#tss!blue steve
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bullbobb · 7 months ago
Rewatching early tss is crazy because everything is so much oompher if you think about it too hard.
That. That original blue Steve. From the first not deleted Steve saga video. From Sabre’s perspective he was a ruthless killer but… from his own perspective. He probably knew about Nightmare. Knew the situation was bleak. Knew the only way to possibly defeat Nightmare was to bring back Rainbow. He probably followed ancient scriptures to do so. Maybe from that temple he was in. I bet he knew in order to summon Rainbow he’d never see the light of day again. I bet he was willing to make that sacrifice in order to save Steve kind.
And then Light Steve. Oughhhhh my boy light. Sabre is basically his dad. I hc him as small and baby too so like AUGHHHH PAIN IN MY HEART💥💥💥💥💥💥 He was scared and shy and afraid. So new to the world. And he still fought Dark to defend Sabre, his dad and only friend, from danger.
Rainbow. He must’ve been so scared and confused while being experimented on. Literally memoryless after like 7 thousand years of sleeping. The first thing he sees when he wakes up is this THING that isn’t a Steve. This THING this UNIDENTIFIED CREATURE . So he attacks!!! With the powers he’s still learning he has!!!!!!! And sabre’s like “yep he’s the bad guy. Time to rip him apart chromatic steve by chromatic Steve” WAUGHHHHH 🔌🔌🔌🔌🍴🍴🍴⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💥💥💥💥
crying sobbing throwing up crying again
Then there’s Sabre slowly realizing what he’s doing is wrong. Realizing he’s the bad guy. Letting Rainbow go and protecting Light . Or. Trying to. He kind of failed Light died like 5 times
If you think about it, the majority of Sabre’s arc in tss is a redemption arc. He’s saving the steves to make up for the red Steve he murdered, the steves he chased and scared and trapped and experimented on. Especially Rainbow. I imagine that even when Rainbow died, Sabre felt like he hadn’t done enough. Hadn’t made up for the torture he put Rainbow through. And he’s destroyed forever by that.
The Rainbow Town really was a sanctuary for Steves. A home. I imagine countless nights spent under the stars. Rainbow going to bed and Lucas assuring Sabre, again and again, he had made up for it, done better, saved so many, helped so many, and Sabre always said it wasn’t enough. They had to do more.
Auguhhhhhhfhhfhfhdjewhbajskdntjdishehsjsje my TSS heart hasn’t recovered since October 15th 2017
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incorrectstevesagaquotes · 7 months ago
(Steve Saga)
Blue Steve: How come you've been acting so nice lately?
Red Steve: What do you mean?
Blue Steve: I don't know. You've just been acting nicer than usual.
Red Steve: I can punch you if you want.
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shadow-genesis-yay · 1 year ago
Me and my friend are joking around that Blue Steve is in our Minecraft world, and that he's trynna flirt with me cus I have the Purple Steve skin on LMFAO its so stupid yet im giggling like a dummy lmao
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illusion-reality-steve · 2 years ago
The nonbinary urge to write a Steve Saga Origins fanfic where the Elder Blue Steves are elitists using the myth of meritocracy to keep themselves and the Blue Steves at the top.
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emiplayzmc · 2 years ago
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Yeah, I don't... really have an explanation for you.
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brainrot-stitch · 1 year ago
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Steve saga doodles !! :3
All early steve saga, like before rainbow could talk timeline
Grhh I am so normal about them so so normal...
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thebeingmerf · 7 months ago
Bedrest art dump [part 9]
Ft. Some analysis book pages
Let’s see if it wants to actually upload this time
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the-yersinia-plague · 11 days ago
I hope you all are doing well... or as well as you can be
Sabre receives the message as he walks by the shrine for the Skypeople. He smiles a little.
“Hi, we’re doing alright. As alright as you can be with the current situation. Lucas and I left the bunker and went up into town the other day to get more supplies. We also managed to pretty up the bunker a little more. See? It’s much more homely now.”
