#turtle weiss
astertimberwolf 2 months
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I'm DEAD 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃槶
I don't know why they exist, but this is so incredibly- stupidly funny to me for some reason. Lmfao
P.s.: this was a certain @amelia-yap (Ami)'s doing! 馃か馃き馃槒
(Also, feel free to screenshot this and repost it on other social media like Twitter / X. I don't really mind)
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team-iceflower 4 months
Weiss: I'm sorry.
Ruby: You say that a lot.
Weiss: I feel it a lot.
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howlingday 7 months
for most of remnant you strengthen your aura by strengthening your body, jaune and ren discover that you can do the opposite and strengthen your body by strengthening your soul and gaining greater enlightenment. the only issue is now they keep talking like philosophers and reacting to everything their friends do with "hmmm yes very wise" or "hmmm no not very wise" if it weren't for the fact that they were now the strongest in beacon they'd probably get beaten up
Wise Men
Jaune: Mm...
Ren: Mm...
Jaune and Ren sat across from one another, nodding their heads in agreement. Nobody's sure what exactly happened, but all of a sudden, the two of them were so buddy-buddy that they started hosting Bro-Wisdom sessions. During these, they would sit on beanbags they bought, lay back and share "wisdom" with one another like they were college monks.
Jaune: The pizza guy is running late.
Ren: Mm. Should we pay him in full?
Jaune: Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.
Ren: Mm. That is very wise, but also unwise. Perhaps he is late for matters beyond his control? Perhaps the oven broke, or he was attacked by pizza-hungry Grimm.
Jaune: Would Grimm eat pizza?
Ren: Pizza is a construct of mankind, and they will consume and destroy all that humans create, including other humans.
Jaune: Mm. That is very wise.
And it wasn't just each other that the two would share their supposed "philosophies" with. For example, Jaune and Ren happened upon a struggling Weiss Schnee, who was attempting to perfect her glyphs to match her older sister's level. The advice was... offered.
Ren: Mm. Quit, don't quit.
Weiss: I'm not quitting.
Jaune: Glyphs, don't glyphs.
Weiss: I'm doing my glyphs!
Ren: You are too focused on what was and what will be.
Weiss: I... What?
Jaune: There is a saying. The past is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift!
Ren: That is why it is called the present.
Weiss: ...
The two would then retreat to their beanbags, and begin anew with their "discussions". Nora tried to join in, but she couldn't get it at all! She wanted to throw them out the window. As she reached for Jaune, though, he didn't react at all. All he did was share his wisdom.
Jaune: Your mind is like a pond, Nora. When you are agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow your mind to settle, the answer becomes clear.
Nora: ...Are there ducks in my mind pond?
She spent the rest of the afternoon on that question. Pyrrha tried to reach them as well, but they were somehow less open-minded to the idea of change than they seemingly preached. It especially didn't help that they continued to off their nonsensical notions as "philosophy."
Jaune: When people say clean as a whistle, they forget that a whistle is full of spit, and thus unclean.
Ren: Mm. That is very wise.
Pyrrha: Jaune, I don't think it's a scenario people think too hard on. You need to get back to training!
Ren: Mm. You're only young once. Once you learn that, you're on your own.
Jaune: Mm, that is unwise. Youth is a state of mind, though it is affected by how one treats their body. If you load up on junk food, your body will slow itself and you will feel old.
Ren: Mm. That is very wise.
Pyrrha: NO, IT ISN'T! Ack! I'm sorry~!
Jaune: Pyrrha, you are too obsessed with the notion of destiny. You must remove yourself from the illusion of control.
Pyrrha: Illusion?! I am in control of my destiny, Jaune! That is no illusion!
Jaune: Mm. That is very unwise, Pyrrha. Look at Nora chasing that squirrel. I cannot make her stop when I want her to.
Pyrrha took her spear in hand and tossed it in front of Nora and her fuzzy quarry. In fear, the squirrel ran towards the school, and Nora followed. Then Pyrrha pulled back her spear, and then tossed her shield with Nora's pancake mix on it. Nora followed the floury discus until she was no longer chasing the squirrel, instead eating raw pancake dust with her bare hands.
Pyrrha: No, but I can control where the squirrel runs to. And I can control what Nora chases after! THAT is no illusion!
Jaune: Yes, but she will always be Nora. You may want her to be a Pyrrha or a Jaune, but she will always be Nora.
Ren: Mm. That is very wise. Very wise indeed.
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cosmosrebellion 1 year
If I had a nickel for everytime Batman fought a group of four universe displaced, color-coded teenagers who are each armed with a different weapon, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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bobauthorman 3 months
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Just to remind everyone that I am still writing my TMNT x RWBY crossover.
But just for fun, if the cliche comic book 'heroes throw down for some convoluted reason' event happens, who would win?
For this match up to be even, let's say that the Turtles have the mystic powers they had during the TMNT 2003 "Demon Shredder" arc, AKA, the fifth season, but they only have their normal weapons, not the mystic ones.
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nightlilly0110 1 year
Weiss: You know, I wish you guys would sometimes listen to my ideas. We鈥檙e supposed to be a team but sometimes I feel like we鈥檙e just roommates.
