#tss!dark steve
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illusion-reality-steve · 7 months ago
YOU FELL VICTIM TO ONE OF THE CLASSIC BLUNDERS. The most famous is never be the character who caused Hypno Steve's pained existence. But only slightly less well known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH IS ON THE LINE.
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incorrectstevesagaquotes · 9 months ago
Rainbow Steve: Your ridiculous family might be surprised to find that not everything is solved by murder!
Dark Steve: We would be surprised to find that.
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mariii-the-shapeshifter · 4 months ago
TSS!Nightmare for the ask game
First impression: Back in TSS's early days, it was all about the novelty of a new Steve type to Elan, so as far as character goes, there wasn't much to get a first impression of. Other than that, I kinda just wanted to know what his powers were.
Impression now: Sad old grandpa. The scene with the Red Steve in the machine actually made me so sad, and seeing him in the Spirit Realm with Rainbow moved me I'm ngl.
Favorite moment: His fight with Sabre sticks out to me for some reason. Maybe it was that one KiwiQueen animation from years ago. It wasn't as technically impressive as any of his and Rainbow's fights, but the scenery really did it for me, I think.
Idea for a story: I think there needs to be a fic about him trying to bond with Hypno in the Spirit Realm, but all Hypno wants to do is hang out with Rainbow. It would be funny. Maybe a little sad, but still funny.
Unpopular opinion: I still don't know how I feel about him having been Elemental's puppet for most of his screentime, since at no point was it ever hinted at, and I liked that he was just straight up evil. Ultimately, it meant he went to the Spirit Realm, which is great, but it makes his crimes less interesting to me.
Favorite relationship: Hard to choose. Honestly, Nightmare seems so closed off for the most part. We know more about how other characters feel about him than vice versa, but I like to think about how bad of a father he might've been to Dark. Obviously we have the scene near the end of Origins where he threatened to kill him, but what other stuff could we have missed that Rainbow didn't see? I also really like BeeFlower, but I imagine it to be completely one-sided. Nightmare did Eebs a favor; it wasn't his fault that Eebs decided to fall in love with him about it, unprompted. Then there's him and Elemental.. whatever they're dynamic could be, I am unable to comprehend it. They're something to each other. Something weird. Rainbow ends up being the one with the healthiest relationship with Nightmare out of all the ones I listed, which I guess is grounds for favortism since I like when things work out and people can be friends, but they're all so interesting to think about.
Favorite headcanon: That Red Steve he absorbed was his boyfriend.
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thebeingmerf · 1 month ago
TSS x Prodigy, Season 2 Part 3: Dark Steve 🖤
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itsgirlcraft · 4 days ago
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Close-ups and rambling beneath the cut 🥰
My first attempt I made a mess of the left background 😭
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So that side is a mess but ehhh it's Lore now-
Anyway. On each side we have 15 eyes and 9 arms. Arms, top/left to bottom/right: Parasite, Virus, Great Librarian, Fake Blue, Guardian, Antivirus, Blue, Plague, Shadow Sabre.
Eyes, left/top to right/bottom: Gold, Blue-Red (Origin mutated), Faceless, Galaxy, Negative, Ghost, Origin, Diamond, Dark, Time, Demon, Yellow, Shadow, Chaos, Void. Reality is the center eye's left half.
And then the right side, which is cleaner.
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Arms, right to left: Hypno, Scientist, Green-Blue (Origin mutated), Lucas, Nightmare, Moon, Red, Green, Sabre. Eyes, right to left: Galaxy Ship, Red-Green (Origin mutated), Overseer, God, Positive, Infinity (my fave eye), Alex, Emerald, Light, Elemental, Rainbow, Purple, Reverse, Ultra, Memory. Illusion is the right half of the center eye.
Anddd then here's a close-up of Saga themselves!
