#trypanophobia warning in notes
zerotwoooo · 2 months
stay strong you can do this most of us are rooting for you all to save popstar and be careful some has been tell in zero information about you and zero thinks that he has already won prove him wrong
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"...We will try our best!"
"Agreed. We have gotten far."
"Let's hope things go well...!"
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the-raven-lady · 1 month
(Not) The Savior You Long For [Part 2]
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[Masterlist] [My Ko-Fi]
Pairing: Night Lord (OC: Elias Rushorik) x serf!Reader [fem]
Song Inspiration: Jaws - Sleep Token [YouTube] [Spotify] “And I’m not here to be / the savior you long for / Only the one you don’t. / Are you watching me / with eyes of a predator / As you move towards the door?”
Warnings: Violence, cannibalism, explicit and detailed blood and gore, Night Lord things, ownership over reader, accidental voyuerism (sound only), trypanophobia (medical syringe)
Word Count: 3.7k
Author’s Note: 1.6k words of this are just an introduction that I wrote before I even got into the meat of it, completely by accident, because I do not know how to write without adding 30 layers of context and background (4D chess ass writing). Special thank you to @cannibalise for giving me delectable ideas and reading over some of the more graphic parts to help me set the tone!!!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Tag List: @egrets-not-regrets @sleepyfan-blog @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @bispecsual
@lemon-russ @moodymisty @dedios-of-the-word @pickpocketing-your-gender @historitor-bookshelf
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Even weeks later, you struggle to shake the psychological mark the terminator’s gaze left on you. You make yourself busy sweeping one of the main halls, pushing your broom robotically up and down the grand passageway. The other legion serfs around you serve a similar purpose: readying the ship for the return of your Primarch and his elite troops. The Nightfall had been in orbit of this planet for naught but a week, dealing with a cultish tech-society and its oppressive government, yet the Night Lords managed to convince them to join the Imperium in record time. 
Convince is a strong word. You’re intimately aware that the discussion was had in the language of acts of violence and burned cities. Having once been on the receiving end of the Eighth’s hedonistic wrath, the thought sends an unpleasant chill through you, memories of mutilation and dismemberment still so clear in your mind. It had taken months for you to stop having panic attacks at the metallic tang of fresh blood. The whirr of a heavy flamer still got to you.
On one of your passes, you sweep by the alley leading to the armory and stop, staring down the dark hall. The serf no longer hangs from the torch bracket, and the astartes that attacked you no longer sits limply against the wall. His armor had been picked at and ‘recycled’ back into the legion. You have no idea what became of either body.
Another memory involuntarily takes you back to the night you had been so narrowly saved by the terminator.
—No, you could not call him your savior. He had just wanted his armor shined, and there was something in his way so he removed it. Night Lords are selfish, self-interested and sadistic, and he was no different.
You rested the massive helmet in your lap as you worked, scraping at filth that had built up for who knows how long. It amazed you that the astartes it belonged to could even see through the lenses given how much dried blood was crusted on them. It came off in flakes before dissolving into the moisture of the wash rag. You could have called the stained fabric spotless when you started compared to how soiled with grime it was now; at a glance, no one would be able to tell that it was white before.
The terminator’s eyes watched you like final judgement. The weight of his gaze instilled an unease in your heart, stabbing at every opportunity it could: each time you looked up at him, each time you lost focus, each time you caught a glimpse of the mangled Night Lord on the floor. It all hammered at a primal spike of dread that threatened to overwhelm you, consume you entirely, reminding you that you were only alive because you were useful. The tension was just as strong as when you had been pinned to the wall or huddled on the floor.
Your washcloth eventually reached a point where it was only smearing the grime rather than removing it, and you looked up to your silent master. The power of his presence alone made you hesitant to speak, and you found your throat suddenly parched. When you eventually recovered your voice, it left you as a croak, “I-I need to grab my water pail from the other room.”
He simply continued to stare at you, unmoving. As still as the gargoyles adorning the hall. You thought for a second that maybe he hadn’t heard you, and you opened your mouth to try again.
”I need to—“
”Then do it.”
You flinched. A rolling storm, his simple response left no room for questioning. Carefully placing his helmet onto the bench, you scuttled off to retrieve the bucket from the other room. His gaze burnt holes into your back.
The water in your bucket was a rusty brown slop when you returned to it. All of the heavier contaminants had settled to the bottom in a coagulated mass while you were away, gelatinous flesh and tangled hair weaving throughout. You lifted the heavy pail, careful not to spill any of the vile concoction onto yourself. Passing by, you noted that the other serf’s water was substantially less dingy than your own, and you didn’t think twice to grab it instead. It’s not as if it was of any use to her now.
The squelch of meat being torn and defiled echoed suddenly through the otherwise silent armory, instinctually gluing you to your spot on the floor. Cracks and crunches of something solid breaking bounced around you. The abrasive sounds left your heart fluttering and nerves electric, and a panicked tension flowed through your limbs as fight or flight tried its damndest to take over. 
‘It would be safer to hide, hide, retreat to safety,’ it erroneously cried, weighing you down like lead. A comforting lie. 
One you refused to give in to. 
‘There is no safety here,’ you retorted, ‘Only certain death.’ A wolf’s den, and you were the doting lamb. The fear of facing punishment for taking too long far outweighed the hesitation to continue, and you willed yourself to step forward through the icy shackles binding you. 
The sight of the terminator tearing flesh from the body of his former brother froze you as you rounded the corner with your pail. His eyes were glazed in manic pleasure as he ripped off another juicy chunk, sharp teeth effortlessly dissecting muscle fibers from the cooling corpse. Bestial snarling and slurping accompanied every chomp, and growls at a pitch nearly too deep to hear rattled through your bones like a saw. With each gnash of his powerful jaws, blood and spit shot out of the torn hole in his mouth, drooling down his armor in crimson dribbles.
Time itself seemed to stop when his predatory gaze found you. His dilated pupils completely swallowed the outer corners of white— could you even consider them dilated when they took up so much of his eyes already?— and pinned you in place. The ravenous beast swallowed his kill in a silent threat. 
You were about to make a run for it when he lowered the defiled corpse and snarled at you, foreign viscera spewing from his scar.
You had done exactly as you were told while the terminator continued to make a mess of himself. Once you’d finished his helmet, he made you clean off the rest of his armor as a token of a job well done. 
A strong dissonance contrasted the perfectly shined ceramite and rags of human hide adorning his war gear. You didn’t understand at first why the Night Lords would go through such lengths to clean their armor, only to decorate it with the disgusting tokens of their kills and bathe it in blood again, but over time you began to recognize the mentality. The layers of blood were a byproduct of their work— terrifying in their own right, yes, however ultimately just ‘part of the job’—, but each placement of flesh and bone was deliberate; they chose to wear them. It added terror to their already gruesome countenance.
You figure you must have done well polishing his armor, because the terminator had left you alive in the end. As expected, he gave you no feedback. No thanks or gratitude shown before he simply walked off. For the second time that day, you were left in the armory with a huge mess to clean entirely on your own.
Shaking your head, you return to the present and continue sweeping, pushing the pile of dust around to keep yourself busy. 
Sharp clanks of heavy boots cut through the relative peace. You look down the hall to see other serfs parting ways and scurrying off to make way for a coming company of giants. Their armor dwarfed that of the regular Night Lords, tanks of metal and firepower that razed battlefields in their wake.
The Contekar Elite.
You knew of them from hushed whispers passed between serfs in the chow hall. Units of butchers that sowed despair in the hearts of their foes. Ruthless in how they constantly checked one another, the Contekar took advantage of any perceived weakness to prove their dominance over the rest of the legion. They were notorious for simply killing any commanders they disagreed with, and only the likes of First Captain Sevatarion or the Lord Night Haunter himself could tame them. 
Each colossus carried weapons as long and large as your entire body as they approached: chainblades, flamers, and cavitators, all ready to be used at a moment's notice. You hurried to get out of their way, tucking yourself behind a hallway corner. The monoliths of steel shook the ground with each step, a deafening thunder echoing down the main hall that signaled their arrival. There was no chorus or fanfare amongst them to be found; each marine was as silent as death itself.
They ignored you as they passed by. The Contekar couldn’t care less for the meddlings of a common legion serf, too busy with themselves to notice you, and it brought you shallow comfort.
At least, it would have. 
Preoccupied with watching the marines at your front passing by, you didn’t realize that one of them was headed straight towards you until his footfalls physically rattled the ground beneath you. You whip your head towards him and nearly jump out of your skin, clutching to the corner of the wall as he stares down at you. 
His entire body is marred with blood. Even from where you cower, you can see that he must be at least three meters tall in his armor, if not more. The digits of his power claw have pieces of mangled flesh still caught between their hydraulic pistons, forming webs between them. A mummified head dangles at eye level from a meat hook, and it crosses your mind that it could have been yours. 
You recognize his tusked helmet immediately.
The Contekar studies you. He is a perfect statue: unmoving and silent aside from the faint whirring emanating from the power pack on his back. Behind the scarlet lenses, his eyes scrutinize you down to your very last atom. A lion picking apart its prey.
“Come,” he orders, his gruff voice offering no further explanation. He takes a step away from you with the intent to continue further down the passage, and you suddenly find your limbs leaden and weak, unable to follow. Sensing your trepidation, his head turns back towards you, eyes locking on yours. The faded skull decal isn’t as cute when you’re at the receiving end of its ire.
Pain shoots up your left arm as you’re yanked off of the wall and lifted without another word. The cold metal of the Escaton power claw digs into your bones uncomfortably, sharpened claws at each fingertip poking into your flesh. The terminator grasps you by your forearm and drags you beside him until you can find your footing and walk on your own, stumbling into a jog to keep up. When you retrieve your arm, partially dried pieces of viscera stick to it from where you were grabbed. You brush them off hastily with a grimace; at least the power claw didn’t break skin.
You hug closely to the terminator’s leg as you walk with the group, not wanting to get trampled. The other serfs mostly keep their heads down as you pass them by, but a few give you a sympathetic look. The rest of the Contekar continue to ignore you.
The suites housing the Elite are grander than any part of the ship you have been in thus far. Compared to the regular Night Lord’s dorms, the metal halls leading to their private quarters are pristine. The usual decor of skulls and tanned skins is present, but there is no buildup of filth and grime along the floors and walls. The scent of fresh air is jarring. Most surprising to you is that each of the marines has their own private rooms, which you learn when you are unceremoniously shoved into one. 
The tusked terminator’s room is shockingly comfortable, for a Night Lord. A thin light strip, the same brightness of a full moon on your former world, serves as the only illumination of the dark room. Along the walls are various trophies that you assume are from his time in the field, both of his kills and plunders. A large work table and chair take up the whole of the wall to your right. Instead of a regular astartes-sized cot, there is an actual bed with pillows and a wide plush mattress. In the back corner of the room is a closed door, which you assume leads to a washroom.
Whoever your new charge was, he lives well.
A click catches your attention, and you turn to your left to see him removing the heavy pauldrons of his armor. He places each of them on the sturdy table, then turns his attention to his power claw, his gauntlets, his vambraces— steadily pulling them off one plate at a time. After removing his helmet, shakes out his greasy black hair and turns to look at you with a furrow in his brow. 
You remember your place and jump into action, aiding the marine in removing his sabatons. The plates of ceramite are much too heavy for you to lift on your own, but it’s easier for your smaller hands to get into the creases to release locks and latches. The two of you enter a wordless synergy, pulling off the heavy terminator armor piece by piece and placing each on a designated mantle. You’re extra careful not to get caught on the hooks of his armor. The desiccated head serves as a good reminder.
Even reduced to just his body glove, the astartes is colossal. His height easily dwarfs the majority of his brothers. You have to crane your neck upwards to look at his face, barely coming up to chest level on him. This close, you can see the sprinkling of grey hair within his sideburns and the lines of his face that indicate some arbitrary older age. You never did know how to tell the ages of astartes.
He uses his newfound freedom to stretch his limbs. Each is as broad as a tree trunk, and you figure they’re likely just as immovable. When he catches you staring and waiting, he simply returns the look, quietly raising an eyebrow.
“Would you like your armor shined, my lord?” you try, gesturing vaguely to the table and mantle. His eyes track the movement, looking over his war gear in silence before he gives you a curt nod. He points to a drawer beside his bed, then without further clarification turns his attention to removing his body glove. 
Within the drawer you discover a stack of folded shop towels. Why they’re there is a mystery to you. Judging by the size of the terminator armor, you decide three is enough for now, grabbing them and sliding the drawer shut. You look up to ask if the Contekar has any armor oil around, only to see him half-naked walking through the door in the corner. It swings shut behind him, leaving you once again to solve your problems on your own.
You wonder what force in this universe blessed you with such a communicative master.
It took him three entire days to tell you, “you live here,” instead of simply denying you the ability to leave and making you sleep on the floor. You swore he was going to turn your rib cage into a new trophy when you eventually did get out, trying to navigate your way back to the serfs’ dormitory for much needed food. He had hunted down like a rabbit, snatched you up from behind, and thrown you back into his quarters with a growl to, “stay put.” What the terminator lacked in words, he greatly made up for with his intimidating presence.
He did get you food, though, and an abundance of it. You hadn't seen so much variety since you were still living on your home planet. Delicacies like meat were rare to you, and you eagerly scarfed everything down. In your hunger, you did not ask where the meat came from.
It’s not as if he would have told you anyway, given how scantily he spoke. You haven’t even gotten his name out of him yet.
The only times you were permitted to leave the suite were when you could accompany him. Trips to the armory gave you vital chances to hoard cleaning supplies, having gotten accustomed to the lesser atmosphere of decay around the Elites’ quarters. On top of the standard armor oils, you managed to snag an expensive looking jar of polish, which you hoped would gain you some favor. Your master doesn’t particularly show you signs of care, but he also hasn’t killed you yet, and that has to be worth something.
On your way back to his quarters, a discordant howling rings out from one of the rooms adjacent to his. You flinch at the sound, assuming the worst: that somebody nearby was in the midst of being tortured and flayed alive, and that you would have to hear their slow untimely demise throughout the night. It wouldn’t be the first time you had to fall asleep to the sounds of screams and cries. The Contekar, however, scoffs. His nose scrunches up in annoyance, teeth bared in a disgusted snarl. 
“Don’t understand the appeal,” he grunts, shaking his head and continuing forward. 
Glancing over in confusion, you start to pay more attention to the sound. The rhythmic pattern of each holler and whine. The sound of skin on skin. The quiet pleas of, “more, please, more!” 
Your eyes widen when you put two and two together, ducking your head down to hide the blush steadily rising on your cheeks. That was not the type of torture you were expecting to hear. You pick up the pace and hope the terminator doesn’t recognize your sudden newfound urgency.
He allows you to store your armory stash in his bedside drawer alongside the rags. It nearly knocks you over when he throws an arm out to keep you from closing it, sending you staggering back with a huff. He removes one of the towels, then abruptly drops it over the top of your head. You don’t even get the chance to remove it before you’re being pushed in a direction, blindly stumbling along. A transition strip between some passageway causes you to trip and fall to the floor. Pulling the towel off of your head, your vision clears to the sight of the bathroom. 
You shoot the terminator a bewildered look before he lifts you by the back of your shirt and throws you underneath a showerhead, giving you no warning before turning it on. The cold jet hits you like a hose spray, causing you to yipe at the sudden temperature shock. Freezing water saturates your clothes. 
He breathily laughs at your agonized shiver.
Despite the rude beginning, you return from the washroom refreshed, feeling for the first time like your skin isn’t permanently encrusted with the gunk lining nearly every surface of the ship. It had been weeks since you could last bathe in any capacity. The water did warm up eventually– not warm, but not frigid– and allow you to scrub the filth off.
When you exited the shower, your master was nowhere to be seen, and there was a new uniform on the oversized counter. It wasn’t difficult to tell that it was intended for you, given the vast size difference between you and the Elite. The navy blue outfit bears an embroidery of the Eighth’s winged skull over each shoulder and lines of Nostraman text that you are unable to translate. You’re just happy the new garbs aren’t tattered and fraying like the last, which you gleefully toss. They land in the bucket with a wet squish.
As you approach the door to the main room of the quarters, you’re alerted to the sound of quiet conversation, not expecting there to be anyone but the terminator about. The tonal register is too low and quiet for you to make out any spoken words. 
You enter the space in time to watch your master sit at the table and place his arm out flat upon it. An apothecary stands beside him unpackaging a syringe. He stabilizes the terminator’s arm in the crux of his shoulder, turning his palm upwards and pressing the bevel of the needle into a prominent vein running distally from the elbow. Crimson liquid slowly fills the barrel as he pulls the plunger back.
The apothecary’s cart bears instruments uncharacteristic of typical medicae. Replacing scalpels and suturing utensils are various packaged needles and pigment bottles. A large battery pack wires into a small rectangular box, the screen and dials illegible to you from your current distance, with a strange metal stylus connected to it. Sitting atop a stack of disposable napkins is a tall wash bottle containing a clear substance. The apothecary flicks the syringe until the bubbles have all risen to the top, slowly venting the air until only blood remains, and he carefully ejects a drop into each of the waiting ink cups.
Your gaze falls back on the Contekar in time to see him rising from his chair and walking towards you. You cower back on instinct, anxiety creeping up from your chest. 
He wipes a stray drop of blood from his arm with a thumb, and when you move to question what’s going on, he jams the digit into your mouth. The coppery taste spreads over your tongue as you gag from the intrusion, unable to pull away due to the unyielding grip he has on your jaw. He jerks your head upwards, forcing you to look at him, and the abyss of his black eyes swallows you whole.
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Not everyone saw the art the first time around, so here's your Mans
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[Part 3]
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vaporwavebeach-writes · 11 months
Kinktober Day 12 (Medical Play)
BTAA Scarecrow x Reader (NSFW)
(1,223 Words)
Summary: you have a debilitating phobia of needles and Dr. Crane has the solution to overcoming those fears
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Warnings/Tags: 18+, gender neutral reader, reader has MAJOR trypanophobia (fear of needles), panic attacks, exposure therapy, medical kink (duh), crane feeding off the reader’s fear, crane being unprofessional, doctor/patient dynamic, fingering
Notes: sorry this one’s a little late LMAO but literally? as someone who had SEVERE trypanophobia, this was kinda empowering to write, enjoy the fic!!!
There was always a sense of unease whenever you found yourself at the doctors office. Maybe it was the awkward silence of sitting in the waiting room, anticipating what’s to come. Maybe it was the little intrusions that came with a basic physical check-up. Maybe it was unsettling scent of sterilized chemicals, sanitizing the room. Maybe it was those beige colored walls, glaring at you for the duration of your visit. Maybe it was the fact that you were about to be subjected to one of your worst fears. Or maybe, it was the fact that your physician is incredibly attractive.
Yeah, that too.
You find yourself, laying on his exam table, staring up at the ceiling. His voice, playful, as he explains the clinical the proceedings of this visit, reverberates off the walls.
“I’m really glad to see you taking the initiative to face your fears, exposure therapy isn’t for the faint of heart, you know.”
Your heart flutters at his words. As someone who suffered from a fear of needles since childhood, you figured that now, well into your adulthood, it was finally time to overcome that fear.
Doctors appointments for important vaccinations or even just the seasonal flu shot was always enough to spiral you into a panic. Nightmares leading up to it, hyperventilating, and giving yourself panic attacks to the point of nausea or fainting were feelings you had become all too familiar with. Feeling the prying gazes of other people in the waiting room or judgmental nurses always caused your embarrassment to spike at what you thought, was your own childish anxieties.
Seeing Dr. Jonathan Crane changed all that. When you scheduled your first session with him, his office felt comfortable. Adorned with classic horror movie posters and little mementos about his interests gave the impression that you wouldn’t be just some patient to him, but someone who he would genuinely try to help with your issues. When time came to actually talk about your fear, he wasn’t mean, or judgmental, or condescending, but he was understanding. He was someone who took a deep interest in whatever you had to say, as a patient and as a person. When he suggested the idea of exposure therapy, you were hesitant, but he had helped you come to realize that you had to start somewhere, which lead you to the clinic.
“Thanks, doctor,” you smile nervously, “gotta start somewhere, right?”
“Too true,” he says, turning to you as he walks over to the counter. “I appreciate that you put your trust in me to help you with such a… Debilitating, vulnerability.”
You hear the metallic rustling from within the cabinets. You stare back up at the ceiling, yet your curiosity gets the better of you. Glancing back over to him, you spy him preparing the needles, sending a wave of trepidation through your body.
“The syringes will be filled with a simple saline solution, it’s not harmful, but the solution is not what you’re afraid of, is it?” Maybe it’s just your anxiety, but you could swear there’s a hint of eeriness within his voice.
“Hey, uh, Doctor?”
“What is it, sweet pea?” He asks jokingly.
“I um, I just wanna apologize in advance in case I freak out at the needle.” You muster out with as much courage as you can. “Like, I-I might cry actually.” You chuckle nervously. You actually do feel the urge to cry as uneasiness fills the pit in your stomach.
“Aw now,“ There’s a playfulness to his voice. You’ve heard it many times in sessions, but it feels a little unsettling to hear it now. “Don’t psych yourself up too much, remember your breathing techniques.”
You can’t regulate your breathing at a time like this. As he makes his way over to you with a little alcohol wipe, you feel yourself beginning to hyperventilate. You feel the sweat trickling down your forehead as your throat begins to go dry. You feel faint; clammy. That alcohol wipe was the calm before the storm. You were fine when it was swabbed across your skin, but it always signaled what’s to come.
“Dr. Crane, I don’t know if I-”
“The feelings you have right now are completely expected,” he hushes you. “It’s all anticipatory, you fear the dread of it more than the actual stick itself, and I think I have found a sufficient way to combat that,” his explanation is stern, but comforting. He takes his gloved hands in yours, feeling his warmth through the latex. “Do you trust me?”
You’re hesitant. Your eyes threaten to spill tears out of the sheer distress you feel at the moment, yet Crane stares at you confidently, as if he knows you will make the right decision. You let out a shaky sigh, “Yes.”
“Good,” he grins at you. His hand makes its way to cup your cheek, gently thumbing over you. It moves up and around, to the nape of your neck and through your scalp, playing with your hair. You practically melt into his touch, fear beginning to dissipate from within you. And it’s at that moment, he gives it a tug, eliciting a soft moan from your lips. “A good method to combating fear, is to add an equally positive stimulus.” He lets out a low chuckle in response, which you feel go straight to your groin.
“I think I catch your drift.”
“Trust me,” he whirls you around on the table, spreading your legs. You can feel the heat pooling in your sex. “By the time I’m done with you, your phobia of needles will be the last thing on your mind.” He eyes you up, feeling his predatory gaze all around you like you wish his body was.
“I don’t want to be afraid anymore,” you whisper desperately.
“Then let’s not waste any time.”
You two work together to undo your pants. Your sex drips with arousal as Dr. Crane’s hand makes its way past your underwear. Your legs shake as he grazes over a particularly sensitive spot. He adds more pressure stroking you steadily as you all but grind yourself on his hand.
“God, you are such a good patient,” he groans. “Your determination to cure yourself of this fear, by any means necessary, is remarkable.”
You let out a breathy moan at the praise. You feel his fingers enter inside you, curling up and fucking away any fear you had before.
“Dr. Crane,” you gasp. “I think, I-I’m-”
“Getting close?”
“Mhm.” You groan.
You feel yourself quickly reaching your peak, eyes slamming shut. As you feel Crane’s fingers speeding up, there’s a sharp, painful sensation in your arm, making you cry out in a pained whine. With the pain, soon follows your orgasm, which tears through you frantically.
Breathing heavily, you come down from your euphoric high, to find Dr. Crane removing his gloves, smiling over at you proudly.
“Congratulations,” he smirks. “We’ve made excellent progress in overcoming your phobia, I think we’ve made a break through.” Washing his hands in the sink, he takes a seat on the table beside you, that playful tone once again adorning his voice. “However, I think we may need to have a few more sessions, fears aren’t cured overnight you know.”
You giggle, looking at him feeling giddy. You couldn’t wait for your next appointment.
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triforce-of-mischief · 2 months
Brave for You
Summary: Link usually avoids the doctor at all costs, and Ravio has never been. Courage can only go so far, and fear has a nasty habit of rebounding on itself.
Warnings: doctor visit, trypanophobia, references to needles, panic attacks
Relationship: Link/Ravio
Note: This was written as a prequel for my Linked Universe series, Overcome, but this is functionally a standalone fic if you so please. No prior knowledge of LU or Overcome is required for enjoyment of this fic.
Please reblog to show your support! Likes do nothing.
It was impossible to say who was more nervous. Link knew this, and Ravio obviously did too which made the walk to Kakariko very miserable. They were both quiet, squeezing each other’s hands every few moments as a reminder that they were still there. Their pace was slow, and it felt like they had been walking forever.
Getting them both out of the house had been its own feat, achieved with an amount of fake confidence that Link could feel slipping. He reminded himself constantly that he had to do this, for Ravio’s sake. And Zelda’s, and both of their kingdoms. Besides, Link was seventeen now, practically an adult. It had been years since he had faced this. Surely he could handle it?
Surely he could believe, even for a moment, that this time would be different?
They reached the building that Link had avoided for years, that he hadn’t stepped inside since before his first quest. He stared at the sign beside the door, barely able to read the simple letters painted on the wood.
“This is it?” Ravio squeaked, ducking behind Link like his partner could shield him from the place.
Link so badly wished he could.
He swallowed hard and grunted, “Yeah.”
His body nearly stopped cooperating, but he willed it to step forward and take them through the door.
The woman behind the front desk greeted them automatically, then raised her eyebrows when she saw who they were. “Link? Princess Zelda said to expect you, but I have to say I’m surprised you actually came.”
Link tried to say something, but couldn’t get past “Mm.” Ravio, still behind him, did the same.
The woman smiled anyway. “I’ll let the doctor know you’re here. Please take a seat while you wait.”
“Link?” Ravio whispered, his grip on Link’s hand slowly cutting off his circulation. “I don’t feel good…”
Me neither. I wish we didn’t have to do this. I’m sorry. “I know.”
The wait probably wasn’t as long as it seemed, but Ravio kept asking short, anxious questions.
“Is the doctor nice?”
If they were the same one, no. “…I don’t know.”
“Will it be fast?”
“Can we go to the bakery after?”
“That’s a good idea.”
Ravio shifted in place, bunching his long sleeve in the hand that wasn’t holding Link’s. “…Will it hurt much?”
It took multiple deep breaths before Link could answer. “…Yes.”
Ravio whined, “Do we have to do this?”
Link wanted to say no. He wanted to stand up and pull Ravio right out the door. He wanted to take them away and never let anyone hurt him or his partner. It would be so easy, and he almost did-
“Link and Ravio?”
It was too late.
“Come on,” Link said, to Ravio and himself as they stood.
It was hard to breathe. Ravio was gasping too, and he stumbled as they went to greet the doctor.
Link didn’t recognize them; they gave a genuine smile before waving and turning to the examination room.
“It’s so nice to meet you finally, Link,” the doctor said as they gestured for Link and Ravio to enter first. “And your friend, of course. You’ve done so much to help this kingdom, I’m very glad that you’ve agreed to protect yourself and others from this latest wave of sickness.”
Link wished they would stop talking. He just wanted this to be over- no, he wanted this to not happen at all. But if he let the last of his facade crumble while Ravio was watching him-
The doctor let them sit beside each other, and Ravio hid his face in Link’s side while Link stared at the floor. The doctor was still talking, and Link missed most of their words until they paused, waiting for a response.
