiful ) . Muzan will start to panick. He will try to comfort you by rubbing your back and saying some praises to you ( his praises we always in a low whisper ). And he will also kiss you. While telling how much he cares for you.
• These are some of the few times you will see Muzan be very soft towards you. Deep down he really cares about you. He also secretly thinks of you as his God / Goddess but will never let that show to anyone.
• Similar to Muzan, at first he would be very uneasy about the fact that you are taller than him. Even if it is only by a couple of inches or centimeters. He feels very pathetic because it makes him feel inferior to you. We all know how he was kind of jealous of his twin brother , that is why small things can make him feel worthless in a way. Don’t worry darling , he would never blame you .
• He really does see the two of you as a power couple. And he is not wrong. You two get a lot of stares from people and demons . Most of the time people just stare at how stunning you are.
• As I said in the beginning of this post , at first he was a little bit insecure, but don’t worry he got over it really quickly. Sometimes Douma gets annoying and starts begging for you attention ( Douma wants you all to himself what an annoying piece of shit ) Kokushibou gets very jealous and annoyed when you give the other upper moons attention.
• Chances are that unlike the other two demons , Kokushibou really wants to turn you into a demon so that way he can have you forever. He also wants to turn you into a demon because he wants to show off how Handsome / Pretty your height is and make others jealous.
• Speaking if making others jealous , because of how tall you are , you can stand out . Daki tends to get a little jealous if you sometimes because of how attractive you are . You can also rock some matching outfits with Kokushibou.
• Depending on how much taller you are , Kokushibou likes to take your clothes because he likes to think of you while he wears them.
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Acedemia
• Death Note
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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b1ancastar · 4 years
❧How the Upper Moons(Past and Present) react to a love letter❧
❧Kokushibou- Upon getting the letter he tosses it to the side. One day when he is bored he opens it and reads the contents, he is shocked that someone views him as perfect. He awaits the day to meet the person who wrote it, though he doesn’t have high hopes. One day when he was returning from training he saw someone running off after leaving a letter on the ground.
❧Douma- He doesn’t think much of it because he has so many people who “like” him already. Once he opens it he laughs at it’s content, not understanding how hard it could’ve have been to write. Though he wants to meet you nobody has come forth about being who wrote it. One day he saw someone walk off and upon going to the spot they stood he found a new letter.
❧Akaza- Once he gets the letter he rips it apart, until they keep popping up. Excepting that they wouldn’t stop sending them he read it. He doesn’t understand why someone likes him but is to scared to face him. He couldn’t be that intimidating, right? Soon he kept seeing them pop up until one day he saw someone placing it down, he ended up chasing them until he could catch them. 
❧Nakime- When she gets the letter she reads it so soon as she can. Upon reading it she wants to meet them as soon as she can. Though she is quiet and reserved someone seeing her in a good light makes her somewhat excited. Though she is disappointed there is no hints she stays quiet about it, not wanting Muzan to know and potential harm the writer. One day she caught someone leaving a letter next to her and running off faster than most when she looked at them.
❧Hantengu- He is a nervous reck upon getting the letter. For the longest time he thought it was a mistake, until one of his many personalities got angry and opened it. Upon reading it he truly was even more of a reck. He wanted to know who wrote it so he could get revenge on them for making him feel like a big coward. One day he saw someone leaving a letter behind and not looking back, when he picks it up it was a second one addressed to him.
❧Gyokko-Upon getting the letter he tosses it in a pot leaving it alone until he is done with a creation. Once he finally opens it he is more or less surprised of the contents. He enjoyed it and wasn’t shocked about the complements of his creations. He wanted to meet you as soon as he could, willing to get someone to track you down. One day he saw someone slip a letter in a pot. Once he read it he knew who to go after.
❧Kaigaku- He could care less upon getting it. He skims it and is more or less annoyed. In the end he wants to know who sent it. Using whatever he can to track the sender down they always seem three steps ahead of him. He temper was getting short the day he found another letter in place of where you should have been located.
❧Daki- She acts like a child getting a candy when she gets the letter behind closed doors. Bragging to her brother how she got one and he didn’t. She is eager to locate the sender. One day she thinks she had located the sended and ended up just finding another letter, upon reading it she learns it is just a clue to finding the sender.