Sabre moves aside to show the main room of the bunker.
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“The mission was quite eventful. We stumbled across Green, Blue and Red. Unfortunately Lucas got hurt while we were running from Red. I’ve quarantined him in the lab for now. He seems to be doing fine, considering Red didn’t come into contact with him. Buuut, better safe than sorry. The whole situation gave me an idea, that I have written down in my journal. Why don’t you read for yourself?“
He fishes his journal out of his lab coat and places it on the lectern in the middle of the shrine, so the Skypeople can read it.
((CW: Mentions and images of violence and body horror under the cut, proceed with caution!))
Excerpt from Sabre’s Journal #2
Today Lucas and I went outside. Man, it’s been only a little while since I’ve last seen the sun, but I did miss it like crazy. Lack of Vitamin D and such.
We decided to leave early in the morning, so we have lots of sunlight to work with. Right after breakfast with Light and Rain, of course. Rain asked me to bring his sticker collection, which I mentally made a priority.
I changed out of my onesie for practicality and instead chose to wear my green adventure gear. Lucas was comfortable enough in the clothes he already had, which is fair. He’s always been a more practical mind.
Upon exiting the bunker, everything seemed to be quiet at first. Hazy fog filled the air and limited our vision. Silent Hill vibes, ew.
Ignoring the chilly atmosphere, we followed the familiar path to the Rainbow House. On the way we noticed that someone must have been on another rampage during our “absence”. A couple more craters here and there, a new rogue fire and more broken windows. What a mess.
Whoever it was didn’t steal anything though, which was strange to us. Then again, Steves have a knack for being a little strange at times. Heh.
The first living infected we found was Green Steve. He was hanging around the front door to the Rainbow House. Upon seeing us approach, he hid in the withering rose bushes. He seemed scared, so Lucas and I approached carefully.
Green looked... Absolutely terrible. Disfigured by some sort of blisters, the same stuff as on Infinity. What made it worse? Some putrid, green stuff oozed out of them and the corner of his mouth. He reeked of decay, the poor guy. And wheezed, like his lungs were filled with fluid. Which they probably were.
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Green wasn’t very aggressive. More scared like a cornered animal. Which is dangerous enough on its own. One wrong move from us and he’d freak out and jump us. We tried to assure him we were just going into the house and wanted nothing from him. Sadly he didn’t fully register our words and kept pleading we don’t harm the roses as they were his cure.
We could barely understand him. I wish there was something we could’ve done for him, but it was clear as day. He was as dead as the rose bushes around him. In opposite to him, the plants might thrive a little again, if his body were to fertilize them after death.
What an awful thought. Why did I write that down?
Swallowing the guilty feelings in our chests, Lucas and I continued. We ransacked our own home as well as we could, bagging anything and everything that was edible. We had space in our bags left, so we went upstairs and collected a couple more clothes too. I got Rain’s sticker collection.
We didn't wanna pass Green a second time, so we left the house through the basement. As we exited, we caught a glimpse of Blue in the water to the right of us.
Only his head peeked out, but from what we could see, he looked as bad as Green. The water around him was cloudy and grimy like bog water.
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As soon as he saw us, he disappeared beneath the surface without a sound. Lucas and I shuddered and went on our way back.
We didn't make it very far though, when suddenly Red jumped down from the elytra platform. He was seething with rage like he usually would. His body too, was littered with signs of the sickness. Additionally, his own energy crackled and sparked around him in the shape of little red lightning bolts. He was loaded and ready to blow.
Knowing a fight would be devastating in many ways, Lucas and I ran for cover, closely followed by angry howling and the ground blowing up behind us. We stumbled into the Steve Temple, hoping to find cover there and catch our breaths.
But only shortly after, Red literally burst through one of the walls in another explosion. Some of the debree hit Lucas in the head and some glass shards got stuck in his arm. He stumbled against me and I immediately dragged him off, half pulling him along, half putting him back on his feet.