He shook himself and made an inquisitive sound, his gaze still fixated on the floor.
“I said, since Ravio hasn’t done this before, how about you go first so he can see how it works? I’m sure our brave hero will be a great demonstration, won’t you?”
The doctor’s voice was genuine, but Link knew that he was going to prove them so very wrong. He didn’t feel anything like a brave hero, he felt small and scared and the only thing keeping him from running away was his partner, nervously clinging to him. Link looked up, just to see Ravio peeking at him. He had to do this, if only so that Ravio wouldn’t call himself even more of a coward next to Link’s terror.
He would go first, then it would be over.
There was nothing more that would happen before Link had to face this.
He couldn’t imagine a world where that thought was comforting.
He nodded, the movement so barely there that he almost hoped that the doctor would miss it.
“Wonderful. Ravio, would you like to see, or would you rather let it stay a secret?”
Ravio whimpered and shook his head firmly, his face still buried in Link’s tunic.
“Of course. Link, if you feel the same, I advise that you look away now.”
Ravio made a confused sound as Link immediately moved to match him, hiding his face in his partner’s scarf. He was shaking, he knew, but it was too late to stop it. Silently, Link apologized to Ravio for not being as brave as he thought he would be.
He felt the doctor roll his sleeve up, out of the way. He smelled something sharp. He flinched violently when something cold pressed against his arm, Ravio whining as Link squeezed him tight.
“Link, I thought you said…”
Link didn’t remember what he had said. He only remembered hands, and screaming, and-
After so much anticipation, it still came as a surprise, and it took every bit of Link’s self control to hold himself still despite wanting desperately to tear his arm away, so he wouldn’t have to feel it inside. A shattered sob escaped him, muffled in Ravio’s scarf as his partner, anxious and scared with him and for him, started to cry too. It took another few moments for Link to realize it was over, and he pulled Ravio closer with the arm that wasn’t sore and aching.
It was over, Link reminded himself again and again. He never wanted to do it again and he couldn’t stop the memories replaying in his mind but Ravio was there, he had made it through, he was done.
Link was safe, but now it was Ravio’s turn.
A fine example he had been, breaking down in his partner’s arms.
“Link, is it really that bad?” Ravio begged, pulling away until Link forced himself to look his partner in the eyes. “If it made you that scared- I don’t want to do this, please don’t make me do this-!”
“He’ll be right there the whole time, just like you were for him,” the doctor said briskly. “You’ll be just fine, you saw how quick that was.”
“I’m here,” Link repeated, because he didn’t know what else to say.
He didn’t know how the doctor still had so much faith in him. If Ravio tried to run away, Link would let him. Din’s flames, he would lead the way. He would stand before Zelda himself and explain that nothing would come between him and his partner.
Ravio didn’t want to flee. He fell hard, back into Link’s arms and Link caught his partner and held him tight.
“Link,” Ravio cried, so confused and still needing to find comfort in one who was just as terrified as he was.
“I don’t- I can’t-” Link said, and choked on tears of his own.
“Keep holding him,” Link heard the doctor say. “You’re almost done.”
“I’m sorry,” Link sobbed into Ravio’s hair. “Just- just keep breathing, Ravi, please-”
Ravio wailed, his nails digging into Link’s skin, and Link had never felt less brave.
“It hurts!” Ravio screamed. “Link!”
Link had never felt more useless.
The doctor stepped away, infuriatingly calm. “All done. Was that so bad?”
If Ravio hadn’t needed him, Link thought he would’ve strangled them.
Minutes passed before either of them were able to stand. Link gently pulled Ravio up, feeling numb as his partner leaned fully on him for support.
Link took a shuddering breath in, trying to keep his voice steady. “The- the bakery, remember? We’re gonna… c’mon, let’s go to the bakery.”
Ravio nodded silently and squeezed Link’s hand. Link squeezed it back and hoped that, with a clear mind and the promise of pastries, they could forget everything that had happened.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
Winds of Change
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: spencer is really not good at confrontation and he realizes his profiling skills are kind of lacking at the moment. or in which reader goes through a lot and makes a choice. [sequel to riptide]
pairing: spencer reid x cyberintelligenceexpert!fem!reader 
w.c: 4.4K
warnings/content: description of hospitals; mentions of unfaithfulness & divorce; animosity btw coworkers; not as angsty as the other chapters; tw!pregnancy; details of a case that involves tw!abduction, people getting arrested and tw!someone getting shot; descriptions of nightmares, allusions do drowning; trypanophobia (fear of needles); tw!panic attacks; jemily if you squint; ah there's also fluff, i'm not a monster; conversations about future plans.
A/N: summary sucks i'm aware! that's been on my notes for far too long. i was deciding whether i should kept my old writing style or make it fit my new one but none of the options would have match the other two chapters so i kinda mixed the two. that's why "y/n" is in here.
➶ ➷
Raymond Henley and Carlos Stewart were arrested that evening.  
Thanks to the hard drive files Y/N had stored minutes before everything happened, there was enough proof of the data breach; luckily she had gotten there before Carlos could enter her office and wipe out everything.  
Aaliyah Zara was found safe and sound in an old building on a different neighborhood. When her aunt said that the girl would never run away; she was right. But the girl's father, Miron Zara picked his daughter up from school that day, as a surprise. The only reason this was never brought up during the investigation was because the cameras never got images of his vehicle — he parked strategically in a street corner with no surveillance.  The data breach was contained. Well, the FBI covered it with as much excuses as they could. Everybody knew that the money could never be fully recovered.  “How is she?” Derek asked JJ as they tried to keep their conversation as low as possible for the sake of the hospital hall creepy silence. 
“Sleeping.” The blonde replied, adding a third packet of sugar on the cup beside hers. Her lips instantly lifted in a grimace once she poured in the fourth. It wasn't for her anyway — she at least hoped this would calm Spencer's nerves down. “Her liver was fixed up, thankfully. Doctor said that if the bullet crossed an inch longer she might've lost it.” She stole a glance at her best friend. His neck in an odd position as he took a nap against his will on the uncomfortable waiting room chair and curls covering half of his face. His body was too tired so it was bound to happen, he couldn't fight it anymore. When a wave of jet black hair crossed her eyesight a few feet away JJ quickly made an excuse. “Can you take this up to him when he wakes up? I need to do something.” She didn't wait for Derek's nod to leave.  
“Family of miss Y/L/N?”  
Before Derek could utter a single word, Spencer's head snapped around to the sound of Y/N's name. A hiss left his lips at the crack his neck gave out. Derek watched Spencer carefully as they both moved to hear what the Doctor had to say.  
Emily stopped staring at the TV to lift her attention to JJ, she wasn't paying attention, her mind was griped in worry for her best friend.  
“Is Y/N pregnant?” JJ was specialized in talking to victims families, which means that she needed to smooth out the territory before revealing the awful truth, as a way to making them feel better even for an unique second. But now she didn't feel like beating around the bush. And by Emily's reaction she could tell she had been right. She breathed out in astonishment.  
“Don't tell anybody. She just found out, she isn't ready to—” 
“I wouldn't do that, Em.” JJ said softly. Emily gave her a look of gratitude. “So, Spence and her...”  
“I'm still trying to figure that out myself.” Emily sighed heavily.  
“His reaction when she got shot didn't made it clear enough for you?” 
“I knew he was seeing someone.” Emily bit her cheek, “I knew she was seeing someone, too. But I didn't know they were seeing each other.”  
Isn't she married? JJ wanted to ask but she stopped herself. This was none of her business.  
Emily stood up with her eyes glued to a certain spot. When Jenifer followed her gaze, she saw there was a doctor talking to her co-workers. So, they made their way there.  
“... also, there's no risk to the baby. They'll both be alright.” Emily froze her walking and JJ almost bumped into her back. Oh my god, she mentally yelled, studying Spencer in panic. He had a frown etched into his face. “Miss Y/L/N will only go through the usual recovery process and—”  
“Wait— I'm sorry.” Spencer cuts her off as Derek shared a look with the girls behind the Doctor. “What did you say?”  
The women raised her eyebrows, “Uh, the recovery process—” 
“No,” He interrupted again, almost losing his patience. Emily would have to intervene soon. “About the—uh, the baby?”  
The room seemed to go down to minus forty degrees when the specialist carried on. “Oh, of course. The fetus wasn't jeopardized by the wound or the loss of blood. She's still early on the pregnancy and there's higher risks on the first trimester, but there's absolutely nothing to worry about besides carrying on with the usual check-ups.” She regarded everyone that had gone quiet with curiosity. “You might visit her soon. She will be awake at any time now.”  
“Right. Thank you so much.” Emily said, dismissing the women politely. When she left, Derek still had a lost look on his face, JJ was stealing a glimpse at Spencer's reaction and Spencer was... Well, he was staring at the floor. His mind working on full strength over the past few weeks.  
Her behaviour. Literally, all of her behaviour lead to the present diagnosis.  
He even rulled out pregnancy from the mental list he'd made when she had gotten sick. She had said it was just a bad stomachache. Since he hadn't seen her nauseous or dizzy after she claimed it, he let it go.
That's because I had not seen her at all these days.  
But she had been distant this past week. Was this why?  
How could he be so fucking dense?  
“Reid?” Derek squeezed his shoulder and he blinked a bit startled. “You okay?”  
“Yes.” No.  
“Can I have a word with him, Morgan?” Emily appeared out of thin air by his side. No, she had been there all along, you idiot. It just feels like you're out of the loop right now. Get a grip.  
As soon as Derek left, Emily cleaned her throat, making him look at her. “Reid, how are you feeling?”  
He seemed to wake up at that moment, “Me?” His features suddenly smoothed out in realization. “You knew.”  
Emily opened her mouth but shut just as soon as she did. “Spencer—” 
“You knew she was pregnant and you let her go on in the case?” An indignant look took over his face as he retracted his arm from her reach. Not missing the way the hurt flashed though her eyes. “Emily, she could've—” 
“There was no imminent danger, Spencer—” 
“Yes, as we saw a few hours ago!” He snapped and stormed out, leaving her alone in the visiting room as he marched towards his girlfriend's room.  
“Go.” Derek ordered the blonde that watched the scene unfold anxiously. She turned to him, “Go talk to Prentiss.” He nodded in the brunette's direction. Derek understood he wasn't needed, but JJ was. It's always JJ that deals with a solemn Emily in certain moments, somehow, she is the only one that knows what to do. What to say. And now she was needed. Because Spencer must've said something harsh as he usually do when he's mad. Jennifer knows, she was on the receiving end of his anger once.  
•°. *࿐ 
Stop swimming.   Let it go.  
Let it go.  
Y/N didn't want to let it go.  
She was a very good swimmer back in her youth, those skills don't go away with time, do they?  
It felt like she was in the ocean. Barely keeping her head above water as her legs struggled below. Every time she tried to go forward, towards the trees, she felt something pulling her in, drowning her.  
She could only see trees. No sand, no land. Just trees.  
Not having the knowledge that you are dreaming can gift you a feeling of despair. That you don't know how you got there, why would you even be in the sea in the first place?  
Although, having the knowledge that you're dreaming can be quite terrifying. You know it isn't real. This isn't really happening. But do you know when will it be over? It can go on for minutes but it always feels like hours, days even. Dreams are deceiving. Nightmares are entrapping.  
She knew this wasn't real. And she was drowning. She couldn't breath. She couldn't see what was ahead because her vision was blurry.  
Y/N didn't want to let go. She didn't want to stop fighting. But she was tired and desperate, there was no other way out.  
She stopped swimming.  
When she woke up first, she felt nothing. It was numb. Then, itchy sheets and a distinct but strong smell. There was a heaviness on her right hand which was the first thing she actually felt. Fluttering her eyes open, she was received with light green and white. Hospital. I'm in a hospital. After her brain made up where she was, the heaviness on her hand intensified to a squeeze. She turned to the side, blinking repeadly so her sight could adjust.  
A hand grasped her own. She squeezed back still a bit confused. But when she looked up, a warmth filled her chest almost immediately.  
“Hi,” The corner of his lips turned upwards as he watched her trying to grasp her surroundings.  
“Hi.” Y/N swallowes, her throat was incredibly dry for someone that was drowning. He seemed to understand her actions as he offered a cup with a straw for her to sip the cool water. “Thanks.” She croaked out, clearing her throat. His hand supported her back as she shifted to a sitting position.  
“How are you feeling?” Spencer asked, leaving the cup on her bedside table. Y/N studied him carefully.  
“Fine. And you?” He raised his eyebrows and her forehead creased in confusion as she scanned over his features. No bandage, not even a bandaid on his face. “All that blood you had in you, Spencer." She said, lifting a hand to touch the side of his chin, turning it to the side. "How are you not in a bed right now?”  
His eyes softened. “That wasn't my blood, sweetheart.” The crease in her forehead deepened. “It was yours. You got shot, Y/N.” He gave her hand another squeeze, this time bringing it to his lips.  
It took her a while to understand that but Spencer waited patiently. She was still heavy on meds, it wasn't like he expected her to not be confused right after waking up.  
“Right.” She said, eyes unfocused. “Did you... find the girl?” 
“Yes. She's safe.” Spencer watched her attention drifting elsewhere. “Y/N?” 
“What about the—” 
“Arrested. We got them too. Are you okay?” He quickly studied her heart monitor screen to see if anything was altered.  
Y/N shifted in her position. She was feeling uncomfortable. She felt naked. “Can you take these off?” She gestured for the cannula inserted in the back of her hand, frowning as she looked at it. “I hate it.” She wanted to scream. She felt trapped. Was she awake yet? This is real, right? 
“No, sweetheart. It takes the medication into your system faster, you can't take it off.” 
“Just— just get it off of me, Spencer.” The constriction in her airways made it difficult for her to breath. Her eyes assuming a moist aspect. Taking her hands in his was the way Spencer found to grab her attention, the heart monitor going off.  
She hated needles. She hated hospitals all-together. That was one of the first things he learned about her when they were still getting to know each other. 
“Hey, hey, look at me.” He cupped her face, locking their eyes.  
Letting out a shallow breath she mumbled a tearful “I hate needles—” 
“I know.” He said calmly. It was heartbreaking but he had to be the one who calmed her down. “Breath in for five and breath out for four, okay? Can you try it with me?” he requested softly, caressing her cheek. 
She did it after a few seconds. During ragged breaths the repetition helped her chest fill up with oxygen again. Relief washing over her body.  
It wasn't long until her head was resting upon Spencer's chest once he climbed up in bed with her in a rather uncomfortable position. He didn't care. As long as she was alright with it.  
It took five minutes of idle conversation for Y/N to forget about the needles. Spencer made sure to cover her hand and forearm with the blanket so she wouldn't pay attention to it.  
“You should get some sleep.” He muttered, kissing her temple softly. 
“I was having a nightmare, I don't want to sleep.” She said quietly, playing with the fabric of his dark brown sweater vest.  
A frown etched onto his forehead, “You wanna talk about it?” She denied the request with a shake of her head, leaning further into his touch.  
Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the door and a doctor entered the room right after. The same woman that had given news about Y/N's wellbeing to the team before.  
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N. I'm Doctor Young. How are you feeling now?” She strode to Y/N's side, eyes glued to the medical chart. Spencer split apart from Y/N to sit in a chair, giving her a smile to reassure he wouldn't be going anywhere. 
“Tired.” Y/N shifted on the bed, “But fine.” Something seemed to come up in her mind. “Actually, I'd like to ask something.” She said, cutting Dr. Young off just as she was about to explain whatever was on her chart. 
Y/N then gave Spencer a look that silently said she needed to talk to the woman in private.  
“I'll go grab a coffee and be right back.” Spencer pressed his lips against her forehead, offering the doctor a tight-lipped smile as he left the room.  
•°. *࿐ 
“I need to tell you something.”  
She said as soon as he walked back into the room. God, it was hard to even swallow.  
Spencer gave her a nod, taking a sip of the coffee. That's awful. He left it aside with a sigh, moving to sit beside her bed.  
“You— I don't know how you'll react.” She said, her head working like wildfire.  
“Why are you worried about how I'll react?” 
“Because I lied to you.” Your breath stopped for a moment. “For a few days. Not on purpose, of course. I just— I wasn't ready to tell you yet.” 
Spencer leaned back on the chair, “Okay,” he said calmly. 
She surveyed his face, not being able to grasp what he was thinking. What he was feeling. He didn't let on any reaction. “Okay?”  
She hated profiles and their abilities to mask their emotions.  
Spencer let out a sigh, leaning closer. He took your hand, carefully enough to not move the wires. “I won't be upset or mad at you. I promise, alright?”  
She pursued her lips, inhaling longingly.  
“I— I got a divorce.” Y/N let out, gulping. Is that it? Really? “Just waiting for the papers to be signed.” 
Spencer hummed, brushing back her strands. “How are you feeling about this?” 
Lifting her chin, she looked up at him confused. “What do you mean?” 
“Your marriage just... ended.” 
“That couldn't be qualified as a marriage, Spence.” She rolled her eyes. “I was done with him.” As soon as I met you. “I'm happy with you, do you understand that?” 
Spencer nodded, smiling softly when he felt her fingers curl around his wrist and a tug at his arm. He sat on the edge of her bed just like before. 
“There is something else.” She whispered, playing with his fingers to ease her mind.  
“You can tell me,” He mumbled, pecking her forehead.  
Y/N stammered before speaking, but when she finally said it it was like a weight lifted off her shoulders.  
“I'm pregnant.”  
Spencer didn't move nor did he said anything, which made her flinch away from him to take a look at his face. He was smiling. Almost grinning if it wasn't the fact that he was holding it back.  
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her eyes narrowed at him. “Did you know?” 
“Not exactly.” 
Y/N stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean not exactly, Spencer? Who told you?” Who even knew? was the question running around her mind.  
“Nobody!” He widened his eyes, watching her getting worked up quickly. It really was not a good sight to make Y/N mad. A bit frightening, if you will. “Actually, Emily—” 
“Sweetheart, let me speak.” Spencer asked kindly. Y/N pressed her lips together, her eyebrows creasing. “Emily had to tell the doctor and I overheard. That was it, alright?”  
Y/N nodded, forehead smoothing slightly. “Yeah, okay.”  
"Did you know that, statistically, 97% of people have one or more secrets; which makes it an average of 13 secrets per person? Depending on what you're keeping and who you are keeping it from, it can cause damages to your well-being, like reducing one's emotional resilience or cognitive issues and— I'm rambling." He winced, cutting himself off. "Sorry." 
You chuckled, poking his cheek. "I told you I don't mind it when you do." With a clear of throat, she kept her gaze on him. "Thirteen secrets per person uh? How many of those have you kept from me, Doc?"  
"You'll never know." She snorted, rolling her eyes as he smiled cheekily. She'd have to be one of the only people that actually paid attention when he drifted away from the main subject. 
His eyes studied her for a bit before he grasped her attention again, “Why didn't you tell me? Do you know how dangerous it was for you to enter that case?” 
“I'm pregnant, not stupid. I knew what I was doing.” Y/N retorted, giving him a look. “And I didn't tell you because— Because I wasn't ready yet. I didn't even know what I wanted to do yet. Was trying to figure out my own mind.” Her eyes softened, “But I am sorry.” 
Spencer nodded understandingly, caressing her cheek. “It's okay.”  
Her face scrunched up, “If I didn't know you any better I'd say you were excited.” 
Spencer looked down at their hands, the corner of his lips lifting slowly as his mind worked with possible future images.  
“Aren't you?” When he met her eyes he realised he shouldn't have assumed what she was going to do. He didn't want to induce her on anything. “I mean... What do you want to do? I'm sorry I didn't ask before—” 
“It's fine.” She shifted on the bed, bringing her body closer to his. “I want to keep it.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes. I've thought about it.” She shrugged, messing with the small part of his tie that was being displayed. Y/N lift her chin just like the previous position to look at him. “Are you okay with that?” 
“If you are then I am,” he leaned down a bit to press a kiss against her lips. She hummed in response.  
"But it doesn't just concern me, Spence. It's- It's bigger than that, isn't it? I don't want you to regret it later. So, just- just think about it." 
He frowned, forehead twitching in confusion, "But it's not my choice, Y/N. It's yours. It's not my place to regret it or not- not that I ever would regret it," Spencer quickly added, squeezing her hand. "Just know that whatever decision, I'll be there, I won't leave your side. Never."  
That was safety felt like. Not empty bed and cold sheets.  
“I guess, I should let them in now?” Spencer said after a while of soft talk between them. Y/N frowned in confusion but then her eyes lit up in understanding.  
“Right. Is everyone okay? Did anyone else get hurt?”  
“No.” Spencer shook his head in response, brushing hair behind her ear. “Don't worry. They're all good. I'm gonna send them in now, alright?”  
She nodded, adjusting the blanket on her lap.  
As soon as Spencer left the room, a few seconds later, came in an exasperated Penelope Garcia. A grimace formed on Y/N's lips.  
“What were you thinking scaring me like that!” The blonde exclaimed, walking towards her injured friend's hospital bed. “Ms. Y/L/N, you do not get to get shot and give me a heart attack, okay?”  
“Sorry.” Y/N replied with a sad smile and quickly opened her arms in which Penelope found herself in no time. “Didn't mean to scare you, Pen.” They haven't known each other for long but in the little time they've had they clicked instantly. Especially because of their common interests.  
Sniffling, Penelope nodded against her shoulder. “It's okay. It wasn't your fault, baby. But we were so worried.” 
“You gave us a little scare there, hacker.” Derek chipped in, crossing his arms. He would admit later on that he actually took a liking to her in the meantime they were working together. “Glad you're okay. We all are.” He switched looks with the team and in the end locked eyes with Spencer, who was just watching everything quietly. “Especially pretty boy over there. He was out of his damn mind.”  
Spencer cleaned his throat, finding something on the floor very interesting. Y/N gave him a soft smile.  
Derek didn't need anything else to be said to understand what was going on between them. But he would most definitely have a talk to Reid another day.  
“So, you're feeling good?” Emily studied her for a while.  
Y/N gave her a reassuring smile and nodded, “Yeah. All good. Ready for another one, actually.” 
“You're funny.” Spencer snarked, giving her a look to which she scrunched her nose at.  
They stayed inside the room until the doctor kicked them out, because only one person per visit was allowed, not the entire FBI.  
Y/N asked for Emily to stay behind before she could leave with the others. Emily did, her serious demeanor never changing.  
Y/N knew what was going on inside her head. 
“Em, it wasn't your fault,”  
“You could've died.” Emily croaked out. Now that everyone had left she felt her will to cry growing even more. She almost lost her best friend. “Y/N, you could've died.” 
“But I'm here. It barely grazed me, okay? Em.” Y/N mentioned her to get closer, offering her hand. It wasn't truth. The bullet hadn't barely grazed her. It had punctured her body which caused a big blood loss. But that was beside the point now. The important is to complete vanish this stupid idea of Emily's mind. “It was not your fault.” She said firmly, bringing her closer so she could embrace her. Feeling a nose burying in her shoulder and her hospital gown getting wet because of tears, she carried on. “I love you. Stop blaming yourself, I'm right here and we caught the bastards.” 
They both shake with Emily's surprise laugh. Y/N is more than satisfied with the reaction. 
“I love you, too. Don't ever scare me like that again, okay?” 
“I promise.” 
Emily left the room after they had their moment, and Spencer walked in not five minutes later. He didn't spare a word before diving straight into her arms. Carefully, of course, given her injuries.  
"Oh, hello," said Y/N as a smile spread on her lips. But there was a hint of concern when he buried his nose into your neck and let out a shaky breath, "Hey, you okay, Doc?" 
His voice was muffled by her clothing. She frowned, not understanding. 
“Spencer, what did you say?”  
He turned to the side, and she could see the man with a lazy grin over his lips.  
“I said that I'm happy,” he repeated, trailing the edge of neck to her cheekbones with a finger. “I'm glad you're okay." He said, smile faltering. "I was so scared to lose you."  
"I'm right here," she said, leaning her forehead on his. "Don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon." A hum of satisfaction left her throat when the corner of his mouth raised in a grin.  
"That's good." He whispers. "Because I'm not going to let you go anywhere." Again. 
Y/N tilted her head enough so their lips could meet. The kiss was slow, safe, it felt like it should happen. Like a lot of things in her life at that moment. Spencer pulled back when she started chuckling, brows knitting in confusion.  
She raised a finger, a silence request for him to wait her laughing fit stop. Spencer studied her face with a mix of amusement and slight concern. He stole a look at the heart monitor again. 
“Are we going to be parents?” It's what leaves her mouth. Her face flushed as she recovered from the laughs. "How is this— That's insane, isn't it?" She scans his face for any trace of regret but only proceeds to find a fond gaze. "Oh, stop looking at me like that!" 
"Like what?" He tries to hold back a grin but it's foolish.
"Like you're completely in love." She says, hand hovering over his vest absentmindedly. "You're going to get bored of me soon." She lets out quietly, watching as he prepares to protest. "Even so, would you take me as I am? Stubborn, paranoid, reckless and extremely hard headed?" 
"You could say stubborn again."  
"I will stick this needle into your jugular vein."  
Spencer let out a boisterous laugh. His eyes wrinkling on the edges. There was no other reaction besides her fond gaze. She is so in love, she feels like an idiot.  
“I will take you as you are," he took her hands in his, thumb drawing circles on her palms. His amber eyes met hers. "Stubborn, paranoid, reckless and extremely hard headed." He lists on, bringing one of her hands to his lips and then the other one, without breaking eye contact. "There's nothing that I would change in you and there's nothing that would make me love you any less than I do. I felt for who you are now and I will keep falling for who you will become in the foreseeable and unforeseeable future." He pauses. "I love you. Both of you."  
Averting her eyes, she retracts her hands from his to wrap around his middle, burying her face in the croak of his neck. Vanilla and coffee and books. That's what he smells like. Home. She kissed the spot, shutting her eyes. She wouldn't dare going anywhere, this is exactly where she wanted to be.  
"I love you, too, Spencer."
➶ ➷ 
taglist: @sebastiansstanswhore 
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batrogers · 11 months
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LINK, PRINCE CONSORT Hyrule Warriors, [Tri Force Heroes]
[From my original Linkverse, That Broken Promise]
GENDER: Male ([undecided gender at birth]) PRONOUNS: He/Him HEIGHT: 5'6" AGE: 25 HEALTH: Deaf (acquired at 17), severe PTSD
WEAPONS: Magical Sword, Hylian Shield ITEMS: Hookshot, Ocarina of Time, several potions SPELLS: None
Prince joined the Hylian army in the face of the oncoming army of monsters from the witch in the Valley of Seers. He was discovered to have the triforce of courage the same day Zelda and the Castle was lost, and fought under Impa as her protege through their world touching so many eras besides their own. Other heroes fell through by various kinds of accident, but eventually, after Cia’s defeat and Ganondorf’s full return and transformation, they were all returned to their rightful place. Afterwards, once his family returned and some awkward conversations were had about him lying about his age to join the Hylian army, Prince travelled to give Zelda and himself space to recover and found himself stranded in a country whose Princess was cursed by an evil witch. With the aid of two other heroes past their own quests, they are victorious and all return safely home.
Prince vacillates between gregarious and somber, depending on his comfort and the situation he’s in. He often appears outgoing regardless of how he actually feels. He is passionate about working with Zelda to restore Hyrule to its former glory, although he would much rather do it without the burden of his reputation as Hero and General of the War. Much of his time, like hers, is spent on paperwork and meetings now although he hasn’t let his old skill fade. He is happiest when he’s physically active.