Yang: Weiss, if you don鈥檛 cut it out with your MIDDLE CHILD NONSENSE-
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cowcowwow 1 year
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Doodles of a very Chaotic RWBY Au-ish idea I have fgdghdg :DD
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starlightshadowsworld 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
They aren't in any particular order, just girls and than the guys but they are my top 10 favs.
Sunset Shimmer (My little Pony equestria girls)
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I love every one of the girls from EG but my favourite is most definitely Sunset.
I love seeing her grow, becoming friends with the others and finding herself.
Sunset's always trying to help others, making peace with her past and her risking everything in forgotten friendship made me cry.
Girl deserves so much.
Her resolve, her empathy for others and just a good ol villian to bestie arc is why I love her.
Stella (Winx club)
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We don't speak of fate Stella.
Stella makes her mark from the first episode, she's the mysterious bubbly princess from another world.
I love her, so much.
She's loving and caring, damn near sacrificing herself in the Omega dimension just to keep her friends warm.
Stella is undoubtedly one of the best parts of winx club, helping Bloom get through Alfea and her relationship with all the Winx and Brandon.
Girls also got a temper and don't take bs which I just admired as a kid and I still do.
That and I always wanted to learn to sew and make clothing things, watching her make them.
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
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The ice Queen herself, absolutely love her. Her development is everything.
I love watching her interact witb her team, both snarky and loving. She's been a bridge to keep her team, her friends from falling apart.
I love Weiss because she was willing to grow and change. She was always silently rebelling and truly realised what was important to her.
That and her weapon and semblance is just amazing.
Seeing her make amends, grow and learn and accept those around her. Being the best team mate she can be, just yess.
And IQ just hammers that point home.
Mereoleona Vermillion (Black Clover)
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I love all the woman from Black Clover but Mereoleona is my favourite.
She's an absolute terrifying badass of a woman who said nah you can't teach me anything I don't know.
She's not the Lioness for no reason.
Woman's just an inspirational badass who takes no shit and shows everyone time and time again to not underestimate her.
She's funny, she's blunt and I just love seeing fight.
Princess Rosalina (Mario, Super Mario)
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Don't have much to say about Rosalina, she was my favourite of the princesses growing up and I find comfort in her to this day.
Judai/Jaden Yuki (Yugioh GX)
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My favourite of the protags. I fucking love Judai's story, that he's the most idiotic, loving son of a bitch you'll ever meet.
He's hilarious in the dub and I just shake my head fondly at the stuff that he says.
His arc hits close to home, no I've never killed anyone but I have been that depressed.
Watching him go from the lowest of low to finding happiness again is heartwarming and I was cheering him on the whole way.
Casey Jones (Teenage mutant ninja turtles, 2012)
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This mother fucker, my favourite character from the show till this day. He was fun comic relief and just expanding on his story now is fun.
That and knowing he's so much more than comic relief, the speed Demon episode is forever my favourite.
That and watching him, this regular guy (as if you could ever call Casey Jones, regular) make his own gadgets and become family to the turtles is just so cool.
Jason Grace (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus)
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I have ranted at length about my love for Jason Grace.
He is so underused, underutilised and under appreciated.
Seeing him lose everything, trying to rebuild it and finding a home with the seven just gets to me.
He's the golden child who stopped shining and had to find himself, and I feel that.
I love watching him interact with the others (minus the whole stupid rivalry between him and Percy that makes no sense.)
I just love him, he's my boi.
Jason Todd/Red Hood (Batman, DC)
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Jason to me hits the same as Judai.
He's the fun loving child that went through hell and walked a dark path alone.
I cheer him on, I want him to be happy.
I loved his crime boss era it was so badass and just the way he differs from batman.
His ideology of controlling crime is both interesting and compelling.
I just think he's cool.
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
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My bean.
My boi.
Deserved so much, I love him and his long hecking speeches about hope.
He went through hell itself and everyone turned on him and came out of it smiling, I respect him so much.
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kingoftheu 1 year
DC managed to make Looney Tunes and TMNT crossovers work but not RWBY huh.
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rwby-encrusted-blog 5 months
Jaune: *Wearing a turtleneck*Good morning Mom!
Mama Arc: Who left hickeys on your neck?
Jaune: I don't know what you mean.
Mama Arc: *Pulls the turtle neck down, revealing many, many hickeys* Really? You Don't know what I mean?
Jaune: *Sweating* ...
Mama Arc: ... Is that Lipstick?
Mama Arc: ...
Jaune: *Covered in Red, Ice Blue, Purple, Yellow, Bronze, Pink, and Green lipstick marks* ...
Ruby: Good Morning!
Weiss: Good Morning Missus Arc!
Blake: Good Morning.
Yang: Morning!
Pyrrha: Hello~ Good morning~
Ren: *Nods*
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redheartedtramp 5 months
Whitley: Alright, these dust cartridges should be enough to get you through the next 6 months. If you need a restock, I'm just a scroll call away.
Weiss: Thanks, Whitley. I don't know what's changed about you, but you've been a big-
Weiss: ...Whitley, why are you wearing a turtle neck?
Whitley: ...I am cold.
