#ts4 working process
dustyratt · 1 year
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Before | after 😂
Wasn't planning to turn a simple screenshot (it is not even a render) into poster but couldn't resist anyway!
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elderwisp · 4 months
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𝔗𝔞𝔨𝔢, 𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔯𝔶 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔰 𝔏𝔞𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔦𝔫 𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔢
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puretopia · 8 months
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I turned my Henford's church into an art's centre so I could visit more - it was previously a wedding venue getting no use!
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silentgrim · 8 months
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night market outing!
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faerytrait · 2 months
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🗣️🗣️ BABY TIME!!!!
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silverseaming · 2 months
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As the weather warmed, it became clear that Daisy would much rather be out in the field with her father, playing in the soil and cornstalks. Meg did her best to keep her little daughter entertained, promising that as soon as the farm work was complete they could play out to Daisy's heart's content. While she treasured her time with Daisy during the day, it was hard to shift the small pit settling in her stomach each time Daisy called for her father. Of course Daisy should love her father, yet Meg still wished that her company could be equally sought after.
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simandy · 2 years
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pROGRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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avornalino · 1 year
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have a sim ig :o)
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whyeverr · 1 year
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Tyler is up at the absolute crack of dawn to get ready and head over to the rooftop kitchen to prepare the most essential part (for Tyler, anyway) of any Christmas gathering: the tamales. 
It’s the first time he’s tried making them since the collapse, and he’ll be working from memory and the ingredients available to him, but at least he won’t be going it completely alone... 
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guess who was forced to update her game and somehow forgot about...infants????
introducing Baby Mags, AKA the love of my life
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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next // previous
july 20, 2021 7:30 a.m. ireland
[grant] but what actually made you leave? what was the motivation?
[aoife] well, you spend your whole life doing one thing and it’s a real swift kick in the bollocks when you’re forced a change in trajectory. one minute, you’re farming land in your family’s name, and the next, you’re meant to marry and tend someone else’s land in someone else’s name.
[grant] that makes sense. it's a total directional change. and you were already independent, so going into a partnership is kind of losing all that you’re used to. it doesn't matter how you find the relationship, you still have to make concessions.
[aoife] see, you’re smart!
[aoife] but my parents didn’t feel any of those were worthy problems. they had plans for me and i ruined them. they had different ideals of what i could do to help them as an adult. i won’t blame them, though. every parent has dreams for their children and we all push them too hard once in a while. find me a parent who hasn't done that.
[aoife] and for my father, well, i suppose he felt like he'd done everything in the world in his power to make a perfect country, and i think he took personal offense to me disagreeing with one part of the way things were.
[aoife] but i sacrificed everything for our family farm. i don't believe i slighted anyone. i did what had to be done. for one, i barely went to school, never finished even primary school, because my work was the priority. i gave up the only chance of an education and more, and i was meant to walk away from the fruits of my labor.
[aoife] i was young and somewhat bullish. in the heat of it all, i felt betrayed by their asking me to marry.
[grant] and they did, too.
[aoife] they did.
[aoife] now me? i was so hurt, i told them i'd first live with the yanks in america before i'd give up my name and my family for some man.
[aoife] but are those two options not the same?
[grant] i guess one is by choice, though.
[grant] but did you, um, leave to make a point?
[aoife] what point?
[grant] like, “this is how desperate and serious i am, please let me stay at home with you."
[aoife] and now you're too smart. but you’re bang on.
[grant] did they ever get it?
[aoife] they died resenting me.
[aoife] never mattered how hard i tried to prove i wanted to do right by them and look after the family, they never understood. there’s that rehearsed betrayal line. my siblings didn’t come up with it alone.
[aoife] i kept my surname. i taught my children, my grandchildren, and now my great-grandchildren to know irish and i'd death glare at you if you dared use the colonizer’s tongue without good reason. i retold all the stories i heard as a girl, brought you home for visits...
[aoife] i did everything for you kids that they taught me and wanted from me, but it never made them happy with me again.