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Goddd, I'm surprised I was able to get so many details. I'm tired but excited!! I won't be inking it yet tho haha- I have to get special paper 😔
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alaritheaurora · 5 months ago
au where after already running and being helpess and realizing this is JUST THE START Sabre decides to go to Nightmare Steve and pledge allegiance to him. "I'll do anything, be anything you want, your ally, friend, servant, just please keep us safe" He gets Lucas on board pretty quick, but Rainbow is much harder to convince, in the end Rainbow goes along, he totally doesn't trust Nightmare Steve, because he's a villain, but Sabre thinks it's a good idea so he'll try it. Sabre becomes bff's with Nightmare Steve and both kind of balance eachother out. Any Steve Sabre rescues becomes a loyal subject of Nightmare Steve, but Sabre has influenced him to not be absolutely terrible. Shadow Steve, Dark Steve and Shadow Sabre are all present during this and are just sat in total confusion as Nightmare Steve has tea with some chicken guy they were trying to murder a day ago.
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woahrarepairsagemare · 2 months ago
A STEVE SAGA AU - INTERNET STAR ! ____________________
in this au , different steves get to be internet stars ! they can have huge fanbases that hang onto every word they say ^^ They get halos to represent that they're a star , with a twist ! these halos can have spikes on them . The spikes reference just how much influence a star has over the fanbase ! more spikes equals more influence , the sharper the spikes the more harmful this influence is !
Fans | Haters | Stars | Celebrities | Managers
Fans are the base of all the stars you see ! They do not hold the most power in the ranks but without them , the system would not exist ! They help in boosting the popularity of stars , celebrities , managers , you name it ! They get a set of items that allow them to boost the reputation and popularity of stars , ranging between potions , blades and even sweet treats ^_^ They also have some varieties ! to put it short , there are:
stalker fans- These fans are obsessed with the stars they follow , angering them can result in a career going down hill ! They can change their class to be a hater
normal fans- These fans are , just normal ! Angering them isn't a good decision , but they'll forgive their stars eventually !
hyperfixated fans- These are fans that will love a star's content and create lots of fanart and the likes for them ^^
+ -----------------------------------
haters are the worst ! they will be horrible to any stars that do not please them , they are slightly more powerful that fans in terms of levels and sadly , without them the system would never exist ! they have items with them that help ruin a star's reputation and like fans , they too have a few varieties ^^ This includes:
irrational haters- They are , like I said , the worst . They will do anything they can to make a star's career miserable for no reason ! They will look out for any chance they can to shame a star , even if it had happened years ago and the star has been forgiven for it ~
justified haters-Their hate is actually justified and understandable , so long as they're respectful then they're not too bad ! Just , the star shouldn't be an actual bad person .
critics-I don't think I need to explain , they aren't exactly haters but fall under them .
x ---------------------------------------------------
They are internet sensations ! They get to have fanbases ! ... and haters , both of which give them a boost and make them somewhere in the middle of the power rank ^^ Many of them hold halos ! As I mentioned , they have spikes on those halos ^^ Depending on their influence , they can have either many or few spikes ! Depending on how harmful that influence is the spikes can also be very sharp or very dull . A part of their halos have a space without spikes which they can use to hold the halo and transform it into a weapon ! This weapon can be used to harm others ( metaphor for damaging their reputation ) or even kill them ! There are also varieties of stars , namely:
Vloggers-This type of star makes videos of themselves and how they live their life !
Artists- This type of star makes art and the processes behind it , they also give out helpful art tips !
Animators- This type of star makes art , and also animates it !
Musician- This star makes music ! Several genres exist but they all end up under musician !
documentarian- This star makes documentaries !
Gameplayist-This star makes gameplays !
They are amongst the best , no seriously , have you seen their fanbase and their base of haters ?! They're huge ! They automatically get really spiky halos with insane sharpness , plus the weapons get extra deadly ! They have the same types as the stars but more extravagant , so I won't dive into that , but they have weapon classes like the stars do !
Whip- Yeouch ! if a celebrity uses this on someone , it immediately kills them and drives them off of the internet ! Easily the deadliest ! It's rare to find one of these !
