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sscdada-blog · 7 years ago
Latest update on
SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus, questions, model Papers
SSC CHSL reasoning syllabus, questions, notes
SSC CHSL syllabus 2017
SSC CHSL paper analysis 2017
SSC CHSL Exam pattern 2017
SSC CHSL Current affairs questions, notes, books, capsule in Hindi
SSC CHSL cut off 2017 Tier 1-2
SSC CHSL 2017 Descriptive paper details
SSC CHSL Job profile, Salary
SSC CHSL answer key 2017
SSC CHSL English Study Material
SSC CHSL Important books, notes
SSC CHSL application form 2017 Apply online
SSC CHSL books 2017
SSC CHSL Memory based questions and answers
SSC CHSL Required Documents & Verification
SSC CHSL Previous year Question papers
SSC CHSL Eligibility, Age Limit & Relaxation
SSC CHSL Online Practice Set 2017
SSC CHSL study material 2017
SSC CHSL Exam Review 2017
SSC CHSL GK Capsule 2017
SSC CHSL Quantitative Aptitude details
SSC CHSL 2017 Typing Test details
SSC CHSL History Questions, Syllabus, Notes, Books material download
SSC CHSL solved papers 2017 Solution download in
SSC CHSL recruitment 2017 Register online
SSC CHSL result 2017 Tier 1-2 DEO, LDC
SSC CHSL Notification 2017 Advertisement in Hindi
SSC CHSL Model Papers 2017
SSC CHSL Mock test 2017 Practice test
SSC CHSL merit list 2017 selected candidates
SSC CHSL Admit card 2017 all regions LDC-DEO 10+2 hall ticket
  SSC CHSL Exam 
CHSL Notification CHSL recruitment CHSL Eligibility CHSL application form CHSL Required Documents CHSL Job profile CHSL syllabus CHSL Maths Syllabus CHSL reasoning syllabus CHSL paper analysis CHSL Exam pattern CHSL Current affairs CHSL Descriptive paper CHSL English Material CHSL books CHSL Memory based questions CHSL Previous papers CHSL Practice Set CHSL study material CHSL GK Capsule CHSL Quantitative Aptitude CHSL Typing Test CHSL History material CHSL solved papers CHSL Model Papers CHSL Mock test CHSL Admit card CHSL answer key CHSL Exam Review CHSL result CHSL merit list CHSL cut off
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sscdada-blog · 7 years ago
About Us
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About Us
SSC Dada is yet another website of Dada family. We provide latest news and updates regarding the government centered exams. SSC Dada portal is specially created to provide you with the latest study material, notification and several guides about all exams which are being conducted by Staff Selection Commission.
SSC Dada generally provide study material like
GK Capsules
Mock test
Model papers
Previous papers
Quantitative Aptitude
Sample papers
Tips & Tricks
If you are one of SSC exam aspirants then SSC Dada is the source of reading material and latest news for you.
Four Author and the Admin himself solves all your queries related to SSC Exams. The team which is working on SSC Dada is as follows:
SSC Dada [Administer]
Arya Akash [Author]
Annu Goswami [Author]
Jyoti Khatak [Author]
Jyoti Khatak [Author]
If you want to know more, then Contact Us
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sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC JE syllabus 2017 All Branches
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SSC JE syllabus 2017 All Branches
SSC department has announced the SSC JE Civil syllabus 2017 on their official website. All applicants can get SSC JE Civil syllabus 2017 from this web page directly. The syllabus of SSC JE has been prescribed by various coaching institute. The SSC JE Syllabus 2017 provided entire details of the topics, subjects, and chapters to study for appearing in the exam. In this article, we are sharing details about SSC JE Study Material 2017. Massive numbers of candidates have participated in the examination and now they are looking SSC JE Syllabus 2017.
SSC JE Syllabus 2017                                              
The Syllabus of SSC JE exam will guide the candidates in planning for the exam. Aspirants must go through with the syllabus of SSC JE exam since the questions asked in the exam will be based on the syllabus. For getting detailed SSC JE Syllabus 2017 you can visit our web page and get it easily.
Download SSC JE Syllabus 2017 pdf for Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical. Get SSC JE Syllabus along with exam pattern from this article. Refer the official website of SSC to know more about the SSC JE Syllabus. We will update the link to download SSC JE Syllabus for Civil, electrical & mechanical topics pdf.
SSC JE Exam Pattern 2017
The staff selection commission Junior Engineer Syllabus is updated now to download along with SSC JE Exam Pattern. Candidates who are attending the exam have to check the SSC JE Syllabus in Hindi and also exam pattern. We have provided the detailed information about the SSC JE Syllabus. As we all know that Staff Selection commission will hold the examination in the month of June. Before the examination, it also releases the SSC JE Admit card. There is no official date released by the SSC.
SSC JE Paper 1 Pattern
Sections Total marks Time limit General Intelligence & Reasoning 50 2 hours General Awareness 50
Part A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural) Or
Part B: General Engineering (Electrical) Or
Part C: General Engineering (Mechanical)
SSC JE Paper 2 pattern
Descriptive paper Subject Total marks Time limit
Part-A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR
Part- B General Engineering (Electrical) OR
Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical)
300 2 hours
If you are also one of them who are going to attempt the examination are suggested to prepare through the SSC JE Syllabus. Before attending the examination you must revise the syllabus. It is expected that SSC JE admits card will be available two weeks before the examination. Keep visiting our web page for checking information about SSC JE Admit card 2017.
SSC JE 2017 exam syllabus
For helping eager candidates we have given the SSC JE Syllabus 2017 in the below paragraphs. After getting SSC JE Syllabus 2017 you can make a proper preparation plan and start their preparation to obtain SSC JE Cut off Marks in the exam. The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of overall performance in written exam. Those candidates who will get qualifying marks in the exam will eligible for JE post.
Knowing the SSC JE Syllabus & Exam pattern in advance will help you in the exam preparation. By visiting our web portal all visitors can check their SSC JE Syllabus 2017. After getting syllabus you can buy SSC JE Books and cover all important topics related exam. If you have any queries & questions related this article, then you can post the suitable comment through the below-mentioned box.
Download SSC JE Syllabus & test pattern provided here. Before starting your exam preparation, check the SSC Junior Engineer Syllabus to score good marks in the exam. We hope the provided SSC JE Syllabus & pattern will help you to get an idea of the written exam.
SSC JE General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus
The syllabus for General Intelligence would include questions of both verbal & Nonverbal type.  In this section questions asked from
Analysis Judgment Decision Making Discrimination Observation Relationship Concepts Arithmetical Reasoning Abstract Ideas And Symbols And Their Relationships Arithmetical Computations Other Analytical Functions Analogies Visual Memory Verbal And Figure Classification Arithmetical Number Series Similarities Differences Space Visualization Problem Solving
SSC JE General Awareness Syllabus
Questions will be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, culture, geography, economic scene, General polity and scientific research etc.
History Geography Economic Science Culture India and its neighboring countries General Polity and Scientific Research, Current Affairs
SSC JE Civil Engineering Syllabus
Building Materials
Estimating, Costing, and Valuation
Irrigation Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Soil Mechanics
Structural Engineering
Theory of Structures
Concrete Technology
RCC Design, Steel Design
SSC JE Electrical Engineering Syllabus
Estimation and Costing
Utilization and Electrical Energy
Basic Electronics
Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors
Synchronous Machines
Transmission and Distribution
Basic concepts
Circuit law
AC Fundamentals
Measurement and Measuring Instruments
Electrical Machines
Magnetic Circuit
SSC JE Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
Ranking cycle of System
Air standard Cycles for IC Engines
IC Engine Performance
IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication
Air Compressors & their cycles
Refrigeration cycles
The Principle of Refrigeration Plant
Nozzles & Steam Turbines
Properties & Classification of Fluids
Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure
Fluid kinematics
Fitting & Accessories
1st Law of Thermodynamics
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
IC Engines Combustion
Theory of Machines and Machine Design
Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials
Centrifugal Pumps
Basic principles
Hydraulic Turbines
Classification of steels
SSC JE Preparation Material 2017
To make your preparation we also provided SSC JE Previous Paper pdf at free of cost. You can get the pdf file from the below sections. Visit the SSC JE official website for more details. It is a great chance to get the government jobs in SSC organization. To crack the exam candidates need to practice through these SSC JE Question Paper which will help candidates to know the exact exam pattern.
To qualify in the SSC exam, candidates should make a perfect preparation plan. To help all those candidates we are here to provide the complete SSC JE Syllabus 2017 for Civil, Electrical & Mechanical exam. So, download the given SSC JE old papers and perform well in the online exam.
SSC Exams 2017
SSC JE Exam 2017
JE Notification JE recruitment JE Eligibility JE application form JE syllabus JE Exam pattern JE books JE study material JE Mechanical study material JE Civil Study Material JE Electrical study material JE previous papers JE GK & GS material JE Question paper JE Model papers JE Exam date JE Admit card JE Answer key JE result JE cut off JE Document Verification
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sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL English Question papers, Notes
Latest update on
SSC CGL English Question papers, Notes
SSC CGL English Question Paper will be helpful those candidates who want to qualify the CGL Exam. All candidates can download SSC CGL English Question Paper by visiting our web page. Our website has provided various type of news like SSC CGL recruitment, SSC CGL exam pattern, SSC CGL Exam Syllabus, SSC CGL admits card, SSC CGL answer key, SSC CGL Exam result and this article is also made of providing the SSC CGL question paper which is also available here to download.
SSC CGL English Question papers 2017
SSC CGL English Exam Paper 2017
SSC CGL English Study Notes 2017
SSC CGL English Preparation Books
SSC CGL English Question papers 2017
SSC CGL recruitment exam is being conducted by Staff selection commission every year. The recruitment process of SSC CGL includes the online exam. SSC CGL exam includes four sections. But here in this article, we are discussing the SSC CGL English previous years. English section is an important part of scoring maximum marks.
By using SSC CGL English question paper you know the SSC CGL exam pattern very well and also know the difficulty level of exam. You can download SSC CGL English last year solved papers in pdf file from here. In this article, we are sharing questions asked in SSC CGL 2016 exam in pdf.
SSC CGL English Exam Paper 2017
You may download it from the links given below. Through our website, you can easily download SSC CGL English previous year question paper from here by visiting our website. To download SSC CGL Exam previous year question paper you need to bookmark our website. Time to time we upload all SSC CGL English study material, preparation books, solved question paper and other important study notes through our website direct link.