Weiss: It's 59 Degrees (F).
Whitley: ...Well excuse me for trying to be fashionable sister. I try to do something different, and you can't just support me. So ru-
Weiss then grabs Whitley's collar and yanks it down, exposing all the lipstick marks on his neck.
Weiss: ...What color is this?
Whitley: No.
Weiss: Answer the question.
Whitley: You'll get mad.
Weiss: I won't get mad at you. Answer.
Whitley: ...Schwartz #13.
Weiss: Son of mother-RUBY ROSE! *starts marching off*
Whitley: You said you wouldn't get mad!
Weiss: At YOU! *draws Myrtenaster and spins the chamber*
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goldenamaranthe-blog 11 months
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Yang: Hey, Blake! Wanna hear a story about sea turtles?
Blake: .......Um...sure?
Yang: Okay, so there were these two sea turtles, right?
Blake: Right.
Yang: (claps her hands together and pretends they're turtles) And they're swimming through the ocean, having a good old time. Suddenly, they come across an island, and they have no idea what to do!
Blake: (giggles at Yang鈥檚 poor acting) Oh, no. Not an island.
Yang: Right!? So, bear with me on this. (Moves, so she's standing on Blake's left side and points in front of them) So, there's the island, right?
Blake: Right.
Yang: (puts her hands in turtle mode again) So, the first turtle says, "Hey! Instead of walking over the island. Let's just swim around it. I'll go left and you go right. And we'll meet up on the other side."
Blake: Seems logical enough.
Yang: I know. They're smart turtles. Anyway, so the one turtle swims around the left side of the island (makes her left hand swoop left) and the other turtle swims around the right side of the island (swoops her hand and arm around Blake鈥檚 shoulders and winks) Buuuut enough about sea turtles. What are you doing later?
Blake: (ears perk up as a blood red flush colors her cheeks and steam spews out of her ears)
Weiss: Oh. My. God!!! How did she get you with that?!
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Weiss: Is there anyone even named Sheldon in real life?
Jaune: My class turtle from 6th grade :)
Winter: That is a turtle Mr. Arc
Jaune: *In a deep voice (Similar to Minos Prime)* When god sings with his creation, will a turtle not be part of the choir?
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howlingday 1 year
Ruby: (Turtle!Faunus, Chugging milk)
Yang: Whoa! Easy, sis! I know these wings are spicy, but try to go easy on the milk. I'd hate for you to throw up.
Weiss: Please, don't.
Ruby: PUAH! I'm fine. I just really need that calcium, y'know?
Weiss: Whatever.
Ruby: Hey, uh, are you gonna eat that?
Weiss: Eat what?
Ruby: The rest of your wings.
Weiss: ...Ruby, there's nothing but bones left.
Ruby: Yeah, I know, and I already said I need the calcium.
Weiss: What the
Fun Fact! Turtles are omnivores, but are especially hungry for bones to the point that after they ate frightened away from them, they will return once the threat has left. Also, there are also turtles trained to eat flesh for both criminal investigations in the US and pollution clean-up in India.
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cosmosrebellion 2 months
I am once again thinking of RWBY crossovers. Specifically a TMNT-RWBY crossover. Which wouldn't be the weirdest crossover these characters had since all of them met Batman at one point.
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I'd take a page from the RWBY-JL crossover and translate the Turtles into the RWBY universe. It's not too difficult to adapt their setting for RWBY, honestly.
We can have them and Splinter - and pretty much any other mutant - be faunuses. Hamato Yoshi can be a Huntsman who got kicked out of the Foot Clan when it became a bunch of merciless mercenaries, and later adopted four turtles faunus who were orphaned by Grimm, taught them how to fight, to build their own weapons and use their abilities to do good and help others, becoming the father they needed.
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We can keep the "Half-Shell Heroes of the Shadows" angle by having them be unlicensed Huntsman and act like vigilantes with no regard for the system created by Ozpin.
The meeting between the Turtles and Team RWBY would be great. First, they fight of course, we need to see that happen. But once things calm down and we can have some fun, there's so much that can be done:
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-Blake and Leo just quietly enjoying each other's company, and maybe sparring a bit.
-Ruby and Mikey just having way too much energy at all times.
-Weiss and Donnie being the ones who hold the brain cells of their teams.
-Yang and Raph being Yang and Raph at each other.
For the villains, we can keep Shredder as a megalomaniac conqueror who wants to take over the world with his army of ninjas. Depending on which part of the RWBY timeline this would take place, there are different things we can do with Saki. If it takes place during the war against Salem, we can have him offer his services to her at some point, of course as an arrogant ploy to take her out and take everything over. Or, if it takes place after the war, we can have Shredder take advantage of the kingdoms trying to rebuild to strike and seek power.
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And for secondary villains that we can bring for both cool fights and character exploration. We can do something with a few of the excellent mutants introduced in the IDW comics like Alopex, Koya and Bludgeon. And of course, bring the classic Bebop Rocksteady.
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And of course, the most important thing when it comes to the villains: Making RWBY fans aware that Karai exists.
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bobauthorman 3 months
New chapter of my RWBY x TMNT crossover up!
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