We had to make it back to the bunker, there was no use in hiding elsewhere. It wouldn't be safe enough. Only barely, with an angry Red hot on our tail, did we make it back to the bunker. We left the bags in the main room with Light and Rainbow and I brought Lucas to the lab where I tended to his injuries and put him under quarantine.
Encountering the different Steves made me think though. Two out of three weren't outright aggressive. Maybe, just maybe we can manage to catch one, so I can study the sickness better? Blue seems to be the easiest to capture. If he keeps hiding in the water around town, I could fix up a tank for him in the more secure portion of the lab. Then we'd have to lure him to the right spot and could get him into the tank somehow.
I'll have to keep thinking about this. It might be something helpful - albeit risky - in the future.
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itsgirlcraft · 1 month ago
Yall are getting spoilers for my One Disaster After Another Steve Saga AU~
Sooo this is a modern au where the Steves are all humans that are transformed into Steves. And Sabre is a social worker trying to find the root cause of all this, and keep tensions down. All of the transformations are connected to the Macguffin™ and Sabre's backstory, and let's just say most of them would've died if it weren't for that.
((Okay yall this is 2,235 words so FAIR WARNING. This is LONG 💀))
Dark Steve was betrayed by a close friend in a volcano-cavern hike, thrown off a bridge into the flowing lava far below. He came back confused and angry, but was quick to get vengeance. He haunted his former "friend", burning messages into their walls and flesh, covering windows in volcanic ash, and, eventually, consuming them in lava. No one ever found out what happened, just that they were seemingly haunted by a demon.
Nightmare Steve was originally transformed into a Yellow Steve, his friend becoming a Red Steve. He was overcome with bloodlust and desire for power, taking his friend's life and becoming the beast he is now. He is wanted for murder, and was hiding in alleyways at first. Dark found him, and was the one to guide Night towards his villainous legacy. Nightmare eventually gained confidence and became the King you all know.
Light was on a snow trip and was consumed by an avalanche, transforming into something furred, icy, and yet warm. The only reason they found him is because he figured out how to turn his fingers into long icicles, long enough to reach the surface. The rescue dogs couldn't tell the difference between him and the snow, the two were indistinguishable. The local rangers escorted him back home, including on the train.
Rainbow, ironically, is one of the few people I don't have a solid concept for. He was transformed after the first 5 colors, and shares a house with Light.
Red Steve was the first, transformed after his house caught fire. Everyone thought he did it on purpose, and thought he was a demonic entity haunting the town. In reality, he'd scraped together what little he had left, and tried to run away into the forest. But he was caught stealing food, and that's when the police surrounded him. They would've killed him if it weren't for Sabre stepping in (ironic compared to the og series...). Sabre took him to his car and they finally cleared up what happened, and he lives with Sabre now.
Green Steve was the second, and was caught by a grove of trees changed by the Macguffin Magic™. Their vines and branches swallowed him up, transforming him into something wooden and leafy. He was a teenager at the time, and had taken many walks through that forest. His parents called Sabre to help find him. Green met one of the talking trees, who does not take people. The tree explained there was a burst of magic that changed this forest, and some chose to use their power selfishly.
Blue Steve was the third, and, naturally, drowned. His leg was caught in coral and rock, and he wasn't strong enough to pull himself out. The body recovered was slimy and nearly unrecognizable as a person, until he woke up. Sabre once again was on the front lines, and helped Blue recover. Blue is a college student, and let's just say the second Blue Steve has a...sibling that caused a lot of harm. Her sibling caused the second Blue transformation.
Yellow and Purple were both transformed during a Macguffin Magic Storm™. Both are kids. Yellow Steve was riding his bike home from school when he was struck with lightning. He was lucky that the mom in the car next to him called Sabre immediately. He was found glowing and muddy, but his backpack and such were fine somehow. Sabre put his bike in his trunk and tried his best to dry him off, and was driving him home when he got a call for Purple.