SSC English Language Chapterwise Solved Papers 8800+ Objective Questions – English – 1613 Objective General English Kiran’s SSC CGL Tier – I Online CBE Mock Test SSC English Topic-wise Latest 35 Solved Papers (2010-2016) QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE TEST SERIES (English)
We are providing SSC CGL English previous year paper. This question paper has previous year questions with answers. This model test paper will helpful for SSC CGL Exam to prepare well for the exam. At the end of SSC CGL English question paper, there will be solution provided. After solving paper you can analyze their answers with the solution. Applicants who are looking to download SSC CGL English previous year questions paper for better preparation can download this pdf file from here.
All applied aspirants can download SSC CGL English question paper from here by login our website direct link. To check the more information regarding SSC CGL exam study material, previous year question paper you can visit our website. We are trying to keep SSC CGL last 5 to 10 years question paper. If you have any questions related to SSC CGL exam and having a problem to download these papers, then you can comment in the below section.
SSC CGL English preparation notes are the best source of CGL exam. With the help,  SSC CGL English preparation notes candidates can prepare well for the exam. SSC CGL Books, Study notes for SSC CGL exam for English section are made available so that you can prepare well for the exam. SSC CGL study notes which will help you in the best way to prepare for the exam are written below section wise too.
SSC CGL English Study Notes 2017
Staff selection commission issued official advertisement to the filling of a various post of Group B & Group C posts. All job candidates are searching for SSC CGL exam syllabus & exam pattern through the internet. For each subject, there are certain books available in online as well as in market so that you can have the best of practice through these books and study notes. Various coaching center also refers
Various coaching center also refers SSC CGL reference books prepared by various authors but here in this article, we are sharing SSC CGL English study notes to practice more and more which help to improve their English skill to getting a good score in the upcoming exam.
General English 1 Download English Question Paper 2 Download English Language 3 Download General English 4 Download English Comphernsision 5 Download English Comprehension 6 Download English Comprehension 7 Download English Language & Comprehension 8 Download English Language & Comprehension 9 Download English Language & Comprehension 10 Download English comprehensions paper 11 Download English comprehensions paper 12 Download English comprehensions paper 13 Download English comprehensions paper 14 Download
Seriously job hunters are accessed many web links to get complete details regarding SSC CGL English preparation study notes & previous year question paper. We will simplify your work by providing pdf link. SSC CGL English Preparation Notes pdf file download from Google document site. If you want to crack the Tier 1 exam, you must analyze the exam syllabus, chapter wise preparation etc through only previous year papers.
We also upload SSC CGL English preparation notes in the pdf file for those candidates who want to appear in the upcoming exam. These SSC CGL English study notes include comprehension, cloze test, synonyms & antonyms, Para- Jumble based question and other important topics are also given.
SSC CGL English Preparation Books
Dear Candidates here in this webpage we are providing SSC CGL English preparation books for CGL exam. Some of these books are free of cost and some others are to purchase by paying a certain amount. To download best SSC CGL English study notes you can easily get it from here. The direct link is also provided below to download these SSC CGL study notes which will help you to prepare very well for English section.
As we all know that English is a most scoring section in SSC CGL exam, less time consuming and also an important part of SSC CGL Exam. To qualify this section you need focus on all topics which will be asked in the examination.
SSC exams 2017
SSC CGL Exam 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017 LDC DEO 10 +2
Latest update on
SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017 LDC DEO 10 +2
SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017 have been announced by the SSC CHSL exam board. Those candidates who want to attempt the exam on correct time can check SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017 LDC DEO of the official website. The Commission will upload the SSC CHSL exam time table after the official announcement at the official website. The candidates should get the time table, they have to download it from the site.
SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017
SSC CHSL 2017 Tier 1-2 Exam Date
SSC CHSL 2017 LDC & DEO Timetable
SSC CHSL 2017 Exam date
SSC CHSL Exam date LDC & DEO Download 2017
SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017
The Staff Selection Commission carries out the SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam to select the candidates for the posts of Lower Division Clerks (LDC) and Data Entry Operator (DEO) in various government ministries. The SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017 is conducted by SSC CHSL every year in various centers all over India.
The government has decided reservation for SC, ST, OBC, ExS, AND PH candidates. The notification and the sale of the application form will be available after the official announcement. Usually, the application will be released in October 2017. The candidate should submit the application before Last week of November 2017.
SSC CHSL 2017 Tier 1-2 Exam Date
The commission will give a month to the candidates to fill the application form. The last date to pay the online and offline application fees will end in the month of last week of November 2017. The candidate should remember the last date to generate SBI challan in the bank. The Staff Selection Commission will declare the E-Admit card to the candidates in the month of January. SSC CHSL Tier I exam will conduct in the month of January.
The exam board will issue the admit card before one week of the commencement of the exam. Tier 2 (Descriptive exam) will be conducted in the month of June. After the completion of the Tier 2 exam, the exam board will declare the exam result. Staff Selection Commission has proclaimed the recruitment for various posts in various departments. The SSC board will be declared the exam result after the exam completed in three or four months.
SSC CHSL 2017 LDC & DEO Timetable
Therefore, the Commission will update the important tentative SSC CHSL Exam Date2017 at the time. The official notification of the exam will be released on 5th August 2017. Further more details about the recruitment regarding SSC CHSL exam, you should go to the official website at
Name of the Organization: Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Name of the Exam: SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL)
Name of the Post: Lower Division Clerk, Data Entry Operator.
Job Category: the Government job.
Job Location: India.
SSC CHSL 2017 Exam date
The Regional offices will declare the detailed schedule of the competitive exams in their official website. According to the SSC CHSL 10 +2 notifications, the SSC CHSL LDC DEO Online application form will be released on 18th November 2017. The candidates should fill the application form correctly and submit before the due date demanded by the government. The SSC CHSL the last date to apply online will end at 18th December 2017.
SSC CHSL Exam date LDC & DEO Download 2017
The candidates should be advisable to stay and visit the official website of Staff Selection Commission, and then only they can dig up the latest updates and tentative dates about the exam process.
Application Process for SSC CHSL 2017 Exam will start from 18th November 2017
Closing Date of Application process for SSC CHSL 2017: 18th December 2017
SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam date (Tier 1): 20th March 2018 – 20th April 2018
SSC CHSL Tier 2  Exam date (Tier 2): 24th June 2018
SSC CHSL 2017 Tier 3 (Skill test/ typing test): Yet not to be announced.
The result declaration of Part I examination will be declared in January / February 2018. All the SSC CHSL Exam Date 2017 process is completed, the final merit list will be declared the May 2018.
We presented the above information for your future reference only. Thanking you for visiting and reading our post. We assure that we will update our site with more useful information regularly.
SSC exams 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL Biology Study material
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SSC CGL Biology Study material
SSC CGL Biology Study material 2017 is the best source of CGL exam. With the help of SSC CGL Biology Study material, candidates can prepare well for the exam. Combined Graduate Level Exam is a big exam in the government sector. Every year staff selection commission conducts the examination for Group B & Group C posts. Now the department has already issued a notice to conduct the SSC CGL exam.
SSC CGL Biology Study material 2017
SSC CGL Biology Exam Study Books
SSC CGL Provide Biology Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Biology Study material 2017
Today we are sharing SSC CGL Biology study notes which cover all important topics of Biology. These notes are compiled from NCERT books from class 6 to 12. All those applicants who are preparing for SSC CGL exam can download SSC CGL Biology Study material, SSC CGL Biology study material in pdf version.
An SSC CGL Exam Study Notes and Best SSC CGL books to buy online or SSC CGL Exam syllabus is available here to check.  Those applicants who are looking to download SSC CGL Biology Study material, important question, Study notes can download it from here by visiting our web portal.
SSC CGL Biology Exam Study Books
This pdf book is very important and useful for SSC exam. You may download this SSC CGL preparation books from the link provided below. In SSC exam Biology is playing a vital role for General Awareness. Around 10-15 questions are asked in the examination out of 50 questions.
Most of the questions are asked from NCERT books. Here in this article, we will publish study material based on NCERT topic wise question which is fully relevant from SSC CGL Exam. Those candidates who want to download SSC CGL Biology questions, then you must follow our website.  In this article, you find SSC CGL Study books topic wise from different writers and publishers and other related books of SSC exam with question paper and model paper of last 5 to 10 years.
SSC CGL Provide Biology Study Material 2017
We also providing here General Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) studies material in pdf format at free of cost. This pdf file also contains exercises for practice as much as you can. So candidates are advised to open our website and download SSC CGL Biology study material like previous year question paper, model test paper, best references books, solved paper and other important quizzes direct link is provided below.
General Science Guide for Competitive Exams – CSAT/NDA/CDS/Railways/SSC/UPSC/State PSC/Defence
Biology MCQ: SSC (SELF SCORER Book 1)
Life Process Part-I (Biology) Question Bank: For 10th Class and SSC Level
BIOLOGY, concise and to the point: Useful for upsc, state pcs, ssc and other exams
SSC CGL examination is near and all the appearing candidates are busy in preparation for the examination. Some candidates must be seeking for the study material of Biology for SSC CGL exam as this section is very important to get good marks in the exam. To practice through mock test we also provide five mock test paper which helps to cover all topics related Biology section. Many coaching centers and publications provide free SSC CGL Exam Study material for Biology which is very helpful for the preparation of SSC.
Download SSC CGL Biology study material and SSC CGL Biology questions from here. Those contenders who want to appear for SSC CGL upcoming exam will have to attempt biology section in the question paper. So candidates should start the preparation for the exam from now on. To check the other important details regarding SSC CGL exam please bookmark our web page and visit the site regularly.
SSC Exam 2017
SSC CGL 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit, Education Qualifications
Latest update on
SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit, Education Qualifications
SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit released by the board officially. Those candidates appeared in the exam can check the SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit by login our web page. So, the candidates must check the eligibility condition in the notification prospectus before apply the application form.
SSC UDC Eligibility 2017
SSC UDC Eligibility Criteria 2017
SSC UDC 2017 Age Limit details
SSC UDC Education Qualification Information
SSC UDC Eligibility 2017
SSC which is probably known as Staff Selection Commission has going to announce an employment notification for SSC UDC recruitment 2017 on the official web portal SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit 2017. To know more details, the candidates can visit at
Name of the Organization: Staff Selection Commission.
