#tw ;; murder
hussyknee · 10 months
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ed-recoverry · 3 months
Pauly Likens Jr., a 14-year-old transgender girl, was recently found murdered.
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She was stabbed. Her body was found dismembered in a river; a man was recently arrested for her death. Her cause of death was trauma to her head.
She was supposed to be celebrating her 15th birthday this Saturday.
Her family has started a gofundme to cover her funeral.
Trans lives matter.
Trans kids deserve to live.
Keep trans kids safe.
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Jason: Okay, so get this.
Jason: You make ten meals, you're not a cook.
Jason: You make twenty paintings, you're not an artist.
Jason: But you kill ONE PERSON—
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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Trevonte Helton, a 29 year old Black man, "was found hanging from a tree at High Shoal Falls in North Georgia." This man was murdered, and their quick eagerness to call this an "isolated" incident is just horrifying.
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rrcenic · 7 months
nex benedict was a native american non binary kid who was beaten to death in the girls bathroom at their school in oklahoma. the school forced them to use the girls room and they still got fucking killed.
their school didnt even call 911 when they were dizzy and bruised and bleeding after being assaulted by three older girls and having their head slammed on the tile floor. they were suspended for two weeks. they died from the head injuries 24 hours later.
trans kids are not safe anywhere. terfs and transphobic influencers teach children to hate their peers and people DIE. i hope terfs know that they are the reason people die. nex's blood, and the blood of thousands of trans kids who have been killed, abused, and ended their own lives, are on your hands.
im disgusted and depressed and scared
important additions!!
@donuteater13 added this link to a source
@wonderthestars compiled this info:
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as @minecraft666 said, the staff needs to be held accountable for not calling an ambulance and allowing the transphobia to exist
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Rest in Power, Nex Benedict
A 16 year old kid who loved nature and looking after their cat Zeus. Who enjoyed reading, watching the Walking Dead, and playing Ark and Minecraft. They loved to cook and would often make up their own recipes. They did well in school, being a straight-A student. Rest in power a teen who was human and had interests and ambitions and challenges and friendships. A trans youth who was brutally murdered just for being trans, when that was only a fragment of who they were as a person.
Nex Benedict, Jacob Williamson, Brianna Ghey, and other trans youth like them were real people with real lives. They deserved better, longer, happier lives. They deserved to grow up and not fear for their lives. They deserve to be remembered as who they were, not just as another trans kid who was killed, as people with families and normal human lives.
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jadelucille · 20 days
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I always come back😈😈
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bananadramaaa · 6 months
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Saga continues~
( First part Second part Third part Next)
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incognitopolls · 3 months
No "depends" or "I'd find a third option."
In this hypothetical, both the stranger and your closest person are in front of you, restrained/incapacitated and unable to fight back. You have absolute certainty that killing this stranger will save your closest person; otherwise, your closest person will die. You do not know the stranger in any capacity (other than that they are an adult), but you have to personally kill them in order to save your closest person– stab, strangle, poison, etc; no indirect methods like "leave them to starve."
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Jason, to Roy: We murdered a man together. I feel like that was bonding.
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intersexcat-tboy · 29 days
@helloitslance (link) with over 26k followers on tiktok, blocks anyone who points out that he is spreading misinformation about intersex experiences, such as implying intersex individuals are less likely to face harm or don't experience being outed
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Just a few examples of the calm comments that were left by a few different intersex individuals. Myself, another user I know, and my gf were all blocked after leaving these
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The post itself isn't awful, it's not horrendous or anything but the way he responds to having biases pointed out is very concerning. He is not an ally to our fight. Look at what this content breeds in the comments
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"pity points" are them viewing you as less of a person btw. Also "gyno insecurity" is a disgusting thing to say abt societal abuse regarding intersex traits. This is not only using our abuse, it encourages it to strangers! It supports the belief that we should be medicated, that our existence is pitiful and depressing
As for the last one, I hate to say this, but have any of you ever heard about Brandon Teena? You know he often used being intersex as an excuse, but he wound up being outed anyways, leading to him being brutally raped and murdered?
This whole theory relies on denying intersex abuse
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whatswrong7 · 2 months
Just got yelled at for smth stupid so here’s a man who would kill for you
you honestly didn’t even know what the issue was. You were happily chatting with your boyfriend when suddenly you heard a raised voice behind you. Unaware it was directed at you until your boyfriend fixed them with a cold stare. When you turned around, you were surprised to find some random woman scolding you. You couldn’t make out all her words, but you could tell her voice was raised, and that was enough to stir up your blood pressure and increase your heartbeat. You were nervous talking to people even if they weren’t assholes. You shyly apologized and quickly walked away, trusting your boyfriend to keep up. You didn’t notice how he stared at the woman after you had left. After a few seconds of silent eye contact, she looked like the one getting scolded, and she opened her mouth to apologize. Or well, she tried to, before her arm was encased in a strong grip as a fuming man dragged her kicking and screaming into an alleyway, where the protests and begging was quickly replaced with tearful cries and then, silence. Your boyfriend walked out with bloody knuckles as he texted you for your location, insisting that you go get your drink of choice from a nearby store. He stayed by your side the whole time, kissing your temple and telling you
“Of course you didn’t do anything wrong. Look at yourself, so beautiful, how could you be capable of anything bad?”
-Simon Ghost Riley, König, Sukuna, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, and all your favorites
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
I got sent to an asylum after being accused of murdering foster kids, only for the real murderer to reveal himself as Tom from Tom&Jerry.
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nivea-ah · 1 month
Every time, every single time, anybody is raped in India, it gets brushed off, and when once in a while it reaches the national television, the general public stages protests and screams for justice, yet nothing truly comes out of it.
A resident doctor getting brutally raped and killed just days before India's independence day shows just how far behind India is. Economically we might be progressing but we keep on stepping back when it comes to protecting our women or people in general.
She was found in a half naked condition, bleeding from her privates and other parts with her pelvis broken. Even in such a bad state, the hospital didn't allow her parents to even see her, lied to them that she commited suicide. Only after hours of waiting were they allowed to look at their daughter.
Just last year, India had its major Shraddha Walker case. She had been cut to pieces by her boyfriend and kept in the fridge until he slowly disposed every piece off in different areas. There was widespread rahe and anger. People were disgusted, they revolted but soon the news died down and now nobody's sure what happened. And this happens every single time.
This independence day, what do we even have to celebrate? We most certainly do not feel free. A place where even my workplace could be my crime scene is not a place I would like to celebrate. This revolt will go on, and then it will die down and then, it will start all over again, every time, every single time.
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