❧Gyutaro- Poor thing also doesn’t know how to act, he never has had someone love him other than his sister. Daki teases him and tells him that it might be a joke and ruined his self esteem by accident. Soon more and more popped up addressed to him, one day he didn’t his best to write one back.
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tothemeadow · 3 years
Hear me out *inhales* we got them Pillars as cops, but what about them no good Muzan and his yakuza? Hcs about who deals in what, debt collectors, etc 👀👀👀👀
Okay but we ALL know everyone would be pulling up with the drip and tattoos 👀
‘yakuza, mikuza’ / Demons as Yakuza HCs
that was such a bad joke
of course he’s head honcho
hardly ever seen out of his signature suit
he’s kind of like Smithers from the Simpsons
owns a trio of Dobermans that will wreck your shit up
politicians and police alike are in his pocket - what can he say? he like power
serves as Muzan’s watchdog / right hand in command
shooting skills are on par with Sniper Mask from High-Rise Invasion
also badass with a katana
Kokushibou is basically the weapons master]
he also has a special area on his right shoulder designated for tally marks (aka all the people he’s killed)
owns an underground casino (think of something like the scene from Black Panther)
pickpocketing master
he’s naturally charming so it’s easy to have people do what he wants
carries his fans on him at all times
may or may not have a crush on that one cop Shinobu
the brawler / the one that beats the living shit out of someone if they don’t pay up 
100% pulled a Kill Bill and has taken out an entire group of people on his own
he’s actually broken into multiple places by using his feet alone
he’s doing all of this for his sweetheart back home (he’s very protective and appreciates the extra protection the gang provides)
has his heart in the right place but he’s doing all the wrong things
you know Celty Sturluson from Durarara!! ? Kaigaku is that good on a bike
he’s usually the one to operate as a distraction whenever a larger operation goes down
all the cops down at the station know him by name since he’s been brought in so many times (he always makes bail, though)
makes quick cash on the side by selling tobacco and alcohol products to minors
bad bitch is on point with ripped jeans and clunky boots
imagine Walter White had a kid with a soggy mop
drugs everything and anything under the sun
he actually runs a tattoo shop as his cover up (his shop is responsible for doing the group’s body tattoos)
incredible at lying
piercings? piercings
true to her nature, she is a prostitute
however, she’s more classy than the rest
she actually works with Gyuutaro as one of the sellers for his “products”
sort of has a mini gang working under her (it’s a couple of guys who are incredibly loyal to her)
her go to weapons are her designer heels and acrylics 
in charge of the money laundering aspect of the gang
she’s very meticulous about how the ring is operated; she has eyes everywhere
not as high ranking as Kokushibou, but she is a close second 
works alongside Douma in his casino
has strangled a man to death with a biwa string
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kinokomynx · 3 years
— Meet your writer!
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— Normal info!
Name: Frøggy, Greek, or just my name, Danny!
↳ I don't like nicknames much, such as Author chan, pet, and honey. However, I will accept: Dan, Ham, Hun, darling, love, babes, and kitty. Anything else is okay, just nothing offensive.
Birthday: First week of April – Aries
Sexuality: Pansexual and Polyamorous
Pronouns: They/them/themselves, it's/it/itself, and xe/xem/xemself
Age: 20 – in college to be a veterinarian
Other accounts: kokeshi-mynx ‐ yandere-kokeshi
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— More info!
What I do: A blog with reader inserts, will occasionally talk sh!t on bad people
Interests/hobbies: I love writing, listening to music, read manga's and comic books. I do love dark, inside, and dad jokes. I also loves to play video games, my favorite game of right now is Far Cry 6.
Favorite colors: Deep blue and lazy purple
Favorite foods: Steak and sushikindness!
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— My kinnies!
My favorite movies/shows: The lost boys, Sweet home, The girl with the dragon tattoo, scream – 1987, Fresh – 2022, I–Tonya, Lucy – 2014, Black widow, The Wolverine – X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Logan, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and lastly; The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Characters I'm in love with: Oh boy. Carol Danvers, Loki, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, King T'Challa/Black Panther, Sam Wilson/Falcon, Wolverine/James Howlett / Laura Kinney (aka X-23), Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibou, Douma, Akaza, Hisoka Morow, Ban/fox sin of greed, Dabi, Shinso Hitoshi, GOT characters, The Lost boys characters,...