Name of the Post: Upper Division Clerk
Name of the Examination: SSC UDC Examination 2017
No. of Vacancies: Updated Soon
Online Registration Starts From 2nd September 2017
Online Registration Last Date: 29th September 2017
Location: India.
SSC UDC Eligibility Criteria 2017
Only eligible candidate should apply for the particular post. The candidates who are required to satisfying the particular eligibility criteria stipulated by the government can only apply for the SSC UDC recruitment exam. The candidates are warned that they should not submit any particulars that are false or suppress any material information SSC UDC Eligibility Criteria in filling the application form. The candidates should posses following criteria is eligible to attend the SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit of examination.
The candidates must be an Indian.
The application form must be filled in candidates own hand writing.
The candidates must send the Xerox copy of the document which is required by the government.
If the candidates disable while in Defense Services should produce an attested copy of the certificate which is prescribed by the Commission.
The candidates should bring their departmental ID card on the examination day.
Any Permanent, Regular or temporary appointed person of the Lower Division Grade of the Central Secretariat Clerical Service, Ministries, Armed Forces Headquarters Clerical Service, Election Commission of India Clerical Service and Central Hindi Directorate or other subsidiary office who satisfies on crucial date the conditions which required by the commission shall be eligible to appear at the examination
Lower Division clerks who are on deputation to ex-cadre posts with the approval of the competent authority will be eligible to be admitted to the examination.
The limit of 5 years of approved and continuous service will also apply if the total reckon able service of the candidate is partly as a Lower Division clerk in the Ministries and other subsidiary offices.
SSC UDC 2017 Age Limit details
The candidates who are going to apply for the examination must attain the age which is demanded by the Staff Selection Commission. Only those candidates can apply for the SSC UDC recruitment. Others should not allow applying for the recruitment of SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit. The following details about the SSC UDC eligibility age limit will be given below:
The candidates should not be more than 50 years of age on 01.08.2017. This age provision is not applicable for Armed forces headquarters clerical service.
The age relaxation to the candidates who belongs to Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribes will be exempted for up to maximum five years.
Up to a maximum of three years in the case of Defense Service Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign countries.
Up to a maximum of three years in the case of Border Security Force personnel disabled in operation during Indo-Pakistan hostilities.
SSC UDC Education Qualification Information
The candidates must be a graduate in any discipline from the recognized University.
The candidate should have completed his/ her Higher Secondary School Certificate with 60% from the recognized board or University.
The candidates should pass type writing in English with the minimum speed of 35 words per minute or in Hindi with the minimum speed of 30 words per minute on computer.
We must express our thanks for visiting and reading our post. Thanking you for watching and supporting us. We assure that we will enhance our site SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit with more useful and constructive fine points in a little SSC UDC Eligibility Age limit, Education Qualifications.
SSC exams 2017
SSC UDC exam 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude Study Material
Latest update on
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude Study Material
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude Study Material Solved Papers is available here to check. Candidates can download the SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude Study Material Solved Papers 2017 this website. Eligible candidates need to read this article carefully and download complete SSC CGL quantitative aptitude study material from here.  
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude Study Material
SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Solved Papers 2017
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude books 2017
Quantitative Aptitude Questions – SSC CGL 2017
SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Practice Sets
SSC CGL quantitative aptitude questions
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude Study Material
Practice is most important part to crack the Quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability section. Staff selection commission conducts online exam for the engagement of candidates to the post of Assistant and other. Candidates can crack this exam in the first attempt by preparing well according to the exam syllabus with best study material.
Check the complete details regarding SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude study material, SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude exam pattern, SSC CGL quantitative aptitude syllabus etc are specified in beneath a segment of this page.
SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Solved Papers 2017
Check SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude syllabus and SSC CGL exam pattern in this session. Along with SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude, previous papers and exam pattern are also helpful for the candidates for better preparation. So here in this web page, we are presenting SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude paper, syllabus and exam pattern. Get Guaranteed Success by preparing through newly updated SSC CGL exam quantitative aptitude study material.
Quantitative Aptitude Papers by RS Aggarwal Download Links Numbers H.C.F & L.C.M of Numbers Decimal Fractions Simplications Square roots and Cube Roots Average Problems on Numbers Problem on Ages Surds and Indices Percentage
Staff selection commission is going to hold CGL exam on all India bases. Lots of candidates have registered for SSC CGL Exam and they are going to appear in the exam to get a government job in SSC. So, appearing candidates are required to prepare well. Dear candidates this website is mad for all appearing candidates to get the complete information regarding SSC CL Quantitative aptitude study material 2017.
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude books 2017
Hello, guys if you want to get qualified in SSC CGL exam then you must focus on all section. An SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude book 2017 is also available here to download. You can also buy best books, and join coaching institute to take guidance for SSC CGL Exam. Below section of this web page, we are publishing some books name for all candidates who are finding best SSC CGL Quantitative Books 2017 to good preparation.
SSC CGL 2013 Tier II Quantitative Ability paper 29-09-2013
Candidates must prepare for exam according to the topics of syllabus and marking scheme of exam pattern to score well. To prepare well and give their best in the real exam candidates need to download their SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude study material and start their preparation as soon as possible for qualifying the section. Participants who are going to appear in SSC CGL Exam, they must check the SSC CGL Exam Pattern, Syllabus and also study material.
SSC CGL 2015 Tier II Quantitative Aptitude paper 12-4-2015
In this artical,Quantitative Aptitude Questions – SSC CGL. candidates you are facing any problem to download SSC CGL quantitative aptitude questions to follow our websites. Numerical aptitude section is most important part of SSC CGL Exam which is set to check the quantitative knowledge of all the appearing aspirants. In order to download SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude questions and answers, you must visit our website and download it from here.
Quantitative Aptitude Questions – SSC CGL 2017
SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude practice question is available here to download in pdf format. Here we are sharing a set of 50 fully solved quantitative aptitude practice question for your pre-exam and mains exam preparation. SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Questions you can download from the link given below at the end. Just hit the link and download SSC CGL aptitude questions for practice.
SSC CGL 2012 Tier 1 Question Paper   Quantitative Aptitude
We are sure that these SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude questions 2017 will help you to prepare well for the upcoming exam. Further information regarding SSC CGL Exam syllabus, the pattern is also available on this website. You can easily get syllabus & pattern in pdf format by login our website SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude questions 2017.
SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude Practice Sets
Just hit the link and download SSC CGL aptitude questions for practice. We are sure that these SSC CGL Exam quantitative questions will help you to prepare well for the upcoming exam. Further information regarding SSC CGL Exam syllabus, the pattern is also available on this website. You can easily get syllabus & pattern in pdf format by login our website SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude questions 2017. You can easily get syllabus & pattern in pdf format by login our website.
SSC CGL 2013 Tier 1 Question Paper 2nd shift Quantitative Aptitude
You can easily get syllabus & pattern in pdf format by login our website.Just hit on the link and download SSC CGL aptitude questions for practice 2017. We are sure that these SSC CGL Exam quantitative questions will help you to prepare well for the upcoming exam. Further information regarding SSC CGL Exam syllabus, the pattern is also available in this website. You can easily get syllabus & pattern in pdf format by login our website. Stay tuned with our website for getting the latest updates regarding SSC CGL upcoming exam.
SSC CGL 2016 (Tier – 2) Online Exam Paper – Morning Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)
SSC CGL quantitative aptitude questions
Those candidates who are preparing for upcoming CGL Exam are advising to all the candidates that try to solve more and more practice test related to numerical aptitude section so that you can do better exam preparation. You may also download SSC CGL Quantitative aptitude questions 2017 with answers by visiting our website. As we all know very well that every competitive exam is very important for us. Each competitive exam covers various essential sections on Quantitative aptitude questions and answers.
SSC CGL 2016 (Tier – 2) Online Exam Paper -02-December-2016-Quantitative-Aptitude
Candidates who are going to face any competitive exam and want to crack this need to prepare in good manners without leave any topics. If you need any help then you can share with me. Dear candidates are you facing any problem to download SSC CGL quantitative aptitude questions 2017 so don’t worry about this, just leave a comment in the below box. We will try to help you to solve your problem-related SSC CGL Exam. Candidates are advised to must focus on most important topics which surely asked in the examination.
SSC Exam 2017
SSC CGL 2017
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sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL Descriptive Question papers
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SSC CGL Descriptive Question papers
SSC CGL Descriptive Question papers will be helpful for those candidates who want to qualify the CGL Exam. All candidates can download SSC CGL Descriptive Question papers by visiting our web page. SSC organization hold the SSC CGL tier 1 examination and now after declaration the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam result, candidates are waiting to check SSC CGL Descriptive question paper to know the pattern of SSC CGL tier 2 exam.
SSC CGL Descriptive Question papers
SSC CGL Descriptive Paper 2017
SSC CGL Tier 3 Descriptive Question Papers
SSC CGL Descriptive Question papers
Aspiring candidates who have passed the online written exam, they may be preparing for SSC CGL descriptive paper 2017 which will be held soon by the department. Those candidates can download SSC CGL Descriptive paper pattern 2017 from here at free of cost.
To check the pattern of SSC CGL exams like which type of question asked from which topics, how many questions asked in Descriptive paper and other important things. Those applicants who qualify the Tier 1 exam will be called for the next level which is SSC CGL Tier 2. To crack the tier 2 exam you must check the SSC CGL Descriptive Question paper from here.
SSC CGL Descriptive Paper 2017
So candidates will able to download SSC CGL paper 3 admit card also by visiting our web portal. Those candidates who will clear the Descriptive paper of SSC CGL exam they will be selected for the Assistant post. Keep visiting our website to get the latest information about SSC CGL Descriptive paper. We also were given some SSC CGL Descriptive question paper to know the exam scheme which helps to score good marks in the Descriptive paper.
Through this article, we are sharing SSC CGL Descriptive paper preparation series. This paper contains 100 marks and it’s a decision making the section. As you now SSC will conduct SSC CGL Tier 3 for Group B & Group C post. They can download SSC CGL Descriptive question paper, SSC CGL Descriptive paper pattern and other important details which you want to know can check easily by visiting our web portal.