Gun- Critical ! A quick kill ! The other person's reputation is now over ! It might be slow but it'll be painful , second most powerful in the series ! These are rare as well
Sword- Oh no ! A way to prolong someone's suffering before they eventually leave the internet ? what a monster ! the third most powerful in this series , an uncommon
Grenade-Quite the bomb shell , no ? This is a quick one but it's common , sorry !
A bow- Yeesh ! They won't see that coming ! But they might , cause that's a common , babes !
Oh an a bonus for those celebrities that are more popular than the others , they get their own customized weapons ! awesome , right ?!
? ---------------------------------------------------
Oh boy , they're at the top of the hierarchy ! Jesus cheesus , they can ruin your reputation with a single message , no weapon needed ! But if you happen to be a star or celebrity managed by them , they are all you need . There are no classes or divisions , everyone that's a manager has no face nor any defining features on social media ! Quite the enigma .
Don't tell me you thought that was it ?
Don't you wanna know the characters ?
then stay on with me won't you , yeah ?
1. Reverse :-
Type and Class: A musician star ! specifically a rockstar !
Halo: Not very sharp ! medium-many spikes
items: A guitar , microphone and a spiked scene-type bracelet
Info: Reverse is a happy go lucky type of star who loves making rock music ! He is friends with Rainbow and Dark and makes music not for his fans , but for himself ! The poor chap normally has some self esteem issues but is always confident when around his friends ^^
STRESS: [ 23 / 100 ]
CONFIDENCE: [ 56 / 100 ]
2 . Rainbow :-
Type and Class: Retired . No one is sure of what he used to make for content .
Halo: Since he retired , his halo is invisible , however , it is insanely sharp and the spikes literally cover it completely .
Items: A photo album .
Info: not much is known about him or his content as he has wiped all traces of his existence from the internet and goes by an pseudonym as a fan . How ever , his fanbase is still very active and have made countless archives of him . Rainbow is an apathetic and generally monotone guy but shows emotion when he feels the need to , he is friends with many people , Reverse amongst them . He doesn't seem to struggle but clearly hates attention that is focused on him .
STRESS: [ 100 / 100 }
DEADLY ?: [ N / A ]
1. Sage :-
Class and type: Hyperfixated Fan
Halo: None , he's a fan , what did you expect ?
Items: A green potion bottle , envelope ( fanmail written by him ) and a sharpening blade
Info: Sage is a sweet little guy who loves supporting small streamers ! He shares positive relationships with both Reverse and Rainbow , alongside Sanguine , his best friend ! He can help new streamers or stars by boosting them with his potion , his fanmail and also sharpen the spikes on their halo using his blade ! He is really polite and a big fan of Nightmare ^^
SANITY: { 83 / 100 ]
CONFIDENCE: [ 65 / 100 }
DEADLY ? : [ NO . ]
2. Sanguine :-
Class and type: Justified Hater
Halo: Again , none .
Items: A dulling blade , a red potion bottle .
Info: Yeesh ! Sanguine 's hate is unadulterated and heated , for good reasons too ! He may seem rowdy and rough but inside he is the most moral person you'll meet ! He'll show nothing but empathy ! He shares positive relations with Sage . If a star is really .. urgh ! Then he can use his dulling blade to dull their spikes , rendering their influence useless ! The red potion is used to weaken a star's influence !
SANITY: [ 70 / 100 ]
CONFIDENCE: [ 70 / 100 ]
DEADLY ? : [ YES . ]
oh boy .
1 . Nightmare :-
Class and Type: A Celebrity known for his fashion .
Weapon Class: A whip .
Halo: His halo is literally just spikes , nothing else , also they're sharper than a pencil made of tungsten .
Items: A phone , a cutting blade .
Info: Perhaps one of the most famous celebrities you'll see on the internet ! Beloved of all , and hated by all . He does not have any known relations with anyone . He can use his phone to boost his own reputation , his cutting blade to destroy the halos of stars he hates , and his whip to completely drive them off of the internet . He probably likes ruining a fan's day for fun .
STRESS: [ 89 / 100 ]
CONFIDENCE: [ 93 / 100 ]
2 . Dark :-
Class and Type: A documentarian star .
