ncstalgiaz · 2 years
hahaha ok but what if a small, closed group verse with about 6 – 10 muns, all with one muse each ... written either on discord or tumblr sideblogs ... based off of daisy jones & the six ... could be set in the 70s or modern day au ... following a band’s stardom and messy af ships, complicated friendship dynamics, found family ... sex, drugs, rock n roll ... touring, creative differences, tour bus cabin fever and being out on the road with the people who both drive you crazy and make your life worth living ... fan and media speculation about what the actual fuck is going on with you guys because you all kinda seem to hate each other but can’t live without each other at the same time. glowing on stage and smiling for paparazzi in public whilst screaming, fighting and living recklessly behind closed doors ... secrets born on tour which stay on tour ... or do they ?? 
do / can small groups like this still exist ... or will it just die / flop ... i need to know ( interest check, i guess ? ? ? ? )
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techraticsamsplace · 1 year
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the cooler larry.
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knowaristotle · 5 months
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promise to be dazzling.
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crowncoconut · 3 months
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Hellooooo sasi tumblr 😼 Take this art if u even care. Based off of WTIT bc it’s my fav episode
(Pose from The Reluctant Bride (1866) by Auguste Toulmouche)
Click for better quality
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months
Theory: If Logan wants to make a POINT, his only dramatic reference is Roman, and so he copies what Roman does to make his case. For instance, this! exit! No one was listening to him! So he left in the most dramatic way possible! 😂
Also ‘I’m Audi 5000’ was slang in the 90s (I think) to say you’re making a fast exit because apparently the gas and the brake in that car were so close together that you could accidentally hit the gas if you were going to brake and speed up like a mf lmao
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fandombead · 3 months
When the manifestation of your morality turns into a giant buff frog
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lucilla-sims · 5 months
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Thank you everyone who letting me know that this top named SP50 Butterfly was already converted ❤ but when I read the messages from you, I already had the top ready 🙈 I look on beautiful version by @diwasims and I see that my version is little bit different. I attached everything to the body so my straps doesn't clip 😊 I hope you don't mind me posting my version as well ❤ happy simming ❤
🦋 for teen and adult woman
🦋 with all morphs
🦋 categorized as casual top
🦋 all original Maxis colors
🦋 all files are compressed
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You can choose between standalone AF and TF version or TF Repod version for which you need AF packages 🙂.
Standalone AF version simfileshare / mediafire
Standalone TF version simfileshare / mediafire
Repod TF version simfileshare / mediafire
Credits: EAxis
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we-all-horny-here · 1 month
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It's that time of the year again, welcome all to the (semi) yearly redraw, where I can actually see just how far I've gone in my art journey
Previous versions: 2022/2020/2019 As well as under the cut.
Comms Ko-fi
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pencilpat · 9 months
"To my dear self,"
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Even the darkest, most repressed pieces of yourself deserve to feel loved.
c!Thomas and Remus hug when...... when...?
Text based on this poem that I couldn't find the source of.
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tentacle-therapissed · 5 months
IMO the fanon interpretation of the Dark Sides’ dynamic ignores the fascinating canon implications that they’re more like forced family than anything resembling found family. These are three characters who genuinely do not seem to get along— at the very least, Virgil has made it clear that his function as a Side does not mesh well with either Janus or Remus’s functions, and the moment he saw an opportunity to be accepted by the others he ditched them with absolutely no remorse or lingering attachment. Meanwhile the dubiously canon interactions Janus has with Remus come off as him putting up with Remus’s antics simply because what else is he going to do? The most friendly the two of them ever get is when they’re collaborating to screw with c!Thomas— it’s like they’re coworkers who have nothing else in common besides their overlapping goals. The three currently introduced ‘Dark Side’ characters are united only in the fact that they were all outcasts. ‘The Dark Sides’ isn’t even a meaningful phrase, it’s something Roman came up with on the spot to lump together all the Sides that were too complicated and ambiguous to be part of the OG triad. Virgil doesn’t even use the phrase ‘Dark Sides’, he specifically made the point to call Remus and Janus ‘the others’ instead. He knows he used to be part of That group but it wasn’t because he actually identified with them, it’s because everyone else grouped him with them and until AA—maybe even until Fitting In— he thought his only option was to double down on being an antagonist and collaborate with the other ‘antagonist’ Sides no matter how uneasy they made him.
The Dark Sides are those roommates with no prior history who weren’t able to change their contract in time. They’re the students who got put in a group project together and have wildly different ideas on how to approach the material. They’re the only remaining members of a dying club trying desperately to find some reason to keep hanging out together so the club doesn’t die. They’re the kids who all got detention on the same day and figured talking to each other was better than complete solitude. They’re the inhabitants of that one abandoned lunch table in the back of the cafeteria because no other table will take them.
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ncstalgiaz · 2 years
so, with regards to the rp idea i mentioned in my pinned post, i’ve decided to make it a reality !! i need some opinions, however, on which platform to use for the group, so i decided to make a poll which i’ve popped in the source link. please feel free to vote with your preference :-) 
if you’re wondering when i may drop the group, the short answer is that i’m not sure right now !! i’m just leisurely working on it, i’m not rushing as i have a lot to do at the moment, job applications flying out etc since i was laid off sooo ... don’t expect it to drop as soon as, like, tomorrow for example ... but probably sooner rather than later !!
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blazethecheeto · 7 months
sanders sides as the vanilla extract post
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i coloured in the sillies. i dont know how to colour as you can tell but i thought it made it look a lot cleaner!!
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knowaristotle · 6 months
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how can i be guilty as sin?
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the way Roman started off as a proper prince; regal accent, poetic catchphrases and all. and then that accent started disappearing as he started speaking more and more like just a normal guy, disguising his pain with cringy jokes, trying desperately to get everyone's attention, no longer self-assured and prideful, because he's no longer Thomas's hero.
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