Prince does not speak, is literate in several languages, and uses mostly fluent sign language. Glossed as BSL.
Prince is bisexual but very selective about who he allows to touch him. He struggled with boundaries in the past, and still hasn’t fully recovered confidence in his ability to enforce them with others.
CURRENT MEDIA: [Note: some of Prince's backstory fics have different gender & race headcanons. As they are meant to also be standalone pieces, I will not be updating them to match however events and relationships remain largely the same and are still relevant.] Reflections of an Unfamiliar Face, rated T for mature themes Eclipse of the Moon, Series, rated E for sex, consensual and non. Who Hurt You, rated G, discussion of trauma All My Fault (I Failed You), rated T, torture aftermath Dulce et Decorum Est, rated E for porn Mine, rated M for discussion of sex, including past assault Half-Conscious, rated G, cw for near-drowning
The First Broken Promise, rated T Running the Switch, rated T, trypanophobia warning Overflow, rated M for mature themes Don't Be So Gentle, M to E rated short fiction Echoes, rated G
Songs from the playlist for Prince: Battlefield, by Svrcina People I Don't Like, by UPSAHL Great! Big! Party! by eyeamki Drunk Dazed, by ENHYPHEN Remember Them, by Jorge Rivera Harrans
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fandomficsnstuff · 29 days
Sickness Within
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(Warnings: Daisy takes out a walker, instances of Trypanophobia and angst, some fluff, a bit more angst and some more angst)
Note: Part 3 of Days Gone by!<3
“Are you and uncle Daryl going to rob these people?” Daisy asked softly, eyes on the ground and head low as Merle frowned at her “why’re ya askin’?” he asked and she shrugged lightly “I don’t know, you robbed those people before, the ones we met before this group” she muttered and Merle anxiously looked around before leaning closer to her “ya don’t ever mention that to these folks, a’ight girl? Never” he whispered harshly and she frowned at him “I’m not stupid, daddy, of course I won’t” she muttered with a pout and Merle smirked, patting the side of her head briefly “that’s mah girl” he leaned back in the chair and continued to clean his gun. “I like these people…” Daisy muttered and Merle studied her before sighing “would you be sad if we robbed ‘em, then?” he asked and she stayed quiet, looking back down at the ground and finally she shrugged “I guess, but it doesn’t matter” she mumbled quietly.
Daisy cautiously looked around as everyone stopped their vehicles, eyes looking around the desolated area, staying a tad too long on the dead bodies outside. “Hey, you listenin’?” she looked back at her uncle’s words, softly nodding “yer stayin’ close to me, a’ight?” he asked again and she nodded, smiling softly at him “like glue” she said and opened the car door, getting outside, putting her backpack on as Daryl got out and walked around the car to her side. “Like super glue, a’ight?” he asked and she nodded again, seeing him give a small nod back in return “c’mon” he mumbled and joined the others. Daisy walked up to Carl and looked around, gesturing to a nearby body “I wonder who did this” she mumbled and looked at Carl, seeing him shrug as they both walked with the rest of the group “maybe it was the army?” he asked and Daisy shrugged herself, looking around as they reached what should be the entrance, but it was shielded off. Daisy frowned as she walked closer to the metal but when a low whistle caught her attention she turned, seeing Daryl nod her over, wanting her to stay close to him. She walked over to him and he gave her his hunting knife, showing her how to hold it “a’ight, you stay behind me if shit hits the fan, don’t do some stupid shit, a’ight?” he asked and glanced at the approaching walker and she nodded, eyes locked on it’s stumbling form as it slowly shuffled closer to her. “A’ight, ya kick the asshole’s legs,” her uncle kicked the walker’s legs after approaching, cracking the already fragile bones, making it fall to the ground and he nodded her over, gesturing to it’s head as it gnawed at her. Daryl bent down and held the walker’s head down, giving a quick glance to his surroundings to make sure no more walkers popped up. “A’ight, come on, c’mere” he gestured Daisy over, using his free hand to take her hand and move it to the skull, guiding her to the back of the head of the wriggling walker, letting her feel the small hole like dent in the far back, near the neck. “Feel that? C’mon, use yer knife” he instructed and she nodded, hesitantly plunging the knife through the back of the skull, cringing at the crushing sound it made as the walker stopped moving. Daryl let go and nodded “a’ight, c’mon” he nodded towards the group and led her back as the others were starting to panic.
It was already beginning to get dark, walkers were getting closer and closer and Daryl made sure that Daisy stayed behind him, his crossbow raised as she held his knife in her hands nervously. “C’mon, man! I ain’t lettin’ Delilah get eaten ‘cause ya think ya saw that damn camera move!” Daryl shouted to Rick as he put down another walker, as soon as he saw a clear path to the truck he grabbed Daisy’s wrist and began to drag her towards it, only stopping when the sounds of the metal shutters lifting, his shock fading as he used his crossbow to bash the head of another walker and then shoved Daisy towards the now open doors “go on! Go! I’ll be there” he shouted as she ran towards the doors, looking over her shoulder to see her uncle right behind her. Daisy hurried inside but froze at the sight of a man pointing a shotgun at all of them, eyes wide as she clutched Carl’s hand and hid behind Daryl who was right next to her, crossbow raised right at the stranger, of course. Daisy continued to clutch Carl’s hand as they were let into an elevator, almost hiding behind him as the man attempted to joke around with Carl but only received a glare in return as he continued to hold Daisy’s hand in his. “What about you, sweetie, can I trust that you’re not dangerous?” the man asked as he smiled softly at Daisy and she glanced nervously at Carl before back at him, staying quiet as she looked down, the stranger, Jenner, nodding as it was clear that none of them would be so quick to trust him.
Daisy’s eyes were wide with horror as she watched the blood being drawn from each of them, until it was her turn, her feet almost rooted to the floor as she stayed put, Daryl noticing and grunting quietly, opting to pick her up and walk over with her, knowing she wouldn’t move otherwise. He put her down and as she attempted to move away from the needle, he held her by her shoulders “it’s a’ight, Daisy, ain’t gonna hurt” he mumbled quietly and she shook her head as Jenner began to get the needle ready. “No, no no no no nonono!” She whimpered and struggled, Jenner frowning at a cold Daryl who just continued to hold her as still as possible, seemingly not even affected by her obvious fear “she ain’t a fan of needles, her momma was usin’, in front ‘f her sometimes” he mumbled when Jenner eyed him with confusion at his cold demeanor. Daisy’s eyes widened as the needle came closer to her and Jenner struggled to keep her arm still. “Daisy? You said you liked books, right?” Carl suddenly spoke up and approached, making her turn her head to look at him, her body no longer struggling as she nodded softly, Jenner using the opportunity to quickly and gently put the needle in her, making her turn her head to the needle but Carl luckily noticed and spoke up again “do you like comics? I’m not really into reading unless it’s comics” he added and she frowned at him, tears in her eyes but not spilling over, slowly fading as she blinked them away and nodded softly, Carl grinning “awesome, maybe they have some comics here, we could read them together if you’d like?” he offered and she nodded with a soft smile, the needle being pulled out of her, a cotton piece taped in place over the wound as Jenner bent her arm for her “we have a pretty good library, not sure about the comics though” Jenner said and Daryl nodded, patting Daisy’s shoulder as it was his turn.
Daisy was giggling as Carl cringed at the taste of the wine, shaking his head in disgust in a way that made her giggle turn into a laugh. She felt as though her stomach would explode if she continued to eat but she couldn’t stop, eating until she felt heavy and full, a big grin on her lips as she giggled with Carl at the table. “Ew! No! Why would you ever want to eat that??” she asked with a cringe and Carl giggled “because he dared me to!” Carl exclaimed and she laughed and shook her head “ew! So what if he dared you, I would never eat dirt” she said with a stern tone and Carl shrugged “I was a kid!” he defended and she smirked at him “you’re still a kid, Carl!” she teased and stuck out her tongue, making him get out of his chair to chase her with her yelping and giggling, hurrying out of your chair and running off. Daryl was about to follow when Rick stopped him “let them have fun” he said in a chuckle and Daryl hesitated before nodding softly.
Daisy laughed as she continued to run down the hallway “you’re too slow!” she yelled and hurried into the break room, giggling and as she was about to hide behind the couch, thinking Carl was further behind than he was, Carl tackled her, laughing, and began to tickle her, causing her to kick and scream with laughter until she managed to get the upper hand, tickling him until you were both lying on the floor, panting and giggling with tears in their eyes. “Hey, do you think they have any comics? Jenner said they didn’t but maybe he’s wrong” Daisy asked and got up, walking over to the bookshelf and Carl got up, walking over and scanning the back of the books. They both searched but to no avail, no comics were on the shelves but a certain book caught her eye. Daisy pulled it out and read the title; ‘The Taking of Jake Livingston’, Carl peeked over her shoulder “what’s that?” he asked and she rolled your eyes “it’s a book, dumbass” she mumbled and he scoffed as he watched her walk over to the couch and sit down “I know that! I meant what kind of book” he snapped back and walked over, sitting down on the couch and peeking over her shoulder as she opened it and began to read “I don’t know, I like the picture in the front though” she said with a grin and closed the book, showing Carl the front that showed a boy with ghostly hands about to take him.
Daisy put her new book in her bag, under the spare clothes and Mr. Teddy, hoping to do it without anyone noticing but of course her uncle peeked his head over her shoulder and raised a brow “what’re you doin’?” he asked and she froze for a second before blushing, looking down sheepishly “it’s just a book!… I-I really like it” she mumbled and Daryl nodded “a’ight” he shrugged and she grinned, zipping up her bag, making sure to not accidentally decapitate Mr. Teddy. “Why’re ya packin’ anyway?” her uncle asked and she shrugged as she sat on the edge of the small bed, her feet hanging off of the edge “so I’m ready, if we need to move again” she said casually but Daryl tensed, his movements halting as he studied her with a small frown “ya don’t like it here?” he asked and she shrugged “it’s nice, but I don’t think it’s going to last” she said softly and Daryl took a moment to process her words, his frown only deepening. “Why?” he asked and she lowered her head as she shrugged, once again “well that guy, Jenner, he looks so sad when he thinks no one can see, if this place is so great, then why is he so sad?” she asked and Daryl sighed heavily, sometimes she really surprised him, and this was definitely one of those times. Daryl rubbed the back of his neck as he thought over her words, his eyes still on her as she was drawing on a piece of paper, pencil in her hand as she used the hard mattress of the bed as a surface. After a while her uncle nodded and got up, groaning quietly before walking over “c’mon, stand up” he instructed and hesitantly she did as told, Daryl nodding and giving her his hunting knife, reaching it to her and nodding “yer ready to learn how to fight?” he asked and she nodded with a grin, making Daryl nod as well as she took the knife carefully from his hand.
It was late when there was a knock on the door, Daryl getting up with a grunt, opening it to see Jenner who glanced at Daisy, whispered something to Daryl who glanced over at her as well. Daryl glanced over his shoulder at his sleeping niece before reluctantly stepping aside, letting Jenner in. “Better be quiet” he warned in a quiet growl and Jenner nodded, his eyes on Daisy’s sleeping form briefly before eyeing Daryl with hesitation, deciding to just get it over with. “I’d like to run some tests-”
“Hell nah” Daryl snapped, making sure his voice wasn’t too loud while also making it clear that this wasn’t the kind of news he wanted to hear “why the hell-”
“She’s infected” Jenner interrupted calmly, Daryl scoffing and shaking his head “nah, she ain’t bit, she ain’t runnin’ a fever neither” he growled, Jenner watching him for a few seconds longer before nodding to himself, narrowing his eyes at Daryl “that’s the point. She’s infected but shows no symptoms… Daryl, do you understand what I’m saying? You’d really let humanity be wiped out just because she’s scared of needles?” he asked calmly, but the malice in his voice was clear, “she ain’t some damn lab rat! I’m all she’s got now, I ain’t lettin’ her be some damn test subject, she’s just a girl!” Daryl yelled angrily at Jenner, forgetting about the sleeping girl for a second and he quickly looked over at her, seeing her still on her side, her back to him and he let out a brief sigh of relief at not having woken her up, at least, he thought he didn’t. Daisy’s eyes were open as she listened closely, eyes barely open, sleep still lingering in them. She had begun to wake up the second she heard a knock on the door but had gradually woken up more and more as they continued to talk. Daryl studied Daisy for a while longer while she seemed to be fast asleep, his heart racing and he looked back at Jenner, shaking his head as he came to a conclusion.
“Nah… nah, yer ain’t layin’ a hand on her, so don’t even think about doin’ shit to her, ‘cause I’ll gut you like a deer if you do” Daryl growled before walking over to the door, opening it and scoffing at Jenner “don’t make me throw ya out” he warned harshly and Jenner sighed to himself, he had no samples left anyway, so he left.
Daisy tensed when Jenner explained how it would happen, the air lit on fire, her hazel eyes wide as she clung to Daryl, tears filling her eyes as he quickly ran from her to get a fire axe, beginning to try and cut down the metal door blocking their exit. Daisy was frozen in place, her hand furiously scratching behind her ear until Carl grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he ran to get his things “Daisy, come on! We have to get our things!” he called and quickly her brain started itself back up, her feet running down the hall to get her backpack, joining up with Carl after gathering everything in the room that was her’s and her uncle’s, running back to the control center just in time to see her uncle try to hack Jenner in two with the axe, stopped by Rick and Shane. “Uncle Daryl” Daisy sobbed and he quickly moved to her, holding her behind him as he turned back to Jenner “let us the hell outta here!!” he yelled loudly and Daisy ran to the metal door and began to kick it, punching it as much as she could despite the pain in her hands and feet. She was one of the first to run out when the door finally opened, running as fast as her feet could carry her until she reached the glass entryway. She couldn’t help but cry as the doors wouldn’t open, hugging Carl tightly as everyone tried to get out. She ran for cover with Carl as Rick ordered, hiding behind a half wall, hands over her ears with her eyes shut tightly as the window exploded and before she could even get up herself, her uncle had picked her up, sprinting towards the broken window and putting her down, practically shoving her outside “c’mon! C’mon c’mon” he hurried and the second he got out he shoved her towards the truck “go!” he yelled as he began to run, always keeping her in front of him and when they both reached the truck he picked her up and threw open the passenger door, practically throwing her inside and shutting the door, getting in himself just in time for the entire building to blow up, his eyes quickly moving to Daisy as she stared in horror at the flames, the rubble falling back down to the ground and without thinking he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, making sure her head was hidden away in his chest, her eyes averted from the exploded building.
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teamdarkweek · 11 months
Here on Ao3 "Routine maintenance is required of all G.U.N. agents, one way or another." Tags: Trypanophobia, Medical Trauma, Medical Malpractice, Panic, Angst It/Its pronouns for Shadow.
E-123 Omega stared across the room at his hand, which was separated from his body, on a bench, being serviced by a mechanic. The G.U.N. M.O.T. service team displeased him greatly: they had no respect for the magnificent artistry of the arsenal they served, nor his personal agency. Another Mechanic screwed his foot back on and attempted to heave him over pathetically. He glared down at them.
"Turn around, Omega. Now." Shadow growled. It also bore a grim sneer for the mechanic's weakness, but flashed a warning to Omega that it would not take his side. Predictably, Omega didn't care.
"This unit will not deprive this puny creature of a weightlifting opportunity."
"Stop wasting time." Shadow hissed. Omega whirred his fan in imitation of its snarling tone. The mechanic persisted pitifully trying to turn Omega's body.
Over their shoulders, Rouge made notes on her clipboard of every step of the process with a sickening smile for the senior of the team. He was appropriately flustered by her interest, and took great pleasure in explaining what he was doing in the most demeaning of tones. They both turned around as Omega's body clanked and the junior mechanic yelped; their fingers trapped beneath his frame as they'd managed to move him an inch.
"Omega, what's that on your back?" Rouge sighed. Omega instantly rolled off the mechanic and extended his stump hand to feel for something. Rouge nudged the whimpering mechanic to get their job done with their own other hand, as she turned back to the senior.
Shadow rolled its eyes. It was sure it would never understand how so many people instantly gave in to her smallest request when Shadow had never had trouble forcing her hand: but even Omega wasn't immune to Rouge's manipulation. He lay on his side, red eyes burning, as his fans were swept and cleaned, and a spark sent through him from a rod the senior mechanic held as he demonstrated something to Rouge.
"Oh, does that hurt him?" She asked, continuing the fake-sweet tone she had assaulted him with all morning. He shrugged.
"Machines don't get hurt. It just sends a signal through this loop."
"Right. Of course. And what about the effects of a sudden bolt going against his resistors, since you asked us to apply all brakes and deactivate any sensors? Wouldn't that damage them?"
"... only if you keep doing it." The mechanic scratched his neck with the sparking thing and winced. Rouge raised a brow to Shadow as he turned around to sheepishly put it away.
Shadow switched its attention to glaring at the mechanic, and when Rouge noticed this she excused herself to stand by Omega, one ear out and one hand making notes.
"You alright big guy?" She whispered. Omega stiffly turned his neck and his eyes flashed off-and-on briefly. She rested her free hand on his barrelled chest.
"Those twits don't know any more about complex machinery than I do. We're never wasting a morning here again." She snapped as they walked across the quad back to the main block. Shadow sniffed indignantly in agreement as Omega flexed his fingers.
"Complaint: knuckle-joint seven is obstructed. Oil and cleaning required. Vengeance desired."
"Oh, for god's sake! They're less than competent. I'm picking up a few certificates, it can't take more than a few weeks to pass an NVQ." She grumbled, taking Omega's hand in hers to examine the squeaking joint.
"Why? It's their job, you don't need to waste time with this." Shadow sniffed. It watched Rouge quickly unclip one of Omega's claws to assess, mumbling something about grit and water damage.
"Because... it's just a bore having to go down there to be told what I already knew! Besides, I'm sure Omega would prefer having friendly faces sorting him out."
"This unit does not need servicing. A machine such as this has no weak parts." Omega beeped indignantly.
"Proper maintenance should be proactive, not reactive. You will continue to have regular servicing. We will not wait until our work is impeded by your battery life." Shadow declared as they returned to their little workroom, and Omega immediately took his finger from Rouge to their store cupboard for oil. She huffed, then sat down at her computer, opposite Shadow's desk.
"I don't disagree with proactive servicing, but it would be far better-"
"Yes. Do that then. You study." Shadow growled as it input its password again, and its computer audibly rejected it again.
"Need help, gramps?"
"I'm fine. Do your work."
"Yes, boss." Rouge replied in a stupid imitation of a TV show Shadow didn't know, then put headphones in her large ears.
Shadow hated desk work, but working for G.U.N. had become more tolerable since Rouge officially relinquished the team leader title: with more access, it could comb through every corner of the organisation, including spying on the ARK scavenging projects. It had fought to be included for so long, and spent hours using her accounts before she idly mentioned that attending meetings with higher-ups was getting in the way of her other 'hobbies', and they proposed their reorganisation. The difference in their daily work had been minimal: Shadow spent less time asking Rouge minute questions, and since it didn't have its own bank account, she seemed to end the day with the same take-home pay.
But one unintended consequence Shadow found when it finally accessed its computer, was it now had a view of Team Dark's full records. It peeked at Rouge, who was tapping her pen on the frame of her glasses as she tore through mechanics worksheets, and glanced in the reflection on the lenses at Omega repairing his own hand. Surreptitiously, with the brightness of the screen all the way down, Shadow tapped into the agent profiles.
It logged Omega's latest M.O.T., as well as reviewed his latest complaint reports. Omega wasn't technically personnel, and thus couldn't be fired and wasn't paid: funds were instead set aside and dedicated to his maintenance and any business expenses he incurred, usually in damages. Shadow portioned some off to give to Rouge for her newest pursuit, and approved or dismissed the whining notes about damage and cruelty to other agents. It opened Rouge's file next.
Rouge had previous colleagues still linked in her profile, it noticed, and copied their names to its notepad for future reference - she was always mentioning people by name that it didn't know. She seemed to have been separated from them and given her own 'team' of one for a now-archived covert mission to infiltrate Eggman's operation. The reports attached indicated this was the start of her involvement with the ARK mission. Shadow had read them all already, but it checked to confirm nothing had changed lately before it transferred her the money. She instantly pinged Shadow a thumbs-up icon, without tearing her eyes from the screen.
As it went to close the files, it spotted an asterisk on her personal records. It stayed its hand for a moment, before determining that it did have that right, after all.
Unlike Omega's file (detailing OS and serial numbers) and Shadow's (containing no meaningful data, except a tick box to indicate it was alive and a note to read attached documents) Rouge had a full employee breakdown. Shadow didn't know she'd completed school through the agency, meaning her education's debt was in service to them, not the state - she was only tied to work here another year. It hoped it didn't have to think about what happened to them after that. She had been here first as a school student doing training exercises, then as an agent with courses on the side, all the while her record had remained remarkably spotless - it supposed until recently she had maintained the right to delete incidents, as Shadow deleted Omega's.
G.U.N. kept on record her height, weight, blood type, birth date and all medical interventions she had ever needed. But something struck Shadow as odd: it was sure she was taller than her record stated, at least. It hovered over the asterisks littering the page: her medical data was nearly four years out of date. Alerts lined the bottom of the page:
Medication review overdue.
Wellness assessment overdue.
Vaccination records not found.
Shadow flicked its eyes over the bulky monitor to look at Rouge, but only found a hypocrite.
Rouge declined the first nurse's appointment Shadow put in her calendar, and the date mysteriously became busy with engagements Shadow wasn't invited to. The next just happened to be a cousin's husband's birthday party, so she took the whole day off. Shadow cornered her in the break room.
"Hey, boss. If you need stuff done, can it wait? My paper's tomorrow, I'm not paying for it twice!" She said quickly, waving a textbook for emphasis. Shadow stood between her and the door.
"Don't call me that. When did you last have a medical assessment?" It remarked sternly. The only other person in the room - an older secretary, reading a book and eating biscuits - widened her eyes and hid behind the book, obviously spying. Rouge glanced her way then offered Shadow an icy-serene smile.
"Oh, must have been just before I went to find you in your nap pod, I suppose. It's all been a bit busy since then."
"So more than a year?"
"Oh, has it been so long? We'll have to get that robot a cake. Or we eat cake, and he plays with a candle maybe."
"You are overdue for your wellness check and vaccinations. So, you will complete them this week."
"Really, Shadow, they don't matter until you're getting on in years. This week's no good for me, either, can I get back to you?" She jostled her papers and took her coffee from the counter, intending to pass Shadow. It grabbed the door handle, scanning her.
"I'll definitely book it once these exams are passed. And passed. Must dash, see you soon." She said quickly, stuffing herself into its space to force Shadow's hand. The lady reading her book sniffed with mirth, then became very pale as Shadow set its eyes on her.
Rouge declined the next two appointments Shadow made. It was far above contacting HR, but still had one more cannon in its arsenal.
Omega grabbed Rouge's heel mid-kick, causing her to stumble and knocking the punching bag away with his huge frame.
"Ouch, off the boot unless you want to pay for it!" She squawked, pulling her headphones out and mopping sweat from her brow.
"You forced me to undergo maintenance."
"Officially you're equipment. You'd be retired from service without a green tick." She breathed heavily, her foot still held aloft in the air despite her protest.
"You are henceforth retired from service."
"Oh come off it! Let me go, or are you looking for someone to fight?"
"Always. Combat initiating once target has completed health assessment."
She hopped into the air in an attempt to wriggle out of his grasp, suddenly pale and squirming. Her foot slipped from the boot and she soared above him. She tutted, trying to act unbothered, while she searched for an opening to reclaim it.
"Right. You're on this too. I've been busy, and for your information, my immune system is one of the best of any kind of Mobian."
"Inferior to mine."
"I don't get bricked from clicking on a blinking 'download' link. Worry about yourself." She laughed brightly, but kept the boot in the corner of her eye as she sat daintily on the punching bag as it swung slightly.
"This is injustice." Omega beeped angrily, punching the bag with barely an ounce of his strength, so she didn't fear too much. Rouge braced her wings to slow it down and glared at him.
"Tough? This holds no resistance to me!" He declared, launching a flurry of - gentle - blows against the bag. Rouge swung her legs up and stood atop it in one shoe, showing off her balance as she sneered at him playfully.
"Your 'injustice'. That's tough. Get over it."
"I was serviced against my wishes." Omega said as he shot the string of the bag and it dropped. Rouge's wings were already spread, and she drifted down daintily, keeping her sock from the grimy floor with a gymnast's poise.
"It's for your own good. Shadow and I are responsible for you, we get to do these things."
Omega stomped over to jump on and tear apart the punching bag, and Rouge slipped her boot from his claw as he pushed her away, sliding it back on before she stepped back into the air to look down on him.
"Omega, sweetie, you're big and strong. You're both very big and strong. But I have been alive on earth twice as long as the two of you put together. I know how things work, and I handle them well. Don't worry about me." She laughed softly, picked up her bag, and made to leave. Omega tore the leather into pieces and threw one at her, missing intentionally but drawing her attention back.
"You will be performing all future maintenance on this unit?"
"Yes, now I'm qualified. I can take care of you on your terms, much better than them, not in some dirty carshop."
"Do you mistrust meat-mechanics too?"
Rouge stayed her hand on the door handle, frowning at his reflection in the glass.
"Doctors? What a silly idea. Of course I don't. Really, what ideas is Shadow putting in your head? Ridiculous." She said easily, fluttering her eyelids.
"This unit will accompany you to your appointment tomorrow if you will be in need of defence."
She spun on her heel and snapped the door shut.
"No. Absolutely not. Tomorrow? I can't do then. And, you can't come in. It's private. Meat things. You wouldn't understand."
"Observation: Rouge is scared."
"I am most certainly not! I would have no problem attending tomorrow if I wasn't completely busy. And I don't need defence to attend a wellness check." She hissed, holding the door to the training room closed, not that anyone was trying to join them. Omega lumbered over to her, looming down with pieces of leather and coarse stuffing over him.
"If you do not attend tomorrow, Shadow will book another. In such case; E-123 Omega will escort you to your next appointment, for protection."
Rouge sucked her fangs like she had been punched.
"If it'll get you out of my fur, I will try to make it. But I am very, very busy. And it isn't necessary: I'm only doing this so you two stop worrying."
She stumbled slightly as she left the room, and Omega didn't see that she left the building straight away.
Rouge presumably stayed at her own home the next night, not the G.U.N. flat that had once been hers, and now was Shadow's residence, officially all of their shared space. It noted this grimly as it ate her food; usually during the week she stayed in her old room to save herself the commute, so the outlook was poor. Indeed, nobody saw her all morning. Shadow resigned itself that she would not be attending, and went to inform the nurse of a cancellation, but was surprised to see her sitting nonchalantly on the bench outside.
"Oh. Hello. Fancy seeing you here." She said curtly, not looking up from a magazine.
"Good. You're here. I had thought you would never show up." It tried to smile as it spoke to show some kind of goodwill, but she just glanced icily at Shadow.
"Is that all you're here for? Don't you have things to do?" She sighed, the end of her sentence drowned out by a clanking metal-on-lino.
"Rouge is in attendance. Unexpected outcome." Omega said too loud for the close quarters.
"Yes, I made time, now are you going to have your mother's meeting somewhere else?" She snipped again, staring blankly at the page on this season's colours. Shadow and Omega looked over her ears at each other, and Omega nodded.