Halo: Not many spikes , but those spikes that are on it are very sharp .
Items: A folder filled with files and a camera .
Info: As a star that makes really interesting documentaries , Dark is really good at keep track of events on the internet and what not ! He shares a friendship with Reverse and a close platonic bond with Nightmare . He can use his folder to bring up information about any stars or any of the horrible things they've done in the past to add a permanent stain to their reputation . He can use the camera to keep a permanent record of another star's actions as blackmail .
STRESS: [ 50 / 100 ]
CONFIDENCE: [ 90 / 100 ]
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more to come soon !
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amybizarre · 3 months ago
Dark Steve!
We interrupt the ongoing program to show of art I made! I proudly present: My rendition of Dark Steve! :3
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There was a poll quite a while back to decide which character to draw next, if anyone remembers, lol. And the result was Mr Darkimoo here!
Also, I stole a Pinterest base to help with the pose, whoops-
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cavedweller1st · 8 months ago
When ur so silly about a character that you paint them
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bullbobb · 9 months ago
Time: “he’s my special princess”, I say as I hold up the most basic white man to ever grace this earth (Sabre)
RQ!Rainbow: dw if I die I will still haunt the narrative
Elemental: friendly reminder. I am not suffering. Do not ask if I am fine. I am.
RQ!Time: crumpling under the weight of two unanswered texts
Dark: why does Jesus get so much credit? I also came back from the dead.
Sabre: do you like men?
TSS!Time: man is a hopeless species. I don’t like much of anyone
TSS!Time: oh if you meant sexually than yes
TSS!Elemental, Asuka-level glaring: yknow, your father stabbed me for being a homosexual
Memory: homocide. You attempted to kill him
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illusion-reality-steve · 2 years ago
Alright, probably unique idea; What if both dark steve and the demon steve returned in the illusion arc
Since Dark Steve has experience with running a pigmen army in the Nether, it might be interesting if Dark Steve uses Demon Steve or the Spiritless World to cause trouble. It might even tie in some lore from the Blue Steve Saga.
Wait, omg, Dark Steve is a shapeshifter too. He and Illusion Steve might confuse everyone by pretending to be other people. Imagine if Dark Steve pretends to be Illusion Steve, and visa versa.
Thank you for the ask!
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alastyr-not-alastair · 2 months ago
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Every time I get hit with art block I just start drawing Steve saga and it usually brings me out of it
I would have loved to just finish this today but as you can see in the top left corner it is almost 4 AM
Enjoy the wip tho
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amybizarre · 9 months ago
(Forgive me father, for I will yap-)
I have a headcanon / theory for this! Pos and Neg are twins and Nightmare either adopted them as his kids or is related to them in some way, shape or form that would also render them his kiddos! Which would explain why they attacked the town: Revenge!
However, that does not explain the giant explosion we saw in Nightmare's dungeon that one episode. My excuse for this: Maybe it was an accident? Maybe during some experiment or exercise sth went wrong and Pos (or Neg, we don't know for sure) experienced some sort of power outburst. But he didn't want to hit Nightmare, who was most likely also there, so he directed this outburst at the wall instead, making it look like they tried to break out.
I could continue yapping about them and the family dynamics in the Nightmare Palace, but I don't wanna yap too much at once. ^^;
Purple here with a thought I just had 🟪🎃
So we all know Nightmare was a normal Yellow Steve before absorbing a Red Steve, right? And we also know he did experiments in his castle (which in my opinion, could have been made a bit better but he probably just wanted something good enough to do stuff in so he didn't care for the quality)
Well, two experiments of Nightmare that Sabre, Lucas, and Rainbow encountered, were Positive and Negative Steve. And what were their colors? Red and Yellow. The exact colors of Nightmare.
Nightmare obviously has some connections to those two colors, and for known reasons. But why specifically did he try and make Positive and Negative Steve. He could use any other color to make hybrids, but he chose a Yellow and Red Steve to make those two. But for what reasons?
Did he want clones? Did he want a new successor other than Dark? What did he want, and why?