Purple Steve is one of the youngest, under 10 years old, and is directly related to the Macguffin™. Something her currently-missing father built was activated by the storm, bringing an enderman from an alternate reality into their home. They weren't scared up until when it attacked them. The remnants of her father appeared to them, defeating the creature, but Purple was forever changed. This is not abnormal to her. Their father has appeared to them before, giving her information on the creatures he has encountered. She has an enderman plush from him, one of the few physical objects he has brought them. Purple was struggling to control their teleportation, as they kept getting frightened by Lucas, who called Sabre. Yellow decided to come with, and was able to calm her down.
Sabre, as a teenager, helped Purple's father build the Macguffin™, and wears a bandanna due to a...scar, of sorts, from the thing malfunctioning. He originally wanted to be a cop as a kid, but discovered all the corruption and politics surrounding that. He figured a social worker is better for everything he really wanted to be and to do. Compared to the og series, it's ironic how good he is at conflict resolution. It doesn't work every time, of course. Eventually, he founds an organization to assist Steves in both law/safety and daily life, and that's where the Rainbow Town comes from. It's not so much a place, as an idea, though it does have a physical space at one point.
Plague Steve had died from disease when he was transformed, and was poked and prodded for months by doctors. Those very "doctors" refused to tell him what he'd died from, or let him leave. He suffered a lot of medical trauma in that time frame. There were holes rotted away in his skin. He had to wear a gas mask when he finally left, as per the contract he was forced to sign. Despite the fact that it was understood that he was not inherently contagious. He despises the alienation the whole thing brought upon him, and just wants to be close to someone for once. He turned against Sabre and Rainbow violently the moment they believed he was dangerous/evil.
Positive Steve and Negative Steve were Yellow/Red twins experimented on by Nightmare, who was trying to replicate his backstory. It didn't work as he'd expected, but brought promising results after they were able to fuse together. They weren't even teens yet when he took them. A mix of Frankenstein-style experimenting and a bit of psychological torture brought them to their hybrid-like appearance. If they didn't distrust everyone who wasn't Night and Dark, they could've found a safe haven in the Rainbow Town.
Hypno Steve was meant to replicate the Infinity experiments, but led Dark to create something else entirely. Hypno is one of the few Steves that utterly despises what he has become, and never truly embraces it. Of course, plenty spend a few months being Angsty about it, but that is a defining part of Hypno. He's not sad - he's angry. If it were up to him, he'd end every Steve, every source of magic, from this world. He'd purge it all. But Rainbow is the one thing holding him back, that reminds him that his existence has a place in this world. Unlike Pos and Neg, he distrusts the place he comes from the most.
The Galaxy Family is one of my favorites. Illusion ran away from home as a child, and lives alone in an abandoned house, stealing from local chain stores. Galaxy and Void are feuding brothers, which begins to hurt everyone around them, including those most important - their sons. Galaxy is at fault for Void and Memory's transformations, and this is the final straw that brings Void to villainy.
Galaxy Steve was walking home with groceries in the rain when he fell into a wormhole. He witnessed the stars, supernovae, and far-away planets, eventually landing in the purple/galaxy dimension completely changed. He's fluffy, with four arms and a sort of alien-wolf look. He gets distracted by all the sights before remembering the groceries and his kids, going back to find all his paper bags soaked and ripped. He carries everything in his arms, and finds his sons changed too.
Time Steve loves clockwork and gears, and was fixing a clock in the basement when he got caught on something and...he blacked out. There was blood. He fused with the clock. No-one is quite sure how or why, but it happened. Elemental found him after his own transformation, and was devastated, thinking his irresponsibility had killed his dear brother. El took his brother up to the living room, finding he was still alive. Time woke up not long after Galaxy got home, and was surprised by what had happened. But he wasn't afraid, for he had his family by his side.