SSC CGL Tier 3 Descriptive Question Papers
Paramount Descriptive Writing for SSC – CGL ( TIER – III ) also for CHSL, SBI ( PO ), IB and Other Exams
Paramount Varnanaatmak Lekhan ( Descriptive Writing ) in HINDI for SSC – CGL ( TIER – III ) also for CHSL, SBI ( PO ), IB and Other Exams
Descriptive Writing Learn how to write on ESSAY, LETTERS, APPLICATIONS, REPORT nad PRECIS SSC-CGL (Tier-III)
All the important part for SSC CGL Tier 3 descriptive paper are letter writing, essay writing, precis writing, Application writing but the main question in CGL 2017 is how to write a letter , essay and other, you can refer the SSC CGL descriptive question paper which is available here to download in pdf file. By hit on the given below link, you can easily download it. If you want to get more information regarding SSC CGL Tier 3 Descriptive paper, then you can leave a comment in the below-mentioned box. We will try to help you to provide all details related Descriptive paper.
SSC Exam 2017
SSC CGL 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL Maths Mock Test, Model papers
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SSC CGL Maths Mock Test, Model papers
 In this article we are sharing all the SSC CGL practice sets which are provided by various coaching institutes. The candidate download SSC CGL Maths model test paper our websites pdf file then you can just follow the below given link and download these papers easily from here by visiting our website.
SSC CGL Maths Mock Test 2017
SSC CGL Math Model Paper 2017
SSC CGL 2017 Math mock tests
SSC CGL Maths Mock Test 2017
SSC CGL Maths model question paper comprises of question from general knowledge, data relation, data interpretation and representation, and such others.
We also provided below a direct link to practice through SSC CGL Maths Mock Test 2017 series which help you to improve their speed and accuracy.
SSC CGL math’s model test papers are made available to the candidates for the exam. From these paper, how question come in the exam can be checked. SSC CGL Maths Mock Test 2017 will contain the syllabus oriented questions by which you will know what kind of improvement you need to bring so as to achieve much better in exam.
SSC CGL Math Model Paper 2017
This entire SSC CGL maths’s model paper is the important part of any competitive exam and so is to take on serious note. Model test paper for SSC CGL Exam will make you much stronger for the exam preparations. Download SSC CGL Maths Mock Test 2017 is also given below and make it a part of your timetable to solve each paper for the exam daily.
Model Paper 1 Download Model Paper 2 Download Model Paper 3 Download Model Paper 4 Download Model Paper 5 Download
SSC CGL 2017 Math mock tests
If you want to improve their speed then you must practice through these model test paper and mock test paper. To give their best in this exam candidates need to prepare well and cover all topics related CGL Exam.Please download the SSC CGL Maths Mock Test 2017 with solution and analyze your sectional & overall score of the mock test.
Mock test 1 Download Mock test 2 Download Mock test 3 Download
This will give you an idea about your accuracy, speed and the number of questions which you have attempted is wrong and right. To check the further information regarding SSC CGL English section, quantitative aptitude section model test paper you must connect with this page and check the site regular basis.
SSC Exam 2017 
SSC CGL 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL Study Material downloads
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SSC CGL Study Material downloads
In this article, we are providing the SSC CGL Study Material downloads this website. Candidate can check for SSC CGL study material provided on this page. Job seekers don’t waste your time because there is not the time to prepare well for those exams. SSC CGL exam study material & solved question paper pdf file is available here to download. Here we give the information related to SSC CGL Exam syllabus, exam pattern etc that useful to score more in that selection process.
SSC CGL Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Preparation books 2017
SSC CGL English Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Reasoning Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Aptitude Study Material 2017
SSC CGL General Awareness Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Preparation material 2017
SSC CGL Exam Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Study Material 2017
Those candidates who will obtain highest marks in the CGL Examination may get a job in that department. All job seeks are advised to prepare well for this examination in this year. To gain good marks in these examination candidates should prepare well for those exams.
This is a golden chance to the job hunters to get government jobs which come under the government sector. Each candidate should use this opportunity. Job seekers need to prepare well for that selection process that only decides the jobs of candidates in SSC CGL in this year. Before the examination candidates should download their SSC CGL Admit card from the below given direct link also.
SSC CGL Preparation books 2017
If you are busy in their preparation and want to get SSC CGL study material 2017 then you have reached the correct web page. In this article, we have given SSC CGL Exam Pattern, Syllabus, SSC CGL exam question paper with solution, SSC CGL model test paper, SSC CGL best books which will help you to cover all topics related which will be asked in the CGL Exam.
Staff selection commission notified the advertisement to conducts the SSC CGL Examination to recruit a number of candidates to fill the vacancies exist on the Assistant position on SSC organization in this year. It has various numbers of vacancies and interested candidates should go through below information to download SSC CGL study material to prepare well for the upcoming exam. SSC CGL Exam books free download pdf, SSC CGL preparation books free pdf file is available here to check.
SSC CGL English Study Material 2017
Just click on the given below direct link and download SSC CGL preparation books and also buy it various website which is, amazon, snap deal at 50% discount. There different kind of books material which will be useful for every candidate those who are willing to take the preparation of SSC CGL Exam which is easily available in the market. To download
To download SSC CGL preparation books 2017 with complete SSC CGL study material 2017 you must login our website and download the complete syllabus from here. Dear candidates already the registration process is closed so, only applied candidates up to now in either online or offline should start their preparation for tier 1 exam which will help in the upcoming month. To obtain good marks in the CGL Exam, SSC CGL Study material is available for download from this web page.
SSC CGL Reasoning Study Material 2017
Candidates can check the subject material and short cut given below. We are providing important SSC CGL quantitative aptitude important formulas books in pdf format for the convenience of candidates. SSC CGL model question paper is also provided here to download in pdf free of cost to do practice. Still, many candidates will be searching for gathering material. Then our website is the right place for getting
Then our website is the right place for getting SSC CGL study material 2017 and tips for upcoming SSC CGL study material 2017. Contenders can refer the official website for further details regarding SSC CGL recruitment 2016 notification. Contenders will be selected based upon their performance in the computer based online test & final stage examination. Candidates are suggested to check the SSC CGL complete selection procedure from here and start preparation.
SSC CGL Aptitude Study Material 2017
SSC CGL Preparation Material 2017 is available here to check. In this article, we are providing the SSC CGL Preparation Material 2017 from our web page. If are you looking for SSC CGL study material & SSC CGL preparation books then you are in the correct place to get every information regarding CGL exams like Study material, preparation books, previous year papers, model test papers and other important CGL study notes for all sections.
Candidates who desire for this job must read this post very carefully. The information provided on this web page is very important and if you will study the SSC CGL study material then you will get selected very easily. Here you can read the whole SSC CGL preparation material 2017 which is complete.
Eligible candidates are informed that Staff selection commission declared that there will be an examination for the recruitment of talented and willing candidates in several posts in SSC. Our team will help you in every aspect to get all the information about the SSC CGL preparation material or syllabus.
SSC CGL General Awareness Study Material 2017
Those candidates who want to appear in the exam must start their preparation and download SSC CGL exam preparation study material from here by visiting our web page. Candidates are also advised to view our other important posts about the SSC CGL exam recruitment. The syllabus, exam pattern & complete marks structure are also given in this web page, so you can check it also. Staff selection commission is going to conduct an exam for the recruitment of Group B & Group C under the government of India.
Dear aspirants if you are going to present in the SSC CGL Exam then you should well SSC CGL Preparation study material 2017 to crack examination of SSC with high marks because who will get qualify in this examination they will be eligible to attend the next phases. To download SSC CGL exam preparation material you need to visit our web portal and download complete SSC CGL preparation tips 2017 from here.
SSC CGL Preparation material 2017
SSC CGL Previous papers for all applied job hunters are very important to study material for preparation best of SSC. Via SSC CGL question paper candidates may get knowledge regarding exam pattern and understand the difficulty level of exam. After analysis the exam pattern you can easily cover all topics through best books. There are several books available in the market. But you many aspirants don’t know which books are good for preparing any competitive examination.
Here in this article, we are sharing some direct link which presents best books for SSC CGL preparation tips 2017. By click on the given link you can easily download it in pdf format and also you can buy it. Dear job hunters if you want to know about study material of the SSC CGL Examination, you can log in our website time to time because we have current information on SSC CGL Study material 2017. Candidates who want to grab this dream opportunity must study their preparation with the best study material.
SSC CGL Exam Study Material 2017
Candidates may use some connected books that are written below on this web page. I hope these books will helpful for you to preparing well for the examination. Candidates are advised to stay connected with this web page for getting new notification regarding SSC CGL preparation tips 2017.
SSC CGL Previous year paper will hell all the candidates for their preparation, here the question type is multiple choice question answer if this SSC CGL preparation tips 2017 in pdf file format you can download it in free. If you need more SSC CGL Exam questions paper with or without solution then you can request us just post a comment, for better preparation. We will try to help you to provide more SSC CGL solved question papers to practice.
SSC Exams 2017
SSC CGL Exam 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CGL Preparation strategy - Prep Plan
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SSC CGL Preparation strategy - Prep Plan
SSC CGL Preparation strategy – Prep Plan is available here to check. In this article, we are providing the SSC CGL Preparation strategy – Prep Plan 2017 from our web page. SSC CGL exam preparation strategy and study material are available here to download in pdf format. We are providing SSC CGL preparation tips also which are very useful for all contenders who are preparing for the SSC CGL examination 2017.
SSC CGL Preparation strategy – Prep Plan
SSC CGL preparation strategy 2017
SSC CGL 2017 Exam strategy  
SSC CGL 2017 Preparation Strategy
SSC CGL Exam Preparation Tips 2017
SSC CGL Preparation strategy – Prep Plan
Staff Selection Commission has recently published the notification to conduct the CGL examination on their official website. After successfully release the notification they all are waiting to check their SSC CGL Admit card. Here we are providing the SSC CGL admit card download link.
Click on the given link and download complete details regarding SSC CGL upcoming exam. SSC CGL preparation tips to crack the examination. Those candidates who are going to appear in the upcoming SSC CGL exam then must follow these tips which will help you to obtain a good score in this examination.
SSC CGL preparation strategy 2017
Candidates are suggested to visit our website and download also SSC CGL Preparation Plan 2017 from here.
Download their SSC CGL Exam Syllabus: – To prepare well for the examination candidates need to know the exam syllabus very well. By knowing the exam syllabus you can easily exclude the topics in which you are not good and prepare better in those which you can easily do. So the candidate is advised to check their SSC CGL exam syllabus very well and read all topics which will be asked in CGL examination.
Check SSC CGL Exam Pattern: – After finding details regarding Syllabus then Candidates can check SSC CGL Exam pattern and with the help of pattern candidates know the total no of questions asked in the exam, duration of exam and other important things.