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firesofdainix · 4 years
About Me + BYF + DNI
Hi!!! My name's manjirian (manjiro and chellian), but u can call me Loise!!! I am a genderfluid and aroace spec Filipino, and I have mirror pronouns! I'm 17, intp type and Aquarius
I write a lot of prose and one-shots, but they are mostly written on the spur of the moment and I generally tend to lose interest in something fast, which is why I tend to write one-shots because I'm super horrible at managing multi-chaptered wips. I also draw but that's only when I WANT to, and I usually don't do it all the time.
Fandoms that i'm in: Currently Ninjago trash
There are a few minor interests of mine, but I'm not very hyperfixated on them! Tokyo Revengers, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, The Owl House, Lego Monkie Kid and the entirety of Greek Mythology, just to name a few! I also have a bunch of series and works for my original characters I have yet to actually, uh, do.
Other interest includes webtoons, psycho-analyzing characters (When I want to), family genealogy, and history.
Comfort characters range from Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano, Hajime Kokonoi, Izana Kurokawa, Kazutora Hanemiya (Tokyo Revengers), Muichirou Tokito, Genya Shinazugawa, Kokushibou, Giyuu Tomioka (Demon Slayer), Lloyd Garmadon, Kai, Cole (Ninjago)
Some list of kins as well: Sasha Blouse, Hange Zoë (Attack on Titan), Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya), Manjiro Sano, Hanemiya Kazutora (Tokyo Revengers), Kaigaku, Douma (Demon Slayer), Luz Noceda (The Owl House), Kai (Ninjago)
#chel babbles
#loise draws
#manji wips
Don't come to me looking for a character analysis post that isn't reblogged. I have a very detached worldview and feelings over a lot of characters and rely heavily on analysis I actually agree with for my writings. I am also just really bad at expressing those words and type it all out. The last and only time I have actually done something that was close to analyzing was Koko and his obsession over money (when it doesn't make him happy) and what the deal is with Manjiro Sano.
I'm only comfortable with people who are 14 and above following/messaging me, and people who are below 19 to follow me.
I update very sporadically, so sometimes when I lose interest over something I disappear for a few weeks to surprise you when I reblog something that isn't what you were looking at me for.
My dms are like, always open. So is my inbox too, if you want to message me or something I'd actually appreciate it <3!
Basically racist, homophobes, fujoshis, transphobes, TERF, pro-ship/com-ship/anti-anti, ace exclusionist, those freaks who get way obsessive over whether filipinos are islander/asian/hispanic, those who invalidate xenogenders, but also those who labels themselves with sexualities that aren't valid (e.g dreamsexual), those who get mad over sexuality jokes over characters, those who think blackwashing is real
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kyoujurous-eyebrows · 5 years
How would they react to twinkies?
Context: Bro and I were discussing random things for the blog and this came up. It was supposed to be a joke.
And then we kind of thought seriously about it.
Hashibira Inosuke
Was stealing food from the kitchen one day and ran across this strange package
Opened it and ate it without any thought
Instant confused pig face
Ate 10 more afterward
Rengoku Kyoujurou
Shinazugawa Sanemi
Was eating a plate of ohagi mindlessly one day when the taste of what he was eating suddenly changed
Noticed the yellow cake with white filling in his hand
Checked around to make sure no one was watching for the fifth time
Continues to eat it like nothing happened
Kanroji Mitsuri
Is actually the one that discovered the existence of Twinkies and has been sneaking them into everywhere
The kitchen, the Pillar’s homes, her secret stash… everywhere
No one has been none the wiser
Bonus Crack:
Muzan had noticed the strange scent of something new in the Infinity Fortress. Not appreciating the fact that someone had brought something in without his permission, he called for all of the Twelve Kizuki to gather for a meeting.
Upon their swift arrival the scent grew tenfold, and Muzan realised where the scent had been coming from. His minions. He was beyond furious at this point.