[aoife] listen, my parents were glad you all existed and to their standards, had good times with you here, but yes, they’d still look at me like they were embarrassed of me.
[grant] but they were just casually cool with seámus and róisín being in america?
[aoife] oh, jesus. i don’t know. they knew seámus hated farming, so i suppose they knew his whole life he’d never stay, and róisín...well, talk about egos. she has notions.
[aoife] their leaving was no surprise. mine was.
[grant] something something, you were a good girl and did everything asked of you your whole life, so they thought you’d do it one more time.
[grant] and now a whole bunch of people make fun of you for the things you did do "right" because suddenly, those things weren't "enough" to please them. you disappointed someone once and they let it stain every other part of you.
[grant] do you still wish you hadn't left? do you wish you lived here?
[aoife] i love you so dearly but that is a question only a man could ask.
[aoife] very bold of you. never ask me that again.
[grant] that was stupid. i'm sorry. i didn’t mean it that way but i see your point and agree. we did just have a whole conversation about how making the decision as a woman to leave and break up a family’s standing fucks up everything.
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dustyratt · 1 year
it's time to show the working process! While I'm having a short break from rendering \ texturing \ posing \ ripping things 😆
The amount of work I had to perform is colossal comparing to my previous posts (it is somewhere near Sally Face and Fallout 4 posts) I have extremely warm feelings towards Prototype game series since it's been with me from childhood (even though the game itself IS NOT for children that's for sure 😅)
I've started from the idea. You need to know exactly what you're going to do before actually doing anything. So I've drawn a couple of simple sketches where Alex - the main protagonist - was depicted in various situations. The one sketch was a pure action scene: a tendril barrage devastator and a lot of Blackwatch troopers around - I've decided to stick to that at first.
I've yet had to realise that I'm critically missing models needed to build a convincing city background (burned cars, banners, pedestrians, etc.). Even though I've had some of characters and vehicles, it obviously wasn't enough. That's where you start to think how to solve the problem.
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READ THE FULL POST BELOW, (a lot of text and pictures warning):
"I'll just rip them off the game!" me said with instant regret. I've ripped the models, yes, and then I realised how Ninja ripper works 😆 I then decided that scrolling through 1000++ ripped parts of models and again put them back into one piece is not the thing I want to spend time for.
So instead I found a map - a whole city map and was pretty satisfied even if there wasn't a single prop on it. The textures I ripped gave me a perceptible advantage - I made banners and I could now cover the ground with original ingame textures instead of trying to imitate them in Photoshop. The map is called gm_bigcity, I used Garry's mod map ported to SFM.
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I started to build a scene. Was fun at first, but then I've noticed something. The bigger scene grew the less FPS I had in the viewport. I ended up with being unable to finish posing. It was only 200 000 ~ vertices and it is already too much for old computers. Will I be able to finish this poster one day I wonder? I like it a lot :(
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It wasn't a time for sorrows so I had to give up on that idea and move towards the next - the one that did not require too much models involved. The one you can see on the posters below:
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Before \ after and variation in more intense reddish colors that was never used.
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Me and my friend (whose computer was used to render all of that) did render a lot of pictures from various angles but as you can see very few of them were actually used to create a finished poster.
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And here is the one cover image that took me eternity to complete. I took clothing and claws from 2012 game and face with spikes from 2009 game and merged them into one solid model, posed it and rendered. I don't really like what Radical Entertainment did to Alex's face in Prototype 2 (and made him an empty cliched villain in general) so the original one seemed the best choice.
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That's it! That is how it was done. Thank you for reading to the end ❤
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ka1omi · 5 months
wip: Whole Foods!
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[using cc by @simkoos and largely inspired by their whole foods build]
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rebouks · 10 months
Keeping Lag to a Minimum...
I was chatting about a few things I do to combat lag over on discord and realised I do quite a bit of maintenance to reduce lag/load times. I decided to write em all down and before I knew it, I had a big ol' list. Here's hoping it helps!