And what did those two go through? While being scared seems like an obvious reason to attack the Rainbow Town, Sabre and his friends never showed a threat to them. Did they attack out of fear? Jealousy? Control? What did they experience and was it why they attacked the town.
They also had a chance to become their normal selves when making a machine. But instead they chose to merge together to make Infinity. They could have been free as soon as they finished the machine, and maybe even sooner if they didn't attack the Rainbow Town.
What were their goals? Why were their goals that way? Why didn't they just escape or something? If they feared Nightmare, then they could have ran and asked Sabre, Rainbow, and Lucas for help. But they decided to attack, and merge themselves.
They had so many opportunities to be free if they had a hatred for Nightmare, that they never took. Even if they never wanted Nightmare dead, and just wanted to be away from him, they could have asked Rainbow and his friends because Rainbow's whole goal is to stop Nightmare.
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thebeingmerf · 1 month ago
WIPs :}
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itsgirlcraft · 1 month ago
Yall are getting spoilers for my One Disaster After Another Steve Saga AU~
Sooo this is a modern au where the Steves are all humans that are transformed into Steves. And Sabre is a social worker trying to find the root cause of all this, and keep tensions down. All of the transformations are connected to the Macguffin™ and Sabre's backstory, and let's just say most of them would've died if it weren't for that.
((Okay yall this is 2,235 words so FAIR WARNING. This is LONG 💀))
Dark Steve was betrayed by a close friend in a volcano-cavern hike, thrown off a bridge into the flowing lava far below. He came back confused and angry, but was quick to get vengeance. He haunted his former "friend", burning messages into their walls and flesh, covering windows in volcanic ash, and, eventually, consuming them in lava. No one ever found out what happened, just that they were seemingly haunted by a demon.
Nightmare Steve was originally transformed into a Yellow Steve, his friend becoming a Red Steve. He was overcome with bloodlust and desire for power, taking his friend's life and becoming the beast he is now. He is wanted for murder, and was hiding in alleyways at first. Dark found him, and was the one to guide Night towards his villainous legacy. Nightmare eventually gained confidence and became the King you all know.
Light was on a snow trip and was consumed by an avalanche, transforming into something furred, icy, and yet warm. The only reason they found him is because he figured out how to turn his fingers into long icicles, long enough to reach the surface. The rescue dogs couldn't tell the difference between him and the snow, the two were indistinguishable. The local rangers escorted him back home, including on the train.
Rainbow, ironically, is one of the few people I don't have a solid concept for. He was transformed after the first 5 colors, and shares a house with Light.
Red Steve was the first, transformed after his house caught fire. Everyone thought he did it on purpose, and thought he was a demonic entity haunting the town. In reality, he'd scraped together what little he had left, and tried to run away into the forest. But he was caught stealing food, and that's when the police surrounded him. They would've killed him if it weren't for Sabre stepping in (ironic compared to the og series...). Sabre took him to his car and they finally cleared up what happened, and he lives with Sabre now.
Green Steve was the second, and was caught by a grove of trees changed by the Macguffin Magic™. Their vines and branches swallowed him up, transforming him into something wooden and leafy. He was a teenager at the time, and had taken many walks through that forest. His parents called Sabre to help find him. Green met one of the talking trees, who does not take people. The tree explained there was a burst of magic that changed this forest, and some chose to use their power selfishly.
Blue Steve was the third, and, naturally, drowned. His leg was caught in coral and rock, and he wasn't strong enough to pull himself out. The body recovered was slimy and nearly unrecognizable as a person, until he woke up. Sabre once again was on the front lines, and helped Blue recover. Blue is a college student, and let's just say the second Blue Steve has a...sibling that caused a lot of harm. Her sibling caused the second Blue transformation.
Yellow and Purple were both transformed during a Macguffin Magic Storm™. Both are kids. Yellow Steve was riding his bike home from school when he was struck with lightning. He was lucky that the mom in the car next to him called Sabre immediately. He was found glowing and muddy, but his backpack and such were fine somehow. Sabre put his bike in his trunk and tried his best to dry him off, and was driving him home when he got a call for Purple.