“Would someone like to explain the new scent that you are all exuding?” He threatened, patience barely a thin strand. Douma was the first to speak up.
“You see, Daki recently discovered a new treat, and curious she ate it. Turns out it was something the humans had created, yet she somehow grew stronger after eating it, so she decided to share it with all of us! Turns out it’s not just humans we can eat!” Replied to Muzan happily, licking his lips.
“And what exactly is it called?” Akaza spoke up this time.
“A Twinkie, if I recall.”
“Show me one.” Kokushibou stepped up and presented one to their master. With a look of disgust on his face, he took a small bite and his eyes widened.
“This is an order of the highest priority. Stop looking for the Blue Spider Lily and focus on procuring all of these ‘Twinkies.’“
“Yes Master!” They all spoke in unison, disappearing from his sight at once.
- - -
And that’s how Kanroji Mitsuri saved the world from vicious demonic attacks; thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Yes the demon idea is something I also discussed with my brother 😂
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mysaldate · 5 years
Late night thoughts #1 — KnY demons and Disney
It's currently 6am here and I haven't been able to fall asleep yet so this still counts as late night thoughts, right? Well, even if not, just enjoy the crack please.
Also, when talking about movies that have been remade, I'm taking the old versions, I haven't seen any of the remakes yet and I'm not exactly planning on it either.
Honestly prefers Dreamworks over Disney, especially their earlier works.
Probably still enjoyed Great Mouse Detective or The Black Cauldron. Oh right, and Hunchback of Notre Dame had its good moments for him.
Has that one book that ends every story before the villain gets defeated so it's like they won.
Genuinely believes Mulan is the only valid Disney film. And that's really only thanks to Li Shang.
Will cut you up if you mention the sequel tho.
One he really hates is Lion King. It just hits too close to home for him.
HUGE Frozen fan. Emotionally constipated orphaned princess with ice powers who's lived her whole life in isolation and doesn't get people? Come on.
He felt a little called out at first but then he learnt Let It Go by heart.
Saw the sequel at 50 times at the cinema before letting someone talk him into buying the DVD. Cried every time.
Really likes Mulan too. And for some reason The Little Mermaid and Hercules too but Mulan is his no. 1.
Won't admit it but he can lip-sync every single song in those movies. Ok, let's be fair, he can lip-sync the whole Mulan movie.
Also enjoyed the Hercules spin-off series even if he rarely got any of the refferences.
Hantengu (and his chaotic boy band)
Actually have Disney movie night marathons. Usually only Yoroko and Karaku make it till morning.
Every single one of them loves Lion King. Sometimes it's on twice in one night. The sequels not so much but Yoroko digs the Hakuna Matata one.
Sekido sometimes does Scar impressions when they act out. Some of them are actually scared of him (and Zira too).
The Little Mermaid or Hunchback of Notre Dame are really the only two she enjoyed.
Still can play just about every Disney song EVER on her biwa. She can also sing but usually doesn't.
Yes, that includes songs from sequels and spin-offs. She has lots of time in the Fortress.
Not all that much into Disney, prefers japanese animation most of the time. And japanese movies in general.
Heard of the Ao Oni live action movies? He sent a couple letters to Disney, asking them to adapt the other novels.
Sometimes likes a little comedy. Emperor's New Groove really fell in line with his taste.
Thinks Cinderella is a comedy. So is Snow White. So is Sleeping Beauty. Yeah, every princess story is a comedy.
Secretly cried in her pillow when she thought Snow White died but nobody can know this.
All-time favourite is Bambi because humans are disgusting.
Usually just watches whatever Daki does, only rarely on his own.
Likes Pixar production more than Disney originals but it's not major.
Adores Princess and the Frog and Hunchback for obvious reasons (though the literary basis for the later one hurt him to read).
Not a very big fan but he enjoys the older movies. Thinks the new ones suck and isn't afraid to say that to your face.
For some reason really likes Robin Hood. And Oliver & company.
Can and will sing rock/metal versions of every Disney song that has such a version already made. Has made children cry with this in the past and can again if desired.
Ever heard of Great Locomotive Chase? Being based on an actual event makes it all the more appealing to him. He will watch anything tho.