Practice through SSC CGL Previous year papers: – The candidates should repetitively solve the previous year papers to understand the exam pattern and level of questions paper very well.
Learn shortcut tricks & formals: – To attempt maximum questions in the CGL examination candidates need to learn the short tricks which work wonders in any type of preparation. After saving time you can attempt a maximum number of question in the examination.
Mock test paper: – Candidates are suggested to practice through one mock test paper which will increase their ability to attempt maximum questions in the exam. After improving their speed and accuracy you can attempt maximum questions to clear the overall cut off.
So don’t worry about this, in this article we are sharing SSC CGL preparation tips 2017 which will help you to make a schedule according to exam syllabus and after then you can easily start their preparation.
SSC CGL 2017 Exam strategy  
This part is useful because of the pattern of questions asked in this exam. This section is very scoring so candidates need to focus more on this section.
Firstly need to divide the time for each section according to your exam strength.
The idea is to cover Reasoning and aptitude section first and after general awareness & English section. Try to solve these parts in 80 minutes.
After completion, these two sections then move on General Awareness and English section given 20 minutes to this part & 20 minutes for GK.
If you save more time then try to solve left questions.
Focus mainly on accuracy.
Dear candidates as we all know that as soon as possible SSC organize the CGL examination and now all candidates are curious and worried about their preparation like how to crack SSC CGL Preparation strategy 2017, how to prepare study plan. The dear guy is you starting their preparation to crack the SSC CGL 2017 exam then here in this web page, we are sharing SSC CGL preparation strategy  for those candidates who don’t know how to prepare for the CGL exam.
SSC CGL 2017 Preparation Strategy
Candidates need to be confident and don’t be nervous about their examination.
Collect all important data for doing the better study for the examination.
Make the timetable and schedule for the exam preparation.
Join the best coaching center for the exam preparation.
Prepare all the important topics which are most important for SSC CGL exam. Don’t miss any section.
Revise all the prepared section for doing better preparation.
Check all SSC CGL Previous year papers and study material. Practice through SSC CGL previous year question paper.
SSC CGL 2017 preparation plan 2017 to crack the exam: – Those candidates who are going to appear for the upcoming CGL exam now they can check preparation plan. After reading this article you can download complete SSC CGL Preparation strategy 2017 from here and start their preparation to qualify all section.
SSC CGL Exam Preparation Tips 2017
If you practice regularly basis you will able to maintain speed and accuracy to attempt all questions in the real exam. So candidates are suggested to visit our website and check the SSC CGL study tips 2017 from here and start their preparation as soon as possible to give their best in these examinations. Staff selection commission is ready to organize the CGL examination on various examination centers.
Many candidates register for this examination to make their future in government jobs through SSC CGL Preparation tips 2017. To crack all section in SSC CGL exam you need to prepare well and make a study plan which will help you cover all topics related Reasoning ability & General Awareness, General Awareness, Quantitative aptitude and English language. Reasoning section is an important aspect of this exam.
Quantitative aptitude is also an important part of SSC CGL Preparation Plan 2017. With the help of formulas and short cut tricks you can qualify this section easily by this section take much time to solve. So set your time format and start practicing through it. General awareness is scoring section to qualify the overall cut off. If you want to prepare well then you can easily getting qualifying marks.
In this section, the question will be asked from current affairs of National and international news, important dates, current science, sports & culture topics. Another important and scoring part of SSC CGL exam is general English. You can focus on main topics which are errors, comprehension, Para jumbles, cloze test, Synonyms & antonyms etc. In this section, the question will be asked from current affairs of National and international news, important dates, current science, sports & culture topics.
SSC Exam 2017
SSC CGL 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
How to crack SSC CGL exam in first attempt
Latest update on
How to crack SSC CGL exam in first attempt
In this article, we are providing the How to crack SSC CGL exam in a first attempt this available website. Candidates can chek the How to crack SSC CGL exam in the first attempt from our web page.First of all its great if are you serious about preparation for SSC CGL Exam because SSC is the best organization which conducts the CGL Exam and another exam for various posts.
How to crack SSC CGL exam in first attempt
The job hunters who are interested in joining the SSC organization should not miss applying for SSC CGL recruitment before the last date. All the candidates are required to appear for tier 1 exam followed by tier 2 and tier 3 exams.
Only those candidates will appear for Tier 2 exams who will successfully qualify the SSC CGL tier 1 exam. To crack the exam it is a good time to start your preparation to be in the list of successful contenders, issued SSC at the end of the recruitment process for a particular year. SSC is an Indian organization which conducts various competitive exams to appoint various desirable aspirants.
Crack SSC CGL in first attempt
Before applying for SSC CGL recruitment it is a big question in mind for fresher aspirants that How to crack SSC CGL exam in the first attempt. They don’t know how to make SSC CGL Study notes. Here we are providing best tips to crack the SSC CGL exam 2017 exam. To crack the SSC CGL you have to follow a strategy. Here we are guaranteed tips from those aspirants who want to attend the SSC CGL exam. Candidates who desire for a job in a government bank have to necessary appear in this exam.
Here we have given some tips to help you how you can crack the SSC CGL exam in the first attempt. Follow our tips and tricks to crack the upcoming SSC CGL Exam. Those candidates who are looking SSC CGL recruitment 2017 admit card, study material, previous year question paper and other important dates can check it from here just log in our web portal. SSC CGL has issued notification for various vacancies of Group B & Group C.
How to crack SSC CGL in One Go
More than 40 lac aspirants register for this exam to make their future in SSC organization.
SSC CGL Preparation tips:-
To do give their best in SSC CGL exam, preparation well English section candidates are advised that you make reading a regular habit. Read newspaper daily basis and mark those words that you are not sure about. Check these words through the dictionary.
Firstly check the SSC CGL Exam syllabus and exam pattern to know the exam scheme which type of questions asked in the exam, how many questions asked from which topic, duration of exam and other important information you can easily find from here.
Follow only one book for each subject and never get confused about the book. Buy best SSC CGL exam preparations book from which was recommended by various experts.
For Quantitative Aptitude, section candidates are advised to complete the whole math’s from Kiran chapter wise.
For the English language read the S.P Bakshi books and word power made easy for vocabulary and also refers the Hindi Newspaper which will help you to improve your vocabulary section.
For GS section read the Lucent and Manohar Pandey of Arihant publication.
No need to read any book for reasoning section.
Once you cover all topics related your exam syllabus then you can practice on the previous year question paper.
Don’t lose their hope.
Never feel that you can’t clear the exam.
Focus on your aim and try to get success.
Dear aspirants as we all know that SSC CGL is a tough examination but those candidates who want to crack this exam make a study plan and strategy to achieve their goal. The CGL is definitely one of those exams where most of the candidates want to crack it for the first time.  Follow these steps to crack the SSC CGL Exam in the first attempt.
Solve SSC CGL Previous year question paper: – To crack the SSC CGL Exam the most important source is SSC CGL Previous year question paper because many questions of this exam are repeated. Just purchase a single book containing previous year SSC CGL solved question paper and solved it 3-4 times. After completion the book, you can practice more and with the help of papers, you know where you stand before the exam.
SSC CGL section wise tips
For reasoning section: – Reasoning ability is most important and scoring section of SSC CGL Exam because the questions of this section are predefined. Just practice the question paper and you will definitely crack the exam and score well in this exam easily.
General awareness section: In this section question will be asked from current affairs .you will invest more time, but your return will be low. I will recommend you not to waste their much time here just read the newspaper daily basis to cover the general awareness section.
For English Section: Dear aspirants as we all know that General English is an important part and also a scoring section to attempt maximum questions. You can‘t guess which idioms, antonyms, synonyms, verb etc will be asked in the examination. If you prepare well then you can, easily get maximum marks. Reading is a good habit to improve their ability to solve maximum questions.
QuantAptitudesection: – It is a most important part of SSC CGL Exam. With the help, you can qualify this exam. Just purchase a good book recommended by our expert member and start their preparations to qualify this section. Try to solve every question within 1 minute.
Focus on important topics: – Candidates are advised to focus on those topics which are very important to point of view. Be confident while answering the questions and don’t get tensed.
For getting a job in government sector candidates have to qualify the combined graduate level exam which is conducted every year throughout the country. Around 40 lac aspirants apply for SSC CGL exam for joining the SSC organization as an Assistant profile. SSC organization has released the exam date and admit card for SSC CGL Exam 2017. Now all job seekers who have applied for this they are searching SSC CGL best tips to qualify CGL Exam.
SSC Exams 2017
SSC CGL Exam 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus, questions, model Papers
Latest update on
SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus, questions, model Papers
In this article, we are going to discuss the SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus, Model Papers on this official webpage. It has announced the SSC CHSL Maths Syllabus 2017, questions, maths model papers for the candidates. We are going to discuss the important part of Mathematics section for SSC CHSL 2017. The SSC CHSL recruitment is announced for the candidates who are seeking for the Government job. There are many applications had received by the exam board.
SSC CHSL Maths Study Material 2017
The application form should be submitted on or before the last date without fail. After the last date, the application form will not be allowed. Here, the exam board will analyze the application form which is received. The exam board announces the entrance test to the candidates. The candidates must prepare for their examination to get their desired job.
And the exam board informs the details about the admit card. The admit card is a hall ticket for the candidates. The candidates should collect the exam admit card from the official website. They have to carry they admit card on the examination date to the exam hall. The exam board conducts the entrance test to the students. The students will look at the SSC CHSL math syllabus 2017 of this test.
SSC CHSL Maths syllabus 2017
They have four different subjects involved in this examination. Among that, we are going to discuss SSC CHSL Maths syllabus 2017. The Maths subject has 25 questions. And each question carries 2 marks and therefore total marks for this subject will be 50. Only the multiple-choice questions are available in this exam. The candidates have to work out for the problems asked in the SSC CHSL 2017 maths question paper. Only then they can able to get their right answers. They can also look after the topics which are discussed on this subject.
Important Topics
Number systems
Computation of the Whole Number
Decimal and Fractions.
Relationship between numbers Fundamental arithmetical operations
Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages
Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss
Discount, Partnership Business
Mixture and Alligation
Time and distance
Time and work.
Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems)
Graphs of Linear Equations.
Triangle and its various kinds of centers
Congruence and similarity of triangles
Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle
Common tangents to two or more circles.
Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons
Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone
Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres
Rectangular Parallelepiped
Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base.
Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios
Complementary angles
Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin20 + Cos20=1 etc.,
Statistical charts
Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram, Pie-chart
The study materials are huge in number. Among that the candidates can select their suitable one. Now, there are some candidates would like to use the previous year question paper. The previous year question paper will be very helpful to the candidates. The reason is that they can able to guess that the how the question paper is set. And they can also get to know about the repeated questions found in the question paper. The previous year question paper will be available on the internet sites.
SSC CHSL Maths model papers 2017
Therefore the candidates would not find any issues on getting the previous year question paper. They can download the SSC CHSL math question paper and keep on practicing with it. When the candidates get the exam notification they have, to begin with, their exam preparation. The study materials are necessary to learn for the exam. After knowing the SSC CHSL syllabus, they can go for choosing the study materials. There are some of the candidates would like to get the SSC CHSL maths model papers.
Those model papers will be available on the official website. The candidates can download the model papers from the website. These model papers will be prepared by the experienced author. So, the candidates can download the model papers for their practice. But make sure that the model test papers are similar to the SSC CHSL syllabus 2017 of this examination. Else, the candidates cannot prepare with this question paper. The post details are available on the official website
How to Download SSC CHSL 2017 Maths Books
There are many candidates will be applying for this examination. They have to use the books to practice well for this examination. The candidates can also download the SSC CHSL Math books from the website. If they have any doubts while downloading the books, they can follow the below points.
Go to the official website.
Select the name of the post.
Choose the book link.
Many SSC CHSL Math books will be displayed.
Select the needed one.
Click on download option.
Take a Xerox copy of the saved book PDF.
These are the steps to download the book PDF from the website. The candidates can download the SSC CHSL book PDF in Hindi. Thanks for visiting this post. We will update the latest details regarding this post on our website soon.
SSC exams 2017
SSC CHSL News 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC JHT 2017
Latest update on
SSC JHT 2017
SSC JHT 2017 notification, application, syllabus, admit card, exam date, pattern, model papers are available. Get SSC JHT 2017 news and updates from the official website.  To secure their future in government sector as a Junior Hindi Translator, then aspirant needs to know about the latest notification about the vacancy.
SSC JHT 2017
SSC JHT notification 2017
SSC JHT Application form 2017
SSC JHT Eligibility criteria 2017
SSC Junior Hindi Translator Study Material 2017
SSC Jr. Hindi Translator Syllabus 2017
SSC JHT Admit card 2017
SSC JHT Answer key 2017
SSC Junior Hindi Translator Result 2017
How to download SSC Junior Hindi Translator cut off marks?
SSC JHT 2017
Immense numbers of aspirants are eagerly waiting for SSC JHT recruitment 2017 advertisement which will be published in few days at the official website of SSC. To participate in the examination candidates meet all eligibility condition decided by the SSC department. An entire detail about the SSC JHT exam 2017 is available in the information Brochure. Just follow the below-provided link to download SSC JHT recruitment notification 2017.
Finally, most awaited SSC JHT recruitment 2017 notifications have been announced by the SSC organization on their official web page. All job seekers who want to appear in the written exam may register online for this vacancy and start their preparation by downloading exam syllabus and paper pattern.  SSC examination authority holds the written examination in the month of December 2017. All applied candidates can prepare well for the exam by purchasing a good study material.
SSC JHT notification 2017
For the upcoming session, 2017-18 registration process will start in the month of September/ October month.  The opening date and closing date is mentioned in the advertisement. If you want to apply online for SSC JHT recruitment 2017, then candidates are advised to read the official notification properly without missing any single details.
Today here in this article, we are going to share some important details about latest SSC JHT recruitment 2017 eligibility criteria, selection process and application submission dates. In the month of September, SSC will begin the SSC JHT recruitment 2017 registration process to choose the best applicant for Junior Hindi Translator post. Now, those entire applicants having an interest in SSC JHT vacancy 2017 can utilize this fabulous opportunity by going through the official advertisement.
As per update for the SSC Junior Hindi Translator recruitment 2017, there are a huge number of vacancies will be offered to the capable candidates by the examination authority. Government job hunters who are searching current information about latest vacancy can apply their online application from the concerned site.
SSC JHT Application form 2017
Before going to fill the SSC JHT application form, candidates are requested to check all eligibility criteria. If you fulfill all condition then you are eligible to apply online for SSC JHT recruitment.We have linked up apply online link for SSC JHT recruitment 2017 here on this article at the end.  Candidates can use the below link to submit their registration form without wasting their valuable time.
Those applicants who are looking latest government jobs in SSC organization can also take advantage. To apply online for SSC JHT recruitment 2017 exam candidates must have qualifications like Graduation degree or post graduation from any recognized university. The selection of the applicant will be made available on the basis of paper I, paper II & personal interview. By Login, our web page candidates can collect entire updates related SSC JHT exam, whenever it will be announced.
SSC JHT Eligibility criteria 2017
Nationality: A candidates must be either:
A citizen of India, or
A subject of Nepal, or
A subject of Bhutan
Education qualification: Contenders must have a graduation/ post graduation degree from any recognized university or institution. The academic qualification will depend on the posts to which they are applying for.
Age limit: Candidate age should not exceed 30 years as on the last date of submission.
Method of selection: The selections of the applicant depend on the basis of paper I, Paper II and interview round. A separate merit list prepared by the department to select the most capable and talented applicant for vacant positions.
Staff selection commission is an Indian Organization which was setup with a purpose of recruiting candidates for various vacant posts like MTS, Junior Hindi Translator, LDC clerk and other. The main head office of SSC is located in New Delhi. Now, the SSC is going to hold the SSC Jr Translator exam 2017 for latest SSC Junior Hindi Translator recruitment 2017. To become a part of government jobs candidates can fill online SSC Junior Hindi Translator Application form 2017 by using the given below process.
Examination Authority Name: – SSC (Staff Selection Commission)
Post Name: – Junior Hindi Translator
Exam conducted on: – In the month of August 2017
SSC Jr Hindi Translator admit card released on: – Update soon
SSC Junior Hindi Translator Study Material 2017
Are you ready to attempt the examination which will be conducted in online mode in the month of August / September 2017? All applicant who want to work as a Jr Hindi Translator post then you can purchase complete SSC JHT Study material 2017 from our web page. Before beginning their preparation candidates can see SSC JHT exam syllabus 2017 along with exam pattern. Exam syllabuses contain important topics which will be asked in the examination.
Here in our post, we are sharing the link to download SSC JHT Exam pattern along with exam syllabus pdf file. To know the exact scheme of paper pattern you can download SSC JHT previous year question paper which will help you getting knowledge about paper pattern.
The entire applicants who have started their preparation to clear the written test with the good score, then you can download SSC JHT practice set paper, SSC JHT mode test paper, SSC JHT sample paper to do practice more and more as you can. Daily solve at least three to four question papers to improve their speed and accuracy.
SSC Jr. Hindi Translator Syllabus 2017
General Hindi Syllabus: Grammatical topics like samas, sandhi, Kriya wishes Han etc, Hindi paragraphs, Hindi Antonyms, Hindi proverbs, Knowledge of Hindi, Hindi synonyms, reading and writing skills in Hindi
General English: knowledge of English, Fill In the blanks, verbs, preposition, articles, error recognition, Vocabulary , Spellings, Grammar, sentence structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, correct use of words, phrases and idioms, sentence completion, reading and writing in English capability of candidates
Translation and Essay syllabus: Paragraph translation from English to Hindi, Essay in Hindi, Essay in English, Paragraph translation from Hindi to English, reading and writing capability in both languages
Dear reader, are you searching SSC Junior Hindi Translator previous paper, and then you can download it from our web page. We have provided last five year SSC JHT question paper to do practice.  It is the perfect method to get familiar with the paper pattern.
In our web post, we are going to talk about best books for SSC JHT exam 2017. There are a huge number of preparation books is available in the market to buy, but without proper guidance, you can’t able to crack the exam. The list of best reference books for SSC JHT Exam is provided below page. Just follow the link to prepare well for the written exam.
SSC JHT Admit card 2017
Have you registered online for SSC Jr Hindi Translator recruitment 2017 then we know very well that, you have started their preparation to crack the exam? Through our web page, we will inform you about the SSC JHT admit card 2017 which will be available in few weeks. All applied aspirants can access their SSC JHT hall ticket 2017 from the SSC website or directly from our web page.
If you are going to appear in the in the exam are advised to download their SSC JHT Exam hall ticket by using some essential details like registration number or date of birth. Without this certificate, candidates will not allow in the examination hall.
We will soon upload SSC JHT admit card 2017, once department will publish on their official web page. The hall ticket contains important details like roll number, registration number, date of birth, exam venue, date & time & important instructions. Keep visiting our web page for checking more updates.
Contenders are suggested to do not forget to bring SSC Jr. Hindi Translator hall ticket if you are going to attend the exam on given schedule.  Whenever SSC organization updates the link, then we will notify through this web page.  Till then candidates are advised to bookmark our web page or open the web page regular basis.
To qualify any competitive exam very hard preparation is compulsory. With the help of exam syllabus & pattern candidates can check important topics which will be asked in the exam. SSC JHT admits card has not announced yet, but it will be declared soon by the organization on their official website.
SSC JHT Answer key 2017
SSC Junior Hindi Translator answer key 2017 with question paper are released officially by the SSC on their official website after the examination will be over. SSC department conducts the written exam in the month of August. After the examination process, all applicant are finding SSC JHT answer key 2017 to know their expected score in the exam. More information you can grab from the SSC website daily basis.
SSC JHT answer sheet 2017 for all sets is published unofficially by various coaching centers and also by official SSC. Answer key of SSC Jr Hindi Translator exam would help an applicant to understand and know their performance in the examination. Check and compare the answers marked correctly in the examination by comparing with official answers.
We will soon upload SSC JHT answer key 2017 set wise published by the many coaching centers. All worried applicant can download the pdf file of SSC JHT Exam solution key 2017 and match their answer.
Aim to release answer key is to help candidates to check and match the answer key written on the answer sheet and make a rough estimation of their result. All the candidates can connect the net and download the SSC JHT answer sheet published by the department.
SSC Junior Hindi Translator Result 2017
Dear reader, are you looking SSC Junior Hindi Translator result 2017 and find out the correct link to download it, then you can visit the SSC website and check the site daily basis. There is no official notification about SSC JHT result 2017 released at We all are waiting for the result or latest notification about SSC result date of the announcement. We will update it again once we get any type of notification about SSC JHT exam result.