Elemental Steve was enjoying the storm outside when he was struck by lightning, falling into a pond. He woke up underwater, barely having time to adjust before he remembered his brother. He worried he'd burn/soak things with strange liquid-solid hands, but they seemed to work normally. Time snuggled up to his lava-arm after waking up. He can change how solid his arms are, shifting them in size and, eventually, making them float. He grew his vines around his brother to keep Time close after finding him unconscious.
Illusion Steve was transformed after a severe panic attack while he was stealing late at night. He'd lived with panic attacks and anxiety for a long time, but this one was so overwhelming he fell unconscious. His new body did give him a pocket dimension to put goods in, though, so he used that to his advantage. He took some clothes to hide himself, but the whole experience led him to almost getting caught. He revealed himself as a last-ditch effort, discovering his powers. He's even more distrustful of people than everyone else.
Void Steve and Memory Steve were both transformed as a result of Galaxy and co. visiting. Galaxy was trying to explain what had happened to a very tired Void when his powers tweaked out and he summoned a darker version of the wormhole beneath his brother. He jumped in after him, even though Galaxy wasn't sure he'd make it back. He bore witness to Void's transformation, just out of reach as they fell down, down, down, past black holes and asteroids. Until they landed in the Void Dimension, where Void blew up in Galaxy's face about everything. Everything that has hurt him, every stupid decision. By the time they came back, Galaxy could barely stammer out an apology.
Memory Steve witnessed the wormhole, and ran, but Galaxy asked Time and Elemental to make sure he's safe. He'd run to the basement, and in the dark fell into his own dimension. The two went after him, bearing witness to his transformation, too. In the lava-swamp of the dimension, Memory couldn't speak, running nowhere. He was naturally selectively mute, but here, his thoughts were written on signs trailing behind him. His human face became something of a distant memory by the time he stopped. His nephews comfort him and take him back home. Void discovers what happened and is even more furious with his brother, banning them all from stepping anywhere near him and his son. Void's protectiveness of his son takes him down a dark path that hurts the very one he loves the most. Memory kept in contact with them in secret, until he just...didn't. Void started getting in his head.
So..who did I skip...Shadow, Reverse...oooohh!! Ghost and Faceless, yesss!!!
Ghost Steve was the first prey of the Catacombs, getting lost and, eventually, losing himself. The catacombs are alive, and hungry for an identity. Ghost was a young adult, tired of the life he was living. He decided to leave the touring group, wandering the musty halls alone. But soon he found himself in a shifting maze of bleak, mossy brick, where only his own voice echoed. The longer he stayed, the more it hurt, until it didn't. Ghost doesn't know if he truly died down there, or if he simply changed. But by the time he'd found the touring area again, he wasn't human. He was see-through, a ghost of what he once was. And, slowly, that's all he ever was. There was nothing before this. He was just...Ghost.
Faceless was once a failed businessman, frustrated with his life, and went into the catacombs to get away from it all. But it wasn't long before the dust of the dead called to him, too. He slipped between the cracks, finding an old mask with not a single facial feature, just gray... He put it on, and was choked by the smell of death. But it wouldn't come off. He could feel his face practically melting away. It wasn't long before the color faded from his skin, and the only facial feature left...was a single, sideways eye in the center of his face. It wasn't long before Ghost found him, and asked who he was. ...Everything that provided identity for Faceless was fading, too. His license was unreadable, and anything else with his name was falling apart. Ghost etched what little he could figure out on the stone bricks around them. And that is all that remains.
Godamn you read it all? Good work! Have a cookie! 🍪
Wanna know a secret?
Purple's father is Origin Steve.
He's the Macguffin.
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woahrarepairsagemare · 8 months ago
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collection of stuff
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bullbobb · 9 months ago
Sabre in the beginning of TSS: this is terrible, blue steve is so mean, he’s the strongest Steve
Sabre later: yeah so I punched a steve god in the face, laughed about it and got 100k views on YouTube
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incorrectstevesagaquotes · 2 years ago
Blue Steve: We don’t talk about Rainbow, no no no.