Usually falls asleep within first three minutes but somehow remembers everything anyway?
Sometimes goes to cons or public reading events to share the "real stories" the Disney movies were based on. He's banned from 4 cons and 26 libraries all across Japan so far.
Actually really loves Disney and remembers at least one quote for every character who has at least a line.
Really likes all The Three Musketeers movies.
Sometimes a little confused about early Dreamworks production since they look so similar.
Not that much of a fan but he knows the classics. Not that any of them speaks to him personally.
Sometimes gets called Banzai after that one hyena in Lion King. He hates it but at least it's not Ed.
Doesn't realize Disney doesn't only make animated movies. Maybe one day.
Knows the Disney renessaince era and then the modern movies. Also heard of Lady and Tramp at one point.
Probably kinda likes Pocahontas and doesn't understand why are the americans so angry about it.
Paint With All the Colours of the Wind is forever his (her?) ringtone and you can't do anything about it.
Rui (and fam)
Apparently there was a movie called The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band.
He gets bored by it anyway but keeps it on for the aesthetics.
Also have movie nights but usually not Disney-only. And he's the only one allowed to pick movies anyway. Bambi or Lion King are common choices.
Dreamworks fan.
Used to enjoy Marvel but refuses to support Disney.
Gets stuck babysitting Enmu far too often tho so he knows all the movies anyway.
Underrated movies fan. Both the "dark era" of Disney animation and anything else that got lost over time.
Top favourite is, and will forever be, Treasure Planet. He squeels like a little kid when watching that one.
Thinks sequels deserve some love too even if they weren't as good as the originals.
Star Wars fan mostly but won't say no to some older Disney classic. Just not anything too "woke" or princessy.
Emperor's New Groove is right up her alley and she knows everything about the movie.
Also really liked the Jungle Book. Except for the ending. She just wants Mowgli to grow up to be the next Tarzan but without the girl.
Prefers the book originals and complains about adaptations way too much.
Kind of enjoyed Hercules because of all the refferences to old mythology, that made him feel smart. But they messed up a few things so there's that.
What do you mean Prince of Egypt is not Disney?
Casual fan, doesn't really get the appeal beyond "Aw, what a cute cartoon!"
Not a fan of the dirty jokes slipped in sometimes, nor the other adult refferences.
Likes Jane from Tarzan because she's a good girl who came to study animals and found love and was overall super wholesome. She also likes Belle.
Pretends to be annoyed but actually loves princess movies most of them all.
Has a secret collection of figurines. Everything he can get his hands on, though villains usually get burnt or otherwise creatively disposed of.
Convinced Tamayo is a princess and that birds do her hair every morning. You can't change his mind.
Swamp triplets
Princess movies preffered because the girls are really pretty (and sometimes below 16, let's be fair).
Can never agree which one is the best though. One says it's Belle, Two claims Moana is superior to any princess, Three usually goes with Snow White or Sleeping Beauty but he can't make up his mind.
All of them are kinda scared of Jafar because he reminds them of Muzan a bit.
Hand demon
Probably knows all the animated movies by heart. And all the villain songs.
Loves Brother Bear. A lot.
Still scared of the bad guys, he just thinks they have hip songs and cool style.
Looks up to the badass Disney girls. No, not Anna and Elsa, the actual badass Disney girls.
Sometimes jokes that Tanjiro and her are a bit like Lilo and Stitch. Tanjiro makes sure to point out she's a princess though.
Absolutely loves Big Hero Six and Zootopia. You know, obvious reasons.
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Kokushibou, Douma and Akaza when their S/O is pregnant?