On upcoming month the Staff selection commission arranges the examination for shortlisted candidates for the post of Junior Hindi Translator. A Huge amount of people have filled the form and also appeared in the online examination and now they all candidate are waiting for SSC JHT result 2017 which will be announced soon by the department on their official web page.
The result of SSC JHT Exam will be declared under SSC, before checking their exam result you can check SSC Jr. Hindi Translator answers key 2017 published by various coaching institute on our web portal. Read the article carefully for checking current news about the declaration of SSC JHT exam result.
This is to hereby inform all the exam takers that they can check SSC junior Hindi Translator result 2017 that was held from August month.  the online written exam of SSC JR Hindi Translator post has just finished and candidates can get the SSC JHT cut off marks within a week from now.
How to download SSC Junior Hindi Translator cut off marks?
Login the SSC web portal.
Follow the SSC Jr. Hindi Translator cut off marks 2017 result link.
Now enter your registration number or date of birth.
Click on the submit button.
A few minute SSC JHT results 2017 will be open along with SSC JHT cut off marks.
After checking marks you can start their preparation for next round.
Take a print out copy of your exam result for more uses.
Best of luck if you like this post and you think it is useful for you then can also share this article on facebook, twitter, Google or another social site, so that your friend or other dear ones can also find and see this article easily. Candidates having any query related SSC JHT recruitment exam result 2017 then they can post the suitable comment in the below provided comment box.
SSC News 2017
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sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC UDC 2017
Latest update on
SSC UDC 2017
SSC UDC 2017 application, dates, syllabus, admit card, result, cut off marks can be downloaded here. Get SSC UDC 2017 news and SSC UDC updates are available now. Fabulous news for all job hunters who want to settle their career in SSC organization is that Latest SSC UDC recruitment 2017 notification has been released by the department on their official website.
SSC UDC 2017
SSC UDC notification 2017
SSC UDC Eligibility Criteria 2017
SSC UDC study material 2017
SSC UDC Exam syllabus 2017
SSC UDC Admit card 2017
SSC UDC answer key 2017
SSC UDC Result 2017
SSC UDC Cut off marks 2017
SSC UDC 2017
An online advertisement has been declared with complete details like eligibility criteria, age limit, selection process and other important dates. If you are unable to find out current notification about UDC exam, then you have reached on right page. From our web page job seekers can collect SSC UDC notification 2017 to grab the chance.
Finally, Staff selection commission is going to upload SSC UDC recruitment 2017 application form for the recruitment of Upper Divisional clerk post. Massive numbers of job hunter are waiting for the announcement of the exam. Contenders who wish to apply for SSC UDC vacancy 2017 may read the official notification through online by visiting our web page.
SSC UDC notification 2017
We develop this SSC UDC recruitment 2017 web notice to place latest and upcoming job information. To get jobs in the SSC department, so the candidates are already engaged in the preparation of its forthcoming examination. Below this article, we have posted a quick link to download SSC UDC notification 2017. Additional details related SSC UDC (Upper Divisional Clerk) vacancy 2017 you can check from the SSC website.
Those applicants who are eligible and want to apply online for SSC UDC recruitment 2017 can visit the official website of SSC and fill the SSC UDC application form 2017 through online mode before the closing date which is available below this article. The link will be active soon, whenever SSC department officially publishes the notice to start the recruitment process.
We are back with the current notice regarding SSC UDC Exam 2017. Lots of employment notification to recruit candidates for vacant seat release by the department every year.  Those applicants who will qualify the SSC UDC written test will able to get selected for next round of selection procedure.
SSC UDC Eligibility Criteria 2017
Staff selection commission will organize the upper divisional clerk online examination on 19 November 2017. Check the eligibility criteria from our website and fill the SSC UDC recruitment 2017 application form by visiting SSC web portal.
Education Qualification: Aspirants who are willing to apply for SSC UDC vacancy must keep in mind that candidates must be a central government employee.
Age limit: Those applicants who are going to fill the SSC UDC recruitment 2017 application form candidate age should not be above 50 years. Age relaxation criteria are applicable for reserved category candidate.
Salary Structure: Candidates who will be recruited will get a good package of salary. Candidates can also get other benefits and allowances as per management of the organization.
Mode of Selection: Aspirants will get the upper Division clerk post on the basis of their performance in computer based online written the exam which will be conducted soon.
SSC UDC study material 2017
Dear reader, if you filled the registration form by visiting SSC website for the post of Upper Division Clerk then you can check entire SSC UDC study material 2017 from here. Most of the applicant unable to qualify the examination without having good SSC UDC exam study material.
From our web page candidates can get SSC UDC exam syllabus, exam pattern, question paper, model test paper, preparation books, sample paper. To know the exam scheme, paper difficulty level, number of question, total marks candidates can check SSC UDC exam pattern from here.
Paper Subjects No of Questions Marks Objective Type Paper I General Awareness 100 100 Comprehension and writing ability of English Language 100 100 Descriptive Type Paper 2 Noting, Drafting & Office Procedure         –
  There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in paper 1.  The written test contains the maximum of 300 marks. Paper II will be conducted in both English and Hindi language. The duration of exam is 2 hrs 40 minutes.
SSC UDC Exam syllabus 2017
SSC UDC Exam syllabus: All job seekers can collect SSC UDC exam syllabus 2017 in pdf file from the below provided direct link. Syllabus of any competitive exam is very important to know which question will be asked from the important topics. SSC UDC exam syllabus contains three sections which are General Awareness, English, and Drafting.
General Awareness Syllabus: India and its neighboring countries, culture, Geography, Economics, Science, General Politics and scientific research.
English syllabus: Vocabulary, Grammar, Spelling, Sentence structure, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Phrases and idiomatic use of words, comprehension of a passage
SSC UDC exam previous year question paper is also available here to download. Those entire applicants who are preparing for Upper Division clerk post may start their preparation by downloading SSC UDC solved question paper. With the help of question, paper candidates can get knowledge about the exact scheme of the exam.
Here in our web page we also recommended SSC UDC preparation books to crack the online written exam. Applied candidates, we hope and wish to want to crack the exam so please they can be able to download SSC UDC download SSC UDC question paper from the mention below link.
SSC UDC Admit card 2017
The staff selection commission has decided to release the fresh notice to declare the SSC UDC admit card 2017 on their official website. To write the examination on given date & time candidates need to carry their SSC UDC hall ticket at the time of examination. Along with admit card candidates must bring one Identity proof certificate. Without these original document, candidates will not permit in the examination hall.
Presently all applied aspirants are waiting for SSC UDC admit card 2017. Once, SSC hall ticket 2017 has been made accessible then the qualified hopeful can produce it by using their application number or name.  The admit card contains important details such as candidates name, address, exam venue, fathers name, reporting time and other important instructions.
To settle their career in SSC organization you need to prepare well and qualify the exam with good score. We hope that this post is very helpful for you getting details about SSC UDC admit card 2017.  Below we have given some easy procedure to download SSC admit card 2017, if you don’t know how to collect it.
SSC UDC answer key 2017
Staff selection commission has organized the examination in the month of November for the post of Upper Division clerk post at various exam centers. Recently, SSC department has invited online application from all interested & talented candidates. After appearing in the exam all applicant is very curious to check their SSC UDC answer key 2017 for checking their performance in the written test.
With the help of SSC UDC solution sheet candidates can make a rough idea about their selection marks. The SSC UDC answer key 2017 will be available soon to check. Download the SSC UDC exam asked questions and answer from here by visiting our web page. Expect your SSC UDC result 2017 verifying the SSC solutions.  The SSC department will release the SSC UDC answer key 2017 in the month of January 2017. After uploading answer key of online exam, candidates will able to get it online mode in pdf file format. Read the web page for checking more updates.
The SSC examination authority will provide the official SSC UDC answer key 2017 of the written exam in the month of January.  After uploading solution key candidate can easily compare their answers with the original answer sheet. It is the perfect method to know their expected marks. By login, our web page students can obtain entire details about SSC UDC exam details.
Every year a numerous number of exams conducted by the SSC organization is to recruit eligible and intelligent candidates for various vacant positions in the different department. Aspirants who are searching SSC UDC answer key 2017, and then you can download it from our web page directly.
SSC UDC answer key 2017 pdf file also available here to download.  All attended applicant can check their SSC UDC answer sheet with cut off marks. We will soon update the link for checking new notification about UDC exam.
SSC UDC Result 2017
Looking forward to seeing you all at the well-deserved seat, here are SSC UDC result 2017 updates. Staff selection commission has successfully declared the examination on given dates at various pre arranged exam center all over the country.  SSC examination authority is keen to declare SSC UDC result 2017 for all appeared candidates in the exam. Contenders can access their exam result from the authority website. It is the best opportunity provided by the department to get the government job. After qualifying final exam candidates will able to download appointment letter.
Soon Staff Selection commission is going to issue the SSC UDC result 2017 on their official website. Those entire applicants who are worried about their score can download SSC UDC exam result 2017 from our web page. Contenders who are looking for SSC UDC result 2017 from a long time they can now download SSC UDC exam result 2017 from our web page and follow the direct link to download it.
A quick link to access their SSC UDC result 2017 we have provided at the bottom of this article. Dear reader, if you will clear the written test with required qualifying marks can download their admit card to attend the next round which is skill test. Further details regarding SSC UDC result, merit list, cut off marks you can also check our web page.
SSC UDC result 2017 will publish soon its official website so you can see your result after one or two months of written test.  If you want to check subject wise marks then wait for some time. In the month of January 2017, SSC UDC result 2017 will be announced by the department. Read the article properly before checking instant notification about SSC exam.
SSC UDC Cut off marks 2017
Are you looking SSC UDC cut off marks decided by the SSC organization, and then you have landed on the correct page? This web page is created for those applicants who want to check current updates related SSC UDC exam. In our web page, we have posted the link to download their SSC UDC result 2017. Along with exam result contender can check SSC UDC Cut off marks 2017 to know which marks is fix by the department to crack the written test. The selection of the applicant will be made available on the basis of merit list prepared by the department.
Expected SSC UDC cut off marks 2017 is available here to check. To make a rough prediction about their qualifying marks, we have prepared a list of SSC UDC cut off marks. All appeared candidates can check SSC UDC cut off marks 2017 from our web page.  We will update the original cut off marks released by the department to clear the entrance test. Qualified candidates will be eligible to attend the next round.