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Save/File Tips:
Clear your caches (located in the same spot as your mod folder fyi) I usually delete the onlinethumbnailcache, avatarcache and localthumbcache caches every time I exit the game, the main one to delete regularly is the localthumbcache file, they're just temporary files but it can get pretty big after a while.. if you're having any mod issues, particularly ui ones, it's always worth deleting that to see if it helps.
Remove any saves you're not using from your saves folder, and keep an eye on save file sizes. In my experience, any saves over around 30-40mb start to get a bit laggy. Things that bump this size up are the amount of townies in game and the amount of lots/objects in the world.
Regarding the above point, I regularly bulldoze lots I don't need anymore, just to save the game from having to cope with extra shit to load in the background and reduce save file bloat.
Similarly, I delete a lot of unnecessary townies. Also, try to keep the amount of outfits on townies to a minimum, ain't no townie need four swimsuit outfits, the game will thank you..
If you have cheats enabled you can usually shift-click/delete object on things like random coffee cups or stray cupcakes sims foolishly drop around the world (or eat em.. whatever tickles ur pickle) just get rid!
Whilst we're keeping objects in game to a minimum.. I try to clear sims inventories now and then, including townies. You can do this via mccc even if you're not currently playing that household by heading to MC Cleaner -> Sell Sim Inventory/Sell Household Inventory. RANDOM LUMPS OF CLAY BEGONE!
Think of a save file like a lot.. the more objects in it, the laggier it gets! Try your best to remove anything or anyone unnecessary where you can.
Hit "Save As" instead of "Save" now and then - the more you overwrite a save, the more chance it has of going wonky, treat your game to a fresh one now and then and remove the old one from your saves folder (maybe don't delete it right away in case you wanna roll back, keep it somewhere safe).
If you can (although ik it can be a pain) set up a new/fresh save, you'd be surprised how bogged down old ones can get! For legacy players, it's usually best to do this whenever you have a small family to save yourself some pain, since you can just save the household and take em to a new save (you will lose sims inventories/household inventories/relationships with sims outside the household tho so beware! Pictures/other collectables can be saved to a lot however, and you can always cheat back relationship bits etc.. bit of a last resort but new saves are shiny and fast!)
Make sure your Screenshots/Video folders are empty - move em somewhere else, it works, trust me. If you have a lot of custom music installed try n' clear some of those out too.. the smaller that Sims 4 directory is, the better.
Delete any last exceptions/last crashes (same spot as your mod folder again) you don't need em unless you're planning to upload em somewhere for help.
Settings Etc:
If you get a bad lag spike, opening the main menu and/or saving can randomly stop this. If it doesn't, try exiting the game, clearing your localthumbcache and restarting.
Clearing all notifications from the game panel can also help.
If you can, close all other apps and background apps you don't need whilst playing, ts4 is super memory hungry so it can definitely help.
The GraphicsRules Override file by Simp4Sims can reduce lag/latency and make your game look a little better in the process!
Srslysims Simulation Lag Fix mod can help reduce lag too (if you've altered the game speed via mccc tho, don't use this unless you plan on resetting it to default).
If you aren't keen on, or barely use a pack, consider disabling it.
Not ideal, especially for those of us taking screenshots, but lowering the graphics settings whilst playing definitely helps.
If you use re/g-shade, consider switching it off whilst playing and only turn it on for screenshots.
A clean and tidy pc/laptop runs better in general. Remove anything you're not using/don't need anymore to free up space, remove temp files, clean up your folders now and again etc etc.. especially that dreaded mod folder, speaking of...