"Commencing other duties. 'Later'." He said, stomping away and out of the building. Shadow stood next to Rouge, folding its arms under her glare.
"What do you want?"
"We agreed I'd better be here."
"A majority decision."
"I wasn't asked!"
"You're not needed for a majority."
"Piss off, Shadow!" She squeaked, as the door swung open.
The nurse looked as though she'd been asked to clean a lion's cage this morning as she drew a curtain around Rouge, leaving Shadow next to her computer. She murmured and muttered, and seemed to have trouble with the scales, but they both emerged unscathed from the physical exam, and she stopped to make notes on the computer.
"This is invasive, Shadow. You need to leave." She hissed, but the nurse shot it a worried look.
"I would have full access to this data anyway, since it's your work record."
"Yes, G.U.N. is creepy like that. All our data is part of their research too. But nobody looks at it!"
Shadow ignored her, and glanced around the room. It all looked quite friendly to Shadow; the informative posters on the wall, the peeling blue paint, and the tired flowers on the desk all felt quite ordinary. None of the implements looked painful, and there were no restraints anywhere. Even the bed had a privacy curtain and a thin pillow for the patient. Compared to the Ark, this was as comfortable as could be.
The nurse began asking Rouge questions about diet, exercise, substances and family history. She glared at Shadow every so often, but it just read about the kidney and how it differed across species from an old poster next to the window.
"I hardly think I can be expected to answer with my 'boss' present. Why don't you just drop me an email?" She said sharply; Shadow hadn't been listening to whatever question had nettled her, but her arms were folded and toes curling in her boots. The nurse nodded meekly and handed her a cup.
"Right, do you want to come watch me pee, too then? Is that all your plans today? Not weird at all." She hissed at Shadow. It blinked at the cup, then turned away.
"That's... fine. I trust you."
Rouge left the nurse's room, turning towards the bathroom.
"You've lost her." The nurse sniffed, scratching her nose as she sighed. Shadow stared at her blankly, and she grimaced.
"Yeah, better men have tried. She won't be back for her jabs. I didn't even get them ready, honestly. It'd be a waste."
Shadow glared at her.
"Prepare the vaccinations."
"I mean."
"She'll be here."
The nurse grumbled as she did as she was told. Shadow's ears flattened as they heard a commotion down the corridor, and seconds later Omega burst in with Rouge by the scruff of her neck, swinging and clawing at him as best she could with the awkward angle.
"As predicted. Target located outside the bathroom window."
"Let me go, you bastard!" She howled, but Omega started carrying her to the bed.
"Ready for inoculation."
"Wait-" Shadow began, but the nurse didn't wait. She scurried in with one small needle and a cotton ball, quickly sinking the tip into Rouge's arm.
Shadow was frozen in horror as Rouge's shriek turned into a caterwaul. She tried to kick the nurse and squirmed nearly out of Omega's claws, but he grabbed her shoulder tight and she cried out wordlessly to him. Instantly hyperventilating, overcome with tears, she howled even after the needle was gone and the nurse had hurried away from her, taking shelter behind Shadow.
"Resistance is aggravating distress. Regain calm to be released." Omega said suddenly and loudly, repeating himself with his eyes whirring as he panicked at the ball of claws and tears that had become of Rouge in his hands.
"No, let her go!" Shadow grabbed Omega's arm, ears pinned against its head against the sound as it tried to loosen Omega's fingers.
"I have two more to give, since you've got her-"
Shadow tugged loose Omega's thumb and index claw to let Rouge wrestle free from restraint.
"Rouge, stop-"
She did not, scrabbling on her hands and knees to shove past Omega and towards the door. She didn't even seem to see Shadow as she smacked it away, and it hated itself, but grabbed her again by the arm and all but threw her into a chair.
"What did she do? Are you allergic? Rouge, can you hear me?" It hissed, taking her head in its hands. Her panic filled the room with desperate shallow breathing and sobs, and in a second she tried to break away again, but when she tried to stand she crumpled against the wall, then to the ground, quiet and pale.
Shadow and Omega stared in terror at Rouge, one another and the nurse. The nurse hummed disapprovingly, and stepped over Rouge, sticking another needle in her arm.
"Unhand her!" Omega roared, fist pointed at her from behind her back. Shadow blinked into action, and dragged Omega's missile-loaded fist down before the nurse could see.
"Well, I might as well. Who knows when we'll next get her in and so peaceful?" She shrugged; "Thanks for the help, see what I said? If you hadn't been here, there's no way I could have given her even one jab."
Shadow bristled, but Omega's fists whirred. It bundled the arsenal out of the room before anything could get worse. After minutes of banging on the door, Omega relented and went outside to hit things.
Rouge woke up on the bed in the nurse's office with four little plasters on her arm. She immediately shot up from the limp pillow, and was met with Shadow's arm keeping her down as her head spun. The confinement, the pain pricking all over her skin and in her head, and its awful pitying face all made her feel physically sick.
"You need fluids before you go. The time is 16.48, drink something and I'll take you home."
She glared up at it, makeup streamed down her face where it dried. Hate steamed from her eyes.
"Get off me." She whispered.
"Take this." It demanded, handing her a cup that she shoved from its hand as she pushed past. Shadow could see her skin was pale across her back and on her arms, except the back of her neck which was red and sore from being held in metal claws.
The nurse cowered in the corner of the room, but Rouge didn't stop to look at her. Shadow stopped her again at the door.
"We're - listen - we apologise. If you hadn't been so difficult-"
She smacked Shadow, and was gone before its head had recoiled.
Shadow booked tomorrow off for the whole team that night, and spent hours crafting a text to Rouge. It could say they were sorry, but she hadn't seemed receptive. It could explain its reasoning, but that devolved into just telling her exactly what happened again. After midnight it finally messaged her:
I'll be in the flat tomorrow.
Shadow sat awake all night, idly watching through its telescope and planning what it was going to say. It stayed loyally in the flat, not daring to step outside for a moment, as she didn't arrive all day. It sent Omega out after eight hours when he got antsy, but had to force him out the door.
"Rouge may arrive at any moment! This unit is armed and ready with condolences!" He protested as the door was closed on him. Shadow distinctly felt that Omega wasn't ready, and that whatever was needed wasn't condolences, but it didn't feel much better prepared itself. It waited in silence, but the day ended and a new one began without anything from her.
Rouge didn't start her day in the Team Dark office as they usually all did. Shadow couldn't keep its eyes off the door as ten, then eleven o'clock ticked by. Omega returned from prowling the building.
"Rouge sits in the staff room. This Unit does not fit through that door."
Shadow bolted from its seat.
Rouge was showing off a new set of nails she had bought yesterday as well as her new jacket, gloating about the random paid day off she'd had to some women Shadow didn't know. It dusted off its poorly developed social skills, and slunk into the room to raid the coffee machine as normally as it could.
"Oh, hey boss! Did you have a nice day off?" Rouge called, making Shadow jump and brace for aggression. It nodded stiffly as it looked her over. She looked well, as normal as always; unrecognisable from two days prior, and serene like she had no memory of a betrayal she might have faced. Without any further excuse to be there, Shadow crunched beans as it left.
It swivelled its ear as it heard boots clacking down the corridor behind it.
"I need a word with you." She called. Shadow spun on its heel. Up close, it could see she had bronzed her cheeks heavily, and was wearing a new shade of eyeshadow that glittered as she blinked. It vaguely wondered if this was one of those times it should be complimenting her, but decided not to take any risks at this treacherous time. She caught up to it gracefully and passed a folder into its hands.
"I caught wind of a project I think would be better in our hands: retrieval of something called the Scepter of Darkness. Currently in Eggman's base. Not likely valuable in cash, but if the Doctor wants it, it's surely a weapon of some kind." She breezed easily, flicking through her own files for a picture; "So, I raised our interest with Deb - the one who hates Julie but sits next to Mr Julie - and obviously she said-"
"Is that all you want to talk about?" Shadow took the files out of her hands so she had nothing to bury her head in as it spoke. She looked blankly at Shadow, and shrugged.
"What else is there? Do you like my new earrings? It's the one good thing about all this office work, I can wear whatever I... no?" She trailed off, eyes narrowed as Shadow stared expectantly. She didn't budge, feigning some kind of obliviousness, so Shadow cleared its throat:
I'm sorry.
"Are you better yet, or will you keel over?"
It cringed as it sidestepped the kinder words. She saw. She cringed at its failed slight.
"Oh, I did come over a bit faint, I forgot. I just skipped breakfast that day, nothing to worry about. Is that all?" She said quickly. They stood across the corridor from each other, until someone jostled through them with a tray of fancy catering, towards the client room. Shadow didn't see her hand move, but as they passed she raised a stuffed croissant to her mouth with a cheerful wink.
"Won't happen again, now, will it?" She mumbled through pastry. Shadow relaxed, in spite of the guilty stone resting on its stomach.
"Shall we get back to work, now?" She said with a twinge of impatience, trotting back to their office and smiling as Shadow noiselessly followed.
A month later, shortly before their trip to Soleanna, Shadow received a notification that one of its personnel needed travel vaccinations. It immediately went to dismiss that, but stayed the finger on the mouse as it read the details, and instead forwarded it to Rouge with a booking proposal. She sat across from Shadow, filing her fingernails with her boots on the table, but stopped to immediately decline, then flicked her glasses over her eyes and started unwinding her headphones.
"A word?"
"Can it wait? I'm very busy."
Shadow stood up to look at her blank screen and tidy manicure. She blinked innocently.
"I won't force you to have vaccinations."
As Shadow spoke, Omega whirred in the corner of the room, from dormant to awake and fidgeting anxiously. He unplugged himself from the network and the wall power supply and creaked his fingers, glaring at Shadow for breaking their peace.
Rouge's ears twitched as he moved, but she waved one hand easily.
"Sure. Why wouldn't I believe you?"
Shadow and Omega both winced to her satisfaction, so she opened a random document and pressed buttons to close the conversation.
"We are sorry-"
"Actions would be taken entirely differently had full knowledge been available!" Omega interjected suddenly, yanking Rouge's chair from her desk so she had to face him, and the coffee in her hand splashed on the carpet. He towered over her, red eyes glowing. Shadow tugged him back.
"Not that we're making it your fault."
"Agreed. Assigning guilt to anyone but deceased nurse is ridiculous interpretation of statement!"
"Deceased? She's been dismissed!"
"And, no, the fault is mine. I thought I was helping get something important done, it didn't occur to me why you hadn't gone before."
Rouge sipped her coffee as Shadow and Omega bickered to themselves, but commanded their silence as she drew a deep and regal breath.
"I know all that. There's no need for fuss."
Omega beeped indignantly - "Unit incapable of fuss!" - and he began to pace the room. Shadow flicked its head away as it thought, the wind sucked from its sails for a moment. Rouge sniffed a laugh, and returned to her desktop.
"I have been the subject of thousands of research procedures without anaesthetic. I forgot that we are not so similar." Shadow murmured, still as a statue beside Rouge's desk.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I certainly must seem pathetic in your eyes." She hummed sarcastically, and Shadow glared at her.
"That isn't what I meant!"
"Oh, no, sure it isn't. That doesn't make it less true." She grumbled, eyes glazed but facing the screen, pushing her glasses up her nose.
"... you understand why this is important, don't you?"
Rouge finally sighed, taking the glasses from her face and rubbing her eyes.
"Of course I know. It's never made a difference how important they are."
"... will you... get better?" Shadow tried again, and she rolled her eyes.
"No, in fact the opposite. Every time it's bad, and every next time I- it gets worse."
"There will be no next time." Omega declared to the room, fists balled and glowering at Shadow.
It inclined its head.
"We did say that, Omega, and I loathe to go back on my word to either of you. But this one's important. Regional diseases from the water and insects that you will have no resistance to. Your body is-"
"Bam. There it is. My poor, fragile, normal body might get sick and slow you down, well I'm sorry for being born, I suppose, not built in alien soup or a factory." She snarled tiredly.
"You don't have to take everything I say to its cruellest extreme. I would like you to be well, and I want to help with that. I got it... wrong, and I'm sorry. These aren't even arguable points, stop fighting them." Shadow started to hear itself whine and stumble, so it shut up. Rouge let them all sit in grotesque and guilty silence as she stared at her screen and neither of them.
"I oppose vaccinations. Meat-mechanics cannot be trusted. This unit will destroy surrounding viruses." Omega grumbled finally, kicking the sofa as he passed. Rouge chuckled in spite of herself, and looked pensively into her cup.
"How badly do you want me to get these jabs?"
"... badly enough to ask." It sighed.
She nodded, and pulled a pained face as she thought. Shadow and Omega shared a nervous glance.
"... fine. I'll try. At least if I go out again they'll just get them all done at once." She sighed, her teeth gritted. Omega spun his wrists.
"This unit will annihilate meat-mechanic at any misconduct."
"No, but we will be there. They won't be like last time."
"They?" She quivered, and Shadow gulped.
"It's seven doses, over three appointments."
Rouge's hand trembled on her mug, and she closed her eyes against the stars forming in the side of her vision.#
"Hate you."
They did everything they could: Shadow took care of the details, and cleared all of their schedules for the whole day. They went out on a treasure hunt the night before so she had to focus on something else. Omega traced the nurse before the appointment and harassed them in their home over proper care. They both tried to distract her as the kind nurse approached her with the hidden needle. Still, she woke up lying on the bed in the nurse's office again, tucked in with a fluffy blanket from the flat, with Shadow staring across at her with the same traumatised look as before that made her want to run away.
"Refreshment needed." Omega insisted, tangled in the curtain with a fancy hot chocolate extended to her. She murmured something, shuffling over woozily, while Shadow stacked their extra pillows behind her and held her steady.
"... I thought it would be better." It said, disappointment palpable in the air. She grimaced apologetically.
"It was. I think. Than last time."
"You-" Omega began but Shadow shushed him with a glare.
"We clearly didn't prepare adequately." It said simply, glaring at its own hands. She groggily felt for its quills and fluffed them, making the most of pity privileges as Shadow tolerated having its ears ruffled.
"It's a bit unlikely to undo years of bad experiences in one day, no? I'm sorry if that's dissatisfying."
"No, perhaps not. Thank you for trying." It sighed, head held still to accept stroking without turning the prickles to spike her.
"Don't thank me yet: aren't we back here next week for the next load? Aren't I, rather?" She laughed breathlessly at herself, hiding her nose in her hot chocolate and taking her hand from Shadow's head. Shadow nodded.
"Affirmative. Team is required on Monday for Rouge's booster vaccinations." Omega declared; "This unit must identify new mechanic."
"Oh, is this one no good?"
"... they may not be back."
"Rouge has an impressive bite force. This is a positive attribute. Medic bled beautifully post-inoculation. All were impressed."
"Literally. Impressions were made." Shadow hummed softly. Rouge sipped the hot chocolate guiltily, then clanked her teeth on the cup, daring Shadow to laugh. It resisted, just barely quirking its brow, eyes on her fangs.
"This reminds me: when did you last visit a dentist?"
Rouge's face fell stormy and wild.
"... perhaps another time."
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Will o’ the Wisp - Ch. 10 (Umbrella Academy WIP) Diego x Reader slow burn
Author’s note: I've had this one mostly done for a few days but haven't been on my personal comp since then. Here you go. Events of Episode 1x09 Changes. Translations are at the end.
So as it goes, Y/N = your name. Y/N/N = your nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Primary Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Female!Reader (Slow Burn Season 1)
Series/TUA Masterlist
Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 11
Word count: 3k+
Content Warning: bleeding out, bleeding, injury, blood transfusions, needles, Trypanophobia (fear of needles), medical procedures, Anger, Sibling Rivalry, Stitches, mentions of death, mentions of murder, cussing/swearing/cursing, Panic Attacks, Exhaustion, threats, imprisonment, fear, neglect, abuse.
Chapter 10: More Dangerous than Me? 
Allison is bleeding out, and no one knows what to do.
“Y/N! Do something!” Her hands start to shake. 
“It’s too deep, she might drown if I just close the outside, or her throat might swell closed. I can’t…I told you I can only do surface wounds.” She backs up until she hits something solid. She jumps when she feels hands on her arms. She looks back to see she’d backed right into Diego. 
“I’ll only make it worse. I could kill her,” she says, her voice small and almost too quiet.
“It’s okay. We’ll figure it out,” he tells her. He rubs her arms to try and offer her what little comfort he can.  
They rush to get Allison back to the academy.
“Come on! Let's go!” Five shouts when they get there.
“I don't think she's breathing,” Luther tells them.
“If we don't get her upstairs," Klaus says as he goes to help Luther carry her. "She's gonna die.”
“She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx,” Grace informs them once inside and in the med room.  “One of you will need to give blood.”
Luther, Klaus, Five, and Diego volunteer. Luther insists on doing it.
“I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy,” Pogo sadly says, “Your blood is more compatible with mine.” Grace and Pogo continue to gather what they need.
“Hey, don't sweat it,” Klaus tells Luther. “I got this, big guy. I love needles.”
“Master Klaus,” Pogo starts. “Your blood is, how shall I say this? Too polluted.”
“Move,” Diego steps in.
“Yeah, go on,” Klaus says.
“I'll do it,” Diego rolls up his sleeves but faints at the sight of the needle.
"Oh, for the love of-" Y/N takes off her jacket and throws it at Klaus before holding her arm out for Grace to prepare her arm for the needle. "I'm going to put most powers of my into the Wisp so that there hopefully won't be a temp difference. Though a tiny bit might actually help, I'm no expert."
"It should be fine," Pogo assures as he and Grace get back to work. 
"I should be doing it," Diego crouches beside her once he came to. Someone had brought her a chair. The room was quiet now that Pogo and Grace had managed to do what they could to save Allison. Luther refuses to leave Allison. Grace stays in case she is needed. Diego continues, "You're too exhausted, and you're-"
"You passed out just looking at the needle, and are you forgetting you have a bullet wound too," she tells him. Something in her stressed and sleep-deprived mind has her fingers twitching to brush her fingers along the scars on his face because of how close he is and how sincere he is being. But she fights that urge.
“I lost less blood because of your hot hands,” he says, earning him a small chuckle. He takes that as a win. She's been on edge and too serious all day. 
“I’m okay, tough guy,” she assures him. "At worst, I get a bit woozy. Either way, Allison gets what she needs. That's what matters. And you avoid the needle." She pinches his arm and grins. He glares, but there is no heat in it. "You don't have to stay if it makes you uncomfortable." She gestures to the needle and tubes.
"I'm fine," Diego tells her.
"I'm probably just going to close my eyes and switch to the Wisp."
"All the more reason to stay," he states.
"You're going to hover until this apocalypse thing is sorted out, especially after what happened at the rave and this." She gestures to Allison.
He doesn't answer but still hasn't moved from where he's crouched beside her.
"Right," she chuckles, and she pats his cheek. "Sad it took the end of the world for you to turn so sweet, cariño."
He’s taken aback by the term of endearment, but he doesn’t hate it. He does technically call her one constantly. Mi Luz. It was a common term of endearment. He shouldn’t be so surprised. Then again, it might be the exhaustion and the blood loss talking. Even if it is a controlled loss. "We'll stop it," he assures her as he removes her hand from his face but keeps it in his own. It felt unnaturally cold for her since she had willed so much of herself into the Wisp, for Allison's sake. He stood up but kept her hand, warming it some between his own. "Maybe you should get some sleep," he suggests. She shook her head. "Why not?" he adds.
"Because this is not a time to risk losing my control. It's a balancing game when it comes to my powers. How much focus and power I have and where it is can change everything. If I touch something, it will burst into flames if I touch it too hot. Will my watch band melt or my shoes? Just because I wasn't thinking. Allison is in too fragile a state to risk anything."
“Then I guess we wait,” Diego states. And they all do. Only leaving when Grace tells them it’s enough and removes the needle. Luther, of course, stays with Allison.
“You should go lie down,” Diego tells her. “You used your powers a lot and are low on sleep and blood, mi luz.” He decides to just lean into the whole endearment thing. 
“I’m fine,” she assures him and smiles. She laughs a bit at his skeptical look before adding, “I’ll go down and get a drink and snack. Like when you donate blood. I’ll be okay. Just got to hydrate. We don’t have time for me to be out of commission. I will relent to you hovering and a snack. Deal?”
“Deal,” he says. It might be the blood loss and lack of sleep, but she feels unusually bold and kisses his cheek before she hurries off to the kitchen. He is stunned and just watches her go. He stands there way longer than necessary before he grins to himself and goes to find the others. 
“The bastard that nearly killed our sister's still out there,” Diego tells Five and Klaus. “With Viktor.” 
Y/N hurries her pace toward them. 
“We need to go after them.”
Five disagrees, “Viktor is not important.”
“You can’t be serious,” Y/N says as she reaches them. A sandwich and a glass of juice in her hands courtesy of Grace. “V is family.” Diego goes to stand beside her as she speaks. He sees her brows furrow. Unbeknownst to him, she wonders when he last ate. He’d spent so long with her, and before that, he’d been in jail. She offers him a bite of her sandwich. He rolls his eyes, but when she doesn't move to lower it, he takes a small bite. He thinks it was worth it when she smiles at him. But he turns back to focus on the important discussion he was having. 
“A little heartless even for you, Five,” their brother points out.
“I'm not saying I don't care about them,” Five admits, “but if the apocalypse happens today, they die along with the other seven billion of us.”
“Harold Jenkins is our first priority.”
“I agree.”
“Let's go.”
“You guys count me out,” Klaus says. “I mean, you know, no offense or whatever. It's just I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for newly-sober me, so -” 
“You're coming,” Diego states. Y/N just sips her juice and watches her chaotic siblings. 
“No, no, no,” Klaus says. “I mean, I think we can all agree that my power's, I mean, it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back.”
“Klaus, get up,” Five says.
“You can't make me.”
Diego hurls a knife at the couch Klaus is sitting on. Y/N rolls her eyes.
Klaus gets up. “Oh, then again, a little exercise couldn’t hurt. Yeah.”
"I'll check the area," she summons several orbs. 
“Fine, but stay behind me,” Diego tells her, knowing most of her focus will be elsewhere. She rolls her eyes but humors him, even going as far as to grip the back of his shirt. She uses several Wisp orbs to search the area outside the cabin, finding nothing. She shakes her head and focuses back on the scene Diego had led her to. The very dead body of Leonard Peabody, with numerous knives and other projectiles embedded in his chest. She winces as she lets go of Diego. He looks back at her just as her eyes return to their normal color. She shakes her head when her eyes meet his. They both turn back to the dead body on the floor.
"I have seen more than most," she says, leaning against the wall. "But even this is…yikes."
"It's not exactly what I was expecting."
"The understatement of the year."
"No sign of Viktor," Klaus says. 
"Not outside either," she adds. 
"Let's get out of here," Diego says. "Before the cops come." He shakes his head at her when she goes to offer the Wisp to act as a lookout. "You are too burnt out, and we may need you later."
"In a minute," Five says.
"Come on, Five, what are you-"
"Ugh, wow." Klaus retches as Five checks the prosthetics eye against the dead man's eye.
"Same eye color, same pupil size. Guys, this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it- It's found its rightful home."
“Gross,” she states, and Klaus agrees. 
"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse."
"Yay!" Klaus says. "Let's go." Diego stops him.
"No, no."
“What?” she asks. 
"It can't be this easy."
Five frowns. "Look, this is the note that I got from the Commission."
"The one that says, 'Protect Harold Jenkins,' aka Leonard Peabody."
"But who killed him? Who did this?"
“No one is here,” she points out. 
"I have a crazy idea."
“When don’t you?” she sighs. Klaus nods in agreement. She knows that time is running out. She’d tracked the police response times far too many times. She was starting to get anxious at not checking to see if they were close. 
"Crazy, but why don't we find Viktor and ask what happened? If Viktor got away from this asshole, he might be headed back to the Academy."
Once at the Academy, she finally lets Diego talk her into getting some sleep. But only if he stays with her. He relented. But he had snuck out at some point. She woke up alone and let the Wisp drift around until she heard fighting and the sound of something shattering. She was on her feet as fast as possible. She hurries into the living room.
"What the hell is going on?" She rushes to where Diego is unconscious on the floor. "Five?" 
"He'll be fine." She glares at him before going back to checking Diego over. He groans as she runs her fingers through his hair, looking for injuries, and she finds a sore spot. Earning a laugh from her. His eyes snap open at the sound and the feeling of fingers along his scalp. He stares up at her. She smiles down at him.
"You good, cariño?" She asks quietly. Her fingers are still searching for injuries. 
"Y-yeah," he manages to say. He clears his throat as she pulls away. "Yeah, I'm good." He remembers that he’d been fighting Hazel and is on his feet as fast as he can manage. She watches him curiously before she is pulled to her feet and against him as he looks around the room.
“No one’s here,” she assures him. Diego nods. Y/N huffs a laugh and pats his chest as she pulls away from him. She still has no idea what has just happened, but he was back on his feet. Diego lets her go and glares at Five. 
Five looks back at him, gaze shifting over to his sister before focusing back on Diego. “I am curious. Your girlfriend, Patch.” He emphasizes the name. Again looking between his now oddly close sibling. “What did you like about her?” 
Diego hesitates a bit and looks between his siblings. His gaze lingers a bit too long on his sister, who looks back at him with a curious look. “This should be interesting,” she mutters, stealing a drink of her Five’s margarita. He snatches it back. “None for you. You’ll have more alcohol than blood in your BAC.”
“Fair point,” she admits before grinning at their other brother. “We’re still waiting, Diego.”
Diego rolls his eyes at her but answers, “A lot of things.” He thinks about it and adds, “Cute butt, nice legs.”
She chuckles. "Classy."
“Anything a little more profound than that?” Five asks.
“She believed in people,” Diego says. “No matter how much shit and filth she saw,” he glances at their sister again. “On the streets. She always saw the good inside.”
“Well,” Five acknowledges his answer. “I'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Cha-Cha as a way to honor her memory.”
Diego looks to Y/N. She gives a half-hearted smile. Her eyes are sad. She hadn’t known Patch well or for very long, but she found her first. 
“Guys! No, let me -” Viktor shouts from inside the bunker. 
“You locked up our brother because you think he has powers?” Diego and Klaus are shocked. 
“No, I know he does,” Luther answers. “Pogo told me. He's always known, and so did Dad.”
“Why would they hide this from us?” Diego asks. “I mean, am I the only one that didn't know this place existed?”
“He hid so much from us.”
“He hid it because he was afraid of him.”
“Oh, that's ridiculous.”
“Is it? Dad's lied about everything else, why is this so far-fetched?”
“If you're right, then maybe he's the one who killed Peabody.”
“And cut Allison's throat.”
“Whoa, no.”
“Let's I ju- Sorry, just, let's go back, all right?” Klaus says. “This is Viktor we're talking about. Our brother. The one who always cried when we stepped on ants as kids.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“What the-” Y/N hurries into the dimly lit room. “Let him go.” Her eyes begin to glow as the Wisp takes full form.
“I can’t do that,” Luther says. “Just let me-”
“Now!” The Wisp crackles and burns like full-on flames. Bright yellow and orange flicker in the air above them. Her eyes lit to match. The heat distorts the air around it.
“Guys,” Luther starts. “I know it's difficult to accept. If you just let me-”
“It's not difficult to accept. It's impossible to accept,” Klaus continues to argue his point.
“No, they're right,” Diego speaks up. “Look, we can't keep Viktor locked up without proof.”
“Wh- What more proof do you need? Why don't we just open the door and ask?”
“No, he's not goin' anywhere.”