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illusion-reality-steve · 2 years ago
What if nightmare steve was in the early steve saga when it was just red, blue, and green
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[ID: A Tumblr ask by Anonymous that reads, "What if nightmare steve as in "water you doing." End ID.]
Alright, I watched Story of Nightmare Steve to refresh my memories of Nightmare Steve. According to that video, Nightmare regularly hunts down Steves by finding them hiding at ancient Steve temples.
Sooooo, consider this: Nightmare discovers the ocean monument that Blue Steve (a part of Rainbow Steve) at the same time Sabre discovers it too. Nightmare’s unusual appearance scares Sabre away from the ocean monument, and Nightmare Steve breaks into the monument, finds the weakened Blue Steve, and destroys him. Rainbow Steve ceases to exist, and the entire story goes a different trajectory, since Rainbow Steve is just gone.
That’s it. That’s the thing to consider.
Thank you for the ask, anon! It was a good excuse to refresh my memories on the Nightmare Steve arc.
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shadow-genesis-yay · 1 year ago
People said the Evil Elder Blue Steve from Steve Saga Origins could have been the person Void lent his voice too because of similarities.
In my opinion, while it could work, I believe that's not possible.
The Elder Blue thing happened centuries/generations ago. Which would have given Void time to have his voice returned, as the borrower was dead. But Void didn't have his voice back until the episode, "Void Steves dark secrets"
It couldn't have taken centuries for his voice to return, as he was still active during SSO (assuming he hadn't been made by Galaxy yet/attacking him)
But, who else would have been close to Void he trusted enough to lend his voice too?
None other than his right-hand man, Memory Steve.
Who, was killed not long before said video (RIP my boi o7)
If he was created by Void, his energy and voice would have returned to him, giving Void his voice back (it may have taken a bit to return because of how Memory was killed. He was canonically crushed/pulverized to death. Which is one of the most painful/traumatizing ways to go IRL [assuming the Steves can feel things in the machines])
Alright, if any of you Steve Saga fans remember the episode; Visions of Disaster, you'd remember there was a echo-y voice, with a bunch of comments speculating who it was.
For those who speculate that it's Memory, here's my reasoning for it being correct:
TL:DR; With piecing lore together, Memory is the voice as all others with a voice aren't able to achieve it and/or are voiceless or dead.
First: to get rid of the obvious, no it wasn't a warning. It was a threat.
The voice said
-"No where safe" (Spoken through Rainbow)
-"No one can escape it"
-"You cant stop it" (Spoken through Rainbow)
-"You need to be destroyed"(Spoken through Rainbow)
+ more
These don't seem like warnings to me but i dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, it wasn't a good guy. It was a villain. Like Memory.
Now whether it was Rainbow freaking out or as speculated, getting possessed, I don't know. But with how sometimes panicking works, sometimes people repeat what happend.
Second: No voices matched up, even if voice changers were used.
The voices all have distinct and unique indicators, even with voice changers. We knew Hypno was voiced by Sabre, Origin, Galaxy and the Overseer voiced by Tewtiy, etc.
(sure we have illusion who people disagree on the voices, but thats different)
-future/past/present known voices didn't match up with those we heard
It wasn't a future voice, as Void's didn't match up with the one Sabre heard. Void's is deep, slightly echo-y but not by a lot, and sometimes has inaudible tendencies. The one we heard was crystal clear, more pitched, and more echo-y. It also wasn't Origin (no surprise.) He didn't interfere, and was voiced by Tewtiy.
It wasn't a past voice, as the only characters who would of most likely been able to pull the visions, was dead/at an unknown location at the time.
And it wasn't a present one as, well, come on you knew Rainbow and Galaxy couldn't do that. Plus Rain was freaking out about it more.