Managing Mods:
SORT OUT YOUR MODS FOLDER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.. skdsjdjs it doesn't have to be immaculate but at the very least try n' clear it out now n' then. Also try to separate your script mods/overrides from the rest, patch days don't need to be so stressful ;-;
Personally, I don't merge my mods; if something breaks it's much harder to pinpoint! It makes it easier to find/delete specific mods too.. and let's face it, there's usually one or two items in that set you could do without lmaooo.. also, don't think it helps much tbh! Yeah you could say the game doesn't have to work as hard to load merged files but that's debatable, it's still the same amount of items/polys at the end of the day ¯\(°_o)/¯
If you like merging files and/or see results from doing so, you can merge stuff you definitely know you're never getting rid of, especially CAS/BB stuff.. but steer clear of merging gameplay/script mods! If a merged file seems to be the culprit when using the 50/50 method, try unmerging it and 50/50ing it again! You might not need to get rid of everything if something's borked.
Bulk Rename Utility can be used to remove all spaces and special characters from your mod files, the game doesn't particularly like loading those so it'll thank you.
The Sims 4 Mod Manager is a great way to sort through your mods, you can easily see, move and delete files from here (not great for build/buy, poses etc as thumbnails are usually missing, but great for CAS stuff). An extra hint with this that I've noticed is that if any of my mods get renamed with [D1] at the beginning after looking through them via the mod manager, it means it's a duplicate file so you can get rid.
I also use the Sims 4 Tray Importer to help me sort through mods. Simply save a sim/lot with any cc you don't want and find it in the importer, you can then go through all the cc in the cc tab and delete/sort it (I also use this to sort cc if a bunch has the wrong tags etc, makes it easier to find in my folders by saving em to a lot or w/e - it also spots duplicates which is handy).
It's a ballache, but the 50/50 method is tried and tested if you're having issues.
I like to keep an abandoned cc folder tucked away somewhere, that way you can remove mods willy nilly without stressing about losing them. If you change your mind, you can always grab it back!
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olomaya · 1 year
More Activities Activity Table
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Eat, Play, Learn! Family Fun for Everyone!
2-Sep Update: Thank you @jeebeehey for the French translation. Please redownload if you'd like them.
Updated for redownload (27 July):
Fixed an issue where the interaction cancels out if a toddler doesn't like the food. Thanks to @zemyna for catching!
Added the non-English stbls. Sorry, I swear I'm not one of those Anglophones that thinks English is the only language (I actually speak 3!), it's just a small step in the upload process that's easy to forget.
This is the final part of my little Kids and Toddlers mod series. It's meant to complement the Coloring Book and the Toddler foods mods so you will need those for this.
When I started this, I didn't think through how many new animations or custom details it would entail and I as continued, I kept having to add more and more. There are like 60 animations and 40 image assets 😭 hence why the two main files are so large for a mod.
What I've done is added more activities to the Activity Table after years of being annoyed that the Activity Table we have in TS3, despite being the EXACT SAME table from TS2, does not in fact allow your Sims to draw on it. EA, so lazy!
Anyway, what this does is add 4 new interactions to the Activity Table: Coloring, Arts & Crafts, Puzzles and the ability to serve toddlers food so they can eat there.
The activities are for toddlers and kids only but Teens+ can join in the puzzles if it's already been started by a toddler or child.
Note this will work with any of the Activity Tables in the game or Store but the puzzle will look weird as it's placed in the same spot as where the blocks are. You can use it with custom/cc activity tables provided only the mesh has been edited (for example, if slots are changed or removed, it may not work).
Credits/Thanks: The glue bottle, crayon, CAS paint items and one of the arts and crafts image assets are from @aroundthesims. Thanks as always to Sandy for her generosity and creativity in making Sims content! I originally only wanted to add the option to color/draw but this set of hers inspired me to add in more features. (hmm, maybe I shouldn't be thanking you then considering what a pain that was 🤔😅) All other objects and images are from TS4. Custom animations are by me using TS4 and TS3 as bases.
All buyable objects (table, crayons, puzzles) can be found in Kids Room/Toys.
Check out my other mods in the Kids and Toddlers series: Coloring Book for Kids, Toddler Bed, Toddler Foods and Snacks.
If you run into any issues (and YOU'VE READ THROUGH THE INSTRUCTIONS) please let me know!