"Like hell, let him go," she looks between her brothers. 
"Sorry, Y/N, it's for the best," Luther says.
"Bullshit! He's afraid," she says before sending a small Wisp toward the bunker. The smaller one is a softer, calm Wisp as the majority of her powers continue to burn above her and Luther. Tears in her own eyes evaporate to steam as she takes in the fear in Viktor’s eyes. She focuses back on their supposed leader. “This is insane, Luther,” she hisses at him. Flames dance in her eyes as she glares at him. Klaus wipes away sweat as the temperature in the room rises. He glances at Diego. Diego looks between his siblings. He has to defuse this situation before it gets worse.
“No, even if you're right, Luther. Viktor needs our help,” Diego points out. “And we can't do that if he's locked in a cage.”
“Do you really think Viktor is any more dangerous than me right now?” Y/N states as the Wisp moves closer to Luther. Her hands now glowing as she steps towards him as well. Diego knows this could go very bad, very fast. It’s worse than someone burning a candle at both ends. This is like someone threw gasoline on a raging fire. 
"You don't want to do this, Y/N," Luther says.
"Going to lock me up too?" She challenges. "Good luck with that. Try and lay a finger on me, Number One. I dare you." She rips her watch off, and it melts in her hand. The smell of burning plastic and metal made most of them flinch. Viktor just stares. He’d never seen his sister this vicious. He glances at the smaller Wisp in the bunker. It was odd how its gentle blue light contrasted with the angry figures outside the bunker. 
"That's not-" Luther starts. He looks over at Diego and Klaus. "This is what needs to happen."
Diego shakes his head and focuses on her. She might actually listen to him. He needs her to calm down before she does something she can't undo. "Luz, you need to give yourself a break," Diego says as he moves closer. “We can handle this another way.”
"Not while V's in there," she refuses. "I won't leave him in the dark, alone. I didn't have a choice with Ben. I have the choice now."
“What good are you to Viktor if you waste all your energy on Luther?” Diego urges her to ease off. Her eyes snap to his. "First, it's finding Five, then Klaus, then Luther and Klaus again, Allison, now this. All while searching for Viktor. There isn't going to be any of you left if you don't take it easy."
"If we fail, we all die anyway, Diego,” She tells him. Tears turn to steam again as her eyes turn to fiery blue. “Why stop now?”
She’s hurting, and he knows it. She can’t keep this up. She’s running on rage and adrenaline, but those never last long. “Because you’re not alone in this fight. We can help Viktor without you burning yourself out.” He turns towards Luther. “And we are helping Viktor.” 
“Yeah,” Klaus agrees with Diego. “And for all we know, Viktor might be struggling with this new power. I mean, it must be scary. Terrifying, really, to discover that you can do something that you never thought you could do.” 
Diego sighs as that seems to do the trick, and she drops the raging fire that is the Wisp and moves over to the glass. The heat leaves her hands as she reaches for the glass. Her eyes lack the rage and heat they had before. She puts more of her powers into the Wisp inside the bunker with Viktor. She keeps it as calm and comforting as possible. Like she would on the nights Klaus and Ben would hide from the darkness in her room. "I'll stay with you, V. I promise. I'll stay with you in the dark."
“Look," Luther keeps arguing his point. "If what Pogo told me is even half true, then he is not just a danger to us.”
“I don’t care,” she says. “I’m not-”
 They all turn as Allison comes in. Y/N moves to lean against the wall beside the door, the Wisp still in with Viktor. She focuses on giving off a comforting feeling. She sends all the love she has into the Wisp. 
“Allison, what are you doing down here?” Luther asks. “You should be in bed.”
Allison writes on the notepad to let Viktor go.
“I can't do that,” Luther tells her. “She hurt you.”
“I'm sorry, but she's staying put.” Luther tries to assure her. “Just until we know what we're dealing with.”
Allison is clearly not happy with the answer. An angry noise leaves her damaged throat. 
“She stays put,” Luther adds. 
Allison tries to go past Luther, but he stops her. She pushes at him. She silently cries as she hits him.
“Come on,” Luther starts.
Allison sobs. 
“Come on,” Luther repeats. “You need to rest.”
“I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” Viktor looks up at the Wisp and then back through the glass. “Y/N, please!”
“The Wisp won't leave you, V. I’ll still be with you.”
“Then the rest of you needs to rest,” Diego insists. 
“Let's go.”
“No! No! No! No!” Viktor calls after them. 
She lets Diego lead her toward her room. “I wonder if he would have made a room for me if I hadn’t been so willing to-”
“Don’t think like that,” Diego tells her.
“Why not? We have similar powers. V uses sound. I use light. It’s tied to my emotions, just like V’s. I could have easily taken Luther out or even melted that door. Especially as the Wisp. I don’t even know if there is a limit beyond how much oxygen there is in a room as to how hot I can heat it. I could burn this entire place down with everyone in it if I wanted to.”
“But you don’t want to,” Diego counters. “You have more control.”
“Do I? I lost it at the rave. I meant what I said down there. How is Viktor more dangerous than me?” She asks. “How do we know that? Because Luther says? Diego, we-” The blood drains from her face as she realizes what Viktor is about to do. She can feel it in the air inside the bunker. She focuses a bit more on the Wisp.
“Cari…” She starts as she looks at him, her eyes glowing bright blue from her powers. The brightness contrasts with her paling skin. 
Diego is immediately concerned. He reaches out in case she passes out. 
 “Run,” she tells him. 
Then all hell breaks loose. 
“Cariño”/”Cari” Dear, Sweetie, Honey, etc. Term of Endearment 
“Mi luz” My light, Term of Endearment
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Okay, but...
What if our big stronk Sy is actually really afraid of needles and his unit wants to get a tattoo together. 👀
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Summary: Sy is a big pussy... cat and as his tattoo artist, you help him overcome his fear with some cheeky flirtations.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Tattoo Artist!Reader
Word Count: approx. 1.3k
Warnings: Needles, tattoos, flirting, implied smut
Authors Note: So I have a migraine and am on painkillers, but this prompt was too tempting! Thanks Freya! I debated on waiting to feel better before I wrote it, but I thought fuck it, go crazy. I hope its ok and not just the meds telling me its fine.
I apologize if its full of errors and if its not quite what you were looking for, but here it is.
You were excited about your clients for today. Twelve Green Berets all getting the crest with the motto De Oppresso Liber tattooed on their chests. You liked tattooing military men and women, especially if they were part of some kind of elite unit. Their stoicism usually made them good canvases, still and resistant to pain.
Sometimes you got a guy with a phobia. A fear of the needle. Trypanophobia.
You picked him out straight away. Although you knew from experience that the biggest men could crumble under your machine, it still surprised you that it was him. He had a swagger, a way of walking that oozed confidence, the deep seeded knowledge that he was a man who could solve problems. Yet you noticed the way he flinched when your machine buzzed and the colour drain from his bearded face as you started on the first of his brothers. You had a way of dealing with big softies like him and knew you’d get him through.
“Hold up, boys” you say. “There’s too many of you in the shop, one of you are going to bump the chair and ruin his tattoo.”
“You heard the lady, move out,” the scaredy cat said. The team did as he said calling him captain as they went. Perfect.
“Captain,” you call. “How ‘bout you pull up a chair and be here for your guys?”
He stared daggers at you, but you smirked at him and nodded, indicating the chair he sound sit on..The rest of the guys encouraged him and faced with the pressure he relented, sitting on a swivel chair next to you while you started your work.
At first he sat there arms folded over his chest, looking anywhere but you and the tattoo. You chatted to the captain and each of his men, coaxing out embarrassing stories about their time together, learning about their families and by the time it rolled around to his turn, Captain Syverson was laughing, had his colour back and even flirted with you a little.
“Well, I guess it’s just you and me now Captain,” you say as the last soldier left the chair.
“The way it ought to be, Darlin’,” Sy says, with a cheeky, boyish grin. You feel a heat grow at the apex of your thighs as you take in his cocky attitude.
“Then show me what you’re working with Cap,” you say boldly. “Take your shirt off.”
“Whatever you say,” he says. He takes his shirt off and stands proud as you give him a good look over. He had every right to be proud, his body was a work of art, broad, strong, well proportioned, but not so muscular that he looked malnourished. Chonky was how you would describe him. You sigh as you look at his chest, he had such a nice covering of fur, it would be a shame to shave it, but some had to go to make way for the tattoo.
You get your black nitrile gloves on and grab the disposable razor, biting down the rising excitement you felt. “It’s a shame, but I have to shave the area I’ll be working on,” you say, giving Sy a cheeky grin.
“That’s alright Sugar. Just don’t take too much, the ladies love it,” Sy’s bravado made you laugh.
“I’ll bet they do,” you say as you lay your hand on his chest. You stand a little closer than you normally would making your attraction to him obvious.
You bite your lip as you move your hand across his chest to his right pectoral and you hear his breathing increase. You move the blade across his skin, getting a close shave. You look up at him as you run your gloved finger over his newly bare skin. His blue eyes were aflame as you placed the stencil in the spot and staring into them you carefully peeled back the paper leaving the blue ink marking the design. As you remove your fingers you let one flick over his nipple and smirk at the rumble in his chest you got in response.
“In the chair, Sy,” you say and you see his fear start to return, his eyes shifting rapidly around the shop, seemingly looking for escape. You take his hand and guide him to the chair. Reluctantly he follows you and sits as you give him a gentle push. The chair is tilted so it’s almost like he is laying down, but pressing a button you lay him all the way back as last thing you want is him fainting. You giggle at the thought of making this huge bull of a man faint but quash it before Sy notices.
You move quickly, applying Vaseline to the site before buzzing your machine in the ink and turning back to Sy. “Ready Captain?”
He shakes his head, and tries to sit up, but you gently apply pressure to his shoulder and say in a soothing tone, “You’re ok, Captain.” He shakes his head again, you grab his hand and place it on the forearm of your non-dominant side. “You can squeeze my arm if it will help,” you say in a voice, not much louder than a whisper. He finally nods and you see him set his jaw in a determined look and you the earlier blossom of heat between your legs grows, radiating all over your body.
As soon as the machine starts you feel his fingers dig deep into your flesh. You bit back the moan that threatened to escape your lips, knowing that those thick strong hands will leave bruises makes you think about what those bruises would look like on your thighs or hips. Leaning over him, your breasts brushing his other arm you start your first line and you see him squeeze his eyes shut and a groan rattles in his throat.
“How did that feel, Captain?” you ask near breathless, as you watch him tremble. Your mind won’t think of anything except for wondering if he squirms and groans like that in bed.
“Fine,” he spits out through, gritted teeth. “Keep going, woman.” You just about faint yourself at the tone of his voice, so thick and gravelly, with an irresistible quiver of fear that he fights so hard. You find his fear endearing and when mixed with his unwillingness to let his dread beat him, it made for an intoxicating but contradictory mix that you found irresistible.
You were able to work quickly, having already done the tattoo eleven times before. Giving the tattoo a wipe down, cleaning off any excess ink and Vaseline, you say with a little disappointment, “You’re all done Captain.”
Sy pries his hand off your arm and you help him sit up. You rub your arm, where his fingers dug into you, smiling knowing that at least for a couple of weeks, you would have them to remember him by.
Drawing his brows low, Sy asks, “Did I hurtcha, Sugar?” His voice was tender and concerned. He put his hand on your arm again, this time rubbing it to soothe the growing ache.
“Not nearly enough, Captain,” you say with a wink.
Sy barks out a laugh and you smile back at him. “I like the way you think, Sweet Pea.”
Covering his tattoo with gauze and tape you say brazenly, “I’ll bet there’s a few things I can do that you would like just as much.”
With a roguish grin and raised eyebrows Sy asks, “How about I take you home and find out?”
“I like the way you think too, Captain.”
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part V
Summary: The morning after Lily and Sy’s night in the barn, the magic doesn’t last as long as they both hope, but neither does the darkness that falls over the farm.
Pairing: Syverson/OFC
Word Count: 8,274
Warnings: M - Language, Violence, Attempted Kidnapping, Blood, Protective!Sy, Mentions and Light Smut, Fluff, Angst, Flu/Cold, Soft!Sy, Trypanophobia
Inspiration: I always wanted to write a Sy story.
Author’s Note: Thank you to @wondersofdreaming​ for all the love and support.
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A harsh and wet sounding cough filled the bedroom, making Lily curl up on herself, shivering, and groaning as her body throbbed under the mound of blankets Sy had covered her up with, when her first round of coughs woke him, mid-morning.
“I'm here.” Sy called, coming into the room with a cup of steaming hot tea and a small saucer of dry toast for her. “Here.” He whispered, setting the cup and plate on the nightstand and fished Lily out of her blankets, then fluffed some pillows behind her back so she was comfortable, when she sat up.
“Thanks.” Lily replied, her voice weak and raspy.
“You're welcome.” He replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she nibbled on the toast. “Do you have any cold medicine?” He asked, going into the master bathroom, to open the medicine cabinet.
“I don't think so.” She answered, hoarsely.
Sy frowned into the open cabinet, drumming his fingers against the door and tapping his foot on the worn, black and white penny tile floor, trying to make a decision and calculation, before making up his mind and swung the cabinet door closed.
“All right, I'm gonna shoot over to store and pick up some cold medicine for you, maybe a bag of cough lozenges too. I know your throat must be killing you by how raspy your voice is.” He said, standing beside the bed and gently pressed his palm to her flushed and sweaty forehead. “Yeah.” He nodded, pressing his lips together.
“Do you need anything before I leave?” He asked, staring down at her, tenderly.
Shaking her head, Lily rubbed her goose-bumped and shivering arms. Frowning a bit more, Sy moved around to his side of the bed, nicking his hoodie off the back of a chair, and held it out to her with a gentle smile. Letting out a soft huff through her nose and smiling back, Lily took the black garment from him and slipped it on. Sy kissed the top of her head and went downstairs, grabbing his keys off the small table by the door in the entryway and left for the store, fifteen minutes away.
Lily nibbled on the last bland triangle of toast and was about to wash it down with the few remaining sips of her warm tea, when Aika started barking downstairs, making Lily sigh. It was a common occurrence, Aika loved lounging on the window seat in the living room and would go ballistic when she saw a squirrel, even more so, when the door was closed and she couldn't blow out of the screen door and chase after the poor, puff-tailed critter. She had told Sy, countless times, that he should just put a doggy door in either the front door or in both the front and the back doors for Aika, solving the issue of the German Shepherd barking and clawing at the door until it was opened for her.
But, even then, she would rush out onto the porch, scan for the squirrel, see it had disappeared and whine at her and Sy about it for the rest of the day, or until the next squirrel or chipmunk showed its plump face.
Throat far too sore and voice too weak, for Lily to yell out to Aika, she set her teacup aside and got out of bed, a strong shiver racing through her as her bare feet hit the cold floorboards. She had just made it out of her bedroom and into the hallway, when she heard distant whimper and Aika go eerily silent. Frowning, she slowly went down the stairs leading from the top floor into the kitchen, jumping in her skin and Sy's hoodie at a deafening slam that filled the otherwise quiet house.
The kitchen floor gently creaked under her feet as she slowly crossed it, to peek around the corner into the living room and entryway. Hugging herself against the wall, she didn't see anything. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but the feel in the air was anything, but ordinary. Aika was nowhere in sight, and Lily didn't hear a peep from her. She knew it wasn't Sy either. He couldn't be back from the store yet, even if he was, Sy was a mountain of a man, his footfalls were always heavy as he bumped around the house, and he would have called out to her, announcing he was back home.
None of that was happening in the dead silent house.
Her hands started to shake and she felt lightheaded, gripping the wall to keep herself steady, tears blurring her eyes, as nausea filled her stomach. She knew what this silence was, it was a silence she had feared for almost ten years, a fear she had been slowly learning to forget, but had started to build around her again.
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Lily climbed the two flights of stairs up to her and Jak's second floor apartment, lugging her heavy shoulder bag with her. She was returning from an early afternoon class, already tired and wishing she didn't have one more class later that afternoon as she slipped her key into the deadbolt and opened the door. She froze in the open door, taking a moment to figure out what was wrong. When she realized that the tv she had left on when she left that morning for her first class was off.
A cold shiver raced down her back with a shuddered breath as the apartment door slowly closed behind her. The apartment was silent without the tv going in the living room, which was never a good sign. Usually, when Lily returned from her early afternoon classes, the tv was still on the news or whatever channel she had left it on when she left that morning.
On the days the tv was off, when she got home?
“Where've you been, Bunny?” Jak's voice asked as he entered the living room, arms crossed over his chest and looking cross.
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“Hey there, Bunny.” A familiar voice chuckled behind her.
Lily yelped and spun around, pressing her back against the wall. “Jak.” She whimpered, looking up at him.
Jak was different from the last time she had seen him in Richmond, four years prior. He was still tall and lean, eight-ish centimeters shorter and nearly twenty kg lighter than Sy was. His ash blonde hair was pulled up into a bun and the sides of his head were shaved, his cheeks stubbly and his bottle-green eyes boring into her, like a power drill. The last time Lily had seen him, he had the traditional boy cut and his face was smooth, the camouflage of a good, church going boy.
But, there wasn't a trace of that boy now, that façade had broken away to the true monster residing inside the man, Jakson Abernathy, had turned into.
“I've missed you so much, Bunny.” He said soft, reaching out and gently brushed the knuckle of his forefinger against her flushed and feverish cheek, then brought it to his lips, licking off the tear he had collected.
Lily gulped, the agony of her sore throat forgotten in her panicked fright, facing him. “Please, Jak.” She pleaded with him, her voice a soft and raspy whine. “Just go. We don't have to do this. You don't have to do this.” She told him, hands twisting up in the pouch of Sy's hoodie.
“Move on.”
Jak snapped forward in a burst of rage, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the wall, the back of her head thumping against it with a hard smack. “Move on!” He roared, spittle flying from his lips and hitting her face. “Move on! I've been looking for your ungrateful ass for five years and the only thing you have to say to me is, move on.”
Lily's lips started to change color as the pressure of his hand around her throat increased, her arms shot out and gripped his arm, digging and scratching at his forearm and struggling against him, black and bright spots flashing in her eyes.
“I'll move on, when we get back home.” Jak told her, his thumb moving out to wipe across her lips.
“No, I'm n-not going w-with yo-u.” She choked, struggling to breath.
“Yes, you are.” He growled, nails breaking the skin of her neck. “You belong to me, since the day I met you, you've been mine. You think that fucking caveman loves you?” He taunted her. “You think him fucking your little cunt means he loves you, you're a fucking idiot. He's just fuckin' you for room and board, once he gets his fill and bored of you, he'll skip out.”
“But, me?” He brought his face closer to hers, their lips brushing. “I will always love you, Bunny. I will always come and find you, take you back home, where you belong. I'm the only one for you.”
Lily tried jerking her head sideways, away from his lips, but only earned a punch to the gut, knocking the teeny bit of air left in her body out.
“You always make shit so complicated.” Jak grunted, between gritted teeth. “Some things never change.” He berated her, shaking his head and about to strike her again, when the crackle and pop of tires on the driveway up to the house reached them.
“Fuck.” He hissed, hearing a car door slam, knowing Sy had returned from town.
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Sy searched the cold and flu aisle of the small Celina store, trying to figure out which one would be best for her. “Why do you need eighty products that do the same thing?” He mumbled to himself, looking between the liquid and the pill form of the medicines. “Liquid would be easier for her to swallow, though, with her sore throat.” He reasoned, finally picking a product, then grabbed a bag of cough lozenges, even stopping to grab a bottle of her favorite juice, before heading for the check out line.
He sighed, impatiently shifting foot to foot, as the long line slowly progressed. He glanced at the other two open cashier lines, but they were even longer than his, making him growl, wanting to get back home to Lily already, before he froze, realizing what he was feeling. Lily and her place had become home to him. A real home. More of a home to him than his apartment in Austin or the place where he grew up with his parents. He felt like he belonged there with her and Aika, as if the three of them had created their own little family on the rag-tag farm.
So, when he finally got through the line and paid for his items, he rushed back home to her.
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Quickly searching the kitchen, Jak grabbed a knife from the knife block on the kitchen counter beside them, then changed his hand from her throat to the back of her hair, turning her around and pressing her back against his chest. They stood in the kitchen, the tip of the knife pressed into Lily's throat, while they heard the screen door open and Sy's cautious footfalls step into the entryway.
“Lily?” Sy called out, his body tensing. “Aika!” He slowly set the grocery bag down on the floor, his nerve endings coming to life. “Hello?” He barked, his jaw tight, instinct telling him something was deeply off.
Jak pushed Lily forward, moving with her to stand in the entryway of the kitchen and living room, his and Sy's eyes meeting. Both men looked each other over, squaring each other off, trying to find their weaknesses and strengths, whether they could successfully take each other on; and win. Sy was purely confident he could take Jak out, but what he wasn't sure of, was if he could get to Jak before he hurt Lily with that knife he was gripping.
“So, you're him.” Sy said, his eyes hard and locked onto Jak, his blood was pumping and his hands were clenched into such tight fists, his knuckles were white.
“I am.”
Sy nodded, pressing his lips together. “If I were you, I'd let her go.”
“And if I were you, I would take yourself back out to your truck and leave this place.” Jak replied, motioning out the living room window to Sy's truck. “She's mine, caveman.”
Sy chuckled. “I don't think so, boy.” He grinned, taking a step forward.
“Ah!” Jak barked, taking a step back and pressing the tip of the knife harder into Lily's neck, a bead of blood trickled down and disappeared into the neck of Sy's hoodie. “Unless you want both of us to lose her, you'll back off.”
“I'm no-”
“Just listen to him, Sy.” Lily cried, gulping and whimpering.
“Lily.” Sy shook his head at her, trying to keep a handle on himself, for her safety.
“Please, Austin.” She begged him, a wash of tears streaming down her face and neck. “Please, just go.”
“I'm not leaving you with this prick.” Sy barked, not believing the words coming out of her mouth.
“You are, so just leave.” Lily told him. “I love him.” She sniffled, reaching back to grab Jak's shirt.
“Lily.” He barked, shocked.
“Don't worry about him, Bunny.” Jak cooed into her ear, but was grinning victoriously at Sy. “We're leaving here.” He said, slowly backing them into the kitchen and out the door.
Sy stood in the entryway breathing heavily and rocking on his heels as rage and confusion coursed through his body, but his breathing quicken and his mind became laser focused, causing him to snap into action. Going into a drawer in the living room, he pulled out the safety case the gun was in, opened it, and ran out the back door after them. Sy made it out the back door in time to see Jak dragging Lily towards an abandoned field to the right side of her property.
Running in that direction, he hopped over the porch rail to cut down time on reach them.
Making it a couple yards behind them, Sy could see where Jak had been hiding out while he'd been tormenting Lily. There was an old barn in the field from a bygone farm on the property beside Lily's. So, he slowed down, watching as Jak dragged Lily towards the decapitated barn by the wrist, the kitchen knife was in his other hand. Biting his lip, Sy stopped and pulled back the slide on the Taurus, taking very careful aim, he took several deep breaths, calming and slowing his breathing and heart rate, before squeezing the trigger. A loud pop rang out in the air and the bullet clipped Jak in the thigh, causing him to let go of Lily and the knife and drop to the ground.
Surprised, Lily looked back and saw Sy standing there, dropping the arm he was holding the weapon with and motioned to her with the other. Without hesitation, Lily broke out into a run, sprinting straight towards Sy, all but colliding with him and knocking them both to the ground. Sy hugged her, pressing his lips to her forehead, then pushed her behind him, as Jak struggled on the ground, cursing and swearing.
“You son of a whore!” Jak spat, rolling over, and pressing a hand to the seeping red patch on his jeans. “I'll fucking kill both of you!”
Sy's body, tight as a piano wire, suddenly relaxed and he took a step forward, but Lily clutched at his shirt. He looked back at her, giving her a reassuring expression, before approaching Jak, who continued to writhe in pain.
“Listen carefully.” Sy growled at him.
“No!” Jak roared, pointing a bloody finger at Sy, his face pale and angry. “You fuckin' listen! I'm going to make your lives hell! I'm going to fucking—whoa!!” He shrieked as Sy let off another round into the dirt beside him, getting his full attention.
“As I was saying.” Sy barked, his body stiff again. “Listen carefully.” He hissed, teeth gritted together. “I have a lot of friends in very high places, that if I kill you, they will help me erase your weaselly little fucking existence off the face of this god damned planet.” He told him, heatedly.
“She's mine. My girl.” He said, pointing back at Lily.
“So, if you're don't to get your ass out of this town, out of this state, and if you ever look for her again, let alone think about her, I will hunt you down and finish you off.” Sy told him, towering above the other man, and lowering his head to keep his eyes on Jak's.
“Do we understand each other?”
Jak gulped, looking up at Sy, like a tiny mouse cornered by a Cougar, then glanced around him to Lily, who stood watching the two men, terrified and exhausted, unconsciously wiping her runny nose on the cuff of Sy's hoodie, but her eyes were on Sy. It was in that moment that Jak realized that as fearful as Lily was, it wouldn't override her knowledge that Sy would protect her with his life, making his use of it to manipulate her, null and void. His grip on her was gone, he was nothing but a ghost, fading and being replaced.
His eyes shifted back to Sy. “Yeah.”
“Good.” Sy snapped. “Now, I don't care if you have to crawl, hop or limp, but I want you gone.”
Struggling for a moment, Jak managed to pull himself up, carefully balancing on his feet for a moment, before turning on his good leg, then limping and shuffling away from them, towards the dilapidated barn, where his car was hidden. Sy didn't move from his spot or relax, even as the 2013 Honda left the structure, tires kicking up dirt and dust as he tore down the neglected drive, blowing out of the gateless driveway onto the road with a loud screech. It was only when the car and its sound disappeared that Sy relaxed, flicking on the gun's safety with his thumb and pushed it into the waistband of his jeans, then turned towards Lily. Taking two steps to close the gap between them and collecting her in his arms, Sy scooped Lily up and head back towards their house, only stopping once they were back inside the living room and dropped onto the couch, with her in his lap.
Lily let out a weak breath into his chest, tears dripping down her face and arms locked around his neck. Sy pressed his cheek to her hair, his own chest tight with emotions, and squeezed his eyes shut, tears dripping from his dark lashes.
“Aika.” Lily whimpered, pulling back, wiping away her and Sy's tears.
“Oh shit.” Sy panted back, glancing side to side, alarmed, letting Lily get up and stood. “Aika!” He called out.
Both of them paused, listening quietly, then looked at each other, hearing pitiful whines and whimpers coming from the entryway. Having heard a door slam after Jak had entered the house and not seeing Aika, but clearly hearing her whines, Lily knew there could only be one place for the German Shepherd to be and rushed to the coat closet in the hallway, yanking the door open.
“Oh, good lord.” She gasped, finding the dog inside the closet, front and back paws were taped together, as was her muzzle. “My poor baby.” She cooed, dropping to her hands and knees, gingerly peeling the tape from around Aika's mouth.
“That fuck.” Sy barked, standing behind Lily, and seeing what Jak had done to his beloved Aika, hating him even more for hurting his girls. “Here.” He said, kneeling down beside Lily, and removing a small, folding knife that was clipped to his belt, then carefully cut the tape wrapped around Aika's legs.
Lily removed the tape from around her paws the best she could without causing Aika anymore discomfort and pain. “Oh, I know, such a sweet girl.” Lily murmured, as Aika got up, licking at her and Sy's faces, her shaggy tail beating against the walls of the closet. “I'll give you the entire container of treats, promise.”
