#tss! origin Steve
thebeingmerf · 21 days
Analysis refs part idk anymore (plus the beloved tiny doodles)
I was gonna wait until I had more to post, but art is going torturously slow since school started.
Doodles first;
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Now the refs;
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Galaxy after absorbing Void
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C!Sabre (man’s just goin through it)
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Origin design. Liberty kids ass ponytail
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killemwithkawaii · 6 months
Alright, the kewk classic 'face hole' design it is~ 📊✅
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"Ain't he a doll?" 💋💦💕
And now while I fuck with this anatomy sketch 5ever, we gotta decide on a background! I'm thinking Sal would prefer to do his love-sick swooning in the privacy of his bedroom, but where, exactly? 🤔
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'The bed'-
Perks: seems more routine, sowft snuggly nest to daydream and swoon in, [darling] collage on the wall, '... okay, what have you been doing with that pillow...?'
Drawbacks: Limited space, have to take stability/sinking into account with props, perspective is Hard and I will make that headboard look good or die trying
'The floor'-
Perks: seems more impulsive, more yan/NEET clutter potential (more room to spread out), a glimpse under his bed (and at all the [darling] stuff he's got shoved under there)
Drawbacks: That carpet is UGLY, I will probably (definitely) bite off more than I can chew trying to fill all that space with props, it hurts my Everything just thinking about lying on the floor like that for too long
'Secret third thing'-
....???? idk you tell me lol
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usi-thatdrawingguy · 3 months
You know, when rejoing the Steve related side of the FMS Fandom, I thought it'd be nice walk down memory lane.
Then I get hit in the face with 562* episodes of The Steve Saga, 18 full-length movies of Steve Saga Origins, 288 episodes of Rainbow Quest, 69 (nice) episodes of Steve Legends, and 18 Episodes of Twisted Rainbow. And that's not even taking into account spin-off series like Ruined Reality.
The Steve Saga alone is a full 5 DAYS worth of Steve content. Each video back to back to back. (Yes, I did the math. It was painful, but also hilarious getting to see all of the goofy ass thumbnails.)
And I'm just sitting here, bewildered by those facts.
I just never thought I would have so much Steve-Homework over the summer to do.
Also, do you any of you remember "Detective Llama"????????????????
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Wern't there like, Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve YT Channels??????
Are those YT Channels now considered lost media????????? (Not the content on them, the Channel itself.)
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Sabre: Origin Steve's emotions are like fine wine.
Galaxy Steve: Explain.
Sabre: They can stay bottled up for years and kill when opened incorrectly.
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woahrarepairsagemare · 3 months
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anyone fw my faceless design
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
Steve Saga AU where this is Nightmare Steve's origin story:
Yellow Steve: Hey.
Red Steve:
Yellow Steve: Have you ever noticed there aren't any Orange Steves?
Red Steve:
Red Steve: Hey, now that you mentioned it, you're right. There are no Orange Steve. Weird.
Yellow Steve: I know, right?
Yellow Steve:
Yellow Steve: Wanna fuse and see if that creates an Orange Steve?
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brainrot-stitch · 2 months
GUYS guys guys plssss pls pls steve saga doodle requests I'm going FERAL
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blueorange123 · 2 months
Reaction Post to Skittle Steve's Creation And First Time Meeting People
https://youtu.be/bdGhIEXW03E?si=U9IXw3PMlbmH0cuK (I know the whole story of The Steve Saga, but haven't even gotten close to seeing all of Origins, so I'm gonna watch this in timeline order.)
This reaction post format is inspired by @illusion-reality-steve, go read Stress's posts if you like The Steve Saga.
Hm, so Rainbow Steve is basically a last resort. Maybe even an act of desperation. Interesting.
So, Rainbow was created in this place, I don't see any hoppers or anything. Doesn't really look like a machine.
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This part looks like a meeting room, and for some reason Rainbow Steve's "storage tank" leads right into it? Odd.
He apparently doesn't know what a table is? I mean I guess he has an excuse, having just obtained consciousness, but he knows what paintings are though?
He really does not like thunder, to be fair though, it is an indication of power here, so I guess that makes sense.
"Wait a second, who am I?", wasn't expecting that, he must have so many questions. "Why don't I remember anything? [...] I don't even know my name." Yep, here comes the emotional damage.