Purple Steve is one of the youngest, under 10 years old, and is directly related to the Macguffin™. Something her currently-missing father built was activated by the storm, bringing an enderman from an alternate reality into their home. They weren't scared up until when it attacked them. The remnants of her father appeared to them, defeating the creature, but Purple was forever changed. This is not abnormal to her. Their father has appeared to them before, giving her information on the creatures he has encountered. She has an enderman plush from him, one of the few physical objects he has brought them. Purple was struggling to control their teleportation, as they kept getting frightened by Lucas, who called Sabre. Yellow decided to come with, and was able to calm her down.
Sabre, as a teenager, helped Purple's father build the Macguffin™, and wears a bandanna due to a...scar, of sorts, from the thing malfunctioning. He originally wanted to be a cop as a kid, but discovered all the corruption and politics surrounding that. He figured a social worker is better for everything he really wanted to be and to do. Compared to the og series, it's ironic how good he is at conflict resolution. It doesn't work every time, of course. Eventually, he founds an organization to assist Steves in both law/safety and daily life, and that's where the Rainbow Town comes from. It's not so much a place, as an idea, though it does have a physical space at one point.
Plague Steve had died from disease when he was transformed, and was poked and prodded for months by doctors. Those very "doctors" refused to tell him what he'd died from, or let him leave. He suffered a lot of medical trauma in that time frame. There were holes rotted away in his skin. He had to wear a gas mask when he finally left, as per the contract he was forced to sign. Despite the fact that it was understood that he was not inherently contagious. He despises the alienation the whole thing brought upon him, and just wants to be close to someone for once. He turned against Sabre and Rainbow violently the moment they believed he was dangerous/evil.
Positive Steve and Negative Steve were Yellow/Red twins experimented on by Nightmare, who was trying to replicate his backstory. It didn't work as he'd expected, but brought promising results after they were able to fuse together. They weren't even teens yet when he took them. A mix of Frankenstein-style experimenting and a bit of psychological torture brought them to their hybrid-like appearance. If they didn't distrust everyone who wasn't Night and Dark, they could've found a safe haven in the Rainbow Town.
Hypno Steve was meant to replicate the Infinity experiments, but led Dark to create something else entirely. Hypno is one of the few Steves that utterly despises what he has become, and never truly embraces it. Of course, plenty spend a few months being Angsty about it, but that is a defining part of Hypno. He's not sad - he's angry. If it were up to him, he'd end every Steve, every source of magic, from this world. He'd purge it all. But Rainbow is the one thing holding him back, that reminds him that his existence has a place in this world. Unlike Pos and Neg, he distrusts the place he comes from the most.
The Galaxy Family is one of my favorites. Illusion ran away from home as a child, and lives alone in an abandoned house, stealing from local chain stores. Galaxy and Void are feuding brothers, which begins to hurt everyone around them, including those most important - their sons. Galaxy is at fault for Void and Memory's transformations, and this is the final straw that brings Void to villainy.
Galaxy Steve was walking home with groceries in the rain when he fell into a wormhole. He witnessed the stars, supernovae, and far-away planets, eventually landing in the purple/galaxy dimension completely changed. He's fluffy, with four arms and a sort of alien-wolf look. He gets distracted by all the sights before remembering the groceries and his kids, going back to find all his paper bags soaked and ripped. He carries everything in his arms, and finds his sons changed too.
Time Steve loves clockwork and gears, and was fixing a clock in the basement when he got caught on something and...he blacked out. There was blood. He fused with the clock. No-one is quite sure how or why, but it happened. Elemental found him after his own transformation, and was devastated, thinking his irresponsibility had killed his dear brother. El took his brother up to the living room, finding he was still alive. Time woke up not long after Galaxy got home, and was surprised by what had happened. But he wasn't afraid, for he had his family by his side.