Sy chuckled softly, gently petting Aika, relieved that both Lily and the German Shepherd were safe and sound again, and for the most part, unharmed. “Let me see your neck.” He said, cupping her chin between his fingers and turning her head to look at the nick and line of dry blood on her neck. “It's nothing too bad, but I should clean it up.” He told her, standing, then helped her up to her feet.
Grabbing the bag that had been discarded and forgotten on the entryway floor, Sy went upstairs with Lily, Aika close behind them. Setting the bag down on the bed and taking her into the bathroom, he easily moved about the small space. Sy had become familiar with the master bathroom in the few weeks he had started sleeping with Lily in her room, as she helped him combat his nightmares. He grabbed a bottle of antiseptic from the medicine cabinet and squeezed some of it on a fluffy, white cotton ball, then turned his careful attention onto her. Gently lifting her chin and dabbing at the cut, making Lily hiss and bite her lip, he gave her a sweet and sympathetic look, cleaning away the dry and flaky blood.
“There, all better.” He smiled, tossing the bloody cotton ball into the bin.
“Thank you.” Lily smiled, before subsiding into a coughing fit.
Sy snapped back into the reality before Jak rocked their usually peaceful life, recalling why he had left the house in the first place, going to grab the bag off the bed and brought it back to her, taking out the bottle of cold and flu medicine. Tearing the safety seal off, Sy poured the nasty looking green syrup into the clear, plastic measuring cup and held it out to her. Lily's face twisted with disgusted, shivering, but she took it from him and quickly downed it.
“Ew, that is so nasty.” She laughed, nervously, setting the cup down.
“As long as it works.” Sy replied, closing the bottle.
“I thought you were going to kill him.” Lily whispered as she sat down on the bed.
Sy stopped in the doorway of the bathroom, biting his lip and pushing his jaw forward, slowly nodding his head as he thought about it. He thought he was going to end up killing Jak too. He had thought a lot about what he would do if, and when, he met Jak in person, ever since he answered his call and Lily told him about their history, over a week ago. He had pictured beating him to a pulp, killing him and just giving him a good talking too; making a point that Lily was no longer his.
But, even Sy knew, you don't know how you'll react to a situation until it happens.
“I thought I would kill him too.” He admitted out loud, moving to sit down on the edge of the bed, beside her. “Part of me wanted too.” He added with a soft sigh.
“But, then he would have taken you from me.”
Sy reached out and took her hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over her wrist. “My life would be an equal trade for your safety, Lily.”
“But, not for my happiness.” She countered, lifting a brow at him.
Their eyes met and Sy smiled at her, leaning forward to gently kiss her.
“Rest.” He whispered against her lips. “It's all over now.”
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Lily sighed softly, then chuckled, feeling Sy's heavy palm press down on her belly. “So vain.” She giggled, splaying her legs open and resting her ankles on his calves.
“Am I?” He chuckled back, feeling himself moving inside of her.
“You're always pressing your hand to my abdomen, when we have sex. Always enjoying the feel of that fat cock inside of me.” She told him, locking her dainty hand around his thick wrist as his hand stayed on her stomach. “I don't know who takes more pleasure in it, me or you.”
“Both of us.” Sy laughed, leaning over and gently kissed her.
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Sy wiped his sweaty forehead on the sleeve of his painting coveralls and took a step back, lowering the long handled paint roller into the roller pan, that was filled with moth gray paint that he and Lily had picked out to paint the house with, accented by slate blue shutters, dark stained porch support posts and a white door.
“It's looking good, Bear.” Lily said, stepping out onto the porch, carrying a glass of iced tea.
“Thanks, Angel.” Sy smiled, carefully setting the roller down and took the glass from her. “Hopefully, I'll be done soon, and I'll start putting up the roofing.” He told her, between sips. “Do you want to see it?” He asked her, setting the cool glass on the porch rail.
“Sure.” Lily nodded, pressing her lips together and gulping down a sudden nauseous ump in her throat, before following Sy around the other side of the house and off the porch, towards the barn, where the roofing material was stored.
Sy pushed open the barn door, smiling as it glided on its rollers, he had replaced and greased the track, so when the roofing material was delivered it would be easier for him and the delivery men to get in and out of the structure with the heavy boxes. Entering the barn, Sy opened one of the cardboard flaps to the roofing materials and showed Lily what was inside.
“I thought the black would accent well with all the other colors we have going with the house.” He started to explain to her.
“Is it metal?” She asked, reaching out and touching it, finding it cool under her fingertips.
“They are.” Sy nodded, smiling at her. “They last longer than asphalt shingles, you know, the shingles that normally go on houses. But, they're lighter than tile or slate. I also know you love the sound of the rain and hail on the barn's roof, and it's metal, so, I thought you'd enjoy it in the house too.” He told her, proud of his methods. “I'll insulate the roofing a bit. so it won't be so loud, when we get a really bad storm.”
Lily smiled, incredibly touched by Sy's thoughtfulness, as she often was. “Thank you.” She replied, moving over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tight for a moment, until the strong smell of the paint on his coveralls hit her nose and went straight to her stomach. “Oh god.” She gasped, whining, and tore away from him.
Racing out the barn door and skidding around the corner, Lily doubled over and spilled her guts, puking and wrenching into the tall grass and weeds growing alongside the barn wall. Sy's hot hand pressed to the small of her back, concerned, as she continued to dry heave for several more moments.
“You all right?” He asked, rubbing her back and making sure her hair wasn't in her face.
“Yeah.” She nodded, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, and stood up. “I just think all the paint fumes are getting to me.”
Nodding and letting out a slow breath, Sy walked back into the house with her and brought the portable fan into the living room, hoping to reduce the strength of the paint smell in the room for her, seeing how pale she was.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked, bringing her a glass of water.
“Yeah, I'll be fine, Bear.” She replied, slowly sipping the water.
“Okay.” Sy nodded, chewing on the corner of his lip. “I'm going to try and finish this side of the house by the end of the day. If you need anything, just call. All right?”
Lily smiled up at him. “All right, Sy.”
Smiling back at her, Sy kissed her temple and went back out onto the porch. Lily sat on the couch for a little while longer, pressing her hands to her face, tired and her stomach still acting up, the smell of paint wasn't as strong with the windows open and the fan blowing, but it was still lingering. So, she went upstairs to the master bedroom, where the air was clear. She dropped on the bed and picked up her phone, figuring the hormonal change from her upcoming period was causing her to be nauseous, and opened a period tracking app she used.
“Oh, fuck.” She gasped, seeing the date on the tracker, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, foot tapping with nervous and antsy energy. “Fuck it.” She snapped, jumping to her feet and went back downstairs, swiping her keys off their hook.
“Where's the fire?” Sy asked, as Lily breezed out the front door.
“I'm just going into town.” She replied, biting her lip.
“All right.” Sy answered, turning back to the section he was painting. “Wait.” He froze, just processing what she said to him. “What?” He squeaked, turning back towards her.
Lily's mouth worked for a moment, flustered. “I'm...going into town.” She repeated, slowly.
Sy set down the paint roller. “Do you want me to go with you?” He asked, eyes scanning her, he could tell something had her distressed, but couldn't put his paint covered finger on it.
“No.” She shook her head, and took a deep breath. “I know you want to finish this, and I think I can do it.” She told him, feeling a slow confidence wrap around her anxiety of going into town by herself for the first time since she came to Celina, nearly five years before.
“As long as you're sure.” Sy replied, regarding her, a soft light of pride in her glowing in his blue eyes.
“I am.” Lily nodded, smiling at him, even more fortified by his pride. “I'm no longer afraid of what's out there, like I used to be.”
“I'm proud of you, Angel.” Sy cooed, beaming at her.
“Thanks, Bear.” Lily blushed, shyly brushing her hair behind her ears.
“Hey, since you're heading out that way, could you get me another roller?” He asked, looking down at the one he had been using.
“Sure, do you need a specific kind?”
“Yeah, a roller with a three-fourths nap.”
“Three-fourths nap, noted.” Lily replied, committing it to memory. “Anything else?”
“Nope.” He shook his head, giving her a quick kiss, before she stepped off the porch and got into her usually unused car.
Lily let out a deep breath as she pulled off her property, her heart thundered in her chest as she approached the small town, nervous about why she was going out there to start with and what the residences would say when they saw her out and about on her own, she knew they would whisper and talk, especially when they saw the items she bought. Lily contemplated going over to the next town of Prosper to get the items, not wanting the gossip to be running rampant around Celina by morning, but shrugged it off.
“Let them talk.” She said, pulling into the parking lot. “It won't change anything.”
Going into the hardware store first, Lily got the paint roller Sy had asked her to get and dropped it in the car, before going into the grocery store for what she had gone out for.
“Hey, Ms. Lily!”
“Hey, Travis.” Lily smiled at the teen.
“You're out and about!” He grinned at her, abandoning his spot at the end of a cash register, where he was supposed to be helping bag groceries, to walk with her.
“I am.” She chuckled at him, biting her lip and blushing.
“Are you trying to overcome your fear or something?” He inquired, tilting his head at her.
“Something like that.” She replied, offering him a sweet smile.
“I'm glad.” Travis smiled back at her, really looking proud of her. “You really deserve to live life to the fullest.” He told her, with a sweet earnest.
“Thank you, Travis.” Lily chuckled, gently touching his arm.
“Marlowe!” A voice barked, startling them both into looking behind them. “Bags.” A heavy set man in a creased pair of slacks and white polo shirt snapped, pointing at the checkout stand Travis had walked away from.
“Sorry, Mr. Gillis.” Travis replied, sheepishly. “I was just giving Ms. Lily aisle directions. The Tylenol is on aisle seven.” He said, looking back at Lily.
“Thanks, Travis. You're a lifesaver.” Lily replied, going along with it.
Travis winked at her and went back to his job and Lily went on her way, weaving around until she found the aisle she was looking for, finding three different types of the product she was looking for and was unsure which would be the best to use. So, she grabbed one of each and started for check out, but back tracked and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol, before going to pay for her items. Thankfully, Travis wasn't upfront, when she got up there, causing her heart to slow down, greatly, in her chest. Even though, the cashier gave her a knowing glance as she rang Lily up, but Lily pretended to not see it, staring at the headline of a magazine beside the register.
Returning home, Lily crammed the three boxes into her bag, before getting out of the car, and Sy was still working on the porch. He turned his attention to her, smiling as she stepped up onto the porch with him, holding out the new roller brush to him.
“Thanks.” He said, taking it from her. “How'd it go?” He asked.
“It went really well.” Lily smiled, her anxiety level starting to go down again, but was still anxious. “I ran into Travis.” She chuckled.
“Oh, how did that go?” Sy laughed back.
“He got in trouble with his boss, but he's a good kid.” She smiled, jiggling her bag of Tylenol.
“Is that what you went for?” Sy asked, lifting a brow at the bag.
“More or less.”
“Hm.” He hummed, pressing his lips together. “Well, I'm glad you did it, I knew you could.”
“Thanks, Bear.” Lily smiled, pushing up on her toes and kissed him on the lips. “I'll get dinner started soon.”
“Good, I'm starved.” He replied against her mouth.
“Always and forever.” Lily teased him, giggling, then went inside.
With Sy still distracted with the porch, Lily went upstairs and closed herself inside the master bathroom, dumping the three boxes onto the sink counter and letting out a shaky breath, glancing at herself in the mirror.
“Here goes nothing.” She sighed, tearing open the boxes and read their instructions. “Seems easy enough.” She talked to herself, trying to keep her nerves under control, pausing when she heard whining outside the bathroom door. “Come on, quick.” She whispered, opening the door for Aika, then closed it behind her.
“You wanna take this for me?” Lily quipped, holding up one of the test sticks. “I didn't think so.” She huffed, when Aika just stared up at her. “It was worth the ask.” She babbled, nervously, before working up the nerve to take two of them.
She nervously paced the bathroom, chewing on her lip or on her fingernails, trying to figure out a way to tell Sy if either of them came out positive. If they didn't, it was easy not to tell him, there wouldn't be a need to, it was just her own silly paranoia. Maybe her tracker was just off, she was bad at remembering to update the thing after her periods ended and things had been crazy around that time, dealing with Jak. But, what if her tracker was right, what if she was really a week late. Ever since their first time in the barn during the storm, Lily and Sy enjoyed having sex with each other every chance they got, for God's sake, they had sex up against the kitchen table the night before, while they were supposed to be making dinner, only to end up burning it and having to call out of pizza instead.
There were so many moments in the last month that could have ended up with Lily being at this point, that it was nearly impossible to say which one it was.
The five minute timer on Lily's phone started to ring and she tapped it off, but still didn't have the courage to look at the two sticks balanced on the sink's edge. Pressing a hand over her eyes and stepping up to the counter, Lily counted to five under her breath, then yanked her hand away from her eyes, quickly looking down before her spur of the moment courage failed her again and felt her stomach drop.
“Oh fucking shit.” She snapped, despite the grin on her face.
Staring at the tests for a moment longer, Lily opened the bathroom door and walked down the hall, to the main staircase, that was closest to the front door, but froze. A chill of fright filling her, what if Sy wasn't happy about the results, what if he freaked out and left or worse.
“No.” Lily shook her head, pushing that fear down. “Not my Bear.” She said, gulping. “Austin.” She called down the stairs to him.
There was a quiet moment, before the screen door opened and slammed shut again.
“Yeah?” Sy called back up the stairs to her.
“I need you to come up here.” Lily replied, biting her lip and taking a calming breath.
Sy's heavy footsteps came up the stairs, then he appeared before her, brows lifted in question. “What's up, Sugar butt?”
Lily motioned down the hall with her head, then moved back into the bedroom. Sy smirked, his step picking up a bit, figuring she was in a mood, and was more than happy to oblige her. But, he frowned at her, when she stopped beside the bathroom door and pointed inside of it, her eyes meeting his. Blinking once at her, Sy stepped into the bathroom, figuring now, that something had broken and she needed him to fix it, but what he found wasn't anything that was broken.
Far from it.
Sy's eyes instantly found the two used pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter, one of them showing two noticeable blue lines and the other one with the clear word, pregnant, in their indication windows. His mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide with surprise and shock, his brain going blank for a moment, unable to compute anything more than those two positive tests, before looking at Lily.
“You're sure?”
“I took two for a reason.” She replied, stared back at him, just as wide eyed. “I have a third, but I didn't think there would be a need for it, if the first two were the same result.” She explained, licking her lips.
Sy turned on his heels and strode over Lily, who spooked slightly, taking a step back from him, unsure how he was reacting, despite trying to reassure herself he wouldn't be angry about it. But, Sy caught her up in his arms and picked her up clean off her feet, nearly crushing her in his thick arms and against his chest, spinning her in a circle and burying his face into her neck, smiling and laughing, overjoyed, beyond belief.
“So, you're not angry?” Lily asked, holding onto him.
“Are you kidding me?” Sy laughed, pulling back and looking her in the face, beaming with tears in his eyes. “How could I ever be angry?” He asked her, like it was the most absurd thing in the world. “I love you, Lily, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said, setting her back down on her feet and brushed his fingers through her hair, tenderly.
“I, sure as hell, want to have kids with you.” He told her, sincerely, cupping her face in his hands.
“I do too.” She whispered back, overcome with relief and joy, and grasped his wrists.
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With the two pregnancy tests reading positive, Lily called the closest OBGYN in the area, which was twenty minutes away in the town of McKinney, and made an appointment with them for the earliest availability, which was three days later.
“I was thinking.” Sy said, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel as he drove them to the appointment.
“Oh?” Lily replied, looking up from the ultra-soft, dove colored, yarn in her lap.
“I want to give up my apartment in Austin, and permanently stay out here with you and the baby.” He told her, glancing at her for a moment, smiling at the baby blanket she had started to crochet the night before.
“I already thought you were here permanently?” Lily chuckled, eyes sparkling at him. “Place in Austin or not.” She said, eyes turning back to her needlework.
Sy reached across the center console and gently took her hand in his. “You have no idea, how much you have made that farm a home for me. How much you've become home to me.”
Lily gripped his hand tighter, feeling the deep emotion of the moment. “I feel the same, Austin.” She whispered back, tears filling her eyes and spilling over, dripping onto the yarn. “So much, the same.”
They made it to the building Lily's new doctor worked out of and signed in for their appointment, filling out paperwork, while they waited for their turn to go back. Both of them were nervous and excited about the appointment, to find out more about the baby and what life would be like from here on out. Sy wanted to know what the gender was, but knew that wouldn’t happen for several more weeks, while Lily just hoped she wouldn't have any major complications during the pregnancy, her nausea was already starting to get more frequent, having been woken up early that morning to rush into the bathroom to throw up.
“Ms. Moore?” A nurse called out.
Lily and Sy stood up and the nurse showed them into the back, pausing for a moment to hold out a small urine sample cup to Lily.
“There's a bathroom two doors down, on the left, fill it to the line, and when you're done, leave it on the little counter in there, then I'll show you both to the exam room.” She explained to Lily.
Lily nodded, a slight shake in her hand as she took the cup from her and went down to the bathroom, doing as she was told. It took Lily a moment to get going, her excitement and nerves taking up so much of her attention. She squeezed her eyes shut, taking a shaky breath, her mind flashing back and forth between every conceivable scenario between her, Sy and the baby. Her belly growing rounder than a ripe watermelon in summer, Sy finished up the house and working on a nursery, while she crocheted the blanket. The patter of feet in the house, the sound of laughs and barks in the yard as the baby and Aika played together.
But, also the fear of Sy suddenly deciding he didn't want a life with her and going back to Austin, leaving her to raise the baby on her own, or the absolute worst, losing the baby all together.
“Not going to happen.” She chanted under her breath. “He loves me.”
Taking several deep breaths, Lily managed to fill the cup to the line, secured the lid on it and set it down on the small shelf screwed into the wall across from the toilet, before washing her hands and going back out into the hall to join Sy and the nurse.
The nurse smiled at her and showed her and Sy into a sweet little exam room, where Lily took a seat on the table, letting the nurse take her vitals.
“The doctor will be right with you, Ms. Moore.”
“Thanks.” Lily smiled at her, legs gently swinging and hands clasped in her lap.
Sy stood in front of Lily, untangling her hands and held them in his, squeezing them as he felt them shake. “It'll be all right, Angel.” He cooed at her, pressing their hands to his chest and stood between her legs. “You're doing so good, my sweet thang.” He chuckled, starting to tease her a little bit, knowing it would lighten her mood.
Sy tried to cover his own worry and fear, wanting to look and be strong for Lily, knowing she was just as terrified as he was. He had wanted a family, a kid, for a long time, but not just a kid to have a kid for the sake of it, to have someone to carry on the bloodline and legacy. He wanted to have a kid with someone he loved, to have a life. To be someone more than Captain Austin Syverson of the U.S Army. To be, Austin Syverson, Father, Dad and husband, maybe even grandpa one day.
That had been Austin's dream.
And here was Lily, his beautiful, sweet Angel, who had saved him. He loved Lily with his entire soul, he would live for her and he would die for her, and now, she was carrying his daughter or son, proving him wrong, when he thought he couldn't love her anymore. Giving Sy one more thing on his bucket list. She gave him a purpose, she gave him a place to belong, and she gave him unconditional love and support. Lily made Sy feel wanted and complete. He couldn't think of anything more he wanted, but he had a feeling that Lily might give him more than what he expected.
“Snookums.” He laughed aloud.
“Oh god.” Lily laughed back, shaking her head at him, starting to feel better. “Watch yourself, Pooh Bear.” She teased him back, pressing her palms to his chest.
Sy rolled his eyes at her, leaning slightly forward and gently rubbed noses with her, with a soft knock on the room door and it opened, a short lady with smooth caramel skin and a white doctor's coat stepped into the room, smiling sweetly at both Lily and Sy.
“Hello.” She greeted them, extending her hand. “I'm Dr. Evers.”
“Hi.” Lily greeted her back and shook her hand. “Lily.” She smiled.
“Sy.” He replied, shaking her hand next.
“So, you're expecting?” Dr. Evers beamed at Lily, genuinely happy for them.
“Yeah.” Lily grinned, excited and shy. “I've been nauseous, which usually happens on my period.” She began to explain. “So, I was checking when my period was due to start, on a tracker I have on my phone, only to realize, I was nearly a week late.” She said, glancing over at Sy.
“I took two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive.”
“Great.” Evers nodded. “The urine test you took came back positive as well, but I'll also want to take a UPT test as well, to be extra sure.” She explained to Lily, just as the door opened again and the nurse came back in, pushing a small metal cart with two plastic tubes with rubber caps and a needle inside a sterile package.
Lily's hand instantly shot out for Sy's hand, eyes wild, gulping and paling slightly. Sy let her squeeze his hand as hard she wanted, while rubbing her back with his free hand, leaning in and pressing his lips to her temple. Lily, reluctantly, held her arm out to the nurse, who gently sterilized the inside bend of her elbow and took out the needle, that had a thin tube and cap-like object attached to it, that she slotted one of the test tubes into, before skillfully inserting the needle into Lily's arm.
“See, not so bad.” Sy smiled at Lily's soft hiss, watching her rich blood fill up the tube, and gently pet her hair. “Proud of you.” He added, softly.
The nurse filled both tubes, removed the needle and covered the injection site, smiling sweetly at Lily, then left the room with the blood samples.
“So, the test results will take two-= to three days to come in.” Evers explained to them, once the door closed. “The office will give you a call with the results. Until then, I want you to rest and take it easy. I'll prescribe you a prenatal vitamin and something for your nausea. Once we get your results and they’re positive, we'll set up another appointment and go from there.”
“Sounds great, Doc.” Sy grinned, giddy as a school-boy about being a dad.
“That it does.” Lily agreed, ecstatic as well.
-- Part VI --
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matchupwithshy · 2 years
Hello, i was wondering if i could get a match up from you, for the fandom(s) Naruto and /or Black butler, please and thank you
I’m Ghost, I am Aquarius born, ISTP personality, and I’m panromantic with a male lean, with any pronouns.
im 5’5, shoulder length blonde, pale ivory skin tone, Grunge aesthetic and Green/hazel eyes, I have been told by a few of my friends that I look like a middle age man who either only drinks coffee or whiskey.
I have trust issues, I tend to be stand off-ish to people and prefer to be alone in dark and quite places, though I am open and happy around people I feel like I can trust, I’m a bit chaotic and tend to get out of hand when it comes to things I am passionate about, and I like to have deep meaningful conversations with people.
I like most parts of nature, like flowers, bugs, animals, and the sounds, my favourite foods are anything veggie or fruit and sweets, I listen too Grunge, emo, rock, metal, and punk bands, I do a lot of art, i enjoy drawing plants and my ocs, In my free time I do art, I read, write, and watch anime, some of my favourites are Death parade, demon slayer, and skate the infinity, I play a lot of video games, like Resident evil(I love anything horror and gory), danganronpa, and legend of Zelda:Breath of the wild.
I hate jerks, bullies, people that are clingy and/or loud, I dislike red meats, I have Emetophobia and Trypanophobia, and I hate going out to public places like stores and restaurants for long perriods of type.
bye, have a good day/night
I Match you with Shikamaru!
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Shikamaru likes sitting down with you outside in the garden behind his house as he cloud watches, he adores to listening to you talk about new books you've read or how your day has been.
He's not the best with talking about his feelings but will always remember any important dates and your favorite food. Shikamaru will slide your favorite snacks into your bag when he sees that you haven't eaten, he will also leave little notes to encourage you.
Shikamaru loves brushing your hair after a long day at work, just let him after you bath and he'll gently place kisses on your neck and shoulders as you relax in his lap.
If you like Deer he'll gladly introduce you to the Nara Deer though not before warning you that if one falls asleep on you you can't move untill they wake up. If you help Shikamaru feed the Deer and brush them down he'll lean against you every now and then just as a silent thank you.
No matter how silent Shikamaru can be he will always tell you before you sleep that he loves you, with how dangerous the world is he doesn't want you to ever think he doesn't love and adore you. No matter how dangerous his missions are he'll always find a way to come back home for you.
Thank you for the ask, if you want another or a short scnerio please just ask me!
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wonwhomps · 4 years
Warming You Up
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➻ Warnings: Language // Mentions of blood // Scientific, criminology and medical inaccuracies
➻ Words: 10.1k
➻ Genre: Angst // Romance // Humor 
➻ Pairings: Jeon Wonwoo x Female Reader
➻ Summary: Heart is freezing. Arm is bleeding. You yearn for warmth. He needs to heal.  Are you each other’s cure? You need to hold on.
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She looked pretty.
She's beautiful.
Woah, what's her diet?
It's nothing new hearing whispers about how intimidating you look, how good you look, and how perfect you are. Little did they know, behind this face is a person longing for a warm embrace. You craved for love and even if you know it won't work, you're doing everything to make it last. You're cold inside and you badly wanted to make it warm, sacrificing everything you worked hard for.
Wearing a red turtleneck partnered with black jeans, a black 3-inch heels, and a black dress coat that protects you from the cold wind, you made your way to the place where your recent relationship started—the park.
It's illuminated with fairy lights stringed at every tree branches, fireflies are also flying around the place making it seem more magical than it already is, but you know more than that. This is not a magical moment every kid dreamed of. This is about facing the reality that you keep on denying for about 2 months now.
You held the strap of your black shoulder bag tightly and inhaled sharply as the silhouette of your boyfriend approaches you. You stood still until he reaches you.
You could see his breath vapor as he sighed in front of you. It's cold.
Before he could even open his mouth to say something, you held his hands and started sobbing. "S-stay, please."
He clicked his tongue. "So it's true, you're going to give everything just to make your boyfriend stay. You must be out of your mind," said your boyfriend before he harshly tugged his hands back out of your hold.
You felt your heart freeze. No.
You tried to think of other things to say to make him stay even just for another day. You don't want to feel cold again. Being with him helped you feel a glimpse of the one you craved—warmth. It's not enough to make you feel completely warm but you had no other choice.
Cold wind is gushing by making you shiver more than you already are. Your heart is shouting and begging to feel warmth. It's slowly starting to make your legs weak causing you to place your hand on his arm for support but he thinks otherwise. He jerked your hand off of his arm making you stumble and fall on the cold ground.
"We're done here. I only dated you for sex anyway and you didn't even give me a taste. How could you ask me for staying when you couldn't even give me what I want."
You shake your head. "N-no, don't leave me. I--", you held your chest tightly hoping it would help ease the ache it gives. "U-use m-me..."
He looked over you with disgust. "You need help," is what he said before he left you shivering and hurt on the cold floor.
Your heart is slowly killing you. You didn't understand how weak you are every time this things happen. You felt small and you hate it. It seems like you've ran out of tears, you wanted to cry but you can't.
Fireflies are flying over your head. You tried reaching one, letting your hand stay mid-air. Thoughts filled in your mind like if you have died earlier, none of this would have happened and that you won't feel any more pain. If only you didn't wish for another life you could've been by your mother's side right now. But you wished. You lived. You hurt. You're cold. "I-i am cold," you said trying to hug yourself to warm your freezing body. You looked up in the sky and there you saw the first snow fall of the year. You didn't even bother standing up, you gave up.
You're running out of breath until you felt a pair of arms wrapping you with a warm cloth that you think belongs to the person in front of you. You heard them sigh. "Miss, are you here because you want to suffer hypothermia? It's freezing out here what were you thinking?" You looked up to see a handsome man maybe around the same age as you, but what caught you off-guard is how close your faces are. You looked away out of embarrassment. You heard him clear his throat. "Let me take you to the nearest hospital, you look awful."