Cut off marks is the passing marks decided by SSC to get selected for the next level of a selection process.  SSC publish the UDC cut off marks after the declaration of exam result. Below we have provided last year SSC UDC cut off marks 2017 for getting the rough idea about an upcoming exam. Bookmark our web portal by pressing Ctrl+D for checking any type of information regarding SSC UDC exam.
Way to check SSC UDC Result 2017 Expected cut off marks
Awaited job hunters should visit the official website of SSC.
Then go to the recruitment link.
Now select link as SSC UDC result 2017 cut off marks.
Fill registration number, date of birth and password.
Check the performance and also take a hard copy of it.
If you have any confusion about the date, admit card release date, result declaration date and other than you can post a suitable comment in the below-mentioned box. We are here to solve your confusion as soon as possible. You can also subscribe with us on facebook, twitter, and another net working site.
SSC News 2017
0 notes
sscdada-blog · 8 years ago
SSC GD 2017
Latest update on
SSC GD 2017
Staff selection commission is shortly known as SSC which is ready to publish the latest notification about SSC GD constable recruitment 2017. Every year SSC board holds the examination to select the most capable candidate for General Duty constable post. This year also Staff selection commission will announce the new recruitment notification to fill the General Duty constable post. Download the SSC GD Constable notification 2017 and read all the condition which is mandatory to register online.
SSC GD Constable notification 2017
SSC GD Constable eligibility criteria 2017
SSC GD Constable study material 2017
SSC GD Constable Admit card 2017
SSC GD Constable Answer key 2017
SSC GD constable result 2017
SSC GD Constable cut off marks 2017
SSC GD Constable notification 2017
Those entire applicants who are interested in doing government job in SSC organization may register for SSC GD constable recruitment 2017. To become a part of this organization candidate need to check their eligibility criteria & SSC GD physical Eligibility details before apply online for SSC Constable GD recruitment 2017.
Here we are providing all latest SSC GD Constable Recruitment 2017 notification with full details.  As soon as possible SSC GD constable application form will be available here to fill up.  That applicant who are waiting for the latest announcement related SSC GD constable vacancy 2017, may read the advertisement from our web page.
Those entire applicants who want to serve their nation as a constable post they need to fill up SSC GD Vacancy 2017.  That applicant who have passed 10th / 12th class from any recognized board will able to fill the SSC GD online application form which is available here to fill up.
SSC GD constable application form 2017 will be released to join the written test which will be conducted soon by the organization. All important details like education qualification, selection process, and age limit, application fee, physical measurement details are also available here.
SSC GD Constable eligibility criteria 2017
To appear in the SSC GD constable recruitment 2017 exam candidates need to know entire details about the SSC GD Vacancy 2017. For checking the detailed information you can read the official notification and read the post wise vacancy details also.
Age limit: Candidates minimum age should be 18 to 23 years. Age relaxation will give to the reserved category candidates (SC, ST, OBC category).
Registration Fee:
For General Category applicant: – Those candidates who are going to fill the registration form will have to deposit fee Rs.50/-
For reserved category applicant: – There are no fees for reserved category Male & Female candidates.
Physical Standards:
For Male applicant: – 170 cms
For female applicant:- 157 cms
For the Male applicant:-
Unexpanded:- 80 cms
Expanded:- 85 cms
Recently SSC organization publicize the official notice for the SSC GD constable jobs 2017 in the various department like BSF, SSB, SSF, NIA, ITBP, CRPF, and CISF. Total 71000 vacant posts release by the SSC Department as early as possible. Those candidates who want to get government jobs in SSC organization may prepare well for the exam and qualify entrance exam with good marks.
Check Also: SSC GD Constable merit list 2017
Welcome to our website for checking latest announcement related SSC GD Constable Jobs 2017. Contenders just need to visit our site and check SSC GD latest recruitment notification 2017 and also other necessary things such as eligibility criteria, age limit, how to apply online, exam syllabus, study material, old paper and other.
This is a live web portal in the response of latest recruitment, SSC GD exam date, syllabus and answer key. Every year a huge amount of candidates appeared in the SSC GD constable examination to settle their career in this organization. So candidates are suggested to read the SSC GD constable 2017 notification from this web page and start their preparation to qualify the exam.
SSC GD Constable study material 2017
Willing and self-motivate job hunters are now at right site to get SSC GD Constable Study material 2017. We are also providing the information regarding above-stated posts pattern for upcoming exams so that applicant can easily crack the exam with secured marks.
SSC GD Constable Exam study material includes the syllabus, exam pattern, previous year question paper, SSC GD model papers, sample paper, practice set paper.  SSC GD constable syllabus will help you to beat the question with right answers if you will study properly.
SSC GD Constable Exam syllabus with exam pattern is explained below by the popular web portal. You can also download SSC GD Constable solved question paper to do practice for the examination. It is the right method to increase their speed & accuracy.
Hello, visitor if you are seriously involve in preparation for GD constable and then here in this page, you can download SSC GD constable study material 2017. To give their best in the examination candidates need to know the exact exam syllabus and exam pattern. Exam pattern is the best method to know the exact scheme of the exam, the number of question, negative marking scheme very well.
SSC GD constable sample paper with solution and also you can download SSC GD constable study notes in Hindi pdf. In order to qualify the written exam with qualifying marks then you can check the exact exam pattern and solved maximum question paper as you can solve daily basis. Additional details about the SSC GD constable exam you can check from the official website of SSC.
We also gave some reference books to prepare well for SSC GD Constable Recruitment 2017 exam. Books are the best resource for the education so if you are looking for SSC GD constable study material for writing, it’s necessary to choose the best SSC GD exam preparation books related to your exam pattern.
As SSC GD constable preparation book is available here to buy online.  All applicants who are searching SSC GD constable best preparation books to crack the exam can visit our web page and buy it online through the online shopping website. From our web page, you can get current news about SSC GD Constable Exam from our web page directly by visiting our web page.
SSC GD Constable Admit card 2017
Dear applicant, have you participated in the SSC GD constable recruitment 2017 and started their preparation to qualify the exam with higher marks, then we are inform you by posting this article is that SSC GD constable admit card 2017 will be available in few weeks.  If you want to appear in the written test conducted by the SSC organization are advised to download their SSC GD constable hall ticket 2017 by using some required details like application number, password or date of birth.
Here in this article we also upload direct link to download SSC GD Constable hall ticket 2017 directly. In our post you can also obtain all essential details about SSC GD constable exam like date, exam pattern, syllabus, SSC GD previous year question papers, sample paper, and admit card release date and other. Time to time we will inform you about the SSC GD constable recruitment 2017 exam updates, whenever it will be published by the organization.
This is Great news for all competitors who are waiting to check the details about SSC GD Constable admit card 2017. All enrolled applicant can download their SSC GD Constable hall ticket 2017 through our web page. In the upcoming month, SSC organization will hold the examination for a large number of vacant positions.
Those applicants who are finding their SSC GD Constable exam admit card 2017 to appear in the examination may check our web page. Applicants who are ready to give their best in the examination remember that SSC GD hall ticket is the compulsory document to carry at the time of examination. Without this document, you will not permit in the examination hall.
All the applicant need to the hard preparation of examination to get good result & percentage in the exam. From our website, you can download SSC GD Constable Study material 2017 which will help you achieve good marks in the exam. If you want to get the government jobs need to know the entire updates related exam. The admit card contains essential details like candidates name, roll number, registration number, date of birth, exam center, date, time & other important instructions.
It is expected that the Staff Selection Commission will organize the General Duty constable post examination in the month of August / September 2017. If you are eligible and want to participate in the examination are advised to fill the registration form before the expiry date.  It is a wonderful opportunity provided for all job seekers who want to get government jobs in this line.
As per the official notice of SSC, board candidates can collect their SSC GD constable hall ticket 2017 through online mode from the official website of the department. To sit in GD constable exam candidates must download their hall ticket at the bottom of this article.
SSC GD Constable Answer key 2017
In order to reduce eagerness of examiners, SSC department has planned to release the SSC GD Constable Answer key 2017 on their official website as soon as possible. Kindly refer to the official website of SSC and download its paper solution set wise or code wise by login our web page also. With the official release of SSC answer key, it will help candidates to review their performance. From our web page, all examiners can download SSC GD constable answers key 2017 along with SSC GD question paper.
All those applicants who are curious to know their exam result are advised to check SSC GD Constable Answer key 2017 which will help you checking their marks before checking their exam result. Answer key is the correct method to know their performance before the declaration of exam result. With the help of solution you can match their answer and get a rough prediction about their selection or not.
Earlier a few weeks back, the Staff selection commission has announced the official notification to recruit candidates for the post of General Duty constable post. Most of the applicant wants to get this post, but only hard working applicant qualify the exam with good marks. For checking more updates you can visit our web page continuously basis.
Well, we are here to help you guys, only through the SSC portal, SSC GD constable answer sheet to be issued by the department for participating in the exam. After downloading SSC GD constable solution 2017 you can evaluate their performance in the exam and start their preparation to qualify the next round. If you are unable to check out SSC GD constable answer sheet 2017 then you can directly follow the below provided direct link.
SSC GD constable result 2017
Staff Selection commission has successfully organized the GD constable post examination in the month of August / September 2017. For the upcoming session a large number of applications received by the department. After the examination, most of the applicants are worried to know their SSC GD Constable result. The result of any exam is very important. Based on marks candidates will be selected for the next round. From our website, candidates can check their SSC GD constable result 2017.
Also Check: SSC GD Joining Dates & Schedule
Job seekers who are appeared in the SSC GD constable post written examination may check all the updated details about the exam from our web page. The staff selection commission is now all set to reveal most awaited SSC GD constable result 2017 examination organization from September/ October month. To get the government jobs in SSC organization have completed the registration process round. SSC GD Merit list will also be released along with the result. After giving test every passionate aspirant is presently suffering on internet for announcement date of SSC GD constable result 2017.
SSC GD Constable cut off marks 2017
According to the latest sources SSC constable result 2017 cut off marks is likely to be uploaded shortly online portal of the SSC. Below this page, we are providing the official website of SSC for downloading SSC GD constable cut off marks along with exam result.
Once SSC organization publish the any latest news regarding the declaration of SSC GD constable cut off marks, result, score card then we will inform you by updating this web page.  All applicants can check their score by visiting SSC website. Stay tuned to our web page for checking current updates related SSC GD Constable new vacancy 2017 and other.
SSC Exams 2017
0 notes