Third: Process of elimination of voices (Sorry if I forgot any)
Characters mentioned + explanations:
-Time Steve
I love Time, but he wasn't the one talking. He's canonically mute/voiceless, and uses chat. The first one Sabre met actually who used chat. If he did most likely have a voice though and prefers keeping it hidden or such, it would be more similar to Elementals. Especially with the British accent. They're twins similar to Positive and Negative, how would they not have slight similarities.
-Void Steve himself
I won't put it past Void to pull something like this, but his canon voice doesn't match the one Sabre heard. Void has a voice, and would most likely have a minion (Memory) threaten others before he did. Void was the mastermind, with Memory just being the puppet he worked through plan wise before getting reveled when Memory was killed. Sure this would technecally make Void the one who said it, with Memory repeating it, but Void more worked behind the scenes in terms of coming up with a plan to stop Sabre from helping Galaxy and such.
-Elemental Steve (for some reason)
I'd like to believe this, but no. Elemental was dead before this happend, and lost his voice to Galaxy at the same time Rainbow's changed. So no, it wasn't him.
-Nightmare Steve
I don't even know, but no. It wasn't him for once LOL. Bro finally took a vacation or something. Most likely working on unmerging himself as we see in a future video.
-Rainbow Steve (somehow as well)
Someone saying it's through his memories, but no, it's not. Rainbow didn't even know about Void, and the voice was talking about him.
We've also seen other mute characters suddenly talk. Faceless' voice is raspy and can blend with whosevers voice he stole, if any. Sure we may not fully know his voice, but we know part of it. It's raspy. Kind of reminds me of Pseudo from the 2015 version of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. They'd be great friends lol.
While I probably missed some, I'm not gonna scroll through a bunch of comments LOL. Especially since they're mostly repeating the same characters or wanting new steves introduced.
Anyways, by process of elimination, and piecing the lore together, I can say, it's Memory. He's just mostly quiet, and prefers to speak when he feels its right. Not shy, I guess. Just doesn't believe it's worth talking unless it's to Void.
Thanks for reading this long ramble <3
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mariii-the-shapeshifter · 4 months ago
TSS!Nightmare for the ask game
First impression: Back in TSS's early days, it was all about the novelty of a new Steve type to Elan, so as far as character goes, there wasn't much to get a first impression of. Other than that, I kinda just wanted to know what his powers were.
Impression now: Sad old grandpa. The scene with the Red Steve in the machine actually made me so sad, and seeing him in the Spirit Realm with Rainbow moved me I'm ngl.
Favorite moment: His fight with Sabre sticks out to me for some reason. Maybe it was that one KiwiQueen animation from years ago. It wasn't as technically impressive as any of his and Rainbow's fights, but the scenery really did it for me, I think.
Idea for a story: I think there needs to be a fic about him trying to bond with Hypno in the Spirit Realm, but all Hypno wants to do is hang out with Rainbow. It would be funny. Maybe a little sad, but still funny.
Unpopular opinion: I still don't know how I feel about him having been Elemental's puppet for most of his screentime, since at no point was it ever hinted at, and I liked that he was just straight up evil. Ultimately, it meant he went to the Spirit Realm, which is great, but it makes his crimes less interesting to me.
Favorite relationship: Hard to choose. Honestly, Nightmare seems so closed off for the most part. We know more about how other characters feel about him than vice versa, but I like to think about how bad of a father he might've been to Dark. Obviously we have the scene near the end of Origins where he threatened to kill him, but what other stuff could we have missed that Rainbow didn't see? I also really like BeeFlower, but I imagine it to be completely one-sided. Nightmare did Eebs a favor; it wasn't his fault that Eebs decided to fall in love with him about it, unprompted. Then there's him and Elemental.. whatever they're dynamic could be, I am unable to comprehend it. They're something to each other. Something weird. Rainbow ends up being the one with the healthiest relationship with Nightmare out of all the ones I listed, which I guess is grounds for favortism since I like when things work out and people can be friends, but they're all so interesting to think about.