Surprised, you looked back at him and saw him staring at you raising an eye brow. That's the first time you ever heard someone say you're awful. You didn't feel insulted at all.
He stood up, dusting off the snow on his pants before offering his hand to help you stand up. However, you just looked on his hand because you can't even move your hands at this point. "What? You can't stand?," he said. You shook your head slowly. He huffed before kneeling down. He placed his arm around your back and hoisted you up so that he can place another arm around your knee before completely lifting you up. You automatically encircled your arms around his shoulders for support.
You heard him mutter a curse. "Looks can definitely kill," he said before heading to the hospital which happens to be just around the corner. He tried starting a conversation with you but you feel light-headed and it seems like for every second passing by, you're slowly losing your consciousness.
He felt your head fall on his chest and he lets out a sigh of relief when he reached the hospital just in time. Nurses motioned him to place you on the bed and they started checking your vitals. They gave you IV fluids to replenish the amount of water your body had lost.
"The patient worked herself up. She needs to be given IV fluids because she's dehydrated. I suggest to stay by her side for a moment because this kid right here has Trypanophobia."
He looked at the doctor. "How did you know she's afraid of injections?"
"Y/n's always here for the same reason," the doctor pats his shoulder before leaving.
He went to the nurses' desk and told them he would be back. He went out to find a convenience store to buy some food. While waiting in line to pay, he remembered seeing you getting busted by your boyfriend, he thought. How could a man like him leave a lady like her? What a jerk. He was back to reality when someone tapped his shoulder.
"Uhm... H-hi! Could we take a picture?"
He raised an eye brow before saying, "Uh, no sorry." After that, he paid what he bought and went straight back to the hospital. He waved a hand to the nurses before entering your room just to see you staring right at him.
"I thought you have Trypanophobia? Did you panic when you saw the needles?," he asked while you still stare directly at him.
"Yeah, I did. I shouted... Ah!," you said sarcastically. You heard him snickered then you realized this man beside you is a complete stranger but it doesn't feel awkward at all. Clearing your throat, "What's your name?," you asked.
He sat on the stool beside your bed and showed you a paper bag full of edible foods. "I figured you wouldn't want to eat hospital food. Here you go, Y/n! Eat the sandwich first while it's still warm.
Hearing your name, you looked at him confused. You raised an eye brow, indirectly asking the question to how did he know your name, which he immediately caught and proudly answered, "I just know," with a smirk curving in his lips. "Eat it up, you look indecent and a living dead," he said while unwrapping the sandwich before handing it over to you.
You took it and slowly munch on it. You feel uncomfortable since he's just staring at you while you're trying to feed yourself with a sandwich. "You eat like a hamster. You're now a zombie hamster," he said while trying his best not to laugh in which you returned with a deadly glare. He stopped laughing and motioned you to continue eating. "By the way, you owe me. I ditched my friends tonight because I pity seeing you freezing to death outside. I am a very helpful person that's why and being handsome just adds up to it," he said.
He saw you rolled your eyes and that made him smile. "You're too full of yourself, you didn't even answer my question earlier. I'll only believe you know everything if you give me a valid answer." He tilted his head while looking at you.
"I know it. It's written in my blood."
Silence filled the room. Only the sound of the AC is heard and you just stared at him, totally confused. "You're joking, right?"
He shrugged, "Yeah, probably."
He accompanied you for an hour until he has to bid farewell and call it a night. You did not know he already left since you were sound asleep and he didn't want to wake you up from your rest so he left silently, leaving a piece of note on the bedside cabinet.
I hope we meet again zombie hamster.                                         , Wonwoo                                         The next morning, you were discharged and you paid your hospital bills. A nurse handed you your things that are placed on the cabinet including a piece of paper that you just tossed inside your shoulder bag.
"Y/n, I hope you never come back here. It's not that we don't want to see you, but knowing that you're here only means that you're sick and you need medication. Start thinking about yourself for once and set aside the unnecessary things. Don't let your heart control you, fight it."
You flashed a small smile and nodded at Dr. Yoon. He is right, I should think about myself for once but am I not taking care of myself since I only did these things to help my freezing heart? Before leaving you gave them a smile and waved your hand to them. You hailed a cab and gave them your address. You just want to take a bath and lay down on your bed all day wearing your favorite pajamas, watching Netflix while eating bananas.
Wonwoo woke up from a deep sleep while catching his breath. He looked over at his blanket feeling something wet.
It happened again, he thought. Rushing to his bathroom, he carefully folded his bloody long sleeves revealing a written statement with his blood on his arm. He muttered a curse from the pain while reading it. He positioned his affected arm at the sink and slowly cleans it, wincing from the pain.
He washed his face afterwards and faced the mirror. He attempted to steady his breathing but he failed. He quickly went back to his bedroom, discarding the stained blanket on the laundry and grabbing his notebook and a pen.
'xxxx cafe'
It has been 3 weeks since his first encounter with you, 2 months since his blood wrote your name and a month since he discovered you were somewhat related to his life. In his notebook, a list of the things his blood wrote on his arm was noted. From your name down to the places you might go, he don't know the real reason behind those places but when he found you at the park, it gave him a hint that these are the places you will fall or experience pains.
It's snowing heavily but you still have to go outside to meet your client and talk about the designs they want for their house. You prepared your things and wore a white formal sweater partnered with denim jeans and black boots ending just below your knees. You took a bite on your sandwich and grabbed your dress jacket before leaving.
You arrived at the cafe your client suggested and started to look for them. You received a text message that they will arrive a bit late because of traffic so you sat on the corner of the cafe while scanning their menu.
You felt a presence in front of you and before looking up a glass of water was splashed right on your face.
"Fuck you! So you're the one my husband will meet today even if it's snowing real hard. Stop being a bitch and how dare you seduce a married man!?"
You were running out of breath as you look into the woman's eyes. You felt your chest tightened. You don't know what is she talking about. You didn't seduce anyone, you are here to meet a client not a married man. The woman didn't get satisfied with just splashing you a glass of water. She went near you and grabbed your hair, forcing you to look up. "M-ma'am, you're hurting me. Please, stop." You tried removing her hand but she grabbed it even tighter making you cry in pain.
She kept yelling about how fucked up you are seducing his husband and being a desperate woman who just wants to be fucked. The customers inside the cafe just stared at you in disgust, believing all the lies this woman is saying.
"No wonder she looked rich and pretty, she must have been seducing every rich man to make her way up."
Hearing all those whispers, your heart started clenching and a tint of coldness once again sparked. You didn't know where to focus, to your heart or to her hand grabbing your hair. The cafe's door opened and a man entered making his way to your direction.
"He is probably the husband."
They were right. The man took off his wife's hand off of you and gave you an apologetic smile for causing you trouble. Your heart is beating faster than normal and makes it even harder to breathe. You tried asking for help but they didn't even bother asking you what's wrong.
They are so quick to judge.
You started feeling light-headed and you could feel your heart slowly freezing. You whispered a curse. Holding your chest tightly, you tried to stand up but your legs suddenly became weak causing you to fall on the wooden floor. Customers looked over you, some gasped and looked surprised but some didn't bother looking at all. You tugged your jacket in your body hoping it would help make your heart feel warmth but it didn't. You once again called out for help, but no one even budge. If my heart will completely freeze I wish to hug my soulmate even if it's our first and last, you thought.
Wonwoo was caught up in a company meeting. He was anxious the whole time that he didn't even understand a thing. He checked his wrist watch and a sigh of relief escaped his lips because there's only 2 minutes left before the meeting is adjourned.
He didn't even bother removing his glasses as he made his way to the cafe he saw earlier on his arm. It was just a walking distance from their building. He didn't know why but he felt like running, so he did.
He reached the cafe while catching his breath. He saw something weird, customers were all looking to the left corner of the cafe and whispering some things. Looking at where the rest was eyeing, he recognized it was you. He ran quickly to you and hugged your trembling body on the floor. He hears your muffled sobs as you try to ease the pain your heart is giving you.
"Shh... Y/n, it's okay. I'm here now. Shh..." he said trying to calm you down.
He placed his head above yours and tightly hugged you as you still tremble. You were freezing, he was sure of that.
Before he came you could feel it. Your heart was almost fully frozen. It aches so bad you can't even cry and what hurts more is that the people around you didn't even bother helping you. But when he came, you were confused. Why does it feel warm? Where is this warmth coming from? His embrace made you calm and helped you even out your breathing. He continued hugging you until he felt your body relaxing. He made you face him. "Let's get you out of here," he said and you just nodded in response.
Wonwoo decided to bring you to his house after he noticed that your clothes are wet. You were already shivering from the cold so wearing wet clothes will just worsen it. He motioned you to sit down on the sofa while he grabs one of his shirts to replace your  wet sweater. You explored your eyes around his living area and you could say that he's a very clean person and he's got the nice choice of set of furniture and designs in his home. You saw a frame with him on it and the woman beside him is his mother, you assumed and capsule caught your attention. It was placed on the coffee table beside the frame. You were about to get it but you heard him clear his throat that made you startle.
"H-here you go. The bathroom's over there," he said trying his best not to look at you, pointing his finger to where the bathroom is located. You get the shirt from his hand and followed the direction of his finger pointing to his bathroom.
Entering the bathroom, you gaped when you faced the mirror. "That's why he wasn't looking at me," you whispered while looking at yourself. Due to the water that was thrown at you, your bra was showing through your wet sweater. You quickly changed your sweater to his gray shirt that ends on your thighs, making it looked like you were wearing a short dress shirt.
Wonwoo prepared two cups of coffee while you change your clothes. He couldn't help but blush when he saw you at the living room earlier. "Fuck you," he whispered for himself. He didn't know he was already pouring the hot water on the wrong direction until you guided his hand on the cup and said, "Cup's over here." And that time Wonwoo swore time has stopped. He was startled by your sudden appearance.
You sat on the chair and placed your elbows at the table while you admire his back. You saw him stir the coffee before placing it in front of you and sat opposite you. You clutch the mug to feel the warmth of the coffee.
"I wanted to ask you if you're alright, but I already have an answer to that. So, do you want to talk it out?," he cleared his throat and sipped on his coffee.
"It's weird. I actually thought it's the end for me earlier," you sighed. "I'm there to meet a client but an enraged woman confronted me instead." You looked into his eyes.
"It's been a while, Wonwoo."
He almost choked on his coffee when you said his name. "I thought you wouldn't see the note I left at the hospital. Glad to meet you again," he gave you a small smile.
The room was silent until you said something. "Could I tell you something? I haven't told anyone of this and I feel comfortable with you, that's why."
Wonwoo nodded, "I'm all ears."
You didn't want to continue at first but you eventually started talking. "I... I have a freezing heart. Whenever I feel weak and defeated, I could feel it's slowly beginning to freeze. I have suffered from it ever since the day my mother died and lately, I figured having a companion helps it feel warm enough to stop it from completely freezing," you placed your hand on your chest, "But earlier it was thawed and I feel warm," you looked down. You were confused and tried to figure out what happened earlier but you can't.
"The reason why I always look for a lover is because I want to survive. I couldn't live the life I wanted because of this heart. I didn't ask for having too many relationships, but it's the only way I would live."
Wonwoo just stared at you while listening to your words. So that's why he saw you at the park that night, you were completely shivering. If he arrived behind time, it would've been too late. Speaking of time, Wonwoo realized that it's already past their noon break. He asked you if you wanted to go home so he would hail a cab. "Could I stay for awhile?," you asked which made him stilled. Wonwoo nodded and made his way to the front door. "There are snacks in the cupboard!," is what he said before closing the door.
You stood up and washed the mugs before heading back to the living room. There are 2 more doors near the bathroom and you assumed are his room and a guest room. You sat down and leaned back on the sofa and pondered for a bit. "Sooner or later I have to find him again. Miracles like this won't always happen," you said to yourself while holding your chest.
You have slept on the sofa for an hour and when you looked at the clock it's already 4 o'clock. You remembered Wonwoo mentioned there are snacks in the cupboard, so you went and started searching for food. You also checked his fridge and found ingredients for soup. You're not the best at cooking, but you still want to make him food as a way to say thank you for letting you rest in his place.
When Wonwoo entered the house, his stomach rumbles from the aroma of your dish. "You didn't have to, you know," he said approaching you before sitting on the island chair. You scooped a soup and placed it on a bowl before giving it to him, "I wanted to cook for you to say thanks." He gladly accepted it and silently started eating it. "Why aren't you eating?"
"I already ate a little and I was just waiting for you so I could say that I'm going home," you said before drinking a water. Wonwoo quickly finished his soup, "Let me take you home."
You just nodded in response. It wasn't that far for you to take a cab home but Wonwoo insisted to ride a cab since it was snowing hard. Inside the cab, you just stare at the window and watched the snow fall. Wonwoo, however, was lost in thought.
Earlier at their office, his arm started bleeding again so he immediately went to the comfort room and looked at it to read the written words, but there's nothing being written. It just bled for no reason. His heart was beating fast and he didn't know what was happening. Normally, his arm would bleed because something is being written related about you, but there was none. He yelped in pain when water touched his arm.
"We're here."
Wonwoo looked over you and saw you unbuckling your seatbelt. He raised an eye brow. "I said we have arrived," you said to him before taking your wallet to pay the cab. Wonwoo got his wallet quickly and paid it before you. You were about to contest but he cut you off.
"Go inside now, don't forget to wear warm clothes," he pat your head, "We'll meet again, Y/n."
You didn't know why but your cheeks have flushed red when he pat your head. You thought it's maybe because of the cold.
Before going back home, Wonwoo dropped by a pharmacy and bought medicine. He felt like he's losing so much blood just from today's events. He would still figure out the reason behind his bleeding earlier. "There's nothing written, it's just bleeding," he whispered to himself.
You laid in bed and just stare at your ceiling. Holding your chest, how you wish you would always get lucky for having a warm heart instead of freezing one. A sigh escaped your lips before closing your eyes and dozing off to sleep.
You feel at ease when you didn't experience any signs of your illness for almost a week. Things were running smoothly and you're genuinely happy to yourself. Walking down the road, you stopped by a bakery and bought different types of pastries. You spared your day-off to pay a visit at the hospital because it's already been a month and every time you came here over and over again for the same reason, you became close with almost everyone working there.
You entered the building and you head straight to the reception area where you saw Dr. Lee signing some papers. The nurses noticed you and immediately gave you a smile and a wave that caught Dr. Yoon's attention. "Good morning. Good morning, Dr. Yoon!," you said with a grin while you placed the pastries on the reception table. "It's Jeonghan for you, you're here not as our patient anyway," said Dr. Yoon while his eyes formed a smile when he saw the foods you bought.
"Guys, get some! I dropped by the bakery before going here. It must've been a bit surprising seeing me visit with no intentions of getting medical help," you laughed.
The nurses and Dr. Yoon looked over you. "We're proud, don't worry," Dr. Yoon smiled. "How's your heart? Still freezing?"
Remembering how it didn't give any signs of possible freezing for almost a week, you placed your hand on your chest. "I actually didn't experience anything for a week now. I think it's back to normal... I really hope so," you answered.
Dr. Yoon nodded before stuffing his mouth with bagels. "Dr. Yoon, the patient on room 217 has woken up," you heard the nurse. Dr. Yoon immediately swallowed his food before turning over you.
"Ah, right! Your friend is here, the one who brought you here a month ago. He suffered from mild concussion, but he was treated already. Do you want to tag along? I was about to check up on him anyway."
Your eyes widened when he mentioned Wonwoo. You have already formulated questions in your head on the way to his room, but Dr. Yoon advised you to avoid asking him questions since he's still resting.
You saw a cold press head bandage around his head when you followed behind Dr. Yoon. He was already awake and you saw him looking straight at you, not even bothering to look at his doctor, and you didn't know why your heart has suddenly beat fast. You just stand at one corner of the room while Dr. Yoon checked his vitals. "You're all good now, Wonwoo. You just have to rest for another hour and you're good to go," said Dr. Yoon before going over you and pats your shoulder. "I'll leave you two now."
You suddenly panicked when you saw Dr. Yoon leave the room.
"You're just going to stand there?"
Your head immediately went to look over Wonwoo who was already raising his brow. "I, uhm, I visited them today and Jeonghan happened to tell me that you're here. That's why I'm now here," you didn't even know why you're suddenly explaining to him.
"So you were already on the first name basis with Dr. Yoon, huh."
You heard him muttered something. "What was that?," you asked while walking towards the stool to take a seat beside his bed.
"Nothing," he shrugged.
You stared at him for a moment before asking a question. You couldn't help it. "What happened to you?" Wonwoo looked at you before sighing.
"I slipped on the bathroom floor," he honestly said.
You wanted to laugh but it would just make you childish. You also felt worried for him because if you didn't, you wouldn't even bother going here on the first place.
"That sucks."
Wonwoo raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, it does." He tried to leave the bed and you quickly held his arm to stop him but he when you touched his left arm, he winced in pain. You were surprised so you immediately removed your hand and you saw a bandage covering his arm with red stains visibly seen. Blood. You tried to touch it again but Wonwoo stopped you.
"It's fine. I'm fine," you heard his heavy breaths in between.
You wanted to know the reason behind it but you remembered to not ask him too many questions. Maybe next time, you thought. You stayed silent for 5 minutes, waiting for him to even out his breath. You were so close to yawning but you heard him talk.
"Y/n, let's talk," is what he said while looking at the ceiling. Remembering that he was supposed to be resting, you said, "You need to rest though. I'll wait for you here, it's my free day anyway." Wonwoo looked at your eyes.
"No, it's okay. Talking to you helps me rest completely."
You felt your heart beats fast and your cheeks suddenly warms. You avoided his gaze at first before clearing a lump on your throat. "Uhm, okay. How are you... I mean, how are you last week? We haven't meet after you sent me home and it's been a week. Did you miss me?," you jokingly asked.
Wonwoo just stared at you and you suddenly felt anxious. Is there something on my face, you thought. "Don't ask me two questions at the same time," is what he said. You raised your eyebrows, "But you always ask me two questions at once," you silently said.
"I have been confused... until now," he said. You leaned over his bed railing and placed your hand under your chin for support. "Me too."
He is still looking at you  then you suddenly saw him leaning forward. You closed your eyes when you felt his lips on your forehead. You slowly opened your eyes when you didn't feel his lips anymore and saw him looking on the other side, his cheeks slightly stained with pink.
"I missed you, I guess."
You forgot to move for a moment. Wonwoo closed his eyes trying to avoid your stare.
"Remember when you told me something about your heart? I... I have something similar," you heard him say while his eyes are still closed. "It's my blood. It has been my concern for almost half a year now. My arm would suddenly bleed at every unexpected situations including earlier. When I woke up, my arm was bleeding so much I ran quickly towards my bathroom but I slipped. Luckily, I have my friends over for the night. That's why I happened to be lying here on this bed, instead of my cold tiles."
"I thought I already figured it out, but it turns out I'm nowhere near of solving its cause and origin. That's why I was so confused for the past week," you see him sighed before slowly opening his eyes.
You have no idea that he was also suffering from something. You even thought that maybe you're not the only one who's also suffering from something unexplainable. "I wonder if we would survive," you whispered.
"Don't you have anything to say?"
You also opened up how it's already been a week but your heart is still completely fine and warm. "I don't know why, but I just took it for granted. I'm also starting to think that maybe my time will already come that's why they're already making me live like a normal person," you said.
"We just need to hold on, I guess."
You inhaled a deep breath before slowly nodding your head. You didn't expect to fall asleep on your arms until you heard a knock on the door. You also saw Wonwoo who lazily opened his eyes while trying to remove his head bandage. He probably fell asleep too, you thought.
"Patient 217 or should I say Wonwoo, you can now go home. Your bills were already paid," said Dr. Yoon. "I see both of you had a very long chat, it's already 4 o'clock in the afternoon," Dr. Yoon smirked.
You tried to help him stand up but he declined. You just rolled your eyes. "He clearly needs help, but he rejected it. What a man!," you said to yourself.
When you reached the lobby, Wonwoo grabbed your arm.
"Give me your number, it's not  like we're strangers to each other."
You scoffed but you still gave it anyway.
He offered to take you to a fast-food restaurant because he's starving and not because you haven't eaten yet. "I know a place, let's grab a food," you were about to decline but...
"It's not for you, I'm hungry." You have no other choice but to follow him.
Wonwoo went to the counter to buy food while you wait to your table. You let your eyes explore the place and you felt anxious seeing almost every customer are couples. You cleared your throat when you saw Wonwoo approaching your table with two burgers and drinks placed on the tray.
"You didn't have to. I wasn't hungry-," you lied.
"Who told you it's for you? These are mine."
Your eyes widened in embarrassment so you looked elsewhere.
"I'm just kidding. Eat up, I know you're also hungry."
You didn't listen to him at first but you intestines think otherwise. You chat for a moment until you both emptied out your drinks and it was then time to bid goodbye. His address is on the other direction so you both walked the opposite ways. You find it helpful how both of you are just blocks away and of course, the snow is falling lightly today that's why you didn't need to ride a cab home. You were almost near your home when you heard your phone ring.
                     'I'm one call away or should I say block away. Don't forget to wear warm clothes.'
                     'We'll meet again, beautiful.'
Your lips formed a smile and you could feel your cheeks burn before entering your house.
To Wonwoo:
                     'Looking forward to that. :)'
It was a busy day in his work. Wonwoo was occupied for a week due to some minor problems to their company and to his luck, his team was slightly involved. That's why he was only going home to sleep then leave for work on the next day.
To beautiful hamster:                         I want to quit, Y/n. :(
Even though his schedule was packed, he didn't forget to send you a message at least once a day. He has no other reasons, he just wants to talk to you even through chat.
From beautiful hamster:                        You're a loser then.                        Don't be such a baby!
Wonwoo laughed when he read your message. He placed his phone back on his desk before making another letter of pardon for his friend, which is also his workmate. Wonwoo looked over his schedule before typing and he momentarily stopped after seeing that he'll be having an open schedule for tomorrow. He'll finally have some free time, he thought.
After finishing his task, he went out to get himself a coffee from the cafe near their building. While waiting in line, he remembered the day he saw you here at this cafe and he absentmindedly touched his arm. To think that not even a single drop of blood was found on his arm, he felt relieved but also scared. He placed his order and again waited for his order to be served.
He went back to the counter to get his order after hearing his name. He was about to get a coffee stirrer when he heard the cashier say something.
"A-are you perhaps the boyfriend of the lady who cheated with a m-married man...?"
Wonwoo's jaw clenched as he get the stirrer. He looked coldly at the cashier. "She did not cheat with anybody," he said before turning around.
Holding his coffee tightly, he looked back at the lady over the counter.
"She did not cheat. Stop spreading rumors. I am her boyfriend."
While going back to his office, Wonwoo didn't know why he said he was your boyfriend to the lady working at the cafe. "It was out of instinct, I guess," he shrugged.
Wonwoo just sat on his swivel chair, while looking at your contact in his phone. He clicked it and typed something.
To beautiful hamster:                      'Do you want to have a dinner with me tomorrow?'
He deleted it and once again typed something.
To beautiful hamster:                      'Are you free tomorrow night? Let's get dinner together.'
Deleted it.
Wonwoo sighed and leaned his back on his chair. He has a large window on his left that's why he has an overview of the outside world and he could see that the sun was almost setting. He touched his arm and murmured something.
'I think you're already fine, Y/n.'
You accidentally bit your tongue while watching your favorite Netflix series. "I hope it's not bleeding," you tried to feel if something tastes like metal, but there's nothing. "It's fine," you exhaled.
Your officemate recommended you something to watch and you gladly accepted it because you have nothing else to watch at the moment and by watching 3 episodes already, you could say that this is not a happy series. You almost cried watching the characters break up and separated ways, but you reminded yourself that it's just a video, nothing personal.
You heard your phone ring and when you opened it, you saw Wonwoo's message.
From Wonwoo:                  Jgh. What are you doing?
He always send you messages like this and it kind of feels like you were his attendance checker. A loud bang from the episode you are watching caught your attention and you forgot to reply to his message. It was such a heart breaking episode. You curled into a ball on your sofa, fighting the urge to cry. You actually felt like you were the lead character, experiencing a heartbreak from the one she truly loved. You didn't want to fight your tears anymore, so they quickly escaped your eyes and a sob followed.
Wonwoo was just lying on his bed, waiting for your reply. It has already been twenty minutes since he sent you one and normally, you would quickly reply back. That's something he noticed from you.
"Maybe she's already asleep...?"
He closed his eyes to rest for a moment when he felt something drip on his arm. He quickly opened his eyes and he was shocked when he saw how much blood was already dripping from his arm. Remembering how you haven't sent a reply yet, Wonwoo immediately grabbed a towel to wrap on his arm and run quickly to his door.
When he was outside he ran fast towards your address, not caring about the passersby’s reaction to his bleeding arm. It almost felt like ages before he arrived and he immediately opened your door and there he saw you standing surprised with red puffy eyes.
You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw Wonwoo standing in front of your door. Your puffy eyes grew even bigger when you noticed his bleeding arm. Blood was already dripping on the floor.
"Wonwoo... Your arm--"
Wonwoo strode over you and wrapped his right arm around your body to hug you tight.
You could hear his heavy breaths. Did he run all the way here?, you thought. You didn't know why he's here. Is he alright. What happened to his arm?
You tried to remove his right arm on you to check up on him. When you did, you saw him looking directly on your eyes. 'His stare could kill,' you said to yourself. You panicked again when you saw that his bleeding wouldn't stop. "Wonwoo, your arm. It's bleeding!," you silently shouted. Wonwoo looked on his arm too and harshly tied a towel to slowly stop the bleeding. You winced when you saw how tight it was.
"Are you alright?," he asked while staring at your puffy eyes.
"I think we need to visit the hospita--"
"Answer me," your body froze when you heard how intimidating he sound.
Wonwoo sighed, "You didn't answer my message. I thought something happened to you. Y/n, I was so worried!"
You felt small. He raised his voice on you, but it was because he was worried.
Should I be scared or feel touched?
"I'm fine, Wonwoo. I was watching... Something sad, that's why... I think I cried," you avoided to look on him because you felt embarrassed crying over a damn drama.
"Shouldn't you be worried about that, right now? If you don't, I am... worried about your arm," you added.
Wonwoo caressed your cheek with his right hand. "I'm glad you're fine. I'm sorry I raised my voice, I promise I would never do it again." You felt your heart beats fast again. What is this feeling, there's no way...
"Let me just get my med kit, let's clean your arm," you said to atleast be far away for him just for a minute because if you don't, your heart might explode and you suddenly vomit butterflies.
You guided him to your sofa and you sat in front of him. You carefully wiped the remaining blood on his arm and he just stared at you while doing that. "I thought mine was already worse, but yours are even more dangerous. You know you'll probably lose so much blood and that's not good," you sighed. "I hope we find our cure, so we won't suffer anymore."
"But you're the cause and cure," Wonwoo said to himself.
A week before this day, Wonwoo was so busy with work and not a single day he saw blood coming out of his arm. He genuinely liked it and hoped it won't ever bleed again. And he remembered how you said your heart didn't feel like freezing for a week as well. Things started to connect themselves in front of Wonwoo. You were happy.
His bleeding and your heart were connected to your emotions. You were happy, that's why your heart was normal. That's why he wasn't bleeding. He made all efforts on trying to make you smile or feel happy for the days he couldn't visit you through messages. He sent you jokes and that, he has never done before.