Please excuse my bad spelling and if this one doesn't make sense it's like 1:30 am right now and I have to write something I also dont know a whole lot about pregnancy but please do enjoy and tell me if this doesn't make sense
Kokushibou, Douma and Akaza with pregnant S/O
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*must protect the tiny child-
*when he first found out you were pregnant he didn't want you to have the child but as time went on he slowly got attached to it-
*We already know he's had kids before so he knows what he's doing-
*is more protective over you then before-
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*hide he will vore u since u is pregos he must eat rEEREEEeE-
*I'm joking he's gonna so exist-
*he's so excited to be a dad, is the child gonna look like him? Is the child gonna be a boy or a girl-
*basically he's gonna act like a child on Christmas morning till you give birth-
*might plan to eat you halfway through your pregnancy-
*he has no clue what he's doing, yeah he helped raise Inoskue a bit but this man's knowledge on children is only that he can eat them I don't make the rules he's a dumbass-
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*he doesn't care-
*he will help look after you but he really doesn't understand why humans make such a big deal out of this-
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I wanted to ask you,who you think i'm the most compatible with :) and also sorry if my english is bad!!
So I'm an INFJ,my sexuality is bisexual and my pronouns are she/her!
You can say that i'm a really quiet and awkward person when i'm first meeting people,but I can get really extrovert and energetic when I get to know them properly,but there are only like 2 people who see this side of me,so its kinda hard to get on this side of mine- i'm really sensitive and someone can make me cry really fast,especially when they are making comments about my appereance.I can also have really weird mood swings between anger,sadness and hapiness,but I would usually consider myself more as a happy person in overall,sometimes i'm making jokes that could be hurtful to others,but when i notice that the person doesn't like these jokes,then I would stop with them- i would call myself a really mature person too,I often try to handle out conflicts peaceful and its really really important to me how other people around me feel,i'm always really caring about people,even when they aren't nice to me,I also love it to cuddle,i'm a really clingy person to my best friends and my mother and I literally always wanna get a hug,lol.and I LOVE cats,I have one by myself!:) I also have a really weird addiction with cracking all of my bones which scares MANY people,I can also be a really stubborn person when I don't wanna do something
I'm about 5'3 tall and i'm a little bit chubby,I have long brown curled hair that goes over my shoulders,and I have blue eyes!Many people say that I have a really nasally voice and thats the reason why i'm also kind of insecure of my voice,in overall i'm really insecure about many things of myself
I'm really interested in horrormovies and also really scary tales,i also really enjoy it to bake and to be in town with my friends or just hang out with them!(I love food sm)
I love muzan and the uppermoons really much,so i prefer them a lil more to slayers,but in the end it's up to you tho!:)
Let’s play the Game!
These are the results of the Matchmaker’s assessments:
Gyutaro: For you I found that you were most compatible with Gyutaro at a striking 75%! Gyutaro is shy, and has a lot of insecurities, he can be difficult to handle but the amount of love he holds in his heart surpasses everything. You are the best person for him because you understand him. You know how cruel the world is, and together you can find peace through each other. He’d be very reluctant at first maybe even as going far enough to say you don’t truly understand him. But your patience and constant reassurances will help him realize just how amazing you are. It will be hard work but soon enough your relationship will blossom. Gyutaro absolutely adores how clingy you are but he shows his affection weirdly. He may seem indifferent to it but in reality he can’t live without you. In fact he is so terribly dedicated to you that if anything ever did happen between the two of you, he would beg you to come back. (He’s just a baby at heart🥺). He finds you addiction stimulating, much like how he scratches him he find that you cracking your bones fascinating. Loves, loves, loves to cuddle! He’d be all over you in an instant just wrapping his big arms around you. He never wants you to hurt, so if someone made fun of you he’d take care of it. Literally loves you to the moon and back couldn’t ask for a better person to love you!
Kokushibou: At 25% Kokushibou is the next most compatible partner for you. He’s serious and is dedicated to his skill. That makes him aloof and often times hard to be around. Yet shown compassion and forgiveness by you that changes him. All his life he fought and tried to be at the same level as his brother, in the end he fell short. In the coming centuries he spent his time hating himself and trying desperately to become better, to become even more powerful. But when he met you he found another purpose in life, you showed him your kindness and love. He became softer and less brutal, he put you on a pedestal. He owed his life to you because you showed him a different way, he was special in your eyes, perfect in every way. He found what he had been searching for, he found acceptance and fulfillment.
Honorable mentions: Akaza!
Thank you for your submission you are so awesome and never let anyone tell you anything different! You are perfect the way you are! Thank you and if you have any request let me know! Btw we are friends now!
Thank you for playing!
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