Interesting that Rainbow Steve expects someone else to be there, perhaps this ties into memories of the Elders that created him. Could he hold their memories, deep, deep down?
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So, like, do steves... bleed or is this redstone? We see so little of this place it's hard to tell.
Rainbow Steve is out here avoiding that hallway and his problems like Neo from The Matrix. Also, yep, no redstone up here, how in the world did the Elders create this steve?
Not even RBS knows what the stuff on the floor is.
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Okay, no, seriously, what is is this place? It's just on the side of a mountain.
Welp, guess he's RIPbow Steve now. (Also, he had so much time to avoid that.)
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Wow, sure is convenient that Green was casually strolling through the area.
Rainbow Steve just casually starts catastrophizing, lol.
Ha, he tries to be intimidating, scares Green and immediately goes back on that idea. He's too nice /pos.
Rainbow seemed to have forgotten that he's only been one other place when he said he didn't recognize Green's house.
Nature rectangle man lives in a big ol' tree. That's genuinely pretty cool.
Ah, a Tree of Life, just like the Rainbow Tree of Life, but seemingly much smaller and made of actual wood. Wonder if we'll learn more about these.
That moment when Rainbow Steve is born knowing what chimneys are, but not tables.
Is "The Steve Realm" implying there's realms for other beings or is it just the overworld and then places like the Spirit Realm are the only others? I mean Sabre went through multiple servers before reaching the main one with Rainbow Steve.
And Rainbow Steve gets his name, ironically with the same thought process Sabre went through.
Rainbow Steve listed a bunch of possible steves, let's see what he got right:
Red Steve, yep
Blue Steve, yep, both part of the big 3.
Brown Steve, nope, would've been cool though.
Yellow Steve, yep
Purple Steve, yep
Orange Steve, not until the reboot buddy.
Red Steves just out here getting casually generalized as being aggressive.
The immediate realization Rainbow Steve has when saying Green can be a tree person is glorious.
He is here, if I hadn't already seen the first 4 episodes of this, I'd guess who "he" was (maybe I'd even think he was Reverse or Shadow), but since I have seen these first 4, I'll conclude the post here.
Have a nice day!
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shadow-genesis-yay · 5 months
Some personality headcanons for my Rainbow Saga SMP AU
Aka, certain characters acting like YouTubers I watch who play Minecraft
Sabre, TSS! Rainbow, TSS! Galaxy, and Lucas all act like themselves obviously, but:
The First Curse: Kolanii
TSS! Void: Calvin
Soul: Kian
Corruption: LockDownLife
Positive & Negative & Infinity (i know theyre the same.): KIER and DEV
Origin (both versions): Ashswag
Time (both): Mogswamp
Spirit Guardian: Aust
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thetwistedtimeline · 2 years
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A moment of levity..
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anonymous12846271 · 2 years
Potentially unpopular opinion: Watching Steve Saga Origins before you watch The Steve Saga is actually a terrible idea for new FMS fans wanting to get into the Steve Saga universe. Sure, it’s in chronological order, but like, the thing is, Origins brutally spoils a lot of things that you preferably really don’t wanna know about when you first watch the Steve Saga, like, for example, Dark Steve pretending to be an elder blue steve or Nightmare Steve having a boss.
Obviously, if you’re getting introduced through the fandom, spoilers are inevitable; I was originally just a fan of Elan’s old content from 2015 to early 2017 who was convinced to check out the Steve Saga through the fandom so I totally get that, but you really should try to minimize that risk as much as possible.
Probably the best way to watch them is to get someone to make a playlist where the Origins videos are integrated in through upload date since that was how they were originally meant to be viewed, but just watching Origins after you finish up the Steve Saga is a lot more realistic and practical and it works just fine.
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thebeingmerf · 3 months
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⬆️ the concept art
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bullbobb · 2 months
Rewatching early tss is crazy because everything is so much oompher if you think about it too hard.
That. That original blue Steve. From the first not deleted Steve saga video. From Sabre’s perspective he was a ruthless killer but… from his own perspective. He probably knew about Nightmare. Knew the situation was bleak. Knew the only way to possibly defeat Nightmare was to bring back Rainbow. He probably followed ancient scriptures to do so. Maybe from that temple he was in. I bet he knew in order to summon Rainbow he’d never see the light of day again. I bet he was willing to make that sacrifice in order to save Steve kind.