Please read below the cut for all the details on features and how to play.
Download here | Alternate Link: SFS
Coloring: Toddlers and Kids can color if there is a crayon box on the lot. Just like using a coloring book, coloring a picture will take up one crayon. Coloring increases painting skill for both. When completed, the final project will be in their inventory.
Arts & Crafts: Toddlers and Kids can do an arts and craft project. Not additional object is needed. They go pretty crazy with the glitter and glue so it can be dirty stuff if they don't have the neat trait. This activity decreases their hygiene and they will get covered in glitter paint when done. Similar to coloring, when completed, the final project will go in their inventory and they get painting skill while playing.
Puzzles: You need to buy a puzzle box and have it on your lot to do puzzles. There are two puzzle boxes but they do the same thing. And they stack! (I love stackable things) There are 3 puzzle types: Easy, medium and Hard. Toddlers can only do Easy puzzles. Children can do either easy, medium or Hard puzzles depending on their Logic skill (for Hard, logic needs to be 3 or higher). The puzzle difficulty will also determine how long it takes to complete the puzzle. Teens+ can help with puzzles but they can't start a puzzle on their own. Toddlers can kids can start a puzzle on their own or help another Sim with a puzzle. Puzzles increase Logic skill for all those playing it but will increase faster for whoever starts the puzzle. If a puzzle is completed, everyone who helped put it together will get bonus skill points. If there is already a puzzle on the table, there is no option to start another, you can only help with the current puzzle. There are different puzzle images (15 in total) but there's no difference between them. The only thing that matters is puzzle difficulty. If the Sim who started the puzzle stops for whatever reason (you or the game cancels the interaction), everyone else helping will stop as well.
Eating: Children+ can serve toddlers meals or snacks. It works the same as my Toddler Foods and Snacks mod. They will place the tray/bowl on the activity table and then call the toddler to eat. If the toddler is hungry, they will go over and start eating. Otherwise, they can always eat it later.
Known Issues:
Animations aren't perfect (but what in life is?) so there's some clipping, especially on the toddlers when they kneel.
The comically large puzzle piece accessory jumps around a little and sits kind of weird in the toddler's hand. I suspect this is because the game is using the adult version of the object animation. I've noted it for fixing whenever I do a second pass on the mod.
The food tray is upside down. Setting object rotation in-game messes up the routing for the table so I'm leaving it as is as it doesn't really bother me.
If there is a food tray or bowl on the table, you shouldn't be able to do anything else there because that slot/part is being used but I had this happen once where my tester child started coloring there. It didn't happen again but if it does happen in your game, simply cancel out the interaction and route them to another part of the table.
The puzzle leaves a shadow even when it's pile form because the shadow mesh is there but you only see it until the geostate changes.
This is not an issue but the alternate material states for objects are only available in high so if you play with graphic settings for objects on medium or low, you're going to see the default image for the puzzles or pictures.
Tagging for reblogs: @kpccfinds @katsujiiccfinds @pis3update
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vyxated · 1 year
[ReShade 5.1+] Hide CAS UI & More
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Unlike build mode & live mode, there's no shortcut to hide CAS UI, which is much needed for taking screenshots with Reshade. With this ShaderToggler add-on (made by Frans Bouma/Otis_inf), you can easily hide the UI! This guide will cover how to install the add-on and showcase its features.
If you find this useful, do share the word around! All I ask is that you link back here if you want to share outside of tumblr :-)
📌 UPDATE 19/09/2024: updated both DX9 and DX11 files to fix the hide CAS BG & mirror toggles. Please redownload.
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How it works:
One of the features of this add-on is the ability to toggle on/off in-game shaders: UI, geometry, post-processing effects, and more (not reshade shaders). You do that by putting certain shaders together into a group which you can then toggle on/off. This is quite useful for CAS shots as you can't hide the UI when you use ReShade/GShade (unlike build/live mode where you can simply press tab). 