If he was right, you could finally live a life the way you wanted it to be and he could finally feel great after all the situations that have happened right before his own eyes.
He didn't believe it at first but something's wrong with him. He's not in his usual self. He's like a fool for love. "Am I inlove?," he asked himself.
You're almost done patching up his arm when you heard him clear his throat.
"Are you free tomorrow?"
You looked up to meet his eyes. There they go again, flying in my stomach. "Uhm... I have time at noon," you shyly said. You saw him hide his smile and slowly nodded at you.
Is he asking me out...?
You're done with his arm and you tried to offer him coffee or something to drink but he refused. He also said he was going now that's why you accompanied him to your door.
"Uh... I'll text you the address. See you tomorrow, Y/n," Wonwoo said while scratching his neck. You nodded and replied a silent 'okay.'
As if something magical passed by in front of you, Wonwoo slowly leaned in.
Is he going to k-kiss me...??
You saw him position his head and your lips are almost an inch away from touching each other.
But he stopped halfway. He quickly looked the other way and muttered something.
"I...uh... I'll go now. Bye!"
Your cheeks flushed red and it was a good thing he was already walking away. "What's with him? What's with me? Why did I feel annoyed that he didn't continue---", you mentally cursed yourself before going back in.
You couldn't sleep. You were just thinking about what to wear for your lunch with Wonwoo.
And you deeply regret not sleeping because your eye bags are evident below your eyes. You shrugged all the thoughts away as you went in your bathroom to take a bath. You just wear casual clothes since it'll be just a friendly date and you still have to go to work in the morning.
Wonwoo is also restless. He already reserved a table for two at the formal restaurant just around the corner. He even think of buying you flowers but it's a bit cheesy for him. He texted you the address earlier at six in the morning. He's not excited at all.
You just sat on your chair and waited for the hours to pass by quickly so that it's already noon break. You looked at the mirror and checked if you're still looking fine and you released a sigh of relief when you saw that you still looked... good, even though you look absolutely great.
"Guys, it's lunch time! Wonwoo, you coming with us? We're trying out the newly opened samgyup resto bar."
Wonwoo shook his head. "I have somewhere else to go, maybe next time."
He quickly get his things and directly went to the restaurant he reserved two seats from. When he arrived, he sat down your table and thanked himself for reserving earlier because it was already packed up with customers.
"Now all I have to do is wait," Wonwoo smiled.
You left your office and started walking towards the direction of the restaurant Wonwoo said. While walking, a thought suddenly flashed in your mind.
What if this is a date, you would just make things harder for him because you're not normal. You would eventually leave him behind.
Considering your thought, you slowed down your walk and started thinking more about the situation.
"Will I just make it hard for him? He's already suffering from something."
You thought that it might be better if he wouldn't end up with you.
You were happy now. You were happy that you met Wonwoo. You had someone to lean on and you finally felt what it feels like to have a friend. You don't have anything to do now, your family is already up there.
Should I follow them?
You squinted your eyes and stopped walking because you were dazzled by the sun. As if on cue, you felt something sharp punctured in your abdomen and a man muttered a curse before running away quickly.
You coughed. Passersby started to gather around you, some are panicking and some immediately called for help. You touched it and slowly looked on it. There you saw a blade, stabbed deeply on your side. Your hands and lips were trembling and your breathing suddenly constrict.
Someone call an ambulance!
Oh my, help!
You then collapsed on the floor and people around you were startled. Your eyes suddenly felt heavy and the last thing you saw was a man caressing your cheeks and constantly saying something.
It feels weird. I didn't feel sad at all. I feel...
Wonwoo was already feeling anxious while he still waits for you. He looked at his watch and his eyes widened when he saw that it's already one o'clock in the afternoon. Did she lie to me?, he thought. He was also constantly looking on his arm for any signs of bleeding because if there is, that means you're in trouble. He definitely hoped that there's nothing wrong and that you're absolutely fine.
He waited for your message too but his phone wasn't even ringing.
He felt restless so he stood up and left the restaurant. While he was walking, he saw a large crowd on the way.
"What's the commotion about?"
He then heard a woman shouted for help.
"Someone!! Help her!! She's stabbed!"
He walked over to look and maybe do something to help but his body suddenly froze. He can't move. His heart fell down. His jaw and fists clenched. His breathing rapidly increased as he approached your almost lifeless body on the ground.
"Y/n! Hey! Y/n!!!" he caressed your cheeks, "Stay with me, hey... Don't fucking close your eyes! Y/n, look at me. Y/n!!!," he shouted when he saw you closing your eyes.
"Someone call a fucking ambulance! Why are you just fucking looking?!"
Wonwoo looked over your punctured wound. "Shit! Y/n, stay with me."
"I need you!"  
The ambulance came and you were immediately brought to the hospital in the emergency room. They didn't let Wonwoo in so he was left at the lobby waiting. He pulled his hair out of anger. His white dress shirt was now stained with red liquid--your blood. He squatted near the emergency door and put his head on his knees. A nurse approached him and informed him that they will perform emergency surgery on you since the blade had damaged several parts of your tissues so it needs to be sutured back and its little particles also penetrated it and they should be removed immediately.  He just looked up to the nurse and couldn't even bother saying anything.
"Why didn't it bleed? I would've come sooner."
Wonwoo started blaming himself but it would only be useless right now since it already happened. A male nurse also approached him and told him that the cops are waiting for him at the lobby. He immediately stood up and strode his way at the lobby.
"Are you related to Miss Y/l/n?," a cop asked.
"The suspect has already been arrested and is on the interrogation room at our headquarters right now.  He is charged of GBH. We're deeply sorry for what happened to her."
Wonwoo's jaw and fists clenched out of anger. "Charge of bodily harm? That means 5 years in prison?," Wonwoo scoffed. "You know better than this, officer."
The cops slightly bowed to him before leaving.
He was about to go back to hallway of the emergency room when he saw Jeonghan who is tightly holding someone, who seems like another doctor, on his collar. He slowly walked towards them and he was shocked. Jeonghan punched the other doctor causing him to fall on the ground.
"You almost killed her, you motherfucker! How could you be so dumb and act on your own?! I'm the senior here!"
Jeonghan noticed Wonwoo so he calmed himself before facing him. "Wonwoo--"
Wonwoo's ears are already turning red--he was fuming. "What the fuck happened in there?"
"Wonwoo, calm down--"
He grabbed Dr. Yoon's collar. "Don't tell me what to do. What happened in there, Jeonghan?"
Jeonghan pushed Wonwoo's hands away from him and he readjusted his collar. "The junior messed it up," he sighed. "We were already going smoothly as planned until he fucked it up. This shit made her bleeding worse when he pulled the blade out and that shouldn't have happened if he listened to us. She almost lost so much blood..."
"Take mine. Does she need blood? Take mine," Wonwoo sobbed. "Take my fucking blood. I-" Wonwoo let his body fall on the ground as he cried.
Jeonghan sat in front of him and helped him calm down. "She'll be fine. She's fine. Y/n's the strongest person I know."
Jeonghan stayed by Wonwoo's side until he's calmed down but the sudden opening of the emergency door startled the both of them.
"Doctor Park has requested you to join in again. Y/n has ventricular fibrillation and they'll immediately perform cardioversion and cpr in between. It hasn't been too fatal to implant ICD," a nurse said. Jeonghan immediately went to wear his surgical gown and wash his hands and arms with PVP-I before going back to the ER.
Wonwoo didn't know what to do. He just hoped for the best because at the end of the day, he knows you'll still open those precious green eyes of yours.
Wonwoo looked at the opening door and there he saw you, lying on the bed with IV fluids attached on your hand. He tried to reach you but Jeonghan caught his hands and made him sit down. He gave Wonwoo a bread before sitting next to him. "She's under influence of anesthesia. She'll probably wake up for about an hour so I suggest you to take a rest first. Go out and inhale fresh air, you need it." Jeonghan said before standing up and going to his office.
Wonwoo looked at his watch.
6 o'clock in the evening.
"She struggled that long," he sighed before going out to get some fresh air.
Wonwoo went to the park where he first had an interaction with you. It has already been 5 weeks, yet he still wasn't able to say what he wanted to say to you a few weeks ago. I'm a sucker, he thought. He sat down by a bench near the tallest tree at the park. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment.
"Mister..." A kid stood in front of Wonwoo and was extending his small arm, holding a single alstroemeria. Wonwoo tilted his head to the side and asked, "Is this for me?"
The kid shook his head but he still urged him to get it and immediately ran away skipping after Wonwoo get the flower on his hand. "Huh, it's not even the season of flowers," he asked. Wonwoo stared at the flower before looking at his watch. It was already quarter to seven so he decided to head back and visit you on your room.
When he entered the room, your eyes were still closed. You looked calm and heavenly, he thought. He sat down beside your bed and placed the flower on the table. He sighed before holding your left hand. He just pressed it on his cheeks, not saying anything, just feeling your warmth. "You owe me another one. I don't cry in front of others but you made me do it," he silently laughed at himself. He looked at the flower, "A kid gave me a flower. I'm not sure what kind of flower it is though and it's not even the time for flowers to bloom."
He stared at your face for a moment before planting a kiss on your forehead. He heard a knock on the door. "Wear this. Blood's still on your shirt," Jeonghan said.
"You finally found your cure, didn't you? Confusion's finally over. I'm happy for you, man."
Wonwoo looked at Jeonghan before giving him a small smile. "I did. But I don't think I am her cure. I'll let her go to her cure because that's how much I--," Wonwoo stopped talking when he heard you groan. Jeonghan crosses his arms together before flashing a smirk.
"Good evening, princess. How are you?," asked Jeonghan.
You slowly opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was Wonwoo's worried look. "I feel crap. I think I saw heaven for a bit," you said and clearly Wonwoo wasn't happy about that. "They pushed me back though. Said it wasn't my time yet," you said while Jeonghan's checking your vitals.
"Estimated 3 days before you could finally go home. For now, rest completely so that, he winked at Wonwoo's direction, could finally calm his nerves down," Jeonghan said before leaving the room.
You sighed.
"Hey, I'm sorry for making you worried."
Wonwoo gave you the cold stare. "Don't say sorry, it's not your fault. Although, you were kind of dumb but still not your fault." You placed your hand on his cheek before saying something.
"I actually thought I would never see you again and I was... slightly happy about that," you said that made Wonwoo confused.
"I didn't want to add up to your life's concerns. You're already dealing with something and you still have a dream to achieve while I don't. I don't have any reasons left to regret dying earlier, you know," you shrugged. "Ouch!," Wonwoo flicked your forehead. "What was that for?"
"You seriously won't regret leaving me behind? After all the things I did for you?"
You laughed at his expression. "I was kidding. You're no fun at all! I still want to meet the person that will completely heal my heart, you know. Wonder what it feels like to be embraced by him."
"It will probably feel cold at all, not warm," he murmured.
"I heard you." Wonwoo looked at you. "I intentionally murmured it loudly."
You were about to tease him a bit more when he smashed a flower on your forehead. "You really liked violence, huh!" You hold the stem of the flower and you immediately recognized its kind. You dramatically looked over Wonwoo and he returned a questioning look. "What?"
You pouted and faked a sob. "I--" Wonwoo worriedly look at you, "Hey, what's wrong? First time receiving a flower?"
"You're friend-zoning me," you sob. "All this time, I thought you that you liked me too. I was a fool," you invested in some of your acting skills. Wonwoo gaped at what he heard. "What did you say?"
"What did I say? I didn't say anything. Omg, I love this flower. Thank you, friend." you said emphasizing the word friend. Wonwoo is clearly not enjoying this so he threatened you by leaning in over you. "I heard it right. You said you like me. Now, stop this little game of yours or else," he said.
You weren't afraid of this threat so you leaned in as well. "Or else what?" Your eyes widened when he quickly pecked your lips.
"Here's your food-- I guess I'll come back later," Jeonghan said before closing the door.
Wonwoo smirked at you. "You asked for it."
You dramatically touched your lips as you looked away from him. "I can't believe this is happening." You quickly looked back at him. "Tell me I'm not dreaming," you light slapped his cheek. "You're really here. You really pecked my lips. Woah..."
Wonwoo laughed at you. "Yes, this is real. Go back to sleep and take a rest so that I could finally take you for lunch, dinner or even breakfast when you're completely healed," he ruffled your hair.
"Good night, Wonwoo. Sweet dreams," you smiled at him before closing your eyes. Wonwoo turned off the lights of your room and left to take a rest too.
'I am totally a fool for love,' he thought.
The day finally came where Wonwoo could finally take you to the restaurant for a date and you swear, this is the only date both of you had after almost 2 months of being discharged at the hospital. He made it clear, though. 'From now on, you're my girlfriend and I am yours.' That was 2 months ago after he fetched you at the hospital. He stayed by your side even if you don't need help with cleaning your stitches. He almost lived at your house too but you didn't care because you love him.
He also told you that the reason of his bleeding is you. Of course you felt bad but he told you, 'you don't have to because I already have the cure.' You remembered you asked what and he answered, "It's not what, it's who and it's you, my love." Butterflies were dancing in your stomach back then. Although every day with him always made you feel butterflies at your stomach, you still won't get used to it.
"Y/n, I told you every thing you wear is perfect. You look beautiful on whatever you wear," Wonwoo said trying to convince you to finally settle for something to wear because he's already hungry.
"Alright, alright. How do I look?"
Wonwoo licked his lips, "Perfect."
You rolled your eyes before giving him a peck. "Let's go, you must be starving."
When you arrived, you didn't know Wonwoo would rent the whole restaurant just for the both of you. "Wonwoo... this is too much. I--"
Wonwoo placed his hands on your waist, "Did you not like it, hmm?"
You held his hands and placed it on top of your chest while you placed your head on his chest. Wonwoo just looked at you, eyes beaming with joy.
"I love it."
"Thank you for being my cure, Wonwoo," you looked up to him, tears trying to escape your eyes. He held the back of your head and leaned in for a passionate kiss.
"I love you," you said in between his kisses.
Wonwoo placed his forehead on yours.
"I will love you with all my heart, with all my blood. Always."
                                               Warming you up
                                               by wonwhomps
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A/n: How are you? How am I? First of all, I thank you, yes you! For reading my works. I wouldn't be motivated to write if it wasn't for you. I thank myself as well, for always making plots that eventually urged me to spare half of my time writing every day. It's hard to write when school is on going but I can manage. Writing is my escape, I guess. Sorry for the grammatical errors found in the story, I'll proof-read my stories when I have an open schedule. I hope you were somehow moved by this story. It's my first ever 10k words story tbh. I'll end my note by shamelessly promoting my other fanfictions found here. Also, I'll post some of my works at Wattpad and it would be truly helpful if you come visit it there. Thank you! xx
Story trailer
Medical terms used above:
Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. Don't use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. If you're in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation, seek medical assistance immediately.
▸Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) - is a device placed under your skin. It also contains a computer that tracks your heart rate and rhythm.  If your heart beats way too fast or is very out of rhythm, the ICD sends out a shock to get it back into rhythm ▸Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions often with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.
▸Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) - also known as iodopovidone, is an antiseptic used for skin disinfection before and after surgery. It may be used both to disinfect the hands of healthcare providers and the skin of the person they are caring for. It may also be used for minor wounds.
▸Hypothermia -  is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature.
▸Trypanophobia -  is an extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles.
▸Grievous Bodily Harm (GDR) - is a term used in English criminal law to describe the severest forms of assault. It refers to two offences that are respectively created by sections 18 and 20 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861.
▸Alstroemeria - is the flower most representative of friendship, so you will find it in many friendship bouquets. This flower also symbolizes good fortune and prosperity, so it offers double meaning.
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jinxxedmisery · 3 years
Ohohoho, it's vaccine time... guess what that means!
Time to write fanfiction about my comfort characters comforting a reader with trypanophobia as a way to prepare for the insane amount of anxiety I am inevitably going to feel soon when I get my shot. (Oh... On that note... I haven't seen many people write trypanophobia comfort fics... So... if you want more of this, let me know!)
Editing note: I don't know how this slipped by me but I didn't finish these (most likely because I was literally going in to get my first shot and I was freaking out)
Trigger warning: Mentions of hypodermic needles and descriptions of panic attacks
Mello x reader with trypanophobia
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You and Mello were relaxing on the couch together, listening to the news. He was reading, and you were just sitting there.
That was when...
"The health administration has now moved onto phase 3 which will include all members of the public ages 12 and over"
You froze... Panic flooded your veins.
Your breathing became very shallow.
It felt as if you couldn't breathe.
Tears flooded your vision before trickling down your face
Mello peered up from his book.
Immediately, he set his book down turning his full attention to you.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked.
"Needles" you managed to choke out.
Mello nodded in understanding.
He was observant...
He noticed every time you got your flu shot each year...
How you'd shake with fear... you would have panic attacks over the very thought.
In fact it was kind of hard to ignore...
"Love, I swear, I'll be with you every step of the way."
The day of your appointment came.
Mello had been vaccinated before you and was approved to accompany you as a support person.
While you waited in the car, you had a panic attack.
it was about the same as before.
Mello leaned over the console
He took your hand, gently caressing it with his thumb as he looked into your eyes.
"Hey, look at me... Take a deep breath in.......And let it out....... I'm here with you, You're not alone. If you need a distraction, I can think of something. It'll all be okay, my love."
You followed everything he said and felt just a little bit more relaxed... but not by much.
When you were ready, you exited the car together, ensuring your masks were on.
He held your hand the entire way to the clinic.
As you sat in the waiting room, he wrapped an arm around you.
When the doctor called you for your turn, you turned to Mello nervously.
He took the hint and got up, leading you to the doctor's office.
He sat across from you.
"Hey, see that poster on the roof there?" He said eyes flicking between you, the doctor and the poster.
You looked up and your eyes focused in on a brightly colored poster stuck to a ceiling tile.
"I want you to read it to me" Mello continued.
By now, the doctor had prepared the injection.
You slowly read the text... something about the affects of smoking on the lungs.
Before you knew it the doctor was done, it was over, you didn't even notice the needle.
Mello smiled and stood up.
"I'm so proud of you! Hmm.. how about we go get some ice cream?"
You nodded excitedly and followed behind him ready to get out of the awful hospital and spend the rest of your day being fussed over by your smazing boyfriend
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matchasquids · 8 years
god damn
Full Name: Marco AmoreGender and Sexuality: Male and HomosexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Latino (specifically Mexico)/Colossal squidBirthplace and Birthdate: Calamari County, January 25thGuilty Pleasures: Sleeping in late, singing along to the song on the record player, dancing when nobodys watchingPhobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: His writing and reports?What They Would Get Arrested For: Tresspassing, he probably tried sneaking into somewhere to get information for a new story and got caught, thankfully he was only off with a warning.OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel (its u) OC CyrilOC Most Likely To Murder Them: @rringabel‘s Robin........Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Science-fiction, ComedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Horror!!! He’d be so jumpy after watching a scary movie he would refuse to go to the bathroom.Talents and/or Powers: Writing (Journalism), he’s quite good at farming as his parents back home own one, Instrument playing (Guitar)Why Someone Might Love Them: How overall passionate and caring he is, he likes to learn about others and takes interested in others work and helps them in anyway he can. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Their cold voice and stoic expressions might piss people off at firstHow They Change: When he moved to Inkopolis he became more independent and quiet due to the change of scenery and it only worsened when his Grandfather passed away. Upon meeting Cyril he begins to open up more and lossens up a bit and tries to taking pleasure in the little things in life.Why You Love Them: B O I H O W D Y He’s only been recently made (and I haven’t even posted him on this blog yet oops) but his overall design and personality is really relatable?? 
Full Name: Cecil SourieGender and Sexuality: Male/HomosexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Filipino/InklingBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis, February 14thGuilty Pleasures: Getting a quad kill/decimating the opposing team, Lying in bed with their significant other for hoursPhobias: Cynophobia (fear of dogs)What They Would Be Famous For: His sniping skills? Also his study in medical sciences, he wants to become a doctor like his dad.What They Would Get Arrested For: Can’t imagine him getting arrested, maybe for causing a public disturbance of sorts?OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel (once again, u!!) OC AloisOC Most Likely To Murder Them: Can’t think of anyone he isn’t problamaticFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Science fiction, Horror, MysteryLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Romcoms, he just doesn’t get how there funny.Talents and/or Powers: Sniping/Turf war, Strategic thinking/planning on the spotWhy Someone Might Love Them: Cecil is very empathetic and tries to be there in the time of need, his overall presence is calming and he is very gentle and caringWhy Someone Might Hate Them: How They Change: After meeting Alois he got a majour confidence boost, he begins to break out of his bubble and become more social and Why You Love Them: My first boy squiddo oh how far he has come!! I’ve grown attached to him over the year and a half time of his existence, he’s changed so much since I first created him and i’m proud of that!!
Full Name: Donut Diana CadburyGender and Sexuality: Female/Homoromantic AsexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Latina/French, InklingBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis, March 13thGuilty Pleasures: Reading awfully cheesy romance books, Sleeping in, physical contact with someonePhobias: Astraphobia (Fear of Lightning), Entomophobia (Fear of Bugs) and Trypanophobia (Fear of Needles)What They Would Be Famous For: Their baking, turf wars skillsWhat They Would Get Arrested For: I can’t imagine her getting arrested?? Maybe accidentally taking a cookie and didn’t pay 50 cents idkOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel‘s (thats u) OC Lofty OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Onigiri (yikes)Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy, Comedy and, depending on how the relationship is portrayed, romance movies.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: ANYTHING SAD AND SHE’LL BE IN TEARS!!!Talents and/or Powers: Baking, Volleyball, First aid, Sewing, Choreography/dancing and communication skills. Though she only pursues her passion for baking, she still enjoys dancing and playing volleyball.Why Someone Might Love Them: How genuine and kind she is, she puts others before herself and always tries her best to help someone in any way she can.Why Someone Might Hate Them: Her gentleness is often viewed that she’s weak and somewhat of a pushover, also a bit of a goody two shoesHow They Change: They slowly become more Why You Love Them: She’s probably one of my most developed OCs and I love her to bits!! Her colour palette/personality/overall design just fits really well to me and I enjoy talking about her.
Full Name: Goya GaliaGender and Sexuality: Male/BisexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Black/Octoling Birthplace and Birthdate: Octo valley, December 1stGuilty Pleasures: Gaming all night, eating a whole jumbo size bag of doritos in one sitting.Phobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: Gaming? That’s literally all he does he needs to go out more.What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably stealing a nintendo switch or somethingOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel’s (ONCE AGAIN, YOU) Romeo. Also with a warm comfy bed.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Hmm maybe Camellia cause he failed his team or somethingFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Action, AdventureLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Romance, DramaTalents and/or Powers: Gaming??? He’s also good at hiding stuff like all those dorito bags in a box under his bed so his older sibling wont find them.Why Someone Might Love Them: His overall goofy and chill nature makes it easy to talk to him and be around, he never tries to pry information out of someone and focuses more on making the other feel better.Why Someone Might Hate Them: How gullible and simple minded he seems and how he’s very much a child at heart, he’s very immature.How They Change: They start going out more and socialize and make new friends and takes notice that his emotions are valid and shouldn’t be bottled up.Why You Love Them: He’s such a lil sweetie and is starting to grow on me!! I love the whole Galia family gang (and the backstory behind them)
Full Name: AdelaGender and Sexuality: Female/BisexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Latina/OctolingBirthplace and Birthdate: Octo valley, August 21stGuilty Pleasures: Singing along to rap music, dancing around the apartment when nobody else is home.Phobias: Autophobia (Fear of abandonment)What They Would Be Famous For: She has quite the talent in arts (traditionally and graffiti), maybe even her photography?What They Would Get Arrested For: Vandalizing propertyOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel​‘s OC PoppyOC Most Likely To Murder Them: Probably Cecil ngl she probably has a lot of blackmail on him from the days he stays over.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Comedy, Action, Romcoms in some casesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Sappy romance,Talents and/or Powers: Photography, Art, Memorizing lyrics and preforming, also playing the trumpet (she likes to stand outside of Alois’s room and play a note, just to freak him out)Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s carefree and honest and likes to make others laugh, she’ll try anything to cheer someone up and tries to support her friends and family in anywayWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Their reckless behaviour causes others to get in trouble, as well as her tendency to talk during class, she can be a bit annoying.How They Change: Once moving to Inkopolis she became more tamed and chill, especially after meeting Poppy. They start getting more confidence and is much more social then back in Octo valley, she also has a knack for turf wars.Why You Love Them: I love her overall design and personality, she can be a bit of a goof ball sometimes and I love her childish personality we incorporated into her!!
Full Name: Ailura ZhuGender and Sexuality: Female/LesbianPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Chinese/Moon JellyfishBirthplace and Birthdate: Unknown, December 25thGuilty Pleasures: Cutting through flesh with a knife with ease, long (like, hour long) bathsPhobias: Autophobia (fear of abandonment)What They Would Be Famous For: ??? Murder maybe I don’t knowWhat They Would Get Arrested For: uh.......there’d be too many to list but mainly murderOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel​‘s OC Cherry, also Ailura x Jail and Ailura x ChurchOC Most Likely To Murder Them: CrowFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Mystery, Horror, Adventure, ComedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: RomanceTalents and/or Powers: Knife sharpening, Knife throwing, negotiating.....is blackmailing a talent?Why Someone Might Love Them: Man I got no clueWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Her crude and sadistic behaviour makes a lot of people uneasy, also how manipulative and cunning she is.How They Change: They dont???Why You Love Them: Man i don’t even know why
Full Name: Crow OmeriaGender and Sexuality: Male/Pansexual AromanticPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Thai/Great White sharkBirthplace and Birthdate: Unknown, July 29thGuilty Pleasures: Completing a rubix cube in under 30 seconds, Downing a whole jug of milkPhobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: Can’t imagine he’d be famous, maybe setting the record on fastest rubix cube finished?What They Would Get Arrested For: Once again, murder.OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel​‘s Robin....also Crow x JailOC Most Likely To Murder Them: AiluraFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Action, Adventure, HorrorLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: RomanceTalents and/or Powers: Rubix cube, Parkcour, Seducing others (?)Why Someone Might Love Them: I got no clueWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Acts very oblivious and innocent which pisses people off (especially when they know he’s of wrong doing). Also his bad habit of asking too many questions at once, he can be a nuisance.How They Change: They don’tWhy You Love Them: My first shark OC!!! Thats literally it
Full Name: Zixen CaruseeGender and Sexuality: Male/BisexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Black/Flying squidBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis, November 19thGuilty Pleasures: Smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, doing other people’s hair or playing with other people’s hairPhobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: Being a assholeWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Shop lifting.....He was arrested once when he was younger and his family was struggling, he was caught quickly thought.OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel‘s King and also Zixen x Financial stabilityOC Most Likely To Murder Them: His ex boyfriendFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Comedy, Action/Thrillers, HorrorLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Muscials, he just ain’t a big fanTalents and/or Powers: Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, Mechanical work and weapon fixingWhy Someone Might Love Them: Despite his intimidating looks he is actually a huge softie with a big heart and cares for people deeply.Why Someone Might Hate Them: When you first meet him he acts very rude and is aggressive, he takes time opening up to people which makes impatient people hate himHow They Change: After meeting King he feels a bit at ease, after making a new friend he could feel like he could be himself and not keep up the ‘cold and independent’ act and begins showing his feelings more.Why You Love Them: At first he was just a OCs older sibling, but after developing him a bit more he’s grown on me 
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