And then Light Steve. Oughhhhh my boy light. Sabre is basically his dad. I hc him as small and baby too so like AUGHHHH PAIN IN MY HEART💥💥💥💥💥💥 He was scared and shy and afraid. So new to the world. And he still fought Dark to defend Sabre, his dad and only friend, from danger.
Rainbow. He must’ve been so scared and confused while being experimented on. Literally memoryless after like 7 thousand years of sleeping. The first thing he sees when he wakes up is this THING that isn’t a Steve. This THING this UNIDENTIFIED CREATURE . So he attacks!!! With the powers he’s still learning he has!!!!!!! And sabre’s like “yep he’s the bad guy. Time to rip him apart chromatic steve by chromatic Steve” WAUGHHHHH 🔌🔌🔌🔌🍴🍴🍴⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💥💥💥💥
crying sobbing throwing up crying again
Then there’s Sabre slowly realizing what he’s doing is wrong. Realizing he’s the bad guy. Letting Rainbow go and protecting Light . Or. Trying to. He kind of failed Light died like 5 times
If you think about it, the majority of Sabre’s arc in tss is a redemption arc. He’s saving the steves to make up for the red Steve he murdered, the steves he chased and scared and trapped and experimented on. Especially Rainbow. I imagine that even when Rainbow died, Sabre felt like he hadn’t done enough. Hadn’t made up for the torture he put Rainbow through. And he’s destroyed forever by that.
The Rainbow Town really was a sanctuary for Steves. A home. I imagine countless nights spent under the stars. Rainbow going to bed and Lucas assuring Sabre, again and again, he had made up for it, done better, saved so many, helped so many, and Sabre always said it wasn’t enough. They had to do more.
Auguhhhhhhfhhfhfhdjewhbajskdntjdishehsjsje my TSS heart hasn’t recovered since October 15th 2017
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ender-niffler · 5 months
I’m sharing more Steve headcanons because I can!
Just a few of my more minor headcanons-
1 • Red Steve’s have accents! Due to them being isolated from the rest of the Steve kingdoms for so long
2 • some Blue Steve’s are born with the ability to see the spirits that walk along the overworlds surface, mostly the spirits of Steve’s who are visiting family or ones that cannot or refuse to go to the world beyond.
3 • Hybrids between different Steve’s are sometimes viewed as unnatural things of nature, and a danger due to their odd mixed abilities- or the new powers that may come from the combination of two Steve’s- (fear is a powerful thing when it comes to new things)
4 • Red Steve’s can sometimes be born with different types of fire- some will have blue fire (which is the extra hot kind of fire) some are born with your typical orange and red fire. On rare occasions there’s pink fire bearers
5 • this one spawns from TSS and that one RQ ep, Chromatics colors can fade! If they’re really sick or dying, it acts as a sort of timer. The more grey toned they get- the more sick or closer to death they are
6 • Light Steve’s Blood is golden! Instead of your typical red color, Lights blood now is a shimmery golden color!
7 • it isn’t uncommon to see poly relationships! :]
8 • Kings, when choosing an apprentice. Cannot pick an apprentice that is 18 or under, as it is a common belief that Steve’s should be aloud to grow and enjoy their childhoods! Letting them grow up without any pressure for the future!
9 • a legend commonly told amongst the Steve’s is one that says the moon and the sun are Origins eyes! Though Gen and Dream both know that the sun and the moon use to be run by two old friends
10 • The red Steve’s don’t have all their history in place. In fact they’re missing a LARGEEE gap of their history…whenever asked about it, they only ever respond with ‘we lost it in the old kingdom.’ Before very quickly moving onto a different subject
11 • this one’s a little silly one, but I find it funny- All Steve’s have their own names! Saber just never asked for their names so they just rolled with whatever nicknames he gave them 😭
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Rainbow Steve: Your ridiculous family might be surprised to find that not everything is solved by murder!
Dark Steve: We would be surprised to find that.
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woahrarepairsagemare · 2 months
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catacombs trio
made this specially for @justyouraverageskyperson
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