This add-on is made by Frans Bouma/Otis_inf so huge credit to him as without this add-on this wouldn’t be possible.
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Keep in mind that this add-on doesn’t prevent shaders (bloom/dof/mxao) from affecting the UI, it just hides the UI shader from view. This, along with a shader like ChromaKey/DepthAlpha that allows for transparent backgrounds, makes a great duo! No more cropping to exclude the arrows and editing out the background manually 🙌 (unfortunately alpha hair suffers a bit from it.)
What you’ll get by the end of this post:
A ShaderToggler.ini file that will hide CAS UI elements with the option to either leave the sim/trait icons and trait selections intact for posing your sims, or hide everything except for your sim. Great for taking close-up shots.
There'll also be a toggle to hide infant pillow in CAS, hide CAS BGs & mirrors, and hide camera UI when your sim is taking a selfie/picture in-game.
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// ReShade/GShade requirement:
For Reshade users: tested on Reshade 5.8.0 (w/ full add-on support), but it should be compatible with ReShade 5.1+.
For GShade users: 
To check if your GShade supports add-ons: check the ReShade version it's based on in the shader notification at startup, similar to the menu here (GShade x.x based on ReShade x.x). You can also check in the reshade panel and see if there's a menu for add-ons.
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📂 DOWNLOAD .ini file:
SimFileShare / Google Drive
🆕 DX9 & DX11 support
ShaderToggler.ini : DX9 version
ShaderToggler_DX11.ini : DX11 version
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// Installation:
First, make sure that you have the correct ReShade with full add-on support!
Grab the add-on from this github release. For non-legacy players, grab _v121.zip. For legacy players, grab _x86_101.zip
Extract the ShaderToggler.addon file into the game’s \Bin folder where your TS4.exe/TS4_64.exe is (where you had also installed ReShade/GShade).
Still in the \Bin folder, drop the ShaderToggler.ini file you downloaded. You’ll end up with both ShaderToggler.addon and ShaderToggler.ini in the same folder as TS4.exe/Reshade.ini.
The .ini file should be named ShaderToggler.ini for the add-on to recognize it and the toggle groups to show up. If you downloaded the DX11 version, remove the _DX11 suffix.
If you’re a GShade user: there’s a folder called gshade-addons; this is where you should place the ShaderToggler.addon file. Just move the add-on from the \Bin folder to the folder mentioned and you’re good. If this doesn't work, keep it in the \Bin folder.
Open up your game. If you see the add-on & list of toggle groups in the Add-ons tab, then you’ve successfully installed the add-on & settings! Restart if needed.
// Shortcuts (Updated):
Toggle main CAS UI (traits & trait selections excluded): Ctrl+ ]
Toggle sim/trait icons & trait selections: Ctrl + [
Toggle pillow for infants: Ctrl + ; (semicolon)
Toggle camera UI when sim is taking pic/selfie: Ctrl+ ' (apostrophe)
Toggle CAS BG mesh: Alt + ]
Toggle mirrors: Alt + [
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in CAS:
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Hide CAS BG & mirror reflections:
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in Live mode (for Camera):
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note: you can use the hide pillow toggle to hide the phone object.
🆕 in Build/Buy mode, use caps lock to hide the lot outlines:
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// FAQ
Issue: add-on works, but the list of toggle groups doesn't show up.
This is likely caused by my config (.ini) file not being installed correctly. Put the .ini file where the TS4.exe file is, which is under the /Bin folder.
Issue: Add-on failed to load with error code 193.
This is caused by downloading the incorrect addon file. If you're a non-legacy (x64) player and downloaded the x86 addon file, you will encounter the error. Download the right version (_v121.zip) and that should fix the error.
Issue: everything shows up & are installed correctly, but the toggle groups don't have any effect/hide the UI.
This issue only happens if you installed Reshade/Gshade and selected Vulkan/DXVK. You need to select DirectX 9 or DirectX 11 instead for it to work.
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tagging @thefoxburyinstitute :-)
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