Elemental Steve was enjoying the storm outside when he was struck by lightning, falling into a pond. He woke up underwater, barely having time to adjust before he remembered his brother. He worried he'd burn/soak things with strange liquid-solid hands, but they seemed to work normally. Time snuggled up to his lava-arm after waking up. He can change how solid his arms are, shifting them in size and, eventually, making them float. He grew his vines around his brother to keep Time close after finding him unconscious.
Illusion Steve was transformed after a severe panic attack while he was stealing late at night. He'd lived with panic attacks and anxiety for a long time, but this one was so overwhelming he fell unconscious. His new body did give him a pocket dimension to put goods in, though, so he used that to his advantage. He took some clothes to hide himself, but the whole experience led him to almost getting caught. He revealed himself as a last-ditch effort, discovering his powers. He's even more distrustful of people than everyone else.
Void Steve and Memory Steve were both transformed as a result of Galaxy and co. visiting. Galaxy was trying to explain what had happened to a very tired Void when his powers tweaked out and he summoned a darker version of the wormhole beneath his brother. He jumped in after him, even though Galaxy wasn't sure he'd make it back. He bore witness to Void's transformation, just out of reach as they fell down, down, down, past black holes and asteroids. Until they landed in the Void Dimension, where Void blew up in Galaxy's face about everything. Everything that has hurt him, every stupid decision. By the time they came back, Galaxy could barely stammer out an apology.
Memory Steve witnessed the wormhole, and ran, but Galaxy asked Time and Elemental to make sure he's safe. He'd run to the basement, and in the dark fell into his own dimension. The two went after him, bearing witness to his transformation, too. In the lava-swamp of the dimension, Memory couldn't speak, running nowhere. He was naturally selectively mute, but here, his thoughts were written on signs trailing behind him. His human face became something of a distant memory by the time he stopped. His nephews comfort him and take him back home. Void discovers what happened and is even more furious with his brother, banning them all from stepping anywhere near him and his son. Void's protectiveness of his son takes him down a dark path that hurts the very one he loves the most. Memory kept in contact with them in secret, until he just...didn't. Void started getting in his head.
So..who did I skip...Shadow, Reverse...oooohh!! Ghost and Faceless, yesss!!!
Ghost Steve was the first prey of the Catacombs, getting lost and, eventually, losing himself. The catacombs are alive, and hungry for an identity. Ghost was a young adult, tired of the life he was living. He decided to leave the touring group, wandering the musty halls alone. But soon he found himself in a shifting maze of bleak, mossy brick, where only his own voice echoed. The longer he stayed, the more it hurt, until it didn't. Ghost doesn't know if he truly died down there, or if he simply changed. But by the time he'd found the touring area again, he wasn't human. He was see-through, a ghost of what he once was. And, slowly, that's all he ever was. There was nothing before this. He was just...Ghost.
Faceless was once a failed businessman, frustrated with his life, and went into the catacombs to get away from it all. But it wasn't long before the dust of the dead called to him, too. He slipped between the cracks, finding an old mask with not a single facial feature, just gray... He put it on, and was choked by the smell of death. But it wouldn't come off. He could feel his face practically melting away. It wasn't long before the color faded from his skin, and the only facial feature left...was a single, sideways eye in the center of his face. It wasn't long before Ghost found him, and asked who he was. ...Everything that provided identity for Faceless was fading, too. His license was unreadable, and anything else with his name was falling apart. Ghost etched what little he could figure out on the stone bricks around them. And that is all that remains.
Godamn you read it all? Good work! Have a cookie! 🍪
Wanna know a secret?
Purple's father is Origin Steve.
He's the Macguffin.
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woahrarepairsagemare · 2 months ago
// stars have account names so here are some of them , also ex stars normally have some random alt under a pseudonym
Rainbow - @/alternateapathy
Sage - @/NightmareFanPage
Sanguine - @/dontgetmadcauseimright
nightmare - @/Thedivainred
Dark - @/archiveoftheinternet
Some people I'm adding on as future characters ! ( antihero )
Plague - @/snakingaroundlust
Faceless - @/burner1230995348
Positive and Negative - @/Thebloodandgoldentwins
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