Favorite headcanon: That Red Steve he absorbed was his boyfriend.
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brainrot-stitch · 9 months ago
Chronically ill tss light steve truthers wya....
Anyways chat u won't believe what I have on the mind rn
There's an episode early steve saga where light steve traps sabre in the snow thing and builds a house or temple or whatever and Sabres like "come on man I'm already sick this is cold:(" or whatever. Do u guys remember that. Or am I actually js fucking crazy and making this shit up wait hold on let me go check rq I FOUND IT "come on man I already have a cold you're letting me stay out in the snow and all that?" At 9:38 on the video where he first finds light steve. Giggles and kicks my feet imagine if sabre got sick(er) and light steve being both a steve and a cold icy snowy guy didn't know that. That the cold is not good for ppl. So sabre gets sick and light is like ?? Idk if this is a good idea or not it's 7 am I woke up at like 2 or maybe 4 I'm not sure I mightbe delulu
ANYWAYS random yapping woooo none of this is gonna b coordinated
Anyways anyways yea rainbow steve trauma from the experimenting and machines early steve saga but also. Sabre being scared of deep water and/or drowning. Because of both blue steve and rainbow steve mann that mf has almost drowned a LOT over and over again. Just so much water. Rip 💔💔 rainbow is like "let's go swimming!!!" One day in the rainbow town and Lukas is like "yea sure it's a hot day out that would b cool" or whatever and Sabre is like "uhhhh hahsha yeaahhhh sureee.."
Uhhh uh um
Early tss light and sabre spent a good amount of time together especially alone. I like to think they bonded during this time both off and on screen. Cuz like bro rarely shows up in the rainbow town era and past that idek. But even tho light and sabre aren't as close as rainbow and sabre I still like to think they're real good pals :3
Idk if I've said this before maybe I have maybe I haven't idk but sabre when nervous or thinking or worried and anxious or whatever will pace around or take walks or whatever. But will he completely silent (unless he's muttering to himself which I can totally see happening). But like his footsteps are light and near silent because of the muscle memory or whatever from being an ASSASSIN because that's so real to me I'm such a 'sabre was an assasin in the past before tss/rq' believer u guys don't understand how derranged I am about this. Anyways yea he will accidentally fnaf jumpscare ppl just like showing up behind them or whatever its so silly
Also I am as much of a human sabre believer as I am an avian sabre believer. Like yeah let that man be a bird but also not depending on the mood. Both r awesome
Galaxy steve does NOT know how to spell gorgeous don't ask why this is necessary information. It's real he told me himself I swear
MORE ASSASSIN SABRE BS he's a super light sleeper from having to wake up at the slightest noise and be on guard all the time. He still frequently wakes up if he hears smth his subconscious perceives as abnormal. Also i think he'd have a pretty high pain tolerance but it gets higher as tss goes on because he gets struck by lighting so damn much u can't tell me his nerves aren't at least somewhat fried 😭😭😭😭give bro a break PLEASE. Also I think posture would be a big thing like he's all played back and relaxed and silly but when they have to go like sneak somewhere they (rainbow and lucas- or js whoever he's with at the time idk) can physically see as he slips back into old familiar habits with practiced crouching and silent footsteps and staying in the shadows and all that.
Lukas was also an assasin remember. Remember guys. And his assasin skin has a scar on his face and a blind eye I think wait let me go check
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YEAH. YEAH so he totally still has that during tss. Giggles and kicks my feet and twirls my hair. Anyways I haven't finishes Sabres assassins creed series yet but I think Lukas would be used to Sabres habits but he himself would have more guard habits than assasin ones. Like the posture and unconsciously reaching to rest a hand on his sword in that classic templar (is that how it's spelled??) guard fashion as like an idle thing to do w his hands before remembering its not there.
Oh also another thing on the sabre vs water didn't he like. Didn't he almost drown a few times during his assassins series too? Bro water has got it OUT for him 😭 😭
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